East Bay Coalition for the Homeless - Roger Williams University

East Bay Coalition for the Homeless - Roger Williams University East Bay Coalition for the Homeless - Roger Williams University


Tag Line: Opening doors, one day at a time A tag line needs to convey the organization’s mission and be meaningful to potential donors. Since it is “shorthand” for an organization, the tag line needs to help set the organization apart from others that provide similar services. The search for a tag line was informed by research that presented five possible narratives for conveying the EBCH story. A review of the narratives deemed to be the most effective yielded a number of potential tag lines (see the list on the right). Alternative Tag Lines Bridging hope with opportunity. Homelessness does not discriminate; it can happen to anyone. Homelessness. You never know. A hand-up not a hand-out. Because a family needs a home. In the end, the one at the top of the page was selected as best conveying the desired EBCH message. 90% Message Effec*veness: % “Effec*ve” or “Very Effec*ve” 80% 70% 60% 50% Current Donors (14) Former Donors(15) Non-­‐donors (54) 40% 30% 20% Not Discriminate EBCH Programs Homelessness Anyone EBCH Made Difference EBCH Needs Your Help For more specific research findings about messaging, see Appendices A & C for research results and Appendices A & D for the survey questions. 19

Additional Messaging Under the “Opening doors, one day at a time” tag line, other messaging strategies may be used depending on the targeted audience. The following messages are suggested as options. Welcome Home Time and again, our hearts are warmed by stories of people helping others through hardship. The EBCH can market itself as a team of life coaches who not only provide housing but also work hard to improve the lives of others on a person-by-person basis. Target audiences will develop a respect for the EBCH and want to create their own impact through donating. The phrase, “Welcome Home,” has a double meaning. It resonates with the homeless as well as the donor pool. In addition to evoking the elements of warmth, privacy, and self-expression that come with one’s own “home,” it reminds donors that the East Bay is their home. The donors share a home with the people in need. Therefore, community members may see the donation as part of their social responsibility. Dedication and Compassion When asked, “What sets the EBCH apart from other organizations” the answers often came back to the dedication and passion of the EBCH staff and volunteers. When investigating why people donate to organizations, research revealed that people donate to causes they believe in and have a personal connection to. They also donate to organizations that they believe to be good stewards of their contributions. Research with EBCH donors (current and former) as well as with the community validated these findings. Thus, messaging that focuses on dedication and compassion/passion may resonate well with donors. Donating to the EBCH allows individuals to participate in a cause that is important to them. They will be donating to a group that will use their contributions thoughtfully. Breaking the Homeless Stereotype Even though survey respondents recognized the often-serendipitous nature of homelessness, the stereotypes of laziness, substance abuse and criminal behavior still abide. To successfully attract donors, EBCH messages need to personalize its clients, highlighting families with children and employed parents. EBCH Success Stories Survey respondents’ comments also suggest that messages need to convey how successful the EBCH approach is. By illustrating how the longer-term provision of services helps families become independent, the EBCH can promote the “hand–up, not a hand¬out” idea (without saying that exactly, since that phrase is used by other organizations). These comments underscore the importance of telling the EBCH story. Consider using narratives that illustrate different families’ journeys from becoming homeless to successfully managing social and financial concerns to finally becoming independent. 20

Tag Line:<br />

Opening doors, one day at a time<br />

A tag line needs to convey <strong>the</strong> organization’s mission<br />

and be meaningful to potential donors. Since it is<br />

“shorthand” <strong>for</strong> an organization, <strong>the</strong> tag line needs<br />

to help set <strong>the</strong> organization apart from o<strong>the</strong>rs that<br />

provide similar services.<br />

The search <strong>for</strong> a tag line was in<strong>for</strong>med by research<br />

that presented five possible narratives <strong>for</strong> conveying<br />

<strong>the</strong> EBCH story. A review of <strong>the</strong> narratives deemed<br />

to be <strong>the</strong> most effective yielded a number of potential<br />

tag lines (see <strong>the</strong> list on <strong>the</strong> right).<br />

Alternative Tag Lines<br />

Bridging hope with opportunity.<br />

<strong>Homeless</strong>ness does not discriminate;<br />

it can happen to anyone.<br />

<strong>Homeless</strong>ness. You never know.<br />

A hand-up not a hand-out.<br />

Because a family needs a home.<br />

In <strong>the</strong> end, <strong>the</strong> one at <strong>the</strong> top of <strong>the</strong> page was selected<br />

as best conveying <strong>the</strong> desired EBCH message.<br />

90% <br />

Message Effec*veness: % “Effec*ve” or “Very Effec*ve” <br />

80% <br />

70% <br />

60% <br />

50% <br />

Current Donors (14) <br />

Former Donors(15) <br />

Non-­‐donors (54) <br />

40% <br />

30% <br />

20% <br />

Not Discriminate EBCH Programs <strong>Homeless</strong>ness <br />

Anyone <br />

EBCH Made <br />

Difference <br />

EBCH Needs <br />

Your Help <br />

For more specific research findings about messaging, see Appendices A & C <strong>for</strong> research results and Appendices A & D <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> survey questions.<br />


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