The Public Procurement Rules 2008 - LGED

The Public Procurement Rules 2008 - LGED The Public Procurement Rules 2008 - LGED


(iii) failure to evaluate the Proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria set out in the RFP; (iv) attempt by the Procuring Entity to force an Applicant to revise fee rates during the negotiation of the Contract where price is a factor in the evaluation; (v) possible corrupt or collusive practices; and (vi) perceived unfair and not impartial award of Contract . 57. Submission of Complaints to the Administrative Authority, Disposal of Appeal, Etc. |— (1) A Person shall submit his or her complaint in writing within the period specified in Schedule II . (2) In the first instance, the Person shall submit his or her complaint in writing to the concerned officer of the Procuring Entity (such as, the Project Director (PD), Line Director (LD), Project Manager (PM), Procurement Officer, Officer assigned for Procurement who issued the Tender or Proposal Document. (3) The officer concerned, specified in Sub-Rule (2), shall consider the subject matter of the complaint and decide whether to reject the complaint or to take any corrective action. (4) The officer concerned shall, within the period specified in Schedule II , issue a written decision to the Person, stating either the reasons for the rejection of the complaint or advising what corrective actions have been or will be taken, such as, issue of an addendum amending unacceptable provisions in the Tender or Proposal Documents. (5) If the Person is not satisfied with the written decision, taken under Sub-Rule (4), and wishes to pursue his or her complaint, he may address the same complaint to the Head of the Procuring Entity within the period specified in Schedule II . (6) The Person shall submit the complaint, under Sub-Rule (5), in writing to the Head of the Procuring Entity who shall - (a) if he or she is a member or Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee then he or she shall forward it to the Secretary of the concerned Ministry or Division within the period specified in Schedule II , advising the Person that he or she has so forwarded the complaint; or (b) if he or she is in a position to accept the complaint then he or she shall decide whether to reject the complaint, or to implement any corrective actions and shall, within the period specified in Schedule II , issue a written decision to the Person stating either the reasons for the rejection of the complaint or informing of the corrective action that has been taken. (7) If the Person is not satisfied with the decision of the Head of the Procuring Entity, he shall submit a complaint to the Secretary of the concerned Ministry or Division within the period specified in Schedule II . (8) the Secretary of the concerned Ministry or Division shall, within the period specified in Schedule II , consider the subject matter of a complaint under Sub-Rules (6) or (7) and decide whether to reject the complaint or to make any corrective actions and shall issue a written decision to the Person stating either the reasons for the rejection of the complaint or advising on the corrective action that has been taken, copying the decision to the Procuring Entity and the CPTU. (9) if the Person fails to receive a written decision within the time period stated at each 52

stage, then the Person has the right to directly submit a complaint within the period specified in Schedule II , to the next higher level stated above. (10) if the Person is not satisfied with the written decision of the Secretary of the concerned Ministry or Division, he or she may pursue his or her appeal through the Review Panel. (11) A Person may appeal to a Review Panel only if the Person has exhausted all his or her options of complaints to the administrative authority under this Rule. (12) The Person may submit the complaint in a sealed envelope marked “CONFIDENTIAL” and addressed to the Chairperson, Review Panel, at CPTU’ s mailing address within the period specified in Schedule II after receiving the decision of the Secretary of the concerned Ministry or Division under Sub-Rule (8) or having not received any timely decisions and shall - (a) enclose the complaint and all supporting Documents in a sealed envelope, which shall be opened only by the Chairperson of the Review Panel; (b) attach a forwarding letter with the sealed envelope marked confidential, addressed to the DG, CPTU stating its wish to appeal to the Review Panel and the nature of its complaint; and (c) attach with the forwarding letter the registration fee and the refundable security deposit, in the form of a Bank draft in favour of Director General, CPTU of the amount specified in Schedule II. (13) Procuring Entities and other levels of administrative authorities, shall maintain a Complaint Register in which brief information of all complaints and the decision taken regarding such complaints shall be recorded. 58. Formation of Review Panels. |— (1) The CPTU shall constitute Review Panels comprising of specialists mentioned in Sub-Rule (2) for the purpose of reviewing a appeal and giving decisions. (2) For the purpose of forming Review Panels, the CPTU shall, under Section 30 of the Act, establisha list of well-known specialists in accordance with Schedule II and as detailed below - (a) the Review Panels shall be constituted by taking one (1) member from each of the following three (3) groups - (i) well-reputed specialists in legal matters, experienced in Procurement related legal issues which could also include retired senior officers from, Government and semi-Government autonomous bodies or corporations; (ii) well-reputed specialists having relevant technical expertise and experience in public Procurement; (iii) well-reputed experts in Procurement and contract management practices having experience in complaints and disputes settlements whose names can be provided by the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), provided that no active public servant shall be included in the Review Panel. (b) the specialists shall be grouped into a number of Review Panels as specified in Schedule II; (c) Review Panel shall have minimum of three (3) members, one of whom shall be the nominated Chairperson; (d) the CPTU shall, with the approval of its Minister, appoint the Review Panel 53

(iii)<br />

failure to evaluate the Proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria<br />

set out in the RFP;<br />

(iv) attempt by the Procuring Entity to force an Applicant to revise fee rates<br />

during the negotiation of the Contract where price is a factor in the<br />

evaluation;<br />

(v) possible corrupt or collusive practices; and<br />

(vi) perceived unfair and not impartial award of Contract .<br />

57. Submission of Complaints to the Administrative Authority, Disposal of Appeal,<br />

Etc. |— (1) A Person shall submit his or her complaint in writing within the period specified in<br />

Schedule II .<br />

(2) In the first instance, the Person shall submit his or her complaint in writing to the<br />

concerned officer of the Procuring Entity (such as, the Project Director (PD), Line Director (LD),<br />

Project Manager (PM), <strong>Procurement</strong> Officer, Officer assigned for <strong>Procurement</strong> who issued the<br />

Tender or Proposal Document.<br />

(3) <strong>The</strong> officer concerned, specified in Sub-Rule (2), shall consider the subject matter of<br />

the complaint and decide whether to reject the complaint or to take any corrective action.<br />

(4) <strong>The</strong> officer concerned shall, within the period specified in Schedule II , issue a written<br />

decision to the Person, stating either the reasons for the rejection of the complaint or advising<br />

what corrective actions have been or will be taken, such as, issue of an addendum amending<br />

unacceptable provisions in the Tender or Proposal Documents.<br />

(5) If the Person is not satisfied with the written decision, taken under Sub-Rule (4), and<br />

wishes to pursue his or her complaint, he may address the same complaint to the Head of the<br />

Procuring Entity within the period specified in Schedule II .<br />

(6) <strong>The</strong> Person shall submit the complaint, under Sub-Rule (5), in writing to the Head of<br />

the Procuring Entity who shall -<br />

(a) if he or she is a member or Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee then he or<br />

she shall forward it to the Secretary of the concerned Ministry or Division within<br />

the period specified in Schedule II , advising the Person that he or she has so<br />

forwarded the complaint; or<br />

(b) if he or she is in a position to accept the complaint then he or she shall decide<br />

whether to reject the complaint, or to implement any corrective actions and shall,<br />

within the period specified in Schedule II , issue a written decision to the Person<br />

stating either the reasons for the rejection of the complaint or informing of the<br />

corrective action that has been taken.<br />

(7) If the Person is not satisfied with the decision of the Head of the Procuring Entity, he<br />

shall submit a complaint to the Secretary of the concerned Ministry or Division within the period<br />

specified in Schedule II .<br />

(8) the Secretary of the concerned Ministry or Division shall, within the period specified in<br />

Schedule II , consider the subject matter of a complaint under Sub-<strong>Rules</strong> (6) or (7) and decide<br />

whether to reject the complaint or to make any corrective actions and shall issue a written<br />

decision to the Person stating either the reasons for the rejection of the complaint or advising on<br />

the corrective action that has been taken, copying the decision to the Procuring Entity and the<br />

CPTU.<br />

(9) if the Person fails to receive a written decision within the time period stated at each<br />


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