February 2009 - Eastvalley Elementary School

February 2009 - Eastvalley Elementary School

February 2009 - Eastvalley Elementary School


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<strong>Eastvalley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Eagle Eyes<br />

Agora temos traduções em Português dos pontos mais importantes.<br />

deste jornal<br />

<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />

every child. one voice.®<br />

a publication of<br />

your PTA<br />

Marlene Kassens, Co-President<br />

770-579-5576<br />

co-president1@eastvalleypta.org<br />

Tammy Feilmeier, Co-President<br />

770-973-3923<br />

co-president2@eastvalleypta.org<br />

The <strong>Eastvalley</strong><br />

Pledge<br />

On our wings,<br />

We pledge to do our best,<br />

In our country and in our school.<br />

We fly beyond the common,<br />

Being respectful to all people,<br />

In all we do at <strong>Eastvalley</strong>.<br />

Look<br />

Inside<br />

Talent Showcase<br />

Visiting the FBI<br />

Look Who’s<br />

Talking Books<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

2570 Lower Roswell Road<br />

Marietta, GA 30067<br />

770-578-7214<br />

National <strong>School</strong> of Excellence<br />

Karen Wacker, Principal<br />


The annual <strong>Eastvalley</strong> Spelling Bee was held on Dec.<br />

12, 2008. Three students from each 4 th and 5 th grade<br />

classroom competed after being the final three spellers<br />

in their classroom bees. The participants were Sam Orjoux,<br />

LeQuel Timmons, Courtnie Richardson, Jason<br />

Blackett, Jonathan Matas, Quinn Phillpotts, Luca<br />

Bonini, Anthony Bernard, Jordan Robinson, Jamie<br />

Byrd, Trevor Hawkins, Bob Freeman, Christine<br />

Seremba, Aliyah Sall, Jack Morgan, Andy Kopp,<br />

Josh Buchanan, Irene Tiliacos, Johnathan Eversley,<br />

Patrick Singer, Scott Zoino, Shakti Biswas, Jakob<br />

DeLoughy and Alex Fan. The alternate and our <strong>Eastvalley</strong><br />

winner will attend the Cobb County Spelling Bee<br />

on Jan. 24, <strong>2009</strong>. Aliyah Sall was our alternate.<br />

PATRICK SINGER was our <strong>Eastvalley</strong> winner for<br />

the 2 nd year in a row. Way to go Patrick! He will be<br />

competing against 4 th , 5 th 6 th , 7 th and 8 th graders from all<br />

elementary and middle schools in the county.<br />

Good luck Patrick! We will be cheering for you!<br />

Patrick Singer<br />

CONGRATULATIONS to Cambria Brown (1 st grader)<br />

for moving on to the “State” level for her Film Production<br />

entry in Reflections! Great job, Cami!<br />

The following students were received an<br />

Honorable Mention at the county level:<br />

Matt Kmentz--Visual Arts<br />

Dominic Bernard--Music Composition<br />

Grace Rhyne--Photography<br />

For more information, visit our school website: www.<strong>Eastvalley</strong><strong>Elementary</strong>.com 1

From the Principal <strong>February</strong> 2008<br />

New Procedures—Please Read<br />

Dear <strong>Eastvalley</strong> Families,<br />

It is our ultimate responsibility to keep your child(ren) safe here at <strong>Eastvalley</strong> and we take that job very<br />

seriously. We also need to protect instructional time from interruptions as much as possible. In order to<br />

make that happen, we will be making some changes to procedures beginning January 6, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Please read the procedures below so that you can be clear on the new guidelines:<br />

• Any time you come into <strong>Eastvalley</strong> you must go to the office to sign in and get a visitor’s pass to wear.<br />

This includes if you are walking your child to the classroom in the morning before the tardy bell. We<br />

must have an accurate account for everyone who is in our building at all times.<br />

• If you bring your child tardy to school, you must come in to the building to sign them in. Do not<br />

drop them off and let them walk in by themselves. You may not walk them to class after the tardy bell<br />

rings as instruction will have begun.<br />

• The sign in sheet will now be in front of the secretary’s desk. Sign in on the sheet and the secretary<br />

will give you a visitor’s pass. This is to ensure that everyone in our building has signed in appropriately.<br />

• Dismissal plans need to be made with your child(ren) before they come to school. If you must change<br />

them during the day, please call 770-578-7214 or fax a change to 770-578-7216 prior to 1:00 p.m. We<br />

will no longer take dismissal changes after 1:00.<br />

• We will not dismiss students from the office from 1:45-2:30 each day. You may pick up children<br />

prior to 1:45 by going to the office and signing them out. Remember that instruction continues until 2:15<br />

so they will be missing class if you check them out early. Please try to make appointments later in the<br />

afternoon so that they do not miss instruction.<br />

Please do not ask the office staff to make an exception for your child(ren) as they are doing their best to keep<br />

each and every child safe. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these new procedures.<br />

Thank you for understanding the need to minimize instructional interruptions and keep all students safe while<br />

in our care. We appreciate those of you who volunteer in our building and in our classrooms. The new procedures<br />

help us to know who is present in our building at all times. Have a wonderful new year!<br />

Karen Wacker<br />

Principal, <strong>Eastvalley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong><br />

2 For more information, visit our <strong>Eastvalley</strong> PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org

NOVAS procedimentos<br />

<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />

Prezadas Famílias da <strong>Eastvalley</strong>,<br />

Nossa responsabiliodade primordial é manter a segurança das crianças na Esatvalley e levamos isto à sério.<br />

Também devemos proteger o horário de ensino sem interrupçôes. Para que isto aconteça, faremos algumas<br />

mudanças em alguns procedimentos começando em 6 de janeiro de <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Por favor leia os procedimentos abaixo para que saibam das novas normas.<br />

• Todas as vezes que vier à <strong>Eastvalley</strong>, você deve primeiro passar pela secretaría assinar e usar um<br />

passe de visitantes. Mesmo se a visita for para levar sua criança à sala de aula antes do sino tocar.<br />

Deveremos ter uma contagem correta de todas as pessoas que estão em nossa escola a cada momento.<br />

• Se você traz sua criança tarde, deve entrar na escola e assinar o nome da criança. Por favor não<br />

deixe que ele(a) entre sozinho(a) na escola. Você não pode escolta-lo(a) até a sala de aula depois que o<br />

sino tiver tocado e as aulas tiverem começado.<br />

• A folha de assinaturas ficará em frente da mesa da secretária. Assine seu nome na folha e a secretária<br />

lhe dará um passé de visitantes. Isto ajudará a sabermos que todos os visitantes tem se identificado apropriadamente.<br />

• Mudança de tranporte deve ser feito antes que sua(s) criança(s) venha(m) para. escola. Se por acaso necessita<br />

mudar o transporte durante o dia, por favor telephone para 770-578-7214 ou mand um fax para<br />

770-578-7216 antes das 13:00hrs. Não aceitaremos mudanças depois das 13:00hrs.<br />

• Não permitiremos saídas do estudante da secretaría entre 13:45 -14:30hrs. Você pode recorrer sua(s)<br />

criança(s) antes das 13:45 se vier à secretaría e assinar sua saída. Lembrem-se de que as aulas continúam<br />

até às 14:15hrs, então ele(a) perderá instruções valiosas se você o retira cedo. Por favor tente marcar<br />

apontamentos pela tarde para que ele(a) não perca instruções.<br />

Por favor não peça aos funcionários para abrir exceções para seu filho(a), pois eles estão fazendo o melhor<br />

para a segurança dos estudantes enquanto estão sob nossa guarda. Por favor entre en contato comigo se tem<br />

alguma pergunta sobre estes novos procedimentos.<br />

Obrigada por entender que estamos tentando diminuir as interrupções das intruções e manter todos os estudantes<br />

seguros em nossa guarda. Agradecemos aos que são voluntários na escola. Os novos procedimentos<br />

nos ajudarão a reconhecer quem esta em nossa prédio em todas as horas. Tenham um ano maravilhoso!<br />

Karen Wacker,<br />

Diretora, escola primária <strong>Eastvalley</strong><br />

For more information, visit our school website: www.<strong>Eastvalley</strong><strong>Elementary</strong>.com 3

Kindergarten:<br />

John Brady<br />

Natalie Aluisy<br />

Sydney Shushan<br />

Caleb Mayfield<br />

Paden Watts<br />

Samuel Barbosa<br />

First Grade:<br />

Boh Truong<br />

Nicholas Croft<br />

Trey Williams<br />

Brian Kent<br />

Second Grade:<br />

Yasmin Oliveira<br />

Stella Gainsford<br />

Blake Feilmeier<br />

Mara Wilson<br />

Drew Antoniades<br />

Shereka Billingslea<br />

Look Who's Talking Books<br />

Look Who's Talking Books students stand<br />

out in reading for various reasons such as<br />

being model readers, achieving personal<br />

goals, and/or making great progess. Here<br />

are the Look Who's Talking Books students<br />

for December 2008:<br />

Third Grade:<br />

Gabriel Cibrian<br />

Anthony Sprigle<br />

Aubrie Holcomb<br />

Sydney Ryan<br />

Chase LeCroy<br />

Jordan Ashmore<br />

Fourth Grade:<br />

Bob Freeman<br />

Ronald Brownlee<br />

Bryce Barnhill<br />

Alexa Lozano<br />

Fifth Grade:<br />

Madison Smith<br />

Barbie Ozkan<br />

Andy Kopp<br />

Kenny Nguyen<br />

Multi-Age: Kevin Vetrano<br />

<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />


HEART…<br />

On Friday, <strong>February</strong> 13, your child will<br />

be participating in the American Heart<br />

Association “Jump Rope for Heart” during<br />

their enrichment time. This is an annual<br />

activity at <strong>Eastvalley</strong> to raise student awareness<br />

for community service and their own<br />

personal health.<br />

Your child will be receiving<br />

information<br />

about Jump Rope for<br />

Heart in Physical Education<br />

class in the near<br />

future. All students will<br />

participate in the activity.<br />

Additionally, there<br />

is an option for your<br />

child to raise donations<br />

for the American Heart<br />

Association.<br />

If you have any questions or concerns,<br />

please feel free to phone Margaret Kiefer at<br />

school at 770-578-7214.<br />

MOTHER & SON<br />


Mark your calendars for a night<br />

of fun with your son!<br />

Friday, <strong>February</strong> 27 th<br />

6:30 – 8:30 PM<br />

Look for a flyer to come home<br />

soon in your child’s folder!<br />

Noite de Boliche Para<br />

Mãe e Filho<br />

Marque seu calendário para uma<br />

noite de alegria com seu filho!<br />

Sexta-feira, 27 de Fevereiro<br />

18:30 – 20:30hrs.<br />

Mandaremos o roteiro na pasta de<br />

sua criança em breve!<br />

4 For more information, visit our <strong>Eastvalley</strong> PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org

From The PTA Co-Presidents <strong>February</strong> 2008<br />

Happy New Year <strong>Eastvalley</strong><br />

Families!<br />

Feliz Ano Novo Para as Famílias da <strong>Eastvalley</strong>!<br />

We hope you had a great holiday<br />

season. Now it is back to the busy schedules. We<br />

are getting ready for an exciting spring!<br />

We would like to congratulate all of our students,<br />

Ms. Wacker, and her staff for their great<br />

work in receiving the The Greatest Gains<br />

Award. All of the hard work paid off and we are<br />

one of only two schools to receive this platinum<br />

award. GREAT WORK!!<br />

Don’t forget that we are having the ever so popular<br />

Father Daughter Bowling event on Friday,<br />

January 30 th . Don’t miss it, It is a great night of<br />

fun!<br />

Our next PTA General Meeting is on Thursday,<br />

<strong>February</strong> 5 th @ 6:30. We hope to see you there.<br />

As always, let us know if we can be of help to<br />

you.<br />

Esperamos que tenham tido uma temporada<br />

de festas maravilhosa. Estamos de volta à nossas ocupações.<br />

Estamos nos preparando para uma primavera<br />

excitante!<br />

Gostaríamos de parabenizar todos os estudantes,<br />

Sra. Wacker, e os funcionários pelo trabalhoa<br />

maravilhoso em receber o prémio Greatest Gains.<br />

Todo trabalho pesado foi recompensado e nós somos<br />

uma das duas escolas a receber esta placa como<br />

prêmio. PARABÉNS!!<br />

Não se esqueçam que o evento popular de boliche<br />

entre pai e filha será na Sexta-feira, dia 30 de Janeiro.<br />

Não percam, será uma noite muito animada!<br />

Nossa reunião da PTA será na quinta-feira, 5 de<br />

fevereiro às 18:30. Esperamos ver você.<br />

Como sempre, se precisar de ajuda, communique-se<br />

conosco.<br />

Marlene Kassens<br />

PTA Co-President<br />

Tammy Feilmeier<br />

PTA Co-President<br />

Marlene Kassens<br />

Co-presidente da PTA<br />

Tammy Feilmeier<br />

Co-presidente da PTA<br />


MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the following remaining Spirit Nights at<br />

Six Beans, located at 1401 Johnson Ferry Rd.<br />

Tuesday, <strong>February</strong> 24th<br />

Tuesday, April 28th<br />

Hope to see you and your family there! For more information on Six Beans, you can visit their website at<br />

www.sixbeans.com.<br />


To the <strong>Eastvalley</strong> Teachers, Staff, and Families:<br />

Our family would like to send our warmest thanks for everything you did during Kendall's recent illness.<br />

We are convinced that your thoughts and prayers were significant in the healing process. The meals and<br />

gift certificates were more than we could have ever imagined. Hopefully, we will be able to repay each one<br />

of you in one way or another. A special thank-you for taking care of our children and offering all of the<br />

extra support they needed during this time. The <strong>Eastvalley</strong> family is very dear to our hearts, and we will<br />

never forget everything that you did for us. Sincerely,<br />

The Deshotels Family<br />

For more information, visit our school website: www.<strong>Eastvalley</strong><strong>Elementary</strong>.com 5

<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />


The 2nd and 3rd grade Target students<br />

took a field trip to the FBI building to<br />

learn more about careers within the FBI<br />

and detective work. The students were in<br />

the midst of a mystery unit called "The<br />

Great Whodunnit”, which made this trip<br />

even more appropriate and meaningful!<br />

Honoring Our Heroes<br />

Writing Contest<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong> students... It is time to<br />

sharpen your pencils and get<br />

ready to honor your special hero.<br />

The <strong>2009</strong> Honoring Our Heroes<br />

writing contest is underway. Official<br />

entry forms and letter of<br />

explanation will be available to<br />

you soon. The deadline for the<br />

contest is Friday, <strong>February</strong> 13 th . Start planning<br />

your essay now so that you can honor your hero<br />

with your best work. If you have any questions,<br />

please contact Mrs. Polakowski at carolyn@fragilekids.com,<br />

or see Mrs. Moran in the<br />

Media Center.<br />

Competição Literária<br />

Honrando Nossos Heróis<br />

Estudantes da <strong>Eastvalley</strong>…. Esta na hora de apontar<br />

nossos lápiz e preparar para honrar seu herói especial.<br />

A competição literária de <strong>2009</strong> para honrar os<br />

heróis esta a caminho. O formulário de registro com<br />

a carta de explicação chegará em breve. O prazo para<br />

escrição termina no dia 13 de Fevereiro. Comece a<br />

planejar sua composição agora para que<br />

possa honrar seu herói com seu melhor<br />

trabalho. Se tiver alguma pergunta, por<br />

favor entre em contato com Sra. Polakowski<br />

carolyn@fragilekids.com ou<br />

procure Sra. Moran na biblioteca.<br />

6 For more information, visit our <strong>Eastvalley</strong> PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org

Foundation <strong>February</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Update!<br />

*Spirit Night:<br />

The next <strong>Eastvalley</strong> Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night will be held<br />

on Wednesday, <strong>February</strong> 11 th . Mark your calendars and<br />

plan to join the <strong>Eastvalley</strong> Staff, students, PTA and Foundation<br />

members to raise money for the school. Check<br />

your child’s communication folder for more details!<br />

*Thank you to Our Volunteers!!!<br />

We would like to extend a Big “Thank you” to all the volunteers<br />

that helped spread dirt and grass seed at the track<br />

over Thanksgiving.<br />

*Thank you For Your Donations!!!<br />

Your donations helped install a ceiling mounted LCD projector<br />

in the computer lab. Make a donation to the<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong> Foundation with a check in your child’s folder<br />

or online at our website to help raise funds to install a ceiling<br />

mounted LCD projector in the cafeteria and purchase<br />

benches for the playground.<br />

The <strong>Eastvalley</strong> Reading Club Award Update<br />

Accessing the Online Reading List<br />

The <strong>Eastvalley</strong> reading list is available online using the Cobb Virtual Library.<br />

You will need a username and password to enter the site. You can<br />

obtain the login information from your child's agenda, take-home folder or<br />

from your child’s teacher.<br />

Access the Cobb Virtual Library at http://cvl.cobbk12.org or the link on the<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong> home page. Once there follow these steps to find the reading list:<br />

1. Click <strong>Elementary</strong> and enter your username and password.<br />

2. Click on the Destiny icon.<br />

3. Choose <strong>Eastvalley</strong> from the drop-down menu.<br />

4. Click the catalog tab.<br />

Point Progress:<br />

With 11,331 points we are more than half way to meeting our year end point<br />

goal of 19,000 points. Super reading everyone! Keep it up!<br />

Congratulations to our November/December EVRC Top Class Winners:<br />

• Kindergarten – Hestad<br />

• 1 st Grade – Winslett<br />

• 2 nd Grade – Henderson<br />

• 3 rd Grade – Branham<br />

• 4 th Grade – Volk<br />

• 5 th Grade – Co/Mo<br />

The next point cut off for Books for Breakfast is January 21st!<br />

<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />

This corner of the newsletter is set aside for<br />

the <strong>Eastvalley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Foundation, EVESF. EVESF launched in<br />

January 2003, is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt<br />

charitable organization and is incorporated<br />

as an education nonprofit public foundation,<br />

thereby enabling the Foundation to receive<br />

employee-matching grants, educational<br />

grants and endowments. The EVESF’s goal<br />

is to support the enrichment and growth of<br />

every child at <strong>Eastvalley</strong>!<br />

The Foundation Members:<br />

Alisha Hargett, President<br />

ahargett@eastvalleyfoundation.org<br />

Vice President - Board Position<br />

Currently Vacant<br />

Gretchen Buchanan, Treasurer<br />

gretchenbuchanan@mindspring.com<br />

Michelle Zimmerman, Secretary<br />

Zaczim3@aol.com<br />

Geoffrey Osborne, Web Administrator<br />

gnosborne@gmail.com<br />

Janice Ritt, Faculty Advisor<br />

Janice.Ritt@cobbk12.org<br />

Patty Phillpotts, Board Member<br />

pad122@att.net<br />

Shari Sprigle, Board Member<br />

lucyfan@juno.com<br />

Volunteer Opportunities<br />

volunteers@eastvalleyfoundation.org<br />

Email address:<br />

eastvalleyelementaryfoundation@<br />

yahoo.com<br />

Web address:<br />

www.eastvalleyfoundation.org<br />

*Foundation Mission Statement:<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to<br />

advancing the mission of <strong>Eastvalley</strong><br />

<strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong>. The Foundation<br />

will extend resources to enrich education<br />

and instill passion and desire for lifelong<br />

learning.<br />

For more information, visit our school website: www.<strong>Eastvalley</strong><strong>Elementary</strong>.com 7

<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />


SPRING TALENT SHOWCASE <strong>2009</strong><br />

Friday, April 17 th at 6:30 PM<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong> <strong>School</strong> Cafeteria<br />

Ticket Prices:<br />

$3 Students & Senior Citizens over 65<br />

$4 Adults<br />

Free – Preschoolers<br />

Tickets to be sold in advance, and at the door.<br />

REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION (what I need to do to get<br />

in):<br />

1. Tryouts will be held before Spring Break.<br />

2. Perform your WHOLE ACT (3-4 minutes maximum) in costume at the<br />

try-out. You will have two minutes to set up/ take down your materials. If<br />

using a soundtrack/music, you must use it in the audition.<br />

3. Perform your act in costume at both rehearsals in April.<br />

4. If using a soundtrack to sing/ perform with, it must not have the lead vocal on it (no lip syncing or singing<br />

along with the voice on the recording). IE: you must use a Karaoke style recording without the solo<br />

voice part. You must use it at the try-out/ audition.<br />

5. The performance must be in good taste, have audience appeal, and show a genuine talent (ex: just standing<br />

on stage and reading the phone book is not appropriate). The faculty sponsors will determine audience<br />

appeal and appropriateness; there are no appeals.<br />

6. Students must provide their own costumes, recordings and equipment for the audition and performance.<br />



7. Only current <strong>Eastvalley</strong> students (K-5) are eligible to participate—parents may assist but no other students<br />

from other schools.<br />

8. The sponsors may add other rules or restrictions as deemed necessary.<br />


We would like a wide variety of acts of all ages including vocalists, instrumentalists, gymnasts, dancers, comedians, magicians,<br />

actors, etc. (no lip sync, please.)<br />

For vocalists, you must sing with a soundtrack that does not have the lead vocal on it (karaoke style). Performance<br />

background tracks (recordings without the lead singer) are available from local music stores and<br />

other sources, including:<br />

www.cbkaraoke.com, www.karaokecafe.com,www.spotlightonkaraoke.com<br />

www.karaokewh.com,www.karaoke.com/index.lasso,www.soundchoice.com<br />

Many brands of these recordings are available, including:<br />

Sound Choice, Pocket Songs, Priddis, Star Tracks, Express Trax, ForeFront Masters, Songtrax, Trax<br />

Singer's Workout<br />

Who will be the next <strong>Eastvalley</strong> Idol<br />

8 For more information, visit our <strong>Eastvalley</strong> PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org

Counselor’s Corner <strong>February</strong> 2008<br />

Holiday Outreach Drive<br />

Thank you so much for your help and support this holiday season. We, at<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong>, appreciate your generosity and could not have completed this<br />

project of kindness without you. Thanks, to the Specialist Team, the<br />

Broyles family, the Berman family, the Mamoun family, the Tiliacos family,<br />

the McCauley family, 1 st United Methodist Church, and all of <strong>Eastvalley</strong><br />

families that donated gift cards to help others during the Holidays.<br />

You all have acted as angels to our community and have given the gift of<br />

a smile on Christmas morning. I hope your holiday was full of the good<br />

cheer and well wishes that you have shared with others.<br />

Thank you,<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong> Counselors<br />

Dear Parents,<br />

CAREER DAY <strong>2009</strong><br />

<strong>February</strong> 4 th<br />

It is never too early for students to start learning about different careers. We<br />

are looking for parents who would like to come to the school and talk about<br />

their career. Our goal is to improve career awareness among our students.<br />

This will give us the chance to get to know you, as well as, allow<br />

the students the opportunity to learn all about your career field. This will also<br />

broaden the scope of our students’ knowledge of occupations and various<br />

work environments.<br />

If you would like to donate a portion of your workday, we would love to learn about your career. Please<br />

complete this form and return it to the school with your child by January 28, <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

Thanks for getting involved in our children’s future…..today!<br />

Career Day Speakers Wanted — <strong>February</strong> 4, <strong>2009</strong><br />

Parent _______________________________<br />

Child ____________________<br />

Teacher/Grade _________________________ Telephone Number ___________________<br />

E-mail Address_________________________<br />

Occupation____________________________<br />

For more information, visit our school website: www.<strong>Eastvalley</strong><strong>Elementary</strong>.com 9

<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />


Order your yearbook for $19 online today at www.jostens.com. The price goes up to $24 on January 26,<br />

<strong>2009</strong>!<br />

Dear Parent or Student,<br />

Get your pictures in the yearbook! The Yearbook Committee invites<br />

students and parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you’ve got great<br />

photos of school events, we’d like to see them. Our photographers can’t be everywhere.<br />

Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will<br />

want to have.<br />

Here is how you can submit photos online:<br />

• Log on to: images.jostens.com<br />

• Enter Login ID: 1179559 (notice new number!)<br />

• Enter Your Password: eagles<br />

• Browse to select the photo(s) you wish to upload.<br />

• Enter information about the photo and provide contact information in case the<br />

staff needs additional information.<br />

• Click "Save Details".<br />

It’s that easy! Submit your photos today! The last day to submit photos is 3/1/<strong>2009</strong>.<br />

The Yearbook Committee will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee<br />

that all submissions can be used in the book.<br />

to the following companies, who eliminated trees, and landscaped the<br />

front of <strong>Eastvalley</strong>. Both companies were a pleasure to work with!<br />

Thanks again for helping us beautify <strong>Eastvalley</strong>!<br />

Wildflower Landscaping - Tom McCard 404-606-5193<br />

Paul Bunyan Tree Service - Sarge 404-207-8282<br />

Mount Paran Baseball<br />

Competition with Character<br />

Want to enjoy a competitive baseball season without adding four more activities<br />

to your busy weekly calendar<br />

Our baseball program typically only has one practice and one game each week.<br />

We teach baseball fundamentals along with character development in a competitive environment.<br />

Sign up by Jan 30 at www.mpnsports.com!<br />

10 For more information, visit our <strong>Eastvalley</strong> PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org



<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />

Do you have Unwanted Electronics, Computers or Metal<br />

Wheeler High <strong>School</strong> Marching Band is proud to offer a community<br />

Recycle Day on Saturday, January 31, <strong>2009</strong> from 9am to 4pm.<br />

Wheeler High <strong>School</strong> is located at 375 Holt Road in Marietta, GA.<br />

One simple donation of $10 per car covers the cost to recycle your old<br />

unwanted items AND benefits the Wheeler High <strong>School</strong> Marching<br />

Band. Electronics, Appliances and Metal Accepted.<br />

All Aluminum Items Including:<br />

Aluminum cans and cleaned aluminum foil<br />

Aluminum signs<br />

Aluminum siding and roofing panels<br />

Aluminum pots and containers<br />

Aluminum fans and aluminum tire rims<br />

Electronic Items Including:<br />

All electrical major appliances<br />

Air conditioners, window units<br />

Electric motors and tools<br />

Electric lawnmowers<br />

Stereos, VCR’s, DVD’s, electric skillets, rotisseries<br />

TV’s ($10 per TV to Federal Recycling)<br />

Computer Items Including:<br />

All type computer related metal items<br />

Batteries, base units, calculators, power cables, modems<br />

Desktop and laptop computers, photo copiers, scanners and monitors<br />

Floppy Disks, video tapes, CD-Roms, Printers of all types<br />

Metal Related Items Including: (even the kitchen sink!)<br />

Metal filing cabinets, bookshelves, tables, desks, stainless steel kitchen<br />

sinks, metal ladders, grills, leaf blowers, fire extinguishers<br />

Pipes: Copper, Aluminum, Steel<br />

Tire rims Steel. Magnesium and Aluminum and old car parts<br />

Metal doors and frames, Tool boxes. mail boxes<br />

Metal wiring such as; Phone cords, Cat 5 cable, Extension cords<br />

Barbecue grills<br />

Old metal tools wrenches hammers, saws, sockets, old keys<br />

Bicycles, go-carts, old metal boats<br />

Water heaters<br />

$10 Donation Per Carload Benefits<br />

Wheeler Marching Band<br />

For a complete list of recycle items go to:<br />

www.FederalRecyclers.com<br />

Spring softball season<br />

nears at Terrell Mill<br />

Softball at Terrell Mill<br />

Park is one of the most<br />

popular spring sports for<br />

<strong>Eastvalley</strong> students.<br />

Those who participated<br />

last season included Tricia<br />

Awald, Megan Bunch, Xavier<br />

Conway, Jena Cowart,<br />

Aubrie Holcomb, Jamayla<br />

Kadima, Christine Kraybill,<br />

McLain Miller, Meg and<br />

McKenna Riley, Courtnie<br />

Richardson and Sadi Ward<br />

(above).<br />

In fact, Sadi’s team won<br />

the North Georgia Fastpitch<br />

League in the 10U division.<br />

The spring season begins<br />

in March, and registration<br />

has begun. Those interested<br />

may visit Terrell Mill’s<br />

website at<br />

www.TMSASoftball.org or<br />

call 770-715-3396.<br />

It’s for girls 5-years-old<br />

and up. No players are<br />

turned away for financial<br />

reasons.<br />

For more information, visit our school website: www.<strong>Eastvalley</strong><strong>Elementary</strong>.com 11

Calendar<br />

January<br />

JAN 23 – International Night, 6:30<br />

JAN 26 – 30 – Teacher/Parent Conferences &<br />

Early Release Days, 12:10<br />

<strong>February</strong><br />

FEB 4 – Early Release 12:10<br />

FEB 5 – Eagle Eyes Deadline<br />

General PTA Meeting @ 6:30<br />

FEB 11 – EVRC Books for Breakfast-K,2,4<br />

FEB 12 – EVRC Books for Breakfast-1,3,5<br />

FEB 13 – Jump Rope For Heart<br />

Honoring Our Heroes Entry Deadline<br />

FEB 16 – <strong>School</strong> Holiday<br />

FEB 17 – FEB 20 – Box Top Collection<br />

FEB 20 – Eagle Eyes Publication<br />

<strong>February</strong> 2008<br />

Visit Our <strong>Eastvalley</strong> <strong>Elementary</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> Partners in Education<br />

Don’t forget to stop by and visit our supporters in the<br />

community, and thank them for supporting our children’s<br />

education.<br />

East Lake<br />

ADA Framing & Art<br />

Hulya Seymour<br />

Certified Framer<br />

*<br />

-Quality selections of frames, mats, and materials,<br />

-Free consultation and quotes<br />

-Shadowboxes,<br />

-Conservation<br />

-Needlework<br />

-Canvas<br />

*<br />

For Appointment: 770-861-6340<br />

@ East Lake Shopping Center<br />

YOUR<br />

AD<br />

HERE<br />

!<br />

If you're a PTA member, you can put an ad in<br />

the Eagle Eyes newsletter or on the <strong>Eastvalley</strong><br />

PTA web site (www.eastvalleypta.org) for just<br />

$5 each! If you want to advertise your<br />

business, it's $50 for the school calendar year<br />

or $10 per month. Contact: Sue Larsen<br />

(susanandcarl@comcast.net) for newsletter<br />

advertising, or Tony Antoniades<br />

(webmaster@eastvalleypta.org) for ads on the<br />

Website.<br />

Wheeler Tax Services–Leslie Wheeler,<br />

CPA-10 yrs+ experience. Personal, Self-<br />

Employed and Business Taxes. Bookkeeping<br />

services also available. Call 770-<br />

354-6270 or email lwheelercpa@earthlink.net<br />

for quote. Indian Hills Resident.<br />

The Eagle Eyes is a publication of the <strong>Eastvalley</strong><br />

<strong>Elementary</strong> <strong>School</strong> PTA. Please send your contributions to<br />

Sue Larsen at susanandcarl@comcast.net. Our next<br />

newsletter deadline is<br />

<strong>February</strong> 5th for the March issue going<br />

home on <strong>February</strong> 20th.<br />

12 For more information, visit our <strong>Eastvalley</strong> PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org

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