Philippine Retirement Authority

Philippine Retirement Authority

Philippine Retirement Authority


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(Form PRA-RRSC-2013-01)<br />


29F Citibank Tower, Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, 1227 <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

Tel No. +632-848-1412, +632-848-1418; Fax No. +632-848-1411<br />

E-mail: inquiry@pra.gov.ph; Website: pra.gov.ph<br />

APPLICATION FORM FOR PRINCIPAL RETIREE (Entries must be typewritten)<br />

. ( )<br />

SRRV Options (Please Check √) 请 勾 选<br />

SMILE Classic Human Touch Courtesy<br />

Attach 2” x 2” colored<br />

photo taken not more<br />

than 6 months ago<br />

贴 入 近 6 个 月 内 的<br />

2*2<br />

Application No.<br />

Last Name 姓<br />

First Name 名<br />

Alias (AKA) 别 名<br />

Religion 宗 教<br />

英 文<br />

英 文<br />

中 文<br />

中 文<br />

Gender 性 别<br />

Male<br />

Female<br />

Date of Birth<br />

出 生 日 期<br />

Place of Birth<br />

出 生 地 点<br />

Nationality 国 籍<br />

ID No. 身 份 证 号<br />

Civil Status<br />

Height<br />

Weight<br />

Single 未 婚 Married 已 婚 □ Divorced 离 婚 □ Widowed 丧 偶<br />

Nationality 国 籍<br />

Passport No. 护 照 号 码 Place of Issue 签 发 地 点 Date of Issue 签 发 日 期 Valid Until<br />

Home Country Address (Please specify) 户 籍 地 址<br />

Telephone No. 住 家 电 话<br />

Fax No. 传 真 号 码<br />

Mobile No. 手 机 电 话 号 码<br />

E-mail 电 邮 信 箱<br />

Primary Address in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

(Please specify) 现 居 住 地 址<br />

Secondary Address in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

(Please specify) 现 居 住 地 址<br />

Telephone No. 住 家 电 话<br />

Fax No. 传 真 号 码<br />

Mobile No. 手 机 电 话 号 码<br />

E-mail 电 邮 信 箱<br />

Family Member Information 申 请 人 双 亲 信 息<br />

Name of Spouse 父 亲 姓 :<br />

英 文<br />

中 文<br />

Date of Birth<br />

出 生 日 期<br />

Age<br />

年 龄<br />

ID No. (Required)<br />

身 份 证 号<br />

Included in your application<br />

是 否 如 同 申 请<br />

□Yes □No<br />

Name of Child 子 女 姓 名 :<br />

英 文<br />

中 文<br />

Date of Birth<br />

出 生 日 期<br />

Age<br />

年 龄<br />

ID No. (Required)<br />

身 份 证 号<br />

Included in your application<br />

是 否 如 同 申 请<br />

□Yes □No<br />

Name of Child 子 女 姓 名 :<br />

英 文<br />

中 文<br />

Date of Birth<br />

出 生 日 期<br />

Age<br />

年 龄<br />

ID No. (Required)<br />

身 份 证 号<br />

Included in your application<br />

是 否 如 同 申 请<br />

□Yes □No<br />

Name of Child 子 女 姓 名 :<br />

英 文<br />

中 文<br />

Date of Birth<br />

出 生 日 期<br />

Age<br />

年 龄<br />

ID No. (Required)<br />

身 份 证 号<br />

Included in your application<br />

是 否 如 同 申 请<br />

□Yes □No<br />

Name of Child 子 女 姓 名 :<br />

英 文<br />

中 文<br />

Date of Birth<br />

出 生 日 期<br />

Age<br />

年 龄<br />

ID No. (Required)<br />

身 份 证 号<br />

Included in your application<br />

是 否 如 同 申 请<br />

□Yes □No<br />

(if necessary, use additional sheet)<br />

July 2013

Parent’s Information 申 请 人 双 亲 信 息<br />

Name of Father 父 亲 姓 名<br />

英 文<br />

中 文<br />

Age 年 龄<br />

Name of Contact Person in<br />

Case of Emergency<br />

紧 急 联 络 人 姓 名<br />

Name of Mother 母 亲 姓 名<br />

英 文<br />

中 文<br />

Age 年 龄<br />

Contact No. 电 话 号 码 Nationality 国 籍 : Relationship 关 系<br />

Address 紧 急 联 系 人 地 址<br />

Date of Arrival in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

计 抵 达 菲 律 宾 日 期<br />

Expiration Date of Tourist<br />

Visa / Others 旅 游 签 证 有 效 期 至<br />

Entry Visa to the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

持 何 种 签 证 入 境<br />

Have you visited <strong>Philippine</strong>s prior to this travel 在 此 之 前 是 否 有 来 访 过 菲 律 宾 □ Yes □ No<br />

If the answer is “Yes”, What kind of entry visa<br />

□ Tourist Visa 旅 游 签 证 □ Working Visa 工 作 签 证 □ Investment Visa 投 资 签 证<br />

□ Missionary Visa 宗 教 签 证 □ Student Visa 学 生 签 证 □ Others (Please specify) _________________<br />

Last three years residence 最 近 三 年 国 内 居 住 地 址<br />

Period of stay (mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy)<br />

居 住 时 间 ( 月 / 年 )<br />

Address<br />

地 址<br />

1 _____________________________ ___________________________________________________<br />

2 _____________________________ ___________________________________________________<br />

3 _____________________________ ___________________________________________________<br />

Educational 5 _____________________________ Attainment School _________________________________________________<br />

and Location From/To (mm/yyyy - mm/yyyy)<br />

曾 就 读 学 校 学 校 名 称 及 所 在 地 期 间 ( 月 / 年 )<br />

1 _______________________________ __________________________ _______________________<br />

2 _______________________________ __________________________ _______________________<br />

3 _______________________________ __________________________ _______________________<br />

Name and Address of Present Company / Business (if any)<br />

目 前 服 务 / 退 休 单 位 名 称 及 职 称 : _______________________________________________________________<br />

Contact No. 电 话 号 码<br />

Aside from retirement, what are the other plans/future actions in the <strong>Philippine</strong>s<br />

□ Tourism/Travel<br />

□ Employment<br />

□ Investment<br />

□ Others (Please specify)<br />

Employment in the last three (3) years. 三 年 内 服 务 过 的 单 位<br />

Company Name 服 务 单 位 and Address 地 址 Job Title 职 位 From/To (mm/yyyy~mm/yyyy)<br />

期 间 ( 月 / 年 )<br />

1 ___________________________________________ _______________ _______________________<br />

2 ___________________________________________ _______________ _______________________<br />

3 ___________________________________________ _______________ _______________________<br />

July 2013

Please read carefully:<br />

The following classes of aliens shall be excluded from entry into the <strong>Philippine</strong>s and not eligible to acquire a Special<br />

Resident<br />

Retiree’s Visa:<br />

1. Insane persons/person afflicted with a dangerous contagious disease, Persons with manifestation of any<br />

anxiety, depressive, psychotic, personality and psychological disorders identified and observed during the<br />

conduct of medical examination as well certifications of the person’s attending the physician.<br />

2. Pauper, vagrant, and beggars, persons likely to become a public charge, stowaways, persons who<br />

have been excluded or deported from the <strong>Philippine</strong>s including those deported as indigent aliens or<br />

persons not properly<br />

documented for admission;<br />

3. Persons who have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, prostitutes or procures, persons<br />

coming for any immoral purposes;<br />

4. Persons who believe in or advocate the overthrow by force and violence of the Government of the<br />

<strong>Philippine</strong>s, or of<br />

constituted lawful authority, or who disbelieve in or are opposed to organized government; people<br />

who use force and violence in pursuit of their advocacies;<br />

5. Persons over fifteen (15) years of age, physically capable of reading, who cannot read printed matter in<br />

ordinary use<br />

in any language selected by the alien, persons who are members of a family accompanying an excluded<br />

alien; or<br />

6. Persons coming to perform unskilled manual labor in pursuance of a promise or offer of employment;<br />

The mere act of submitting this form, for the purpose of processing the application, is an affirmation that the<br />

applicant is not excluded nor a disqualified person based on existing <strong>Philippine</strong> Immigration laws.<br />

By affixing my signature, I hereby certify that the<br />

information above are true and correct and that any<br />

misrepresentation on my part will be grounds for<br />

denial of SRRV and/or revocation of my current Visa:<br />

特 此 签 名 以 证 明 以 上 资 料 全 部 属 实 如 有 不 实 , 可 遭 SRRV<br />

否 决 并 撤 销 当 前 签 证 处 理<br />

Accredited Marketer (if any):<br />

填 写 表 格 时 请 合 格 认 证 公 司 协 助<br />

Registered Name of Marketer:<br />

PRA Accreditation No:<br />

Date Signed 签 署 日 期 :<br />

Telephone No:<br />

(To be accomplished by PRA Personnel)<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Date of Receipt of Application :<br />

_____________________________<br />

Papers Reviewed & Certified Complete by: (Please indicate complete name, designation, and long-form<br />

signature)<br />

Comments / Remarks:<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

(To be accomplished upon issuance of SRRV)<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

SRRV Number:<br />

______________________________<br />

Date of Issuance:<br />

Date of Oath-taking:<br />

______________________________<br />

______________________________<br />

July 2013


1 How did you learn about SRRV<br />

PRA Office / Officers PRA Newsletters Newspaper<br />

PRA Website TV Other Websites<br />

Friends, Families, associates Magazine Marketers<br />

2 Have you visited the <strong>Philippine</strong>s prior to joining The PRA Program Yes No<br />

If Yes, how many times<br />

On the average how long did you stay<br />

When was the last time you visited<br />

Where did you stay<br />

3 Which part of the <strong>Philippine</strong>s do you particularly plan to stay longer<br />

Baguio Clark Subic Metro Manila Tagaytay<br />

Cebu Davao Others Please specify:<br />

4 I would like to receive updates / news about PRA and its partners, thru the following:<br />

By Phone<br />

By Email<br />

By Post<br />

Phone No.:<br />

Email Address:<br />

Postal Address:<br />

July 2013

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