Journal of - International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine

Journal of - International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine Journal of - International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine


Bilal AHMAD GHAREEB ةّيكيرمألا ةّيبرعلا ةعماجلا بيرغ دمحأ دمحأ لالب ‏.د Methodology The Glorious Qur’an and the authentic Sayings of the Prophet are screened for insightful and applied aspects of recessiveness mode of genetic transmission and genetic counseling. Actually, investigations took place in two directions: genetics with its newly discovered concepts are screened in holy texts and religious understandings are explored in genetics as a relatively new science. These are parallel lines supportive of each other and should aim at unique goals. Few Hadiths cited in this paper are weakly attributable to the Prophjet Mohammad (PBUH). Such Hadiths are not necessarily that they are wrong but that their credibility is not absolute! Citation of Hadiths weakly attribuable to the prophet is conditioned by a convincing support by other more credible Hadiths and or scientific facts. Such Hadiths can be considered and cited but with conditions put by many Islamic scholars and well reviewed (http:// These conditions are respected in this paper. Results and Discussion Recessiveness is a condition that appears only in individuals who have received two copies of a mutant gene, one copy from each parent. The individuals with a double dose of the mutated gene are called homozygotes. The individuals with a single dose of the mutated gene appear normal and are called heterozygotes, or gene carriers (Reece et al., 2010). Genetic counselling or counseling is the process by which patients or relatives, at risk of an inherited disorder, are advised of the consequences and nature of the disorder, the probability of developing or transmitting it, and the options open to them in management and family planning in order to prevent, avoid or ameliorate it. This complex process can be seen from diagnostic (the actual estimation of risk) and supportive aspects (Sequeiros and Guimarães, 2008). Phenotypic traits of offspring can reflect directly the parents’ traits and genotypes. This meaning is depicted from the following Hadith in which Mohammad (PBUH) practiced genetic counseling: Genetic Recessiveness and Genetic Counseling and their Application in Islam مالسإلا يف امهتاقيبطتو يثارولا داشرإلاو ةيحنتملا ةثارولا ةورفلا لثم ينلبقتساف هب تيتأ هتدلو املفرميوع لاق ةرمتلا لثم ةناسل ينلبقتساف هييحلب تذخأ مث ءادوسلا ‏،ريبكلا مجعملا ‏،يناربطلا)‏ هُلوسرو ‏ُهللا قَدص تلقف ‏.(ينابلألا هححصو ‏،‏‎128‎ةحفص - 6 ءزج ٥٧٣٤ مقر ثيدح However, traits can change between generations and this notion was also employed by the Prophet in genetic counseling: In fact, at the time of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), a man was confused as his wife gave a birth to a black boy and was about to accuse his wife of infidelity. When the Prophet asked this man if he had camels and asked him about their color, he answered yes, they are red, and then the Prophet asked him if there were blackish, non-pure black ‏(قروأ)‏ camels in his herd and he answered that he did. The Prophet concluded that the two cases are similar (the case of the man with his wife and that of camels). By dialoguing with that man, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) made him conclude by himself that some characters can reappear after one or more generation of disappearance (recessive inheritance). Actually, skipping of generations is a characteristic of recessively inherited characters (Reece et al., 2010). In addition, of the scientific importance of revealing some of the genetics’ secrets some 1400 years ago, another educational importance is attributed to the the Sayings of the Prophet. That is pedagogy and convincing by dialogue and comparing similar cases to reach a conclusion! The genetic understanding of the Prophet could help in genetic counseling and consequently in resolving a social problem. ةراَزَف ينب نم لجر ءاج ‏:لاق هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع لاقف ‏،َدوسأ ‏ًامالغ تدلو يتأرما نإ ‏:لاقف يبنلا ىلإ ‏،رمُح لاق ؟اهناولأ امف : لاق ‏،معن لاق ؟لبإ نم كل له يبنلا اهاتأ ىَّنأف لاق ‏،ًاقرُوَل اهيف نإ لاق ؟قَروأ نم اهيف له لاق نوكي نأ ىسع اذهو لاق ؟ٌقرِع هعَزَن نوكي نأ ىسع لاق ؟كلذ ملسمل ظفللا و ملسمو يراخبلا ناخيشلا هاور)‏ ‏ٌقرِع هعَزَن .(1500 ناعللا باتك نم The word ‏(ٌقرِع)‏ in the previous and later Hadiths is a Prophetic designation of allele, in this context a recessive ‏.(هعَزَن)‏ allele that could have reappeared Similarly, reappearance of the hidden (recessive) alleles is understood from the following Hadith that describes segregation and grouping of recessive alleles after having been masked for generation(s): هللا لوسر راصنألا نم لجر ىتأ لاق رفعج يبأ نع دلوب ينتتأ دقو ‏ًاريخ الإ ملعأ ال يتأرماو يمع ةنبا هذه لاقف فنألا سطفأ ‏ٍططق ‏ٍدعج نيرخنملا رشتنم داوسلا ديدش ام هتأرمال لاقف يدادجأ يف الو يلاوخأ يف ههبش فرعأ ال هدعقم تدعقأ ام ‏ًايبن قحلاب كثعب يذلاو ال تلاق ؟نيلوقت هسأرب هللا لوسر سكنف لاق هريغ ‏ًادحأ ينكلم ذنم ينم لاقف لجرلا ىلع لبقأ مث ءامسلا ىلإ هرصب عفر مث ‏ًايلم نوعستو ةعست مدآ نيبو هنيبو الإ دحأ نم سيل هنإ اذه اي انثدح يرصملا حرسلا نب رهاطلا يبأ نب ورمع انثدح نب دمحم نع ناميلس نب ميحرلا دبع انثدح يدع نب فسوي انعالت امل : لاق هيبأ نع لهس يبأ سابعلا ينربخأ قاحسإ هدلت نإف دلت ىتح كيلا اهضبقا هللا لوسر لاق هدلت نإو هنم ىفتنا يذلا رميوع هيبأل وهف ةرحو لثمرمحأ هب يمري يذلا لجرلا ءامحسلا نبال وهف رعشلاو نوللا دوسأ 112 ISHIM 2011-2012

Genetic Recessiveness and Genetic Counseling and their Application in Islam مالسإلا يف امهتاقيبطتو يثارولا داشرإلاو ةيحنتملا ةثارولا Bilal AHMAD GHAREEB ةّيكيرمألا ةّيبرعلا ةعماجلا بيرغ دمحأ دمحأ لالب ‏.د :49 تارجحلا)‏ ‏ٌريِبَخ ‏ٌميِلَع ‏َهَّللا ‏َّنِإ ‏ْمُكاَقْتَأ ‏ِهَّللا ‏َدْنِع 13) To confirm the mentioned honorable principle, Prophet of Islam, Mohammad (PBUH) orders Muslims to follow and obey the leader even if he was of color. At that time, this was a revolutionary attitude when slaves were representing an integral part of the social, economic and political life of people. Recall that the modern democracies in the world could put this honorable principle in practice only very recently. ‏ْمُكْيَلَع ‏َلِمْعُتْسا ‏ْنِإَو اوُعيِطَأَو اوُعَمْسا لاق هحيحص يف يراخبلا)‏ ‏ٌةَبيِبَز ‏ُهَسْأَر ‏َّنَأَك ‏ٌّيِشَبَح ‏ٌدْبَع ‏.(ينابلألا هحَّحص و 2327 هحيحص يف هجام نباو 7142 The mentioned honorable non-discriminative principle is confirmed in another Hadith, which puts a basis for the conduct of the nation (e.g. The Glorious Qur›an and Hadith): لوسر انظعو لاق هنع هللا يضر ةيراس نب ضابرعلا نع اهنم تفرذ ةغيلب ةظعوم ةادغلا ةالص دعب اموي هللا اذامف عدوم ةظعوم هذه نإ لجر لاقف بولقلا اهنم تلجوو نويعلا عمسلاو ‏،هللا ىوقتب مكيصوأ لاق هللا لوسر اي انيلإ دهعت افالتخا ري مكنم شعي نم هنإف يشبح دبع نإو ةعاطلاو كلذ كردأ نمف ةلالض اهنإف ‏،رومألا تاثدحمو مكايإو ‏،اريثك نييدهملا نيدشارلا ءافلخلا ةنسو يتنسب هيلعف مكنم هنسحو 2676 مقر يذمرتلا ننس)‏ دجاونلاب اهيلع اوضع ‏.(هححصو ةظعوم هللا لوسر انظعو لاق ةيراس نب ضابرعلا نع لئاق لاقف ‏،بولقلا اهنم تلجوو ‏،نويعلا اهنم تفرذ ةغيلب لاقف ؟انيلإ دهعت اذامف ‏،عدوم ةظعوم اهنأك هللا لوسر اي نأك يشبح دبع مكيلع رمأت نإو ةعاطلاو عمسلاب مكيلع نيدشارلا ءافلخلا ةنسو يتنسب مكيلعو ‏،ةبيبز هسأر ‏،ذجاونلاب اهيلع اوضعو ‏،اهب اوكسمت ‏،يدعب نم نييدهملا ةلالض ةعدب لكو ‏،ةعدب ةثدحم لك نإف ‏،رومألا تاثدحمو مكايإو .(4/119 مقر نيعقوملا مالعأ يف هنسحو ميقلا نبا)‏ انظعو هنع هللا يضرةيراس نب ضابرعلا حيجن يبأ نع نويعلا اهنم تفرذو بولقلا اهنم تلجو ةظعوم هللا لوسر مكيصوأ لاق انصوأف عدوم ةظعوم اهنأك هللا لوسر اي انلقف نم هنإو دبع مكيلع رمأت نإو ةعاطلاو عمسلاو هللا ىوقتب ةنسو يتنسب مكيلعف اريثك افالتخا ىريسف مكنم شعي مكايإو ذجاونلاب اهيلع اوضع نييدهملا نيدشارلا ءافلخلا بيغرتلا يف يرذنملا)‏ ةلالض ةعدب لك نإف رومألا تاثدحمو طرش ىلع نوكي دقو نسحلا ةجرد نع لزني ال 1/60 بيهرتلاو ‏.(امهدحأ وأ نيحيحصلا The offspring might display hidden characters from the pedigree (ancestors) of the mate, the Prophet of Islam, Mohammad (PBUH) recommends selecting well the mate: وريخت ساسد قرعلا نإف مكفطنل اوريخت : هنع ‏َيوُر 633 ص 1 ءزج هجام نبا ننس)‏ ساسد قرعلا نإف مكفطنل محرلا يف ةفطنلا تعقو اذإف بسنلا يف برضت اهلك ‏ًاقرع كلت نم اذهف اهل هبشلا هللا لأست قورعلا كلت تبرطضا كنبا كيلإ ذخ كدادجأ دادجأ الو كدادجأ اهكردي مل يتلا قورعلا يفاكلا يف ينيلكلا)‏ هللا لوسر اي ينع تجرف ةأرملا تلاق ‏.(‏‎561‎ص ‎5‎ج Segregation of recessive alleles and assortment of these segregated alleles in both parents can be understood from the expression of the Prophet تبرطضإ تلمتشا اذإف ‏،ًاقرع نيعستو ةعست…)‏ Hadith: in the following ‏(…قورعلا لاق ، مالسلا هيلع يلع نع هيبأ نع نيسحلا نب يلع نع لوسر اي لاقف ، هللا لوسر ىلإ راصنألا نم لجر لبقأ ءابأ ةرشع دع ىتح ... نالف نبإ نالف انأو يمع تنب هذه هللا الو يبسح يف سيل . ءابآ ةرشع دع ىتح ... نالف تنب يهو هللا لوسر قرطأف ‏،يشبحلا اذه تعضو اهنإو ‏،يشبح اهبسح ‏ًاقرع نيعستو ةعست كل نإ لاقف ‏،هسأر عفر مث ‏ًاليوط قورعلا تبرطضإ تلمتشا اذإف ‏،ًاقرع نيعستو ةعست اهلو هناف مق ‏،هيلإ هبشلا بهذي نأ اهنم قِرع لك لجو زع هللا لأسو لجرلا ماقف لاق ‏،اهنم قرع وأ كنم قرع نم الإ كتأي ملو كدلو .(631 ص 2 ج يرونلا)‏ ‏ًابجع اهدلوبو اهب دادزإو هتأرمإ ديب ذخأو The Law of Segregation (Mendel›s First law) states that when an individual produces gametes, the copies of a gene (alleles) separate, so that each gamete receives only one copy. A gamete will receive one allele or the other (Griffiths et al., 2007). In this last Saying of the Prophet, the number (99) might indicate the numerous genes that participate in our phenotypes. It could have been cited in a figurative rather than an absolute context. In this respect of human phenotypic traits like the skin color, Islam fights against racial discrimination notably discrimination based on color. Discrimination is a sociological term referring to the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group under consideration based on class or category. Racial discrimination differentiates between individuals based on real and perceived racial differences. Islam puts an honorable basis of distinguishing rather that discriminating people but based on their good conduct and righteous relations with God and people. O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful of his duty (or most righteous or the best in conduct) surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. (Al-Hujraat, The Private Apartments, Qur’an Chapter 49, verse 13) ىَثْنُأَو ‏ٍرَكَذ ‏ْنِم ‏ْمُكاَنْقَلَخ اَّنِإ ‏ُساَّنلا اَهُّيَأ اَي ‏ْمُكَمَرْكَأ ‏َّنِإ اوُفَراَعَتِل ‏َلِئاَبَقَو اًبوُعُش ‏ْمُكاَنْلَعَجَو ISHIM 2011-2012 113


ةّيكيرمألا ةّيبرعلا ةعماجلا بيرغ دمحأ دمحأ لالب ‏.د<br />

Methodology<br />

The Glorious Qur’an and <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>ntic Sayings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Prophet are screened <strong>for</strong> insightful and applied aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

recessiveness mode <strong>of</strong> genetic transmission and genetic<br />

counseling. Actually, investigations took place in two directions:<br />

genetics with its newly discovered concepts are<br />

screened in holy texts and religious understandings are explored<br />

in genetics as a relatively new science. These are parallel<br />

lines supportive <strong>of</strong> each o<strong>the</strong>r and should aim at unique<br />

goals. Few Hadiths cited in this paper are weakly attributable<br />

to <strong>the</strong> Prophjet Mohammad (PBUH). Such Hadiths are<br />

not necessarily that <strong>the</strong>y are wrong but that <strong>the</strong>ir credibility<br />

is not absolute! Citation <strong>of</strong> Hadiths weakly attribuable<br />

to <strong>the</strong> prophet is conditioned by a convincing support by<br />

o<strong>the</strong>r more credible Hadiths and or scientific facts. Such<br />

Hadiths can be considered and cited but with conditions<br />

put by many <strong>Islamic</strong> scholars and well reviewed (http://<br /><strong>for</strong>um.phpaction=view&id=2081).<br />

These conditions are respected in this paper.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

Recessiveness is a condition that appears only in individuals<br />

who have received two copies <strong>of</strong> a mutant gene, one<br />

copy from each parent. The individuals with a double dose<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mutated gene are called homozygotes. The individuals<br />

with a single dose <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mutated gene appear normal<br />

and are called heterozygotes, or gene carriers (Reece et al.,<br />

2010).<br />

Genetic counselling or counseling is <strong>the</strong> process by<br />

which patients or relatives, at risk <strong>of</strong> an inherited disorder,<br />

are advised <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> consequences and nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> disorder,<br />

<strong>the</strong> probability <strong>of</strong> developing or transmitting it, and <strong>the</strong><br />

options open to <strong>the</strong>m in management and family planning<br />

in order to prevent, avoid or ameliorate it. This complex<br />

process can be seen from diagnostic (<strong>the</strong> actual estimation<br />

<strong>of</strong> risk) and supportive aspects (Sequeiros and Guimarães,<br />

2008).<br />

Phenotypic traits <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fspring can reflect directly <strong>the</strong><br />

parents’ traits and genotypes. This meaning is depicted<br />

from <strong>the</strong> following Hadith in which Mohammad (PBUH)<br />

practiced genetic counseling:<br />

Genetic Recessiveness and Genetic Counseling<br />

and <strong>the</strong>ir Application in Islam<br />

مالسإلا يف امهتاقيبطتو يثارولا داشرإلاو ةيحنتملا ةثارولا<br />

ةورفلا لثم ينلبقتساف هب تيتأ هتدلو املفرميوع لاق<br />

ةرمتلا لثم ةناسل ينلبقتساف هييحلب تذخأ مث ءادوسلا<br />

‏،ريبكلا مجعملا ‏،يناربطلا)‏ هُلوسرو ‏ُهللا قَدص تلقف<br />

‏.(ينابلألا هححصو ‏،‏‎128‎ةحفص - 6 ءزج ٥٧٣٤ مقر ثيدح<br />

However, traits can change between generations and this<br />

notion was also employed by <strong>the</strong> Prophet in genetic counseling:<br />

In fact, at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> Prophet Mohammad (PBUH),<br />

a man was confused as his wife gave a birth to a black boy<br />

and was about to accuse his wife <strong>of</strong> infidelity. When <strong>the</strong><br />

Prophet asked this man if he had camels and asked him<br />

about <strong>the</strong>ir color, he answered yes, <strong>the</strong>y are red, and <strong>the</strong>n<br />

<strong>the</strong> Prophet asked him if <strong>the</strong>re were blackish, non-pure<br />

black ‏(قروأ)‏ camels in his herd and he answered that he did.<br />

The Prophet concluded that <strong>the</strong> two cases are similar (<strong>the</strong><br />

case <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> man with his wife and that <strong>of</strong> camels). By dialoguing<br />

with that man, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) made<br />

him conclude by himself that some characters can reappear<br />

after one or more generation <strong>of</strong> disappearance (recessive<br />

inheritance). Actually, skipping <strong>of</strong> generations is a characteristic<br />

<strong>of</strong> recessively inherited characters (Reece et al.,<br />

2010). In addition, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> scientific importance <strong>of</strong> revealing<br />

some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> genetics’ secrets some 1400 years ago, ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />

educational importance is attributed to <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sayings <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Prophet. That is pedagogy and convincing by dialogue<br />

and comparing similar cases to reach a conclusion! The genetic<br />

understanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Prophet could help in genetic<br />

counseling and consequently in resolving a social problem.<br />

ةراَزَف ينب نم لجر ءاج ‏:لاق هنع هللا يضر ةريره يبأ نع<br />

لاقف ‏،َدوسأ ‏ًامالغ تدلو يتأرما نإ ‏:لاقف يبنلا ىلإ<br />

‏،رمُح لاق ؟اهناولأ امف : لاق ‏،معن لاق ؟لبإ نم كل له يبنلا<br />

اهاتأ ىَّنأف لاق ‏،ًاقرُوَل اهيف نإ لاق ؟قَروأ نم اهيف له لاق<br />

نوكي نأ ىسع اذهو لاق ؟ٌقرِع هعَزَن نوكي نأ ىسع لاق ؟كلذ<br />

ملسمل ظفللا و ملسمو يراخبلا ناخيشلا هاور)‏ ‏ٌقرِع هعَزَن<br />

.(1500 ناعللا باتك نم<br />

The word ‏(ٌقرِع)‏ in <strong>the</strong> previous and later Hadiths is a<br />

Prophetic designation <strong>of</strong> allele, in this context a recessive<br />

‏.(هعَزَن)‏ allele that could have reappeared<br />

Similarly, reappearance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hidden (recessive) alleles<br />

is understood from <strong>the</strong> following Hadith that describes<br />

segregation and grouping <strong>of</strong> recessive alleles after having<br />

been masked <strong>for</strong> generation(s):<br />

هللا لوسر راصنألا نم لجر ىتأ لاق رفعج يبأ نع<br />

دلوب ينتتأ دقو ‏ًاريخ الإ ملعأ ال يتأرماو يمع ةنبا هذه لاقف<br />

فنألا سطفأ ‏ٍططق ‏ٍدعج نيرخنملا رشتنم داوسلا ديدش<br />

ام هتأرمال لاقف يدادجأ يف الو يلاوخأ يف ههبش فرعأ ال<br />

هدعقم تدعقأ ام ‏ًايبن قحلاب كثعب يذلاو ال تلاق ؟نيلوقت<br />

هسأرب هللا لوسر سكنف لاق هريغ ‏ًادحأ ينكلم ذنم ينم<br />

لاقف لجرلا ىلع لبقأ مث ءامسلا ىلإ هرصب عفر مث ‏ًايلم<br />

نوعستو ةعست مدآ نيبو هنيبو الإ دحأ نم سيل هنإ اذه اي<br />

انثدح يرصملا حرسلا نب رهاطلا يبأ نب ورمع انثدح<br />

نب دمحم نع ناميلس نب ميحرلا دبع انثدح يدع نب فسوي<br />

انعالت امل : لاق هيبأ نع لهس يبأ سابعلا ينربخأ قاحسإ<br />

هدلت نإف دلت ىتح كيلا اهضبقا هللا لوسر لاق<br />

هدلت نإو هنم ىفتنا يذلا رميوع هيبأل وهف ةرحو لثمرمحأ<br />

هب يمري يذلا لجرلا ءامحسلا نبال وهف رعشلاو نوللا دوسأ<br />

112<br />

ISHIM 2011-2012

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