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Section I: Research Areas<br />

chapter 02: Signaling<br />

181<br />

2012–2014 citations<br />

<strong>CST</strong> antibodies for EGFR have been<br />

cited over 181 times in high-impact,<br />

peer-reviewed publications from the<br />

global research community.<br />

Target M P E S C<br />

Phospho-HER2/ErbB2 (pan Tyr) •<br />

Phospho-HER2/ErbB2 (Tyr877) •<br />

Phospho-HER2/ErbB2 (Tyr1196) •<br />

• • •<br />

Phospho-HER2/ErbB2<br />

(Tyr1221/1222)<br />

Phospho-HER2/ErbB2 (Tyr1248)<br />

Phospho-HER2/ErbB2<br />

(Tyr1248)/EGFR (Tyr1173)<br />

•<br />

•<br />

HER3/ErbB3 • • • •<br />

Phospho-HER3/ErbB3 (pan Tyr) •<br />

Phospho-HER3/ErbB3 (Tyr1197) •<br />

Phospho-HER3/ErbB3 (Tyr1222) •<br />

Phospho-HER3/ErbB3 (Tyr1289) •<br />

Phospho-HER3/ErbB3 (Tyr1328) •<br />

HER4/ErbB4 • •<br />

Phospho-HER4/ErbB4 (Pan Tyr) •<br />

Phospho-HER4/ErbB4 (Tyr984) •<br />

Phospho-HER4/ErbB4 (Tyr1284) •<br />

c-Kit • • • •<br />

Phospho-c-Kit (pan Tyr)<br />

•<br />

Phospho-c-Kit (Tyr703) •<br />

Phospho-c-Kit (Tyr719) • •<br />

LRIG1<br />

•<br />

M-CSF Receptor<br />

• •<br />

Phospho-M-CSF Receptor (Tyr546) •<br />

Phospho-M-CSF Receptor (Tyr699) • •<br />

Phospho-M-CSF Receptor (Tyr708) •<br />

Phospho-M-CSF Receptor (Tyr723) • •<br />

Phospho-M-CSF Receptor (Tyr809) •<br />

Phospho-M-CSF Receptor (Tyr923) •<br />

Mer • •<br />

Met<br />

• • • • •<br />

Phospho-Met (pan Tyr)<br />

•<br />

Phospho-Met (Tyr1003) • •<br />

Phospho-Met (Tyr1234/1235) • • • •<br />

Phospho-Met (Tyr1349) • • •<br />

PDGFR-α • • • •<br />

Select Citations:<br />

Wu, J. et al. (2014) EGFR-STAT3 signaling promotes formation<br />

of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Oncogene<br />

33, 173–180.<br />

Sheu, J.J. et al. (2014) LRIG1 modulates aggressiveness of<br />

head and neck cancers by regulating EGFR-MAPK-SPHK1<br />

signaling and extracellular matrix remodeling. Oncogene 33,<br />

1375–1384.<br />

Bronisz, A. et al. (2014) xtracellular vesicles modulate the<br />

glioblastoma microenvironment via a tumor suppression<br />

signaling network directed by miR-1. Cancer Res. 74,<br />

738–750.<br />

De Cesare, M. et al. (2014) Synergistic antitumor activity<br />

of cetuximab and namitecan in human squamous cell<br />

carcinoma models relies on cooperative inhibition of EGFR<br />

expression and depends on high EGFR gene copy number.<br />

Clin. Cancer Res. 20, 995–1006.<br />

Muller, P.A. et al. (2014) Mutant p53 regulates Dicer through<br />

p63-dependent and -independent mechanisms to promote<br />

an invasive phenotype. J. Biol. Chem. 289, 122–132.<br />

Target M P E S C<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-α (Tyr754) •<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-α (Tyr762) •<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-α (Tyr849) •<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-α (Tyr1018) •<br />

Phospho-PDGF Receptor α/β (pan Tyr) •<br />

Phospho-PDGF Receptor α •<br />

(Tyr849)/PDGF Receptor β (Tyr857)<br />

PDGFR-β • • •<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-β (Tyr740) •<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-β (Tyr751) • • •<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-β (Tyr771) •<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-β (Tyr1009) •<br />

Phospho-PDGFR-β (Tyr1021) •<br />

PTK7<br />

•<br />

Ret<br />

• • •<br />

Phospho-Ret (pan Tyr)<br />

•<br />

Phospho-Ret (Tyr905)<br />

•<br />

Ron • •<br />

ROR1<br />

•<br />

ROR2<br />

•<br />

ROS1 • • •<br />

Phospho-ROS1 (pan Tyr)<br />

•<br />

Phospho-ROS1 (Tyr2274) •<br />

Spry1<br />

•<br />

Tie2<br />

•<br />

Phospho-Tie2 (Tyr992) •<br />

Phospho-Tie2 (Ser1119) •<br />

Tyro3<br />

•<br />

VEGFR1<br />

•<br />

VEGFR2 • • • •<br />

Phospho-VEGFR2 (Tyr951) • •<br />

Phospho-VEGFR2 (Tyr996) •<br />

Phospho-VEGFR2 (Tyr1059) •<br />

Phospho-VEGFR2 (Tyr1175) • •<br />

Phospho-VEGFR2 (Tyr1212) •<br />

VEGFR3<br />

• •<br />

Stahlschmidt, W. et al. (2014) Clathrin terminal domainligand<br />

interactions regulate sorting of mannose 6-phosphate<br />

receptors mediated by AP-1 and GGA adaptors. J Biol Chem.<br />

21, 4906–4918.<br />

Tao, J.J. et al. (2014) Antagonism of EGFR and HER3<br />

enhances the response to inhibitors of the PI3K-Akt pathway<br />

in triple-negative breast cancer. Sci. Signal. 7, ra29.<br />

Zhang, F. et al. (2014) Temporal production of the signaling<br />

lipid phosphatidic acid by phospholipase D2 determines the<br />

output of extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in<br />

cancer cells. Mol. Cell Biol. 34, 84–95.<br />

Lee, C.Y. et al. (2014) Neuregulin autocrine signaling<br />

promotes self-renewal of breast tumor-initiating cells by triggering<br />

HER2/HER3 activation. Cancer Res. 74, 341–352.<br />

Bronisz, A. et al. (2014) Extracellular vesicles modulate the<br />

glioblastoma microenvironment via a tumor suppression<br />

signaling network directed by miR-1. Cancer Res. 74,<br />

738–750.<br />

Tyrosine Kinases Kinase-Disease Associations<br />

Name Group Disease Type Molecular Notes<br />

ALK TK Cancer Trans About one third of large-cell lymphomas are caused by a t(2;5)(p23;q35) translocation<br />

that fuses ALK to nucleophosmin (NPM1A). Other cases caused by fusions of ALK to<br />

moesin, non-muscle myosin heavy chain 9, clathrin heavy chain and other genes.<br />

Several fusions also seen in inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors and expression<br />

has been briefly noted in a range of tumors (Medline:15095281). Proposed as tumor<br />

antigen (Medline:11877285). OMIM:105590.<br />

ALK1<br />

(ACVRL1)<br />

ALK2<br />

(ACVR1)<br />

ALK4<br />

(ACVR1B)<br />

TKL Cardiovascular Mut Fourteen distinct mutations linked to hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia type 2<br />

(Osler-Rendu-Weber syndrome 2) [OMIM:600376], associated with intestinal bleeding,<br />

arterial hypertension and arteriovenous malformations. OMIM:601284.<br />

TKL Development Mut Single heterozygous mutation seen in many independent cases of fibrodysplasia ossificans<br />

progressiva [OMIM:135100], causing skeletal malformations and extra-skeletal<br />

bone formation. OMIM:102576.<br />

TKL Cancer Mut, Splice Two somatic truncation mutations seen in pancreatic carcinoma. Unique splice forms<br />

with predicted dominant negative activity. OMIM:601300.<br />

Axl TK Cancer OE Overexpression in tissue culture causes oncogenic transformation. Overexpressed in<br />

several cancers including thyroid (Medline:10411118), ovarian (Medline:15452374),<br />

gastric (Medline:12168903), ER+ breast cancer (Medline:11484958) and acute<br />

myeloid leukemia, where it is associated with poor prognosis (Medline:10482985).<br />

OMIM:109135.<br />

BTK TK Cancer,<br />

Immunity<br />

LOF Mut<br />

EGFR TK Cancer Amp, OE,<br />

GOF Mut<br />

Eph<br />

family<br />

TK<br />

Cancer,<br />

Sensory<br />

LOF mutations cause X-linked agammaglobulinemia [OMIM:300300], arresting<br />

development of B cells and causing recurrent bacterial infections. Truncated splice<br />

forms found in childhood leukemias may underlie radiation resistance of tumors<br />

through inhibition of apoptosis (Medline: 12854903). Inhibitors developed to target B<br />

cell maturation and function. Inhibitor: dasatinib. OMIM:300300.<br />

Overexpressed in breast, head and neck cancers (Medline:15254682) and correlated<br />

with poor survival. Activating somatic mutations seen in lung cancer, corresponding<br />

to minority of patients with strong response to EGFR inhibitor gefinitib. Mutations and<br />

amplification also seen in glioblastoma, and upregulation seen in colon cancer and<br />

neoplasms. In xenografts, inhibitors synergized with cytotoxic drugs in inhibition of many<br />

tumor types (Medline:10815932). Inhibitors: gefinitib/ZD1839 (Astra Zeneca), cetuximab<br />

(mAb, Imclone), erlotinib (OSI/Genentech) lapatinib (Glaxo Smith Kline). OMIM:131550.<br />

A 14-member family of receptor tyrosine kinases with similar functions in intercellular<br />

communication, migration, patterning and angiogenesis. Ephrins are implicated in<br />

development of tumor vasculature and intercellular contacts required for metastasis.<br />

Several members are overexpressed in cancers. Soluble forms (competitive receptors)<br />

have shown some anti-tumor activity and extracellular domains have been used as<br />

tumor-specific antigens.<br />

EphA1 TK Cancer Expr Misexpressed in several cancers and upregulated in head and neck cancer<br />

(Medline:15023838). Downregulated in invasive breast cancer cell lines (Medline:15147954)<br />

and glioblastoma (Medline:14726470). OMIM:179610.<br />

EphA2 TK Cancer OE Overexpressed in many cancers including aggressive ovarian (Medline:15297418),<br />

cervical (Medline:15297167), breast carcinomas (Medline: 15147954) and lung<br />

cancer (Medline:12576426). Expression correlates with degree of angiogenesis<br />

(Medline:14965363), metastasis (Medline: 14767510) and xenograft tumor growth<br />

(Medline:14973554). Soluble receptor inhibits tumor growth and angiogenesis in mice<br />

(Medline:12370823, 14670182). OMIM:176946.<br />

EphA3<br />

(HEK)<br />

TK Cancer Mut Two point mutations seen in a survey of colorectal tumors (Medline:12738854).<br />

Soluble receptors reduce tumor growth and angiogenesis in mouse models (Medline:12370823,<br />

14670182). Nine point mutations found in 294 colon and lung tumors<br />

(Medline:16941478) OMIM:179611.<br />

EphB2 TK Cancer OE, Mut Point mutations seen in prostate cancer (Medline:15300251). Overexpressed and<br />

required for migration of glioblastoma (Medline:15126357). Overexpressed and correlated<br />

with poor survival in breast cancer (Medline:15029258). Overexpression and loss<br />

of heterozygosity seen in colorectal cancers (Medline:11920461, 11166921). Target<br />

for immunoconjugate drug therapy (Medline:14871799). OMIM:600997.<br />

EphB4<br />

(HTK)<br />

TK Cancer OE Required for normal development and angiogenesis of the mammary gland. Angiogenic<br />

functions may be kinase-independent by means of retrograde signaling through its<br />

ephrin-B2 ligand (Medline:15067119). High expression correlates with malignancy in<br />

breast, ovarian and other cancers, but appears to be a survival factor (Medline:16816380,<br />

17353927). Also upregulated in head and neck (Medline:14661437),<br />

endometrial (Medline:12562648) and colon carcinomas (Medline:11801186).<br />

OMIM:600011.<br />

FGFR1 TK Cancer,<br />

Development<br />

Mut, Trans<br />

Point mutations cause Pfeffer syndrome [OMIM:101600] (finger and toe malformations<br />

and other skeletal errors) and dominant Kallmann syndrome 2 [OMIM:147950]. Stem<br />

cell leukemia lymphoma syndrome (SCLL) may be caused by a t(8;13)(p12;q12)<br />

translocation that fuses a zinc finger gene (ZNF198) to FGFR1. Various myeloproliferative<br />

disorders have been linked to translocations that fuse FGFR1 to FOP, FIM, CEP1 or<br />

the atypical kinase, BCR. Inhibitor: SU5402. OMIM:136350.<br />

70 For Research Use Only. Not For Use in Diagnostic Procedures. See pages 302 & 303 for Pathway Diagrams, Application, and Reactivity keys.<br />

www.cellsignal.com/csttables 71

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