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chapter 10: Flow Cytometry (F)<br />

PE conjugated<br />

antibodies deliver<br />

robust Stoke’s<br />

shifts and are ideal<br />

for multiplexing.<br />

Events<br />

Phospho-Akt (Ser473)<br />

Anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab’) 2<br />

Fragment (PE Conjugate) #8885:<br />

Flow cytometric analysis of Jurkat<br />

cells, untreated (green) or treated<br />

with LY294002 #9901, Wortmannin<br />

#9951, and U0126 #9903 (blue), using<br />

Phospho-Akt (Ser473) (D9E) XP ® Rabbit<br />

mAb #4060 detected with #8885.<br />

Flow Cytometry General Protocol<br />

A. Solutions and Reagents<br />

NOTE: Prepare solutions with reverse osmosis deionized or equivalent grade water (dH 2 0).<br />

1. 20X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS): (#9808) To prepare 1 L 1X PBS: add 50 ml 20X PBS to 950 ml dH 2 O, mix.<br />

2. 16% Formaldehyde (methanol free)<br />

3. 100% Methanol<br />

4. Incubation Buffer: Dissolve 0.5 g Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) (#9998) in 100 ml 1X PBS. Store at 4°C.<br />

5. Secondary Antibodies: Anti-mouse (#4408, #8890, #4410, #8887), Anti-rabbit (#4412, #8889, #4414, #8885), Anti-rat<br />

(#4416, #4418)<br />

B. Fixation<br />

1. Collect cells by centrifugation and aspirate supernatant.<br />

2. Resuspend cells in 0.5–1 ml 1X PBS. Add appropriate volume of formaldehyde to obtain a final concentration of<br />

4% (e.g. 750 µl 1X PBS + 250 µl 16% formaldehyde).<br />

3. Fix for 10 min in a 37°C water bath.<br />

4. Chill tubes on ice for 1 min.<br />

5. For extracellular staining with antibodies that do not require permeabilization, proceed to immunostaining (Section D)<br />

or store cells in 1X PBS with 0.1% sodium azide at 4°C; for intracellular staining, proceed to permeabilization (Section C).<br />

C. Permeabilization<br />

NOTE: This step is critical for many <strong>CST</strong> antibodies.<br />

1. Add ice-cold 100% methanol drop-wise to pre-chilled cells, while gently vortexing, to a final concentration of 90% methanol.<br />

Alternatively, remove fix prior to permeabilization by centrifugation and resuspend in 90% methanol as described above.<br />

2. Permeabilize for a minimum of 10 min on ice.<br />

3. Proceed with Immunostaining (Section D) or store cells at -20°C in 90% methanol.<br />

B. Preparation of Whole Blood (fixation, lysis, and permeabilization) for Immunostaining<br />

1. Aliquot 100 μl fresh whole blood per assay tube.<br />

2. OPTIONAL: Place tubes in rack in 37°C water bath for short-term treatments with ligands, inhibitors, drugs, etc.<br />

3. Add 65 μl of 10% formaldehyde to each tube.<br />

4. Vortex briefly and let stand for 15 min at room temperature.<br />

5. Add 1 ml of 0.1% Triton X-100 to each tube.<br />

6. Vortex and let stand for 30 min at room temperature.<br />

7. Add 1 ml incubation buffer.<br />

8. Pellet cells by centrifugation and aspirate supernatant.<br />

9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8.<br />

10. Resuspend cells in ice-cold 50% methanol in PBS (store methanol solution at -20°C until use).<br />

11. Incubate at least 10 min on ice.<br />

12. Proceed with staining or store cells at -20°C in 50% methanol.<br />

C. Staining Using Unlabeled Primary and Conjugated Secondary Antibodies<br />

NOTE: Account for isotype-matched controls for monoclonal antibodies or species matched IgG for polyclonal antibodies.<br />

1. Add 2–3 ml incubation buffer to each tube and wash by centrifugation. Repeat.<br />

2. Add primary antibodies diluted as recommended on datasheet or product webpage in incubation buffer.<br />

3. Incubate for 30–60 min at room temperature.<br />

4. Wash by centrifugation in 2–3 ml incubation buffer.<br />

5. Resuspend cells in fluorochrome-conjugated secondary antibody diluted in incubation buffer according to the manufacturer’s<br />

recommendations.<br />

6. Incubate for 30 min at room temperature.<br />

7. Wash by centrifugation in 2–3 ml incubation buffer.<br />

8. Resuspend cells in 0.5 ml PBS and analyze on flow cytometer.<br />

Cyclin B1<br />

Protocol Reference: Chow, S.,<br />

Hedley, D., Grom, P., Magari, R.,<br />

Jacobberger, J.W., and Shankey,<br />

T.V. (2005) Whole blood fixation<br />

and permeabilization protocol<br />

with red blood cell lysis for flow<br />

cytometry of intracellular phosphorylated<br />

epitopes in leukocyte<br />

subpopulations. Cytometry A.<br />

67, 4–17.<br />

PI/RNase Staining<br />

Solution labels DNA<br />

content without RNA<br />

crossreactivity.<br />

10 4<br />

10 3<br />

10 2<br />

10 1<br />

R-Phycoerythrin<br />

(PE) Conjugates<br />

For the most up-to-date list of ready<br />

to use flow validated antibodies conjugated<br />

to PE, eliminating the time and<br />

costs associated with PE conjugation<br />

and subsequent validation, go to<br />

www.cellsignal.com/peconjugates<br />

D. Immunostaining<br />

1. Aliquot 0.5–1x10 6 cells into each assay tube (by volume).<br />

2. Add 2 ml incubation buffer to each tube and wash by centrifugation. Repeat.<br />

3. Resuspend cells in 100 µl of diluted primary antibody prepared in incubation buffer at the recommended dilution.<br />

See individual antibody datasheet or product webpage for the appropriate dilution.<br />

4. Incubate for 1 hr at room temperature.<br />

5. Wash by centrifugation in 2 ml incubation buffer.<br />

6. If using a fluorochrome-conjugated primary antibody, resuspend cells in 0.5 ml 1X PBS and analyze on flow cytometer;<br />

for unconjugated or biotinylated primary antibodies, proceed to immunostaining (Step 9).<br />

7. Resuspend cells in fluorochrome-conjugated secondary antibody or fluorochrome-conjugated avidin, diluted in incubation<br />

buffer at the recommended dilution.<br />

8. Incubate for 30 min at room temperature.<br />

9. Wash by centrifugation in 2 ml incubation buffer.<br />

10. Resuspend cells in 0.5 ml 1X PBS and analyze on flow cytometer; alternatively, for DNA staining, proceed to optional DNA<br />

dye (Section E).<br />

E. Optional DNA Dye<br />

1. Resuspend cells in 0.5 ml of DNA dye (e.g. Propidium Iodide (PI)/RNase Staining Solution #4087).<br />

2. Incubate for at least 30 min at room temperature.<br />

3. Analyze cells in DNA staining solution on flow cytometer.<br />

Flow Cytometry Alternate Protocol<br />

(for combined staining of intracellular proteins and cell surface markers in blood)<br />

A. Solutions and Reagents<br />

NOTE: Prepare solutions with reverse osmosis deionized or equivalent grade water.<br />

1. 20X Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS): (#9808) To prepare 1 L 1X PBS: add 50 ml 20X PBS to 950 ml dH 2<br />

O, mix.<br />

2. 16% Formaldehyde (methanol free)<br />

3. Triton X-100: To prepare 50 ml of 0.1% Triton X-100 add 50 µl Triton X-100 to 50 ml 1X PBS and mix well.<br />

4. 50% methanol<br />

5. Incubation Buffer: Dissolve 0.5 g Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) (#9998) in 100 ml 1X PBS. Store at 4°C.<br />

6. Secondary Antibodies: Anti-mouse (#4408, #8890, #4410, #8887), Anti-rabbit (#4412, #8889, #4414, #8885), Anti-rat<br />

(#4416, #4418)<br />

Fluorochrome<br />

Reference Table<br />

Max. excitation<br />

wavelength (nm)<br />

Max. emission<br />

wavelength (nm)<br />

Excitation<br />

laser line (nm)<br />

Color<br />

Brilliant Violet 421 407 421 405 violet<br />

DAPI 345 455 360/405 blue<br />

Pacific Blue 404 456 360/407 blue<br />

Hoechst 355 465 360 blue<br />

Alexa Fluor ® 488 495 519 488 green<br />

FITC 495 519 488 green<br />

Pacific Orange 403 551 360/407 orange<br />

Cy 3 548 561 488/532/561 orange<br />

Alexa Fluor ® 555 555 565 488/532/561 orange<br />

Phycoerythrin (PE) 496/566 576 488/532/561 orange<br />

Texas Red ® 595 613 568/595 red<br />

PE-Texas Red ® 496/566 616 488/532 red<br />

Alexa Fluor ® 594 590 617 561/595 red<br />

Propidium iodide (PI) 536 617 488/532 red<br />

7-AAD 546 647 488/532 red<br />

Allophycocyanin (APC) 650 660 633/635 red<br />

Alexa Fluor ® 647 650 665 633/635 red<br />

Cy 5 647 665 633/635 red<br />

PE-Cy 5 496/546 666 488/532/561 red<br />

PerCP 482 678 488/532 red<br />

DRAQ7 599/644 678/694 635/647 red<br />

DRAQ5 ® 647 681/697 488/633/647 red<br />

PE-Cy 5.5 565 693 488 red<br />

APC-Cy 5.5 650 694 633/635/647 red<br />

PerCP-Cy ® 5.5 482 695 488 red<br />

DyLight 680 692 712 680/685 red<br />

Alexa Fluor ® 700 696 719 633/635 near-IR<br />

APC-Cy 7 650 785 633/635 near-IR<br />

PE-Cy 7 496/566 785 488/532/561 near-IR<br />

DyLight 800 777 794 785 near-IR<br />

Alexa Fluor ® 790 784 814 785 near-IR<br />

10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000<br />

DNA (PI)<br />

Propidium Iodide (PI)/RNase Staining<br />

Solution #4087: Flow cytometric analysis<br />

of Jurkat cells using Cyclin B1 (D5C10)<br />

XP ® #12231 Rabbit mAb and #4087 (DNA<br />

content). Anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab’) 2<br />

Fragment (Alexa Fluor ® 488 Conjugate)<br />

#4412 was used as a secondary antibody.<br />

204 For Research Use Only. Not For Use in Diagnostic Procedures. See pages 302 & 303 for Pathway Diagrams, Application, and Reactivity keys.<br />

www.cellsignal.com/cstprotocols<br />


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