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Section I: Research Areas<br />

chapter 06: Development and differentiation<br />

YAP localizes to<br />

the nucleus in low<br />

confluence cells, but<br />

is translocated to the<br />

cytoplasm during<br />

high confluence<br />

(contact inhibition).<br />

Hippo Signaling<br />

Hippo signaling is an evolutionarily conserved pathway that plays a critical role in development by<br />

regulating cell proliferation, apoptosis, and stem cell self-renewal. Activation of the Hippo pathway<br />

(e.g., by cell-cell contact) suppresses cell proliferation by initiating a signaling cascade that results in<br />

phosphorylation, cytoplasmic retention, and proteasomal degradation of the transcriptional co-activators<br />

YAP and TAZ, thereby preventing the transcription of genes that promote proliferation.<br />

A B C<br />

Notch Signaling<br />

The Notch pathway is a contact-dependent signaling cascade mediated by the Notch receptor on the<br />

receiving cell and the Delta-like and Jagged ligands on the signal-sending cell. Receptor-ligand binding<br />

results in a series of cleavages to the Notch receptor, culminating in release of the Notch intracellular<br />

domain (NICD) by γ-secretase. The NICD translocates to the nucleus where it interacts with RBPSUH<br />

and Mastermind-like (MAML) proteins to regulate transcription of target genes that mediate cell fate<br />

decisions in neuronal, cardiac, immune, and endocrine development.<br />

Hedgehog Signaling<br />

The evolutionarily conserved Hedgehog (Hh) pathway plays a critical role in a time and positiondependent<br />

fashion during development. Hedgehog ligands (Sonic, Desert, and Indian Hedgehog) act as<br />

classic morphogens, whose concentration gradient promotes specific developmental outcomes at distinct<br />

concentration thresholds. Hedgehog signaling occurs when a hedgehog family ligand binds to the<br />

receptor Patched (PTCH), releasing Smoothened (SMO) from suppression and allowing it to translocate to<br />

primary cilium. Once there, SMO signals through G proteins, ultimately leading to nuclear translocation<br />

of GLI zinc finger transcription factors. Hedgehog signaling is instrumental early in embryogenesis,<br />

orchestrating neural plate patterning and ventral polarity of the neural tube, and anterior-posterior axis<br />

patterning (e.g. during limb formation). Defects in Hh signaling are the most common cause of midline<br />

birth defects, resulting in disorders such as holoprosencephaly, which is characterized by incomplete<br />

separation of the forebrain hemispheres and their derivatives. The Hedgehog pathway has also been<br />

shown to play a role in maintenance of adult stem cells, particularly neural progenitors and hematopoietic<br />

stem cells.<br />

YAP (D8H1X) XP ® Rabbit mAb #14074: Confocal IF analysis of low confluence MCF 10A cells (A), high confluence MCF 10A (B), and<br />

YAP-negative RL-7 cells (C) using #14074 (green). Blue pseudocolor in lower images = DRAQ5 ® #4084 (fluorescent DNA dye). Increased<br />

nuclear localization of YAP protein is seen in low confluence (proliferating) cells.<br />

TGF-β/BMP Signaling<br />

Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily signaling plays a critical role in the regulation of cell<br />

proliferation, differentiation, developmental patterning and morphogenesis, and disease pathogenesis.<br />

In the canonical TGF-β signaling pathway, ligand binding to one of the three types of TGF-β receptors<br />

results in receptor activation and phosphorylation of the Smad2/3 or Smad1/5/9 effector proteins.<br />

These phosphorylated Smads dimerize with the co-activating Smad4 and translocate to the nucleus,<br />

where they stimulate transcription of target genes. TGF-β receptors can also signal through noncanonical<br />

(Smad-independent) pathways that promote cytoskeletal rearrangement and adhesion through<br />

activation of RhoA, Rac/cdc42, and PI3K pathways.<br />

BMP2 treatment results in phosphorylation<br />

of Smad1/5 at Ser463/465.<br />

Phospho-Smad1 (Ser463/465)/Smad5 (Ser463/465)/Smad9 (Ser465/467)<br />

(D5B10) Rabbit mAb #13820: WB analysis of extracts from Hep G2 or MEF cells,<br />

untreated (-) or treated with Human BMP2 #4697 (50 ng/ml, 30 min; +), using<br />

#13820 (upper) and Smad1 (D59D7) XP ® Rabbit mAb #6944 (lower).<br />

Lanes<br />

1. Hep G2<br />

2. MEF<br />

kDa<br />

140<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

140<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

1 2<br />

Phospho-Smad1<br />

(Ser463/465)/<br />

Smad5 (Ser463/465)/<br />

Smad9 (Ser465/467)<br />

Smad1<br />

Development and Cancer<br />

Ectopic activation or dysregulation of embryonic signaling pathways is recognized as an important<br />

contributor to tumorigenesis in many contexts. For example, constitutive activation of the Hedgehog<br />

pathway by mutations in PTCH or SMO are strongly linked to basal cell carcinoma and medulloblastoma.<br />

Likewise, mutations in components of the Wnt signaling pathway, which can lead to increased stability<br />

and transcriptional activity of β-catenin, are directly associated with colorectal, gastric, hepatocellular,<br />

ovarian, breast, and prostrate cancers. In Hippo signaling, the central pathway mediators, YAP and<br />

TAZ, function as oncogenes, and amplification of YAP has been associated with a variety of tumors<br />

including hepatocellular, lung, colorectal, breast, and liver carcinomas. The TGF-β signaling pathway<br />

is recognized as a potentially important driver of cancer metastasis, through its ability to regulate the<br />

process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).<br />

Cancer stem cells (CSC) are a rare sub-population of tumorigenic cells found within tumors that (like<br />

normal stem cells) are multipotent and self-renewing. These cells posses tumor-initiating potential and<br />

can differentiate into all the other cell types that compose the bulk of the tumor. Cell surface markers<br />

can distinguish CSCs from differentiated cancer cells in many tumor types and be used to purify subpopulations<br />

of CSCs. These include CD133, CD44, CD24, ALDH1, and EpCAM, among others.<br />

Select Reviews<br />

Addis, R.C. and Epstein, J.A. (2013) Nat. Med. 19, 829−836. • Ader, M. and Tanaka, E.M. (2014) Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 31C,<br />

23−28. • Gieseck, R.L. 3rd, Colquhoun, J., and Hannan, N.R. (2014) Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Jun 2 [Epub ahead of print] •<br />

Ingham, P.W. and McMahon, A.P. (2001) Genes and Dev. 15, 3059−3087. • Isobe, K.I., Cheng, Z., Nishio, N. et al. (2014) Nat.<br />

Biotechnol. 31, 411−421. • Itoh, F., Watabe, T., and Miyazono, K. (2014) Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 32C, 98−106. • Jamieson,<br />

C., Sharma, M., and Henderson, B.R. (2014) Semin. Cancer Biol. 27C, 20−29. • Jiang, J. and Hui, C-C. (2008) Developmental<br />

Cell 15, 801−812. • Jopling, C., Boue, S., and Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. (2011) Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 12, 79−89. • Kreso,<br />

A. and Dickemail, J.E. (2014) Cell Stem Cell 14, 275–291. • Lien, W.H. and Fuchs, E. (2014) Genes Dev. 28, 1517−1532. •<br />

Ntziachristos, P., Lim, J.S., Sage, J., et al. (2014) Cancer Cell 25, 318−334. • Robbins, D.J., Fei, D.L., and Riobo, N.A. (2012)<br />

Sci. Signal. 5, re6. • Sánchez, A.A. and Yamanaka, S. (2014) Cell 157, 110−119. • Sarkar, A. and Hochedlinger, K. (2013)<br />

Cell Stem Cell 12, 15−30. • Torres-Padilla, M.E. and Chambers, I. (2014) Development 141, 2173−2181. • Varelas, X.<br />

(2014) Development 141, 1614−1626.<br />

Elevated levels of<br />

β-catenin are found in<br />

colon carcinoma.<br />

β-Catenin (D10A8) XP ® Rabbit mAb<br />

#8480: IHC analysis of paraffin-embedded<br />

human colon carcinoma using #8480.<br />

Amplification of YAP is<br />

associated with breast<br />

adenocarcinoma.<br />

20<br />

– +<br />

– +<br />

Human BMP2<br />

Cancer Research<br />

Please visit our website to learn more about the scientific tools and educational resources we have online for cancer<br />

signaling and proteomic analysis, including discussion of key disease drivers. www.cellsignal.com/cancerguide<br />

YAP (D8H1X) XP ® Rabbit mAb #14074:<br />

IHC analysis of paraffin-embedded human<br />

breast adenocarcinoma using #14074.<br />

156 For Research Use Only. Not For Use in Diagnostic Procedures. See pages 302 & 303 for Pathway Diagrams, Application, and Reactivity keys.<br />

www.cellsignal.com/cstdevelopment<br />


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