The Calvary Connection - Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & School of ...

The Calvary Connection - Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & School of ...

The Calvary Connection - Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church & School of ...


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Mount <strong>Calvary</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, Redding, California<br />

September 2013<br />

Volume 9, Issue 9<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Calvary</strong> <strong>Connection</strong><br />

Cookin’ God’s books<br />

Inside this issue:<br />

Kick Off! 2<br />

What an experience 3<br />

Meatballs for missions 4<br />

Learn ways to reach out 4<br />

Stewardship after you die 5<br />

It’s a team effort 8<br />

Lesson from a teenager 11<br />

I need more...confidence 12<br />

Mount <strong>Calvary</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

<strong>Church</strong> · Early Childhood Center · Elementary <strong>School</strong><br />

3961 Alta Mesa Drive · Redding, CA 96002<br />

<strong>Church</strong> · 530.221.2480 <strong>School</strong> · 530.221.2451<br />

Website · www.mtcalvaryredding.org<br />

Email · church@mtcalvaryredding.org<br />

Pastor · Brian Doebler Principal · Dan Douglas<br />

Early Childhood Director · Mollie Dorn<br />

Could we become guilty <strong>of</strong><br />

cookin’ the books when it<br />

comes to our freewill <strong>of</strong>ferings<br />

Major corporations filing for<br />

bankruptcy . . . CEOs indicted<br />

. . . accounting firms called<br />

on the carpet. <strong>The</strong>se have<br />

been headlines from last<br />

year. Somebody’s been<br />

“cookin’ the books,” and the<br />

pot’s overflowing! Are we<br />

distraught, angry, fearful that<br />

this could happen That<br />

shareholders in large companies<br />

would be cheated, that<br />

some would lose their pensions<br />

and other retirement<br />

benefits “How could large<br />

companies do that to the<br />

shareholders” we ask.<br />

Would we do the same to<br />

God Would people dare to<br />

cook the books and cheat<br />

God It’s happened before.<br />

Through Malachi God tells his<br />

people near the end <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Old Testament era, “When<br />

you bring blind animals for<br />

sacrifice, is that not wrong<br />

When you sacrifice crippled<br />

or diseased animals, is that<br />

not wrong Try <strong>of</strong>fering them<br />

to your governor! Would he<br />

be pleased with you Would<br />

he accept you . . . Cursed is<br />

the cheat who has an acceptable<br />

male in his flock and<br />

vows to give it, but then sacrifices<br />

a blemished animal to<br />

the Lord. For I am a great<br />

king . . . Will a man rob God<br />

Yet you rob me. But you ask,<br />

‘How do we rob you’ In<br />

tithes and <strong>of</strong>ferings” (Malachi<br />

1:8,14, 3:8).<br />

In that era, when tithes and<br />

sacrifices were part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

law, a great many in Israel<br />

were cookin’ the books and<br />

cheating God himself. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

were bringing their worst<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> their best, the leftovers<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> the<br />

firstfruits. If they did that<br />

with the tithes and sacrifices<br />

demanded by law, what were<br />

their “freewill <strong>of</strong>ferings” like<br />

Today, in the New Testament<br />

age <strong>of</strong> freedom, we’re no<br />

longer laboring under the<br />

laws <strong>of</strong> sacrifices and tithes.<br />

We have the freedom to<br />

bring our <strong>of</strong>ferings to God<br />

cheerfully and willingly in<br />

love for him who first loved<br />

us. We can tithe or do more<br />

(and in some circumstances,<br />

less) if we wish. Yet, could we<br />

too become guilty <strong>of</strong> cookin’<br />

the books when it comes to<br />

our freewill <strong>of</strong>ferings<br />

Do we find ourselves thinking,<br />

“Let’s see, that eight<br />

percent I’m going to give to<br />

the Lord this year . . . is that<br />

before taxes or after taxes<br />

Before the house and car<br />

payments or after I’ve taken<br />

care <strong>of</strong> those necessities<br />

Before that anniversary trip<br />

to Hawaii or after” What<br />

does “firstfruits” (in Proverbs<br />

3:9) really mean<br />

If we look into our own hearts<br />

and stewardship practices<br />

and indict ourselves for<br />

cookin’ God’s books today,<br />

what can we do No better<br />

example can be found than<br />

that <strong>of</strong> two “book cookers” <strong>of</strong><br />

long ago. One stood in the<br />

temple, bowed his head, and<br />

prayed, “Lord, be merciful to<br />

me, a sinner.” <strong>The</strong> other,<br />

named Zacchaeus, vowed to<br />

stop cheating and give back<br />

to others what he had taken<br />

for his own selfish purposes.<br />

Perhaps it’s time for many <strong>of</strong><br />

us to do the same with our<br />

<strong>of</strong>ferings—to ask God to forgive<br />

the selfishness that has<br />

led us to cheat him out <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong>ferings he deserves as the<br />

God <strong>of</strong> grace who has saved<br />

us and to bring him the <strong>of</strong>ferings<br />

that truly express our<br />

thankfulness for all our undeserved<br />

blessings, always<br />

trusting in our Savior’s promises<br />

to supply all <strong>of</strong> our<br />

needs.<br />

Source: Forward in Christ, January<br />

2003, an article by WELS Pastor Roy<br />


P a g e 2 T h e C a l v a r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I s s u e 9<br />

Kick Off!<br />

Opposing forces are<br />

Satan and your Savior.<br />

Who’s “team” will you be on<br />

Sunday, September 8, is the<br />

Kick-Off for a new year <strong>of</strong><br />

Sunday <strong>School</strong>. <strong>The</strong> start <strong>of</strong><br />

a new school year is a great<br />

opportunity for families to<br />

reestablish the routine <strong>of</strong><br />

studying God’s Word on Sunday<br />

morning — for children,<br />

teens and adults.<br />

Sunday <strong>School</strong> is a vital component<br />

<strong>of</strong> our congregation’s<br />

program <strong>of</strong> Christian education<br />

that gives children a solid<br />

foundation in the Bible<br />

before they being catechism<br />

instruction. Sunday <strong>School</strong> is<br />

intended to assist parents in<br />

their God-given responsibility<br />

<strong>of</strong> raising their children “in<br />

the training and instruction<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4)<br />

This year our Sunday <strong>School</strong><br />

will operate a little differently.<br />

We’ll still start with an<br />

opening in the sanctuary, an<br />

inspiring time <strong>of</strong> songs, Scripture<br />

and <strong>of</strong>ferings to help<br />

others. (See article below for<br />

<strong>of</strong>fering details.) After the<br />

opening the students will be<br />

split into two groups. One<br />

group will first go to a lesson,<br />

while the other group will do<br />

a craft project. After about<br />

20 minutes, the groups will<br />

switch activities.<br />

All children from age three<br />

through eighth grade are<br />

encouraged to attend Sunday<br />

<strong>School</strong>. A Teen Bible<br />

Class meets in the room next<br />

to Pastor’s <strong>of</strong>fice for those in<br />

9-12 grades. Adults are<br />

urged to witness to their children<br />

by their own participation<br />

in adult Bible class, held<br />

in the fellowship hall.<br />

Orphanages in India<br />

Above: a “closet” box for storing all<br />

your things. Below: sleeping on a<br />

mat on the floor.<br />

So you think you’ve got it<br />

tough You can “only” afford<br />

basic cable, not the full package.<br />

Your computer is five<br />

years old and slower than<br />

molasses. You can't afford to<br />

eat out more than twice a<br />

week. Yeah, rough life.<br />

Compare your life style to<br />

300 children living in ten rented<br />

homes across India. Do<br />

the math — that’s about 30<br />

kids in each home — except<br />

for the home for children<br />

with AIDS. That home has<br />

only about a dozen children.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are WELS-supported<br />

orphanages.<br />

Each home has 3 rooms — a<br />

sleeping room for boys and<br />

another for girls, plus a common<br />

room for eating and<br />

studying. Toilet and wash<br />

area (no showers, no tub) are<br />

outside.<br />

Sleeping is not in beds with<br />

s<strong>of</strong>t mattresses and clean<br />

sheets — it’s on a straw mat<br />

on the floor. You get to eat<br />

meat once a week, an egg<br />

once a week, a piece <strong>of</strong> fruit<br />

once a week. You are given a<br />

glass <strong>of</strong> buttermilk at breakfast.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> the day you<br />

will drink water. Not flavored<br />

water. Not Kool-Aid.<br />

Not soda. You will eat mainly<br />

rice and curry.<br />

You will be given one school<br />

uniform to wear and it will<br />

have to last you the entire<br />

year. You will wash your own<br />

clothes by hand. You will<br />

have one plastic storage box<br />

to hold all your personal<br />

items — your uniform, underwear,<br />

books, any other<br />

clothes you might have.<br />

You will walk from the orphanage<br />

to school. <strong>The</strong><br />

schools are taught by WELStrained<br />

native pastors. If you<br />

are a lucky child, you will<br />

share your desk with other<br />

students. Otherwise, you will<br />

sit on the floor. You will learn<br />

three languages: English,<br />

your own native language,<br />

and the <strong>of</strong>ficial language <strong>of</strong><br />

India. You will study God’s<br />

Word, math, and social studies.<br />

Do not think the children’s<br />

parents are dead. <strong>The</strong>ir parents<br />

are very much alive!<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir parents sent their children,<br />

as young as five years<br />

old, out to work to earn money<br />

to feed and shelter the<br />

family. <strong>The</strong> child may have a<br />

job in a quarry breaking rocks<br />

into smaller pieces. Or the<br />

child may pick seeds out <strong>of</strong><br />

cotton balls at harvest time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> WELS orphanages have<br />

saved the children from these<br />

desperate lives and provided<br />

them not only with food and<br />

shelter but with a Christian<br />

education also.<br />

This school year, all the Sunday<br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong>ferings will go<br />

to WELS orphanages in India.<br />

As a teen or adult, you may<br />

also contribute. Use either a<br />

plain envelope or a<br />

“Designated Gift” envelope<br />

— write on it “Indian Orphanages”,<br />

and drop it in an <strong>of</strong>fering<br />

plate during worship.<br />

You may also make a donation<br />

through Meatballs for<br />

Missions (see page 4 for more<br />


T h e C a l va r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I ss u e 9<br />

P a g e 3<br />

What an experience!<br />

What an experience!<br />

You don't have to travel to<br />

the Holy Land to experience<br />

it. It's been brought to Redding.<br />

Just as the original<br />

Tabernacle <strong>of</strong> the Wilderness<br />

moved about the desert, this<br />

life-size replica moves about<br />

the United States, impacting<br />

lives.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Tabernacle Experience is<br />

not a museum. It is not a<br />

theatre production. <strong>The</strong> Tabernacle<br />

Experience is an encounter<br />

with the Living God!<br />

This replica <strong>of</strong> the portable<br />

sanctuary remains true to the<br />

precise size and layout <strong>of</strong> the<br />

original Tabernacle constructed<br />

by Moses. Visitors<br />

will take a self-guided 55 minute<br />

audio driven tour, learning<br />

at each station about the<br />

tent that housed the Ark <strong>of</strong><br />

the Covenant over 3000 years<br />

ago, as described in great<br />

detail in the book <strong>of</strong> Exodus.<br />

Jesus the Christ is revealed in<br />

every aspect <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Tabernacle.<br />

One step inside the Tabernacle<br />

Courtyard will translate<br />

you into Old Testament<br />

times. You will experience a<br />

day in the life <strong>of</strong> an Old Testament<br />

priest as you engage<br />

in the duties and rituals within<br />

the Tabernacle.<br />

First you will be 'clothed' in<br />

the White Linen Garment <strong>of</strong><br />

the priest. At the Altar <strong>of</strong><br />

Burnt Offering you will lay<br />

your sacrifice on its consuming<br />

fire. You'll approach the<br />

Laver and wash your hands in<br />

preparation for the work <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord. At the Lampstand<br />

you'll light an oil lamp and<br />

eat at <strong>The</strong> Table <strong>of</strong> Bread.<br />

<strong>The</strong> smoke rising at the Altar<br />

<strong>of</strong> Incense will heighten your<br />

senses and remind you <strong>of</strong><br />

your prayers ascending to the<br />

very throne <strong>of</strong> God. As you<br />

draw back the Curtain and<br />

enter <strong>The</strong> Most Holy Place<br />

your journey will culminate<br />

before the Ark <strong>of</strong> the Covenant<br />

and the Mercy Seat.<br />

You will be ushered out <strong>of</strong><br />

the ordinary and into his extraordinary<br />

presence.<br />

If you are available on Monday<br />

evening, September 16<br />

and would like to participate<br />

in a group tour with other MC<br />

members, FIRST: sign up by<br />

this Sunday on the Opportunity<br />

Board so an appropriate<br />

group reservation can be<br />

made. SECOND: Join in a<br />

meal and fellowship before the<br />

tour. Meet at 6:00 PM at In &<br />

Out on Dana Drive. At 6:45 we<br />

will drive to Little Country<br />

<strong>Church</strong> for our group tour.<br />

THIRD: Bring your own ear<br />

buds or head phones for a better<br />

listening experience.<br />

FOURTH: suggested donations<br />

are: $5 adults, $3 children,<br />

$20 max for a family.<br />

If you are unable to participate<br />

with the group on September<br />

16, the Tabernacle Experience<br />

will be at Little Country <strong>Church</strong><br />

from September through 23.<br />

Walk-ins are welcome or call<br />

222-4092 (LCC) to make a reservation.<br />

FIFTH: A follow-up Bible study<br />

will be held the following Monday,<br />

September 30, at 6:30 PM<br />

at MC. Topic: Hebrews: Out <strong>of</strong><br />

the Shadow <strong>of</strong> the Tabernacle.

P a g e 4 T h e C a l v a r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I s s u e 9<br />

Meatballs for missions<br />

Mount <strong>Calvary</strong>’s LWMS will<br />

host another Meatballs for<br />

Missions fun-raiser dinner at<br />

MC on Sunday, September<br />

22 from 5:00-8:00 PM.<br />

On the menu will be spaghetti<br />

and meatballs, tossed<br />

green salad, garlic bread,<br />

sparkling cider, an ice cream<br />

dessert, c<strong>of</strong>fee, and tea. You<br />

will be seated at a table and<br />

served restaurant style. Entertainment<br />

will be provided<br />

by Noël Ross and her accompanist.<br />

Sign-up (reservations!) on the<br />

Opportunity Board. Just like<br />

restaurant reservations, you<br />

will be able to choose your<br />

arrival time and the number<br />

<strong>of</strong> diners in your party.<br />

You can enjoy all this for a<br />

simple, generous donation to<br />

support our LWMS mission<br />

projects: India Orphanages/<br />

<strong>School</strong>s Project (see the article<br />

on page 2 for more details)<br />

and WELS-Canada Evangelist<br />

& Pastoral Studies Institute<br />

Training. This is our last year<br />

to support these two projects.<br />

Our last Meatballs for Missions<br />

was a huge success raising<br />

funds as well as providing<br />

an enjoyable evening <strong>of</strong> food<br />

and entertainment.<br />

If you don't come, you'll miss<br />

a lot <strong>of</strong> fun and a great way<br />

to support the Lord’s work.<br />

Put September 22 on your<br />

calendar!<br />

Sylvia Huss<br />

Learn effective ways to reach out<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Outreach,<br />

which includes two group<br />

workshops, is provided by<br />

the WELS Commission on<br />

Evangelism and our AZ/CA<br />

District Evangelism Commission.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Outreach<br />

serves congregations with<br />

planning, assistance, and<br />

resources for congregational<br />

evangelism programming<br />

and implementation <strong>of</strong> outreach<br />

strategies.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first one-day workshop<br />

will be held at MC on Saturday,<br />

September 21 from 8:30<br />

AM to 3:00 PM. Our AZ/CA<br />

District Evangelism Coordinator<br />

- Pastor Steven Hillmer<br />

– will be our guest presenter.<br />

He is also Pastor at <strong>The</strong><br />

Springs <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in<br />

Sparks, NV.<br />

This workshop is not just for<br />

the Evangelism/Outreach<br />

Committee. It is for all interested<br />

members. Leaders on<br />

the <strong>Church</strong> Board should<br />

definitely plan to participate.<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> the skills shared at<br />

the workshop can be applied<br />

to the work <strong>of</strong> all committees.<br />

If you would like to attend<br />

on September 21,<br />

please sign up on the Opportunity<br />

Board. Please also<br />

indicate your choice <strong>of</strong> Subway<br />

sandwich for lunch. (No<br />

charge for lunch, but please<br />

consider bringing a snack or<br />

dessert to share.)<br />

At the workshop, there are<br />

breakout sessions at which<br />

Pastor Hillmer will work with<br />

us about our outreach plans<br />

and strategies. A second oneday<br />

workshop will be held at<br />

MC between<br />

Christmas and<br />

Lent.<br />

In the months<br />

following each<br />

<strong>of</strong> the workshops,<br />

Pastor<br />

Hillmer will<br />

make several<br />

contacts to<br />

<strong>of</strong>fer follow-up<br />

assistance specific<br />

to us.<br />

In preparation for the first<br />

workshop, MC will complete<br />

a Congregational Pr<strong>of</strong>ile and<br />

Community Pr<strong>of</strong>ile. This will<br />

help our congregational leaders<br />

plan specific outreach<br />

strategies for Redding at the<br />

first workshop. At the second<br />

workshop, MC members<br />

will learn more about Friendship<br />

Witnessing, <strong>Church</strong><br />

Identity in the Community,<br />

Worship Welcome and Assimilation.<br />

In the months following each<br />

<strong>of</strong> the workshops, advisors<br />

follow-up with MC in order to<br />

answer questions, supply<br />

resources, and give advice for<br />

fulfilling the goals that were<br />

discussed and planned at the<br />

workshops.<br />

Mount <strong>Calvary</strong> has already<br />

paid the registration fee <strong>of</strong><br />

$225 per congregation. <strong>The</strong><br />

fee includes workbooks for<br />

each participant, lunch and<br />

refreshments for both sessions<br />

and the follow-up contacts<br />

by the advisors. Faith/<br />

Anderson has also registered<br />

for participation in the <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Outreach at MC.

T h e C a l va r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I ss u e 9<br />

P a g e 5<br />

Stewardship after you die<br />

Endowments supported by<br />

WELS Foundation and the<br />

WELS ministerial education<br />

schools generated distributions<br />

<strong>of</strong> more than $1.6 million<br />

from endowment funds<br />

benefiting WELS ministries in<br />

2013. <strong>The</strong> endowments provide<br />

a dependable increasing<br />

source <strong>of</strong> support to numerous<br />

mission projects, student<br />

scholarships, ministries to<br />

those with special needs, and<br />

educational programs in our<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong> schools.<br />

<strong>The</strong> four WELS ministerial<br />

education schools—<br />

Wisconsin <strong>Lutheran</strong> Seminary,<br />

Mequon, WI; Martin<br />

Luther College, New Ulm,<br />

MN; Luther Preparatory<br />

<strong>School</strong>, Watertown, WI; and<br />

Michigan <strong>Lutheran</strong> Seminary,<br />

Saginaw, MI—can use the<br />

distributions for student financial<br />

assistance and other<br />

educational programs.<br />

“Every year the endowment<br />

distributions for financial<br />

assistance enable a certain<br />

number <strong>of</strong> students at our<br />

ministerial education schools<br />

to continue preparing for the<br />

ministry. Many would not<br />

otherwise be able to attend<br />

our schools,” says Rev. Paul<br />

Prange, administrator <strong>of</strong><br />

Ministerial Education.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gifts to World and Home<br />

Missions will fund current<br />

and new mission projects.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> opportunities to reach<br />

out with the gospel are as<br />

endless as the number <strong>of</strong><br />

people in this world. This<br />

distribution allows us to jump<br />

-start mission work that otherwise<br />

would have to be put<br />

on hold. Our hearts rejoice as<br />

we see this urgent work expand,”<br />

says Rev. Larry<br />

Schlomer, administrator <strong>of</strong><br />

World Missions.<br />

Rev. Keith Free, administrator<br />

for Home Missions, says,<br />

“<strong>The</strong> endowment funds along<br />

with generous gifts from our<br />

WELS members typically<br />

allow Home Missions to open<br />

one to two more missions a<br />

year.”<br />

WELS Endowment Funds are<br />

donor-restricted gifts that are<br />

invested in diversified investment<br />

portfolios usually managed<br />

by WELS Investment Funds.<br />

Gifts <strong>of</strong> any amount can be added<br />

to the existing WELS Endowment<br />

Funds.<br />

Donors can also establish new<br />

donor designated endowment<br />

funds. <strong>The</strong> minimum funding for<br />

a new endowment fund is<br />

$25,000. Endowments can be<br />

funded with current gifts or testamentary<br />

gifts (e.g. wills, beneficiary<br />

designations on retirement<br />

accounts, life insurance<br />

proceeds). WELS Foundation<br />

also provides endowment administration<br />

for congregations.<br />

For more information about how<br />

an endowment fund can provide<br />

a source <strong>of</strong> ongoing financial<br />

support for WELS, your congregation,<br />

or other ministry, visit:<br />

http://welsfoundation.net/.<br />

Worship God with planned gifts<br />

In addition to regular <strong>of</strong>ferings,<br />

another way people can<br />

support the Lord’s work is<br />

through planned gifts such as<br />

a will or another type <strong>of</strong> giving<br />

instrument set up by the<br />

government to encourage<br />

charitable giving.<br />

While <strong>of</strong>fering an opportunity<br />

for worshipping God, these<br />

instruments also provide<br />

perks such as tax deductions<br />

that help people take care <strong>of</strong><br />

their families and their own<br />

needs.<br />

Unfortunately many people<br />

haven’t heard much about<br />

planned giving.<br />

On Sunday, September 29,<br />

our district’s Planned Giving<br />

Counselor, Pastor Rich<br />

Kogler, will be at Mount <strong>Calvary</strong>.<br />

He will participate in<br />

our worship services as well<br />

as make a presentation during<br />

Bible Class on estate<br />

planning. Pastor Kogler will<br />

also be available that weekend<br />

to meet privately with<br />

individuals to discuss their<br />

personal questions.<br />

MC’s Endowment Committee<br />

members include Rob Waterman,<br />

Dennis Riley, Debbie<br />

Sprague, and Ron Bresolin.

P a g e 6 T h e C a l v a r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I s s u e 9<br />

Parishable items<br />

Remember 9/11 Of course<br />

you do. You remember<br />

where you were when you<br />

first heard about the attack.<br />

Did you keep a journal in<br />

2001 where you wrote down<br />

your thoughts about the day<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> us probably didn’t<br />

keep a diary then or now.<br />

But Anita Rupprecht, who<br />

taught our second, third and<br />

fourth graders at that time,<br />

did memorialize the attack<br />

and what it meant to the children<br />

in her class. Anita asked<br />

her students to write about<br />

their thoughts and feelings.<br />

She incorporated those<br />

thoughts into a newsletter<br />

the following week. A copy<br />

<strong>of</strong> that newsletter is posted<br />

on the Opportunity Board.<br />

You may be surprised who<br />

was in Anita’s classroom in<br />

2001 — they’re not little children<br />

any more! Please read<br />

the children’s comments —<br />

the newsletter will only be<br />

posted until September 15.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 50th anniversary <strong>of</strong><br />

Mount <strong>Calvary</strong>’s first worship<br />

service is coming in November<br />

<strong>of</strong> next year. To thank<br />

the Lord for all his blessings<br />

over these 50 years, a planning<br />

committee is organizing.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir first meeting will<br />

be Monday, September 16 at<br />

7:00 PM. If you would like to<br />

plan and/or carry out the<br />

plans, then speak with Brenda<br />

Wilson. Many willing<br />

hands are needed to create a<br />

God-pleasing celebration.<br />

Fall LWMS Rally is October<br />

19, 2013 at St. Mark’s <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

in Citrus Heights. <strong>The</strong> rally<br />

theme is “You are the Light<br />

<strong>of</strong> the World” based on Matthew<br />

5:14. Everyone (ladies<br />

and men as well as teens!) is<br />

invited and child care will be<br />

provided. <strong>The</strong> speaker will be<br />

Pastor James Buske from<br />

Lighthouse Youth Center,<br />

Milwaukee, WI. Pastor Buske<br />

works with Urban Outreach.<br />

<strong>The</strong> day will include worship,<br />

Bible study, food and fellowship.<br />

Christian stewardship is defined<br />

as the free and joyous<br />

activity <strong>of</strong> the child <strong>of</strong> God<br />

and God’s family, the church,<br />

in managing all <strong>of</strong> life and<br />

life’s resources for God’s purposes.<br />

A blind person asked St. Anthony:<br />

"Can there be anything<br />

worse than losing eye<br />

sight" He replied: "Yes, losing<br />

your vision."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Privilege <strong>of</strong> Evangelism<br />

If God so wished, he could<br />

trumpet his gospel to the<br />

whole world over one gigantic<br />

audio-visual system. But that<br />

is not his way. Instead he<br />

grants us human beings—<br />

interesting or dull, lively and<br />

humorous or thoughtful and<br />

ponderous—the infinite privilege<br />

<strong>of</strong> getting out the good<br />

Word about Jesus Christ. And<br />

that for the sake <strong>of</strong> people<br />

whose eyes need so terribly to<br />

see his face, his loving look.<br />

Source: Walter C. Riess, author <strong>of</strong><br />

Say It for God’s Sake, Northwestern<br />

Publishing House.<br />

More outreach opportunities<br />

Hope you read the article on<br />

page 4 about the upcoming<br />

Evangelism Seminar! Don’t<br />

miss this opportunity to learn<br />

and grow!<br />

<strong>The</strong> Outreach Committee is<br />

also looking for volunteers --<br />

especially teens -- to start our<br />

puppet ministry. Kids, do<br />

you have something to say<br />

This is your chance to be<br />

heard. We need scripts written,<br />

music selected, and<br />

practice, practice, practice so<br />

that we can present God’s<br />

love in the best possible light.<br />

If you want to be part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

puppet ministry, speak to<br />

Ashley Rhodes.<br />

We would like to have another<br />

day at Kids Kingdom just<br />

for puppet shows. . .before<br />

the weather changes. We’d<br />

also like to do shows at the<br />

House <strong>of</strong> Hope in Redding, (a<br />

home for women and children<br />

sponsored by Good<br />

News Mission).<br />

Please call me or speak with<br />

me on Sundays if you would<br />

like to have participate in any<br />

<strong>of</strong> our outreach programs!<br />

Mark Wallace, Chairman

T h e C a l va r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I ss u e 9<br />

P a g e 7<br />

Inspiration<br />

At times even the strongest<br />

<strong>of</strong> Christians may feel weak<br />

in their faith. Maybe it's at a<br />

particularly hard time in life.<br />

Maybe it's during a time <strong>of</strong><br />

reflection when questions<br />

arise about faith, life, and<br />

salvation. In FIC’s cover article<br />

this month, Pastor Fred<br />

Kogler tells a story about<br />

how his mentor, friend, and<br />

fellow pastor was questioning<br />

his faith and his ministry<br />

on his deathbed. What did<br />

Pastor Kogler do He reminded<br />

this faithful Christian<br />

about his baptism.<br />

Our baptism is an event in<br />

our lives that none <strong>of</strong> us<br />

should forget. <strong>The</strong> baptismal<br />

font found in each <strong>of</strong> our<br />

churches reminds us how we<br />

are all redeemed children <strong>of</strong><br />

God. That's also one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

reasons why there is a font at<br />

the new Center <strong>of</strong> Mission<br />

and Ministry in Waukesha<br />

(WELS headquarters). Pres.<br />

Schroeder shares more about<br />

this and the importance <strong>of</strong><br />

remembering our baptism<br />

throughout our lives in his<br />

message this month.<br />

We all rejoice when another<br />

child is added to God's family<br />

through baptism. I wish we<br />

could run all the baptism pictures<br />

that are submitted to<br />

the magazine. We did include<br />

one in this issue—<strong>of</strong> a person<br />

with disabilities in Malawi,<br />

Africa.<br />

Julie Wietzke<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Forward in Christ<br />

Articles in this issue:<br />

Singing the Songs <strong>of</strong> Scripture<br />

Buddha is dead and in his<br />

grave<br />

<strong>The</strong> September issue <strong>of</strong> Forward<br />

in Christ is available in<br />

the church entry. It’s free.<br />

Help yourself!<br />

Sierra Circuit news<br />

Mount <strong>Calvary</strong> is one <strong>of</strong> nine<br />

WELS congregations that<br />

form the Sierra Circuit in<br />

Northern California. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

are our closest fellow believers.<br />

Christ <strong>Lutheran</strong> in Lodi<br />

worked very hard this summer<br />

on their new church facilities,<br />

made by joining modular<br />

units together to form a<br />

worship space, plus a fellowship<br />

and administrative area.<br />

This will enable them to<br />

move out <strong>of</strong> their present<br />

church, which is not in the<br />

best neighborhood, to their<br />

new location on the growing<br />

south side <strong>of</strong> Lodi. <strong>The</strong>y plan<br />

to dedicate their new church<br />

on Sunday, October 13 in an<br />

afternoon service. <strong>The</strong>y also<br />

have a tentative buyer for<br />

their present church, which<br />

will help greatly with financing.<br />

Shepherd <strong>of</strong> the Mountains in<br />

Reno has decided to call a<br />

lead pastor. You may remember<br />

that Pastor John<br />

Beck suffered a stroke in<br />

2012. <strong>The</strong> members hoped<br />

and prayed that he would be<br />

able to continue his ministry<br />

with his accustomed vigor.<br />

His recovery has not permitted<br />

that, but he continues to<br />

serve in a reduced fashion.<br />

Keep him in your prayers as<br />

he deals with this very difficult<br />

health situation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Springs <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

in the Spanish Springs area <strong>of</strong><br />

Sparks, NV is gradually moving<br />

toward a permanent<br />

church building. <strong>The</strong>y hope<br />

to purchase land in an excellent<br />

location in the months<br />

ahead and be able to build<br />

their first permanent church<br />

in the near future.<br />

At Hope in Penryn the members<br />

are redoing the large<br />

outdoor meeting area outside<br />

the front doors <strong>of</strong> the<br />

church. When completed it<br />

will be a useful and attractive<br />

area.<br />

Keep your fellow WELS congregations<br />

in your prayers,<br />

asking for the Lord to bless<br />

their ministries.<br />

Source: St. Mark’s <strong>Lutheran</strong>,<br />

Citrus Heights

P a g e 8 T h e C a l v a r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I s s u e 9<br />

Need Christmas gift ideas<br />

Mount <strong>Calvary</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers an opportunity<br />

monthly to purchase scrip.<br />

You can purchase scrip for<br />

stores you normally shop in<br />

and a percentage <strong>of</strong> that purchase<br />

is returned to MC. That<br />

percentage is then split between<br />

our school and a student<br />

<strong>of</strong> your choice, or you<br />

may choose for all <strong>of</strong> the rebate<br />

to go to our school. <strong>The</strong><br />

student’s portion <strong>of</strong> the rebate<br />

will defray their registration<br />

fee.<br />

Here are a few examples <strong>of</strong><br />

vendors and rebates:<br />

American Eagle Outfitters —<br />

10%<br />

Payless Shoes — 13%<br />

TJ Maxx — 7%<br />

Office Depot — 4%<br />

Applebee’s — 10%<br />

Safeway — 4%<br />

CVS Pharmacy — 6%<br />

Michaels — 4%<br />

It’s a team effort<br />

Parents, youth and pastors.<br />

It’s a team effort.<br />

Youth confirmation instruction<br />

began on Tuesday, September<br />

3 at 4:05 PM. <strong>The</strong><br />

series is titled “Grace Alone<br />

Youth: A Confirmation<br />

Class”.<br />

Did you miss the first class<br />

Don’t miss the second, or<br />

any <strong>of</strong> the classes through<br />

this school year. <strong>The</strong> class<br />

meets for just over an hour,<br />

closing at 5:15 PM. Plenty <strong>of</strong><br />

time for dinner and homework<br />

before a good night’s<br />

rest.<br />

Holiday gift giving will soon<br />

be upon us. Why not save<br />

time, effort, and give the gift<br />

<strong>of</strong> a scrip card Purchase<br />

scrip for the vendor <strong>of</strong> your<br />

choice, give the scrip card to<br />

your family, friends or coworkers<br />

(someone you would<br />

normally give a gift to at<br />

Christmas). You just saved<br />

yourself from running all over<br />

town AND you supported<br />

MCLS! What a deal!<br />

Example: Aunt Maude lives in<br />

Ohio. You love her dearly,<br />

but shipping costs as much as<br />

the original gift these days.<br />

Give her a scrip card for Macy’s,<br />

JC Penney, Marie Callendars,<br />

Amazon.com or even<br />

the Home Shopping Network!<br />

Scrip cards are cheap<br />

to mail. Your scrip purchase<br />

earns a reward for MC AND<br />

makes Aunt Maude happy<br />

too!<br />

Do you have a digital teen<br />

One who’s always hooked up<br />

to cyberspace Give a him or<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> has<br />

embraced catechism instruction<br />

for hundreds <strong>of</strong><br />

years. During that time, instruction<br />

models and approaches<br />

have changed, but<br />

the doctrines have not.<br />

In fact, the teaching <strong>of</strong> Luther’s<br />

catechism dates back<br />

to Jesus as the teachings <strong>of</strong><br />

the catechism are based on<br />

the Word <strong>of</strong> God which the<br />

Holy Spirit has preserved for<br />

thousands <strong>of</strong> years.<br />

God has blessed our Synod<br />

and our congregation with a<br />

her a scrip card for iTunes or<br />

Best Buy.<br />

Are you hoping Grandma will<br />

visit her grandchildren for the<br />

holidays Purchase a scrip<br />

card for gas (Arco, Chevron,<br />

Exxon, Shell or Texaco) and<br />

make the trip less stressful<br />

for her.<br />

Deadlines for ordering scrip<br />

are always printed on the<br />

monthly calendar. Order<br />

forms are on the table in the<br />

church entry. Return forms &<br />

payment to Sherri Jenkins or<br />

Laurie Larson by the deadline<br />

and cross gift giving <strong>of</strong>f your<br />

“to do list”! You can also order<br />

scrip cards online 24/7 in<br />

your jammies at<br />

www.shopwithscrip.com.<br />

MC’s enrollment code is<br />

8648L2829778. At the same<br />

site you can also order reloadable<br />

cards so you don’t<br />

have to wait for new cards to<br />

arrive each month.<br />

true treasure in confirmation<br />

instruction.<br />

Please pray for the students<br />

and Pastor Doebler (who<br />

teaches the Tuesday classes)<br />

and Pastor Atrops (who<br />

reinforces the catechism on<br />

Sunday morning). Also pray<br />

for the parents <strong>of</strong> the confirmands<br />

as they strive to<br />

train up their children in the<br />

Word <strong>of</strong> God.

P a g e 9 T h e C a l va r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I s s u e 9<br />

<strong>The</strong> soul needs food too<br />

Food for the Soul provided<br />

lunch to people in need on<br />

Sunday, August 25. Members<br />

<strong>of</strong> MC who helped serve food<br />

and spread God's love were<br />

Pastor Doebler, Pastor and<br />

Linda Atrops, Mike Behling,<br />

Steve Taylor, Cindy Lange and<br />

Mark Wallace.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was an unusually large<br />

number <strong>of</strong> people at the park<br />

that day -- about 120 enjoyed<br />

the Spanish hamburger, chips,<br />

cookies and bottled water that<br />

were served. Many thanks to<br />

our church members who donated<br />

small toiletry items and<br />

socks for the hygiene bags<br />

that were handed out with<br />

pamphlets. <strong>The</strong> supplies --<br />

especially the socks -- were<br />

greatly appreciated by the<br />

homeless. Many people spend<br />

all day walking around town<br />

and really enjoy a new pair <strong>of</strong><br />

socks.<br />

Text to give<br />

Pastor Doebler was able to<br />

help a young woman with<br />

two children who was stranded<br />

with a flat tire while traveling<br />

through our area.<br />

<strong>The</strong> park gives us the opportunity<br />

to talk with many<br />

about salvation through Jesus.<br />

A lot <strong>of</strong> young people<br />

were at the park that day.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y had just been released<br />

from prison and had nowhere<br />

to go. Our hope is that by<br />

showing them that we care<br />

and telling them about the<br />

love <strong>of</strong> our Savior it may<br />

change their lives. God tells<br />

us to spread his good news<br />

and the rest is up to the Holy<br />

Spirit. <strong>The</strong>re are so many<br />

people who desperately need<br />

to hear that God loves them<br />

more than enough to forgive<br />

their sins through Jesus.<br />

We hope that more members<br />

<strong>of</strong> MC will join us in this outreach.<br />

<strong>The</strong> park days are a<br />

great chance to practice talking<br />

with others about what<br />

we believe. It isn't necessary<br />

to be a pastor or teacher. All<br />

you need to say is “Jesus<br />

loves you and through him<br />

you are saved”. <strong>The</strong> next park<br />

day will be Sunday, September<br />

29 beginning at 1:30 in<br />

Redding’s South City Park.<br />

For more information talk to<br />

Mark or myself.<br />

Kathy Wallace<br />

A new way for WELS members<br />

to give was introduced<br />

at the synod convention this<br />

summer. Text to Give allows<br />

WELS members to simply<br />

text the word "WELS" to<br />

85944 to give $10 to support<br />

WELS ministry. <strong>The</strong> $10 will<br />

be added to the donor's cell<br />

phone bill, with the entire<br />

donation going to WELS.<br />

"Recognizing that mobile<br />

phone dependency and<br />

smartphone usage are on the<br />

rise and that nearly every<br />

phone has texting capability,<br />

we decided to beta test this<br />

option," says Rev. Kurt Lueneburg,<br />

director <strong>of</strong> the Ministry<br />

<strong>of</strong> Christian Giving. "I'm<br />

sure you’ve read or heard<br />

about the Red Cross text to<br />

donate appeal during the<br />

recent Oklahoma City tornado<br />

disaster. This is a similar<br />

program that, if successful<br />

during this test, could be a<br />

benefit to our mission and<br />

ministry fields."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ministry <strong>of</strong> Christian Giving<br />

has decided to open up<br />

this beta test to all WELS<br />

members through September.<br />

All money received during<br />

this test will go to the<br />

synod operating fund. If the<br />

test is successful, Text to<br />

Give will continue to be a<br />

giving option for WELS members,<br />

available at the spur <strong>of</strong><br />

the moment, with future giving<br />

opportunities being mis-<br />

sion and ministry specific.<br />

Lueneburg highlights that<br />

WELS members can also give<br />

online via credit card or electronic<br />

funds transfer. This<br />

way <strong>of</strong> giving allows donations<br />

to be acknowledged by<br />

Christian Giving. It also allows<br />

donors the opportunity<br />

to give recurring or larger<br />

donations and to have their<br />

gifts appear on the annual<br />

statement WELS sends to<br />

each donor in January.<br />

View the live results <strong>of</strong> the<br />


P a g e 10 T h e C a l v a r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I s s u e 9<br />

Stewardship for the future<br />

"Just as you excel in<br />

everything—in faith, in<br />

speech, in knowledge, in<br />

complete earnestness<br />

and in your love for us—<br />

see that you also excel in<br />

this grace <strong>of</strong> giving."<br />

2 Corinthians 8<br />

Right now in WELS we have a<br />

lot <strong>of</strong> amazing ministry taking<br />

place thanks to God’s<br />

blessings, but there is more<br />

to be done. <strong>The</strong>re are more<br />

people in the world, many <strong>of</strong><br />

whom are walking next to us<br />

but who don’t know Jesus.<br />

God has given us abundant<br />

gifts that we can use to praise<br />

him. We pray that, walking<br />

together in his grace, he will<br />

reach many more souls<br />

through us.<br />

As a Christian maybe you are<br />

feeling disappointed about<br />

the way things are going in<br />

the world. Polls and news<br />

stories seem to point to a<br />

movement away from the<br />

authority <strong>of</strong> God’s Holy<br />

Word. But the Lord’s blessings<br />

on mission work in our<br />

church body give us reason<br />

for hope.<br />

“Nothing can stop the progress<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Great Commission,”<br />

says recently retired<br />

World Missions Administrator<br />

Rev. Dan Koelpin reflecting<br />

on 15 years <strong>of</strong> service,<br />

“because it is the Savior’s<br />

master plan for the evangelization<br />

<strong>of</strong> the world, and it will<br />

be done with us or without us<br />

(Matthew 24:14).”<br />

Regarding doing mission<br />

work in 23 different countries<br />

Koelpin says, “Even though<br />

our expatriate missionary<br />

staff has been cut in half, the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> souls, pastors, and<br />

evangelists in the national<br />

churches that have been<br />

planted have more than doubled.<br />

We are also able to operate<br />

in less accessible countries<br />

(those that don’t allow<br />

foreign missionaries) in ways<br />

that we wouldn’t have<br />

dreamed <strong>of</strong> even a decade<br />

ago. <strong>The</strong> Multi-Language<br />

Publications program has<br />

done an outstanding service<br />

in getting the life-saving<br />

message out in other languages.<br />

More than two million<br />

pieces <strong>of</strong> literature have<br />

been produced in more than<br />

40 languages. This is the<br />

Lord’s doing.”<br />

Praise be to God, it is similar<br />

good news on the home<br />

front. While 8 new missions<br />

were opened between 2008<br />

and 2012, Home Missions has<br />

a goal <strong>of</strong> opening 10 new missions<br />

each year starting this<br />

year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> challenge is not finding<br />

people thirsty for Jesus; it is<br />

consistently having the funding<br />

to support those who<br />

proclaim Christ in these<br />

fields. It was for this reason<br />

that in 2005 the synod in convention<br />

approved the start <strong>of</strong><br />

an endowment fund for missions<br />

that would supplement<br />

congregational <strong>of</strong>ferings with<br />

annual distributions that<br />

grow larger each year as the<br />

fund builds up.<br />

It is working as planned. <strong>The</strong><br />

fund began in 2006 and,<br />

since distributions began in<br />

2007, the WELS Missions<br />

Endowment Fund has provided<br />

$1.1 million to Home and<br />

World Missions, with the annual<br />

distribution averaging<br />

$300,000 in recent years.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> endowment has helped<br />

contribute to Home Missions<br />

extra funds that are used to<br />

complement the congregation<br />

mission <strong>of</strong>ferings designated<br />

for Home Missions,”<br />

says Rev. Keith Free, administrator<br />

<strong>of</strong> Home Missions.<br />

“Over the past three years<br />

Home Missions has opened<br />

16 missions. Without the extra<br />

dollars, our synod would<br />

not have been able to open<br />

all 16 missions.”<br />

It’s a similar situation in<br />

World Missions. New World<br />

Missions Administrator Rev.<br />

Larry Schlomer shares that<br />

endowment distributions<br />

have been used to support<br />

efforts in Africa, Asia, India,<br />

Russia, and with reaching out<br />

to Muslims in the U.S.<br />

So far the Missions Endowment<br />

Fund is at $9.7 million<br />

in gifts received with $28.1<br />

million expected through<br />

planned gifts. <strong>The</strong> goal set by<br />

the 2005 synod convention is<br />

$150 million, which would<br />

allow an estimated annual<br />

distribution <strong>of</strong> $6 million.<br />

With the current budget for<br />

missions at $11.1 million, this<br />

would do much to support<br />

the expansion <strong>of</strong> the gospel<br />

across the globe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord is building this endowment<br />

through Christians<br />

like you who work with<br />

one <strong>of</strong> our WELS Christian<br />

giving counselors or who respond<br />

to this appeal. Please<br />

consider a gift to our Savior<br />

for this aspect <strong>of</strong> his work.<br />

Talk to Pastor Rich Kogler on<br />

September 29 when he visits<br />

MC. (See page 5 for details.)<br />

And please say a prayer <strong>of</strong><br />

thanks to our almighty God<br />

whose Great Commission is<br />

victorious.<br />

Rev. Kurt Lueneburg<br />

WELS Director <strong>of</strong> Christian<br />


T h e C a l va r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I ss u e 9<br />

P a g e 11<br />

Lesson from a teenager<br />

"You can't expect to get<br />

much financial help from the<br />

teenagers in our congregation."<br />

This statement, or others<br />

similar to it, can be heard<br />

frequently when the subject<br />

<strong>of</strong> giving is brought up in congregational<br />

meetings. When<br />

talking about an average per<br />

communicant giving, the<br />

direction usually given is to<br />

forget the teenage member.<br />

But is this good advice<br />

Teenagers aren't ignored by<br />

the world's advertisers. A<br />

good portion <strong>of</strong> commercials<br />

on television and radio seek<br />

to get the attention and<br />

money <strong>of</strong> teens. It is true that<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten the money comes by<br />

way <strong>of</strong> parents to their teen<br />

to the storekeeper, but this<br />

isn't always the case. If a<br />

teenager wants something<br />

badly enough, he or she will<br />

find a way to get it with or<br />

without parental financial<br />

aid.<br />

Maybe our churches have<br />

failed to tap a great financial<br />

supply by basically letting<br />

teenagers <strong>of</strong>f the hook when<br />

it comes to their <strong>of</strong>ferings.<br />

Tips for Tennessee<br />

<strong>The</strong> longer we wait to stress<br />

stewardship with the young,<br />

the easier we make it for a<br />

poor teenage steward to become<br />

a poor adult steward.<br />

Of course, when talking<br />

about average giving it is true<br />

that the vast majority <strong>of</strong><br />

teens can't reach the average<br />

dollar amount, but shouldn't<br />

they be instructed to strive to<br />

reach the same percentage<br />

<strong>of</strong> giving as others<br />

I recently discovered that a<br />

teenage member <strong>of</strong> our<br />

church gave the Lord $250<br />

last year. I was amazed that<br />

he could do that. He comes<br />

from a single parent home, a<br />

home that has a very modest<br />

income. In talking to his<br />

mother I found that he not<br />

only gives generously to the<br />

Lord, but also pays his own<br />

tuition to an area <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

high school and buys a lot <strong>of</strong><br />

his own clothes. All this is<br />

funded mainly through a paper<br />

route.<br />

If he can do it, why can't others<br />

If he can be so generous<br />

to the Lord, why can't you<br />

and I He didn't give to receive<br />

any applause or to have<br />

an article written about him.<br />

He gave because he loves the<br />

Lord. His percentage <strong>of</strong>fered<br />

to the Lord would put most<br />

<strong>of</strong> us, teenagers and adults,<br />

to shame. This is probably<br />

the case because his love for<br />

the Lord might just be <strong>of</strong> a<br />

higher percentage than ours.<br />

We can all learn from this<br />

dedicated teen to increase<br />

our love to the Lord, and as a<br />

direct result, increase our<br />

participation in "the grace <strong>of</strong><br />

giving."<br />

I am sure the example <strong>of</strong> this<br />

generous teen isn't an isolated<br />

case. In fact, in our congregation<br />

another teenager<br />

also gave over $200 to<br />

church. <strong>The</strong>re are undoubtedly<br />

many other such generous<br />

teens. With proper encouragement<br />

there would<br />

probably be many more. We<br />

all can be encouraged and<br />

learn from those teens a lesson<br />

in stewardship.<br />

Source: Forward in Christ, an article<br />

by Pastor Thomas Hilliard.<br />

<strong>The</strong> youth <strong>of</strong> MC are planning<br />

to attend the national WELS<br />

youth gathering in June <strong>of</strong><br />

2014. <strong>The</strong> cost is $800 per<br />

person. Our teens will be<br />

hosting several fundraisers<br />

between now and then to<br />

defray the cost.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first fundraiser will be a<br />

BBQ on Sunday, September<br />

15 at 12:00 noon. Hamburgers<br />

and hot dogs will be<br />

served along with salads,<br />

chips, and desserts. All the<br />

kids are asking from you is a<br />

generous donation! If you<br />

haven’t eaten too much that<br />

day, games <strong>of</strong> soccer and kick<br />

ball will also be “served”.<br />

Parents against the teens,<br />

anyone Game on!<br />

Questions Talk to Carie Nadin<br />

or Heather Rhodes.

P a g e 12 T h e C a l v a r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I s s u e 9<br />

I need more. . .confidence<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> Scientology<br />

teaches that people are basically<br />

good, that their capabilities<br />

are unlimited, and those<br />

capabilities can be realized.<br />

People can also achieve new,<br />

higher states <strong>of</strong> awareness<br />

and ability. Scientology<br />

claims that the secrets to this<br />

higher knowledge can only<br />

be found in their church<br />

through a process they call<br />

“auditing.”<br />

Seems strange But honestly,<br />

a cultic religion that encourages<br />

you to look within<br />

yourself for more knowledge<br />

can really satisfy an itch. Who<br />

doesn’t feel they need more<br />

knowledge And how about<br />

being able to pat yourself on<br />

the back for pursuing it and<br />

supposedly finding that<br />

knowledge within yourself<br />

That’s pretty appealing to the<br />

human heart.<br />

But God’s Word sounds much<br />

different than L. Ron Hubbard,<br />

who authored the book<br />

that has become Scientology’s<br />

bible. God says people<br />

Stewardship is not<br />

Stewardship is not a part <strong>of</strong><br />

the Christian life.<br />

Stewardship is not an important<br />

auxiliary component<br />

<strong>of</strong> Christian living.<br />

Stewardship is not ancillary<br />

to the practice <strong>of</strong> Christian<br />

faith.<br />

Stewardship is not optional.<br />

One cannot claim fidelity to<br />

Christian truth in other respects<br />

while ignoring the<br />

practice and inculcation <strong>of</strong><br />

faithful stewardship.<br />

are not basically good, that<br />

people’s natural capabilities<br />

are limited to sinning and<br />

rebelling against God. As a<br />

result, God says all people<br />

are the same: “<strong>The</strong>re is no<br />

one who understands, no one<br />

who seeks God…<strong>The</strong> way <strong>of</strong><br />

peace they do not know”<br />

(Romans 3:11,17).<br />

God is right! Not L. Ron Hubbard!<br />

Need pro<strong>of</strong> Think<br />

about Adam and Eve when<br />

they pursued more<br />

knowledge on their own<br />

apart from God. <strong>The</strong>y rejected<br />

God’s Word and sinned.<br />

Look at what their own inner<br />

pursuit <strong>of</strong> knowledge got<br />

them and us! A world infected<br />

by sin so badly that everyone<br />

eventually dies.<br />

Jesus knows we all lack<br />

knowledge, and he wants to<br />

fill that void. He does so not<br />

by telling us to find it inside<br />

ourselves, but by telling us to<br />

look outside ourselves. We<br />

find knowledge in the Bible.<br />

Through his Word, God<br />

makes us wise; he gives us<br />

Proclamation <strong>of</strong> the gospel, a<br />

focus on forgiveness, or a<br />

rigorous commitment to orthodox<br />

doctrine, are all worthy<br />

practices and defensible<br />

paradigms for Christian life<br />

and ministry; but none <strong>of</strong><br />

them obviate the practice <strong>of</strong><br />

good stewardship.<br />

<strong>The</strong> doctrine <strong>of</strong> justification<br />

cannot be the camouflage<br />

beneath which one hopes to<br />

hide from the expectations <strong>of</strong><br />

a call to serious stewardship.<br />

insight and understanding<br />

(Psalm 119:98-100). That’s<br />

because God’s Word gives us<br />

knowledge that we can’t find<br />

or discover anywhere else.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bible tells about Jesus. It<br />

tells how wide and long and<br />

high and deep Jesus’ love is<br />

for people. That love drove<br />

Jesus to come to this world,<br />

to bear the sin <strong>of</strong> every person,<br />

to die on a cross, to<br />

suffer the eternal punishment<br />

for all sins. That’s love—love<br />

so amazing that God declares<br />

that your sins are forgiven<br />

because <strong>of</strong> Jesus. That’s<br />

love—love so beyond understanding<br />

that Jesus, the<br />

righteous one, should die for<br />

the unrighteous. But he did!<br />

That’s why the Apostle Paul<br />

says that “this love surpasses<br />

knowledge” (Ephesians 3:19).<br />

In Jesus’ love for you, you<br />

have everything you truly<br />

need to know, both now and<br />

forever.<br />

Source: WELS Outreach newsletter<br />

<strong>The</strong> gospel does not negate<br />

or displace stewardship; it<br />

restores the creature to a life<br />

<strong>of</strong> responsible stewardship.<br />

Good theology yields good<br />

stewardship; more than that,<br />

good theology demands<br />

good stewardship.<br />

Source: www.lcms.org

T h e C a l va r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I ss u e 9<br />

P a g e 13<br />

Save on Bibles<br />

Concordia Publishing House<br />

is <strong>of</strong>fering up to 45% savings<br />

on selected Bibles. CPH is<br />

still <strong>of</strong>fering the NIV84 which<br />

MC has been using in worship<br />

and Bible study, but is no<br />

longer readily available in<br />

print.<br />

Whether you are looking to<br />

purchase your child’s first<br />

Give the growth<br />

If you have a choice in how<br />

you support gospel ministry,<br />

it’s usually better to give appreciated<br />

stock than to give<br />

cash. Here’s why: You receive<br />

a federal income tax charitable<br />

deduction for the appreciated<br />

value, not just the<br />

amount you paid for the<br />

stock. You also avoid tax on<br />

the growth.<br />

Consider Mrs. <strong>Lutheran</strong>. She<br />

wants to give her church<br />

$5,000. If she wrote a check<br />

for this amount, it would cost<br />

her $5,000. Let’s assume,<br />

however, that Mrs. <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

has stock worth $100 per<br />

share that she bought years<br />

ago for only $10 a share.<br />

That’s excellent growth, but<br />

not unusual for a good<br />

growth stock.<br />

If Mrs. <strong>Lutheran</strong> gave 50<br />

shares <strong>of</strong> this stock to her<br />

church, the gift value would<br />

be $5,000, not the $500 she<br />

paid for these shares originally.<br />

In other words, her $5,000<br />

gift would cost her only $500!<br />

Also, consider the capital<br />

gains tax Mrs. <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

would have to pay if she sold<br />

those 50 shares outright.<br />

Ouch. She avoids all <strong>of</strong> that<br />

Bible or update your own<br />

study Bible, there’s something<br />

on sale to interest you!<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the Bibles <strong>of</strong>fered<br />

are: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> Study Bible,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Concordia Self-Study<br />

Bible (NIV84), Concordia’s<br />

Complete Bible Handbook,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Story Bible, 120 Bible Stories,<br />

Faith Alive, My Very First<br />

by simply transferring those<br />

shares to her church. Since a<br />

congregation is a qualified<br />

charity, the IRS permits the<br />

church to sell those appreciated<br />

shares without paying<br />

tax. <strong>The</strong>y are able to avoid<br />

the “growth tax,” and so does<br />

Mrs. <strong>Lutheran</strong>.<br />

Do you see why it’s wise to<br />

“give the growth”<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are, <strong>of</strong> course, a few<br />

rules. First, you must have<br />

owned the stock for at least a<br />

year and a day prior to making<br />

the gift. Second, the value<br />

<strong>of</strong> the gift is determined<br />

by the average trading price<br />

on the day the gift is made.<br />

Third, the charitable income<br />

tax deduction can be applied,<br />

on an itemized return, up to<br />

30% <strong>of</strong> the donor’s adjusted<br />

gross income, whereas a cash<br />

gift is deductible up to 50%.<br />

Fourth, if you are unable to<br />

apply all <strong>of</strong> the deduction in<br />

one year, you have an additional<br />

five years to use it.<br />

Your accountant can explain<br />

these things and anything<br />

else that may apply to your<br />

situation. It’s prudent to obtain<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essional advice when<br />

Bible. See the poster on the<br />

Opportunity Board to sign<br />

up for the Bible <strong>of</strong> your<br />

choice. (<strong>The</strong> NIV84 versions<br />

are marked.)<br />

MC will place a group order<br />

at the end <strong>of</strong> September<br />

and will notify you <strong>of</strong> the<br />

total cost including shipping<br />

and tax.<br />

making a non-cash gift.<br />

You may agree that “giving<br />

the growth” is a good idea,<br />

but maybe the process seems<br />

difficult if you haven’t done<br />

anything like this before. In<br />

order to help, MC has a WELS<br />

Christian giving counselor<br />

assigned to us who can explain<br />

how the process works<br />

and assist you along the way.<br />

Actually, giving stock is a<br />

common practice for many<br />

donors. It’s much easier than<br />

most people think. Call 800-<br />

827-5482 for the WELS<br />

Planned Giving counselor —<br />

or to be put in contact with<br />

our local giving counselor,<br />

Pastor Rich Kogler. (See article<br />

on page 5 for more information.)

P a g e 14 T h e C a l v a r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I s s u e 9<br />

A time to express our faith<br />

Worship Attendance:<br />

Average:<br />

Bible Class Attendance:<br />

Average:<br />

Sunday <strong>School</strong> Attendance:<br />

Average:<br />

Teen Attendance:<br />

Average:<br />

Gifts <strong>of</strong> Love:<br />

Average:<br />

August 2013<br />

548<br />

137 (57/80)<br />

220<br />

55<br />

89<br />

22<br />

8<br />

2<br />

$16,454.41<br />

$4,113.60<br />

July 2013<br />

685<br />

171 (63/109)<br />

246<br />

62<br />

109<br />

27<br />

5<br />

1<br />

$17,801.66<br />

$4,450.42<br />

August 2012<br />

595<br />

149 (63/86)<br />

247<br />

62<br />

46<br />

12<br />

n/a<br />

n/a<br />

$20,905.83<br />

$5,226.46<br />

A time for serving the Lord at Mount <strong>Calvary</strong> in October<br />

Early:<br />

Ushers:<br />

Kevin Nadin, John Lagoy,<br />

Keith Ones, Wayne Hadsel<br />

Greeters:<br />

Keith & Teresa Ones<br />

Elders:<br />

Wayne Hadsel, Todd Van<br />

Boekel, John Lagoy<br />

Mow Front & Teacherage:<br />

10/5 volunteer needed<br />

10/12 volunteer needed<br />

10/19 volunteer needed<br />

10/26 volunteer needed<br />

Late:<br />

Ushers:<br />

Mark Wallace, Todd Larson,<br />

Gene Jenkins<br />

Greeters:<br />

Mark & Kathy Wallace<br />

Elders:<br />

Gene Jenkins, Bob Parker<br />

Mow Back:<br />

10/5 volunteer needed<br />

10/12 volunteer needed<br />

10/19 volunteer needed<br />

10/26 volunteer needed<br />

C<strong>of</strong>fee:<br />

Teresa Ones<br />

Communion Set Up:<br />

Karen Field<br />

Communion Clean Up:<br />

Susan Brunett<br />

Sunday <strong>School</strong> Teachers:<br />

Jessica Doebler, Amanda Jenkins,<br />

Coleen Youngman, Miriam<br />

Waterman, Brynn Waterman,<br />

Dave Atrops & Gene<br />

Jenkins<br />

Cleaners:<br />

10/4 volunteers needed<br />

10/11 volunteers needed<br />

10/18 volunteers needed<br />

10/25 volunteers needed<br />

Deadline for the<br />

next <strong>Calvary</strong> <strong>Connection</strong><br />

is Sunday, October 6.<br />

Submit articles or info<br />

to Naomi Henkel.

T h e C a l va r y C o n n e c t i o n V o l u m e 9 , I ss u e 9<br />

P a g e 15<br />

Highlights from the CB meeting in August<br />

Pastor<br />

We will be hosting an evangelism<br />

seminar at MC. <strong>The</strong><br />

date is Saturday, September<br />

21. This is an event for the<br />

whole congregation, and I<br />

would like the leadership <strong>of</strong><br />

Mount <strong>Calvary</strong> to participate<br />

as a whole. This is not just for<br />

the evangelism minded or<br />

the evangelism team. Things<br />

we will talk about and learn<br />

there have to do with the<br />

work <strong>of</strong> the congregation as a<br />

whole, what we plan, what<br />

we emphasize, prioritize, etc.<br />

as a congregation. Please set<br />

that date aside to participate.<br />

Catechism begins again with<br />

the start <strong>of</strong> the school year.<br />

We will meet on Tuesdays at<br />

4:05 PM normally. <strong>The</strong>se are<br />

the potential students: Lars<br />

Norine, Cory Saltsman Jr.,<br />

Kendal Nadin, Bridget Wilson,<br />

Brendan Faust, Lily Lagoy,<br />

Madeline Nightingale,<br />

Cody McNerny, Nils Norine,<br />

Lindie May Larson, Valar<br />

Radie, Abbie Griffith, Ryan<br />

Ulloa, Frankie Avantino, Thorin<br />

Radie.<br />

Our Youth Group met on July<br />

28 at the house <strong>of</strong> Carie<br />

Nadin’s father for a BBQ/pool<br />

party/volleyball game. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

were 15 youth there with<br />

youth from MC inviting<br />

friends which is encouraging.<br />

I had a Bible study with the<br />

kids as part <strong>of</strong> the get together.<br />

Thank you to the Griffiths<br />

and Nadins for hosting.<br />

Estate Planning Seminar on<br />

September 29. Pastor Rich<br />

Kogler will be here on Sunday,<br />

September 29 to present<br />

on estate planning. He is<br />

our area’s WELS Planned<br />

Giving Counselor.<br />

Outreach Committee:<br />

Art in the Park was spearheaded<br />

by Matt Rhodes with<br />

artful support from Susan<br />

Brunett and Ashley Rhodes.<br />

It was a success with several<br />

big and little children making<br />

different crafts to take home.<br />

One family also made an appointment<br />

with Ms. Dorn for<br />

further information about her<br />

pre-k class.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first <strong>of</strong> two evangelism<br />

seminars is scheduled for<br />

September 21 at MC. <strong>The</strong><br />

entire program has four<br />

phases: workable organization<br />

for evangelism, one year<br />

plan <strong>of</strong> outreach strategies,<br />

managed prospect list, and<br />

training lay evangelists. All<br />

members are urged to participate<br />

on September 21.<br />

Property Committee:<br />

We have started the remodel/repurpose<br />

<strong>of</strong> the smaller<br />

second <strong>of</strong>fice for the school.<br />

It is being converted to a secure<br />

storage room. (At press<br />

time, the room is near completion.<br />

Go, take a look!)<br />

<strong>School</strong> Board & Principal:<br />

Damon Rydell volunteered<br />

his time and company equipment<br />

(A+ Carpet Cleaning) to<br />

clean the carpets in four<br />

classrooms this summer.<br />

All the books and new curriculum<br />

have been ordered for<br />

the 2013-2014 school year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> total for the book/<br />

curriculum orders were about<br />

$4,888.99. That was $728.99<br />

over the budgeted number.<br />

<strong>The</strong> good news is that the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice supplies order came in<br />

$777.02 under budget.<br />

Current enrollment in MCLS<br />

is at 49 students (pre-k: 16<br />

students; elementary school:<br />

33 students). That is up from<br />

38 students last year.<br />

President:<br />

Hopefully everyone has<br />

turned in their Congregational<br />

Planning Surveys. It is really<br />

important to express your<br />

thoughts on how you feel the<br />

church is doing and <strong>of</strong>fer your<br />

ideas on how the church can<br />

grow and what directions you<br />

feel the church should be<br />

heading in.<br />

I would caution us, myself<br />

included, that we have a very<br />

comfortable church life style<br />

and hopefully not to the<br />

point that our Lord wants to<br />

spit us out because he finds<br />

us to be foul tasting. I read a<br />

quote from an atheist the<br />

other day “How much you<br />

must hate me that you do<br />

not invite me to know the<br />

same God that will save you”.<br />

Vice President:<br />

No report.<br />

Endowment Committee:<br />

No report.<br />

Financial Secretary:<br />

Total income for the church<br />

and school for July:<br />

$30,032.09<br />

Treasurer:<br />

<strong>Church</strong> year to date (July)<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>it:<br />

$3,609.17<br />

<strong>School</strong> year to date loss:<br />

$-11,144.30<br />

Preschool year to date loss:<br />

$-2,873.80<br />

Total loss for YTD:<br />


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