Crustacea: Copepoda - Cerambycoidea.com

Crustacea: Copepoda - Cerambycoidea.com

Crustacea: Copepoda - Cerambycoidea.com


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Euplectus brunneus (Grimmer) - RDB1. Found under dead bark and in rotten wood; may be<br />

associated with Myrmica ants. Cobham Park, Kent, is only confirmed locality.<br />

Euplectus fauveli Guillebeau* - Nationally Scarce. In bird nests, under dead bark and in<br />

rotten wood; oak Quercus and beech Fagus.<br />

Euplectus infirmus Raffray* - In rotten wood and under bark, especially willow Salix.<br />

Euplectus kirbyi Denny - Nationally Scarce. Found beneath bark on dead broad-leaved<br />

timber; also in tree hollows.<br />

Euplectus nanus (Reichenbach) – RDBI. Under bark and in moist crumbly rotten broadleaved<br />

timber.<br />

Euplectus piceus Motschulsky* - Under bark of oak Quercus and beech Fagus, and in redrotten<br />

oak.<br />

Euplectus punctatus Mulsant* - RDB3. In moist crumbly rotten wood, oak Quercus and<br />

beech Fagus, also pine Pinus in Highlands; primarily a relict species of primary<br />

forest.<br />

Plectophloeus nitidus (Fairmaire) - RDB2. In red-rotten heartwood and wood mould in old<br />

hollow oaks Quercus; old forests and parks.<br />

Trichonyx sulcicollis (Reichenbach) - RDB2. In rotten broad-leaved wood, especially old elm<br />

Ulmus stumps. Possibly associated with Lasius ants.<br />

Batrisus formicarius Aubé – Fossil. In Britain up until at least the Late Neolithic/Early<br />

Bronze Age, from which fossil material has been found in Somerset Levels.<br />

Batrisodes adnexus (Hampe) - RDB1. Adults in decaying timber of old broad-leaved trees,<br />

with brown tree ant Lasius brunneus; probably a mite predator; has been reared from<br />

a bracket fungus. Windsor & Epping Forests.<br />

Batrisodes delaporti (Aubé) - RDB1. Adult in nests of brown tree ant L. brunneus, in<br />

decaying wood of old broad-leaved trees; probably a mite predator. Windsor Forest.<br />

Batrisodes venustus (Reichenbach) - Nationally Scarce A. Adults in decaying heartwood of<br />

old broad-leaved trees; occasionally found in nests of brown tree ant L. brunneus and<br />

jet ant L. fuliginosus. Widespread in Lowland England, although most often found in<br />

the south.<br />

Scirtidae<br />

Prionocyphon serricornis (Müller, P.W.J.)* - Nationally Scarce B. Develops in waterlogged<br />

hollows in old trees, especially beech Fagus, and including hollows amongst<br />

roots; larvae aquatic, feed on detritus from dead leaves; adults active fliers, shortlived.<br />

Widely across lowland England, but scarcer in the west and north; one record<br />

from central Scotland.<br />

Eucinetidae - Plate-thigh Beetles.<br />

Eucinetus meridionalis (Laporte de Castelnau) - Larvae feed on fungi under bark of dead<br />

trees, especially pine Pinus; adults at flowers, wintering amongst litter. Discovered<br />

relatively recently; most likely a casual importation.<br />

Clambidae<br />

Clambus nigriclavis Stephens - Develop on damp twigs partly standing in water, larvae<br />

feeding on hyphae and spores of moulds; northern & western sp.<br />

Clambus pallidulus Reitter* - RDBK. In hollow apple Malus tree (Worcestershire); in debris<br />

in rotten elm Ulmus stump, in moss among rotten logs.<br />

Clambus punctulum (Beck)* - Slime mould feeder.<br />

Lucanidae Stag Beetles - Develop in rotten deciduous wood.<br />

Lucanus cervus (L.) - The Stag Beetle. Nationally Scarce B & BAP Priority Species.<br />

Larvae in moist decaying wood near or below the soil surface, including decaying old<br />

stumps, but also in base of fence posts; generally in light soils; larval development c.4<br />


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