CAMPUS PLANNING - Roger Williams University

CAMPUS PLANNING - Roger Williams University CAMPUS PLANNING - Roger Williams University


2002-2003 RWU Presidential Fellowship Report: Campus Planning Interim Proposals Scheme B-1 37

2002-2003 RWU Presidential Fellowship Report: Campus Planning Scheme B-1 Campus Core The core shows subtle variations in relation to scheme A. The most significant departures are the use of two building behind the existing Library in lieu of the single U-shaped building in the previous scheme. These two buildings work with the main library and the Recreation Center to form a parking court. By hiding the parking in a courtyard this allows a pedestrian mall to extend from the main entrance to the main quadrangle. This open space loops around the library forming a U-shaped open space sequence free of automobile traffic. The Student Union would be serviced from behind the M&NS building. North Campus Both Scheme B alternatives use a sweeping curve to tie into the existing alignment of the access road to the Maher Center and connect to the main entrance by a roundabout that would provide a comfortable drop off point with impressive views. Scheme B-1 features an "inboard" location for the dormitories on the terrace currently occupied by the Bayside Field. This allows us to tie-in the existing Bayside dormitories to this sweeping roadway through a series of terraced courtyards and walkways providing a range of outdoor spaces and views over and through the existing buildings. Careful attention was paid to respect water views toward M&NS from the fitness center. This allows for the north campus to be reserved for athletic fields including a parking structure with built-in grandstands overlooking a major new soccer/lacrosse venue and Mount Hope Bay. Scheme B-1: Circulation Scheme B-1: Landscape Plan 38

2002-2003 RWU Presidential Fellowship Report: Campus Planning<br />

Interim Proposals<br />

Scheme B-1<br />


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