Volume / tomas 27(2) - Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ...

Volume / tomas 27(2) - Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ...

Volume / tomas 27(2) - Sodininkystė ir daržininkystė - Sodininkystės ...


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Lietuvos SODININKYSTĖs <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės instituto <strong>ir</strong><br />

lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto mokslo darbai<br />

Scientific works of the Lithuanian institute of<br />


SODININKYSTĖ <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė<br />

<strong>27</strong>(2)<br />

Eina nuo 1983 m.<br />

Published since 1983<br />

Babtai 2008

UDK 634/635 (06)<br />

Redaktorių kolegija<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Doc. dr. Česlovas BOBINAS – p<strong>ir</strong>mininkas (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija),<br />

dr. Edite KAUFMANE (Latvija, Dobelės sodo augalų selekcijos stotis, biomedicinos mokslai, biologija),<br />

dr. Aleksandras KMITAS (LŽŪU, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija),<br />

dr. Laimutis RAUDONIS (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Vidmantas STANYS (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Andrzej SADOWSKI (Varрuvos ŽŪA, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija),<br />

dr. Audrius SASNAUSKAS (LSDI, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Alg<strong>ir</strong>das SLIESARAVIČIUS (LŽŪU, biomedicinos mokslai, agronomija).<br />

Redakcinė mokslinė taryba<br />

Editorial Scientific Council<br />

Doc. dr. Česlovas BOBINAS – p<strong>ir</strong>mininkas (Lietuva),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Pavelas DUCHOVSKIS (Lietuva), dr. Kalju KASK (Estija),<br />

dr. Edite KAUFMANE (Latvija), prof. habil. dr. Zdzisław KAWECKI (Lenkija),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Albinas LUGAUSKAS (Lietuva), habil. dr. Maria LEJA (Lenkija),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Lech MICHALCZUK (Lenkija), prof. habil. dr. Andrzej SADOWSKI (Lenkija),<br />

dr. Audrius SASNAUSKAS (Lietuva), prof. dr. Ala SILAJEVA (Ukraina),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Alg<strong>ir</strong>das SLIESARAVIČIUS (Lietuva),<br />

prof. habil. dr. Vidmantas STANYS (Lietuva), prof. dr. Viktor TRAJKOVSKI (Švedija).<br />

Redakcijos adresas:<br />

Lietuvos Sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institutas<br />

LT-54333 Babtai, Kauno r.<br />

Tel. (8 37) 55 52 10<br />

Faksas (8 37) 55 51 76<br />

El. paрtas institutas@lsdi.lt<br />

Pilnas tekstas http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:J.02~1983~ISSN_0236-4212<br />

Address of the Editorial Office:<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture<br />

LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas district, Lithuania<br />

Phone: +370 37 55 52 10<br />

Telefax: +370 37 55 51 76<br />

E-mail institutas@lsdi.lt<br />

Full text http://vddb.library.lt/obj/LT-eLABa-0001:J.02~1983~ISSN_0236-4212<br />

Leidinio adresas internete www.lsdi.lt<br />

Leidinys cituojamas CAB Internacional <strong>ir</strong> VINITI duomenų bazėse<br />

© Lietuvos Sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institutas, 2008<br />

© Lietuvos žemės ūkio universitetas, 2008



AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

The vicennial of scientific searches in the field of plant<br />

physiology<br />

Pavelas Duchovskis<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: p.duchovskis@lsdi.lt<br />

The Laboratory of Plant Physiology at LIH was established on 16 th of April, 1988. From<br />

the beginning the striving was to create the modern scientific base and an actual topic for<br />

the researches. Today there is established the phytotron complex with 10 climate chambers,<br />

experimental greenhouses and vegetative field. The laboratory is provided with automatic<br />

equipment for analysis of plant physiological processes, there are high-performance liquid and<br />

gas chromatography systems and other analytical equipment.<br />

The following main scientific d<strong>ir</strong>ections were formed in laboratory: plant morphogenesis,<br />

flowering initiation, ecophysiology, photophysiology and plant productivity physiology.<br />

The main subjects of Plant Physiology laboratory are designed for the development of plant<br />

flowering initiation theory and for investigations of plant morphogenesis. The model of flowering<br />

initiation in wintering and biennial plants was developed in the laboratory (P. Duchovskis). The<br />

mechanisms of photo and thermo induction, evocation and flower initiation and differentiation<br />

are investigated. The role of phytohormones, carbohydrates and other metabolites is analysed in<br />

these processes (P. Duchovskis, G. Samuolienė, A. Urbonavičiūtė, G. Šabajevienė, A. Kurilčik).<br />

The possibility to understand and manipulate the processes of plant growth and development<br />

permits to intensify the technologies in horticulture.<br />

The photophysiological investigations are carried out on purpose to design the new<br />

generation semiconductor lamps for plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation in greenhouses, phytotron and for in vitro<br />

cultivation systems (P. Duchovskis, A. Urbonavičiūtė, G. Samuolienė, A. Kurilčik, A. Brazaitytė,<br />

R. Ulinskaitė). The parameters of such lamps can be very easily changed or programmed, thus<br />

allows to control plant photosynthetic, photomorphogenetic, phototropic processes and to affect<br />

the trend of plant metabolic processes. These works are carried out together with physics of<br />

Vilnius University (prof. A. Žukauskas). The significant results presumed to attract the private<br />

capital for the patent of these data and for the expanding of new plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation technology<br />

business. The offset company UAB HORTILED was established.<br />

Very important d<strong>ir</strong>ection of our investigation is the influence of unfavorable natural and<br />

anthropogenic factors on plant physiological and biochemical indexes. Also it is important<br />

to determine the tolerance rate and adaptivity for various stresses and concurrent capacity in<br />

conditions of volatile climate and env<strong>ir</strong>onmental pollution (A. Brazaitytė, J. Sakalauskaitė,<br />

S. Sakalauskienė, G. Samuolienė, A. Urbonavičiūtė, G. Šabajevienė, P. Duchovskis). These are<br />

the complex works, which are carried out with other institutions of agricultural and biological<br />

profile. The final goal of these investigations is to formulate the recommendations for the<br />

stability increasing in agriculture and forestry, rural and forest ecosystems.<br />

The physiological investigations of field vegetables and other crop and garden plants are<br />

expanded in our laboratory (A. Brazaitytė, J. B. Šikšnianienė, G. Šabajevienė, P. Duchovskis). It<br />

allows to notice on time the variation of photosynthetic parameters and to control these processes<br />


y technological means on purpose to improve plant productivity and quality of production.<br />

It was published over 500 scientific publications, whereof 250 in international, Lithuanian<br />

and foreign publications. There was defended 1 degree of habilitated doctor and 4 doctoral<br />

degrees.<br />

Currently there are working tree research workers, two technicians and six PhD students<br />

are studying in the laboratory of plant physiology.<br />

Key words: flowering initiation, photophysiology, phytomonitoring, stress physiology.<br />

Introduction. The methods of plant physiology play an important role solving<br />

theoretical problems and these of the applied agriculture. The knowledge of the<br />

physiological regularities of plants allows solving the questions of plant production<br />

quality. The main problems, which were solved in recent decades by the physiologists of<br />

LIH increasing the efficiency of agriculture were as follows: plant morphogenesis and<br />

flowering initiation (Duchovskis, 1995, 1996, 1998 a , 2000, 2004, 2006; Duchovskienė,<br />

1996, 2000; McCall, Brazaitytė 1997; Bandaravičienė et al., 1999; Duchovskienė<br />

et al., 1999, 2000, 2004; Duchovskis et al., 2000 a , 2000 b , 2003 b , 2004; Šikšnianienė<br />

et al., 2000,; Šikšnianienė, 2002, 2005, 2006; Samuolienė et al., 2005 a , 2005 b , 2006 a ,<br />

2006 b , 2006 c , 2007, 2008; Samuolienė, 2007), the physiology of plant productivity<br />

(Brazaitytė, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000; Čelkienė, 1998, 1991; Brazaityje, Jankauskiene,<br />

2000; Tarvydienė et al., 2004 a , 2004 b ; Baranauskis et al., 2005; Šabajevienė et al.,<br />

2005, 2006 b , 2007; Šikšnianienė et al., 2006, 2007; Tranavičienė et al., 2007), and plant<br />

production quality (Karitonas et al., 1996, Rubinskienė et al., 2006), optimization of<br />

photophysiological processes (Brazaitytė et al., 1994, 2004, 2006; Jankauskienė et al.,<br />

2001, 2002; Bliznikas et al., 2004; Samuoliene et al., 2004, 2006 d ; Tamulaitis et al.,<br />

2004 a , 2004 b , 2005; Ulinskaitė et al., 2004; Grishenkova et al., 2006; Urbonavičiūtė<br />

et al., 2007 a , 2007 b ; Kurilčik et al., 2007, 2008), resistance to ecological stress and<br />

adaptivity (Duchovskis, 1998 b ; Gelvonauskis et al., 1999, 2000; Duchovskis et al.,<br />

2001, 2003 a , 2005, 2006, 2007; Brazaitytė et al., 2001, 2005, 2007; Bashmakov et al.,<br />

2005, 2007; Raklevičienė et al., 2005; Juknys et al., 2006; Sakalauskaitė et al., 2006 a ,<br />

2006 b ; Urbonavičiūtė et al., 2006 a , 2006 b ; Baranauskis et al., 2006; Ramaškevičienė<br />

et al., 2006; Šabajevienė et al., 2006 a ; Lukatkin et al., 2007; Juozaitytė et al., 2007;<br />

Sakalauskienė et al., 2007, 2008), the increase of seed growing efficiency and seed<br />

quality (Stašelis et al., 1996, 1999; Orentienė et al., 1998, 2000; Duchovskis et al.,<br />

2001; Šikšnianienė et al., 2006).<br />

Productivity of plants and the des<strong>ir</strong>able quality indices realize themselves in<br />

ontogenesis. Therefore, it is very important to learn to control plant physiological<br />

parameters in the different stages of growth and development. The theory of plant<br />

flowering initiation created in Plant Physiology Laboratory of LIH formed the basis<br />

for the control of plants morphogenesis by technological means in the des<strong>ir</strong>able<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ection (Duchovskis, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2004; Duchovskienė, 2000; Šikšnianienė,<br />

2002; Samuolienė, 2007).<br />

Very important investigations are carried out in order to optimize photosynthetic<br />

indices of field and vegetable crops and orchards. They allow establishing the<br />

possibilities to increase plant productivity by technological means and to improve<br />

production quality (Brazaitytė, 2000; Tarvydienė et al., 2004 a , 2004 b ; Šabajevienė<br />

et al., 2005, 2006 b , 2007; Tranavičienė et al., 2007; Šikšnianienė, 2006, 2007).<br />


When the energetic expenditures increase, the problem of the improvement of<br />

greenhouse plant growing technologies becomes more and more actual. Scientists of<br />

laboratory participates in the national project of high technology program PHYTOLED.<br />

The lamps made on the basis of the semiconductor illuminators (LED) present unique<br />

possibility to coordinate the optimal light spectrum, flux, photoperiod and frequency<br />

of impulses for the effective control of photosynthesis, morphogenesis and quality<br />

parameters for every plant variety (Samuolienė et al., 2004, 2006 d ; Tamulaitis et al.,<br />

2004 a , 2004 b , 2005, Urbonavičiūtė et al., 2007 a , 2007 b ; Kurilčik et al., 2007, 2008).<br />

The new technical possibilities in the field of plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation gave a big impulse to<br />

expand the photophysiological investigations of the greenhouse plants.<br />

During the recent decades the problems of the influence of climate and<br />

anthropogenic env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors on plants become still deep relevant. They are<br />

connected with the disintegration of ozone layer of stratosphere, increase of the flux<br />

of ultraviolet rays, the rise of temperature. Ecophysiological works are conducted at<br />

the laboratory from 2000 (Duchovskis et al., 2003). It is intend that these results will<br />

influence the development of the conception of the ecological agriculture and will form<br />

the basis for the creation of the strategy of plant selection in the future.<br />

Lately the significant progress in biology and technique allowed the creation<br />

of automatic plant investigation systems, which help physiologists to realize the<br />

conception of “conversation with the plant”. This field in plant physiology is called<br />

phytomonitoring (Rrazaitytė, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000; Brazaitytė, Duchovskis,<br />

1999; Brazaitytė, Jankauskienė, 2000; Duchowski, Brazaitytė, 2001). Methodology<br />

and equipment of phytomonitoring allow the conducting of investigations in vivo,<br />

without plant injures, in dynamics, at the same time observing several necessary<br />

parameters of plant and its env<strong>ir</strong>onment.<br />

The aim of the investigation was to present the trends of physiological scientific<br />

works, carried out at LIH and connected with the increase of the efficiency of<br />

horticulture and the improvement of production quality.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Ontogenetic aspect of investigations is<br />

characteristic to all works of laboratory. Method of vegetation experiments (Żurbicki,<br />

1974), morphophysiological method (Куперман, 1977), methodology and methods<br />

of phytomonitoring (Ton, 1996; Ильницкий et al., 1997), methods of liquid<br />

chromatography (Fernandez-Orozco et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2003) are applied<br />

in the laboratory on a large scale; spectrophotometric methods for various indices<br />

(Гавриленко, Жыгалова, 2003; Ragane et al., 2006; Janghel et al., 2007;) and the<br />

other substances were investigated.<br />

There was established the phytotrone complex with 10 climate chambers,<br />

experimental greenhouses, vegetative and ex situ fields at the laboratory. Besides the<br />

equipment characteristic to the Plant Physiology Laboratory, the investigations were<br />

conducted with the unique automatic plant investigation systems “Ekoplant-11” and<br />

“LPS-3”. There are two systems of chromatography of liquids with fluorescence,<br />

diode array and refractive index detectors and gas chromatographer with MS at the<br />

laboratory.<br />

M o r p h o g e n e s i s a n d fl o w e r i n g i n i t i a t i o n o f p l a n t s. The<br />

control of plant morphogenesis is important for the technological aspects. Moreover,<br />

the acceleration of the change of plant generations in phytotrons, greenhouses, climate<br />


chambers, the other installations of the artificial climate allows accelerating significantly<br />

the selection process. The investigations of plant ontogenesis are intensively carried<br />

out in Plant Physiology Laboratory of LIH. The new plant flowering initiation theory<br />

was created (Duchovskis, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2004; Duchovskienė, 2000; Šikšnianienė,<br />

2002; Samuolienė, 2007). According to this theory, the stages of flowering initiation<br />

are as follows:<br />

Flowering induction → evocation → flower initiation → gamete initiation →<br />

destruction of flowering stimulus<br />

On the basis of this theory the new conception about the character of two periods<br />

– flowering induction and evocation of wintering plants was created. According to this<br />

conception, the f<strong>ir</strong>st flowering induction period under natural conditions is stipulated by<br />

photoperiod (photoinduction period) and realizes itself in leaves through phytochrome<br />

system. The metabolites of this period are transported to the apical meristems and as a<br />

result of the<strong>ir</strong> activity the expression of organogenesis genes of inflorescence axis occurs<br />

(the f<strong>ir</strong>st evocation stage). The f<strong>ir</strong>st evocation period ends at the complete development<br />

of inflorescence axis (III rd organogenesis stage according to F. Kuperman (1977)).<br />

The second flowering induction period is conditioned by low positive temperatures<br />

(thermoinduction period) and occurs in the growth apex. The stimulus of the second<br />

flowering induction stage de-blocks the genes of the second evocation period. The<br />

morphological expression of evocation period is the development of the elements of<br />

inflorescence axis (IV th organogenesis stage). Dependently on the type and degree of<br />

development of the wintering plant, these processes may occur in autumn, winter, but<br />

most often – in spring. The f<strong>ir</strong>st and the second periods of flowering induction may<br />

occur together (in the II nd organogenesis stage) or in consecutive order (in the II nd<br />

and III rd organogenesis stages), or thermoinduction period may pass even earlier than<br />

photoinduction period, but the periods of evocation pass only in consecutive order<br />

(Duchovskis, 2000).<br />

Lately a lot of attention is paid to the role of pigments photosynthetic system,<br />

system of phytohormones, sugars and other metabolites, also on the light spectrum and<br />

flux in the different periods of flowering initiation (Samuolienė et al., 2005 a,b , 2006 a-d ,<br />

2007, 2008; Samuolienė, 2007).<br />

These works are good theoretical basis to control the plant growth and development<br />

and to create the methods of the accelerated growing of plant generations under the<br />

conditions of the artificial climate.<br />

Plant productivity and quality realizes itself in ontogenesis. Plant requ<strong>ir</strong>ements<br />

to the env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors and the elements of nutrition differ in ontogenesis.<br />

Investigations showed that it is possible to optimize the growth factors in the different<br />

periods of development by technological means (Brazaitytė, 1998; Tarvydienė et al.,<br />

2004 a,b ; Žebrauskienė et al., 2001).<br />

P h o t o p h y s i o l o g i c a l i n v e s t i g a t i o n s. The photophysiological<br />

investigations are carried out on purpose to design the new generation semiconductor<br />

lamps for plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation in greenhouses, phytotrone and for in vitro cultivation<br />

systems (Bliznikas et al., 2004; Brazaitytė et al., 2004, 2006; Samuoliene et al., 2004,<br />

2006 d ; Tamulaitis et al., 2004 a , 2004 b , 2005; Ulinskaitė et al., 2004; Grishenkova et al.,<br />

2006; Urbonavičiūtė et al., 2007 a , 2007 b ; Kurilčik et al., 2007, 2008). The parameters<br />

of such lamps can be very easily changed or programmed, thus allows to control plant<br />


photosynthetic, photomorphogenetic, phototropic processes and to affect the trend of<br />

plant metabolic processes. These works are carried out together with physics of Vilnius<br />

University (prof. A. Žukauskas). The significant results presumed to attract the private<br />

capital for the patent of these data and for the expanding of new plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation<br />

technology business. The offset company UAB HORTILED was established.<br />

Physiology of plant productivity. In recent years a lot of attention is paid to the<br />

investigation of photosynthetic parameters of field crops (Brazaitytė, 1998; Tarvydienė<br />

et al., 2004 a,b ; Šikšnianienė et al., 2006, 2007; Tranavičienė et al., 2007) and orchards<br />

(Šabajevienė et al., 2005, 2006 b , 2007). These investigations allow to notice the factors<br />

during vegetation timely, which reduce the productivity and quality and to optimize<br />

them by technological means.<br />

Methodology of phytomonitoring allows effectively observe plant physiological<br />

parameters during vegetation and control them by the technological means. This<br />

presents the opportunity operatively to correct the technologies of growing and to<br />

obtain more and qualitative production. This methodology of investigation especially<br />

justified itself in the closed systems of growing, for example, in greenhouses, where<br />

there is an opportunity to control more parameters of growing. Especially good results<br />

were obtained with tomatoes and cucumbers in greenhouses (Brazaitytė, 1996, 1998,<br />

1999, 2000; Brazaitytė at al., 1999; Uselis et al., 2007).<br />

Ecophysiological investigations. The laboratory participates in the ecophysiological<br />

projects of the national program of priority trends. The aim of these investigations<br />

was to establish plant reaction on the stress of ozone, CO 2<br />

, temperature, heavy metals,<br />

acidity of substratum, UV-B and the<strong>ir</strong> complex influence, to reveal the possibilities of<br />

plant adaptation and competition in the background of the increased env<strong>ir</strong>onmental<br />

stress and to prevision plant growing strategy for the nearest decades.<br />

Many stress factors arouse homeostasis mechanisms and plants become more<br />

resistant to the additional stress. Nevertheless, in different cases, the stress influence<br />

on the env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors sums up (Duchovskis et al., 2003 a ; Brazaitytė et al., 2005,<br />

2006, 2007; Baranauskis et al., 2006; Sakalauskaitė, 2006 a , 2006 b ; Sakalauskienė et al.,<br />

2007, 2008). Plant sensitivity to the different stress factors isn’t the same (Bashmakov<br />

et al., 2005; Brazaitytė et al., 2006; Juknys et al., 2006). Weeds most often are more<br />

resistant to the env<strong>ir</strong>onmental pollution, what helps them to compete for nutrients and<br />

light (Kavaliauskaitė et al., 2005). We hope that the results of these investigations will<br />

allow modelling the strategy of agriculture plant selection for the nearest decades.<br />

The applied physiological investigations may effectively contribute to the plant<br />

productivity enlargement and quality improvement.<br />

In laboratory there was published over 500 scientific publications, whereof 250<br />

in international, Lithuanian and foreign journals. There was defended 1 degree of<br />

habilitated doctor and 4 doctoral degrees.<br />

Currently there are working tree research workers, two technicians and six PhD<br />

students are studying in the laboratory.<br />

Gauta 2008 04 02<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 24<br />


References<br />

1. Bandaravičienė G., Duchovskis P., Šikšnianas T. 1999. Development dynamics of<br />

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frosts. Biologija, 1: 9–11.<br />

2. Baranauskis K., Bandzevičiūtė V., Samuolienė G., Šabajevienė G., Ulinskaitė R.,<br />

Sakalauskaitė J., Duchovskis P. 2005. Gūžinių baltųjų kopūstų (Brassica<br />

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4. Bashmakov D. I., Lukatkin A. S., Duchovskis P. V., Stanys V. A. 2007. Effect of<br />

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5. Bashmakov D. I., Lukatkin A. S., Revin V. V., Duchovskis P., Brazaitytė A.,<br />

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concentrations of heavy metals. Ekologija, 3: 22–<strong>27</strong>.<br />

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10. Brazaitytė A., Duchovskis P. 1999. Monitoring of dynamics of tomato Svara<br />

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11. Brazaitytė A., Duchovskis P., Juknys R., Žukauskaitė I. 2001. Influence<br />

of unfavourable natural factors and pollutants on the complex of tomato<br />

photosynthetic pigments. Biologija, 2: 4–7.<br />

12. Brazaitytė A., Duchovskis P., Ulinskaitė R., Šikšnianienė J. B., Jankauskienė J.,<br />

Samuolienė G., Baranauskis K., Bliznikas Z., Breivė K., Novičkovas A.,<br />

Tamulaitis G., Žukauskas A. 2004. Impact of spectral composition of illumination<br />

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13: 58–66.<br />


15. Brazaitytė A., Sakalauskaitė J., Duchovskis P., Juknys R., Šikšnianienė J. B.,<br />

Lukatkin A. S., Revin V. V., Samuolienė G., Ulinskaitė R., Baranauskis K.,<br />

Šabajevienė G., Navarskaitė L., Strakšas V. 2005. Response of radish pigments<br />

system to anthropogenic factors. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 24(3): 440–<br />

447.<br />

16. Brazaitytė A., Sakalauskaitė J., Duchovskis P., Šikšnianienė J. B., Samuolienė G.,<br />

Ulinskaitė R., Baranauskis K., Urbonavičiūtė A., Šabajevienė G., Gelvonauskis B.,<br />

Uselis N., Vagusevičienė I. 2007. Braškių ‘Senga Sengana’ prisitaikymas prie<br />

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<strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 26(2): 34–44.<br />

17. Brazaitytė A., Ulinskaitė R., Duchovskis P., Samuolienė G., Šikšnianienė J. B.,<br />

Jankauskienė J., Šabajevienė G., Baranauskis K., Stanienė G., Tamulaitis G.,<br />

Bliznikas Z., Žukauskas A. 2006. Optimization of lighting spectrum for<br />

photosynthetic system and productivity of lettuce by using light-emitting diodes.<br />

Acta Horticulturae, 711: 183–188.<br />

18. Čelkienė A. 1988. ‘Norio’ veislės obelaičių pramečiavimo tyrimas. Sodininkystė<br />

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19. Čelkienė A. 1991. ‘Melbos’ veislės obelų pramečiavimo morfofiziologiniai<br />

aspektai. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 10: 15–23.<br />

20. Duchovskienė Z. 1996. Dvimečių daržovių žydėjimo indukcijos bei organogenezės<br />

tyrimai. Teorinės <strong>ir</strong> praktinės problemos šiuolaikinėje kultūrinių augalų<br />

fiziologijoje. Mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys, Babtai: 145–152.<br />

21. Duchovskienė Z. 2000. Gūžinių, ropinių kopūstų <strong>ir</strong> raudonųjų burokėlių žydėjimo<br />

iniciacija bei generatyvinė raida. Daktaro disertacijos santrauka, Babtai, 30 p.<br />

22. Duchovskienė Z., Bobinas Č. 2000. Flowering initiation in cabbage,<br />

kohlrabi and red beet: effect of vernalization. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

19(3)–1: 193–203.<br />

23. Duchovskienė Z., Šikšnianienė J., Bobinas Č., Duchovskis P. 1999. Peculiarities<br />

of flowering initiation in cabbage. Biologija, 1: 35–37.<br />

24. Duchovskis P., 1996. Model of Flowering Initiation in Perennial Plants. Theoretical<br />

and practical Problems in modern Physiology of Cultured Plants. Collection of<br />

Scientific Articles. Babtai, LIH: 15–25.<br />

25. Duchovskis P. 1998 a . Photomorphogenetic effects in flowering initiation within<br />

perennial plants. Biologija 3: 42–44.<br />

26. Duchovskis P. 1998 b . Problems of resistance to abiotic factors of<br />

horticultural plants in Lithuania and the<strong>ir</strong> solution. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

17(3): 3–12.<br />

<strong>27</strong>. Duchovskis P. 2000. Conception of two-phase flowering induction and evocation<br />

in wintering plants. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 19(3)–1: 3–14.<br />

28. Duchovskis P. 2004. Flowering initiation of wintering plants. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong><br />

daržininkystė, 23(2): 3–11.<br />

29. Duchovskis P. 2006. Augalų morfogenezė in vitro <strong>ir</strong> jos reguliavimas. Mokomoji<br />

medžiaga. Babtai, „Rodiklis“: 32 p.<br />


30. Duchowski P. 1995. Indukcja kwitnienia wybranych roъlin pastewnych (Traw i<br />

koniczyny białej). Acta Academiae Agriculturae ac Technicae Olstenensis (509).<br />

Agricultura, 61, Supplementum C: 61 s.<br />

31. Duchovskis P., Bobinas Č., Orentienė V. 2001. Valgomųjų morkų (Daucus sativus<br />

Röhl.) sėklų augimas <strong>ir</strong> vystymasis ontogenezėje. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

20(2): 48–53.<br />

32. Duchovskis P., Juknys R., Brazaitytė A. & Žukauskaitė I. 2003 a . Plant Response<br />

to Integrated Impact of Natural and Anthropogenic Stress Factors. Russian Journal<br />

of Plant Physiology, 50(2): 147–154.<br />

33. Duchovskis P., Kviklys D., Kawecki Z., Petronis P., Kviklienė N. 2000 a . Impact<br />

of rootstock and <strong>ir</strong>rigation on apple bud differentiation and flowering initiation.<br />

Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 19(3)–1: 352–358.<br />

34. Duchovskis P., Stanys V., Aliukevičiūtė R. 2001. Naminės slyvos (Prunus<br />

domestica L.) <strong>ir</strong> kaukazinės slyvos (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) atsparumas šalčiams.<br />

Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 20(2): 3–17.<br />

35. Duchovskis P., Stanys V., Sasnauskas A., Bobinas Č. 2007. Cold Resistance of<br />

Prunus domestica L. and Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. in Lithuania. Acta Horticulturae,<br />

734: 299–303.<br />

36. Duchovskis P., Šikšnianienė J., Bobinas Č., Viškelis P. 2000 b . Dynamics<br />

of peroxidase and orto-diphenoloxidase isoensymes and other organic<br />

substances in the evocation stage of white cabbage. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

19(3)–1: 309–317.<br />

37. Duchovskis P., Šikšnianienė J. B., Duchovskienė L., Kviklys D., Sakalauskaitė J.,<br />

Deltuvas R., Kupčinskienė E. 2005. Pramonės taršos poveikis obelų fotosintetiniams<br />

pigmentams <strong>ir</strong> atsparumui ligoms bei kenkėjams. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

24 (4): 65–71.<br />

38. Duchovskis P., Žebrauskienė A., Šikšnianienė J. B., Viškelis P., Samuolienė G.,<br />

Bobinas Č., Kmitienė L., Kmitas A.. 2004. Evocation of edible onions.<br />

Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 23 (2): 125–136.<br />

39. Duchovskis P., Žukauskas N., Šikšnianienė J. B., Samuolienė G. 2003 b . Valgomųjų<br />

morkų (Daucus sativus Röhl.) juvenalinio periodo, žydėjimo indukcijos <strong>ir</strong><br />

evokacijos procesų ypatumai. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 22 (1): 86–93.<br />

40. Duchowski P., Brazaitytė A. 2001. Tomato Photosynthesis Monitoring<br />

in Investigations on Tolerance to Low Temperatures. Acta Horticulturae,<br />

562: 335–339.<br />

41. Fernandez-Orozco R., Zielinski H., Piskula M. K. 2003. Contribution of lowmolecular-weight<br />

antioxidants to the antioxidant capacity of raw and processed<br />

lentil seeds. Nahrung/Food, 47(5): 291–299.<br />

42. Gelvonauskis B., Duchovskis P., Bandaravičienė G. 1999. Estimation of apple<br />

seedlings winterhardiness and its inheritance. Biologija, 3: 36–38.<br />

43. Gelvonauskis B., Duchovskis P., Bandaravičienė G. 2000. Investigation of<br />

winter hardiness and cold hardiness in apple progenies. Acta Horticulturae,<br />

538: <strong>27</strong>7–280.<br />


44. Grishenkova N. N., Lukatkin A. S., Stanys V. A., Duchovskis P. V. 2006. Light<br />

condition effects on chilling adaptation of maize seedlings. Russian Agricultural<br />

Sciences, 5: 12–14.<br />

45. Janghel E. K., Gupta V. K., Rai M. K., Rai J. K. 2007. Micro determination of<br />

ascorbic acid using methyl viologen. Talanta, 72: 1 013–1 016.<br />

46. Jankauskienė J., Brazaitytė A. 2002. Įva<strong>ir</strong>ios spinduliuotės lempų įtaka agurkų<br />

daigų augimui bei produktyvumui. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 21(1): 63–71.<br />

47. Jankauskienė J., Brazaitytė A., Kazėnas V. 2001. Įva<strong>ir</strong>ios spinduliuotės šviesos<br />

lempų įtaka pomidorų daigams. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 20(4)-1: 25–34.<br />

48. Juknys R., Duchovskis P., Sliesaravičius A., Šlepetys J., Martinavičienė J.,<br />

Brazaitytė A., Juozaitytė R., Lazauskas S., Dėdelienė K., Sakalauskaitė J.,<br />

Romaneckienė R., Kadžiulienė Ž., Januškaitiennė I. 2006. Anglies dioksido <strong>ir</strong><br />

temperatūros diferencijuotas bei kompleksinis poveikis žemės ūkio augalams.<br />

Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(2): 3–13.<br />

49. Juozaitytė R., Ramaškevičienė A., Sliesaravičius A., Brazaitytė A., Duchovskis P.,<br />

Burbulis N. 2007. Growth and physiological features of pea (Pisum sativum L.)<br />

of different morphotypes under ozone exposure. Biologija, 53(3): 71–74.<br />

50. Karitonas R., Viškelis P., Brazaitytė A., Žebrauskienė A. 1996. Nitratų, vitamino C<br />

<strong>ir</strong> pigmentų tyrimai įva<strong>ir</strong>aus produktyvumo (Brassica oleracea var. italika) veislių<br />

<strong>ir</strong> hibridų brokoliuose. Teorinės <strong>ir</strong> praktinės problemos šiuolaikinėje kultūrinių<br />

augalų fiziologijoje (mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys). Babtai: 153–157.<br />

51. Kavaliauskaitė D., Duchovskis P., Bobinas Č. 2005. Competitive influence of white<br />

goose-foots (Chenopodium album L.) on biological productivity and chemical<br />

composition on red beets (Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva Alef.). Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong><br />

daržininkystė, 24(3): 1<strong>27</strong>–137.<br />

52. Kurilčik A., Miklušytė-Čanova R., Dapkūnienė S., Žilinskaitė S., Kurilčik G.,<br />

Tamulaitis G., Duchovskis P., Žukauskas A. 2008. In vitro culture of<br />

Chrysanthemum plantlets using light-emitting diodes. Central European Journal<br />

of Biology, 3(2): 161–167.<br />

53. Kurilčik A., Miklušytė-Čanova R., Žilinskaitė S., Dapkūnienė S., Duchovskis P.,<br />

Kurilčik G., Tamulaitis G., Žukauskas A. 2007. In vitro cultivation of grape culture<br />

under solid-state lighting. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 26(3): 235–245.<br />

54. Lukatkin A. S., Gracheva N. V., Grishenkova N. N., Duchovskis P. V.,<br />

Brazaitytė A. A. 2007. Cytokinin-like growth regulators mitigate toxic action of<br />

zinc and nickel ions on maize seedlings. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology,<br />

54(3): 381–387.<br />

55. McCall D., Brazaitytė A. 1997. Salinity effects on seedling growth and floral<br />

initiation in tomato. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, 47: 248–252.<br />

56. Orentienė V., Duchovskis P., Bobinas Č. 2000. Morphophysiological investigation<br />

of cabbage seed ripening. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 19(3)–1: 212–216.<br />

57. Orentienė V., Duchovskis P., Zalatorius V., Bobinas Č., Stašelis A. 1998. Impact<br />

of mechanic, physical, and chemical factors on germination power of carrot seeds.<br />

Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 17(2): 104–110.<br />


58. Ragaee S., El-Sayed M., Abdel-Aal, Maher Noaman. 2006. Antioxidant activity<br />

and nutrient composition of selected cereals for food use. Food Chemistry,<br />

95: 32–38.<br />

59. Raklevičienė D., Duchovskis P., Švegždienė D., Rančelienė V., Brazaitytė A. 2005.<br />

Response of cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seedlings to impact of ultraviolet-B<br />

and to elevated ozone levels under controlled env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions. Acta<br />

Physiologiae Plantarum, <strong>27</strong>(4) (supplement): 83–84.<br />

60. Ramaškevičienė A., Burbulis N., Duchovskis P., Sliesaravičius A., Pilipavičius V.,<br />

Kuprienė R., Blinstrubienė A., Urbonavičiūtė A., Sakalauskaitė J., Baranauskis K.<br />

2006. Impact of substrate acidity and heavy metals (Cu, Cd) on pea plants growth<br />

and pollen germination. Ekologija, 2: 8–14.<br />

61. Rubinskienė M., Viškelis P., Jasutienė I., Duchovskis P., Bobinas Č. 2006. Changes<br />

in biologically active constituents during ripening in black currants. Journal of<br />

Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, 14 (Suppl. 2): 237–246.<br />

62. Sakalauskaitė J., Stanienė G., Stanys V., Duchovskis P., Samuolienė G.,<br />

Baranauskis K., Urbonavičiūtė A., Revin V., Lukatkin A. 2006 b . Cadmium<br />

Resistance of Apple Rootstocks M.9 and B.396 In vitro. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong><br />

daržininkystė, 25(3): <strong>27</strong>3–282.<br />

63. Sakalauskaitė J., Kviklys D., Lanauskas J., Duchovskis P. 2006 b . Biomass<br />

Production, Dry Weight Partitioning and Leaf Area of Apple Rootstocks under<br />

Drought Stress. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(3): 283–291.<br />

64. Sakalauskienė S., Šabajevienė G., Duchovskis P., Lazauskas S.,<br />

Urbonavičiūtė A., Brazaitytė A., Samuolienė G., Ulinskaitė R., Sakalauskaitė J.,<br />

Povilaitis V. 2007. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo drėgmės <strong>ir</strong> temperatūros režimo kompleksinis<br />

poveikis žemės ūkio augalų augimo rodikliams. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

26(4): 317–325.<br />

65. Sakalauskienė S., Šabajevienė G., Lazauskas S., Brazaitytė A., Samuolienė G.,<br />

Urbonavičiūtė A., Sakalauskaitė J., Ulinskaitė R., Duchovskis P. 2008. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo<br />

drėgmės <strong>ir</strong> temperatūros režimo kompleksinis poveikis ridikėlių fotosintetiniams<br />

rodikliams III–IV organogenezės etapuose. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

<strong>27</strong>(1): 97–104.<br />

66. Samuolienė G. 2007. The Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Flowering<br />

Initiation in Edible Carrot (Daucus sativa (Hoffm.) Röhl.). Summary of Doctoral<br />

Dissertation. Babtai, 26 p.<br />

67. Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P. 2006 a . Angliavandenių dinamika <strong>ir</strong> vaidmuo<br />

paprastojo kmyno žiedų iniciacijos <strong>ir</strong> diferenciacijos metu. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong><br />

daržininkystė, 25(1): 199–206.<br />

68. Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P. 2006 b . Fitohormonų dinamika <strong>ir</strong> vaidmuo<br />

po paprastojo kmyno žydėjimo indukcijos. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

25(4): <strong>27</strong>8–285.<br />

69. Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P. 2006 c . Variation of ABA and carotenoids during<br />

flowering initiation in carrots. Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 50(3–4): 121–125.<br />


70. Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P., Šikšnianienė J., Brazaitytė A., Ulinskaitė R.,<br />

Tamulaitis G., Bliznikas Z., Kurilčik G., Žukauskas A. 2006 d . Flowering<br />

initiation in carrots by tailoring the illumination spectrum. Acta Horticulturae,<br />

711: <strong>27</strong>9–284.<br />

71. Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P., Ulinskaitė R. 2005 a . Dynamics and role of<br />

carbohydrates in carrot during different flowering initiation stages. Sodininkystė<br />

<strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 24(3): 147–154.<br />

72. Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P., Urbonavičiūtė A. 2005 b . Phytohormones dynamics<br />

during flowering initiation in carrots. Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 49(3–4): 33–<br />

37.<br />

73. Samuolienė G., Šabajevienė G., Ulinskaitė R., Duchovskis P. 2008. Fotosintezės<br />

rodiklių kitimas paprastojo kmyno žydėjimo iniciacijos metu. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong><br />

daržininkystė, <strong>27</strong>(1): 131–138.<br />

74. Samuolienė G., Šabajevienė G., Urbonavičiūtė A., Duchovskis P. 2007. Carrot<br />

flowering initiation: light effect, photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates. Acta<br />

Biologica Szegediensis: 51(1): 39–42.<br />

75. Samuolienė G., Šikšnianienė J. B., Duchovskis P., Brazaitytė A., Ulinskaitė R.,<br />

Baranauskis K. 2004. Šviesos kokybės įtaka valgomųjų morkų fiziologiniams<br />

procesams evokacijos bei žiedų iniciacijos tarpsniais. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

23(1): 78–87.<br />

76. Stašelis A., Duchovskis P., Brazaitytė A. 1999. Elektromagnetinių laukų poveikis<br />

daržovių sėklų daigumui bei daigų morfogenezei. Inžinerija, 4(1): 77–85.<br />

77. Stašelis A., Duchovskis P., Optažas R., Meškelis L. 1996. Elektromagnetinių<br />

laukų įtaka pomidorų <strong>ir</strong> agurkų sėklų daigumui bei daigų morfogenezei. Žemės<br />

ūkio inžinerija, 28(2): 121–130.<br />

78. Šabajevienė G., Kviklys D., Samuolienė G., Sasnauskas A., Duchovskis P.<br />

2007. Seasonal patterns of carbohydrates in apple tree cv. ‘Auksis’ on different<br />

rootstocks. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 26(3): 159–165.<br />

79. Šabajevienė G., Sakalauskaitė J., Šlapakauskas V., Uselis N., Duchovskis P. 2006 a .<br />

Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Cultivar ‘Auksis’ on Rootstocks P 22<br />

and P 60 in High Density Orchards of Different Construction. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong><br />

daržininkystė, 25(3): 364–370.<br />

80. Šabajevienė G., Uselis N., Duchovskis P. 2005. Auksio obelų fotosintezės pigmentų<br />

tyrimai įva<strong>ir</strong>ių konstrukcijų intensyviuose soduose. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

24(4): 57–64.<br />

81. Šabajevienė G., Uselis N., Duchovskis P. 2006 b . ‘Auksis’ veislės obelų su P 22<br />

poskiepiu fotosintetinės pigmentų sistemos formavimasis įva<strong>ir</strong>ių konstrukcijų<br />

soduose. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(1): 23–28.<br />

82. Šikšnianienė J. B. 2002. Eucoreosma sekcijos serbentų peroksidazės <strong>ir</strong><br />

polifenoloksidazės tyrimai sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose ontogenezės tarpsniuose. Daktaro<br />

disertacijos santrauka, Babtai, 24 p.<br />


83. Šikšnianienė J. B. 2005. Raudonųjų burokėlių (Beta vulgaris L. var.<br />

Conditiva Alef.) peroksidazės <strong>ir</strong> polifenoloksidazės izofermentų dinamika<br />

žydėjimo indukcijos <strong>ir</strong> evokacijos tarpsniais. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

24(4): 112–119.<br />

84. Šikšnianienė J. B., Bundinienė O., Brazaitytė A., Duchovskis P. 2007. Trąšų su<br />

nitrifikacijos inhibitoriumi poveikis raudonųjų burokėlių fotosintezės rodikliams.<br />

Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 26(2): 52–59.<br />

85. Šikšnianienė J. B., Duchovskis P., Bundinienė O., Brazaitytė A. 2006. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingų<br />

azoto trąšų formų <strong>ir</strong> ceolito įtaka burokėlių pasėlio fotosintezės rodikliams.<br />

Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(1): 116–122.<br />

86. Šikšnianienė J., Duchovskis P., Stanys V., Šikšnianas T. 2000. Peroxidase and ortodiphenoloxidase<br />

isoenzymic spectra of Eucoreosma section currant species and<br />

black currant cultivars in the stages of flower and gamete initiation. Sodininkystė<br />

<strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 19(3)–1: 168–179.<br />

87. Šikšnianienė J. B., Duchovskis P., Stašelis A. 2006. Elektromagnetinių laukų<br />

poveikis baltosios balandos augimui bei sėklų daigumui. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong><br />

daržininkystė, 25(1): 192–198.<br />

88. Šikšnianienė J. B., Duchovskis P., Viškelis P., Petronienė D. 2006. Raudonųjų<br />

burokėlių Ilgiai angliavandenių <strong>ir</strong> azoto medžiagų dinamika žydėjimo indukcijos<br />

<strong>ir</strong> evokacijos tarpsniais. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(1): 100–109.<br />

89. Tamulaitis G., Duchovskis P., Bliznikas Z., Breivė K., Ulinskaitė R., Brazaitytė A.,<br />

Novičkovas A., Žukauskas A. 2004 a . High-power solid-state lighting facility<br />

for greenhouse vegetable cultivation. Institute of Physics Conference Series,<br />

182: 317–318.<br />

90. Tamulaitis G., Duchovskis P., Bliznikas Z., Breivė K., Ulinskaitė R., Brazaitytė A.,<br />

Novickovas A., Žukauskas A., Shur M. S. 2004 b . High-power LEDs for plant<br />

cultivation. Proc. SPIE, 5 530: 165–173.<br />

91. Tamulaitis G., Duchovskis P., Bliznikas Z., Breivė K., Ulinskaitė R.,<br />

Brazaitytė A., Novičkovas A., Žukauskas A. 2005. High-power light-emitting<br />

diode based facility for plant cultivation. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,<br />

38(17): 3 182–3 187.<br />

92. Tarvydienė A., Duchovskis P., Šiuliauskas A. 2004 a . Raudonųjų burokėlių<br />

fotosintetinių rodiklių formavimosi dinamika sk<strong>ir</strong>tingai tręštame pasėlyje.<br />

Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 23(3): 76–88.<br />

93. Tarvydienė A., Duchovskis P., Šiuliauskas A. 2004 b . Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingų raudonųjų burokėlių<br />

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Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P., Sliesaravičius A. 2006. Effects of Nitrogen<br />

Fertilizers on Wheat Photosynthetic pigment and carbohydrate contents. Biologija,<br />

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96. Ulinskaitė R., Duchovskis P., Brazaitytė A., Jankauskienė J., Viškelis P.,<br />

Šikšnianienė J. B., Samuolienė G., Šabajevienė G., Bliznikas Z., Breivė K.,<br />

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spectrum on growth and quality of onion leaves. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė,<br />

23(3): 44–53.<br />

97. Urbonavičiūtė A., Pinho P., Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P., Vitta P., Stonkus A.,<br />

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98. Urbonavičiūtė A., Pinho P., Samuolienė G., Duchovskis P., Vitta P., Stonkus A.,<br />

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99. Urbonavičiūtė A., Samuolienė G., Sakalauskaitė J., Duchovskis P., Brazaitytė A.,<br />

Šikšnianienė J. B., Ulinskaitė R., Šabajevienė G., Baranauskis K. 2006 a . The<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Dvidešimt metų mokslinių ieškojimų augalų fiziologijos srityje<br />

P. Duchovskis<br />

Augalų fiziologijos laboratorija LSDI įkurta 1988 m. balandžio 16 dienа. Nuo pat pradžių<br />

buvo siekiama sukurti šiuolaikinę mokslinę bazę bei aktualią tyrimų tematiką. Šiuo metu prie<br />

laboratorijos įkurtas fitotroninis kompleksas su 10 klimato kamerų, eksperimentiniais šiltnamiais,<br />

vegetacine aikštele. Laboratorija aprūpinta automatinėmis augalų fiziologinių procesų tyrimo,<br />

skysčių <strong>ir</strong> dujų chromatografijos sistemomis, kita analitine įranga.<br />

Laboratorijoje susiformavo tokios svarbiausios mokslinio darbo kryptys: augalų<br />

morfogenezė, žydėjimo iniciacija, ekofiziologija, fotofiziologija, augalų produktyvumo<br />

fiziologija. Svarbiausios laboratorijos temos sk<strong>ir</strong>tos augalų žydėjimo iniciacijos teorijos bei<br />

morfogenezės tyrimams plėtoti. Laboratorijoje sukurtas žiemojančių, dvimečių <strong>ir</strong> daugiamečių<br />

augalų žydėjimo iniciacijos modelis (P. Duchovskis). T<strong>ir</strong>iami foto- <strong>ir</strong> termoindukcijos,<br />

evokacijos, žiedų iniciacijos <strong>ir</strong> diferenciacijos mechanizmai, fitohormonų, angliavandenių <strong>ir</strong><br />

kitų medžiagų vaidmuo šiuose procesuose (P. Duchovskis, G. Samuolienė, A. Urbonavičiūtė,<br />

G. Šabajevienė, A. Kurilčik). Galimybė pažinti <strong>ir</strong> valdyti augalų augimo <strong>ir</strong> vystymosi procesus<br />

sudaro puikias prielaidas intensyvinti sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės technologijas.<br />

Siekiant sukurti naujos kartos puslaidininkes lempas augalams švitinti šiltnamiuose,<br />

in vitro kultivavimo sistemose bei fitotronuose vykdomi fotofiziologiniai tyrimai (P. Duchovskis,<br />

A. Urbonavičiūtė, G. Samuolienė, A. Kurilčik, A. Brazaitytė, R. Ulinskaitė). Tokių lempų<br />

šviesos parametrai lengvai keičiami bei programuojami, o tai leidžia valdyti augalų fotosintezės,<br />

fotomorfogenezės, fototropinius procesus bei veikti augalų metabolinių procesų kryptingumą.<br />

Šie darbai vykdomi su Vilniaus universiteto fizikais (prof. A. Žukauskas). Pasiekti reikšmingi<br />

darbo rezultatai leido pritraukti privatų kapitalą šiems rezultatams patentuoti bei naujam augalų<br />

švitinimo technologijos verslui plėtoti. Įkurta dukterinė įmonė UAB HORTILED.<br />

Svarbi tyrimo kryptis – nepalankių gamtinių <strong>ir</strong> antropogeninių veiksnių poveikis augalų<br />

fiziologiniams <strong>ir</strong> biocheminiams rodikliams, jų tolerancijos ribos <strong>ir</strong> adaptyvumas įva<strong>ir</strong>iems<br />

stresams bei konkurencinis pajėgumas besikeičiančio klimato <strong>ir</strong> aplinkos taršos sąlygomis<br />

(A. Brazaitytė, J. Sakalauskaitė, S. Sakalauskienė, G. Samuolienė, A. Urbonavičiūtė,<br />

G. Šabajevienė, P. Duchovskis). Tai kompleksiniai darbai, kurie vykdomi su kitomis žemės<br />

ūkio <strong>ir</strong> biologinio profilio institucijomis <strong>ir</strong> kurių galutinis tikslas – parengti rekomendacijas<br />

žemės <strong>ir</strong> miškų ūkiui agro- <strong>ir</strong> miškų ekosistemų tvarumui didinti.<br />

Laboratorijoje plėtojami lauko daržovių <strong>ir</strong> kitų augalų pasėlio bei sodų fiziologijos tyrimai<br />

(A. Brazaitytė, J. B. Šikšnianienė, G. Šabajevienė, P. Duchovskis). Jie leidžia laiku pastebėti<br />

pasėlio fotosintetinių rodiklių kitimа <strong>ir</strong> veikti šiuos procesus technologinėmis priemonėmis<br />

siekiant didesnio augalų produktyvumo <strong>ir</strong> geresnės produkcijos kokybės.<br />

Per 20 darbo metų laboratorijoje paskelbta daugiau kaip 500 mokslinių publikacijų, iš jų<br />

250 tarptautiniuose, Lietuvos <strong>ir</strong> užsienio recenzuojamuose leidiniuose. Apgintas 1 habilituoto<br />

daktaro <strong>ir</strong> 4 daktaro disertacijos moksliniam laipsniui įgyti.<br />

Šiuo metu laboratorijoje d<strong>ir</strong>ba 3 mokslo darbuotojai, 2 laborantai bei studijuoja 6<br />

doktorantai.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augalų streso fiziologija, fitomonitoringas, fotofiziologija, žydėjimo<br />

iniciacija.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Flowering initiation in carrot and caraway<br />

Giedrė Samuolienė 1, 2 , Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė 1, 2 ,<br />

Gintarė Šabajevienė 1 , Pavelas Duchovskis 1, 2<br />

1<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: g.samuoliene@lsdi.lt<br />

2<br />

Lthuanian university of agriculture, LT-53361, Akademija, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania<br />

The aim of this paper was to analyze the influence of external factors such as short and<br />

long day, vernalization and temperature on the generative development rate in biannual plants<br />

and on sucrose and gibberelic acid metabolism in apical meristems during flowering initiation.<br />

The researches were carried out in 2004–2007 in phytotron complex of the Lithuanian Institute<br />

of Horticulture according to vegetative assay methodology under controlled conditions. Edible<br />

carrot (Daucus sativus (Hoffm.) Röhl.) var. ‘Garduolės’ and co mmon caraway (Carum carvi L.)<br />

var. ‘Gintaras’ with 9 leaves in rosette were kept in a phytotron chambers with different<br />

photo and thermo periods for 120 days: 0 h – 4 °C; 8 h – 4 °C; 16 h – 4 °C; 8 h – 21/17 °C;<br />

16 h – 21/17 °C. Different developmental rates and ways in two disputed Apiaceae species<br />

were observed in subject to env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors. Thus the peculiar sucrose supply in shoot<br />

apex and differences in GA 3<br />

concentration during evocation under particular env<strong>ir</strong>onmental<br />

conditions influenced the formation rate of inflorescence stem in carrot and caraway. We deduced<br />

that vernalization makes stronger positive effect on carrot flowering initiation, whereas high<br />

temperature blocks the formation of generative organs. The flowering initiation in carrots is<br />

more dependent on temperature than on photoperiod regimes during different ontogenesis stages.<br />

Long day and vernalization determines almost full flowering, high temperatures independently<br />

from photoperiod results in partial flowering and short day and vernalization is the limiting<br />

factor of caraway flowering.<br />

Key words: caraway, carrot, gibberellic acid, photoperiod, sucrose, temperature,<br />

vernalization.<br />

Introduction. The Apiaceae are mostly temperate herbs almost always with<br />

umbellate inflorescences comprising about 300 genera and 3,000 species (Pimenov<br />

and Leonov, 1993). Daucus carota subsp. sativus (Hoffm.) Arcang., the co mmon<br />

cultivated carrot, is by far its most economically important member (Downie et al.,<br />

2000). Other familiar vegetables, flavorings or garnishes include angelica, caraway,<br />

celery, dill, parsley and etc.<br />

The timing of the transition from vegetative growth to flowering is of paramount<br />

importance in agriculture, horticulture, and plant breeding because flowering is the f<strong>ir</strong>st<br />

step of sexual reproduction (Bernier et al., 1993). Factors, which may induce flowering<br />

in biennial plants, are complex ones. Differences in the vegetation length and induction<br />

requ<strong>ir</strong>ement have the<strong>ir</strong> genetical and physiological background (Németh, 1998). In<br />


several species, cold effect is the major factor stimulating flower initiation. Its value<br />

and length are of basic importance, however, they are satisfactorily cleared up only<br />

for a few species (Németh, 1998). The requ<strong>ir</strong>ed vernalization length is in connection<br />

with the development and size of the plants, more developed ones demanding a shorter<br />

period. Also other factors are involved, in several cases the interaction of temperature<br />

and photoperiods are proved (Ramin and Atherton, 1994). Beside temperature,<br />

illumination length may also play a basic role in flower initiation (Rünger, 1977).<br />

Those inductive factors stay in tight correlation with each other (Booij and Meurs,<br />

1994). Illumination may act on flowering through its length during the day (the ratio of<br />

light and dark is important), its length during the plant life and sometimes its intensity<br />

(Németh, 1998). The different flowering-promoting factors are perceived by different<br />

parts of the plant. Temperature is perceived by all plant parts, vernalization mainly<br />

by the shoot apex, and photoperiod – by matured leaves. Therefore, this implies that<br />

these parts interact and that the fate of the apical meristem – remaining vegetative<br />

or becoming reproductive – is controlled by an array of long-distance signals from<br />

the ent<strong>ir</strong>e plant (Bernier et al., 1993). The transport of sucrose from leaves to apical<br />

meristem (Bernier et al., 1993) and increase in gibberellins concentration is observed<br />

during flowering induction (Blázquez et al., 1998). Multiple lines of evidence indicate<br />

that many of plant developmental and physiological processes are regulated in response<br />

to other signaling molecules, such as sucrose or gibberellins (Gibson, 2004). Therefore,<br />

the theory was raised that flowering initiation acts as multicomponent and multistep<br />

mechanism and without other endogenous and egzogenous factors, depends on solid<br />

action of phytohormones and sugars (Bernier, 1988).<br />

The aim of this paper was to analyze the influence of external factors such as<br />

short and long day, vernalization and temperature on the generative development rate<br />

in biannual plants and on sucrose and gibberelic acid metabolism in apical meristems<br />

during flowering initiation.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The researches were carried out during<br />

2004–2007 in phytotron complex of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture according<br />

to vegetative assay methodology (Zubricki, 1974). Edible carrot (Daucus sativus<br />

(Hoffm.) Röhl.) var. ‘Garduolės’ and co mmon caraway (Carum carvi L.) var.<br />

‘Gintaras’ were initially grown in vegetative tumbler, 54 × 34 × 15 cm in size, placed<br />

in a greenhouse until particular developmental level needed for special experiment<br />

(16-hour photoperiod and 21/16 °C day/night temperature) was reached. Peat (pH ≈ 6)<br />

was used as a substrate.<br />

Carrots and caraway with 9 leaves in rosette were kept in a phytotron<br />

chambers with different photo and thermo periods for 120 days: 0 h – 4 °C;<br />

8 h – 4 °C; 16 h – 4 °C; 8 h – 21/17 °C; 16 h – 21/17 °C. After the exposure,<br />

evocation, flower initiation and differentiation processes were investigated under<br />

illumination with the photoperiod of 16-hour and 21/16 ± 2 °C day/night temperatures.<br />

Determined parameters: organogenesis stage (Куперман, 1982); flowering initiation<br />

stage (Duchovskis, 2000). Analyses of gibberellic acid (GA 3<br />

) were performed using<br />

a Shimadzu HPLC model 10A chromatographer equipped with DAD detector<br />

(SPD-M 10A VP), the detection wavelength – 254 nm. Separations were performed<br />

on an Inertsil ODS-2 column (150 × 4.6 mm 2 ). Mobile phase: of 45 % methanol<br />


containing 1 % acetic acid. Analyses of sucrose were performed on the same Shimadzu<br />

HPLC model 10A equipped with refractive index detector (RID 10A). Separations<br />

were performed on an Adsorbosil NH 2<br />

-column (150 mm × 4.6 mm). Mobile phase:<br />

75 % acetonitrile. Limits of detection: for GA 3<br />

0.87 µg ml -1 , for sucrose 0.05 µg ml -1 .<br />

Statistical analysis was performed using Excel (version 7.0). The data presented in<br />

figures are given as the mean ± standard error.<br />

Results. As it is shown in Table, the best developmental rate was observed<br />

in carrots. In opposite to high temperature, low positive temperature caused faster<br />

development rate independently from duration of photoperiod. Under dark conditions<br />

carrots and caraway didn’t develop and rooted away. Vernalization and long day (in<br />

opposite to short day) influenced the most intensive formation of generative organs in<br />

caraway. Meanwhile under high (21/17 °C) temperature the duration of photoperiod<br />

didn’t cause any restriction of caraway flowering rate (table).<br />

Table. The intensity level of different flowering initiation stages in common<br />

caraway and edible carrot<br />

Lentelė. Valgomosios morkos <strong>ir</strong> paprastojo kmyno sk<strong>ir</strong>tingų žydėjimo iniciacijos tarpsnių<br />

intensyvumo lygis<br />

Under treatment with high (21/17 °C) temperature, independent from<br />

photoperiod, there was no sucrose detected after evocation in carrot apical meristems.<br />

Still the amount of sucrose increased during flower initiation especially under<br />

treatment with long day (16 h) (Fig. 1). While in caraway the concentration of<br />

sucrose was higher under long day (16 h) than under short day (8 h), treatment was<br />

independent from temperature regime during evocation stage II (Fig. 1). During<br />

flower initiation it decreased under treatment with high temperature. During flower<br />

initiation and differentiation under treatment with long day (16 h) and low (4 °C)<br />

temperature there was no sucrose detected in caraway apical meristems. Besides, no<br />


sucrose (8 h – 4 °C; 8 h – 4 °C), or very low concentrations (8 h – 21/17 °C; 16 h –<br />

21/17 °C) were detected in caraway during flower differentiation (Fig. 1). Also the<br />

decrease in sucrose amount was observed in carrot apical meristems during this period<br />

(Fig. 1).<br />

Fig 1. The amount of sucrose in apical meristems of edible carrot and co mmon<br />

caraway during different periods of flowering initiation<br />

1 pav. Sacharozės kiekis valgomosios morkos <strong>ir</strong> paprastojo kmyno apikalinėse meristemose<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tingais žydėjimo iniciacijos tarpsniais<br />

Higher concentrations of GA 3<br />

were accumulated in caraway than in carrot apical<br />

meristems. Nevertheless, analysing data in carrot apical meristems (see Fig. 2 A) it<br />

was noticed that short day (8 h) and vernalization promoted higher accumulation of<br />

gibberellic acid. The increase in gibberellic acid concentration was observed during<br />

all flowering initiation stages under these conditions (8 h – 4°C). The highest GA 3<br />

amount (19.14 µg g -1 ) was detected during second evocation stage under long day<br />

(16 h) and vernalization treatment. During flowering initiation the amount of GA 3<br />

was lower than the limit of detection under all conditions except short day and low<br />

temperature treatment where it increased during flower differentiation (Fig. 2 A). The<br />

same downtrend in GA 3<br />

concentration was observed in caraway (see Fig. 2 B) during<br />

flowering initiation; it also dramatically increased during flowering differentiation.<br />

Short day and low temperature as well as long day and high temperature (in opposite<br />

of 16 h – 4°C and 8 h – 21/17°C) caused low GA 3<br />

accumulation in caraway apical<br />

meristems during second evocation and flower initiation periods. The increase in<br />

GA 3<br />

concentrations was observed during flower differentiation under all conditions<br />

(Fig. 2 B).<br />


Fig. 2. The amount of gibberellic acid (GA 3<br />

) in apical meristems of edible carrot<br />

(A) and co mmon caraway (B) during different periods of flowering initiation<br />

2 pav. Giberelo rūgšties (GA 3<br />

) kiekis valgomosios morkos (A) <strong>ir</strong> paprastojo kmyno (B)<br />

apikalinėse meristemose sk<strong>ir</strong>tingais žydėjimo iniciacijos tarpsniais<br />

Discussion. During juvenile period plants are insensitive to any flowering inductive<br />

factor and aren’t able to form reproductive organs. The minimal developmental level to<br />

accept photo and thermo inductive factors for flowering induction differs (Duchovskis<br />

et al., 2003). The formation of inflorescence axis (5 formed leaves in rosette for carrots)<br />

means that photo induction ended and after that the processes of second evocation<br />

stage began (Duchovskis, 2000). The thermo induction conditioned the formation of<br />

inflorescence axis elements (IV th organogenesis stage) when carrots had 8–9 leaves<br />


in rosette (Duchovskis et al., 2003). Therefore, modulating the flowering initiation<br />

processes, carrots were placed into inductive regime with 9 leaves in rosette when<br />

plants were able to accept both stimulus of photo and thermo induction. However,<br />

in opposite to high temperature, low positive temperature caused faster development<br />

rate independently from duration of photoperiod (Table). As for caraway, it seems that<br />

juvenile period is longer than in carrots. According to Rьnger (1977), for the majority<br />

of the most important vegetables of the Apiacea family temperature between 5–10 °C<br />

proved to be the most effective for flowering, however both lower (5 °C) and higher<br />

(15 °C) temperatures might have an inductional effect.<br />

E. Németh (1998) noticed that caraway optimal induction regime might lie between<br />

5 °C and 8 °C, which is effective when lasting more than two weeks. Both a shorter<br />

period as well as high temperatures results in partial flowering. In case of caraway,<br />

scientific data are very few. Putievsky (1983) examined the effect of day length and<br />

temperatures on the flowering of three Apiacea species: caraway, dill and coriander.<br />

The tree spices exhibited different reactions to the treatments. Caraway developed<br />

flowers under all experimental c<strong>ir</strong>cumstances (18/12 °C or 24/12 °C day and night<br />

temperatures, with 10 h or 16 h photoperiods). Pursuant to other authors, a longer<br />

vegetative growth at lower (4 °C) temperature and short day (8 h) occurred, whereas<br />

earlier flowering was preceded by long day (16 h) and low temperature. The duration of<br />

photoperiod didn’t affect flowering rate under treatment with high temperature (Table).<br />

It might mean either that caraway does not need any short day induction for flower<br />

initiation at all, or that any photoperiodic response is effective only with interaction<br />

of low temperatures (Németh, 1998).<br />

In agreement with other authors (Borisjuk et al., 2002), the highest sucrose<br />

concentrations were determined in cells which can actively divide straight before<br />

VI th organogenesis stage, when the formation of inflorescence axis elements begins<br />

(Fig. 1). Carrots with 9 leaves in rosette can accept the both stimulus of photo and<br />

thermo induction. According to our data (Fig. 1), during second evocation stage, high<br />

temperature disturbs sugar metabolism in carrot but not in caraway apical meristems.<br />

Such sugar metabolism and transport to apical meristems, influenced by photo and<br />

thermo periods, could determine the differences in plant development processes (Table).<br />

A lot of scientists investigated the sucrose distribution in apex and in other plant tissues<br />

(Chailackhyan, 1936; Bodson, 1997; Bodson, Outlaw, 1985; Lejeune et al., 1993; King,<br />

Ben-Tal, 2001). It is presumed that the supply of sucrose to apical meristemic tissues<br />

is important for flower induction. Although it is not the specific flowering induction<br />

stimulus, it is independent from the response to the photoperiod duration.<br />

Analysing the distribution of gibberellic acid in carrot apex and the flowering<br />

effects it was noticed that short day (8 h) and vernalization conditioned constant<br />

increase in GA 3<br />

amount during all flowering initiation stages (see Fig. 2 A). The<br />

same trend was observed in sucrose accumulation in carrot apical meristems (Fig. 1).<br />

Such increase in sucrose and gibberellic acid concentrations shows the co mmon<br />

action of metabolic processes, which induce flower formation. Furthermore, the<br />

GA regulated increased sucrose transport to apex could be not short-term (King,<br />

Ben-Tal, 2001). Under these conditions (8 h – 4 °C) the fastest carrot development<br />

rate was observed (table). Regrettably, such correlation between photo and thermo<br />


stimulus and sucrose and GA 3<br />

accumulation wasn’t observed in caraway apical<br />

meristems (Fig. 1; Fig. 2 B). An increase in GA 3<br />

concentration under special inductive<br />

conditions was observed in both carrot (8 h – 4 °C, 16 h – 4 °C) and caraway<br />

(16 h – 4 °C, 8 h – 21/17 °C) apical meristems before flower initiation and it may be<br />

connected with developmental rate of these plants (Fig. 2, Table). Eriksson with colleges<br />

(Eriksson et al., 2006) in experiments with Arabidopsis show that during growth in<br />

short days shoot apical levels of active gibberelins and sucrose increase dramatically<br />

before floral initiation occurs and that the expression patterns of the genes involved<br />

in GA metabolism suggests that this increase in GAs possibly originates from sources<br />

outside the shoot apex. Reeves and Coupland (2001) also maintained that GAs play a<br />

central role in the control of flower initiation under short days, a role that is much less<br />

important under long days, in which the flowering is delayed. As it was mentioned,<br />

different developmental rates and ways in two disputed Apiaceae species were observed<br />

subject to env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors, thus determined peculiar accumulation of sucrose<br />

and GA 3<br />

in apical meristems during flowering initiation.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Vernalization makes stronger positive effect on carrot flowering<br />

initiation, whereas high temperature blocks the formation of generative organs. The<br />

flowering initiation in carrots is more dependent on temperature than on photoperiod<br />

regimes during different ontogenesis stages.<br />

2. Long day and vernalization determines almost full flowering, high temperatures<br />

independently from photoperiod results in partial flowering and short day and<br />

vernalization is the limiting factor of caraway flowering.<br />

3. The sucrose supply in shoot apex and differences in GA 3<br />

concentration during<br />

evocation under particular env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions influenced the formation rate of<br />

inflorescence stem in carrot and caraway.<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Žydėjimo iniciacija morkose <strong>ir</strong> kmynuose<br />

G. Samuolienė, A. Urbonavičiūtė, G. Šabajevienė, P. Duchovskis<br />

Santrauka<br />

Šio darbo tikslas – išt<strong>ir</strong>ti išorinių faktorių, kaip trumpos <strong>ir</strong> ilgos dienos, vernalizacijos<br />

<strong>ir</strong> temperatūros įtaką dvimečių augalų generatyviniam išsivystymo tempui bei sacharozės <strong>ir</strong><br />

giberelo rūgšties metabolizmui apikalinėse meristemose žydėjimo iniciacijos metu. Tyrimai<br />

atlikti 2004–2007 metais Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės instituto fitotroniniame<br />

komplekse pagal vegetacinių bandymų metodikа. Suformavę 9 lapus skrotelėje dvimečiai<br />

augalai, valgomosios morkos (Daucus sativus (Hoffm.) Röhl.) veislė ‘Garduolės’ <strong>ir</strong> paprastojo<br />

kmyno (Carum carvi L.) veislė ‘Gintaras’, 120 parų buvo veikiami sk<strong>ir</strong>tingais foto <strong>ir</strong> termo<br />

periodais: 0 val. – 4 °C, 8 val. – 4 °C, 16 val. – 21/17 °C, 8 val. – 4 °C, 16 val. – 21/17 °C. Dviejose<br />

aptatose Apiaceae šeimos rūšyse stebėti sk<strong>ir</strong>tingi išsivystymo tempai <strong>ir</strong> keliai priklausomai<br />

nuo aplinkos sąlygų, o tai apsprendė savitą aprūpinimą sacharoze <strong>ir</strong> GA 3<br />

kaupimаsi apkalinėse<br />

meristemose žydėjimo iniciacijos metu bei įtakojo žiedynstiebio formavimąsi morkose <strong>ir</strong><br />

kmynuose. Mes nustatėme, kad vernalizacija turi stipresnį teigiamą efektą morkų žydėjimo<br />

iniciacijai, o aukšta temperatūra stabdo generatyvinių organų formavimąsi. Žydėjimo iniciacija<br />

morkose labiau priklauso nuo temperatūros nei nuo fotoperiodo sąlygų sk<strong>ir</strong>tingais ontogenezės<br />

tarpsniais. Ilga diena <strong>ir</strong> vernalizacija kmynuose lėmė beveik pilnа žydėjimа, aukšta temperatūra,<br />

nepriklausomai nuo fotoperiodo apsprendė dalinį žydėjimą, o trumpa diena <strong>ir</strong> vernalizacija yra<br />

limituojantis kmynų žydėjimą veiksnys.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: giberelo rūgštis, fotoperiodas, kmynas, morka, sacharozė,<br />

temperatūra, vernalizacija.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

H + -ATPase functional activity in plant cell plasma<br />

membrane<br />

Jūratė Darginavičienė, Sigita Jurkonienė, Nijolė Bareikienė,<br />

Vaidevutis Šveikauskas<br />

Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų Ežerų 49, LT-08406 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

E-mail: jurate.darginaviciene@botanika.lt<br />

The aim of the present work was to characterize ATPase activity of wheat coleoptiles cell<br />

plasmalemma and check up its coupling with ATP-dependent H + transport under the influence<br />

of indole-3-acetic acid and env<strong>ir</strong>onmental stresses (salt and cold).<br />

ATPase activity was controlled in plasmalemma isolated from four-day-old spring wheat<br />

(Triticum aestivum L. ‘Nandu’) coleoptiles by the method of differential ultracentrifugation and<br />

purification on sucrose density gradient. Plasmalemma marker enzyme K + Mg 2+ -ATPase activity<br />

and its suppression by sodium orthovanadate, diethylstilbestrol, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and<br />

inhibitors of possibly contaminating ATPases – olygomicin and nitrate, also proton pumping<br />

activities lead to the conclusion that isolated plasmalemma fraction contains Mg 2+ -dependent,<br />

K + activated vanadate-sensitive H + -ATPase (EC<br />

Artificially created transmembrane electrochemical potential on plasmalemma vesicles<br />

activated indole-3-acetic acid influence on plasmalemma ATP-dependent H + transport and<br />

response reactions in nuclei. Cold and salt stresses induced changes in coupling of these<br />

processes. The data lead to the supposition concerning plasmalemma H + -ATPase participation<br />

in stresses signals transduction and cell response processes.<br />

Key words: cold and salt stresses, H + -ATPase, IAA, plasmalemma.<br />

Introduction. Plant plasma membrane (plasmalemma) proton pump (H + -ATPase)<br />

is a single polypeptide with molecular mass of about 100 kDa (Arango et at., 2003).<br />

It plays a central role in transport processes across the plasmalemma and controls<br />

essential functions of plant organism such as nutrient uptake, intracellular pH<br />

regulation, cell elongation and leaf movements (Osses, Godoy, 2006). Regulation of<br />

the activity of H + -ATPase has been proposed to mediate broad range of physiological<br />

responses related with growth and development of plants. According to “acid growth”<br />

hypothesis indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) enhances H + pumping which lowers cell wall<br />

pH, activates pH-sensitive enzymes and proteins within the wall, and initiates all-wall<br />

loosening and extension growth. These processes, induced by IAA or fusicoccin, can<br />

be blocked instantly and specifically by the removal of K + ions or the addition of K +<br />

channel blockers. Vice versa, H + pumping and growth are immediately “switched on”<br />

by the addition of K + ions (Hager, 2003). Such data lead to the supposition that these<br />

processes could take part in the final realization phases of IAA-dependent plant cell<br />

growth by elongation.<br />

Besides the above-mentioned facts, plasmalemma H + -ATPase can participate<br />


in early cellular signalling events, as it is an integral plasma membrane protein and<br />

for this reason can be significant for perception and transduction of hormonal and<br />

env<strong>ir</strong>onmental signals to cell nuclei.<br />

Broad spectrum of functional activities of H + -ATPases in plant cell is associated<br />

with large number of enzyme activity regulating factors. Basic function of the enzyme,<br />

that of coupling ATP hydrolysis and H + -pumping need for fine complex of regulation<br />

(Arango et at., 2003) and could be changed as response to different endogen and<br />

env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors. Among them – phytohormones and changes aroused by signals<br />

of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental stress. The maximal electrochemical potential gradient for H + (∆µH + )<br />

that can be formed by the H + -ATPase is a function of free energy of hydrolysis of<br />

ATP and stoichiometry of H + transported per ATP hydrolyzed (Bennet, Spanswick,<br />

1984).<br />

Investigations of functioning of isolated from membrane H + -ATPases are possible<br />

only after enzyme reactivation and on the models of artificial membranes. More<br />

natural and convenient is the model systems created on isolated plasma membrane<br />

fragments – sealed vesicles, where ATPases are in the<strong>ir</strong> naturally surrounding membrane<br />

components. The last model was used in our work.<br />

The aim of the present work was to characterize ATPase activity of wheat<br />

coleoptiles cell plasmalemma and check up its coupling with ATP-dependent H +<br />

transport under the influence of indole-3-acetic acid and env<strong>ir</strong>onmental stresses (salt<br />

and cold). ATPase activity was controlled in plasmalemma of spring wheat coleoptiles<br />

cells intensively growing by elongation – classical test object in phytohormone IAA<br />

investigations.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The tested object of the work – ethyolated<br />

decapitated 4-day spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. ‘Nandu’) coleoptiles. The<br />

fraction enriched by sealed plasmalemma vesicles was obtained by the method of<br />

differential centrifugation modified for wheat coleoptiles cells. For the identification<br />

of H + -ATPase in plasmalemma membrane fraction inhibitors of different origin<br />

ATPases and the<strong>ir</strong> phosphorylated intermediates were used: diethylstilbestrol (50 µM),<br />

dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (50 µM), sodium orthovanadate (50 µM), oligomycin<br />

(5 mg ml -1 ). H + -ATPase activity in plasmalemma samples was assessed according to<br />

accumulation of inorganic phosphate (Pi) (Maksimov et at., 2002). For the evaluation of<br />

orientation of plasmalemma vesicles, the total ATPase activity in isolated plasmalemma<br />

vesicles was obtained by exposing them to alamethycine (50 µg·ml -1 ). Plasmalemma<br />

vesicle permeability to monovalent cations was determined using potential-sensitive<br />

positively charged dye dis-C 3<br />

-(5) (λ excit.<br />

= 570 nm; λ fluor.<br />

= 670 nm; 3.3 × 10 -7 M).<br />

Fluorescence was measured by spectrofluorimeter. Sodium diffusion potential was<br />

induced by a specific ionophore valinomycine (8.3 nM) and this served as a starting<br />

point for electrochemical potential (∆µH + ) calculations.<br />

The physiological activity of IAA-protein complexes formed in the plasmalemma<br />

(pH 7.2) was evaluated from RNA-polymerase II (RNP-II) activity in a system of nuclei<br />

isolated from wheat coleoptiles cells (Кулаева et al., 1979). Triphosphates CTP, GTP,<br />

UTP and 8- 14 C-ATP (ammonium salt, 2.11 GBq mmole -1 , Hartmann Analytic) at final<br />

concentration of 0.1 mM were added to the system. The label content was determined<br />

with the aid of an LS 1801 scintillation counter (Beckman, USA).<br />


The figures represent mean arithmetical values of 3–5 tests (with no less than 2–3<br />

replications each) and the<strong>ir</strong> standard deviations.<br />

Results. 1. A c t i v i t y o f w h e a t c o l e o p t i l e s c e l l p l a s m a l e m m a<br />

H + -ATPase. Membrane fraction isolated from wheat coleoptiles cells located in sucrose<br />

interphase with d 1.11–1.15 g cm -3 contained K + -activated Mg 2+ - dependent ATPase.<br />

As it is shown in Fig. 1 this ATPase is characterized by exact optimum in acid part of<br />

pH 5.5 and high substrate specificity to ATP.<br />

Fig.1. Optimal pH for K + Mg 2+ ATPase activity of wheat coleoptiles cell<br />

plasmalemma vesicles enriched fraction<br />

1 pav. Kviečių koleoptilių ląstelių plazmolema praturtintos frakcijos ląstelių<br />

K + Mg 2+ ATPazės aktyvumo optimalus pH<br />

K m<br />

for ATP was 0.3 ± 0.02 mM, for ADP – 0.9 ± 0.07 mM. The range of substrates<br />

exhibiting the lowering dephosphorylating activity was the following: ATP ≥ ADP =<br />

paranytrophenylphosphate ≥ AMP > glycerophosphate.<br />

K + Mg 2+ -ATPase activity comprised in wheat coleoptile cell plasmalemma fraction<br />

was inhibited by sodium orthovanadate, diethylstilbestrol and dicyclohexilcarbodiimide<br />

up to 50–73 % (Fig. 2). Nitrate slightly inhibited this ATPase (up to 15 %), olygomicin<br />

even at pH 8.0 did not influence it.<br />

These data show that the plasmalemma fractions are slightly contaminated with<br />

tonoplast vesicles but without mitochondria contaminations. The investigated K + Mg 2+ -<br />

ATPase is vanadate sensitive and has phosphorylated intermediates. On the model<br />

of sealed vesicles isolated from wheat coleoptiles cell plasmalemma we were able<br />

to show the transport function of K + Mg 2+ -ATPase and check up the electrochemical<br />

potential created due to proton extrusion from the cell imitating processes coupled<br />

with K + transport to the cell. These data will be showed below. The treatment with<br />

alamethycine revealed that the isolated plasmalemma fraction consists from 50 % right<br />

side and 50 % inverted vesicles. All above mentioned characteristics of ATPase in plants<br />

glycophytes, and wheat among them, are attributed to proton pumping plasmalemma<br />

H + -ATPase using the energy of ATP hydrolysis (Максимов, 1989).<br />


Fig 2. Inhibitor analysis of plasmalemma K + Mg 2+ -ATPase activity.<br />

1 – Control, 2 – diethylstilbestrol (50 µM),<br />

3 – dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (50 µM), 4 – Na 3<br />

VO 4<br />

(50 µM),<br />

5 – NO 3į<br />

(50 mM), 6 – oligomycin (5 mg ml -1 , pH 8.0).<br />

1–5 – pH of incubation medium 5.5<br />

2 pav. Plazmolemos K + Mg 2+ -ATPazės inhibitorinė analizė. 1 – Kontrolė,<br />

2 – dietilstilbestrolis (50 µM), 3 – dicikloheksilkarbodiimidas (50 µM),<br />

4 – Na 3<br />

VO 4<br />

(50 µM), 5 – NO 3į<br />

(50 mM), 6 – oligomicinas (5 mg ml -1 , pH 8,0).<br />

1–5 – Inkubacinės terpės pH 5,5<br />

2. I A A a n d H + -ATPase functional activity. IAA treatment in vivo activated<br />

wheat coleoptiles cell growth by elongation. IAA used in vitro slightly raised<br />

transmembrane ion transport in plasmalemma vesicles. The latter processes were<br />

expressed in more considerable extent (up to 22 %) when treatment with IAA underwent<br />

in experimental conditions favouring the creation of IAA-protein plasmalemma<br />

complexes (Fig. 3). IAA-dependent processes undergoing in the cell nuclei do not take<br />

part in the models with isolated plasmalemma vesicles, which were used for studies of<br />

electrochemical cations gradient formation. Consequently here we have only effects of<br />

IAA on plasmalemma level without any IAA-dependent protein synthesis activation.<br />

Then the question arises whether IAA created ion transport changes on plasmalemma<br />

level participate in nuclei IAA-dependent responses. The plasmalemma H + -ATPase<br />

excrudes H + from cell to generate a proton motive force with membrane potential of<br />

-120 to -160 mV (negative inside) and pH gradient of 1.5 to 2 units (acid ouside) (Sze<br />

et at., 1999). We found the abilities to create artificially transmembrane potential on the<br />

plasmalemma vesicles: by the method elaborated by Maksimov (1989) plasmalemma<br />

vesicles loaded by K + ions were transferred into a Na + -medium and K + permeability<br />

on membrane induced by valinomycine.<br />


Fig. 3. Influence of IAA (5 · 10 - 8 M) on the active proton transport through<br />

membrane of plasmalemma vesicles according to fluorescence of dis – C 3<br />

– (5).<br />

1 – Control, 2 – IAA, 5 · 10 -8 M,<br />

3 – IAA, 5 · 10 - 8 M + the protein fraction of plasmalemma<br />

(~ 20 kDa). 100 % – K + – diffusion potential.<br />

3 pav. IAR (5 · 10 - 8 M) poveikis aktyviam protonų transportui per plazmolemą<br />

pagal dis – C 3<br />

– (5) fluorescenciją. 1 – Kontrolė, 2 – IAR, 5 · 10 - 8 M,<br />

3 – IAR, 5 · 10 - 8 M + plazmolemos baltymų frakcija (~ 20 kDa).<br />

100 % – K + – difuzinis potencialas.<br />

The transmembrane potential calculated by titration according to the Nernst<br />

equation in such conditions reaches about 100 mV (Maksimov, 1989). The generated<br />

K + -diffusion potential was checked by potential-sensitive dye dis-C 3<br />

-(5). IAA-dependent<br />

changes in the nuclei were studied according to the changes of RNR-polymerase II<br />

activity in the system of isolated nuclei. The obtained data have shown that the addition<br />

to the system of the plasmalemma fraction treated with IAR to the enzyme activity<br />

provoking medium arouse more pronounced activity of RNA-polymerase II under<br />

conditions of artificially created electrochemical gradient (Fig. 4). These data allow<br />

the suggestion that electrochemical gradient on membrane which naturally creates at<br />

a great deal by functioning of H + -pump could influence processes of IAA perception<br />

and realization.<br />


Fig. 4. Activity of RNA-polymerase II in the system of isolated nuclei with addition<br />

of IAA (5 · 10 -6 M) treated plasmalemma vesicles (1 and 2).<br />

1 – Electrochemical potential not created on plasmalemma vesicles,<br />

2 – Under conditions of created electrochemical gradient<br />

4 pav. RNR-polimerazės II aktyvumas izoliuotų branduolių RNR sistezės sistemoje,<br />

pridėjus IAR (5 · 10 -6 M) paveiktų plazmolemos vezikulių (1 <strong>ir</strong> 2).<br />

1 – be elektrocheminio potencialo plazmolemos vezikulėse,<br />

2 – sukurto elektrocheminio potencialo sąlygomis<br />

3. H y d r o l y t i c a n d t r a n s p o r t f u n c t i o n s o f p l a s m a l e m m a<br />

H + -ATPase under conditions of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental stresses. Changes in plasmalemma<br />

H + -ATPase dephosphorylating activity and H + transport are main markers of functional<br />

state of this membrane. Could the env<strong>ir</strong>onmental stresses, for example, cold and salt<br />

stresses, arise the changes in plant cell plasmalemma related with the maintaining of<br />

plant cell stability d<strong>ir</strong>ected to its survival under unfavourable conditions For answering<br />

this question we restricted this very broad field of investigations by determination of<br />

H + -ATPase functioning properties under two fixed conditions – one hour long treatment<br />

by -8 °C or 250 mM NaCl.<br />

The changes in plasmalemma H + -ATPase activity under the above-mentioned<br />

env<strong>ir</strong>onmental stresses are shown in Fig. 5. Sub lethal treatment in vivo by cold<br />

(-8 °C) exhibited only tendency for altering of dephosphorylating activity in wheat<br />

coleoptiles cell plasmalemma, but short treatment of coleoptiles by 250 mM NaCl<br />

lowered it up to 17 %. At the same time we were not able to elucidate pronounced<br />

changes in plasmalemma H + transport processes. ∆µH + of plasmalemma in cold treated<br />

coleoptiles was slightly lowered, but more interesting situation was exhibited in salt<br />

treated variants – there was no lowering of ∆µH + in spite of the fact that ATPase<br />

dephosphorylating activity, as it was shown in Fig. 5, was inhibited up to 17 %<br />

(Fig. 6).<br />


Fig. 5. Activity of wheat coleoptile cell plasmalemma H + -ATPase.<br />

1 – control, 2 – -8 °C, 1 h, 3 –250 mM NaCl, 1 h. All treatments in vivo.<br />

5 pav. Kviečių koleoptilių ląstelių plazmolemos H + -ATPazės aktyvumas.<br />

1 – kontrolė, 2 – -8 °C, 1 val., 3 – 250 mM NaCl, 1 val. Visi poveikiai in vivo.<br />

Fig. 6. ATP-dependent electrochemical potential ∆µH + in wheat coleoptiles<br />

plasmalemma vesicles. 1 – control, 2 – -8 °C, 1 h,<br />

3 – 250 mM NaCl, 1 h. All treatments in vivo.<br />

6 pav. Nuo ATP priklausomas elektrocheminis potencialas<br />

∆µH + kviečių koleoptilių plazmolemos vezikulėse. 1 – kontrolė,<br />

2 – -8°C, 1 val., 3 – 250 mM NaCl, 1 val. Visi poveikiai in vivo.<br />

So, the above data show that plasmalemma properties, which are d<strong>ir</strong>ectly related<br />

with coleoptiles cell homeostasis, even at sub lethal stress conditions could be<br />

maintained at the optimal level for cell living processes.<br />

Discussion. The studies described above were planned in order to show how<br />

wheat coleoptile cell plasmalemma H + -ATPase activity is exhibited in two main<br />

fields of possible participation in the processes cell growth and responses to sublethal<br />

stresses.<br />


Highly purified plasmalemma fraction was used in the studies. According to<br />

inhibitory analysis of K + -activated Mg 2+ -dependent ATPase activity, slight contamination<br />

with tonoplast vesicles (slight inhibition by nitrate) and no contamination by ATPases<br />

from mitochondria (no inhibition by oligomycine) were determined. Activity, pH<br />

optimum, specificity to ATPase as substrate, functioning peculiarities, sensitivity to<br />

orthovanadate and dicyclohexilcarbodiimide lead us to the conclusion that we have<br />

elucidated the plasmalemma H + -ATPase – H + pump, which according to literature data<br />

is vanadate sensitive K + – activated Mg 2+ – dependent ATPase (EC located in<br />

plant plasmalemma (Osses, Godoy, 2006).<br />

One of the main functions of plasmalemma H + -ATPase is H + extrusion from cell<br />

cytosol to cell wall area and loosening of cell wall microfibriles leading to cell growth<br />

by elongation (Hager, 2003). These processes can be controlled by IAA and fusicoccine<br />

and possibly reveal the last phases of hormone controlled growth realization. More<br />

complicated are the situations with early events of growth and development controlling<br />

processes, which could be influenced by changing plasmalemma H + -ATPase activity. It<br />

is well known that in plasmalemma of functioning cells 100–150 mV transmembrane<br />

potential is generated and maintained. Many if not all processes taking place in<br />

plasmalemma are dependent on this transmembrane potential. The last is maintained by<br />

the work of H + pump, functioning of ion canals (for example – K + and Ca 2+ canals), cell<br />

growth-regulating processes. Plasmalemma H + -ATPase activity is closely related with<br />

seasonal course of plant growth: plasmalemma H + -ATPase activity in Festuca pratensis<br />

Huds showed specific fluctuation when ATPase activity peaks were determined early in<br />

spring – just before renewal of growth, and the lowest ATPase activity was in root at the<br />

time approaching to flowering and in shoot basal nodes during the transition to growth<br />

cessation (Darginavičienė et at., 2007). There are literature data about plasmalemmal<br />

regulator protein 14-3-3 interaction with H + -ATPase, which leads to strong stimulation<br />

of H + -ATPase activity. The processes are interrelated with phosphorylation events in<br />

plasmalemma (Garufi et at., 2007) during primary signal transduction steps.<br />

Plant H + -ATPase can also be regulated independently of 14-3-3 proteins. An<br />

auxin-binding protein isolated from rice was found to stimulate H + -ATPase activity<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ectly, and auxin binding increased the affinity of the auxin-binding protein for H + -<br />

ATPase (Arango et at., 2003). There is no definite opinion about d<strong>ir</strong>ect influence of<br />

IAA on H + -ATPase activity. According to Erdel (1979) very small IAA concentrations<br />

(10 -10 –10 -8 M) induced ATPase activity of microsomal fraction. In the work with wheat<br />

it was suggested that plasmalemma H + -ATPases is a component of IAA signalling<br />

cascade that may d<strong>ir</strong>ect pattern formation in embrios (Rober-Kleber et at., 2003).<br />

Our data show that in wheat coleoptiles (growing by elongation) transmembrane ATP<br />

dependent potential is able to activate IAA response reactions in nuclei. These data<br />

are also in agreement with possible role of plasmalemma H + -ATPase functioning in<br />

the f<strong>ir</strong>st phases of IAA signal perception and transduction processes.<br />

Changes in plasmalemma H + -ATPase activity was observed as response to cold<br />

stress. So when cucumber under exposure at 8 °C temperature for 1 day reduced<br />

plasma membrane H + -ATPase activity from 30 to 16 µmol P i<br />

mg -1 protein 1 h -1 (Lee<br />

et at., 2004). The mentioned changes could be attributed to ind<strong>ir</strong>ect enzyme activity<br />

changes to temperature lowering, but there are suppositions that cold-induced reactive<br />


oxygen species may activate a mitogen activated protein-kinase cascade that regulates<br />

tolerance to freezing and other abiotic stresses.<br />

Cucumber seedlings treated by 200 mM NaCl one day showed increased activity<br />

of plasmalemma and tonoplast H + -ATPases which correlated with altered H + transport.<br />

The alignment between H + -ATPase functional processes – enzyme hydrolytic activity<br />

and ATP-dependent H + transport – could undergo changes (Bennet, Spanswick, 1984).<br />

Such changes could be observed under the influence of different stress conditions.<br />

Moreover our investigations with cold tolerant and non-tolerant Festuca pratensis<br />

Huds genetic lines revealed that cold tolerance is characteristic for Festuca plant in the<br />

cell plasmalemma –membranes of cold tolerant lines are able to maintain H + transport<br />

level ensuring its homeostasis in spite of cold stress dependent changes in ATPase<br />

dephosphorylating activity (Darginavičienė et at., 2007). Partial conf<strong>ir</strong>mation achieved<br />

in present work is that spring wheat coleoptiles, which usually can be influenced by<br />

spring cold stresses, are able to stabilize H + transport levels.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Plasmalemma fraction isolated from spring wheat coleoptiles<br />

contains Mg 2+ -dependent, K + -activated vanadate sensitive H + - ATPase – proton<br />

pump.<br />

2. Artificially created transmembrane electrochemical potential activated an IAA<br />

influenced ATPase dependent H + transport in plasmalemma and response reactions in<br />

nuclei.<br />

3. The supposition is made that cell plasmalemma of more tolerant for<br />

env<strong>ir</strong>onmental stresses plants is able to change the coupling between ATPase hydrolytic<br />

and H + transport activities and so maintain the H + transport levels ensuring the cell<br />

homeostasis.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 03 <strong>27</strong><br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 11<br />

1. Arango M., Gevaudant F., Oufattole M., Bountry M. 2003. The plasma<br />

membrane proton pump ATPase: the significance of gene subfamilies. Planta,<br />

216: 355–365.<br />

2. Bennett A. B., Spanswick R. M. 1984. H + -ATPase activity from storage tissue of<br />

Beta vulgaris. II. H + /ATP stoichiometry of an anion-sensitive H + -ATPase. Plant<br />

Physiology, 74: 545–548.<br />

3. Darginavičienė J., Pašakinskienė I., Maksimov G., Rognli O. A., Jurkonienė S.,<br />

Šveikauskas V., Bareikienė N. 2007. Changes in plasmalemma K + Mg 2+ -ATPase<br />

dephosphorylating activity and H + transport in relation to seasonal growth and<br />

freezing tolerance of Festuca pratensis Huds. Journal of Plant Physiology, doi:<br />

10.1016/j. jplph. 2007.07.009.<br />

4. Erdel L., Toth I., Zsoldos F. 1979. Hormonal regulation of Ca 2+ stimulated K +<br />

influx and Ca 2+ , K-ATPase in rice roots: in vivo and in vitro effects of auxins and<br />

reconstitution of ATPase. Physiologia Plantarum, 45(5): 448–452.<br />


5. Garufi A., Visconti S., Camoni L., Adduci P. 2007. Poyamines as physiological<br />

regulators of 14-3-3 interaction with plant plasma membrane H + -ATPase. Plant<br />

Cell Physiology, 48(3): 434–440.<br />

6. Hager A. 2003. Role of the plasma membrane H + -ATPase in auxin-induced<br />

elongation growth: historical and new aspects. Journal of Plant Research,<br />

116(6): 483–505.<br />

7. Lee S. H., Singh A. P., Chung G. C., Ahn S. J., Noh E. K., Steudle E. 2004.<br />

Exposure of roots of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) to low temperature severely<br />

reduces root pressure, hydraulic conductivity and active transport of nutrients.<br />

Physiologia Plantarum, 120(3): 413–420.<br />

8. Maksimov G., Šveikauskas V., Darginavičienė J., Jurkonienė S., Banienė J.,<br />

Šiemaitė J. 2002. The usage of plasmalemmal vesicles inverted by Brij treatment<br />

for studying processes, which occur on cytosolic membrane surface. Russian<br />

Journal of Plant Physiology, 49(6): 761–765.<br />

9. Osses L. R., Godoy C. A. 2006. Characterizing plasma membrane H + -ATPase in<br />

two varieties of coffee leaf (Coffea arabica L.) and its interaction with an elicitor<br />

fraction from the orange rust fungus (H. Vastatrix Berk and Br.) race II. Plant<br />

Physiology and Biochemistry, 44: 226–235.<br />

10. Rober-Kleber N., Albrechtova J. T. P., Fleig S., Huck N., Michalke W., Wagner E.,<br />

Spech V., Neuhaus G., Fischer-Iglesias Ch. 2003. Plasma membrane H-ATPase is<br />

involved in auxin-mediated cell elongation during wheat embryo development.<br />

Plant Physiology, 131: 1302–1312.<br />

11. Sze H., Li H., Palmgren M. G. 1999. Energization of plant cell membranes by H + -<br />

pumping ATPases: regulation and biosynthesis. The Plant Cell, 11: 677–689.<br />

12. Кулаева О., Селиванкина С. Ю., Романко Е. Г., Николаева М. К.,<br />

Ничипорович А. А.1979. Активация РНК-полимеразы изолированных ядер<br />

и хлоропластов цитокинином. Физиология растений, 26: 1 016–1 0<strong>27</strong>.<br />

13. Максимов Г. Б. 1989. АТФ-зависимый мембранный транспорт катионов<br />

и роль цитокининов в его регуляции у растений: диссертация доктора<br />

биологических наук. Москва.<br />

Acknowledgements. The work was partly supported by Lithuanian State Science<br />

and Studies Foundation. The help of assistant Liudmila Chramova is gratefully<br />

acknowledged.<br />


SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Funkcinis augalų ląstelių plazmolemos H + -ATPazės aktyvumas<br />

J. Darginavičienė, S. Jurkonienė, N. Bareikienė, V. Švetkauskas<br />

Santrauka<br />

Pateikiamo darbo tikslas – charakterizuoti ATPazės hidrolitinį aktyvumа vasarinių kviečių<br />

koleoptilių plazmolemoje <strong>ir</strong> jo santykį su nuo ATP-priklausomu H + transportu indolil-3-acto<br />

rūgšties <strong>ir</strong> išorinių stresų (druskų <strong>ir</strong> šalčio) poveikyje.<br />

Darbui naudotos keturių parų etioliuotos kviečių (Triticum aestivum L., ‘Nandu’)<br />

koleoptilės, iš kurių ląstelių diferencinio ultracentrifugavimo būdu buvo Išsk<strong>ir</strong>iama plazmolema<br />

<strong>ir</strong> išvaloma sacharozės tankio gradiente. Plazmolemos markerinio fermento K + Mg 2+ -ATPazės<br />

aktyvumas <strong>ir</strong> natrio ortovanadato, dietilstilbestrolio, dicikloheksilkarbodiimido bei galimų<br />

užterрiančių ATPazių inhibitorių (oligomicino <strong>ir</strong> nitrato) poveikis, o be to, protonų perneрimo<br />

per membranа ypatybės leido padaryti išvadа, kad išsk<strong>ir</strong>toji plazmolemos frakcija talpina nuo<br />

Mg 2+ -priklausomą, K + -aktyvuojamą vanadatui jautrią H + -ATPazę (EC<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>btinai sukurtas plazmolemos vezikulėse elektrocheminis potencialas sustiprino indolil-<br />

3-acto rūgšties poveikį plazmolemos ATP-priklausomam H + transportui <strong>ir</strong> atsako reakcijoms<br />

branduolyje. Šalčio <strong>ir</strong> druskų stresai sukėlė pakitimus santykyje tarp ATPazės hidrolitinio<br />

aktyvumo <strong>ir</strong> ATP-priklausomo H + transporto <strong>ir</strong> parodė, kad augalų ląstelių plazmolemos H + -<br />

ATPazė gali dalyvauti stresinių signalų transdukcijos <strong>ir</strong> atsako į juos procesuose.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: šalčio <strong>ir</strong> druskų stresai, H + -ATPazė, IAR, plazmolema.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Effect of the photoperiod duration on the growth of<br />

Chrysanthemum plantlets in vitro<br />

Anželika Kurilčik 1, 2 , Stasė Dapkūnienė 2 , Genadij Kurilčik 3 ,<br />

Silva Žilinskaitė 2 , Artūras Žukauskas 3, 4 , Pavelas Duchovskis 1, 4<br />

1<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: a.kurilcik@lsdi.lt<br />

2<br />

Botanical Garden of Vilnius University, Ka<strong>ir</strong>ėnų 43, LT-10239, Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

3<br />

Institute of Materials Science and Applied Research, Vilnius University,<br />

Saulėtekio 9-III, LT-10222 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

4<br />

UAB HORTILED, Breslaujos 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania<br />

We report on the influence of the photoperiod duration on chrysanthemum growth<br />

that was studied using light-emitting diode (LED)-based illuminator. After transplantation,<br />

culture of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. ‘Ellen’) was grown<br />

in vitro in Murashige & Skoog modified nutrient medium in a phytotron for 42 days at<br />

26/22 °C day/night temperature. Five groups of plants were simultaneously grown under<br />

independently set different photoperiod regimes: 8 h, 12 h, 16 h, 20 h and 24 h, respectively.<br />

All treatments were illuminated using an illumination system consisting of four groups<br />

of LEDs emitting in the blue (450 nm), red (640 and 660 nm), and far-red (735 nm)<br />

spectral regions. The intensity ratio of the light components was fixed at 14 % for the<br />

450 nm, 36 % for 640 nm, 36 % for 660 nm, and 14 % for 735 nm components, respectively.<br />

The total photon flux density (PFD) in all treatments was maintained at the same level<br />

(56 ± 5 µmol m 2 s 1 ). Morphological and biometric parameters and concentration of<br />

photosynthetic pigments in the plantlets were measured after the experiment. With an increase<br />

of photoperiod duration from 8 h to 24 h, the dry and fresh weight (DW and FW, respectively)<br />

as well the number of leaves and DW to FW ratio continually increases. The highest values of<br />

the length of shoots and roots, and number of roots were observed in plantlets grown at 16 h<br />

photoperiod. Meanwhile, differences in concentration of photosynthesis pigments were not<br />

significant.<br />

Key words: Chrysanthemum morifolium, in vitro plant cultivation, light-emitting diodes,<br />

photoperiod.<br />

Introduction. Photoperiod, light intensity, and light quality influence plant growth<br />

and development from seed germination to flowering. Photoperiod has an effect on<br />

the development of some plant species, and no effect on growth of other plants. The<br />

influence of the photoperiod duration on flowering and rooting of ornamental plants<br />

in vivo received a lot of attention (Runkle and Heins, 2006; Cameron et al., 2005).<br />

However, few results were published on the growth under in vitro conditions. In<br />

particular, the influence of 8 h and 16 h photoperiod on the microtuberization and<br />

growth of potato plantlets in vitro (Seabrook et al., 1993; Kozai et al., 1995) as well<br />


as on subsequent yield of greenhouse-grown potato tubers (Seabrook et al., 1995) was<br />

described. Some research on the influence of photoperiod on in vitro growth and floral<br />

initiation of Nicotiana tabacum and chicory (Altamura et al., 1991; Demeulemeester<br />

et al., 1995), on stem elongation and growth of Mentha rotundifolia (Jeong et al.,<br />

1996), and on the bulb formation of garlic and Hyacinthoides paivae (Takagi and Qu,<br />

1995; Iglesias et al., 1999) was also conducted. In the majority of papers, only two<br />

photoperiod regimes in vitro were checked: short day (SD) at 8 h and long day (LD) at<br />

16 h, respectively. A few works are devoted to the investigation of other photoperiod<br />

regimes (Lu et al., 2004; Vaz et al., 2004).<br />

From an application standpoint, plant morphogenesis can be influenced by an<br />

appropriate choice of lighting, which may affect photoreceptors of the plants. The<br />

common sources of light currently used for in vitro plant cultivation are fluorescent<br />

lamps. However, they have no possibility to vary illumination parameters (spectrum<br />

and time characteristics). LED-based illuminators provide an alternative to fluorescent<br />

lamps, as a light source with a tailored spectrum, which can meet specific needs of<br />

plants (Bula et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1995; Žukauskas et al., 2002; Bliznikas et al.,<br />

2004; Tamulaitis et al., 2005). Investigation of the effect of illumination intensity and<br />

spectrum on plant growth in vitro has been carried out by applying LED illumination<br />

to a few species of plants (Tanaka et al., 1998; Lian et al., 2002; Nhut et al., 2003; Jao<br />

et al., 2005; Heo et al., 2006).<br />

The Chrysanthemum is the second economically most important floricultural<br />

(cut-flower) crop following the Rose (Teixe<strong>ir</strong>a da Silva, 2004). Micropropagation of<br />

chrysanthemum shoots grown using LEDs were reported. Kim et al. (2004) showed that<br />

shoot growth, stem and internode elongation, the net photosynthetic rate, and stomatal<br />

characteristics of chrysanthemum plantlets are affected by light quality. Shimizu and Ma<br />

(2006) showed that blue light from LEDs inhibits stem elongation of chrysanthemum<br />

in vivo. However, the effect of photoperiod on growth and morphogenesis of in vitro<br />

cultured chrysanthemum explants under LEDs has not been carried out so far.<br />

The present study was aimed at the analysis of the growth of chrysanthemum<br />

plantlets that were cultured in vitro under illumination at photoperiods of 8 h : 16 h,<br />

12 h : 12 h, 16 h : 8 h, 20 h : 4 h, and 24 h light : 0 h darkness, respectively. An LEDbased<br />

illumination system containing four groups of LEDs emitting in blue, red and<br />

far-red regions was used.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. P l a n t m a t e r i a l s a n d c u l t u r e<br />

c o n d i t i o n. Chrysanthemum plantlets (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. ‘Ellen’)<br />

were grown in vitro in Murashige and Skoog (1962) modified nutrient medium (MS +<br />

IAA 0.2 mg/l + BAP 0.05 mg/l, Ѕ NH 4<br />

NO 3<br />

, Ѕ KNO 3<br />

, without vitamins, mio-inositol and<br />

glycine) at 26/22 °C (day/night) temperatures maintained within 1 °C. Five milliliters<br />

of medium were dispensed in 16 × 150 mm tubes covered with PVC caps with a<strong>ir</strong><br />

exchange. The pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.8 before autoclaving at 121 °C for<br />

20 min. One explant per tube was planted and 36 tubes per treatment were prepared.<br />

Light treatments. The cultures of in vitro plantlets were illuminated using red<br />

(at the wavelenghts of 660 nm and 640 nm), blue (450 nm), and far-red (735 nm)<br />


LEDs powered by a self-designed driver. The total photon flux density (PFD) in all<br />

treatments was maintained at the same level (56 ± 5 µmol m -2 s -1 ). The intensity ratio<br />

of the light components was fixed at 14 % for the 450 nm, 36 % for 640 nm, 36 %<br />

for 660 nm, and 14 % for 735 nm components, respectively. Selection of the range of<br />

the PFDs used in the experiments was based on our previous studies (Kurilčik et al.,<br />

2008). The photoperiod duration in different treatments was maintained at 8 h, 12 h,<br />

16 h, 20 h, and 24 h, respectively<br />

D a t a c o l l e c t i o n a n d s t a t i s t i c a l a n a l y s i s. The fresh and dry<br />

weight (FW and DW, respectively), stem and root length, number of leaves and roots,<br />

and amount of photosynthetic pigments of the chrysanthemum plantlets were studied<br />

after 42 days of cultivation. 35–36 replicates were used for the biometrical analysis.<br />

Among those, 18 replicates were randomly selected for the dry weight measurement.<br />

To determine the dry weight, the plantlets were oven-dried at 105 °C until a constant<br />

mass was reached. The other 17–18 replicates were used for the measurement of the<br />

photosynthetic pigment concentrations. After extraction with 100 % acetone according<br />

to the Wettstein method (Гавриленко, Жыгалова, 2003), the total chlorophyll a and b<br />

and carotenoid content in leaf tissues per one gram of green foliage mass was analysed<br />

by a double-array spectrophotometer (model Genesys 6, Thermospectronic, USA).<br />

Organogenesis stages of chrysanthemum plantlets were also determined (Куперман,<br />

1982). After 42 days, the regenerantes were at the II nd organogenesis stage. All the data<br />

were evaluated for significance by the analysis of variance (ANOVA).<br />

Results. The biometric parameters of the chrysanthemum plantlets grown in vitro<br />

under different photoperiod regimes are shown in Fig. The estimated parameters exhibit<br />

the dependence on the photoperiod duration that was varied from 8 h to 24 h per day.<br />

The length of the shoots shows a tendency to increase with increasing photoperiod from<br />

8 h to 16 h (Fig. a). The further increase of the photoperiod duration to 24 h showed a<br />

tendency for a decrease of the length of shoots. The length and number of roots followed<br />

the same trend (Fig. a–b). Meanwhile, the leaf number, fresh and dry weight, and<br />

DW/FW ratio continually increased with the increase of the photoperiod from 8 h to<br />

24 h (Fig. b–d). At round-the-clock <strong>ir</strong>radiation, the regenerants of chrysanthemum had<br />

by two leaves more, than those grown at 8 h photoperiod. They also have accumulated<br />

up to one and a half times more fresh weight and twice as more dry weight. Meanwhile,<br />

the variation of the amount of photosynthetic pigments in treatments with different<br />

photoperiods was not significant (Fig. e).<br />


Fig. Parameters of chrysanthemum regenerants grown under different photoperiod<br />

regimes: shoot and roots length (a), number of leaves and roots (b), fresh and dry<br />

weight (c), DW/FW ratio (d),<br />

contents of photosynthetic pigments in leaves (e)<br />

Pav. Chrizantemų regenerantų parametrai sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo fotoperiodo sąlygomis:<br />

stiebo <strong>ir</strong> šaknų ilgis (a), lapų <strong>ir</strong> šaknų skaičius (b), žalioji <strong>ir</strong> sausoji masė (c),<br />

sausosios <strong>ir</strong> žaliosios masių santykis (d), fotosintezės pigmentų kiekis lapuose (e)<br />

Discussion. This experiment was aimed at the determination of the optimal<br />

photoperiod for the growth and development of the chrysanthemum plantlets in vitro<br />

under LEDs. Our research has shown that a change of the photoperiod influences the<br />

estimated parameters in different ways. For the plantlets height and for the development<br />

of roots, the optimum photoperiod of 16 h was established (Fig. a–b). Note that Kozai<br />

et al. (1995) also showed suppressed root growth of potato plantlets under conditions<br />

of 8 h photoperiod in comparison to 16 h photoperiod; however, other photoperiod<br />


treatments have not been investigated by these authors.<br />

In our study, the development of leaves and the accumulation of fresh and dry<br />

weight were faster at 24 h photoperiod (Fig. b–c). This is in line with the observations<br />

of Adams and Langton (2005). These authors revealed that long-day (LD = 16 h)<br />

treatments usually promote an increase in dry weight of various plants that otherwise<br />

grow in short days (SD = 8 h).<br />

In this study the largest DW/FW ratio was also observed at 24 h photoperiod<br />

(Fig. d). Meanwhile, Kozai et al. (1995) showed that 16 h photoperiod in comparison<br />

to 8 h photoperiod led to an increase in the fresh and dry weights of potato plantlets<br />

but maintained similar percentage of dry matter (DW/FW ratio). We suppose that in<br />

our study the dry matter content depends on the duration of dark period. A decrease<br />

of the dark period resulted in an increase of the DW to FW ratio.<br />

In addition, our study shows that the concentration of photosynthetic pigments<br />

per 1 g of leaves FW does not depend on photoperiod duration (Fig. e). Meanwhile,<br />

Adams and Langton (2005) showed that chlorophyll amount per unit leaf area is<br />

occasionally increased by LD (16 h) treatment, which may increase photosynthesis<br />

and constitute a second mechanism that increases dry weight. Lu et al. (2004) also<br />

recorded significantly negative correlations between chlorophyll content in leaves of<br />

potato plantlets and darkness length.<br />

The stage of the development of chrysanthemum plantlets after the experiment<br />

was similar for various photoperiods (data not shown). After 42 days, the regenerants<br />

were at the II nd organogenesis stage (Куперман, 1982) and no distinctions have<br />

been established for different photoperiods. Our results are in line with the review<br />

of Carvalho and Heuvelink (2001), where data on the influence of various factors<br />

on flower formation were summarized. According to these data, at the temperature<br />

of <strong>27</strong> °C that was maintained in our study, the development of flowers lasts about<br />

120 days. Therefore, at the 42 nd day, no distinctions between the treatments could be<br />

expected. Meanwhile the same review infers that at 18 °C, the development of flowers<br />

lasts about 60 days. Therefore we assume that in our study the morphogenesis of<br />

flowers was hindered by a higher temperature and was less sensitive to the duration<br />

of photoperiod. An additional study including variation of temperature is necessary<br />

for a deeper understanding of this phenomenon.<br />

Conclusions. Taking into account all differences observed while changing the<br />

photoperiod duration, the optimal photoperiod for growth of shoots and roots of<br />

chrysanthemum plantlets in vitro was estimated to be 16 h. However, morphogenesis of<br />

new leaves and accumulation of DW and FW was most prominent at 24 h photoperiod.<br />

This data may be helpful for improving of the efficiency of micropropagation of<br />

chrysanthemum.<br />

Acknowledgment. The authors would like to acknowledge the support from the<br />

Lithuanian Science and Studies Foundation.<br />

Gauta 2008 04 05<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 05 05<br />


References<br />

1. Adams S. R., Langton F. A. 2005. Photoperiod and plant growth: a review. Journal<br />

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2. Altamura M. M., Pasqua G., Monacelli B., Tomassi M., Archilletti T., Falasca G.<br />

1991. Flower formation in vitro in a quantitative short-day tobacco: interrelation<br />

between photoperiod and infructescence development. Physiologia Plantarum.<br />

82(3): 333–338.<br />

3. Bliznikas Z., Breivė K., Tamulaitis G., Kurilčik G., Novičkovas A.,<br />

Žukauskas A., Duchovskis P., Ulinskaitė R., Brazaitytė A., Šikšnianienė J. B.<br />

2004. Puslaidininkinė lempa augalų fotofiziologiniams procesams t<strong>ir</strong>ti <strong>ir</strong> valdyti.<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Fotoperiodo trukmės poveikis chrizantemų eksplantų augimui<br />

in vitro<br />

A. Kurilčik, S. Dapkūnienė, G. Kurilčik, S. Žilinskaitė, A. Žukauskas,<br />

P. Duchovskis<br />

Santrauka<br />

Aptariamas fotoperiodo trukmės poveikis chrizantemų eksplantų augimui <strong>ir</strong> vystymuisi.<br />

Tyrimo objektas – chrizantemų veislė ‘Ellen’ (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. ‘Ellen’)<br />

auginama in vitro 16 × 150 mm mėgintuvėliuose su 5 ml maitinamosios terpės. Augalai 42 paras<br />

buvo auginami kietakūnio apšvietimo šviestuvuose. Kiekviename iš jų atsk<strong>ir</strong>ai programiškai<br />

valdomi 450, 640, 660 <strong>ir</strong> 735 nm spektrinių komponenčių fotonų srautai, <strong>ir</strong> tomis pačiomis<br />

sąlygomis auginami 36 augalai. Bendras fotonų srauto tankis palaikomas 56 ± 5 µmol m 2 s 1<br />

ribose, temperatūra 26 °C/22 °C. Dienos/nakties fotoperiodo trukmė penkiuose apšvietimo<br />

deriniuose atitinkamai buvo 8/16 val., 12/12 val., 16/8 val., 20/4 val. <strong>ir</strong> 24/0 val. Eksperimento<br />

pabaigoje buvo vertinami kiekvieno augalo augimo parametrai bei nusta<strong>tomas</strong> fotosintezės<br />

pigmentų kiekis.<br />

Nustatyta, kad ilgėjant fotoperiodui nuo 8 val. iki 24 val. per parа, chrizantemų eksplantų<br />

sausoji <strong>ir</strong> žalioji masės, o taip pat vidutinis lapų kiekis bei sausos <strong>ir</strong> žalios masių santykis<br />

nuosekliai didėja. Stiebų <strong>ir</strong> šaknų ilgis bei šaknų skaičius buvo didžiausi 16/8 val. fotoperiodo<br />

sąlygomis. Fotoperiodo trukmės pokyčiai neturėjo reikšmingos įtakos fotosintezės pigmentų<br />

kiekiui lapuose.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augalų kultivavimas in vitro, Chrysanthemum morifolium,<br />

fotoperiodas, šviestukai.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Light and gravity-related tropistic responses of garden<br />

cress leaves<br />

Regina Losinska, Danguolė Raklevičienė, Danguolė Švegždienė<br />

Institute of Botany, Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Sector of Gravitational<br />

Physiology, Žaliųjų Ežerų 49, LT-80406 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

E-mail: regina.losinska@botanika.lt<br />

The growth and spatial orientation of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) leaves in<br />

response to spectral components of light in weightlessness simulated by slow (3-rpm)<br />

horizontal clino-rotation were investigated. Unid<strong>ir</strong>ectional monochromatic blue (450 nm,<br />

4.5 µmol·m -2 s -1 ) and red (660 nm, 8.5 µmol·m -2 s -1 ) illumination was applied separately or<br />

simultaneously (9.5 µmol·m -2 s -1 ). Seedlings were cultivated for five days on the clinostat and<br />

in a vertical stationary position (control, 1 g), either under 8 h/d and 24 h/d lighting or in the<br />

dark. Length of leaves and bending of hypocotyls, leafstalks and laminas caused by altered<br />

gravity and light were evaluated and compared with control samples at 1 g or in the dark. No<br />

gravity-related alterations have been determined in the elongation of leafstalks and laminas in<br />

the dark-growing leaves. Blue light in 8 h/d did not affect significantly the growth of lamina;<br />

however, it promoted the elongation of leafstalks by 65–70 % in both gravity conditions. In<br />

simulated weightlessness, the bending of hypocotyls from the upward growth d<strong>ir</strong>ection was<br />

enhanced. This curvature has been corrected considerably by used lighting. The data shows<br />

that under continuous illumination gravitropism can be masked by phototropism. Red and blue<br />

light applied separately did not significantly affect the angles between the two primary leaves.<br />

However, the<strong>ir</strong> complex action promoted the opening of leaves more considerably. Lightrelated<br />

positioning of leafstalks and laminas was determined when the applied light restored<br />

the disorientation evoked by elimination of unid<strong>ir</strong>ectional gravitropic stimulus. The obtained<br />

results suggest the interaction between phototropism and gravitropism in leaves.<br />

Key words: clinostat, curvature, garden cress, gravity, gravitropism, leaf, light,<br />

phototropism.<br />

Introduction. Plants control leaf orientation in response to many env<strong>ir</strong>onmental<br />

stimuli to optimize the<strong>ir</strong> photosynthetic potentiality. Light and gravity are the most<br />

critical factors for maintaining optimal positioning of leaves for maximal capturing of<br />

light energy. However, current knowledge of the events related to mutual interaction<br />

of light and gravity signals in the orientation control of plant organs (Kiss et al., 2003;<br />

Lariquet, Frankhauser, 2004; Raklevičienė et al., 2005, 2007) and especially of leaves<br />

(Inoue et al., 2008; Mano et al., 2006; Stutte et al., 2005) is sparse. In natural gravity<br />

(1 g), phototropic response of every organ involves bending towards or away from the<br />

light gradient with consequent deviation from the gravity vector. As a result, the actual<br />

degree of growth movement depends on the phototropic response and a counteracting<br />

gravitropic response. In real weightlessness (microgravity in space) or simulated by a<br />


horizontal clinostat, where unid<strong>ir</strong>ectional action of gravity is eliminated, this process<br />

is disturbed without making obvious alterations in plant development and growth<br />

(Merkys, Laurinavičius, 1990; Soga et al., 2002; Stutte et al., 2005, 2006). Sufficient<br />

lighting could help restore optimal spatial orientation of developing plant organs in<br />

that env<strong>ir</strong>onment. In addition to being the energy source for photosynthesis, light<br />

spectral composition regulates many phototropic and photomorphogenic aspects of<br />

plant development and morphology (Liscum, 2002; Nemhauser, Chory, 2002; Sullivan,<br />

Deng, 2003). Previous studies showed that blue and red spectral components could<br />

be effective for respective orientation of plant axial organs in altered gravity (Correll<br />

et al., 2003; Kiss et al., 1997; Lariquet, Frankhauser, 2004; Raklevičienė et al., 2007;<br />

Vitha et al., 2000); however, the<strong>ir</strong> impact on supporting optimal growth of leaves still<br />

remains unclear.<br />

Therefore, the aim of the present research was to determine and compare the effect<br />

of 450 nm blue (B) and 660 nm red (R) light, and the<strong>ir</strong> simultaneous action (R + B)<br />

on the growth and orientation of leafstalks and laminas in weightlessness simulated<br />

by 3-rpm horizontal clinostat and at 1 g.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The object of the study was the seedlings of<br />

garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) growing in a vertical stationary position (control,<br />

1 g) and on a horizontal clinostat rotating at 3 rpm for elimination of unid<strong>ir</strong>ectional<br />

gravity action. They were cultivated for 5 days on solid MS medium with Ѕ salts<br />

(Murashige, Skoog, 1962) and 0.2 % (w/v) gelrite (Sigma) under continuous or 8 h/d<br />

illumination as well as without light. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) were used for<br />

lighting from above with monochromatic blue (B, peak wavelength 450 nm, photon flux<br />

density 4.5 µmol m -2 s -1 ), red (R, 660 nm, 8.5 µmol m -2 s -1 ) light or the<strong>ir</strong> combination<br />

(R + B, 9.5 µmol m -2 s -1 ). The fluence rate of light was measured by a quantum sensor<br />

(PM-20, Sonopan, Poland). Ambient temperature was 23 ° ± 1 °C. At the end of each<br />

experiment, the over ground parts of seedlings were photographed with the PENTAX<br />

*ist D digital camera, the leaves were scanned. The digital images were analyzed using<br />

SigmaScan Pro 5 (Jandel Scientific Software) and Motic Images Plus 2.0 ML on the<br />

PC platform. The influence of illumination on the length of leafstalks and laminas,<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> spatial positioning as well as on flattening of leaves was studied. Measurements<br />

of seedlings grown on the clinostat under light were compared with these of control<br />

ones. Comparison has been made also between the measurements of light and dark<br />

grown seedlings. Statistical analysis was performed using Excel (version 7.0). The data<br />

presented in figures are given as the mean ± standard error (SE). Statistical significance<br />

was set at p Ј 0.05.<br />

Results. Illumination with B or R light from above and the<strong>ir</strong> combined action with<br />

B + R under natural and altered gravity conditions revealed differences in leafstalk<br />

and leaf lamina growth and tropistic responses. In the dark, parameters of leafstalks<br />

and laminas did not differ significantly (Fig. 1a).<br />


Fig. 1. Length of leafstalks and lamina of garden cress seedlings grown under<br />

8 h/d (a) and continuous (b) illumination by monochromatic blue (B),<br />

red (R) light or the<strong>ir</strong> combination (B + R) on horizontal clinostat<br />

(HC) and control 1 g conditions<br />

1 pav. Lapkočių <strong>ir</strong> lapalakščių ilgiai sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės daigų, augusių šviečiant<br />

8 val./per parа (a) <strong>ir</strong> pastoviai (b) mėlyna (M), raudona (R) šviesa<br />

ar kartu (M + R) natūralios gravitacijos (1 g) <strong>ir</strong> pakeisto svarumo sąlygomis<br />

Illumination with 8 h/d B light promoted considerably the leaf growth. In<br />

comparison with the dark-grown samples, the leafstalks and laminas were longer on the<br />

clinostat and at 1 g approximately by 30 % and 20 %, respectively (Fig. 1 a). Continuous<br />

B lighting enhanced the elongation of leafstalks and laminas more significantly than<br />

at 8 h/d photoperiod (Fig. 1 b). However, the difference between the average length of<br />

1-g and clino-rotated leaves was statistically insignificant under both, continuous and<br />

8 h/d B-light conditions. Next set of experiments revealed the positive R-light-effect<br />

on elongation of 1-g and clino-rotated leaves. R light, independently of illumination<br />

duration, promoted the elongation of leafstalks by 55–60 % in both gravity conditions.<br />

Nevertheless, the clino-rotated laminas in R light were much shorter in comparison<br />

with the control ones. R + B illumination enhanced the length of both leafstalks and<br />

laminas of 1-g leaves under 8 h/d and continuous illumination approximately by 35 %<br />

and by 55 %, respectively. Data on parameters of leaves clino-rotated under 8 and<br />

24 h/d illumination are contradictory.<br />

Tropistic responses of leaves were tested in respect to hypocotyl position (Fig. 2).<br />

The mode of the measurement of the bending of hypocotyl upper part, i. e. the hook,<br />

is shown in Fig. 2 a.<br />

In the dark, significant difference between the curvature of clino-rotated and 1-g<br />

hypocotyls was determined (Fig. 2 b). In 1 g the hypocotyls were orientated vertically,<br />

while they were more hooked after clino-rotation. This difference decreased in B light,<br />

especially under continuous illumination. Orientation of 1 g hypocotyls in R light was<br />

the same as in the dark and independent on the duration of lighting. Clino-rotation<br />

under 8 h/d R light increased the curvature of hypocotyls from the originally position;<br />

however, under continuous <strong>ir</strong>radiation, the hypocotyls have been straightened. Lightrelated<br />

bending of hypocotyls was the same in R + B and R light as on the clinostat<br />

as well as at 1 g, too.<br />


Fig. 2. Measurement of curvature of hypocotyls (a) and the data on the<strong>ir</strong> bending<br />

(b) in the dark (D / T), under different lighting and gravity conditions<br />

2 pav. Hipokotilio nuokrypio matavimo schema (a) <strong>ir</strong> duomenys apie hipokotilių nuokrypių<br />

kampus (b) tamsoje (D / T), sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis apšviestumo <strong>ir</strong> gravitacijos sąlygomis<br />

Gravitropic responses of 1-g leafstalks appeared in plants grown in the dark<br />

(Fig. 3). Fig. 3a illustrates the mode of the performed measurement of the leafstalk<br />

curvature (angle X).<br />

Fig. 3. Measurement of curvature (angle X) of the f<strong>ir</strong>st leafstalks<br />

(a) and data on the<strong>ir</strong> bending<br />

(b) under different lighting and gravity conditions<br />

3 pav. P<strong>ir</strong>mojo lapo lapkočių nuokrypio (kampas X) matavimas<br />

(a) <strong>ir</strong> duomenys apie jų nuokrypį<br />

(b) sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis apšviestumo <strong>ir</strong> gravitacijos sąlygomis<br />

In the dark, difference between the curvature of 1-g and clino-rotated leafstalks<br />

amounted to approximately 10° (Fig. 3 b). Under B light, the leafstalks grown in both<br />

gravity conditions oriented towards light source. Therefore, a more vertical orientation<br />


has been achieved by the f<strong>ir</strong>st leafstalk. Illumination with R light, independently on the<br />

alterations of gravity, also promoted a vertical positioning of leafstalks, i. e. orientation<br />

towards the red LED from above. However, the curvature angle of leafstalks decreased<br />

more significantly under 8 h/d than in continuous lighting. Combination R + B lights<br />

effectively d<strong>ir</strong>ected the growth of leafstalks <strong>ir</strong>respective of gravity action.<br />

Increment of the angle between two leaves is particularly important in seedling<br />

development. Measuring scheme of the angle between leafstalks and obtained data<br />

are presented in Fig. 4 a and b, respectively.<br />

Fig. 4. Measurement of the angle between two leafstalks (a) and data on this angle<br />

(b) under different lighting and gravity conditions<br />

4 pav. Lapkočių prasivėrimo kampo matavimas (a) <strong>ir</strong> duomenys apie lapkočių prasivėrimа<br />

(b) sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis apšviestumo <strong>ir</strong> gravitacijos sąlygomis<br />

Opening of leafstalks in 1-g and clino-rotated leaves was not responsive to applied<br />

B light, because it was the same as in the dark. However, R light and its combined action<br />

with B light slightly increased the angles between the leafstalks on the clinostat in 8 h/d<br />

photoperiod. This effect was more pronounced under continuous illumination.<br />

In the dark, apices of hypocotyls with leaves are interconnected and show natural<br />

gravity-related bending in the initial stage of seedling development. The study of<br />

light-related movement of leaf lamina in 1-g and clino-rotated leaves was based on<br />

the measurement of X angle performed according to the illustration in Fig. 5 a. After<br />

5-day cultivation in the dark, laminas of 1-g leaves were curved more significantly in<br />

respect to the d<strong>ir</strong>ection of gravity action than these of clino-rotated ones (Fig. 5 b).<br />


Fig. 5. Measurement of the curvature angle of the f<strong>ir</strong>st leaf laminas<br />

(a) and data on this angle<br />

(b) under different lighting and gravity conditions<br />

5 pav. P<strong>ir</strong>mojo lapo lapalakščio nuokrypio matavimas<br />

(a) <strong>ir</strong> nuokrypio kampai<br />

(b) sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis apšviestumo <strong>ir</strong> gravitacijos sąlygomis<br />

Usually, the laminas are positioned horizontally or move towards light after the<br />

opening of leafstalks. According to our data, in B light they moved toward the blue LED<br />

and obtained the orientation between horizontal and vertical positioning. Interestingly,<br />

R or R + B light in 8 h/d oriented the laminas close to the vertical position. Curvature<br />

of 1-g and clino-rotated laminas was quite similar under separate R or B lighting with<br />

the exception of that of leaves in R + B in 8 h/d photoperiod of light.<br />

Discussion. In previous studies, interactions between light-based and gravityrelated<br />

responses in roots (Corell et al., 2003; Boccalandro et. al., 2008) and stem-like<br />

portions of plants (Fukaki, Tasaka, 1999; Corell, Kiss, 2002; Lariquet, Fankhauser,<br />

2005) have been shown. In higher plants, stems and roots show negative and positive<br />

gravitropism, respectively. However, current knowledge of gravi-response of leaves<br />

is insufficient.<br />

Data presented in this paper show the correlation between elongation, positioning<br />

and movement of leaves of garden cress in the dark or in the both blue and red light<br />

when gravity-induced tropistic response of seedlings is inhibited by clino-rotation.<br />

In the dark, gravity alteration suppressed slightly, i. e. statistically insignificantly,<br />

the elongation of leafstalks and promoted the elongation of laminas (Fig. 1a). Blue<br />

light applied continuously enhanced the length of both leaf parts more significantly<br />

than that applied in 8 h/d illumination. The positive effect of red light or its combined<br />

action with blue light on leaf growth exceeded blue-light-induced response. It is shown<br />

blue and red light invokes extracellular acidification and expansion of epidermis cells<br />

in young pea leaf laminas (Staal et al., 1994; Elzega et. al., 2000), which is d<strong>ir</strong>ectly<br />

connected with elongation.<br />

Seedlings or young plants control leaf position in response to env<strong>ir</strong>onmental<br />

stimuli, such as light or gravity, to optimize the<strong>ir</strong> photosynthetic performance and to<br />

undergo adaptive changes in growth. The current model proposes that gravity perception<br />


the hypocotyl is initiated by sedimentation of amyloplasts in endodermis cells of the<br />

apical zone (Kiss et al., 1997) and of the basal part of leafstalk (Mano et al., 2006).<br />

Positioning of rosette leaves correlates primarily with hypocotyl orientation. We have<br />

also shown that gravity alteration by clino-rotation in the dark caused the change in<br />

the positioning of hypocotyl apex. The increase of the curvature of 1-g hypocotyls<br />

was determined in garden cress seedlings germinating under photoperiodical or<br />

uninterrupted illumination with unilateral blue light. Blue-light-induced phototropism<br />

can be dependent on the promotion of growth and inhibition to develop a differential<br />

growth gradient (Whipo, Hangarter, 2003). In our experiments, hypocotyls did not<br />

respond phototropically to red light at 1 g; however, they curved toward red LEDs<br />

under continuous illumination on the clinostat. Thus, only continuous red lighting<br />

eliminated the effect of simulated weightlessness on the curvature of hypocotyls<br />

(Fig. 2). This supports the finding that weak phototropic response can be evident in<br />

plants with reduced gravitropism (Corell, Kiss, 2002).<br />

On the basis of the analysis of leaves positioning in blue and red light and the<br />

obtained results we can assert that phototropic responses of leafstalks are evident under<br />

both applied gravity conditions. Simultaneous action of blue and red light oriented the<br />

leafstalks vertically toward the light from above (Fig. 3). Leaf flattening is important<br />

for optimizing the efficiency of light perception and depends on the angle between<br />

leafstalks and position of laminas in the rosette of young leaves. In the dark, the angle<br />

between leafstalks was not affected by performed clino-rotation (Fig. 4.), but clinorotation<br />

promoted the flattening of lamina (Fig. 5). Simultaneous action of blue and red<br />

light enhanced the opening of leafstalks in the both gravitational conditions. Orientation<br />

of laminas was strongly governed by the action d<strong>ir</strong>ection of light. According to the<br />

data obtained on rosette leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., the d<strong>ir</strong>ection<br />

of gravity under continuous white light did not affected the<strong>ir</strong> position (Mano et al.,<br />

2006). In contrast, when the plants were shifted to darkness, the leaves moved upward,<br />

suggesting negative gravitropism. Besides, there was determined sedimentation of<br />

amyloplasts in leafstalks, important in gravity perception.<br />

Finally, these results indicate the interaction between light-related control of leaf<br />

positioning and gravity-induced responses in leaves. Further experiments will attempt<br />

to separate and reveal the light- and gravity-related responses for optimization of leaf<br />

flattening and growth.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Gravity-related alterations in the elongation of leafstalks and<br />

laminas in the dark-grown leaves were not determined. The applied lighting stimulated<br />

the growth of leaves. Uninterrupted, i.e. continuous, illumination with red and blue<br />

light promoted the elongation of leafstalks more significantly than in 8 h/d photoperiod<br />

at 1 g and in altered gravity.<br />

2. In simulated weightlessness, the bending of hypocotyls from the upward<br />

growth d<strong>ir</strong>ection was enhanced. This curvature has been corrected considerably by<br />

used lighting. The data show that under continuous illumination gravitropism could<br />

be masked by predominant phototropism.<br />

3. Light-related orientation of leafstalks and laminas was demonstrated when<br />

the applied light restored the<strong>ir</strong> disorientation what was evoked by elimination of a<br />

unid<strong>ir</strong>ectional gravitropic stimulus.<br />


Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Lithuanian State Science<br />

and Studies Foundation.<br />

References<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Tropinės sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>inės lapų reakcijos į šviesą <strong>ir</strong> gravitaciją<br />

R. Losinska, D. Raklevičienė, D. Švegždienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

T<strong>ir</strong>tos sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės (Lepidium sativum L.) lapų augimo <strong>ir</strong> erdvinės orientacijos<br />

reakcijos į šviesos spektrines komponentes nesvarumo, imituoto lėtu (3 aps./min.) horizontaliu<br />

klinostatu, sąlygomis. Vienakryptė monochromatinė mėlyna (450 nm, 4,5 µmol m -2 s -1 ), raudona<br />

(660 nm, 8,5 µmol m -2 s -1 ) šviesa arba abi kartu (9,5 µmol m -2 s -1 ) buvo panaudotos apšvietimui.<br />

Daigai augo penkias paras klinostate <strong>ir</strong> vertikaliai stacionarioje padėtyje (kontrolė, 1 g) 8 <strong>ir</strong><br />

24 val./per parą šviesos arba tamsos sąlygomis. Buvo įvertinti lapų ilgiai <strong>ir</strong> hipokotilių, lapkočių<br />


ei lapalakščių linkiai, kuriuos indukavo pakeisto svarumo <strong>ir</strong> apšvietimo sąlygos, bei palyginti<br />

su kontroliniais pavyzdžiais, augusiais 1 g <strong>ir</strong> tamsos sąlygomis. Klinostatavimas tamsoje nekeitė<br />

lapkočių <strong>ir</strong> lapalakščių tįstamojo augimo. Mėlyna šviesa (8 val./per parą) spartino lapkočių tįsimą<br />

65–70 % kaip klinostate, taip <strong>ir</strong> 1 g sąlygomis. Pastovaus apšvietimo poveikis buvo stipresnis,<br />

negu šviečiant 8 val./per parą. Klinostatu imituotas nesvarumas sustiprino hipokotilių nuokrypį.<br />

Šviesa reguliavo hipokotilių augimo kryptį klinostate. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad pastovaus<br />

apšvietimo sąlygomis fototropizmas gali dominuoti <strong>ir</strong> maskuoti gravitropizmą. Raudonos<br />

arba mėlynos šviesos poveikis p<strong>ir</strong>mųjų lapų prasiskleidimui nebuvo esminis, tačiau suminis jų<br />

apšvietimas ženkliai paskatino šį procesа. Nustatytas šviesos fototropinis poveikis lapkočiams <strong>ir</strong><br />

lapalakščiams, nes šviesa atstatė dėl vienakrypčio gravitacinio stimulo nebuvimo sutrikusia lapų<br />

orientacijа. Gauti rezultatai rodo sаveikas tarp lapo fototropinių <strong>ir</strong> gravitropinių reakcijų.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: fototropizmas, gravitacija, gravitropizmas, klinostatas, lapas, linkis,<br />

sėjamoji pip<strong>ir</strong>nė, šviesa.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Effect of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid application on the<br />

growth and development of Actinidia kolomikta<br />

Laima Česonienė<br />

Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University, Ž. E. Žilibero 6,<br />

LT-46324 Kaunas, Lithuania, e-mail: l.cesoniene@bs.vdu.lt<br />

The effect of foliar applied 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid was studied in male clone<br />

M3 and female cultivar ‘Landė’ of Actinidia kolomikta. This plant regulator shortened the<br />

vegetation period for 9–15 days compared to the control. Plants of A. kolomikta treated with<br />

the 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid revealed strong morphological changes. The length of shoots<br />

treated with 0.2 % solution was significantly shorter at the end of vegetation period. The<br />

application of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid significantly reduced the number of flowers and<br />

berries per metre length of branch. This growth regulator influenced changes in the parameters<br />

of berries and the<strong>ir</strong> mass also.<br />

Key words: clone, cultivar, fruiting shoot, growth regulator, vegetation period.<br />

Introduction. The genus Actinidia Lindl. is comprised of perennial climbing<br />

species, which vegetative shoots grow very rapidly and achieve from 2 to 3 m length<br />

per year. These shoots produce large amounts of hormones and absorb considerable<br />

quantity of nutrients (Inglese, Gulo, 1992; Salinger, Kenny, 1995). Hereby, these<br />

physiological changes disimprove growth and development of fruit (Manson, Snelgar,<br />

1995; Snowball, 1995).<br />

Plant growth regulators are frequently used with a purpose to maintain a balance<br />

between growth and productivity of horticultural plants. The growth regulator<br />

2-chlorethylphosphonic acid induces anatomical and biochemical changes of cambium<br />

and enhances stability of bark. Cell division becomes more intensive in the radial<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ection, accordingly the shoots growth slows down (Pakasorn et al., 1995).<br />

As several authors (Henzell et al., 1986; Manson, Snelgar, 1995; Salinger, Kenny,<br />

1995) reported, an alternative approach to mechanically remove summer growth would<br />

be the application of plant growth regulators. Evaluation of different horticultural plants,<br />

such as high bush blueberry, peach, and apricot, demonstrated that different number and<br />

time of plant regulators treatment could increase winter hardiness and change duration<br />

of flowering and fruit ripening (Davies, 1992, Walton et al., 2000; Williamson, Moust,<br />

1996). This quality of plant regulators is very relevant by cultivation of some Actinidia<br />

species, which flowering coincides with a period of late spring frosts.<br />

The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility to regulate growth<br />

and productivity characteristics of Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim.) Maxim. using<br />

2-chlorethylphosphonic acid.<br />


Object, methods and conditions. Two-year-old male clone M3 and female<br />

cultivar ‘Landė’ were planted at 40–50 cm space within three replications by 20 plants.<br />

The plants were sprayed with 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid solution of 0.2 and 0.1 %<br />

concentration. The control plants were sprayed with water. Suitable conditions for<br />

applying growth regulator occurred in the last decade of May, when the temperature<br />

ranged to 24.1 °C. The f<strong>ir</strong>st full-developed leaves were formed on the shoots, whereas<br />

the fixed length of one-year-old shoots reached 16.3 ± 1.4 cm.<br />

The phenological phases were observed using the methods of assessing seasonal<br />

development of plants being introduced (Коропачинский, 1982; Лапин, 1982). The<br />

collection of A. kolomikta was observed and assessed twice a week on the same days<br />

of the week. The following main phases of seasonal development were recorded: the<br />

beginning of shoot growth, the beginning of budding, the beginning of flowering, the<br />

end of flowering, the beginning of ripening, the end of ripening, the end of growth of<br />

mixed shoots, and the end of vegetation. Length of one-year-old shoots was measured<br />

after 14 and 28 days as well as at the end of vegetation period. Number of fruiting<br />

shoots, flowers, and berries per metre length of a branch as well as parameters of<br />

berries were ascertained.<br />

Results. The plants of clone M3 affected with 0.1 % and 0.2 % solution finished<br />

vegetation earlier in comparison to the control (September 28, September 25 and<br />

October 7, respectively), i. e., vegetation period shortened for 13 and 10 days. It has<br />

been determined by fixing the change in phenological phases that application of growth<br />

regulators influenced the duration of the vegetation of female cultivar ‘Landė’, too.<br />

The end of vegetation of plants treated with 0.2 and 0.1 % solutions and that of control<br />

plants was fixed at the end of September or at the f<strong>ir</strong>st decade of October. The growth<br />

regulator shortened the vegetation period of cultivar ‘Landė’ from 9 to 15 days.<br />

Shoots of clone M3 affected with solutions 0.1 % and 0.2 % of<br />

2-chlorethylphosphonic acid solution were significantly shorter in comparison to the<br />

control (23.3 ± 1.7 cm, 15.7 ± 1.1 cm and 32.3 ± 2.3 cm, respectively). Evaluation of<br />

shoot length revealed the same tendency after 28 days. The shoots of control plants<br />

demonstrated the most intensive growth; therefore the<strong>ir</strong> length at the end of vegetation<br />

period on average was 62.1 cm (Fig. 1).<br />

The solutions 0.1 % and 0.2 % of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid suppressed growth<br />

of cultivar ‘Landė’ during the f<strong>ir</strong>st 14 days (Fig. 2). The length of shoots treated with<br />

0.2% solution was significantly shorter (45.2 ± 2.8 cm) at the end of vegetation period,<br />

too. The length of control plants shoots (63.0 ± 3.1 cm) and the same of plants treated<br />

with 0.1 % solution (59.3 ± 2.5 cm) did not differ significantly (LSD 05<br />

= 7.39).<br />


Fig. 1. The influence of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid solution on the length of<br />

fruiting shoots of clone M3: A – before treatment, B – after 14 days,<br />

C – after 28 days, D – at the end of vegetation period<br />

1 pav. 2-chloretilfosfoninės rūgšties įtaka M3 klono derančiųjų ūglių ilgiui:<br />

A – prieš purškimą, B – po 14 dienų, C – po 28 dienų, D – vegetacijos pabaigoje<br />

Fig. 2. The influence of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid solution on the length of<br />

fruiting shoots of cultivar ‘Landė’: A – before treatment, B – after 14 days,<br />

C – after 28 days, D – at the end of vegetation period<br />

2 pav. 2-chloretilfosfoninės rūgšties įtaka veislės ‘Landė’ derančiųjų ūglių ilgiui:<br />

A – prieš purškimą, B – po 14 dienų, C – po 28 dienų, D – vegetacijos pabaigoje<br />

Plants of A. kolomikta treated with the growth regulator revealed strong<br />

morphological changes. The 0.1 % and 0.2 % solutions induced fall of leaves from<br />

1–4 internodes, moreover, the one-year-old shoots lost rambling abilities. The plants<br />

treated with 0.2 % solution developed shrubby shape also. These changes reduced at<br />

the end of vegetation period.<br />

It has been determined that the number of fruiting shoots per metre length of<br />

two-year-old branch of M3 control plants and the plants treated with 0.1 % solution<br />

was statistically reliably larger as compared to that of plants treated with 0.2 %<br />

solution (LSD 05<br />

= 1.95) The number of fruiting shoots of cultivar ‘Landė’ treated with<br />

2-chlorethylphosphonic acid did not differ significantly from the control (LSD 05<br />

= 2.53)<br />

(Fig. 3).<br />


Fig. 3. The influence of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid solution on the number of<br />

fruiting shoots of clone M3 and cultivar ‘Landė’<br />

3 pav. 2-chloretilfosfoninės rūgšties įtaka klono M3 <strong>ir</strong> veislės ‘Landė’<br />

derančiųjų ūglių kiekiui<br />

The spraying of cultivar ‘Landė’ plants significantly reduced the number of<br />

flowers and berries in comparison to the control. The plants affected with 0.1 % and<br />

0.2 % solution of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid on average had 21.7 and 14.6 flowers<br />

(control plants – <strong>27</strong>.7 flowers) per metre length of branch, respectively. They set 14.9<br />

and 10.2 berries (control plants – 19.3 berries), respectively (Fig. 4).<br />

Fig. 4. The influence of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid solution on the number of<br />

flowers and berries of cultivar ‘Landė’<br />

4 pav. 2-chloretilfosfoninės rūgšties įtaka veislės ‘Landė’ žiedų <strong>ir</strong> uogų kiekiui<br />

Assessment of growth regulator related changes in the parameters of berries and<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> mass conf<strong>ir</strong>med that the average mass of berry enlarged by treatment of 0.1 %<br />

solution in comparison to control plants was 2.5 ± 0.01 g and 2.0 ± 0.05 g, respectively.<br />

The average berry mass of plants affected with 0.2 % solution was significantly less –<br />

1.6 ± 0.01 g, LSD 05<br />

= 0.102 (Fig. 5).<br />


Fig. 5. The influence of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid on the parameters<br />

of berries and the average berry mass of cultivar ‘Landė’<br />

5 pav. Veislės ‘Landė’ uogų matmenų <strong>ir</strong> vienos uogos vidutinės masės kitimas,<br />

veikiant 2-chloretilfosfonine rūgštimi<br />

Changes occurred in the parameters of berries also. Significant differences in<br />

respect of berry length were determined (LSD 05<br />

= 0.69). The width of berries of plants<br />

was largest after treatment with 0.1 % solution, whereas the width of berries of plants<br />

sprayed with 0.2 % solution and these of the control did not differ (LSD 05<br />

= 0.79).<br />

Discussion. In order to define the influence of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid on<br />

changes of different morphological characteristics, duration of phenological phases<br />

were evaluated. The results corroborated comprehensive physiological impact on<br />

male and female plants of A. kolomikta. This growth regulator changes intensity of<br />

shoot growth, number of flowering shoot as well as of berries per metre length of a<br />

branch. According to other authors, the number of fruiting shoots, the number and<br />

average mass of berries per metre length of a branch were characterized as the fruiting<br />

potential of Actinidia species (A. deliciosa, A. arguta) (Kulczewski, 2003; Samanci,<br />

1997; Tiyayon, Strik, 2003).<br />

Different trials were carried out using plant growth regulator treatments of Ethrel<br />

(2-chlorethylphosphonic acid) in order to improve fruit size, yield and quality of<br />

kiwifruit (A. deliciosa). The fruit size and quality was found better at a concentration<br />

of 0.08 % than for the controls (Jindal et al., 2003). Studies of other authors revealed<br />

effect of this growth regulator on fruit set and cropping of pears (Wells, McArtney,<br />

1993) and rabbiteye blueberry (Kugishima et al., 2004).<br />

Application of growth regulator determines shortening of vegetation period of<br />

A. kolomikta. It could be used growing late cultivars, which berry ripening coincides<br />

with early frosts in autumn. 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid retards shoot growth of<br />

male ant female plants. It is very important to apply this growth regulator in the large<br />

plantations with a purpose to reduce labour expenditures of pruning.<br />

Conclusions. 1. The application of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid significantly<br />

decreases the growth of A. kolomikta shoots and causes the forwardness of the end<br />

of vegetation period.<br />


2. The important indices of fruiting potential such as number and mass of berries<br />

per metre length of branch could be controlled using different solutions of<br />

2-chlorethylphosphonic acid.<br />

3. The solution 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid of 0.1 % significantly enlarges the<br />

average berry mass.<br />

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14. Wells G. H., McArtney S. J. 1993. Fruit quality and cropping of pears II.<br />

Response of ‘Nijisseiki’ Asian pears to the concentration of chlorethephon. Acta<br />

Horticulturae, 329: 252–262.<br />

15. Wiliamson J. G., Moust B. E. 1996. Possible use of ethephon for bloom delay in<br />

blueberries // Proceedings of 8 th Southeast Blueberry Conference, 21–24.<br />

16. Коропачинский И. Ю. (ред.) 1982. Интродукция древесных растений в<br />

лесостепном Приобъе. Новосибирск.<br />

17. Лапин П. И. (ред.) 1982. Исследование древесных растений при интродукции.<br />

Москва.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

2- chloretilfosfoninės rūgšties poveikio Actinidia kolomikta augimui<br />

<strong>ir</strong> vystymuisi tyrimai<br />

L. Česonienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Atliktų tyrimų tikslas buvo nustatyti 2-chloretilfosfoninės rūgšties poveikį Actinidia<br />

kolomikta vyriško klono M3 <strong>ir</strong> veislės ‘Landė’ augalų augimui <strong>ir</strong> vystymuisi. Nustatyta, kad<br />

paveikus augalus šiuo augimo reguliatoriumi, jų vegetacijos periodas sutrumpėjo 9–15 dienų.<br />

Nupurkšti augalai pasižymėjo morfologiniais pakitimais. Paveikus augalus 0,2 % augimo<br />

reguliatoriaus t<strong>ir</strong>palu, ūglių ilgis vegetacijos pabaigoje buvo statistiškai patikimai mažesnis.<br />

Nupurkštiems 2-chloretilfosfoninės rūgšties t<strong>ir</strong>palu augalams buvo būdingas mažesnis žiedų <strong>ir</strong><br />

uogų kiekis. Veikiant sk<strong>ir</strong>tingoms augimo reguliatoriaus koncentracijoms, kito <strong>ir</strong> uogų dydžio<br />

parametrai.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augimo reguliatorius, derantis ūglis, klonas, veislė, vegetacijos<br />

periodas.<br />




SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Photomorphogenic responses of garden cress to light in<br />

altered gravity<br />

Danguolė Raklevičienė, Danguolė Švegždienė, Regina Losinska<br />

Institute of Botany, Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Sector of Gravitational<br />

Physiology, Žaliųjų Ežerų 49, LT-80406 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

E-mail: danguole.rakleviciene@botanika.lt<br />

The purpose of the present research was to determine growth and developmental<br />

responses of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seedlings to blue (450 nm,<br />

4–5 µmol m -2 s -1 ) light and to its combined effect with red (660 nm, 13 µmol m -2 s -1 ) or far-red<br />

(735 nm, 0.8–0.9 µmol m -2 s -1 ) illumination as well as to red with far-red light under usual and<br />

altered (by a 50-rpm horizontal clinostat) gravity conditions. Lighting was provided by light<br />

emitting diodes. Effects of light under altered gravity were evaluated after a 5-day cultivation<br />

of seedlings on the clinostat or vertically at a stationary position both in 12 h per day light<br />

photoperiod and without illumination. The plants were grown in special containers fitted to the<br />

stationary control (1 g) and centrifuge-clinostat devices. Biometric analysis of organs showed that<br />

inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and promotion of leaf expansion caused by applied lighting<br />

were the same for both 1-g and clino-rotated plants. However, the rate of growth suppression<br />

by blue light and by its combined action with far-red light was promoted in altered gravity. The<br />

area of clino-rotated leaves in the combined red and far-red light was larger than that of 1-g ones<br />

due to the more rapid radial expansion. Quantifiable assessment of photosynthetic pigments<br />

in leaves showed that only in blue lighting the amount of chlorophyll b was enhanced under<br />

clino-rotation as compared with 1 g. The obtained data show that plant reactions to the precise<br />

spectral components and photon flux density of light can be modulated by gravity alterations<br />

and support the view of the interaction between photo- and gravity-related responses.<br />

Key words: clinostat, garden cress, gravity, growth, leaf, light, seedlings.<br />

Introduction. Plants evolved and adjusted to constant, prolonged presence of<br />

gravity and simultaneously changing action of solar lighting on Earth. Gravity is<br />

important for the orientation of the plant. Primary shoots and roots of seedlings are<br />

often used in studies of gravitropism, i.e. d<strong>ir</strong>ected growth in response to gravity.<br />

Organs of developing plants have a typical orientation relative to the gravity vector<br />

(Kiss et al., 2002), which can be modified by light conditions (Hangarter, 1997).<br />

Light- and gravity-related signalling pathways in plants interact and make it difficult<br />

to determine whether plant growth is influenced by light, gravity or by the combined<br />

action of these two stimuli. Existing interactions between responses to light and gravity<br />

were shown using gravitropic or phototropic mutants (Hangarter, 1997; Kiss et al.,<br />

2003; Lariquet, Fankhauser, 2004), altering gravity conditions on Earth by rotation<br />

or reorientation of plants with regard to the gravity vector (Brown et al., 1996a; Vitha<br />

et al., 2000) and performing investigations at microgravity in space (Stutte et al., 2006).<br />


Gravity-related growth responses were shown in Arabidopsis (Merkys et al., 1984),<br />

garden cress (Merkys, Laurinavičius, 1990), and other seedlings during experiments<br />

carried out in microgravity in the dark or in white light of a high fluence rate. Light can<br />

either enhance or reduce gravitropic responses of the plant (Hangarter 1997; Okada,<br />

Shimura, 1992; Corell, Kiss, 2002). Photomorphogenic effects of light quality and<br />

quantity play a crucial role in plant development and were not detailed under altered<br />

gravity conditions.<br />

Thus, taking into consideration the fact that spectral components (Hangarter,<br />

1997), photon flux density (Galland, 2002) and action d<strong>ir</strong>ection (Vitha et al., 2000;<br />

Raklevičienė et al., 2005) of light are factors influencing gravity-related growth<br />

responses of plants, we can presume that photophysiological effectiveness of a certain<br />

light wavelength might be more obvious when gravitropic stimulation associated with<br />

the vector of gravity is reduced by clino-rotation. Irradiation of clino-rotated plants<br />

is one of the modes of determining the effects of separate components of the light<br />

wavelength and fluence rate on plant growth.<br />

The aim of the present work was to estimate the effects of blue (B) light and its<br />

combined action with red (R) or far-red (FR) components of light spectrum on lightrelated<br />

responses of axial organs and leaves of seedlings under gravity altered by<br />

50-rpm horizontal clino-rotation (HC).<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Seeds of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.)<br />

were planted on a transparent solid MS medium with one-half-strength salts (Murashige,<br />

Skoog, 1962) and 0.2 % (w/v) gelrite (Sigma) and for 5 days were grown in containers<br />

fitted to the device of a stationary vertical control (1 g) and to a horizontal clinostat<br />

rotating at 50 rpm for creating altered gravity conditions. Seedlings were cultivated both<br />

with and without illumination. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) were used for illumination<br />

in the containers (cartridges with a light module ensured <strong>ir</strong>radiation of the plant from<br />

above). B (peak wavelength 450 nm, photon flux density 5 µmol m -2 s -1 ), R (660 nm,<br />

13 µmol m -2 s -1 ) and FR (735 nm, 0.8-1 µmol m -2 s -1 ) LEDs were applied for <strong>ir</strong>radiation<br />

on the 50-rpm horizontal clinostat and in the vertical control device. The influence of<br />

B light and the combined effect of B with R (B + R), B with FR (B + FR) and R with<br />

FR (R + FR) light on the length of roots, hypocotyls, leafstalks and laminas as well as<br />

on the amount of fresh biomass and leaves photosynthetic pigments was measured.<br />

The photoperiod was 12 h per daylight. All experiments were performed at ambient<br />

temperatures of 22 °C to 24 °C. Total intensities of lighting combinations B + R,<br />

B + FR and R + FR were approximately 16–17.5 and 13.5 µmol m -2 s -1 , respectively.<br />

The fluence rate of light was measured by a quantum sensor (PM-20, Sonopan, Poland).<br />

At the end of each experiment, seedlings were photographed with the PENTAX *ist<br />

D digital camera, leaves were scanned and images were analyzed using SigmaScan<br />

Pro 5 (Jandel Scientific Software) on the PC platform. Spectrophotometrical analyses<br />

of photosynthetic pigments in leaves were performed using the UV/VIS “Helios<br />

Gamma” (190–1 100 nm) spectrophotometer. Concentrations of chlorophyll a (chl. a),<br />

chlorophyll b (chl. b) and carotenoids were measured in three replicates after acetone<br />

extraction and calculated according to Lichtenthaler (1987). Measurements of seedlings<br />

grown in different lights were compared with the ones in the dark; also, measurements<br />

of seedlings grown on the clinostat were compared with the ones at 1 g. Statistical<br />


analysis was performed using Excel (version 7.0). The data presented in figures are<br />

given as the mean ± standard error. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.<br />

Results. In the dark, the length of hypocotyls and roots of seedlings<br />

grown under 50 rpm clino-rotation did not significantly differ from the control ones<br />

(Fig. 1 a, b).<br />

Fig. 1. Length of hypocotyls (a) and roots (b)<br />

of garden cress seedlings grown in the dark and in blue (B)<br />

light or in blue light supplemented with red (B + R),<br />

far red (B + FR) or red with far red (R + FR) spectral components of light in normal<br />

(1 g) and altered gravity (HC) conditions<br />

1 pav. Sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės hipokotilių <strong>ir</strong> šaknų ilgiai daigų, augintų tamsoje,<br />

šviečiant mėlyna (M) ar kompleksu su raudona (M + R) <strong>ir</strong> tolimąją raudona<br />

(M + TR), ar raudona su tolimąją raudona (R + TR) šviesa normalaus (1 g)<br />

<strong>ir</strong> pakeisto svarumo sąlygomis<br />

Monochromatic blue light inhibited the elongation of 1-g and clino-rotated<br />

hypocotyls by 17 % and 29 %, respectively. Differences between clino-rotated and 1-g<br />

hypocotyls were significant at p < 0.05. Simultaneous application of B + R spectral<br />

components of light enhanced the suppression of hypocotyl growth approximately by<br />

30 % independently on gravity conditions. However, in B + FR lighting, the clinorotated<br />

hypocotyls were significantly shorter than the 1-g hypocotyls. The influence of<br />

R + FR light was similar to that of B + R lighting. Thus, the applied B + FR combination<br />

of lighting inhibited the hypocotyl elongation on clinostat more significantly than<br />

at 1 g. Although the seedlings were cultivated on a transparent medium, roots were<br />

unequally illuminated from above because of leaf shading. Differences between the<br />

length of 1-g and clino-rotated roots were negligible in the dark, monochromatic B<br />

and combined B + R or F + R illumination. Only in R + FR light the roots were shorter<br />

in altered gravity.<br />

Measurements of leafstalk and leaf lamina parameters in the dark and lights under<br />

altered and normal gravity conditions are presented in Fig. 2.<br />

Monochromatic B light as well as combined B + R or B + FR lighting promoted<br />

the elongation of both leafstalks and laminas of leaves. It should be noted that the<br />

combination of B + R enhanced the fluence rate of illumination. Despite comparatively<br />

low fluence rate of FR light, its effect on the elongation of leaves was considerable<br />

when FR was integrated with lights of other wavelengths, i. e. with 450 or 660 nm.<br />

However, no differences between the lengths of 1-g and clino-rotated leaves were<br />

determined in the applied lighting.<br />


Fig. 2. Length of leafstalks and laminas of leaves in seedlings grown in different<br />

lighting and gravity conditions<br />

2 pav. Lapkočių <strong>ir</strong> lapalakščių ilgiai daigų, augintų sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis apšviestumo <strong>ir</strong> gravitacinio<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ginimo sąlygomis<br />

At the end of experiments, seedlings of garden cress had two leaves of different<br />

sizes and the area of the leaf largely depended on the parameters of the lamina.<br />

Measurements of the areas of leaves did not show statistically significant gravityrelated<br />

differences in the dark and in the applied B light as well as in its combined<br />

action with R (B + R) or FR (B + FR) light (Fig. 3).<br />

Fig. 3. Area of leaves of garden cress seedlings grown in the dark and in combined<br />

lighting under normal (1 g) and altered gravity (HC) conditions<br />

3 pav. Lapų plotai sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės daigų, augintų sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis apšviestumo <strong>ir</strong> normalaus<br />

(1 g) bei pakeisto svarumo (HK) sąlygomis<br />


Promotion of leaf expansion by B lighting conditions was similar to both 1-g and<br />

clino-rotated plants. B + R and B + FR lightings increased considerably the area of<br />

control and clino-rotated leaves. However, differences between the area of 1-g and<br />

clino-rotated leaves were determined in combined R + FR lighting. In the dark, fresh<br />

weight of leaves of average plant increased slightly, i.e. statistically insignificantly,<br />

on clinostat as compared with control at 1 g (Fig. 4).<br />

Fig. 4. Effect of illumination on fresh weight of leaves<br />

in natural and altered gravity<br />

4 pav. Šviesos poveikis lapų žaliajai masei natūraliomis <strong>ir</strong><br />

pakeisto svarumo sąlygomis<br />

However, a statistically significant increment in leaf biomass was determined on<br />

the clinostat in B light. Fresh weight of 1-g leaves was the same as in the dark, whereas<br />

the integrated effect of the two components of light spectrum promoted similarly the<br />

augmentation of leaf biomass in both gravity conditions. Nevertheless, a tendency of<br />

a smaller amount of fresh biomass of clino-rotated leaves as compared with 1-g leaves<br />

in B + R lighting was observed.<br />

A negligible amount of photosynthetic pigments in etiolated 1-g and clino-rotated<br />

leaves was determined. The applied monochromatic B light caused the appearance of<br />

both chlorophylls and carotenoids in garden cress leaves (Fig. 5).<br />

However, the amount of photosynthetic pigments significantly increased when R<br />

and FR lights were applied simultaneously with B light. The increment of chlorophyll<br />

a occurred independently of gravity conditions and strongly depended on R light (Fig.<br />

5a). The influence of R light was predominant in the combined B+R lighting. Only<br />

in B light the amount of chlorophyll b in clino-rotated leaves was larger than in 1-g<br />

ones (Fig. 5b). In other lighting conditions, the amount of photosynthetic pigments<br />

did not significantly depend on gravity conditions. The combined action of B + R<br />

lighting resulted in an increment of carotenoids as compared with other conditions of<br />

illumination independently on gravity conditions.<br />


Fig. 5. Content of chlorophylls a and b (in graphs a and b, respectively),<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> ratio (c) and content of carotenoids (d) in garden cress leaves in different<br />

lighting and gravity conditions<br />

5 pav. Chlorofilų a <strong>ir</strong> b kiekis (a, b) <strong>ir</strong> jų santykis (c) bei karotinoidų kiekis (d) sėjamosios<br />

pip<strong>ir</strong>nės lapuose esant sk<strong>ir</strong>tingoms šviesos <strong>ir</strong> gravitacinio d<strong>ir</strong>ginimo sąlygoms<br />

Discussion. Previous studies demonstrated that gravity force affects various<br />

processes in the life cycle of plants, i. e. seed germination, growth, flowering and seed<br />

formation (Merkys, Laurinavičius 1983; Musgrave et al., 1997; Volkmann, Baluška,<br />

2006). This revealed that terrestrial plants evolved under a 1 g gravitational env<strong>ir</strong>onment<br />

on Earth and acqu<strong>ir</strong>ed the ability to use gravistimuli to regulate the<strong>ir</strong> growth and<br />

development. Thus, growth and morphogenetic responses of plants are considered<br />

to be highly influenced by constant gravity. The elongation of the overground part of<br />

seedlings was promoted by microgravity (Laurinavičius et al., 2001; Soga et al., 2002).<br />

However, for further optimal development of plants, light with a strong effect on the<br />

overground part is necessary. Inhibition of the elongation of the overground part as well<br />

as an increase of leaves in light are estimated as positive reactions of the plant adapting<br />

to env<strong>ir</strong>onmental changes. Interactions between gravity and light-related responses<br />

in plants have been investigated so far insufficiently and need precise approaches to<br />

reveal masked physiological reactions.<br />

Blue light rapidly and strongly inhibits hypocotyl elongation during the<br />

photomorphogenic response known as de-etiolation, i. e. transformation of a darkgrown<br />

seedling into a pigmented, photoautotrophic organism (Cosgrove, 1981; Folta,<br />

Spalding, 2001). High-<strong>ir</strong>radiance B light is especially effective in this respect as it<br />

inhibits growth more quickly and to a greater extent than equal <strong>ir</strong>radiances of red light.<br />

Our earlier data on garden cress demonstrated that the effect of light wavelengths of<br />


450, 660 and 735 nm applied in a comparatively low density of the photon flux had a<br />

stronger inhibiting effect on the elongation of garden cress hypocotyls and leafstalks<br />

when gravitropic stimulation was eliminated by clino-rotation as compared with natural<br />

gravity (Raklevičienė et al., 2005, 2007). The presented data show that monochromatic<br />

B light reduced the elongation of 1-g and clino-rotated hypocotyls by 16 % and 29 %,<br />

combined B + R lighting – by 30 % and 45 %, B + FR – by 56 % and 61 %, R + FR –<br />

by 33 % and 39 %, respectively. The impact of FR light showed a strong elongation<br />

inhibiting effect. It is important because the photon-sensing system can be activated by<br />

the FR (700–800 nm) spectral component of light and interacts with the gravity-sensing<br />

system (Johnson et al., 1996). Our data on garden cress seedlings show a significant<br />

growth inhibition caused by a simultaneous action of B + R lights and prove that under<br />

changed gravity the inhibition is stronger as than under usual gravity conditions.<br />

The size of leaves is determined at an early stage of plant development (Cookson<br />

et al., 2005), but histological differentiation is definitely dependent on light spectral<br />

quality (Lee et al., 2000) and could be related to gravity (Stutte et al., 2006; Raklevičienė<br />

et al., 2007). In our experiments, the applied illumination enhanced the total length of<br />

both 1-g and clino-rotated leaves. It should be noted that FR lighting combined with B<br />

or R lighting increased the length of 1-g leafstalks most significantly (approximately<br />

by 2.3 and 2.2 times, respectively). However, the total leaf length did not differ in both<br />

gravitational env<strong>ir</strong>onments. The area and fresh weight of garden cress leaves largely<br />

depended on leaf lamina parameters, which usually increased in light due to the apicalbasal<br />

elongation, radial expansion and tissue differentiation. In the dark, any differences<br />

between 1-g and clino-rotated leaf areas and lamina lengths were determined. The area<br />

and fresh weight of leaves increased significantly when plants were <strong>ir</strong>radiated with<br />

lights of two wavelengths simultaneously, i. e. FR + B or FR + R lighting. The latter<br />

combination is physiologically and photochemically active in driving phytochrome<br />

conversions each in the opposite d<strong>ir</strong>ection. In our experiments, it promoted significantly<br />

the radial expansion of clino-rotated leaf lamina and, therefore, we assumed that it was<br />

involved in light and gravity interaction through phytochrome activity.<br />

Also, our results related to the amount of photosynthetic pigments showed that<br />

monochromatic R light or R + B light enhanced considerably the amount of chlorophylls<br />

independently of gravity conditions. The influence of R light was predominating. Only<br />

the B light provoked the gravity-dependent alteration in photosynthetic pigments<br />

content: the amount of chlorophyll b in clino-rotated leaves increased approximately by<br />

30 % in comparison with 1-g plants (Fig. 5b). The impact of light on the concentration<br />

of carotenoids was the same for plants grown under both gravitational conditions.<br />

A high chl. a /chl. b ratio, usually observed in chlorotic plants, indicates a reduced<br />

antenna size relative to reaction centres of photosystems. It should be mentioned that<br />

the excess energy in B light photon is largely converted into heat whose c<strong>ir</strong>culation<br />

between leaves and a<strong>ir</strong> is retarded at a lower gravity level (Kitaya et al., 2003). Data<br />

on the effect of gravity on photosynthesis is quite controversial (Brown et al. 1996b;<br />

Tripathy et al., 1996; Stutte et al, 2005). Our findings are in partial agreement with<br />

photosynthetic measurements that showed possibility of light-induced photosynthetic<br />


esponses under altered gravity (Brown et al., 1996b; Stutte et al., 2005); however,<br />

mechanisms for integration of red, far-red and blue light signalling in control of<br />

photomorphogenesis remain largely unknown.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Monochromatic blue light and its combined action with red<br />

and far-red light in comparatively low light intensities caused a rate of inhibition<br />

in clino-rotated hypocotyls more significant than in those grown in natural gravity<br />

conditions.<br />

2. Blue and red light-related elongation and radial expansion of leaves of garden<br />

cress significantly increased when the action of these lights was combined with far-red<br />

lighting. Simultaneous action of red and far-red lighting promoted a radial expansion<br />

in clino-rotated leaves more significantly than in 1-g leaves.<br />

3. Altered gravity did not provoke obvious changes in the amount of<br />

photosynthetic pigments with the exception of chlorophyll b, the amount of which<br />

increase in monochromatic blue light with photon flux density of approximately<br />

4.5 µmol m -2 s -1 .<br />

4. The obtained data support the opinion of the existing photo- and graviphysiological<br />

interactions that can be modulated by precise parameters of light under<br />

altered gravity conditions.<br />

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Lithuanian State Science<br />

and Studies Foundation.<br />

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22. Raklevičienė D., Švegzdienė D., Tamulaitis G., Žukauskas A. J. 2005. Growth of<br />

cress seedlings and morphogenesis of root gravisensors under clino-rotation and<br />

in unid<strong>ir</strong>ectional red light. Journal of Gravitational Physiology, 12(1): 209–210.<br />

23. Raklevičienė D., Švegždienė D., Stanevičienė R., Losinska R. 2007. Effects of<br />

illumination on the growth and histogeny of garden cress seedlings under altered<br />

gravity. Biologija, 53(2): 55–58.<br />


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Microgravity effects on leaf morphology, cell structure, carbon metabolism and<br />

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26. Stutte G. W., Monje O., Goins G. D., Tripathy B. C. 2005. Microgravity effects on<br />

thylakoid, single leaf, and whole canopy photosynthesis of dwarf wheat. Planta,<br />

223: 46–56.<br />

<strong>27</strong>. Tripathy B. C., Brown C. S., Levine H. G., Krikorian A. D. 1996. Growth and<br />

photosynthetic responses of wheat plants grown in space. Plant Physiology,<br />

110: 801–806.<br />

28. Vitha S., Zhao L., Sack F. D. 2000. Interaction of root gravitropism and<br />

phototropism in Arabidopsis wild-type and starchless mutants. Plant Physiology,<br />

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Protoplasma, 229: 143–148.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Fotomorfogenetinės sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>inės reakcijos į šviesа pakeisto<br />

svarumo sąlygomis<br />

D. Rachlevičienė, D. Švegždienė, R. Losinska<br />

Santrauka<br />

Darbo tikslas – nustatyti sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės (Lepidium sativum L.) daigų augimo <strong>ir</strong><br />

vystymosi reakcijas į mėlyną (450 nm, 4–5 µmol m -2 s -1 ) šviesą <strong>ir</strong> į kompleksinį jos poveikį su<br />

raudona (660 nm, 13 µmol m -2 s -1 ) ar tolimąją raudona (735 nm, 0,8–0,9 µmol m -2 s -1 ) šviesa<br />

bei į raudonos <strong>ir</strong> tolimosios raudonos šviesos poveikį natūralios gravitacijos <strong>ir</strong> horizontaliu<br />

klinostatu (50 aps./min.) imituoto nesvarumo sąlygomis. Apšvietimui naudoti puslaidininkiniai<br />

šviesos diodai. Šviesos poveikis daigams buvo įvertintas po 5 parų kultivavimo klinostatuojant<br />

<strong>ir</strong> stabilioje vertikalioje padėtyje, esant 12 val. šviesos arba tamsoje. Daigai buvo auginami<br />

specialiuose konteineriuose, prijungtuose prie stacionarios vertikalios kontrolės įrenginio <strong>ir</strong><br />

centrifugos-klinostato komplekso horizontalių aрių. Atlikus biometrinę daigų analizę buvo<br />

nustatyta, kad naudoti apšvietimo moduliai slopino hipokotilių tįstamаjį augimą <strong>ir</strong> skatino<br />

lapų augimą kaip įprasto, taip <strong>ir</strong> pakeisto svarumo sąlygomis. Tačiau, augimo tempo lėtinimas<br />

apšvietus mėlyna <strong>ir</strong> mėlyna su tolimąja raudona buvo intensyvesnis pakeistame svarume.<br />

Apšvietus raudona su tolimąją raudona, klinostatuotų lapų plotai dėl radialinio tįsimo buvo<br />

didesni negu kontrolinių. Atlikus fotosintetinių pigmentų kiekybinį vertinimа buvo nustatyta,<br />

kad tik mėlynoje šviesoje klinostatavimas padidino chlorofilo b kiekį lapuose. Rezultatai parodė,<br />

kad augalų reakcijos į tam tikras šviesos spektrines komponentes <strong>ir</strong> fotonų srauto tankį gali<br />

būti veikiamos gravitacijos <strong>ir</strong> patv<strong>ir</strong>tina nuomonę apie sąveikas tarp reakcijų, indukuojamų<br />

šviesa <strong>ir</strong> gravitacija.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augimas, daigai, gravitacija, klinostatas, lapas, sėjamoji pip<strong>ir</strong>nė,<br />

šviesa.<br />




SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Gravisensing of garden cress roots under varying<br />

g-magnitude<br />

Danguolė Švegždienė, Dalia Koryznienė, Danguolė Raklevičienė<br />

Institute of Botany, Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Sector of Gravitational<br />

Physiology, Žaliųjų Ežerų 49, LT-08406 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

E-mail: danguole.svegzdiene@botanika.lt<br />

The aim of present work was to characterize and compare the sensitivity of roots and<br />

positioning of amyloplasts in gravity sensing cells, when the gravity (centrifugal) forces of<br />

lower than 1 g magnitude were applied for gravitropic stimulation.<br />

After 30 h of growth in 1-g conditions, etiolated seedlings of garden cress (Lepidium<br />

sativum L.) were stimulated gravitropically on a centrifuge-clinostat. For sensitivity study of<br />

roots, an exposition to the transverse action of 0.004, 0.019 or 1 g and following clino-rotation<br />

has been applied. Quantitative analysis of curvature kinetics revealed a relation between the<br />

magnitude of acting force and the value of threshold stimulus dose. It was evaluated that the<br />

doses exceeding 2, 4 and 7 g × s could be effective for induction of root gravitropic reaction<br />

by the forces of respective magnitude. Amyloplast positioning was analyzed in gravity sensing<br />

cells of roots subjected to transverse d<strong>ir</strong>ected forces of 0.001 g to 0.156 g for 4 h (resulting in 16,<br />

65, 203, 563 or 2 252 g × s). Measurements were performed by light microscopy on semi-thin<br />

median longitudinal sections of the root apices fixed in glutaraldehyde and embedded in Epon.<br />

Significant and g-dependent sedimentation of amyloplasts was determined only in response to<br />

the stimulus dose of 203 g × s and strongest ones. It exceeds considerably the earlier evaluated<br />

threshold dose for root gravitropic stimulation by the force of the comparable magnitude. Our<br />

data imply that there is no d<strong>ir</strong>ect ratio between the gravitropic sensitivity of garden cress roots<br />

to the action of the forces lower than 1-g magnitude and the respective alteration in amyloplast<br />

positioning. It allows supposing that a slight, however, transient, sedimentation of statoliths<br />

may trigger and transmit the gravitropic stimulus.<br />

Key words: amyloplast, garden cress, gravity, root, sensitivity, stimulus.<br />

Introduction. Gravisensing in roots occurs within specialized cap cells –<br />

statocytes containing starch-filled amyloplasts (statoliths). On changing a magnitude<br />

and/or d<strong>ir</strong>ection of gravity force, statolith movement provides the information leading<br />

to d<strong>ir</strong>ectional growth response of organ. A gravitropic response depends on a stimulus<br />

dose (D) as a product of magnitude of gravity (g) or physiologically adequate centrifugal<br />

force (Merkys et al., 1981) and the duration of its action (t), when they are stimulated at<br />

90° angle. Sensitivity of root sensory system can be characterized by threshold stimulus<br />

dose (D-threshold, maximal quantity of stimulation in g´s still unable to provoke<br />

any response). Usually it is determined by stimulating the organ with corresponding<br />

stimuli, registration of following responses and analysis of dose-response curves. Its<br />

values vary in a wide range depending on the methods of stimulation and estimation<br />


(Laurinavičius et al., 1998; Volkmann, Tewinkel, 1996; Perbal et al., 2002).<br />

According to the hypotheses concerning actin-based gravisensing in roots, a<br />

settling of amyloplasts constitutes the initial act of gravity sensing (Driss-Ecole et al.,<br />

2003; Baluška, Hasenstein, 1997; Sievers et al., 1991). During the past decades, the<br />

plant cytoskeleton has been identified as an important target for a manifold of signal<br />

chains that are triggered by many env<strong>ir</strong>onmental cues. Recent works give an opportunity<br />

to better understanding of its role in gravisensing (Braun, Limbach, 2006; Kuya et al.,<br />

2006; Palmieri, Kiss, 2005; Švegždienė et al., 2005, 2007). Despite a rapidly expanding<br />

field of in vivo imaging of cytoskeletal elements and the<strong>ir</strong> links with amyloplasts, there<br />

are only a few d<strong>ir</strong>ect investigations on behaviour of these plastids in statocytes under<br />

the stimulation by gravity force of lower than 1 g magnitude (Laurinavičius et al., 2001;<br />

Volkmann, Tewinkel, 1996; Yoder et al., 2001). In most experiments carried out on<br />

purpose to study the gravitropic sensitivity of plant organs and function of statocytes,<br />

the 1-g force was applied for stimulation. Therefore, the aim of the present study was<br />

to characterize and compare the sensitivity of cress root gravisensors and amyloplast<br />

location within statocytes, using centrifugal forces of low magnitude for gravitropic<br />

stimulation. Attention was focused on evaluating of the threshold dose of gravitropic<br />

stimulus and its relation with the positioning of statoliths.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) was used<br />

as plant material. Seeds were germinated and grown for 30 h in special cylinder-shaped<br />

containers in darkness, at 23.0° ± 0.5 °C. A longitudinal axis of embryos and an original<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ection of root growth were parallel to the vector of Earth gravity (1 g). For gravitropic<br />

stimulation, the containers were placed on a centrifuge-clinostat with two-orthogonal<br />

axes allowing independent or simultaneous rotation around the horizontal (clinostat)<br />

and vertical (centrifuge) axes (Laurinavičius et al., 2001).<br />

Responsiveness of roots to varying g-loads has been studied after an exposition to<br />

clino-rotation (50 rpm) and centrifugal force of 0.004, 0.019 or 1 g till 60 min (resulting<br />

in 2 to 600 g × s stimulus doses). Curvature from the original growth d<strong>ir</strong>ection was<br />

measured after the subsequent rotation on a clinostat for additional 60 min. Curvature<br />

angles were plotted against logarithm of the resulting doses and a threshold dose was<br />

calculated for the each applied centrifugal force.<br />

To analyze a relationship between the location of amyloplasts and stimulus doses,<br />

the seeds were germinated in open 10-ml thin glass funnels to retain the<strong>ir</strong> respective<br />

orientation and to mark the d<strong>ir</strong>ection of gravitropic stimulation. The funnels were fixed<br />

in special plastic holders and placed in to containers for the vertical growth at 1 g. After<br />

30 h, the containers were mounted on horizontal axes of centrifuge-clinostat and rotated<br />

for 4 h by the speed of 10, 20, 50 or 100 rpm. In dependence on the distance from the<br />

clinostat axes, the roots have been subjected to the action of horizontal clino-rotation<br />

or centrifugal forces of 0.001, 0.004, 0.014, 0.039 or 0.156 g (resulting in the stimulus<br />

doses of about 0 (simulated weightlessness), 16, 65, 203, 563 or 2 252 g × s). After<br />

stimulation, the seedlings were fixed in 4 % (v/v) glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium<br />

phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) for 45 min without stopping the clino-rotation. The root<br />

apices were then transferred into fresh portion of glutaraldehyde solution for 2 h at<br />

+4 °C, postfixed in 1 % (w/v) OsO 4<br />

, dehydrated and embedded in Epon by standard<br />

procedures.<br />


Statolith positioning was studied employing light microscopy on semi-thin median<br />

longitudinal sections of root caps after staining by toluidine-blue. The plane of sections<br />

was parallel to the d<strong>ir</strong>ection of stimulation. Location of the individual amyloplast in<br />

the cells of the 2 nd-4 th columella storey has been characterized as the horizontal<br />

(x-position) and vertical (y-position) coordinates in the statocyte as in two-coordinate<br />

system. x-positions represent the plastid distances from the morphological cell bottom,<br />

which are expressed in percentages from the cell length. y-positions represent the<br />

distances of plastid center from the right longitudinal cell walls in percentages of the<br />

cell width. As a rule, 2–3 sections were analyzed of each test variant.<br />

Digital images of roots and cap sections have been made by means of a<br />

PENTAX*ist. D digital camera and analyzed by SigmaScan Pro5 (Jandel Scientific<br />

Software). Statistical analyses were carried out using the standard package of MS<br />

EXCEL 7 (Microsoft Corporation). Values are represented as a mean ± standard error<br />

(SE). Statistical significance was determined using the Student’s t-test.<br />

Results. R o o t s e n s i t i v i t y t o g r a v i t r o p i c s t i m u l a t i o n b y<br />

the centrifugal forces of low magnitude. Figure 1 represents the<br />

angles of root gravitropic curvature plotted against the common logarithm of stimulus<br />

doses, which have been modelled by 0.004, 0.019 and 1 g centrifugal forces on the<br />

centrifuge-clinostat.<br />

Fig. 1. Dose-response curves of the gravitropic reaction of garden<br />

cress roots to stimulation by the centrifugal force of different magnitude<br />

1 pav. Dozės-atsako kreivės sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės šaknims gravitropiškai<br />

reaguojant į d<strong>ir</strong>ginimą sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos amplitudės išcentrinėmis jėgomis<br />

One can see that the responses are fitted correctly to the logarithmic model<br />

(R = a + b × lg (D), where R – angle of curvature, D – stimulus dose, a<br />

and b – constants) on account of the values of correlation coefficients (table). The<br />

threshold stimulus doses were calculated by an extrapolation of the respective<br />

regression line to zero response and equalled to 2, 4 and 7 g × s under stimulation by<br />

the centrifugal force of 0.004, 0.019 and 1 g, respectively.<br />


Table 1. Characteristics of experimental data fit by logarithmic model<br />

R = a + b × lg (D)<br />

1 lentelė. Aproksimuojančio eksperimentinius duomenis logaritminio modelio<br />

R = a + b × lg (D) charakteristikos<br />

Amyloplast positioning in dependence on the magnitude<br />

of centrifugal force. Location of statoliths in the cells of the 2 nd –4 th columella<br />

storey of garden cress roots has been analyzed after the 4-h horizontal clinorotation<br />

or transverse stimulation by total stimulus doses of 16, 65, 203, 563 or 2 252 g × s<br />

that have been modelled by centrifugal forces of 0.001, 0.004, 0.014, 0.039 or<br />

0.156 g, respectively. Micrographs of these cells in the horizontally reoriented root<br />

caps are presented in Fig. 2. The results of statistical analysis of statolith location are<br />

presented in Fig. 3. In statocytes of vertically grown roots, amyloplasts were grouped<br />

in the distal part. The<strong>ir</strong> mean distance with respect to the morphological bottom<br />

(x-position) and right longitudinal wall (y-position) amounted to <strong>27</strong>.8 % and 50.0 %<br />

from the total length and width of the cells, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2 and 3,<br />

the amyloplasts moved significantly from this start position (differences statistically<br />

significant at p ≤ 0.001) towards central part of the cells under the transverse stimulation<br />

by all applied doses.<br />

Fig. 2. Statocytes in garden cress roots after the 4-h stimulation<br />

by ≈ 0 g (A, horizontal clinostat) or centrifugal forces of 0.001 (B), 0.039 (C)<br />

and 0.156 g (D). Arrows indicate the d<strong>ir</strong>ection of stimulation. Bar – 10 µm<br />

2 pav. Statocitai horizontaliai paverstose sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės šaknyse po 4 val. d<strong>ir</strong>ginimo<br />

≈ 0 g (A, horizontalus klinostatas), 0,001 (B), 0,039 (C) <strong>ir</strong> 0,156 g (D) išcentrinėmis jėgomis.<br />

Rodyklės atitinka d<strong>ir</strong>ginimo kryptį. Mаstelis – 10 µm<br />

After clinorotation and stimulation by the weakest 16 g × s dose (0.001 g for 4 h),<br />

any appreciable difference in the statolith position has been detected as in longitudinal<br />

as well transverse d<strong>ir</strong>ection. On stimulation by the 65 g × s (0.004 g for 4 h), only a<br />

tendency of slight plastid shift in parallel to the stimulus d<strong>ir</strong>ection was obtained in<br />

tested statocytes.<br />


Fig. 3. Statolith location in statocytes of garden cress roots after the 4-h gravitropic<br />

stimulation by centrifugal force of various magnitudes.<br />

Start – position before stimulation, HC – horizontal clinostat<br />

3 pav. Statolitų išsidėstymas sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės šaknyse po gravitropinio d<strong>ir</strong>ginimo<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos amplitudės išcentrinėmis jėgomis. Startas – pozicija d<strong>ir</strong>ginimo pradžioje,<br />

HK – horizontalus klinostatas<br />

A significant transverse displacement of amyloplasts has been determined only<br />

in response to the action of 203 g × s (0.014 g for 4 h). In this instance distance of<br />

plastids from the right longitudinal cell wall decreased to 45.1 % versus 50.0 % in<br />

root cells before stimulation (p ≤ 0.05). Under the action of the stronger stimulus<br />

dose 563 g × 2 s (0.039 g for 4 h) the statoliths moved significantly in stimulus<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ection, however, remained the<strong>ir</strong> longwise location at the cell center. The<strong>ir</strong> mean<br />

y-position decreased to 45 % from average statocyte width with respect to about 50 %<br />

in control and clinorotated roots (p ≤ 0.05).<br />

After the stimulation by 2 252 g × s (0.156 g for 4 h), the positioning of amyloplasts<br />

has been changed considerably in comparison to previous tests. The mean values of<br />

x- and y-position decreased to 38.6 % and 38.1 % of the total cell width and length,<br />

respectively. This finding indicates that under these stimulation conditions the<br />

sedimentation of statoliths occurred with simultaneous returning toward morphological<br />

cell bottom.<br />

Discussion. Plant roots are known to be sensitive to gravity alterations. In most<br />

experiments for the study of plant gravisensing, the stimulus doses were modelled by<br />

changing the action d<strong>ir</strong>ection of Earth gravity (Hejnowicz et al., 1998; Perbal, Driss-<br />

Ecole, 1994; Volkmann, Tewinkel, 1996). Earlier it was obtained a limited validity<br />

of reciprocity rule (g × t = const) for garden cress roots, if the impact of lower than<br />

1 g magnitude forces on gravitropic reaction has been tested (Laurinavičius et al.,<br />

1998). The present study was devoted to detailing of that finding and its relation with<br />

the motion of statoliths-amyloplasts in root gravisensing cells under such stimulation<br />

conditions.<br />

In an earlier study, we have shown that the gravitropic response of cress roots to<br />

the smallest of tested forces of 0.004 g remained the same after 40 min of stimulation<br />

while it grew until 60 min in response to 0.019 g or 1 g (Laurinavičius et al., 1998).<br />

Therefore, these periods of g-exposure have been applied in our experiments for<br />


oot sensitivity analysis. According to our data, the D-threshold values are equal to<br />

2, 4 and 7 g × s under stimulation by the centrifugal force of 0.004, 0.019 and 1 g,<br />

respectively. They are considerably lower than those of about 60 g × s evaluated for<br />

lentil (Perbal, Driss-Ecole, 1994) and cress roots (Volkmann, Tewinkel, 1996) under<br />

1-g stimulation. On the other hand, it is shown that the dose of 1 g × 2 s could be<br />

effective for gravitropic stimulation using 1-g stimuli intermission (Hejnowicz et al.,<br />

1998). Thus, the evaluated values of D-threshold allow conf<strong>ir</strong>ming a preposition of<br />

limited validity of the reciprocity rule under the action of gravity of lower than 1-g<br />

magnitude.<br />

Structural analysis of statocytes after exposure to the stimulus dose increasing up to<br />

65 g × s (0.004 g × 4 h) demonstrated any significant displacement of statoliths in the<br />

stimulus d<strong>ir</strong>ection (Fig. 3), though much lower doses were effective for the induction<br />

of root gravitropic responses (Fig. 1). Furthermore, the statoliths were displaced from<br />

the distal to the central region of the cell (Fig. 2 and 3) like after transferring the 1-g<br />

roots into microgravity or on the clinostat (Merkys et al., 1981; Driss-Ecole et al.,<br />

2003; Gaina et al., 2003; Švegždienė et al., 2005). They sustained such lengthwise<br />

location when a considerably stronger stimulus doses were applied.<br />

Investigations on the involvement of the cytoskeleton in root gravisensing<br />

demonstrate that actin filaments in any case take part in the positioning of amyloplasts<br />

and the<strong>ir</strong> transport during stimulation (Hou et al., 2003; Driss-Ecole et al., 2003<br />

Palmieri, Kiss, 2005). Therefore, the location of statoliths in the central part of the<br />

statocyte after applying the doses modelled by centrifugal forces of low magnitude,<br />

which are already capable to induce gravitropic curvature of roots itself, could be caused<br />

by the elastic forces generated by actin filaments and acting in proximal d<strong>ir</strong>ection.<br />

Based on the presented data and the above discussion, we suggest that a slight, however,<br />

transient, sedimentation of amyloplasts under the action of low magnitude acceleration<br />

may trigger and transmit the gravitropic stimulus.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Evaluation of threshold stimulus doses for root gravitropic<br />

stimulation revealed a relation between the magnitude of acting force and the value<br />

of D-threshold.<br />

2. Any d<strong>ir</strong>ect ratio is determined between the D-threshold and the responding<br />

alteration in amyloplast positioning within gravisensing cells, when the force of lower<br />

than 1-g magnitude is applied for root gravitropic stimulation.<br />

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threshold values under specific conditions of sensor physiology in microgravity.<br />

Plant Cell & Env<strong>ir</strong>onment, 19: 1 195–1 202.<br />


SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Gravitacijos jutimas sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>inės šaknyse<br />

esant sk<strong>ir</strong>tingiems g-dydžiams<br />

D. Švegždienė, D. Koryznienė, D. Raklevičienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Darbas atliktas siekiant charakterizuoti <strong>ir</strong> palyginti šaknų jautrumа <strong>ir</strong> amiloplastų<br />

išsidėstymą gravitaciją juntančiose lаstelėse, kai d<strong>ir</strong>ginama mažesnių už 1 g dydžių gravitacine<br />

jėga. Etioliuoti sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės daigai, augę 30 val. 1-g sąlygomis, gravitropiniam d<strong>ir</strong>ginimui<br />

buvo perkeliami į centrifugą-klinostatą. Atliekant šaknų jautrumo tyrimą, daigai d<strong>ir</strong>ginti 0,004,<br />

0,019 ar 1 g dydžio jėgomis statmena kryptimi, po to klinostatuoti. Kiekybinė išlinkimų<br />

kinetikos analizė atskleidė gravitacinio stimulo slenkstinės dozės šaknims priklausomybę nuo<br />

jėgos dydžio. Šių dozių reikšmės lygios 2, 4 <strong>ir</strong> 7 g × s, kuomet šaknys veikiamos atitinkamai<br />

0,004, 0,019 arba 1 g dydžio jėgomis. Amiloplastų išsidėstymo analizė gravitaciją juntančiose<br />

lаstelėse atlikta paveikus šaknis 4 val. skersine kryptimi 0,001–0,156 g dydžio jėgomis (suminės<br />

dozių reikšmės 16, 65, 203, 563 ar 2 252 g × 2 s). Esminė, nuo gravitacijos priklausoma<br />

amiloplastų sedimentacija nustatyta tik paveikus 203 g × s <strong>ir</strong> didesnėmis dozėmis. Ji ženkliai<br />

v<strong>ir</strong>šija slenkstinę 4 g × s dozę šaknims, gravitropiškai d<strong>ir</strong>ginamoms panaрaus dydžio jėga.<br />

Daroma išvada, kad nėra tiesioginio ryšio tarp sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>nės šaknų gravitacinio jautrumo<br />

<strong>ir</strong> amiloplastų viduląstelinio išsidėstymo, kai d<strong>ir</strong>ginama mažesnėmis už 1 g jėgomis. Duomenys<br />

leidžia manyti, jog menki, tačiau trumpalaikiai <strong>ir</strong> kryptingi silpno gravitacinio stimulo sukelti<br />

amiloplastų poslinkiai gali indukuoti atsakomаją reakciją.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: amiloplastas, gravitacija, jautrumas, stimulas, sėjamoji pip<strong>ir</strong>nė,<br />

šaknis.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

The possibility to control the metabolism of green<br />

vegetables and sprouts using light emitting diode<br />

illumination<br />

Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė 1 , Giedrė Samuolienė 1 , Aušra Brazaitytė 1 ,<br />

Raimonda Ulinskaitė 1 , Julė Jankauskienė 1 ,<br />

Duchovskis 1, 3 , Artūras Žukauskas 2, 3<br />

1<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: A.Urbonaviciute@lsdi.lt<br />

2<br />

Institute of Materials Science and Applied Research, Vilnius University,<br />

Saulėtekio al. 9-III, LT-10222 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

3<br />

JSC ‘Hortiled’<br />

The influence of different solid-state lighting spectrum on the metabolism, as the<br />

index of internal nutritional quality of green vegetables (lettuce, onion leaves, dill, parsley,<br />

basil, marjoram, wheat grass, barley grass and leafy radish), was investigated. Plants were<br />

illuminated with the basal red 640 nm light emitting diodes, supplemented with 450, 660<br />

and 735 nm components for three to five days in different developmental phases. Reference<br />

plants were grown under high-pressure sodium lamps. The content of carbohydrate, nitrate,<br />

vitamin C, phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity of the selected vegetable extracts<br />

were evaluated. According to the obtained results, the red light effect on the metabolic system<br />

depends on the plant specie. The lettuce, marjoram, wheat grass and leafy radish were found<br />

to be the potentially suitable for cultivation under the light emitting diode lighting, due to the<br />

positive increase in monosugar content, reduction of nitrates, bigger vitamin C content and<br />

promoted antioxidant activity.<br />

Key words: leafy vegetables, light quality, metabolism.<br />

Introduction. Light is one of the most important env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors, acting on<br />

plants not only as the sole source of energy, but also as the source of external information,<br />

affecting the<strong>ir</strong> growth, development and metabolism. Plants are empowered with an<br />

array of photoreceptors controlling diverse responses to light parameters, such as<br />

spectrum, intensity, d<strong>ir</strong>ection, duration: the red and far-red-absorbing phytochromes,<br />

the blue and UV-A light absorbing cryptochromes, phototropins, and other implied<br />

photoreceptors, absorbing in UV-A and green regions (Devlin et al., 2007). Spectral<br />

light changes evoke different morphogenetic and photosynthetic responses that can<br />

vary among different plant species. Such photo-response is of practical importance<br />

in recent plant cultivation technologies, since feasibility to tailor illumination spectra<br />

purposefully enables one to control plant growth, development, and nutritional quality.<br />

The recent progress in solid-state lighting based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs)<br />

facilitated and extended the research possibilities in this field and developed the outset<br />

for new progressive vegetable-growing technologies.<br />


It is known, that the red light is of major importance for plants (Kopcewicz,<br />

Lewak, 1998) – for the development of the photosynthetic apparatus and morphogenetic<br />

processes due to light-induced transformations in phytochrome system (Furuya, 1993).<br />

Blue light, also essential for plants, affects the formation of chlorophyll, stomata<br />

opening, and photomorphogenesis (Dougher, Bugbee, 1998; Shuerger et al., 1997; Heo<br />

et al., 2002). Phytochromes, principally thought of as red/far-red reversible pigments,<br />

yet they absorb well in the blue portion of the spectrum. Moreover, these receptors are<br />

extremely sensitive to all light qualities across the spectrum and will initiate responses<br />

to minor illumination form the light qualities across the spectrum (Folta, Maruhnich,<br />

2007). Nevertheless, there are still no clear findings, how light components, such as<br />

green, yellow or violet affect plant vitality. Herewith the main growth and development<br />

processes, light affects the primary and secondary metabolism reactions, thus acting on<br />

plant vital state and the nutritional quality of vegetable food. The knowledge, regarding<br />

plant metabolism regulation by light spectral quality is still limited; although it is of<br />

economical and ecological importance to explain this effect by scientific findings.<br />

Especially for green vegetable cultivation, such as lettuce, onion leaves, dill, parsley<br />

et al., which are intensively grown during the seasons of low solar <strong>ir</strong>radiation. Moreover,<br />

leafy vegetables and sprouts are the main source of bioactive compounds, positively<br />

acting on human organism. Thus, elucidation of the illumination spectrum, which is<br />

optimal in the view of vegetable growth rate, healthy development and well-balanced<br />

metabolism, is of relevant value. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect<br />

of different light qualities, provided by light emitting diodes (LEDs) on the indices of<br />

nutritional quality in green vegetables.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Lighting experiments were performed at the<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2006–2008. Different green vegetables were<br />

cultivated under solid-state lighting units. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum (Miller)<br />

Nyman ex A. W. Hill, cv. ‘Moss curled’), marjoram (Majorana hortensis Moench.),<br />

onion leaves (Allium cepa L.), lettuces (Lactuca sativa cv. ‘Grand rapids’), dills<br />

(Anethum graveolens L. cv. ‘Szmaragd’) and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) were placed<br />

under investigated lighting when plants matured, before gathering and illuminated for<br />

three days. Therefore, vegetables were grown in the phytotron chambers in peat substrate<br />

according to appropriate agrotechnical conditions. A photoperiod of 18 h was used and<br />

the temperature of 21/15 °C (day/night) was maintained throughout the experiment.<br />

Wheat grass (Triticum aestivum L. cv. ‘Р<strong>ir</strong>vinta‘), barley grass (Hordeum vulgare L.<br />

cv. ‘Aura’) and leafy radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. ‘Tamina’) were grown under<br />

light emitting diode (LED) lighting from the sowing time, as the<strong>ir</strong> growth period until<br />

consumption is relatively short: plants were kept there for five days after germination.<br />

Two treatments under the illumination units, containing different combinations of light<br />

emitting diodes were performed as presented in Table. The treatment L1 contained<br />

red basal component (640 nm, delivered by AlGaInP LEDs Luxeon TM type LXHL-<br />

MD1D, Lumileds Lighting, USA)) and three supplemental components: blue (455 nm,<br />

LuxeonTM type LXHL-LR5C, Lumileds Lighting, USA), red (662 nm, L660-66-60,<br />

Epitex, Japan,) and far red (735 nm, L735-05-AU, Epitex, Japan). The treatment<br />

L2 contained single basal 640 nm component. The total photon flux density in both<br />

treatments was about 200 µmol m -2 s -1 . Reference plants were grown under illumination<br />

by high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS, Son-T Agro Philips, USA).<br />


Table. The light emitting diode combinations and flux densities<br />

Lentelė. Kietakūnių šviestukų kombinacijos <strong>ir</strong> fotonų srauto tankiai<br />

After the determined illumination period carbohydrate, vitamin C, nitrate, phenolic<br />

compound content were determined and the antioxidant activity of selected plants<br />

extracts was evaluated.<br />

Samples for determination of carbohydrates were prepared by grinding 1 g of<br />

leaf fresh matter and extracting it with 4 mL hot bidistiled water. After 24 h, the<br />

extract was filtered through cellulose and membrane (pore diameter 0.2 µm) filters.<br />

Chromatographic analysis was carried out using a Shimadzu 10A HPLC system<br />

with refraction index detector (Shimadzu, Japan) and Adsorbosil NH 2<br />

-column<br />

(150 mm × 4.6 mm; Alltech, USA) with mobile phase of 75 % aqueous acetonitrile<br />

at a flow rate of 1 mL min -1 .<br />

Nitrate content in the fresh matter of the leafy vegetables was determined using the<br />

potentiometric method described by Geniatakis et al. (2003). Oakton desktop ion meter<br />

(Oakton, USA) and the nitrate selective electrode (Cole Parmer, USA) were used.<br />

Vitamin C content was evaluated using spectrophotometric method, described by<br />

Janghel et al. (2007). The extraction was performed by homogenising plant material<br />

with 0.2 mol L -1 oxalic acid. The ability of extract to reduce methyl viologen in the<br />

basic medium was determined and expressed as vitamin C content in the fresh material.<br />

The Genesys 6 spectrophotometer was used for analysis (Thermospectronic, USA).<br />

Total content of phenolic compounds was determined in the methanolic extracts<br />

of fresh leaves by spectrophotometric Folin method (Ragaee et al., 2006). The final<br />

concentration of phenolic compound is evaluated according to the gallic acid standard<br />

calibration curves.<br />

The antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts of investigated leafy vegetables<br />

was evaluated spectrophotometricaly as the ability to bind ABTS and DPPH radicals<br />

(Ragaee et al., Kasparavičienė et al., 2004). The Genesys 6 spectrophotometer was<br />

used for analysis (Thermospectronic, USA).<br />

The error bars presented in figures and the tables are the standard deviations of the<br />

three analytical measurements of the parameter. The data processing was performed<br />

using MS Excel software.<br />

Results. The content of primary and secondary plant metabolites, important as<br />

the indices of human nutrition quality, is significantly affected by light spectral quality<br />

and are dependant on plant species and developmental level.<br />

P a r s l e y. The high flux of red light (Fig. 1) in the L2 treatment, enhanced<br />

carbohydrate, especially sucrose, content in the parsley leaves. The reduction in the<br />

flux of 640 nm component and the insertion of the blue (455 nm), red (662 nm) and<br />


far red (735 nm) in the illumination spectra significantly reduced the accumulation of<br />

monosugar, fructose and glucose in the plant material. Another positive effect is the<br />

reduction in the nitrate content (Fig. 2). The higher the flux of red light, <strong>ir</strong>respectively<br />

of the presence of other spectral components, the higher the decrease of the nitrate<br />

content in parsley. It is consistent with the vitamin C concentration in plant fresh matter.<br />

In the treatment L1 it is higher about 10 % as compared with the reference plants; and<br />

in treatment L2 it is about 5 % higher, than in the treatment L1.<br />

Fig. 1. Carbohydrate content in green vegetables, illuminated with different LED<br />

combinations. R – control plants; L1 – illumination contain basal 640 nm and<br />

supplemental 455, 662 and 735 nm components; L2 – single basal component<br />

1 pav. Cukrų kiekis žalumyninėse daržovėse, švitintose sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis LED kombinacijomis;<br />

R – kontroliniai augalai, L1 – švitinti pagrindine 640 nm komponente <strong>ir</strong> papildomais 455,<br />

662 <strong>ir</strong> 735 nm šviestukais; L2 – tik pagrindinė komponentė<br />

M a r j o r a m. The investigated lighting was suitable for marjoram nutrition quality<br />

improvement. In both treatments the significant increase in glucose (about 15 %), the<br />

monosugar (Fig. 1), and the ~ 50 % reduction in nitrate content (Fig. 2) was observed.<br />

Nevertheless, the selected solid-state lighting had no remarkable effect on vitamin C<br />

accumulation in leaves (Fig. 3).<br />

Onion leaves. The significant effect on photosynthesis product accumulation in<br />

leaves was observed in L1 treatment, were the red and blue LED light combinations<br />

were investigated. Such lighting promoted monosugar accumulation in leaves (Fig. 1).<br />

Nevertheless, vitamin C accumulation in onion leaves was more stimulated by<br />

illumination with solely 640 nm red light (Fig. 2). It was increased in this treatment<br />

about 16 percents. Nitrate content in onion leaves was not significantly affected by<br />

applied illumination.<br />

Lettuce. The applied lighting source was found to be the most suitable for lettuce<br />

photosynthetic system (Fig. 1). In the treatment L1, where the combination of all four<br />

wavelengths was used, the fructose content was about 3 times higher and in treatment<br />

L2, where the 640 nm red component was used, the increase was about 2.5 times, in<br />

respect to reference, high pressure sodium lamp illumination. In L1 treatment, unlike in<br />

other treatments, some sucrose was accumulated in the leaves. Nitrate metabolism was<br />


also positively affected by LED lighting (Fig. 2). In this relatively short period 15 %<br />

reduction in the lettuce, illuminated with all four components (the 640 nm, 662 nm,<br />

445 nm and 731 nm combination) and 20 % reduction in the lettuce, illuminated with<br />

the solely 640 nm light was observed. Vitamin C content was affected negatively –<br />

50 % reduction was measured (Fig. 3).<br />

Fig. 2. Nitrate content in green vegetables grown under different illumination.<br />

R – control plants; L1 – illumination contain basal 640 nm and supplemental 450,<br />

660 and 735 nm components; L2 – single basal component<br />

2 pav. Nitratų kiekis žalumyninėse daržovėse, švitintose sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis LED kombinacijomis;<br />

R – kontroliniai augalai, L1 – švitinti pagrindine 640 nm komponente <strong>ir</strong> papildomais 455,<br />

662 <strong>ir</strong> 735 nm šviestukais; L2 – tik pagrindinė komponentė<br />

Dill. The metabolic system of this plant, from the nutritional viewpoint, reacted<br />

negatively to the applied illumination. The fructose content decreased from 2.1 to<br />

0.6–0.7 mg g -1 and glucose content decreased form 5.0 to 2.3–2.1 mg g -1 (Fig. 1).<br />

Another unfavorable effect –50 % increase in nitrate content in treatment L1, and<br />

about 30 % increase in treatment L2 (Fig. 2). Vitamin C concentration in leaves also<br />

was affected negatively. It decreased about 5 times in the treatment L1 and about 30 %<br />

in treatment L2 (Fig. 3).<br />

Basil. The slight increase in monosugar content and traces of sucrose were<br />

found in both treatments. In treatment L1, about 0.5 mg g -1 of maltose were detected<br />

(Fig. 1). However, there were no remarkable effect on vitamin C concentration in<br />

leaves (Fig. 3) and tenuous 5–10 % increase in nitrate ion concentration was found<br />

in both LED treatments.<br />


Fig. 3. Vitamin C content in green vegetables grown under different illumination.<br />

R – control plants; L1 – illumination contain basal 640 nm and supplemental 450,<br />

660 and 735 nm components; L2 – single basal component<br />

3 pav. Vitamino C koncentracija žalumyninėse daržovėse, švitintose sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis LED<br />

kombinacijomis; R – kontroliniai augalai, L1 – švitinti pagrindine 640 nm komponente <strong>ir</strong><br />

papildomais 455, 662 <strong>ir</strong> 735 nm šviestukais; L2 – tik pagrindinė komponentė<br />

W h e a t g r a s s. L1 treatment with all four investigated LED components was of<br />

somewhat similar effect on sugar metabolism as compared to HPS lamps. Nevertheless,<br />

the higher flux of red 640 nm component light reduced glucose concentration in<br />

wheat grass in two times (Fig. 1). Photosynthetically active radiation promoted the<br />

vital activity if the sprouts and the nitrate uptake from soil. In the treatment L1 the<br />

~ 20 % increase in nitrate concentration was determined; and the high flux of red<br />

light enhanced nitrate content by 65 % (Fig. 2). The inverse trend was observed in<br />

vitamin C concentration (Fig. 3). In L1 treatment the slight increase in vitamin C<br />

concentration was determined, and in the treatment L2 vitamin C concentration rose<br />

almost three times. The light effect was significant for phenolic compound content<br />

in sprouts (Fig. 4). Since the combination of different red and blue lights showed the<br />

same effect for phenol accumulation in leaves, the wheat grass, grown under solely<br />

red light accumulates about 10 % less of them. The antioxidant activity, according<br />

to the ABTS radical scavenging activity (Fig. 5 A) was about 10 % higher in LED<br />

treatments, as compared to HPS. Nevertheless, the DPPH radical scavenging activity<br />

(Fig. 5 B) was opposite, about 20 % lower.<br />

Barley grass. The lighting effect, similar to wheat grass was observed in barley<br />

grass. Plants, grown under LED illumination for 5 days, accumulated only a half of<br />

fructose, as compared to HPS and less of glucose: in the treatment L1 6.2 mg g -1 of<br />

glucose were quantitated, in L2 – 3.5, when in reference plants – 7.5 mg g -1 of fructose<br />

were detected (Fig. 1). Vitamin C content in the treatment L1 was about 20 % higher<br />

than in reference plants, and in the L2 treatment – about two times higher (Fig. 3).<br />

Despite the positive effect on vitamin C content in leaves, in the treatment L1 was<br />

observed the 20 %, and in treatment L2 – ~ 10 % decrease in phenolic compound<br />


concentration (Fig. 4), as compared to reference plants. Changes in the ABTS radical<br />

scavenging activity (Fig. 5 A) were within the limits of the error; the DPPH radical<br />

scavenging activity (Fig. 5 B) was found to be about 1.8 times higher in the treatment<br />

L1.<br />

Fig. 4. The content of phenolic compounds in green vegetables and sprouts grown<br />

under different illumination; R – control plants,<br />

L1 – illumination contain basal 640 nm and supplemental 450, 660 and<br />

735 nm components, L2 – single basal component<br />

4 pav. Fenoliniu junginių koncentracija žalumyninėse daržovėse <strong>ir</strong> želmenyse,<br />

švitintose sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis LED kombinacijomis; R – kontroliniai augalai,<br />

L1 – švitinti pagrindine 640 nm komponente <strong>ir</strong> papildomais 455, 662 <strong>ir</strong><br />

735 nm šviestukais, L2 – tik pagrindinė 640 nm komponentė<br />

Fig. 5. The antioxidant activity of green vegetables and sprouts grown under<br />

different illumination; A – the ABTS radical scavenging activity;<br />

B – the DPPH radical binding activity, R – control plants,<br />

L1 – illumination contain basal 640 nm and supplemental 450, 660 and<br />

735 nm components, L2 – single basal component<br />

5 pav. Žalumyninių daržovių <strong>ir</strong> želmenų žaliavos antioksidacinis aktyvumas,<br />

juo švitinant sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis LED kombinacijomis;<br />

A – ABTS radikalų surišimo aktyvumas, B – DPPH radikalų surišimo aktyvumas,<br />

R – kontroliniai augalai, L1 – švitinti pagrindine 640 nm komponente <strong>ir</strong><br />

papildomais 455, 662 <strong>ir</strong> 735 nm šviestukais,<br />

L2 – tik pagrindinė 640 nm komponentė<br />


L e a f y r a d i s h. LED illumination significantly inhibited sugar accumulation<br />

in leafy radish (Fig. 1); Glucose and sucrose concentration was more than two times<br />

lower, although in L2 treatment (sole red light) sugar concentration was closer to<br />

reference. Negative effect was for vitamin C content (Fig. 3): in plants, grown under<br />

reference illumination, it was about 13 mg g -1 and in plants, grown under LED<br />

illumination it was ~ 3 mg g -1 . The total content of phenolic compounds (Fig. 4) and<br />

DPPH radical scavenging activity (Fig. 5 B) varied within the limits of the error in the<br />

L1 and reference treatments. Although high flux of red light inhibited accumulation<br />

of phenolic compounds in leaves and enhanced DPPH radical scavenging activity. In<br />

the ABTS scavenging activity (Fig. 5 A) the opposite trend was observed.<br />

Discussion. The selected solid-state lighting differentially affected the metabolic<br />

system of the investigated green vegetables. The most sensitive response was in the<br />

sugar, the main photosynthesis product, and accumulation in green leaves. Carbohydrate<br />

metabolism lies at the very heart of the sensitive self-regulatory system of plant<br />

development (Koch, 2004), therefore the light changes not only affect sugar, as the<br />

index of nutritional quality, content, but also participate as the signaling molecule in<br />

the regulation of important vital processes. Notwithstanding, a high total concentration<br />

of carbohydrates is one of des<strong>ir</strong>able parameters in view of food quality. The nutritional<br />

quality also depends on the percentage of monosugars. However, the positive effect<br />

both of the solely 640 nm red light illumination and in the combination with other red<br />

light wavelengths and blue light was observed in lettuce, onion leaves and marjoram.<br />

In parsley, positive effect was seen only growing them under high flux of red light<br />

(L2 treatment). Negative reduction in sugar content was detected in dill, wheat grass<br />

and barley grass. Although it is stated that red light positively affects the formation<br />

and performance of photosynthesis system (Spalding, Folta, 2005), it is evident, that<br />

this effect is specie-dependant. This presumption is conf<strong>ir</strong>med analyzing the results<br />

of the nitrate metabolism. Reduction of nitrates content is definitely of importance for<br />

improvements of nutritional quality of vegetable food. Nitrate reductase activity and<br />

the synthesis of this enzyme are also red-light sensitive and dependant on genetically<br />

determined features (Appenroth et al., 2000; Lillo, 2004). The nitrate content<br />

significantly decreases in lettuce and marjoram; due to nitrate reductase activity nitrates<br />

are reduced to nitrite ions and incorporated to the content of ammonium and amino<br />

acids. Sole 640 nm red light had the more pronounced effect on nitrate metabolism,<br />

as compared to the investigated combination of other light wavelengths. However,<br />

no significant light effect was detected in parsley and onion. Therefore in dill, basil<br />

and wheat grass the high flux of red solid-state light stimulated vital activity of plants,<br />

nitrate uptake and the increase in its concentration in leaves.<br />

Biologically active compounds are quite sensitive to lighting conditions. One<br />

of them, vitamin C, significantly increases in parsley, onion leaves, wheat grass<br />

and barley grass. This could be associated with the stating, that vitamin C actively<br />

accumulates in metabolically active tissues and acts as signaling molecule, coordinating<br />

the performance of protective mechanism of antioxidant system (Pastori et al., 2003).<br />

Significant light effects on the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity,<br />

as the rate of the radical scavenging, was observed only in leafy radish. The enhanced<br />

antioxidant activity could be associated to the expression of antioxidant defence<br />


genes, defending the plant cells against light-induces photooxidative damage (Wu<br />

et al., 2007).<br />

Conclusions. Light effect is a subsequence of the action of complex signal<br />

transduction network, including different enzymes, primary and secondary metabolites<br />

and messengers. Therefore, it could be employed as the tool for the purposeful plant<br />

metabolism, herewith the nutritional quality of vegetable food regulation. However,<br />

it is difficult to attain comprehensively positive effect, because different metabolic<br />

systems differentially react to the lighting conditions. Moreover, there are contradiction<br />

between the natural plant needs, metabolic homeostasis and the agronomic, nutritional<br />

objectives. The lettuce, marjoram, wheat grass and leafy radish were found to be the<br />

potentially suitable for growing under the light emitting diode lighting, due to the<br />

positive increase in monosugar content, reduction of nitrates, higher vitamin C content<br />

and promoted antioxidant activity. The light quality requ<strong>ir</strong>ements of other plants are<br />

different, although the combination of different red and far red lights with the blue<br />

light had the superior effect, due to activation of more diverse array of light-sensitive<br />

receptors.<br />

Acknowledgements. This study was supported by the Lithuanian Science and<br />

Study foundation under the high technology project PHYTOLED.<br />

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functions. Annual. Review of Plant Physiology, 44: 617–645.<br />

6. Geniatakis E., Fousaki M., Chaniotakis N. A. 2003. D<strong>ir</strong>ect Potentiometric<br />

Measurement of Nitrate in Seeds and Produce. Communications in Soil Science<br />

and Plant Analysis, 34: 571–579.<br />

7. Heo J., Lee C., Chakrabarty D., Paek K. 2002. Growth responses of marigold and<br />

salvia bedding plants as affected by monochromic or mixture radiation provided<br />

by a Light-Emitting Diode (LED). Plant Growth Regulation, 38: 225–230.<br />

8. Janghel E. K., Gupta V. K., Rai M. K., Rai J. K. 2007. Micro determination of<br />

ascorbic acid using methyl viologen. Talanta, 72: 1 013–1 016.<br />

9. Kasparavičienė G., Briedis V., Ivanauskas L. 2004. Рaltalankų aliejaus<br />

technologijos įtaka jo antioksidaciniam aktyvumui. Medicina, 40: 753–757.<br />


10. Koch K. 2004. Sucrose metabolism: regulatory mechanisms and pivotal<br />

roles in sugar sensing and plant development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology.<br />

7: 235–245.<br />

11. Kopcewicz J., Lewak S. 1998. Podstawy fizjologii roъlin. PWN, Warszawa.<br />

12. Lillo C. 2004. Light regulation of nitrate uptake, assimilation and metabolism.<br />

In: Plant Ecophysiology. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherlands, 149–184.<br />

13. Pastori G. M., Kiddle G., Antoniw J., Bernard S., Veljovic-Jovanovic S.,<br />

Verrier P. J., Noctor G., Foyer C. H. 2003. Leaf vitamin C contents modulate<br />

plant defence transcripts and regulate genes that control development through<br />

hormone signaling. The Plant Cell, 15: 939–951.<br />

14. Ragaee S., El-Sayed M., Abdel-Aal, Maher Noaman. 2006. Antioxidant activity<br />

and nutrient composition of selected cereals for food use. Food Chemistry,<br />

95: 32–38.<br />

15. Schuerger A. C., Brown C. S., Stryjewski E. C. 1997. Anatomical Features of<br />

Pepper Plants (Capsicum annuum L.) Grown under Red Light-emitting Diodes<br />

Supplemented with Blue or Far-red Light. Annals of Botany, 79: <strong>27</strong>3–282.<br />

16. Spalding E. P., Folta K. M. 2005. Illuminating topics in plant photobiology. Plant<br />

Cell Env<strong>ir</strong>onment, 28: 39–53.<br />

17. Wu M. C., Hou C. Y., Jiang C. M., Wang Y. T., Wang C. Y., Chen H. H., Chang H. M.<br />

2007. A novel approach of LED light radiation improves the antioxidant activity<br />

of pea seedlings. Food Chemistry, 101: 1 753–1 758.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Galimybė kontroliuoti žalumyninių daržovių <strong>ir</strong> želmenų<br />

metabolizmą kietakūnės šviesos pagalba<br />

A. Urbonavičiūtė, G. Samuolienė, A. Brazaitytė, R. Ulinskaitė,<br />

J. Jankauskienė, P. Duchovskis, A. Žukauskas<br />

Santrauka<br />

T<strong>ir</strong>tas sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo kietakūnės šviesos spektro poveikis lapinių daržovių (salotų, svogūnų<br />

laiškų, krapų, petražolių, bazilikų, ma<strong>ir</strong>ūno, kviečių, miežių želmenų <strong>ir</strong> lapinių ridikėlių)<br />

metabolizmo, apsprendžiančio daržovių maistinę kokybę, rodikliams. Augalai sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose<br />

augimo tarpsniuose švitinti 3–5 dienas pagrindine 640 nm bangos ilgio šviesa, papildyta 450,<br />

660 <strong>ir</strong> 735 nm šviesą emituojančiais diodais. Palyginamieji augalai auginti po aukšto slėgio<br />

natrio lempomis. Nustatytas angliavandenių, vitamino C, nitrato jonų <strong>ir</strong> fenolinių junginių kiekis<br />

bei antioksidacinis aktyvumas. Pagal gautus rezultatus, t<strong>ir</strong>to apšvietimo poveikis metabolizmui<br />

labai priklauso nuo augalo rūšies bei išsivystymo laipsnio. Salotos, ma<strong>ir</strong>ūnai, kviečių želmenys<br />

<strong>ir</strong> lapiniai ridikėliai potencialiai tinkami jų maistinės kokybės gerinimui kietakūnės šviesos<br />

pagalba, dėl рvitinant padidėjusio monocukrų, vitamino C kiekio, antioksidacinio potencialo<br />

<strong>ir</strong> reikšmingos nitratų kiekio redukcijos žaliavoje.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: lapinės daržovės, šviesos kokybė, metabolizmas.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Photosynthesis and some growth parameters of sweet<br />

pepper grown under different light conditions<br />

Gabriela Wyżgolik, Joanna Nawara, Maria Leja<br />

Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Horticulture,<br />

Agricultural University, 29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Krakуw, Poland<br />

E-mail: gabriela.wyzgolik@bratek.ogr.ar.krakow.pl<br />

The influence of various light intensity on growth, net photosynthesis rate and yielding of<br />

bell pepper Capsicum annuum L. cultivar ‘Spartacus’, was investigated. Sweet pepper was grown<br />

on rockwool in plastic tunnel divided into two parts covered by polyethylene films (Ginegar –<br />

part I, Gemme 4 S – part II), which differentiated in light permeability, its dispersion and PAR<br />

exertion. In part I light intensity was lower than in part II. Gas exchange was measured by LCi<br />

(ADC England). WUE was expressed as net photosynthesis to transp<strong>ir</strong>ation ratio. Photosynthetic<br />

pigments were determined according to photometric method given by Wellburn (1994). LAI and<br />

LAR were calculated using leaf blade area, dry matter content and tunnel area per single plant.<br />

Different light intensity influenced growth parameters and photosynthesis but not yield. Plants<br />

grown under lower light intensity were significantly higher and had larger leaf blades, so as a<br />

result value of LAI and LAR were higher. The concentration of chlorophylls and carotenoids was<br />

also higher but photosynthesis intensity was lower. WUE was low 1.85 µmol (CO 2<br />

) · mol -1 (H 2<br />

O)<br />

and stable while in plants grown in part II was higher but decreased gradually during the day<br />

from 4.17 µmol (CO 2<br />

) · mol -1 (H 2<br />

O) to 2.46 µmol (CO 2<br />

) · mol -1 (H 2<br />

O).<br />

Key words: LAI, light intensity, net photosynthesis, sweet pepper, WUE.<br />

Introduction. Plant morphogenesis and photosynthesis are affected by many<br />

factors. One of the basic is light. The energy of solar <strong>ir</strong>radiation absorbed by green plants<br />

ranges mainly from 400 to 700 nm (PAR) (Czarnowski, Cebula, 1994a). It is broadly<br />

known that the increase of light intensity stimulates the process of photosynthesis.<br />

Photosynthesis is one of the most important factors affecting biomass production<br />

(Evans, 1975) closely associated with growth rate.<br />

Plant growth analysis is an explanatory, holistic and integrative approach of<br />

interpreting plant form and function. It uses simple primary data, such as weights,<br />

areas, volumes and contents of plant components to investigate processes within and<br />

involving the whole plant (Hunt et al., 2002).<br />

Solar <strong>ir</strong>radiation together with other env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors creates a specific<br />

phytoclimate for cultivation in plastic tunnels (Czarnowski, Cebula, 1994b). The light<br />

and thermal conditions can either limit or improve sweet pepper yielding (Somos,<br />

1984). According to Stępowska and Kosson (2003), pepper plants need many sunny<br />

days during growing period and the best effects are obtained in greenhouses with<br />

climate control. In Poland sweet pepper is mostly cultivated in non-heated greenhouse,<br />

hence, this vegetable grown in tunnels with climate control is relatively new crop<br />

in our country with potential to expand production in future. Modern polyethylene<br />


films consist of many layers for better temperature control but therefore changes light<br />

permeability.<br />

The aim of the present studies was to compare the effect of different light intensity<br />

resulting from application of foils of various light transparency and diffusion on<br />

photosynthesis intensity accompanied by certain growth parameters.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ‘Spartacus’,<br />

De Reuiter Seeds) was grown on rockwool in a double-layered polyethylene tunnel<br />

divided into two parts of different light intensities. Part I was covered by Ginegar foil,<br />

part II by Gemme 4 S (light transparency 86 % and 90 %, light diffusion 58 % and<br />

15 %, respectively). The PAR intensity measured by Hobo data logger in part I was<br />

200–220 µmol m -2·s -1 and 650–800 µmol m -2 s -1 , in part II 300–320 µmol m -2 s -1 and<br />

950–1 000 µmol m -2 s -1 for cloudy and sunny days, respectively. Nutrient levels were<br />

provided in concentrations recommended for sweet pepper cultivation and supplied<br />

by the automatic fertigation system. Shoots were pruned to form a plant structure of<br />

2 main branches.<br />

For analysing the plant growth th<strong>ir</strong>ty plants from each tunnel were used. Length of<br />

branches was measured once a week, leaf area and dry weight of leaves and branches<br />

were determined in 94 DAT (Day After Transplanting).<br />

The leaf area index (LAI) was calculated using leaf blade area to tunnel area<br />

per single plant. The leaf area ratio (LAR) was expressed as leaf area to dry matter<br />

content per single plant.<br />

Total and marketable yield was determined at each harvest. Fruits for marketable<br />

yield were classified according to WE 1455/1999.<br />

Net photosynthesis and transp<strong>ir</strong>ation ratio were determined using portable gas<br />

exchange system (LCi, ADC England). Measurements were taken on cloudless days.<br />

Water use efficiency (WUE) was expressed as net photosynthesis to transp<strong>ir</strong>ation ratio.<br />

Photosynthetic pigments were determined according to photometric method given by<br />

Wellburn (1994).<br />

Results were statistically verified by the Fisher test at P = 0.05. Photosynthesis<br />

intensity and WUE were analysed for its polynominal (quadratic and linear, respectively)<br />

effects by regression analysis.<br />

Results. In both parts of the tunnel during whole growing period plant height was<br />

increasing but pepper grown under lower light intensity (in part I) was always higher.<br />

The minimum difference was 3.5 cm. Leaf blades area was also larger by 35 % than in<br />

plants grown in part II, so as a result value of LAI and LAR were significantly higher<br />

by 36.5 % and by 35.7 %, respectively (Table 1).<br />

Table 1. Growth parameters of sweet pepper grown in different light intensity<br />

1 lentelė. Saldžiosios paprikos, augintos sk<strong>ir</strong>tingame šviesos intensyvume, augimo<br />

parametrai<br />


Higher but non-significant values of both total and marketable yields were obtained<br />

in part I. However, in part II the participation of unmarketable fruits was lower than in<br />

part I by 16.1 % and by 18.6 %, respectively. Light intensity in part II slightly reduced<br />

level of all determined photosynthetic pigments. Net photosynthesis rate in part II<br />

significantly exceeded that of part I (Table 2).<br />

Table 2. Net photosynthesis, yield and pigments of sweet pepper grown in different<br />

light intensity<br />

2 lentelė. Grynoji fotosintezė, derlius <strong>ir</strong> pigmentai saldžiojoje paprikoje, augintoje<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tingame šviesos intensyvume<br />

Irrespectively to type of applied foil, photosynthesis intensity corresponded to<br />

increasing PAR (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1. Net photosynthesis (P n<br />

) of sweet pepper grown under<br />

different light conditions<br />

1 pav. Saldžiosis paprikos, augintos sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis šviesos sąlygomis,<br />

grynoji fotosintezė (P n<br />

)<br />

In the case of WUE value, the differences between parts of the tunnel were<br />

distinct. In part I WUE was low but remained stable during the day while in part II<br />

the relatively high WUE based on data obtained at morning hours gradually lowered.<br />

The minimum WUE (2.46 µmol (CO 2<br />

) · mol -1 (H 2<br />

O)) observed in this part of tunnel<br />

at 14:00 did not reach any values calculated for part I (Fig. 2).<br />


Fig. 2. Water use efficiency WUE of sweet pepper grown under<br />

different light conditions<br />

2 pav. Saldžiosis paprikos, augintos sk<strong>ir</strong>tingose šviesos sąlygose,<br />

vandens naudojimo efektyvumas (WUE)<br />

Discussion. As described in introduction, light intensity strongly affects the<br />

processes of photosynthesis and morphogenesis. In present investigations higher<br />

radiation decreased elongation growth of plants grown in part II of the tunnel. Similarly<br />

in study reported by Siwek and Libik (1996) sweet pepper ‘Spartacus’ grown in single<br />

layered plastic tunnel was significantly lower than peppers grown in tunnel covered by<br />

additional layers. It is widely known that light delays elongation growth. There are two<br />

light-sensing systems involved in these responses, the blue light sensitive system and<br />

the red light sensitive (phytochrome) system. Phytochrome R : FR ratio is essential for<br />

physiological response (Kopcewicz, 2005). Significant reduction in stem elongation of<br />

sweet pepper seedlings could be achieved by the exclusion FR light at the end of the<br />

day by covering west and south facing walls of the chambers or by exposing plants to<br />

photoselective films at the end of the day (Rajapakse, Li, 2004). In our study part I of<br />

the tunnel (low light intensity) was additionally shaded by neighbouring buildings from<br />

west, so it is possible that P FR<br />

dominated in plants grown in part II delayed stem growth.<br />

P FR<br />

stimulates leaf growth (Kopcewicz, 2005). In our study less intensive elongation<br />

growth was accompanied by reduction of leaf blade area. Similar relationships were<br />

observed by Siwek and Libik (1996). In further investigations the spectral permeability<br />

of Ginegar and Gemme 4 S films should be determined. Not only light intensity may<br />

reduce rate growth but also deficit of water (Basiouny et al., 1994). In these studies the<br />

limitation of leaf growth was probably caused by water stress. According to Xu et al.<br />

(1994) severe water stress does not occur frequently in greenhouse crop production,<br />

short-term mild water stress can occur. Decrease of WUE observed in part II indicated<br />

mild mid-day water stress because photosynthesis remained stable during the day with<br />

simultaneous increase of transp<strong>ir</strong>ation. Growth delay is the f<strong>ir</strong>st reaction on even very<br />

mild waters stress, while photosynthesis is reduced at stronger water stress (Kacperska,<br />

2005, Xu et al., 1994). LAI value is characteristic for cultivars but can be modified by<br />

cultivation conditions (Czarnowski, Cebula, 1994b). These authors determined similar<br />

LAI value (1.96–2.06) for sweet pepper ‘Spartacus’ grown in single layered tunnel<br />

as we did in plants grown in part II (1.97). In investigations of Lorenzo and Castilla<br />


(1995) the higher value of LAI induced significantly higher total and commercial yields.<br />

Our study corresponded with these findings. Differences in total and marketable yields<br />

between part I and part II were non-significant but in part I higher LAI values was<br />

accompanied by higher yields. It suggests that higher LAI (proportional to leaf blade<br />

area) might compensate lower photosynthesis rate, which depends on light intensity.<br />

On our study photosynthesis course was similar in both parts of tunnel, however, net<br />

photosynthesis values were significantly lower in part I (21.05 µmol CO 2<br />

m -2 s -1 ) as<br />

compared to (26.35 µmol CO2 m -2 s -1 ) in part II.<br />

The findings presented in this article suggest that different kinds of polyethylene<br />

films strongly affected growth and photosynthesis of sweet pepper but had no any<br />

affect on the yield.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Lower light intensity increased stem elongation, leaf blade area<br />

and leaf area index.<br />

2. Lower PAR intensity limited photosynthesis rate.<br />

3. In lower PAR intensity higher LAI value compensated net photosynthesis<br />

reduction.<br />

4. Polyethylene films of lower transmittance did not affected total and marketable<br />

yields of sweet pepper ‘Spartacus’.<br />

Acknowledgement. The study was financed by the State Committee for Scientific<br />

Research, Poland under project No 2 P06R 021 30.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 04 03<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 29<br />

1. Czarnowski M., Cebula S. 1994a. Solar spectral <strong>ir</strong>radiance in cultivated plants<br />

under cover in submontane region I. Cucumber plants in the greenhouse. Folia<br />

Horticulturae, 4(2)2: 3–14.<br />

2. Czarnowski M., Cebula S. 1994b. Solar spectral <strong>ir</strong>radiance in cultivated plants<br />

under cover in submontane region III. Sweet pepper plants in the plastic tunnels.<br />

Folia Horticulturae, 4(2): 25–34.<br />

3. Evans L. T. 1975. The physiological basis of crop yield. In: Evans L. T. (eds.)<br />

Crop physiology Cambridge University Press, London-New York-Melbourne,<br />

3<strong>27</strong>–355.<br />

4. Basiouny F. M., Basiouny K., Maloney M. 1994. Influence of water stress on<br />

abscisic acid and ethylene production in tomato under different PAR levels.<br />

Journal of Horticultural Science, 69(3): 535–541.<br />

5. Hunt R., Causton D. R., Shipley B., Askew A. P. 2002. A Modern Tool for Classical<br />

Plant Growth Analysis. Annals of Botany, 90: 485–488.<br />

6. Kacperska A. 2005 Stres spowodowany niedoborem wody-stres wodny. In:<br />

J. Kopcewicz, S. Lewak (eds.) Fizjologia roъlin. PWN, Warszawa, 626–629.<br />

7. Kopcewicz J. 2005. Rozwój wegetatywny. In: J. Kopcewicz S. Lewak (eds.)<br />

Fizjologia roślin. PWN, Warszawa, 510–512.<br />

8. Lorenzo P., Castilla N. 1995. Bell pepper yield response to plant density and<br />

radiation in unheated plastic greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae, 412: 330–334.<br />


9. Rajapakse N. C., Li S. 2004. Exclusion of far red light by photoselective greenhouse<br />

films reduces height of vegetable seedlings. Acta Horticulturae, 631: 193–199.<br />

10. Siwek P., Libik A. 1996. Wpływ warunków mikroklimatu w tunelach foliowych z<br />

podwójnym przykryciem na wzrost i plonowanie papryki. Nowe rośliny i techn.<br />

w ogrodnictwie, 3: 63–68.<br />

11. Somos A. 1984. The paprika. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest.<br />

12. Stępowska A., Kosson R. 2003. The influence of substrate types in non-heated<br />

plastic tunnel cultivation on sweet pepper yielding and postharvest quality of<br />

fruits. Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin, 58: 95–102.<br />

13. Xu H. L., Gauthier L., Gosselin A. 1994. Photosynthetic responses of greenhouse<br />

tomato plants to high solution electrical conductivity and low soil water content.<br />

Journal of Horticultural Science, 69(5): 821–832.<br />

14. Wellburn A. R. 1994. The spectral determination of chlorophylls a and b, as well<br />

as total carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different<br />

resolution. Journal of Plant Physiology, 144: 307–313.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Saldžiosios paprikos fotosintezė <strong>ir</strong> kai kurie augimo parametrai<br />

auginant sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis apšvietimo sąlygomis<br />

G. Wyżgolik, J. Nawara, M. Leja<br />

Santrauka<br />

Buvo t<strong>ir</strong>ta įva<strong>ir</strong>aus šviesos intensyvumo poveikis saldžiosios paprikos Capsicum<br />

annuum L. veislės ‘Spartacus’ augimui, neto fotosintezei <strong>ir</strong> derliui. Saldžioji paprika buvo<br />

auginta mineralinėje vatoje plastiko tuneliuose, persk<strong>ir</strong>tuose б dvi dalis <strong>ir</strong> uždengtuose<br />

polietileno plėvele (Ginegar – I dalis, Gemme 4 S – II dalis), kuri skyrėsi šviesos pralaidumu,<br />

jos išsisklaidymu <strong>ir</strong> FAR. I dalyje šviesos intensyvumas buvo mažesnis negu II. Dujų apykaita<br />

buvo matuota LCi (ADC England). Vandens panaudojimo efektyvumas (WUE) išreikštas kaip<br />

neto photosintezės <strong>ir</strong> transp<strong>ir</strong>acijos santykis. Fotosintezės pigmentai buvo nustatyti fotometriniu<br />

metodu pagal Wellburn (1994). Lapų ploto indeksas (LAI) <strong>ir</strong> lapų ploto santykis (LAR) nustatytas<br />

naudojant lapų plotą, sausųjų medžiagų kiekį <strong>ir</strong> tunelio plotą vienam augalui. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingas šviesos<br />

intensyvumas darė įtaką augimo parametrams <strong>ir</strong> fotosintezei, bet ne derliui. Augalai augę<br />

esant mažesniam šviesos intensyvumui buvo žymiai didesni <strong>ir</strong> turėjo didesnį lapų plotą, dėl<br />

to LAI <strong>ir</strong> LAR reikšmės buvo didesnės. Chlorofilų <strong>ir</strong> karotinoidų koncentracija buvo didesnė,<br />

tačiau fotosintezės intensyvumas buvo mažesnis. I dalyje augusių augalų WUE buvo žemas –<br />

1,85 µmol (CO 2<br />

) · mol -1 (H 2<br />

O) – <strong>ir</strong> stabilus, o II dalyje augusių augalų buvo aukštesnis, tačiau<br />

dienos metu sumažėjo nuo 4,17 µmol (CO 2<br />

) · mol -1 (H 2<br />

O) iki 2,46 µmol (CO 2<br />

) · mol -1 (H 2<br />

O).<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: LAI, neto fotosintezė, saldžioji paprika, Šviesos intensyvumas,<br />

WUE.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Actualities in plant cold acclimation<br />

Nijolė Anisimovienė, Jurga Jankauskienė, Leonida Novickienė<br />

Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų Ežerų 49, LT-08406,<br />

Vilnius, Lithuania, e-mail: nijole.anisimoviene@botanika.lt<br />

The studies to reveal the possible involvement of phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid<br />

(IAA) in mechanism of adaptive processes of cold acclimation of poorly wintering plants have<br />

been carried out.<br />

The composition of soluble and membranous structures proteins as well as IAA amount and<br />

status in organs significant for wintering (root collum, terminal bud, developing inflorescence<br />

and leaves) of oilseed rape during autumn growth and preparing for wintering period have<br />

been analyzed. To clarify the manifestation of IAA in biochemical-physiological processes,<br />

the model trials employing physiological analogues of auxin – compounds TA-12 and TA-14<br />

were fulfilled.<br />

Basing on the obtained results the supposition on influence of IAA on readjustment of<br />

protein metabolism and composition in developing inflorescence and root collum organs cells<br />

has been proposed. Under the influence of both compounds the number of individual proteins<br />

increased. These changes involved not only the formation of specific thermostabile proteinsdehydrins,<br />

but also proteins that may contribute to other biochemical-physiological processes of<br />

the cells related to cold acclimation. According to preliminary results under the effect of tested<br />

compounds the modifications of IAA fund composition takes place. The amount of reserve IAA<br />

complexes was increased significantly.<br />

Under these biochemical-physiological modifications the cold acclimation and wintering<br />

of oilseed rape was partially improved.<br />

Key words: indole-3-acetic acid, physiological analogues of auxin, cold acclimation,<br />

proteins, rape.<br />

Introduction. All biennial plants during autumn growth season have a specific<br />

cold acclimation period related to plant readiness for survival the wintering period:<br />

increasing in frost resistance, maintaining the dormancy – a temporary suspension<br />

of visible growth of any plant structure containing meristem (Shuliakovskaja,<br />

Anisimovienė, 1985; Anderson et al., 2001). At this period the growth is under the<br />

arrest by external env<strong>ir</strong>onmental and internal factors (Horwath et al., 2003).<br />

Plants of natural flora exhibit differentiated programs that allow an adaptation<br />

of growth and development processes under the shortening photoperiod and at low,<br />

above zero, temperatures in autumn, therefore cold acclimated fully (Jeknič, Chen,<br />

1999; Welling et al., 2002). Cold acclimated plants become not only freezing tolerant<br />

but they can also retain specific levels of metabolic routes for wintering during eco-,<br />

para- and endo-dormancy (Ivonis et al., 1984; Horwath et al., 2003). However, the<br />

hardiness of some crops, such as winter rape, wheat or barley (Gavelienė et al., 2002;<br />


Stupnikova et al., 2003; Borovskii et al., 2002), fruit plants – strawberry, blueberry<br />

(Dhanaraj et al., 2005) is problematic.<br />

In most cases while analyzing cold acclimation mechanism the attention is focused<br />

on the effect of low temperature (mostly, 4°), changes of cold regulated COR genes<br />

expression: the<strong>ir</strong> up- or down-regulation and proteins of these gene products formation<br />

(Fowler, Thomashow, 2002). Basing on experimental data obtained during the past<br />

two decades the following opinion has been proposed: significant role in plant cold<br />

acclimation may be ascribed to the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) genes (Svensson<br />

et al., 2002; Welling et al., 2002; Stupnikova et al., 2003). The relationship between<br />

formation and accumulation of dehydrin group proteins with shortening photoperiod,<br />

low non-freezing temperatures, as well as drought, chilling and freeze stress have<br />

been discovered (Jeknič, Chen, 1999; Welling et al., 2002; Fowler, Thomashow, 2002;<br />

Borovskii et al., 2002; Stupnikova et al., 2003). The significant biochemical feature of<br />

these proteins is thermostability (Svensson et al., 2002; Borovskii et al., 2002).<br />

During autumnal growth and cold acclimation periods many plant growth and<br />

developmental processes as well as various biochemical-physiological changes are<br />

involved (Novickienė et al., 2004; Velička et al., 2005). Therefore, the change of<br />

expression of genes regulating activity of these processes that may be related or are<br />

under the control of plant hormone system action as well as the synthesis of proteins<br />

that takes part in these processes realization are being or may be modified.<br />

So far while analyzing the role of phytohormones in plant cold acclimation<br />

processes the attention has been concentrated on abscisic acid (ABA) (Fowler,<br />

Thomashow, 2002; Welling et al., 2002) The formation of several LEA group proteins<br />

under the effect of ABA, cold, drought stress has been discovered (Welling et al.,<br />

2002; Fowler, Thomashow, 2002). In spite of that plants cold acclimate at short day<br />

and low temperature independently (Welling et al., 2002) and in the<strong>ir</strong> cells not only<br />

ABA-dependent but also ABA-independent cold acclimation pathway is functioning<br />

(Fowler, Thomashow, 2002); the role of other phytohormones in cessation of plant<br />

growth, developmental and metabolic processes during cold acclimation is unclear.<br />

There are only scarce publications on the role of phytohotmone indole-3-acetic acid<br />

(IAA or auxin) fund transformation in plant autumn growth and its relationship to<br />

cold acclimation and dormancy development in most cases in tissues of hardly cold<br />

acclimating plants – pine, b<strong>ir</strong>ch (Shuliakovskaja, Anisimovienė, 1985; Weilling<br />

et al., 2002). Thus the matter to understand how, by witch molecular mechanism,<br />

phytohormones can participate in plant autumn growth, developmental and cold<br />

acclimation processes and help plants to adapt to changes in the<strong>ir</strong> env<strong>ir</strong>onmental<br />

factors as well as sustain dormancy during wintering period stays open. Our attention<br />

is focused on understanding how the IAA may be implicated in regulatory network<br />

of plant adaptive processes poor cold acclimating among them.<br />

The aim of investigations is to evaluate possible implementation of auxin in<br />

biochemical processes, namely changes in protein composition and the IAA amount<br />

and status, in organs significant for wintering during autumnal plant growth and cold<br />

acclimation period – under shortening photoperiod (day/night duration) and low<br />

temperature at the second part of this period. The determination of the peculiarities<br />

of protein fund and IAA status changes and the<strong>ir</strong> relationship, as well as the search of<br />


the possibilities to modify cold acclimation of poorly wintering plants, namely oilseed<br />

rape, is expected.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. As a test object the organs significant for<br />

wintering – terminal bud later on developing inflorescence and root collum as well<br />

as leaves of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) varieties ‘Casino’ and ‘Valesca’, are<br />

used. The period of studies comprised from 1st decade of September till 1st decade<br />

of November, i. e. under the shortening photoperiod (day/night from 13/9 to 9/13 h)<br />

and under the influence of low temperatures in the second half of it.<br />

For investigation of the protein fund transformation the test materials (developing<br />

inflorescence, root collum and leaves) fixed in N and stored at -70 ° have been used.<br />

Extraction of soluble proteins (ESP) fraction was performed by 100 mM TRIS-HCl<br />

buffer, pH 8.3 with additives (1 mM EDTA, 1 mM PMSF and 1 mM DDT) at the ratio<br />

1 : 10 (w/v). For structural proteins (HSP) fraction isolation the same buffer with 1 %<br />

non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 (without additives) was used. The protein fractions<br />

were extracted at 4 °C and separated by centrifugation (10 000 g × 25 min.), washed<br />

and stored at -70 °C until further analysis (Shuliakovskaja, Anisimovienė, 1985;<br />

Anisimovienė et al., 2004). The isolation of specific thermostabile proteins-dehydrins<br />

from soluble and structural proteins fractions samples was achieved by heating at 70 °C<br />

and centrifugation at 30 000 g Ч 60 min. (Svensson et al., 2002).<br />

In all stages of investigations protein content was monitored by the Bradford<br />

method (1967). Purification of protein fractions was carried out applying procedures<br />

of precipitation with ammonium sulphate (up to 85 % saturation) and multistage<br />

chromatography on Sephadex G-25 and G-100 columns successively, XAD 7 and<br />

dialyzed through 1 or 12.5 kDa semipermeable membranes (in detail described<br />

Anisimovienė et al., 2004).<br />

Protein composition was tested with non-denaturing PAGE (Laemmli, 1970):<br />

170 µg of proteins were introduced into the tube or 35 µg on the line. Gels were<br />

visualized with Coomassie brilliant blue R 250, in some cases with silver nitrate.<br />

The proteins were characterized according to the<strong>ir</strong> electrophoretical mobility (EM)<br />

and molecular mass (MM). In the case of native PAGE, the mM of proteins has been<br />

evaluated in accordance with the localization of – 547, <strong>27</strong>2, 132, 66, 45, 29 and<br />

14.2 kDa proteins-standards.<br />

To characterize the possible implementation of auxin in plant cold acclimation<br />

processes that extend during autumnal growth and cold acclimation period the<br />

model trials employing synthetic physiological analogues of auxin – calcium<br />

-4-(2-chloroehoxycarbonylmethyl)-1-naphthalenesulfonate (compound TA-12) and<br />

ω–trialkyl-ammonioalkyl ester of 1-napthylethanoic acid (compound TA-14), having<br />

features of this phytohormone, but more convenient for practical goals (Merkys et al.,<br />

1993; Novickienė et al., 2004; Anisimovienė et al., 2006) have been used. The plants<br />

were exposed to the effect of these compounds in optimal concentration (Novickienė<br />

et al., 2004; Velička et al., 2005) as 2 mM and 4mM water solution respectively in a<br />

4–5 true leave rosette phase. Later on the effect of compounds TA-12 and TA-14 on<br />

composition of soluble and structural proteins fractions as well as the composition<br />

of thermostabile proteins-dehydrins in both of them has been analyzed by the way<br />

described earlier in this chapter.<br />

The second part of all tested materials has been used for analysis of IAA level<br />


and status. The amount of IAA in free form, labile bound IAA conjugates with low<br />

molecular masses compounds and hardly bound reserve IAA complexes with proteins<br />

have been determined according to commonly used methods of physical and chemical<br />

identification (Merkys et al., 1973; Anisimovienė, 1994; Ludwig-Muller et al., 1996;<br />

Walz et al., 2002). Every indole compounds specimen extracted by 80 % ethanol was<br />

introduced for analyzes and preliminary identification by liquid-liquid fractionation<br />

according to pH, solid state-liquid partition on gel filtration columns (Sephadex<br />

G-10, and other). Prepared ether soluble and n-butanol or ethylacetate soluble specimens<br />

of indole compounds were analyzed on TLC in three different chromatography systems<br />

(Anisimovienė, 1994; Anisimovienė et al., 2007). IAA in IAA-ester, IAA-amide and<br />

IAA-protein forms have been elucidated after the ester or amide links rupture by 1, 7<br />

and 5 N alkaline hydrolyses. Liberated from complexes IAA was extracted into ether<br />

and chromatographied on TLC. IAA and its metabolites were characterized by R f<br />

,<br />

UV absorption spectra, reaction with Salkowski in comparison with synthetic indole<br />

compound standards (Anisimovienė, 1994; Ludwig-Muller et al., 1996; Anisimovienė<br />

et al., 2007).<br />

Results. We consider that there are several expectancies for IAA involvement<br />

in autumn growth and cold acclimation biochemical mechanism (biochemistry)<br />

elucidation. One of them – the analysis of changes in protein fund composition of the<br />

cell in the organs significant for autumn growth and cold acclimation and modeling<br />

of these processes employing physiological analogues of auxin (Anisimovienė et al.,<br />

2004; Velička et al., 2005). Another – clarification of the IAA turnover, level and<br />

status in cells of these organs. IAA metabolic routes and proteins-enzymes that take<br />

part in physiologically active IAA form homeostasis maintenance. IAA reserve forms<br />

composition: labile bound IAA conjugates – IAA-esters and/or IAA-amides as well<br />

as hardly bound IAA-protein complexes (Merkys et al., 1973; Anisimovienė, 1994;<br />

Ludwig-Muller et al., 1996; Walz et al., 2002).<br />

Therefore, the analysis of the proteins composition in autumn growth period (in the<br />

mid- September) and peculiarities of the<strong>ir</strong> changes later – during cold acclimation period<br />

(in the 3 rd decade of October) – was performed in organs significant for wintering<br />

of rape, i. e. terminal buds or developing inflorescence and leaves cells. The proteins<br />

functioning mainly in cytoplasm and appoplast (ESP fraction) as well as in structural<br />

compartments of the cell – membranes and membranous surrounded compartments<br />

(HSP fraction) have been analyzed separately. Complete isolation of this fraction was<br />

achieved by 3 steps of extraction: 85, 15 and 5 % in succession. After repeated washing<br />

of residues they have been used for HSP fraction isolation. Compete extraction of this<br />

fraction was achieved by 2 steps: 75 and 25 . Thus for protein composition analysis<br />

the specimens of both ESP and HSP fractions have been fully isolated: they have been<br />

used clean and not contaminated by each other. Proteins bands detected on ESP or HSP<br />

fraction electrophoregrams are characteristics for f<strong>ir</strong>st or second fraction.<br />

Comparative analysis of the results of protein composition in different organs of<br />

winter rape at the autumn growth period (in the 1st decade of September) and later<br />

on during the<strong>ir</strong> autumn growth and cold acclimation period (in mid or 3rd decade of<br />

October) revealed common and specific features for organs and protein fraction.<br />

At f<strong>ir</strong>st it was revealed that during cold acclimation period number of individual<br />


protein in ESP and HSP fractions increased in cells of all investigated organs. In<br />

developing inflorescence and root collum during 20–30 days of cold acclimation period<br />

the number almost doubled. Most intensively the<strong>ir</strong> number increased in developing<br />

inflorescence cells and ESP fraction than in root collum or HSP fraction. In both tested<br />

organs having low or middle molecular masses: 14–45(66) kDa. Such transformations<br />

are true for other varieties of winter rape (‘Accord’, ‘Kasim<strong>ir</strong>’), although modifications<br />

are exclusive for every variety (Anisimovienė et al., 2004; Velička et al., 2005). The<br />

protein composition in leaves of ‘Casino’ and ‘Valesca’ are modified too (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1. The changes of easily soluble (ESP) and membranous structure (HSP)<br />

protein composition during cold acclimation: 1 – Leaves; 2 – Developing<br />

inflorescence; 3 – Root collum<br />

1 pav. Lengvai t<strong>ir</strong>pių (LTB) <strong>ir</strong> membraninių struktūrų (STB) baltymų sudėties pokyčiai<br />

grūdinimosi periodu: 1 – lapai; 2 – besivystantis žiedynas; 3 – šaknies kaklelis<br />

The increase in proteins’ number in organs is related not only to the<strong>ir</strong> synthesis<br />

or accumulation of ones (Fig. 1), but also to the destruction or decrease in the<strong>ir</strong><br />

accumulation. Degree of formation or accumulation of newly formed proteins exceeds<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> appearance than disappearance in both fractions of all tested organ cells.<br />

This feature is also characteristic for protein composition changes during autumn<br />

growth and cold acclimation period in hardly cold acclimating plant cells and is related<br />

to preparing for wintering and dormancy-keeping (Ivonis et al., 1984; Jeknič, Chen,<br />

1999). It is revealed that in cells of pine buds in the middle of September ten (10)<br />

protein components are presented while the 30 days later – 17.<br />

Analysis of electrophoregrams of ESP and HSP fractions derived from developing<br />

inflorescence and root collum tissues cells of cold acclimating winter rape (in the middle<br />

or 3rd decade of October) revealed that in the<strong>ir</strong> spectrums several (5–7) individual<br />


proteins not characteristic to autumn growth period are emergent.<br />

Results of model explorations show that auxin type compounds clearly influence<br />

protein metabolism processes of winter rape developing and root collum tissues cells<br />

during cold acclimation period. The appearance – increase in accumulation or synthesis<br />

of certain proteins not characteristic to control plants occurs. Alongside the several<br />

growth processes of these plants that are under influence or control of auxin (Qin et al.,<br />

2005) are modified (Table).<br />

Table. Effect of physiological analogues of auxin on biochemical-physiological<br />

characteristics<br />

Lentelė. Auksino fiziologinių analogų poveikis biocheminėms-fiziologinėms savybėms<br />

Namely these changes result in the increase of tested plants’ cold acclimation and<br />

keeping the dormancy during over-wintering: only 5 % of TA-14 and 15 % of TA-12<br />

affected plants perished during 2005–2006 wintering, while the percent of perished<br />

plants in control reached 25 %. They are in agreement with the data of investigators<br />

(Gavelienė et al., 2002; Novickienė et al., 2004; Velička et al., 2005), which show that<br />

auxin physiological analogous compounds TA-12 and TA-14 have the positive effect<br />

on winter rape growth, developmental processes and wintering.<br />

Having in mind that the level and status of phytohormones (IAA, ABA) in hardly<br />

cold acclimated plants is innovated and they are coherent to prepare for wintering<br />

(Ivonis et al., 1984; Shuliakovskaja, Anisimovienė, 1985; Welling et al., 2002) the<br />

analysis of IAA level and status in organ tissues significant for rape wintering has been<br />

started. The attention was focused on elucidation of the amount of physiologically<br />

active IAA form (as IAA molecule) and amount of its reserve forms – complexes of<br />

various chemical structure and composition (Ivonis et al., 1984; Anisimovienė, 1994;<br />

Ludwig-Muller et al., 1996; Walz et al., 2002). The amount of IAA, labile bound<br />

low molecular IAA conjugates – complexes with charboxydrates and amino acids<br />


extractable by 70–80 % organic solvents and high molecular IAA-protein complexes<br />

not extractable by these solvents have been analyzed.<br />

According to the data obtained so for, the level of IAA as well as the ratio of free<br />

IAA and IAA complexes (Fig. 2) in different organs of winter rape ‘Casino’, ‘Valesca’,<br />

at the autumn growth stage is not identical. At this period the amount of free IAA is<br />

significantly higher in the main IAA synthesizing organs – terminal bud (developing<br />

inflorescence) and rosette leaves (Fig. 2) than in root collum.<br />

Fig. 2. The changes of IAA and labile bound low molecular mass<br />

IAA-conjugates amount during cold acclimation period: 1 – leaves;<br />

2 – developing inflorescence; 3 – root collum<br />

2 pav. IAA <strong>ir</strong> labiliai sujungtų su mažos molekulinės masės junginiais<br />

IAA konjugatų kiekio pokyčiai grūdinimosi periodu: 1 – lapai;<br />

2 – besivystantis žiedynas; 3 – šaknies kaklelis<br />

After 30 days of cold acclimation period (in mid-October) in developing<br />

inflorescence and root collum cells the ratio of free IAA and IAA conjugates increases.<br />

But the amount free IAA, particularly in root collum is too steep in comparison to<br />

other organs. In hardly cold acclimated plants, namely pine and b<strong>ir</strong>ch, during the cold<br />

acclimation level of free IAA sharply decreases (Ivonis et al., 1984).<br />

Besides that, according the preliminary data of model trials, it was remarked<br />

that under the influence of auxin type compounds, particularly compound TA-14, the<br />

formation reserve of hardly hidrolysible IAA-protein complexes may be enhanced.<br />

In developing inflorescence of ‘Valesca’ it reaches about 11 µg IAA/10 g of fresh<br />

weight or 12 %. In root collum it may be enhanced about from 17 to <strong>27</strong> µg IAA/10 g<br />

of fresh weight. It is possible to assume that formation of bound IAA forms in winter<br />

rape as in hardly cold acclimated plants may be related with dormancy keeping. In<br />

October all or almost all IAA in pine buds is in bound state, primarily as IAA-protein<br />

complexes (Ivonis et al., 1984). Hereby the obtained results exhibit the possibility<br />

of phytohormone IAA involvement into biochemical processes related with cold<br />


acclimation of poorly wintering plants.<br />

Discussion. Presented data of model trials suggest possible involvement of<br />

IAA in physiology and biochemistry of plant cold acclimation. Externally applied<br />

physiological analogous of auxin – compounds TA-12 and TA-14 have positive<br />

effect on processes that are under IAA control. The necessity and role of auxin for<br />

morphogenesis, development, division, elongation, initiation of leaves and floral is<br />

known (Gavelienė et al., 2002; Cheng, Zhao, 2007; Qin et al., 2005; etc.). Besides,<br />

under the influence of physiological analogues of auxin not only specific thermostabile<br />

protein-dehydrins that determine plant cold acclimation frost-resistance are formed<br />

newly. Basing on the obtained preliminary results it is possible to suppose that other<br />

from newly formed proteins may be related with readjustment of IAA synthesis,<br />

metabolism or other biochemical processes of hormonal system action due to dormancy.<br />

Formation of labile bound IAA conjugates – IAA-esters and/or IAA-amides is related<br />

with the temporary inactivation of IAA. Processes may be contributed by IAA-amino<br />

synthetases encoded by early auxin up regulated GH3 family genes, IAA-amino<br />

hydrolases such as ILR1, ILR3 and proteins related to IAA – glucosides formation or<br />

re-hydrolyses (Staswick et al., 2005; Woodward, Bartel, 2005). Besides the proteins<br />

IAA-enzymes, the proteins such as IAA-carriers, IAA-receptors may participate in<br />

IAA amount and activity regulation (Woodward, Bartel, 2005; Staswick et al., 2005;<br />

Anisimovienė et al., 2006; 2007).<br />

Having in mind the observed possibility of physiological analogues of auxin to<br />

increase the amount of IAA-protein complexes in winter rape organs significant for<br />

cold acclimation it is possible to assume that IAA-protein complexes formed in winter<br />

rape developing inflorescence and root collum tissues may perform function of the<br />

hardly hydrolysible reserve complexes function and by the diminishing of the level of<br />

physiologically active IAA form may to have influence the endo-dormancy processes<br />

of winter rape. The obtained results uphold preposition that as in hardly acclimated<br />

plant cells the soluble and structural protein composition as well as level of free IAA<br />

and its status may be the important molecular-biochemical factors determining plant<br />

cold acclimation and dormancy during over-wintering of poorly cold acclimated<br />

plants, too.<br />

Although, in spite of above mentioned, for eventual elucidation and explication of<br />

possibility of IAA involvement in cold acclimation mechanism a lot of supplementary<br />

experiments employing other methodical approaches and presumptions must to be<br />

carried out.<br />

Conclusions. The composition of soluble, mainly cytoplasmic, and membranous<br />

structure proteins in the cell as well as IAA amount and status may be important<br />

biochemical-physiological factors determining or influencing cold acclimation of<br />

winter rape.<br />

Not only on specific thermostabile protein-dehydrins formation but possible as<br />

well as those that may be related to growth processes, phytohormone level and status<br />

modification during cold acclimation may be formed under influence of physiological<br />

analogues of auxin.<br />


Externally supplied physiological analogues of auxin – compounds TA-12 and<br />

TA-14 –increased oilseed rape wintering.<br />

These biochemical modifications may be considered as the important interior<br />

factors that improve winter rape cold acclimation.<br />

Acknowledgement. The research was partially supported by Lithuanian State<br />

Science and Studies Foundation.<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Augalų grūdinimosi problemos<br />

N. Anisimovienė, J. Jankauskienė, L. Novickienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Nustatyta lаstelės t<strong>ir</strong>pių <strong>ir</strong> membraninių struktūrų baltymų sudėtis bei IAR kiekis <strong>ir</strong><br />

būklė žiemojimui svarbiuose organuose: šaknies kaklelyje, v<strong>ir</strong>рūniniame pumpure arba<br />

besivystančiame žiedyne <strong>ir</strong> lapuose rudeninio augimo <strong>ir</strong> grūdinimosi – pas<strong>ir</strong>uošimo žiemoti<br />

metu modeliniu augalu panaudojant žieminį rapsą. T<strong>ir</strong>ta fitohormono indolil-3-acto rūgšties<br />

(IAR) dalyvavimo galimybė blogai žiemojančių augalų grūdinimosi – pas<strong>ir</strong>uošimo žiemojimui<br />

adaptaciniuose procesuose. IAR dalyvavimo šiuo metu vykstančiuose biocheminiuosefiziologiniuose<br />

procesuose išryškinimui buvo atliekami modeliniai bandymai, panaudojant<br />

fiziologinius auksino analogus – junginius TA-12 <strong>ir</strong> TA-14.<br />

Modelinių eksperimentų duomenų pagrindu daroma prielaida apie galimą IAA poveikį<br />

baltymų metabolizmo bei sudėties pertvarkai besivystančio žiedyno <strong>ir</strong> šaknies kaklelio lаstelėse.<br />

T<strong>ir</strong>tų junginių poveikyje padidėja individualių baltymų skaičius. Šie pokyčiai apima ne tik<br />

specifinius termostabilius baltymus-dehidrinus, bet <strong>ir</strong> kitus baltymus, kurie taip pat galbūt<br />

gali dalyvauti kituose fiziologiniuose-biocheminiuose procesuose, susijusiuose su augalų<br />

užsigrūdinimu <strong>ir</strong> žiemojimu.<br />

Preliminariniais duomenimis šių junginių poveikyje modifikuojama IAA fondo cheminė<br />

sudėtis, padidinama rezervinių IAA kompleksų koncentraciją. Šios biocheminės-fiziologinės<br />

modifikacijos darė įtaką rapsų užsigrūdinimui <strong>ir</strong> žiemojimui.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: indolil-3-acto rūgštis, fiziologiniai auksino analogai, grūdinimasis,<br />

baltymai, rapsai.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Nutritional diagnosis of apple-tree growing in the<br />

nitrogen fertilizer factory region<br />

Jurga Sakalauskaitė 1 , Eugenija Kupčinskienė 2, 4 ,<br />

Darius Kviklys 1 , Laisvunė Duchovskienė 1 ,<br />

Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė 1 , Gintarė Šabajevienė 1 , Aida Stiklienė 2 ,<br />

Juratė Bronė Šikšnianienė 1 , Ričardas Taraškevičius 3 ,<br />

Alfredas Radzevičius 3 , Rimantė Zinkutė 3 , Pavelas Duchovskis 1<br />

1<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail j.sakalauskaite@lsdi.lt<br />

2<br />

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Department of Ecology, Studentų 11,<br />

LT-5336 Kaunas, Akademija, Lithuania<br />

3<br />

Institute of Geology and Geography, Department of Env<strong>ir</strong>onmental Geochemistry,<br />

T. Рevčenkos 13, LT-03223 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

4<br />

Kaunas University of Medicine, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and<br />

Pharmacognosy, Mickevičiaus 9, LT-44307 Kaunas, Lithuania<br />

The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes in the content of macroelements (N, P,<br />

Ca, Mg and Fe), microelements (Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Co, Mo,) and nonessential elements (Ti, V Cr,<br />

Pb, Ba, Ni, Ag, Al, Sr, Sn) in the leaves of apple-trees in the nitrogen fertilizer factory area, the<br />

main industrial pollution source in Lithuania. As a control, a garden in a ‘relatively clean’ district<br />

(Babtai) was selected. A deficiency (< 2.1–2.4 %) of nitrogen in the leaves of apple-trees was<br />

documented in the investigated sites. The greatest amount of P was determined in the leaves<br />

collected from control trees, where deficiency of the nitrogen was the highest. According to our<br />

results, we maintain that apple-trees growing in Babtai garden sustain deficiency of N, Ca, Fe,<br />

Zn and greatly accumulate P and Ba. Apple-trees growing in the vicinity of nitrogen fertilizer<br />

factory sustain the deficiency of N, Ca, Mn, Zn, B and Zn; and accumulate P, Fe and Mo greater<br />

than optimum content. Under the influence of nitrogen fertilizer factory, accumulation of some<br />

heavy metals (Fe, Mo, V, Ti, Pb) in the leaves of apple-tree may occur.<br />

Key words: a<strong>ir</strong> pollution, Malus domestica, element, leaves, soil.<br />

Introduction. A<strong>ir</strong> pollutants are known to affect the nutrient metabolism of trees<br />

in different ways. Low concentrations of some compounds, such as nitrogen oxides,<br />

sulphur dioxide and hard particles, may serve as nutrient sources and might be used<br />

by plants (Fangmeier et al., 1994; Rennenberg et al., 1996). Higher concentrations of<br />

gaseous a<strong>ir</strong> pollutants may increase or decrease the uptake of nutrients by the roots,<br />

and can intensify nutrient leaching from leaves, as a consequence of membrane damage<br />

(Seufert, 1990). In addition to these d<strong>ir</strong>ect effects, the deposition of a<strong>ir</strong> pollutants to<br />

the soil is known to alter soil chemical characteristics, such as pH-value and buffering<br />

capacity, thus affecting the availability of nutrients and increasing the leaching of<br />


mineral elements from the soil. It may result in deficiencies of the nutrients in the<br />

plants, mainly of magnesium, calcium and potassium, as well as in severe nutritional<br />

imbalances (Shaw, McLeod, 1995; Oren, 1996). Apart from these effects on the mineral<br />

balance of the soil, acidification may provoke root damage and impa<strong>ir</strong> mineralization<br />

(Seufert, 1990).<br />

Plants are known to accumulate a wide range of pollutants (Salt et al., 1998),<br />

and in the studies of the trees growing in the urban and industrial areas element<br />

accumulation by higher plants, lichens and mosses has been documented (Bargagli<br />

et al., 1998). Uptake of the elements in plants depends on many factors, among them<br />

climate plays a fundamental role modifying nutrition. The chemical analysis of the<br />

leaves has often been applied as a valid method for studying a<strong>ir</strong> pollution (Zwolinski<br />

et al., 1998). While great attention has been paid to conifers decline under anthropogenic<br />

influence, much less evidence is available about horticultural species reaction growing<br />

in adverse gaseous and dusty env<strong>ir</strong>onment. Excesses or deficiencies of nutrients are<br />

a special concern in fruit trees where nutritional imbalances may affect the yield for<br />

more than a single season (Pestana et al., 2004), since new growth depends on the<br />

nutrients stored in the plant.<br />

In present paper, the effect of emitted pollutants from nitrogen fertilizer factory<br />

on nutritional status of the apple-tree, the dominant orchard tree species of Lithuania,<br />

is presented.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The leaves of the apple-tree and soil samples<br />

were collected in the area affected by the nitrogen fertilizer plant (NFF) JSC Achema<br />

(ranges of the annual total emissions in 2001–2004 were 5.6–4.9 thousand t). In order to<br />

test the influence of a<strong>ir</strong> pollution on the mineral nutrition of apple-tree cv. ‘Antonowka’<br />

(Malus domestica L.), leaf sampling was performed in July. Leaves of the apple-trees<br />

and soil samples were collected north-eastward from pollution source, in the d<strong>ir</strong>ection<br />

of prevailing wind at a distance of 2.5 km from the nitrogen fertilizer factory.<br />

The garden of the intermediate location regarding industrial area (district Babtai,<br />

Lithuania) and at the same time distant from the mentioned pollution source, was<br />

taken as a reference site where soil samples were collected and leaves for the analyses<br />

were collected from the apple-tree cv. ‘Antonowka’ (Malus domestica L.). In each<br />

site the leaves were collected from three apple-trees and soil samples were collected<br />

from location. Only fully expanded leaves were collected for elemental analysis.<br />

Preparation of the leaf samples for this analysis consisted of heating, gradual primary<br />

ashing with free access of oxygen, final ashing at 450 °C and homogenization. For the<br />

determination of the total content of 18 elements: Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe,<br />

Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, Ti, V and Zn the samples of the leaves were analysed by atomic<br />

emission spectrophotometry (DFS-13); at a laboratory of the Institute of Geology and<br />

Geography, taking part in the international intercalibrations of Wageningen University.<br />

Internationally certified reference materials were used when analyzing the samples of<br />

the leaves. The content of N was determined by Kjeldal method (Allen, 1989).<br />

All data were analyzed by ANOVA (ANOVA for MS Excel, version 3.43) and<br />

Fisher’s LSD test procedure (α = 0.05) and correlation analyses.<br />

Results. The soil pH of ‘relatively clean’ garden (district Babtai, Lithuania) was<br />

neutral (~ 7.3), while in the garden soil near the nitrogen fertilizer factory was acid<br />

(~ 6.2).<br />


When compared to the control garden, according to N content, no significant<br />

differences were found for soil and for the apple-tree leave growing near the nitrogen<br />

fertilizer factory (Table 1). The significant greater amount of P was determined in the<br />

leaves from the control trees with the greater nitrogen deficiency and with significantly<br />

(p < 0.01) lower content in the soil. Deficiency of Ca (optimum interval 1.1–2.0 %)<br />

was determined in the leaves sampled in the control and the nitrogen fertilizer factory<br />

gardens. The foliar Mg levels did not present greater variations among selected<br />

gardens. The significantly lower amount of Mg was determined in the garden soil near<br />

the nitrogen fertilizer factory, but this did not reached deficiency level on apple-tree<br />

(0.22–0.35 %; Sadowski, 1990). Significantly lower amount of soil Fe was determined<br />

in the nitrogen fertilizer factory site as compared to reference. Excess of this element<br />

was determined in the leaves from the garden near the nitrogen fertilizer factory. The<br />

greater soil Fe content, determined in the reference site does not decided the optimal<br />

Fe content in the apple-tree leaves at this site.<br />

Table 1. Amount of macroelements (mg kg -1 ) in the leaves of the apple-tree (Malus<br />

domestica L.) and soil (mean value ± confidence interval, * indicates significant<br />

difference from the control area, when a = 0.05). C – control (Babtai garden),<br />

NFF – nitrogen fertilizer factory.<br />

1 lentelė. Makroelementų kiekis obelų lapuose <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje (vidurkis ± pasikliautinas<br />

intervalas, * žymi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus nuo kontrolės, kai a = 0.05). C – kontrolė (Babtų sodas),<br />

NFF – azoto trąšų gamykla (AB “Achema”).<br />

The amount of Mn in the leaves of the apple-trees grown in the control garden<br />

was significantly higher by a factor 5 as compared to the leaves collected from the<br />

site with industrial emission (Table 2). The significant higher content of Mn was<br />

determined in the garden soil near the nitrogen fertilizer factory, but Mn deficiency was<br />

registered in the leaves of the apple tree (Sadowski, 1990; Mochecki et al., 1986). The<br />

B content in the soil under industrial emissions was significant lower as compared to<br />

control garden. The leaves of the apple-trees were B deficient (Wojcik, 2004), except<br />

the apple-tree leaves of the control garden, where B corresponded optimal value for<br />

the growth. Similar to B the soil and foliar Cu content presented significant decrease<br />

in polluted garden as compared to the control garden. The greater amount of Zn was<br />

determined in the apple-tree leaves from the control, while soil Zn content was similar<br />


in the investigated sites. The foliar Co levels did not present greater variation, but<br />

soil Co content in the industrial site was significantly lower as compared with control<br />

garden soil. The optimum content of Mo was determined in the apple-tree leaves<br />

samples from the control garden (Sadowski, 1990), while excess of this element was<br />

observed in the leaves from the garden near the nitrogen fertilizer factory. Significant<br />

lower V and Ti content was determined in the garden soil near the nitrogen fertilizer<br />

factory, but foliar V and Ti level showed an increase by a factor 2 as compared to the<br />

control garden.<br />

Table 2. Amount of microelements (mg kg -1 ) in the leaves of the apple-tree (Malus<br />

domestica L.) and soil (mean value ± confidence interval, * indicates significant<br />

difference from the control area, when į = 0.05). C – control (Babtai garden),<br />

OR – oil refinery, CF – cement factory, NFF – nitrogen fertilizer factory.<br />

2 lentelė. Mikroelementų kiekis obelų lapuose <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje (vidurkis ± pasikliautinas<br />

intervalas, * žymi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus nuo kontrolės, kai į = 0.05). C – kontrolė (Babtų sodas),<br />

NFF – azoto trąšų gamykla (AB “Achema”).<br />

Such nonessential elements as Cr, Ni in the leaves of the apple-tree corresponded<br />

to the concentrations normally found in plants (Barker, 1989; Markert, 1996). Foliar and<br />

soil Pb content in the garden near the nitrogen fertilizer factory was significantly higher<br />

as compared to control site. Foliar and soil Ba level of the apple-trees growing in the<br />

nitrogen fertilizer factory site showed significant decrease as compared to the control<br />

garden. The foliar Al, Sr and Sn levels did not present greater variations. The soil Al<br />

content was significant lower and Sr content was significant greater near the nitrogen<br />

fertilizer factory. The foliar Ag level showed significant lower content as compared<br />

with control leaves, while soil Ag content did not presented greater variation.<br />


Table 3. Amount of nonessential elements (mg kg -1 ) in the leaves of the apple-tree<br />

(Malus domestica L.) and soil (mean value ± confidence interval, * indicates<br />

significant difference from reference area, when į = 0.05). C – control (Babtai<br />

garden), OR – oil refinery, CF – cement factory, NFF – nitrogen fertilizer<br />

factory.<br />

3 lentelė. Neesminių elementų kiekis obelų lapuose <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje ((vidurkis ±<br />

pasikliautinas intervalas, * žymi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus nuo kontrolės, kai į = 0.05). C – kontrolė<br />

(Babtų sodas), NFF – azoto Trąšų gamykla (AB “Achema”).<br />

Discussion. Significant differences among the macro- and micronutrient levels<br />

in the leaves from the trees growing in reference site and nitrogen fertilizer factory<br />

area were determined (Tables 1, 2). The optimum content of nitrogen in the leaves<br />

of the apple-tree is 2.1–2.4 % (Intensive technologies…, 2005). Despite abundant<br />

emissions of the nitrogen oxides from factory the deficiency of the nitrogen in the<br />

leaves of apple-trees was determined in each site of investigation. The present N<br />

pollution dissatisfies the nitrogen demands of apple-trees. Ammonium emitted from<br />

nitrogen fertilizer factory is not sufficient for optimal apple-tree nutrition. The N<br />

deficiency in the soil induces the lack of N in the leaves of apple-tree. Deficiency of<br />

N stimulates the assimilation of P (Sadowski, 1990). Similar situation was found in<br />

our study: the greatest amount of P was determined in the leaves from the control trees<br />

with nitrogen deficiency and with significant lower P content in the soil. The optimum<br />

content of P in the leaves of the apple-trees is 0.15–0.16 % (Sadowski, 1990), so the P<br />

content determined in the apple-tree leaves from control and polluted sites was higher<br />

than optimum. The abundance of P suppresses the assimilation of Zn, Fe and other<br />

microelements (Intensive technologies…, 2005).<br />

Deficiency of Ca element was determined in the leaves sampled in the control<br />

and the nitrogen fertilizer factory gardens (optimum interval 1.1–2.0 %; (Sadowski,<br />

1990). The lack of Ca to fruit-trees occurs very rarely (Intensive technologies…, 2005).<br />

Excess of Fe element was determined in the leaves from the garden near the nitrogen<br />

fertilizer factory; meanwhile its deficiency was documented for the control garden.<br />

Iron chlorosis (Fe deficiency) is an important nutritional disorder among the fruit trees.<br />

It results from impa<strong>ir</strong>ed acquisition and use of the metal by plants rather than from a<br />


low-level Fe in the soil. The most common cause of Fe chlorosis is the bicarbonate<br />

ion, which occurs in high levels in calcareous soils (Pestana et al., 2004). High levels<br />

of P in the tissues of the plants are often associated with Fe deficiency. The deficiency<br />

of Fe in apple-tree leaves from Babtai garden may influence the neutral pH level in<br />

the soil (~ 7,3), and excess of P in plant tissues.<br />

The highest Mn mean concentration was apparently observed in the leaves sampled<br />

from the control garden. Amount of this element was higher by a factor 5 as compared<br />

to the leaves collected from the sites with industrial emission. Under elevated industrial<br />

emission Mn deficiency was registered in the leaves of the apple tree (Sadowski,<br />

1990; Mochecki et al., 1986). According to Adriano (1986) the deficiency range of<br />

Mn for the most plant species is < 20 mg kg -1 . Only in the leaves of the control garden<br />

the concentration of B corresponded optimal value for the growth, in the nitrogen<br />

fertilizer garden the leaves of the apple-trees were B deficient (Wojcik, 2004). The<br />

B content in the soil was significant lower near investigated factory as compared to<br />

control garden; so foliar B concentration was depended on soil B concentration. Boron<br />

deficiency is particularly prevalent in the light textured soils, where water-soluble<br />

B readily leaches down the soil profile and becomes unavailable for plants (Walsh,<br />

Golden, 1953). According to Shear and Faust (1980) the deficiency range of Zn for<br />

the apple-tree is less than 14 mg kg -1 . In all investigated sites Zn deficiency occurred.<br />

Zinc deficiency may be caused by high amount of P (Loneragan et al., 1979). In our<br />

study excess of P was determined in the apple-tree leaves sampled near the nitrogen<br />

fertilizer factory and control garden (Table 1). Also Zn deficiency is associated with<br />

high pH, calcareous soil in which Zn availability is greatly reduced (Neilsen, 2003).<br />

Under deficiency of Zn the fruit-tree resistance to cold stress is reduced (Intensive<br />

technologies..., 2005; Mochecki et al., 1986). On the basis of the V data obtained by<br />

us as compared with Barker (1989) and Markert (1996) results, it can be deduced, that<br />

V was present in leaves of apple-tree from the control garden in concentration lower<br />

than is normally found in plants.<br />

Only leaves collected in the garden near the nitrogen fertilizer factory had mean<br />

Pb concentration higher than the background level (Barker, 1989; Markert, 1996).<br />

The greater accumulation of Pb in the apple-tree leaves may influence the intensive<br />

transport in Jonava region. Baker (1989) and Markert (1996) report that Ba requ<strong>ir</strong>ement<br />

in the plant tissue is 40 mg kg -1 . This means that the garden near the nitrogen fertilizer<br />

factory was the place where Ba leaf concentration was optimum. Excess of Ba was<br />

determined in the apple-tree leaves from the control garden.<br />

According to Neilsen, Neilson (2003), 16 chemical elements (O, C, H, N, P, K,<br />

Ca, Mg, S, Mn, Fe, B, Cl, Cu, Zn, Mo) are essential for the normal and healthy growth<br />

of apple-trees. Also greater concentrations of N, P, S, K, Ca and Mg are necessary. On<br />

basis of the results of other authors and data shown in Tables 1–3, we maintain that<br />

apple-trees growing in Babtai garden, selected as control site, sustain deficiency of<br />

essential elements such as N, Ca, Fe, Zn and greatly accumulate P and Ba. Apple-trees<br />

growing in the vicinity of nitrogen fertilizer factory sustained the deficiency of N, Ca,<br />

Mn, Zn, B and Zn; and accumulated P, Fe and Mo more than optimum content.<br />

Natural differences in the soil fertility among the sites, d<strong>ir</strong>ect absorption of gaseous<br />

a<strong>ir</strong> pollutants by the leaves or deposition to the leaf surfaces and pollution-induced<br />


alterations of soil chemistry are the possible reasons for the differences in the nutritional<br />

status of adult trees growing at various sites in the vicinity of the industrial pollution<br />

sources (Klumpp et al., 2002).<br />

Conclusions. The deficiency of the nitrogen in the leaves of the apple-trees was<br />

determined in each site of investigation. The N deficiency in the soil induces the lack<br />

of N in the leaves of apple-tree. Nitrogen deficiency stimulated the assimilation of P in<br />

the apple-tree leaves. Deficiency of such essential elements as Mn, Ca, Zn and B was<br />

determined in the leaves of apple-trees growing near nitrogen fertilizer factory. Under<br />

the influence of the nitrogen fertilizer factory, accumulation of some heavy metals (Fe,<br />

Mo, V, Ti, Pb) in the leaves of the apple-tree may occur. It shows that present industrial<br />

activities may change and worsen nutrition quality of the fruit trees.<br />

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by Lithuanian State Science and<br />

Studies Foundation under project FIBISTRESS.<br />

Gauta 2008 03 <strong>27</strong><br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 22<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Obelų, augančių azoto trąšų gamyklos poveikyje, mitybinės būklės<br />

įvertinimas<br />

J. Sakalauskaitė, E. Kupčinskienė, D. Kviklys, L. Duchovskienė,<br />

A. Urbonavičiūtė, G. Šabajevienė, A. Stiklienė, J. B. Šikšnianienė,<br />

R. Taraškevičius, A. Radzevičius, R. Zinkutė, P. Duchovskis<br />

Santrauka<br />

Tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti makroelementų ((N, P, Ca, Mg and Fe), mikroelemetų (Mn,<br />

Zn, Cu, B, Co, Mo) <strong>ir</strong> neesminių elementų kiekių pokyčius obelų lapuose prie azoto trąšų<br />

gamyklos (AB “Achema”), vieno iš pagrindinių taršos šaltinių Lietuvoje. Kaip kontrolė buvo<br />


pas<strong>ir</strong>inktas sodas sąlyginai švariame rajone, Babtuose. Abejose tyrimų vietose buvo nustatytas<br />

N trūkumas obelų lapuose (< 2,1–2,4 %, Sadowski, 1990). Didžiausias P kiekis nustatytas obelų<br />

lapuose, rinktuose nuo kontrolinių medžių, kur N trūkumas buvo didžiausias. Pagal gautus<br />

rezultatus, obelys, augančios Babtų soduose pat<strong>ir</strong>ia N, Ca, Fe, <strong>ir</strong> Zn trūkumą <strong>ir</strong> yra linkusios<br />

kaupti P <strong>ir</strong> Ba. Obelys, augančios prie azoto trąšų gamyklos, pat<strong>ir</strong>ia N, Ca, Mn, B <strong>ir</strong> Zn trūkumą,<br />

o P, Fe <strong>ir</strong> Mo kaupia daugiau nei optimalus kiekis. Azoto trąšų poveikyje, obelys buvo linkusios<br />

kaupti sunkiuosius metalus, tokius kaip Fe, Mo, V, Ti, Pb. Tai rodo, kad dabartinė gamyklos<br />

veikla gali keisti ar pabloginti obelų, augančių šiose vietose, mitybinę būklę.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: oro tarša, obelis (Malus domestica), mitybos elementai, lapai,<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>vožemis.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Oxidative stress in the tobacco plants at hypothermia<br />

Valeriy Popov, Olga Antipina, Tamara Trunova<br />

Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya Street<br />

35, 1<strong>27</strong><strong>27</strong>6 Moscow, Russia, e-mail: trunova@ippras.ru<br />

Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) transformed with the desC gene for acyl-lipid<br />

∆9-desaturase from a thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus vulcanus were cultivated<br />

on the agarized Murashige and Skoog medium at 22 °C and 16 h photoperiod. Tobacco plants<br />

transformed with an empty binary vector pGA 482 served as the reference. The investigations<br />

showed that, in contrast to the reference plants, transgenic plants maintained a higher activity<br />

of antioxidant enzymes during 2 h incubation at 2 °C, as a result, these plants resisted more<br />

efficiently to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and reduced the rate of the lipid<br />

peroxidation. The activity of antioxidant enzymes in the transformed plants is apparently related<br />

to the operation of the introduced desC gene for acyl-lipid ∆9-desaturase because the enhanced<br />

activity of the latter enzyme increased the relative content of polyunsaturated fatty acid in<br />

membrane lipids. This way promoted the liquid state of membranes during the chilling. These<br />

changes helped to preserve the cellular homeostasis and thereby maintain the steady synthesis<br />

of antioxidant enzymes at hypothermic conditions; as a result, cold resistance of transformed<br />

tobacco plants increased.<br />

Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, transgenic plants, acyl-lipid desaturase, antioxidant<br />

enzymes, cold resistance.<br />

Introduction. Chilling of heat-loving plants is known to induce oxidative<br />

processes in the<strong>ir</strong> cells. These processes are initiated by reactive oxygen species<br />

(ROS), which arise from disturbed operation of electron transport chains in plant cells<br />

and bring about various manifestations of chilling damage (Hariadi and Parkin, 1993;<br />

Prasad et al., 1994). It is assumed that at low temperatures, the antioxidant systems of<br />

heat-loving plants fail to overcome the increasing level of ROS and peroxides arising<br />

there from; such failure is an initial stage of injury (Hariadi and Parkin, 1993).<br />

A b b r e v i a t i o n s / Sutrumpinimai: FA – fatty acid; MDA – malondialdehyde;<br />

POL – peroxidation of lipids; ROS – reactive oxygen species; SOD – superoxide<br />

dismutase.<br />

ROS content in plant cells is under stringent multilevel control of the antioxidant<br />

system comprising, in particular of, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase<br />

(Lukatkin, 2002). However, at low above-zero temperatures ROS are produced so<br />

rapidly and in such amount that the mechanisms of antioxidant protection become<br />

inefficient. The maximum of temporary ROS production is attained to the interval from<br />

15 min to 2–3 h (Merzlyak, 1989).ROS formed in the cell in the course of chilling<br />

stress activate lipid peroxidation (POL). O 2<br />

-<br />

may be a precursor of hydrogen peroxide.<br />

After it’s reduction the hydroxyl radical (OH) of high oxidative ability is produced<br />


(Merzlyak, 1989; Lukatkin, 2002) and induces a cascade of oxidation reactions<br />

leading to malondialdehyde (MDA), one of POL products (Vladim<strong>ir</strong>ov and Archakov,<br />

1972). Because MDA is formed as a result of peroxidation of polyunsaturated FA and<br />

most lipids with double bonds are components of membranes (Mazliak, 1977), the<br />

accumulation of POL products at low temperatures is thought to indicate the injury of<br />

membrane structures (Baraboi, 1991). The content of unsaturated FA in the membranes<br />

declines while the level of saturated FA remains the same; the former process elevates<br />

the viscosity of membranes and results in the oxidation of thiol groups of the membrane<br />

proteins bringing about an increase in proton permeability and a decrease in electrical<br />

field strength of membranes. These changes are accompanied by the inactivation of<br />

membrane-bound enzymes (Merzlyak, 1989), which may disturb cell metabolism and<br />

cause plant death under hypothermia (Lukatkin, 2002). Therefore, the investigation<br />

of the characteristics of ROS formation and accumulation of POL products is crucial<br />

for clarifying the mechanisms of cold resistance in heat-loving plants.<br />

It was shown earlier that in the tobacco plants with the transformed gene for acyllipid<br />

∆9-desaturase from Synechococcus vulcanus induced the formation of a double<br />

bond at ∆9 position of stearate with the production of oleic acid. The increase in the<br />

relative content of polyunsaturated FA in the membrane lipids resulted in higher cold<br />

resistance of transformed tobacco plants (Orlova et al., 2003). The processes of POL in<br />

the transgenic plants were less active than in the control plants (Popov et al., 2005).<br />

In this context, the aim of this work was to study the effect of the introduced desC<br />

gene for acyl-lipid ∆9-desaturase from Synechococcus vulcanus on the development<br />

of oxidative stress and operation of antioxidant enzymes at hypothermia in heat-loving<br />

tobacco plants.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Investigations were carried out with tobacco<br />

(Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants comprising the inserted desC gene for acyl-lipid<br />

∆9-desaturase from a thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus vulcanus under the<br />

control of the 35S promoter. The expression of this gene was conf<strong>ir</strong>med by molecular<br />

methods (Orlova et al., 2003). The tobacco plants transformed with an empty binary<br />

vector pGA 482 were used as the control. Aseptic tobacco plants were cultured on<br />

the agarized Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with ferulic acid (1 mg/l),<br />

kanamycin (25 mg/l), and claforan (250 mg/l). The plants were cultivated at 22 °C<br />

and a 16 h photoperiod. Cold treatment was conducted at 2 °C for 2 h using a climatic<br />

chamber MIR-153 (Sanyo, Japan). These chilling parameters were selected in order<br />

to ensure the maximum of ROS production attained in the period from 15 min to<br />

2–3 h (Merzlyak, 1989).<br />

Fresh plant material was homogenized in cold 0.06 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4).<br />

The homogenate was centrifuged at 12 000 g for 20 min, and the supernatant was used<br />

to determine SOD and catalase activities.<br />

Hydrogen peroxide (H 2<br />

O 2<br />

) was assayed using the method based on the production<br />

of a colored compound (a complex of titanium peroxide) (Brennan and Frenkel, 1977).<br />

The concentration of H 2<br />

O 2<br />

was expressed as nmol/g fr wt.<br />

The rate of POL processes was assessed by the accumulation of MDA, one of<br />

the products of oxidation. MDA content was determined by the color reaction with<br />

thiobarbituric acid and subsequent measurement of optical density at 532 nm using an<br />


SF-46 spectrophotometer (LOMO, Russia). MDA content was expressed as mmol/g<br />

fr wt (Zh<strong>ir</strong>ov et al., 1982).<br />

Activity of SOD (EC was determined using the method based on its<br />

ability to compete with nitro blue tetrazolium for superoxide radicals (Beauchamp and<br />

Fridovich, 1971). SOD activity was expressed as units/mg protein.<br />

Catalase (EC was assayed according to Kumur and Knowles (Kumur<br />

and Knowles, 1993). A decline in the optical density during 1 min after the addition<br />

of 10 mM H 2<br />

O 2<br />

to the enzyme extract was recorded at 240 nm. Enzyme activity was<br />

expressed as the unit of optical density per mg of protein per min. Protein was assayed<br />

according to Bradford (Bradford, 1976). All experiments were repeated six times in<br />

triplicate, and the results were analyzed statistically. The tables show the means and<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> standard errors (Dospekhov, 1977).<br />

Results. Under the cold stress, the production of hydrogen peroxide is of great<br />

importance because it can promote the formation of hydroxyl radical, another and more<br />

toxic species of reactive oxygen (Chen and Patterson, 1988). Table 1 shows that the<br />

initial content of peroxides before chilling was about the same in both treatments. The<br />

measurements made right after chilling showed that low temperature 2 °C induced<br />

a significant rise in the peroxide content in both treatments. However, in the plants<br />

transformed with the gene for acyl-lipid ∆9-desaturase, the peroxide level was much<br />

lower than in the control plants.<br />

Table 1. H 2<br />

O 2<br />

and MDA content of control and transgenic tobacco plants that<br />

were incubated at low temperatures<br />

1 lentelė. H 2<br />

O 2<br />

<strong>ir</strong> MDA kiekis kontroliniuose <strong>ir</strong> modifikuotuose tabako augaluose, kai<br />

buvo auginami žemos temperatūros sąlygomis<br />

In addition to the hydrogen peroxide assay, we determined the rate of POL assessed<br />

by the MDA content as an index of the activity of oxidation processes set by ROS<br />

and, therefore, reflects plant resistance to hypothermia. The results presented in Table<br />

1 show that chilling for 2 h of the control plants at 2 °C produced almost two-fold<br />

increase in the MDA level, suggesting the active POL processes under these conditions.<br />

In the leaves of tobacco plants transformed with the gene for acyl-lipid ∆9-desaturase,<br />

such chilling did not essentially change the MDA content.Thus, our results show that<br />

chilling the control plants at low above-zero temperature induced H 2<br />

O 2<br />

accumulation<br />

and also activated POL. At the same time, when the plants transformed with the gene<br />

for acyl-lipid ∆9-desaturase were chilled, the level of H 2<br />

O 2<br />

increased to the level much<br />

lower than in the control plants. The rates of POL in the transformed plants before<br />

and after chilling were essentially the same. It follows that the transformed tobacco<br />

plants are more resistant to the oxidative stress under low above-zero temperatures.<br />


Probably, this phenomenon is accounted for by an elevated activity of antioxidant<br />

enzymes participating in ROS elimination. A considerable increase in the contents of<br />

H 2<br />

O 2<br />

and MDA in the control tobacco plants apparently points at the lower efficiency<br />

of antioxidant system in these plants under hypothermic conditions. In order to verify<br />

this assumption, we conducted experiments, which included the determination of<br />

activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase. These enzymes play important<br />

role in plant resistance to the oxidative stress under hypothermic conditions.<br />

Table 2. SOD activity of control and transgenic tobacco plants that were incubated<br />

at low temperatures<br />

2 lentelė. SOD aktyvumas kontroliniuose <strong>ir</strong> modifikuotuose tabako augaluose, kai buvo<br />

auginami žemos temperatūros sąlygomis<br />

Table 2 shows that before chilling, the initial activity of SOD in both treatments<br />

was essentially the same. In the control plants, a sharp decrease in SOD activity was<br />

recorded 30 min after chilling as compared to the plants that were not chilled. The<br />

most considerable decrease in the activity (four-fold) was observed in the control<br />

tobacco plants 1 h after the chilling. After 2 h incubation at low temperature, the<br />

activity of SOD somewhat increased; however, it remained below the initial level<br />

(preceding the chilling treatment). In the plants transformed with the gene for acyl-lipid<br />

∆9-desaturase, a decline in SOD activity 30 min after chilling was less considerable.<br />

As compared to the control plants, SOD activity in the transformed plants remained<br />

much higher during the whole period of chilling, and after 2 h chilling, it considerably<br />

rose and even exceeded the initial level (before chilling). Thus, after 2 h chilling, the<br />

control plants that are less resistant to hypothermia showed a considerable decrease<br />

in the<strong>ir</strong> SOD activity, while in the more resistant transformed plants, the activity of<br />

this enzyme significantly increased. This evidence agrees with the already published<br />

data suggesting that in the course of chilling, the most susceptible plants manifested<br />

the greatest suppression of SOD activity (Lukatkin, 2002).In our experiments, catalase<br />

activity in the control and transformed tobacco plants was almost the same before<br />

chilling; however, in the course of chilling at 2 °C, the activity of the enzyme in these<br />

plants changed differently (Table 3). Within the f<strong>ir</strong>st hour of chilling, catalase activity<br />

somewhat rose in both treatments; however, this increase was more pronounced in the<br />

transformed plants. The continuation of chilling treatment up to 2 h resulted in a decline<br />

of catalase activity in the leaves of the control plants and induced its considerable rise<br />

in the transformed plants.<br />


Table 3. Catalase activity of control and transgenic tobacco plants that were<br />

incubated at low temperatures<br />

3 lentelė. Katalazės aktyvumas kontroliniuose <strong>ir</strong> modifikuotuose tabako augaluose, kai<br />

buvo auginami žemos temperatūros sąlygomis<br />

Discussion. One of the main antioxidant enzymes is SOD that utilizes superoxide<br />

radical with the formation of H 2<br />

O 2<br />

(Beauchamp and Fridovich, 1971). Detoxification of<br />

ROS produced under oxidative stress involves catalase, one more important antioxidant<br />

enzyme contributing to the rapid utilization of H 2<br />

O 2<br />

(Brennan and Frenkel, 1977). It<br />

was shown earlier that cold resistance of some plants closely correlates with the activity<br />

of this enzyme. For instance, after the chilling of heat-loving plants, the<strong>ir</strong> catalase<br />

activity considerably decreased, whereas in the plant species of higher cold resistance,<br />

catalase activity under chilling increased or did not change (Gianinetti et al., 1993;<br />

Okane et al., 1996).Thus, the activity of antioxidant enzymes can largely account for<br />

our experimental data concerning the level of H 2<br />

O 2<br />

and MDA under hypothermia.<br />

For instance, in the control plants 2 h chilling brought about a considerable decline<br />

in the activity of SOD and almost did not affect the activity of catalase. This led to<br />

a considerable accumulation of H 2<br />

O 2<br />

and therefore promoted the POL processes. At<br />

the same time, such chilling significantly elevated the activities of all antioxidant<br />

enzymes in the transformed plants and resulted in a moderate increase in the H 2<br />

O 2<br />

level, as compared to the control plants, and the stabilization of POL processes.The<br />

published evidence indicates that one of the major differences between cold-susceptible<br />

and cold-resistant plants is associated with the ability of resistant plants to reduce the<br />

impa<strong>ir</strong>ing effect of cold and suppress the formation of cold-induced free radicals by<br />

activating the antioxidant enzyme system (Zhang et al., 1995). Our data persuasively<br />

corroborate this hypothesis.<br />

Conclusions. Summing up our data, we conclude that in contrast to the control<br />

plants, the transgenic plants were able to maintain the activity of antioxidant enzymes<br />

on a higher level throughout the whole period of chilling, which enabled them to<br />

efficiently resist the accumulation of ROS and to decrease the rate of POL processes.<br />

One would assume that the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the transgenic plants<br />

depends on the operation of the introduced desC gene for acyl-lipid ∆9-desaturase;<br />

its activity results in an increase in the relative content of polyunsaturated FA in the<br />

membrane lipids ensuring the liquid state of membranes during chilling. In this way<br />

cellular homeostasis is preserved and the steady synthesis of antioxidant enzymes is<br />

maintained under hypothermia; as a result, cold resistance is enhanced in transformed<br />

tobacco plants.<br />


Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for<br />

Basic Research, project no. 06-04-48291.<br />

References<br />

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2. Beauchamp Ch., Fridovich I. 1971. Superoxide dismutase improved assays and<br />

an assay applicapable to acrylamide gels. Anal. Biochem., 3: <strong>27</strong>6–287.<br />

3. Bradford M. M. 1976. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of<br />

microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding.<br />

Anal. Biochem., 72: 248–254.<br />

4. Brennan T., Frenkel C., 1977. Involvement of hydrogen peroxide in the regulation<br />

of senescence in pear, Plant Physiol., 59: 411–416.<br />

5. Chen Yi-Zhu, Patterson B. D., 1988. The effect of chilling temperature on the level<br />

of superoxide dismutase, catalase and hydrogen peroxide in some plant keaves.<br />

Acta Phytophysiol. Sin., 14: 323–328.<br />

6. Dospekhov B. A. 1977. Methods for experiments. Moscow.<br />

7. Gianinetti A., Cantoni M., Lorenzoni C., Salamini F., Marocco A., 1993. Altered<br />

levels of antioxidant enzymes associated with two mutations in tomato. Physiol.<br />

Plant., 89: 157–164.<br />

8. Hariadi P., Parkin K. L. 1993. Chilling induced oxidative stress in cucumber<br />

seedling. J. Plant Physiol., 141: 733–738.<br />

9. Kumar C. N., Knowles N. 1993. Changes in lipid peroxidation and lipolytic and<br />

free-radical scavenging enzyme during aging and sprouting of potato (Solanum<br />

tuberosum L.) seed-tubers. Plant Physiol., 102: 115–124.<br />

10. Lukatkin A. S. 2002. Cold Damage to Chilling-Sensitive Plants and Oxidative<br />

Stress. Saransk.<br />

11. Mazliak P. 1977. Glyco- and phospholipids of biomembranes in higher plants.<br />

Lipids and Lipid Polymers in Higher Plants, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.<br />

12. Merzlyak M. N. 1989. Activated oxygen and oxidative processes in plant cell<br />

membranes, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki, Ser. Fiziol. Rast., 6: 5–167.<br />

13. Okane D., Gill V., Boyd P., Burdon B. 1996. Chilling, oxidative stress and<br />

antioxidant responses in arabidopsis Thaliana Callus. Planta, 198: 371–377.<br />

14. Orlova I. V., Serebriiskaya T. S., Popov V. N., Merkulova N. V., Nosov A. M.,<br />

Trunova T. I., Tsydendambaev V. D., Los D. A. 2003. Transformation of tobacco<br />

with a gene for the thermophilic acyl-lipid desaturase enhances the chilling<br />

tolerance of plants. Plant Cell Physiol., 44: 447–450.<br />


15. Popov V. N., Orlova I. V., Kipaikina N. V., Serebriiskaya T. S., Merkulova N. V.,<br />

Nosov A. M., Trunova T. I., Tsydendambaev V. D., Los D. A. 2005. The effect<br />

of tobacco plant transformation with a gene for acyl-lipid ∆9-Desaturase from<br />

Synechococcus vulcanus on plant chilling tolerance. Russ. J. Plant Physiol.,<br />

52: 664–667.<br />

16. Prasad T. K., Anderson M. D., Martin B. A., Stewart C. R. 1994. Evidence for<br />

chilling-induced oxidative stress in maize seedlings and a regulatory role for<br />

hydrogen peroxide. Plant Cell, 6: 65–74.<br />

17. Vladim<strong>ir</strong>ov Y. A., Archakov A. P. 1972. Lipid Peroxidation in biological<br />

membranes, Moscow: Nauka.<br />

18. Zhang J. X., Cui S. P., Li J. M., Wei J. K., K<strong>ir</strong>kham M. B. 1995. Protoplasmic<br />

factors, antioxidant responses, and chilling resistance in maize. Plant Physiol.<br />

Biochem., 33: 567–575.<br />

19. Zh<strong>ir</strong>ov V. K., Merzlyak M. N., Kuznetsov L. V. 1982. Lipid peroxidation in<br />

membranes from cold-resistant plants under below-zero temperature damage.<br />

Sov. Plant Physiol., 29: 1 045–1 052.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Oksidacinis stresas tabako augaluose hipotermijos sąlygomis<br />

V. Popov, O. Antipina, T. Trunova<br />

Santrauka<br />

Tabako augalai (Nicotiana tabacum L.), modifikuoti desC genu, buvo auginami agarizuotoje<br />

Murashige <strong>ir</strong> Skoog terpėje 22 °C temperatūroje <strong>ir</strong> esant 16 h fotoperiodui, o augalai, pakeisti<br />

tuščiu binariniu vektorium pGA482, buvo kaip kontrolė. Tyrimai parodė, kad modifikuoti<br />

augalai išlaikė didesnį antioksidacinių fermentų aktyvumą per 2 val. inkubaciją esant 2 °C.<br />

Todėl šie augalai efektyviau priešinosi ROS kaupimuisi <strong>ir</strong> sumažino lipidų peroksidacijos tempą.<br />

Antioksidacinių fermentų aktyvumas modifikuotuose augaluose yra aiškiai susijęs su minėto<br />

geno veikimu, kadangi šių fermentų aktyvumo padidėjimas padidino santykinį nesočiųjų riebiųjų<br />

rūgščių kiekį membranų lipiduose. Šis kelias skatino skystа membranų būklę per šaldymą. Šie<br />

pokyčiai padeda apsaugoti ląstelių homeostazę <strong>ir</strong> kartu palaiko pastoviа antioksidacinių fermentų<br />

sintezę hipotermijos sąlygomis. Todėl transformuotų augalų atsparumas šalčiui padidėja.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: acyl-lipidų desaturazė, antioksidaciniai fermentai, atsparumas<br />

šalčiui, modifikuoti augalai, Nicotiana tabacum.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Reaction of model plant Crepis capillaris to<br />

stress-inducing factors – ozone and UV-B<br />

Vida Rančelienė, Regina Vyšniauskienė<br />

Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų ežerų str. 49, Vilnius LT-08406, Lithuania<br />

E-mail: vida.ranceliene@botanika.lt<br />

Stress inducing effect of ozone and UV-B on plants is well known. However, despite the<br />

different molecular mechanisms of the<strong>ir</strong> action, both factors have common mechanisms, such<br />

as affected photosynthesis and synthesis of photosynthetic pigments, induction of oxidative<br />

burst. Action of different doses of both factors was compared on the same plant material of<br />

Crepis capillaris in experimentally changed temperature (21/14 °C, 25/16 °C) and CO 2<br />

(350<br />

and 700 ppm) conditions. The doses of UV-B were 0; 2; 4 kJm -2 and of O 3<br />

– 20; 40; 80 ppb.<br />

The most sensitive for UV-B was the leaf area, which decreased proportionally to the dose of<br />

UV-B. C. capillaris has primarily developed mechanisms of adaptation to alterations of the<br />

tested env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions. That was shown by increased activity of SOD (superoxide<br />

dismutase), relatively stable level of pigment synthesis and only slow alteration of protein content<br />

in leaves. However, the observed effects depended on temperature and CO 2<br />

conditions.<br />

Key words: Crepis capillaris, complex action, elevated CO 2<br />

, temperature, ozone,<br />

UV-B.<br />

Introduction. Rising concentrations of CO 2,<br />

tropospheric ozone (O 3<br />

) and surface<br />

level of UV radiation as a result of increasing industrial activity (IPCC, 2001; Karnosky<br />

et al., 2005; Hidema, Kumagai, 2006) alter plant performance in both natural and<br />

managed ecosystems. Enriched CO 2<br />

and O 3<br />

typically have opposing effects on plant<br />

productivity, resistance to pathogens and other physiological features, including activity<br />

of photosynthesis (Allen et al., 1997; Krupa, 2003; Ashmore, 2005; Rämö et al., 2006;<br />

Qaderi et al., 2007; Awmack et al., 2007; Plessl et al., 2007). However, joint action of<br />

those factors is investigated insufficiently and depends upon plant species, genotype,<br />

geographic location and many uncontrolled env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions (Feder, Shrier,<br />

1990; Allen et al., 1997; Krupa, 2003; Karnosky et al., 2005; Rämö et al., 2006; Koti<br />

et al., 2006; Tegelberg et al., 2008).<br />

Our many-year experience shows that model plant Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr.<br />

is sensitive enough to action of UV-B and O 3,<br />

and that effects of both env<strong>ir</strong>onmental<br />

factors depend upon plant parameters. The most sensitive parameters are fresh weight<br />

and leaf area (Rančelienė et al., 2005; 2006). The use of model plant allows escaping<br />

uncontrolled env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions and revealing affect pure effect of the interaction<br />

of investigated factors.<br />

The aim of our investigation was to analyze complex action of UV-B, CO 2<br />

and O 3<br />

on various features of model plant Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr., representing different<br />


aspects of plant response to the examined env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors: integrative trait – leaf<br />

area; protein content in leaves, expressing synthetic capacity of plant and destructive<br />

processes. On the other hand, concentration of chlorophylls and carotenoids in leaves,<br />

partially expressing photosynthetic activity of leaves; activity of superoxide dismutase<br />

in leaves, expressing alterations of the protective systems of plant.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Seeds of Crepis capillaris were harvested at the<br />

Laboratory of Cell Engineering of the Institute of Botany (Vilnius). For experiments<br />

with ozone, plants were grown for 21 days, for other experiments – 28 days in the same<br />

conditions as for seed harvesting in the growth chamber in controlled conditions. Thus<br />

conditions for preliminary preparation of plants were the same in all our experiments<br />

with 12/12 h dark cycle (21 ± 2 °C) in pots filled with soil and watered daily with tap<br />

water. In each pot five plants were grown. For illumination lamps OSRAM L36/77<br />

Flora (PAR 53 µm m -2 s -1 ) were used.<br />

During the second stage, the preliminary grown plants were transferred to the<br />

growth chambers of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture (Babtai, Kaunas district).<br />

Illumination conditions in Babtai were different from those in Vilnius: lamps SON-T<br />

Agro (PAR – 100 µm m - І s - №) were used with 16/8 h photoperiod. Experiments were<br />

conducted only after 2 days adaptation in a new regime.<br />

Irradiation with UV-B was made with UV-B lamps TL 40W/12 RS (Philips).<br />

Doses were measured with radiometer VLX-3 (Vilber-Lourmat, France) equipped with<br />

a 312 nm probe. The UV-B doses were 0; 2; 4 kJ m - І d - №. The ozone concentrations<br />

were maintained by ozone generator OSR-8 (Ozone Solutions, Inc.) 7 h a day, 5 days<br />

a week. The ozone level was determined by portable ozone sensor OMC-1108 (Ozone<br />

Solutions, Inc.) Ozone concentrations were 20, 40 and 80 ppb daily. Different CO 2<br />

regime was created with an automatic gas system in a phytotron chamber and monitored<br />

by a CO 2<br />

controller (Regin, Sweden).<br />

An integrated regime of both factors, CO 2<br />

and temperature, on the investigated<br />

plants was analyzed in two variants of treatment: at normal temperature and<br />

CO 2<br />

(and as control) conditions of CO 2<br />

concentration were 350 ppm at 21 °C –<br />

day /14 °C – night, and elevated temperature and CO 2<br />

conditions were 700 ppm CO 2<br />

at 25 °C – day /19 °C – night.<br />

All experiments were made in three replications. The position of pots was<br />

randomized. Plants were examined the next day after treatment. For comparison of<br />

different features, tested in our experiments, all results are expressed in percentage<br />

to control plants. The leaf area of three–five plants taken from different pots in each<br />

sample was measured. Leaves were scanned and analyzed with the Sigma Scan Pro.<br />

The same plants were used for determination of fresh and dry weight.<br />

Concentrations of chlorophylls and carotenoids were determined in 100 % acetone<br />

by method of Wettshtein (1957) with spectrophotometer at 662, 644 and 440.5 nm for<br />

chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids, respectively.<br />

For determination of SOD (SOD, EC 1.15. 1.1) activity and protein content in<br />

leaves, leaf material was grounded with an extraction buffer in 0.05 M Na-K phosphate<br />

buffer pH 7.8 at 4 °C. Supernatants were used as a crude extract for SOD assays by<br />

Beyer (Beyer, Fridovich, 1987) and for soluble protein determination according to<br />

Bradford (1976). Conditions are described in Rančelienė et al. (2005).<br />


Data analysis was carried out employing the package of statistical analysis tools<br />

of MS Excel 2003 (Microsoft Corporation) program. We considered treatment effects<br />

at P = 0.05 level.<br />

Results. An action of ozone and UV-B on Crepis capillaris plants is contradictory<br />

and very clearly depends upon the plant parameter used for the evaluation of effect.<br />

That peculiarity of UV-B or ozone action is revealed very clearly if both stress-inducing<br />

factors are employed to affect several distinct features of the same plants. So, according<br />

to our previous work on C. capillaris (Rančelienė et al., 2006), it was expected that the<br />

leaf area is the most sensitive parameter for evaluation of UV-B and ozone action. At<br />

the present series of investigation, it was true only for UV-B. The leaf area decreased<br />

proportionally to the UV-B dose (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1. Effects of UV-B (A) and ozone (B) on leaf area of Crepis capillaris plants<br />

depending on temperature and CO 2<br />

concentration. Conditions of plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation<br />

with UV-B or ozone (O 3<br />

) treatment: UVB and O 3<br />

– at 21/14 °C day/night and<br />

CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm; UVB + t° – at elevated temperature 25/19 °C and CO 2<br />

350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° + CO 2<br />

and O 3<br />

+ t° + CO 2<br />

– at 25/19 °C and CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm<br />

1 pav. UV-B (A) <strong>ir</strong> ozono (B) poveikis Crepis capillaris augalų lapų plotui,<br />

priklausomai nuo temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

koncentracijos. Poveikio UV-B <strong>ir</strong> ozonu (O 3<br />

) sąlygos:<br />

UVB <strong>ir</strong> O 3<br />

– temperatūra dieną/naktį 21/14 °C, CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° – 25/19 °C, CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm; UVB + t° + CO 2<br />

<strong>ir</strong><br />

O 3<br />

+ t° + CO 2<br />

– 25/19 °C <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm<br />

However, action of ozone in the normal env<strong>ir</strong>onment or in conditions of elevated<br />

temperature and CO 2<br />

on leaf area was insufficient or even slightly stimulating (Fig. 1).<br />

The reason for such discrepancy becomes clear when action of UV-B is tested in<br />

conditions of increased (25/16 °C) temperature. It was unexpected, but negative effect<br />

of UV-B was convincingly restored namely if C. capillaris was treated with UV-B<br />

in conditions of increased temperature. Concentration of CO 2<br />

did not have impact<br />

on restoration effect, because expression of observed effect was about the same,<br />

independently of elevated CO 2<br />

concentration as additional factor (Fig. 1). Slight positive<br />

effect on leaf area was observed also for ozone in conditions of elevated temperature<br />

and CO 2<br />

in treated plants env<strong>ir</strong>onment (Fig. 1).<br />

Manipulation with temperature and CO 2<br />

conditions allowed us to show negative<br />

effect of UV-B on concentrations of carotenoids and chlorophyll a and b in leaves<br />

(Fig. 2).<br />


Fig. 2. Effects of UV-B (A) and ozone (B) on content of photosynthetic pigments<br />

in leaves of Crepis capillaris depending on temperature and CO 2<br />

concentration.<br />

Conditions of plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation with UV-B or ozone (O 3<br />

) treatment: UVB and<br />

O 3<br />

– at 21/14 °C day/night and CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm; UVB + t° – at elevated temperature<br />

25/19 °C and CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm; UVB + t° + CO 2<br />

and<br />

O 3<br />

+ t° + CO 2<br />

– at 25/19 °C and CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm.<br />

2 pav. UV-B (A) <strong>ir</strong> ozono (B) poveikis fotosintezės pigmentų kiekiui Crepis capillaris<br />

augalų lapuose, priklausomai nuo temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

koncentracijos.<br />

Poveikio UV-B <strong>ir</strong> ozonu (O 3<br />

) sąlygos: UVB <strong>ir</strong> O 3<br />

– temperatūra dieną/naktį 21/14 °C,<br />

CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm; UVB + t° – 25/19 °C, CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° + CO 2<br />

<strong>ir</strong> O 3<br />

+ t° + CO 2<br />

– 25/19 °C <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm.<br />


However, clearer negative effect was observed under conditions of both modifying<br />

factors, i. e. temperature and CO 2,<br />

being elevated. Concentration of pigments in ozone<br />

treated plants altered insufficiently.<br />

Content of soluble proteins in leaves of C. capillarisafter treatment with different<br />

doses of UV-B or ozone was about the same as in leaves of the control, untreated<br />

plants (Fig. 3).<br />

Fig. 3. Effects of UV-B (A) and ozone (B) on soluble protein content<br />

in leaves of Crepis capillaris depending on temperature and CO 2<br />

concentration.<br />

Conditions of plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation with UV-B or ozone (O 3<br />

) treatment:<br />

UVB and O 3<br />

– at 21/14 °C day/night and CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° – at elevated temperature 25/19 °C and CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° + CO 2<br />

and O 3<br />

+ t° + CO 2<br />

– at 25/19 °C and CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm<br />

3 pav. UV-B (A) <strong>ir</strong> ozono (B) poveikis t<strong>ir</strong>pių baltymų kiekiui Crepis capillaris<br />

augalų lapuose, priklausomai nuo temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

koncentracijos.<br />

Poveikio UV-B <strong>ir</strong> ozonu (O 3<br />

) sąlygos: UVB <strong>ir</strong> O 3<br />

– temperatūra dieną/naktį 21/14 °C, CO 2<br />

–<br />

350 ppm; UVB + t° –25/19 °C, CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° + CO 2<br />

<strong>ir</strong> O 3<br />

+ t° + CO 2<br />

– 25/19 °C <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm.<br />

Manipulation of temperature or temperature and CO 2<br />

conditions did not alter<br />

that relation.<br />

Very appreciable effect of UV-B and especially ozone on activity of SOD in<br />

leaves was observed (Fig. 4). After treatment with ozone, activity of SOD increased<br />

about 3.5 times, and the effect was proportional to increasing concentration of ozone.<br />

UV-B treatment also increased activity of SOD in leaves but not so strongly (about<br />

1.5 times) and not so proportionally to UV-B dose.<br />

It is worth noticing that under conditions of elevated temperature and CO 2<br />

activity<br />

of SOD in leaves of UV-B treated plants was lower, but differences between doses<br />

of UV-B remained: the activity of SOD in leaves decreased proportionally to dose of<br />

UV-B. However, opposite effect for UV-B and ozone in those conditions of treatment<br />

became obvious (Fig. 4).<br />


Fig. 4. Effects of UV-B (A) and ozone (B) on superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity<br />

in leaves of Crepis capillaris depending on temperature and CO 2<br />

concentration.<br />

Conditions of plant <strong>ir</strong>radiation with UV-B or ozone (O 3<br />

)<br />

treatment: UVB and O 3<br />

– at 21/14 °C day/night and CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° – at elevated temperature 25/19 °C and CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° + CO 2<br />

and O 3<br />

+ t° + CO 2<br />

– at 25/19 °C and CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm.<br />

4 pav. UV-B (A) <strong>ir</strong> ozono (B) poveikis superoksido dismutazės (SOD)<br />

aktyvumui Crepis capillaris augalų lapuose, priklausomai nuo temperatūros <strong>ir</strong><br />

CO 2<br />

koncentracijos. Poveikio UV-B <strong>ir</strong> ozonu (O 3<br />

) sąlygos:<br />

UVB <strong>ir</strong> O 3<br />

– temperatūra dieną/naktį 21/14 °C, CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° – 25/19 °C, CO 2<br />

– 350 ppm;<br />

UVB + t° + CO 2<br />

<strong>ir</strong> O 3<br />

+ t° + CO 2<br />

– 25/19 °C <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm.<br />

Discussion. Results of the present work very convincingly show that action of<br />

UV-B and ozone noticeably depends on env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions of plant treatment.<br />

According to many investigators (Krupa, 2003; Frohnmeyer, Staiger, 2003; Kakani<br />

et al., 2003; Busotti et al., 2005; Brazaitytė et al., 2006), the most sensitive feature of<br />

UV-B and ozone action is concentration of photosynthetic pigments in leaves. In our<br />

previous works the most sensitive parameters to ozone or UV-B action were the leaf<br />

area and plant fresh weight (Rančelienė et al., 2005; 2006). During the present work,<br />

the leaf area decreased significantly only after <strong>ir</strong>radiation with UV-B, but significant<br />

negative effect was also observed on photosynthetic pigment concentration in plants<br />

treated with UV-B in env<strong>ir</strong>onment of elevated temperature and CO 2<br />

.<br />

On the other hand, this investigation conf<strong>ir</strong>ms previous conclusion that C. capillaris<br />

plants have well expressed means against UV-B and ozone action. One of such means<br />

may be significantly increasing SOD activity in the leaves of treated plants. For ozone<br />

treatment this effect was revealed independently of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions. Effects<br />

of UV-B on SOD activity depended on temperature and CO 2<br />

concentration. Under<br />

elevated conditions of temperature and CO 2<br />

, SOD activity in leaves was even slightly<br />

lower.<br />

Increasing SOD activity also conf<strong>ir</strong>ms the conclusion of many investigators that<br />

one of the main and common mechanisms of both stress-inducing factors, UV-B and<br />

ozone, is oxidative burst (Krupa, 2003; Frohnmeyer, Staiger, 2003; Rančelienė et al.,<br />

2005; Mittler, 2006).<br />


Conclusions. 1. Effects of UV-B and ozone on Crepis capillaris plants depend<br />

on plant feature, used for evaluation of the effect, and on env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions of<br />

treatment (temperature and concentration of CO 2<br />

).<br />

2. The most informative features are leaf area and activity of superoxide<br />

dismutase.<br />

3. Crepis capillaris plants have natural systems to avoid negative action of UV-B<br />

and ozone.<br />

Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the Lithuanian State Science<br />

and Studies Foundation programme “APLIKOM”. The authors gratefully acknowledge<br />

the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture for possibility to perform our experiments in<br />

growth chambers of the Institute.<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Modelinio augalo Crepis capillaris reakcija į stresą sukeliančius<br />

veiksnius – ozoną <strong>ir</strong> UV-B<br />

V. Rančelienė, R. Vyšniauskienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Stresą sukeliantis ozono <strong>ir</strong> UV-B poveikis augalams yra pripažintas reiškinys, tačiau<br />

nepaisant sk<strong>ir</strong>tingų molekulinių veikimo mechanizmų, abiem stresą sukeliantiems veiksniams<br />

būdingos <strong>ir</strong> bendros savybės: neigiamas poveikis fotosintezei, oksidacinis „sprogimas“ <strong>ir</strong> kt.<br />

Šiame darbe abiejų veiksnių poveikis išt<strong>ir</strong>tas priklausomai nuo temperatūros (21/14 °C) <strong>ir</strong><br />

(25/16 °C) <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

koncentracijos (350 <strong>ir</strong> 700 ppm). UV-B dozės buvo 0; 2; 4; kJ/m 2 , o O 3<br />

– 20;<br />

40; 80 ppb. Poveikis priklausė nuo UV-B tyrimo sąlygų <strong>ir</strong> nuo pas<strong>ir</strong>inkto tyrimams požymio.<br />

Vienas svarbiausių požymių, ypač UV-B, buvo lapų plotas. Fotosintezės pigmentų (chlorofilo<br />

a <strong>ir</strong> b, karotinoidų) koncentracija lapuose pakito priklausomai nuo poveikio UV-B sąlygų.<br />

Labai padidėjo superoksido dismutazės (SOD) aktyvumas. UV-B <strong>ir</strong> ozono poveikis pastebimai<br />

priklausė nuo temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

koncentracijos.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: Crepis capillaris, kompleksinis poveikis, ozonas, padidėjusi<br />

temperatūra, CO 2<br />

, UV-B.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Alteration of source-sink relations in the leaves of<br />

in vitro plants of two Solanum tuberosum L. genotypes<br />

under hypothermia<br />

Nina Astakhova, Alexander Deryabin, Maxim Sinkevich,<br />

Stanislav Klimov, Tamara Trunova<br />

Tim<strong>ir</strong>ayzev Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences,<br />

Botanicheskaya st. 35, Moscow, 1<strong>27</strong><strong>27</strong>6 Russia, e-mail: trunova@ippras.ru<br />

Growth, ultrastructural organization of photosynthetic apparatus and CO 2<br />

-exchange<br />

were investigated in the leaves of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants cv. ‘Des<strong>ir</strong>ee’ of wild<br />

type (control) and transformed with vector carrying yeast invertase gene under the control of<br />

tuber-specific patatin promoter B33 class I, fused with proteinase II inhibitor leader peptide to<br />

provide enzyme location in apoplast. Plants grown in vitro on the Murashige and Skoog medium<br />

supplemented with 2 % sucrose. At optimal growth temperature (22 °C), the transformed plants<br />

differed from the plants of wild type by retarded growth and a lower rate of photosynthesis<br />

as calculated per plant. Photosynthesis and leaf dry weight ratio in transformed plants was<br />

higher than in control plants. Under hypothermia (5 °C), dark resp<strong>ir</strong>ation and especially<br />

photosynthesis of transformed plants turned out to be more intense than in control plants. After<br />

a prolonged exposure to low temperature (6 days at 5 °C), in the plants of both genotypes, the<br />

ultrastructure of chloroplasts changed. Absolute areas of sections of chloroplasts increased in<br />

transformed plants. By some ultrastructural characteristics: the number of granal thylakoids (per<br />

a chloroplast section area), transformed plants turned out to be more cold resistant than control<br />

plants. The obtained results are discussed in connection with changes in source-sink relations<br />

in transformed potato plants. These changes modify the balance between photosynthesis and<br />

retarded efflux of assimilates, causing an increase in the intracellular level of sugars and a rise<br />

in the resistance to chilling.<br />

Key words: Solanum tuberosum, chilling stress, chloroplast ultrastructure, photosynthesis,<br />

resp<strong>ir</strong>ation, yeast invertase gene.<br />

Introduction. The potato plant transformed with vector carrying yeast invertase<br />

gene under the control of tuber-specific patatin promoter B33 class I, fused with<br />

proteinase II inhibitor leader peptide to provide enzyme location in apoplast is an<br />

organism with modified source-sink relations (Stitt et al., 1990). Sink ability therein<br />

is reduced because of an elevated activity of acid insoluble invertase cleaving<br />

the sucrose to monosaccharides (glucose and fructose); as a result, the efflux of<br />

assimilates from photosynthesizing tissues is suppressed, and they accumulate<br />

in the leaves (Deryabin et al., 2003; 2007). In transformed plants, the threshold<br />

concentration of sucrose necessary to initiate the formation of tubers was low<br />

(1–2 %). The process of tuberization therein was intensified when the content of<br />

sucrose in the growth medium increased up to 10 %. At the same time, in the plants<br />


of wild type, the concentration of sucrose in the growth medium optimal for the onset<br />

of tuberization was 8 %, and its further elevation sharply suppressed this process<br />

(Aksenova et al., 2000). Expression of this gene, with the apoplastic localization of the<br />

enzyme, produced larger tubers, though in lower numbers; in contrast, the transformed<br />

plants with invertase localized in the cytosol produced smaller tubers in higher numbers<br />

per plant (Sonnewald et al., 1997). Moreover, the leaves of transformed plants were<br />

notable for a high activity of all the forms of invertase (especially, of the acid form),<br />

an elevated content of sugars, were more resistant to chilling than the plants that only<br />

contained a GUS marker gene controlled by the CaMV 35S promoter. We assumed<br />

that the elevated cold resistance of transformed plants depends on a modified ratio<br />

between sugars in the mesophyll cells induced by the foreign invertase (Deryabin<br />

et al., 2003; 2005).<br />

Exposure of cold-hardy species to low, non-freezing temperatures induces genetic,<br />

morphological and physiological changes in plants, which result in the development<br />

of cold hardiness and the acquisition of freezing tolerance. The ability of plants<br />

to acqu<strong>ir</strong>e freezing tolerance from cold acclimation has been shown to involve the<br />

reprogramming of gene expression networks (Fowler, Thomashow, 2002; Kreps<br />

et al., 2002). Photosynthetic cold acclimation has been reported to be an essential<br />

component of the development of cold hardiness and freezing tolerance and requ<strong>ir</strong>es<br />

the complex interaction of low temperature, light and chloroplast redox poise (Gray<br />

et al., 1997; Wanner, Junttila, 1999). It is well established that both short- (hours to<br />

days) and long- (weeks to months) term exposure to low temperature results in similar<br />

trends for accumulation of soluble sugars, modifications of thylakoid membrane lipid<br />

composition, enhanced antioxidant and reactive oxygen species scavenging capacities<br />

and increased non-photochemical quenching (Uemura, Steponkus, 1997; Savitch et al.,<br />

2000; 2002).<br />

Acclimation may be defined as changes that occur in plant in response to chilling<br />

temperatures, which confer subsequent tolerance to the cold (Huner et al., 1993).<br />

Since the chilling tolerance of plants depends on the resistance of the<strong>ir</strong> photosynthetic<br />

apparatus (Levitt, 1980), it was important to study the effect of expression of a foreign<br />

gene that caused changes in source-sink relations on the structure of chloroplasts<br />

and on the rate of photosynthesis and dark resp<strong>ir</strong>ation in potato plants. Preservation<br />

of a high rate of photosynthesis at low positive temperatures is an important factor<br />

of cold hardening and subsequent survival of plants during overwintering (Klimov,<br />

1987). In chilling-sensitive plant species, photosynthesis is the f<strong>ir</strong>st to be suppressed.<br />

At the beginning, this suppression is reversible and becomes <strong>ir</strong>reversible after longer<br />

exposures (Klimov et al., 1999). For instance, in cucumber plants grown at 22 °C, a<br />

prolonged exposure to low temperature of 10 °C (for 5 days) in the light <strong>ir</strong>reversibly<br />

inhibited photosynthesis, whereas in more chilling-resistant tomato, the suppression<br />

of photosynthesis caused by the same exposure was reversible.<br />

It was shown (Klimov, 2004) that the accumulation of sugars and the<strong>ir</strong> distribution<br />

in the leaves and crowns of winter cereals during adaptation to cold depend on crucial<br />

changes in the<strong>ir</strong> translocation and modification in CO 2<br />

-exchange. For instance, low<br />


hardening temperatures suppressed stronger resp<strong>ir</strong>ation than photosynthesis.<br />

Depending on specific genetic features and characteristics of temperature<br />

stress, the plants during the adaptation period produce cells of specific ultrastructure<br />

(Kratsch, Wise, 2000). It was shown that, in cells of frost-resistance plants exposed to<br />

hypothermia, there was an increase in the number of cell elements, and an increase in<br />

the number of plastoglobules (Jian, 1997). This prevented intracellular ice formation<br />

and caused an increase in the plant resistance to the formation of extracellular ice.<br />

Exposure of chilling-sensitive plants to low positive temperatures induces destructive<br />

changes in the cell ultrastructure (Lukatkin, 2002). In the palisade cells of potato<br />

leaves exposed to low temperatures (5 °C for 10 days followed by a gradual fall of<br />

temperature to 0 and -2 °C), Balagurova et al. (1980) detected some ultrastructural<br />

changes of chloroplasts: thylakoids became sinuous, and starch grains disappeared.<br />

At the same time, these researchers revealed a greater tolerance of potato leaves to<br />

hypothermia as compared with plants that were not subjected to chilling.<br />

In relation to the foregoing, the aim of this work was to elucidate a possible<br />

relationship between the greater chilling tolerance of transformed potato plants and the<br />

structure and functions of the<strong>ir</strong> photosynthetic apparatus, in particular, with chloroplast<br />

ultrastructure and the CO 2<br />

-exchange.<br />

Object, methods and condition. Investigations were conducted with the plants of<br />

potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. ‘Des<strong>ir</strong>ee’) transformed with vector carrying yeast<br />

invertase gene under the control of tuber-specific patatin promoter B33 class I, fused<br />

with proteinase II inhibitor leader peptide to provide enzyme location in apoplast.<br />

Wild-type potato plants, cv. ‘Des<strong>ir</strong>ee’, were used as control material. The plants were<br />

taken from the collection of clones produced as a result of cooperation between the<br />

researchers of Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology (Golm, Germany)<br />

and Chailakhyan Laboratory of Growth and Development (Tim<strong>ir</strong>yazev Institute of<br />

Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia).<br />

The plants were micropropagated in vitro and grown in a controlled-climate<br />

chamber at the Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, at 22 °C<br />

and 16 h illumination with the luminescent lamps producing white light (illuminance<br />

of 4 klx) for 5 weeks in test-tube culture on Murashige and Skoog medium containing<br />

2 % sucrose and the vitamins (mg/l): thiamine-0.5, pyridoxine-0.5, and meso-inositol-<br />

60.0.<br />

Plant length was measured weekly. In order to study the effect of hypothermia,<br />

5-week-old plants were transferred for 6 days to a chamber with controlled temperature<br />

of 5 °C and an illuminance of 4 klx. Judging by the results obtained by other researchers,<br />

who worked with this potato cultivar (Svensson et al., 2002), the temperature regime<br />

and the duration of chilling, we employed, were optimal for the investigations of this<br />

kind.<br />

In order to investigate the ultrastructure of the mesophyll cells, the leaves<br />

from the middle part of 5-week-old plants were detached and fixed for 4 h with<br />

2.5 % glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. After four washings in the<br />

same buffer, the material was fixed with 1 % solution of OsO 4<br />

and embedded in the<br />


Epon 812 resin. Ultrathin sections of palisade parenchyma were prepared using an<br />

LKB-2 ultra microtome (LKB, Sweden) and contrasted with a saturated solution of<br />

uranyl acetate at 37 °C for 30 min followed by lead citrate at 20–22 °C for 15 min.<br />

The sections were examined with a TEMSCAN 100CX2 electron microscope (Jeol,<br />

Japan). Morphometric investigations of the cells and chloroplasts were made using a<br />

MOP-VIDEOPLAN apparatus (Reichert, Austria). For electron-microscopic<br />

examinations, the samples were taken from 5 leaves each of 4 plants of every type<br />

of treatment. Morphometric measurements were based on the examination of 70<br />

chloroplasts.<br />

CO 2<br />

-exchange of photosynthesis and dark resp<strong>ir</strong>ation was measured using an<br />

open type unit equipped with a URAS 2T infrared gas analyzer (Hartmann und Braun,<br />

Germany) and attendant devices produced by the same manufacturer according to the<br />

procedure described earlier (Klimov et al., 1999). The content of CO 2<br />

in the a<strong>ir</strong> blown<br />

through the leaf chamber was 0.0419 % by volume, and a sensitivity of the gas analyzer<br />

was 0.005 % by volume over the whole scale. A difference between the content of<br />

CO 2<br />

at the inlet and outlet of the leaf chamber did not exceed 1–2 % of the content of<br />

CO 2<br />

in the a<strong>ir</strong>. In order to measure gas exchange, by 4 test tubes, each with one plant,<br />

were accommodated in the exposure chamber placed within the working space of a<br />

Gronland climate cabinet (ILKA, Germany). The rate of a temperature fall within the<br />

climate cabinet was 1 °C min -1 , and the accuracy of its maintenance was ± 0.5 °C. Within<br />

the leaf chamber, temperature was checked using a fixed mercury thermometer. As a<br />

source of light, we used a Proton slide projector (Diaproektor, Russia) with a 300 W<br />

incandescent lamp placed outside the climate cabinet. The plants in the leaf chamber<br />

were illuminated through a special window closed as needed with a lightproof gate.<br />

Because of a heat-insulating effect of double glass in the window of the climate cabinet,<br />

the temperature in the leaf chamber both in the light and in the dark did not deviate<br />

from the des<strong>ir</strong>ed value. The light intensity on the plant level of 1 000 µmol (m 2 s) -1 was<br />

saturating for photosynthesis of the investigated objects. Gas exchange was recorded<br />

right after attaining a des<strong>ir</strong>ed temperature in the leaf chamber. In order to reduce the<br />

experimental error related to diurnal dynamics of photosynthesis, gas exchange in the<br />

plants of both types was determined within the same time interval (from 9:30 to 14:00).<br />

Duration of a single measurement (or one replicate) was 15–20 min.<br />

Gas exchange was evaluated from the rate of net CO 2<br />

assimilation determined<br />

during the light-dark transition and the rate of dark resp<strong>ir</strong>ation measured 10–15 min<br />

after turning off the light. Net assimilation of CO 2<br />

was a result of apparent assimilation<br />

and light resp<strong>ir</strong>ation evaluated from the release of CO 2<br />

during the f<strong>ir</strong>st 3–5 min after<br />

turning off the light. Table 1 shows the means of three measurements and the<strong>ir</strong> standard<br />

errors. Each measurement was taken using 4 plants with 3 replicates.<br />


Table 1. CO 2<br />

-exchange in control potato plants (C) and transformed plants (T)<br />

at temperature 22 °C and after the exposure to cold (5 °C)<br />

1 lentelė. Kontrolinių bulvių (C) <strong>ir</strong> pakeistų augalų (T) CO 2<br />

apykaita 22 °C temperatūroje<br />

po 6 dienų grūdinimo 5 °C temperatūroje.<br />

The results were treated statistically using the Student’s t test for pa<strong>ir</strong> samples,<br />

P = 0.05. Figures show the means of typical experiments comprising three replicates<br />

and the<strong>ir</strong> standard errors. Differences reliable at a 95 % level of significance are<br />

discussed.<br />

Results. The insertion of yeast invertase gene in potato plants caused retardation of<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> linear growth after 3 weeks of growth (Fig. 1). As compared with the plants of wild<br />

type, relative growth rate of transformed plants declined the<strong>ir</strong> dry weight accumulation<br />

more than twice (43 mg (g per day) -1 ) in comparison to 20 mg (g per day) -1 .<br />

Fig. 1. Relative growth rate of control potato (1)<br />

and transformed plants (2) at temperature of 22 °C<br />

1 pav. Kontrolinių bulvių (1) <strong>ir</strong> pakeistų augalų (2)<br />

santykinis augimo greitis 22 °C temperatūroje<br />


The obtained results concerning the rate of photosynthetic gas exchange in potato<br />

plants of investigated genotypes are shown in Table 1. It is apparent that the rate of<br />

photosynthesis upon light saturation calculated on a leaf dry weight basis was higher<br />

in transforming plants both at normal (22 °C) and low (5 °C) temperature. We consider<br />

that a greater rate of photosynthesis observed in the transformed plants depends on a<br />

more pronounced suppression of leaf dry weight accumulation, on which the calculation<br />

of photosynthesis was based.<br />

The photosynthetic apparatus of transforming plants was more cold-resistant.<br />

Whereas in the plants of wild type, the fall of temperature from 22 to 5 °C caused a<br />

full cessation of photosynthesis, in transformed plants, photosynthesis declined only<br />

by 86 %. The rate of dark resp<strong>ir</strong>ation was also higher in transformed plants at both<br />

temperatures. The same as photosynthesis, dark resp<strong>ir</strong>ation of transforming plants<br />

was more resistant to the lowering of temperature and declined by 64 % as compared<br />

with 70 % in control plants. However, these differences are not great and fall within<br />

the experimental error.<br />

Insertion of the gene for yeast invertase also brought about a change in the structure<br />

of chloroplasts in transforming plants (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2. Section area of chloroplasts in control potato (1)<br />

and transformed plants (2) at temperature of 22 °C and after<br />

6 days of chilling at 5 °C<br />

2 pav. Kontrolinių bulvių (1) <strong>ir</strong> pakeistų augalų (2)<br />

chloroplastų plotas 22 °C temperatūroje<br />

po 6 dienų grūdinimo 5 °C temperatūroje<br />

The area of chloroplast sections in transforming plants turned out to be by 34 %<br />

greater than in control material, which agrees with a higher rate of photosynthesis in<br />

transformed plants (calculated on a leaf dry weight basis). As a result of expression<br />

of the gene for yeast invertase, the number of grana and thylakoids in transforming<br />

plants increased by 1.5 times (Table 2). We did not find differences in the number of<br />

plastoglobules per chloroplast and the number of thylakoids per granum between the<br />

plants of investigated genotypes.<br />


Table 2. Structural organization of chloroplasts in control potato plants (C) and<br />

transformed plants (T) at temperature 22 °C and after 6 days of chilling at 5 °C<br />

2 lentelė. Kontrolinių bulvių (C) <strong>ir</strong> pakeistų augalų (T) chloroplastų struktūra 22 °C<br />

temperatūroje po 6 dienų grūdinimo 5 °C temperatūroje.<br />

Long (6 days) exposure with low temperatures (5 °C) caused differences between<br />

the genotypes in the rates of growth and photosynthesis and induced morphometric<br />

changes in the chloroplasts and the<strong>ir</strong> structural elements. In the plants of investigated<br />

genotypes, the area of chloroplast section increased; in transforming plants, it was by<br />

55 % greater than in control material (Table 2).<br />

Discussion. It is known that long-term potato plant micropropagation in vitro<br />

accelerates the processes of autoselection aiming at the selection of plants with better<br />

growth characteristics under the given conditions, in particular at heterotrophic nutrition.<br />

As a result, the selection by heterotrophy leads to a decrease in the photosynthetic<br />

activity of these plants (Tsoglin, Gabel’, 1994). The measurements taken by these<br />

researchers showed that the amount of carbon dioxide diffusing from the ambient a<strong>ir</strong><br />

through the cotton wool plug ensured only 5–6 % of photosynthetic demands of the<br />

test-tube plants, and due to nutrient media rich in organic compounds, the<strong>ir</strong> growth<br />

was predominantly heterotrophic. This suggests that photosynthesis of potato plants<br />

in vitro is largely restricted by the shortage of carbon dioxide. The researchers sentenced<br />

that the plants possessed properly formed photosynthetic machinery and, taking into<br />

consideration the low level of gas exchange between the env<strong>ir</strong>onment and the medium<br />

within the test-tube, that the main photosynthetic function of the plants comes to<br />

assimilation of CO 2<br />

released as a result of heterotrophic growth, and also that oxygen<br />

emanated by the plants contributes to heterotrophic growth (Tsoglin et al., 1991).<br />

At 22 °C, the rates of photosynthesis and dark resp<strong>ir</strong>ation the same as the ratio<br />

of photosynthesis to resp<strong>ir</strong>ation calculated on a whole plant basis in transforming<br />

plants were lower than in control material. However, at low temperature (5 °C), these<br />


characteristics in transformed plants were greater than in control material. Upon a fall<br />

of temperature from 22 to 5 °C, the ratio of photosynthesis to resp<strong>ir</strong>ation in control<br />

plants approached zero; at the same time, in transforming plants, it decreased by 60 %<br />

(Table 1). Because the value of this ratio at low temperatures is one of the important<br />

indicators of cold and frost resistance in plants (Klimov et al., 1999), these results<br />

corroborate a higher cold resistance of transforming plants as compared with the plants<br />

of wild type we revealed earlier (Deryabin et al., 2004).<br />

It should be noted that swelling of chloroplasts in the cold is one of the typical<br />

responses of the cellular ultrastructure observed not only in plants sensitive to cold<br />

(Klimov et al., 1999; Kratsch, Wise, 2000) but also in frost-resistant plants in the course<br />

of hardening (Stefanowska et al., 2002). In plants of both genotypes, long exposure to<br />

low temperatures caused a decrease in number of plastoglobules in the chloroplasts;<br />

in transforming plants, this reduction was more pronounced. Moreover, in contrast<br />

to control plants, hypothermia resulted in a decrease in the number of thylakoids in<br />

the chloroplasts.<br />

One of the symptoms of adaptation to cold on the level of chloroplast organization<br />

is a reduction in the number of granal thylakoids per chloroplast area unit (Trunova,<br />

Astakhova, 1999). By this parameter, the transformed plants also turned out to be<br />

more cold resistant than control material. Whereas in the plants of wild type, the<br />

number of granal thylakoids remained the same, in transforming plants, it decreased<br />

1.5 times. Thus, the transformed plant of potato with inserted gene for yeast invertase<br />

is a plant with modified source-sink relations (Stitt et al., 1990). Elevated activity of<br />

acid-insoluble invertase in transforming plants, we have discovered earlier, suppressed<br />

the efflux of assimilates from the photosynthesizing cells and tissues (Deryabin et al.,<br />

2003).<br />

Conclusions. Our investigations have shown that a disturbance of the balance<br />

between photosynthesis and assimilate efflux manifests itself in a decrease in the<br />

relative growth rate of the transformed plants. At the same time, they preserve the<br />

higher rate of photosynthesis in the leaf tissues under hypothermia as compared with<br />

control plants and that was accompanied by partial reduction of chloroplast structural<br />

elements.<br />

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for<br />

Basic Research, project No. 07-04-00601.<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Asimiliacinių <strong>ir</strong> sandėlinių audinių ryšio kitimas dviejuose in vitro<br />

Solanom tuberosum L. genotipų lapuose hipotermijos metu<br />

N. Astakhova, A. Deryabin, M. Sinkevich, S. Klimov, T. Trunova<br />

Santrauka<br />

Augimas, fotosintetinio aparato pertvarkymas <strong>ir</strong> CO 2<br />

kitimas buvo nagrinėtas bulvių<br />

(Solanom tuberosum L.) veislės ‘Des<strong>ir</strong>ee’ lapuose. Bandymai atlikti su laukinio tipo (kontrolė) <strong>ir</strong><br />

pakeistom bulvėm su mielių invertazės geno vektoriumi nešėju, kontroliuojamu šakniagumbiams<br />

specifiniu I klasės B33 patatino promotoriu, su proteinazės II inhibitoriaus p<strong>ir</strong>miniu peptidu,<br />

siekiant aptikti fermento vietа apoplaste.<br />

Augalai auginti in vitro Murashige <strong>ir</strong> Skoog terpėje praturtintoje 2 % sacharoze.<br />

Optimalioje augimo temperatūroje (22 °C), pakeisti augalai skyrėsi nuo laukinio tipo augalų<br />

lėtesniu augimu bei silpnesne fotosinteze. Pakeistuose augaluose fotosintezės <strong>ir</strong> sausosios<br />

masės santykis buvo didesnis nei kontroliniuose augaluose. Paaiškėjo, kad po hipotermijos<br />

poveikio (5 °C), pakeistų augalų kvėpavimas tamsoje <strong>ir</strong> ypač fotosintezė vyko intensyviau nei<br />

kontroliniuose augaluose. Po ilgesnio poveikio žema temperatūra (6 dienas 5 °C), abiejų genotipų<br />

augaluose, chloroplastų ultrastruktūra pakito. Absoliutūs chloroplastų plotai didėjo pakeistuose<br />

augaluose. Pagal kai kurias struktūrines charakteristikas, tokias kaip bendras tilakoidų skaičius<br />

(chloroplastų ploto vienete), paaiškėjo, kad pakeisti augalai buvo labiau atsparūs šalčiui, nei<br />

kontroliniai augalai. Gauti rezultatai aptariami siejant su asimiliacinių bei sandėlinių audinių<br />

kitimų santykiu pakeistuose bulvių augaluose. Šie kitimai pakeičia balansа tarp fotosintezės<br />

<strong>ir</strong> vėluojančio asimiliuotų transporto, sukeliančio viduląstelinių cukrų kiekio padidėjimą bei<br />

atsparumą šaldymui.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: chloroplastų ultrastruktūra, fotosintezė, kvėpavimas, mielių<br />

invertazės genas, Solanum tuberosum, šaldymo stresas.<br />




SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Radish response to distinct ozone exposure and to its<br />

interaction with elevated CO 2<br />

concentration and<br />

temperature<br />

Jurga Sakalauskaitė, Aušra Brazaitytė, Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė,<br />

Giedrė Samuolienė, Gintarė Šabajevienė, Sandra Sakalauskienė,<br />

Pavelas Duchovskis<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: j.sakalauskaite@lsdi.lt<br />

The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the consequences of ozone (O 3<br />

)<br />

stress and interaction of ozone with elevated carbon dioxide (CO 2<br />

) and temperature on some<br />

physiological aspects of growth and photosynthesis in radish plants. Two different experiments<br />

with 12-days-old radish plants were carried out under phytotron conditions. During the f<strong>ir</strong>st<br />

experiment, plants were exposed to 40, 80 and 160 µg m -3 O 3<br />

concentrations, ambient CO 2<br />

;<br />

day/night temperature was 21/14 °C. During the second experiment the same O 3<br />

concentrations<br />

were kept, CO 2<br />

concentration was 700 ppm; day/night temperature was 25/16 °C.<br />

The primary effect of ozone on plants was reduction in growth. Dry weight accumulation,<br />

leave area and rhizocarp diameter were reduced significantly under ozone stress. In combined<br />

treatment, elevated CO 2<br />

and temperature protected the adverse effect of O 3<br />

on radish plants.<br />

It was established the accumulation of biomass and induced development of radish rhizocarp<br />

under increased O 3<br />

concentration in the interaction with elevated CO 2<br />

and temperature.<br />

Ozone does not have significant negative impact on photosynthesis pigment synthesis.<br />

Intensified photosynthesis pigment synthesis was determined in the radish leaves, which<br />

developed under ozone exposure. Integrated impact of ozone and elevated CO 2,<br />

and temperature<br />

induced chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid synthesis in old and newly developed radish leaves.<br />

Elevated CO 2<br />

concentration and temperature caused elimination of toxic effect of O 3<br />

on<br />

radish plants.<br />

Key words: radish (Raphanus sativus L.), ozone (O 3<br />

), carbon dioxide (CO 2<br />

), temperature,<br />

biometry, photosynthesis.<br />

Introduction. Increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO 2<br />

from preindustrial<br />

levels have been accompanied by an increase in the frequency and duration of<br />

tropospheric O 3<br />

episodes. Atmospheric concentrations of both trace gases are expected<br />

to increase in the 21st century as global industrialization and emissions of CO 2<br />

and<br />

O 3<br />

precursors continue to grow (Prather et al., 2001; Prentice et al., 2001). Because<br />

increases in atmospheric CO 2<br />

and O 3<br />

concentrations have demonstrable effects on crop<br />

growth, yield, and water use, there is significant concern about the possible effects of<br />

these gases on agricultural production and practices (Fuhrer, Booker, 2003; Morgan<br />

et al., 2003; Fiscus et al., 2005; Ainsworth, Long, 2005).<br />


Tropospheric O 3<br />

has long been known to be phytotoxic and causes the greatest<br />

amount of damage on vegetation of any gaseous pollutant by reducing growth and<br />

productivity of many plant species through reductions in photosynthesis, accelerated<br />

leaf senescence and decreased root growth (Bortier et al., 2000; Rudorff et al., 2000).<br />

Atmospheric CO 2<br />

enrichment typically increases net photosynthesis, biomass, leaf<br />

area, and less consistently, yields, in a number of C 3<br />

crop species (Ainsworth, Long,<br />

2005). It is hypothesized that plants growing in elevated CO 2<br />

may be protected from<br />

O 3<br />

damage by reducing O 3<br />

uptake because elevated CO 2<br />

often reduces stomatal<br />

conductance (Mousseau, Saugier, 1992). Elevated CO 2<br />

may also provide substrates<br />

for detoxification and repa<strong>ir</strong> processes against O 3<br />

damage (Rudorff et al., 2000). How<br />

these two greenhouse gases together affect plant growth and metabolism, has been<br />

studied by some laboratories, but the results are often contradictory.<br />

Photosynthetic system of plants responds to effect of various stresses sensitively<br />

and measurements of photosynthetic pigments in plants affected by stresses can be one<br />

of the suitable methods for establishing oxidative stresses (S<strong>ir</strong>celj, Batic, 1998). The<br />

content of chlorophylls and carotenoids, the main pigments of leaf, provides valuable<br />

information about plant physiological status.<br />

The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the consequences of ozone stress<br />

and interaction of ozone with elevated CO 2<br />

and temperature on some physiological<br />

aspects of growth and photosynthesis in radish plants.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Investigations were carried out in Laboratory of<br />

plant physiology at Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture under controlled env<strong>ir</strong>onment<br />

chambers, to avoid impact of other env<strong>ir</strong>onment factors. Radish (Raphanus sativus L.<br />

cv. ‘Žara’) was used in vegetative experiments.<br />

Radish plants were sowed in peat substrate, 25–30 seeds per 5 L pot. Until<br />

germination and one week after, plants were grown in greenhouse, where temeprature<br />

was 25 ± 3 °C and the light source was natural solar radiation. Then plants were<br />

transferred to phytotron chambers with 16 h photoperiod. Light was provided by<br />

SON-T- Agro (Philips, USA) lamps.<br />

Two different experiments with 12-days-old radish plants were carried out. During<br />

the f<strong>ir</strong>st experiment, plants were exposed to 40, 80 and 160 µg m -3 O 3<br />

concentrations,<br />

ambient CO 2<br />

(~ 350 ppm); day/night temperature was 21/14 °C. During the second<br />

experiment the same O 3<br />

concentrations were kept, CO 2<br />

concentration was 700 ppm;<br />

day/night temperature was 25/16 °C.<br />

Photosynthesis pigment content and biometric measurements were performed<br />

after 7 days of each exposure. Rhizocarp diameter, height and assimilation area of five<br />

randomly chosen plants of each variant was measured. Portable leaf area meter CI-<br />

202 (CID Inc., USA) was used for assimilation area measurements. Plant tissues were<br />

oven-dried at 105 °C for 24 h to determine dry weight. Photosynthesis productivity<br />

was calculated according to the formula:<br />


where P pr<br />

– photosynthesis productivity (g m -2 day -1 ); M 2<br />

– M 1<br />

– increase of dry<br />

weight per given time period (g); L 1<br />

, L 2<br />

– leaf area at the beginning and at the end of<br />

given time period, respectively (m 2 ); T – term of period (days).<br />

Chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid content in green matter was determined in 100 %<br />

acetone extracts using spectrophotometrical Wettstein method (Гавриленко, 2003)<br />

with a Genesys 6 spectrophotometer (ThermoSpectronis, USA).<br />

All data were analyzed by ANOVA (ANOVA for MS Excel, version 3.43) and<br />

Fisher’s LSD test procedure (p ≤ 0.05).<br />

Results. Ozone had adverse impact on radish overground part growth, rhizocarp<br />

development, leaves area and dry matter accumulation (Table 1). Significant decrease<br />

in radish overground part growth, as compared with control plants, was determined at<br />

the end of exposure to 80 and 160 µg m -3 ozone concentrations. Radishes treated with<br />

higher O 3<br />

concentrations (80 <strong>ir</strong> 160 µg m -3 ) developed significantly lower leaves area<br />

as compared with control plants. Ozone inhibited the development of radish rhizocarp<br />

consequently twice as less value for rhizocarp diameter was determined under exposure<br />

to 80 and 160 µg m -3 ozone levels.<br />

Table 1. Biometric indices and photosynthesis productivity of radish under<br />

different ozone (O 3<br />

) concentrations. Significant differences from control treatment<br />

are denoted by bold numbers at p ≤ 0.05 and italic numbers at p ≤ 0.01 (mean ± SE,<br />

n = 5).<br />

1 lentelė. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos koncentracijos ozono (O 3<br />

) poveikis ridikėlių biometriniams rodikliams<br />

<strong>ir</strong> fotosintezės produktyvumui. Reikšmingi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumai nuo kontrolinių augalų pažymėti<br />

paryškintais skaičiais, kai p ≤ 0,05, <strong>ir</strong> pasv<strong>ir</strong>ais skaičiais, kai p ≤ 0,01 (vidurkis ± standartinė<br />

paklaida, n = 5).<br />

Significantly lower amount of dry matter was accumulated in radish treated<br />

with higher ozone concentrations; in the leaves, dry matter was accumulated like in<br />

control plants, but significantly lower amount of dry matter was accumulated in radish<br />

rhizocarp.<br />

Significant decrease in photosynthesis productivity was observed under all ozone<br />

levels. Control plants produced on average 1.07 mg cm -2 of dry matter per day, while<br />

plants exposed to 80 and 160 µg m -3 ozone concentrations produced only 0.57 and<br />

0.42 mg cm -2 of dry matter per day, accordingly.<br />

In combined treatment, elevated CO 2<br />

(700 ppm) and temperature (25/16 °C day/<br />

night) protected the adverse effect of O 3<br />

on radish plants (Table 2).<br />


Table 2. Biometric indices and photosynthesis productivity of radish under<br />

different ozone (O 3<br />

) concentrations, increased temperature and carbon dioxide<br />

(CO 2<br />

) concentration. T – 25/16 °C day/night; CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm. Significant<br />

differences from control treatment are denoted by bold numbers at p ≤ 0.05 and<br />

italic numbers at p ≤ 0.01 (mean ± SE, n = 5).<br />

2 lentelė. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos koncentracijos ozono (O 3<br />

) bei padidėjusios temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> anglies<br />

dioksido (CO 2<br />

) koncentracijos kompleksinis poveikis ridikėlių biometriniams rodikliams<br />

<strong>ir</strong> fotosintezės produktyvumui. T – 25/16 °C dieną/naktį; CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm. Reikšmingi<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tumai nuo kontrolinių augalų pažymėti paryškintais skaičiais, kai p ≤ 0,05 <strong>ir</strong> pasv<strong>ir</strong>ais<br />

skaičiais, kai p ≤ 0,01 (vidurkis ± standartinė paklaida, n = 5).<br />

It was determined the similar over-ground part height and leave area of all radishes.<br />

While rhizocarp diameter under higher ozone concentration was significantly greater<br />

as compared with control plants. Increased O 3<br />

concentration in the interaction with<br />

elevated CO 2<br />

and temperature induced the accumulation of dry matter, particularly in<br />

radish rhizocarp. Photosynthesis productivity of radish grown under increased O 3<br />

, CO 2<br />

concentrations and temperature was significantly greater as compared with control<br />

plants. Control radish produced on average 0.48 mg cm -2 of dry matter per day, while<br />

plants exposed to 80 and 160 µg m -3 ozone concentrations, elevated CO 2<br />

and temperature<br />

produced 0.94 and 0.77 mg cm -2 of dry matter per day, accordingly.<br />

No significant differences of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids concentration were<br />

determined in damaged leaves within any level of ozone exposure (Fig. 1). Only<br />

chlorophyll a and b ratio was significantly lower under the highest ozone concentration.<br />

Rapid regeneration of new leaves was the typical reaction of radish under ozone stress.<br />

Significant increase in photosynthesis pigment content was determined in regenerated<br />

leaves immediately after the end of exposure to ozone. Chlorophyll a and b ratio was<br />

similar in newly developed leaves of all radishes.<br />

Integrated impact of ozone and elevated CO 2,<br />

and temperature induced chlorophyll<br />

a, b and carotenoids synthesis in old and newly developed radish leaves. Significant<br />

increase in chlorophyll a and b content, as compared to control plants was determined in<br />

old leaves immediately after the end of exposure to 160 µg m -3 ozone levels. Chlorophyll<br />

a and b ratio was similar in old and newly developed radish leaves.<br />


Fig. 1. Photosynthesis pigment synthesis under different ozone (O 3<br />

) concentrations.<br />

Significant differences from control treatment are denoted by an asterisk (*) at<br />

p ≤ 0.05 (mean ± SE, n = 3).<br />

1 pav. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos koncentracijos ozono (O 3<br />

) įtaka fotosintezės pigmentų sintezei ridikėlių<br />

lapuose. Reikšmingi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumai nuo kontrolinių augalų pažymėti žvaigždute (*) p ≤ 0,05<br />

(vidurkis ± standartinė paklaida, n = 3).<br />

Fig. 2. Photosynthesis pigment synthesis under different ozone (O 3<br />

) concentrations,<br />

increased temperature and carbon dioxide (CO 2<br />

) concentration. T – 25/16 °C day/<br />

night; CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm.. Significant differences from control treatment are denoted<br />

by an asterisk (*) at p ≤ 0.05 (mean ± SE, n = 3).<br />

2 pav. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos koncentracijos ozono (O 3<br />

) bei padidėjusios temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> anglies<br />

dioksido (CO 2<br />

) koncentracijos kompleksinis poveikis fotosintezės pigmentų sintezei<br />

ridikėlių lapuose. T – 25/16 °C dieną/naktį; CO 2<br />

– 700 ppm.<br />

Reikšmingi sk<strong>ir</strong>tumai nuo kontrolinių augalų pažymėti žvaigždute (*) p ≤ 0,05<br />

(vidurkis ± standartinė paklaida, n = 3).<br />


Discussion. Ozone enters plants through leaf stomata, oxidizes plant tissues<br />

and causes alteration in biochemical and physiological processes. Long-term chronic<br />

exposure to ozone can lead to a reduction in growth and crop yield, resulting from<br />

the inhibition of photosynthesis, premature senescence, altered biomass partitioning<br />

and changes to reproductive processes (Black et al., 2000; Saitanis, Karandinos,<br />

2002). According to the results of our experiments, used ozone concentrations (80<br />

and 160 µg m -3 ) adversely affected radish growth. Ozone caused radish foliar injury at<br />

the beginning of the experiment; induced leaf desiccation, necrosis and shedding, as a<br />

result leaf area of radishes treated with higher ozone concentrations was significantly<br />

lower at the end of experiment as compared with control plants. Literature indicates<br />

that ozone accelerates leaf senescence and premature leaf loss. These processes are<br />

determined by increase of free radicals in plants cells (Farage et al., 1991; Brunshon-<br />

Harti et al., 1995). Thought the typical reaction of plants to ozone stress was the rapid<br />

regeneration of new leaves, photosynthesis assimilates were accumulated and used to<br />

repa<strong>ir</strong> processes of injured photosynthesis apparatus, instead of transporting to other<br />

plant organs.<br />

Radish rhizocarp diameter was reduced roughly by a factor 2 in comparison to<br />

control plants at the end of ozone exposure. Ozone may cause greater disruption of<br />

processes below ground than above, and these changes may occur before changes are<br />

observed above ground (Hofstra et al., 1981). Thought roots are not injured by ozone<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ectly, they are influenced through ind<strong>ir</strong>ect mechanism; distribution of photosynthesis<br />

assimilates changes under ozone exposure, later and sink activity.<br />

Ozone stress reduced the radish photosynthesis productivity. Plant productivity<br />

reduces because ozone induce stomatal conductance as a defence mechanism for<br />

further injury (Heath et al., 1994). Although decreased stomatal conductance reduces<br />

further ozone uptake and damage, CO 2<br />

fixation decline, possibly leading to increased<br />

photoresp<strong>ir</strong>ation and production of phosphoglycolate (Andersen, 2003). Photosynthesis<br />

productivity of radishes treated with ozone, decreased because of intensified plant<br />

resp<strong>ir</strong>ation and increased energy demand for repa<strong>ir</strong> processes. Besides, a part of<br />

assimilated carbon is used for the synthesis of antioxidants and other secondary<br />

compounds, which are necessary for quenching free radicals (H 2<br />

O 2<br />

, O 2<br />

H, O 2,<br />

OHį)<br />

originating from reactions of ozone with water and other solutes in the apoplasm.<br />

Many authors have shown that ozone decreased chlorophylls content in plant<br />

leaves (S<strong>ir</strong>celj, Batic, 1998; Hassan et al., 1999; Saitanis at al., 2001). However, no<br />

significant negative impact of ozone on chlorophylls and carotenoids synthesis in radish<br />

leaves was observed. Only chlorophyll a and b ratio was significantly lower in the old<br />

radish leaves under highest ozone concentration. Insignificant decline in chlorophyll a<br />

and insignificant increase in chlorophyll b in old radish leaves determined chlorophyll<br />

a and b ratio reduction. Moreover, photosynthetic pigments content in newly developed<br />

leaves have even significantly increased under ozone exposure. It shows that ozone<br />

induced synthesis of photosynthetic pigments in newly developed radish leaves.<br />

Increased CO 2<br />

concentration (700 ppm) and temperature (25/16 °C day/night)<br />

reduced adverse affect of ozone on radish growth. At the end of the experiment, radishes,<br />

treated with higher ozone concentration in consort with elevated temperature and CO 2<br />

concentration, cropped significantly larger rhizocarps, accumulated significantly greater<br />


amount of dry matter, intensified photosynthesis productivity. Photosynthesis pigment<br />

synthesis (chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid) intensified along with increasing ozone<br />

concentration. There is growing evidence that rising atmospheric CO 2<br />

concentration<br />

will reduce or prevent reductions in the growth and productivity of C 3<br />

crops attributable<br />

to ozone (O 3<br />

) pollution, but the mechanism of such an effect remain unclear. F<strong>ir</strong>stly, in<br />

many crop plants, stomatal conductance (gs) declines as atmospheric concentrations<br />

of CO 2<br />

increase. The resulting decrease in gs lowers the amount of O 3<br />

absorbed by the<br />

leaf and subsequent O 3<br />

injury. A second explanation for the protective effect of elevated<br />

CO 2<br />

against O 3<br />

injury involves increased photosynthate availability that could be used<br />

for repa<strong>ir</strong> and detoxification processes (Polle, Pell, 1999). Plants grown in elevated CO 2<br />

might also be able to increase or maintain pools of antioxidants that confer resistance to<br />

O 3<br />

injury (Polle, Pell, 1999). A th<strong>ir</strong>d proposal suggests that elevated CO 2<br />

concentrations<br />

shift the intercellular CO 2<br />

concentration (Ci) away from Rubisco-limited assimilation<br />

toward ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP)-regeneration-limited assimilation (McKee<br />

et al., 2000). This possibly lowers the suppressive effect of O 3<br />

on photosynthesis by<br />

moving the photosynthetically limiting assimilation process away from an O 3<br />

-sensitive<br />

region (Rubisco activity) to the region where photosynthetic electron transport for<br />

RuBP-regeneration limits assimilation (McKee et al., 2000). Photosynthetic electron<br />

transport processes are less inhibited by O 3<br />

compared with carboxylation activity<br />

(McKee et al., 2000; Long, Naidu, 2002; Fiscus et al., 2005).<br />

The present study revealed, that increasing concentrations of tropospheric ozone<br />

would suppress, to varying degree, the radish growth, and photosynthesis productivity.<br />

Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide along with temperature are likely to afford<br />

protection against the adverse effects of ozone on radish growth and photosynthesis<br />

due to reduced ozone uptake, increased carbon assimilation and other factors.<br />

Conclusions. In general, investigated ozone concentrations inhibited the radish<br />

overground part growth, rhizocarp development, injured photosynthesis apparatus<br />

induced leaves desiccation and shedding, diminished radish photosynthesis productivity.<br />

Ozone concentrations somewhat reduced photosynthetic pigment concentration in old<br />

radish leaves, while the synthesis of given pigments was stimulated in newly developed<br />

leaves under ozone exposure. Radishes, exposed to the same ozone concentrations but<br />

along with doubled carbon dioxide (700 ppm) and increased temperature (25/16 °C<br />

day/night), cropped significantly larger rhizocarp, accumulated greater amount of dry<br />

biomass, intensified photosynthesis productivity. Interactive effect of ozone, elevated<br />

carbon dioxide and temperature stimulated photosynthesis pigment synthesis in old<br />

and newly developed radish leaves.<br />

Acknowledgements. The work was supported by Lithuanian State Foundation<br />

of Science and Studies under project APLIKOM.<br />

Gauta 2008 04 04<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 24<br />


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. In: S. N. Singh (ed.), Trace Gas Emissions and Plants.<br />

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 155–179.<br />

20. Saitanis C. J., Riga-Karandinos A. N., Karandinos M. G., 2001. Effects of ozone on<br />

chlorophyll and quantum yield of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Chemosphere,<br />

42(8): 945–953.<br />

21. Saitanis C. J., Karandinos M. G. 2002. Effects of ozone on tobacco (Nicotiana<br />

tabacum L.) varieties. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 188: 51–58.<br />

22. S<strong>ir</strong>celj H., Batic F., 1998. Detecting oxidative stress in leaves of two chosen<br />

species with analysis of ascorbic acid and pigments by high performance liquid<br />

chromatography. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology., spec. issue. p. 261.<br />

23. Гавриленко В. Ф., Жигалова Т. В. 2003. Большой практикум по фотосинтезу.<br />

Москва.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Kompleksinis ozono <strong>ir</strong> didėjančios anglies dioksido koncentracijos<br />

bei temperatūros poveikis valgomajam ridikėliui<br />

J. Sakalauskaitė, A. Brazaitytė, A. Urbonavičiūtė, G. Samuolienė,<br />

G. Šabajevienė, S. Sakalauskienė, P. Duchovskis<br />

Santrauka<br />

Kompleksinis ozono (O 3<br />

), didėjančios anglies dioksido (CO 2<br />

) koncentracijos <strong>ir</strong><br />

kylančios temperatūros poveikio ridikėlių biometriniams rodikliams <strong>ir</strong> fotosintezės<br />

pigmentams tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės instituto,<br />

Augalų fiziologijos laboratorijos fitotroniniame komplekse. Vykdyti du sk<strong>ir</strong>tingi eksperimentai.<br />

P<strong>ir</strong>mo eksperimento metu ridikėliai veikti tokiomis ozono koncentracijomis: 40, 80 <strong>ir</strong> 160 µg m -3 ,<br />

anglies dioksido koncentracija buvo apie 350 ppm (dabartinė aplinkos), temperatūra – dieną<br />


21 °C, naktį 14 °C. Antro eksperimento metu ridikėliai veikti tokiomis pačiomis ozono<br />

koncentracijomis, tik anglies dioksido koncentracija buvo padidinta iki 700 ppm <strong>ir</strong> temperatūra<br />

pakelta iki 25/16 °C dieną/ naktį.<br />

Bandymo metu naudotos ozono koncentracijos lėtino ridikėlių antžeminės dalies augimą,<br />

šakniavaisių vystymаsi, buvo kaupiama mažiau sausųjų medžiagų, pažeidė fotosintezės aparatą,<br />

skatino lapų džiūvimą <strong>ir</strong> numetimą. Kompleksinio poveikio metu, padidėjusi anglies dioksido<br />

koncentracija <strong>ir</strong> aukštesnė temperatūra sumažino neigiamą ozono poveikį ridikėliams. Ridikėliai,<br />

augę aukštesnės ozono, anglies dioksido koncentracijos <strong>ir</strong> temperatūros aplinkoje, sukaupė iš<br />

esmės daugiau sausųjų medžiagų, formavo didesnius šakniavaisius.<br />

Ozonas neturėjo neigiamo poveikio fotosintezės pigmentų sintezei, o ozono aplinkoje<br />

susiformavę ridikėlių lapai iš esmės daugiau sintetino chlorofilo a, b <strong>ir</strong> karotinoidų. Kompleksinis<br />

ozono, anglies dioksido <strong>ir</strong> temperatūros poveikis paskatino visų fotosintezės pigmentų sintezę<br />

senuose <strong>ir</strong> naujai ozono aplinkoje susiformavusiuose lapuose.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: valgomasis ridikėlis (Raphanus sativus L.), ozonas (O 3<br />

), anglies<br />

dioksidas (CO 2<br />

), temperatūra, biometriniai rodikliai, fotosintezė.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Response reactions to the complex influence of radionuclides<br />

and heavy metals<br />

Jūratė Darginavičienė 1 , V<strong>ir</strong>gilija Gavelienė 1 , Donatas Butkus 2 ,<br />

Benedikta Lukšienė 3 , Sigita Jurkonienė 1<br />

1<br />

Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų ežerų 49, LT-08406 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

2<br />

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio 11, LT-01513 Vilnius,<br />

Lithuania<br />

3<br />

Institute of Physics, Savanorių 231, LT-01513 Vilnius, Lithuania<br />

E-mail: jurate.darginavicienė@botanika.lt<br />

The aim of the work – to evaluate peculiarities of complex influence, frequently taking<br />

place in natural env<strong>ir</strong>onment, of 90 Sr or 137 Cs with heavy metals and components of mineral<br />

nutrition on the growth of spring wheat seedlings.<br />

10 days-old green wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L., ‘Nandu’) were grown in sand<br />

and nutritional medium with additions of 90 Sr, 137 Cs and heavy metals (mixture: Co(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

,<br />

Cd 2<br />

(NO 3<br />

), ZnCl 2<br />

, CuCl 2<br />

, CrO 3<br />

, Pb(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

and Ni(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

). Obtained data show that growth of<br />

wheat seedlings shoots in nutritional medium with 90 Sr in complex with NO 3<br />

"<br />

significantly<br />

activates RNA-polymerase II (RNP-II) in the model system of isolated nuclei. The nutritional<br />

medium with 90 Sr and heavy metals (HM) at the low concentrations of radionuclide activated<br />

RNP-II, at high concentrations – inhibited. 90 Sr at high concentration (14.6 Bq ml -1 ) increased<br />

the growth inhibiting influence of HM. 137 Cs on the background of NO 3<br />

"<br />

activated the growth<br />

(lenght and weight) of wheat seedlings shoots, but on the background of HM growth activating<br />

influence of 137 Cs weakened or disappeared. The influence of 90 Sr and 137 Cs on growth, weight<br />

and activity of RNP- II in the model system of the isolated nuclei depended on the nutritional<br />

medium and changed from activation to inhibition of the processes. Inhibition was characteristic<br />

for complex influence of 90 Sr or 137 Cs with heavy metals.<br />

Key words: complex influence, heavy metals, 90 Sr, 137 Cs.<br />

Introduction. Constant control of radionuclide levels in soil, a<strong>ir</strong> and living<br />

organisms is obligatory in the world subjected to everyday anthropogenic influences.<br />

Alongside with changes evoked by radioactive radiation in plants, the quantitative<br />

changes of cell metabolism disturbing the growth, development of plants and lowering<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> productivity are highly significant. There is the opinion that nowadays rapid change<br />

of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions override adaptive potential of plants (Schudzentubel, Polle,<br />

2002). A<strong>ir</strong> and soil pollution, acid precipitation, salinity, increasing UV radiation arise<br />

in plants stress conditions and force the search for mechanisms of plant tolerance and<br />

adaptivity. In order to devise new strategies for improved tolerance, it is important<br />

to understand the basic principles as to how pollutants are taken up and act at the<br />

cellular and tissue levels. The main literature data is concentrated on the investigations<br />

of radionuclides uptake to the plant and changes in gene expression influenced by<br />


adioactive contamination of soil (White, Broadley, 2000). Model experiments with<br />

radionuclides are obscure. More information is available concerning mechanisms<br />

of action of heavy metals (Suzuki et al., 2002) but not the<strong>ir</strong> complex action with<br />

radionuclides.<br />

The aim of presented work was to evaluate peculiarities of complex influence of<br />

90<br />

Sr and 137 Cs with heavy metals and components of mineral nutrition on the growth<br />

of spring wheat seedlings.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Test object – 10-days-old spring wheat seedlings<br />

(Triticum aestivum L., ‘Nandu’) grown under permanent light, in sand. Radionuclides,<br />

heavy metals and nutritional medium were added to calcined sand.<br />

Nutritional medium (mg l -1 ): CuSO 4<br />

· 5H 2<br />

O – 0.125; MgCl 2<br />

– 125; CaCl 2<br />

– 112.5;<br />

KCl – 125; MnSO 4<br />

– 0.125; FeCl 2<br />

– 12.5; NH 4<br />

Cl – 4.25; NaH 2<br />

PO 4<br />

· H 2<br />

O – 45.<br />

The solution of heavy metals (HM/SM) was prepared from salts: Co(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

· 6H 2<br />

O;<br />

Cd 2<br />

(NO 3<br />

) · 4H 2<br />

O; ZnCl 2<br />

; CuCl 2<br />

· 2H 2<br />

O; CrO 3<br />

; Pb(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

and Ni(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

· 6H 2<br />

O.<br />

Concentration of heavy metals was determined using the Atomic Absorbtion Flame<br />

spectrophotometer (Hitachi, Model 150-70) with error of 1 % (Lukšienė et al.,<br />

2002).<br />

So cold “nitrate control” was used in the experiments. This means that additional<br />

quantity of NaNO 3<br />

, which corresponded the quantity of heavy metals in the form<br />

of salts, was added to control variants. 90 Sr and 137 Cs used activities were prepared<br />

from solutions: 1.46 · 10 2 , 14.6 · 10 2 , 146 · 10 2 and 1.48 · 10 2 , 14.8 · 10 2 , 148 · 10 2 Bq l -1<br />

respectively. Growth was measured on 100 seedlings: length and weight of seedling<br />

was determined. Nuclei from wheat seedlings were isolated with modifications to<br />

wheat (Merkys, 1988). The system of isolated nuclei for the provocation of activity<br />

of RNA-polymerase II (RNP-II) contained Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, triphosphates UTP, GTP,<br />

CTP and 14 C-ATP (0.1 mM; 3.1 MBq g -1 , Hartmann Analytic). The work of enzyme<br />

was stopped after 40 min. incubation at +37°C by cold trichloroacetic acid. Pellets were<br />

gathered and cleaned on membrane filters (2.5 Ø, Pragopor) by trichloroacetic acid<br />

and ethanol. Radioactivity was checked by scintilliation counter LS 1801 (Beckman,<br />

USA). Specificity of mark incorporation was tested by į-amanythine. Summary protein<br />

was determined according to Bradford (1976).<br />

Tables and figures show arithmetical values of 2–3 experiments with no less<br />

3–4 replications in each and the<strong>ir</strong> standard deviations. Differences reliable at P ≥ 0.95<br />

are discussed.<br />

Results. Significance of nitrate level for growth and RNP-<br />

I I a c t i v i t y. Experiments with wheat seedlings grown on nutritional medium with<br />

-<br />

different concentrations of NO 3<br />

within the range of 5–100 mg 100 ml -1 revealed that<br />

growth of shoots of seedlings and the<strong>ir</strong> weight increase proportionally to concentration<br />

-<br />

of NO 3<br />

(Fig. 1, A).<br />


Fig. 1. Influence of NO 3<br />

į on growth and RNP-II activity<br />

of wheat seedling shoots.<br />

A – Growth changes: white columns – length of shoot,<br />

dark columns – weight of shoot in percents from control<br />

(100 % = correspondingly – 6.1 cm and 2.5 g 100 units -1 ).<br />

B – Changes of RNP-II activity. 1 – Controls; 2 – 5; 3 – 20;<br />

4 – 100 mg NO 3<br />

į100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O.<br />

1 pav. NO 3<br />

į įtaka kviečių daigų augimui <strong>ir</strong> RNP-II aktyvumui.<br />

A – augimo pokyčiai: balti stulpeliai – antžeminės dalies ilgis,<br />

tamsūs – antžeminės dalies svoriai, iрreikрti procentais nuo kontrolės<br />

(100 % = atitinkamai – 6,1 cm <strong>ir</strong> 2,5 g 100 vienetų -1 ).<br />

B – RNP-II aktyvumo pokyčiai. 1 – kontrolė, 2 – 5; 3 – 20;<br />

4 – 100 mg NO 3<br />

į 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O.<br />

So the highest used dose of NO 3<br />

į promoted more than 200 % increase in length<br />

and weight of seedling shoots. The same tendency we saw in the changes of RNP-<br />

II activity. Nuclei from the cells of shoots grown in medium with 100 mg 100 ml -1<br />

NO 3<br />

į exhibited RNP-II activity more than nine times higher than the control without<br />

NO 3<br />

į (Fig. 1, B). So, these data show some significant moments: f<strong>ir</strong>st of them – the<br />

growth (changes of length and weight) of shoots reflects the changes undergoing in<br />

nuclei (changes in activity of RNP-II). Second moment is methodical – if the nitrate<br />

salts of heavy metals are used, experiment variants obligatory must contain “nitrate<br />

control”.<br />

Impact of complex treatment by 90 Sr or 137 Cs and HM on growth and RNP-II<br />

activity of spring wheat seedling shoots. The influence of 90 Sr on growth and RNP-II<br />

activity in model systems of isolated nuclei was evaluated on the different background<br />

of NO 3<br />

į and HM. The obtained data have shown that 90 Sr impact in complex with NO 3<br />

į<br />

and in complex with HM is different (Table 1).<br />


Table 1. Impact of 90 Sr on length and weight of wheat seedling shoots<br />

1 lentelė. 90 Sr poveikis kviečių daigų antžeminės dalies ilgiui <strong>ir</strong> svoriui<br />

NO 3<br />

į10 and 15 mg 100 ml -1 with different concentrations of 90 Sr induced slight<br />

inhibition of growth parameters, but HM at 10 and 15 mg 100 ml -1 concentrations<br />

inhibited the growth of shoots up to 51 and 62 % correspondingly. All concentrations<br />

of 90 Sr (1.46 – 146 Bq 100 ml -1 ) on the background of NO 3<br />

į (10 mg 100 ml -1 ) activated<br />

RNP-II in the model system of isolated nuclei Fig. 2, A). Simultaneously the activity<br />

of RNP-II in nuclei of seedlings under the influence of 90 Sr changed in dependence of<br />

the concentration of radionuclide (Fig. 2, B) and from activation (at 1.46 Bq 100 ml -1 )<br />

shifted to inhibition (146 Bq 100 ml -1 ).<br />

Fig. 2. Impact of 90 Sr on the activity of RNP-II of wheat seedlings shoots.<br />

A – Control and all variants contain NO 3<br />

į (10 mg 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O).<br />

B – Control and all variants contain HM (10 mg 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O).<br />

1 – Controls; 2 – 90 Sr 1.46 Bq 100 ml -1 ; 3 – 90 Sr 14.6 Bq 100 ml -1 ;<br />

4 – 90 Sr 146 Bq 100 ml -1 .<br />

2 pav. 90 Sr poveikis kviečių daigų antžeminės dalies RNP-II aktyvumui.<br />

A – kontrolėje <strong>ir</strong> visuose variantuose po 10 mg 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O NO 3<br />

į<br />

B – kontrolėje <strong>ir</strong> visuose variantuose po 10 mg 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O sunkiųjų metalų.<br />

1 – kontrolė, 2 – 90 Sr 1,46 Bq 100 ml -1 ; 3 – 90 Sr 14,6 Bq 100 ml -1 ;<br />

4 – 90 Sr 146 Bq 100 ml -1 .<br />

137<br />

Cs on the background of 10 mg 100 ml -1 NO 3<br />

į increased the growth parameters<br />

of shoots (Table 2). At both used concentrations 1.48 Bq 100 ml -1 and 148 Bq 100 ml -1 137 Cs<br />

approximately twice increased the length and weight of shoots. This comparison was<br />


made between “nitrate control” and variants enriched by 137 Cs. Control and experimental<br />

variants were supplied with equal concentration of NO 3<br />

į, so the supposition could<br />

be done that growth activation were induced exactly by 137 Cs. Nevertheless in the<br />

case of HM presence in the medium, the shoot become slightly (10 %) shorter, but<br />

its weight slightly (up to 15 %) increased. 137 Cs in the complex with HM also arose<br />

growth activation, but it was not as great as in complex with NO 3<br />

į. The enlargement<br />

in weight was 15"23 % in dependence of 137 Cs doses.<br />

Table 2. The impact of 137 Cs on length and weight of wheat seedling shoots. NO 3<br />

į<br />

and HM both (10 mg 100 ml -1 ).<br />

2 lentelė. 137 Cs poveikis kviečių daigų antžeminės dalies ilgiui <strong>ir</strong> svoriui. NO 3<br />

į <strong>ir</strong> SM,<br />

10 mg 100 ml -1 .<br />

The analysis of activity of RNP-II of nuclei isolated from cells of shoots grown<br />

in medium with 10 mg 100 ml -1 NO 3<br />

į have shown 137 Cs induced enlargement by more<br />

than 20 % (Fig. 3, A). 137 Cs on the background of HM significantly, more than twice,<br />

inhibited the plant growth (Fig. 3, B). So, HM additions induced the different changes<br />

of 137 Cs than the ones occurring on the background of NO 3-<br />

.<br />

Fig. 3. Impact of 137 Cs on the activity of RNP-II of wheat seedling shoots.<br />

A – Control and all variants contain NO 3<br />

į (10 mg 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O).<br />

B – Control and all variants contain HM (10 mg 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O). 1 – Controls;<br />

2 – 137 Cs 1.48 Bq 100 ml -1 ; 3 – 137 Cs 148 Bq 100 ml -1 .<br />

3 pav. 137 Cs poveikis kviečių daigų antžeminės dalies RNP-II aktyvumui.<br />

A – kontrolėje <strong>ir</strong> visuose variantuose po 10 mg 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O NO 3<br />

į.<br />

B – kontrolėje <strong>ir</strong> visuose variantuose po 10 mg 100 ml -1 H 2<br />

O sunkiųjų metalų.<br />

1 – kontrolė; 2 – 137 Cs 1,48 Bq 100 ml -1 ; 3 – 137 Cs 148 Bq 100 ml -1 .<br />


These data conf<strong>ir</strong>m that changes in RNP-II activity depend on NO 3<br />

į content.<br />

HM plus 137 Cs severely inhibited RNP-II activity which resulted in further growth<br />

inhibition, but influence of 137 Cs in the nuclei was more intensive compared with the<br />

plant growth.<br />

Discussion. Contamination of soils and water with radionuclides and heavy<br />

metals creates major env<strong>ir</strong>onmental problems, leading to considerable losses in<br />

plant productivity and hazardous human health effects. The harmful influence of<br />

radionuclides, especially of long life 90 Sr and 137 Cs, for human and plants is well known.<br />

The same could be said about heavy metals. Exposure to toxic metals can intensify in<br />

plant the production of reactive oxygen species, which are continuously produced in<br />

both unstressed and stressed plant cells (Gratao et al., 2005). Some of reactive oxygen<br />

species are highly toxic.<br />

On the other hand the contaminating materials are frequently not solitary and<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> complex influence on plant growth is very significant. For this reason, we tried to<br />

study the effects of heavy metals mixture on the impact of radionuclides contaminating<br />

the soil on plant growth. The work was performed with spring wheat seedling shoots.<br />

Roots were not investigated because they were in d<strong>ir</strong>ect contact with contaminating<br />

elements and there were difficulties with selection of only adsorbed to root surfaces<br />

cationes and the ones d<strong>ir</strong>ectly participating in root metabolism.<br />

Plant cells contain 5"50 mM nitrates in the<strong>ir</strong> cytosol and vacuole (Pouliguin<br />

et al., 1991). Nitrates are obligatory for growth of plants (Ramage, Williams, 2002)<br />

and response reactions of plants to nitrates are connected with the work of systems<br />

in nuclei and phytohormones (Forde, 2002). For this reason the obligatory “nitrate<br />

conrol” in our work was used.<br />

The obtained data revealed differences in plant response reactions to 90 Sr and 137 Cs<br />

in complex with the mixture of heavy metals or without them. The influence of 90 Sr<br />

was in most cases inhibitory, but the action of 137 Cs was more complicated. Cs belongs<br />

to the group of elements similar to potassium. When external to plant concentration<br />

of 137 Cs is lower than 200 µm it could be nontoxic for plants (White, Broadley, 2000),<br />

but this is mostly determined by other ions present in plant growth substrates. In our<br />

experiment we used different ions such as K + , NH 4<br />

, Na + , Mg 2+ which can influence<br />

the uptake of caesium to plant. For this reason special question was – what is the<br />

influence of used heavy metals for uptake of radionuclides under conditions of our<br />

experiments. The obtained data showed that neither addition of heavy metals nor<br />

altering of concentration of nitrate ions do not leaded to changes of accumulation or<br />

distribution of 137 Cs in spring wheat seedlings (Butkus et al., in press).<br />

So the changes in radionuclides action were induced as a result of complex<br />

processes in plant body and affected by heavy metals. On the level of nuclei the changes<br />

initiated by 137 Cs on the background of different nitrate content differ from the ones<br />

induced by 137 Cs in complex with heavy metals. In the f<strong>ir</strong>st case the activation of RNP-II<br />

and consequently growth of seedling takes place, in the second case – approximately<br />

double inhibition of RNP-II activity.<br />


Conclusions. 1. Growth of wheat seedlings shoots in nutritional medium with<br />

90<br />

Sr in complex with NO 3<br />

"<br />

significantly activates RNP-II in the model system of<br />

isolated nuclei. The nutritional medium with 90 Sr and HM at the low concentrations<br />

of radionuclide activated RNP-II, at high concentrations – inhibited. 90 Sr at high<br />

concentration (14.6 Bq ml -1 ) increase the growth inhibiting influence of HM.<br />

2. 137 Cs on the background of NO 3<br />

"<br />

activate the growth (lenght and weight) of<br />

wheat seedlings shoots. On the background of HM growth activating influence of<br />

137<br />

Cs weakens or disappears.<br />

3. Activity of RNP-II under the influence of 137 Cs on the background of NO 3<br />

"<br />

increases, but on the background of HM inhibition (50%) is exhibited.<br />

4. Impact of radionuclides 90 Sr and 137 Cs on the growth and activity of RNP-II<br />

depends from composition of nutritional medium and changes from activation to clear<br />

inhibition. The last is exhibited as complex influence of 90 Sr or 137 Cs and HM.<br />

Acknowledgements. The work was supported by Lithuanian State Science<br />

and Studies Foundation. The help of assistant Liudmila Chramova is gratefully<br />

acknowledged.<br />

References<br />

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2. Butkus D., Lukšienė B., Darginavičienė J., Maksimov G., Konstantinova M.,<br />

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wheat. Nucleonica. Spaudoje.<br />

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surroundings on the distribution of 239, 240 Pu in soil at the Baltic seaside. Ekologija,<br />

4: 34–38.<br />

6. Merkys A. J., Darginavičienė J. V., Žemėnas J. A. 1988. IAA complexes in<br />

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Physiology and Biochemistry of Auxins in Plants. Praha, Chechoslovakia, 175–<br />

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7. Pouliquin P., Grouzis J. P., Gibrat R. 1999. Electrophysiological study with oxonol<br />

VI of passive NO 3<br />

-<br />

transport by isolated plant root plasma membrane. Biophysical<br />

Journal, 76: 360–373.<br />

8. Ramage C. M., Williams R. R. 2002. Mineral nutrition and plant morphogenesis.<br />

In vivo Cell Developmental Biology-Plant, 38: 116–124.<br />


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oxidative stress and protection by mycorrhization. Journal of Experimental<br />

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10. Suzuki N., Yamaguchi Y., Koizumi N., H<strong>ir</strong>oshi S. 2002. Functional characterization<br />

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32: 165–173.<br />

11. White P. J., Broadley M. R. 2000. Mechanism of caesium uptake by plants. New<br />

Phytologist. Review, 147: 241–256.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Atsako reakcijos į kompleksinį radionuklidų <strong>ir</strong> sunkiųjų metalų<br />

poveikį<br />

J. Darginavičienė, V. Gavelienė, D. Butkus, B. Lukšienė, S. Jurkonienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Darbo tikslas – įvertinti 90 Sr ar 137 Cs kompleksinio poveikio su mineralinės mitybos<br />

elementais <strong>ir</strong> sunkiaisiais metalais ypatybes vasarinių kviečių augimui.<br />

10 parų žali kviečių (Triticum aestivum L. ‘Nandu’) daigai buvo auginami smėlyje<br />

mitybinėje terpėje keičiant azoto kiekį, su radionuklidų 90 Sr ar 137 Cs <strong>ir</strong> sunkiųjų metalų priedais<br />

mišinyje: Co(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

, Cd(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

, ZnCl 2<br />

, CuCl 2<br />

, CrO 3<br />

, Pb(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

<strong>ir</strong> Ni(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

.<br />

Pagal gautuosius rezultatus kviečių daigų augimas <strong>ir</strong> RNR-polimerazės II aktyvumas<br />

izoliuotų branduolių sistemoje priklauso nuo mitybinės terpės sudėties <strong>ir</strong> gali kisti nuo<br />

aktyvacijos iki inhibicijos. Pastaroji yra būdinga 90 Sr arba 137 Cs kompleksiniam poveikiui su<br />

sunkiaisiais metalais.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: kompleksinis poveikis, sunkieji metalai, 90 Sr, 137 Cs.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Investigation of water regime and drought resistance<br />

of various kinds of plants applying phytomonitoring<br />

methods<br />

Oleg Ilnitsky, Ivan Paliy, Tatiana Bystrova, Sergey Radchenko,<br />

Nikolay Radchenko<br />

Nikita Botanical garden, st. Yalta, Ukraine, e-mail: ilnitsky@yalta.crimea.ua<br />

Agrophysics SRI, st. St.-Petersbur, Russia, e-mail: radchenko@peterlink.ru<br />

There were carried out investigations of optical features of leaves in the near infra-red<br />

radiation (970 nm) of plant intact organs of the number of agricultural and decorative species with<br />

the water regime changes. The laser photometer “Perfot-93” and micrometer type “Turgomer-1”<br />

served as the instrument of the study. The investigations were carried out with different plant<br />

species and in different regions (Krasnodarsky region, Leningrad district-Russia, Southern Coast<br />

of Crimea-Ukraine). The high correlation dependence (0.97–0.98) of optical parameters of leaves<br />

on the<strong>ir</strong> thickness was determined. The differences in sensitivity of the optical characteristics<br />

to the changes of water regime, connected with eco-physiological peculiarities of plants were<br />

noticed. There exists a principle opportunity to use the methods of parallel control of optical<br />

characteristics of leaves in the near infra-red radiation and water status of plants as an instrument<br />

for investigation of ecological-physiological character and as an element of precise agriculture<br />

technology for the control of water regime in sowings.<br />

Key words: water regime, drought resistance of plants, optical properties, thickness of<br />

a leaf.<br />

Introduction. Researches of optical properties of plant leaves in a visible part of<br />

spetrum are connected usually with a condition of pigmentary system and structure<br />

of leaves (Brandt, Tageeva, 1967; Penuelas et al., 1993; Penuelas et al., 1997; Surin<br />

et al., 1997; Radchenko et al., 1998; Dallon, 2005). The studying of the water status<br />

of plants was operated more often in a range of lengths of waves more than 1 000<br />

nanometers. For definition of water stress of plants by the analysis of measurements<br />

of reflection on several key lengths of the waves called “strips of water” were used<br />

Interference and laser spectrometers. The most known “strips of water” are 1400 and<br />

1900 nanometers. It is shown that reflection on these lengths of waves corresponds to<br />

the maintenance of water in fabrics of plants (Penuelas et al., 1993; Penuelas et al.,<br />

1997). However, these spectrometers are rather expensive. Besides, it is difficult to<br />

measure water stress on these lengths of waves on distance because of a high level of<br />

absorption by fume of water of a terrestrial atmosphere.<br />

Today there are some inexpensive spectrometers on silicon diodes, suitable for<br />

exact measurements of lengths of waves up to 1 000 nanometers, including remote<br />

measurements. The strip of 970 nanometers historically was considered too small for<br />


exact measurement of water stress, however it has been shown (Penuelas et al., 1997),<br />

that it can be used for indication of water stress of the close crops where the index of<br />

a leave surface varies not too much.<br />

The purpose of the present work was the research of opportunities to use the<br />

characteristics of reflection and absorption of intact leaves of plants for an estimation<br />

of the water status and drought resistance of various kinds of plants by means of laser<br />

spectrophotometer with simultaneous registration of leaf plate thickness.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. We studied a water mode and drought resistance<br />

of various kinds of plants by measurement of leaves optical properties (Lisker, 1998)<br />

with laser spectrophotometer “Perfot-93” (the working of Leningrad optic-mechanical<br />

association, Russia) and measurements of the<strong>ir</strong> thickness with device “Turgoromer-1”<br />

(Kuchn<strong>ir</strong>enko, 1975). “Perfot-93” allows registering simultaneously values of<br />

integrated factors of radiation reflection, absorption and passage and it was used for<br />

discrete measurements. Changes of leaves optical characteristics were compared with<br />

condition of water mode intact plants – increase of water deficiency, reaction on having<br />

watered. The thickness of leaves in all experiments was used as a characteristic of<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> level of water concentration.<br />

As objects of researches, there were used various kinds of cultural plants, both the<br />

ones, which are grown up in conditions of vegetative experiment (Table 1, 2) and the<br />

decorative and fruit plants growing in field conditions (Tables 3, 4, 5). Measurements<br />

were carried out in triple frequency in the morning (at 6–7 o’clock) and in the middle<br />

of day (at 13–14 o’clock) synchronously on not separated leaves of the plants grown<br />

in identical conditions. In the morning leaves have the greatest turgor (for a night it<br />

is restored), and in the middle of day at the maximal intensity of external conditions<br />

it was minimal.<br />

For development of universal methods the researches were conducted on various<br />

kinds of plants and in different regions (Krasnodar territory and Leningrad region –<br />

Russia, Southern coast Crimea-Ukraine).<br />

The climatic conditions in these regions are various: the southern coast of Crimea –<br />

dry subtropics, Krasnodar territory – southern black-earth Russia, St.-Petersburg and<br />

Leningrad region – northwestern part of Russia.<br />

In practice the procedure of measurement of optical parameters of a leaf consists<br />

in registration of the falling, reflected and passing radiation, and the absorption factor<br />

is calculated according to the formula:<br />

A = 100 - (T + R), (1)<br />

where А – absorption (factor of absorption, %);<br />

T – passing, %;<br />

R – reflection, %.<br />

It is known, that this formula (1) is applicable in a visible part of spectrum (Leman,<br />

1961), but in near infra-red area of spectrum this formula is not used. We had been<br />

offered the formula (2), which allows identifying results of an <strong>ir</strong>radiation of a leaf<br />

from various surfaces.<br />

A’ = A / (A + T), (2)<br />

The term “specific absorption”, is a quotient from division of average value of<br />

absorption into average value of thickness of a leaf and characterizes an inclination<br />


of corresponding lines of trends of A. This dependence simply becomes:<br />

A = C + Kd, (3)<br />

where C – a constant, d – thickness of a leaf, K = A / d – specific absorption.<br />

The factor K in essence is a certain characteristic of sensitivity for leaves of<br />

the given cultures with dimension of % of absorption / % of the change of leaf<br />

thickness.<br />

Mathematical data processing was made applying various methods of statistical<br />

analysis (program STATISTICA).<br />

Results. The results of laser testing of the plants water status together with<br />

monitoring of leaf thickness showed high correlation of these two characteristics and<br />

high enough sensitivity surpassing the known one on literary facts. Some results of<br />

experiments in conditions of vegetative experience are shown in Table 1.<br />

Table 1. Ranges and sensitivity of leaf near infrared radiation reflection change,<br />

when changing plant water status*<br />

1 lentelė. Lapų infraraudononosios spinduliuotės atspindžio pokyčio diapazonas <strong>ir</strong><br />

jautrumas, keičiantis vandens režimui augaluose*<br />

The range of changes of the characteristic of reflection DR for the wheat cultivar<br />

‘Saratovskaya-29’ made 4% on average background R = 39.5 %, i. e. depending on the<br />

condition of water regime reflection change ≈ 10 %, for the cultivar ‘Leningradka’ –<br />

accordingly DR = 3.2 % and 8 %. The average changes of thickness of leaves during<br />

experiment between waterings made for ‘Saratov’ 18 %, for ‘Leningradka’ – 25 %.<br />

Various cultures differently reacted to change of reflection in reply to changes<br />

of water concentration (changes of leaf thickness, %) and various ranges of lifetime<br />

changes of reflection. It depends on ecologic-physiological properties of plants, and<br />

obviously can serve as the<strong>ir</strong> certain ecological characteristic.<br />


It is interesting to note, that according to the degree of drought resistance<br />

decrease experimental plants settle down in a following number: Rose > ‘Saratovskaya-<br />

29’ > ‘Leningradka’ > Tomato.<br />

Table 2. The estimated factors of absorption A’ = A / (A + T) and of leaf near<br />

infrared radiation absorption sensitivity change, when changing of plant water<br />

status*<br />

2 lentelė. Absorbcijos A’ = A / (A + T) faktoriaus įvertinimas <strong>ir</strong> lapų infraraudonosios<br />

radiacijos absorbcijos jautrumo kitimas, keičiantis vandens režimui augaluose*<br />

In Table 2 values of specific absorption of tomato and rose leaf near infrared<br />

radiations are shown. They differ essentially, that testifies the distinction in features<br />

of the<strong>ir</strong> water regime.<br />

As our researches have shown, the maximal thickness of leaves is observed in<br />

the morning (at 6–7 o’clock), and minimal – at 14–15 o’clock. Distinctions of these<br />

parameters are explained with features of water mode of various kinds and sorts of<br />

plants and can serve as the<strong>ir</strong> ecological characteristic (Radchenko, et. al., 1998).<br />

By analogy to existing in the scientific literature ten-mark estimations of drought<br />

resistance (Eremeyev, 1964) we have tried to estimate some kinds our offered method.<br />

In Table 3 the results of such measurements for 22 kinds of plants are presented.<br />

Researches were made in Nikita botanical garden (Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta).<br />

Table 3. Interrelation between drought resistance of various kinds of plants and<br />

change of leaf thickness *<br />

3 lentelė. Įva<strong>ir</strong>ių augalų rūšių atsparumo sausrai santykis su lapų storiu *<br />


Table 3 continued<br />

3 lentelės tęsinys<br />

From Table 3 it is seen, that investigated kinds settle down in a number of<br />

ecological groups, on a degree of drought resistance and have received good enough<br />

concurrence (R 2 = 0.92) with results known earlier for the given kinds (Eremeyev,<br />

1964). We carried out similar investigations on southern coast of the Crimea in the<br />

park of settlement Katseveli.<br />

In Table 4 the results of investigations defying the factors of absorption and<br />

sensitivity of leaf near infrared radiation absorption change for various kinds of<br />

plants are shown. A number of sensitivity and, hence, drought resistances, looks as<br />

follows:<br />

Laurus nobilis ← Rubus occidentalis ← Olea europea ← Pistasea mutica ←<br />

Lonicra Caprifolium ← Prunus divaricata ← Rosa ← Malus domestika ← Lonicera<br />

Caprifolum<br />

Apparently from the analysis of results (Table 4) drought resistance of investigated<br />

various species of plants shows following results: the highest drought resistance<br />

evergreen species xerophyte and on half xerophyte have the highest resistance,<br />

mezophyte have lower one.<br />

Less resistable species - Malus domestica ← Rose ← Malus domestica ← Lonicera<br />

Caprifolium.<br />

To conf<strong>ir</strong>m efficiency of the offered methods similar researches have been<br />

made in various regions of Russia (Krasnodar territory, St.-Petersburg and in<br />

Leningrad region). Results of such researches are shown in Table 5. As well as above,<br />

on 10-point system series of drought resistance of investigated kinds of plants have<br />

been calculated. The results of these researches are also proved to be true according<br />

to the data of the scientific literature (Sytnik et al., 1994; Udovenko, 1988).<br />


Table 4. Factors of absorption and sensitivity of leaf near infrared<br />

radiation absorption change when changing of plant water status (Kazeveli,<br />

21–22-06-2007)*<br />

4 lentelė. Absorbcijos faktoriai <strong>ir</strong> lapų infraraudonosios radiacijos absorbcijos jautrumo<br />

kitimas, keičiantis vandens režimui augaluose (Kazeveli 21–22-06-2007)*<br />

Table 5. Daily changes of leaf thickness of various plants* (measurements of all<br />

series were made within two days with intervals of 3–5 hours).<br />

5 lentelė. Įva<strong>ir</strong>ių augalų lapo storio dienos pokyčiai* (kiekvienos serijos matavimai atlikti<br />

per dvi dienas 3–5 val. intervalu)<br />


Table 5 continued<br />

5 lentelės tęsinys<br />

Discussion. In a near infrared range of radiation, which was investigated,<br />

discrepancy of energy reflection by various leaf surfaces (bottom and top) was found<br />

out. This difference made approximately 10%. Therefore, it is known (Leman, 1961)<br />

that the formula (1) is not to apply in an investigated range. Our investigations allowed<br />

offering the formula (2), which allows identifying results of leaf <strong>ir</strong>radiation from<br />

various surfaces.<br />

According to the earlier poorly investigated near infrared range, it was established,<br />

that the change of absorption factor A (%) depending on leaf water concentration can<br />

reach 25–30 %. The same high sensitivity to water posses the thickness of a sheet<br />

plate of 15–35 %, while the change of thickness of the sprout (stalk) on the same plant<br />

makes 0.2–2.5 % possesses also.<br />

In the scientific literature there was described the possibility to use reflection<br />

methods to estimate drought resistance of various kinds of plants (Eremeyev, 1964;<br />

Kuchn<strong>ir</strong>enko, 1975; Udovenko, 1988; Penuelas et al., 1993; Penuelas et al., 1997;<br />

Dallon, 2005). The results received by us on various kinds of plants – wheat (two<br />

grades), tomato, soy, fruit (14 kinds and grades), decorative, etc., and also in various<br />

geographical regions (southern coast of Crimea – dry subtropics, Krasnodar territory –<br />

southern black-earth Russia, St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region – the northwestern<br />

part of Russia) prove to be true according to these sources.<br />

The investigations also have shown, that there is high correlation dependence<br />

(0.7–0.98) between optical properties of leaves and the<strong>ir</strong> thickness.<br />

In this connection, the offered method of ranging of kinds of plants and cultures<br />

with a degree of drought resistance is represented quite comprehensible. The minimal<br />

change of thickness of a sheet plate within day serves as a criterion.<br />

Conclusions: 1. The investigations that have been carried out in various<br />

geographical regions and on various kinds of plants have allowed to develop universal<br />

methods of studying of plant water mode and drought resistance.<br />

2. There exists gradual dependence of absorption of near infrared radiation on<br />

thickness of a leaf. In a range of little changes of leaf thickness the dependence has<br />

linear character.<br />


3. The function of leaf thickness can serve as the characteristic of optical<br />

properties at linear approximation of radiation absorption as the steepness of a line<br />

of this function trend.<br />

4. There were noticed the distinctions in sensitivity of optical characteristic<br />

changes of the water mode, caused by eco-physiological features of plants.<br />

5. There is a basic opportunity to use a method of the parallel control of leaf near<br />

infrared radiation optical properties and plant water status as the tool of researches of<br />

eco-physiological character and as element of technology of exact agriculture for the<br />

control of crop water mode. The investigations, which were carried out, undoubtedly<br />

seem perspective both in the theoretical aspect and in practical application.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 03 <strong>27</strong><br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 25<br />

1. Brandt A. V., Tageeva S. V. 1967. Optical parameters of vegetative organisms.<br />

Moscow, Science.<br />

2. Curran P. J., Dungan J. L., Peterson D. L. 2001. Estimating the foliar biochemical<br />

concentration of leaves with reflectance spectrometry: testing the Kokaly and<br />

Clark methodologies. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 76: 349–359.<br />

3. Dallon D. 2005. Measurement of water stress: Comparison of reflectance at 970<br />

and 1450 nm. In: Utah State University. Crop Phys. Lab., 1–5.<br />

4. Еremeyev G. N. 1964. Laboratory-field method of an estimation of drought<br />

resistance of fruit and other plants and the results of its application. In: Coll.<br />

Scientific works. Moscow, Kolos. 456–472.<br />

5. Kushn<strong>ir</strong>enko M. D. 1975. Physiology of water exchange and drought resistance<br />

of fruit plants. Kishinev, Chtiinza.<br />

6. Leman B. M. 1961. The course of the light culture of plants. Moscow, Science.<br />

7. Lisker I. S. 1998. Laser-optical methods, devices and systems of the automated<br />

research of plants and seeds. In: Agrophysics methods and devices (in 3 volumes).<br />

Plants and env<strong>ir</strong>onment of the<strong>ir</strong> dwelling. Spb. AFI. 3: 299–311.<br />

8. Lisker I. S., Radchenko S. S. 1999. Laser-optical and hydromechanical methods<br />

of diagnostics of stresses in plants in ontogeny. In: Field experiments – for steady<br />

land tenure. The works of 3-rd International colloquium. Spb. 1: 51–52.<br />

9. Penuelas J., Pinol J., Ogaya R., Filella I. 1997. Estimation of plant water<br />

concentration by the reflectance water index WI (R900/R970). International<br />

Journal of Remote Sensing, 18: 2 869–2 875.<br />

10. Penuelas J., Filella Bell C., Serrano L., Save R. 1993. The reflectance at the<br />

950–970 nm region as an indicator of plant water status. International Journal of<br />

Remote Sensing, 14: 1 887–1 905.<br />

11. Radchenko S. S. Ivanov V. M., Marichev G. A., Tchernyaev E. V. 1998.<br />

The method of monitoring of thickness of a leaf plate. In: Agrophysics methods<br />

and devices (in 3 Vol.). Plants and env<strong>ir</strong>onment of the<strong>ir</strong> dwelling. SPb. AFI.<br />

3: 159–166.<br />


12. Sytnik K. M., Brajon A. V., Gorodetskij A. V., Brajon A. P. 1994. The ecological<br />

dictionary. Kiev, Naukova dumka.<br />

13. Surin V. G. 1997. Precision field spectrometry: possibilities and prospects. Earth<br />

Obs. Rem. Sens. 14: 973–984.<br />

14. Udovenko G. V. 1998. General requ<strong>ir</strong>ement to methods and principles of<br />

diagnostics of stability of plants to stresses. In: Diagnostics of stability of plants<br />

to stressful influences. Leningrad: VIR.: 5–10.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Įva<strong>ir</strong>ių rūšių augalų vandens režimo <strong>ir</strong> atsparumo sausrai<br />

tyrimai, naudojant fitomonitoringo metodus<br />

O. Ilnitsky, I. Paliy, T. Bystrova, S. Radchenko, N. Radchenko<br />

Santrauka<br />

Buvo atlikti grupės žemės ūkio <strong>ir</strong> dekoratyvinių augalų lapų optinių savybių tyrimai<br />

infraraudonojo spinduliavimo (970 nm) srityje, keičiantis vandens režimui. Tyrimams naudoti<br />

lazerinis fotometras „Perfot-93“, mikrometras „Turgomer-1”. Tyrimai buvo atlikti su sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis<br />

augalų rūšimis <strong>ir</strong> sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose regionuose (Rusijos Krasnodaro krašte bei Leningrado srityje<br />

<strong>ir</strong> Pietiniame Krymo krante, Ukrainoje). Buvo nustatyta aukšta koreliacija (0,97–0,98) tarp<br />

lapų optinių savybių <strong>ir</strong> jų storio. Nustatyti optinių charakteristikų jautrumo sk<strong>ir</strong>tumai, susiję<br />

su vandens režimo pokyčiais <strong>ir</strong> nulemti ekofiziologinių augalų ypatybių. Egzistuoja galimybė<br />

naudoti lapų optinių charakteristikų infraraudonojo spinduliavimo srityje <strong>ir</strong> vandens būklės<br />

augale paralelinės kontrolės metodа kaip instrumentа t<strong>ir</strong>iant ekofiziologines savybes <strong>ir</strong> kaip<br />

precizinės žemd<strong>ir</strong>bystės elementа kontroliuojant pasėlių vandens režimа.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: atsparumas sausrai, lapų storis, optinės lapų savybės, vandens<br />

režimas.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Effects of UVB radiation on photosynthesis pigment<br />

system and growth of pea (Pisum sativum L.)<br />

Rima Juozaitytė, Asta Ramaškevičienė, Alg<strong>ir</strong>das Sliesaravičius,<br />

Natalija Burbulis, Ramunė Kuprienė, Vytautas Liakas,<br />

Aušra Blinstrubienė<br />

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, LT-53067 Noreikiрkės, Studentų 11, Kaunas<br />

distr., Lithuania, e-mail: rima.juozaityte@lzuu.lt<br />

The object of the work was to determine the effects of UV-B radiation on growth of<br />

peas (Pisum sativum L.) and photosynthesis pigment system. Research was carried out<br />

in phytotron complex at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Laboratory of Agro<br />

Biotechnology at Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Plants were grown in 5 L vegetative<br />

pots in neutral peat substrate (pH 6.0–6.5), 25 plants per pot. A photoperiod of 16 h and<br />

temperature of 21 °C/17 °C (day/night) was maintained throughout the experiment. Highpressure<br />

sodium lamps ‘Son-T Agro’ (Philips) were used for illumination. UV-B radiation<br />

was generated using UV-B lamps (TL 40W/12 RS UV-B Medical, Philips). Plants were<br />

treated with UV-B radiation for 5 days. There were investigated UV-B radiation doses of<br />

0 (control), 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 kJ m -2 each day. Shoot height, dry weight, stomata density and<br />

leaf area were measured at 1, 3, 5 day of experiment immediately. Content of photosynthesis<br />

pigments were determined spectrophotometrically in 100 % acetone extracts. After the<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st day of UV-B radiation there was established exposition toxic UV-B effect on aboveground<br />

length, dry biomass and number of leaves. It was established that increasing<br />

UV-B radiation doses and expositions, there was tendency of pigment content decrease.<br />

Key words: growth, peas, photosynthetic pigments, UV-B radiation.<br />

Introduction. Stratospheric ozone layer absorbs the most of space UV radiation<br />

(100 to 400 nm) including solar and other sources, thus protecting plants and other<br />

living organisms from harmful UV radiation effect. The thickness of ozone layer<br />

is rapidly decreasing and intensity of UV radiation is increasing since seventies<br />

of the last century (Krizek, 1998). Shortest UV waves are most detrimental to the<br />

living organisms. Usually, UV radiation is divided to UV-A (315–400 nm), UV-B<br />

(280–315 nm) and UV-C (100–280 nm) spectral ranges. UV-C radiation is completely<br />

absorbed by ozone layer while UV-A radiation is unaffected, though, such radiation<br />

does no harm to plants. However, the UV-B radiation intensity is mostly affected by<br />

the thickness of stratospheric ozone layer and exactly this type of radiation is most<br />

harmful to plants. Recently, research on UV-A radiation also showed some adverse<br />

effect on plants (Helsper et al., 2003; Krizek, 2004).<br />

Many authors have determined the wide range of UV-B radiation effects on plants.<br />

Higher than normal levels of UV-B causes various damages to plant such as DNA and<br />


membrane injuries, photosynthetic or hormone systems’ disorders (Rozema et al., 1997;<br />

Jansen et al., 1998; Hollosy, 2002). Molecular-level changes affect other processes<br />

including gene activity, metabolism, photosynthesis intensity and, consequently, the<br />

growth of the whole plant. Some genes are identified as “UV-B dependent genes” and<br />

are responsible for synthesis of UV screening compounds, DNA repa<strong>ir</strong>s and activation<br />

of ant oxidative enzymes (Brosche, Strid, 2003).<br />

Continuous measurements of UV radiation level were initiated in Lithuania only<br />

since 2000. Lithuanian Hydrometeorology Service does such measurements at Kaunas<br />

meteorology and Palanga aeronautical meteorology stations. Obtained data shows that<br />

UV-B radiation intensity depends on season, daily time and meteorology. Average daily<br />

dose during fine weather reaches 2.5 kJ m -2 (Jonavičienė, 2005).<br />

Objectives to determine UV-B radiation effect on pea (Pisum saivum L.) growth<br />

and photosynthetic pigment system were raised.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Research was carried out at Lithuanian<br />

University of Agriculture, Laboratory of Agro biotechnology while vegetative research<br />

took place in phytotron complex at Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Research<br />

object – pea (Pisum sativum L.), species ‘Ilgiai’ (leafy).<br />

Pea was grown in 5 L vegetative pots in neutral peat substrate (pH 6.0–6.5).<br />

Research was done in three replications, each of 25 plants. Pea was germinated<br />

and grown for one week in a greenhouse and then carried to growth chambers were<br />

photoperiod of 16 hours and temperatures at 21/17 °C (day/night) were maintained.<br />

UV-B daily doses of 0 (reference), 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 kJ m -2 were investigated. UV-B<br />

radiation was generated by TL 40 W/12 RS UV-B Medical lamps (Philips, Austria).<br />

Irradiation experiment lasted 5 days.<br />

Shoot height, dry mass, number of stoma and leaf area (Win Dias meter) were<br />

measured after 1, 3 and 5 days of exposure. Photosynthetic pigments were analyzed by<br />

spectrophotometer in 100 % acetone extract according to Vetstein method (Wettstein,<br />

1957). Average values and SDs were calculated by MS Excel.<br />

Results. Shoot height has decreased even after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure to<br />

UV-B (Fig. 1 A). Lowermost shoots were observed after the fifth day of exposure<br />

to 7 and 9 kJ m -2 daily doses, which reached only 58 and 59 % of reference height,<br />

respectively.<br />

Shoot dry mass followed the pattern of shoot height and decreased even after the<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure (Fig. 1 B). It reached only 55 % of reference value after the fifth<br />

day of exposure under 9 kJm -2 of UV-B.<br />

Adverse effect of UV-B radiation on leaf area was also determined (Fig. 2). Leaf<br />

area decreased even after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure. Most reduced leaf area values were<br />

observed after the fifth day of exposure to 7 and 9 kJ m -2 and reached only 52 and<br />

63 % of reference values, respectively.<br />

Number of stoma has increased up to 23 % after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure to<br />

1 kJ m -2 (Fig. 3). Other dosage resulted in zero effect. However, as the exposure time<br />

increased, the significant decrease of stoma counts was observed.<br />


Fig. 1. Effect of UV-B radiation on pea (Pisum sativum L.) growth parameters: A –<br />

height growth, B – above-ground dry biomass<br />

1 pav. UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis sėjamojo ž<strong>ir</strong>nio (Pisum sativum L.) augimo<br />

parametrams: A – aukščio didėjimui, B – antžeminės dalies sausai biomasei<br />

Fig. 2. Effect of UV-B radiation on pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaf area<br />

2 pav. UV-B spinduliuoutės poveikis sėjamojo ž<strong>ir</strong>nio (Pisum sativum L.) lapų plotui<br />

Fig. 3. Effect of UV-B radiation on stomata content in pea<br />

(Pisum sativum L.) leaf area<br />

3 pav. UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis sėjamojo ž<strong>ir</strong>nio (Pisum sativum L.)<br />

žiotelių skaičiui lape<br />


F<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure to UV-B radiation had no effect on chlorophyll a amounts<br />

in pea leaves (Table 1). However, a decrease in chlorophyll a was observed after the<br />

th<strong>ir</strong>d and fifth day of exposure.<br />

1 Table. Effect of UV-B radiation on chlorophyll a content<br />

1 lentelė. UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis chlorofilo a kiekiui<br />

Amount of chlorophyll b remained steady even after the th<strong>ir</strong>d day of exposure<br />

(Table 2). The most significant decrease in chlorophyll b amount was observed after<br />

the fifth day of exposure to 5 kJ m -2 daily doses.<br />

2 Table. Effect of UV-B radiation on chlorophyll b content<br />

2 lentelė. UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis chlorofilo b kiekiui<br />

The f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure had no effect on chlorophyll a and b ratio (Table 3).<br />

However, a and b ratio have decreased as the time of exposure have increased.<br />

Table 3. Effect of UV-B radiation on chlorophyll a/b ratio<br />

3 lentelė. UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis chlorofilo a/b santykui<br />


4 Table. Effect of UV-B radiation on carotenoid content<br />

4 lentelė. UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis karotinoidų kiekiui<br />

Carotenoid content remained steady or even decreased even after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day of<br />

exposure (Table 4). However, carotenoid content have decreased after the fifth day of<br />

exposure to UV-B radiation.<br />

Discussion. This research revealed that pea growth pattern is very sensitive to<br />

UV-B radiation. The adverse effect of UV-B radiation was observed after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day<br />

of exposure. Other scientist also shows significant UV-B radiation effect on barley<br />

growth parameters including stem height, sprout count, leaf area and biomass (Correia<br />

et al., 1999, Nasser, 2001). Plant sensitivity to UV exposure might be determined by<br />

d<strong>ir</strong>ect damage to cell structural and functional elements or by ineffective acclimatization<br />

process (Smith et al., 2000).<br />

As aforementioned, shoot height, dry biomass and leaf area decreased even<br />

after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure. UV-B radiation may induce leaf differentiation and<br />

senescence processes via modification of leaf structure (Kakani et al., 2003, 2004).<br />

Plants are capable to accommodate to certain UV-B radiation as well as to light<br />

intensity, though tolerance range are determined by plant species, age, duration of<br />

exposure and other factors. If the UV-B dosage exceeds the limits of tolerance, plant<br />

leaf anatomy is changed and biomass is decreased (Coleman, Day, 2004, Kakani<br />

et al., 2003, Zhao et al., 2003). Nevertheless, other authors (Liu et al., 1995; Stephen<br />

et al., 1999; Schmitz-Hoerner and Weissenbock, 2003; Valkama et al., 2003) show<br />

that biomass or photosynthetic pigment content does not change under the exposure<br />

to UV-B radiation or such variation is insignificant. Hakala et al. (2002) determined<br />

sensitivity of various agricultural plant species including barley, wheat, oat, clover,<br />

timothy, fescue and potato to exposure to UV-B radiation (as if ozone layer would be<br />

decreased by 30 %) and found no significant variation of biomass accumulation or<br />

yield. Thus, it was shown that C 4<br />

type of plants are resistant to UV-B radiation.<br />

Stomata formation and permeability is determined by leaf age and other factors<br />

including UV-B radiation intensity (Day, Neale, 2002). In our study, stomata counts<br />

on pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves remained unchanged only after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day of<br />

exposure to UV-B radiation. Similar results are presented by Day and Neale (2002)<br />

where stomata counts and permeability were changing if exposure period and intensity<br />

is increasing.<br />

Photosynthesis is very important process in plants as it determines biomass<br />

increase, thus, is a subject for UV-B exposure research. Photosynthesis process is based<br />

on chlorophylls’ system and, if such system is altered by UV-B radiation, biomass<br />


increase is hindered; hence, such feature might be used to determine UV-B sensitive<br />

plants. Accordingly, plants, which are able to keep chlorophylls’ system unchanged,<br />

are far more resistant to UV-B radiation (Smith et al., 2000). During our study, amount<br />

of chlorophyll a remained unchanged after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure, but significantly<br />

decreased if the exposure period and intensity increased. Amount of chlorophyll b was<br />

more stable, but decreased at the end of experiment. Some authors have stated, that<br />

content of chlorophyll a and carotenoids remains unchanged under the exposure to<br />

UV-B, while amount chlorophyll b decreases (Barsig and Malz, 2000). However, our<br />

study revealed that chlorophyll a was more sensitive to UV-B radiation than chlorophyll<br />

b. Such variation could be based on the injury of thylakoid lumen, where the center of<br />

light harvesting system – chlorophyll a – is being damaged and disintegrates (Rengel<br />

et al., 1989). Decrease of chlorophylls’ a to b ratio under exposure to UV-B radiation<br />

was also shown by other authors (Smith et al. 2000).<br />

Carotenoids called xanthophylls are the main protective agents dissipating excess<br />

energy and protecting photoreaction center from auto-oxidation (Yamamoto, Bassi,<br />

1996). Our study revealed that content of carotenoids remained unchanged during<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st three days of exposure, but varied at the fifth day of exposure accordingly to<br />

radiation intensity.<br />

In general, pea growth and biomass accumulation was hindered even after the<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure and the plant response intensity was adequate to the duration and<br />

intensity of exposure to UV-B radiation. Thus, it could be concluded that pea plants<br />

are very sensitive and hardly adapt to the increased UV-B radiation.<br />

Conclusions. 1. An adverse UV-B effect on pea (Pisum sativum L.) growth was<br />

observed even after the f<strong>ir</strong>st day of exposure.<br />

2. Decrease of amounts of photosynthetic pigments in pea (Pisum sativum L.)<br />

leaves indicates plant sensitivity to UV-B radiation.<br />

Acknowledgement. The research was funded by Lithuanian State and Studies<br />

Foundation under the priority research project “Complex effect of anthropogenic<br />

climate and env<strong>ir</strong>onmental changes on vegetation of forests and agro ecosystems”.<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis sėjamojo ž<strong>ir</strong>nio (Pisum sativum L.)<br />

augimui <strong>ir</strong> fotosintezės pigmentų sistemai<br />

R. Juozaitytė, A. Ramaškevičienė, A. Sliesaravičius, N. Burbulis,<br />

R. Kuprienė, V. Liakas, A. Blinstrubienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Darbo tikslas – nustatyti UV-B spinduliuotės poveikį sėjamojo ž<strong>ir</strong>nio (Pisum sativum L.)<br />

augimui <strong>ir</strong> fotosintezės pigmentų sistemai.<br />

Bandymas vykdytas kontroliuojamose sąlygose Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės<br />

instituto fitotrone bei Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto Agrobiotechnologijos laboratorijoje.<br />

Augalai auginti neutralaus rūgštumo substrate (Ph 6–6,5), 5 L talpos vegetaciniuose induose,<br />

po 25 augalus. Fotoperiodas – 16 val., temperatūra – 21 °C/17 °C (dieną/naktį), šviesos<br />

šaltinis – „SON-T Agro“ (PHILIPS) lempos). UV-B spinduliuotę skleidė UV-B lempos<br />

(TL 40W/12 RS UV-B Medical, Philips). Augalai UV-B spinduliuote švitinti 5 dienas. T<strong>ir</strong>tos<br />

tokios UV-B spinduliuotės dozės: 0 (kontrolė), 1, 3, 5, 7 <strong>ir</strong> 9 kJ m -2 per dieną.<br />

Po 1, 3, 5 dienų UV-B spinduliuotės poveikio nustatytas antžeminės dalies aukštis, sausoji<br />

biomasė, žiotelių skaičius, lapų plotas (WinDias matuoklis). Fotosintetiniai pigmentai nustatyti<br />

spektrofotometriniu būdu 100 % acetono ištraukoje pagal Vetšteiną.<br />

Atlikus tyrimą jau po 1 dienos poveikio nustatytas toksiškas UV-B poveikis antžeminės<br />

dalies ilgio, sausos biomasės <strong>ir</strong> lapų ploto augimui. Didėjant UV-B spinduliuotės dozėms <strong>ir</strong><br />

poveikio laikui, nustatytas tendencingas fotosintetinių pigmentų kiekio mažėjimas.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augimas, fotosintetiniai pigmentai, UV-B spinduliuotė, ž<strong>ir</strong>niai.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Ozone influence on photosynthesis pigment system and<br />

growth of Soya (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under<br />

warming climate conditions<br />

Asta Ramaškevičienė, Rima Juozaitytė, Alg<strong>ir</strong>das Sliesaravičius,<br />

Egidija Venskutonienė, Liuda Žilėnaitė<br />

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, LT-53067 Akademija, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: astar@vic.lt, astara@delfi.lt<br />

The aim of this work: to estimate ozone influence on Soya in warming climate. Experiments<br />

were performed at the Laboratory Agrobiotechnology of the Lithuanian University of Agriculture<br />

and at phytotron complex of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. Climate conditions were<br />

modelled as follows: current climate – temperature day/night 21/14 °C CO 2<br />

concentration –<br />

350 ppm (700 mg m -3 ), warming climate – temperature day/night 25/16 °C and photoperiod –<br />

14 h. The investigated concentrations of ozone were as follows: 20 ppb (40 µg m -3 ) – control,<br />

40 ppb (80 µg m -3 ) and 80 ppb (160 µg m -3 ) (7 h each day, 5 days per week). The plants were<br />

grown in 5 litre pots in peat substrate (6–6.5 pH), 25 units per pot. Experiments were provided in<br />

3 replications. Before germination and one week after, seedlings were grown in the greenhouse<br />

and then moved to phytotron. At the end of the experiment the aboveground part of Soya shoots<br />

was cut and its length and dry biomass were measured. Photosynthesis pigment content was<br />

determined in green leaves.<br />

In current climate conditions ozone inhibited the length of shoots and biomass of Soya<br />

accumulation. Nevertheless, at warming climate conditions all ozone concentrations stimulated<br />

biomass accumulation and length growing, respectively 50 % and 66 %. Ozone influence on<br />

photosynthetic pigments in leaves of Soya was toxic in both climate variants, but at warming<br />

climate ozone influence was lesser. Ozone influence on carotenoids in the leaves of Soya at<br />

current climate conditions was toxic, the level of this pigment was lower by 18–29 %, but at<br />

warming climate conditions the level of carotenoids were similar to control.<br />

Key words: ozone, Soya, plants, photosynthesis pigments.<br />

Introduction. Recent climate changes, depletion of the stratosphere ozone layer<br />

and the increase of the ultraviolet radiation intensity, acid rains and the rise of ground<br />

level ozone concentration have been considered major anthropogenic processes causing<br />

the negative changes of state, productivity and biological diversity of plants. These<br />

issues are crucially significant since the state of Lithuania as a geographical centre of<br />

Europe is unfavourable from the viewpoint of the far transfers of polluted a<strong>ir</strong> and the<br />

processes of regional env<strong>ir</strong>onment pollution. Moreover, the global climate changes<br />

may also have a severe negative impact on forest and agro-ecosystems vegetation in<br />

our geographical latitude.<br />

Greenhouse gas emissions and the<strong>ir</strong> concentrations have risen considerably over<br />

the last 150 years due to human activities. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the<br />


atmosphere has increased by 30 % and it is assumed that the percentage will have<br />

doubled by the end of the century. After the amount of CO 2<br />

has doubled, the average<br />

temperature may increase from 2 to 5 °C (Ward, Strain, 1999).<br />

Despite the successful joint international attempts to considerably reduce the<br />

emission of sulphur into the a<strong>ir</strong> and sulphur drops on the earth surface (Jasinevičienė,<br />

Šopauskienė, 1999), they still greatly exceed the limits foreseen for natural ecosystems.<br />

The efforts made to control the emergence of nitrogen compounds in the env<strong>ir</strong>onment<br />

have been by far less successful. Excess of nitrogen causes serious problems of land<br />

and water ecosystems eutrofication. Besides, nitrogen dioxide is the main primary cause<br />

for ground level ozone and it adds to the increase of ground level ozone concentrations<br />

that have been observed over the last decades (G<strong>ir</strong>gždienė, G<strong>ir</strong>gždys, 2003; Fichman,<br />

1991).<br />

65 µg m -3 is suggested by the World Health Organization as a marginal concentration<br />

of ozone which, if exceeded, causes damage to ozone-sensitive plants (Morison,<br />

Lawlor, 1999). In Lithuania such ground level ozone concentration is present over<br />

one th<strong>ir</strong>d of the vegetation period. Plants take in ozone together with a<strong>ir</strong> through leaf<br />

stomata. When ozone resolves into the free radicals and other formations, membranes<br />

of cells experience the effect of fall: the<strong>ir</strong> permeability changes, the radicals d<strong>ir</strong>ectly<br />

affect membranes and plasma, flows of information, trans-membranous potential falls<br />

into disarray. Damages at the molecular level inevitably alter the activity of genes,<br />

metabolism, intensity of photosynthesis, and the latter, in turn, influences the whole<br />

plant growth. Most frequently observed damages by ozone are as follows: slowed<br />

down growth, increased sensitivity of plants to diseases and pests, accelerated ageing<br />

processes, spotty, yellowing leaves, the loss of leaves (Agrawal et al., 1993).<br />

It is assumed that yields of cereals in Lithuania have decreased by 5–10 % due<br />

to ozone effect. Loses of wood in Lithuanian forests can also be similar (Ozolinčius,<br />

Stakėnas, 2001). Loses during dry seasons that have been more frequent over the recent<br />

years might even increase and lead to the growing risk of agricultural business. Shortterm<br />

(strong) or recurring impact of ozone alters the composition of plants organic<br />

matter, the<strong>ir</strong> mass and translocation.<br />

The main problem when researching the impact of warming climate on plants is<br />

that all the factors (temperature, CO 2<br />

gas, ozone, growing intensity of the ultraviolet<br />

radiation, etc.) have the joint effect on plants the same way as on other living organisms,<br />

therefore, the research of the<strong>ir</strong> complex impact and the prediction of further possible<br />

changes of state, productivity and biological diversity of plants are not only vitally<br />

important but also very complicated. The effect of climate changes on crop yield differs<br />

greatly. This depends on plant species, soil characteristics, pests and diseases, d<strong>ir</strong>ect<br />

impact of CO 2<br />

on plants, correlation between CO 2<br />

and weather temperature, water<br />

regime, mineral nutrients, weather quality and adaptation processes (IPCC, 2001).<br />

Two types of stressors interaction – synergy and cross-adaptation – were<br />

established when researching the interrelation of external factors of the env<strong>ir</strong>onment.<br />

In the f<strong>ir</strong>st case external factors reinforce each other’s impact and under the influence<br />

of one stressor plants become more sensitive to the impact of other stressors (Butler<br />

et al., 1999; Das et al., 1997; Sliesaravičius et al., 2002; Duchovskis et al., 2004).<br />

However, in cases when mechanisms of plant adaptation to unfavourable external<br />


factors are similar, plats become more resistant to the impact of other stressors if they<br />

have adapted to one unfavourable factor (Larcher, 1995; Alexieva et al., 2003).<br />

Research carried out by diverse authors proves that the increased concentration of<br />

CO 2<br />

in the a<strong>ir</strong> partially neutralizes the negative effect of ozone on plants (Fuhrer, 2003).<br />

Despite the fact that the increased concentration of CO 2<br />

reduces the negative effect of<br />

O 3<br />

as the visible damage of leaves is much less, however, it is not eliminated ent<strong>ir</strong>ely.<br />

The protective effect of CO 2<br />

under the ozone stress is due to the decreased permeability<br />

of stomata because the ability of O 3<br />

to get into the leaves is lessened; moreover, the<br />

impact of oxidation stress caused by O 3<br />

on photosynthesis is also relieved. Actually, it<br />

is assumed that the protection due to the increased quantity of CO 2<br />

is determined by the<br />

restricted ability of ozone to get into the leaves. The increased concentration of CO 2<br />

decreased transp<strong>ir</strong>ation in Pinus ponderosa seedlings by 5 %. It has been established<br />

that the flows of ozone into plasmolema are more dependent on the permeability of<br />

stomata rather than the quantity of O 3<br />

detoxicating combinations (Fuhrer, 2003).<br />

Photosynthesis is one of the major physiological processes whose intensity changes<br />

according to the changing conditions of the env<strong>ir</strong>onment. Pigments are the part of the<br />

system of photosynthesis and the<strong>ir</strong> changes can be used when studying the impact of<br />

ozone on plants (Calatayud, Barreno, 2004). The majority of authors indicate that the<br />

increased quantity of CO 2<br />

reduces the negative impact of ozone on the intensity of plant<br />

photosynthesis (Heagle et al., 2000), however, the increased temperature frequently<br />

eliminates the stimulating effect of CO 2<br />

(Fuhrer, 2003).<br />

The research aim was to investigate the changes in resistance of<br />

Soya (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) under warming climate conditions and increasing<br />

concentration of ground level ozone.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The research was carried out at the Laboratory<br />

of Agro-biotechnologies of the Faculty of Agronomy of the Lithuanian University<br />

of Agriculture and the Phytotron of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in<br />

2005–2006 using the ‘Progress’ species of Soya (Glycine max (L.) Merill.). The<br />

plants were grown in five-litre vegetative pots in turf substratum of neutral acidity<br />

(pH 6–6.5). Each experiment was repeated three times each time growing 25 plants.<br />

Plants were kept in the greenhouse until germination and one week after, and<br />

then transferred to the phytotron. The photoperiod lasted for 14 hours. The plants<br />

acclimatized for two days before they were exposed to the treatment. Three<br />

variants of ozone concentration were researched: 40 µg m -3 – control; 80 µg m -3 ;<br />

160 µg m -3 . Present climate conditions: day/night temperature – 21/14 °C; CO 2<br />

concentration – 700 mg m -3 . Conditions of warming climate: day/night temperature –<br />

25/16 –C; CO 2<br />

concentration – 1 400 mg m -3 . Ozone was generated using the generator<br />

OSR-8 (Ozone Solutions, Inc.) 7 hours a day 5 days a week. The duration of exposition<br />

in phytocameras was 9 days. Ozone concentration was measured by the portable ozone<br />

monitor OMC-1108 (Ozone Solutions, Inc.). The measurements were accomplished as<br />

follows: the height of each plant was measured before the treatment; at the end of the<br />

experiment the height of the plant was measured, the above-ground dry biomass and the<br />

quantity of photosynthetic pigments were established. The pigments of photosynthesis<br />

in green leaves were established by spectro-photometric method in 100 % extract<br />

according to Wetstein (Wettstein, 1957).<br />


Statistical indicators of the research data were measured by the method of<br />

dispersion analysis. Statistical reliability of the experiment data was evaluated after<br />

measuring the standard square bias and the lowest absolute margin of the essential<br />

difference (R 05<br />

). Statistical programs “MINITAB” ANOVA single-factorial statistical<br />

analysis was employed for the statistical assessment of the data.<br />

Results. Having researched the effect of ozone gas under present climate<br />

conditions it has been established that the growth of the above-ground part was<br />

more suppressed by the extensively studied concentration of O 3<br />

. Height increase<br />

in this variant was 16 % less compared to the control (Fig. 1). After analyzing the<br />

dry mass of the above-ground part of Soya grown in cameras with different ozone<br />

concentration it has been established that both studied concentrations of ozone (80 µg<br />

m -3 and 160 µg m -3 ) suppressed the accumulation of dry mass (Fig. 1). Depending on<br />

the concentration of O 3<br />

the dry mass was 8 and 7 % less in comparison to the control<br />

plants. The differences compared to the control were essential.<br />

Fig. 1. The impact of ozone on the height and dry biomass of<br />

Soya above-ground part under present climate conditions<br />

1 pav. Ozono poveikis gauruotosios sojos antžeminės dalies aukščiui<br />

bei sausai biomasei dabartinio klimato sąlygomis<br />

Having accomplished the experiment of ozone impact on Soya under the conditions<br />

of warming climate and having analyzed the results, quite different tendencies were<br />

observed with reference to the experiment under present climate conditions. The growth<br />

of the above-ground part of Soya was stimulated in the studied concentrations of ozone<br />

under greater average day temperature and double concentration of CO 2<br />

gas (Fig. 2).<br />

The increase of the above-ground part height of Soya that grew under the influence<br />

of 80 and 160 µg m -3 ozone concentrations was larger by 35 and 9 % respectively<br />

compared to the impact of 40 µg m -3 ozone concentration. The increase of the aboveground<br />

part height of Soya under the impact of 80 µg m -3 ozone concentration was<br />

essential compared to the control. Analogous results were obtained after analyzing<br />

the data of Soya above-ground part dry mass (Fig. 2). 80 µg m -3 ozone concentration<br />

mostly stimulated the dry mass accumulation: the dry Soya mass was 1.5 times greater<br />

compared to the treatment with 40 µg m -3 ozone concentration. The greatest studied<br />

ozone concentration had a slightly less stimulation on the accumulation of the above-<br />


ground part dry mass. The mass of these plants was 40 % greater compared to the<br />

treatment of 40 µg m -3 ozone concentration. However, differences compared to the<br />

control were essential.<br />

Fig. 2. The impact of ozone on the height and dry biomass of Soya<br />

above-ground part under warming climate conditions<br />

2 pav. Ozono poveikis gauruotosios sojos antžeminės dalies aukščiui<br />

bei sausai biomasei atšilusio klimato sąlygomis<br />

Having analyzed the effect of diverse ozone concentrations under present climate<br />

conditions on the synthesis of Soya photosynthetic pigments it has been established that<br />

the O 3<br />

gas concentrations greatly suppressed the synthesis of chlorophyll a (Fig. 3A).<br />

The amount of chlorophyll a in the leaves of Soya grown under the influence of 80<br />

and 160 mg m -3 ozone concentrations was less by 26 and 40 % respectively compared<br />

to the control. Differences in data were essential. Having analyzed the amount of<br />

chlorophyll a in Soya grown in different ozone concentrations under warming climate<br />

conditions the decrease in the amount of chlorophyll (25–9 %) has also been observed,<br />

however, essential differences have been detected only in the variant with 80 mg m -3<br />

ozone concentration.<br />

Ozone gas also considerably suppressed the synthesis of chlorophyll b under<br />

present climate conditions (Fig. 3B). Under the influence of the two studied ozone<br />

concentrations the amount of chlorophyll b in the leaves of Soya was less by 31 and<br />

38 % respectively compared to the control plants. The results under warming climate<br />

conditions were similar to those of chlorophyll a; the synthesis of chlorophyll b was<br />

more suppressed in cases of Soya grown under the treatment of 80 mg m -3 ozone<br />

concentration. The amount of chlorophyll b in the leaves of Soya in this ozone<br />

concentration decreased by 21% compared to the 40 мg m -3 concentration.<br />

The changes of chlorophyll a and b ratio in the leaves of the studied plants under<br />

the conditions of changing ozone concentration were considerably less evident than<br />

the chlorophyll a and b amount changes (Fig. 3A, B, D).<br />


Fig. 3. The effect of ozone on the photosynthetic pigments of Soya:<br />

A – chlorophyll a, B –chlorophyll b, C – carotenoids, D – chlorophylls a/b<br />

3 pav. Ozono poveikis gauruotosios sojos fotosintetiniams pigmentams:<br />

A – chlorofilas a, B – chlorofilas b, C – karotinoidai, D – chlorofilai a/b<br />

The ratio of chlorophyll a and b of Soya treated by 80 µg m -3 ozone concentration<br />

under present climate conditions increased by nearly 8 %, whereas in the variant<br />

with 160 µg m -3 concentration this ratio was just slightly less than that of the control<br />

plants. However, the above said differences are not statistically reliable. The studied<br />

ozone concentrations did not have substantial influence on the ratio of chlorophyll a<br />

and b under warming climate conditions. The ratio of chlorophyll in all variants of<br />

the experiment was similar, that is, it approximated 2.6. This shows that the increased<br />

CO 2<br />

gas concentration and higher temperature were the factors reducing stress for<br />

Soya caused by ozone gas.<br />

Ozone gas under present climate conditions intensely suppressed carotenoid<br />

synthesis in the leaves of Soya (Fig. 3C). The quantity of carotenoids in the leaves<br />

of Soya treated by 80 and 160 µg m -3 ozone concentrations was less by 18 and 29 %<br />

respectively compared to the control. The decrease in the quantity of carotenoids<br />

proves that plants are unable to resist the effect of ozone and experience extreme stress.<br />

However, it has been established that under warming climate conditions there have<br />

been no significant differences compared to the control. Stable retention of carotenoid<br />

quantity in leaves shows that the system of resistance to stress is fa<strong>ir</strong>ly strong.<br />

Discussion. When ozone gets into the leaves of a plant, its above-ground part, it<br />

has a toxic impact on the whole plant. After the photosynthesis in leaves is disrupted,<br />

the plant uses energy and organic compounds to eliminate the outcomes of leaf cells<br />

damage and relieve stress, thus, the<strong>ir</strong> dislocation into the leaves is disturbed. It is<br />


evident from the comparison of the results of the two experiments using ozone that<br />

both studied ozone gas concentrations under present climate conditions suppressed the<br />

growth of Soya seedlings. Suppression was greater at 160 µg m -3 ozone concentration<br />

treatment. The stage of plant sensitivity when it is possible to observe external changes<br />

(dots, spots or crosses (usually white)) on the leaves is different. The most sensitive<br />

tobacco-plant of Bel-W3 species reacts after 1 hour in 40 ppb ozone (Saitanis et al.,<br />

2001). Other sensitive plants have a similar reaction only under approximately 100 ppb<br />

ozone concentration. Our experiments under warming climate conditions have not<br />

established toxic impact of ozone on the growth of Soya. Though the increasing ozone<br />

concentration under present climate conditions suppressed the growth of the aboveground<br />

part height of Soya, however, such growth was stimulated under warming<br />

climate conditions. Having compared the results of dry mass they were also analogous,<br />

however differences were even more distinct.<br />

Literary sources maintain that if plants are grown in the usual CO 2<br />

concentration<br />

but higher temperature, the total amount of assimilated carbon reduces (Fuhrer, 2003).<br />

Thus, if the rise in temperature results in the increase of CO 2<br />

concentration, the intensity<br />

of photosynthesis also enhances (Owensby et al., 1993). According to Kimball et al.<br />

(2002) experiments, the increased amount of CO 2<br />

stimulated the accumulation of C 3<br />

grass biomass by 12 %, the yield of wheat and rice was 10–15 % bigger and the yield<br />

of potatoes increased by 28 % compared to the usual CO 2<br />

concentration. However<br />

for C 4<br />

plants the yield supplement due to the increased CO 2<br />

concentration seems to<br />

be considerably less. Positive effect of greater CO 2<br />

concentration in the a<strong>ir</strong> has also<br />

been observed in the experiment when 45-day-old sugar-maple seedlings were treated<br />

by O 3<br />

. Under high O 3<br />

concentration together with the present CO 2<br />

concentration the<br />

speed of assimilation and the amount of Rubisco decreased, and the total biomass<br />

declined by 45 %. It has also been detected that glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase<br />

(G6PDH) and activity of anaplerotic CO 2<br />

fixation by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase<br />

(PEPC) increased in these seedlings. This evidences that mechanisms of detoxication<br />

and oxidative damage amendment became more active. Therefore under high O 3<br />

concentration together with the higher CO 2<br />

concentration the total biomass decreased<br />

by only 21 %, and G6PDH and PEPC stimulation was much more evident than in<br />

case of high O 3<br />

and the present CO 2<br />

concentration (Gaucher et al., 2003; Fumagalli<br />

et al., 2001).<br />

The quantity of photosynthetic pigments, the<strong>ir</strong> proportion in Soya leaves is a<br />

significant index for the mechanism of photosynthesis. According to literary sources,<br />

the amount of chlorophyll a in the leaves of trees has a positive correlation with the<br />

effectiveness of reaction centers of photosystems, and the amount of chlorophyll a with<br />

the content and size of the photosystem II complexes (Кершанская, 2000). Having<br />

analyzed the impact of ozone under present climate conditions the decrease in the<br />

quantity of photosynthetic pigments – chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids that was<br />

analogous to morphometric parameters was observed. However, under warming climate<br />

conditions the toxic effect of ozone was much less, though stimulating effects have not<br />

been detected. This evidences that the photosynthetic system of a plant is much more<br />

sensitive than the height and mass of the above-ground part. It can be hypothesized that<br />

if the impact of ozone was prolonged, both height and mass would reduce. The duration<br />


of ozone impact is very significant for plant photosynthesis (Adedipe et al., 1973). This<br />

is important to investigate due to the fact that concentration of ozone in nature is very<br />

dynamic: it depends on daytime, wind d<strong>ir</strong>ection, traffic intensity and work of factories.<br />

Literary data shows that long-term ozone concentration gas, though 5–6 times less, has<br />

the same effect on photosynthesis as short-term high concentration fumigation It has been<br />

established that the stage of plant photosynthesis suppression approximates to 100 ppb<br />

an hour, however, in some cases the process of photosynthesis is suppressed by only<br />

200–500 ppb ozone concentration gas. In case of long-term ozone treatment (longer<br />

than one day) the stage is much less, it only reaches 35–45 ppb (Lin et al., 2001).<br />

Under warming climate conditions only slight changes in the quantity of<br />

carotenoids upon ozone treatment were detected, it was close to the control. The main<br />

function of carotenoids is the protection of photosystems from the photooxidative<br />

damage. Xantophyll cycle carotenoids play the main role in photo-protection by<br />

dissolving the excess of awakening energy (Fuhrer, Bodur, 2003). Thus, the longer<br />

the ability of a plant to sustain a stable or slightly greater number of carotenoids, the<br />

more it is resistant to the stressor.<br />

Conclusions. Under present climate conditions ozone gas suppressed the growth<br />

of Soya (Glycine max (L.) Merill.), however, under warming climate conditions ozone<br />

stimulated the growth of Soya.<br />

Ozone impact on the quantity of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of Soya<br />

under present and warming climate conditions was negative; however, ozone impact<br />

under warming climate conditions was less toxic.<br />

Soya has the potential to adapt to the studied warming climate conditions (CO 2<br />

concentration is 1 400 mg m -3 , day/night temperature is 25/16 °C) even if the ground<br />

level ozone concentration increases up to 160 mg m -3 .<br />

Acknowledgment. Research was supported by Lithuanian State Science and<br />

Studies foundation.<br />

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28. Wettstein D. 1957. Chlorophyll Letale und der submikroskopishe Formweschsel<br />

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29. Кершанская О. И. 2000. Фотосинтетические основы продукционного<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Pažemio ozono įtaka sojos fotosintetiniams pigmentams bei<br />

augimui (Glicine max (L.) Merr.) рylančio klimato sąlygomis<br />

A. Ramaškevičienė, R. Juozaitytė, A. Sliesaravičius, E. Venskutonienė,<br />

L. Žilėnaitė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Bandymai vykdyti LSDI fitokamerų komplekse <strong>ir</strong> LŽŪU AF agrobiotechnologijos<br />

laboratorijoje. Darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti gauruotosios sojos (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) atsparumo<br />

pokyčius šylant klimatui bei didėjant pažemio ozono koncentracijai. Tikslui pasiekti buvo<br />

numatyti šie uždaviniai: 1) nustatyti priežemio ozono sk<strong>ir</strong>tingų koncentracijų įtaką sojų daigų<br />

augimui dabartinio bei pakitusio klimato sąlygomis; 2) išt<strong>ir</strong>ti ozono bei CO 2<br />

dujų poveikį sojų<br />

fotosintetinių pigmentų gamybai dabartinio bei pakitusio klimato sąlygomis. T<strong>ir</strong>iant ozono<br />

poveikį gauruotajai sojai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) dabartinio klimato sąlygomis temperatūra<br />

dieną/naktį buvo 21/14 °C, atšilusio klimato sąlygomis temperatūra buvo 25/16 °C. Fotoperiodo<br />

trukmė – 14 val. T<strong>ir</strong>ti trys ozono koncentracijos ore variantai: 20 ppb (40 µg m -3 ) – kontrolė,<br />


40 ppb µg m -3 ) <strong>ir</strong> 80 ppb (160 µg m - 3 ). Ozonas buvo generuojamas 7 val. per dieną, 5 dienas<br />

per savaitę. Ekspozicijos fitokamerose trukmė – 9 dienos. Augalai buvo auginami neutralaus<br />

rūgštumo substrate (6–6.5 pH) po 25 vnt. 5 litrų vegetaciniuose induose trimis pakartojimais.<br />

Iki sudygimo <strong>ir</strong> vieną savaitę sudygus soja buvo auginama šiltnamyje, o po to perkelta į<br />

fitokameras. Bandymų pabaigoje buvo nustatyta sojos antžeminės dalies aukštis, sausa biomasė<br />

<strong>ir</strong> fotosintetinių pigmentų kiekis.<br />

Dabartinio klimato sąlygomis ozono dujos slopino sojų antžeminės dalies ilgio <strong>ir</strong> sausos<br />

biomasė augimą. Atšilusio klimato sąlygomis gauruotosios sojos augimas <strong>ir</strong> sausos biomasės<br />

kaupimas buvo stimuliuojamas, priklausomai nuo ozono koncentracijos, atitinkamai 50 % <strong>ir</strong><br />

66 %. Išanalizavus ozono poveikį fotosintetiniams pigmentams, nustatyta, kad chlorofilo kiekis<br />

sojų lapuose dabartinio klimato sąlygomis tendencingai mažėjo, didėjant priežemio ozono<br />

koncentracijoms. Tačiau atšilusio klimato sąlygomis, chlorofilo kiekis, palyginti su kontrole,<br />

sumažėjo nežymiai. Karotinoidų kiekis sojų lapuose, veikiant ozonui, dabartinio klimato<br />

sąlygomis mažėjo18–29 %, o atšilusio klimato sąlygomis išliko panašus į kontrolinių augalų.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: ozonas, soja, augalai, fotosintetiniai pigmentai.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Complex influence of different humidity and<br />

temperature regime on pea photosynthetic indices in<br />

VI–VII organogenesis stages<br />

Sandra Sakalauskienė 1 , Gintarė Šabajevienė 1 ,<br />

Sigitas Lazauskas 3 , Aušra Brazaitytė 1 , Giedrė Samuolienė 1, 2 ,<br />

Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė 1, 2 , Jurga Sakalauskaitė 1 ,<br />

Raimonda Ulinskaitė 1 , Pavelas Duchovskis 1, 2<br />

1<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: s.sakalauskiene@lsdi.lt<br />

2<br />

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Studentų g. 11, LT-53361, Akademija,<br />

Kaunas distr., Lithuania<br />

3<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, LT-58343 Akademija, Kėdainiai distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: sigislaz@lzi.lt<br />

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of different humidity and temperature<br />

regime on pea photosynthetic indices. Vegetative experiments were carried out in the phytotronic<br />

complex of Plant Physiology Laboratory at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2007.<br />

There was investigated pea cultivar ‘Pinochio’ (Pisum sativum L.). Peas were grown under<br />

conditions of different temperature (21/16 °C and 30/23 °C day/night) and humidity (40–45 %<br />

and < 10 % normal/dryish) regime. Different combinations of temperature and humidity regime<br />

significantly influenced plant physiological processes. There was established the smallest clear<br />

photosynthesis productivity, relational growth speed, fresh and dry weight of the pea, which<br />

grew in dry substratum at the temperature of 30 °C. High temperature and the lack of humidity<br />

also inhibited the synthesis of chlorophylls a and b. At the temperature of 30 °C under both<br />

humidity regimes the accumulation of carotenoids in pea became more intensive.<br />

Key words: lack of humidity, photosynthetic pigments, photosynthesis indices,<br />

temperature.<br />

Introduction. More and more attention to the influence of climatic changes on<br />

plants is paid in the world (Bray et al., 2000; Fuhrer, 2003). Plant injures and the<br />

decrease of the<strong>ir</strong> productivity most often depends on unfavourable factors, which exist<br />

naturally in the env<strong>ir</strong>onment. Plant physiological processes are d<strong>ir</strong>ectly connected with<br />

the regime of temperature and humidity and the<strong>ir</strong> change. These factors are among the<br />

most important ones – the plant growth and development processes and productivity<br />

depends on them (Alexieva et al., 2003). Higher temperature distinguishes itself<br />

with stress effect. Temperature, which is even a few degrees higher than the usual<br />

one, influences the function of many ferments and causes protein expression of heat<br />

stress (Jenkins et al., 1997). The ratio of photosynthesis and resp<strong>ir</strong>ation determine<br />

plant growth. When temperature increases, the intensity of resp<strong>ir</strong>ation increases also,<br />


therefore energetic plant resources are lost (K<strong>ir</strong>nak et al., 2001). Higher temperature<br />

quickens plant growth and development, shortens the duration of different development<br />

stages, therefore the final biomass production may decrease. The f<strong>ir</strong>st and the most<br />

sensitive plant response to water deficit is the decrease of turgor and slowing down of<br />

growth processes (K<strong>ir</strong>nak et al., 2001). The lack of water worsens carbon assimilation,<br />

which depends on opening and shutting of jaws. Moreover, the lack of water and high<br />

temperature can stimulate the formation of free radicals and active oxygen derivatives,<br />

which disturb the processes of plant metabolism (Alexieva et al., 2003; Chaves et al.,<br />

2003). In order to support the growth and productivity, plant must adjust itself to<br />

stress conditions and develop the specific tolerance mechanisms (Wang et al., 2003).<br />

Plant reaction to the changes of temperature and humidity depends on plant type,<br />

cultivar, genetic properties, age and the level of development (Yamaguchi-Shinozaki<br />

et al., 2002). Plants of the different level of development react on the stress factors<br />

differently (Lawlor, 2002; Lawlor and Cornic, 2002). It was observed that plants,<br />

which adjusted to one stressor, became more resistant to the complex influence of<br />

stressors also (Duchovskis et al., 2003). Nevertheless, the complex influence of the<br />

limited duration change of temperature and humidity regime on the productivity of<br />

agricultural plants is investigated insufficiently.<br />

Aim of investigation – to analyze the influence of the complex humidity and<br />

temperature regime on pea photosynthetic indices in VI–VII organogenesis stages.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Vegetative experiments of the complex<br />

influence of humidity and temperature regime were carried out in the phytotronic<br />

complex of Plant Physiology Laboratory at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture.<br />

There was investigated pea cultivar ‘Pinochio’ (Pisum sativum L.). Plants were<br />

grown in vegetative pots of 5 l. Substratum was prepared from peat of neutral acidity<br />

(6–6.5 pH) and sand (3 : 1). There were grown twenty pea plants per each vegetative<br />

pot. From germination up to VI–VII organogenesis stage plants were grown in the<br />

greenhouse, and then transferred to phytocameras, where 16 h photoperiod was created<br />

and for the illumination Son-T-Agro (PHILIPS) lamps were used. Organogenesis stages<br />

were established according to F. Kuperman (Kуперман et al., 1982). Four variants of<br />

experiment were carried out in five replications each. Under two temperature regimes<br />

(21/16 °C and 30/23 °C day/night) there was investigated the effect of humidity and<br />

drought (< 10 %) of normal (40–45 %) substratum. Humidity of substratum was<br />

measured with Delta-T Devices soil humidity measurer HH2. Duration of the effect<br />

was 10 days. Right away after the effect plants were transferred back to the greenhouse,<br />

where uniform conditions to all plants were created and the<strong>ir</strong> regeneration was<br />

observed for 7 days. During investigations, biometrical measurements were carried<br />

out. The amount of photosynthesis pigments in fresh weight was established preparing<br />

100 % acetone extracts and analyzing them by spectrophotometrical Wettstein’s<br />

method (Гавриленко et al., 2003). There was used spectrophotometer Genesys 6<br />

(ThermoSpectronic, JAV).<br />

Assimilation area was measured with leaf area measurer CI-202 (CID Inc., USA).<br />

Plant dry weight was established drying at the temperature of 105 °C.<br />

Pure photosynthesis productivity (F pr<br />

) was calculated according to the formula:<br />

F pr<br />

= 2(M 2<br />

- M 1<br />

) / (L 1<br />

+ L 2<br />

)T (1)<br />


Here (M 2<br />

- M 1<br />

) – increase of dry weight during certain period;<br />

L 1<br />

and L 2<br />

– leaf area at the beginning and at the end of the period;<br />

T – duration of period in 24 h (Bluzmanas et al., 1991).<br />

Relational speed of growth (R) was calculated according to the formula:<br />

R = W 2<br />

- W 1<br />

/ t 2<br />

- t 1<br />

(2)<br />

Here W 1<br />

and W 2<br />

– dry weight at the beginning and at the end of the period;<br />

t 1<br />

and t 2<br />

– the beginning and the end of the period in 24 h (Coombs et al.,<br />

1985).<br />

Standard deviation of the investigation data average was calculated using program<br />

MS Excel.<br />

Results. Different combinations of temperature and humidity regime significantly<br />

influenced pea photosynthesis system (Fig. 1). The least amount of chlorophyll a was<br />

established in pea, grown in dry substratum at the temperature of 30 °C.<br />

Fig. 1. Photosynthetic pigment content in different temperature and humidity<br />

combinations. N – substratum of normal humidity (40–45 %), S – dryish substratum<br />

(< 10 %). A – chlorophyll a; b – chlorophyll b; c – carotenoids.<br />

1 pav. Ž<strong>ir</strong>nių fotosintezės pigmentų kiekis sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės režimo<br />

deriniuose. N – normalaus drėgnumo substratas (40–45 %); S – sausokas (< 10 %).<br />

A – chlorofilas a; b – chlorofilas b; c – karotinoidai.<br />

The smallest amount of chlorophyll b accumulated pea, which suffered the lack of<br />

humidity under both temperature regimes. The biggest amount of carotenoids was<br />

established in pea grown at the temperature of 30 °C. After 7 days of regeneration<br />

period the amount of chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids strongly decreased. The smallest<br />

amount of photosynthetic pigments was in pea, which had suffered humidity lack and<br />


high temperature of 30 °C (Fig. 1). Both the lack of humidity and high temperature<br />

negatively influenced pea assimilation area, fresh and dry weight (Fig. 2, 3, 4). After<br />

10 days of humidity and high temperature of 30°C there was established the smallest<br />

pea assimilation area, fresh and dry weight. After 7 days of regeneration period in all<br />

the combinations of temperature and humidity regime, assimilation area, fresh and<br />

dry weight strongly increased (Fig. 2, 3, 4).<br />

Fig. 2. Pea assimilation area in different temperature and humidity combinations.<br />

N – substratum of normal humidity (40–45 %),<br />

S – dryish substratum (< 10 %).<br />

2 pav. Ž<strong>ir</strong>nių asimiliacinis plotas sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės režimo deriniuose.<br />

N – normalaus drėgnumo substratas (40–45 %);<br />

S – sausokas (< 10 %).<br />

Fig. 3. Pea fresh weight in different temperature and humidity combinations.<br />

N – substratum of normal humidity (40–45 %),<br />

S – dryish substratum (< 10 %).<br />

3 pav. Ž<strong>ir</strong>nių žalioji masė sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės režimo deriniuose.<br />

N – normalaus drėgnumo substratas (40–45 %);<br />

S – sausokas (< 10 %).<br />


Fig. 4. Pea dry weight in different temperature and humidity combinations.<br />

N – substratum of normal humidity (40–45 %),<br />

S – dryish substratum (< 10 %).<br />

4 pav. Ž<strong>ir</strong>nių sausoji masė sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės režimo deriniuose.<br />

N – normalaus drėgnumo substratas (40–45 %);<br />

S – sausokas (< 10 %).<br />

Independently on substratum humidity after 10 days of effect, peas, which were<br />

grown at the temperature of 30 °C, produced essentially smaller above-ground part<br />

(Fig. 5). After regeneration period pea height almost didn’t change (Fig. 5).<br />

Fig. 5. The height of pea above-ground part in different temperature<br />

and humidity combinations. N – substratum of normal humidity (40–45 %),<br />

S – dryish substratum (< 10 %).<br />

5 pav. Ž<strong>ir</strong>nių antžeminės dalies aukštis sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose temperatūros <strong>ir</strong><br />

drėgmės režimo deriniuose. N – normalaus drėgnumo substratas (40–45 %);<br />

S – sausokas (< 10 %).<br />

Temperature and humidity regime influenced pea pure photosynthesis productivity<br />

and relational growth speed (Fig. 6). After 10 days of effect the biggest pure<br />

photosynthesis productivity and relational growth speed was of the pea, which grew<br />

under optimal conditions (at the a<strong>ir</strong> temperature of 21 °C and substratum humidity<br />


40–45 %). The smallest pure photosynthesis productivity and relational growth speed<br />

was established in pea, which suffered the lack of humidity and high temperature of<br />

30 °C (Fig. 6).<br />

Fig. 6. Pea photosynthesis productivity (a) and relational growth speed<br />

(b) after 10 days effect in different temperature and humidity combinations.<br />

N – substratum of normal humidity (40–45 %),<br />

S – dryish substratum (< 10 %).<br />

6 pav. Ž<strong>ir</strong>nių fotosintezės produktyvumas (a) <strong>ir</strong> santykinis augimo greitis<br />

(b) po 10 dienų poveikio sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės režimo deriniuose.<br />

N – normalaus drėgnumo substratas (40–45 %); S – sausokas (< 10 %).<br />

Discussion. The effect of biotic and abiotic factors significantly influences<br />

plant physiological processes. Some of them are trophic, causes plant nutrition,<br />

others have side effect, which often is harmful. When factors are unfavourable or<br />

the level of trophic factors unsuitable, this causes unusual reaction in plants – stress.<br />

Stress determines changes in the normal plant physiological processes. Draught and<br />

extreme temperatures are among env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors, which most often inhibit<br />

plant productivity (Chaves et al., 2003; 2004; Flexas et al., 2004). Photosynthesis<br />

is one of the main physiological processes, which determine plant productivity. The<br />

efficient work of photosynthesis apparatus is guaranteed only by optimal amount and<br />

ratio of photosynthetic pigments. Our results show that, when pea suffered the lack<br />

of humidity, the amount of chlorophylls a, b significantly decreased and at the high<br />

temperature the negative influence revealed itself even more. At the high temperature<br />

the amount of carotenoids very increased. Carotenoids participate as antioxidants,<br />

which preserve plant cells from oxidation stress (Alexieva et al., 2003), therefore it is<br />

possible to think that pea developed defence mechanisms against draught and stress,<br />

caused by high temperature. Plants have unique mechanisms to react to the continually<br />

changing env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions: they feel the env<strong>ir</strong>onment and accommodate the<strong>ir</strong><br />

physiological and metabolic processes for the preserving of homeostasis. Reaction<br />

to stressors is determined by plant genome and the interaction of the changed<br />

env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions (Pastori, Foyer, 2002).<br />

One of the most important photosynthesis indices is pure photosynthesis<br />

productivity. It is expressed by dry matter amount, which is produced during 24 h<br />

by plant per leaf assimilation area unit (Bluzmanas et al., 1991). Pure photosynthesis<br />

productivity best of all reflects the effect of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors on plant growth<br />


and development (Ничипорович, 1987; Третьяков, 1998). The obtained results of the<br />

investigations showed that the lack of humidity and high temperature decreased pure<br />

photosynthesis productivity and relational speed of growth. This means that plant for<br />

the preserving biological vitality used more energy and assimilates than created them<br />

during photosynthesis process.<br />

Many authors indicate, that stress caused by draught negatively influence the<br />

activity of assimilation apparatus, accumulation of dry matter, violate metabolism<br />

(Kage et al., 2004; Grzesiak et al., 1999).<br />

One of the elements of productivity is to keep high photosynthetic potential. Our<br />

investigations showed that pea sensitively reacted on the stress caused by draught<br />

and high temperature. The lack of humidity inhibited the accumulation of fresh and<br />

dry weight and the growth of assimilation area. Peas under the optimal conditions<br />

regenerated themselves.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Pea reaction to the stress of the lack of humidity and high<br />

temperature manifested itself in the decrease of chlorophylls a and b synthesis and<br />

increase of carotenoids.<br />

2. The lack of humidity at the temperature 30 °C decreased pea photosynthesis<br />

productivity, relational growth speed and dry weight.<br />

3. High temperature of 30 °C inhibited the growth of the above-ground part.<br />

Acknowledgement. Authors are grateful to Lithuanian State Fund of Science and<br />

Studies and Lithuanian Agricultural Ministry for financial support to this project.<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo drėgmės <strong>ir</strong> temperatūros režimo kompleksinis poveikis<br />

ž<strong>ir</strong>nių fotosintetiniams rodikliams VI–VII organogenezės etapuose<br />

S. Sakalauskienė, G. Šabajevienė, S. Lazauskas, A. Brazaitytė,<br />

G. Samuolienė, A. Urbonavičiūtė, J. Sakalauskaitė, R. Ulinskaitė,<br />

P. Duchovskis<br />

Santrauka<br />

Darbo tikslas – išt<strong>ir</strong>ti kompleksinį temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės režimo poveikį ž<strong>ir</strong>nių<br />

fotosintetiniams rodikliams. Vegetaciniai bandymai atlikti 2007 metais Lietuvos sodininkystės<br />

<strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės instituto Augalų fiziologijos laboratorijos fitotroniniame komplekse. T<strong>ir</strong>tas<br />

sėjamasis ž<strong>ir</strong>nis (Pisum sativum L.) ‘Pinochio’. Ž<strong>ir</strong>niai auginti sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos temperatūros (21/16 °C<br />

<strong>ir</strong> 30/23 °C dieną/naktį) <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės (40–45 % <strong>ir</strong> < 10 % normalus/sausokas) režimo sąlygomis.<br />

Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingi temperatūros <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės režimo deriniai turėjo reikšmingos įtakos augalų fiziologiniams<br />

procesams. Ž<strong>ir</strong>nių, augusių sausame substrate, esant 30 °C temperatūrai, grynasis fotosintezės<br />

produktyvumas, santykinis augimo greitis, žalioji <strong>ir</strong> sausoji masė buvo mažiausi. Aukšta<br />

temperatūra <strong>ir</strong> drėgmės deficitas taip pat slopino chlorofilų a <strong>ir</strong> b sintezę. 30 °C temperatūroje,<br />

esant abiem drėgmės režimams, ž<strong>ir</strong>niuose suintensyvėjo karotinoidų kaupimasis.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: drėgmės deficitas, fotosintetiniai pigmentai, fotosintezės rodikliai,<br />

temperatūra.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Changes in the activity of antioxidant enzyme<br />

superoxide dismutase in Crepis capillaris plants<br />

after the impact of UV-B and ozone<br />

Regina Vyšniauskienė, Vida Rančelienė<br />

Institute of Botany, Žaliųjų ežerų str. 49, Vilnius LT-08406, Lithuania<br />

E-mail: regina.vysniauskiene@botanika.lt<br />

The aim of the work was to determine the changes of antioxidant enzyme superoxide<br />

dismutase (SOD) activity in model plant Crepis capillaris after the impact of UV-B and ozone.<br />

Comparison of the SOD activity in Crepis capillaris leaves after the effect of small adaptational<br />

doses of UV-B and ozone with the control revealed that after UV-B (3 kJm -2 ) the SOD activity<br />

increases 1.4 times and after the impact of ozone the SOD increases by 1.94 times. After larger<br />

UV-B (9 kJm -2 ) doses the SOD activity increases even 2 times. Still three times higher ozone<br />

dose already inhibits the SOD activity but does not reach the level of the control.<br />

Investigations of the impact of adaptation on repeated impact of UV-B and ozone showed<br />

that SOD activity to Crepis capillaris plants is similar and increases by 1.74 and 1.98 times<br />

comparing with the control. Even when plants are adapted to one factor and influenced by the<br />

other (cross adaptation), the SOD activity remains similar. The research showed that adaptation<br />

by small UV-B and ozone doses to one and the other factor influences the increase of SOD activity<br />

in plants. The increased SOD activity after UV-B <strong>ir</strong>radiation and ozone should be considered<br />

as adaptational response of a plant to oxidative stress caused by unfavourable factors.<br />

Key words: Crepis capillaris, ozone, UVB, adaptation, superoxide dismutase,<br />

EC 1.15. 1.1.<br />

Introduction. Unfavourable env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors, like UVB and ozone, are<br />

usually related with each other. Incident UVB radiation (in particular, the waveband<br />

297–310 nm) is increasing due to the reduction in the stratospheric ozone concentration<br />

(Caldwell et al., 1989). Env<strong>ir</strong>onmental stress factors are known to cause oxidative<br />

stress. Stress caused by these abiotic factors induces the excess of free radicals. Part<br />

of free radicals cause changes in macromolecules, such as DNA and proteins. The<br />

other part acts as a signal triggering the protective antioxidant mechanisms of plants<br />

(Ballarй, 2003). Enzyme system is one of such mechanisms. Such antioxidative<br />

enzymes as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) detoxify<br />

the excess of free radicals (Mazza et al., 1999). Selection of test-plants characterizing<br />

the contamination is essential while investigating the impact of natural factors upon<br />

ambient env<strong>ir</strong>onment. Harmful factors are usually investigated separately, and complex<br />

mechanism of the impact of both factors is still under investigated.<br />

Aim of the work was to determine changes in the activity of antioxidative enzyme<br />

superoxide dismutase (SOD) in leaves of Crepis capillaris after complex impact of<br />


UVB and ozone and to answer the question whether enzyme of antioxidative stress<br />

SOD participates in protective mechanisms of plant.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr. plants grown for 2<br />

weeks in a phytotron at the Laboratory of Cell Engineering of the Institute of Botany<br />

and later transferred into the phytotron of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture<br />

were used. Growth regime – 16/8 hour photoperiod; 21/16 °C day/night temperature.<br />

The plants were divided into groups of unequal size: control (K) – unaffected plants;<br />

plants affected by ozone or UVB, i.e. affected for 5 days by low adaptive doses: or<br />

3 kJ m -2 d -1 (UVB), or 120 µg m -3 ozone (O 3<br />

), respectively. During the second stage of<br />

the research the f<strong>ir</strong>st portion of plants was divided into 3 groups: control – unaffected<br />

plants (K + K) affected plants by threefold dose (without adaptation): UVB (9 kJ m -2 d -1 )<br />

or ozone (360 µg m -3 ), marked (K + UV) and (K + O 3<br />

), respectively. Second group of<br />

plants adapted by UVB or ozone was also affected by the same threefold doses only in<br />

various combinations: combining the f<strong>ir</strong>st impact with the second one: UVB + UVB;<br />

O 3<br />

+ O 3<br />

; UVB + O 3<br />

; O 3<br />

+ UVB. During the second stage of the research exposition<br />

to UVB or ozone was 7 days.<br />

Activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC 1.15. 1.1). Leaf material (1g) was<br />

grounded with extraction buffer (2 ml), consisting of 1mM EDTA, 0.1 % Triton<br />

X-100 in 0.05M Na-K phosphate buffer pH 7.8, with mortar and pestle at 4 °C. The<br />

homogenates were centrifuged for 15 min at 12,000 Ч g (4 °C), and supernatants were<br />

used as crude extract for soluble protein quantification according to Bradford (1976)<br />

with bovine serum albumin as the standard.<br />

Total SOD activity was assayed by the inhibition of the photochemical reduction<br />

of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) according to modified method of Beyer and Fridovich<br />

(1987). The reaction mixture (2.2 ml) consisted of 50 mM (Na-K) phosphate (pH 7.8)<br />

and 20 µl of leaves extracts. Each extract was assayed twice with three replications<br />

and measured by spectrophotometer at 560 nm.<br />

The statistical data analysis was carried out by packet of statistical analysis tools<br />

of MS Exel 2002 (Microsoft Corporation) program.<br />

Results. It has been determined that in the course of adaptation, after 5 days<br />

treatment (i. e. f<strong>ir</strong>st measurement) by low UVB (3 kJ m -2 d -1 ) or ozone (120 µg m -3 )<br />

doses the concentration of soluble proteins decreased comparing with the control (K).<br />

The decrease was particularly significant after ozone treatment (table).<br />

Table. Protein content changes after UVB and ozone treatment in leaves of Crepis<br />

capillaris plants. Protein, mg g -1 F. w.; F. w. – fresh weight.<br />

Lentelė. Baltymo kiekio pokyčiai po UV <strong>ir</strong> ozono poveikių Crepis capillaris augalų<br />

lapuose, mg g -1<br />


After of 7 days d<strong>ir</strong>ect treatment of plants with threefold UVB (9 kJm -2 ) and ozone<br />

(360 µg m -3 ) doses increased the content of proteins in comparison with the control<br />

(K + K) (i. e. second measurement). It is rather difficult to compare these data because<br />

control plants differ by the<strong>ir</strong> age. Differences between the controls K and K + K<br />

could be predetermined by the fact that in leaves of control (K + K) plants, which are<br />

older, than in the control (K). Investigation of the impact of adaptation upon repeated<br />

treatment with UVB and ozone (table) revealed no significant impact of adaptation<br />

with UVB or ozone on the protein content.<br />

However, comparison of the SOD activity in Crepis capillaris leaves after the<br />

impact of small adaptation doses of UVB and ozone with the control revealed that<br />

after UVB treatment (3 kJm -2 ) the SOD activity increases to 1.4 times and after the<br />

impact of ozone the SOD increases to 1.94 times. After higher UVB (9 kJ m -1 ) dose<br />

SOD activity doubles, but after threefold O 3<br />

dose SOD activity is lower but does not<br />

reach the level of the control.<br />

Fig. Complex action of UVB and ozone on SOD activity in Crepis capillaris<br />

plants adaptation. Exposition of 5 days in 3 kJ m -2 d -1 UVB or 120 µg m -3 O 3<br />

env<strong>ir</strong>onment. Treatment without adaptation – exposition of 7 days in 9 kJ m -2 d -1<br />

to UV or 360 µg m -3 O 3<br />

; K and K + K – control plants, grown in the same<br />

conditions without any treatment.<br />

Pav. Kompleksinis UVB <strong>ir</strong> ozono poveikis Crepis capillaris SOD aktyvumui.<br />

Adaptacija. 5 dienų ekspozicija 3 kJ m -2 d -1 UVB ar 120 µg m -3 ozono aplinkoje. Poveikis be<br />

adaptacijos – septynių dienų ekspozicija 9 kJ m -2 d -1 UV ar 360 µg m -3 O 3<br />

aplinkoje;<br />

K <strong>ir</strong> K + K – kontroliniai augalai, auginti tomis pačiomis sąlygomis be poveikių.<br />

Investigations of the influence of adaptation upon repeated UVB and ozone<br />

treatment (UV + UV and O 3<br />

+ O 3<br />

) showed that SOD activity in Crepis capillaris<br />

plants is similar and increases up to 1.74 and 1.98 times comparing with the control.<br />

Even after adaptation of a plant to one factor and later under treatment with the other<br />


(UV + O 3<br />

; O 3<br />

+ UV) SOD activity remains similar (Fig.). The research showed that<br />

adaptation by low UVB and ozone doses towards one of the other factor influences<br />

the increase of SOD activity in plants.<br />

Discussion. Abiotic stress condition weakens plants; they become more susceptible<br />

to pathogens, and this leads to extensive losses to of agricultural crop worldwide.<br />

Usually the impact of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors is not individual but combined. Therefore,<br />

under conditions of climate changes plants have to adapt to simultaneous impact of<br />

several factors: drought and heat; cold stress and drought combined with high light<br />

conditions. For example, during heat and high ozone stresses plants open leaf stomata<br />

for transp<strong>ir</strong>ation to avoid overheating, but thus the way for more abundant passing of<br />

ozone into leaf intercellular ducts is opened, otherwise stomata would close. Therefore<br />

in case of complex stress plants might requ<strong>ir</strong>e conflicting or antagonistic responses<br />

(Pasqualini et al., 2003; Mittler, 2006).<br />

The response type depends upon the plant genotype. Cultivated plants are more<br />

susceptible to stresses than wild plants, which are better adapted to climate changes.<br />

Even the slightest changes of climate factors could be relevant for agricultural plants.<br />

Previous investigations have shown that even the lowest UVB (2 kJ m -1 ) and ozone<br />

doses reduce the leaf size of a model plant Crepis capillaris; it is particularly true in<br />

case of ozone (Rančelienė et al., 2006). Ozone, as a strong oxidant, or its secondary<br />

derivatives, such as ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) frequently cause leaf necroses.<br />

It is known that v<strong>ir</strong>uses also cause necroses of plant leaves. In case of hypersensitivity<br />

reaction necrotic spots, localizing the v<strong>ir</strong>us spread, form on the injured areas of leaves.<br />

There is an opinion that ozone also triggers a hypersensitive response (Koch et al.,<br />

2000). Therefore, necroses indicate the death of some cells <strong>ir</strong>respective of the stress<br />

factor causing them: v<strong>ir</strong>uses, bacteria, UVB, ozone, cold and drought. So the damages<br />

indicate the so-called programmed cell death (Pasqualini et al., 2002). But response<br />

and defense genes are simultaneously induced, and they determine triggering of plant<br />

defence mechanism to antioxidative response (Yun-Hee Kim et al., 2007). Antioxidative<br />

enzyme systems, especially SOD enzyme, actively participates in this process. Our<br />

research showed that after preadaptation by low doses the repeated treatment by other<br />

factor doubly increases the activity of antioxidative SOD enzyme. It demonstrates that<br />

plants adapted to one factor are frequently more tolerant to other factors. It conf<strong>ir</strong>ms<br />

the results of our earlier researches performed with cold-resistant interspecific potato<br />

hybrids treated with UVB (Vyšniauskienė et al., 2006). However, results of other 7-year<br />

long researches performed with plants growing in tundra showed that under conditions<br />

of stratospheric ozone depletion and by enhanced UVB, the supplementation of UVB<br />

in field produced no negative effect upon growth parameters (Rozema et al., 2006). It<br />

demonstrates that in the course of time plants become UVB-tolerant.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Increased activity of plant enzymes, such as SOD, after the UVB<br />

and ozone <strong>ir</strong>radiation was assessed as adaptational response of plant towards oxidative<br />

stress caused by harmful factors. 2. Plants adapted to one factor are frequently more<br />

tolerant to the impact of other factors.<br />


Acknowledgements. This research was supported by the Lithuanian State Science<br />

and Studies Foundation programme “APLIKOM”. The authors gratefully acknowledge<br />

to the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture for availability to perform our experiments<br />

in growth chambers of Institute.<br />

References<br />

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cell death in lesion formation. Plant Physiology, 123: 487–496.<br />

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on the growth and yield of barley are accompanied by increased DNA damage<br />

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7. Mittler R. 2006. Abiotic stress, the field env<strong>ir</strong>onment and stress combination.<br />

Trends in Plant Science, 1: 15–19.<br />

8. Pasqualini S., Piccioni C. 2003. Ozone-induced cell death in tobacco cultivar<br />

bel W3 plants. The Role of programmed cell death in lesion formation. Plant<br />

Physiology, 33(3): 1 122–1 134.<br />

9. Rančelienė V., Vyšniauskienė R., Šlekytė K., Radžiūnaitė-Paukštienė A. 2006.<br />

Kompleksinis UVB <strong>ir</strong> ozono poveikis žaliajai kreisvei (Crepis capillaris (L.)<br />

Wallr.). Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(2): 165–173.<br />

10. Rozema J., Boelen P., Solheim B Zielke M. Buskens A., Doorenbosch M., Fijn R.,<br />

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2006. Stratospheric ozone depletion: high arctic tundra plant growth on Svalbard<br />

is not affected by enhanced UV-b after 7 years of UV-B supplementation in the<br />

field. Plant Ecology, 182: 121–135.<br />

11. Vyšniauskienė R., Rančelienė V., Radžiūnaitė-Paukštienė A., Spalinskas R. 2007.<br />

The UV-B impact upon the enzyme of antioxidant system superoxide dismutase<br />

(SOD) of potato somatic hybrids. Biologija, 18(2): <strong>27</strong>–30.<br />


12. Yun-Hee Kim, Soon Lim, Sim-Hee Han, Jae-Cheon Lee, Wan-Keun Song,<br />

Jae-Wook Bang, Suk-Yoon Kwon, Haeng-Soon Lee, Sang-Soo Kwak.<br />

2007. Differential expression of 10 sweet potato peroxidase in response to<br />

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45: 908–914.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Antioksidacinio fermento superoksido dismutazės aktyvumo<br />

pokyčiai Crepis capillaris augaluose po UVB <strong>ir</strong> ozono poveikio<br />

R. Vyšniauskienė, V. Rančelienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti antioksidantinio fermento superoksido dismutazės (SOD)<br />

aktyvumo pokyčius modelinio augalo Crepis capillaris augalams po UVB <strong>ir</strong> ozono poveikių.<br />

Lyginant SOD aktyvumą Crepis capillaris lapuose po poveikio mažomis –adaptuojančiomis<br />

UVB <strong>ir</strong> ozono dozėmis su kontrole, gauta, kad po UVB (3 kJ m -1 ) SOD aktyvumas pakyla 1,4<br />

kartus, o po ozono poveikio SOD padidėja 1,94 karto. Po didesnės UVB (9 kJ m -1 ) dozės SOD<br />

aktyvumas pakyla net 2 kartus, tačiau po trigubos O 3<br />

dozės jau SOD aktyvumas mažesnis, tačiau<br />

nesiekia kontrolės lygio. T<strong>ir</strong>iant adaptacijos poveikį pakartotiniam UVB <strong>ir</strong> ozono paveikiui<br />

gavome, kad SOD aktyvumas Crepis capillaris augalams yra panašus <strong>ir</strong> lyginant su kontrole<br />

padidėja 1,74 <strong>ir</strong> 1,98 karto. Tačiau <strong>ir</strong> adaptavus augalus vienam veiksniui, o poveikus augalus<br />

kitu veiksniu (kryžminė adaptacija), SOD aktyvumas išlieka panašus. Tyrimai parodė, kad<br />

mažų UVB <strong>ir</strong> ozono dozių adaptacija tiek tam pačiam, tiek <strong>ir</strong> kitam veiksniui, turi poveikį SOD<br />

aktyvumo padidėjimui augaluose. Padidėjęs SOD aktyvumas po UVB spinduliuotės <strong>ir</strong> ozono<br />

vertintinas kaip augalo adaptacinis atsakas į nepalankių veiksnių sukeltа oksidacinį stresą.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: Crepis capillaris, ozonas, UVB, adaptacija, superoksido dismutazė,<br />

EC 1.15. 1.1.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Photosystem II thermostability of apple tree leaves:<br />

effect of rootstock, crown shape and leaf topology<br />

Peter Ferus 1 , Marián Brestič 1 , Katarína Olšovská 1 ,<br />

Anna Kubová 2<br />

1<br />

Department of Plant Physiology, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra,<br />

Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia<br />

2<br />

Experimental Orchard, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2,<br />

949 76 Nitra, Slovakia, e-mail: Marian.Brestic@uniag.sk<br />

Apple tree leaves usually experience extremely high summer temperatures, which might<br />

cause disturbances to the<strong>ir</strong> photosynthesis and negatively influence fruit loading and quality.<br />

In this respect, in apple trees of cv. ‘Idared’ we evaluated the effect of rootstock (very dwarfing<br />

M.9 and vigorous MM.104), crown shape (modified Slender spindle and modified Schlцsser<br />

palmette) and leaf topology (leaves from the top of annual shoots, from the middle of the annual<br />

shoots and from short sprouts on the tree trunk) on the photosystem II (PS II) thermostability at<br />

the end of summer in 2006. For this purpose we analysed chlorophyll a fluorescence induction<br />

curves after exposure of leaf samples to 30 minutes of 42 °C. Neither rootstock types nor crown<br />

shapes caused any changes in the leaf PS II thermostability; however, significant differences in<br />

these characteristics were found in relation to leaf position in the apple tree crown. In comparison<br />

to leaves from annual shoots, which exhibited only moderate thermotolerance, a considerable<br />

increase was observed in leaves from short sprouts on the tree trunk. Measured high capacity<br />

of PS II thermotolerance is discussed in respect to plant polarity principles.<br />

Key words: photosystem II thermotolerance, rootstock, crown shape, leaf topology, apple<br />

tree (Malus domestica Borkh.).<br />

Introduction. Leaves are the main photosynthetizing plant organs providing<br />

assimilates for plant growth and fruit development. Leaves of apple tree (Malus<br />

domestica Borkh.) are developed from the leaf buds or combined floral-leaf buds.<br />

Passing exogenous dormancy, they expand to annual shoots with numerous leaf<br />

insertions. Intensive growth of annual shoots is timed particularly during spring and<br />

autumn. In summer the<strong>ir</strong> growth is usually decreased or almost stopped.<br />

During vegetation period, developing leaves in the tree crown experience different<br />

endogenous and exogenous conditions determining the<strong>ir</strong> morphological, anatomical<br />

and biochemical characteristics, and hence the<strong>ir</strong> photosynthetic activity (Pearcy et al.,<br />

2005). In southern Slovakia, summer a<strong>ir</strong> temperatures usually reach 40 °C, which<br />

can have detrimental effects on photosynthesis (Salvucci and Crafs-Brandner, 2004)<br />

and, in a consequence, on fruit loading and quality. The final negative effect depends<br />

on leaf protective capacity on one side, and stress intensity and duration on the other<br />

side (Larcher, 2003).<br />


Supraoptimal a<strong>ir</strong> temperature usually limits leaf photosynthesis through stomatal<br />

limitation of CO 2<br />

uptake (Rahman, 2005; Cui et al., 2006), Rubisco deactivation (Law<br />

and Crafs-Brandner, 1999), thylakoid membrane injury (Liu and Huang, 2000), and<br />

photochemical PSII efficiency decline as a result of antenna detachment or impa<strong>ir</strong>ment<br />

of electron transport chain components (Srivastava et al., 1997; Strasser, 2004). In the<br />

past two decades, a number of mechanisms alleviating these negative constraints was<br />

identified, including thermal dissipation (Bukhov et al., 1998); switch from the noncyclic<br />

to cyclic electron transport (Bukhov et al., 1999); enhanced photoresp<strong>ir</strong>ation<br />

(Sharkey, 2005); electron flux to oxygen (Mehler reaction) associated with up-regulated<br />

antioxidant system (Sa<strong>ir</strong>am et al., 2000) and chlororesp<strong>ir</strong>ation (Wang et al., 2006);<br />

changes in the membrane composition in favour to saturated fatty acids (Larkindale and<br />

Huang, 2004) and accumulation of chemical (Kuznetsov et al., 1999) and molecular<br />

chaperones (Iba, 2002; Schroda, 2004).<br />

Apple trees are composed of scion engrafted into a rootstock, which markedly<br />

regulates the<strong>ir</strong> growth (Webster, 1995). Tree crowns are formed into particular shapes<br />

in order to intercept more light and optimise fruit growth and ripening process. Both<br />

rootstock and crown shape influence hormonal composition of the scion (Webster,<br />

1995; Tworkoski et al., 2006), and therefore can have significant effect on many<br />

physiological processes in leaves as well. Moreover, light conditions regulate leaves<br />

expansion and evoke different acclimation syndromes (Kull, 2002).<br />

Very little is known about how these c<strong>ir</strong>cumstances modify photosynthetic<br />

characteristics of apple tree leaves and what effect they have on photosynthetic<br />

processes in combination with elevated a<strong>ir</strong> temperature. In this work we focused on<br />

how rootstock differing in growth intensity, different crown shapes and leaf topology<br />

influence photosystem II (PS II) thermostability of leaves exposed to conditions of<br />

summer heat.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Plant material and cultivation.<br />

Apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) of cv. ‘Idared’, were cultivated in Experimental<br />

orchard of Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Slovakia, which is located on Nitra<br />

river alluvium (loamy-clayed soil substrate). The scion cultivar was engrafted into<br />

rootstock MM.104 (vigorous) and formed to modified Slender spindle or modified<br />

Schlцsser palmette (20 years old trees), while apple trees engrafted into rootstock<br />

M.9 (very dwarfing) were formed to Slender spindle (8-years-old trees). Rows were<br />

oriented in north-southern d<strong>ir</strong>ection, spaced 5 metres from each other, with in-row plant<br />

distance of 5 metres (older trees) and 1 meter (younger trees). Trees were approximately<br />

3 (older trees) and 2 metres high (younger trees), and the<strong>ir</strong> crown diameter/width was<br />

2.5 m (older trees, modified Slender spindle), 1.25 m (older trees, modified Schlцsser<br />

palmette) and 1 m (younger trees, Slender spindle), respectively.<br />

In autumn, phosphoric and potassium fertilization combined with cultivation<br />

was applied. During the vegetation period, trees were fertilized by nitrogen and for<br />

prevention treated against powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha), apple scab<br />

(Venturia inaequalis) and herbivores. Weeds were regulated mechanically.<br />

In the fruit growing and ripening growth stage (beginning of September), young<br />


5th leaves of east-oriented annual shoots, leaves of middle part of the same shoots and<br />

leaves of south-oriented short sprouts on the tree trunks were collected in the mornings<br />

of three consecutive sunny days, transferred to laboratory, acclimated to darkness for<br />

30 minutes and subjected to photosystem II (PS II) thermostability test.<br />

Photosystem II thermostability test. Samples of leaf halves were enclosed in the<br />

test tubes and submerged into water bath of 42 °C for 30 minutes in the darkness.<br />

Before and after exposure of samples to high temperature, chlorophyll a fluorescence<br />

induction kinetics of the samples (12 leaves per treatment, 5 replicates per a leaf) were<br />

determined by Handy-PEA, Hansatech Instruments Ltd., UK. The<strong>ir</strong> normalizations<br />

enabled to determine relative variable fluorescence at J and I step (V j<br />

and V i<br />

), ratio of<br />

fluorescence at K and J step of the induction curves (F k<br />

/F j<br />

) and maximal photochemical<br />

efficiency of PS II (F v<br />

/F m<br />

). After that, the JIP test (Biolyzer 4HP v. 3.06 software,<br />

Ronald Rodriguez) was applied to the fluorescence induction curves, which revealed<br />

further characteristics of the PS II bioenergetic state (Strasser et al., 2000; Strasser<br />

et al., 2004), such as maximal quantum yield of primary photochemistry (φ Po<br />

), exciton<br />

transfer efficiency to electron transport chain (ψ o<br />

), electron transport yield (φ Eo<br />

) and<br />

thermal dissipation yield (φ Do<br />

).<br />

Determination of photosynthetic pigments concentration. For this purpose, second<br />

halves of leaf samples were utilized. Segments of the samples were homogenised in<br />

the presence of sea sand, MgCO 3<br />

and 100 % acetone. After acetone vaporisation the<br />

homogenates were transferred into 80 % acetone and after centrifugation for 2 minutes<br />

at 2 500 rpm light absorption of the solutions was read at 470, 647 and 663 nm using<br />

spectrophotometer Jenway, UK. The pigment concentrations per leaf area unit were<br />

calculated according to Lichtenthaler (1987).<br />

During the summer months, maximal daily a<strong>ir</strong> temperatures and daily rainfall in<br />

the experimental orchard was recorded by automatic agrometeorological station.<br />

Statistical data analysis (ANOVA) was accomplished using application<br />

Statgraphics Plus v. 4.0.<br />

Results. Photosynthetic apparatus of apple trees before high temperature treatment.<br />

Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves of leaves from modified Slender spindle<br />

apple trees engrafted into vigorous rootstock MM.104 (Fig. 1) showed very similar<br />

course at the beginning (O step). At J step they started to differ significantly with much<br />

more steeper fluorescence rise to I step in the leaves of south-oriented short sprouts<br />

on the trunk (inner-crown leaves) followed by slighter rise to P step. Fluorescence<br />

transients from J to P step in the 5th and middle leaves of east-oriented annual shoots<br />

were almost parallel. However, the latter gained significantly lower values.<br />


Fig. 1. Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves (OJIPs) in control<br />

(full symbols) and high temperature (30 min of 42 °C in the darkness) treated<br />

(empty symbols) leaves from apple trees of cultivar ‘Idared’ formed to modified<br />

Slender spindle and engrafted into vigorous rootstock MM.104: 5th leaves of<br />

east-oriented annual shoots (c<strong>ir</strong>cles), leaves of the middle part of the same<br />

shoots (squares) and leaves of the south-oriented short sprouts on the tree trunks<br />

(triangles).<br />

1 pav. Chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivės nepaveiktuose<br />

(užtušuoti simboliai) <strong>ir</strong> aukšta temperatūra (42 °C 30 min tamsoje) paveiktuose<br />

(tuščiaviduriai simboliai) modifikuotos laibosios verpstės formos ‘Idared’ veislės obelų su<br />

MM.104 poskiepiu lapuose. Imti penkti lapai nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio (rutuliukai),<br />

lapai nuo vidurinės šakų dalies (kvadratėliai) <strong>ir</strong> lapai nuo į šiaurę orientuotų vaisinių šakučių<br />

( trikampėliai).<br />

Parameters derived from fluorescence induction curves, such as basal fluorescence<br />

(F o<br />

) and relative variable fluorescence at the J and I step of the induction curves (V j<br />

and<br />

V i<br />

) (Table 1) also conf<strong>ir</strong>m this tendency. On the other hand, maximal photochemical<br />

efficiency of PS II (F v<br />

/F m<br />

) did not show statistically significant difference between<br />

the leaves. Fluorescence at K versus J step of the induction curves (F k<br />

/F j<br />

) was slightly<br />

enhanced in the inner-crown leaves. JIP test applied to the fluorescence induction<br />

curves revealed significantly higher exciton transfer efficiency to electron transport<br />

chain (ψ o<br />

) and electron transport yield (φ Eo<br />

) in the inner-crown leaves, but they had no<br />

effect on maximal quantum yield of primary photochemistry (φ Po<br />

) (Fig. 2). Thermal<br />

dissipation yield (φ Do<br />

) also showed balanced values in each leaf position.<br />


Table 1. Parameters derived from chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves<br />

measured in 5th leaves of east-oriented annual shoots, leaves of middle part<br />

of the same shoots and leaves of south-oriented short sprouts on the apple tree<br />

trunks (inner-crown), of cultivar ‘Idared’ before the high temperature treatment<br />

(30 min at 42 °C in the darkness): F o<br />

– basal fluorescence, V j<br />

and V i<br />

– relative<br />

variable fluorescence at J and I step of the fluorescence induction curve, F k<br />

/F j<br />

–<br />

ratio of chlorophyll a fluorescence at K versus J step of the induction curve, and<br />

F v<br />

/F m<br />

– maximal photochemical efficiency of PS II. Letters indicate statistically<br />

significant difference at P = 0.01.<br />

1 lentelė. Išvestiniai parametrai iš chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivių,<br />

matuotų ‘Idared’ veislės obelų penktuose lapuose nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio,<br />

lapuose nuo vidurinės šakų dalies <strong>ir</strong> lapuose nuo į pietus orientuotų vaisinių šakučių.<br />

Analizės atliktos prieš aukštos temperatūros poveikį (42 °C 30 min tamsoje). F o<br />

– bazinė<br />

fluorescencija, V j<br />

<strong>ir</strong> V i<br />

– J <strong>ir</strong> I fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivės žingsniuose santykinai<br />

kintanti fluorescencija, F k<br />

/F j<br />

– chlorofilo a fluorescencijos santykis tarp K <strong>ir</strong> J žingsnių,<br />

F v<br />

/F m –<br />

maksimalus fotocheminis PS II efektyvumas. Raidės žymi statistiškai patikimus<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus, kai P = 0,01.<br />


Fig. 2. Parameters derived from chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves<br />

measured in the 5th leaves of east-oriented annual shoots, leaves of middle part<br />

of the same shoots and leaves of south-oriented short sprouts on the tree trunks<br />

(inner-crown) from apple trees, of cultivar ‘Idared’, formed to modified Slender<br />

spindle and engrafted into vigorous rootstock MM.104, before and after the high<br />

temperature treatment (30 min of 42 °C in the darkness): φ Po<br />

– maximal quantum<br />

yield of primary photochemistry, ψ o<br />

– exciton transfer efficiency to electron<br />

transport chain, φ Eo<br />

– electron transport yield, φ Do<br />

– thermal dissipation yield.<br />

Letters indicate statistically significant difference at P = 0.01: italic – before, and<br />

normal – after the high temperature treatment.<br />

2 pav. Išvestiniai parametrai iš chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivių, matuotų<br />

modifikuotos laibosios verpstės formos ‘Idared’ veislės obelų su MM.104 poskiepiu<br />

penktuose lapuose nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio, lapuose nuo vidurinės šakų dalies <strong>ir</strong><br />

lapuose nuo į pietus orientuotų vaisinių šakučių.<br />

Analizės atliktos prieš <strong>ir</strong> po temperatūros poveikio (42 °C 30 min tamsoje). φ Po<br />

– maksimali<br />

p<strong>ir</strong>minės fotochemijos kvantų išeiga, ψ o<br />

– eksitono perdavimo į elektronų transporto<br />

grandinę efektyvumas, φ Eo<br />

– elektronų transporto išeiga, φ Do<br />

– šilumos sklaidos išeiga.<br />

Raidės žymi statistiškai patikimus sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus kai P = 0,01, pasv<strong>ir</strong>asis šifras – prieš,<br />

normalus – po temperatūros poveikio.<br />


In Slender spindle apple trees engrafted into very dwarfing rootstock M.9, the<br />

middle leaves on annual shoots and the inner-crown leaves displayed lower fluorescence<br />

values at J step of the fluorescence induction curves, followed by generally slowlier<br />

fluorescence increase to P step in comparison to leaves of apple trees engrafted into<br />

rootstock MM.104 (Fig. 3).<br />

Fig. 3. Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves (OJIPs) in control<br />

(full symbols) and high temperature (30 min of 42 °C in the darkness) treated<br />

(empty symbols) leaves from apple trees of cultivar ‘Idared’, formed to Slender<br />

spindle and engrafted into very dwarfing rootstock M.9: 5th leaves of east-oriented<br />

annual shoots (c<strong>ir</strong>cles), leaves of the middle part of the same shoost (squares) and<br />

leaves of the south-oriented short sprouts on the tree trunks (triangles).<br />

3 pav. Chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivės nepaveiktuose (užtušuoti simboliai)<br />

<strong>ir</strong> aukšta temperatūra (42 °C 30 min. tamsoje) paveiktuose (tuščiaviduriai simboliai)<br />

modifikuotos laibosios verpstės formos ‘Idared’ veislės obelų su M.9 poskiepiu lapuose. Imti<br />

penkti lapai nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio (rutuliukai),<br />

lapai nuo vidurinės šakų dalies (kvadratėliai) <strong>ir</strong> lapai nuo į pietus orientuotų vaisinių šakučių<br />

(trikampėliai).<br />

In these leaves F o<br />

reached markedly lower values than in the 5th leaves of annual<br />

shoots (Table 1). The 5th leaves also dominated in V j<br />

, while F k<br />

/F j<br />

did not change with<br />

leaf position. F v<br />

/F m<br />

was the highest in the inner-crown leaves. Significant differences<br />

among the JIP test parameters were only obtained in the 5th leaves of annual shoots<br />

and inner-crown leaves (Fig. 4). The inner-crown leaves reached higher φ Po<br />

, ψ o<br />

, φ Eo<br />

,<br />

and lower φ Do<br />

than the 5th ones.<br />


Fig. 4. Parameters derived from chlorophyll a fluorescence induction<br />

curves measured in the 5th leaves of east-oriented annual shoots,<br />

leaves of middle part of the same shoots and leaves of south-oriented short sprouts<br />

on the tree trunks (inner-crown) from apple trees of cultivar ‘Idared’, formed to<br />

Slender spindle and engrafted into very dwarfing rootstock M.9,<br />

before and after the high temperature treatment (30 min of 42 °C in the darkness):<br />

φ Po<br />

– maximal quantum yield of primary photochemistry,<br />

ψ o<br />

– exciton transfer efficiency to electron transport chain,<br />

φ Eo<br />

– electron transport yield,<br />

φ Do<br />

– thermal dissipation yield.<br />

Letters indicate statistically significant difference at P = 0.01:<br />

italic – before, and normal – after the high temperature treatment.<br />

4 pav. Išvestiniai parametrai iš chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivių,<br />

matuotų modifikuotos laibosios verpstės formos ‘Idared’ veislės obelų su M.9 poskiepiu<br />

penktuose lapuose nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio,<br />

lapuose nuo vidurinės šakų dalies <strong>ir</strong> lapuose nuo į pietus orientuotų vaisinių<br />

šakučių. Analizės atliktos prieš <strong>ir</strong> po temperatūros poveikio (42 °C 30 min tamsoje).<br />

φ Po<br />

– maksimali p<strong>ir</strong>minės fotochemijos kvantų išeiga,<br />

ψ o<br />

– eksitono perdavimo į elektronų transporto grandinę efektyvumas,<br />

φ Eo<br />

– elektronų transporto išeiga,<br />

φ Do<br />

– šilumos sklaidos išeiga. Raidės žymi statistiškai patikimus sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus, kai P = 0,01,<br />

pasv<strong>ir</strong>asis šifras – prieš, normalus – po temperatūros poveikio.<br />


Except of markedly lower fluorescence values at O and J step of the fluorescence<br />

induction curves in the middle leaves of annual shoots, leaves form Schlösser palmette<br />

apple trees engrafted into vigorous rootstock MM.104 (Fig. 5) exhibited very similar<br />

fluorescence transients to those from modified Slender spindle apple trees engrafted<br />

into the same rootstock.<br />

Fig. 5. Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves (OJIPs) in control<br />

(full symbols) and high temperature (30 min of 42 °C in the darkness) treated<br />

(empty symbols) leaves from apple trees of cultivar ‘Idared’, formed to modified<br />

Schlösser palmette and engrafted into vigorous rootstock MM.104:<br />

5th leaves of east-oriented annual shoots (c<strong>ir</strong>cles), leaves of the middle part<br />

of the same shoot (squares) and leaves of the south-oriented short<br />

sprouts on the tree trunks (triangles).<br />

5 pav. Chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivės nepaveiktuose<br />

(užtušuoti simboliai) <strong>ir</strong> aukšta temperatūra (42 °C 30 min. tamsoje) paveiktuose<br />

(tuščiaviduriai simboliai) modifikuotos Schlösser palmetės formos ‘Idared’ veislės<br />

obelų su MM.104 poskiepiu lapuose. Imti penkti lapai nuo į rytus orientuoto<br />

metūglio (rutuliukai), lapai nuo vidurinės šakų dalies (kvadratėliai) <strong>ir</strong><br />

lapai nuo į šiaurę orientuotų vaisinių šakučių (trikampėliai).<br />

Consequently, F o<br />

was reduced in the middle leaves of annual shoots, and V j<br />

(Table 1) with JIP test parameters y o<br />

and f Eo<br />

revealed no difference between leaf<br />

positions (Fig. 6).<br />

Photosynthetic pigments concentration and chl./car. ratio exhibited no significant<br />

difference between leaf positions in the modified Slender spindle apple trees engrafted<br />

into rootstock MM.104 (Table 2). However, chlorophyll a/b ratio of inner-crown leaves<br />

was the lowest among all leaf positions.<br />

Despite of significant reduction of chlorophyll a concentration in the inner-crown<br />

leaves of the Slender spindle apple trees engrafted into rootstock M.9 (this rootstock –<br />

crown shape combination exhibited the highest chlorophyll a concentrations), leaf<br />

position did not influence the chlorophyll a/b ratio. Chlorophyll b and carotenoids<br />

concentrations and chl./car. ratio were also very similar.<br />

Among rootstock – crown shape combinations, markedly lower chlorophyll a,<br />

b and carotenoids concentrations accompanied by decrease of chlorophyll a/b ratio<br />


in the inner-crown leaves were only observed in modified Schlösser palmette apple<br />

trees on the rootstock MM.104. Besides, 5th and the middle leaves on annual shoots<br />

of these apple trees dominated in carotenoid concentration.<br />

Fig. 6. Parameters derived from chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves<br />

measured in the 5th leaves of east-oriented annual shoots, leaves of middle part<br />

of the same shoots and leaves of south-oriented short sprouts on the tree trunks<br />

(inner-crown) from apple trees, of cultivar ‘Idared’, formed to modified Schlösser<br />

palmette and engrafted into vigorous rootstock MM.104, before and after the high<br />

temperature treatment (30 min of 42 °C in the darkness):<br />

φ Po<br />

– maximal quantum yield of primary photochemistry,<br />

ψ o<br />

– exciton transfer efficiency to electron transport chain,<br />

φ Eo<br />

– electron transport yield, φ Do<br />

– thermal dissipation yield.<br />

Letters indicate statistically significant difference at P = 0.01:<br />

italic – before, and normal font – after the high temperature treatment.<br />

6 pav. Išvestiniai parametrai iš chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivių,<br />

matuotų modifikuotos Schlösser palmetės formos ‘Idared’ veislės obelų su MM.104<br />

poskiepiu penktuose lapuose nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio,<br />

lapuose nuo vidurinės šakų dalies <strong>ir</strong> lapuose nuo į pietus orientuotų vaisinių šakučių.<br />

Analizės atliktos prieš <strong>ir</strong> po temperatūros poveikio (42 °C 30 min tamsoje).<br />

φ Po<br />

– maksimali p<strong>ir</strong>minės fotochemijos kvantų išeiga,<br />

ψ o<br />

– eksitono perdavimo į elektronų transporto grandinę efektyvumas,<br />

φ Eo<br />

– elektronų transporto išeiga, φ Do<br />

– šilumos sklaidos išeiga.<br />

Raidės žymi statistiškai patikimus sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus, kai P = 0,01,<br />

pasv<strong>ir</strong>asis šifras – prieš, normalus – po temperatūros poveikio.<br />


Table 2. Photosynthetic pigment concentration (mg m -2 ) in the 5th leaves on<br />

east-oriented annual shoots, leaves of middle part of the same shoots and leaves<br />

of south-oriented short sprouts on the tree trunks (inner-crown) from apple trees,<br />

of cultivar ‘Idared’, with different rootstock and crown shape. Letters indicate<br />

statistically significant difference at P = 0.01.<br />

2 lentelė. Photosintezės pigmentų koncentracija (mg m -2 ) sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos formos ‘Idared’ veislės<br />

obelų su sk<strong>ir</strong>tingais poskiepiais penktuose lapuose nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio, lapuose<br />

nuo vidurinės šakų dalies <strong>ir</strong> lapuose nuo į pietus orientuotų vaisinių šakučių. Raidės žymi<br />

statistiškai patikimus sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus kai P = 0,01.<br />

P h o t o s y s t e m I I a c t i v i t y i n a p p l e t r e e l e a v e s t r e a t e d<br />

w i t h h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e. Th<strong>ir</strong>ty minutes treatment by temperature of 42 °C in<br />

the darkness caused a significant increase of F o<br />

, F k<br />

/F j<br />

and φ Do<br />

, and decrease of V i<br />

, F v<br />

/F m<br />

and φ Po<br />

in all rootstock-crown shape-leaf position combinations (Table 3). Inner-crown<br />

leaves of apple trees on rootstock MM.104 also showed lower V j<br />

and higher ψ o<br />

.<br />

In comparison to control measurements, fluorescence induction curves of leaves<br />

from modified Slender spindle apple trees engrafted into rootstock MM.104 exhibited<br />

higher fluorescence at the O step, reduced fluorescence at the J and particularly I step,<br />

followed by markedly lower fluorescence values at the P step (Fig. 1). Parallel to these<br />

changes, relations between fluorescence transients of leaves from different positions<br />

stayed relatively stable.<br />


Table 3. Evaluation of statistical difference of parameters derived from chlorophyll<br />

a fluorescence induction curves between control and high temperature (30 min at<br />

42 °C in the darkness) treated apple tree leaves. F o<br />

– basal fluorescence, V j<br />

and<br />

V i<br />

– relative variable fluorescence at J and I step of the fluorescence induction<br />

curve, F k<br />

/F j<br />

– ratio of fluorescence at K versus J step of the fluorescence induction<br />

curve, F v<br />

/F m<br />

– maximal photochemical efficiency of PS II, φ Po<br />

– maximal<br />

quantum yield of primary photochemistry, ψ o<br />

– exciton transfer efficiency to<br />

electron transport chain, φ Eo<br />

– electron transport yield, φ Do<br />

– thermal dissipation<br />

yield. Double asterisk indicates on statistically significant difference at P = 0.01,<br />

asterisks indicates on statistically significant difference at P = 0.05 and n. s. –<br />

non-significant difference.<br />

3 lentelė. Išvestinių parametrų iš chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivių statistinių<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tumų tarp nepaveiktų <strong>ir</strong> aukšta temperatūra (42 °C 30 min. tamsoje) paveiktų vaismedžių<br />

įvertinimas. F o<br />

– bazinė fluorescencija, V j<br />

<strong>ir</strong> V i<br />

– J <strong>ir</strong> I fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivės<br />

žingsniuose santykinai kintanti fluorescencija, F k<br />

/F j<br />

– chlorofilo a fluorescencijos santykis<br />

tarp K <strong>ir</strong> J žingsnių, F v<br />

/F m<br />

– maksimalus fotocheminis PS II efektyvumas. φ Po<br />

– maksimali<br />

p<strong>ir</strong>minės fotochemijos kvantų išeiga, ψ o<br />

– eksitono perdavimo į elektronų transporto<br />

grandinę efektyvumas, φ Eo<br />

– elektronų transporto išeiga, φ Do<br />

– šilumos sklaidos išeiga.<br />

Dvi žvaigždutės žymi statistiškai patikimus sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus, kai P = 0,01, žvaigždutė žymi<br />

statistiškai patikimus sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus kai P = 0,05.<br />

From them the lowest F o<br />

and V j<br />

values, and the highest F v<br />

/F m<br />

of inner-crown<br />

leaves were derived (Table 4). Leaf positions did not influence values of V i<br />

and F k<br />

/F j<br />

.<br />

These results were reflected in JIP test parameters: the inner-crown leaves showed the<br />

highest ψ o<br />

, φ Eo<br />

and φ Po<br />

, but the lowest φ Do<br />

(Fig. 2).<br />


Table 4. Parameters derived from chlorophyll a fluorescence induction curves<br />

measured in 5th leaves of east-oriented annual shoots, leaves of middle part of the<br />

same shoots and leaves of south-oriented short sprouts on the apple tree trunks<br />

(inner-crown), after the high temperature treatment (30 min at 42 °C in the dark):<br />

F o<br />

– basal fluorescence, V j<br />

and V i<br />

– relative variable fluorescence at J and I step of<br />

the fluorescence induction curve, F k<br />

/F j<br />

– ratio of chlorophyll a fluorescence at K<br />

versus J step of the induction curve, and F v<br />

/F m<br />

– maximal photochemical efficiency<br />

of PS II. Letters indicate statistically significant difference at P = 0.01.<br />

4 lentelė. Išvestiniai parametrai iš chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivių,<br />

matuotų ‘Idared’ veislės obelų penktuose lapuose nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio,<br />

lapuose nuo vidurinės šakų dalies <strong>ir</strong> lapuose nuo į pietus orientuotų vaisinių šakučių.<br />

Analizės atliktos po aukštos temperatūros poveikio (42 °C 30 min. tamsoje). F o<br />

– bazinė<br />

fluorescencija, V j<br />

<strong>ir</strong> V i<br />

– J <strong>ir</strong> I fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivės žingsniuose santykinai<br />

kintanti fluorescencija, F k<br />

/F j<br />

– chlorofilo a fluorescencijos santykis tarp K <strong>ir</strong> J žingsnių,<br />

F v<br />

/F m<br />

– maksimalus fotocheminis PS II efektyvumas. Raidės žymi statistiškai patikimus<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus kai P = 0,01.<br />

Fluorescence induction curves in the middle leaves of annual shoots and innercrown<br />

leaves from Slender spindle apple trees engrafted into rootstock M.9 did not<br />

exhibit lower fluorescence values at the J step than before high temperature treatment<br />

(Fig. 3). Except of this difference, fluorescence transients of these as well as the 5 th<br />

leaves resembled those from modified Slender spindle apple trees engrafted into<br />

rootstock MM.104. Also the parameters derived from fluorescence induction curves<br />

showed the same tendency as in these apple trees (Table 4, Fig. 4).<br />

Comparison of fluorescence induction curves in leaves from modified Schlösser<br />

palmette apple trees engrafted into rootstock MM.104 before and after high temperature<br />


treatment indicates the similar characteristics to those measured in the Slender spindle<br />

apple trees on the same rootstock (Fig. 5). On the other hand, inner-crown leaves except<br />

of the lowest F o<br />

and V j<br />

, and the highest F v<br />

/F m<br />

showed also the highest V i<br />

(Table 4).<br />

However, φ Po<br />

, ψ o<br />

, φ Eo<br />

and φ Do<br />

in these apple trees were also similar to the Slender<br />

spindle apple trees (Fig. 6).<br />

The JIP test parameters obtained from all the combinations of rootstock – crown<br />

shape – leaf position after high temperature treatment showed similar φ Po<br />

, ψ o<br />

, φ Eo<br />

and φ Do<br />

in the 5th and the middle leaves of annual shoots (Fig. 7). However, despite<br />

of almost equal ψ o<br />

and φ Eo<br />

, significantly higher φ Do<br />

in the inner-crown leaves from<br />

modified Schlцsser palmette apple trees engrafted into rootstock MM.104 led to<br />

significantly lower φ Po<br />

than in the Slender spindle apple trees engrafted into rootstock<br />

M.9.<br />

Fig. 7. Comparison of parameters derived from chlorophyll a fluorescence nduction<br />

curves (φ Po<br />

– maximal quantum yield of primary photochemistry, ψ o<br />

– exciton<br />

transfer efficiency to electron transport chain, φ Eo<br />

– electron transport yield, φ Do<br />

–<br />

thermal dissipation yield) between treatments (rootstocks and crown shapes) in 5th<br />

leaves of east-oriented annual shoots, leaves of middle part of the same shoots and<br />

leaves of south-oriented short sprouts on the tree trunks (inner-crown) from apple<br />

trees, of cultivar ‘Idared’, after the high temperature treatment (30 min at 42 °C in<br />

the dark). Letters indicate statistically significant difference at P = 0.01.<br />

7 pav. Išvestinių parametrų iš chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivių<br />

(φ Po<br />

– maksimali p<strong>ir</strong>minės fotochemijos kvantų išeiga, ψ o<br />

– eksitono perdavimo į elektronų<br />

transporto grandinę efektyvumas, φ Eo<br />

– elektronų transporto išeiga, φ Do<br />

– šilumos sklaidos<br />

išeiga), matuotų modifikuotos laibosios verpstės formos ‘Idared’ veislės obelų penktuose<br />

lapuose nuo į rytus orientuoto metūglio, lapuose nuo vidurinės šakų dalies <strong>ir</strong> lapuose nuo į<br />

pietus orientuotų vaisinių šakučių. Analizės atliktos po poveikio aukšta temperatūra (30 min.<br />

42 °C tamspje). Raidės žymi statistiškai patikimus sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus, kai P = 0,01.<br />


Discussion. Leaf photosynthetic characteristics are influenced by internal and<br />

external factors and reflect the<strong>ir</strong> time-space fluctuations. Despite of homogenous<br />

rainfall distribution during summer months (Fig. 8), maximal daily a<strong>ir</strong> temperatures<br />

often exceeded 35 °C, inducing enhanced thermotolerance in apple trees leaves. How<br />

was this acclimatory process influenced by type of rootstock, crown shape and leaf<br />

topology within the crown<br />

Fig. 8. Course of maximal daily a<strong>ir</strong> temperatures and daily rainfall in summer<br />

months in 2006, in the experimental orchard of Slovak Agricultural University<br />

(Nitra, Slovakia)<br />

8 pav. Maksimalių kasdieninių oro temperatūrų <strong>ir</strong> kritulių eiga 2006 metų vasaros mėnesiais<br />

Slovakijos žemės ūkio universiteto eksperimentiniuose soduose, Nitra, Slovakija<br />

Rootstock mainly influences: (1) the amount and/or ratio of promoting and<br />

inhibiting endogenous hormones c<strong>ir</strong>culating within tree plant, particularly between<br />

the root system and above-ground tree parts; (2) the movement of assimilates (e. g.,<br />

sugars and amino acids) or mineral elements between the scion and rootstock; and<br />

(3) the amount of water taken up and moved through the rootstock to scion (Webster,<br />

1995).<br />

Therefore, we could expect rootstock influence on photosynthetic apparatus as<br />

well. Rootstocks with enhanced resistance to Erwinia amylovora, provide higher<br />

resistance to scion (Jensen et al., 2003). Would it not be possible also in relation to<br />

abiotic stressors<br />

However, no difference in any of the JIP test parameter (φ Po<br />

, ψ o<br />

, φ Eo<br />

and φ Do<br />

) in<br />

leaves with different crown localization, from apple trees engrafted into either vigorous<br />

rootstock MM.104 or very dwarfing rootstock M.9 (Fig. 7) implies to the fact that<br />

rootstock does not change the PS II thermostability of apple tree leaves. On the contrary,<br />

according to Kamboj and Quinlan (1998) and also Kamboj et al. (1999), roots of M.9<br />

accept less auxin and produce less cytokinin and more abscisic acid than MM.104,<br />

which is supposed to stress-harden (Wang et al., 2003) the scion in larger extent.<br />


Crown shape optimises light utilization efficiency, but also harmonizes the ratio<br />

of fruiting and growing parts of trees. Different branch organisation may also change<br />

hormonal composition (auxin-cytokinin ratio) in shoot tips, as mentioned by Tworkoski<br />

et al. (2006) and thus also stability of leaf photosynthesis, because cytokinines reduce<br />

its susceptibility to heat stress (Liu and Huang, 2002; Gupta et al., 2000). Nevertheless,<br />

different crown forms (modified Slender spindle or modified Schlösser palmette) caused<br />

no significant change in the PS II thermostability of leaves from any crown position<br />

(Fig. 7), suggesting a similar hormonal balance.<br />

Concentrating on PS II reactions to high temperature treatment in leaves from<br />

different tree crown positions we detected a pronounced unification in fluorescence<br />

induction transients (Fig. 1, 3, 5) and parameters derived from them (Table 4, Fig. 2,<br />

4, 6). The highest electron transport rate to photosystem I (lower disturbances at<br />

the acceptor side of PS II reaction centre, different impa<strong>ir</strong>ment at the donor side<br />

are excluded because of balanced F k<br />

/F j<br />

ratio), enhanced communication between<br />

antenna complex and reaction centres of the PS II and the reduced thermal dissipation<br />

of excitation energy led to the smallest decrease of photochemical PS II efficiency<br />

(Strasser, 2004) and thus the highest PS II thermostability in the inner-crown leaves.<br />

Response of the 5th and the middle leaves from the annual shoots was very similar.<br />

Reduced chlorophyll a/b ratio in the inner-crown leaves from the older apple trees<br />

on rootstock MM.104 (Table 2) points to the<strong>ir</strong> shaded character (Kull, 2002). Leaves<br />

from modified Schlцsser palmette apple trees in comparison to modified Slender spindle<br />

were likely more exposed to higher light intensities, therefore a slight movement of<br />

photosynthetic pigment characteristics was expected to sunny type. However, this was<br />

not observed. Because of massive light transmission into the crown of younger apple<br />

trees on rootstock M.9, there was no partition into sun and shade type in leaves.<br />

Higher PS II thermotolerance in the inner-crown leaves is in contrast to the<strong>ir</strong><br />

shade character, because shade leaves usually contain less xanthophyll cycle pigments<br />

(Demmig-Adams and Adams, 1992), less enzymatic and non-enzymatic radical<br />

scavengers (Logan et al., 1998) and have reduced photoresp<strong>ir</strong>atory activity (Muraoka<br />

et al., 2000), thus the<strong>ir</strong> protection capacity is reduced.<br />

Also finding of Niinemets et al. (1999) that increased optimal temperature<br />

for maximal photosynthetic electron transport in poplar leaves is correlated with<br />

integrated quantum flux density, can not be taken into account because of lower PS II<br />

thermostability of sun leaves from annual shoots in comparison to shaded inner-crown<br />

leaves, no difference between shaded leaves in apple trees with different crown shape,<br />

and difference between leaf positions in apple trees engrafted into rootstock M.9. All<br />

these results conf<strong>ir</strong>m our suggestion that there is no relation between light acclimation<br />

syndrome and PS II thermotolerance in the apple tree crowns. So, is the leaf age<br />

responsible for the PS II thermostability differences between leaf positions<br />

Juvenile elm leaves exhibited lower thermotolerance in respect to electron transfer<br />

from PS II antenna complex to reaction centre and electron transport to PS I (mainly<br />

limited by oxygen evolving complex (OEC) impa<strong>ir</strong>ment), compared to expanded<br />

ones (Jiang et al., 2006). Balanced F k<br />

/F j<br />

in every leaf position in apple trees suggests<br />

on reaching comparable OEC stability and hence leaf maturity, and further PS II<br />

thermostability rise of the inner-crown leaves provides enhanced communication<br />


etween anthenna complex and reaction centre of PS II and probably higher capacity<br />

of protective mechanisms, utilizing electrons from electron transport chain. Secondly,<br />

middle leaves of annual shoots, which are older than 5th leaves, did not exhibit enhanced<br />

PS II thermostability. Also different period of elevated temperatures, which are requ<strong>ir</strong>ed<br />

for photosynthetic apparatus acclimation (Verdaguer et al., 2003), can be excluded,<br />

because of limited growth of annual shoots during summer.<br />

Therefore, we suppose that the effect of plant polarity and associated changes<br />

in hormonal balance could be responsible for the difference in PS II thermostability<br />

in these three leaf positions. Larger proximity to root apices and larger distance from<br />

shoot apices shift the hormonal composition in short sprouts on the trunk in favour to<br />

cytokinins content, which may reduce leaf susceptibility to heat stress (Liu and Huang,<br />

2002; Gupta et al., 2000). The<strong>ir</strong> effect is probably realized through enhanced antioxidant<br />

enzymes level (Liu and Huang, 2002) or photoresp<strong>ir</strong>ation (Tian et al., 2006).<br />

Conclusions. Fruit trees experiencing extremely high summer temperatures<br />

usually exhibit disturbances to photosynthetic process. Testing roles of rootstock vigour<br />

(vigorous MM.104 and dwarfing M.9), crown shape and branch organization (Slender<br />

spindle and Schlцsser palmette) as well as leaf position in apple trees (cv. ‘Idared’)<br />

on photosystem II (PS II) thermostability (parameters derived from rapid chlorophyll<br />

a fluorescence kinetics) points to no influence of f<strong>ir</strong>st two factors. On the other hand,<br />

the leaf topology seems to be the most important regulatory feature suggesting on<br />

influence of trunk/root apex distance associated with cytokinin concentration.<br />

Acknowledgement. This study was supported by the scientific-technical project<br />

of the Grant Agency for Applied Research of the Slovak Ministry of Education<br />

(AV/1109/2004).<br />

Gauta 2008 04 04<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 25<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Vaismedžio vainiko formos, poskiepio <strong>ir</strong> topologijos įtaka obelų<br />

lapų II fotosistemos termostabilumui<br />

P. Ferus, M. Brestič, K. Olšovská, A. Kubová<br />

Santrauka<br />

Vasarа obelys dažnai pat<strong>ir</strong>ia neigiamą aukštų temperatūrų poveikį, kuris gali lemti<br />

fotosintezės sutrikimus <strong>ir</strong> neigiamai paveikti vaisių derlių <strong>ir</strong> kokybę. Atsižvelgiant į tai, buvo<br />

įvertinta poskiepio (žemaūgis M.9 <strong>ir</strong> augus MM.104), vainiko formos (modifikuota laiboji<br />

verpstė <strong>ir</strong> modifikuota) <strong>ir</strong> lapų topologijos (lapai imti nuo metinio ūglio v<strong>ir</strong>рūnės, vidurio <strong>ir</strong><br />

nuo vaisinių šakučių) įtaka ‘Idared’ veislės obelų II fotosistemos (PS II) termostabilumui 2006<br />

metų vasaros pabaigoje. T<strong>ir</strong>tos chlorofilo a fluorescencijos indukcijos kreivės, 30 minučių<br />

paveikus t<strong>ir</strong>iamus lapus 42 °C temperatūra. Nei poskiepio tipas nei vaismedžio forma nesukėlė<br />

lapo PS II termostabilumo pokyčių, tačiau esminiai sk<strong>ir</strong>tumai pastebėti tarp sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos lapų<br />

pozicijos vaismedžio vainike. Lyginant su lapais nuo metūglio kurie pademonstravo tik nedidelę<br />

termotoleranciją, žymus augimas nustatytas lapuose nuo vaisinių šakučių. Išmatuotas PS II<br />

termotolerancijos pajėgumas aptartas atsižvelgiant į augalų poliškumo principus.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: II fotosistemos termotolerancija, lapo topologija, obelis (Malus<br />

domestica Borkh.), poskiepis, vainiko forma.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Quality changes in black currant berries during<br />

ripening<br />

Marina Rubinskienė, Pranas Viškelis, Vidmantas Stanys,<br />

Tadeušas Šikšnianas, Audrius Sasnauskas<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: m.rubinskiene@lsdi.lt<br />

Black currant ‘Pilėnai’, ‘Vyčiai’, ‘Kriviai’ and ‘Gagatai’ berries of different stages of<br />

maturity were studied at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. At technical maturity, black<br />

currant ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Vyčiai’ berries were distinguished for having the greatest masses: 1.54 g<br />

and 1.48 g, respectively. When berries overripened, the<strong>ir</strong> mass decreased from between 2.9 %<br />

(‘Kriviai’) to as much as 38.3 % (‘Gagatai’). During berry ripening, the skin of black currants<br />

decreases in f<strong>ir</strong>mness. Overripe berries of cvs. ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Vyčiai’ softened the most: 3.8<br />

times and 3.4 times, respectively. At technical maturity, berries of cvs. ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Kriviai’<br />

were distinguished for having the most f<strong>ir</strong>m skin: 63.09 N cm -2 and 53.9 N cm -2 , respectively.<br />

The highest levels of ascorbic acid were found in berries at the beginning of ripening. Overripe<br />

berries had the lowest levels of ascorbic acid. Among various cultivars, ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Gagatai’<br />

berries of differing maturity had the highest levels of ascorbic acid, 152–114 mg 100 g -1 and<br />

147–103 mg 100 g -1 , respectively. With the exception of berries of cvs. ‘Vyčiai’ and ‘Pilėnai’,<br />

larger amounts of pigments accumulated in overripe berries. Among all cultivars, mature<br />

and overripe berries of cvs. ‘Kriviai’ and ‘Gagatai’ had the highest levels of anthocyanins, at<br />

387.61–450.63 mg 100 g -1 and 349.79-393.91 mg 100 g -1 , respectively. The greatest amounts<br />

of dry soluble solids were found in overripe berries. The highest levels were present in the<br />

mature and overripe berries of cv. ‘Kriviai’ (14.55–16.95 %). The amount of titratable acidity<br />

in black currant berries decreased during ripening. Significantly greater amounts of acids were<br />

found in ‘Pilėnai’ berries of various stages of maturity (3.<strong>27</strong>–2.41 %).<br />

Key words: chemical composition, skin f<strong>ir</strong>mness, berry weight, cultivar.<br />

Introduction. Black currants (Ribes nigrum L.) are orchard plants widely<br />

grown in Europe, especially in Russia, Poland and Germany. Currant growing in<br />

Lithuania was described in studies by J. Strumila in 1820. The Lithuanian Institute<br />

of Horticulture has carried out black currant cultivar selection and evaluation of the<br />

quality of berries and the<strong>ir</strong> products for many years. Most often, the nutritional quality<br />

of black currant berries is determined by the amount of ascorbic acid and PP-active<br />

substances. Agroclimatic conditions in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Byelorussia are<br />

favourable for a large accumulation of vitamin C. Black currant cultivars created and<br />

grown in these countries exceed Scandinavian cultivars for the amount of ascorbic<br />

acid in the<strong>ir</strong> berries (Žurawicz et al., 2000; Kampuse et al., 2002; Rubinskienė et al.,<br />

2006). Anthocyanin concentrations in berries are mostly determined by the cultivar’s<br />

genotype. High concentrations of pigments are found in the berries from Scandinavian<br />


cultivars (350–450 mg 100 g -1 ) (Nes, 1993). According to our research, berries from<br />

Lithuanian cultivars accumulate between <strong>27</strong>4.9 and 499.1 mg 100 g -1 of anthocyanins<br />

(Rubinskienė, Viškelis, 2002).<br />

Depending on the cultivar, the time-to-ripening for black currant berries can<br />

vary by a month or more. In Middle Lithuania, berries of early cultivars ripen by<br />

July 5, moderately early berries ripen between July 6–15, and late cultivars begin to<br />

ripen during the th<strong>ir</strong>d week of July. Different agroclimatic conditions influence berry<br />

quality and the time-to-ripening for black currants of various cultivars (Bičkauskienė,<br />

1973; Rubinskienė, 2004). Berry quality (f<strong>ir</strong>mness, weight) determines the black<br />

currant storage potential, transportability and trade appearance. The biochemical<br />

composition of the berry shows the specific qualities of various cultivars and the goal<br />

for production. Therefore it is very important to choose the optimal harvest time for<br />

different cultivars.<br />

The aim of this article is to evaluate berry quality and to investigate the<br />

accumulation of bioactive substances and other chemical compounds in black currant<br />

berries during ripening, identifying the most suitable harvest time.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. For the f<strong>ir</strong>st time, berries of different stages<br />

of maturity of the Lithuanian cultivars ‘Pilėnai’, ‘Gagatai’, ‘Vyčiai’ and ‘Kriviai’<br />

were investigated. They were rated according to a scale composed by the authors:<br />

pink (beginning of ripening), dark brown (50 % ripened), black (technical maturity)<br />

and overripe berries. Dry soluble solids in black currant berries were established by<br />

digital refractometer ATAGO; ascorbic acid content was assessed by titration with<br />

2.6-dichlorphenolindophenol sodium salt solution; titratable acidity (expressed as<br />

citric acid) was assessed by titration with a 0.1 N NaOH solution (Ермаков et al.,<br />

1987). The total amount of anthocyanins expressed by cyd-3-rut was established<br />

spectrophotometrically at a wave length of 544 nm (Wrolstad, 1976). Berry skin<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>mness was established with a penetrometer ИДП-500, with a probe diameter of<br />

1 mm.<br />

Meteorological conditions have a strong influence on both the biochemical<br />

composition of berries and the yield quality. According to data from the Lithuanian<br />

Hydrometeorological Station, during the berry ripening period in June 2007, the highest<br />

a<strong>ir</strong> temperature was 24–<strong>27</strong> °C, 1.5–2.8 °C higher than the multiannual average. During<br />

that month, there were 298 sunny hours in Middle Lithuania (33 hours longer than<br />

average). Most of the precipitation fell during the last days of the month. The conditions<br />

were favourable for both early and late cultivars. A<strong>ir</strong> temperature in July was similar to<br />

the multiannual average. July 17 th was the hottest day, and the a<strong>ir</strong> temperature reached<br />

30–34 °C. Rainy weather prevailed; precipitation was 1.5 to 2.5 times the average<br />

rainfall. There were 20–50 fewer hours of sunshine than the multiannual average.<br />

Results. According to our data, the weight of the average black currant berry<br />

depended on the time of ripening and the properties of the cultivar. With the exception<br />

of the cultivar ‘Kriviai’, berry weight increased during ripening until the berries reached<br />

technical maturity (Fig. 1). Black currant cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Vyčiai’ produced<br />

the biggest berries, with average weights of 1.54 g and 1.48 g, respectively. From the<br />

beginning of ripening, the<strong>ir</strong> weights increased 26 % and 45 %. The average weight of<br />

black currant ‘Gagatai’ berry at technical maturity increased 34.3 % from the beginning<br />


of ripening, reaching 1.37 g. It was observed that when berries overripened, the<strong>ir</strong><br />

weight decreased. Less weight loss was observed in the berries of ‘Kriviai’ (2.9 %) and<br />

‘Vyčiai’ (7.4 %); the greatest weight loss was seen in ‘Gagatai’ (38.3 %). The weight<br />

of overripe berries of the ‘Pilėnai’ cultivar decreased by 14.9 %.<br />

Fig. 1. Change in black currant berry weight during ripening<br />

1 pav. Įva<strong>ir</strong>ių juodųjų serbentų veislių uogų masės kitimas nokimo metu<br />

During black currant ripening, the f<strong>ir</strong>mness of the berry skin changed.<br />

This index depended on both the cultivar’s properties and berry ripeness. The<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>mest skins of all cultivars were in berries that were just beginning to ripen. The<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>mness of black currant berry skins ranged from 241.94 N cm -2 (‘Pilėnai’) to<br />

150.06 N cm -2 (‘Vyčiai’) (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2. Change in black currant berry skin f<strong>ir</strong>mness during ripening<br />

2 pav. Įva<strong>ir</strong>ių juodųjų serbentų veislių uogų odelės tv<strong>ir</strong>tumo kitimas nokimo metu<br />

During ripening, the skin f<strong>ir</strong>mness of 50 % ripened berries from cultivars ‘Vyčiai’<br />

and ‘Kriviai’ decreased by 26.9 % and 36.6 %, respectively; f<strong>ir</strong>mness of 50 % ripened<br />


erries from the ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Gagatai’ cultivars decreased by 45.8 % and 56.2 %. A<br />

notable softening of the skin was observed in black currant berries of technical maturity.<br />

The cultivar ‘Vyčiai’ decreased 69.8 %; skin f<strong>ir</strong>mness of the ‘Kriviai’, ‘Gagatai’ and<br />

‘Pilėnai’ cultivars decreased by 56.9 %, 55.8 % and 51.9 %, respectively. At the stage<br />

of technical maturity, berries of cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Kriviai’ were noted for the<strong>ir</strong><br />

f<strong>ir</strong>m skin. When berries overripened, the skin of all black currant berries softened.<br />

This effect was the greatest for the cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ (3.8 times) and ‘Vyčiai’ (3.4<br />

times) (Fig. 2).<br />

In analyzing the change in ascorbic acid during berry ripening, we observed that<br />

changes in ascorbic acid levels in the berries of various cultivars depended on both<br />

the physiological properties of cultivars and berry ripeness. In all of the investigated<br />

cultivars, greater amounts of ascorbic acid were present in the berries at the beginning<br />

of ripening (Fig. 3). Significantly larger amounts of ascorbic acid were observed in<br />

the pink berries of ‘Pilėnai’ (152.0 mg 100 g -1 ) and ‘Gagatai’ (147.0 mg 100 g -1 ).<br />

During ripening in the berries of all cultivars, we observed a decrease in the amount<br />

of ascorbic acid. When berries of the above-mentioned cultivars reached technical<br />

maturity, ascorbic acid concentrations decreased by 20.7 % and 18.7 %, respectively.<br />

The amounts of ascorbic acid in the berries of cultivars ‘Kriviai’ and ‘Vyčiai’ decreased<br />

by only 0.85 % and 7.8 %, respectively. The ascorbic acid content of these cultivars<br />

further decreased as they became overripe: ‘Kriviai’ berries decreased by 26.2 %, and<br />

‘Vyčiai’ berries decreased by 23.5 %. The amount of ascorbic acid in the berries of the<br />

‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Gagatai’ cultivars decreased from 13.8 % to 5.4 % (Fig. 3).<br />

Fig. 3. Change in ascorbic acid (AA) and anthocyanin<br />

(A) content in black currant berries during ripening<br />

3 pav. Askorbo rūgšties (AR) <strong>ir</strong> antocianinų<br />

(A) kitimo dinamika juodųjų serbentų uogose nokimo metu<br />

During ripening, the amount of pigment in the berries noticeably increased,<br />

and at technical maturity, there was significantly more pigment in cultivars ‘Kriviai’<br />

(387.61 mg 100 g -1 ) and ‘Gagatai’ (349.79 mg 100 g -1 ) (Fig. 3). The berries of cultivars<br />

‘Vyčiai’ and ‘Pilėnai’ accumulated from 246.85 to 267.87 mg 100 g -1 of anthocyanins.<br />

It was observed that when berries were overripe, the dynamics of the pigments differed<br />


among cultivars. In the berries of cultivars ‘Kriviai’ and ‘Gagatai,’ the quantity of<br />

anthocyanins increased 16.2–12.6 % (up to 450.63 mg 100 g -1 and 393.91 mg 100 g -1 ,<br />

respectively) to produce the highest values overall. In overripe berries of cultivars<br />

‘Vyčių’ and ‘Pilėnų,’ the concentration of pigments decreased: in berries of ‘Vyčiai’<br />

by 3 %, and in berries of ‘Pilėnai,’ by 34.5 % (Fig. 3).<br />

The quantity of dry soluble solids in berries depended on the properties of the<br />

cultivars and the extent of ripeness. During ripening, the amount of dry soluble solids<br />

in berries of all cultivars increased. The largest amount of was established in overripe<br />

berries of ‘Kriviai’ (16.95 %); the lowest amount was in berries of ‘Pilėnai’ (14.7 %)<br />

(Table). The amounts accumulated in berries of cultivars ‘Vyčiai’ and ‘Gagatai’ differed<br />

only slightly.<br />

Table. Change of biochemical composition in black currant berries during<br />

ripening<br />

Lentelė. Biocheminės sudėties kitimas juodųjų serbentų uogose nokimo metu<br />


Larger amounts of titratable acidity were established in berries of the investigated<br />

cultivars at the beginning of ripening. Overripe berries have the lowest amount of<br />

organic acids. The berries of cultivar ‘Pilėnai’ were distinguished by having the largest<br />

amount of acids (2.41 %); the lowest amounts were in the berries of the cultivar<br />

‘Gagatai’ (2.12 %) (table).<br />

Overripe berries of the cultivar ‘Kriviai’ were notable for having the largest<br />

amount of dry soluble solids – 20.45 %. Large amounts (19.3 %) also accumulated in<br />

berries of the cultivar ‘Gagatai’ (Table). The lowest amount was found in the berries<br />

of cultivar ‘Vyčiai’. When evaluating the properties of cultivars, we observed that<br />

during the ripening of cultivar ‘Pilėnai’ the amount of dry soluble solids increased<br />

most of all, by 15.5 %.<br />

Discussion. Set berries are green. The<strong>ir</strong> unpleasant taste is due to organic<br />

acids and fermentation substances. Since they contain large amounts of insoluble<br />

protopectins and starch, the berries are f<strong>ir</strong>m. We noticed that berry f<strong>ir</strong>mness depended<br />

on the biological properties of cultivars. The black currant cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ and<br />

‘Gagatai’ were distinguished for berry f<strong>ir</strong>mness. At the second berry ripening stage,<br />

when morphological and biochemical changes took place, the<strong>ir</strong> concentration of<br />

pectins decreased (during overripening, by as much as 51–57 %) and berries softened<br />

(Максименко, 1997). We observed that among the investigated black currant cultivars,<br />

the changes in berry skin f<strong>ir</strong>mness took place unevenly during ripening. At the stage<br />

of 50 % ripeness, skin f<strong>ir</strong>mness of ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Gagatai’ berries decreased by 45.8 %<br />

and 56.2 % (Fig. 2). When technical maturity was reached, the softening of ‘Pilėnai’,<br />

‘Gagatai’ and ‘Vyčiai’ berry skins occurred more quickly than in the cultivar ‘Kriviai’.<br />

At this maturity stage, the cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Kriviai’ were distinguished for berry<br />

skin f<strong>ir</strong>mness. According to our data, when berries were overripe, skin softening took<br />

place quickly.<br />

Studies of the biochemical composition of black currant berries of various ripeness<br />

are carried out in Lithuania and as well as in other countries. We observed that the<br />

amount of accumulated substances and changes in those levels in berries depends more<br />

on the biological properties of the cultivar than on the growth conditions (Brennan,<br />

1996; Viola et al., 2000; Rubinskienė et al., 2006).<br />

The data of the ascorbic acid change conf<strong>ir</strong>med the earlier results obtained by us<br />

and by other investigators. Larger amounts of vitamin C are present at the beginning<br />

of berry ripening (Fig. 3) (Максименко, 1999; Rubinskienė, Viškelis, 2002).<br />

The quantity of anthocyanins in berries was due to cultivar properties and to<br />

the time of ripening. As noted in earlier years of investigation, according chemical<br />

analyses, the berries of cultivars ‘Kriviai’ and ‘Gagatai’ were distinguished for having<br />

the greatest accumulation of anthocyanins (Fig. 3) (Viškelis, Rubinskienė, Jasutienė,<br />

2001). We observed that overripe berries accumulate greater amounts of anthocyanins<br />

(Rubinskienė, 2004). The data showed that pigment concentration did not increase<br />

in berries of all the cultivars. The hot weather of July accelerated berry ripening, and<br />

abundant precipitation negatively influenced berry quality of the later black currant<br />

cultivars. We observed that overripe berries of the cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Vyčiai’ were<br />

very soft (Fig. 2) and were of sour taste. We think that the process of fermentation<br />

(which took place in overripe berries) influenced anthocyanin degradation, and this<br />

was the reason why the concentration of these pigments decreased (Fig. 3).<br />


Our results on the dynamics of the changes in titratable acidity and dry soluble<br />

solids in berries during ripening do not contradict previously published data. Greater<br />

amounts of dry soluble solids are found in overripe berries, and greater amounts of<br />

acids are found at the beginning of ripening (Максименко, 1997; Rubinskienė et al.,<br />

2006). At the second stage of ripening, when the amounts of anthocyanins and dry<br />

soluble solids significantly increase, titratable acidity starts to decrease in berries<br />

(Fig. 3, Table).<br />

Conclusions. 1. At the stage of technical maturity, berries of the cultivars ‘Pilėnai’<br />

and ‘Vyčiai’ were distinguished for the largest weights: 1.54 g and 1.48 g, respectively.<br />

When berries became overripe, the<strong>ir</strong> weight decreased by between 2.9 % (‘Kriviai’)<br />

to 38.3 % (‘Gagatai’).<br />

2. During black currant ripening, skin f<strong>ir</strong>mness decreases. Overripe berries of<br />

cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Vyčiai’ soften most of all: 3.8 and 3.4 times. At the stage<br />

of technical maturity, the berries of cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ (63.09 N cm -2 ) and ‘Kriviai’<br />

(53.9 N cm -2 ) had f<strong>ir</strong>m skin.<br />

3. Greater amounts of ascorbic acid were present in berries at the beginning of<br />

ripening. Overripe berries were the least vitaminous. At various stages of maturity,<br />

berries of the cultivars ‘Pilėnai’ and ‘Gagatai’ were notable for ascorbic acid content:<br />

152–114 mg 100 g -1 and 147–103 mg 100 g -1 , respectively. With the exception of the<br />

berries of cultivars ‘Vyčiai’ and ‘Pilėnai’, greater amounts of pigment accumulate in<br />

overripe berries. Berries of technical maturity and overripe berries of cultivars ‘Kriviai’<br />

and ‘Gagatai’ were observed to have significantly greater quantities of anthocyanin:<br />

387.61–450.63 mg 100 g -1 and 349.79–393.91 mg 100 g -1 , respectively. Larger amounts<br />

of dry soluble solids were found in overripe berries. Larger quantities were present<br />

in berries of technical maturity and in overripe berries of cultivar ‘Kriviai’ (14.55–<br />

16.95 %). During ripening of the berries of black currants, the amount of titratable<br />

acidity decreases. Significantly greater amounts of acids were found in the berries of<br />

cultivar ‘Pilėnai’ of varying maturity (3.<strong>27</strong>–2.41 %).<br />

Acknowledgement. This work was partly supported by Lithuanian State Science<br />

and Studies<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 03 24<br />

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Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, XVI: 121–134.<br />

2. Brennan R. Currants and gooseberries. 1996. In: J. Janick & J. N. Moore, Fruit<br />

breeding. Vol. 2. Small fruit and vine crops. New York, 191–295.<br />

3. Kampuse S., Kampuss K., Pizika L. 2002. Stability of anthocyanins and ascorbic<br />

acid in raspberry and blackcurrant cultivars during frozen storage. Proceedings<br />

of the eighth international Rubus and Ribes symposium. Acta Horticulturae,<br />

585: 507–600.<br />


4. Nes A. 1993. Evaluation of blackcurrant cultivars in Norway. Sixth International<br />

Symposium on Rubus and Ribes. Acta Horticulturae, 352: 387–392.<br />

5. Rubinskienė M. 2004. Bioaktyviųjų medžiagų kitimas nokstančiose <strong>ir</strong> perd<strong>ir</strong>btose<br />

juodųjų serbentų uogose: daktaro disert. santr. Kaunas.<br />

6. Rubinskienė M., Viškelis P. 2002. Accumulation of ascorbic acid and anthocyanins<br />

in berries of Ribes nigrum. Botanica Lithuanica, 8(2): 139–144.<br />

7. Rubinskienė M., Viškelis P., Jasutienė I., Duchovskis P., Bobinas Č. 2006. Change<br />

of biologically active constituents in black currants during ripening. J. Fruit Ornam.<br />

Plant Res., 14(2): 237–246.<br />

8. Viola R., Brennan R., Davies H., Sommerville L. 2000. L-ascorbic acid<br />

accumulation in berries of Ribes nigrum L. J. of Horticulture Science &<br />

Biotechnology, 75: 409–412.<br />

9. Viškelis P., Rubinskienė M., Jasutienė I. 2001. Influence of black currant pigments<br />

on berry technological properties. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 20(3)–1: 229–<br />

239.<br />

10. Wrolstad R. E. 1976. Color and pigment analyzes in fruit products. Station Bulletin<br />

624. Oregon State University, 4.<br />

11. Žurawicz E., Pluta S., Danek J. 2000. Small fruit breeding at the research institute<br />

of pomology and floriculture in Skierniewice, Poland. Proceeding of the Eucarpia<br />

symposium on fruit breeding and genetics. Acta Horticulturae, 538: 457–461.<br />

12. Ермаков А. И., Арасимович В. В., Ярош Н. П., Перуанский Ю. В.,<br />

Луковникова Г. А., Иконникова М. И. 1987. Методы биохимического<br />

исследования растений (Под ред. А. И. Ермакова), Агропромиздат,<br />

Ленинград.<br />

13. Максименко М. 1997. Аккумуляция питательных веществ в ягодах смородины<br />

черной в процессе созревания. Состояние и проблемы садоводства России,<br />

2: 207–210.<br />

14. Максименко М. 1999. Динамика витамина С и его форм в процессе<br />

созревания и технологической обработки смородины черной. Плодоводство,<br />

12: 155–159.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Juodųjų serbentų uogų kokybės pokyčiai nokimo metu<br />

M. Rubinskienė, P. Viškelis, V. Stanys, T. Šikšnianas, A. Sasnauskas<br />

Santrauka<br />

Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institute t<strong>ir</strong>tos įva<strong>ir</strong>ios brandos juodųjų serbentų<br />

‘Pilėnai’, ‘Vyčiai’, ‘Kriviai’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Gagatai’ uogos. Didžiausia mase pasižymėjo techninę brandą<br />

pasiekusios ‘Pilėnų’ (1,54 g) <strong>ir</strong> ‘Vyčių’ (1,48 g) juodųjų serbentų uogos. Uogoms pernokstant<br />

jų masė sumažėja nuo 2,9 % (‘Kriviai’) iki 38,3 % (‘Gagatai’). Juodųjų serbentų nokimo metu<br />

uogų odelės tv<strong>ir</strong>tumas mažėja. Ženkliausiai suminkštėja pers<strong>ir</strong>pusios ‘Pilėnų’ (3,8 karto) <strong>ir</strong><br />

‘Vyčių’ (3,4 karto) uogos. Techninėje brandoje tv<strong>ir</strong>ta odele išsisk<strong>ir</strong>ia ‘Pilėnų’ (63,09 N cm -2 ) <strong>ir</strong><br />

‘Krivių’ (53,9 N cm -2 ) uogos. Didesni askorbo rūgšties kiekiai nustatyti uogose nokimo pradžioje.<br />


Mažiausiu vitaminingumu pasižymi pers<strong>ir</strong>pusios uogos. Tarp veislių askorbo rūgšties kiekiu<br />

išsisk<strong>ir</strong>ia įva<strong>ir</strong>ios brandos ‘Pilėnų’ (152–114 mg 100 g -1 ) <strong>ir</strong> ‘Gagatų’ (147–103 mg 100 g -1 )<br />

uogos. Išskyrus ‘Vyčių’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Pilėnų’ serbentus, gausesni pigmentų kiekiai susikaupia pers<strong>ir</strong>pusiose<br />

uogose. Tarp veislių patikimai didesniu antocianinų kiekiu pasižymi techninės brandos <strong>ir</strong><br />

pers<strong>ir</strong>pusios ‘Krivių’ (387,61–450,63 mg 100 g -1 ) bei ‘Gagatų’(349,79–393,91 mg 100 g -1 )<br />

uogos. Didesni t<strong>ir</strong>pių sausųjų medžiagų kiekiai yra pers<strong>ir</strong>pusiose uogose. Daugiau jų nustatyta<br />

techninės brandos <strong>ir</strong> pers<strong>ir</strong>pusiose ‘Krivių’ (14,55–16,95 %) uogose. Nokimo metu juodųjų<br />

serbentų uogose sumažėja titruojamojo rūgštingumo kiekis. Patikimai didesni rūgščių kiekiai<br />

rasti įva<strong>ir</strong>ios brandos ‘Pilėnų’ uogose (3,<strong>27</strong>–2,41 %).<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: cheminė sudėtis, odelės tv<strong>ir</strong>tumas, uogos masė, veislė.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

The influence of fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor on<br />

edible carrot photosynthesis parameters and productivity<br />

Ona Bundinienė, Pavelas Duchovskis, Aušra Brazaitytė<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, 54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: o.bundiniene@lsdi.lt<br />

In 2005–2006 in the experimental field of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture,<br />

in the IDg8-k / Calc(ar)i- Epihypogleyc Luvisols – LVg-p-w-cc it was investigated<br />

the influence of fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor DMPP on the photosynthesis<br />

parameters of carrot cultivar ‘Samson’ (Daucus sativus Röhl.) and the<strong>ir</strong> relation with<br />

productivity. Sowing rate was 0.8 mln. unt. ha -1 of shoot seeds, sowing scheme –<br />

62 + 8 cm. It was established that fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor DMPP (Entec-<br />

Avant 12 7 16 + microelements + DMPP) increased assimilation area of carrot leaves<br />

and crop and photosynthesis potential. The biggest total (70.1 t ha -1 ) and standard (49.7 t ha -1 )<br />

carrot root-crop yield and the best standard yield output (70.7 %) were obtained applying<br />

fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor. Standard carrot yield increased, when plant (r = 0.88)<br />

and crop (r = 0.92) assimilation area and photosynthesis potential (correspondingly plant’s<br />

photosynthesis potential r = 0.74, crop’s r = 0.91) increased, and the increasement of the net<br />

photosynthesis productivity had negative (though not big) influence (plant’s photosynthesis<br />

potential r = -0.4, crop’s r = -0.23) on productivity.<br />

Key words: assimilation area, photosynthesis potential, photosynthesis, fertilizers with<br />

nitrification inhibitor, edible carrot.<br />

Introduction. The size of yield and crop productivity depend on plant<br />

photosynthesis and breathing intensity, assimilation area, photosynthesis potential,<br />

agroclimatic conditions and other factors (Третьяков; 1998, Romaneckas et al.,<br />

2001). The relations of photosynthesis and yield are very complicate and often reveal<br />

contradictions between plant needs and the purposes of a man as producer. Nevertheless,<br />

all the means of photosynthesis increasement (optimization of light, humidity, crop<br />

density, decrease of weediness and especially improvement of nutrition conditions,<br />

i. e. balanced fertilization with mineral fertilizers) guarantee the increase of plant<br />

production (Гриценко, Долгодворов, 1986; Чихов, 1997; Duchovskis, 2000; Velička<br />

et al., 2007). When fertilizing with the optimal selected norms, nutrients are assimilated<br />

more productively. Nitrogen is the most important among them. Nitrogen, especially<br />

its nitric form, is very agile and easily washable element, therefore under unfavourable<br />

meteorological conditions, its big losses are possible (Liet. d<strong>ir</strong>vož. ..., 1998). The new<br />

fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor (DMPP – 3.4 dimetilpyrazilphospfate, market<br />

title – ENTEC) inhibits ammonium nitrogen turning into nitric nitrogen and in such<br />

a way decreases the losses of its washing out (Hähndel, Zerulla, 2001), but does not<br />

influence soil biological activity (Zerulla et al., 2001). Under the different temperature<br />


and moisture conditions, more than 80 % of DMPP remained within the 0-to 5-mm<br />

region around the granule, from 5 % to 15 % of DMPP were found in the 5- to 20-<br />

mm region (Azam et al., 2001). Results show that DMPP may increase the mean crop<br />

yield (grain yield by 0.24–0.29 t ha -1 , tuber yield potatoes by 1.9 t ha -1 , sugar beets<br />

+ 0.24 t ha -1 and corrected sugar yield, biomass of carrots by 4.9 t ha -1 , onions – 1.9 t ha -1 ,<br />

radish – 4.6 t ha -1 , lettuce – 1.4 t ha -1 , lambs lettuce – 1.9 t ha -1 , leek – 1.7 t ha -1 and<br />

improve crop quality (e. g., reduced nitrate concentration in leafy vegetables). The<br />

positive effects were especially pronounced at sites with a high precipitation rate or<br />

intensive <strong>ir</strong>rigation, and on light sandy soil (Pasda et al., 2001).<br />

Different plants because of the<strong>ir</strong> uneven biological and morphological properties<br />

distinguished themselves with uneven parameters of photosynthesis indices, which<br />

optimization d<strong>ir</strong>ectly determines economical productivity (Suojala, 2000; Duchowski,<br />

Brazaitytė, 2001). The increase of plant biomass during organogenesis d<strong>ir</strong>ectly depends<br />

on the absorbed amount of FAR, which most often is determined by leaf area, the<strong>ir</strong><br />

position in space and the angle of turning to the sun (Guiducci et al., 1992; Duchowski,<br />

Brazaitytė, 2001). The bigger coefficient of FAR using, the bigger is biomass yield<br />

(Гриценко, Долгодворов, 1986). The parameters of crop photosynthesis are strongly<br />

influenced by meteorological conditions and anthropogenic env<strong>ir</strong>onment factors,<br />

which dynamic depends on geographic latitude, local agroclimatic conditions and<br />

the degree of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental pollution (Sincla<strong>ir</strong>, Horie, 1989; Gibberd et al., 2000;<br />

Šiaudinis, Lazauskas, 2006).<br />

The aim of the study is to establish the influence of fertilizer with nitrification<br />

inhibitor DMPP (market title – Entec-Avant) on the parameters of photosynthesis of<br />

edible carrot (Daucus sativus Röhl.) and the<strong>ir</strong> influence on productivity in comparison<br />

with the effect of the other investigated fertilizers.<br />

Object, method and conditions. In 2005–2006 experiments were carried out in the<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, in the IDg8-k / Calc(ar)i- Epihypogleyc Luvisols –<br />

LVg-p-w-cc (Buivydaitė et al., 2001). The ploughing layer had little humus (1.53 %),<br />

much phosphorus (341.5 mg kg -1 ), average amount of potassium (161 mg kg -1 ), also –<br />

calcium and magnesium (respectively – 10 850 and 1 995 mg kg -1 ). In spring in the<br />

ploughing and under ploughing layers it was found 58.7 kg ha -1 of mineral nitrogen<br />

(little amount). Soil – pH – 7.55 (alkaline) (Liet. d<strong>ir</strong>vož. ....., 1998).<br />

Carrots of cultivar ‘Samson’ were grown on furrowed surface, sowing approximately<br />

800 thousand germinable seeds per hectare. Sowing scheme – 62 + 8 cm (in the belt of<br />

8 cm width seeds were sown in all d<strong>ir</strong>ections). Carrot preplant was cabbage. The jobs<br />

of vegetable supervision were carried out according to the technologies, accepted at the<br />

LIH. Plants were fertilized with the rates and fertilizers indicated in the experimental<br />

scheme only before sowing. Experiments were carried out according to the scheme:<br />

1. Without fertilizers (N 0<br />

P 0<br />

K 0<br />

) – control / Be trąšų – kontrolė<br />

2. Monomial fertilizer, according to the data agrochemical characteristics /<br />

Vienanarės trąšos, remiantis agrocheminių d<strong>ir</strong>vožemio tyrimų duomenimis<br />

3. Cropcare 10 10 20, using 600 kg ha -1 fertilizer / Cropcare 10 10 20, išberiant<br />

600 kg ha -1 trąšos (N 60<br />

P 60<br />

K 120<br />

)<br />


4. F e r t i l i z e r w i t h n i t r i f i c a t i o n i n h i b i t o r E n t e c - Av a n t<br />

N 12<br />

P 7<br />

K 16 +<br />

microelements + DMPP, using 500 kg ha -1 fertilizer / trаša su nitrifikacijos<br />

inhibitoriumi Entec-Avant N 12<br />

P 7<br />

K 16<br />

+ mikroelementai + DMPP, išberiant 500 kg ha -1 trąšos<br />

(N 60<br />

P 35<br />

K 80<br />

).<br />

In the second variant carrots before the sowing were fertilized with ammonium<br />

saltpetre (34 % N), granuled superphosphate (20 % P 2<br />

O 5<br />

) and potassium magnesia<br />

(30 % K 2<br />

O); in the th<strong>ir</strong>d variant – with the complex fertilizer with microelements<br />

Cropcare 10 10 20 + MgO(4.15 %) + S(11 %) + microelements (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo,<br />

Zn, Se). In the fourth variant there was used fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor DMPP<br />

(market title Entec-Avant). The fertilizer contains 12 % N, 7 % P 2<br />

O 5<br />

, 16 % K 2<br />

O, 4 %<br />

MgO, 5 % S, 0.02 % B, 0.01 % Zn, 0.8 % DMPP.<br />

Initial area of field – 15 m 2 (length – 5 m, width – 3 m), record field 4.2 m 2 (length –<br />

3 m, width – 1.4 m). Experiment variants were carried out in four replications.<br />

Leaf assimilation area was measured for three times per vegetation: I – at 6–10<br />

leaves stage (early growth, or 57–62 days after sowing, 2005-07-12, 2006-06-30);<br />

II – the end of intensive leaf growth period (28–32 days after the f<strong>ir</strong>st measurement<br />

or 81–90 days after sowing 2005-08-09, 2006-07-26) and III – the end of intensive<br />

root-crop growth period (28–32 days after the second measurement or 109–139 days<br />

after sowing, 2005-09-08, 2006-08-26). 5 plants from each variant were taken and<br />

the measurements were carried out. Analogically there were calculated the other<br />

photosynthesis parameters (net plant and crop photosynthesis productivity, plant and<br />

crop photosynthesis potential).<br />

Leaf assimilation area was measured with the automat measurer (WinDias). Dry<br />

matter were established gravimetrically, after drying at the temperature of 105 ± 2 °C<br />

up to the unchangeable mass (Manuals, 1986). Crop assimilation area was calculated<br />

by multiplying plant leaf assimilation area and crop density. Net photosynthesis<br />

productivity was calculated according to the formula 1 (Третьяков, 1998):<br />

F p<br />

= M 2<br />

-M 1<br />

/ 1 / 2<br />

(L 1<br />

+ L 2<br />

)T (1)<br />

Here:<br />

F p<br />

– photosynthesis productivity, mg cm -2 per 24 h;<br />

M 2<br />

– M 1<br />

– increase of dry weight during the period of investigation (mg);<br />

L 1<br />

+ L 2<br />

– leaf area in the beginning of the period and at the end (cm 2 );<br />

T – duration of the period, in 24 h.<br />

Plant photosynthesis potential was calculated by summing leaf area of every 24 h<br />

and crop area – taking into account crop density. The investigations of photosynthesis<br />

parameters were carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology at the Lithuanian<br />

Institute of Horticulture.<br />

There were established in soil samples: pH KCl<br />

– by potentiometrical<br />

(ISO 10390:2005), humus (%) – by dry burning (ISO 10694:1995), agile P 2<br />

O 5<br />

and<br />

K 2<br />

O (mg kg -1 )– by Egner-Rimo-Domingo (A-L, Gost 26208-84), mineral nitrogen<br />

(mg kg -1 ) – by yonmetrical, calcium and magnesium (mg kg -1 ) – by atomic absorption<br />

spectrometrical (SVP D-06) methods. Analyses were carried out in the Center of<br />

Agrochemical investigations at the LIH.<br />

Vegetables were gathered at the stage of technical maturity.<br />

Data significance was evaluated by the method of one-factor dispersion analysis,<br />

applying the program ANOVA, the relation among the different parameters – by<br />


correlation regression analysis, the character and force of the interrelation – by<br />

statistical analysis of the coefficients of the ways, applying the program STAT_ENG<br />

(Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003).<br />

M e t e o r o l o g i c a l c o n d i t i o n s. In 2005 May, July and August were<br />

cooler and more humid, especially August, than the multiannual averages (Table).<br />

In 2006 a<strong>ir</strong> temperature in the f<strong>ir</strong>st two months was similar to the multiannual, but<br />

during both months there fell averagely 42 % of multiannual precipitation rate, and<br />

August was warmer, but very rainy (there was precipitation for 2.3 times more than the<br />

multiannual average). July in both years of experiment was hot (a<strong>ir</strong> temperature 1.5 °C<br />

was higher than the multiannual average) and very dry, especially in 2005, when only<br />

5.3 % of multiannual month rate fell. September in both years of experiment also was<br />

warmer, but in 2005 – dry (precipitation comprised 67 % of multiannual precipitation<br />

rate), and 2006 – rainy (it rained for 2.8 times more than multiannual parameters).<br />

Plant vegetation period in 2005 was warm and equaled to the multiannual average.<br />

Plant vegetation period in 2006 was warmer and more humid than the multiannual<br />

average. The average a<strong>ir</strong> temperature was 1.3 °C higher than multiannual average, and<br />

precipitation was 8.5 mm more than multiannual average (Table).<br />

Table. Meteorological conditions during plant vegetation<br />

Lentelė. Meteorologinės sąlygos vegetacijos metu<br />

Kaunas Meteorological Station, 2005–2006<br />

Kauno meteorologinė stotis, 2005–2006 m.<br />

Results. The formation of edible carrot plant assimilation area in different growth<br />

periods took place unevenly, but fertilizing with mineral fertilizers increased. During<br />

the period from sowing up to I measurement (early growth, the end of June – the<br />

beginning of July, or 57–62 days after sowing) carrot leaf assimilation area, growing<br />

them without fertilizers, was 82.1 cm 2 and under the influence of fertilizers it increased<br />

10.5–50.7 cm 2 (Fig. 1). The biggest plant leaf assimilation area was fertilizing with<br />

the fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor (Entec 12 7 16, 500 kg ha -1 ). At the end of<br />

the intensive leaf growing period (II measurement, the end of July – the beginning of<br />

Angust, or 81–91 day after sowing), leaf assimilation area of carrots grown without<br />


fertilizers in comparison with the I measurement increased 2.4 and this of fertilized<br />

ones – 2.5–3.3 times.<br />

Fig. 1. Plant and crop assimilation area in carrot crop<br />

of different fertilizing, 2005–2006.<br />

1 pav. Augalo <strong>ir</strong> pasėlio asimiliacijos plotas sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo<br />

tręšimo morkų pasėlyje, 2005–2006 m.<br />

Fertilized plants, in spite of not fully suitable meteorological conditions, grew<br />

better. Fertilizers increased carrot leaf assimilation area 1.6–1.7 times. The leaves of<br />

carrots fertilized with monomial fertilizers and fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor<br />

grew most quickly, but there weren’t significant differences between leaf assimilation<br />

areas of plants fertilized with different fertilizers. At the end of intensive root-crop<br />

growth period (III measurement, the end of August – the f<strong>ir</strong>st half of September, or<br />

109–139 days from sowing) leaf assimilation area in comparison with II measurement<br />

decreased and this decrease in fertilized carrots was bigger (97.4–110.5 cm 2 ) than<br />

in these grown without fertilizers (7.4 cm 2 ) (Fig. 1). Probably under the sufficient<br />

amount of humidity plants recovered after hot and dry weather in July of both years<br />

of investigation (especially in 2005) grew intensively and used soil nutrients, and<br />

the fertilized plants intensively accumulated nutrients in root-crop and some leaves<br />

already were wilted.<br />

When plant leaf assimilation area increased, crop assimilation area also increased.<br />

The biggest crop assimilation area (on the average 17.3 m 2 ha -1 ) was at the end of<br />

intensive leaf growth period (II measurement), and measuring at the end of root-crop<br />

growth (III measurement) this area was on the average 2.2 m 2 ha -1 smaller. During all<br />

the measurements, fertilizing with all the investigated fertilizers crop assimilation area<br />

was bigger than this of carrots grown without fertilizers (Fig. 1).<br />

The biggest amount of dry matter was accumulated at the end of intensive rootcrop<br />

growth period (III measurement). During all the measurements, the amount of<br />

dry matter fertilizing carrots was bigger than this of carrots grown without fertilizers,<br />


ut the essential differences weren’t found.<br />

Meteorological conditions (humidity and temperature) of the different experimental<br />

years influenced the increase of plant assimilation area: when temperature increased,<br />

assimilation area decreased (2) and when the amount of precipitation increased,<br />

assimilation area increased also (3):<br />

Y = 1307.51 – 85.57 x, r = -0.94 ± 0.14, t = 4.41, F t<br />

= 4.77** (2)<br />

Y = 885.77 – 13.98 x + 0.003 x 2 , R = 0.823, F t<br />

= 23.04** (3)<br />

Used symbols / Sutartiniai ženklai:<br />

r – coefficient of correlation / koreliacijos koeficientas<br />

R – proportion of correlation / koreliacinis santykis<br />

t – statistic derived in student t-test / studento t-testo kriterijus (sk<strong>ir</strong>tumo patikimumo<br />

kriterijus)<br />

F t<br />

– variant ratio (F test<br />

) / Fiрerio kriterijus<br />

R 05<br />

– LSD – least significant difference / mažiausias esminis sk<strong>ir</strong>tumas<br />

* – data significant at P ≤ 0.05 probability level / patikimumas, esant 95 % tikimybės<br />

lygiui<br />

** – at P ≤ 0.01 probability level / patikimumas, esant 99 % tikimybės lygiui.<br />

Duncan’s multiple range test, means followed by the same letter are not different<br />

significantly at p < 0,05 / Tarp vidurkių pažymėtų ta pačia raide, pagal Dunkano kriterijų,<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tumai neesminiai 95 % tikimybės lygiui<br />

When assimilation area increased in the periods of early growth (from sowing<br />

up to 6–10 leaves) and intensive leaf growth periods, the amounts of dry matter also<br />

increased (r = 0.99 <strong>ir</strong> r = 0.97), and before the yield gathering, when leaf assimilation<br />

area decreased, the amounts of dry matter also decreased (r = -0.64), but increased<br />

carrot yield: assimilation area influenced the increase of total yield 31 % (r = 0.82),<br />

the increase of the standard one – 32 % (r = 0.88).<br />

The influence of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors and technological means on photosynthesis<br />

best of all is reflected by plant net photosynthesis productivity, which is expressed by<br />

the ratio of dry weight increase during certain time and leaf assimilation area during<br />

the same period. Plant photosynthesis productivity in the early carrot growth period<br />

(from sowing up to 6–10 leaves) on the average was 0.37 mg cm -2 in 24 h, crop<br />

photosynthesis productivity – 30.0 mg m -2 in 24 h (Fig. 2). The biggest carrot plant<br />

photosynthesis productivity was fertilizing with monomial fertilizers, but essential<br />

differences among plants fertilized with different fertilizers weren’t found. The biggest<br />

crop net photosynthesis productivity was applying fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor<br />

(Fig. 2).<br />

During the period from sowing up till the end of intensive leaf growth (81–90 days<br />

after sowing) plant photosynthesis productivity on the average was 0.55 mg cm 2 in<br />

24 h and the biggest one – applying fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor, but essential<br />

differences among plants fertilized with different fertilizers weren’t found. The net<br />

photosynthesis productivity increase, in comparison with I measurement, increased<br />

0.09–0.25 mg cm -2 in 24 h and it was the biggest one applying fertilizer with nitrification<br />

inhibitor. Net photosynthesis productivity during the mentioned period on the average<br />

was 60.5 mg m -2 in 24 h and it was the biggest fertilizing with monomial fertilizers<br />

(Fig. 2).<br />


Fig. 2. Parameters of the net photosynthesis productivity in the carrot crop of<br />

different fertilizing, 2005–2006<br />

2 pav. Grynojo fotosintezės produktyvumo rodikliai sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo tręšimo morkų pasėlyje,<br />

2005–2006 m.<br />

Plant and crop net photosynthesis productivity increased most intensively from the<br />

end of the intensive leaf growth up till the end of intensive root-crop growth (between<br />

II and III measurements, or 81–90, 109–139 days after sowing). Plant photosynthesis<br />

productivity in comparison with II measurement at the end of July – in the beginning of<br />

August on the average increased 0.62 mg cm -2 in 24 h or 2.2 times, crop photosynthesis<br />

productivity increased <strong>27</strong>.6 mg m -2 in 24 h or 1.8 times. The biggest increase of plant<br />

net photosynthesis productivity was applying fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor<br />

(1.17 mg cm -2 in 24 h), and this one of crop’s – applying Cropcare 10 10 20 (29.4 mg m -2<br />

in 24 h). Crop net photosynthesis productivity applying fertilizer with nitrification<br />

inhibitor increased 18.2 mg m -2 in 24 h (Fig. 2).<br />

During the early (6–10 leaves) period of edible carrot growth (I measurement),<br />

when plant assimilation area increased, plant net photosynthesis productivity increased<br />

also (4). When the measurements were carries out at the end of intensive leaf growth<br />

(II measurement), there weren’t dependency, and at the end of intensive root-crop<br />

growth (III measurement), i. e., before yield gathering, photosynthesis productivity<br />

even decreased, because when plants get older and leaves wilt, leaf assimilation area<br />

decreased also (5):<br />

Y = -135.16 + 64.24 x, r = 0.90 ± 0.18, t= 3.35, F t<br />

= 25.15** (4)<br />

Y = 281.551 - 5.67 x, r =-0.74 ± 0.28, t = 1.60, F t<br />

= 7.2* (5)<br />

Plant photosynthesis potential depended on leaf assimilation area and plant age,<br />

and crop photosynthesis potential was influenced also by crop density. Fertilization with<br />

all the investigated fertilizers increased plant and crop photosynthesis potential (Fig. 3).<br />

In the early carrot growth period (from sowing up till 6–10 leaves) the biggest plant<br />

and crop photosynthesis potentials were applying fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor.<br />

In comparison with the mentioned parameters of carrot grown without fertilizers, plant<br />


photosynthesis potential increased 1.6, crop’s – even 7.5 times. Most intensively plant<br />

and crop photosynthesis potentials increased in the period of intensive carrot leaves<br />

growth (from I up till II measurement). Plant photosynthesis potential in comparison<br />

with I measurement on the average increased 4.2, crop’s – 1.6 times. Most intensively<br />

plant photosynthesis potentials increased fertilizing carrots with Cropcare 10 10 20,<br />

crop’s – fertilizing with monomial fertilizers. During the intensive root-crop growth, the<br />

increased of plant and crop photosynthesis potential in comparison with II measurement<br />

was insignificant (Fig. 3).<br />

Fig. 3. Parameters of the photosynthesis potential in the carrot crop of different<br />

fertilizing, 2005–2006<br />

3 pav. Fotosintezės potencialo rodikliai sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo tręšimo morkų pasėlyje, 2005–2006 m.<br />

Plant photosynthesis potential in the early period of plant growth (from sowing up<br />

till 6–10 th leaf) and during intensive leaf growth d<strong>ir</strong>ectly and strongly depended on leaf<br />

assimilation area (correspondingly r = 0.99; r = 0.96). In the last period, i. e., during<br />

intensive leaf growth, dependency was averagely strong (r = 0.60). Plant assimilation<br />

area influenced crop photosynthesis potential both in the early (I measurement, r = 0.88)<br />

period and during the intensive root-crop growth (III measurement r = 0.90), but didn’t<br />

have influence in the period of intensive leaf growth (II measurement) (Fig. 3).<br />

Carrot root-crop total yield because of fertilizers increased on the average<br />

8.2 t ha -1 , marketable – 4.9 t ha -1 (Fig. 4). The biggest total and marketable carrot<br />

root-crop yields were obtained applying fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor (Entec-<br />

Avant 12 7 16 + microelements + DMPP). Total yield in comparison with the yield<br />

of carrots grown without fertilizers increased 10.3 t ha -1 , or 17.2 %; the marketable<br />

one – 7.5 t ha -1 , or 17.8 %, but the output of marketable yield in comparison with this of<br />

carrots grown without fertilizers increased only slightly, and because of the fertilizing<br />

with Cropcare 10 10 20 and monomial fertilizers – even decreased (Fig. 4). Probably<br />

rather rich in nutrients soil guaranteed suitable nutrition conditions, ant the application<br />

of fertilizers increased only non-marketable yield.<br />


Fig. 4. Influence fertilizer with nitrification inhibitor on the productivity of carrot,<br />

2005–2006<br />

4 pav. Trąšų su amonio stabilizatoriumi įtaka morkų produktyvumui, 2005–2006 m.<br />

The path coefficient analysis showed that there were close relation between carrot<br />

productivity (total and marketable yield) and photosynthesis parameters at the end of<br />

root-crop growth (III measurement) (Fig. 5).<br />

Fig. 5. Influence of different photosynthesis parameters on carrot productivity: a)<br />

total productivity, b) standard productivity, 2005–2006<br />

5 pav. Fotosintezės rodiklių įtaka morkų produktyvumui: a) suminis derlius, b) standartinis<br />

derlius, 2005–2006 m.<br />


There was investigated the influence of plant and carrot crop assimilation area, net<br />

photosynthesis productivity and photosynthesis potential on total and marketable yield.<br />

When plant and crop assimilation area (correspondingly plants r = 0.82 and r = 0.88,<br />

crops r = 0.81 and r = 0.92) and photosynthesis potential (correspondingly plants<br />

photosynthesis potential r = 0.71 and r = 0.74, crops – r = 0.79 and r = 0.91) increased,<br />

total and marketable carrot yield increased also. The increase of photosynthesis<br />

productivity had small or very small but negative influence (correspondingly plant’s<br />

photosynthesis productivity r = -0.44 and r = -0.54, crops – r = -0.11 and r = -0.23).<br />

Photosynthesis parameters of the f<strong>ir</strong>st and two measurements had smaller influence<br />

on the yield.<br />

Discussion. Plant genetic properties most of all determined the formation of one<br />

plant leaf assimilation area. The increased of red beet ‘Pablo’ F 1<br />

leaf assimilation<br />

area were observed at the end of July, and later on leaf area decreased (Tarvydienė<br />

et al., 2004). In the beginning of plant vegetation, assimilation area increases slowly,<br />

its activity isn’t effective, and at the end of vegetation crop photosynthesis decreases<br />

because the leaves get old and wilt (Ничипорович, 1987). Our investigations with<br />

carrots showed that the biggest leaf assimilation area increase is in the period of<br />

intensive leaf growth, i. e., at the end of July – in the beginning of August. At the end<br />

of intensive leaf growth (July – the beginning of August, 81–91 days after sowing),<br />

leaf assimilation area of carrots grown without fertilizers increased in comparison<br />

with I measurement 2.4 times, and this of fertilized carrots – 2.5–3.3 times. Fertilizers<br />

increased carrot leaf assimilation area 1.6–1.7 times. The leaves of carrots, fertilized<br />

with monomial fertilizers and fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor, grew most quickly,<br />

but there weren’t essential differences among leaf assimilation areas fertilized with<br />

different fertilizers. When plant leaf assimilation area increased, crop assimilation<br />

area increased also.<br />

According to the data of LAA investigations, nitrogen had the biggest positive<br />

influence on the increase of dry weight and leaf parameters, while dry periods had the<br />

biggest negative influence (Šiaudinis, Lazauskas, 2006). The data of our investigations<br />

showed that the increase of temperature negatively influenced assimilation area, and<br />

the increase of precipitation – positively.<br />

Assimilation area very influences productivity (Romaneckas, 2001). During<br />

intensive plant vegetation, in July– August, when leaf assimilation area is the biggest,<br />

plants accumulate be biggest amount of photosyntheticaly active radiation (FAR);<br />

photosynthesis and metabolism of organic substances is faster (Petronienė, 2000,<br />

Tarvydienė, 2004). Assimilation area in July– August determined 52–72 % of red beet<br />

root-crop yield (Petronienė, 2000). During our investigations, before harvesting, when<br />

assimilation area decreased, the amounts of dry matter decreased also (r = -0.64), but<br />

red beet yield increased: assimilation area influenced the increase of total yield 31 %<br />

(r = 0.82), the increase of marketable yield – 32 % (r = 0.88).<br />

One of the most important photosynthesis parameters, net photosynthesis<br />

productivity, formed similarly as assimilation area, but its dynamic was more determined<br />

by meteorological conditions and plant genetype. At the f<strong>ir</strong>st ontogenesis stages net<br />

photosynthesis productivity increased together with the increase of leaf assimilation<br />

area (Tarvydienė et al., 2004). During our investigations, in the early carrot growth<br />


period (from sowing up till 6–10 leaves, I measurement, the end of July–beginning of<br />

June), when plant assimilation area increased, plant net photosynthesis productivity<br />

increased also (r = 0.90), and during root-crop formation photosynthesis productivity<br />

even decreased (r = -0.74).<br />

Plant photosynthesis potential d<strong>ir</strong>ectly depended on leaf assimilation area and<br />

crop density (Velička, 2007). Fertilizers changed plant photosynthesis potential<br />

(Tarvydienė et al., 2004). During our investigations all the applied fertilizers increased<br />

plant and crop photosynthesis potential (Fig. 3). Plant photosynthesis potential during<br />

the early period of plant growth (I measurement, from sowing up till 6–10 leaves)<br />

and intensive leaf growth period (II measurement) d<strong>ir</strong>ectly and strongly depended on<br />

leaf assimilation area (correspondingly r = 0.99; r = 0.96). During the intensive rootcrop<br />

growth, the dependency was averagely strong (r = 0.60). Plant assimilation area<br />

influenced crop photosynthesis potential in early (r = 0.88) and intensive root-crop<br />

growth periods (r = 0.90), but didn’t have influence in intensive leaf growth period<br />

(III measurement).<br />

All the photosynthesis parameters investigated during III measurement, influenced<br />

carrot root-crop productivity (Fig. 5). Total carrot root-crop yield increased, when plant<br />

and crop assimilation area (correspondingly r = 0.82 and r = 0.81) and photosynthesis<br />

potential (correspondingly r = 0.71 and 0.79) increased, and photosynthesis productivity<br />

had slightly negative influence (correspondingly r = -0.44 and r = -0.11). The<br />

increase of plant and crop assimilation area (correspondingly r = 0.88 and r = 0.92)<br />

and photosynthesis potential (correspondingly r = 0.74 and r = 0.91) had strong<br />

positive influence on the increase of marketable yield; the increase of plant and crop<br />

photosynthesis productivity had small negative influence (correspondingly r = -0.54<br />

and r = -0.23).<br />

Conclusions. 1. Fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor DMPP (Entec-Avant<br />

12 7 16 + microelements + DMPP) increased carrot leaves and crop assimilation<br />

area.<br />

2. Fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor increased plant and crop net photosynthesis<br />

productivity and plant and crop photosynthesis potential.<br />

3. The biggest total (70.1 t ha -1 ) and standard (49.7 t ha -1 ) carrot root-crop yields<br />

and the best output (70.7 %) of standard yield were obtained applying fertilizers with<br />

nitrification inhibitor DMPP.<br />

4. When plant and crop assimilation area and photosynthesis potential increased,<br />

the productivity of carrot also increased, but the increase of photosynthesis productivity<br />

had small or very small, but negative influence.<br />

Acknowledgements. This study is supported by Lithuanian State Sciences and<br />

Studies Foundation.<br />

Gauta 2008 04 15<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 25<br />


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Trąšų su nitrifikacijos inhibitoriumi įtaka valgomosios morkos<br />

fotosintezės rodikliams <strong>ir</strong> produktyvumui<br />

O. Bundinienė, P. Duchovskis, A. Brazaitytė<br />

Santrauka<br />

2005–2006 m. Lietuvos Sodininkysts <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės instituto bandymų lauke,<br />

priesmėlio ant lengvo priemolio karbonatingajame sekliai glėjiškame išplautžemyje<br />

(IDg8-k / Calc(ar)i- Epihypogleyc Luvisols – LVg-p-w-cc)) t<strong>ir</strong>ta trąšų su nitrifikacijos<br />

inhibitoriumi DMPP įtaka ‘Samson’ veislės morkos (Daucus sativus Röhl.) fotosintezės<br />

rodikliams <strong>ir</strong> jų sаryšis su produktyvumu. Sėjos norma – 0,8 mln. vnt. ha -1 daigių sėklų, sėjos<br />

schema – 62 + 8 cm. Nustatyta, kad trąšos su nitrifikacijos inhibitoriumi DMPP (Entec-Avant<br />

12 7 16 + mikroelementai + DMPP) padidino morkos lapų <strong>ir</strong> pasėlio asimiliacijos plotą bei<br />

fotosintezės potencialą. Didžiausias suminis (70,1 t ha -1 ) <strong>ir</strong> standartinis (49,7 t ha -1 ) morkų<br />

šakniavaisių derliai bei geriausia standartinio derliaus išeiga (70,7 %) gauti tręšiant trąša su<br />

nitrifikacijos inhibitoriumi. Standartinis morkų derlius didėjo augant augalo (r = 0,88) <strong>ir</strong> pasėlio<br />

(r = 0,92) asimiliacijos plotui, bei fotosintezės potencialui (atitinkamai augalo fotosintezės<br />

potencialas r = 0,74, pasėlio – r = 0,91), o grynojo fotosintezės produktyvumo didėjimas turėjo<br />

nors <strong>ir</strong> nedidelę, tačiau neigiamа įtaką (augalo fotosintezės produktyvumas r = -0,54, pasėlio –<br />

r = -0,23) produktyvumui.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: asimiliacijos plotas, fotosintezės potencialas, fotosintezė, trąša su<br />

nitrifikacijos inhibitoriumi, valgomoji morka.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

The effect of additional fertilization with liquid complex<br />

fertilizers and growth regulators on potato productivity<br />

Elena Jakienė 1 , V<strong>ir</strong>ginijus Venskutonis 1 , Vytautas Mickevičius 2<br />

1<br />

Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Studentų 11, Akademija, LT-53067,<br />

Kaunas distr., Lithuania, e-mail: Elena.Jakiene@lzuu.lt<br />

2<br />

Kaunas University of Technology, Radvilėnų pl. 19, LT-50<strong>27</strong>0, Kaunas, Lithuania,<br />

e-mail: Vytautas.Mickevičius@ctf.ktu.lt<br />

Field tests were carried out at the Research Station of LUA during the period of<br />

2004–2006. The effect of complex fertilizers and growth regulators on potato growth, tuber<br />

development and productivity was investigated.<br />

It was determined that the greatest addition to the potato yield (8–9 t ha -1 ) was produced and<br />

approximately 60 % of bulky potatoes per one plant grew after additional foliar fertilization at the<br />

end of bud stage with liquid complex fertilizers Atgaiva-2 or Atgaiva-P from “ARVI fertis”.<br />

After spraying the potatoes with solutions of growth regulators Penergetic-P lapams<br />

or Stilitas-<br />

123, bulky potatoes constituted 55–58 % of yield structure. Under the influence of the above<br />

mentioned growth regulators, potato yield significantly increased by 5–6 t ha -1 or 16–19 % in<br />

comparison with the control variants.<br />

It is advisable to fertilize table potatoes additionally with the blend of complex fertilizer<br />

Atgaiva-2 and growth regulator Humicop. After additional foliar fertilization with this blend,<br />

bulky potatoes constituted even 78 % of yield structure, while small potatoes were almost not<br />

found (only 0.5 %) at all. Under the influence of the aforesaid additional fertilization, potato<br />

yield reliably increased by 4.7 t ha -1 or 14.8 % in comparison with the control variants.<br />

Key words: potatoes, liquid complex fertilizers, growth regulators, productivity.<br />

Introduction. In the current market, consumers demand both rich and top quality<br />

potato harvest. Productive and high quality potato seed is the f<strong>ir</strong>st essential provision to<br />

get rich and steady potato yield (Department of Statistics of the Republic of Lithuania).<br />

In addition to agrotechnical measures, significance of exogenous growth regulators with<br />

regard to development of vegetal productivity has been continuously growing. Growth<br />

regulators are synthetic compounds, physiological analogues of natural phytohormones<br />

that control the processes of growth and development as well as strengthen an immune<br />

system of the plant. These substances cannot be replaced by watering or fertilixing<br />

plants with microelement fertilizers (Венскутонене et al., 2004). Root development,<br />

stem growth, blooming time or plant maturity can be stimulated subject to the usage<br />

conditions of growth regulators, concentration thereof and physiological state of the<br />

plant itself. In this way, growth regulators may alter the speed of ontogenesis, however,<br />

the d<strong>ir</strong>ection of ontogenesis remains unchanged since it is determined by genetic<br />

information. Physiological activity of phytoregulators is expressed by the<strong>ir</strong> ability to<br />

affect a particular component of a phytohormone system: to increase the amount of a<br />


particular phytohormone through introduction of a physiological analogue of a plant<br />

into its organism, to stimulate or inhibit biosynthesis of phytohormones, to block the<br />

movement of phytohormones inside the plant, etc. (Меркис et al., 1994).<br />

The activity of growth regulators mostly depends on the time of the<strong>ir</strong> application,<br />

i. e. on the stage of plant growth and development, on the ability of plant tissues to<br />

receive an external signal and integrate it both into the ways of a receptor system<br />

of phytohormones and further transduction ways in order to induce the growth and<br />

development of a separate part (Darginavičienė et al., 2002). Appropriate application<br />

of growth regulators in potato growing technologies enable to control the time of<br />

stolone formation, to effect the<strong>ir</strong> growth intensity, the process of tuber formation and<br />

transportation of assimilants to tubers, as well as to increase starchiness of potato<br />

tubers and productivity thereof (Венскутонене et al., 2004).<br />

After spraying potato tubers with growth regulator stilite solutions, they sprout<br />

faster and grow more intensely, the greater number of eyes form sprouts, the number<br />

of stems of one plant increases. After moistening the seed tubers with stilite solutions<br />

of 90 mg l -1 concentration, the significant yield growth amounts to 1.6–2.3 t ha -1 . The<br />

tests carried out on the basis of many years have demonstrated that after spraying<br />

potato plants with stilite solutions during the bud stage, productivity increases by<br />

approximately 2–2.5 t ha -1 in comparison with the control tubers not treated with<br />

growth regulators. Growth regulators may be sprayed onto the crops together with<br />

liquid complex fertilizers. This provides new possibilities for control of potato growth<br />

and productivity thereof (Jakienė, 2006; Makaravičiūtė, 2003).<br />

The aim of the field tests is to determine the effect of growth regulators and<br />

liquid complex fertilizers on formation of potato tubers and yield thereof.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Field tests were performed in the deep glay<br />

carbonate leached soil of light clay loam (Balhihylogleyi – Calc(ar)ic Luvisol) at<br />

the Research Station of LUA during the period of 2004–2006. The soil is neutral<br />

(pH Hcl<br />

7.1), of medium humusness (2.5 per cent), phosphorous and of medium<br />

calcareousness.<br />

In spring, when the soil surface dried, the soil was heavy harrowed. Later, the field<br />

was cultivated and harrowed twice. Before planting potatoes, the field was fertilized<br />

with complex fertilizer NPK 17:17:17. Early potatoes of cultivar ‘Karlen’ were planted<br />

during the f<strong>ir</strong>st ten days of May. Sprouts appeared on the soil surface during the f<strong>ir</strong>st<br />

week of June. After the complete sprouting of potatoes, test sectors were determined.<br />

The area of the test sector was 3 m 2 . The test was carried out in three repetitions;<br />

distribution of test cultivars was systemic.<br />

When potato plants were 5–8 cm high, the test plants were sprayed with herbicide<br />

Zenkor (0.4 l ha -1 ). When Colorado beetles appeared, Decis was used (0.15 l ha -1 ). Later,<br />

potatoes were sprayed with Fastak (0.1 l ha -1 ). During the bud stage, test sectors were<br />

sprayed according to the schedule provided in tables with liquid complex fertilizers<br />

Atgaiva-2 and Atgaiva-P, solutions of growth regulators Stilitas-123, Penergetic-p lapams<br />

,<br />

Humicop and of the blend of the latter regulator and complex fertilizer.<br />

In order to grow and develop, potatoes demand a lot of nutrients. Besides nitrogen,<br />


phosphorus and kalium fertilizers that are requ<strong>ir</strong>ed in terms of complexity, potatoes<br />

need such microelements as magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S), boron (B), etc. The tested<br />

liquid complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2 is in compliance with these requ<strong>ir</strong>ements as besides<br />

the main NPK it is enriched with the above-mentioned microelements. This fertilizer<br />

is also very suitable for plants affected by stress (e. g. spring frost).<br />

Complex liquid fertilizer Atgaiva-P is enriched with growth regulator Penergetic;<br />

it is recommended for potatoes at the beginning of the bud stage in order to control<br />

the processes of tuber formation.<br />

At the Department of Organic Chemistry, Kaunas University of Technology,<br />

growth regulator’s Stilitas-123 structural formula whereof is similar to that of<br />

endogenous phytohormones are synthesized. Usually, these are formations of α, β, γ<br />

amino acids with the connected different radicals of water-soluble salines. After entering<br />

the plant, these synthetic growth regulators stimulate activity of natural endogenous<br />

phytohormones, thus changing intensity of physiologic processes of the plant and<br />

energising metabolism thereof. More active metabolism stimulates the physiological<br />

processes that naturally take place in the plant when growth regulators are applied.<br />

Even very small concentrations of these compounds (10 g of the regulator in 100 l -1<br />

H 2<br />

O) result in more intensive growth of plants, faster formation of the maximum<br />

assimilation surface of leaves, more intense processes of photosynthesis, and more<br />

rapid transportation of assimilants from leaves to the tuber, therefore plant productivity<br />

increases (Jakienė et al., 2008). The tested growth regulator Stilitas-123: N was replaced<br />

with β alanine sodium saline.<br />

Potatoes are planted into lighter humous soils. Insufficient amount of humus<br />

leads to worse physical and mechanical performances of soils (Ražukas, 2002;<br />

Simanavičienė, 1999). The substance Humicop applied for the test does not increase<br />

the amount of humus in soil, however, humat and fulvous acids contained by Humicop<br />

activate and enhance development of soil microflora, improve assimilation of NPK<br />

that is specially important for potato roots of weak permeability.<br />

By supplementing the liquid complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2 with growth regulator<br />

Humicop, the plants assimilate nutrients better, they grow and develop more intensely<br />

(Jakienė, 2006).<br />

Solution concentrations used for field tests are the following:<br />

Atgaiva-2 65 l ha -1<br />

Atgaiva-P 25 l ha -1<br />

Humicop 60 l ha -1<br />

Stilitas-123 30 g ha -1<br />

Penergetic-P lapams<br />

100 ml ha -1<br />

One hectare was sprayed with 300 l -1 of operating solution.<br />

The sectors of control tubers were sprayed with water.<br />

The potatoes started to bloom at the beginning of July. The potatoes were harvested<br />

in the second ten days of September. During the harvesting, potatoes of every plant were<br />

grouped according to fractions and weighed. Statistic analysis of the obtained test data<br />

was carried out by applying computer software ANOVA from package SELEKCIJA<br />

(Tarakanovas et al., 2003).<br />


Results. The obtained test results have shown that what concerns cultivation<br />

of early potatoes, it is advisable to fertilize them additionally through leaves during<br />

the bud stage with liquid complex fertilizers and growth regulators. Additional foliar<br />

fertilization with the blend of solutions of complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2 and growth<br />

regulator Humicop led to particular increase in potato productivity.<br />

Table 1. The effect of additional foliar fertilization on the bigness of potato<br />

tubers<br />

1 lentelė. Papildomo tręšimo per lapus įtaka bulvių gumbų stambumui<br />

Research Station of LUA, Average data of the period 2004–2006<br />

LŽŪU Bandymų stotis, vidutiniai 2004–2006 m. duomenys<br />

As the data in Table 1 demonstrate, the biggest potato tubers were provided by<br />

the test variants additionally fertilized through leaves with the blend of solutions of<br />

complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2 and growth regulator Humicop. Additional fertilization<br />

with this blend resulted in as much as 78.8 % of bulky tubers in one plant and almost<br />

no small potatoes were found. Medium sized potatoes amounted to 19.7 % of all<br />

potato tubers of one plant. Just 1.5 % of small potatoes were present. This additional<br />

fertilization resulted in less tubers of one plant but they were all bulky and weighed<br />

over 80 g each.<br />

58–60 % of bulky tubers have also grown after additional fertilization with<br />

liquid fertilizer Atgaiva-2, Atgaiva-P and after applying growth regulator Stilitas-123.<br />

Amount of medium size potatoes found in test variants was 18–25 %. After additional<br />

fertilization of potatoes with complex fertilizer Atgaiva-P and solution of Stilitas-123<br />

(15.3–17.1 % accordingly), amount of small tubers was less since growth regulator<br />

Penergetic contained by this fertilizer and growth regulator Stilitas-123 stimulated more<br />

intense growth of potato tubers. After applying liquid complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2,<br />

the amount of small potatoes found was 21.9 % (Table 1).<br />

After spraying the potato plants in the bud stage with the solutions of growth<br />

regulators Penergetic-P lapams<br />

or Humicop , over 50 % of bulky potatoes per plant was<br />

found, whereas the rest of the tubers contained approximately the equal number of<br />

medium sized and small potatoes.<br />


The greatest number of tubers, however, the smallest ones has grown in the control<br />

test sections where the plants were not additionally fertilized through leaves.<br />

Table 2. The effect of additional foliar fertilization on the potato yield<br />

2 lentelė. Papildomo tręšimo per lapus įtaka bulvių derliui<br />

Research Station of LUA, average data of the period 2004–2006<br />

LŽŪU Bandymų stotis, vidutiniai 2004–2006 m. duomenys<br />

The greatest yield was achieved after additional foliar fertilization with liquid<br />

complex fertilizer Atgaiva-P and Atgaiva-2 (Table 2). Under the influence of the<br />

aforesaid additional fertilization, the yield significantly increased by 8–9 t ha -1 or<br />

26–28 % in comparison with the control variants. Additional foliar fertilization of<br />

potatoes with the solutions of growth regulators Penergetic and Stilitas-123 as well<br />

as with the blend of solutions of complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2 and growth regulator<br />

Humicop also provided good results. The above mentioned test variants produced a<br />

significantly greater (by 4.76–6.28 t ha -1 or 14.8–19.5 %) potato yield.<br />

In the test variants, where for additional fertilization growth regulator Humicop<br />

solely was applied, the potato yield increased just slightly (0.92 t ha -1 or 2.8 %) and<br />

not significantly.<br />

Taking into account the purpose of the grown potatoes, it advisable to spray<br />

potatoes grown for industrial processing with the solutions of growth regulators<br />

Stilitas-123 or Penergetic-P lapams<br />

after additional foliage fertilization thereof with<br />

liquid complex fertilizer Atgaiva-P at the beginning of the bud stage. Under the<br />

influence of this additional fertilization, the potato yield increases by approximately<br />

5.34–9.12 t ha -1 or 16.6–28.3 %. In the yield structure, medium sized potatoes and<br />

bulky potatoes make up 25 and 55–59 %, respectively.<br />

In the yield structure of potatoes grown for food, bulky potatoes should dominate.<br />

In this case, it is advisable to apply the blend of solutions of complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2<br />

and growth regulator Humicop for additional foliar fertilization. In the test variants,<br />

where this blend of fertilizer and growth regulator was applied, 78 percent of bulky<br />

potatoes in one plant were found, whereas almost no small potatoes were present.<br />

Nevertheless, the number of tubers per plant was by half smaller compared to the<br />

number of tubers grown in control test sectors. Under the influence of this additional<br />

fertilization, the potato yield increased by approximately 4.76 t ha -1 or 14.8 % in<br />

comparison with the control variants.<br />


Having no possibilities to fertilize table potatoes additionally with the blend of<br />

complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2 and growth regulators Humicop, good results are also<br />

achieved by additional foliar fertilization with liquid complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2<br />

solely. Under the influence of this additional fertilization, bulky potatoes made up<br />

60 % of the yield structure, whereas the rest of the yield contained 40 % of small and<br />

medium sized potatoes. Under the influence of complex fertilizer, a greater number<br />

of tubers per plant develop compared to the case when the blend of Atgaiva-2 and<br />

Humicop is applied. After additional foliar fertilization with fertilizer Atgaiva-2<br />

solely, the yield significantly increased by 8.54 t ha -1 or 26.5 % in comparison with<br />

the control variants.<br />

Discussion. The investigations of the phytohormones at molecule, cell and plant<br />

organism level makes it possible to solve the problem of growth regulators in plant<br />

growing. Long-term data on various potato varieties (‘Vokė’, ‘Nida’, ‘Vilma’, etc.)<br />

with respect to ripening time revealed that treatments with optimum growth regulator<br />

TA – 12, TA – 14 concentrations and optimum treatment time (4 th organogenesis stage)<br />

resulted in activation of the organogenesis process. It is well established that these<br />

combinations modify both the formation and growth of the stolons not only quantatively<br />

but also stimulate earlier root formation through shortening the period of the stolon<br />

growth what has positive effect on potato productivity (Dargevičienė et al., 2002).<br />

Leaf spray fertilization with complex fertilizers also stimulated more intensive<br />

potato growth and formation of the structural yield elements. Additional fertilization<br />

with complex mineral fertilizers with microelements (Rainys et al., 2005) contributed to<br />

higher potato productivity. Even better results were obtained using growth regulators at<br />

the time of additional leaf spray fertilization. Growth regulators stimulated metabolism<br />

processes, the plants assimilated nutrients better and in turn formed higher and better<br />

quality yield (Jakienė et al., 2008).<br />

Treatments with growth regulators have been more and more widely used in<br />

plant growing. The treatments of the winter wheat with growth regulators resulted<br />

in longer wheatears and increase in 1 000 grain mass. Chlorophyll biosynthesis was<br />

more intensive and higher chlorophyll concentration was determined in the plant<br />

leaves (Auрkalnienė, 2005).<br />

Growth regulators had significant effect on cabbage biometric parameters,<br />

improved the<strong>ir</strong> productivity and disease resistance. Treatments of the cabbage leaves<br />

with the considered growth regulator (epin, lizar) solutions 1.5 × 10 – 4 % during<br />

vegetation period resulted in 10 cm plant height increase, 8 mm flower diameter<br />

increase, 62 % pulse increase. The yield was by 230 kg ha -1 or by 32.9 % higher, ripe<br />

seeds were of better quality (Danilevič, 2005).<br />

More and more often liquid complex and microelement fertilizers have been used<br />

for additional fertilization in plant growing technologies. Leaf spray fertilization of<br />

the beetroot spouts with calcium saltpeter, nitrabor or nutrifol + microelements during<br />

the f<strong>ir</strong>st part of the vegetation resulted in root and diameter increase (Bundinienė<br />

et al., 2007). It is well established that leaf spray fertilization with various nutritive<br />

and biologically active substances affect summer rape biomass, seed quality and<br />

profitability. The most profitable was found to be rape fertilization with the fertilizer<br />

‘Aton AZ’ containing microelements and amino acid, and “Boramin Ca” – the profit<br />

from one hectare in the considered years made at the average 62 Lt (Staugaitis et al.,<br />

2007).<br />


The experiments on additional winter wheat spray fertilization and growth<br />

regulator use carried out on the experimental station at Lithuanian University of<br />

Agriculture revealed that two time fertilization with 30 kg ha -1 nitrogen resulted in<br />

4.<strong>27</strong>–4.84 t ha -1 yield increase on the plots of mean intensity technologies, and up to<br />

7.33–9.25 t ha -1 on the plots of the intensive technologies. On the plots of the intensive<br />

technologies the most effective was found to be fertilization with microelement complex<br />

nutrifol and growth regulator cycocel. The yield in this variant made 9.25 t ha -1 . The<br />

grain contained 15.8 % of protein and 30.1 % gluten (Šiuliauskas et al., 2002).<br />

Additional leaf spray fertilization using liquid complex fertilizers and growth<br />

regulators had positive effect on potatoes. Growth regulators Penergetic-P and Stilite-<br />

123 activated the cells participating in metabolism process and the plants assimilated<br />

nutrients better. Potato productivity under the influence of these regulators was by<br />

9.12 t ha -1 or by 28 % (Penergetic-P) and by 6.28 t ha -1 or 19.5 % (Stilite-123) higher than<br />

in the control. Additional potato fertilization with the mixture of the liquid fertilizers<br />

Atgaiva-2 and growth regulator Humicop modified the growth of the tubers effectively.<br />

Big potatoes on the potato bushes on these plots made 78 %. The productivity was by<br />

4.76 t ha -1 or by 14.8 % higher than in not fertilized variants.<br />

Conclusions. 1. In the process of potato growing, it is advisable to apply for<br />

potatoes additional foliar fertilization with the blend of complex fertilizers and growth<br />

regulators within the bloom formation stage.<br />

2. The greatest addition to the yield (8.54–9.12 t ha -1 ) and the bulkiest potatoes<br />

(approximately 60 % of potatoes weighed over 80 g each) has grown after additional<br />

fertilization with liquid complex fertilizers Atgaiva-2 and Atgaiva-P.<br />

3. After spraying the potatoes during the bud stage with the solutions of growth<br />

regulators Stilitas-123 or Penergetic-P, bulky potatoes made up 55.9–58.4 % of the<br />

yield structure, whereas the rest of the tubers contained approximately the equal<br />

number of medium sized and small potatoes. The productivity under the influence of<br />

these growth regulators significantly increased by 5.34–6.28 t ha -1 or 16.6–19.5 % in<br />

comparison with the control variants.<br />

4. It is advisable to fertilize table potatoes additionally through leaves with the<br />

blend of solutions of complex fertilizer Atgaiva-2 and growth regulator Humicop.<br />

After additional fertilization of potatoes with this blend, bulky potatoes made up even<br />

78.8 % of the yield structure, whereas medium sized potatoes amounted just to 19.7 %<br />

and small potatoes were almost not found (1.5 %) at all. Under the influence of this<br />

additional fertilization, the potato yield significantly increased by 4.76 t ha -1 or 14.8 %<br />

in comparison with the control variants.<br />

5. After additional spraying of potatoes with the solution of growth regulator<br />

Humicop solely, bulky potatoes made up app. 52.7 % of the yield structure, whereas<br />

the rest of the tubers contained the equal shares of medium sized and small potatoes.<br />

Application of this regulator had no any significant effect on productivity.<br />

Gauta 2008 03 05<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 14<br />


References<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Papildomo tręšimo skystosiomis kompleksinėmis trąšomis <strong>ir</strong><br />

augimo reguliatoriais įtaka bulvių produktyvumui<br />

E. Jakienė, V. Venskutonis, V. Mickevičius<br />

Santrauka<br />

Tyrimai atlikti 2004–2006 metais Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto bandymų stotyje.<br />

T<strong>ir</strong>ta skystųjų kompleksinių trąšų <strong>ir</strong> augimo reguliatorių įtaka bulvių augimui, stiebagumbių<br />

formavimuisi <strong>ir</strong> derlingumui.<br />

Nustatyta, kad didžiausias derliaus priedas (8,54–9,12 t ha -1 ) gautas <strong>ir</strong> apie<br />

60,0–59,2 proc. stambių bulvių kere užaugo žiedų formavimosi tarpsnio pabaigoje bulves<br />

papildomai per lapus patręšus „ARVI fertis“ skystosiomis kompleksinėmis trąšomis Atgaiva-2<br />

arba Atgaiva-P.<br />

Bulves apipurškus augimo reguliatorių Penergetic-P lapams<br />

arba Stilito-123 t<strong>ir</strong>palais, stambios<br />

bulvės derliaus struktūroje sudarė 55,9–58,4 proc. Derlius šių augimo reguliatorių įtakoje<br />

patikimai padidėjo 5,34–6,28 t ha -1 arba 16,6–19,5 proc., lyginant su kontrole.<br />

Maistui auginamas bulves tikslinga papildomai patręšti kompleksinių trąšų<br />

Atgaiva-2 <strong>ir</strong> reguliatoriaus Humicop mišiniu. Papildomai per lapus patręрus šiuo mišiniu,<br />

stambios bulvės derliaus struktūroje sudarė net 78,8 proc., o smulkių beveik nerasta<br />

(tik 1,5 proc.). Bulvių derlius šio papildomo tręšimo įtakoje patikimai padidėjo 4,76 t ha -1 arba<br />

14,8 proc., lyginant su kontrole.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augimo reguliatoriai, bulvės, produktyvumas, skystos kompleksinės<br />

trąšos.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Correlation between chlorophyll fluorescence of<br />

primrose (Primula malacoides Franch.) and DNA<br />

polymorphic bands<br />

Vytautas Šlapakauskas 1 , Vidmantas Stanys 2 ,<br />

Judita Varkulevičienė 3<br />

1<br />

Department of Botany University of Agriculture, Studentų 11, Akademija,<br />

LT-53067, Kauno distr., Lithuania , e-mail: Vytautas.Slapakauskas@lzuu.lt<br />

2<br />

Biotechnological Laboratory, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT-<br />

54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania, e-mail: V.Stanys@ lsdi.lt<br />

3<br />

Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University, Ž. E. Žilibero 6,<br />

LT-46324 Kaunas, Lithuania, e-mail: j.varkuleviciene@bs.vdu.lt<br />

Plant material of primrose (Primula malacoides Franch.) varieties as well as hybrids<br />

where grown in the greenhouse.<br />

The total DNA was isolated from leaf material according Doyle and Doyle (1990). Eleven<br />

primers were used for DNA amplification. Chlorophyll fluorescence was recorded on portable<br />

fluorometer (PAM-210, Walz, Germany). Correlation coefficient and regression equations<br />

were used to demonstrate reciprocity among distribution of polymorphic DNA fragments and<br />

fluorescence parameters.<br />

A number of common polymorphic markers obtained for varieties and hybrids of primrose<br />

using 11 DNA primers were demonstrated to have low negative correlation to electron transport<br />

rate (ETR) of photo system (PS II) of the plants. Polymorphic bands generated using DNA<br />

primers 1A and 3C had a negative correlation to ETR for varieties of primrose, while hybrids<br />

displayed a positive correlation. DNA markers characteristic to every variety or hybrid were<br />

obtained after choosing two or more primers that enabled not only to identify them but also to<br />

differentiate the state of photosynthetic machinery.<br />

Key words: DNA polymorphism, electron transport rate (ETR), fluorescence, primrose.<br />

Introduction. While solving problems of decorative plant introduction,<br />

acclimatization and biodiversity enrichment, it is crucial not only to cultivate newly<br />

introduced decorative plants, but also to develop new hybrids suitable for growing<br />

conditions in Lithuania (Varkulevičienė, 2002). Primrose (Primula malacoides Franch.)<br />

has been cultivated in the Kaunas Botanical Garden since the start of a breeding<br />

program in 1946. Five varieties and a large number of hybrids have been developed<br />

using a method of sexual hybridization (Varkulevičienė, 1999).<br />

Detection of random amplified polymorphic DNA markers in varieties and hybrids<br />

of primrose display genetic similarity of varieties and hybrids of Lithuanian origin<br />

(Stanys et al., 2005). The ornamental varieties and hybrids of primrose demonstrate<br />

correlation between genetic characteristics of plants and photosynthesis machinery,<br />


as well. Photosynthesis may be considered the most fundamental biological process.<br />

Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements show the quantitative relationship between<br />

the fluorescence and efficiency of photosynthetic energy conversion. It opens new<br />

ways to characterize plants in process of breeding of new varieties and hybrids<br />

(Šlapakauskas, Ruzgas, 2005). The DNA amplification and localization identified<br />

unique signs characteristic to individual varieties and hybrids that were related to<br />

photosynthesis genes. These regulatory elements can be positive or negative. Gene<br />

regulatory elements of rbcs and cab families located 35 to – 2 bp from the transcription<br />

start site of light inducible genes and were shown to regulate expression of the gene<br />

and the positive quantitative element. A negative regulatory element was located<br />

between 107 to 56 bp.<br />

In this study, we investigated correlation between distribution of random amplified<br />

polymorphic DNA markers and electron transport rate (ETR) of photosystem II of the<br />

P. malacoides varieties and hybrids.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Plant material of primrose (Primula malacoides<br />

Franch.) varieties ‘Jadvyga’, ‘Linkėjimai Latvijai’, ‘Lietuvaitė’ and ‘Jaunystė’ as well as<br />

hybrids ‘Žydrė’, ‘Vakarė’, ‘Rubinas’ and ‘Margutė’ where grown in the greenhouse.<br />

The total DNA was isolated from leaf material according Doyle and Doyle<br />

(Doyle and Doyle, 1990; Schreiber and Bilger, 1993; Rohaček, 2002). The PCR<br />

mixture contained: 1 unit of Tag DNA polymerase (MBI Fermentas), 1.5 mM MgSO 4<br />

,<br />

0.2 mM dNTP and 1 µM of each oligonucleotide primer. Eleven primers were used<br />

for DNA amplification: OPA – 15; 3472 – 02 (Operon Technologies, Inc.), 1A; 2B;<br />

3C (MBI Fermentas), 2064; 2066; 2067; 2068; 2069; 2070 (Carl-Roth GmbH). The<br />

amplification was carried out according to the following scheme: 1 cycle of 94° for<br />

5 min, for 45 sec 94 °, 45 sec for 32 °C, 72 °C V for 50 sec. The amplified products<br />

were separated on 1% agarose gel in TAE buffer (pH 8.0).<br />

Chlorophyll fluorescence was recorded on portable fluorometer (PAM-210, Walz,<br />

Germany). Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were performed with the light<br />

adapted leaves. An actual chlorophyll fluorescence yield at any time of induction by<br />

an actinic light fluorescence (F t<br />

) and a maximal fluorescence (F m’<br />

) was measured for<br />

every saturation pulse. The saturation pulse of 3 500 мmol quanta per square meter<br />

per second (мmol m -2 s -1 ) was used. The quantum yield of electron transport (Y) was<br />

estimated according to the relationship: Y = (F m<br />

’<br />

- F t<br />

): F m<br />

’<br />

= ∆F: F m<br />

’<br />

and electron transport<br />

rate (ETR): ETR = c . 0.5 . PAR . Y. Using this equation, it is assumed that 84 % of<br />

the incident quanta were absorbed and 50 % of the absorbed quanta were distributed<br />

to PSII (6.7). Statistical significance was estimated using one way ANOVA (Tukey<br />

test) method and STATISTICA v. 6 software. Correlation coefficient and regression<br />

equations were used to demonstrate reciprocity among distribution of polymorphic<br />

DNA fragments and fluorescence parameters.<br />

Results. Numerous experiments show that light is one of the most important<br />

env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factors influencing gene expression in the process of photosynthesis.<br />

A sensitivity of photosynthetic apparatus to env<strong>ir</strong>onmental changes has been reflected<br />

measuring chlorophyll fluorescence. Thus it has been established that genes of the<br />


photosynthetic machinery components demonstrate light dependent expression. It has<br />

become clear that photosynthesis itself is an important contributor to the light controlled<br />

gene expression regulation (Pfannschmidt et al., 2001). Hence, the fluorimetry might<br />

be useful tool assessming physiological plant response to different conditions, as well<br />

as characteristics of genetic polymorphism. For instance, chlorophyll fluorescence<br />

parameter as indicator of actual efficiency of PSII photochemistry can give a measure<br />

of the linear electron transport rate and thus the indication of overall efficiency of<br />

photosynthesis (Maxwell and Johnson, 2000). In addition, this parameter correlates<br />

with the quantum yield of carbon fixation.<br />

The chlorophyll fluorescence technique has many applications in analysis of plant<br />

productivity, ornamental features and polymorphic parameters, as well (Baker and<br />

Rosenqvist, 2004). Nevertheless, the ETR determined for all varieties and hybrids of<br />

primrose had a low correlation to total number of polymorphic bands obtained using<br />

all of the 11 primers in this study (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1. Correlation between ETR and genetic polymorphism data obtained using<br />

polymorphic primers for varieties and hybrids of primrose<br />

1 pav. Koreliacija tarp ETR <strong>ir</strong> genetinio polimorfizmo duomenų, naudojant raktažolės veislių<br />

<strong>ir</strong> hibridų polimorfinius žymenis<br />

Only polymorphic bands obtained using primers 1A + 3C (table) demonstrated<br />

correlation to electron transport rate of PSII (Fig. 2). The responding markers had<br />

different correlation between the ETR and genetic polymorphism for varieties and<br />

hybrids of primrose. Correlation was found to be negative for varieties and positive<br />

for hybrids.<br />


Table. Polymorphic markers of P. malacoides varieties and hybrids obtained<br />

using 1A <strong>ir</strong> 3C primers<br />

Lentelė. P. malacoides veislių <strong>ir</strong> hibridų polimorfiniai žymenys gauti su 1A <strong>ir</strong> 3C<br />

pradmenimis<br />

Fig. 2. Correlation between ETR and genetic polymorphism data obtained using<br />

primers 1A and 3C for varieties and hybrids of primrose<br />

2 pav. Koreliacija tarp ETR <strong>ir</strong> genetinio polimorfizmo duomenų, naudojant 1A <strong>ir</strong> 3C<br />

polimorfinių pradmenų skaičiaus<br />

Discussion. With the development of genetic and molecular research tools,<br />

new ways to study chlorophyll fluorescence and cultivar genotype differences, DNA<br />

polymorphism (including random amplified polymorphism) and correlation between<br />


chlorophyll fluorescence have been opened (Rascher et al., 2000).<br />

DNA polymorphism was evaluated of light subspecies of Triticum turgidum L.<br />

(Kokindova, Kraic, 2005). The average values of diversity index and polymorphic<br />

content indicate that microsatellites located in the A genome generated higher<br />

polymorphism than microsatellites from B genome. Microsatellite profiles conf<strong>ir</strong>med<br />

full identity of all the four analyzed genotypes for subspecies-specific alleles were<br />

identified.<br />

Marker genes have been shown to be very useful for establishing variation in<br />

fluorescence levels among different tissues and organs, evaluation and improvement<br />

of transformation procedures for plants (Hraрka et al., 2006). Random amplified<br />

polymorphic markers were used for determination of the genetic stability and no<br />

genetic instability was determined during 4-year period using 4 selected primers with<br />

the high polymorphisms of Norway spruce (Hanaček et al., 2002).<br />

Earlier investigation of genetic characteristics of newly developed varieties and<br />

hybrids of primrose showed a close relation between varieties ‘Margutė’, ‘Jadvyga’,<br />

‘Linkėjimai Latvijai’, ‘Lietuvaitė’ and hybrids ‘Rubinas’, ‘Žydrė’, ‘Vakarė’, ‘Jaunystė’.<br />

A number of common polymorphic bands for these plants was estimated to be 18.5–<br />

51.9 %. In this study, we demonstrated that correlation between main fluorescence<br />

parameter of the PSII electron transport rate and genetic polymorphism was more<br />

specific for varieties and hybrids. Our results suggested that examination of fluorescence<br />

parameters of different polymorphic plants might represent a more informative<br />

(and faster) method for practical characterization of newly developed varieties<br />

and hybrids. A further details of examination of the relation between fluorescence<br />

measurements corresponding electron transport rate of PSII and genetic background<br />

of the P. malacoides plants would be prospective to advance this method.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Genes associated with photosynthetic apparatus demonstrated<br />

light dependent expression and fluorimetry might be useful food assessing physiological<br />

response to genetic characterization of plants.<br />

2. Electron transport ratio (ETR) determined low correlation to total number<br />

of polymorphic bands using all of 11 primers; using 1A + 3C primers demonstrated<br />

correlation to ETR. Markers of primrose varieties were found negative and positive<br />

of hybrid correlation between ETR and genetic polymorphism.<br />

3. Correlation between main fluorescence parameter of the electron transport rate<br />

and genetic polymorphism was more specific for varieties and hybrids.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 04 02<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 28<br />

1. Baker N. R., Rosenqvist E. J. 2004. Applications of chlorophyll fluorescence<br />

can improve crop production strategies: an examination of future possibilities.<br />

J. ExP. Bot. 44: 1 607–1 621.<br />

2. Chlorophyll a fluorescence. A signature of photosynthesis. 2004. G. C. Papageorgiou<br />

and Govindjee (eds.). Springer, Illinois USA.<br />


3. Doyle J. J., Doyle J. L. 1990. Isolation of plant DNR from fresh tissue. Focus,<br />

12(1): 13–15.<br />

4. Hanaček P., Havel L., Truksa M. 2002. Characterization and determination of<br />

genetic stability of early somatic embryo culture clones of Norway spruce using<br />

RAPD markers. Biologia, Bratislava, 57: 517–522.<br />

5. Hraрka M., Rakousky S., Čurn V. 2006. Green fluorescent protein as a vital<br />

marker for non-destructive detection of transformation events in transgenic plants.<br />

Biologia Plantarum, 86(3): 303–318.<br />

6. Kokindova M., Kraic J. 2005. Genetic variation of Triticum turgidum accessions<br />

characterized by DNA markers. Biologia, Bratislava, 60: 451–456.<br />

7. Maxwell K., Johnson G. N. 2000. Chlorophyll fluorescence – a practical guide.<br />

J. ExP. Bot. 51: 659–668.<br />

8. Nedbal L., Soukupova J., Kaftan D., Whitmarsh J., Trtilek M. 2000. Kinetic<br />

imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence using modulated light. Photosynthesis<br />

Research, 66: 3–12.<br />

9. Pfannschmidt T., Allen J. F., Oelmüller R., 2001. Principles of redox control in<br />

photosynthesis gene expression. Physiologia Plantarum. 112: 1–9.<br />

10. Rascher U., Liebig M., Lüttge U. 2000. Evaluation of instant light-response curves<br />

of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters obtained with a portable chlorophyll<br />

fluorometer on site in the field. J. Plant, cell and env<strong>ir</strong>onment, 23: 1 397–1 405.<br />

11. Rohaček K. 2002. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters: the definitions,<br />

photosynthetic meaning and mutual relationships. Photosynthetica, 40(1): 13–29.<br />

12. Schreiber U., Bilger W.1993. Progress in chlorophyll fluorescence research:<br />

major developments during the past years in retrospect. Progress in Botany,<br />

54: 151–173.<br />

13. Šlapakauskas V., Ruzgas V. 2005. Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of<br />

different winter wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.). Agronomy Research,<br />

3(2): 203–209.<br />

14. Stanys V.,Gelvonauskis B., Zalatorienė G., Stanienė G.,Varkulevičienė J. 2005.<br />

Švelniosios raktažolės (Primula malacoides Franch.) lietuviškų veislių DNR<br />

polimorfizmas. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 24(2): 105–112.<br />

15. Varkulevičienė J. 1999. Švelniosios raktažolės (Primula malacoides Franch.)<br />

selekcija.VDU Kauno botanikos sodo raštai. Kaunas, IX: 53–56.<br />

16. Varkulevičienė J. 2002. Švelniosios raktažolės (Primula malacoides Franch.)<br />

biologinių savybių tyrimų metodika. Vagos, X: 47–55.<br />

17. Zhang H. Y., Liu X. Z., He C. S. 2005. Random amplified DNA polymorphism<br />

of Nicotiana tabacum L. cultivars. Biologia Plantarum, 49(4): 605–607.<br />


SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Koreliacija tarp raktažolės (Primula malacoides Franch.) chlorofilo<br />

fluorescencijos <strong>ir</strong> polimorfinių DNR žymenų<br />

V. Šlapakauskas, V. Stanys, J. Varkulevičienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Koreliacija tarp raktažolės veislių <strong>ir</strong> hibridų bendro polimorfinių žymenų, gautų su 11 DNR<br />

pradmenų skaičiaus <strong>ir</strong> fotosintetinių sistemų elektronų transporto greičio (ETR) buvo silpnai<br />

negatyvi. Polimorfinių raktažolės DNR žymenų, gautų su pradmenimis 1A <strong>ir</strong> 3C skaičius<br />

veislems su ETR turėjo negatyvų, o hibridams – pozityvų ryšį. Polimorfinių žymenų gretinimas<br />

su ETR gali paspartinti naujų augalų hibridų <strong>ir</strong> veislių įvertinimą <strong>ir</strong> atrinkimą.<br />

Iš panaudotų 11 DNR pradmenų gautų bendrų polimorfinių žymenų skaičius turi nežymią<br />

neigiamą koreliaciją su raktažolių lapų antrosios fotosintetinės sistemos elektronų transporto<br />

greičiu (ETR). Polimorfiniai žymenys, gauti panaudojant 1A <strong>ir</strong> 3C pradmenis, turėjo neigiamą<br />

koreliacinį ryšį su raktažolių veislių fotosintetinės sistemos ETR <strong>ir</strong> teigiamą ryšį su šių augalų<br />

hibridų fotosintetinių sistemų ETR. Raktažolių veislių <strong>ir</strong> hibridų DNR žymenų charakteristika<br />

gauta panaudojant du arba daugiau pradmenų <strong>ir</strong> įgalina nustatyti ne vien augalų savitumą, bet<br />

<strong>ir</strong> fotosintetinių sistemų sk<strong>ir</strong>tumus.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: DNR polimorfizmas, elektronų transporto greitis (ETR),<br />

fluorescencija, raktažolė.<br />




SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Changes of some biochemical parameters during the<br />

development of sweet pepper fruits<br />

Maria Leja, Gabriela Wyżgolik, Iwona Kamińska<br />

Departament of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Horticulture, Agricultural University,<br />

29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Krakуw, Poland<br />

E-mail: mleja@bratek.ogr.ar.krakow.pl<br />

Sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) of cultivar ‘Spartacus’ was grown in the foil tunnel of<br />

two different PAR intensities. Nitrate nitrogen as well as its reduced form (ammonium and urea)<br />

were applied by the fertigation technique. Fruits were harvested in three maturity stages: green,<br />

turning and red. The contents of total phenols, total carotenoids and evolution of endogenous<br />

ethylene were determined.<br />

The content of soluble phenol was detected by the photometric method with Folin’s reagent,<br />

carotenoid level in hexan extracts was measured photometrically, and ethylene evolution was<br />

determined by GC with flame-ionisation detector.<br />

The significant accumulation of both phenols and carotenoids was accompanied by the<br />

increase in ethylene production. The most distinct synthesis of carotenoids was observed when<br />

fruits were converted to the full maturity stage (red colour), while soluble phenol constituents<br />

were accumulated gradually during the whole ripening period. Neither light nor nutrient nitrogen<br />

form affected the above mentioned parameters.<br />

Key words: carotenoids, ethylene, maturation, phenols, sweet pepper.<br />

Introduction. Sweet pepper fruits are an excellent source of health promoting<br />

substances, particularly antioxidants of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic phase.<br />

Ascorbic acid, flavonoids and phenolic acids as well as carotenoids present in pepper<br />

fruits have a strong ability to neutralize active oxygen species (Howard et al., 2000).<br />

In different pepper types these authors found the wide spectrum of carotenoids such<br />

as β-cryptoxanthin, α- and β-carotene, capsanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Quercetin<br />

and luteolin are dominating among flavonoids, a significant number of cinamic acid<br />

derivatives and hydroxy-substituted benzoic acids were also observed in the fruit<br />

tissues (Howard et al., 2000). High activity of enzymes associated with antioxidative<br />

system (superoxide dismutase, catalase, xanthine oxidase and glutathione reductase)<br />

in peroxisomes of pepper fruit was reported by Mateos et al. (2003).<br />

Pepper fruits are harvested and consumed at different maturity stages (green, red<br />

and not-fully ripe). During ripening some substances of important nutritional quality,<br />

particularly carbohydrates and vitamin C are accumulated; changes in phenols and<br />

carotenoids are also noted (Zhang, Hamauzu, 2003; Navarro et al., 2006).<br />

In many species fruit ripening is accompanied by endogenous ethylene production,<br />

peppers, in general, are classified as non-climacteric fruits (Saltveit, 1977), however,<br />


according to findings of Biles et al. (1993) in peppers of New Mexican type<br />

concentration of internal ethylene was high enough to initiate ripening, and in some<br />

cultivars of hot pepper resp<strong>ir</strong>atory climacteric was found (Gross et al., 1986).<br />

The aim of the present studies was to determine the content of total soluble phenolic<br />

compounds and carotenoids in sweet pepper fruits, harvested as green, turning and red<br />

ones, with additional measurements of endogenous ethylene evolution. The effect of<br />

some growth conditions (light and form of nitrogen nutrient) was also investigated.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum)<br />

of cultivar ‘Spartacus’ was grown in 2007, in the foil tunnel of two different<br />

light intensities, obtained by application of Gemme 4S and Ginegar foils (light<br />

transparency 90 % and 86 %, light diffusion 15 % and 58 %, respectively). The PAR<br />

permeability measured by infrared analyser of CO 2<br />

was 300–320 µmol · m -2 s -1 and<br />

950–1 000 µmol · m -2 s -1 for the cloudy and sunny days, respectively (Gemme<br />

4S), in the case of Ginegar foil these parameters were 200–220 µmol · m -2 s -1 and<br />

650–750 µmol · m -2 s -1 . Ginegar foil tunnel was described as A, Gemme 4S foil tunnel<br />

as B.<br />

Nutrient nitrogen was used either as N-NO 3<br />

(100 %) or as the reduced form<br />

(N-NO 3<br />

: N-NH 4<br />

: N-NH 2<br />

in ratio 50:13:37 %). In both treatments the average nitrogen<br />

level was 210 mg of N · dm -3 of nutrient solution. The other mineral constituents were<br />

introduced in concentrations recommended for pepper cultivation. The rockwool<br />

was used as the substrate; nutrient solution was supplied by the automatic fertigation<br />

system. Nutrient parameters were systematically controlled by measurements of pH<br />

and EC values.<br />

Fruits were harvested at three maturity stages: green, turning (brownish) and<br />

red (fully ripe) on 2 nd , 5 th and 6 th of July, respectively. The mean of 30 fruits sample<br />

was used for analytical procedure. Total phenols were determined by the photometric<br />

method with Folin’s reagent (Swain, Hills, 1959). Total carotenoids were detected in<br />

acetone extracts prepared from previously frozen tissue by the photometric method<br />

recommended by Polish Norm (PN-90). For ethylene measurement the 5 cm 3 a<strong>ir</strong><br />

samples were withdrawn from the cavity of attached fruit and injected into a gas<br />

chromatograph (Chrom 4) with a flame ionization detector and 1.2 m long column<br />

filled with aluminium oxide at 60 °C.<br />

All analyses were made in three replications and results were statistically verified<br />

by the Duncan’s test.<br />

Results. During fruit ripening the considerable increase in carotenoids was<br />

observed. Accumulation of these compounds was particularly distinct in red fruits<br />

(Fig. 1). The differences between A and B tunnels as well as between NO 3<br />

and NO 3<br />

-<br />

NH 4<br />

-NH 2<br />

treatments were non-significant, except fruits of turning (brownish) phase<br />

where slightly higher level of carotenoids in fruits treated with the reduced nitrogen<br />

form grown in B tunnel was observed.<br />


Fig. 1. Carotenoid content in sweet pepper fruits<br />

1 pav. Karotinoidų kiekis saldžiosios paprikos vaisiuose<br />

Soluble phenols accumulated gradually in developing fruits reaching the highest<br />

content in the full maturity stage. In green fruits the differences both between A and B<br />

tunnels and nitrogen form treatments were non-significant, in the case of turning and<br />

red ones slightly higher content of total phenols was noticed in fruits of pepper plants<br />

grown in B tunnel and fertilized with the reduced form of nitrogen (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2. Total phenol content in sweet pepper fruits<br />

2 pav. Bendras fenolių kiekis saldžiosios paprikos vaisiuose<br />

According to the results presented in Figure 3 at the early stage of ripening the<br />

endogenous ethylene production was very low. In pepper fruits of the turning phase<br />

ethylene evolution was considerably higher and reached the maximum in the fully<br />

maturity stage.<br />


Fig. 3. Ethylene production in sweet pepper fruits<br />

3 pav. Etileno gamyba saldžiosios paprikos vaisiuose<br />

The effect of radiation (tunnels A and B) as well as that of applied nitrogen<br />

form in most cases was non-significant, only in fruits collected in the turning phase<br />

slightly higher content of carotenoids was found in tunnel B under treatment with<br />

the reduced nitrogen form in comparison with tunnel A. Significantly higher level of<br />

total phenolics was observed in fruits of turning stage treated with ammonium-urea<br />

nitrogen as compared to NO 3<br />

application in both tunnels, similar effect was noticed<br />

in red fruits grown in tunnel B.<br />

Discussion. Increase in carotenoids in development of sweet pepper fruits, was<br />

reported previously by many authors. In general, ripening of pepper fruits is strongly<br />

associated with carotenoid accumulation (Markus et al., 1999). Navarro et al. (2006)<br />

observed the significant increase of β-carotene and lycopen contents in developing fruits<br />

of cultivar ‘Orlando’. Howard et al. (2000) who determined the individual carotenoids<br />

in the ripening pepper fruits of various types by HPLC method noted extensive increase<br />

of β-cryptoxanthin, α- and β-carotene, capsanthin and zeaxanthin in all pepper types,<br />

while content of lutein decreased.<br />

Significant accumulation of total soluble phenols during pepper fruit ripening was<br />

conf<strong>ir</strong>med by findings of Howard et al. (2000), however, flavonoid concentration was<br />

either unaffected by maturity or decreased in respect to investigated cultivars. Zhang<br />

and Hamauzu (2003) observed the highest level of these constituents in green pepper<br />

fruits, Navarro et al. (2006) did not find any significant differences in total phenols<br />

determined in three maturity phases (green, turning and red).<br />

As described earlier pepper is not considered as the climacteric plant, however,<br />

the presented results show evolution of internal ethylene corresponding with fruit<br />

maturation. According to studies of Villavicencio et al. (2001) on ethylene production<br />

by the attached fruits of three pepper cultivars during the<strong>ir</strong> ripening, all cultivars<br />

seemed to be intermediate between climacteric and non-climacteric fruits. The<br />

authors observed the undetectable level of C 2<br />

H 4<br />

in the mature green stage followed<br />

by increasing at the breaker stage and remaining high in red fruits and decreasing in<br />

mature light red fruits.<br />

Synthesis of internal ethylene in developing fruits was accompanied by<br />

accumulation of total phenols and also by carotenoids. The role of ethylene as the<br />

plant hormone inducing ripening of fruits is, among others, associated with its effect on<br />


carotenoid synthesis. Exogenous ethylene treatment of pepper fruits caused enhanced<br />

carotenoid accumulation (Fox et al., 2005).<br />

The effect of light (foils of various permeability, as described earlier) on<br />

accumulation of carotenoids and phenolic compounds was negligible; ethylene<br />

production determined in the attached fruits was <strong>ir</strong>respective to the applied foils.<br />

Cox et al. (2003) observed higher lycopene concentration in tomato fruits, harvested<br />

green-mature and exposed to 24 h light than in those radiated for 8 h. In our previous<br />

investigations with broccoli heads of the spring growing cycle (extensive PAR intensity)<br />

both radical scavenging activity and content of phenols were higher in comparison<br />

with plants grown in autumn at poor radiation (Leja et al., 2002). No effect of radiation<br />

intensity on numerous antioxidant parameters (flavonoids, carotenoids, ascorbic acid,<br />

antioxidant activity) was found in ripening tomato fruits (Raffo, 2003).<br />

As described earlier the slight effect of the reduced nitrogen form on higher<br />

accumulation of phenolic compounds in pepper fruits of turning and red phase was<br />

noticed, while no influence of this factor on ethylene evolution was found. Some<br />

influence of the nutritive nitrogen form on the antioxidant system (antioxidants and<br />

enzymes) of various vegetable species such as lettuce, broccoli, carrot, red cabbage,<br />

particularly during the<strong>ir</strong> short-term storage was reported previously (Leja et al., 1994;<br />

1997; 1998; 2005).<br />

In general, further investigations might explain the effect of both light intensity<br />

and nutritive nitrogen form on changes of phenols, carotenoids and ethylene evolution.<br />

The present experiment is the preliminary study of long-term project and it will be<br />

continued.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Significant accumulation of phenolic constituents and carotenoids<br />

was observed in ripening sweet pepper fruits.<br />

2. Sweet pepper of cultivar ‘Spartacus’ can be considered as the climacteric plant:<br />

low ethylene production detected in green fruits increased with the<strong>ir</strong> maturity.<br />

3. In most cases reaction to light conditions as well as to applied form of nutritive<br />

nitrogen was negligible, only in fruits of turning (brownish) maturity stage the slight<br />

effect was found.<br />

Acknowledgment. The study was financed by the State Committee for Scientific<br />

Research, Poland, under project No. 2 P06R 021 30<br />

References<br />

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light exposure to lycopene content and antioxidant properties of tomato. Canadian<br />

Journal of Plant Science, 83(4): 913–919.<br />


3. Fox A. J., Pozo-Insfran D., Lee J. H., Sergent S. A., Talcott S. T. 2005. Ripeninginduced<br />

chemical and antioxidant changes in bell peppers as affected by harvest<br />

maturity and postharvest ethylene exposure. Hortscience, 40: 732–736.<br />

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Biochemical changes associated with the ripening of hot pepper fruit. Physiologia<br />

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5. Howard L. R., Talacott S. T., Brenes C. H., Villalon B. 2000. Changes in<br />

phytochemical and antioxidant activity of selected pepper cultivars (Capsicum<br />

Species) as influenced by maturity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,<br />

48: 1 713–1 720.<br />

6. Leja M., Wojciechowska R., Mareczek A., Kunicki E. 1997. The effect of<br />

fertilization with different forms of nitrogen on certain senescence indices in<br />

short-term stored broccoli heads. Folia Horticulturae, 9(1): 85–96.<br />

7. Leja M., Mareczek A., Starzynska A. 2002. Some antioxidant and senescence<br />

parameters of broccoli as related to its maturity stages. Acta Physiologiae<br />

Plantarum, 24(3): 237–241.<br />

8. Leja M., Rozek S., Mareczek A. 1998. Effect of fertilization with reduced<br />

nitrogen forms on phenolic metabolism in carrot roots. Umbelliferae Improvement<br />

Newsletter, 8: 17–19.<br />

9. Leja M., Rozek S., Myczkowski J. 1994. The effect of fertilization with different<br />

forms of nitrogen on greenhouse lettuce quality and its changes during storage.<br />

III. Phenolic metabolism. Folia Horticulturae, IV/1: 63–72.<br />

10. Leja M., Wyzgolik G., Mareczek A. 2005. Phenolic compounds of red cabbage<br />

as related to different forms of nutritive nitrogen. Horticulture and Vegetable<br />

Growing, 24(3): 421–428.<br />

11. Marcus F., Daood H. G., Kapitany J., Biacs P. A. 1999. Change in the carotenoid<br />

and antioxidant content of spice red pepper (paprika) as a function of ripening<br />

and some technological factors. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,<br />

47: 100–107.<br />

12. Mateos R. M., Leon A. M., Sandalio L. M., Gomez M., del Rio L. A.,<br />

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purification, characterisation and antioxidant activity. Journal of Plant Physiology,<br />

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13. Navarro J. M., Flores P., Garrido C., Martinez V. 2006. Changes in the contents<br />

of antioxidant compounds in pepper fruits at different ripening stages, as affected<br />

by salinity. Food Chemistry, 96: 66–73.<br />

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15. Raffo A., Salucci M., Azzini E., Bertone A., Quaglia G. B., Fogliano V.,<br />

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16. Saltveit Jr. M. E. 1977. Carbon dioxide, ethylene and colour development ripening<br />

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17. Swain T., Hills W. E. 1959. Phenolic constituents of Prunus domestica.<br />

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18. Villavicencio L. E., Blankenship S. M., Sanders D. C., Swallow W. H. 2001.<br />

Ethylene and carbon dioxide concentrations in attached fruits of pepper cultivars<br />

during ripening. Scientia Horticulturae, 91: 17–24.<br />

19. Zhang DongLin, Hamauzu Y. 2003. Phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid,<br />

carotenoids and antioxidant properties of green, red and yellow bell peppers.<br />

Journal of Food, Agriculture & Env<strong>ir</strong>onment, 1(2): 22–<strong>27</strong>.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Kai kurių biocheminių parametrų kitimai saldžiosios paprikos<br />

vaisių vystimosi metu<br />

M. Leja, G. Wyżgolik, I. Kamińska<br />

Santrauka<br />

Saldžiosios paprikos veislė ‘Spartacus’ auginta veikiant dviem sk<strong>ir</strong>tingais PAR<br />

intensyvumo lygiais. Tręšiama nitrato azotu <strong>ir</strong> jo redukuota forma (amoniu <strong>ir</strong> šlapalu). Vaisių<br />

derlius nurenkamas trijose nokimo stadijose: žali vaisiai, nokstantys <strong>ir</strong> raudoni. Nustatytas<br />

bendras fenolių <strong>ir</strong> karotinoidų kiekis bei etileno kitimas.<br />

T<strong>ir</strong>pių fenolių kiekis nustatytas fotometriniu metodu su Folino reagentu, karotinoidai –<br />

heksano ekstrakte matuoti fotometriрkai, etileno kitimas nustatytas GC metodu.<br />

Reikšmingа fenolių <strong>ir</strong> karotinoidų kaupimа lydėjo etileno didėjimas. Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingiausia<br />

karotinoidų sintezė stebėta, vaisiams esant pilnos brandos tarpsnyje (raudona spalva), o t<strong>ir</strong>pūs<br />

fenoliai laipsniрkai kaupėsi viso nokimo metu. Nei šviesa, nei maitinimas azotu aptartiems<br />

parametrams įtakos nedarė.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: brendimas, etilenas, fenoliai, karotinoidai, saldžioji paprika.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

The influence of various substratum on the quality of<br />

cucumber seedlings and photosynthesis parameters<br />

Julė Jankauskienė, Aušra Brazaitytė<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: j.jankauskiene@lsdi.lt<br />

Cucumber hybrids ‘Mandy’ were grown in the greenhouse covered with double polymeric<br />

film at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2004–2006. Cucumber seedlings were grown<br />

in different substratum: peat, peat + perlite (1 : 1), peat + perlite (2 : 1), peat + zeolite (1 : 1),<br />

peat + zeolite (2 : 1). During the experiment seedling biometrical measurements were carried<br />

out, the amount of dry matter and pigments in seedling leaves, photosynthesis productivity was<br />

established, cucumber yield calculations were fulfilled. Seedlings grown in peat are higher,<br />

have bigger leaf area than the seedlings grown in peat-perlite, peat-zeolite substratum, but in<br />

leaves and roots they accumulate less dry matter and plant fresh weight also is smaller. When the<br />

amount of zeolite and perlite in peat is smaller, cucumber seedlings accumulate in leaves more<br />

photosynthesis pigments. When zeolite is mixed into peat substratum, seedling photosynthesis<br />

productivity becomes bigger than this of the cucumbers grown in peat. Nevertheless, the mixing<br />

of zeolite and perlite into seedling substratum do not have positive influence on cucumber<br />

yield.<br />

Key words: cucumber, dry matter, yield, peat, perlite, photosynthesis pigments,<br />

photosynthesis productivity, seedlings, zeolite.<br />

Introduction. Substratum selection is important factor, influencing seedling<br />

quality. For the seedling growing, peat of high type most often is used. When<br />

growing plants in peat substratum it isn’t easy to keep the optimal a<strong>ir</strong>-water regime.<br />

In order to create the more favourable a<strong>ir</strong>-water regime for plants, peat is mixed<br />

with perlite, vermiculite et al (Sawan, Eissa, 1996). Zeolites are crystalline, hydrated<br />

aluminosilicates of alkali and earth metals that possess infinite, three-dimensional<br />

crystal structures. This is ecologically clean, inert and non-toxic substance. It has the<br />

ability to absorb and hold plant nutrients due to its crystal lattice structure (Mumpton,<br />

1999). Perlite is derived from siliceous volcanic rock that is crushed and heated to<br />

in a furnace 982 °C until it expands to form the white particles that make up perlite.<br />

These expanded particles provide for a<strong>ir</strong>-filled pore space in a substratum, provide<br />

little water-holding capacity, have a negligible cation-exchange capacity and have a<br />

pH of approximately 7.5. Perlite is considered chemically inert and has little effect on<br />

substratum pH (Thomas, Thomas, 1988).<br />

In the opinion of Russian scientists, one of the most perspective trends of plantgrowing<br />

is the use of natural zeolite as substratum for seedling and vegetable growing<br />

(Перфильева, 1988; 1991). In Russia there are created technologies of cucumber,<br />


tomato and greens growing in zeolite substratum (Постников et al, 1991). Studies with<br />

zeolite substratum were carried out in other countries – Bulgaria, Greece, Yugoslavia,<br />

UK, etc. (Harland et al, 1999; Mumpton, 1999; Stamatakis et al, 2001). Markovic et al<br />

compared different substratum for pepper seedling production – compost, peat and<br />

enriched zeolites (Markovic et al., 1994). Manolov and other scientist investigated<br />

the possibilities for growing of vegetable seedlings in zeolite substratum based on<br />

Jordanian zeolitic tuff and compared it with zeolite substratum based on Bulgarian<br />

zeolite (Manolov et al, 2005). Cattivello investigated the possibilities of zeolite use for<br />

the growing of vegetable seedlings and pot plants. Zeolite didn’t influence positively<br />

the quality of lettuce, tomato, and melon seedlings and the earliness of yielding.<br />

Cyclamen and primroses grew better when 7 % of zeolite was mixed into substratum<br />

(Cattivello, 1995).<br />

Perlite is widely used for the rooting of decorative plants, flower growing, also in<br />

the mixture with peat when growing flower seedlings and in small-volume vegetable<br />

growing technology (Arenas et al., 2002; Grillas et al., 2001). The possibilities of the<br />

use of zeolite and perlite as the ingrediens of substratum for seedling growing, are<br />

still not investigated in Lithuania.<br />

The aim of the study is to establish the influence of zeolite and perlite mixed into<br />

peat substratum on the development of cucumber seedlings, photosynthesis productivity<br />

and total yield.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Investigations were carried out in the<br />

greenhouse covered with polymeric film at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture<br />

in 2004–2006. Cucumber seedlings were grown in polymeric pots with prepared<br />

peat substratum. Sowing time – the beginning of February. Cucumber seedlings<br />

were grown in seed-plot on boards, the duration of growing – 30 days. The object of<br />

investigation – hybrid ‘Mandy’. Seedlings were grown in different substratum: a 0<br />

– peat,<br />

a 1<br />

– peat + perlite (1 : 1), a 2<br />

– peat + perlite (2 : 1), a 3 –<br />

peat + zeolite (1 : 1), a 4<br />

– peat +<br />

zeolite (2 : 1). Seedlings were planted in the greenhouse in the middle of March. In<br />

the greenhouse plants were grown in 25 l capacity peat bags (1 bag – 2 plants). Plant<br />

density – 2.5 plant. m -2 . In the greenhouse cucumbers were fertilized with “Nutrifol”<br />

(green and brown), magnesium sulphate, calcium and ammonium nitrate taking into<br />

account the stage of growth. For water souring there was used nitrogen acid. Salt<br />

concentration in the nutritional solution – EC 2.5–2.8, acidity – pH 5.5–5.8. The end<br />

of cucumber vegetation – the middle of June. Area of record plot – 4.8 m 2 . The trial<br />

was established in randomized block design with three replications.<br />

During investigation seedling biometrical observations were carried out, amount<br />

of pigments and dry matter in seedling leaves and photosynthesis productivity were<br />

established. The amount of photosynthesis pigments in fresh weight was established<br />

preparing 100 % acetone extracts and analyzing them by spectrophotometrical<br />

Wettstein’s method (Wettstein, 1957). There was used spectrophotometer Genesys 6<br />

(Thermospectronic, JAV). Assimilation area was measured with leaf area measurer<br />

CI-202 (CID Inc., USA). Plant dry weight was established drying at the temperature<br />

of 105 °C.<br />

Pure photosynthesis productivity (F pr<br />

) was calculated according to the formula:<br />


F pr<br />

= 2(M 2<br />

- M 1<br />

) / (L 1<br />

+ L 2<br />

)T (1)<br />

Here (M 2<br />

- M 1<br />

) – increase of dry weight during certain period; L 1<br />

and L 2<br />

– leaf area<br />

at the beginning and at the end of the period; T – duration of period 24 h (Bluzmanas<br />

et al, 1991). There was carried out cucumber yield calculation. Cucumbers were picked<br />

for three times per week and sorted into standard and not standard. Yield data was<br />

processed by statistical methods (Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003).<br />

Results. Cucumber seedlings grown in peat were 36.5 % higher than the seedlings<br />

grown in peat-zeolite (2 : 1) substratum (essential difference) and 30.1 % higher than<br />

the seedlings grown in peat-zeolite (1 : 1) substratum (Table 1). Cucumber seedlings<br />

grown in peat also were higher than the seedlings grown in peat-perlite substratum.<br />

They were 35.7 % higher then seedlings grown in peat-perlite (2 : 1) substratum<br />

(essential difference) and 17.0 % higher than the seedlings grown in peat-perlite (1 : 1)<br />

substratum. The lowest seedlings were of plants grown in peat-zeolite (2 : 1) substratum.<br />

The biggest number of leaves formed the seedlings, which were grown in peat-perlite<br />

(1 : 1) substratum. Seedlings grown only in peat formed the biggest leaf area. When it<br />

was mixed perlite and zeolite into peat substratum, leaf area was smaller thant this of<br />

seedlings grown in peat. But when perlite was inserted into peat substratum, leaf area<br />

was bigger than this of seedlings grown in peat-zeolite substratum. Seedlings grown<br />

in peat enriched with zeolite and perlite (with the exception of peat-perlite (2 : 1)<br />

substratum) produced the bigger plant and root fresh weight.<br />

Table 1. Biometric data of cucumber seedlings grown in the different<br />

substratum<br />

1 lentelė. Agurkų daigų, augintų sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose substratuose, biometrija<br />

Cucumber seedlings grown in peat-zeolite (1 : 1) substratum the biggest amount of<br />

dry matter accumulated in leaves and roots (Fig. 1). The<strong>ir</strong> amount was correspondingly<br />

3.7 % bigger than this in the leaves of seedlings grown in peat and 1.6 times bigger<br />

than in the roots of seedlings grown in peat. Cucumber seedlings grown in peat-zeolite<br />

and peat-perlite substratum accumulated in roots more dry matter than these grown in<br />

peat. Seedlings grown in peat-perlite (2 : 1) substratum accumulated the least amount<br />


of dry matter. Seedlings grown in peat-perlite substratum accumulated in roots more<br />

dry matter than these grown in peat-zeolite substratum.<br />

Fig. 1. The amount of dry matter in leaves and roots of cucumber seedlings grown<br />

in the different substratum: 1 – peat; 2 – peat + perlite (1 : 1);<br />

3 – peat + perlite (2 : 1); 4 – peat + zeolite (1 : 1); 5 – peat + zeolite (2 : 1)<br />

1 pav. Sausųjų medžiagų kiekis agurkų daigų, augintų sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose substratuose, šaknyse bei<br />

antžeminėje dalyje: 1 – durpė; 2 – durpė + perlitas (1 : 1);<br />

3 – durpė + perlitas (2 : 1); 4 – durpė + ceolitas (1 : 1); 5 – durpė + ceolitas (2 : 1)<br />

Seedlings grown in peat-zeolite (2 : 1) substratum accumulated in leaves the<br />

biggest amount of chlorophylls (Table 2).<br />

Table 2. Chlorophyll contents in the leaves of cucumber seedlings grown in<br />

different substratum<br />

2 lentelė. Chlorofilų kiekis agurkų daigų, augintų sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose substratuose, lapuose<br />

There was more 13.7 % of them than in the leaves of seedlings grown in peat.<br />

Nevertheless, the ratio of chlorophylls a and b was the same as in the leaves of<br />

cucumbers grown in peat. Cucumber seedlings grown in peat-perlite and peat-zeolite<br />


(1 : 1) substratum accumulated in leaves less chlorophylls than seedlings grown in<br />

peat. Nevertheless, the ratio of chlorophylls a and b was the bigger in the leaves of<br />

cucumber grown in various substratum than this in the leaves of seedlings grown<br />

only in peat.<br />

The amount of carotenoids in the leaves of cucumber seedlings grown in peatzeolite<br />

substratum (2 : 1) was 11.4 % bigger than this in the leaves of seedlings grown<br />

only in peat (Fig. 2). In the leaves of cucumber grown in peat-perlite (2 : 1) substratum<br />

there was as much carotenoids as in the leaves of seedlings grown in peat, but after<br />

insertion of the bigger amount of perlite (1 : 1), the amount of carotenoids in leaves<br />

decreased.<br />

Fig. 2. Carotenoid content in the leaves of cucumber seedlings grown in the<br />

different substratum: 1 – peat; 2 – peat + perlite (1 : 1); 3 – peat + perlite (2 : 1);<br />

4 – peat + zeolite (1 : 1); 5 – peat + zeolite (2 : 1)<br />

2 pav. Karotinoidų kiekis agurkų daigų, augintų sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose substratuose, lapuose:<br />

1 – durpė; 2 – durpė + perlitas (1 : 1); 3 – durpė + perlitas (2 : 1);<br />

4 – durpė + ceolitas (1 : 1); 5 – durpė + ceolitas (2 : 1)<br />

The bigger amount of zeolite and perlite (1 : 1) determines the fact that cucumber<br />

seedlings accumulate in leaves smaller amount of pigments, i. e. chlorophylls and<br />

carotenoids, but in roots and leaves accumulate more dry matter. When the amount of<br />

zeolite or perlite in peat is less (2 : 1), cucumber seedlings accumulate in leaves more<br />

pigments and less dry matter.<br />

Photosynthesis productivity was the biggest one of the seedlings grown in peatzeolite<br />

(1 : 1) substratum (Fig. 3). It was 1.5 times bigger than this of seedlings grown<br />

in peat. Photosynthesis productivity of seedlings grown in peat-zeolite (2 : 1) and<br />


peat-perlite (1 : 1) substratum also was bigger than this of seedlings grown in peat.<br />

Photosynthesis productivity of seedlings grown in peat-perlite (2 : 1) substratum was<br />

almost the same as this of seedlings grown in peat. When there was mixed bigger<br />

amount of perlite and zeolite into peat substratum (1 : 1), seedling photosynthesis<br />

productivity was bigger than in the case of smaller amount of zeolite and perlite in<br />

peat, i. e. 2 : 1.<br />

Fig. 3. Photosynthesis productivity of cucumber seedlings grown in the different<br />

substratum: 1 – peat; 2 – peat + perlite (1 : 1); 3 – peat + perlite (2 : 1);<br />

4 – peat + zeolite (1 : 1); 5 – peat + zeolite (2 : 1)<br />

3 pav. Agurkų daigų, augintų sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose substratuose, fotosintezės produktyvumas:<br />

1 – durpė; 2 – durpė + perlitas (1 : 1); 3 – durpė + perlitas (2 : 1);<br />

4 – durpė + ceolitas (1 : 1); 5 – durpė + ceolitas (2 : 1)<br />

The mixing of perlite and zeolite into peat substratum didn’t influence positively<br />

cucumber yield (Fig. 4).<br />

Fig. 4. Total yield of cucumbers which seedlings were grown in different<br />

substratum: 1 – peat; 2 – peat + perlite (1 : 1); 3 – peat + perlite (2 : 1);<br />

4 – peat + zeolite (1 : 1); 5 – peat + zeolite (2 : 1)<br />

4 pav. Agurkų, kurių daigai auginti sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose substratuose, suminis derlius:<br />

1 – durpė; 2 – durpė + perlitas (1 : 1); 3 – durpė + perlitas (2 : 1);<br />

4 – durpė + ceolitas (1 : 1); 5 – durpė + ceolitas (2 : 1)<br />


The yield of cucumber, which seedlings were grown in peat-zeolite (2 : 1)<br />

substratum, was the same as this of the plants, which seedlings were grown in peat.<br />

The yield of cucumber, which seedlings were grown in peat-zeolite (1 : 1) and peatperlite<br />

(2 : 1) substratum, was smaller than this of cucumber, which seedlings were<br />

grown only in peat.<br />

Discussion. The selection of substratum influences not only seedlings quality, but<br />

also plant yield, the earlines of the<strong>ir</strong> yielding and fruit quality (Lopez et al., 2004).<br />

Zeolite and perlite is used as the addition of other peat substratum. According to the<br />

data of Arenas and other scientists, the mixing of perlite, vermiculite, coco fibers into<br />

peat substratum influenced tomato development. Seedlings grown in peat-vermiculite<br />

and peat-perlite substratum had bigger root weight, stem diameter, leaf area (Arenas<br />

et al., 2002). The data of other scientists showed that the highest seedling quality<br />

was achieved using the mixture of substratum, peat (2/3) and enriched zeolite (1/3)<br />

(Markovic et al., 1995). Pepper seedlings grown in peat substratum, enriched with<br />

1/3 zeolite, were higher, had more leaves and dry matter (Markovic et al., 2000). The<br />

amount of zeolite also influences seedling growth and development. Stem diameter,<br />

leaf area and dry weight of seedlings increased with the increased amount of zeolite<br />

(Song et al., 2004). According to the data of Güler et al, tomato seedlings grown in<br />

peat-perlite and other substratum and grown only in peat were the same (Güler, Büyük,<br />

2007). According to the data of Eltez and other scientists, the seedlings of aubergine<br />

and pepper grown in peat-perlite substratum didn’t differe from seedlings grown in<br />

peat (Eltez et al., 1994). According to the data of Dem<strong>ir</strong>er and Kuzucu investigations,<br />

perlite positively influenced the growth and development of lettuce, cucumber, tomato<br />

seedlings (Dem<strong>ir</strong>er, Kuzucu, 2000). According to the data of our investigation, zeolite<br />

and perlite, mixed into peat substratum influenced biometrical parameters of seedlings.<br />

Cucumber seedlings grown in peat-perlite and peat-zeolite substratum were lower and<br />

had smaller leaf area thant the seedlings grown in peat. Seedlings grown in peat-perlite<br />

and peat-zeolite substratum had bigger fresh weight.<br />

In order to evaluate the influence of the used substratum on seedlings it was<br />

established the amount of photosynthesis pigments in green cucumber leaves. The<br />

amount of chlorophylls in plant leaves is one of the parameters of potential productivity.<br />

It is often used in order to established as some method of growing and env<strong>ir</strong>onmental<br />

conditions influence plant photosynthesis system. If growth conditions aren’t suitable<br />

chlorophylls concentration and the ration of chlorophylls a and b decreases. Chlorophyll<br />

a is more important to photosynthesis process. It more quickly reacts to the changing<br />

env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions (Gabryś et al., 1998; Hay, Andrew, 1989). Addition of<br />

zeolite to the substratum also had some effects on the photosynthetic pigment contents,<br />

photosynthetic parameters (Song et al., 2004). According to the data of Güler and other<br />

scientists, the amount of chlorophylls in the leaves of cucumber seedlings grown in<br />

peat-perlite (1 : 1) substratum was smaller than this of the leaves of seedlings grown<br />

in peat (Güler, Büyük, 2007). In our investigations the addition of perlite in peat<br />

also slightly inhibited the synthesis of photosynthesis pigments. Small amount of<br />

zeolite (peat:zeolite 2 : 1) stimulated the synthesis of these pigments in the leaves of<br />

cucumber seedlings. The amount of perlite and zeolite in peat influenced the amount of<br />

photosynthesis pigments in leaves. When the bigger amount of zeolite was mixed into<br />


peat substratum (1 : 1), cucumber seedlings accumulated in leaves more carotenoids.<br />

When zeolite and perlite was mixed into peat (ratio 1 : 1), the amount of chlorophylls in<br />

cucumber leaves was smaller. When the ratio of peat and zeolite was 2 : 1, the amount<br />

of chlorophylls in leaves was bigger than this in the leaves of seedlings grown in peat.<br />

The mixing of zeolite into peat substratum increased net photosynthesis productivity.<br />

The amount of photosynthesis pigments and photosynthesis productivity are one of<br />

plant productivity parameters, which influence the<strong>ir</strong> final productivity. According<br />

to the data of some scientists, when zeolite is mixed into seedling substratum, there<br />

was obtaines bigger pepper yield (Markovic et al., 2000). According to the data<br />

of our investigations, seedling growing in peat-zeolite substratum didn’t increase<br />

cucumber yield. Even though cucumber seedlings grown in peat-perlite substratum<br />

didn’t distinguished themselves with bigger amount of photosynthesis pigments or<br />

photosynthesis productivity, the yield of these seedlings was similar to this one of<br />

plants, which seedlings were grown in peat.<br />

Cucumber seedlings grown in peat-perlite and peat-zeolite substratum are compact,<br />

have smaller leaf area, but the<strong>ir</strong> above-ground and root weight is bigger than this<br />

of seedlings grown in peat. The bigger amount of zeolite and perlite (1 : 1) in peat<br />

determines the fact that cucumber seedlings accumulate in leaves smaller amount of<br />

pigments, but in roots and leaves accumulate more dry matter. When the amount of<br />

zeolite or perlite in peat is less (2:1), cucumber seedlings accumulate in leaves more<br />

pigments and less dry matter.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Cucumber seedlings grown in peat substratum were higher, had<br />

bigger leaf area than the seedlings grown in peat-perlite and peat-zeolite substratum, but<br />

the seedlings grown in peat-zeolite (1 : 1 and 2 : 1) and peat-perlite (1 : 1) substratum<br />

had bigger fresh weight and root weight.<br />

2. Cucumber seedlings grown in peat-zeolite and peat-perlite substratum<br />

accumulated in leaves and roots more dry matter than the seedlings grown only in<br />

peat.<br />

3.The addition of perlite in peat decreased the synthesis of photosynthesis<br />

pigments, and small amount of zeolite (peat:zeolite 2 : 1) stimulated the synthesis in<br />

the leaves of cucumber seedlings.<br />

4. The biggest photosynthesis productivity was in the substratum of seedlings<br />

grown in peat-zeolite (1 : 1).<br />

5. The mixing of perlite and zeolite into substratum of seedlings didn’t influence<br />

positively cucumber yield.<br />

References<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Įva<strong>ir</strong>ių substratų įtaka agurkų daigų kokybei bei fotosintetiniams<br />

rodikliams<br />

J. Jankauskienė, A. Brazaitytė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Darbo tikslas – nustatyti ceolito bei perlito, įmaišyto į durpių substratа, įtaką agurkų<br />

daigų vystymuisi bei fotosintezės produktyvumui <strong>ir</strong> suminiam derliui. 2004–2006 m. Lietuvos<br />

sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institute dviguba polimerine plėvele dengtame šiltnamyje auginti<br />

‘Mandy’ hibridiniai agurkai. Agurkų daigai auginti sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose substratuose: durpė, durpė +<br />

perlitas (1 : 1), durpė + perlitas (2 : 1), durpė + ceolitas (1 : 1), durpė + ceolitas (2 : 1). Bandymo<br />

metu atlikti daigų biometriniai matavimai, nustatytas sausųjų medžiagų, pigmentų kiekis daigų<br />

lapuose, nustatytas fotosintezės produktyvumas, atlikta agurkų derliaus apskaita. Daigai, auginti<br />

durpėje, yra aukštesni, turi didesnį lapų asimiliacinį plotą negu daigai, auginti durpių-perlito,<br />

durpių-ceolito substratuose, tačiau jie lapuose <strong>ir</strong> šaknyse kaupia mažiau sausųjų medžiagų, žalia<br />

augalo masė taip pat yra mažesnė. Kai ceolito <strong>ir</strong> perlito kiekis durpėje yra mažesnis, agurkų<br />

daigai lapuose kaupia daugiau fotosintezės pigmentų. Į durpių substratą įmaišius ceolitą, daigų<br />

fotosintezės produktyvumas didesnis negu augintų durpėje. Tačiau ceolito bei perlito įmaišymas<br />

į daigų substratą neturi teigiamos įtakos agurkų derliui.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: agurkai, ceolitas, daigai, derlius, durpės, fotosintezės pigmentai,<br />

fotosintezės produktyvumas, perlitas, sausosios medžiagos.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Evaluation of the methods of soil cultivation growing<br />

dessert strawberries in beds<br />

Nobertas Uselis, Juozas Lanauskas, Vytautas Zalatorius,<br />

Pavelas Duchovskis, Aušra Brazaitytė, Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: n.uselis@lsdi.lt<br />

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the methods of soil cultivation<br />

on strawberry plant development, plant generative development, the<strong>ir</strong> physiological processes<br />

and berry yield. The investigations of the methods of strawberry plantation soil cultivation<br />

were carried out at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2005–2007 growing strawberries<br />

according to the scheme: 1) not mulched with film, not <strong>ir</strong>rigated, 2) not mulched with film,<br />

<strong>ir</strong>rigated, 3) mulched with film, not <strong>ir</strong>rigated, 4) mulched with film, <strong>ir</strong>rigated. Strawberries were<br />

grown for the usual (not covered) and earlier (covered with agrofilm) yield. It was established<br />

that in the case of low temperature (~ -30 °C) and little amount of snow, strawberries mulched<br />

with white film wintered best of all. In the beds mulched with film all the plants wintered,<br />

and in not mulched beds 64–97 % of plants survived. The biggest amounts, up to 30 %, of<br />

strawberry flowers were frost damaged in the mulched beds. In not mulched beds there were<br />

frost-damaged only 10 % of strawberry flowers. The positive influence of mulching on the<br />

number of leaves per plant, fresh weight and assimilation area was significant only in the f<strong>ir</strong>st<br />

year of growth. The methods of soil supervision and <strong>ir</strong>rigation do not influence significantly the<br />

amount of chlorophylls in strawberry leaves. In the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of yielding, strawberries mulched<br />

with film produced the biggest amount of berries. In the second year of yielding, berry number<br />

per plant essentially didn’t depend on soil mulching or <strong>ir</strong>rigation. In the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of yielding,<br />

strawberries grown in the beds mulched with white film yielded better. In the second year of<br />

yielding, the productivity of strawberries grown without cover didn’t differ. Irrigation didn’t<br />

influence strawberry productivity.<br />

Key words: growth, strawberry, soil cultivation methods, yield.<br />

Introduction. After Lithuania entered the European Union, purchasing power<br />

of population increased and high quality fruits and vegetables became more popular.<br />

Strawberries are among the most popular berries in our country. Strawberry growing<br />

requ<strong>ir</strong>es much manual labour. In recent years, a lot of working power emigrated or<br />

went to work into the biggest cities of the country. Under such social and demographic<br />

situation, it is necessary to apply in strawberry growing maximally mechanized growing<br />

technologies, which lessen the expenditures of manual labour and allow growing<br />

competitive production.<br />

For the time being in the other European Union countries strawberries most<br />

often are grown for one year in high single row beds mulched with film and <strong>ir</strong>rigated<br />

by capillary method. Berries grown in annual strawberry plantations are big and of<br />


attractive marketable appearance. Such growing of dessert strawberries is rather<br />

expensive, even though maximally mechanized (manually are picked only berries).<br />

According to the data, the mulching of strawberries grown in beds with various<br />

plastic films helps to preserve water in the soil, controls weed growth, decreases the need<br />

of herbicides and improves berry quality (Kasperbauer, 2000; Fernandez, 2001). Other<br />

authors state that the use of such mulch accelerate berry ripening (Pritts et al., 1992),<br />

extend growing season (Pollard, Cundari, 1988), protects plants against frosts during<br />

flowering (Hochmuth et al., 1993), increases strawberry productivity (Gast, Pollard,<br />

1991; Pritts et al., 1992). Strawberry mulching in autumn improves inflorescence<br />

development and increases yield (Gast, Pollard, 1991). Mulching positively influences<br />

pigment synthesis in strawberry leaves (Wang et al., 1998; K<strong>ir</strong>nak et al., 2002).<br />

Mulching coordinated with <strong>ir</strong>rigation increases strawberry productivity (Renquist et al.,<br />

1982). Most often strawberries are mulched with black plastic films (Lamont, 1993).<br />

It is established that mulch of black polyethylene improves the quality of strawberry<br />

berries and the yield (Wittwer, Castilla, 1995). It is stated in the literature that even<br />

though such strawberry growing method is expensive, but the bigger productivity and<br />

smaller work expenditures allow obtaining higher income (Butler et al., 2002).<br />

Lately Lithuanian farmers quickly change extensive strawberry growing<br />

technologies on the flat soil surface to more intensive and progressive ones on the<br />

profiled surface. Unfortunately, there is changeable snow cover in Lithuania and big<br />

winter frosts occur, therefore when growing strawberries in not mulched beds, plants<br />

may be more frost bitten. Earlier investigations showed that weed destroying in<br />

strawberry plantation both mechanically and chemically is rather expensive (Uselis,<br />

Kulikauskas, 2004). Under the expansion of trade strawberry growing it is necessary<br />

to look for more effective methods of soil supervision in strawberry plantations.<br />

The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the methods of soil<br />

cultivation on strawberry plants development, plant generative development, the<strong>ir</strong><br />

physiological processes and berry yield.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The investigations of the strawberry plantation<br />

soil cultivation methods were carried out at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in<br />

2005–2007 growing strawberries according to the scheme:<br />

1. Strawberries not mulched with film, not <strong>ir</strong>rigated.<br />

2. Strawberries not mulched with film, <strong>ir</strong>rigated.<br />

3. Strawberries mulched with film, not <strong>ir</strong>rigated.<br />

4. Strawberries mulched with film, <strong>ir</strong>rigated.<br />

Strawberries were grown for the usual (not covered) and earlier (covered with<br />

agrofilm) yield.<br />

Strawberry cultivar ‘Elkat’ was grown in low three row beds, planting scheme –<br />

(1.0 + 0.35 + 0.35 × 0.2 m) (87 719 unt./ha). Strawberries, which weren’t mulched<br />

with film, before picking were mulched with straw. Experiment variants were carried<br />

out in 3 replications. Experimental strawberry plantation was cultivated on August<br />

15–20, 2005.<br />

During investigation such parameters were established: strawberry plants<br />

destruction by frost (%); berry amount (unt. plant -1 ); berry yield (t ha -1 ); amount of<br />


photosynthesis pigments in fresh strawberry leaves (established in 100 % acetone<br />

extraction with spectrophotometer (Genesis 6) according Wettstein (Wettstein, 1957).<br />

Leaf area was measured with automatic measurer (WinDias). Plant weight was<br />

calculated by gravimetrical method. The measurements of strawberries of cultivar<br />

‘Elkat’ were carried out in the beginning of the<strong>ir</strong> ripening. Data significance was<br />

evaluated by the method of one-factor dispersion analysis, applying the program<br />

ANOVA (Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003).<br />

Results. Wintering of strawberry shrubs. During strawberry<br />

investigation in 2005–2006, in the beginning of winter there was period when there<br />

almost wasn’t snow cover and a<strong>ir</strong> temperature all the week was -30 °C. Under such<br />

conditions, strawberries, especially these, which grew in beds, might be frost damage.<br />

Investigations showed that in the case of cold winter and small amount of snow,<br />

strawberry mulched with white film winter best of all. After mulching with film all the<br />

plants wintered, and in not mulched beds only 64–97 % of plants survived (Table 1).<br />

Before frosts, the inter-rows were mulched with straw.<br />

Table 1. The amount of wintered strawberries.<br />

1 lentelė. Peržiemojusių braškių kiekis<br />

Babtai, 2006<br />

In 2007 winter during frosts there was snow cover and strawberry weren’t frost<br />

damaged. In spring, on May 1–6, when temperature fell down to -4–-6°C, blooms of<br />

fully covered strawberries, which then were at full bloom, were very frost damaged.<br />

This was determined by strawberry plantation soil cultivation method. The biggest<br />

amounts, up to 30 % of strawberry flowers, were frost damaged in beds mulched with<br />

film. In not mulched beds essentially less strawberry flowers were frost damaged<br />

(10 %).<br />

G r o w t h v i g o u r a n d d e v e l o p m e n t o f s t r a w b e r r y p l a n t s.<br />

When strawberries ‘Elkat’ were grown without cover, they had essentially more<br />

leaves, then they were mulched with film than not mulching them and <strong>ir</strong>rigating. In<br />

the second year of yielding the number of leaves per plant completely didn’t depend<br />

on strawberry cultivation method. Under cover there weren’t essential differences of<br />

soil cultivation methods (Table 2).<br />


Table 2. The number of strawberry leaves (unt. per plant)<br />

2 lentelė. Braškių lapų skaičius, vnt. aug. -1 Babtai, 2006–2007<br />

In both years of investigation the fresh weight of overground part of strawberry<br />

cultivar ‘Elkat’ under cover was smaller than this of uncovered strawberries.<br />

Strawberries grown without cover produced the least amount of fresh weight when<br />

they weren’t mulched and <strong>ir</strong>rigated. Not mulched but <strong>ir</strong>rigated strawberries produced<br />

slightly bigger fresh weight. Irrigation didn’t influence the fresh weight of mulched<br />

strawberries. The analogical fresh weight change tendencies of the strawberries<br />

grown under cover were observed only in the f<strong>ir</strong>st year. On the contrary, in the second<br />

year mulched strawberries (in comparison with the not mulched ones) and <strong>ir</strong>rigated<br />

strawberries (in comparison with the not <strong>ir</strong>rigated ones) produced less fresh weight<br />

(Table 3).<br />

Table 3. Fresh weight of strawberry shrubs (g)<br />

3 lentelė. Braškių kerelių žalioji masė, g<br />

Babtai, 2006–2007<br />

The cultivation methods didn’t influence essentially the leaf area of not covered<br />

strawberries, but it was the biggest of strawberries mulched with film and not <strong>ir</strong>rigated.<br />

Mulched strawberries under cover in the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of growth produced much bigger leaf<br />

area. In the second year there weren’t essential differences, but the biggest leaf area<br />

was formed by mulched and not <strong>ir</strong>rigated strawberries. It became clear that <strong>ir</strong>rigation<br />

didn’t increase plant leaf area (Table 4).<br />

Not mulched and <strong>ir</strong>rigated strawberries ‘Elkat’ in the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of yielding had<br />

essentially less inflorescences than these mulched and <strong>ir</strong>rigated (Table 5).<br />


Table 4. Leaf area of strawberries (cm 2 )<br />

4 lentelė. Braškių asimiliacinis plotas, cm 2 Babtai, 2006–2007<br />

Table 5. Number of strawberry inflorescences (unt. per plant)<br />

5 lentelė. Braškių žiedynų skaičius, vnt. aug. -1 Babtai, 2006–2007<br />

Strawberry yield depends on strawberry development. In the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of yielding<br />

essentially the biggest amount of berries produced strawberries mulched with film.<br />

Essentially the least amount of berries produced strawberries in not mulched, not<br />

<strong>ir</strong>rigated and not covered with agrofilm beds (Table 6). In the second year of strawberry<br />

yielding the number of berries essentially didn’t depended on soil mulching or <strong>ir</strong>rigation<br />

(Table 6).<br />

Table 6. Number of strawberry berries (unt. per plant)<br />

6 lentelė. Braškių uogų skaičius, vnt. aug. -1 Babtai, 2006–2007<br />


Total chlorophylls content in leaves. Soil cultivation methods didn’t influence<br />

essentially the amount of chlorophylls in strawberry leaves. There were established<br />

slightly more chlorophylls in the leaves of ‘Elkat’ strawberries grown under cover.<br />

In the second year of growing there was established more chlorophylls in the leaves<br />

of strawberries mulched with film than in the leaves of not mulched strawberries<br />

(Table 7).<br />

Table 7. Total chlorophylls content in strawberry leaves (mg g -1 )<br />

7 lentelė. Bendras chlorofilų kiekis braškių lapuose, mg g -1 Babtai, 2006–2007<br />

Strawberry yield. In the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of yielding strawberry yield very depended on<br />

strawberry plantation soil cultivation method. In all the cases strawberries grown in<br />

bed mulched with white film yielded essentially better. In the second year of yielding<br />

the productivity of not covered strawberries essentially didn’t differ, and strawberries<br />

under agrofilm, mulched with white film yielded worse because the<strong>ir</strong> flowers were<br />

frost damaged. Strawberry <strong>ir</strong>rigation didn’t influence essentially the<strong>ir</strong> productivity<br />

(Table 8).<br />

Table 8. Berry yield (t ha -1 )<br />

8 lentelė. Uogų derlius, t ha -1 Babtai, 2006–2007<br />

Discussion. The conditions for strawberry growing in Lithuania, in comparison<br />

with the most EU countries, are more complicate. In most West and South Europe<br />

countries winters are warm with variable and often thin snow cover. In Lithuania,<br />

in different winter periods snow cover also is thin or there is no snow at all. A<strong>ir</strong><br />


temperature may fall down to -30 °C and lower. Therefore, in strawberry growing<br />

technology it is necessary to use the means, which allow decreasing negative cold<br />

influence in winter periods without snow. Our investigations showed that in the case of<br />

cold winter with very thin snow cover, strawberries mulched with white film wintered<br />

best of all (Table 1). Other authors also indicate that mulching helps strawberries to<br />

winter in North countries (Gast, Pollard, 1989; Pollard et al., 1989; Dalman, Matala,<br />

1997). Nevertheless, we find in the literature contradictional data about the influence<br />

of mulching when protecting plants against spring frosts. Some authors maintain that<br />

mulching protects against spring frosts (Hochmuth et al., 1993), but more authors state<br />

that mulched strawberries suffer from spring frosts (Pollard et al., 1989; Fernandez,<br />

2001; Plekhanova, Petrova, 2002). Earlier strawberries are especially susceptible to<br />

frosts (Plekhanova, Petrova, 2002).<br />

According to the data presented in literature, mulching positively influences<br />

vegetative strawberry productivity components, such as diameter of crowns, number<br />

of leaves per crown and plant, leaf area, etc., which ind<strong>ir</strong>ectly influence yield (Renquist<br />

et al., 1982; Gast, Pollard, 1989; Fernandez, 2001; K<strong>ir</strong>nak et al., 2001; Sharma,<br />

Sharma, 2003; Singh et al., 2005). Under the conditions of our investigation, the<br />

positive influence of mulching on the number of leaves per plant, fresh weight and<br />

assimilation area was evident only in the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of growth. In the second year of<br />

yielding these indices almost didn’t depend on soil supervision method (Tables 2–4).<br />

Literature presents contradictional data about the influence of mulching in the f<strong>ir</strong>st and<br />

second year of growth. Renquist with co-authors (1982) state that positive influence<br />

of mulching on vegetative growth in the second year became even more evident,<br />

and according to the data of Fernandez (2001), such influence became clear only in<br />

the second year. Some authors present the data that <strong>ir</strong>rigation improves the positive<br />

influence of mulching on strawberry growth (Renquist et al., 1982), but the other didn’t<br />

establish such influence in the<strong>ir</strong> investigations (P<strong>ir</strong>es et al., 2006). Such influence in our<br />

investigations also wasn’t established. The lack of such influence probably is connected<br />

with the sufficient amount of natural precipitation during experiments.<br />

According to the data of many authors, mulching increases the number of<br />

inflorescences and berries, stimulates berry ripening ahead of time, increases yield<br />

(Fernandez, 2001; Plekhanova, Petrova, 2002; Singh et al., 2005), but does not<br />

influence berry size (Fernandez, 2001; Mohamed, 2002; Kivijarvi, Prokkola, 2003).<br />

According to the data of our investigations, mulching didn’t influence inflorescence<br />

number, but increased the amount of berries, the weight of one berry and the yield in<br />

the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of growing. In the second year of growing there wasn’t established the<br />

influence of different soil supervision methods on strawberry yield. Mulching with<br />

<strong>ir</strong>rigation insignificantly increased the mentioned indices. Irrigation in the f<strong>ir</strong>st year<br />

insignificantly increased the yield of not mulched strawberries also (Tables 5, 6, 8,<br />

9). Other scientists obtained the similar results (Renquist et al., 1982; Krüger et al.,<br />

2002; K<strong>ir</strong>nak et al., 2003).<br />

The amount of photosynthesis pigments in plant leaves is one of the potential<br />

indices of productivity. Basing on this indice it is ofter established how env<strong>ir</strong>onmental<br />

conditions or plant development affect the<strong>ir</strong> photosynthesis system (Hay and Andrew,<br />

1989; K<strong>ir</strong>nak et al., 2002; Keutgen et al., 2005). The creation of the suitable conditions<br />


for the optimal photosynthesis allows increasing plant yield (Sharma-Natu, Ghildiyal,<br />

2005). In our investigations soil cultivation methods and <strong>ir</strong>rigation didn’t influence<br />

essentially the amount of chlorophylls in strawberry leaves and the conditions for<br />

strawberry growing were suitable (Table 7).<br />

Conclusions. 1. Under low temperature (~ -30 °C) and thin snow cover strawberries<br />

mulched with white film wintered the best of all. All the plants wintered in beds mulched<br />

with film, and in not mulched beds remained only 64–97 % of shrubs.<br />

2. During spring frosts the biggest amount, up to 30 %, of strawberry flowers<br />

were frost damaged in mulched beds. In the beds not mulched with film there were<br />

frost damaged only 10 % of strawberry blooms. Blooms of strawberries grown in the<br />

open field without agrofilm cover weren’t frost damaged at all, because during frosts<br />

they didn’t have inflorescences yet.<br />

3. The positive influence of mulching on the number of leaves per plant, fresh<br />

weight and leaf area was evident only in the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of growth. In the second year<br />

of yielding these indices almost didn’t depend on soil cultivation method.<br />

4. Soil cultivation methods and <strong>ir</strong>rigation didn’t influence the total chlorophylls<br />

content in strawberry leaves.<br />

5. In the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of yielding strawberries mulched with agrofilm produced the<br />

biggest amount of berries. Strawberries not covered with agrofilm and grown in not<br />

mulched and not <strong>ir</strong>rigated bed produced the least amount of berries. In the second<br />

year of strawberry yielding berry number per plant do not depend on soil mulching<br />

or <strong>ir</strong>rigation.<br />

6. In the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of yielding strawberries mulched with white film yielded better.<br />

In the second year of yielding the productivity of strawberries grown without cover<br />

didn’t differ, and strawberries under agrofilm cover mulched with white film yielded<br />

worse because the<strong>ir</strong> flowers were frost damaged. Strawberry <strong>ir</strong>rigation didn’t influence<br />

essentially the<strong>ir</strong> productivity.<br />

Acknowledgement. Authors are grateful to the State Science and Studies<br />

Foundation for financial support.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 04 23<br />

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12. Krüger E., Schmidt G., Rasim S. 2002. Effect of <strong>ir</strong>rigation on yield, fruit size and<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdų įvertinimas auginant desertines braškes<br />

lysvėse<br />

N. Uselis, J. Lanauskas, V. Zalatorius, P. Duchovskis, A. Brazaitytė,<br />

A. Urbonavičiūtė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Darbo tikslas – išt<strong>ir</strong>ti d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdų įtaką braškių kerelių išsivystymui, augalų<br />

generatyvinei raidai, jų fiziologiniams procesams bei uogų derliui. Braškyno d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros<br />

būdų tyrimai atlikti Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institute 2005–2007 m., auginant<br />

braškes pagal schemą: 1) nemulčiuotos plėvele, nelietintos, 2) nemulčiuotos plėvele, lietintos,<br />

3) mulčiuotos plėvele, nelietintos, 4) mulčiuotos plėvele, lietintos. Braškės augintos įprastiniam<br />

(nedengtos) <strong>ir</strong> paankstintam (dengtos agroplėvele) derliui gauti. Nustatyta, kad esant žemai<br />

temperatūrai (~ -30 °C) <strong>ir</strong> mažai sniego geriausia peržiemojo balta plėvele mulčiuotos braškės.<br />

Plėvele mulčiuotose lysvėse peržiemojo visi augalai, o nemulčiuotose lysvėse išliko tik 64–97 %<br />

kerelių. Pavasarinių šalnų metu daugiausiai, iki 30 %, žiedų pašalo mulčiuotose lysvėse augusių<br />

braškių. Plėvele nemulčiuotose lysvėse pašalo tik 10 % braškių žiedų. Teigiamas mulčiavimo<br />

poveikis lapų skaičiui augale, žaliajai masei <strong>ir</strong> asimiliaciniam plotui buvo žymus tik p<strong>ir</strong>maisiais<br />

augimo metais. Chlorofilų kiekiui braškių lapuose d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdai <strong>ir</strong> lietinimas esminės<br />


įtakos neturi. P<strong>ir</strong>maisiais derėjimo metais daugiausia uogų išaugina plėvele mulčiuotos braškės.<br />

Antraisiais braškių derėjimo metais uogų skaičius iš augalo iš esmės nepriklauso nei nuo d<strong>ir</strong>vos<br />

mulčiavimo nei nuo lietinimo. P<strong>ir</strong>maisiais derėjimo metais balta plėvele mulčiuotose lysvėse<br />

auginamos braškės derėjo gausiau. Antraisiais derėjimo metais be priedangų auginamų braškių<br />

derlingumas nesiskyrė. Braškių lietinimas jų derlingumui įtakos neturėjo.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augimas, braškės, d<strong>ir</strong>vos kultivavimo būdai, derlius.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Influence of climatic conditions of northeastern Poland<br />

on growth of bower actinidia<br />

Zdzisław Kawecki, Anna Bieniek<br />

Department of Horticulture, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, ul.<br />

Prawocheсskiego 21, 10 – 719 Olsztyn, Poland<br />

E-mail: anna.bieniek@uwm.edu.pl<br />

Studies of the growth of vegetative and generative shoots of bower actinidia (Actinidia<br />

arguta Sieb. et Planch.): ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’, ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’, ‘Kijewskaja<br />

Krupnopщodnaja’, ‘Figurnaja’ and ‘Sientiabrskaja’ were carried out in the Experimental Garden<br />

of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn in 2005–2007. The shoot length and diameter<br />

as well as the number of leaves on one-year-old generative and vegetative shoots were recorded<br />

every two weeks from the beginning of vegetation.<br />

As a result of three years of observation, varieties ‘Sientiabrskaja’ and ‘Kijewskaja<br />

Gibrydnaja’ gave the longest one-year-old vegetative shoots (103.62 cm and 77.79 cm). The most<br />

intensive growth of shoots was observed in 2006 and 2007. The shortest vegetative shoots were<br />

in variety ‘Figurnaja’ (31.3 cm). The longest generative shoots were in variety ‘Sientiabrskaja’<br />

(mean for 3 years: 34.23 cm), the shortest shoots were in variety ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’<br />

(14.44 cm). The highest diameter of generative shoots was in variety ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’<br />

(0.51 cm). The lowest increasement was recorded in variety ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’ (0.42 cm).<br />

The largest number of leaves on the vegetative shoots was in variety ‘Sientiabrskaja’, but the<br />

smallest number of leaves was on generative shoots of variety ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’.<br />

The most resistant to spring ground frost (freezing of flowers) was ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’<br />

and ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’. Typical to 2007 were series of days with severe ground frosts in<br />

the f<strong>ir</strong>st and last decade of May, which might have affected a lack of fruit setting on shoots of<br />

most of the actinidia varieties.<br />

Key words: climate, bower actinidia, north-eastern Poland, plant morphology,<br />

varieties.<br />

Introduction. Bower actinidia Actinidia arguta (Siebold et Zucc.) Planch. Ex<br />

Miq belongs to the genus Actinidia and the family of Actinidiaceae. This genus<br />

includes 30–40 species of climbing plants. Actinidia arguta belongs to the section<br />

Leiocarpae that encompasses species adapted for low temperatures in the winter season<br />

(Latocha, 2006a). Depending on the variety, it survives frosts ranging from -23 °C to<br />

-35 °C (Kawecki et al., 2004). On commencing the vegetative seasons, it is capable<br />

of surviving slight frosts to -3 °C. In order to delay its vegetation, its cultivation on a<br />

western or south-western exposure is recommended (Kawecki et al., 2007). To bear<br />

fruits, bower actinidia plants need 150 days without ground frosts (Latocha, 2006 a).<br />

Under the moderate climate conditions of Poland, especially of its more chill regions<br />

including the province of Warmia and Mazury, it poses a great challenge to gardeners.<br />


Currently, these fruit-bearing climbers are relatively uncommon, yet the<strong>ir</strong> outstanding<br />

taste and health-promoting values are arousing the interest of consumers on the fruit<br />

market (Werner, 2002). Fruits of bower actinidia ripen at the end of September and<br />

berries are 2–5 cm in length depending on variety, with ha<strong>ir</strong>less and smooth skin.<br />

They occur of the following colors: green, green with blush and red (Bieniek et al.,<br />

2006). As compared to kiwi fruits, they are a richer source of vitamin C; they are also<br />

claimed to be tastier. In most cases, plants of bower actinidia are free of diseases and<br />

pests and may be cultivated with ecological methods (Latocha, 2006 b). Nevertheless,<br />

bower actinidia should not be treated only as a fruit plants as they also serve peculiar<br />

decorative functions. The plants are readily planted in allotments and home gardens<br />

along walls or other constructions.<br />

The objective of the study was to characterize the growth of vegetative and<br />

generative shoots as well as to determine the number of leaves, flowers and fruits on those<br />

shoots in 5 hybrid varieties of bower actinidia: ‘Figurnaja’, ‘Kijewskaja Gibridnaja’,<br />

‘Kijewskaja Krupnopщodnaja’, ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’ and ‘Sientiabrskaja’, under<br />

climatic conditions of the city of Olsztyn (north-eastern Poland) in 2005–2007.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Five varieties of bower actinidia (Actinidia<br />

arguta): ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’, ‘Kijewskaja Krupnopщodnaja’, ‘Kijewskaja<br />

Gibrydnaja’, ‘Figurnaja’, ‘Sientiabrskaja’ were planted at a spacing of 1.5 × 2 m in<br />

the Educational and Experimental Station of the University of Warmia and Mazury in<br />

Olsztyn in autumn of 1996. For each variety, five bushes were planted. Male bushes<br />

of varieties form were used as pollinators; they were used in the ratio of 1 : 5. The<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st yield of fruit was obtained in the fourth year after planting. The plants grew in<br />

corn-fodder strong complex IV class soil. It is strong clay sand of pH 6.2–6.8. Weeds<br />

were removed manually three times per year during the vegetation period. The plants<br />

did not have any diseases or pests; therefore no chemical treatment was applied.<br />

Morphology of one-year-old vegetative and generative shoots of the examined<br />

varieties of actinidia was determined in 200–2007. Results are mean values of three<br />

samples measured simultaneously. Each year, from May 16th till September, 19th the<br />

following morphological traits were measured every two weeks: length of vegetative<br />

shoots, diameter of vegetative shoots, the number of leaves on a vegetative shoot,<br />

length of generative shoots, diameter of generative shoots, the number of leaves<br />

as well as flowers and next fruits on a generative shoot. The manuscript provides<br />

final experimental results of 19th of September 2005, 2006 and 2007. Atmospheric<br />

conditions occurring in the area of Olsztyn in 2005–2007 were described with data of<br />

the Meteorological Station in Tomaszkowo (Table 1 and 2).<br />

Results of measurements of morphological traits were analyzed statistically by<br />

calculating the significance of differences between mean values with Duncan’s test at<br />

a significance level of p = 0.05 for a two-factor experiment. The statistical software<br />

package “Statistica 6.0” was used for calculations.<br />

Results. Analyses of climatic conditions in particular years of morphological<br />

measurements of the vegetative and generative shoots of the investigated actinidia<br />


varieties demonstrated that the highest mean temperature of the vegetative season<br />

(from April till September) occurred in 2007 and reached 16.0 °C (Table 1). The lowest<br />

mean temperature of the vegetative season, i. e. 13.1 °C, was recorded in 2006. As<br />

compared to the multiannual mean of 1961–2000, it was lower by 0.5 °C. In the year<br />

2006, especially low temperatures were reported in winter months: -8.5 °C in January,<br />

-3.4 °C in February and -2.5 °C in March. In turn, temperatures of the summer months,<br />

July and August of 2006 in particular, appeared to be the highest and reached 20.9 °C<br />

and 18.2 °C, respectively. When compared to the multiannual mean, they were higher<br />

by 3.7 °C in July and by 2.4 °C in August.<br />

Table 1. The mean monthly values of weather factors in 2005–2007 and<br />

multiannual mean (data of Meteorological Station in Tomaszkowo)<br />

1 lentelė. Klimato veiksnių vidutinės mėnesio reikšmės 2005–2007 m. <strong>ir</strong> daugiamečiai<br />

vidurkiai (Meteorologinės stoties Tomaškove duomenimis)<br />


In all experimental years, mean temperatures recorded in April were at a similar<br />

level, i. e. 7.4 °C, 7.3 °C and 7.5 °C, and were higher than the multiannual mean, which<br />

accounted for 7.0 °C. The highest mean temperature of May (13.8 °C) was recorded in<br />

2007. In that year, the highest mean minimum ground temperature was also recorded.<br />

In turn, the growth and development of actinidia and especially its blooming were<br />

significantly affected by low ground temperatures, which between the 1 st and 5 th of May<br />

reached -6.0 °C, -7.1 °C, -5.8 °C, -3.0 °C and -1.0 °C, respectively (Table 2). Ground<br />

frosts were also recorded in the second decade of May, in which there were 7 days<br />

with temperatures below zero. In the last two days of May 2007, ground temperatures<br />

accounted for -1.4 °C and -3.5 °C, respectively.<br />

Table 2. Spring ground frosts in 2005–2007 (data of Meteorological Station in<br />

Tomaszkowo)<br />

2 lentelė. Pavasarinės priežemio šalnos 2005–2007 m. (Meteorologinės stoties Tomaškove<br />

duomenimis)<br />


In the f<strong>ir</strong>st months of the vegetative season (April, May) the lowest total<br />

precipitation accounting for 10.9 mm and 24.7 mm, was recorded in 2005. Total<br />

levels of precipitation in May of 2006 and 2007 were similar and reached 25.6 and<br />

24.7 mm, i. e. less by ca. 10 mm than the multiannual mean (35.4 mm). In the discussed<br />

experimental years, May was characterized by a higher total level of precipitation:<br />

89.2 mm and 93.5 mm, in respect of the multiannual mean that accounted for 57.6 mm.<br />

In the summer months, the driest turned out to be July of 2006 with a total precipitation<br />

of 29.3 mm. The subsequent month, August, was more abundant in precipitation (as<br />

compared to levels recorded in 2005 and 2006 and to the multiannual mean), which<br />

total level reached 165 mm. The record of total precipitation was broken in July of 2007,<br />

when the total precipitation level reached 173.7 mm. The year 2005 was characterized<br />

by the lowest total precipitation in August (33.1 mm), whereas September of 2005<br />

appeared to be the most humid with a total precipitation of 78.4 mm. In the two<br />

subsequent years, the total precipitation of September approximated the multiannual<br />

mean (50 mm). The lowest level of precipitation in vegetative season was recorded<br />

in 2005, i. e. 297.3 mm. In 2006 and 2007 levels of total precipitation in vegetative<br />

season were similar and reached 556.9 mm and 564.5 mm, respectively. They were<br />

higher than the multiannual mean, which accounted for 378.3 mm.<br />

April of 2005 and 2006 was characterized by a similar number of days with slight<br />

ground frosts, i. e. 14 and 15, respectively (Table 2). In April of 2007, ground frosts<br />

were reported until the 14th of April, whereas the subsequent days of vegetative season<br />

were warmer and no minus temperatures were noted. In the f<strong>ir</strong>st days of May there<br />

was a series of 5 days with severe ground frost and negative ground temperatures were<br />

still recorded between the 15th and 31st of May. In the two previous years, May frosts<br />

were small and occurred in two and three subsequent days.<br />

The statistical analysis demonstrated significant differences in all the examined<br />

morphological traits both between varieties and between experimental years (Table 3,<br />

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).<br />

Table 3. Mean length (cm) of vegetative shoots of bower actinidia in<br />

2005–2007<br />

3 lentelė. Smailialapės aktinidijos vegetatyvinių ūglių vidutinis ilgis (cm) 2005–<br />

2007 m.<br />


Table 4. Mean length (cm) of generative shoots of bower actinidia in<br />

2005–2007<br />

4 lentelė. Smailialapės aktinidijos generatyvinių ūglių vidutinis ilgis (cm) 2005–<br />

2007 m.<br />

Table 5. Mean diameter (cm) of vegetative shoots of bower actinidia in<br />

2005–2007<br />

5 lentelė. Smailialapės aktinidijos vegetatyvinių ūglių vidutinis skersmuo (cm)<br />

2005–2007 m.<br />

Table 6. Mean diameter (cm) of generative shoots of bower actinidia in<br />

2005–2007<br />

6 lentelė. Smailialapės aktinidijos generatyvinių ūglių vidutinis skersmuo (cm)<br />

2005–2007 m.<br />


Table 7. Mean number of leaves on vegetative shoot of bower actinidia in<br />

2005–2007<br />

7 lentelė. Smailialapės aktinidijos vegetatyvinių ūglių vidutinis lapų skaičius (cm)<br />

2005–2007 m.<br />

The longest and the thickest vegetative shoots and generative ones with the<br />

highest number of leaves, and the lowest numbers of flowers and fruits on generative<br />

shoots were recorded in 2007. Observations carried out in three years of the study<br />

demonstrate that the longest vegetative shoots were reported for variety ‘Sientiabrskaja’<br />

(103.62 cm), followed by ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’ (77.79 cm). In turn, the shortest<br />

vegetative shoots were noted in variety ‘Figurnaja’, i. e. 31.3 cm. Values of the mean<br />

length of one-year-old vegetative and generative shoots appeared to be the lowest<br />

in 2005 and reached 31.13 cm (Table 3) and 103.2 cm (Table 4), respectively. In<br />

contrast, the highest value of the mean length of the shoots was noted in 2007, i.e.<br />

109. 86 cm (Table 3) and 29.36 cm (Table 4), respectively. In the experimental years,<br />

the variety with the highest values of the mean length of generative shoots appeared<br />

to be ‘Sientiabrskaja’. The only exception was 2007 when longer shoots (37.7 cm)<br />

were observed in variety ‘Figurnaja’. The statistical analysis of results obtained in<br />

that year did not demonstrate any significant differences between varieties, which<br />

together with variety ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’ of 2006, constituted a homogenous<br />

group with the lowest values. In contrast to the subsequent years of the study, in 2005<br />

variety ‘Sientiabrskaja’ was characterized by the shortest generative shoots: 8.6 cm<br />

(Table 4). In plants of this cultivar the longest generative shoots were recorded in<br />

2006: 61.1 cm. Mean values computed for the 3 experimental years for all varieties<br />

indicate that the variety with the shortest generative shoots (14.44 cm) was ‘Kijewskaja<br />

Gibrydnaja’. The greatest diameters of vegetative and generative shoots were noted in<br />

2007: 0.77 cm (Table 5) and 0.53 cm (Table 6), respectively, whereas the smallest one<br />

in 2006: 0.41 cm (Table 5) and 0.38 cm (Table 6), respectively. The greatest diameter<br />

of vegetative shoots (0.69 cm, Table 5) in the 3 experimental years was observed in<br />

variety ‘Sientiabrskaja’. The varieties ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’ and ‘Purpurowaja<br />

Sadowaja’ generated vegetative shoots with the same mean diameter, i.e. 0.61 cm. The<br />

smallest diameter was recorded for shoots of variety ‘Figurnaja’: 0.44 cm. The greatest<br />

diameter of generative shoots during 3 years of the study, i. e. 0.51 cm, was noted in<br />

variety ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’. Shoot diameters of varieties ‘Figurnaja’, ‘Kijewskaja<br />

Krupnopщodnaja’ and ‘Sientiabrskaja’ belonged to the same homogenous group and<br />

ranged from 0.45 cm to 0.46 cm. Shoots with the smallest diameter (0.42 cm) were<br />

formed by variety ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’.<br />


In 2005–2006 the number of leaves on both the vegetative and generative shoots of<br />

varieties under study turned out to be the lowest (Table 7 and 8). In 2007, the number<br />

of leaves on both types of shoots was significantly higher and reached 30.1 (Table 7)<br />

and 15 (Table 8), respectively.<br />

Table 8. Mean number of leaves on generative shoots of bower actinidia in<br />

2005–2007<br />

8 lentelė. Smailialapės aktinidijos generatyvinių ūglių vidutinis lapų skaičius (cm)<br />

2005–2007 m.<br />

Table 9. Mean number of fruits on generative shoots of bower actinidia in<br />

2005–2007<br />

9 lentelė. Smailialapės aktinidijos generatyvinių ūglių vidutinis vaisių skaičius (cm)<br />

2005–2007 m.<br />

Determination of the number of leaves on vegetative and generative shoots<br />

consisted in calculating the<strong>ir</strong> density per 10 cm of the shoots (Table 10). The highest<br />

number of leaves, on both vegetative and generative shoots, was reported for variety<br />

‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’, i. e. 4.8 leaves on vegetative shoots and 6.8 leaves on<br />

generative shoots. The smallest leaf density determined on vegetative shoots (2.2)<br />

was noted for variety ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’, whereas that calculated on generative<br />

shoots (2.4) was for variety ‘Sientiabrskaja’.<br />

In 2007, due to high ground frost, most of analyzed varieties did not bloom.<br />

Nevertheless, 3 fruits were set on shoots of varieties ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’ and<br />

‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’ (Table 9). In respect of all plants examined, they were the<br />

only shoots with fruits.<br />

The highest number of flowers and then fruits was set on generative shoots in<br />

2005, i.e. on average 18.07. As compared to the other cultivars, highly significantly<br />


different appeared to be the variety ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’, on the shoots of which<br />

there were set 36 fruits. Twenty fruits on the generative shoot were reported for variety<br />

‘Sientiabrskaja’. Other varieties did not differ significantly in terms of the number<br />

of fruits, which ranged from 10 in variety ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’ to 13 in variety<br />

‘Kijewskaja Krupnopщodnaja’. The mean results of the 3 experimental years indicate<br />

that generative shoots of variety ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’ were characterized by a<br />

significantly higher number of fruits, i.e. 14.8, which when expressed per 10 cm of the<br />

generative shoots accounted for 8.2 fruits. Varieties ‘Figurnaja’ and ‘Sientiabrskaja’<br />

constituted another homogenous group in terms of the number of fruits per shoot, i.e.<br />

9.7 and 7.7 fruits respectively, which when expressed per 10 cm of the shoot gave 4.5<br />

and 3.9 fruits (Table 10).<br />

Table 10. Mean number of leaves and fruits expressed per 10 cm of vegetative<br />

and generative shoots of actinidia varieties examined in 2005–2007<br />

10 lentelė. Aktinidijos veislių vidutinis lapų <strong>ir</strong> vaisių skaičius 10 cm vegetatyvinių <strong>ir</strong><br />

generatyvinių ūglių ilgyje 2005–2007 m.<br />

Varieties Kijewskaja ‘Gibrydnaja’ and ‘Kijewskaja Krupnopщodnaja’ constituted a<br />

homogenous group with the lowest number of fruits on generative shoots: 4.7 and 5<br />

fruits (Table 9), which when expressed per 10 cm of the shoot accounted for 3.3 and<br />

2.3 fruits.<br />

Discussion. Investigations into the morphology of vegetative and generative<br />

shoots of five hybrid varieties of bower actinidia were conducted under climatic<br />

conditions of north-eastern Poland, namely in Olsztyn – the capital of the province of<br />

Warmia and Mazury. In contrast to other Polish regions, the area of Olsztyn is poorer<br />

in horticultural crops, which is due to frequent spring frosts – recorded on average<br />

until the 15th of May, in the extreme until 30th of May and locally in June (Grabowski,<br />

Grabowska 1983).<br />

One of the most detrimental meteorological phenomena faced, among others, by<br />

horticulture are claimed to be frosts. Data of 1971–2000 demonstrated that the length<br />

of the frost-free period determined at the altitude of 200 cm in the region of the northeastern<br />

Poland ranged from 143 days in Gołdap to 173 days in Mikołajki. In turn, the<br />

mean length of the frost-free period determined 5 cm above the ground ranged from 112<br />

days in Suwałki to 145 days in Mikołajki (Dragańska et al., 2004). The most common<br />

series of frosty days in the Warmia and Mazury province are a one-day series followed<br />

by a two-day series. The number of days with frost is observed to diminish along with<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> length (Dragańska et al., 2004). On May of 2007, there were series of days with<br />


frost that were noted both in the f<strong>ir</strong>st and last days of the month. It contributed to a<br />

lack of fruit setting on shoots of the examined varieties of actinidia.<br />

The climate of the north-eastern Poland, determined mainly by a<strong>ir</strong> masses inflowing<br />

from the eastern border of the country, has been observed to change in recent years. One<br />

of the reasons of this change is global warming, which has led to an increase in the mean<br />

annual temperature and, consequently, to a decrease in the total annual precipitation<br />

and soil humidity. The noticeable increase of temperature resulted in the elongation of<br />

the meteorological vegetative season by 8 days (from 192 to 200 days) in the region<br />

of the north-eastern Poland. Undeniably, it is a positive aspect of the contemporary<br />

climatic changes, yet the resultant potential deficiency of soil moisture content at low<br />

annual precipitation observed so far seems worrying (Ziernicka, 2004). Analyzing<br />

the effect of climatic factors on the growth and development of actinidia, the utmost<br />

attention should be paid to data referring to temperatures recorded in the winter and<br />

summer months. Severe freezing in the winter or very low temperatures in the summer<br />

impa<strong>ir</strong> the farming of fruit plants (Pieniążek, 2000) by contributing to the<strong>ir</strong> poor fruit<br />

bearing. One of the negative traits typical of the course of agroclimatic conditions of<br />

north-eastern Poland are late spring frosts. The extreme dates of the<strong>ir</strong> occurrence have<br />

been recorded even in the f<strong>ir</strong>st half of June (Atlas klimatyczny, 1990).<br />

In Actinidii arguta (Siebold et Zucc.) Planch. Ex Miq, there are two types of<br />

shoots, namely: those with a relatively short period of length gain – including shortshoots<br />

and some long-shoots, and those with a ceaseless growing period which develop<br />

far more strongly and when uncut may reach several meters per season – including<br />

long-shoots (Latocha, 2006a). In the present study, measurements were performed<br />

on shoots terminating the<strong>ir</strong> growth and developing to a weaker extent. According to<br />

Chojnowska (1998), annual gains are from 1 m to 3 m in length.<br />

As claimed by Plechanowa (1982), different varieties of bower actinidia are<br />

characterized by varied growth strength and season of particular phenophases. Processes<br />

of growth and development are determined by the whole array of extrinsic factors,<br />

including light, temperature, water, gravitational force, touch, edaphic factors and<br />

chemical stimuli. Out of those factors, a significant role is attributed to light, which,<br />

by acting on photosynthetic and other pigments, affects all processes occurring in plant<br />

tissues (Nowakowska, Tretyn, 1996).<br />

Conclusions. 1. In Olsztyn (north-eastern Poland) during vegetative seasons of<br />

the experimental years 2005–2007 the highest temperatures were recorded in the last<br />

year of the study. Typical to that year were series of days with severe ground frosts in<br />

the f<strong>ir</strong>st and last decade of May, which might have affected a lack of fruit setting on<br />

shoots of most actinidia varieties.<br />

2. The weakest growth of vegetative and generative shoots was observed in 2005,<br />

which was characterized by the lowest precipitation in vegetative season.<br />

3. In 2005–2007, the longest vegetative and generative shoots were observed in<br />

variety ‘Sientiabrskaja’, followed by variety ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’.<br />

4. The highest number of flowers and then fruits was observed on shoots of<br />

the examined actinidia varieties in 2005. In terms of the number of fruits, variety<br />


‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’ with an average of 8.2 fruits on shoots differed significantly<br />

from the other studied varieties.<br />

5. In 2007 a few flowers were set on shoots of varieties ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’<br />

and ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’, hence it may be assumed that they are the most resistant<br />

to spring frosts.<br />

Acknowledgement. This work was supported by grant 2 PO6R 100 28.<br />

References:<br />

Gauta 2008 04 10<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 28<br />

1. Atlas klimatyczny elementów i zjawisk szkodliwych dla rolnictwa w Polsce.<br />

1990. Wyd. IUNG Puławy, AR Szczecin.<br />

2. Bieniek A., Kawecki Z., Łojko R., Stanys V. 2005. Owocodajne drzewa i krzewy<br />

chłodniejszych stref klimatycznych. Wyd. UWM. Olsztyn.<br />

3. Chojnowska E.1998. Mrozoodporne pnаcza. Działkowiec, 12: 7.<br />

4. Dragańska E., Rynkiewicz I., Panfil M. 2004. Częstotliwość Częstotliwość<br />

intensywność występowania przymrozków w Polsce północno – wschodniej w<br />

latach 1971–2000. Acta Agrophysica, 3(1): 35–41.<br />

5. Grabowski J., Grabowska K. 1983. Zagrożenie kwitnаcych jabłoni przez<br />

przymrozki w rejonie Olsztyna. Mat. XIX Ogólnopolsk. Konf. Agrometr.,<br />

Szczecin, Poland, 68–74.<br />

6. Kawecki Z., Bieniek A., Stanys V. 2004. Plonowanie i skład chemiczny owoców<br />

aktinidii ostrolistnej w warunkach klimatycznych Olsztyna. Folia Univ. Arric.<br />

Stein. Agricultura, 240(96): 91–96.<br />

7. Kawecki Z., Щojko R., Pilarek B. 2007. Mało znane rośliny sadownicze. Wyd.<br />

UWM, Olsztyn.<br />

8. Latocha P. 2006a. Aktinidia – roślina ozdobna i owocowa. Hortpress Sp. zo. o.,<br />

Warszawa.<br />

9. Latocha P. 2006b. Aktinidia – jako ciekawa i wartościowa roślina owocowa<br />

nadająca się do uprawy w Polsce. Materiały z II Międzynarodowych targów<br />

Agrotechniki sadowniczej. Warszawa, Poland, 69–78.<br />

10. Nowakowska A., Tretyn A. 1996. Mutanty fotomorfogenetyczne. Wiad. Bot.<br />

40(1): 37–51.<br />

11. Pieniążek S. A. 2000. Sadownictwo. PWRiL, Warszawa.<br />

12. Plechanowa M. N. 1982. Aktinidia, limonit, żimołost. Leningrad, 64–92.<br />

13. Werner T. 2002. Aktinidia na plantacje towarowe. Hasło Ogrodnicze, 11: 34.<br />

14. Ziernicka A. 2004. Globalne ocieplenie a efektywność opadów atmosferycznych.<br />

Acta Agrophysica, 3(2): 393–397.<br />


SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Šiaurės rytų Lenkijos klimato sąlygų įtaka smailialapės aktinidijos<br />

augimui<br />

Z. Kawecki, A. Bieniek<br />

Santrauka<br />

Smailialapės aktinidijos (Actinidia arguta Sieb. et Planch.) veislių ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’,<br />

‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’, ‘Kijewskaja Krupnopщodnaja’, ‘Figurnaja’ and ‘Sientiabrskaja’<br />

vegetatyvinių <strong>ir</strong> generatyvinių ūglių augimo tyrimai buvo atlikti 2005–2007 m. Varmijos <strong>ir</strong><br />

Mazurijos universiteto Olštine eksperimentiniame sode. Ūglių ilgis, skersmuo <strong>ir</strong> lapų skaičius<br />

ant vienų metų generatyvinių <strong>ir</strong> vegetatyvinių ūglių matuotas kas dvi savaitės nuo vegetacijos<br />

pradžios. Olštine (šiaurės rytų Lenkija) aukščiausia temperatūra vegetacijos sezono metu<br />

užregistruota paskutiniais metais. Tais metais kelios dienos p<strong>ir</strong>moje <strong>ir</strong> paskutinėje gegužės<br />

dekadoje buvo su stipriomis šalnomis, kurios paveikė daugelio aktinijos veislių vaisių<br />

užmezgimа. Labiausia atsparios pavasario šalnoms buvo veislės ‘Purpurowaja Sadowaja’ <strong>ir</strong><br />

‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’. Trejų metų tyrimų duomenimis veislių ‘Sientiabrskaja’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Kijewskaja<br />

Gibrydnaja’ augalai užaugino ilgiausius vienų metų vegetatyvinius ūglius. Trumpiausi<br />

vegetatyviniai ūgliai buvo veislės ‘Figurnaja’ augalų. Ilgiausi generatyviniai ūgliai buvo<br />

‘Sientiabrskaja’ veislės augalų, o trumpiausi – ‘Kijewskaja Gibrydnaja’ veislės augalų.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augalų morfologija, smailialapė aktidija, klimatas, šiaurės rytų<br />

Lenkija, veislės.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Expression of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2<br />

preprotoxin gene in transgenic plants<br />

Brigita Čapukoitienė 1 , Vidmantas Karalius 2 , Elena Servienė 1 ,<br />

Juozas Proscevičius 2, 3 , Vytautas Melvydas 1<br />

1<br />

Institute of Botany, Laboratory of Genetic<br />

2<br />

Laboratory of Cell Engineering, Žaliųjų ežerų 49, Vilnius 2021, Lithuania<br />

E-mail: vytautas.melvydas@botanika.lt<br />

3<br />

Vilnius Pedagogical University, Department of Natural Sciences. Studentų 39,<br />

Vilnius 08105, Lithuania, e-mail: juozas.proscevicius@gmail.com<br />

The aim of this work was to investigate expression possibilities of yeast K2 preprotoxin<br />

gene in plant Nicotiana tabacum.<br />

All experiments were performed using general methods of gene engineering, microbiology<br />

and molecular biology.<br />

Plant transformation vector pGA/ADH1-Kil2 carrying S. cerevisiae K2 preprotoxin gene<br />

under control of yeast ADH1 promoters as well as yeast plasmids pAD/CGT-Kil2D and pAD/<br />

CGT-Kil2R (K2 under control of Cauliflower mosaic v<strong>ir</strong>us CaMV promoter) were constructed.<br />

Analysis of expression of K2 gene controlled by CaMV promoter in yeast showed 72–75%<br />

stability of plasmid and weak killer activity with suicidal phenotype. Study of peculiarities of<br />

functional activity of K2 killer gene in yeast demonstrated that expression of this gene is not<br />

strictly dependent on the context of regulatory sequence.<br />

The plant transformation vector bearing K2 type killer preprotoxin gene under<br />

transcriptional control of ADH1 promoter pGA/ADH1-Kil2 was introduced into plant Nicotiana<br />

tabacum via Agrobacterium mediated transformation. The transgenic plants possessed active<br />

K2 type toxin. Such results allow conclude that promoter of yeast gene ADH1 is transcriptional<br />

active in plant as well as preprotoxin can be proceeded in plant cell. Since K2 type toxin can<br />

prevent developing of some pathogen fungus it may be adopted in future to construct diseaseresistant<br />

plants.<br />

Key words: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, K2 preprotoxin gene, plant Nicotiana tabacum,<br />

transgenic plants.<br />

Introduction. Plants are constantly exposed to a great variety of potentially<br />

pathogenic organisms, such as v<strong>ir</strong>uses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, mycoplasma and<br />

nematodes, and can be affected by adverse env<strong>ir</strong>onment conditions (Castro, Fontes,<br />

2005). Although they do not have immune system, plants have evolved a variety of<br />

potent defense mechanisms including synthesis of low-molecular-weight compounds<br />

(phytoalexins), proteins (chitinases, ureases) and peptides (thionins, defensins, heveinlike<br />

proteins, knottin-like peptides) that have antibacterial or antifungal activity (Claude<br />

et al., 2001; Becker-Ritt et al., 2007).<br />


Similarly, some bacteria, fungi or mammals synthesize a number of proteins<br />

and peptides with antiphytopathogenic properties (Selitrennikoff, 2001; Mandryk<br />

et al., 2007). There are discovered a number of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae,<br />

Ustilago maydis, Kluyveromyces lactis) secreted proteins that are lethal to fungal cells<br />

(Magliani et al., 1997; Melvydas et al., 2006) or microbial-originated substances having<br />

antibiotic features (Melvydas et al., 2007; Mandryk et al., 2007). These proteins appear<br />

to be involved in either constitutive or induced resistance to bacteria or fungi. The<br />

mechanism of the action are as varied as the<strong>ir</strong> sources and include cell wall degradation<br />

of pathogens, membrane channel and pore formation, damage to cellular ribosomes,<br />

inhibition of DNA synthesis and inhibition of the cell cycle.<br />

Many different genetic strategies have been proposed to engineer plant resistance<br />

to diseases, including producing antibacterial or antifungal proteins of non-plant<br />

origin, inhibiting microbial pathogenicity or v<strong>ir</strong>ulence factors, enhancing natural<br />

plant defense and artificially inducing programmed cell death at the site of infection<br />

(Mourgues et al., 1998). Unlike classical breedings, genetic engineering allows the<br />

modification or introduction of one or more resistant traits into susceptible varieties<br />

(Mourgues et al., 1998). These days many genes encoding antibacterial proteins (as<br />

lytic peptides from insects, lyzocimes, lactoferrin, Pichia anomala killer toxin) have<br />

been cloned and expressed in plants (Donini et al., 2005). However, there are some<br />

problems associated with the efficiency of expression of foreign peptides and the<strong>ir</strong><br />

toxicity. Considerable effort has been made for optimizing production of recombinant<br />

proteins. This research includes molecular technologies to increase replication,<br />

boost transcription, d<strong>ir</strong>ect transcription in tissues for protein accumulation, stabilize<br />

transcript, optimize translation, target proteins to subcellular locations optimal for the<strong>ir</strong><br />

accumulation and engineer proteins to stabilize them (Streatfield, 2007).<br />

Previously antiphytopathogenic effect of different yeast species isolated from<br />

natural apples and grapes habitats was reported. Specifically, ability of S. cerevisiae<br />

K2 toxin to kill Aspergillius culture was demonstrated (Melvydas et al., 2006). Taking<br />

in account widespread appearance of killer yeasts and the<strong>ir</strong> attractive features, the aim<br />

of this work was to investigate expression possibilities of yeast K2 preprotoxin gene<br />

in plant Nicotiana tabacum and peculiarities of its functional manifestation depending<br />

on different transcriptional regulation.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The yeast expression plasmids pAD4 and<br />

pYEX12 (Gulbinienė et al., 2004) and plant vectors pCGT (Jefferson et al., 1987)<br />

and pGA482 (Proscevičius, Žukas, 1999) were used for construction of recombinant<br />

plasmids pCGT-Kil2 and pGA/ADH1-Kil2 (carrying S. cerevisiae K2 preprotoxin<br />

gene under control of Cauliflower mosaic v<strong>ir</strong>us CaMV and yeast ADH1 promoters)<br />

as well as yeast plasmids pAD/CGT-Kil2D and pAD/CGT-Kil2R (K2 under control<br />

of CaMVpr.). General procedures for the construction and analysis of recombinant<br />

DNAs were performed as described by Sambrook et al., (2001). All restriction<br />

enzymes (SalI, SmaI, XbaI, Eam1105I, EheI, Ecl136II), T4 DNA ligase, bacterial<br />

alkaline phosphatase, Klenow fragment and DNA size marker (GeneRuler TM DNA<br />

Ladder mix) were obtained from UAB “Fermentas” (Vilnius) and used according to<br />

the manufacturer’s recommendations.<br />


The S. cerevisiae strain ά 1 (MATį leu2-2 (KIL-0)), sensitive to all killers<br />

(Čitavičius et al., 1972), was transformed by plasmids of interest according to (Gietz<br />

et al., 2002). Transformants were selected by complementation of LEU2 auxotrophy.<br />

Killer phenotype-selective indicative medium (MB) (Sherman et al., 1986) was used<br />

to test killer toxin production and the immunity of transformants. Transformants were<br />

checked for toxin production in a killing zone plate assay following replica-plating<br />

of transformants onto a lawn of the sensitive strain ά 1. Immunity was tested by the<br />

streaking the standard K1, K2 and K28 killer strains on the lawn of transformed cells.<br />

Stability of the Leu + and K2 + phenotype of transformants was analysed growing cell<br />

colonies on non-selective YEPD medium (Sherman et al., 1986) 3 days at 30 °C and<br />

plating onto selective media: minimal – in case of LEU2; indicatory MB with layer<br />

of ά 1 – in case of K2 preprotoxin gene.<br />

Three parental crosses were performed to introduce the plant transformation vector<br />

pGA/ADH1–Kil2, possessing yeast killer toxin gene under control of yeast promoter<br />

ADH1, into Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV 3101 containing Ti plasmid PMP90RK<br />

(Koncz et al., 1986). Fresh overnight cultures of Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV 3101,<br />

E. coli DH5α containing vector pGA/ADH1-Kil2 and E. coli DH5α possessing helper<br />

plasmid Lelpm7623 were mixed for conjugation on solid YE medium (Draper et al.,<br />

1991). Agrobacterium possessing vector pGA/ADH1-Kil2 was selected on medium<br />

containing 50 mg/L kanamycin, 10mg/L tetracycline and 50 mg/L rifampicin and was<br />

used for plant transformation.<br />

Leaf explants of Nicotiana tabacum SR1 grown in vitro on MS medium (Murasige<br />

et al., 1962) were inoculated with overnight suspension culture of Agrobacterium and<br />

co-cultivated on MSD-4 medium (MS supplemented with 0.1 mg/L naphtaleneacetic<br />

acid (NAA) and 1 mg/L benzylaminopurine (BAP)). After 3–5 days leaf explants were<br />

washed and replaced on MSD-4 medium supplemented with 400 mg/L cefatoxim to<br />

kill Agrobacterium. Latter, callus-forming explants were replaced on the same medium<br />

supplemented with 50 mg/L kanamycin to select transgenes. Shoots regenerated on<br />

survived explants were rooted in MS medium with kanamycin. Plants possessing<br />

resistance to kanamycin were rooted and selected as transgenes.<br />

Results. In the previous study it was determined that cDNA of the S. cerevisiae<br />

K2 preprotoxin gene expressed under control of constitutive ADH1 promoter confer<br />

both killer and immunity phenotypes. Also, functional activity of K2 killer gene in<br />

yeast was demonstrated, gene expression was not strictly dependent on the context of<br />

regulatory sequence (Gulbiniene et al., 2004). Therefore, we decided to investigate<br />

expression of K2 gene controlled by ADH1 promoter in plant Nicotiana tabacum. For<br />

this purpose recombinant plasmid pGA/ADH1-Kil2 (K2 expression controlled by yeast<br />

ADH1 promoter) based on plant vector pGA482 was constructed (Fig. 1).<br />


Fig. 1. Principal scheme of plant expression plasmid pGA/ADH1-Kil2<br />

1 pav. Principinė pGA/ADH1-Kil2 plazmidės schema<br />

K2 preprotoxin gene surrounded by ADH1 promoter and terminator was isolated<br />

from pYEX12 plasmid by the using XbaI restriction enzyme and inserted into pGA482<br />

linearized by identical endonuclease. It is interesting to point out that obtained plasmids<br />

are suitable for plant transformation but not transformable into yeast, therefore can’t<br />

be replicated in S. cerevisiae.<br />

To detect possibility of yeast killer toxin gene to be expressed in plant it was<br />

introduced into tobacco N. tabacum SR1 via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.<br />

Callus formation on leaf explants started two weeks after co-cultivation with<br />

Agrobacterium GV 3101 containing plasmid pGA/ADH1-Kil2. Since plasmid<br />

pGA/ADH1–Kil2 possessed gene nptl, it was used for transgenes selection.<br />

Replacement of callus forming explants on kanamycin containing MSD-4 medium<br />

allowed growing and regeneration of transgenes. Co-cultivation with Agrobacterium<br />

during transformation slightly reduced viability of leaf explants. Control (without<br />

Agrobacterium treatment) callus formed 85.7 % of tested explants, after transformation<br />

procedures callus formed 77.2 % explants. Almost half of callus obtained after<br />

transformation was able to grow on medium with kanamycin. However, later only 9<br />

out of 56 canamycin- resistant calluses survived and regenerated shoots. All of them<br />

were rooted on medium with canamycin and selected as transgenes (Fig. 2).<br />

Explants were analysed for production of active K2 toxin either by the placing of<br />

small leafs d<strong>ir</strong>ectly onto yeast λ′1 layer or after the grinding of tested leafs in liquid<br />

nitrogen and spotting of biomass on medium inoculated with sensitive to killer toxins<br />

yeast (Fig. 3). Appearance of small clear lysis zones around leafs (Fig. 3 b) allowed<br />

conclude that yeast ADH1 promoter is transcriptional active in plant as well as<br />

preprotoxin can be preceded in plant cell. However, production of K2 toxin regulated<br />

by specific to yeast ADH1 promoter is barely detectable in plants and requ<strong>ir</strong>ed stronger<br />

regulation by using more specific promoter as CaMV. Also, different processing of<br />

protein in plant comparing to yeast can decrease killer production and activity.<br />


Fig. 2. Root systems of kanamycin-resistant transformants<br />

and regenerated control plants<br />

2 pav. Atsparių kanamicinui transformantų <strong>ir</strong> kontrolinių<br />

regenerantų šaknų sistemos<br />

Fig. 3. Analysis of explants for production of active K2 toxin<br />

3 pav. Aktyvaus K2 toksino produkavimo eksplantuose tyrimas<br />

In order to analyze expression of K2 preprotoxin gene controlled by CaMV<br />

promoter in plants recombinant plasmids pAD/CGT-Kil2D and pAD/CGT-Kil2R<br />

possessing possibility to analyze this gene expression in yeast was created (Fig. 4).<br />

For construction of abovementioned plasmids at f<strong>ir</strong>st pCGT-Kil2D and pCGT-<br />

Kil2R constructs was obtained, by introducing of 1196 bp K2 preprotoxin gene<br />

(digested with SalI endonuclease and blunted with T4 DNA polymerase) into vector<br />

pCGT linearized by SmaI and Ecl136II restriction enzymes. Next, Eam1105I – EheI<br />

fragment bearing CaMV promoter, K2 preprotoxin gene and poliA nos terminator (from<br />

pCGT-Kil2D and pCGT-Kil2R respectively) inserted into pAD4 plasmid, resulting in<br />

pAD/CGT-Kil2D and pAD/CGT-Kil2R (Fig. 4). New constructs were transformed into<br />


yeast ά 1. It was determined that stability of these plasmids (monitored by maintaining<br />

the Leu + K2 + phenotype) under both non-selective and leucine-selecting conditions<br />

reached 72–75%.<br />

Fig. 4. Map of the yeast plasmids pCGT-Kil2D and pAD/CGT-Kil2D<br />

4 pav. Mielių plazmidžių pCGT-Kil2D <strong>ir</strong> pAD/CGT-Kil2D genolapiai<br />

It is important to point out that both ά 1 [pAD/CGT-Kil2D] and ά 1 [pAD/CGT-<br />

Kil2R] transformants (K2 gene placed in d<strong>ir</strong>ect or reverse orientation to promoter<br />

sequence) shows weak killer activity and were sensitive not only to wt K2 toxins as<br />

well as to the<strong>ir</strong> own product (partial suicide phenotype) (Fig. 5).<br />

Fig. 5. Testing of killer and immunity functions of ά 1 [pAD/CGT-Kil2D] yeast<br />

5 pav. ά 1 [pAD/CGT-Kil2D] mielių kileriškumo <strong>ir</strong> imuniškumo tyrimas<br />

Discussion. Since plants are exposed to many different pathogenic organisms it<br />

is important to construct transgenic cultures possessing defence abilities. Resistance<br />


mechanism can be realized by self-production of antibacterial or antifungal<br />

proteins.<br />

Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2 toxin, bearing antipathogenic properties, was<br />

selected for introducing into Nicotiana tabacum cells. Our investigation showed that<br />

transgenic plants possessed active K2 type toxin. Such results allow conclude that<br />

promoter of yeast gene ADH1 is transcriptional active in plant as well as preprotoxin<br />

can be proceeded in plant cells. However, toxin activity was weak and it is not clear<br />

reason of that: possible incorrect transcriptional regulation (non-specific to plants<br />

ADH1 promoter), plant reaction to the toxin formation inside the cell, different protein<br />

secretion mechanisms of yeast and plants. Also it was detected, that the functioning of<br />

foreign toxin protein may influence the plant vitality as the root system of transformants<br />

was faintly developed and formation of the callus was delayed. One of the possibilities<br />

to increase K2 killer production in plant is to use des<strong>ir</strong>able promoter (exp. Cauliflower<br />

mosaic v<strong>ir</strong>us CaMV promoter) for transcriptional regulation. Given the capability of<br />

K2 type toxin to prevent developing of some pathogen fungus this feature may be<br />

adopted in future to construct disease resistant plants. It is reliable, that this research<br />

will provide important insights into more general aspects of foreign gene functioning<br />

in transgenic organisms.<br />

Conclusions. 1. New plant transformation vector pGA/ADH1-K2 with K2 type<br />

killer preprotoxin gene under transcriptional control of yeast-specific ADH1 promoter<br />

was successfully introduced into plant Nicotiana tabacum via Agrobacterium mediated<br />

transformation. K2 toxin activity in transgenic plants was demonstrated.<br />

2. Expression of K2 gene controlled by plant-specific CaMV promoter<br />

(pCGT/ADH1-Kil2) in yeast shows production of defective killer protein with reduced<br />

killer activity and immunity functions.<br />

Acknowledgements. This study is supported by Lithuanian State Sciences and<br />

Studies Foundation.<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Mielių Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2 preprotoksino geno raiška<br />

transgeniniuose augaluose<br />

B. Čapukoitienė, V. Karalius, E. Servienė, J. Proscevičius, V. Melvydas<br />

Santrauka<br />

Šio darbo tikslas buvo patikrinti mielių Saccharomyces cerevisiae kilerinio K2 tipo<br />

preprotoksino geno raiškos galimybes augaluose.<br />

Eksperimentai atlikti pasinaudojant pagrindiniais genų inžinerijos, mikrobiologijos <strong>ir</strong><br />

molekulinės biologijos metodais.<br />

Sukonstruotos rekombinantinės plazmidės: augalų transformacijos vektorius<br />

pGA/ADH1-Kil2, turintis mielių alkoholdehidrogenazės ADH1 promotoriumi reguliuojamą<br />

S. cerevisiae K2 preprotoksino geną, bei mielių plazmidės pAD/CGT-Kil2D <strong>ir</strong><br />

pAD/CGT-Kil2R (K2 raiška kontroliuojama žiedinių kopūstų mozaikos v<strong>ir</strong>uso CaMV<br />

promotoriumi). Atlikus išsamią CaMV promotoriumi reguliuojamo kilerinio geno raiškos<br />

analizę mielėse, parodytas 72–75 % siekiantis plazmidinis stabilumas bei nustatyta, kad<br />

produkuojamas baltymas pasižymi silpnomis kilerinėmis savybėmis <strong>ir</strong> nesugeba išlaikyti<br />

visaverčio imuniteto nei K2 tipo kileriams, nei savo paties produkuojamam toksinui. K2 geno<br />

funkcionavimo mielėse tyrimai atskleidė, kad šio geno raiška nėra griežtai priklausoma nuo<br />

reguliacinės sekos konteksto.<br />

Sėkmingai atlikta modelinio augalo Nicotianum tabacum transformacija pGA/ADH1-Kil2<br />

vektoriumi (K2 preprotoksino geno raiška reguliuojama ADH1 promotoriumi) panaudojant<br />

Agrobacterium palaikomą sistemą. Gauti aktyvų K2 toksinа produkuojantys transgeniniai<br />

augalai. Tyrimų rezultatai leidžia teigti, kad mielių ADH1 promotorius yra veiklus augaluose<br />

bei preprotoksinas gali būti ekspresuojamas augalų lаstelėse. K2 toksino sugebėjimas inhibuoti<br />

kai kurių patogeninių grybų vystymаsi gali būti sėkmingai panaudotas ateityje, kuriant atsparius<br />

ligoms augalus.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, K2 preprotoksino genas, augalas<br />

Nicotiana tabacum, transgeniniai augalai.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Transformations of chemical compounds during apple<br />

storage<br />

Bogumił Markuszewski, Jan Kopytowski<br />

Department of Horticulture, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Ul.<br />

Prawocheсskiego 21, 10-719 Olsztyn, Polska<br />

E-mail: bogumil.markuszewski@uwm.edu.pl<br />

An experiment was conducted in Rakowice (Province of Warmia and Mazury) in 2003–<br />

2005 involving apple tree cv. ‘Szampion’ grafted on M.26 and MM.106 rootstocks and ‘Gloster’<br />

grafted on M.26 rootstock and a seedling of ‘Antonowka’ with a B.9 insert. Six manners of<br />

soil cultivation were applied under the trees in rows. Analyses of fruit chemical composition<br />

were conducted every year on fresh fruit and after four months of storage in an ordinary cold<br />

storage warehouse. The fruit was analysed for dry matter, ascorbic acid, total sugars and simple<br />

sugars as well as for organic acids.<br />

The chemical compounds’ contents in fruit depended on the time of analyses, year of the<br />

study, cultivar, rootstock and the manner of soil cultivation. After the storage period, the fruit<br />

contained less dry matter, ascorbic acid and organic acids and more total sugars and simple<br />

sugars. Small amounts of rainfall during vegetation period at higher temperatures favoured<br />

the accumulation of dry matter, ascorbic acid and organic acids in fruit. The highest contents<br />

of the components under study were detected in cultivar ‘Szampion’ on MM.106. The fruit<br />

quality was also affected by the manner of soil cultivation, especially in the combinations with<br />

polypropylene fabric and manure.<br />

Key words: apple tree, cultivated cultivar, rootstock, mulching, chemical compounds,<br />

storage.<br />

Introduction. Organic compounds’ content in fruit depends on fruit cultivar,<br />

ripeness, physiological condition of a tree as well as soil and weather conditions<br />

(Lange, Ostrowski, 1992; Rutkowski et al., 2006). The chemical composition of an<br />

apple may vary, depending on fruit size, rootstock, fertilization, tree age, yield and<br />

pruning (Rejman, 1994; Stutte et al., 1994). Following the<strong>ir</strong> picking from the tree,<br />

fruit are still live organisms, what is indicated by the processes that go on in them,<br />

especially breathing and transp<strong>ir</strong>ation. The processes that take place in fruit depend on<br />

the conditions after the storage period (Lange, Ostrowski, 1992). According to these<br />

authors, the quality of apples and the<strong>ir</strong> storability depends mainly on weather conditions<br />

in a given period of vegetation, but they also emphasize the great importance of tree<br />

properties, fertilization, cultivation system, spraying with pesticides and the time of<br />

apple picking. Tomala and Piestrzeniewicz (2001) report that apple storability depends<br />

primarily on the genetic characteristics of the cultivar. According to Kruczyсska, (1998)<br />

and Rejman (1994), cultivars ‘Szampion’ and ‘Gloster’ may be stored in an ordinary<br />

cold storage warehouse for up to 4 months. After a longer period, the fruits of these<br />

cultivars considerably lose the<strong>ir</strong> taste value.<br />


The aim of this study was to perform an analysis of chemical composition of fresh<br />

and stored apples from trees grafted on various rootstocks with different systems of<br />

soil cultivation.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The experiment was conducted in an orchard<br />

near Lubawa, in the province of Warmia and Mazury in 2003–2005. The fruit was<br />

grown by the integrated method. The experiment involved 12-year-old apple trees<br />

of cv. ‘Szampion’ grafted on M.26 and MM.106 rootstock, cv. ‘Gloster’ on M.26<br />

rootstock and seedlings of ‘Antonowka’ with the B.9 insert. Trees of both cultivars<br />

grew in belts with a two-row spacing 4 + 1.25 × 2.5 (1 538 tree ha -1 ). Tree crowns were<br />

maintained in the shape of a spindle. The soil on which the trees grew originated from<br />

slightly loamy sand with the silt and clay content of 8.8 % and IVb quality class. The<br />

following cultivation combinations were applied in the rows of growing trees: control,<br />

bark, sawdust, black polypropylene fabric, manure and herbicide fallow. The soil in<br />

the control group was maintained by manual weeding. The mulches were laid in the<br />

tree rows in a 2.25 m wide belt. Organic mulches were laid in a 15 cm thick layer.<br />

The bark and sawdust were obtained from coniferous trees. Following the application<br />

of mulch, an additional dose of nitrogen fertilizer (urea) was applied (50.0 % bigger<br />

than the applied dose). Weeds on the herbicide fallow were controlled with a mixture<br />

of Roundup 360 SL at 5 l/ha and Chwastox 450 SL at 1.5 l/ha in the second decade of<br />

May and July. Grass was grown between the rows of trees.<br />

The chemical composition of fruit was analysed every year; fresh fruit and fruit<br />

after 4 months of storage in a cold storage warehouse (temp. 1.5–2.5 °C, humidity<br />

85.0–90.0 %). Medium-sized fruit was taken for analysis, 50 items from each<br />

combination as a mixed sample. The following were determined: dry matter at 105 °C,<br />

total and simple sugars – by the Luff-Schoorl method, organic acids – according to<br />

Petersburski, converted to malic acid, and ascorbic acid, by Tillmans method, modified<br />

by Pijanowski.<br />

Results. The dry matter content was higher in fresh fruit (Table 1). On both dates,<br />

the highest level of the component was recorded in 2003 and the lowest one – in 2005.<br />

The higher content of dry matter in the f<strong>ir</strong>st and th<strong>ir</strong>d year of the study was caused by<br />

the weather conditions.<br />

These were the periods of vegetation with the highest daily temperatures and the<br />

lowest rainfall levels. During the harvest period, the fruit contained more dry matter<br />

in cultivar ‘Gloster’ on both rootstocks (10.81–10.90 %) and ‘Szampion’ on MM.106<br />

rootstock (10.90 %). After the storage period, the component level was the highest<br />

only in fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ on MM.106 rootstock (9.30 %). It can be claimed<br />

that this cultivar in combination with MM.106 rootstock restricted the dry matter loss<br />

in fruit during the storage period. In particular years, the dry matter content in fruit<br />

significantly differed from one cultivar-rootstock combination to another, both during<br />

the harvest period and after storage.<br />

The dry matter content in fruit was significantly different dependently on the<br />

manner of soil cultivation. Its highest level in fresh fruit was measured on the soil<br />

mulched with manure (11.15 %), and the lowest – when the soil was mulched with<br />

pine tree bark (10.51 %). After the storage period, the highest value of the component<br />

was measured in the fruit from trees on soil mulched with fabric (9.40 %). The fruit<br />

in this combination contained a higher amount of dry matter, which resulted in the<br />

lowest loss of this component in storage.<br />


Table 1. Dry matter content in freshly picked fruit and in fruit after storage<br />

dependently on the type of rootstock and the manner of soil cultivation (%)<br />

1 lentelė. Sausųjų medžiagų kiekis šviežiuose vaisiuose <strong>ir</strong> po jų laikymo, priklausomai<br />

nuo poskiepio <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdų, %<br />

The chemical analysis of fruit revealed a higher ascorbic acid content in freshly<br />

picked fruit (3.7–4.6 mg 100 g -1 ) than after storage (Table 2). The highest amounts<br />

of the component in both times of the analysis were determined in the fruit picked<br />

in the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of the study, and the lowest was in those picked in the second year.<br />

As with the dry matter, higher ascorbic acid content was favoured by better weather<br />

conditions. No differences were found between the ascorbic acid content in fresh fruit<br />

for different experimental variants.<br />

The effect of the examined factors on the value of the feature proved to be<br />

significant after the fruit storage. The highest level of ascorbic acid was recorded in<br />

fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ on MM.106 rootstock (3.5 mg 100 g -1 ), what indicates the<br />

lowest loss of the component in this combination. A similar relationship in the ascorbic<br />

acid content was found to be a result of the applied methods of soil cultivation. The<br />

lowest ascorbic acid loss after storage was found in the samples taken from the trees<br />

in the soil mulched with fibre.<br />


Table 2. Ascorbic acid content in freshly picked fruit and in fruit after<br />

storage dependently on the type of rootstock and the manner of soil cultivation<br />

(mg 100 g -1 )<br />

2 lentelė. Askorbino rūgšties kiekis šviežiuose vaisiuose <strong>ir</strong> po jų laikymo, priklausomai<br />

nuo poskiepio <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdų, mg 100 g -1<br />

The total sugar content in fruit was much higher after storage and amounted on<br />

average to 23.1–29.4 % (Table 3). More sugar was found in the f<strong>ir</strong>st and th<strong>ir</strong>d year of<br />

the study. A higher total sugar content during the harvest period was measured only<br />

in 2003. The fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ on MM.106 rootstock contained the highest<br />

amounts of the component, both during the harvest period (11.5 %) and after storage<br />

(30.1 %). A high level of sugar after storage was also found in the fruit of cultivar<br />

‘Gloster’ on M.26 rootstock. In particular years, in analyses performed in both times,<br />

the total sugar content varied. The effect of the manner of soil cultivation on the total<br />

sugar content became noticeable only during the harvest period.<br />


Table 3. Total sugar content in freshly picked fruit and in fruit after storage<br />

dependently on the type of rootstock and the manner of soil cultivation (%)<br />

3 lentelė. Bendras cukrų kiekis šviežiuose vaisiuose <strong>ir</strong> po jų laikymo, priklausomai nuo<br />

poskiepio <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdų, %<br />

The highest sugar concentrations were determined in the fruit picked from the<br />

trees under which fibre had been laid, and the lowest concentrations – from the tress<br />

grown on the herbicide fallow. The strongest effect of the manner of soil cultivation<br />

on the total sugar content was apparent during the f<strong>ir</strong>st year of the study.<br />

The chemical analysis of the fruit after storage revealed a higher simple sugar<br />

content –12.6–16.9 % (Table 4). During that period, the<strong>ir</strong> highest amounts were found<br />

in the fruit obtained in 2003, and the lowest was in 2004. During the harvest period,<br />

the relationship was reversed – the highest level of simple sugars was determined in<br />

the fruit obtained in 2004 (9.5 %). A high content of the sugars under study during<br />

the period was favoured by a cool and rainy vegetation period. The highest amounts<br />

of simple sugars were found after storage of fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ grafted on<br />

M.26 rootstock (17.2 %), whereas during the harvest period the fruit of ‘Szampion’ on<br />

MM.106 rootstock contained more sugar (9.1 %) than other cultivars. In particular years<br />

of the study, the level of simple sugars was mainly cultivar-dependent. The effect of the<br />

method of soil cultivation on the level of simple sugars proved to be significant after<br />


storage. The highest level of the sugars was determined in fruit from the combination<br />

with manure and the lowest was in those from the control trees. A similar relationship<br />

at the highest values of the feature was recorded in 2003.<br />

Table 4. Simple sugar content in freshly picked fruit and in fruit after storage<br />

dependently on the type of rootstock and the manner of soil cultivation (%)<br />

4 lentelė. Paprastų cukrų kiekis šviežiuose vaisiuose <strong>ir</strong> po jų laikymo, priklausomai nuo<br />

poskiepio <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdų, %<br />

The organic acid content in fruit decreased after the<strong>ir</strong> storage (Table 5). In the<br />

chemical analyses performed at both times, the highest amounts of this component<br />

were recorded in 2005 and the lowest – in 2004. The level of organic acids in the<br />

second year of the study was negatively affected by adverse weather conditions. The<br />

highest acid content was determined in cultivar ‘Gloster’, regardless of the type of<br />

rootstock and time of performing the chemical analysis. A similar relationship was<br />

recorded in all the years of the study. The highest organic acid content in fruit of the<br />

studied cultivars was determined in the control trees and in combination with pine<br />

bark (0.56 %), and the lowest was in fruit from the trees under which the soil was<br />

mulched with pine sawdust, fibre and manure. The fruit from the control combination<br />

contained the highest amounts of acid after storage.<br />


Table 5. Organic acid content in freshly picked fruit and in fruit after storage<br />

dependently on the type of rootstock and the manner of soil cultivation (%)<br />

5 lentelė. Organinių rūgščių kiekis šviežiuose vaisiuose <strong>ir</strong> po jų laikymo, priklausomai<br />

nuo poskiepio <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdų, %<br />

Discussion. The quality of fruit, determined by the chemical composition of the<br />

examined cultivars after harvesting was affected by the weather conditions in a given<br />

year. In warmer years, when the amount of rainfall was smaller, the fruit contained<br />

more dry matter, ascorbic acid and organic acids, but less simple sugars. The amount<br />

of sugars was the highest only in the f<strong>ir</strong>st year. The weather conditions significantly<br />

affected the amount of nutrients in the years of the study, which has been recorded by<br />

Kawecki et al. (1999) and Ważbińska and Brych (2003). The greatest amounts of dry<br />

matter were found in fruit of cultivar ‘Gloster’ on the two rootstock combinations and<br />

in those of cultivar ‘Szampion’ on MM.106. The differences in accumulation of dry<br />

matter in the fruit of the examined cultivar on different rootstocks have been found<br />

by Ostapenko (2006). Kawecki et al. (1997) examined the effect of the method of soil<br />

cultivation and found smaller amounts of dry matter in fruit from the trees where soil<br />

was mulched with bark, which was corroborated by this study. A higher amount of<br />

the component when the soil was mulched with manure was conf<strong>ir</strong>med in a study of<br />

cultivation of chokeberry (Tomaszewska, Kopytowski, 2003). The highest amounts<br />

of ascorbic acid were found in the fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ on MM.106. A similar<br />


elationship was shown to exist by Ostapenko (2006), who obtained more ascorbic<br />

acid in fruit from the trees on MM.106 than on M.26. Waźbińska and Brych (2003)<br />

showed the content of the component to be significantly cultivar-dependent. During<br />

the period of the study, sweeter apples were obtained from cultivar ‘Szampion’ on<br />

MM.106. Maćkowiak (1989) found the cultivar to strongly differentiate sugar content<br />

in the fruit. Ostapenko (2006) examined the effect of rootstocks on the total content<br />

of sugars and did not find significant differences, what was contrary to the results<br />

shown in this experiment for cultivar ‘Szampion’. The effect of the method of soil<br />

cultivation on sugar content in fruit was the strongest when fibre was applied; a similar<br />

relationship was shown to exist by Kawecki et al. (1997). Cultivar ‘Gloster’ contained<br />

more organic acids than ‘Szampion’, regardless of the used rootstock. Significant<br />

cultivar-dependence of the acid content was shown by Maćkowiak (1989). A study<br />

conducted by Ben and Błaszczyk (1994) found MM.106 rootstock to increase the acid<br />

content more than M.26, what was not corroborated in the current study where trees<br />

of cultivar ‘Szampion’ grew on those rootstocks. The organic acid content was also<br />

related to a method of soil cultivation. The trees for which pine tree bark was applied,<br />

as well as the control, tended to contain more organic acids; similar to the findings of<br />

a study by Kawecki et al. (1999).<br />

After being stored in a cold storage warehouse, the fruit usually contained less<br />

dry matter, ascorbic acid and organic acids and more total and simple sugars. Similar<br />

tendencies in the contents of these components were observed by Ben and Błaszczyk<br />

(1994) and Kviklienė et al. (2006). The extent of the content change for most nutrients<br />

was cultivar and rootstock-dependent; it was also affected by the applied method<br />

of soil cultivation. Fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ on MM.106 contained more dry<br />

matter as compared to the other cultivar-rootstock combinations. Its different extent,<br />

depending on the cultivar, was also shown by Chojnacka et al. (1999). In an experiment<br />

conducted by the authors with trees on M.26 rootstock, a higher sugar concentration<br />

was determined, what is contrary to the findings of Ben and Błaszczyk (1994), who<br />

did not observe any differences between the sugar content in fruit from trees on M.26<br />

and MM.106 rootstocks. Fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ accumulated less organic acids<br />

than ‘Gloster’, regardless of the used rootstock. According to Lange and Ostrowski<br />

(1992), organic acid content is largely cultivar-dependent.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Nutrient content in the fruit of the studied apple trees varied<br />

dependently on weather conditions, rootstock and the method of soil cultivation. A<br />

period of vegetation with higher temperatures and lower level of rainfall favoured the<br />

accumulation of dry matter, ascorbic acid and organic acids in the fruit, while at the<br />

same time reducing the amount of simple sugars in them.<br />

2. The highest amount of dry matter in fresh fruit was found in cultivar ‘Szampion’<br />

on MM.106 and in ‘Gloster’ on both of the applied rootstocks. The total and simple<br />

sugar content was the highest in fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ on MM.106. The highest<br />

amount of organic acids was found in fruit of cultivar ‘Gloster’.<br />

3. Soil mulching with pine tree bark reduced the dry matter content in fruit and<br />

increased the<strong>ir</strong> acidity. Mulching with fibre favoured the accumulation of sugars and<br />

manure increased the dry matter content. The fruit from the control combination<br />

contained large amounts of organic acids, while the trees on the herbicide fallow bore<br />


fruit with the lowest concentration of sugars.<br />

4. After storage, fruit of cultivar ‘Szampion’ on M.26 rootstock contained the<br />

lowest amounts of ascorbic acid and organic acids, and the highest amounts of simple<br />

sugars, whereas those grafted on the MM.106 rootstock contained the highest amounts<br />

of dry matter, ascorbic acid and total sugars. Cultivar ‘Gloster’, regardless of the<br />

rootstock used, accumulated the lowest amounts of dry matter and simple sugars, with<br />

the highest acid concentration in the fruit.<br />

5. Soil mulching with pine sawdust increased the dry matter content and fibre<br />

mulching did the same with ascorbic acid in the stored fruit. The fruit in the control<br />

combination contained the highest concentration of acids and the lowest concentration<br />

of ascorbic acid. The fruit in the bark combination contained the lowest amounts of<br />

ascorbic acid.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 04 10<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 29<br />

1. Ben J., Błaszczyk J. 1994. Wpływ podkładek na przemiany niektórych składników<br />

organicznych jabłek odmiany ‘Jonagold’. XXXIII Ogólnopolska Naukowa<br />

Konferencja Sadownicza. Skierniewice, Polska, 1: 394–395.<br />

2. Chojnacka D., Bargieł D., Lipa T. 1999. Wzrost owocowanie kilku odmian<br />

jabłoni w zależności od pielęgnacji gleby. Zeszyty Naukowe AR w Krakowie,<br />

351(66): 141–145.<br />

3. Kawecki Z., Kopytowski J., Tomaszewska Z. 1999. Wpływ stosowania<br />

dwóch sposobów utrzymania gleby na wzrost i plonowanie 11 odmian jabłoni<br />

uszlachetnionych na podkładce M.26. Biul. Nauk., 3: 49–59.<br />

4. Kawecki Z., Kulesza W., Zadernowski R., Zielenkiewicz J. 1997. Wpływ<br />

nawożenia azotowego i sposobów utrzymania gleby na plonowanie drzew<br />

i jakość owoców jabłoni odmiany ‘Szampion’. Współczesne trendy<br />

w agrotechnice sadów. Jakość owocуw jako czynnik postępu w sadownictwie.<br />

Lublin, Polska, 14–20.<br />

5. Kruczyńska D. 1998. Nowe odmiany jabłoni. Hortpress. Warszawa.<br />

6. Kviklienė N., Kviklys D., Viškelis P. 2006. Chenges in fruit quality during<br />

ripening and storage in the apple cultivar ‘Auksis’. J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res.,<br />

14(2): 195–202.<br />

7. Lange E., Ostrowski W. 1992. Przechowalnictwo owoców. PWRiL Warszawa.<br />

8. Maćkowiak M. 1989. Wpływ podkładek oraz systemu uprawy gleby na wzrost<br />

i plonowanie dwóch odmian jabłoni. Rocz. AR Poznaс. Rozp. Nauk. Zesz.,<br />

186: 52–54.<br />

9. Ostapenko V. 2006. The influence of rootstock on productivity and fruit quality of<br />

apple-tree cultivar ‘Florina’ under conditions of South Russia. SODININKYSTĖ<br />

<strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(3): 207–211.<br />

10. Rejman A. 1994. Pomologia. Odmianoznawstwo roślin sadowniczych. PWRiL<br />

Warszawa.<br />


11. Rutkowski K. P., Kruczyńska D. E., Krzesak P. 2006. Jakość i zdolność<br />

przechowalnicza jabłek z grupy ‘Fuji’. XLIV Ogólnopolska Naukowa Konferencja<br />

Sadownicza. Skierniewice, Polska, 153–154.<br />

12. Stutte G. W., Baugher T. A., Walter S. P., Leach D. W., Glenn D. M.,<br />

Tworkowski T. J. 1994. Rootstock and training system affect dry-matter and<br />

carbohydrate distribution in ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees. J. Amer. Soc. Hort.<br />

Sci., 119: 492–497.<br />

13. Tomala K., Piestrzeniewicz C. 2001. Skład chemiczny owoców z ich<br />

zdolność przechowalnicza. VI Ogólnopolskie Spotkanie w Grójcu. Grójec,<br />

Polska, 66–74.<br />

14. Tomaszewska Z., Kopytowski J. 2003. Wpływ różnych sposobów utrzymania<br />

gleby na plonowanie i zawartość związków organicznych w owocach aronii.<br />

Biul. Nauk., 22: 265–268.<br />

15. Waкbiсska J., Brych A. 2003. Skщad chemiczny owocуw niektуrych odmian<br />

jabщoni. Biul. Nauk., 22: 269–<strong>27</strong>2.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Cheminių junginių pokyčiai laikant obuolius<br />

B. Markuszewski, J. Kopytowski<br />

Santrauka<br />

Tyrimuose naudotos tokios obelys: veislių ‘Szampion’, įskiepytos į M.26 <strong>ir</strong> MM.106<br />

poskiepius, ‘Gloster’, įskiepytos į M.26 poskiepį, bei ‘Antonуwka’ sėjinukai su B.9 intarpu.<br />

Šeši d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdai buvo naudoti po medžių eilėmis. Vaisių cheminių junginių analizės<br />

atliktos kiekvienais metais šviežiuose vaisiuose <strong>ir</strong> po keturių mėnesių laikymo saugykloje.<br />

Buvo nustatyta sausosios medžiagos, askorbino rūgštis, bendri <strong>ir</strong> paprasti cukrūs bei organinės<br />

rūgštys. Po laikymo periodo vaisiai turėjo mažiau sausųjų medžiagų, askorbino rūgšties <strong>ir</strong><br />

organinių rūgščių bei daugiau bendrų <strong>ir</strong> paprastų cukrų. Mažas kritulių kiekis vegetacijos metu<br />

<strong>ir</strong> aukštos temperatūros palankiai veikė sausųjų medžiagų, askorbino rūgšties <strong>ir</strong> organinių<br />

rūgščių kaupimаsi vaisiuose. Didesnis šių komponentų kiekis nustatytas veislės ‘Szampion’ su<br />

MM.106 poskiepiu vaisiuose. Vaisių kokybę lėmė <strong>ir</strong> d<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdai, ypač polypropyleno<br />

medžiagos <strong>ir</strong> trąšų derinys.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: obelys, veislės, poskiepiai, mulčias, cheminiai junginiai,<br />

laikymas.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Effect of harvest maturity on quality and storage<br />

ability of apple cv. ‘Ligol’<br />

Nomeda Kviklienė, Alma Valiuškaitė, Pranas Viškelis<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: n.kvikliene@lsdi.lt<br />

The effect of fruit maturity on apple cv. ‘Ligol’ storage ability and rot development was<br />

investigated at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2003–2004. Fruits for storage were<br />

harvested 5 times at weekly intervals before, during and after predictable optimum harvest<br />

date. Fruit internal and external quality changes were measured during harvest period, and the<br />

presence of storage disorders and mass losses at the end of storage. During investigation period<br />

fruits quality parameters changed according to harvest date and were specific for each trial year.<br />

Later harvested fruits were softer. Content of soluble solids did not depend on harvest time.<br />

Fruit storage ability was closely connected to fruit maturity. After 180 days of storage apples<br />

picked one week before climacteric peak were of the best quality and with the smallest mass<br />

losses caused by decay and water loss.<br />

Key words: Malus Ч domestica, fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness, rots, soluble solids content, storage,<br />

weight loss.<br />

Introduction. A different picking date of apple fruits during the harvest season<br />

may have a significant impact on fruit quality (Vielma et al., 2008; Rizzolo et al., 2006;<br />

Kviklienė, 2001; Franelli, Casera, 1996; Meresz et al., 1996; Streif, 1996). To ensure<br />

the highest fruit quality at the end of long storage, apples must be harvested when<br />

mature but not when fully ripe. If harvested too early fruits are smaller, have reduced<br />

flavour and colour, and are more susceptible to scald, bitter rot and internal breakdown.<br />

Mass reduction by water loss is greater in earlier picked apples because waxy surface<br />

is not completely formed at this moment (Zerbini et al., 1999; Juan et al., 1999). Early<br />

picked fruits are smaller and the<strong>ir</strong> surface in a storage unit is larger. Because water<br />

transp<strong>ir</strong>ation depends on fruit surface area too, small fruits loss the<strong>ir</strong> weight faster.<br />

Another reason of more intensive evaporation is structure of fruit cuticle, which is not<br />

fully developed when fruits are harvested too early. At the same time the cuticle is the<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st barrier that pathogens have to challenge (Ihabi et al., 1998). Later picked apples<br />

often are over mature and all physiological processes are underway what complicate<br />

storage, even under optimal conditions (Ingle et al., 2000; Braun et al., 1995). Apples<br />

harvested too late are vulnerable to mechanical injures, sensitive to low temperature<br />

breakdown, watercore and more rot (Hribar et al., 1996). At optimal harvest time<br />

picked apples have the organoleptic qualities (Casals et al., 2006), which enable them<br />

to survive more than six months of storage.<br />

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of harvest time on fruit<br />

quality and storage ability of cv. ‘Ligol’ apples.<br />


Object, methods and conditions. Investigations were carried out with apple<br />

cv. ‘Ligol’ on M.26 rootstock in 2003 and 2004. The measurements of fruit quality<br />

changes were performed 2–3 weeks before and after the predictable optimum harvest<br />

date. Apples for long storage were harvested 5 times at weekly intervals. The experiment<br />

was carried out with 4 replications and 5 trees per plot.<br />

On each picking date 10 fruits from each replication were taken for laboratory<br />

measurements: resp<strong>ir</strong>ation intensity (mg CO 2<br />

/kg h, measured with gas analyzer<br />

‘Anagas 95’), fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness (kg/cm 2 , measured with penetrometer FT-3<strong>27</strong> with 11 mm<br />

diameter probe), soluble solids content (%, with refractometer).<br />

On each picking date 100 fruits from each replication were taken in order to<br />

measure storability (f<strong>ir</strong>mness, soluble solids concentration, weight loss, storage<br />

disorders and rots). Fruits were stored for 180 days.<br />

Variance analysis of main quality characters was done using ‘ANOVA’ statistical<br />

program.<br />

Results. It was found that resp<strong>ir</strong>ation pattern during the maturation period was<br />

typical for climacteric fruits and was similar during both years of investigation (Fig. 1).<br />

Early picked apples had reduced resp<strong>ir</strong>ation. Resp<strong>ir</strong>ation intensity increased until 4th<br />

harvest and reached climacteric maximum, thereafter strong decrease in resp<strong>ir</strong>ation<br />

was recorded.<br />

Fig. 1. Resp<strong>ir</strong>ation intensity at different harvest time<br />

1 pav. Skynimo laiko įtaka vaisių kvėpavimo intensyvumui<br />

During ripening period fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness decreased by 13 % in 2003 and by 22 %<br />

in 2004 (Table 1). In 2003 significant differences were recorded starting from the<br />

3 rd harvest. In 2004 fruits were f<strong>ir</strong>mer and did not differ significantly from 1 st to 3 rd<br />

harvest times. In both year of investigation the highest softening rate was observed<br />

at the last week.<br />

At the end of the storage differences between fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness were not so big.<br />

Significant differences were established comparing last two harvest dates with earlier<br />


ones only. The difference in fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness between f<strong>ir</strong>st and last harvest date was 9 %<br />

in 2003, and only 5 % in 2004.<br />

On average fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness at harvest time gradually decreased according harvest<br />

time and in most cases differences between dates were significant. After the storage<br />

there were no differences between 1st and 3rd, and between 4th and 5th harvest dates.<br />

During storage, fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness decreased on average from 21 to 37 % of its original<br />

value. The highest reduction of fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness was recorded at 4th harvest.<br />

Table 1. Effect of harvest time on fruit f<strong>ir</strong>mness (kg cm -2 )<br />

1 lentelė. Skynimo laiko įtaka obuolių minkštumui, kg cm -2<br />

The dynamic of soluble solid content (SSC) every year was different (Table 2). In<br />

2003 SSC increased linearly to harvest time. The highest amount of SSC was observed<br />

in the last week of measurements, though significant difference was established only<br />

with 1st harvest date. In 2004 SSC reached maximum at 3rd harvest after which it<br />

leveled off.<br />

In 2003 there were no significant differences in fruit SSC after the 180 days of<br />

cold storage. During the storage period decrement of SSC was recorded for most of<br />

harvest dates, while in 2004 opposite tendencies were defined. Almost at all harvest<br />

dates SSC showed a tendency to increase.<br />

Table 2. Effect of harvest time on SSC (%)<br />

2 lentelė. Skynimo laiko įtaka t<strong>ir</strong>pių sausųjų medžiagų kiekiui, %<br />


Weight losses during storage were dissimilar every year (Fig. 2) and depended<br />

on harvest time. In 2003 the largest weight losses were estimated for earlier picked<br />

apples. Apples picked at 4 th harvest lost by <strong>27</strong> % less the<strong>ir</strong> mass in comparison with<br />

apples picked at earliest time. In 2004 the largest weight loss was estimated for earlier<br />

and later picked apples. Mass reduction was lowest of apples picked at 3 rd harvest.<br />

Fig. 2. Effect of harvest time on fruit weight losses during storage<br />

2 pav. Skynimo laiko įtaka natūraliems masės nuostoliams laikymo metu<br />

Apple mass loss by rots and decay were not large in 2003 (Fig. 3). Up to 9.6 %<br />

of apples rotted during 180 days of storage period. Too late picked fruits rotted more.<br />

Significantly less amount of rotten fruits was recorded when apples were picked at 2 nd<br />

and 3 rd harvest. Up to 33.9 % of apples rotted in 2004 year. The extent of loss linearly<br />

depended on harvest time. At each picking the significant increase of rotten apples was<br />

recorded and the maximum of damaged fruits was estimated of latest picked apples. At<br />

this stage picked apples rotted by 4.8 times more, in comparison with apples picked<br />

at earliest harvest.<br />

Cv. ‘Ligol’ apples were infected by Monilinia sp., Gloeosporium spp. and<br />

Penicillium spp. In both trial years apples were mostly infected by fungus of<br />

Gloeosporium genus.<br />


Fig. 3. Effect of harvest time on fruit rots incidence during storage<br />

3 pav. Skynimo laiko įtaka obuolių puvimui laikymo metu<br />

Discussion. During investigation period fruit quality parameters changed<br />

according to harvest date and were specific for each trial year. Later harvested fruits<br />

were softer and had higher content of soluble solids. Fruit storage ability was closely<br />

connected to fruit maturity too. After 180 days of storage apples picked one week<br />

before climacteric peak were of the best quality and with the smallest mass losses<br />

caused by decay and water loss.<br />

The softening rate of apple fruit vary from cultivar to cultivar, depending on the<br />

presence and expression of genes, which regulate the activity of hydrolytic enzymes<br />

(Ingle et al., 2000; Konopacka, Plocharski, 2002; Johnston et al., 2002). In our trials<br />

measurements of f<strong>ir</strong>mness showed that cv. ‘Ligol’ belongs to the group of naturally<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>m fruits. Softening rate during ripening and storage was low. In comparison with<br />

other investigated cultivars as ‘Auksis’, ‘Lobo’ and ‘Lodel’ fruits of cv. ‘Ligol’ tended<br />

to lose the<strong>ir</strong> f<strong>ir</strong>mness slower (Kviklienė, 2001; Kviklienė et al., 2006). In our trials the<br />

highest softening of fruits was observed when apples picked at climacteric peak, and<br />

the lowest – one week before. Apples harvested at optimal harvest time usually tend to<br />

loose the<strong>ir</strong> f<strong>ir</strong>mness during the storage much slower what agree with results of Castro<br />

et al. (2007), Kviklienė (2004), Hribar et al. (1996), and Meresh et al. (1993).<br />

Usually, later picked apples show higher SSC value not only at harvest time, but at<br />

the end of storage too (YongSoo et al., 1998). In our study SSC varied during the years<br />

so it is difficult to draw a conclusion on the change pattern. Similar tendencies were<br />

obtained in different trials (Kviklienė et al., 2006; Wargo, Watkins, 2004; Echeverria<br />

et al., 2002; Braun et al., 1995).<br />

The results of our investigations showed that mass reduction by water loss and<br />

decay was closely connected with fruit maturity. On average the lowest loss were<br />

observed of apples picked one week before climacteric peak. The bigger weight loss<br />

at early stage of maturation can be explained by not fully developed waxy surface<br />


and cuticle (Ihabi et al., 1998; Sass and Lakner, 1998). The higher incidence of rots<br />

in later picked apples can be explained by more intensive all physiological processes<br />

in overmature fruits. Similar results were recorded with other apple cultivars (Dris &<br />

Niskanen, 1999; Elgar et al., 1999; Ingle et al., 2000; Kviklienė, 2001).<br />

Conclusions. 1. Harvest time has a significant effect on fruit internal quality and<br />

fruit physiological processes at harvest time and during the storage.<br />

2. Fruit SSC depended more on growing season conditions neither on fruit<br />

maturity.<br />

3. Incidence of decay and rots depended linearly on fruit maturity – more late<br />

harvest more fruit loss.<br />

4. Cv. ‘Ligol’ apples harvested one week before climacteric maximum have the<br />

best storage ability.<br />

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Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 81(4): 681–690.<br />

19. Sass P., Lakner Z. 1998. The effect of picking time, geographical area of<br />

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23. Yong Soo H., Yong-Pil Ch., Yac Chang L. 1998. Influence of harvest date and<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Skynimo laiko įtaka ‘Ligol’ obuolių kokybei vaisiams nokstant <strong>ir</strong><br />

juos laikant<br />

N. Kviklienė, A. Valiuškaitė, P. Viškelis<br />

Santrauka<br />

2003 <strong>ir</strong> 2004 m. Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institute t<strong>ir</strong>ta veislės ‘Ligol’<br />

obuolių kokybė vaisiams nokstant <strong>ir</strong> juos laikant. Vaisiai buvo skinti kas savaitę penkis kartus.<br />

Vaisiams nokstant buvo matuota: kvėpavimo intensyvumas, minkštimo kietumas, <strong>ir</strong> t<strong>ir</strong>pių sausųjų<br />

medžiagų kiekis. Obuolius laikant matuotas jų minkštimo kietumas, t<strong>ir</strong>pių sausųjų medžiagų<br />

kiekis <strong>ir</strong> apskaičiuoti masės nuostoliai. Laikymo pabaigoje nustatytas optimalus skynimo laikas<br />

atsižvelgiant į tai, kurie vaisiai geriausiai išsilaikė. Nustatyta, kad vaisių kokybė skynimo <strong>ir</strong><br />

laikymo metu priklausė nuo sunokimo laipsnio. Vėliau nuskinti vaisiai buvo minkštesni <strong>ir</strong><br />

skynimo metu, <strong>ir</strong> laikymo pabaigoje. T<strong>ir</strong>pių sausųjų medžiagų kiekio dinamika tyrimų metais<br />

buvo sk<strong>ir</strong>tinga. Natūralius masės nuostolius <strong>ir</strong> nuostolius dėl puvinių taip pat lėmė skynimo<br />

laikas. Geriausiai laikėsi vaisiai, nuskinti vieną savaitę prieš klimakteriumo maksimumą.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: Malus × domestica, krakmolo susiskaidymas, laikymas, minkštimo<br />

kietumas, t<strong>ir</strong>šios sausosios medžiagos, puviniai.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Identification of scab resistance genes in apple trees by<br />

molecular markers<br />

Oksana Urbanovich, Zoya Kazlovskaya 1<br />

Institute of Genetic and Cytology, NASB, <strong>27</strong>, Akademichiskaya str., Minsk, 220072,<br />

Belarus, e-mail: O.Urbanovich@igc.bas-net.by<br />

1<br />

Institute of Fruit Growing, 2, Samokhvalovitchi, Kovaleva str., Minsk region,<br />

223013, Belarus, e-mail: zoya-kozlovskaya@tut.by<br />

Apple scab is a widespread and one of the most harmful fungal diseases of apple trees in<br />

Belarus. Molecular markers were used for detection of resistance genes in 130 apple accessions<br />

including old, modern and introduced cultivars. The presence of genes Vm, Vr1 and Vh2 were<br />

detected using the molecular markers OPB12STS, AD13 and OPL19 respectively. Gene Vf was<br />

identified with the markers VfC, AL07 and AM19.<br />

The gene Vr1 was detected in modern cultivars as well as in old ones grown in Belarus<br />

from 19 th century, such as ‘Pap<strong>ir</strong>ovka’, ‘Bely naliv’, ‘Korobovka krupnoplodnaya’, etc. The<br />

marker OPL19 presents in genome of 81 accessions. Gene Vm was revealed in 7 accessions<br />

related to the parental cultivars McIntosh and SR0523. Gene Vf, which was transferred from<br />

M. Xfloribunda 821 and introduced into cultivated cultivars, was identified in 41 cultivars of<br />

different breeding (France, USA, Poland, Russia, Belarus, etc.). The presence of this gene<br />

provides a high scab resistance in apple cultivars. This was verified by field trials carried out<br />

during 2004–2007. The cultivars containing gene Vf and some cultivars with polygenic resistance<br />

shown a high scab resistance both in leaves and fruits.<br />

Key words: apple scab, Malus accession, resistance genes.<br />

Introduction. Apple scab is a widespread and one of the most harmful fungal<br />

disease of apple trees in Belarus. This disease is caused by an ascomycetes fungus<br />

Venturia inaequalis. In the years of intensive expansion that happens once per 3 years<br />

or even more often, scab causes premature leaf loss of trees and 100 % fruit lesion<br />

in susceptible cultivars if chemical protection is not used. Its control in co mMercial<br />

orchards can requ<strong>ir</strong>e up to 15 fungicide treatments per year. Such a large amount of<br />

chemical treatments raise numerous ecological problems and consumer health concerns,<br />

in addition to the economic cost (Lespinasse et al., 2002). An alternative approach is<br />

the use of resistant cultivars, which can be grown with much less pesticide treatment.<br />

Apple breeding is aimed for developing cultivars with durable scab resistance genes.<br />

There are many progra mMes for creating new cultivars with durable resistance of<br />

apple to scab (Crosby et al., 1992; Janick, 2002; Lespinasse et al., 2002).<br />

Scab resistance is a complicated biological character determined genetically and<br />

depending on env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions during morphogenesis. Various sources of apple<br />

scab resistance have been found (Williams, Kuc, 1969). Several major scab resistance<br />


genes originated from small fruited asiatic Malus spp. The genes Vbj from Malus<br />

baccata jackii, Vb from M. baccata, Vm from M. Xmicromalus and M. Xatrosanguinea<br />

804, Vr from M. pumila (Russian Seedling) R1<strong>27</strong>40-7A, Vf from M. Xfloribunda 812<br />

have been introgressed into breeding lines and selections to make them available for<br />

breeding purposes (Liebhard et al., 2003). Until now, mostly the Vf resistance has been<br />

incorporated into co mMercially available cultivars. The sources of scab resistance are<br />

‘Golden Delicious’ (Vg), GMAL 2473 (Vr2), ‘Durello di Forli’ (Vd), differential host<br />

2 (Vh2) and host 4 (Vh4) (derived from M. pumila R1<strong>27</strong>40-7A), M. sylvestris W193b<br />

(Vh8) too (Durel et al., 2000; Patocchi et al., 2004; Tartarini et al., 2004; Bus et al.,<br />

2004; Bus et al., 2005a, 2005b).<br />

Most known major resistance genes are “recognition genes” (Bergelson et al.,<br />

2001; Jones, 2001). The resistance genes differ in the<strong>ir</strong> level of resistant. Durable<br />

scab resistant cultivars were created combining major resistance genes and polygenic<br />

resistance. It is important to identify genes resistance to scab in apple cultivars and<br />

determine its significance for breeding.<br />

Cultivars with multiple resistance genes can be easily selected with molecular<br />

markers associated with the resistance genes. The molecular markers have been<br />

developed for identification of gene resistance to scab in apple genome (Gessler et al.,<br />

2006). They are an excellent instrument for identification of durable genes and creation<br />

resistance cultivars using marker assisted selection.<br />

The aim of this study was to identify durable genes leading to high level resistance<br />

to scab in the collection of apple accessions grown in Belarus and to determine valuable<br />

cultivars for breeding process. The molecular markers were used for determining scab<br />

resistance genes.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Plant material and estimation.<br />

The collection of apple accessions from the orchard of the Institute of Fruit Growing<br />

of Belarus, which include 130 accessions including old, modern and introduced<br />

cultivars, was studied in this investigation. The assessment of apple scab lesion was<br />

made according to the Program and methods of fruit, small fruit and nut cultivar<br />

assessment (Sedov, Ogoltsova, 1999).<br />

DNA isolation. DNA was extracted from frozen leaves in all evaluated genotypes.<br />

DNA was isolated by Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Fermentas) according to<br />

manufacturer’s instructions.<br />

PCR markers. The molecular markers OPB12STS, AD13 and OPL19 linked to<br />

genes Vm, Vh2 and Vr1 (Cheng et al., 1998; Bus et al., 2005a; Boudichevskaia et al.,<br />

2006) were used respectively. The gene Vf was identified with the markers VfC, AL07<br />

and AM19 (Afunian et al., 2004; Tartarini et al., 1999) (Table 1).<br />


Table 1. Markers for detection of scab resistance genes<br />

1 lentelė. Žymenys rauplėms atsparių genų nustatymui<br />

Amplification. Amplification was performed in 20 мl final volume<br />

containing: 40 ng of genomic DNA as template, 67 mM Tris-НCl рН 8.8, 16 mM<br />

(NH 4<br />

) 2<br />

SO 4<br />

, 1.5 mM MgCl 2<br />

, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 0.25 мM of each primers, and<br />

1U Taq DNA Polymerase. The program of amplification was: 3 min at 94 °С; followed<br />

by 40 cycles of 94 °С for 40 s, Tєan for 1 min, 72 °С for 1 min; and a final extension<br />

of 72 °С for 10 min.<br />

Amplified DNA fragments were analyzed by horizontal electrophoresis on a<br />

standard 1.0 % agarose gel in Tris-acetate-EDTA buffer (Sambrook et al., 1989). DNA<br />

was visualized by ethidium bromide. Gels were photographed with BioRad camera<br />

under UV light. GeneRuler tm 100 bp DNA Ladder Plus (Fermentas) was used as a<br />

molecular weight marker.<br />

Results. The gene Vr1/Vh4/Vx was identified in the Malus scab resistance<br />

source R1740-7A (Russian seedling) (Bus et al., 2005b). This gene was mapped on<br />

linkage group 2. The codominant, multiallelic molecular marker AD13-SCAR have<br />

been developed by Boudichevskaia et al. (2006). Marker AD13-SCAR was used for<br />

identification of gene Vr1 in 130 accessions of apple trees and presence of gene Vr1<br />

was detected in 34 accessions. AD13-SCAR was detected in both modern cultivars<br />

and old cultivars grown in Belarus from 19 th century, such as ‘Pap<strong>ir</strong>ovka’, ‘Bely naliv’,<br />

‘Korobovka krupnoplodnaya’, etc. (Table 2). Presence of the locus from ‘Pap<strong>ir</strong>ovka’<br />

was detected in modern cultivars ‘Mechta’ and ‘Narodnoe’. This marker also was found<br />

in old cultivar ‘McIntosh’ and in its progenies ‘Wijcik’, ‘Auksis’, ‘Melba’.<br />

The SCAR marker OPL19 developed by Bus et al. (2005b), was applied<br />

for testing locus Vr2/Vr-A. This locus of linkage group 2 contains linked genes<br />

Vr2/Vr-A and Vh8 (Bus et al., 2005a). The marker OPL19 dispose at a distance of 1.3 cM<br />

from Vh8. SCAR maker OPL19 was identified in 81 accessions. Possibly this marker<br />

do not let to test the gene in collection, but it is very important for testing breeding<br />

forms. Information about this locus can be used in breeding process for testing new<br />

accessions, if the<strong>ir</strong> parents contained this locus.<br />

The sources of the gene Vm in breeding are M. Xatrosanguinea 804 and<br />

M. Xmicromalus 245-38 (Dayton, Williams, 1970). The marker OPB12 STS have been<br />

developed for Vm by Cheng et al. (1998). The OPB12 STS being placed at about 6 cM<br />


from Vm is an excellent indicator for the presence of Vm in germplasm collection.<br />

This marker is mapped on apple linkage group 17 (Patocchi et al., 2005). The gene<br />

Vm was revealed by OPB12 STS marker in 7 accession including ‘McIntosh’ and its<br />

progeny ‘Wijcik’. This marker also detected presence of the gene Vm in ‘SR0523’ and<br />

its progenies ‘Orlovim’, ‘Pervinka’, ‘84–39/58’, ‘84–50/9’.<br />

Table 2. The list of observed cultivars<br />

2 lentelė. T<strong>ir</strong>tų veislių sąrašas<br />


Table 2 continued<br />

2 lentelės tęsinys<br />


Table 2 continued<br />

2 lentelės tęsinys<br />

Gene Vf originates from the wild apple accession M. Xfloribunda 821. Vinatzer<br />

et al. (1998) have cloned a cluster of resistance genes HcrVf from the Vf locus of the<br />

chromosome 1. The cluster consisted of four homologous genes encoding receptor-<br />


like protein. It is possible that one of them is related to resistant (Belfanti et al., 2004).<br />

Marker VfC have been designed based on conserved regions in the Vf candidate genes<br />

from HcrVf members (Afunian et al., 2004). Three fragments of 646, 484 and 286 bp<br />

in length were revealed in the result of PCR with VfC marker. The presence of the<br />

gene is determined by the presence of the fragment of 286 bp in length.<br />

Tartarini et al. (1999) suggested using two primers pa<strong>ir</strong> AL07 and AM19<br />

for identification of the gene Vf. This marker allows Vf homozygous resistant, Vf<br />

heterozygous resistant and susceptible genotypes to be reveled. Amplification fragments<br />

of 466 and 526 bp-long indicate gene Vf. Amplification fragment of 724 bp-long<br />

indicate gene vf.<br />

Markers VfC, AL07 and AM19 were detected in genomes of 41 accessions of<br />

diverse breeding – France, USA, Poland, Russia, Belarus, etc. (Table 2). Cultivars<br />

‘Relinda’, ‘Freedom’ and ‘Jonafree’ contain the genotype VfVf. The other resistant<br />

cultivars contain genotype Vfvf.<br />

Comparison of the obtained results with apple pedigree made it possible to<br />

determine that the line BM41497 was the source of the gene Vf in cultivars of Belarus<br />

breeding: ‘Belorusskoe sladkoe’, ‘Darunak’, ‘Nadzeiny’, ‘Pamyat Kovalenko’,<br />

‘Pospeh’. The line BM41497 inherited this gene from M. Xfloribunda 821. Cultivar<br />

‘Imant’ inherited the gene from ‘Liberty’. Line 814 was a source of gene Vf in cultivars<br />

of Russian breeding ‘Afrodita’, ‘Jubilyar’, ‘Orlovskoe polesye’, ‘Solnyshko’, ‘Start’,<br />

‘Stroevskoe’, ‘Venyaminovskoe’.<br />

Levels of resistance detected for tested accessions in Belarus are presented<br />

in Table 2. 41 cultivars demonstrated resistant to apple scab, 18 – field resistant,<br />

43 – low susceptive, 25 – moderate susceptive, 3 – high susceptive of the 130 tested<br />

cultivars.<br />

Discussion. Great scab lesion was found in the cultivars ‘McIntosh’, ‘SR0523’,<br />

‘Melba’. Presence of gene Vm in genome of ‘McIntosh’ and ‘SR0523’ did not protect<br />

them from scab lesion. Gene Vm has been overcome by V. inaequalis race 5, an event<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st discovered in England (Williams and Brown, 1968). Scab affection for these<br />

cultivars was the same as for the cultivar ‘Melba’, which has been originated from<br />

the cultivar ‘McIntosh’ but do not contained gene Vm.<br />

Old cultivars ‘Antonovka obyknovennaya’, ‘Babushkino’, ‘Bely naliv’,<br />

‘Borovinka’, ‘Gravenstein’, ‘Korobovka krupnoplodnaya’, ‘Koshtelya’, ‘Pap<strong>ir</strong>ovka’,<br />

‘Pepin litovsky’ had low or moderate susceptibility to scab. Some of them do not contain<br />

the markers tested; the markers OPL19 and (or) AD13-SCAR were detected in others<br />

(Table 2). Inversely the source of resistance of different genotypes of ‘Antonovka’<br />

reported to be monogenic and polygenic (Williams and Kuc, 1969; MacHardy, 1996;<br />

Quamme et al., 2003).<br />

The accessions, in which the markers OPL19 and AD13-SCAR were detected,<br />

shown different levels of scab resistance: from low level in ‘SR0523’ up to high<br />

level in ‘78-14/245’. It is possible that impact of these loci on scab resistance is not<br />

determinative.<br />

The field resistance to scab demonstrated 17 cultivars, such as ‘Hislop’, ‘Jay<br />

Darling’, ‘Minkar’, ‘Nora’, ‘Pamyat Vavilova’, ‘Kovalenkovskoe’, ‘Verbnoe’ and<br />

others, in which the markers studied were not detected. Sasnauskas et al. (2006) have<br />


characterized cultivars of Belarus breeding ‘Verbnoe’, ‘Kovalenkovskoe’ and ‘Pamyat<br />

Syubarovoi’ (carrying the markers OPL19) as having a stable resistance to scab in<br />

Lithuania in 2003–2005. Therefore, scab resistance in these cultivars is determined<br />

by other genes or can by polygenic.<br />

All cultivars with gene Vf were detected to be resistance to scab during the period<br />

of study in Belarus except cultivar ‘Amulet’, which had low scab susceptibility. It has<br />

been proposed that the variation in resistance reactions of Vf-carrying plants may be<br />

due to the presence and action of modifier genes (Belfanti et al., 2004). Resistance<br />

to scab was found in the cultivars of Russian breeding ‘Bolotovskoye’, ‘Yubilyar’,<br />

‘Svezhest’ in Lithuania (Sasnauskas et al., 2006). Cultivar ‘Freedom’ demonstrated<br />

resistance in other region of growing (Sestras, 2003). An unspecified ‘Antonovka’<br />

clone is included in the pedigree of ‘Freedom’. The large proportion of resistant<br />

seedlings observed in progenies derived from ‘Freedom’, suggested that this cultivar<br />

is containing two resistance genes (Lamb et al., 1985). Later Zini (2005) mapped the<br />

scab-resistance gene from ‘Antonovka’ at 20–25 cM from Vf .<br />

Vf gene has been used most extensively in apple breeding programs around the<br />

world. Vf locus confers resistance to five races V. inaequalis. However, it have been<br />

investigated that Vf resistance has been overcome by V. inaequalis races 6 and 7 (Parisi<br />

et al., 1993; Benaouf and Parisi, 2000). All major resistances in apple are ephemeral.<br />

It is only a question of time until the pathogen with the matching v<strong>ir</strong>ulence appears<br />

and overcomes such a resistance (MacHardy et al., 2001). The durability of resistance<br />

depends on the pathogen’s evolutionary potential (McDonald and Linde, 2002).<br />

Actually, it is necessary to create new cultivars with two or more resistance sources.<br />

New sources of resistance should be discovered and tools to exploit these resistances in<br />

breeding programs (Liebhard et al., 2003). The combination of different resistances in<br />

the same genotype was proposed as a possible way to obtain a durable scab resistance<br />

for a long time (Lespinasse et al., 1999). This strategy was named ‘pyramiding’ and<br />

the role of molecular markers in its implementation is very important as they allow to<br />

detected necessary genes in different stages of ontogenesis.<br />

Conclusion. Molecular methods of resistance gene detection can be successfully<br />

used in breeding programs. The use of them can significantly reduce time for genotype<br />

estimation and improve reliability of necessary gene detection.<br />

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potential, and durable resistance. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol., 40: 349–379.<br />

23. Parisi L., Lespinasse Y., Guillaumes J., Ktuger J. 1993. Anew race of Venturia<br />

inaequalis v<strong>ir</strong>ulent to apples with resistance due to the Vf gene. Phytopathology,<br />

83: 533–537.<br />

24. Patocchi A., Bigler B., Koller B., Kellerhals M., Gessler C. 2004. Vr 2<br />

: a new apple<br />

scab resistance gene. Theor. Appl. Genet., 109: 1 087–1 092.<br />

25. Patocchi A., Walser M., Tartarini S., Broggini G. A. L., Gennari F., Sansavini S.,<br />

Gessler C. 2005. Identification by genome scanning approach (GSA) of a<br />

microsatellite tightly associated with the apple scab resistance gene Vm. Genome,<br />

48: 630–636.<br />

26. Quamme H. A., Hampson C. R., Hall J. W., Sholberg P. L., Bedford K. E.,<br />

Randall P. 2003. Inheritance of apple scab resistance from polygenic sources<br />

based on greenhouse and field evaluation. ISNS. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS),<br />

622: 317–321.<br />

<strong>27</strong>. Sambrook J., Fritsch E. F., Maniatis T. 1989. Molecular cloning: a laboratory<br />

manual. 2 nd . Ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor. N. Y.<br />

28. Sasnauskas A., Gelvonauskienė D., Gelvonauskis B., Bendokas V., Baniulis D.<br />

2006. Resistance to fungal diseases of apple cultivars and hybrids in Lithuania.<br />

Agronomy Research, 4: 349–352.<br />

29. Sedov E. N., Ogoltsova T. P. 1999. The program and methods of fruit, small fruit<br />

and nut cultivars assessment. VNIISPK, Orel (in Russian).<br />

30. Sestras R. 2003. Response of several apple varieties to apple scab (Venturia<br />

inaequalis) attack in central Transylvania conditions. J. of Central European<br />

Agriculture, 4 (4): 355–362.<br />

31. Tartarini S., Gennari F., Pratesi D., Palazzetti C., Sansavini S., Parisi L.<br />

et al. 2004. Characterization and genetic mapping of a major scab resistance<br />

gene from the old Italian apple cultivar ‘Durello di Forli’. Acta Horticulturae,<br />

663: 129–133.<br />


32. Tartarini S., Gianfranceschi L., Sansavini S., Gessler C. 1999. Development of<br />

reliable PCR markers for the selection of the Vf gene conferring scab resistance<br />

in apple. Plant Breeding, 118: 183–186.<br />

33. Vinatzer B., Zhang H., Sansavini S. 1998. Construction and characterization<br />

of a bacterial artificial chromosome library of apple. Theor. Appl. Genet,<br />

97: 1 183–1 190.<br />

34. Williams E. B., Brown A. G. 1968. A new physiological race of Venturia inaequalis<br />

incitant of apple scab. Plant Dis. Rep., 52: 799–801.<br />

35. Williams E. B., Kuc J. 1969. Resistance in Malus to Venturia inaequalis. Annu.<br />

Rev. Phytopathology, 7: 223–246.<br />

36. Zini E. 2005. Costruzione di una mappa di associazione della popolazione di<br />

melo ‘Golden Delicious’ × ’Freedom’ e caratterizzazione del gene di resistenza<br />

Va a ticchiolatura. PhD thesis, DCA-BO, Italy, 126.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Rauplėms atsparių genų nustatymas obelyse naudojant<br />

molekulinius žymenis<br />

O. Urbanovich, Z. Kazlovskaya<br />

Santrauka<br />

Obelų rauplės yra viena labiausiai paplitusių <strong>ir</strong> viena žalingiausių grybinių ligų<br />

Baltarusijoje. Molekuliniai žymenys buvo naudojami atsparumo genų nustatymui 130-tyje<br />

obelų pavyzdžių, įskaitant senas, naujas <strong>ir</strong> introdukuotas veisles. Genų Vf, Vm, Vr1 <strong>ir</strong> Vh2 buvo<br />

nustatytas naudojant molekulinius žymenis OPB12STS, AD13 <strong>ir</strong> OPL19, kurie atitinkamai susiję<br />

su genais Vm, Vr1 <strong>ir</strong> Vh2. Genas Vf buvo identifikuotas žymenimis VfC, AL07 <strong>ir</strong> AM19.<br />

Genas Vr1 buvo nustatytas <strong>ir</strong> naujose, <strong>ir</strong> senose veislėse, kurios auginamos Baltarusijoje<br />

nuo 19 a., tokios kaip ‘Pap<strong>ir</strong>ovka’, ‘Bely naliv’, ‘Korobovka krupnoplodnaya’ <strong>ir</strong> kt. Žymuo<br />

OPL19 buvo 81 pavyzdžio genome. Genas Vm buvo nustatytas 7 pavyzdžiuose susijusiuose su<br />

tėvinėmis veislėmis ‘Mcintosh’ <strong>ir</strong> SR0523. Genas Vf, kuris buvo perkeltas iš M. Xfloribunda<br />

821 <strong>ir</strong> įvestas į auginamas veisles, buvo identifikuotas 41 sk<strong>ir</strong>tingos selekcijos (Prancūzijos,<br />

JAV, Lenkijos, Rusijos, Baltarusijos <strong>ir</strong> kt.) veislėje. Šio geno buvimas duoda didelį obelų veislių<br />

atsparumą rauplėms. Tai buvo patikrinta lauko bandymuose 2004–2007 m. Veislės, turinčios<br />

geną Vf, <strong>ir</strong> kai kurios veislės su poligenišku atsparumu parodė didelį atsparumą rauplėms <strong>ir</strong><br />

ant lapų, <strong>ir</strong> ant vaisių.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: atsparumo genai, Malus pavyzdžiai, obelų rauplės.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Prospects for using of isozyme markers in identification<br />

of apple cultivars<br />

Alena B<strong>ir</strong>uk, Zoya Kazlovskaya<br />

The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, The Institute for Fruit Growing,<br />

Kovalev str. 2, Samokhvalovichy, Minsk reg., Belarus, 223013<br />

E-mail: biohimbel@rambler.ru<br />

The question of plant cultivar identification is important both for researcher’s work and<br />

for decision of questions of fundamental science. The analysis of cultivar isozymes provides<br />

fast way for identifying plant cultivars.<br />

A preliminary analysis of the discriminating power of isozyme electrophoresis for<br />

identification of apple cultivars is presented. The research objects were 57 apple cultivars. The<br />

material was leaves and buds. Leaves were collected in June; buds were collected in November.<br />

The polymorphism in five enzyme systems, peroxidase (PRX), malat dehydrogenase (MDH),<br />

alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) was analysed using<br />

polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The highest number well detectable bands were obtained<br />

for PRX. Only peroxidase showed considerable variation among investigated apple cultivars.<br />

The polymorphism of PRX was sufficient for identification of most samples.<br />

Key words: apple, isozyme, peroxidase, malat dehydrogenase, glucose phosphate<br />

isomerase, alcohol dehydrogenase, electrophoresis.<br />

Introduction. The breeding process of horticultural plants is closely linked not<br />

only with traditional methods but new methods as well enabling to change purposefully<br />

heritability, to speed up the breeding process and obtain reliable information on<br />

genotype properties. Plant physiology methods occupy an important place in solving<br />

theoretical and practical problems of breeding and seed production (Duchovskis, 2001;<br />

Gelvonauskis et al., 2004). For solving many problems of plant breeding and seed<br />

production, the most convenient, in both technical and methodological aspects, are<br />

seed storage proteins (Kонарев, 2001; Монархович, Яковлева, 2005). Nevertheless,<br />

seed storage proteins can be used only when the plant enters a fruiting stage, while<br />

actual problems remain an estimation of an initial and selection material. In this case<br />

the most available are isozyme systems.<br />

Biochemical markers such as isozymes have been extensively studied in plants<br />

and many important agricultural characters have been correlated with isozyme<br />

polymorphism as a result of the high heterozygosity and high level of polymorphism<br />

that exist in apple, isozyme techniques have provided a reliable method for cultivar<br />

identification in scion and rootstock. Evidence for the allopolyploid nature of the apple<br />

genome was demonstrated using apple pollen enzyme system (Antonius-Klemola,<br />

1999; Barnes, 1993; Protopapadakis, Paranikolaou, 1999; Vladova et al., 2000;<br />

Weeden, 1989).<br />

Isozyme polymorphism was examined in many fruit tree species: Malus, Prunus,<br />


Pyrus and others. Many studies have focused on cultivar identification, genetic linkage<br />

and isozyme inheritance. Molecular markers have very good potential for plant breeders<br />

(Ramos-Cabrer, Pere<strong>ir</strong>a-Lorenzo, 2005). A high level of isozymes polymorphism has<br />

been detected in apple and more than 20 polymorphic isozyme loci were identified<br />

(Gelvonauskis, Šikšnianienė, 2001).<br />

The objective of our work was to evaluate polymorphism of peroxidase, malat<br />

dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase and glucose phosphate isomerase in apple<br />

cultivars.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Buds of 57 apple cultivars were collected in<br />

November; leaves were collected in June. Samples of leaves (0.5 g) and buds (0.2 g)<br />

were homogenized at 4 °C in Tris-HCL buffer (pH 6.8) containing 10 % sucrose,<br />

0.2 % EDTA Na, 0.05 % 2-mercapto-ethanol, 0.1 % ascorbic acid. The homogenate<br />

was centrifuged at 5 000 g for 30 min at 4 °C. The clear supernatants were used for<br />

electrophoresis analysis. Protein concentrations were determined according to the<br />

method of Bradford (1976) using bovine serum albumin as standard. Electrophoresis<br />

was performed in vertical polyacrylamide gels. After electrophoresis gels were stained<br />

for peroxidase (PRX) in solution containing 45 mg EDTA Na, 45 mg nitroprusside<br />

sodium salt, 5 ml C 2<br />

H 5<br />

OH, 75 mg benzidine and 150 ml 0.2 M acetic buffer; for malat<br />

dehydrogenase (MDH) in 40 ml 0.05 M Tris HCl buffer (pH 8.0) containing 200 mg<br />

malic acid, 20 mg NAD, 10 mg nitrotetrazolium blue chloride, 0.6 mg PMS; for glucose<br />

phosphate isomerase (GPI) in 10 ml 0.05 M Tris HCl buffer (pH 8.0) containing 10 mg<br />

fructose-6-phosphate, 9 µl glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, 15 mg NADP, 10 mg<br />

nitrotetrazolium blue chloride, 0.3 mg PMS, 100 mg mgCl 2<br />

10 mg agarose; for alcohol<br />

dehydrogenase (ADH) in 30 ml 0.1 M Tris HCl buffer (pH 8.0) containing 10 ml<br />

C 2<br />

H 5<br />

OH, 20 mg NAD, 20 mg nitrotetrazolium blue chloride, 0.6 mg PMS, 10 ml<br />

distilled water (Гончаренко et al., 1989).<br />

Results. Peroxidase provides sufficient diversity for the differentiation of most<br />

of the cultivars examined in this study (Fig. 1. a, b). PRX isozymes occurred in three<br />

regions of gels. The middle region is shown in migration isozyme bands of considerable<br />

variability. The differences between cultivars of apple were also in the zone of the<br />

slowly moving components. The number of PRX components varied from 6 to 12. The<br />

components with Rf = 0.24, 0.26, 0.38, 0.60 and 0.65 occurs in almost all cultivars.<br />


a: 1 – ‘Mechta’, 2 – ‘Byelorusskii synap’, 3 – ‘Freedom’, 4 – ‘Vesyalina’, 5 –<br />

‘Alyesya’, 6 – ‘Byelorusskoye malinovoye’, 7 – ‘Slava pobeditelyam’, 8 – ‘Pap<strong>ir</strong>ovka’,<br />

9 – ‘Luchezarnoy’, 10 – ‘Pamyat Sikory’, 11 – ‘Verbnoye’, 12 – ‘Zaslavskoye’,<br />

13 – ‘Bananovoye’, 14 – ‘Nadzeiny’, 15 – ‘Tellissaare’, 16 – ‘Syeruel’, 17 – ‘Imrus’,<br />

18 – BM41497, 19 – ‘Melba’, 20 – ‘Antonovka’, 21 – ‘Kovalenkovskoye’, 22 –<br />

‘Chulanovka’, 23 – ‘Pepinka zolotistaya’, 24 – ‘Wealthy’, 25 – ‘Koshtelya’, 26 – ‘Osenneye<br />

polosatoye’, <strong>27</strong> – ‘Minskoye’, 28 – ‘Antei’, 29 – ‘Zarya Alatau’, 30 – ‘Sinap orlovskii’,<br />

31 – ‘Byelorusskoye sladkoye’, 32 – ‘Imant’, 33 – ‘Auksis’, 34 – ‘Pamyat Syubarovoi’, 35 –<br />

‘Charavnitsa’, 36 – ‘Pamyat Kovalenko’.<br />

b: 1 – ‘Pospeh’, 2 – ‘Darunak’, 3 – ‘McIntosh’, 4 – SR0523, 5 – ‘Florina’, 6 – ‘Lawfam’,<br />

7 – ‘Witos’, 8 – ‘Elstar’, 9 – ‘Gravenstein’, 10 – ‘Syabryna’, 11 – ‘Emp<strong>ir</strong>e’, 12 – ‘Sawa’,<br />

13 – ‘Kent’, 14 – ‘Red Boskop’, 15 – ‘Borovinka’, 16 – ‘Jonafree’, 17 – ‘Peppin litowskii’,<br />

18 – ‘Idared’, 19 – ‘Redfree’, 20 – ‘Pinova’, 21 – ‘Elena’.<br />

Fig. 1. Fingerprints of apple cultivars using PRX<br />

1 pav. Obelų veislių PRX izoformų elektroforegrama<br />

A total of 57 bands were recognized, and 49 phenotypes were observed among<br />

all cultivars. ‘Byelorusskoye sladkoye’, ‘Nadzeiny’ and ‘Wealthy’ had the same PRX<br />

banding pattern. ‘Antei’ and ‘Posreh’ showed the uniform banding pattern, respectively.<br />

Similar bands had also ‘Kovalenkovskoye’ and ‘Pinova’, ‘Zaslavskoye’ and ‘Syabryna’,<br />

‘Tellissaare’ and ‘Pamyat Syubarovoi’, ‘Imrus’ and ‘Sinap orlovskii’, ‘Freedom’ and<br />

‘Chulanovka’, respectively.<br />

The resolution of glucose phosphate isomerase was good, two areas of GPI were<br />

identified, slower migrating region and faster migrating region. It was found that all<br />

cultivars contain only one or two faster moving components in electrophoretic spectra.<br />

The slowly migrating region shows variability between cultivars. However, it was found<br />

only 1–4 components for slowly migrating region. 9 phenotypes were observed among<br />

all the cultivars. The cultivars, which had similar PRX banding pattern (‘Byelorusskoye<br />

sladkoye’, ‘Nadzeiny’ and ‘Wealthy’), had the different GPI banding pattern (Fig. 2).<br />

‘Kovalenkovskoye’ and ‘Pinova’, ‘Zaslavskoye’ and ‘Syabryna’, ‘Tellissaare’ and<br />

‘Pamyat Syubarovoi’ had the different GPI banding pattern too.<br />


1 – ‘Antonovka’, 2 – ‘Kovalenkovskoye’, 3 – ‘Chulanovka’, 4 – ‘Pepinka zolotistaya’,<br />

5 – ‘Wealthy’; 6 – ‘Osenneye polosatoye’, 7 – ‘Minskoye’, 8 – ‘Auksis’, 9 – ‘Nadzeiny’, 10 –<br />

‘Sinap orlovskii’, 11 – ‘Byelorusskoye sladkoye’, 12 – ‘Imant’.<br />

Fig. 2. Fingerprints of apple cultivars using GPI<br />

2 pav. Obelų veislių GPI izoformų elektroforegrama<br />

Electrophoretic spectra of malat dehydrogenase of investigated cultivars were<br />

similar. It was found two areas of MDH, but only some bunds were variable between<br />

cultivars (Fig. 3). ADH did not yield any detectable variation among the cultivars<br />

tested.<br />

1 – ‘Bananovoye’, 2 – ‘Nadzeiny’, 3 – ‘Tellissaare’, 4 – ‘Syeruel’, 5 – ‘Imrus’,<br />

6 – ‘BM41497’, 7 – ‘Melba’, 8 – ‘Antonovka’, 9 – ‘Kovalenkovskoye’, 10 – ‘Chulanovka’,<br />

11 – ‘Pepinka zolotistaya’, 12 – ‘Wealthy’, 13 – ‘Kent’, 14 – ‘Red Boskop’, 15 – ‘Borovinka’,<br />

16 – ‘Jonafree’, 17 – ‘Peppin litowskii’, 18 – ‘Idared’, 19 – ‘Redfree’, 20 – ‘Pinova’,<br />

21 – ‘Elena’<br />

Fig. 3. Fingerprints of apple cultivars using MDH<br />

3 pav. Obelų veislių MDH izoformų elektroforegrama<br />

Discussion. The search of protein markers of species, varieties and genotypes is<br />

an urgent problem in modern breeding. Isoenzyme electrophoresis has been shown<br />

to be applicable to apple cultivar identification. Several isozymes have been found to<br />

detect useful amounts of variation in species. Isozymes analysis has also revealed some<br />

cases of obvious mislabelling of plant material. The differences between electrophoretic<br />


patterns could be observed with simple visual analysis, but the smaller differences<br />

were revealed only by densitometer analysis.<br />

The method of biochemical markers allow to solve whole number of problems for<br />

selection such as identification of cultivars, analysis of hybrids, selection of valuable<br />

genotype. The most investigations of enzyme polymorphism for fruits were curry out<br />

for evaluation of cultivars. Isozyme used for evaluation of cultivars of peach, cherry,<br />

almonds, plum, pear (Романова, Высоцкий, 2007).<br />

The objective of our study was to design a practical procedure for examining<br />

isozyme variation apple cultivars. Four isozyme systems were tested for the<strong>ir</strong><br />

resolvability and usefulness for discriminating apple cultivars. We carry out research<br />

on peroxidase, malat dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase and glucose phosphate<br />

isomerase. The results of this study showed considerable variability of PRX isozyme<br />

bands, 49 cultivars of apple have unique of PRX bands. ADH did not yield any<br />

detectable variation among the cultivars tested. GPI have two areas slower and faster<br />

migrating regions. Although were define only several components for slowly migrating<br />

region, we found 9 phenotypes GPI among all the cultivars.<br />

Conclusions. Isozyme analysis offers a possible method for cultivars identification.<br />

The results of this investigation show sufficient of peroxidase polymorphism, which<br />

allow unique identification of the most tested cultivars. Although four cultivar pa<strong>ir</strong>s<br />

(‘Kovalenkovskoye’ and ‘Pinova’, ‘Zaslavskoye’ and ‘Syabryna’, ‘Tellissaare’ and<br />

‘Pamyat Syubarovoi’, ‘Byelorusskoye sladkoye’, ‘Nadzeiny’ and ‘Wealthy’) had<br />

similar PRX banding patterns, they had the different GPI banding pattern. Using two<br />

enzyme systems (peroxidase and glucose phosphate isomerase) allowed identification<br />

of 51 cultivars from 57.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 04 01<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 05 09<br />

1. Antonius-Klemola K. 1999. Molecular markers in Rubus (Rosaceae) research and<br />

breeding. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 74(2): 149–160.<br />

2. Barnes M. F. 1993. Leaf peroxidase and catechol oxidase polymorphism and<br />

identification of commercial apple varieties. New Zealand Journal of Crop and<br />

Horticultural Science. 21: 207–210.<br />

3. Bradford M. M. 1976. A rapid sensitive method for the action of microgram<br />

quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal. Biochem.<br />

72: 248–254.<br />

4. Duchovskis P. 2001. Physiological principles for breeding efficiency of<br />

horticultural plants. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė. 20(3): 3–14.<br />

5. Gelvonauskis B., Šikšnianienė J. B. 2001. Peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase<br />

polymorphism in apple cultivars of different scab resistance. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong><br />

daržininkystė. 20(3)–1: 37–43.<br />


6. Gelvonauskis B., Šikšnianienė J. B., Duchovskis P. 2004. Genetic control of<br />

resistance to fungal diseases, winterhardiness and productivity in orchard plants<br />

and the use of DNA and isoenzyme markers for donor identification. Biologia.<br />

2: 15–18.<br />

7. Protopapadakis E., Paranikolaou X. 1999. Use of four isozymatic systems in<br />

lemon and lemon-like citrus cultivars to detect the<strong>ir</strong> genetic diversity. Horticulture<br />

Science and Biotechnology. 74(1): 26–29.<br />

8. Ramos-Cabrer A. M., Pere<strong>ir</strong>a-Lorenzo S. 2005. Genetic relationship between<br />

Castanea sativa Mill. Trees from north-western to south Spain based on<br />

morphological traits and isoenzymes. Genetic Resources Crop Evolution.<br />

52: 879–890.<br />

9. Vladova R., Pandeva R., Petcolicheva K. 2000. Seed storage proteins in Capsicum<br />

annuum cultivars. Biologia Plantarum. 43(2): 291–295.<br />

10. Weeden N. F. 1989. Application of isozymes in plant breeding. Plant Breeding<br />

Rev. 6: 1 154.<br />

11. Гончаренко Г. Г., Падутов В. Е., Потенко В. В. 1989. Руководство по<br />

исследованию хвойных видов методом электрофоретического анализа<br />

изоферментов. Гомель. 158 c.<br />

12. Kонарев В. Г. 2001. Морфогенез и молекулярно-биологический анализ<br />

растений. Ст.-Петербург. 417 c.<br />

13. Монархович С. В., Яковлева Г. А. 2005. Влияние различных факторов на<br />

электрофоретические профили белков клубней картофеля. Вести НАН<br />

Беларуси. Серия аграрных наук. 4: 60–63.<br />

14. Романова О. В., Высоцкий В. А. 2007. Методика молекулярно-генетической<br />

идентификации косточковых культур. Москва. 71 с.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Izozimų žymenų naudojimas obelų veislių identifikavimui<br />

A. B<strong>ir</strong>uk, Z. Kazlouskaya<br />

Santrauka<br />

Augalų veislių identifikavimas yra svarbus <strong>ir</strong> tyrėjų darbe, <strong>ir</strong> sprendžiant fundamentalaus<br />

mokslo klausimus. Veislių izozimų analizė lemia greitą jų identifikavimą. Šiame darbe pristatyta<br />

preliminari obelų veislių izozimų elektroforezės analizė. Buvo t<strong>ir</strong>tos 57 obelų veislės, kurių buvo<br />

analizuoti lapai <strong>ir</strong> pumpurai. Lapai buvo renkami b<strong>ir</strong>želio mėn., o pumpurai – lapkričio mėn.<br />

Buvo t<strong>ir</strong>ta penkių fermentų sistemos polimorfizmas – peroksidazės (PRX), malat dehidrogenazės<br />

(MDH), alkoholio dehidrogenazės (ADH) <strong>ir</strong> glukozės fosfato izomerazės (GPI) – naudojant<br />

poliakrilamido gelio elektroforezę. Didžiausias skaičius gerai matomų juostų buvo nustatyta<br />

PRX. Tik peroksidazė parodė žymią variaciją tarp t<strong>ir</strong>tų obelų veislių. PRX polimorfizmas buvo<br />

pakankamas identifikuojant daugelį pavyzdžių.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: alkoholio dehidrogenazė, elektroforezė, gliukozės fosfato izomerazė,<br />

izozimai, malat dehidrogenazė, obelys, peroksidazės.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

The use of black currant buds for the production of<br />

essential oils<br />

Edita Dambrauskienė, Pranas Viškelis, Audrius Sasnauskas<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: e.dambrauskiene@lsdi.lt<br />

Investigations of black currant (Ribus nigum L.) buds were carried out at the Lithuanian<br />

Institute of Horticulture in order to establish the<strong>ir</strong> productivity and suitability for the production<br />

of essential oils. There were investigated six cultivars more often grown in Lithuania: early<br />

‘Joniniai’; mid-season ‘Almiai’ and ‘Gagatai’; late ‘Ben Alder’, ‘Ben Lomond’ and ‘Ben Nevis’.<br />

It was established that at various months the cutting of currant branches, cultivars ‘Almiai’<br />

and ‘Ben Nevis’ produced the biggest amount of essential oils (approximately 1.5 %); a little<br />

less – ‘Gagatai’ and ‘Ben Lomond’ (approximately 1.2 %). Cultivar ‘Almiai’ had the biggest<br />

buds. Cultivar ‘Joniniai’ forms the biggest number of buds on the branch (averagely 28.6).<br />

Since the significant changes of essential oils’ amount in various months of rest period weren’t<br />

established, the period from March up till December is being kept as suitable for currant shoot<br />

cutting. As perspective cultivars for the extraction of essential oils in Lithuania, it may be grown<br />

black currant cultivars ‘Almiai’ and ‘Ben Nevis’.<br />

Key words: black currants, buds, cultivars, essential oils.<br />

Introduction. Black currants are popular berry bushes, which berries because of<br />

good biochemical and culinary properties are very valued in food industry. But black<br />

currants, which distinguish themselves with strong aroma, also may be used in the<br />

production of essential oils. For that purpose buds are gathered from young currants<br />

and they became aroma raw material. Specific currants aroma is valued in perfumery,<br />

medicine and culinary industry (P<strong>ir</strong>y, Pribela, 1991). Such studies in the world are not<br />

new, but there weren’t such investigations so long about black currant bud application<br />

in the extraction of essential oils in Lithuania.<br />

In foreign studies there are often accented valued chemical composition of black<br />

currant berry, abundant of ascorbic acid and of anthocyanins, the change of these<br />

indices depends on cultivar or berry ripening (Heiberg, Mage, 1992; Rubinskienė<br />

et al., 2006). There were carried out the investigations with bud extracts (Kerslake,<br />

Menary, 1985). Lately there was paid attention to such product as black currant bud<br />

essential oil. The most valued black currant parts in respect of essential oils are the<strong>ir</strong><br />

buds (Nishimura, 1987).<br />

For the production of essential oils not only the bud quality of black currant, but<br />

also bud number per shoots, productivity of one plant or bigger massif is important.<br />

Therefore, the amount of essential oils often is d<strong>ir</strong>ectly influenced by the conditions<br />

of growing the berry bush and the methods of the increasing of the<strong>ir</strong> productivity<br />


(Sasnauskas, Buskienė, 2006; Šikšnianas, Sasnauskas, 2002). The earlier studies<br />

established that one of the essential indices is genetic origin of the plants. Therefore<br />

both foreign (Koltowski et al., 1999) and Lithuanian (Misevičiūtė, 1997; Sasnauskas<br />

et al., 2004; Šikšnianas, Sasnauskas, 1998) cultivars of black currants distinguish<br />

themselves different not only in berry yield, but also qualitative and quantitative bud<br />

parameters. The investigations of essential oils’ compositions are carried out already<br />

for two decades in the world, thus the<strong>ir</strong> importance is unquestionable (Latrasse,<br />

Lantin, 1976; Le, Latrasse, 1986; 1990; Rigaud et al., 1986). In Lithuania such studies<br />

are started not long ago (Dvaranauskaitė et al., 2007). The aim of this study was to<br />

establish the suitability of the black currant cultivars more often grown in Lithuania<br />

for the production of essential oils.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. For the investigations there were selected six<br />

black currant cultivars of various earliness: ‘Joniniai’ (Lithuania), ‘Almiai’ (Lithuania),<br />

‘Gagatai’ (Lithuania), ‘Ben Alder’ (Great Britain), ‘Ben Lomond’ (Great Britain) and<br />

‘Ben Nevis’ (Great Britain). ‘Joniniai’ is an early cultivar. The fruits are of large size<br />

(1.2 g). The average harvest – 5.0 t ha -1 . ‘Almiai’ is a mid-season cultivar. The average<br />

fruits are of medium size (0.9 g). The average harvest was 8.2 t ha -1 (Misevičiūtė,<br />

1997). ‘Gagatai’ is a mi d-season cultivar. The fruits are of large size (1.3 g). The<br />

average harvest was 3.8 t ha -1 (Šikšnianas, Sasnauskas et al., 1998). ‘Ben Alder’, ‘Ben<br />

Lomond’, ‘Ben Nevis’ are late season cultivars. Fruits are small (0.9 g), the average<br />

harvest – 5.0 t ha -1 (Sasnauskas, Buskienė, 2006).<br />

For the samples the shoots of black currant were taken from the currant plantations<br />

of the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture. They were cut for five times, each month,<br />

from December 2005 up till the middle of April 2006. The average bud number per<br />

shoot (unt.) and the average weight of one bud (g) is established. The essential oils<br />

(%) of currant bud were obtained by hydrodistillation using apparatus of Clevenger<br />

type (AOAC, 1990). The obtained results were processed by statistical methods, using<br />

the program ANOVA.<br />

Results. It was planed to carry out the experiment from the December up till the<br />

middle of April, but the practice showed that black currant buds already became green<br />

in the middle of April. After the analysis of such burst buds it was obtained that the<br />

amount of essential oils, which was for five or six times smaller (0.18–0.28 %) than<br />

that of the other investigation months (Table 1). Therefore analyzing the amount of<br />

essential oils we do not base on the results of fifth (V) shoot cutting.<br />

In various currant shoot cutting months constantly abundant amount of essential<br />

oils (approximately 1.5 %) was established in buds of cultivars ‘Almiai’ and ‘Ben<br />

Nevis’, a little smaller (approximately 1.2 %) in cultivars ‘Gagatai’ and ‘Ben Lomond’.<br />

The amount of essential oils in the buds of cultivar ‘Joniniai’ in different months was<br />

very different – from 0.78 % in March, up to 1.75 % in February. The smallest output<br />

of essential oils among the investigated black currant cultivars was established in the<br />

buds of ‘Ben Alder’ – from 0.86 up to 1.05 % (Table 1).<br />


Table 1. The amount (%) of essential oils in black currant buds<br />

1 lentelė. Eterinių aliejų kiekis (%) juodųjų serbentų pumpuruose<br />

Babtai, 2005–2006<br />

After calculations it was established that currant cultivar ‘Joniniai’ forms the<br />

biggest number of buds per one shoot (on the average 28.6 unt.). Approximately 24–25<br />

buds were found on the shoots of cultivars ‘Gagatai’, ‘Ben Alder’, ‘Ben Lomond’,<br />

22–23 buds were found on shoots of cultivars ‘Almiai’ and ‘Ben Nevis’ (Table 2).<br />

Table 2. The average number of buds per shoot (unt.)<br />

2 lentelė. Vidutinis pumpurų skaičius ant ūglio, vnt.<br />

Babtai, 2005–2006<br />

Table 3. The average weight of one bud (g)<br />

3 lentelė. Vidutinis vieno pumpuro svoris, g<br />

Babtai, 2005–2006<br />


When the weight of one bud was estimated, the most massive black currant buds<br />

were acknowledged these of ‘Almiai’ – 0.043 g. The weight of ‘Ben Alder’ buds weight<br />

on the average 0.034 g, ‘Joniniai’ – 0.028 g, ‘Gagatai’ and ‘Ben Nevis’ – 0.026 g. The<br />

buds of ‘Ben Lomond’ weighted the least of all – 0.021 g (Table 3).<br />

Discussion. According to the data of the investigation in 2005–2006, it is possible<br />

to state that the amount of essential oils in the fresh buds of black currant depends on<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> cultivar. Out of more popular six black currant cultivars grown in Lithuania the<br />

biggest amount of essential oils in buds accumulate averagely early ‘Almiai’ and late<br />

‘Ben Nevis’. Late cultivar ‘Ben Alder’ is the least productive from this point of view.<br />

We didn’t observe the constant change of essential oils’ amount dependently on the<br />

earliness of black currant cultivars. Both Lithuanian and foreign cultivars differ from<br />

each other according to the amount of essential oils. Therefore selecting the suitable<br />

cultivar for the production of essential oils is important to pay attention not to the<br />

origin of the cultivar, but to its genetic properties.<br />

The number of black currant buds on the shoots is an important parameter, basing<br />

on which, it is possible to decide about the total productivity of certain cultivar. The<br />

average data of the investigated cultivars fluctuated between 22.84 and 25.12 units<br />

per shoot. These similar parameters on our opinion do not have big influence on the<br />

amount of essential oils per unit of area. Only early ‘Joniniai’ distinguished themselves<br />

with more abundant (28.62 unt.) number of buds. The weight of one bud among the<br />

investigated black currant cultivars fluctuated from 0.021 up to 0.043 g. The heaviest<br />

were mid-season ‘Almiai’, the lightest – the late ‘Ben Lomond’.<br />

When choosing the time of cutting of currant shoots all the period of plant<br />

rest is suitable – from December up till March. During investigations there weren’t<br />

established the regular changes of essential oils’ amount in different winter months.<br />

When plant vegetations starts, especially in April, currant buds burst and appear the<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st green leaves, the amount of essential oils according to our data decreases for<br />

four-six times.<br />

The use of black currant for the extraction of essential oils is the new and<br />

perspective type of business, but for that purpose it would be necessary to cultivate<br />

rather big and productive black currant massifs. Early ‘Joniniai’ of Lithuanian origin<br />

(Misevičiūtė, 1997) and mid-season ‘Almiai’ and ‘Gagatai’ (Šikšnianas, Sasnauskas,<br />

1998) according to the<strong>ir</strong> parameters would be suitable for such application. Even<br />

though berry productivity of the mentioned cultivars is rather high and may compete<br />

with the foreign cultivars (Heiberg et al., 1992), under suitable conditions other black<br />

currant application also may be perspective.<br />

Conclusions. 1. It was established that in various months of black currant cutting<br />

cultivars ‘Almiai’ and ‘Ben Nevis’ synthesize the biggest amount of essential oils<br />

(approximately 1.5 %); slightly less – ‘Gagatai’ and ‘Ben Lomond’ (approximately<br />

1.2 %).<br />

2. Black currant cultivar ‘Almiai’ has the biggest buds (on the average of 0.043 g).<br />

The buds of other investigated cultivars – ‘Joniniai’, ‘Gagatai’, ‘Ben Nevis’ – the<br />

weight 0.026–0.028 g. The weight of buds of cultivar ‘Ben Lomond’ was the least of<br />

all – 0.021 g.<br />


3. Currant cultivar ‘Joniniai’ forms the biggest amount of buds per one shoot<br />

(on the average 28.6 unt.). On the shoots of other cultivars it was found from 22 up<br />

to 25 buds.<br />

4. Since the significant changes of essential oils’ amount in various months of<br />

rest period weren’t established, the period from March up till December is being kept<br />

as suitable for currant shoot cutting.<br />

5. As perspective cultivars for the extraction of essential oils in Lithuania, it may<br />

be grown black currant cultivars ‘Almiai’ and ‘Ben Nevis’.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 04 14<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 30<br />

1. AOAC, 1990. Official Methods of Anglysis. Arlington,. 15 th ed. 962. 17: 1 001.<br />

2. Dvaranauskaitė A., Venskutonis P. R., Raynaud C., Talou T., Viškelis P.,<br />

Dambrauskienė E. 2007. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of six<br />

blackcurrant buds cultivars. Footbalt – 2007: 2 nd Baltic conference on food science<br />

and technology. Kaunas, 20.<br />

3. Heiberg N., Mage F. 1992. Chemical composition of ten blackcurrant (Ribes<br />

nigrum L.) cultivars. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Soil and Plant<br />

Science 42(4): 251–254. {a} Ullensvang Res. Stn., Substation Njos, N-5840<br />

Hermansverk, Norway.<br />

4. Kerslake M. F., Menary R. C. 1985. Varietal differences of extracts from<br />

blackcurrant buds (Ribes nigrum L.). Journal of the Science of Food and<br />

Agriculture. 36(5): 343–351.<br />

5. Koltowski Z., Pluta S., Jabłoński B., Szklanowska K. 1999. Pollination<br />

requ<strong>ir</strong>ements of eight cultivars of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.). Journal of<br />

Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. July 74(4): 472–474.<br />

6. Latrasse A., Lantin B. 1976. Composition of essential oil of black currant buds –<br />

its variability and inheritance. Acta Horticulturae. 60: 183–196.<br />

7. Le Q. J. L., Latrasse A. 1990. Composition of the essential oils of blackcurrant buds<br />

(Ribes nigrum L.). Journal of Agricultural And Food Chemistry. 38(1): 3–10.<br />

8. Le Q. J. L., Latrasse A. 1986. Identification of dextro-spathulenol in the essential<br />

oil of blackcurrant buds (Ribes nigrum). Sciences Des Aliments. 6(1): 47–59.<br />

9. Misevičiūtė A. 1997. Naujos juodųjų serbentų veislės – Almiai, Laimiai, Vyčiai,<br />

Pilėnai, Joniniai. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 16: 3–15.<br />

10. Nishimura O., Masuda H., Mihara S. 1987. Hydroxy nitriles in blackcurrant<br />

buds absolute (Ribes nigrum L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.<br />

35(3): 338–340.<br />

11. P<strong>ir</strong>y J., Pribela A. 1991. Distribution of aromatic substances in black currants.<br />

Biologia. 46(3): 185–192.<br />

12. Rigaud J., Etievant P., Henry R., Latrasse A. (1986). 4-Methoxy-2-methyl-2-<br />

mercaptobutane, a major constituent of the aroma of the blackcurrant bud (Ribes<br />

nigrum). Sciences Des Aliments. 6(2): 213–220.<br />


13. Rubinskienė M., Viškelis P., Jasutienė I., Duchovskis P., Bobinas Č. 2006. Changes<br />

in biologically active constituents during ripening in black currants. Journal of<br />

fruit and ornamental plant research, 14(2): 237–246.<br />

14. Sasnauskas, A., Šikšnianas, T., Rugienius R. 2004. New black currant cultivars<br />

from Lithuania. Acta Horticulturae, 649: 323–326.<br />

15. Sasnauskas A., Buskienė L. 2006. Genėjimo būdų įtaka juodojo serbento augumui<br />

<strong>ir</strong> derėjimui. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(1): 29–38.<br />

16. Šikšnianas T., Sasnauskas A. 1998. Juodųjų serbentų veislės Gagatai, Kriviai <strong>ir</strong><br />

Kupoliniai. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 17(4): 23–33.<br />

17. Šikšnianas T., Sasnauskas A. 2002. Heritability of productivity and resistance to<br />

fungal diseases in black currant. Acta Horticulturae, 585(1): 399–404.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Juodųjų serbentų pumpurų panaudojimas eterinių aliejų gamybai<br />

E. Dambrauskienė, P. Viškelis, A. Sasnauskas<br />

Santrauka<br />

Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institute atlikti juodųjų serbentų (Ribus nigum L.)<br />

tyrimai, siekiant nustatyti pumpurų produktyvumа <strong>ir</strong> tinkamumа eterinių aliejų gavybai.<br />

T<strong>ir</strong>ti šešių Lietuvoje dažniau auginamų veislių serbentai: labai ankstyvi ‘Joniniai’; vidutinio<br />

ankstyvumo ‘Almiai’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Gagatai’; vėlyvi ‘Ben Alder’, ‘Ben Lomond’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Ben Nevis’. Nustatyta,<br />

kad įva<strong>ir</strong>iais serbentų ūglių pjovimo mėnesiais gausiausiai eterinių aliejų – apie 1,5 % sintetina –<br />

‘Almiai’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Ben Nevis’ veislių serbentai, kiek mažiau – apie 1,2 % ‘Gagatai’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Ben Lomond’.<br />

Masyviausi – juodųjų serbentų ‘Almiai’ pumpurai. Daugiausiai pumpurų ant ūglio – vidutiniškai<br />

28,6 vnt. suformuoja ‘Joniniai’ serbentai. Nenustačius ženklių eterinių aliejų kiekio pokyčių<br />

įva<strong>ir</strong>iais ramybės periodo mėnesiais, tinkamu serbentų ūglių pjovimo tarpsniu laikome laikotarpį<br />

nuo gruodžio iki kovo mėnesių. Kaip perspektyvios veislės eterinių aliejų gamybai, Lietuvoje<br />

gali būti auginami ‘Almiai’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Ben Nevis’ veislių juodieji serbentai.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: eteriniai aliejai, juodieji serbentai, pumpurai, veislės.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Genetic resources of European small berries according<br />

to GENBERRY project<br />

Beatrice Denoyes-Rothan 1 , Audrius Sasnauskas 2 ,<br />

Rytis Rugienius 2 , Philippe Chartier 3 , Aurelie Petit 3 ,<br />

Stuart Gordon 4 , Julie Graham 4 , Alison Dolan 4 , Monika Hцfer 5 ,<br />

Walther Faedi 6 , Maria Luigia Maltoni 6 , Gianluca Baruzzi 6 ,<br />

Bruno Mezzetti 7 , Jose F. Sanchez Sevilla 8 , Edward Zurawicz 9 ,<br />

Margaret Korbin 9 , Mihail Coman 10 , Paulina Mladin 10<br />

1<br />

UREF – INRA, 71 Avenue Edouard Bouleau, BP81, 33883,<br />

Villenave d’Ornon, France<br />

2<br />

LIH, Kauno 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania<br />

3<br />

CIREF, Maison Jeannette, 24140, Douville, France<br />

4<br />

SCRI, Dundee DD2 5DA, Scotland, Great Britain<br />

5<br />

JKI, Pillnitzer Platz 3a, D-01326 Dresden, Germany<br />

6<br />

CRA-FRF, Via La Canapona 1bis, 47100, Forlм, Italy<br />

7<br />

SAPROV – UNIVPM, Plazza Roma 22, 60121, Ancona, Italy<br />

8<br />

IFAPA, Tabladilla s/n, 41071, Sevilla, Spain<br />

9<br />

INSAD, Pomologiczna 18, PO Box 105, 96-100, Skierniewice, Poland<br />

10<br />

FRIP, Marului street 402, PO Box 73, 1, Pitesti, Romania<br />

E-mail: A.Sasnauskas@lsdi.lt<br />

Small berries are vital fruit crops for maintaining activities in European rural areas. During<br />

the last few years it has become apparent that there is a need for new varieties specifically adapted<br />

to local env<strong>ir</strong>onmental conditions. Therefore it is important to record and evaluate currently<br />

available genetic resources. GENBERRY project, partly funded by the European Community,<br />

has been designed to ensure that agricultural biodiversity of small berries will be preserved,<br />

characterized and used to improve varieties adapted to local European regions. Strawberry<br />

(Fragaria × ananassa) and raspberry (Rubus ideaus) represent the two main cultivated small<br />

berries. The project is divided in different objectives, which represent different work-packages.<br />

This project will help to improve conservation of small berry genetic resources by construction<br />

of core collections, development of a passport data list, selection and definition of appropriate<br />

primary and secondary descriptors, characterization of genotypes using molecular markers,<br />

identification of health nutritional compounds and diseases evaluation for a large subset of<br />

collections and establishment of European small berry database sustained by continuous long<br />

term network.<br />

Key words: strawberry, raspberry, database, descriptors, molecular markers, diseases,<br />

genetic resources.<br />


Introduction. For the most important cultivated small berry species, strawberry<br />

and red raspberry, domestication has resulted in a reduction of both morphological<br />

and genetic diversity with modern cultivars being genetically similar (Graham and<br />

McNicol, 1995). Therefore, it is important to keep all the variability available today<br />

in order to limit the decrease of the genetic basis of small berry genetic resources.<br />

This restricted genetic diversity is of serious concern for future small berry<br />

breeding, especially when seeking durable host resistance to intractable pests and<br />

diseases for which the repeated use of pesticides in some regions is ineffective or<br />

unacceptable. Therefore, it is now essential to enhance our appreciation of all small<br />

berry genetic resources in order to improve these varieties to the new challenge of<br />

agriculture: i. e. respect of the env<strong>ir</strong>onment by using natural control factors, taking in<br />

account of the global change, health nutrition.<br />

The main objective of this project is to ensure that agricultural biodiversity of<br />

small berries would be preserved, characterized and used to improve productivity.<br />

The long-term objective of this project is to promote these genetic resources for future<br />

utilizations, e. g. improving actual varieties for a sustainable agriculture. By creating<br />

synergy with the COST 863 “Euroberry” results of this project will be available to all<br />

the European community of breeders.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. For small berries, the only work coordinated in<br />

the past concerned strawberry genetic resources. F<strong>ir</strong>st, a European Fragaria germplasm<br />

Repository was developed in 1992/1995 in the AIR concerted action (Roudeillac,<br />

Boxus, 1997). Then, with the COST 836 “Integrated Research in Berries”, the database<br />

included 2819 entries of 1056 varieties (Geibel et al., 2004) (<br />

agraria/ricerca/prog_ric/cost836.htm, EuroGerm reported 822 accessions, and EvalTrai<br />

reported passport-authentication list). However, due to large change or less persons<br />

responsible of European genetic resources, to lack of money and to phytosanitary<br />

problems, works of genetic resources are today endangered.<br />

The project is funded half-and-half by the participating institutes using the<strong>ir</strong> national<br />

financing and by ‘the Community programme on the conservation, characterization,<br />

collection and utilization of genetic resources in agriculture’ established by the<br />

European Commission (EC).<br />

Several levels of coordination will be worked out (Fig. 1). The participating<br />

institutes are French National Institute for Agricultural Research (France, as<br />

coordinating partner), Marche Polytechnic University (Italy), Unitą di ricerca per la<br />

frutticoltura (Forlì) (Italy), Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture (Poland),<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture (Lithuania), Création Variétale Fraises – Fruits<br />

Rouges (France), Federal Research Center for Cultivated Plants – Julius Kuehn<br />

Institute (Germany), Scottish Crop Research Institute (Great Britain), Instituto Andaluz<br />

deInvestigaciуn y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción<br />

Ecológica (Spain) and Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitesti – Maracineni<br />

(Romania).<br />


Fig. 1. The structure of the project<br />

1 pav. Projekto schema<br />

Results. Acquisition of the collection composition toward<br />

a rationalization and conservation of ex situ collections and towards<br />

selection of European core collection. The f<strong>ir</strong>st step of this work-package will consist of<br />

bringing together the list of accessions, allowing for the further steps the identification<br />

of misnaming, synonyms and homonyms.<br />

The species considered is the cultivated strawberry (F. × ananassa) and the<br />

red raspberry (R. idaeus). The conservation techniques of the genetic resources are<br />


shared by partners: integrated procedure for limiting pests and diseases in the ex situ<br />

collections, use of in vitro culture, use of v<strong>ir</strong>us free runners, etc.<br />

The outcome of this task will be lists of the small berries genetic resources from<br />

which 96 genotypes will be chosen as representative of the diversity (based on different<br />

priorities) of the collections. These lists named as “core collections-like” will be used<br />

for molecular characterization and evaluation of both health compounds and disease<br />

resistances. In addition, cultural techniques in order to improve the conservation of<br />

the genetic resources will be shared.<br />

P a s s p o r t d a t a l i s t a n d s e l e c t i o n a n d d e f i n i t i o n o f<br />

a p p r o p r i a t e p r i m a r y a n d s e c o n d a r y d e s c r i p t o r s. The idea of this<br />

work is to pursue the work already done for the AIR concerted action on 92 in which<br />

CIREF was the coordinator and of the COST 836 were CIREF was involved, for<br />

strawberry, and to take advantage of this experience for the other species.<br />

The f<strong>ir</strong>st step of this work-package will consist of choosing the more pertinent<br />

passport data and the primary (notated by each partner, and therefore quite independent<br />

of env<strong>ir</strong>onmental factor) and secondary (facultative) descriptors. These lists will be used<br />

the f<strong>ir</strong>st year for the project on the collections of each partner before to be definitively<br />

adopted according to remarks of the different partners. A definitive list will be set up.<br />

The outcome of this task will feed the establishment of the database.<br />

Characterization of the genetic diversity of representative part of the collections<br />

with molecular markers, using microsatellites already developed. The f<strong>ir</strong>st step of this<br />

work-package consists of analyzing a large set of microsatellites in order to choice the<br />

more relevant for studying genetic resources (Davis et al., 2006).<br />

The further steps will be the analyses of the sub-set of microsatellites on the “core<br />

collections-like” determined in WP1, and some other genotypes (controls of diversity,<br />

misnaming, etc.). The outcome of this task will be a standardization of SSR-marker<br />

analysis results for variety distinction and identification.<br />

Characterization of biochemical components linked to health nutritional values<br />

(total antioxidants and vitamin C) and evaluation of resistances. Small berries<br />

represent an important source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant capacity<br />

such as phenolics, with pharmacological and clinical activities (Manach et al., 2004,<br />

Santos-Buelga, Scalbert, 2000). The objective of this WP is to evaluate and screen<br />

large collections, populations, and core collections for identifying optimal source fruit<br />

quality and of bioactive compounds for conferring health benefits.<br />

Soil pathogens of strawberry such as Verticillium dahliae and Phytophthora<br />

cactorum (Ertus et al., 2001) were controlled by methyl of bromide, which is today<br />

forbidden. For red raspberry, the most important diseases or pests are caused by<br />

Phytopthora fragaria var. rubi, Botrytis cinerea and Didymella applanata.<br />

The objective is to evaluate collections of strawberry and raspberry in order to<br />

identify very resistant accessions that could be further used in breeding programmes.<br />

Breeding for resistance appears to be the most efficient and practical control strategy<br />

for limiting or suppressing disease epidemics.<br />

The outcome of this task will be a better characterization of the European genetic<br />

resources for determining genotypes interesting to breeding.<br />

Dissemination of the results to all publics, which include scientists, professional<br />

horticulturists, and breeders via meetings and a WEB site. Dissemination will go beyond<br />

common publications and workshops along the project. By organising workshops as<br />


joint meeting with the COST working group 1, these workshops will allow to share<br />

objectives and results with all the European and associated countries involved in small<br />

berries breeding.<br />

A web site publishes periodically overview documents that highlight the<br />

achievements of the project.<br />

Elaboration of living European small berry database sustained by continuous<br />

long-term network cooperation. The f<strong>ir</strong>st step consists of identifying carefully passport<br />

data and descriptors according to the WP2. This list is sent to all experts of COST 863<br />

working group 1 for the<strong>ir</strong> suggestions.<br />

The further steps will be the establishment of database documenting the small<br />

berry accessions of European collections according to the one developed on Prunus:<br />

“The European Prunus database (EPDB)” developed and actually managed by INRA-<br />

Bordeaux (http://cbi.labri.fr/outils/EPDB/index.html).<br />

The outcome of this task will be an internet-accessible database, with differential<br />

access of contributors and general public. Then, the long-term conservation of the<br />

database and the up-date of the acquisition will be then performed by other partners.<br />

Management and establishment of partners’ network. The objective of this work<br />

package is to coordinate efforts of individual European countries to conserve genetic<br />

resources.<br />

A material transfer agreement is defined to exchange material between partners<br />

during the project. For resources in the public domain, FAO recommendations and<br />

its provisional MTA model are adopted. Second MTA will be used for resources not<br />

in the public domain. Partners will define the access (open, restricted, etc.) to the<br />

different level of information of the database for the different categories of users,<br />

and will study measures to protect new information with an interest for industrial or<br />

commercial applications.<br />

During the course of the project and at the end of it, the partners commit themselves<br />

to publish the results of the project in scientific and vulgarization journals, and make<br />

a final summary meeting and report for the benefit of the end-users.<br />

Discussion. Small berries are vital for maintaining activities in European rural<br />

areas, despite they can be considered as minor species compared to other fruit species.<br />

These activities generate sufficient incomes even in small farms and generate labour<br />

specially for harvesting. In addition, they have an important high-value horticultural<br />

industry in many European countries, providing employment in agriculture, but also<br />

in food processing and confectionary. Many European and associated countries are<br />

working on genetic improvement of small berries. Major objectives of breeding<br />

programmes are, in addition to a fruit production in adequation with profits, disease<br />

resistances and fruit quality such as health quality (Soria et al., 2008; Simpson,<br />

Hammond, 2008; Faedi et al., 2008).<br />

In this project, the evaluation on plant disease resistance and on fruit nutritional<br />

quality will bring to the identification of new genotypes, which can be further used<br />

as parents in European breeding programmes for improving disease resistances, and<br />

fruit quality, ones of which high content of bioactive compounds useful for human<br />

health.<br />

The interest of a shared conservation network also lies in the possibility to build<br />

safety duplicates. Europe will be stronger and more stable if the resources are shared<br />


and protected Europe-wide rather than at small local levels.<br />

By using molecular markers on small berries, this project will allow to reduce<br />

the gap between the classical breeders and the molecularists and to reduce the gap<br />

between countries that developed largely the use of molecular markers with countries<br />

that just start or do not yet start to use them. One outcome of this project will be<br />

the standardization of microsatellites for studying genetic diversity and varietal<br />

identification, and the choice of core collections based on molecular and agronomical<br />

characters.<br />

For small berries, domestication has resulted in a reduction of both morphological<br />

and genetic diversity with modern cultivars being genetically similar. GENBERRY<br />

will lead to the monitoring of long term conservation of large small berries genetic<br />

resources ex-situ and it will be of benefit for, the scientific progress, and the future<br />

small berries generations.<br />

Acknowledgements. Financial support provided by the European Commission<br />

(Agricultural Commission DG AGRI) and the national governmental supports to<br />

participating institutes are acknowledged.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 03 26<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 11<br />

1. Davis T., Denoyes-Rothan B., Lerceteau-Kцhler E. 2006. Strawberry. In: Kole<br />

C (ed), The Genomes: A Series on Genome Mapping, Molecular Breeding and<br />

Genomic of Economic Species. Vol. IV. Science Publishers. New Hampsh<strong>ir</strong>e,<br />

Plymouth. (in Press).<br />

2. Ertus C., Markocic M., Roudeillac P., Denoyes-Rothan B., Molinera V.,<br />

Navatel J. C., et Lavialle O. 2001. Amйlioration du fraisier pour la lutte contre<br />

Phytophthora cactorum. Phytoma, 537: 42–45.<br />

3. Faedi V., Ballini L., Baroni G., Baruzi G., Baudino M., Giordano R., Lucchi P.,<br />

Maltoni M. L., Migani M., Placchi L. 2008. Advances in strawberry breeding<br />

for the north of Italy. Book of abstracts VI international strawberry symposium.<br />

ISHS. Huelva, Spain. 3–7 March, 56.<br />

4. Geibel M., Roudeillac P., Masny A., Trajkovski K., Coman M., and Simpson D.<br />

2004. The European Strawberry Database and Building up a European Core<br />

Collection. Acta Horticulturae, 649: 41–44.<br />

5. Graham J., McNicol R. J. 1995. An examination of the ability of RAPD markers<br />

to determine the relationships within and between Rubus species. Theoretical<br />

Applied Genetics, 90: 1 128–1 132.<br />

6. Manach C., Scalbert A., Morand C., Remesy C., Jimenez L. 2004.<br />

Polyphenols: food sources and bioavailability. American Journal Clinical<br />

Nutrition, 79: 7<strong>27</strong>–747.<br />


7. Roudeillac P., Boxus P. 1997. Preservation of F. × ananassa genetic resources<br />

in Europe: organization of a European strawberry genebank. Acta Horticulturae,<br />

439: 43–46.<br />

8. Santos-Buelga C., Scalbert A. 2000. Proanthocyanidins and tannin-like<br />

compounds – nature, occurrence, dietary intake and effects on nutrition and health.<br />

Journal Science Food Agriculture, 80: 1 094–1 117.<br />

9. Simpson D., Hammond K. 2008. A breeding strategy for improving resistance to<br />

blackspot (Colletotrichum acutatum) in the United Kingdom. Book of abstracts<br />

VI international strawberry symposium. ISHS. Huelva, Spain. 3–7 March, 53.<br />

10. Soria C., Medina J. J., Sanchez-Sevilla J. F., Galvez J., M<strong>ir</strong>anda L., Villalba R.,<br />

Lopez-Aranda J. M. 2008. Current situation of the Spanish public strawberry<br />

breeding program. Book of abstracts VI international strawberry symposium.<br />

ISHS. Huelva, Spain. 3-7 March, 50.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Europos uoginių augalų genetiniai resursai pagal GENBERRY<br />

projektа<br />

B. Denoyes-Rothan, A. Sasnauskas, R. Rugienius, P. Chartier,<br />

A. Petit, S. Gordon, J. Graham, A. Dolan, M. Hцfer, W. Faedi,<br />

M. Luigia Maltoni, G. Baruzzi, B. Mezzetti, J. F. Sanchez Sevilla,<br />

E. Zurawicz, M. Korbin, M. Coman, P. Mladin<br />

Santrauka<br />

Uoginiai augalai yra labai svarbūs Europos kaimo regionų plėtros atžvilgiu. Pastaraisiais<br />

metais ypatingas dėmesys sk<strong>ir</strong>iamas naujoms, tinkamoms augti vietinėse agroklimato sąlygomis,<br />

veislėms. Dėl tos priežasties genetinių resursų aprašymas <strong>ir</strong> įvertinimas yra fundamentalūs.<br />

Projektas GENBERRY, iš dalies finansuojamas Europos Bendrijos, yra sk<strong>ir</strong>tas išsaugoti,<br />

charakterizuoti <strong>ir</strong> pagerinti uoginių augalų genofondа vietiniuose Europos regionuose. Braškės<br />

(Fragaria × ananassa) <strong>ir</strong> avietės (Rubus ideaus) pristatomos kaip dvi pagrindinės uoginių<br />

augalų rūšys. Projektas darbo grupėse turi sk<strong>ir</strong>tingus tikslus. Uoginių augalų genetiniai resursai<br />

saugomi <strong>ir</strong> gerinami sukuriant bendras kolekcijas, augalo pasų duomenų bazes, pradinius <strong>ir</strong><br />

pagrindinius deskriptorius, naudojant molekulinius žymenis, nustatant biocheminę sudėtį<br />

bei įvertinant ligas. Kuriama Europos uoginių augalų duomenų bazė kaip Europinio tinklo<br />

panaudojimas tarp mokslo institucijų.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: braškės, avietės, duomenų bazė, aprašai, molekuliniai žymenys,<br />

ligos, genetiniai resursai.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Effect of different mineral nitrogen and compost<br />

nutrition on some compounds of corn salad<br />

(Valerianella locusta (L.) Latter.)<br />

Anna Kołton 1 , Agnieszka Baran 2<br />

1<br />

Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Horticulture, Agricultural University,<br />

29 Listopada 54, 31-425 Krakуw, Poland<br />

E-mail: koltona@ogr.ar.krakow.pl<br />

2<br />

Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics,<br />

Agricultural University, Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Krakуw, Poland<br />

During spring and autumn in 2007 corn salad ‘Noordhollandse’ was grown in containers<br />

under shading cloth. The containers were filled with the clay loam soil. Before the both sowing<br />

dates mineral nutrition was supplemented to the level of 250 kg NPK · ha -1 in ratio 2 : 1 : 2.<br />

Mineral fertilizers and compost of the known composition were used as a source of nitrogen.<br />

The following treatments were applied in the experiment: 1 – control (without fertilization),<br />

2 – Ca(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

, 3 – NH 4<br />

NO 3<br />

, 4 – compost. In both dates of growth climatic conditions were<br />

different.<br />

Contents of phenols, soluble sugars, chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids were analysed<br />

in fresh material. Corn salad leaves harvested in autumn contained significantly more sugars<br />

and phenols than the spring ones. Mineral and compost fertilization decreased soluble sugar<br />

concentration as compared with control sample in both growing cycles, but only mineral<br />

fertilization decreased content of phenols. Compost treatment significantly increased content<br />

of phenols in corn salad in comparison with mineral fertilization and increased soluble sugar<br />

concentration as related to Ca(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

application. Corn salad leaves of spring experiment had<br />

more chlorophyll and carotenoids than those of autumn one. During both growing periods,<br />

mineral fertilization increased carotenoid and chlorophyll concentrations as compared to<br />

control. In spring the level of pigments was higher in the case of compost treatment than in the<br />

control sample, however, in autumn no significant differences were observed. Cultivation of<br />

corn salad fertilized with either mineral or compost may bring high quality yield both in spring<br />

and autumn growing cycles.<br />

Key words: corn salad, nitrogen fertilizers, soluble sugars, chlorophyll, carotenoids.<br />

Introduction. Leafy vegetables are an important element of human diet. They are<br />

an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, sugars, folic acid and they have not much<br />

calories. The everyday consumption of leafy vegetables lowers risk of cancer and<br />

heart diseases, prevents t<strong>ir</strong>edness, helps keeping well condition, prevents senescence.<br />

Unfortunately, the consumption of leafy vegetables is still too little (Orłowski, 2000;<br />

Wierzbicka, 2002).<br />

Corn salad belongs to the family of Valerianaceae. It is an annual plant, which<br />

leaves form a rosette (Martyniak-Przybyszewska, 2005).<br />


Corn salad is not very popular in Poland. It is eaten like other salads. Leaves of corn<br />

salad are delicate, without bitter flavor, with large amount of ascorbic acid, carotenoids,<br />

folic acid, carbohydrates and mineral salts (Fajkowska, Wolfowa, 1985). Corn salad<br />

leaves may accumulate large amounts of nitrates but there are known methods of<br />

cultivation to decrease level of nitrates (Rożek, 2000). For every leafy vegeTable an<br />

important factor of quality is the concentration of chlorophyll (Kaukounaras et al.,<br />

2007; Michałek, Rukasz, 1998). Corn salad could be grown either under covers in<br />

many cycles or in the field conditions – being frost resistant (Gapiński, 1993; Gonnella<br />

et al., 2004)<br />

Green leafy vegetables are healthy in human diet. Some researchers have found<br />

that vegeTable extract with chlorophyll is antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic and<br />

also has some antioxidant properties (Ma, Dolphin, 1999). Thus, chlorophyll and<br />

carotenoids have specific dietary activities and these pigments are sensitive to growing<br />

conditions (Caldwell, Britz, 2006).<br />

Vegetables are source of naturally occurring antioxidants, which plays an important<br />

role as a health protecting factors such as phenols, considered as more powerful<br />

antioxidants than vitamin C or carotenoids to decrease disease risk (Larson et al.,<br />

1988; Vinson et al., 1998).<br />

There are a lot of data concerning method of growth, nitrate accumulation in<br />

leaves and shelf life of corn salad (Fontana et al., 2004). However, study about effect<br />

of different nitrogen fertilizers on the crop quality is incomplete. Growing of corn salad<br />

is an important production in Italy, France, Netherlads, Germany, Belgium (Nicola<br />

et al., 2004; Martyniak-Przybyszewska, 2005) and most of available corn salad in<br />

Poland is from these countries.<br />

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of different nitrogen fertilizers<br />

(mineral in two form of nitrogen and compost) on content of soluble sugars, chlorophylls<br />

a and b, carotenoids and total phenols in corn salad ‘Noordhollandse’.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The study was carried out at the Agricultural<br />

University in Krakуw in 2007. The experiment included growing of corn salad<br />

(Valerianella locusta (L.) Latter.) ‘Noordhollandse’ in openwork containers. The<br />

dimension of containers was: 60 Ч 40 Ч 20 cm and one container contained 45 dm 3<br />

of soil. The containers were kept under clothing shadow. There were two growing<br />

periods in 2007: the f<strong>ir</strong>st one started on April 10 th (sowing date) and finished on<br />

June 19 th (harvest date). The second started on July 20 th and finished on October 3 rd .<br />

Containers were filled with clay loam soil (3 % of sand, 28 % of silt, 37 % of clay).<br />

Before both sowing dates, the soil was analyzed. According to corn salad requ<strong>ir</strong>ements<br />

the soil was rich enough in P, K, Ca, mg, and the pH in KCl was about 6.5 in both<br />

growing periods. Soil nitrogen was supplemented to the level of 2.25 g N · 45 dm -3<br />

before sowing. Mineral fertilizers (Ca(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

, NH 4<br />

NO 3<br />

) and compost (made by<br />

Ekokonsorcjum Efekt Sp. z o. o. in Krakуw) were used as a source of nitrogen for<br />

plants. Compost was made from green waste and contained macro and micronutrients<br />

necessary for plants. The concentrations of minerals in compost were known<br />

(in g · kg -1 of compost dry matter: N = 25, P 2<br />

O 5<br />

= 7, K 2<br />

O = 35, Ca = 32, mg = 5). The<br />


experiment included four treatments with regard to form of nitrogen fertilization:<br />

1 – control – without any fertilization<br />

2 – fertilized with Ca(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

3 – fertilized with NH 4<br />

NO 3<br />

4 – fertilized with compost.<br />

Experiment was randomly arranged in four replications of each treatment. The<br />

spacing of plants and nursing were done in accordance with recommendation (Orłowski,<br />

2000; Rekowska, 2001). Depending on weather conditions plants were <strong>ir</strong>rigated.<br />

Some climate factors were collected and analyzed (Table). Climate factors in both<br />

growing periods were similar but not the same. During f<strong>ir</strong>st growing period ground<br />

frost was recorded. However, f<strong>ir</strong>st growth period started with low and finished with<br />

high temperatures, while during the second growing period the temperature conditions<br />

were opposite. Mean temperature was similar for both growing cycles; however, in the<br />

second period the higher relative humidity was noticed. Total rainfalls in f<strong>ir</strong>st growing<br />

period (from April to June) were nearly twice lower than in the second growing period<br />

(from July to September) – 143.7 and 261.2 mm, respectively. Only in September<br />

rainfalls were more intensive than during the whole f<strong>ir</strong>st growing cycle. Insolation<br />

was slightly higher during f<strong>ir</strong>st growing period (674.3 and 609.3 hours, respectively).<br />

The lowest insolation was observed in September.<br />

Table. Climate factors during corn salad growth in 2007 (from IMGW and own<br />

sensors)<br />

Lentelė. Meteorologinės sąlygos salotinės sultenės auginimo 2007 m. metu (iš IMGW<br />

<strong>ir</strong> savų jutiklių)<br />

Immediately after harvest leaves of corn salad were randomly collected for<br />

chemical analysis. Soluble sugars were determined by colorimetric method with<br />

anthron reagent (Yemm, Wills, 1954). Total phenols were estimated according to the<br />

photometric method with Folin’s reagent (Swain, Hillis, 1959). Chlorophylls a and<br />

b and total carotenoids were determined by spectophotometric methods in acetone<br />

solvent (Wellburn, 1994). Results of analysis (all in three replications) were statistically<br />

evaluated using ANOVA and Fisher (LSD) test for the significance α = 0.05.<br />


Results. A . Soluble sugars. Corn salad leaves harvested in autumn (second<br />

growing period) accumulated significantly more sugars than the spring ones<br />

(f<strong>ir</strong>st growing period). Mineral and compost fertilization significantly decreased<br />

accumulation of sugars in comparison with control treatment. Compost significantly<br />

increased concentration of soluble sugars as compared to Ca(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

fertilization in<br />

both periods but only during f<strong>ir</strong>st growing cycle as related to NH 4<br />

NO 3<br />

fertilization.<br />

Mean soluble sugar concentration for spring cycle was 580.31 mg · 100 g -1 f. w. and<br />

for autumn harvest – 906.25 mg · 100 g -1 f. w. (Fig. 1).<br />

Fig. 1. Content of soluble sugars and total phenols in corn salad leaves<br />

depending on nitrogen fertilization in 2007<br />

(letters represented homogenous groups, LSD for α = 0.05)<br />

1 pav. T<strong>ir</strong>pių cukrų <strong>ir</strong> bendras fenolių kiekis sultingosios saulenės<br />

lapuose priklausomai nuo tręšimo azotu, 2007 m.<br />

(raidės rodo homogenines grupes, R α = 0.05)<br />

B . T o t a l p h e n o l s. Similarly like in the case of sugars corn salad leaves<br />

accumulated significantly more phenols in autumn than in spring and mean concentration<br />

was 342.96 and 185.66 mg · 100 g -1 f. w., respectively. During f<strong>ir</strong>st growing cycle the<br />

highest content of phenols contained leaves from compost treatment but in the second<br />

one – thus of control. Mineral fertilization significantly decreased accumulation of<br />

phenols in comparison with compost treatment in both growth periods (Fig. 1).<br />

C. Chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids. Spring corn salad leaves contained<br />

significantly more pigments than those harvested in autumn. Mean concentration for<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>st and second growth period was respectively: chlorophyll a: 0.415 and 0.<strong>27</strong>2 mg · g -1<br />

f. w., chlorophyll b: 0.249 and 0.185 mg · g -1 f. w., total chlorophyll (a + b): 0.664 and<br />

0.457 mg · g -1 f. w. and carotenoids 0.157 and 0.121 mg · g -1 f. w. Mineral fertilization<br />


significantly increased concentration of chlorophyll in comparison with control in<br />

both periods. In most cases corn salad leaves from compost treatment had similar<br />

chlorophyll concentration as control, except of chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll<br />

from spring harvest (Fig. 2).<br />

Concentration of carotenoids in corn salad leaves from spring harvest was<br />

significantly higher in the case of mineral and compost fertilization. However, in<br />

leaves from autumn harvest only mineral fertilization affected increase of carotenoids.<br />

Plants from compost and control treatments in second growing period had the same<br />

concentration of carotenoids (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2. Content of chlorophylls a and b, total chlorophyll and carotenoids<br />

in corn salad leaves depending on nitrogen fertilization in 2007<br />

(letters represented homogenous groups, LSD for α = 0.05)<br />

1 pav. Chlorofilo a bei b, bendras chlorofilo <strong>ir</strong> karotinoidų kiekis sultingosios<br />

saulenės lapuose priklausomai nuo tręšimo azotu, 2007 m.<br />

(raidės rodo homogenines grupes, R, kai a = 0,05)<br />

Discussion. Form of nitrogen fertilizer could have on important influence on<br />

the accumulation of chlorophyll in plants. Lettuce plants fertilized with two form of<br />

nitrogen (NO 3<br />

+ NH 4<br />

) had significantly more chlorophylls a and b than that fertilized<br />

with nitrate nitrogen; and plants fertilized with ammonium nitrogen had the highest<br />

concentration of chlorophylls (Michałek, Rukasz, 1998). In the present experiment<br />

results did not conf<strong>ir</strong>m that dependence. Higher radiation increased concentration of<br />

chlorophylls (Caldwell, Britz, 2006). Corn salad plants from spring period where the<br />

insolation was higher had higher chlorophylls content in presented study. Nitrogen<br />

fertilization stimulates accumulation of chlorophyll. Mihalovic et al. (1997) reported<br />


that ammonium ions in nutrient solution increased concentration of chlorophylls a and<br />

b in wheat leaves in comparison with nitrate ions. Presented results did not conf<strong>ir</strong>m<br />

that conclusion, however, in the present experiment mixed nitrogen fertilizer was used<br />

(not only NH 4<br />

form) and drought stress was not observed. The higher total chlorophyll<br />

concentration of marigold leaves was observed when compost or vermicompost were<br />

added to the commercial horticultural plant growth medium than in pure medium<br />

(Atiyeh et al., 2000). According to these authors, compost and vermicompost had a<br />

potential for improving plant growth. However, they observed differences between<br />

specific vermicomposts and composts. In the present experiment compost improved<br />

soluble sugars and phenols content as compared with mineral fertilization, but this<br />

effect was not observed in the case of pigment accumulations. Michałek and Rukosz<br />

(1998) found that ammonium nitrogen increased accumulation of phenols. Influence<br />

of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen applied together on phenol concentration depended<br />

on cultivar. In some cases using the pure nitrate form or both forms of nitrogen (NO 3<br />

+ NH 4<br />

) as fertilizers may bring the same results, which were observed in the present<br />

study. Total phenol content in lettuce was in good correlation with antioxidant activity<br />

but might increase browning of lettuce (Altunkaya, Gökmen, 2008). Low temperature<br />

caused higher carbohydrate accumulation in timothy leaves (Thorsteinsson et al., 2002)<br />

and also in leaves of pelargonium cuttings (Druege, Kadner, 2008). The same effect<br />

was observed in corn salad leaves. Rożek et al. (1994) reported that fertilization with<br />

reduced form of nitrogen increased content of sugars in leaves of lettuce in comparison<br />

to plants fertilized only with NO 3<br />

. The same effect was observed in corn salad leaves<br />

in the case of second growing period. Quality of lettuce crop was better when treated<br />

with vermicompost and compost than with minral fertilization (higher vitamin C<br />

concentration and lower nitrate accumulation) (Premuzic et al., 2002). In presented<br />

experiment other quality factors increased in the case of compost treatments.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Nitrogen fertilization and weather conditions together influenced<br />

quality of corn salad.<br />

2. Mineral fertilization increased carotenoid and chlorophyll concentrations as<br />

compared to control.<br />

3. Compost treatment increased content of phenols in corn salad in comparison<br />

with mineral fertilization.<br />

4. Corn salad leaves harvested in autumn contained more sugars and phenols<br />

than the spring ones.<br />

5. Cultivation of corn salad fertilized with either mineral nutritives or with compost<br />

may bring high quality yield both in spring and autumn growing cycles.<br />

Gauta 2008 04 17<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 30<br />


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13. Michałek W., Rukasz I. 1998. Wpływ żywienia azotowego i wybranych<br />

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17. Premuzic Z., Garate A. and Bonilla I. 2002. Production of lettuce under different<br />

fertilization treatments, yield and quality. Acta Horticulturae, 571: 65–72.<br />

18. Rekowska E. 2001. Co warto wiedzieć o uprawie roszponki. Hasło Ogrodnicze,<br />

6: 48–49.<br />

19. Rożek S. 2000. Czynniki wpływajаce na akumulację azotanów w plonie warzyw.<br />

Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Rolniczej w Krakowie, 364: 19–31<br />

20. Rożek S., Leja M., Myczkowski J., Mareczek A. 1994. The effect of fertilization<br />

with different forms of nitrogen on greenhouse lettuce quality and its changes<br />

during storage. I. Content of certain nutritive compounds. Folia Horticulturae,<br />

VI/1: 41–51.<br />

21. Swain T., Hillis W. E. 1959. Phenolic constituents of Prunus domestica. I.<br />

Quantitative analysis of phenolic constituents. Journal of the Science of Food<br />

and Agriculture, 10: 63–68.<br />

22. Thorsteinsson B., Harrison P. A., Chatterton N. J. 2002. Fructan and total<br />

carbohydrate accumulation in leaves of two cultivars of tomothy (Phleum pratense<br />

Vega and Climax) as affected by temperature. Journal of Plant Physiology,<br />

159: 999–1003.<br />

23. Vinson J. A., Hao Y., Su X., Zubik L. 1998. Phenol antioxidant quantity and<br />

quality in foods: vegetables. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,<br />

46: 3 630–3 634.<br />

24. Wellburn A. R. 1994. The spectral determination of chlorophylls a and b, as well<br />

as total carotenoids, using various solvents with spectrophotometers of different<br />

resolution. Journal of Plant Physiology, 144: 307–313.<br />

25. Wierzbicka B. 2002. Mniej znane rośliny warzywne. WUWM, Olsztyn.<br />

26. Yemm E. W., Wills A. J. 1954. The estimation of carbohydrates in plant extracts<br />

by anthrone. Biochemical Journal, 58: 508–514.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo mineralinio azoto <strong>ir</strong> kompostinių trąšų poveikis salotinės<br />

sultenės (Valerianella locusta (L.) Latter.) biocheminei sudėčiai<br />

A. Kołton, A. Baran<br />

Santrauka<br />

2007 m. pavasarį <strong>ir</strong> rudenį Valerianella locusta (L.) Latter. veislė ‘Noordhollandse’ buvo<br />

auginama uždengtuose konteineriuose. Jie buvo pripildyti priemoliu. Ir prieš vienа, <strong>ir</strong> prieš kitа<br />

sėjа buvo tręšta 250 kg NPK · ha -1 santykiu 2 : 1 : 2. Mineralinės trąšos <strong>ir</strong> žinomos sudėties<br />

kompostas buvo naudojamas kaip azoto šaltinis. Bandymo schema buvo tokia: 1 – kontrolė<br />

(be trąšų), 2 – Ca(NO 3<br />

) 2<br />

, 3 – NH 4<br />

NO 3<br />

, 4 – kompostas. Klimato sąlygos abejais auginimo<br />

laikotarpiais skyrėsi.<br />

Žaliuose augaluose nustatytas fenolių, t<strong>ir</strong>pių cukrų, chlorofilo a <strong>ir</strong> b bei karotinoidų kiekis.<br />


Salotinės sultenės, augintos rudenį, turėjo žymiai daugiau cukrų <strong>ir</strong> fenolių negu pavasarinės.<br />

Mineralinis <strong>ir</strong> kompostinis tręšimas sumažino t<strong>ir</strong>pių cukrų koncentracijа jose palyginus su<br />

kontrolės pavyzdžiais abejų auginimo ciklų metu, tačiau tik mineralinis tręšimas sumažino<br />

fenolių kiekį. Salotinės sultenės lapai pavasarinio eksperimento metu turėjo daugiau chlorofilų<br />

<strong>ir</strong> karotinoidų negu augintos rudenį. Abejais auginimo periodais mineralinis tręšimas padidino<br />

karotinoidų <strong>ir</strong> chlorofilų koncentracijа palyginus su netręštais augalais. Tręšiant kompostu, tik<br />

pavasarį šių augalų lapuose buvo daugiau pigmentų palyginus su kontrole. Salotinės sultenės<br />

auginimas, naudojant <strong>ir</strong> mineralinį trąšą, <strong>ir</strong> kompostа, leidžia gauti aukštos kokybės derlių per<br />

abu auginimo ciklus.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: azoto trąšos, chlorofilai, karotinoidai, salotinė sultenė, t<strong>ir</strong>pūs<br />

cukrūs.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Small berry research according to COST 863 Action<br />

Audrius Sasnauskas, Rytis Rugienius, Tadeušas Šikšnianas,<br />

Nobertas Uselis, Laimutis Raudonis, Alma Valiuškatė,<br />

Aušra Brazaitytė, Pranas Viškelis, Marina Rubinskienė<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: A.Sasnauskas@lsdi.lt<br />

Strawberry and blackcurrant cultivars with promising hybrids according to COST 863<br />

Action were investigated at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture.<br />

Strawberry cultivars ‘Dangė’, ‘Saulenė’ and ‘Elsanta’ had the biggest number of crowns,<br />

leaves and runners, while ‘Elsanta’ and ‘Kent’ had the biggest amount of flower clusters and<br />

berries. The most productive were strawberries of ‘Elsanta’ and ‘Kent’. ‘Venta’ and ‘Rosie’<br />

had highest average berry size in strawberry collection. The best appearance was of ‘Rosie’<br />

and J973854, berry f<strong>ir</strong>mness – 005004 and ‘Rosie’, best taste of 64 and ‘Venta’. ‘Dangė’ and<br />

‘Honeoye’ strawberries distinguished themselves with intensive photosynthesis at period of<br />

full blooming.<br />

The highest bushes had blackcurrant cultivars ‘Titania’ and ‘Ben Lomond’, the lowest –<br />

‘Gagatai’ and ‘Almiai’. The biggest bush width had ‘Öjebyn’ and ‘Ben Nevis’, narrow – ‘Ben<br />

Tron’, ‘Ben Alder’ and ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’. Highest average yield was received from ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’,<br />

‘Titania’ and ‘Öjebyn’. ‘Joniniai’, ‘Vyčiai’ and ‘Laimiai’ had the biggest berries. Biological<br />

efficiency of fungicide Signum WG against blackcurrant powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca morsuvae<br />

(Schw.) Berk. et Curt), leaf spot (Mycosphaerella ribis Lind.) and insecticide-acaricide<br />

Envidor 240 SC against two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) was investigated.<br />

Applying the rates of 0.5–1.0 kg/ha four times per vegetation Signum WG effectively prevented<br />

powdery mildew and leaf spot. Applying the rates of 0.3–0.6 l/ha three times per vegetation<br />

Envidor 240 SC was effective against two-spider mite.<br />

Sequence specific marker (SCAR) associated with strawberry resistance to red stele<br />

(Phytophthora fragariae) Rpf1 gene was developed after cloning and sequencing of RAPD<br />

marker. Using SCAR marker occurrence of Rpf1 gene in different strawberry cultivars and<br />

seedlings were estimated. According to these data, cultivars ‘Redgauntlet’, ‘Anapolis’, ‘Tristar’,<br />

‘Dangė’ and promising hybrids have this gene. Expression of COR47 gene homologues in<br />

strawberry was evaluated during cold acclimation in vitro. It was established that maximal<br />

accumulation of this gene transcript occurs on 30th day of cold acclimation.<br />

Key words: strawberry, blackcurrant, trial evaluation, physiology, pest and diseases,<br />

markers.<br />

Introduction. The COST 863 Action has a new and advanced approach to promote<br />

the integration of research, production systems, quality control, added nutritional value<br />

and consumer acceptance. The action organized with a new integrated approach: from<br />

laboratory via farm to consumer table.<br />

The importance of this COST Action on berry research is supported by the large<br />


group of countries involved in the cultivation of berries (Faedi, 2004; Karhu, Hytönen,<br />

2006; Spak et al., 2006; Özuygur et al., 2006; Rugienius, Sasnauskas, 2006). This will<br />

improve co-operation between research programmes, including high level science and<br />

technology, to develop European berry production system characterized by a reduction<br />

of chemical inputs that are harmful to the env<strong>ir</strong>onment along with lower production<br />

costs (reduced labour costs) and increased benefits for the consumer (healthy fruits).<br />

The aim of this study was to investigate small berry cultivars, efficiency of<br />

fungicide and insecticide, photosynthesis period of full blooming, to estimate SCAR<br />

marker occurrence of Rpf1 gene in different strawberry cultivars and seedlings<br />

and expression of COR47 gene homologues in strawberry during cold acclimation<br />

in vitro.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. S t r a w b e r r y t r i a l s. The following<br />

strawberry cultivars were compared in unheated plastic greenhouse: ‘Elsanta’, ‘Kent’,<br />

‘Elkat’, ‘Honeoye’, ‘Saulenė’ and ‘Dangė’. Strawberries were established with frigo<br />

plants in early spring. Peat-filled plastic sacks were used as substrate. Sacks were<br />

located on shelving of 1.3 m height. Plant growth (units/plant), development (units/<br />

plant) and yield (kg/m 2 ) were evaluated. The trial was established in four replications.<br />

Each plot contained 21 plants.<br />

The following strawberry cultivars were investigated in the collection:<br />

‘Anapolis’, ‘Krymsakaja Remontantnaja’, ‘Wega’, ‘Sara’‚ ‘Venta’‚ ‘Rosie’, F. v<strong>ir</strong>g<br />

glauca, hybrid clones 005004 (‘Selen’ × (F. chiloensis D. N. × ‘Tribute’)), J973854<br />

(K88-4 × ‘Mohawk’), 64 (‘Guardian’ × ‘Pegasus’). The trial was established in four<br />

replications. Each plot contained 5 plants. Beginning of yield (month, day), berry size<br />

(scores), appearance (scores), f<strong>ir</strong>mness (scores) and taste (scores) were evaluated.<br />

Scores 1–9 were used (1 – lowest, 9 – highest).<br />

Assimilation area was measured with leaf area measurer CI-202 (CID Inc., USA).<br />

Plant dry weight was established drying at the temperature of 105 °C. Photosynthesis<br />

intensity was measured using PorTable Photosynthesis System (CI-310). Measurements<br />

were made during flowering.<br />

Polymorfic primer OPO16 suggested by Van de Weg, (1997) was used for PCR<br />

in aim to develop SCAR marker of strawberry red stele (Phytophthora fragariae)<br />

resistance gene Rpf1.<br />

Total DNA was isolate from strawberry cultivars and hybrid clones 005001-2<br />

(‘Selen’ × ‘Tristar’) ‘Anapolis’, ‘Redgauntlet’, 940101 (‘Guardian’ × ‘Pegasus’)‚<br />

‘Elsanta’‚ ‘Selen’‚ ‘Tristar’ using CTAB protocol.<br />

For COR47 gene expression investigations total RNA was isolated from strawberry<br />

plants incubated at + 2 °C temperature for 1, 2, 4, 8 and 14 days. Copy DNA of COR47<br />

gene was synthesized using RevertAid H Minus F<strong>ir</strong>st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit<br />

(Fermentas).<br />

Blackcurrant trials. The following blackcurrant cultivars were compared:<br />

‘Joniniai’, ‘Kupoliniai’, ‘Zagadka’, ‘Gagatai’, ‘Almiai’, ‘Vyčiai’, ‘Laimiai’, ‘Öjebyn’,<br />

‘Kriviai’, ‘Titania’, ‘Pilėnai’, ‘Ben Tron’, ‘Ben Lomond’, ‘Ben Alder’, ‘Ben More’,<br />

‘Ben Nevis’ and ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’.<br />

The bushes were planted at the distance of 3 × 0.6 m. The trial was established<br />

in tree replications. Each plot contained 3 bushes. In the trial there was established<br />

bush height and width (cm), berry yield (kg/bush) and berry size (g). Fungicides were<br />

sprayed four times: until blooming, two times after blooming and after harvesting.<br />


Insecticides were sprayed three times: until blooming, after blooming and after<br />

harvesting. Sprayer STIHL SR 400 was used for spraying, water volume – 250 l ha -1 .<br />

Growing, fertilizing, weed control, soil cultivation, pruning and care of blackcurrant<br />

cultivars were maintained as recommended for commercial orchards (Intensyvios<br />

uoginių augalų auginimo technologijos, 2002).<br />

Data were elaborated by analysis of variance, followed by Fisher’s Protected LSD<br />

and Duncan’s Multiple-Range t-test at P = 0.05.<br />

Results. Strawberry growth vigour. In both years of investigation cv.<br />

‘Dangė’ (3.8 units) was distinguished for the highest crown per plant. Within the range<br />

of tested cultivars ‘Elsanta’ (22.8 unts) had more leaves the same as cv. ‘Dangė’ (6.3<br />

units) and ‘Saulenė’ (3.7 units) runners per plant (Table 1).<br />

Table 1. Strawberry growth vigour (units/plant)<br />

1 lentelė. Braškių kerelių augumas, vnt./aug.<br />

Babtai, 2003–2004<br />

Strawberry development. ‘Elsanta’ (2.7 units) had more inflorescences<br />

in comparison with other investigated cultivars (Table 2). ‘Kent’ (2 units) and ‘Elkat’<br />

(1.9 units) had medium, while ‘Dangė’ (0.6 units) had the smallest inflorescences per<br />

plant over two years.<br />

During the years of investigations the highest berries produced cv. ‘Elsanta’ (19.1<br />

units). The lowest berries were of cvs. ‘Dangė’ (4 units) (Table 2).<br />

Table 2. Strawberry development<br />

2 lentelė. Braškių kerelių išsivystymas<br />

Babtai, 2003–2004<br />


Y i e l d o f s t r a w b e r r y c u l t i v a r s. The highest yield was from ‘Elsanta’<br />

(2.41 kg/m 2 ) and ‘Kent’ (2.25 kg/m 2 ). ‘Elkat’ (1.56 kg/m 2 ) and ‘Honeoye’ (1.18 kg/m 2 )<br />

were more productive than ‘Dangė’ (0.40 kg/m 2 ) and ‘Saulenė’ (0.80 kg/m 2 ).<br />

Table 3. Strawberry yield<br />

3 lentelė. Braškių derlius<br />

Babtai, 2003–2004<br />

S t r a w b e r r y c u l t i v a r e v a l u a t i o n i n c o l l e c t i o n. F. v<strong>ir</strong>g glauca,<br />

‘Krymskaja remontantnaja’, J973854, ‘Wega’ and ‘Venta’ ripened early, while 005004 –<br />

latest (Table 4). The biggest berries produced cvs. ‘Venta’ and ‘Rosie’ (11 g), smallest –<br />

F. v<strong>ir</strong>g glauca (3.5 g). The berries of cvs. ‘Rosie’ (10 scores) and J973854 (9.5 scorers)<br />

produced extremely good appearance berries; 005004 and ‘Rosie’ (9.5 scorers) – berries<br />

of good f<strong>ir</strong>mness; 64 and ‘Venta’ (9.5 scorers) – berries of very good taste.<br />

Table 4. Strawberry cultivar evaluation in collection<br />

4 lentelė. Braškių veislių tyrimas kolekcijoje<br />

Babtai, 2007<br />

B u s h h e i g h t a n d w i d t h c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a n d b e r r y q u a l i t y<br />

p a r a m e t e r s o f b l a c k c u r r a n t s. The highest bushes had blackcurrant cultivars<br />

‘Titania’ (130 cm) and ‘Ben Lomond’ (125 cm), the lowest – ‘Gagatai’ (90 cm) and<br />

‘Almiai’ (91.7 cm) (Table 5).<br />


Table 5. Bush height and width characteristics and berry quality parameters<br />

5 lentelė. Juodųjų serbentų uogakrūmių augumas <strong>ir</strong> uogų kokybės parametrai<br />

Babtai, 2007<br />

The biggest bush width had ‘Цjebyn’ (165 cm) and ‘Ben Nevis’ (168.3 cm); ‘Ben<br />

Tron’ (96.7 cm), ‘Ben Alder’ (103.3 cm) and ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’ (105 cm) were the narrowest.<br />

‘Joniniai’ (140.7 g), ‘Vyčiai’ (129.5 g) and ‘Laimiai’ (124.5 g) had the biggest berries,<br />

while ‘Öjebyn’ (68.7 g) and ‘Ben Alder’ (70.4 g) – smallest. ‘Joniniai’ (1.97 g) and<br />

‘Vyčiai’ (1.88 g) distinguished themselves with the biggest berry size; ‘Titania’ (0.23 g)<br />

and ‘Kupoliniai’ (0.29 g) berries were the smallest.<br />

Y i e l d o f b l a c k c u r r a n t c u l t i v a r s. During the year of investigation<br />

the late spring frost at the beginning of bloom injured blossoms and average yield was<br />

0.73 kg/bush (Fig.1). The yield of blackcurrant cultivars ranged from 0.2 to 1.86 kg/<br />

bush. ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’ (1.86 kg/bush), ‘Titania’ (1.59 kg/bush) and ‘Öjebyn’ (1.21 kg/<br />

bush) produced a higher yield. Cvs. ‘Ben Alder’ (0.88 kg/bush), ‘Kriviai’ (0.86 kg/<br />

bush), ‘Zagadka’ (0.81 kg/bush) and ‘Almiai’ (0.76 kg/bush) produced higher yield<br />

in comparison with the average of investigated cultivars. Cvs. ‘Vyčiai’ (0.2 kg/bush),<br />

‘Laimiai’ (0.25 kg/bush), ‘Pilėnai’ (0.26 kg/bush) and ‘Gagatai’ (0.<strong>27</strong> kg/bush) had<br />

the lowest yield.<br />


Fig. 1. Yield of blackcurrant cultivars, kg/bush<br />

1 pav. Juodųjų serbentų veislių derlius, kg/krūmo<br />

Babtai, 2007<br />

P h o t o s y n t h e s i s i n t e n s i t y. ‘Dangė’ and ‘Honeoye’ strawberries<br />

distinguished themselves with intensive photosynthesis at period of full blooming;<br />

while in leaves of ‘Elsanta’ and ‘Saulenė’ dominate breathing (Fig. 2).<br />

Fig. 2. Net photosynthesis intensity at period of full blooming<br />

(PAR average – 698 µmol m -2 s -1 ; a<strong>ir</strong> temperature average – 26 °C)<br />

2 pav. Neto fotosintezės intensyvumas braškių gausiausio žydėjimo metu (vidutinė FAR –<br />

698 µmol m -2 s -1 ; vidutinė oro temperatūra – 26 °C)<br />

Babtai, 2004<br />

B l a c k c u r r a n t p r o t e c t i o n f r o m d i s e a s e s a n d p e s t.<br />

Signum WG 1.0, 0.5 kg/ha applied 4 times during growing season (until blooming,<br />


after blooming and after harvesting) was effective against diseases. Rate of fungicide<br />

Signum WG 1.0 kg/ha efficiency of preparation was as follows: against powdery<br />

mildew – 90.5 %, against leaf spot – 91.6 %. Lower rate of fungicide Signum WG 0.5 kg/<br />

ha reduced powdery mildew efficiency to 88.4 %, against leaf spot – 88.7 %. Efficiency<br />

of standard fungicide Candit 0.2 kg/ha was also high: against powdery mildew – 89.5 %,<br />

against leaf spot – 90.9 %. There were found 95 % powdery mildew symptoms and<br />

70 % leaf spot symptoms on leaves in unsprayed plots (Tables 6–7).<br />

Table 6. Impact of fungicide Signum on powdery mildew<br />

6 lentelė. Fungicido Signum efektyvumas nuo miltligės<br />

Babtai, 2004–2005<br />

Table 7. Impact of fungicide Signum on leaf spot<br />

7 lentelė. Fungicido Signum efektyvumas nuo šviesmargės<br />

Babtai, 2004–2005<br />


Rate of insecticide-acaricide Envidor 240 SC 0.3 l/ha efficiency of preparation<br />

against two-spotted spider mite ranged between 63.8–100 % (Table 8). Envidor 240 SC<br />

0.6 l/ha and 0.3 l/ha applied 2 months after spraying efficiency was 87.7–83.4 %, while<br />

standard insecticide Karate 0.5 l/ha efficiency against two-spotted spider mite was<br />

only 63.9 %. In both treatments with Envidor 240 SC 0.6 l/ha and 0.3 l/ha number of<br />

two-spotted spider mite on 1 leaf not statistically differences were found.<br />

Table 8. Efficiency of insekticide-acaricide Envidor 240 SC against two-spotted<br />

spider mite<br />

8 lentelė. Insekticido akaricido Envidoro 240 g/l efektyvumas nuo paprastųjų voratinklinių<br />

erkių<br />

Babtai, 2004–2005<br />

Molecular investigations of strawberry. Using OPO16 polymorfic<br />

primer, DNA fragment specific for red stele susceptible strawberry was isolated. This<br />

DNA fragment was cloned to pTZ57 plasmid and sequenced. DNA sequence specific<br />

(SCAR) primers were selected. Newly developed SCAR marker allows excluding<br />

susceptible genotypes lacking of red stele resistance gene Rpf1. According PCR data,<br />

genotypes ‘Redgauntlet’, ‘Anapolis’; ‘Tristar’, ‘Dangė, 005001; 005002 have Rpf1<br />

gene, other genotypes: ’Honeoye’; ‘Elsanta’, Venta’, ‘Kama’; 940101; ‘Selen’; ‘Elkat’<br />

and ‘Senga Sengana’ – have not (Fig. 3).<br />

Homologues of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh cold response (COR47) gene<br />

were isolated from different fruit and berry plants. Expression of those genes during<br />

acclimation was investigated. It was established that maximal accumulation of COR47<br />

transcript occurs 30 after start of cold acclimation (Fig 4).<br />


Fig. 3. Strawberry electrophoregram after PCR using newly developed Rpf1 gene<br />

SCAR marker (size 400 bp)<br />

3 pav. Braškių DNR elektroforegrama po PGR, taikant naujai išsk<strong>ir</strong>tа geno Rpf1 žymenį<br />

(dydis 400 bp) M – GeneRuler TM 1kb DNA Ladder, 1 – ‘Honeoye’; 2 – ‘Redgauntlet’,<br />

3 – ‘Elsanta’, 4 – ‘Venta’, 5 – ‘Kama’; 6 – ‘Anapolis’; 7 – ‘Tristar’; 8 – 940101;<br />

9 – ‘Selen’; 10 – 005001; 11 – 005002; 12 – ‘Elkat’, 13 – ‘Senga Sengana’; 14 – ‘Dangė’.<br />

Fig. 4. Dynamics of cold responsive COR47 gene expression in strawberry during<br />

cold acclimation in vitro<br />

4 pav. Šalčio indukuojamo COR47 geno homologų transkripcijos kitimas užsigrūdinimo<br />

metu braškėse in vitro. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 – ‘Melody’. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 – ‘Holiday’.<br />

1–2 – before acclimation/ augalai prieš grūdinimа; 3–4 – cold acclimated for<br />

6 days/ 6 dienas grūdinti augalai; 5–6 – 12 days/ 12 dienų;<br />

7–8 – for days 18/ 18 dienų, 8–9 – 24 days/ 24 dienas; 11–12 – 30 days/ 30 dienų;<br />

13 – O‘GeneRulerTM 1 kb DNA Ladder.<br />

Discussion. Small berry yield and quality parameter has recently become more<br />

and more important for the scientists, consumers and producers (Faedi et al., 2002;<br />

Roudeillac, Trajkovski, 2004; Sousa et al., 2008; Voca et al., 2008). Our data show that<br />

different genotypes might have different strategy for these characters. During the years<br />

of investigation, strawberry cvs. ‘Elsanta’, ‘Kent’ and blackcurrant cvs. ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’,<br />

‘Titania’, ‘Öjebyn’ produced the highest yield. The investigation shows that ‘Elsanta’<br />

and ‘Kent’ had the biggest amount of flower clusters and berries in peat-filled plastic<br />

sacks like ‘Venta’ and ‘Rosie’ for the same investigated character in the collection.<br />

On the other hand, Lithuanian blackcurrant cultivars ‘Joniniai’, ‘Vyčiai’ and ‘Laimiai’<br />

had the biggest berries in comparison with introduced cultivars. Appearance, taste and<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>mness are quality attribute. Results of organoleptic evaluation show that berries of<br />


cvs. ‘Rosie’ and J973854 were of extremely good appearance; 005004 and ‘Rosie’ – of<br />

good f<strong>ir</strong>mness; 64 and ‘Venta’ – of very good taste.<br />

New chemicals help in blackcurrant pests and diseases control (Rašinskienė,<br />

Šikšnianas, 1995; Locke, Koomen, 1999; Raudonis, 2002; Locke et al., 2003; Worley,<br />

2003). The investigation shows that applying the rates of 0.5–1.0 kg/ha four times per<br />

vegetation Signum WG effectively prevented powdery mildew and leaf spot. On the<br />

other hand, applying the rates of 0.3–0.6 l/ha three times per vegetation Envidor 240<br />

SC was effective against two-spotted spider mite.<br />

Biotechnological methods (in vitro, marker assisted selection) helps to speed<br />

up breeding process, screen gene pool and evaluate of fruit and berry plants holding<br />

valuable traits and also investigate biological mechanisms of disease and cold<br />

resistance.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Strawberry cultivars ‘Dangė’, ‘Saulenė’ and ‘Elsanta’ had the<br />

biggest number of crowns, leaves and runners.<br />

2. ‘Elsanta’ and ‘Kent’ had the biggest amount of flower clusters and berries.<br />

3. Most productive were strawberries of ‘Elsanta’ and ‘Kent’.<br />

4. The biggest fruits produced cvs. ‘Venta’ and ‘Rosie’. The berries of cvs. ‘Rosie’<br />

and J973854 were of extremely good appearance; 005004 and ‘Rosie’ – of good<br />

f<strong>ir</strong>mness; 64 and ‘Venta’ – of very good taste.<br />

5. The highest bushes had blackcurrant cultivars ‘Titania’ and ‘Ben Lomond’,<br />

the lowest – ‘Gagatai’ and ‘Almiai’. The biggest bush width had ‘Öjebyn’ and ‘Ben<br />

Nevis’; ‘Ben Tron’, ‘Ben Alder’ and ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’ were the narrowest. Highest average<br />

yield was received from ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’, ‘Titania’ and ‘Öjebyn’. ‘Joniniai’, ‘Vyčiai’ and<br />

‘Laimiai’ had the biggest berries.<br />

6. ‘Dangė’ and ‘Honeoye’ strawberries distinguished themselves with intensive<br />

photosynthesis at period of full blooming.<br />

7. Applying the rates of 0.5–1.0 kg/ha four times per vegetation<br />

Signum WG effectively prevented powdery mildew and leaf spot. Applying the rates<br />

of 0.3–0.6 l/ha three times per vegetation Envidor 240 SC was effective against twospotted<br />

spider mite.<br />

8. Strawberry cultivars ‘Redgauntlet’, ‘Anapolis’, ‘Tristar’, ‘Dangė’ and promising<br />

hybrids have Rpf1 gene.<br />

9. Maximal accumulation of COR47 gene transcript occurs on 30th day of cold<br />

acclimation.<br />

Acknowledgement. We’re grateful to Agency for International Science and<br />

Technology Development Programmes in Lithuania for help and support realizing<br />

COST 863 Action.<br />

Gauta 2008 04 14<br />

Parengta spausdinti 2008 04 30<br />


References<br />

1. Faedi W., Morgues F., Rosati C. 2002. Strawberry breeding and varieties: situation<br />

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2. Faedi F. 2004. COST: Past, Present, Future. Acta Horticulturae, 649: 21–24.<br />

3. Intensyvios uoginių augalų auginimo technologijos. 2002. N. Uselis. (sudaryt.).<br />

Lietuvos Sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institutas, Babtai.<br />

4. Karhu S. T., Hytönen T. P. 2006. Nursery plant production controlled by<br />

prohexadione-calcium and mechanical treatments in strawberry cv. ‘Honeoye’.<br />

The Journal of horticultural science and biotechnology, 81(6): 937–942.<br />

5. Locke T., Koomen I. 1999. Can spore trapping be of help in black currant mildew<br />

control Acta Horticulturae, 505: 333–336.<br />

6. Locke T., Bobbin P., Atwood J., Owen J. 2003. Effect of strobilurin fungicides on<br />

disease control and yield in blackcurrants. Acta Horticulturae, 585: 394–396.<br />

7. Özuygur M., Paydaŗ K. S., Kafkas E. 2006. Investigation on yield, fruit<br />

quality and plant characteristics of some local, European and American<br />

strawberry varieties and the<strong>ir</strong> hybrids. Agriculturae conspectus scientificus,<br />

71(4): 175–180.<br />

8. Raudonis L. 2002. Monitoring of harmful insects and mites of strawberries.<br />

Sosininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 21 (4): 102–110.<br />

9. Rašinskienė A., Šikšnianas T. 1995. Juodųjų <strong>ir</strong> raudonųjų serbentų veislių<br />

parinkimas mechanizuotam uogų skynimui. Mokslo straipsnių rinkinys. Sodo<br />

augalų selekcijos uždaviniai <strong>ir</strong> perspektyvos. Babtai, 59–66.<br />

10. Roudeillac P., Trajkovski K. 2004. Breeding for fruit quality and nutrition in<br />

strawberries. Acta Horticulturae, 649: 55–60.<br />

11. Rugienius R., Sasnauskas A. 2006. Braškių veislių tyrimas Lietuvoje pagal<br />

tarptautinę COST 863 programą. Sodininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 25(4): 43–53.<br />

12. Sousa M. B., Curado T., Trigo M. J., Vasconcelos F. N., Nunes T. 2008. Strawberry<br />

quality: effect of cultivars, harvest date and storage. Book of abstracts VI<br />

international strawberry symposium. ISHS. Huelva, Spain. 3–7 March, 399.<br />

13. Spak J., Navrátil M., Karelová R., Pribylová J., Válová P., Kucerová J.,<br />

Kubelková D., Fialová R., Spaková V. 2006. Occurrence, symptom variation and<br />

yield loss caused by full blossom disease in red and white currants in the Czech<br />

Republic. Crop protection 25: 446–453.<br />

14. Voca S., Duralija B., Družic J., Dobričevic N., Dragovic-Uzelac V. 2008. Quality<br />

of late harvest strawberry varieties in Croatia. Book of abstracts VI international<br />

strawberry symposium. ISHS. Huelva, Spain. 3–7 March, 415.<br />

15. Worley J. 2003. Fungicide on trial how Signum has performed for soft fruit grower.<br />

Bulletin OILB/SROP, 140(30): 22–29.<br />


SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Uogininkystės tyrimai pagal COST 863 programą<br />

A. Sasnauskas, R. Rugienius, T. Šikšnianas, N. Uselis, L. Raudonis,<br />

A. Valiuškatė, A. Brazaitytė, P. Viškelis, M. Rubinskienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės institute pagal tarptautinę COST 863 programą<br />

t<strong>ir</strong>tos braškių bei juodųjų serbentų veislių <strong>ir</strong> hibridinių klonų biologinės <strong>ir</strong> ūkinės savybės.<br />

‘Dangės’, ‘Saulenės’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Elsantos’ veislių braškės pagal ragelių, lapų <strong>ir</strong> ūsų skaičių augo<br />

vešliausiai. Pagal žiedynų <strong>ir</strong> uogų skaičių geriausiai išsivysčiusios buvo braškės ‘Elsanta’<br />

<strong>ir</strong> ‘Kent’. Derlingiausios braškės ‘Elsanta’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Kent’. Braškių kolekcijoje pagal didžiausiа<br />

vidutinę uogų masę išsiskyrė ‘Venta’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Rosie’. Gera uogų išvaizda pasižymėjo ‘Rosie’ <strong>ir</strong><br />

J973854; uogų kietumu – 005004 <strong>ir</strong> ‘Rosie’; geru uogų skoniu – selekcinis klonas 64 <strong>ir</strong> ‘Venta’.<br />

Gausiausio braškių žydėjimo metu intensyviausia fotosintezė vyko ‘Dangės’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Honeoye’<br />

braškių lapuose.<br />

Palyginus sk<strong>ir</strong>tingas juodųjų serbentų veisles nustatyta, kad aukščiausi užauga ‘Titania’<br />

<strong>ir</strong> ‘Ben Lomond’, o žemiausi – ‘Gagatai’ bei ‘Almiai’ veislių serbentų krūmai. Plačiausiais<br />

krūmais išsiskyrė ‘Öjebyn’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Ben Nevis’ veislės, siauriausiais – ‘Ben Tron’, ‘Ben Alder’<br />

bei ‘Ben T<strong>ir</strong>ran’ juodųjų serbentų krūmai. Gausiausiai derėjo juodųjų serbentų veislių ‘Ben<br />

T<strong>ir</strong>ran’, ‘Titania’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Öjebyn’ uogakrūmiai. Stambiausias uogas išaugino ‘Joniniai’, ‘Vyčiai’<br />

<strong>ir</strong> ‘Laimiai’. Juodųjų serbentų veislės ‘Joniniai’ bei ‘Vyčiai’ išsiskyrė didžiausiomis uogomis.<br />

Fungicidas Signum 334 g/kg v. d. g. 0,5–1,0 kg/ha yra efektyvus juodųjų serbentų apsaugai<br />

nuo miltligės (Sphaerotheca mors-uvae (Schw.) Berk. et Curt) <strong>ir</strong> šviesmargės (Mycosphaerella<br />

ribis Lind.) purškiant keturis kartus per vegetacijа: prieš žydėjimа, po žydėjimo <strong>ir</strong> nuėmus<br />

derlių. Insekticidas akaricidas Envidoras 240 g/l k. s. 0,3 – 0,6 l/ha juodųjų serbentų apsaugai<br />

nuo paprastųjų voratinklinių erkių (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) yra efektyvus purškiant 2 –3<br />

kartus per vegetacijа: prieš <strong>ir</strong> po žydėjimo bei nuėmus derlių, taip pat apsaugai nuo serbentinių<br />

amarų.<br />

Pagal RAPD žymens DNR sekа sukurtas jai specifinis SCAR žymuo, susijęs su braškių<br />

atsparumo fitoftorozei (Phytophthora fragariae) Rpf1genu. Naudojant šį žymenį įvertintas<br />

geno Rpf1 buvimas sk<strong>ir</strong>tingose braškių veislėse <strong>ir</strong> sėjinukuose. Pagal šiuos duomenis veislės<br />

<strong>ir</strong> hibridiniai klonai ‘Redgauntlet’, ‘Anapolis’; ‘Tristar’, ‘Dangė’, 005001; 005002 turi Rpf1<br />

genа.<br />

Išt<strong>ir</strong>ta COR47 geno raiška braškėse užsigrūdinimo metu in vitro. Didžiausias COR 47<br />

geno transkripto kiekis braškėse susidaro po 30 dienų grūdinimo žemose teigiamose<br />

temperatūrose.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: braškės, juodieji serbentai, veislių tyrimas, fiziologija, ligos <strong>ir</strong><br />

kenkėjai, molekuliniai žymenys.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Growing, yielding and quality of different ecologically<br />

grown pumpkin cultivars<br />

Rasa Karklelienė, Pranas Viškelis, Marina Rubinskienė<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: R.Karkleliene@lsdi.lt<br />

Investigations were carried out at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in the greenhouse<br />

of ecological seed-growing covered with double polymeric film, in the natural soil – in loam on<br />

loam, more deeply epihypogleyic luvisol (IDg 8-k, /Calc(ar)i – Epihypogleyc Luvisols – LVgp-w-cc),<br />

enriched with peat-compost substrate. There was grown Cucurbita pepo L. cultivar<br />

‘Beloruskaja’ and two cultivars of Cucurbita maxima Duch. – ‘Gele Reuzen’ and ‘Bambino’.<br />

Morphological indices of pumpkin fruits were fixed in three stages. It was established that<br />

the main pumpkin fruit growth took place in August. Then they already had fruits characteristic<br />

to the cultivar. In September ripening processes occurred in fruits, therefore fruit weight didn’t<br />

differ strongly from the second weighting of pumpkin fruits. Investigations showed that pumpkin<br />

cultivar ‘Gele Reuzen’ produced fruits, which weighted on the average from 8.0 to 8.7 kg.<br />

Pumpkins accumulate on the average 4.73 % of dry soluble solids. Cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’<br />

distinguished itself with bigger the<strong>ir</strong> amount. Sugar concentration in pumpkins changed from<br />

3.1 % to 4.29 %. The least amount of sugars was established in pumpkins of cultivar ‘Bambino’,<br />

the biggest one – in pumpkins of cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’. These vegetables accumulate little amount<br />

of ascorbic acid – on the average 3.33 mg 100 g -1 . Dependently on the cultivar, the amount of<br />

the accumulated nitrates in pumpkins change in wide limits – from 105 (‘Gele Reuzen’) up<br />

to 636 (‘Bambino’) mg kg -1 . The amount of carotenoids was investigated in the edible part of<br />

pumpkins. More of them was established in cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’ (5.94 mg 100 g -1 ).<br />

Key words: chemical composition, colour parameters, cultivars, growth, yield,<br />

morphological indices, pumpkin.<br />

Introduction. Lithuanian climate is excellent for pumpkin growing. It is suitable<br />

for them rich, soft soil, which quickly gets warm. Pumpkins grow faster, when stems,<br />

which start fruits, are shortened. When growing large-fruit pumpkins, it is left on<br />

plant 3–4 started fruits (Елацкова, 2005). Fruit quality is significantly influenced by<br />

the conditions of growing, fertilization and other factors (Paulauskienė et al., 2005).<br />

When growing pumpkins, it is very important to select the suitable cultivars, which<br />

genetype influences taste properties. Pumpkins suitable for using should be completely<br />

ripen, with hard skin and, with the exception of several striped species, of uniform<br />

external colour. The flesh of the pumpkins, which are of good quality, is brightly yellow<br />

or orange with excellent juicy structure; there are much dry soluble solids, sugars<br />

(1.15–14 %), starch (1.5–20 %), pectin (4.8–12.8 %) and cellular tissue (0.7–0.95 %)<br />

in them. In the pumpkins of some cultivars there is more carotene than in carrots (up<br />

to 16 mg 100 g -1 ) (Cantwell and Suslow, 1998; Prohens, Nuez, 2007). Because of the<br />


ig amount of pigments, these vegetables are valuable and widely spread (Hazara<br />

et al., 2007; Kidmose et al., 2006). There are these vitamins in pumpkin fruits: vitamin<br />

C (8 mg 100 g -1 ), B1 (0.03 mg 100 g -1 ), PP (0.5 mg 100 g -1 ). It is found in pumpkin<br />

vitamin T (0.07–0.08 mg %), which improves assimilation of nutrients. Pumpkins have<br />

one of the biggest amounts of <strong>ir</strong>on among vegetables. They help to assimilate food,<br />

which is hard to digest, and they have little calories (Лебедева, 1989).<br />

The flesh of overripen fruits is dryer and have more fibres. The time of pumpkin<br />

harvesting coincides with fruit physiological maturity, the features of which are<br />

observed visually. When the surface of skin loses its brilliance and becomes hard and<br />

resistant to mechanical effect, the fruit is easily to pick from the stem. When the yield<br />

is gathered too late, pumpkin fruits during storage are more injured by root diseases<br />

(Hawthorne, 1990).<br />

The aim of investigation is to select ecologically grown pumpkin cultivar, which<br />

are distinguished for good nutritional properties and are suitable to process.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Investigations were carried out at the Lithuanian<br />

Institute of Horticulture in the greenhouse of ecological seed-growing covered with<br />

double polymeric film, in the natural soil – in loam on loam, more deeply epihypogleyic<br />

luvisol (IDg 8-k, /Calc(ar)i – Epihypogleyc Luvisols – LVg-p-w-cc), enriched with<br />

peat-compost substrate. There was grown Cucurbita pepo L. cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’<br />

and two cultivars of Cucurbita maxima Duch. – ‘Gele Reuzen’ and ‘Bambino’.<br />

Pumpkins were sown in the heated nursery on May 4, 2007. Into the constant<br />

growing place in the greenhouse shoots were planted at the distances of 140 Ч 90 cm,<br />

three plants per each replication, on May 29. The area of experimental field was<br />

3.78 m 2 . Experiment was carried out in three replications. Pumpkins of technical<br />

maturity were gathered on September 20. During pumpkin growing, morphological<br />

parameters of fruits were evaluated: length, diameter, weight and the average yield.<br />

Morphological indices of pumpkin fruits were evaluated in three stages. The f<strong>ir</strong>st<br />

pumpkin yield evaluation was on July 20 (fruit diameter 4.0–6.0 cm), other – on<br />

August 20 (fruit diameter 15.0–25.0 cm) and the th<strong>ir</strong>d one – on September 20 (fruit<br />

diameter 20.0–30.0 cm).<br />

In the beginning of June, 2007 weather was a little bit cooler, and this might<br />

influence pumpkin flower formation, therefore they started flowering only in the<br />

middle of June and started fruits in the f<strong>ir</strong>st half of July. Ecologically grown pumpkins<br />

were fertilized with natural fertilizer Biokal 01 and Biojodis (for three times). When<br />

pumpkins started forming flowers, they were fertilized with Ekoplant and after a week<br />

they were sprinkled with the solution of potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate. At<br />

the end of July plants were for two times sprayed with biological preparation (Nimazal<br />

0.5 % concentration solution) from pests. Pumpkins during the<strong>ir</strong> growth each week<br />

were sprinkled with water. It was weeded and hoed with manual implement for nine<br />

times.<br />

The quality of pumpkin cultivars ‘Beloruskaja’ ‘Gele Reuzen’ and ‘Bambino’ of<br />

technical maturity was evaluated at the laboratory of biochemistry and technology<br />

applying chemical and physical methods of investigations. Ascorbic acid was measured<br />


y titration with 2.6- dichlorphenolindophenol sodium chloride solution (Ермаков<br />

et al., 1987); dry soluble solids - by digital refractometer (ATAGO PR-32, Atago Co.,<br />

Ltd., Tokyo, Japan); sugar content (inverted sugar and sucrose) – by Bertrand method<br />

(AOAC, 1990); total amount of dry matter was established gravimetrically – by<br />

drying fruits at the temperature of 105 °C up to unchangeable mass (Manuals, 1986);<br />

the amounts of nitrates – potentiometrically, with ionselective electrode (Metodiniai<br />

nurodymai, 1990). Carotenoids were extracted from fresh pumpkins by hexane, and<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> amount was expressed by β-carotene equivalent. The amount of carotenoids was<br />

established spectrophotometrically according to Scott (Scott, 2001).<br />

Pumpkin fruit surface colour was measured with a spectrophotometer<br />

MiniScan XE Plus (Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., Reston, V<strong>ir</strong>ginia, USA).<br />

CIEL*a*b* colour parameters were recorded as L* (lightness), a* (+ redness),<br />

and b* (+ yellowness). The chroma (C* = (a* 2 + b* 2 ) 1/2 ) and hue angle (h° = arctan(b*/a*))<br />

were also calculated (McGuiere, 1992). Data were presented as the averages of the<br />

three measurements. Colour parameters were processed with program Universal<br />

Software V. 4–10.<br />

Investigations were carried out in three replications. Averages of the data of<br />

experiments and standard deviations were calculated using MS Excel program packet.<br />

For the evaluation of data significance there was used statistical program ANOVA<br />

(Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003).<br />

Results. The investigated pumpkins are the varieties of common and large<br />

pumpkin. Fruits of pumpkin cultivars ‘Beloruskaja’ and ‘Bambino’ are oval or roundoval,<br />

and these of ‘Gele Reuzen’ – flat. During all the stages of harvest gathering<br />

cultivar ‘Gele Reuzen’ produced the biggest fruits (Table 1). The evaluation of pumpkin<br />

cultivars’ fruit morphological parameters showed that in the beginning of fruit growth<br />

these parameters differ from each other only slightly. The differences of cultivar<br />

morphological parameters became clear, when the intensive fruit growth took place<br />

(from July 20 up to August 20). During this period the biggest average fruit weight<br />

produced pumpkins of cultivar ‘Gele Reuzen’ (6.8 kg). Fruits of the ripen pumpkins<br />

distinguished themselves with the features characteristic to the cultivar.<br />

After evaluation of the productivity of the investigated pumpkin cultivars, it<br />

was established that pumpkin cultivar ‘Gele Reuzen’ produced the biggest total yield<br />

(<strong>27</strong>.6 kg m -2 ) (Table 2). Out of the investigated pumpkin cultivars, ‘Bambino’ pumpkins<br />

distinguished themselves with the smallest total yield.<br />


Table 1. Evaluation of pumpkin morphological parameters<br />

1 lentelė. Moliūgų morfologinių požymių rodikliai<br />

Babtai, 2007<br />

Table 2. Estimation of ripen pumpkin yield<br />

2 lentelė. Subrendusių moliūgų derliaus įvertinimas<br />

Babtai, 2007<br />

The amount of total sugar in pumpkins was small – from 3.1 up to 4.29 %.<br />

Monosaccharides dominate among sugars. The amount of sugars in pumpkins of<br />

cultivars ‘Bambino’ and ‘Gele Reuzen’ essentially didn’t differ. Fruits of cultivar<br />

‘Beloruskaja’ had more sugars (Fig. 1).<br />

The amount of dry soluble solids in pumpkin fluctuates from 3.4 up to 5.9 %. Fruits<br />

of cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’ accumulated the biggest amount of them (5.9 %) (Fig. 2).<br />

It was found only little amount of ascorbic acid in the investigated pumpkins – on<br />

the average 3.33 mg 100 g -1 . More of it accumulated fruits of cultivars ‘Gele Ruzen’<br />

and ‘Beloruskaja’ (Fig. 2). Pumpkins of these cultivars also contain more dry matter.<br />

Essentially less amount of dry matter was established in ‘Bambino’ fruits (Fig. 2).<br />


Fig. 1. Sugars content of pumpkin fruits<br />

1 pav. Cukrų kiekis moliūguose<br />

Fig. 2. Change of biochemical composition in pumpkin fruits<br />

2 pav. Moliūgų vaisių biocheminė sudėtis<br />

There were established essential differences among cultivars according to the<br />

accumulated amount of nitrates. During the years of investigations fruits of cultivar<br />

‘Gele Reuzen’ had the least amount of nitrates (105 mg kg -1 ), more of them it was<br />

established in ‘Bambino’ pumpkins (636 mg kg -1 ) (Fig. 3).<br />

Pumpkins of the analysed cultivars essentially differ from each other by the amount<br />

of accumulated carotenoids (Fig. 4). ‘Gele Reuzen’ fruits have very little amount of<br />

pigments – 1.7 mg 100 g -1 . But ‘Beloruskaja’ pumpkins accumulate 3.5 times more<br />

carotenoids and also exceed cultivar ‘Bambino’ by the amount of pigments.<br />


Fig. 3. Nitrates content in pumpkin fruits<br />

3 pav. Nitratų kiekis moliūguose<br />

Fig. 4. Carotenoids content in pumpkin fruits<br />

4 pav. Karotinoidų kiekis moliūguose<br />

Carotenoid concentration in pumpkin flesh essentially determined the parameter<br />

of the<strong>ir</strong> lightness index L*, which changed from 63.43 (‘Beloruskaja’) up to 71.0<br />

(‘Bambino’) (Table 3).<br />

Table 3. Colour parameters in pumpkins fruits<br />

3 lentelė. Moliūgų vaisių spalvos rodikliai<br />

The parameters of ‘Gele Ruzen’ and ‘Beloruskaja’ fruit flesh redness coordinate a*<br />

essentially do not differ. The flesh of ‘Bambino’ has more expressed red colour and<br />

the meaning of its parameter of yellowness coordinate b* is essentially the least<br />

one (54.92). Though there are essential differences between the meanings of ‘Gele<br />

Ruzen’ and ‘Beloruskaja’ pumpkins’ coordinate b*, the meanings of yellowness of<br />


the mentioned cultivars in the space of colours are similar.<br />

‘Gele Ruzen’ fruits essentially distinguished themselves with chroma (C*) (69.1).<br />

There were established essential differences among cultivars’ hue (h°), which is shown<br />

by the ratio between colour coordinates a* and b*. ‘Bambino’ fruits have the smaller<br />

ratio of redness and yellowness and ‘Gele Ruzen’ fruits – the bigger one.<br />

Discussion. Pumpkin fruit external quality, size, colour depends on cultivar’s<br />

genetic nature, soil, fertilization, etc. Pumpkin cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’ distinguishes<br />

itself with oval or round-oval fruits, which ripe weight about 6–8 kg and the total<br />

yield per ha reaches about 50 t ha -1 (Хлебородов et al., 2005). Our investigations<br />

showed that when growing pumpkin cultivars ecologically it is possible to obtain<br />

qualitative yield. After the evaluation of morphological parameters of pumpkin fruits<br />

in different pumpkin growth stages, it was established that in the beginning of fruit<br />

growing pumpkin cultivars do not differ. During intensive fruit growing they obtain<br />

the features, characteristic to that cultivar. Ripen pumpkins distinguished themselves<br />

with the features characteristic to that cultivar and qualitative parameters of the fruit.<br />

This shows our and other investigators’ data (Hazara et al., 2007). Cultivar’s genetype<br />

very influences pumpkin taste properties. Pumpkin flesh colour intensity depends on<br />

the amount of accumulated carotenoids, and the amounts of sugars and dry soluble<br />

solids are among fruit maturity parameters, which strongly correlate among themselves<br />

and influence pumpkin taste properties (Daniel et al., 1995; Harvey et al., 1997).<br />

Pumpkin fruits, grown as usually, ripen accumulate from 6.48 up to 20.63 mg 100 g -1<br />

of ascorbic acid (Danilčenko et al., 2003). Pumpkins of cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’ grown<br />

in 2007 distinguished themselves with the parameters of chemical composition. In the<br />

flesh of its fruits it was established the biggest amount of sugars (4.29 %), dry soluble<br />

solids (5.9 %), and carotenoids (5.94 mg 100 g -1 ). The bigger pigments’ concentration<br />

determined the exceptionality of the flesh colour parameters of this cultivar. Fruit flesh<br />

of cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’ was of brightest orange colour.<br />

Dependently on the climate conditions and growing technologies, fruits of<br />

cultivar ‘Bambino’ grown in Lithuania accumulate up to 20.63 mg 100 g -1 of ascorbic<br />

acid and 7.98–9.94 % of dry matter (Danilčenko et al., 2003). During the years of<br />

investigation the fruits of this cultivar weren’t vitaminous and accumulated less dry<br />

matter. Comparing with the cultivars grown in 2007, the parameters of ‘Bambino’<br />

pumpkin chemical composition, with the exception of the accumulated amount of<br />

pigments, essentially were worse. Our data conf<strong>ir</strong>ms the results of other investigators<br />

that there is found only a small amount of carotenoids (3.45 mg 100 g -1 ) in the flesh<br />

of the mentioned cultivar. It is necessary to mention that during the cultivars’ flesh<br />

colour analysis it was established the exceptionality of ‘Bambino’ pumpkin colour.<br />

The parameters of coordinate a* of ‘Bambino’ flesh redness in the space of colours<br />

are more in the red zone. Though there was found less carotenoids in the flesh of this<br />

cultivar in comparison with ‘Beloruskaja’ fruits, we think that there may be more red<br />

b-carotene in the composition of ‘Bambino’ pumpkin carotenoids. In human organism<br />

this carotene d<strong>ir</strong>ectly participate in the process of the formation of vitamin A molecules<br />

(Kidmose et al., 2006).<br />

Analysing the parameters of pumpkin cultivar colour quality it was established<br />

that the parameters of flesh colourness coordinate a*, which influenced the changes<br />


of hue (h°), fluctuated more.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Pumpkins of cultivar ‘Gele Reuzen’ distinguished themselves<br />

with oval form, produced on the average 8.4 kg of marketable fruits, were productive<br />

(<strong>27</strong>.6 kg m -2 ) and accumulated little amount of nitrates (105 mg kg -1 ).<br />

2. Ripe pumpkins of cultivar ‘Beloruskaja’ essentially distinguished<br />

themselves with the parameters of chemical composition. There was found in the<strong>ir</strong><br />

flesh more dry soluble solids (5.9 %), sugars (4.29 %), ascorbic acid (4 mg 100 g -1 ), and<br />

carotenoids (5.94 mg 100 g -1 ). The amount of the accumulated nitrates (341 mg kg -1 )<br />

was less than the average one (361 mg kg -1 ).<br />

3. Out of the colour parameters, the parameters of flesh colourness coordinate a*,<br />

which influenced the changes of hue (h°), fluctuated more.<br />

References<br />

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2. Cantwell M, Suslow T. V. 1998. Pumpkins and Winter squashes. Recommendations<br />

for maintaining postharvest quality. Perishables Handling Quarterly, 94: 15-16.<br />

3. Daniel A. L. 1995. Tropical pumpkin cultigen postharvest quality evaluation and<br />

maturity studies. M. Sc. Thesis. Univ. of Florida, Gainesville FL.<br />

4. Danilčenko H., Paulauskienė A., Jarienė E., Kučinskas J. 2003. Augimo būdų<br />

įtaka moliūgų kokybei. Sosininkystė <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystė, 22(2): 141–149.<br />

5. Harvey W. J., Grant D. G., Lammerink J. P. 1997. Physical and sensory changes<br />

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6. Hawthorne B. T. 1990. Age of fruit at harvest influences incidence of fungal storage<br />

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7. Hazara P., Mandal A. K., Dutta A. K., Sikadar D., Pandit M. K. 2007. Breeding<br />

Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata Duch. Ex Po<strong>ir</strong>.) For high Yield and Carotene<br />

content. Acta Horticulturae, 752: 431–435.<br />

8. Kidmose U., Yang R.-Y., Thilsted S. H., Christensen L. P., Brandt K. 2006.<br />

Content of carotenoids in commonly consumed Asian vegetables and stability<br />

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13. Prohens J., Nuez F. 2007. Pumpkin and Winter Squash. Handbook of Plant<br />

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17. Ермаков А. И., Арасимович В. В., Ярош Н. П., Перуанский Ю. В.,<br />

Луковникова Г. А., Иконникова М. И. 1987. Методы биохимического<br />

исследования растений, Ленинград, ВО “Агропромиздат”.<br />

18. Лебедева А. Т. 1989.Тыква, кабачок, патиссон. Москва. BO<br />

“Агропромиздат”.<br />

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Направление и результаты селекции сортов и гетерозных гибридов<br />

тыквенных культур в Беларуси. Материалы международной научной<br />

конференции, Минск, 161–163.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingų ekologiškai auginamų moliūgų veislių augimas, derėjimas<br />

<strong>ir</strong> kokybė<br />

R. Karklelienė, P. Viškelis, M. Rubinskienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Tyrimai vykdyti Lietuvos sodininkystės <strong>ir</strong> daržininkystės instituto ekologinės sėklininkystės<br />

dviguba polimerine plėvele dengtame šiltnamyje, natūraliame d<strong>ir</strong>vožemyje – limnoglacialiniame<br />

priemolyje ant moreninio priemolio, giliau glėjiškame išplautžemyje (IDg 8-k, /Calc(ar)<br />

i – Epihypogleyc Luvisols – LVg-p-w-cc), papildytame durpių-komposto substratu. Auginta<br />

paprastojo moliūgo (Cucurbita pepo L.) veislė ‘Beloruskaja’ <strong>ir</strong> didžiojo moliūgo (Cucurbita<br />

maxima Duch.) dvi veislės ‘Gele Reuzen’ <strong>ir</strong> ‘Bambino’.<br />

Moliūgų vaisių morfologiniai rodikliai t<strong>ir</strong>ti trimis etapais. Pagrindinis moliūgų vaisių<br />

augimas buvo rugpjūčio mėnesį, kai jie jau buvo suformavę veislei būdingus vaisius. Rugsėjo<br />

mėnesį vaisiuose vyko brendimo procesai, todėl vaisių svoris nedaug skyrėsi nuo antrojo moliūgų<br />

vaisių svėrimo. Tyrimai parodė, kad ‘Gele Reuzen’ veislės moliūgai suformuoja vidutiniškai<br />

nuo 8,0 iki 8,7 kg vaisius.<br />

Moliūgai sukaupia vidutiniškai 4,73 % t<strong>ir</strong>pių sausųjų medžiagų. Didesniu jų kiekiu išsiskyrė<br />

‘Beloruskaja’ veislė. Cukrų koncentracija moliūguose kito nuo 3,1 % iki 4,29 %. Mažiausiai<br />


cukrų nustatyta ‘Bambino’, daugiausiai – ‘Beloruskaja’ veislės moliūguose. Šios daržovės<br />

sukaupia mažа askorbo rūgšties kiekį – vidutiniškai 3,33 mg 100 g -1 . priklausomai nuo veislės,<br />

sukauptų nitratų kiekiai moliūguose kinta plačiose ribose – nuo 105 (‘Gele Reuzen’) iki 636<br />

(‘Bambino’) mg kg -1 . Karotinoidų kiekis buvo t<strong>ir</strong>iamas valgomoje moliūgų dalyje. Daugiau jų<br />

nustatyta ‘Beloruskaja’ (5,94 mg 100 g -1 ) veislėje.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augimas, cheminė sudėtis, derlius, moliūgai, morfologiniai rodikliai,<br />

spalvos parametrai, veislės.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Effect of abiotic factors on risk of Venturia inaequalis<br />

infection depending on apple tree growth stages<br />

Laimutis Raudonis, Alma Valiuškaitė, Elena Survilienė<br />

Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Kauno 30, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr.,<br />

Lithuania, e-mail: l.raudonis@lsdi.lt<br />

The influence of abiotic factors on risk of apple scab infection depending on fruit tree<br />

growth stages was studied in 2006–2007. Scab warning equipment Metos D in 2006 and Internet<br />

based system iMETOS in 2007 were used for prediction of infection risks of apple scab. Long<br />

duration of leaf wetness, depending on a<strong>ir</strong> temperature induced light, medium and strong scab<br />

conidia infection. Conidia infections start to occur at 69 (end of flowering) growth stage, when<br />

leaves, young shoots and other parts of apple tree are developed. Peak of conidia infections<br />

occurs from 71 (fruit size up to 10 mm) and it lasts till beginning of 74 (fruit diameter up to<br />

40 mm) or 75 (fruit about half final size) growth stages. The next peak of infections starts from<br />

the end of 75 or the beginning of 77 (fruit about 70 % of final size) growth stages and it lasts till<br />

the end of the season. There are no conidia infections from 69 till 71 growth stages and from<br />

the beginning of 74 or 75 till the end of 75 or the beginning of 77 growth stages.<br />

Key words: a<strong>ir</strong> temperature, conidia infection, growth stage, leaf wetness, relative<br />

humidity, scab.<br />

Introduction. Venturia inaequalis causal agent of apple scab is the most important<br />

disease of apple and its control depends almost exclusively on frequent use of<br />

fungicides. 75 % of the pesticide use in apple production is related to control of fungal<br />

diseases, in which apple scab has a share of 70 % (Creemers, Laer, 2006). European<br />

agriculture faced the strict demands to decrease the use of pesticides in order to reduce<br />

any human or env<strong>ir</strong>onmental hazards; therefore, the need for evaluation and reduction<br />

of the use of pesticides is expressed. To obtain the reduction of the use of fungicides<br />

without any significant damage to the crop, the control of apple scab should be based<br />

on registration of climatic data, scouting of biotic parameters, infection risks and<br />

simulation disease models. The bioecology of V. inaequalis has been widely studied in<br />

many countries. The development of infection risks of apple scab, highly depends on<br />

apple cultivar susceptibility, inoculum of the pathogen in orchards, growth stage of the<br />

tree, ascospore release and the influence of parameters as a<strong>ir</strong> temperature, duration of<br />

leaf wetness, relative humidity or light (Gadoury et al., 1998; Stensvand et al., 1998;<br />

Li, Xu, 2002; Rossi et al., 2003; Holb et al., 2004; Holb et al., 2005; Carisse et al.,<br />

2007). Based on a<strong>ir</strong> temperature duration of leaf wetness and other parameters apple<br />

scab models have been developed, evaluated and recently successfully used for the<br />

disease control in apple orchards. Met stations equipped with sensors for registration<br />

and transmission of data about temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, leaf wetness<br />


and others for prediction of apple scab infection risks (Berrie, 1994; Butt, Xu, 1994;<br />

Bьhler, Gesle, 1994; Rossi et al., 1999; Raudonis, 2002; Raudonis et al., 2003; Holb<br />

et al., 2003; Xu, Robinson, 2005; Atlamaz et al., 2007; Rossi, Bugiani, 2007). However,<br />

little is known about effect of abiotic factors on risk of apple scab infection depending<br />

on fruit tree growth stages.<br />

Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of abiotic<br />

factors on risk of apple scab infection depending on fruit tree growth stages.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Scab warning equipment Metos D in 2006 and<br />

Internet based system iMETOS in 2007 (G. Pessl, Austria) were used for the record<br />

of meteorological data and apple scab infection periods.<br />

Apple scab infection periods were measured at different growth stages according<br />

to BBCH scale (Meier, 1997). Abbreviations for tree growth stages given above<br />

are 69 = end of flowering: all petals fallen; 71 = fruit size up to 10 mm, fruit fall<br />

after flowering; 73 = second fruit fall; 74 = fruit diameter up to 40 mm, fruit erect<br />

(T-stage, underside of fruit and stalk forming – T); 75 = fruit about half final size;<br />

77 = fruit about 70 % of final size; 81 = beginning of ripening, lightening of cultivar<br />

specific fruit color; 85 = advanced ripening, increase in intensity of cultivar specific<br />

fruit color; 86 = fruit ripe for picking and 89 = fruit ripe for consumption.<br />

The field trials were carried out in the apple tree orchard at the Lithuanian Institute<br />

of Horticulture in 2006–2007. The apple trees of variety ‘Conel Red’ were planted in<br />

1995; 1250 seedlings per hectare. The soil was fertilized with N – 70 kg ha -1 before<br />

flowering.<br />

Assessments of scabbed leaves were made after primary and secondary infection<br />

periods as follows: on VI.21 and VIII.18 in 2006 and on VII.09 and VIII.06 in 2007.<br />

There were 200 leaves to assess the incidence and intensity of apple scab on leaves in<br />

each plot. 100 fruits in each plot were assessed at harvest on X.09 and IX.<strong>27</strong> in 2006<br />

and 2007 and percentage of fruits injured by apple scab was recorded.<br />

Incidence of apple scab on leaves and fruits was calculated: P = a × 100/N;<br />

P – disease incidence; a – number of scabbed leaves; N – total assessed leaves. Intensity<br />

of apple scab on leaves and fruits was calculated: R = Sa × b × 100/NK; R – disease<br />

intensity, a – the number of leaves or fruits scabbed the same level, Sa × b – the sum<br />

of scabbed leaves or fruits assessed by the same score, N – total assessed leaves or<br />

fruits, K – the highest score of the scale (5).<br />

Scab incidence and intensity on leaves and fruits was compared among treatments<br />

in this study with a single factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). Specific differences<br />

were identified with Duncan’s multiple range test.<br />

Results. Mean data of a<strong>ir</strong> temperature, relative humidity and duration of leaf<br />

wetness per day in 2006 and 2007 are presented in Fig. 1 and 2. In 2006 the mean<br />

a<strong>ir</strong> temperature on average ranged from 15 to 20 °C at the moment of 69–71 growth<br />

stages (end of flowering – fruit size up to 10 mm) (Fig. 1). Relative humidity was high<br />

(75–100 %). Duration of leaf wetness was high just after flowering. Later duration of<br />

leaf wetness was short or leaves were dry. Though a<strong>ir</strong> temperature was comparatively<br />

lower, but high relative humidity and long duration of leaf wetness resulted light,<br />

medium and even strong conidia infection of scab at 69 growth stage of apple tree<br />

(Fig. 3). Later, till 71 growth stage no conidia infections were observed. Mean a<strong>ir</strong><br />


temperature increased and relative humidity dropped between 65–75 % after 71 till<br />

the beginning of 74 (fruit diameter up to 40 mm) growth stages. Duration of leaf<br />

wetness increased and this resulted light or medium conidia infection during 71–74<br />

growth stages. No leaf wetness occurred from 74 till the end of 75 (fruit about half<br />

final size) growth stages and no conidia infection was recorded during this period for<br />

18 days. After 75 growth stage till the 86 (fruit ripe for picking) mean a<strong>ir</strong> temperature<br />

started gradually decrease, meanwhile relative humidity grew up. The duration of leaf<br />

wetness was highest and often lasted more than 20 hours per day during this period.<br />

Long duration of leaf wetness, though a<strong>ir</strong> temperature started slightly decrease, often<br />

resulted light, medium and strong scab conidia infections from the end of 75 growth<br />

stage till the end of the season in 2006 (Fig. 3).<br />

Similar patterns were recorded in 2007. Strong conidia infection was induced by<br />

long duration of leaf wetness at 69 growth stage (Fig. 2, 4). Later, approximately for<br />

two weeks, till 71 growth stage no high duration of leaf wetness and conidia infection<br />

was observed (Fig. 2). After 71 till the beginning of 75 growth stages the mean a<strong>ir</strong><br />

temperature varied between 15–20 °C and relative humidity started increase. The<br />

duration of leaf wetness started to grow up and often reached 20 hours per day. Apple<br />

scab conidia infections were often and strong during these grow stages (Fig. 4). No<br />

leaf wetness occurred from the beginning of 74 till the beginning of 77 (fruit about<br />

70 % of final size) growth stages and no conidia infection was recorded during this<br />

period for near 2 weeks. After the beginning of 77 growth stage till 86 and later the<br />

duration of leaf wetness per day was long and it often resulted light, medium and<br />

strong scab conidia infections. Except, there was no conidia infection before and<br />

during 85 (advanced ripening, increase in intensity of cultivar specific fruit color)<br />

growth stage in 2007.<br />

Scab conidia infection periods resulted in d<strong>ir</strong>ect damage of leaves and fruits of<br />

apple tree (Table). More often and strong conidia infections were recorded, particularly<br />

between 71 and the beginning of 75 growth stages in 2007 comparing with 2006.<br />

The scab incidence and intensity on leaves was 64–85 % and 34–49 % in 2007,<br />

respectively. The incidence and intensity of scab on fruits was 84.7 and 45.7 %. There<br />

were statistically less damaged leaves and fruits by apple scab in 2006.<br />

Table. An incidence and intensity of apple scab<br />

Lentelė. Obelų rauplių paplitimas <strong>ir</strong> intensyvumas<br />

Babtai, 2006–2007<br />


Fig. 1. Dynamics of meteorological parameters influencing<br />

scab development, 2006<br />

1 pav. Meteorologinių parametrų įtakojančių rauplių<br />

plitimą dinamika. 2006 m.<br />

Fig. 2. Dynamics of meteorological parameters influencing<br />

scab development, 2007<br />

2 pav. Meteorologinių parametrų įtakojančių rauplių<br />

plitimą dinamika. 2007 m.<br />


Fig. 3. Scab infection periods and intensity at different apple growth<br />

stages in 2006<br />

3 pav. Obelų rauplių infekcija <strong>ir</strong> intensyvumas sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose obelų<br />

augimo tarpsniuose. 2006 m.<br />

Fig. 4. Scab infection periods and intensity at different apple growth<br />

stages in 2007<br />

4 pav. Obelų rauplių infekcija <strong>ir</strong> intensyvumas sk<strong>ir</strong>tinguose obelų<br />

augimo tarpsniuose. 2007 m.<br />


Discussion. A<strong>ir</strong> temperature, relative humidity and leaf wetness are one of factor<br />

the most influencing development of apple scab infections (Gadoury et al., 1998;<br />

Hartman et al., 1999; Aylor, Qiu, 1996; Rossi, Bugiani, 2007; Laer, Creemers, 2004;<br />

Hamada, 2005; FRöhling et al., 2005; Xu, Robinson, 2005). Refereeing these abiotic<br />

factors scab warning systems for prediction of ascospores or conidia infection and scab<br />

control are developed (Berrie, 1994; Bьhler, Gesle, 1994; Butt, Xu, 1994; Raudonis,<br />

2002; Raudonis et al., 2003; Atlamaz et al., 2007). Seasonal patterns of scab conidia<br />

infections in our investigations are in accordance with other studies on V. inaequalis.<br />

Depending on a<strong>ir</strong> temperature, relative humidity and leaf wetness the conidia infections<br />

start to occur at 69 (end of flowering) growth stage, when leaves, young shoots and<br />

other parts of apple tree are developed. No fruits are developed during this stage, but<br />

young leaves can be easy infected and later it could be as infection source for small<br />

fruits. Depending on growth stage the susceptibility of apple tree to scab infection is<br />

very different. Some authors had stated that only newly emerged leaves of apple tree<br />

are susceptible to scab infection by ascospores or conidia (Sanogo, Aylor, 1997; Li,<br />

Xu, 2002; Holb et al., 2004; Holb et al., 2005). The same patterns of scab infection<br />

severity depending maturity of fruits were observed (Xu, Robinson, 2005). Therefore,<br />

apple tree have to be controlled against scab at 69 growth stage. There were no conidia<br />

infections from 69 till 71 growth stages and fungicide sprays could be omitted. Peak<br />

of conidia infections occur from 71 and it lasts till the beginning of 74 or 75 growth<br />

stages. An intensive scab control system using protective and curative fungicides<br />

should be used, especially when small fruits start to develop during this period. No<br />

infections were observed from the beginning of 74 or 75 till the end of 75 or the<br />

beginning of 77 growth stages. The next peak of infections starts from the end of 75<br />

or the beginning of 77 growth stages and it lasts till the end of the season. Control<br />

system applying curative or protective fungicides depending on severity and duration<br />

of conidia infection should be applied.<br />

Conclusions. 1. Depending on a<strong>ir</strong> temperature, relative humidity and leaf wetness<br />

the conidia infections start to occur at 69 (end of flowering) growth stage, when leaves,<br />

young shoots and other parts of apple tree are developed. Peak of conidia infections<br />

occur from 71 and it lasts till beginning of 74 or 75 growth stages. The next peak of<br />

infections starts from the end of 75 or the beginning of 77 growth stages and it lasts<br />

till the end of the season.<br />

2. There are no conidia infections from 69 till 71 growth stages and from the<br />

beginning of 74 or 75 till the end of 75 or the beginning of 77 growth stages.<br />

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22. Rossi V., Ponti I., Marinelli M., Giosue S., Bugiani R. 1999. Field evaluation of<br />

some models estimating the seasonal pattern of a<strong>ir</strong>borne ascospores of Venturia<br />

inaequalis. Journal of Phytopathology, 147(10): 567–575.<br />

23. Sanogo S., Aylor D. E. 1997. Infection efficiency of Venturia inaequalis<br />

ascospores as affected by apple flower bud development stage. Plant Disease,<br />

81: 661–663.<br />

24. Stensvand A., Amundsen T., Semb L., Gadoury D. M., Seem R. C. 1998. Discharge<br />

and dissemination of ascospores by Venturia inaequalis during dew. Plant disease,<br />

82(7): 761–764.<br />

25. Xu X. M., Robinson J. 2005. Modelling the effects of wetness duration and fruit<br />

maturity on infection of apple fruits of Cox’s orange Pippin and two clones of<br />

gala by Venturia inaequalis. Plant Pathology, 54(3): 347–356.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Abiotinių faktorių įtaka Venturia inaequalis infekcijos rizikai<br />

priklausomai nuo obelų augimo tarpsnių<br />

L. Raudonis, A. Valiuрkaitė, E. Survilienė<br />

Santrauka<br />

Abiotinių faktorių įtaka obelų rauplių infekcijos rizikai priklausomai nuo obelų augimo<br />

tarpsnių buvo t<strong>ir</strong>ti 2006–2007 metais. Rauplių prognozavimo prietaisas Metos D 2006 m. <strong>ir</strong><br />

internetinė sistema iMETOS 2007 m. buvo panaudoti prognozuojant obelų rauplių infekcijos<br />

riziką. Ilgai trunkanti lapų drėgmė, priklausomai nuo oro temperatūros sukelia silpną, vidutinę<br />

<strong>ir</strong> stiprią rauplių konidijų infekciją. Konidijų infekcija prasideda 69 augimo tarpsnyje (žydėjimo<br />

pabaiga), kai lapai, jauni ūgliai <strong>ir</strong> kitos dalys vystosi. Konidijų infekcijos maksimumas nustatytas<br />

nuo 71 augimo tarpsnio (vaisius padidėja iki 10 mm) <strong>ir</strong> tęsias iki 74 pradžios (vaisiaus diametras<br />

padidėja iki 40 mm) arba 75 augimo tarpsnio (vaisius pasiekia pusę būdingo dydžio). Kitas<br />

infekcijos pikas prasideda nuo 75 augimo tarpsnio pabaigos arba 77 pradžios (vaisius pasiekia<br />

apie 70 % būdingo dydžio) <strong>ir</strong> tęsias iki sezono pabaigos. Nenustatyta konidijų infekcija nuo<br />

69 augimo tarpsnio iki 71 <strong>ir</strong> nuo 74 augimo tarpsnio pradžios iki 75 pabaigos arba 77 augimo<br />

tarpsnio.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: augimo tarpsnis, konidijų infekcija, lapų drėgnumas, oro temperatūra,<br />

rauplės, santykinė drėgmė.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Biological control of potato against<br />

Rhizoctonia solani (Kühn)<br />

Halina Kurzawińska, Stanisław Mazur<br />

University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 31-425 Krakow,<br />

Al. 29 Listopada 54, Poland, e-mail: hkurzaw@ogr.ar.krakow.pl,<br />

smazur@ogr.ar.krakow.pl<br />

The aim of three years field investigations was to evaluate the effect of bio-preparations<br />

Polyversum (B.A.S. Pythium oligandrum) and Biochikol 020 PC (B. A. S. chitosan) applied<br />

on infected tubers by Rhizoctonia solani sclerots during vegetation period. As a standard<br />

fungicide Vitavax 2000 FS (B.A.S. karboxin and thiuram) was used. The effect of the mentioned<br />

preparations applied at three different concentrations on R. solani mycelium linear growth<br />

was investigated under in vitro conditions. The examinations were made using Kowalik and<br />

Krechniak method (1961). During potato vegetation period all applied preparations affected<br />

both the lower tubers’ infestation degree by R. solani sclerots and the lower tuber infestation<br />

percent by these pathogens.<br />

According to the results obtained from conducted in vitro examinations, it was found<br />

that Polyversum preparation, chemical preparation (Vitavax 2000 FS) and Biochikol 020 PC<br />

but applied only at the highest concentration (2.0 %) significantly reduced mycelium linear<br />

growth of R. solani.<br />

Key words: Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium oligandrum, chitosan, karboxin and thiuram<br />

bioprotection, potato.<br />

Introduction. In Poland potato belongs to economically important cultures. This<br />

plant is infected by many agrophags. Fungi Rhizoctonia solani, which causes black<br />

scurf of potato tubers, belong to commonly appearing potato pathogens. Sclerots of<br />

the mentioned fungi occurring on sets can be the source of infection for plants and<br />

descendant tubers. Moreover, it make the<strong>ir</strong> quality worsen (Ahrenniemi et al., 2005).<br />

Potato yield losses caused by this disease amounted even to 50 % (Hдni et al., 1998).<br />

Besides, rhizoctoniosis constitutes distinct aesthetic defect, which decreases market<br />

value of potatoes intendent for consumer purpose or for food industry (Lutom<strong>ir</strong>ska,<br />

2007).<br />

R. solani is soil born pathogens, which affects sets and contributes not only to yield<br />

losses but to fungi accumulation in soil (Bogucka, 1993). According to this author,<br />

interference with chemical preparations by sets dressing is still in use because of lack of<br />

discussed disease-resistant varieties. However, increasing env<strong>ir</strong>onmental contamination<br />

through use pesticides among others things incline us for using alternative methods to<br />

fight with plant pathogens. In modern plant protection an interest of biological methods,<br />

which consist of replacing pesticides with bio-preparations based on plant’s extracts,<br />

organic compounds and antagonistic microorganisms to pathogens, is increasing. To<br />


the mentioned antagonistic organisms belongs myco-parasite Pythium oligandrum,<br />

biologically active substance of bio-preparation Polyversum. Moreover, there are<br />

high possibilities of Biochikol 020 PC (B. A. S. chitosan) application in protection of<br />

many plants against diseases, especially as plant immunity inducer (Bell et al., 1998;<br />

Orlikowski et al., 2002, Pięta et al., 2006).<br />

Therefore, the objective of the presented study conducted as field experiment<br />

was the test of reduction of R. solani occurrence by application of bio-preparation<br />

Polyversum (contained Pythium oligandrum oospors) and Biochikol 020 PC (B. A. S.<br />

chitosan). As standard fungicide Vitavax 2000 FS (B. A. S. karboxin and thiuram) was<br />

used. Besides, the effect of mentioned bio-preparations on the R. solani mycelium<br />

linear growth was investigated under in vitro conditions.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. Field experiment was conducted at the<br />

Experimental Station at Mydlniki near Kraków owned by the Department of Plant<br />

Protection Academy of Agriculture, on brown soil, in 2005–2007. The winter wheat<br />

was the forecrop. During the investigations potatoes of mid-early cv. ‘Ibis’ cultivated<br />

according to recommendation of proper agro-technique was used. The experiment<br />

was established in th<strong>ir</strong>d decade of April with the method of random squares in four<br />

replications (100 tubers on each plot) and in following combinations: 1 – control –<br />

plants derived from tubers without any protection treatment; 2 – plants derived from<br />

tubers dressed with Biochikol 020 PC (B. A. S. chitosan) at concentration of 2.5 %;<br />

3 – dressed tubers + 4 times plants spraying with Biochikol 020 PC at concentration<br />

of 2.5 %; 4 – plants derived from tubers dressed with Polyversym (B. A. S. Pythium<br />

oligandrum) in dose 10 g/kg tubers; 5 – dressed tubers + 4 times plants spraying with<br />

Polyversum at concentration of 0.05 %; 6 – plants derived from tubers dressed with<br />

Vitavax 2000 FS (B. A. S. karboxin and thiuram) in dose 5 ml/kg tubers.<br />

After harvesting 100 tubers from each plot were randomly chosen, collected and<br />

put in storage (temperature 6–7 °C, relative a<strong>ir</strong> humidity 80–85 %). The analysis of<br />

degree and percent of tubers infested by R. solani sclerots were d<strong>ir</strong>ectly made after<br />

harvesting (in September) and later every 3 months (in December and March) during<br />

the storage period. The degree of infestation by above mentioned pathogens was defined<br />

according to following scale (Kapsa et al., 1998): 0 – lack of symptoms, 1 – disease<br />

symptoms founded on 5–25 % of tubers’ surface, 2 – disease symptoms on 26–50 %<br />

of tubers’ surface, 3 – disease symptoms appearing on 51–75 % of tubers’ surface, 4 –<br />

disease symptoms including over 75 % of surface. Received results were subjected to<br />

statistical analysis using analysis of variance. The multiple t-Duncan test was used to<br />

estimate the differences between mean values at significance level α = 0.05.<br />

The Kowalik and Krechniak (1961) method was used to the in vitro studies.<br />

R. solani was isolated from potato tubers. Each of examined preparations were applied<br />

at three different concentrations: Biochikol 020 PC at concentrations: 0.5 %, 1.0 %,<br />

2.0 %; Polyversum at concentrations: 0.05 %, 0.1 %, 0.2 %; Vitavax 2000 FS in doses:<br />

0.025 %, 0.05 %, 0.1 %.<br />

After pouring PDA agar to Petri dishes and after its silidified, the agar disk<br />

with mycelium of 14-days old culture of examined fungi was placed centrally into<br />

each dish. The control constituted Petrie dishes with medium PDA and agar disk<br />

with R. solani mycelium but without amendments. The test was carried out in five<br />

repetitions for each combination (10 Petri dishes for 1 repetition). Measurements<br />


were started when f<strong>ir</strong>st increase of mycelium in control dishes was observed and were<br />

conducted until the complete overgrowth of mentioned dishes was noted down. The<br />

crosswise measurement of colony diameter was made, and then the arithmetic mean<br />

for repetitions was calculated. The percent of inhibition of mycelium linear growth<br />

on medium with amendments of appropriate preparation compared to the growth of<br />

fungi on control Petri dish was used to measure the preparations activity (Kowalik<br />

and Krechniak, 1961). Received results were treated statistically using the analysis of<br />

variance followed by Duncan’s test (α = 0.05).<br />

Results. According to the received results during three years of investigations the<br />

favourable effect of both sets dressing and potato plant spraying with tested preparations<br />

on the reduction of black scurf on tubers was observed (Table).<br />

Table. The effect of bio-preparations on potato tuber Rhizoctonia solani, 2005–<br />

2007<br />

Lentelė. Biopreparatų poveikis bulvių stiebagumbių Rhizoctonia solani, 2005–2007 m.<br />

Application of chemical standard preparation Vitavax 2000 FS to sets dressing had the<br />

best influence on both inhibition of tubers’ infestation degree and tubers’ infestation<br />

percent by R. solani sclerots during the storage period. In all terms of analysis of tubers<br />


from this combination, the percent of tubers’ infestation by R. solani sclerots was the<br />

lowest and amounted from 1.0 (September) to 1.2 (March) – Table. Also the percent<br />

of tubers infestation by discussed pathogen was the lowest and reached from 11.1 %<br />

(September) to 16.8 in March (Table).<br />

In comparison to the control Polyversum and Biochikol 020 PC preparations<br />

significantly reduced R. solani growth on stored tubers of tested potato variety in all<br />

terms of analysis (Table). Statistical calculations showed the important influence of<br />

all preparations under consideration on the inhibition of both degree and percent of<br />

infested tubers by R. solani sclerots (Table).<br />

Figure represents the percent of R. solani mycelium linear growth inhibition.<br />

Among examined preparations Polyversum applied at all concentrations (0.05 %,<br />

0.1 %, 0.2 %) the most limited R. solani mycelium linear growth. The percent of<br />

inhibition appropriately came to 89.5 %, 91.1 %, 92.0 % (Fig.). Also in combination<br />

where Vitavax 2000 FS was used in all tested doses the important inhibition of abovementioned<br />

pathogen mycelium linear growth was found but the best inhibition was<br />

noted down at the highest concentration of this preparation, which is 0.1 % (87.5 %) –<br />

Fig. The weakest in vitro effect of reduction R. solani mycellium linear growth was<br />

found in combinations where Biochikol 020 PC was used. Mentioned preparation<br />

limited R. solani mycelium linear growth applied only at the highest concentration<br />

(2.0 %), whereas in doses 0.5 % and 1.0 % there was not any statistically important<br />

effect of Biochikol 020 PC application on the discussed pathogen mycelium linear<br />

growth (Fig.).<br />

Fig. Percent of inhibition of Rhizoctonia solani growth<br />

Pav. Rhizoctonia solani augimo inhibicijos procentas<br />

According to statistical calculations, the significant influence (in comparison to the<br />

control) of preparations under examination (with the exception of Biochikol 020 PC<br />


at concentration 0.5 % and 1.0 %) on the percent of R. solani mycelium linear growth<br />

inhibition was noted down.<br />

Discussion. Applied preparations limited the black scurf of tubers of examined<br />

potato variety. Investigations conducted by Gajda and Kurzawińska (2004) conf<strong>ir</strong>med<br />

favourable effect of sets dressing as well as Polyversum bio-preparation and chemical<br />

preparation on the inhibition of R. solani sclerots occurrence on potato tubers. Similar<br />

results were obtained by Bernart and Osowski (2006). Findings from conducted<br />

experiments showed the possibility of the use of both preparations Polyversum and<br />

Biochikol 020 PC in protection of potatoes against R. solani. Previous test data<br />

demonstrated that application of Polyversum bio-preparation to sets dressing limited<br />

contamination of descended tubers by R. solani sclerots. Under in vitro conditions<br />

above-mentioned preparation showed strong antifungal activity in relation to R. solani<br />

(Gajda, Kurzawińska, 2004). It is believed that the application of micro-biological<br />

material on the seeds (tubers) surface is the most effective method of prevention through<br />

infestation. According to Martin and Hancock (1987), Pythium oligandrum colonizes<br />

the ecological niche in the soil and successfully competes with plant pathogens. The<br />

authors showed that Pythium oligandrum have an influence on pathogenic factors.<br />

It resulted that the great number of pathogenic factors in the soil, on seeds, tubers,<br />

bulbs and rootstocks may decrease to the degree when the significant increase of<br />

plant health is noted down. According to Deacon (1991), Pythium oligandrum<br />

demonstrates destructive and parasitic character to many pathogenic fungi. Bell<br />

et al. (1998), Kurzawińska (2007), Nawrocki and Mazur (2007), Pięta et al. (2006)<br />

conf<strong>ir</strong>med efficiency of chitosan in vegetable protection. The results of investigations<br />

conducted by above-mentioned authors showed that efficiency of protective chitosan<br />

activity applied in plant prevention is much better than applied in plant intervention.<br />

Effective influence of chitosan on phyto-pathogens depends on its concentration and<br />

the v<strong>ir</strong>ulent of infectious factor. Followed to Poъpieszny (1997), chitosan induces<br />

immunity of many plants through cell wall lignification, phytoalexins production and<br />

synthesis of proteinase inhibitors. The treatment of the cells with chitosan stimulates<br />

the<strong>ir</strong> intensification by production of additional structures and accumulation of phenol<br />

substances, which are harmful for fungi. Chitosan applied together with fungicides<br />

may complete the<strong>ir</strong> activity reducing the doses and fungi immunization against them<br />

(Pośpieszny, 1997). Among the tested preparations under in vitro conditions biopreparation<br />

Polyversum the most limited R. solani mycelium linear growth. Chemical<br />

preparation Vitavax 2000 FS showed slightly weak effect. The least inhibition of<br />

R. solani mycelium linear growth was found in combinations where Biochikol 020 PC<br />

was used. Followed to Orlikowski et al. (2002) most of studies on mechanism of<br />

chitosan activity to pathogenic fungi showed that mentioned substance do not inhibit<br />

the mycelium growth and spores’ germination under in vitro conditions. However,<br />

according to Pośpieszny (1997), under in vitro conditions chitosan inhibits growth of<br />

several fungi and microbes but not all of them. Exploitation of preparations based on<br />

natural substances, which can limit plant pathogens development comes into higher and<br />

higher prominence, especially restricting traditional chemical preparation application.<br />

It results from comparable efficiency of bio-preparations to pesticides.<br />


Conclusions. 1. Polyversum and Biochikol 020 PC bio-preparations significantly<br />

(in comparison with control) reduced degree and percent of tuber infestation by<br />

R. solani.<br />

2. Application of chemical standard preparation karboxin and thiuram mixture to<br />

sets dressing had the best influence on inhibition of tubers infestation by R. solani.<br />

3. Among all the tested preparations under in vitro conditions the most effective<br />

in reduction R. solani mycelium linear growth turned out to be Polyversum biopreparation.<br />

In vitro response of the tested pathogen depended on the type of preparation<br />

and its concentration.<br />

Acknowledgements. The studies were financed by the Ministry of Science and<br />

Information within grant No. PO6R 00129.<br />

References<br />

Gauta 2008 03 31<br />

Parengta spausdinti 200805 05<br />

1. Ahrenniemi P. M., Lehtonen M. J., Wilson P. S., Valkonen J. P. T. 2005. Influence of<br />

flarming system and black scurf infestation level of seed tubers on stem canker and<br />

bleach scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) of potato. Abstracts of 16 th Triennial Conference<br />

EAPR Bilbao, 17–22.07: 335–338.<br />

2. Bell A. A., Hubbard C. J., Liu L., Davis M. R., Subbarao V. K. 1998. Effects of<br />

chitin and chitosan on the incidence and severity of Fusarium yellows of celery.<br />

Plant Disease. 82: 322–328.<br />

3. Bernat E., Osowski J. 2006. Wpływ różnych terminów zaprawiania na<br />

tempo wschodów i zdrowotność ziemniaka. Progress in Plant Protection.<br />

46(1): 401–408.<br />

4. Bogucka H. 1993. Rizoktonioza ziemniaka. Ziemniak Polski. 2: 18–20.<br />

5. Deacon J. W. 1991. Significance of ecology in the development of biocontrol<br />

agents against soil-borne plant pathogens. Biocontrol Science and Technology.<br />

1: 5–20.<br />

6. Gajda I., Kurzawińska H. 2004. Potential use of Pythium oligandrum and<br />

imazalil in the protection of potato against Rhizoctonia solani. Phytopathol. Pol.<br />

33: 47–52.<br />

7. Häni F., Popow G., Reinhard A. 1998. Ochrona roślin rolniczych w uprawie<br />

integrowanej. PWRiL Warszawa.<br />

8. Kapsa J., Lewosz W., Osowski J., Gawińska H. 1998. Parch srebrzysty<br />

(Helminthosporium solani) i jego występowanie w Polsce. [W]: Ochrona<br />

ziemniaka, Konferencja, Kołobrzeg 21–22 kwietnia, IHAR – Oddział w Boninie,<br />

21–24.<br />

9. Kowalik R., Krechniak E. 1961. Szczegółowa metodyka biologicznych<br />

laboratoryjnych badań środków grzybobójczych. Biul. Inst. Ochr. Roślin Poznań,<br />

63–66.<br />


10. Kurzawińska H. 2007. Potential use of chitosan in the control of lettuce pathogens.<br />

Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives Monograph<br />

XII: 173–178.<br />

11. Lutom<strong>ir</strong>ska B. 2007. Wpływ odmiany i czynników meteorologicznych okresu<br />

wegetacji na ospowatość bulw ziemniaka. Progress in Plant Protection. 47(2): 173–<br />

177.<br />

12. Martin F. N., Hancock J. G. 1987. The use of Pythium oligandrum for biological<br />

control of preemergence damping-off caused by P. ultimum. Phytopathology.<br />

77: 1 013–1 020.<br />

13. Nawrocki J., Mazur S. 2007. Effectiveness of Biochikol 020 PC in the control of<br />

carrot and parsley pathogens. Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin<br />

and its Derivatives Monograph XII: 211–215.<br />

14. Orlikowski L. B., Skrzypczak Cz., Wojdyła A., Jaworska-Marosz A. 2002. Wyciągi<br />

roślinne i mikroorganizmy w ochronie roślin przed chorobami. Zesz. Nauk. AR<br />

Kraków. 387(82): 19–32.<br />

15. Pięta D., Patkowska E., Pastucha A. 2006. Influence of Biochikol 020 PC used as<br />

seed dressing of bean on healthiness and yield of plants. Progress on Chemistry<br />

and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives Monograph XI: 159–170.<br />

16. Pośpieszny H. 1997. Niektóre aspekty stosowania chitozanu w ochronie roślin.<br />

Progress in Plant Protection. 37/1: 306–309.<br />

SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Bulvių biologinė kontrolė prieš Rhizoctonia solani (Kühn)<br />

H. Kurzawińska, S. Mazur<br />

Santrauka<br />

Lauko tyrimai atlikti 2005–2007 m. Žemės ūkio akademijos Augalų apsaugos skyriaus<br />

Midlnikų tyrimų stotyje netoli Krokuvos. Tyrimų tikslas buvo išt<strong>ir</strong>ti biopreparatų Polyversum<br />

(B. A. S. Pythium oligandrum) <strong>ir</strong> Biochikol 020 PC (B. A. S. chitosanas), naudojamų bulvių<br />

vegetacijos metu, poveikį stiebagumbių infestacijai Rhizoctonia solani skleročiais. Kaip kontrolė<br />

buvo naudojamas fungicidas Vitavax 2000 FS (B. A. S. karboksinas <strong>ir</strong> tiuramas). Buvo t<strong>ir</strong>tas<br />

in vitro minėtų preparatų poveikis Rhizoctonia solani micelio linijiniam augimui. Gauti rezultatai<br />

parodė, kad testuoti preparatai per bulvių vegetacijа nulėmė mažesnę infestaciją Rhizoctonia<br />

solani skleročiais. Stiebagumbių infestacijos laipsnis šiais patogenais, panaudojus testuotus<br />

preparatus buvo žymiai mažesnis palyginus su kontrole. Pagal gautus rezultatus iš in vitro<br />

testų, Rhizoctonia solani micelio linijinio auginimo slopinimas pas<strong>ir</strong>eiškė panaudojus visus<br />

preparatus, tačiau naudojant didрtesnę (2 %) koncentraciją.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: bioapsauga, bulvės, chitosanas, karboksinas, Pythium oligandrum,<br />

Rhizoctonia solani, tiuramas.<br />




AGRICULTURE. SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

In vitro efficiency of bio-preparations against<br />

Stewartia pseudocamellia (Max.) pathogens<br />

Halina Kurzawińska, Joanna Duda-Surman<br />

University of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, 41-425 Krakуw, Al. 29<br />

Listopada 54, Poland, e-mail: hkurzaw@ogr.ar.krakow.pl, joanad@go2.pl<br />

Conducted investigation aims at determination the typical composition of fungi occurred<br />

on diseased Stewartia pseudocamellia seedlings and the in vitro effect of biological preparations<br />

based on natural substances on the mycelium linear growth of fungi potentailly pathogenic to<br />

Stewartia plants.<br />

There were examined preparations Bioczos BR (B.A.S. garlic extract), Biochikol 020 PC<br />

(B. A. S. chitosan), Biosept 33 SL (33 % extract from grapefruit seeds and pulp), each at 3<br />

concentrations. As standard fungicide Bravo 500 SC (B. A. S. chlorotalonil) was applied.<br />

Estimation of the preparation effect on the mycelium linear growth of dominant species isolated<br />

from the Stewartia seedlings was carried out using Kowalik and Krechniak method (1961).<br />

In the laboratory experiment from root and stem bases with observed disease symptoms<br />

14 fungi species and 15 bacteria were isolated. The dominant fungi were Alternaria alternata,<br />

Cylindrocarpon radicicola, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium avenaceum, Phomopsis thea.<br />

Received results showed that all the preparations taken under consideration significantly<br />

reduced mycelium linear growth of tested fungi. The effect of preparations was diversed and<br />

depended on concentration and the type of preparation.<br />

Key words: chitosan, chlorotalonil, fungi, grapefruit extract, garlic extract, seedlings,<br />

Stewartia pseudocamellia.<br />

Introduction. In the last few years dynamic develompent of decorative nursery<br />

was observed in Poland. Many little know or completely new species of ornamental<br />

shrubs have appeared. Stewartia pseudocamellia Max. belongs to them. In case of<br />

reproduction of Stewartia pseudocamellia from seed, sprouts, and seedlings can be<br />

destroyed by the fungi occurred in the soil. The soil-born pathogens can also attack<br />

slightly elder plants, quicksets during taking root and perennial shrubs as well. The<br />

following fungi were most frequent isolated from the sore seedlings: Fusarium spp.,<br />

Cylindrocarpon spp., Alternaria spp., Phytophthora spp., Rhizoctonia spp., and<br />

Verticillium spp. (Gajda et al., 2002).<br />

The most common method of plant protection against phyto-pathogens is chemical<br />

method, which is based on fungicide application to seeds and shoot dressing or shoot<br />

spraying. However, work for limitation of pestidides application and replacement them<br />

with biological preparations based on atagonistic microorganisms, organic compounds,<br />

plant’s extracts is observed (Orlikowski, Skrzypczak, 2003; Pięta et al., 2006; Rose<br />

et al., 2003; Wojdyła, 2004). Among biological preparations, the effective influence<br />

showed: Bioczos BR, Biochikol 020 PC and Biosept 33 SL.<br />


Biosept 33 SL containig 33 % of grapefruit seeds and pulp extract has a d<strong>ir</strong>ect<br />

influnce on pathogenic factor and as well induces plants’ immunity to some pathogens<br />

(Orlikowski et al., 2002). Mentioned activity shows 7-geranoksycumarin enclosed<br />

in grapefruit extract (Orlikowski, Skrzypczak, 2003). According to Caccioni et al.<br />

(1998), among many components of this extract aliphatic aldehyde, monoterpenes and<br />

nutcatone dominate. Discussed substances can show synergetic effect in limitation of<br />

defined factor development or stimulate spores’ germination. Protective Biosept 33 SL<br />

activity is connected with endogenous flavonoids, glycosides, citrate and limone<br />

(Saniewska, 2002) existence in the mentioned preparation.<br />

In plant protection against fungal and bacterial diseases Bioczos BR based on<br />

garlic pulp has a great weight. Antibiotic garlic activity is assigned of alliacin existence,<br />

which under the influence of lyase enzyme and after mechanical tissue damage is<br />

born from allina. The allicina is an acetyl-Co A synthetase inhibitor and in this way it<br />

blocks production of many different substances as fatty acid, sterols and the others. It<br />

was found that the aioen, product of allicin transformation, shows stronger antifungal<br />

activity than allicin (Wolski, Ludwiczuk, 2002).<br />

Biochikol 020 PC preparation contains chitosan as biological active substance<br />

and may show antiv<strong>ir</strong>us, antibacterial and antifungal effect. Followed to Poъpieszny<br />

(1997), chitosan induces immunity of many plants through cell wall lignification,<br />

phytoalexins production and synthesis of proteinase inhibitors. The treatment of the<br />

cells with chitosan stimulates them to intensification through production of additional<br />

structures and accumulation of phenol substances, which are harmful to fungi.<br />

The aims of presented research work was determination of fungi occurred on<br />

diseased Stewartia pseudocamellia seedlings and the in vitro effect of Bioczos BR<br />

(B. A. S. garlic extract), Biochikol 020 PC (B. A. S. chitosan), Biosept 33 SL<br />

(33 % extract from grapefruit seeds and pulp) on the mycelium linear growth of<br />

fungi pathogenic to stewartia plants. As standard fungicide Bravo 500 SC (B. A. S.<br />

chlorotalonil) was applied.<br />

Object, methods and conditions. The experiment was carried out on material<br />

from dr. hab. Muras collection in Tomaszkowice-Wielickie Foot hils. The samples of<br />

one-year-old diseased stewartia seedlings were taken for mycological analysis at second<br />

decade of October 2006. After washing under running water and soaking in distilled,<br />

sterile water, diseased root and stem bases were desinfected in 75 % ethyl alcohol<br />

solution for 10 min, then again rinsed in sterile, destilled water. After cutting them to<br />

0.5 cm fragments they were dried in sterile blotting paper and put on Petri dishes with<br />

solidified PDA medium (5 pieces for one dish). Inoculation was in room temperature.<br />

Colonies, which grew, where inoculated on PDA slands. Isolated fungi were identiffied<br />

by using mycological keys and monographs (Domsch et al., 1980; Gerlach, N<strong>ir</strong>enberg,<br />

1982; Nelson et al., 1983). The pathogenicity of Alternaria alternata, Cylindrocarpon<br />

radicicola, Fusarium oxysporum, F. avenaceum and Phomopsis thea in relation to<br />

stewartia seedling were investigated in seperate examination.<br />

The Kowalik and Krechniak (1961) method was used to evaluate the in vitro<br />

effect of discussed preparations on tested pathogens mycelium linear growth. Each<br />

of examined preparations were applied at three different concentrations: Bioczos BR<br />

at concetrations 1.0 %, 2.0 %, 3.0 %; Biochikol 020 PC at concentrations: 2.0 %<br />


4.0 %, 6.0 %; Biosept 33 SL: 0.05 %, 0.1 %, 0.2 %; Bravo 500 SC in doses: 0.025 %,<br />

0.05 %, 0.1 %.<br />

During the test preparations were introduced d<strong>ir</strong>ectly into liquid and slightly<br />

cooled PDA agar. After thorough mixing with the agar, obtained suspension was poured<br />

into Petrie dishes of 90 mm in diameter. Afterwards, an agar disk with mycelium of<br />

examined fungi was placed centrally into each dish for each combination. A medium<br />

without amendments and with a disk of appropriate fungus was used as the control for<br />

each combination. The test was carried out in five repetitions for each combination.<br />

Measurement started when f<strong>ir</strong>st increase of mycelium in control dishes was observed<br />

and was conducted till the complete overgrowth of mentioned dishes was noted down<br />

(2–3 weeks). The percent of inhibition of mycelium linear growth on medium with<br />

amendments of appropriate preparation compared to the growth of fungi on control<br />

Petri dish was used to measure the preparations activity (Kowalik and Krechniak,<br />

1961). Received results were subjected to statistical analysis using analysis of variance.<br />

The multiple t-Duncan test was used for estimation of the differences between mean<br />

values at significance level a = 0.05.<br />

Results. From Stewartia pseudocamellia Max. root and stem bases with observed<br />

disease symptoms the 55 isolates belonging to 14 fungi species and 12 genera and 15<br />

bacteria were isolated (Table).<br />

Table. Fungi isolated from root and stem base of diseased Stewartia seedlings<br />

Lentelė. Grybai išsk<strong>ir</strong>ti iš ligotų Stewartia pseudocamellia daigų šaknų <strong>ir</strong> stiebų<br />

The dominant fungi were: Alternaria alternata – 12.7 %, Cylindrocarpon radicicola,<br />

Fusarium oxysporum – each 10,9 %, Fusarium avenaceum – 9.0 %, Phomopsis<br />


thea, Phoma eupyrena, Humicola fuscoatra var. fuscostra and Cladosporium<br />

cladosporioides – each 7.3 % (Table). Besides, above-mentioned fungi Phytophthora<br />

cactorum, Rhizoctonia solani and Verticillium albo-atrum (potentially pathogenic<br />

fungi) in slightly less percentage settled stewartia seedlings (each 3.6 %) – Table.<br />

According to the received results it was found that all investigated preparations<br />

(with exception of Biochikol 020 PC applied at concentrations 2.0 % in relation<br />

to F. avenaceum) significantly inhibited mycelium linear growth of tested fungi in<br />

comparison to the control (Fig. 1–5).<br />

Fig. 1. Percent of inhibition of Alternaria alternata mycelium linear growth<br />

1 pav. Alternaria alternate grybienos linijinio augimo inhibicijos procentas<br />

Figure 1 represents the percent of inhibition of A. alternata mycelium linear growth.<br />

Among preparations under examination, Biosept 33 SL in all applied doses have<br />

shown the best inhibitory effect of mycelium linear growth of mentioned species. The<br />

percent of inhibition of mycelium linear growth appropriately amounted from 83.4 %<br />

to 90.0 % (Fig. 1).<br />

Similar Biospet 33 SL reaction was observed in combination with C. radicicola<br />

(Fig. 2) and P. thea (Fig. 5). The percent of inhibition of mycelium linear growth of<br />

above-mentioned fungi appropriately amounted from 60.1 % to 78.8 % (Fig. 2) and<br />

from 92.9 % to 96.0 % (Fig. 5). Biospet 33 SL in all tested concentrations showed the<br />

best effect of mycelium linear growth inhibition also in combination with F. oxysporum<br />

(from 80.0 % to 85.0 %) – Fig. 3. Similar result in relation to F. oxysporum was found<br />

in combination where Bravo 500 SC was used. The percent of inhibition of mycelium<br />

linear growth appropriately amounted from 80.9 % to 85.0 % – Fig. 3.<br />

In case of F. avenaceum, it was found that, the most important effect on mycelium<br />

linear growth inhibition of discussed pathogen was obtained after Bravo 500 SC<br />

application (from 69.5 % to 75.6 %) – Fig. 4. Under in vitro condition bio-preparation<br />


Bioczos has also demonstated comparable hight efficiency. Mentioned preparation<br />

limited tested fungi mucelium linear growth at slightly less percentage than<br />

Biosept 33 SL – Fig. 1–5.<br />

Fig. 2. Percent of inhibition of Cylindrocarpon radicicola mycelium linear growth<br />

2 pav. Cylindrocarpon radicicola grybienos linijinio augimo inhibicijos procentas<br />

Fig. 3. Percent of inhibition of Fusarium oxysporum mycelium linear growth<br />

3 pav. Fusarium oxysporum grybienos linijinio augimo inhibicijos procentas<br />


Fig. 4. Percent of inhibition of Fusarium avenaceum mycelium linear growth<br />

4 pav. Fusarium avenaceum grybienos linijinio augimo inhibicijos procentas<br />

Fig. 5. Percent of inhibition of Phomopsis thea mycelium linear growth<br />

5 pav. Phomopsis thea grybienos linijinio augimo inhibicijos procentas<br />

The least effect on mycelium linear growth inhibition of tested pathogens was<br />

found in combinations where Biochikol 020 PC was applied. However, the activity<br />

of this preparation (with the exception of the lowest concentration in relation to<br />

F. avenaceum) was statistically important in comparison to control Fig. 1–5.<br />


Discussion. Among fungi isolated from root and stem bases of diseased stewartia<br />

seedlings the most numerous group constituted species considered as pathogenic for<br />

plants. The most dominating species (over 50 % of isolated colonies) were: Alternaria<br />

alternata, Cylindrocarpon radicicola, Fusarium oxysporum, F. avenaceum, Phomopsis<br />

thea and fungi from genera: Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia and Verticillium. Similar results<br />

were obtained by Gajda et al. (2002). Accoridng to Werner (1998) fungi C. radicicola,<br />

F. oxysporum and F. avenaceum may cause wilting and decay of plants. C. radicicola<br />

affect roots and root neck and Fusarium oxysporum destroy conductive wisps. Infected<br />

young plants die quickly. In case of older planst, disease develops slowly, and shrups<br />

die gradually. Moreover, followed to Orlikowski (2000), fungi from Phytophthora<br />

genera, wilting and dying of ornamental leafed shrubs can cause other fungi – Fusarium<br />

avenaceum and F. oxysporum.<br />

Findings from conducted investigations under in vitro conditions showed, that<br />

all applied preparations (with the exception of Biochikol 020 PC at concentration<br />

2.0 % in relation to F. avenaceum) significantly reduced mycelium linear growth of<br />

the tested Stewartia pathogens. Among preparations under consideration, the strongest<br />

inhibition of examined pathogens mycelium linear growth (with the exception of<br />

F. avenaceum) was found in combination where Biosept 33 SL was used. Similar<br />

results were received by co-author in previous examinations (Kurzawińska et al.,<br />

2007). According to Orlikowski et al. (2001) Biosept 33 SL added to medium where<br />

pathogenic fungi grow, strongly inhibited mycelium expansion. High efficiency of<br />

discussed preparation was conf<strong>ir</strong>med other investigations conducted by Orlikowski<br />

et al. (2001, 2002), Wojdyła (2004). Biosept 33 SL added to the ground significantly<br />

reduced number of Phytophthora spp., Pythium spp., F. oxysporum (Orlikowski,<br />

Skrzypczak, 2003; Orlikowski et al., 2001, 2002). Bioczos BR preparation was also<br />

efficient in inhibiting mycelium linear growth of the tested fungi. Mentioned preparation<br />

limited mycelium linear growth at slightly less percent than Biosept 33 SL. Followed<br />

to Saniewska (2002) garlic extract has an effect on over 100 fungi species. Besides,<br />

more of them show total growth inhibition. Author claims that content of 0.75 %<br />

garlic extract in medium strongly limiting growth of Phoma narcisii mycelium and<br />

some form specials of F. oxysporum Phytophthora cryptogea, Phyllosticta ant<strong>ir</strong>rhini,<br />

Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cinerea, Botrytis tulipae (Saniewska, 2000). The least<br />

in vitro effect on mycelium linear growth inhibition of fungi under consideration was<br />

found in combinations where Biochikol 020 PC was used. The effect of the mentioned<br />

preparation was statistically important in comparison with control (with the exception<br />

of concentration 2,0 % in combination with F. avenaceum). Followed to Orlikowski<br />

et al. (1998) in vitro activity of chitosan is rather poor. Results obtained from later<br />

studies conducted by this author have shown that discussed substance does not inhibit<br />

mycelium growth and spore germination under in vitro conditions. However, according<br />

to Poъpieszny (1997), chitosan inhibits growth of several fungi and bacteria but not<br />

all of them. Chitosan activity to pathogens mostly takes place through d<strong>ir</strong>ect and longlasting<br />

contact of both factors.<br />

Conclusions. 1. The root and stem bases of diseased Stewartia seedlings were<br />

colonized mostly by species: Alternaria alternata, Cylindrocarpon radicicola,<br />

Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium avenaceum and Phomopsis thea.<br />


2. Among all the tested preparations under in vitro conditions the most effective in<br />

reduction of above mentioned pathogens mycelium linear growth (with the exception of<br />

F. avenacum) turned to be Biosept 33 SL bio-preparation. The in vitro response of tested<br />

pathogens depended on the fungi species, type of preparation and its concentration.<br />

4. Bravo 500 SC, chemical, standard preparation, showed the most effective<br />

influence on F. avenaceum mycelium linear growth inhibition.<br />

Acknowledgements. The studies were financed by The Ministry of Science and<br />

Information within grant No N 310377633.<br />

References<br />

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grapefruit extract and Pythium oligandrum on the growth of the main fungal<br />

pathogens of Stewartia pseudocamellia (Max.). Progress on Chemistry and its<br />

Derivatives, Polish Chitin Society, Mograph. (in press).<br />

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mechanizm oddziaщywania na grzyby chorobotwórcze oraz skuteczność w<br />

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Sylwan. 4: 155–159.<br />

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roślinne i mikroorganizmy w ochronie roślin przed chorobami. Zesz. Nauk. AR<br />

Kraków. 387(82): 19–32.<br />


12. Orlikowski L. B., Skrzypczak C. 2003. Biocides in the control of soil-born and<br />

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13. Pięta D., Patkowska E., Pastucha A. 2006. Influence of Biochikol 020 PC used as<br />

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19. Wojdyła A. T. 2004. Wyciąg z grejpfruta w ochronie chryzantem i wierzby przed<br />

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SODININKYSTĖ IR DARŽININKYSTĖ. MOKSLO DARBAI. 2008. <strong>27</strong>(2).<br />

Bio-preparatų veiksmingumas prieš Stewartia pseudocamellia<br />

(Max.) patogenus in vitro<br />

H. Kurzawińska, J. Duda-Surman<br />

Santrauka<br />

Tyrimų tikslas buvo nustatyti tipinius grybus, gautus nuo sergančių Stewartia<br />

pseudocamellia daigų <strong>ir</strong> biologinių preparatų, susidedančių iš natūralių medžiagų, poveikį<br />

potencialiai šiems augalams patogeniрkų grybų micelio linijiniam augimui.<br />

Buvo t<strong>ir</strong>ti šie preparatai: Bioczos BR (B. A. S. česnako ekstraktas), Biochikol 020 PC<br />

(B. A. S. chitosanas), Biosept 33 SL (33 % ekstraktas iš greipfrutų sėklų <strong>ir</strong> minkštimo).<br />

Kiekvieno preparato t<strong>ir</strong>tos 3 koncentracijos. Fungicidas Bravo 500 SC (B. A. S. chlorotalonilas)<br />

buvo panaudotas kaip kontrolė. Preparatų poveikis linijiniam micelio augimui buvo įvertintas<br />

naudojant Kowalik <strong>ir</strong> Krechniak metodа (1961).<br />

Laboratorinio eksperimento sąlygomis nuo šaknų <strong>ir</strong> stiebo, remiantis pastebėtais ligų<br />

simptomais, Išsk<strong>ir</strong>ta 14 rūšių grybų <strong>ir</strong> 15 rūšių bakterijų. Dominavo šie grybai: Alternaria<br />

alternata, Cylindrocarpon radicicola, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium avenaceum, Phomopsis<br />

thea.<br />

Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad visi naudoti preparatai žymiai sumažino testuotų grybų micelio<br />

linijinį augimа. Preparatų poveikis buvo įva<strong>ir</strong>us <strong>ir</strong> priklausė nuo koncentracijos <strong>ir</strong> preparatų<br />

tipo.<br />

Reikšminiai žodžiai: chitosanas, chlorotalonilas, česnakų ekstraktas, daigai, greipfrutų<br />

ekstraktas, Stewartia pseudocamellia.<br />


Contents – Turinys<br />

Pavelas Duchovskis<br />

The vicennial of scientific searches in the field of plant physiology...................3<br />

Dvidešimt metų mokslinių ieškojimų augalų fiziologijos srityje......................16<br />

Giedrė Samuolienė, Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė, Gintarė Šabajevienė,<br />

Pavelas Duchovskis<br />

Flowering initiation in carrot and caraway........................................................17<br />

Žydėjimo iniciacija morkose <strong>ir</strong> kmynuose.........................................................25<br />

Jūratė Darginavičienė, Sigita Jurkonienė, Nijolė Bareikienė,<br />

Vaidevutis Šveikauskas<br />

H + -ATPase functional activity in plant cell plasma membrane.........................<strong>27</strong><br />

Funkcinis augalų ląstelių plazmolemos H + -ATPazės aktyvumas......................37<br />

Anželika Kurilčik, Stasė Dapkūnienė, Genadij Kurilčik,<br />

Silva Žilinskaitė, Artūras Žukauskas, Pavelas Duchovskis<br />

Effect of the photoperiod duration on the growth of Chrysanthemum plantlets<br />

in vitro................................................................................................................39<br />

Fotoperiodo trukmės poveikis chrizantemų eksplantų augimui in vitro............46<br />

Regina Losinska, Danguolė Raklevičienė, Danguolė Švegždienė<br />

Light and gravity-related tropistic responses of garden cress leaves.................47<br />

Tropinės sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>inės lapų reakcijos į šviesą <strong>ir</strong> gravitaciją..................55<br />

Laima Česonienė<br />

Effect of 2-chlorethylphosphonic acid application on the growth and<br />

development of Actinidia kolomikta..................................................................57<br />

2-chloretilfosfoninės rūgšties poveikio Actinidia kolomikta augimui <strong>ir</strong> vystymuisi<br />

tyrimai......................................................................................................63<br />

Danguolė Raklevičienė, Danguolė Švegždienė, Regina Losinska<br />

Photomorphogenic responses of garden cress to light in altered gravity................65<br />

Fotomorfogenetinės sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>inės reakcijos į šviesą pakeisto svarumo<br />

sąlygomis...........................................................................................................74<br />

Danguolė Švegždienė, Dalia Koryznienė, Danguolė Raklevičienė<br />

Gravisensing of garden cress roots under varying g-magnitude........................75<br />

Gravitacijos jutimas sėjamosios pip<strong>ir</strong>inės šaknyse esant sk<strong>ir</strong>tingiems<br />


Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė, Giedrė Samuolienė, Aušra Brazaitytė,<br />

Raimonda Ulinskaitė, Julė Jankauskienė, Pavelas Duchovskis,<br />

Artūras Žukauskas<br />

The possibility to control the metabolism of green vegetables and sprouts using<br />

light emitting diode illumination.......................................................................83<br />

Galimybė kontroliuoti žalumyninių daržovių <strong>ir</strong> želmenų metabolizmа<br />

kietakūnės šviesos pagalba................................................................................92<br />

Gabriela Wyżgolik, Joanna Nawara, Maria Leja<br />

Photosynthesis and some growth parameters of sweet pepper grown under different<br />

light conditions........................................................................................93<br />

Saldžiosios paprikos fotosintezė <strong>ir</strong> kai kurie augimo parametrai auginant<br />

sk<strong>ir</strong>tingomis apšvietimo sąlygomis....................................................................98<br />

Nijolė Anisimovienė, Jurga Jankauskienė, Leonida Novickienė<br />

Actualities in plant cold acclimation..................................................................99<br />

Augalų grūdinimosi problemos........................................................................109<br />

Jurga Sakalauskaitė, Eugenija Kupčinskienė, Darius Kviklys,<br />

Laisvunė Duchovskienė, Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė, Gintarė Šabajevienė,<br />

Aida Stiklienė, Juratė Bronė Šikšnianienė, Ričardas Taraškevičius,<br />

Alfredas Radzevičius, Rimantė Zinkutė, Pavelas Duchovskis<br />

Nutritional diagnosis of apple-tree growing in the nitrogen fertilizer factory<br />

region...............................................................................................................111<br />

Obelų, augančių azoto trąšų gamyklos poveikyje, mitybinės būklės įvertinimas.<br />

..........................................................................................................................118<br />

Valeriy Popov, Olga Antipina, Tamara Trunova<br />

Oxidative stress in the tobacco plants at hypothermia.....................................121<br />

Oksidacinis stresas tabako augaluose hipotermijos sąlygomis........................1<strong>27</strong><br />

Vida Rančelienė, Regina Vyšniauskienė<br />

Reaction of model plant Crepis capillaris to stress-inducing factors ozone and<br />

UV-B................................................................................................................129<br />

Modelinio augalo Crepis capillaris reakcija į stresą sukeliančius veiksnius<br />

ozonа <strong>ir</strong> UV-B..................................................................................................137<br />

Nina Astakhova, Alexander Deryabin, Maxim Sinkevich,<br />

Stanislav Klimov, Tamara Trunova<br />

Alteration of source-sink relations in the leaves of in vitro plants of two Solanum<br />

tuberosum L. genotypes under hypothermia............................................139<br />

Asimiliacinių <strong>ir</strong> sandėlinių audinių ryšio kitimas dviejuose in vitro Solanomum<br />

tuberosum L. genotipų lapuose hipotermijos metu..........................................148

Jurga Sakalauskaitė, Aušra Brazaitytė, Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė,<br />

Giedrė Samuolienė, Gintarė Šabajevienė, Sandra Sakalauskienė,<br />

Pavelas Duchovskis<br />

Radish response to distinct ozone exposure and to its interaction with elevated<br />

CO 2<br />

concentration and temperature.................................................................151<br />

Kompleksinis ozono <strong>ir</strong> didėjančios anglies dioksido koncentracijos bei<br />

temperatūros poveikis valgomajam ridikėliui..................................................159<br />

Jūratė Darginavičienė, V<strong>ir</strong>gilija Gavelienė, Donatas Butkus,<br />

Benedikta Lukšienė, Sigita Jurkonienė<br />

Response reactions to the complex influence of radionuclides and heavy metals.<br />

..........................................................................................................................161<br />

Atsako reakcijos į kompleksinį radionuklidų <strong>ir</strong> sunkiųjų metalų poveikį.......168<br />

Oleg Ilnitsky, Ivan Paliy, Tatiana Bystrova, Sergey Radchenko,<br />

Nikolay Radchenko<br />

Investigation of water regime and drought resistance of various kinds of plants<br />

applying phytomonitoring methods.................................................................169<br />

Įva<strong>ir</strong>ių rūšių augalų vandens režimo <strong>ir</strong> atsparumo sausrai tyrimai, naudojant<br />

fitomonitoringo metodus..................................................................................177<br />

Rima Juozaitytė, Asta Ramaškevičienė, Alg<strong>ir</strong>das Sliesaravičius,<br />

Natalija Burbulis, Ramunė Kuprienė, Vytautas Liakas,<br />

Aušra Blinstrubienė<br />

Effects of UVB radiation on photosynthesis pigment system and growth of pea<br />

(Pisum sativum L.)...........................................................................................177<br />

UV-B spinduliuotės poveikis sėjamojo ž<strong>ir</strong>nio (Pisum sativum L.) augimui <strong>ir</strong><br />

fotosintezės pigmentų sistemai........................................................................186<br />

Asta Ramaškevičienė, Rima Juozaitytė, Alg<strong>ir</strong>das Sliesaravičius,<br />

Egidija Venskutonienė, Liuda Žilėnaitė<br />

Ozone influence on photosynthesis pigments system and growth of Soya (Glycine<br />

max (L.) Merr.) under warming climate conditions.................................187<br />

Pažemio ozono įtaka sojos fotosintetiniams pigmentams bei augimui (Glicine<br />

max (L.) Merr.) šylančio klimato sąlygomis ...................................................196<br />

Sandra Sakalauskienė, Gintarė Šabajevienė, Sigitas Lazauskas,<br />

Aušra Brazaitytė, Giedrė Samuolienė, Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė,<br />

Jurga Sakalauskaitė, Raimonda Ulinskaitė, Pavelas Duchovskis<br />

Complex influence of different humidity and temperature regime on pea photosynthetic<br />

indices in VI–VII organogenesis stages...........................................199<br />

Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo drėgmės <strong>ir</strong> temperatūros režimo kompleksinis poveikis ž<strong>ir</strong>nių fotosintetiniams<br />

rodikliams VI–VII organogenezės etapuose.................................207

Regina Vyšniauskienė, Vida Rančelienė<br />

Changes in the activity of antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase in Crepis<br />

capillaris plants after the impact of UV-B and ozone......................................209<br />

Antioksidacinio fermento superoksido dismutazės aktyvumo pokyčiai Crepis<br />

capillaris augaluose po UVB <strong>ir</strong> ozono poveikio..............................................214<br />

Peter Ferus, Mariįn Brestič, Katarķna Olšovskį, Anna Kubovį<br />

Photosystem II thermostability of apple tree leaves: effect of rootstock, crown<br />

shape and leaf topology...................................................................................215<br />

Vaismedžio vainiko formos, poskiepio <strong>ir</strong> topologijos įtaka obelų lapų II fotosistemos<br />

termostabilumui.....................................................................................234<br />

Marina Rubinskienė, Pranas Viškelis, Vidmantas Stanys,<br />

Tadeušas Šikšnianas, Audrius Sasnauskas<br />

Quality changes in black currant berries during ripening...............................235<br />

Juodųjų serbentų uogų kokybės pokyčiai nokimo metu..................................242<br />

Ona Bundinienė, Pavelas Duchovskis, Aušra Brazaitytė<br />

The influence of fertilizers with nitrification inhibitor on edible carrot<br />

photosynthesis parameters and productivity....................................................245<br />

Trąšų su nitrifikacijos inhibitoriumi įtaka valgomosios morkos fotosintezės<br />

rodikliams <strong>ir</strong>produktyvumui............................................................................257<br />

Elena Jakienė, V<strong>ir</strong>ginijus Venskutonis, Vytautas Mickevičius<br />

The effect of additional fertilisation with liquid complex fertilisers and growth<br />

regulators on potato productivity.....................................................................259<br />

Papildomo tręšimo skystosiomis kompleksinėmis trąšomis <strong>ir</strong> augimo reguliatoriais<br />

įtaka bulvių produktyvumui.....................................................................267<br />

Vytautas Šlapakauskas, Vidmantas Stanys, Judita Varkulevičienė<br />

Correlation between chlorophyll fluorescence of primrose (Primula malacoides<br />

Franch.) and DNA polymorphic bands.................................................269<br />

Koreliacija tarp raktažolės (Primula malacoides Franch.) chlorofilo fluorescencijos<br />

<strong>ir</strong> polimorfinių DNR žymenų..................................................................<strong>27</strong>5<br />

Maria Leja, Gabriela Wyżgolik, Iwona Kamińska<br />

Changes of some biochemical parameters during the development of sweet<br />

pepper fruits.....................................................................................................<strong>27</strong>7<br />

Kai kurių biocheminių parametrų kitimai saldžiosios paprikos vaisių vystimosi<br />

metu..................................................................................................................283<br />

Julė Jankauskienė, Aušra Brazaitytė<br />

The influence of various substratum on the quality of cucumber seedlings and<br />

photosynthesis parameters...............................................................................285<br />

Įva<strong>ir</strong>ių substratų įtaka agurkų daigų kokybei bei fotosintetiniams rodikliams..294

Nobertas Uselis, Juozas Lanauskas, Vytautas Zalatorius,<br />

Pavelas Duchovskis, Aušra Brazaitytė, Akvilė Urbonavičiūtė<br />

Evaluation of the methods of soil cultivation growing dessert strawberries in<br />

beds..................................................................................................................295<br />

D<strong>ir</strong>vos priežiūros būdų įvertinimas auginant desertines braškes lysvėse........304<br />

Zdzisław Kawecki, Anna Bieniek<br />

Influence of climatic conditions of northeastern Poland on growth of bower<br />

actinidia ...........................................................................................................307<br />

Šiaurės rytų Lenkijos klimato sąlygų įtaka smailialapės aktinidijos augimui.318<br />

Brigita Čapukoitienė, Vidmantas Karalius, Elena Servienė,<br />

Juozas Proscevičius, Vytautas Melvydas<br />

Expression of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2 preprotoxin gene in transgenic<br />

plants......................................................................................................319<br />

Mielių Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2 preprotoksino geno raiška transgeniniuose<br />

augaluose.................................................................................................3<strong>27</strong><br />

Bogumił Markuszewski, Jan Kopytowski<br />

Transformations of chemical compounds during apple storage......................329<br />

Cheminių junginių pokyčiai laikant obuolius..................................................338<br />

Nomeda Kviklienė, Alma Valiuškaitė, Pranas Viškelis<br />

Effect of harvest maturity on quality and storage ability of apple<br />

cv. ‘Ligol’.........................................................................................................339<br />

Skynimo laiko įtaka ‘Ligol’ obuolių kokybei vaisiams nokstant <strong>ir</strong> juos<br />

laikant...............................................................................................................346<br />

Oksana Urbanovich, Zoya Kazlouskaya<br />

Identification of scab resistance genesin apple trees by molecular<br />

markers.............................................................................................................347<br />

Rauplėms atsparių genų nustatymas obelyse naudojant molekulinius<br />

žymenis............................................................................................................357<br />

Alena B<strong>ir</strong>uk, Zoya Kazlouskaya<br />

Prospects for using of isozyme markers in identification of apple<br />

cultivars............................................................................................................359<br />

Izozimų žymenų naudojimas obelų veislių identifikavui.................................364<br />

Edita Dambrauskienė, Pranas Viškelis, Audrius Sasnauskas<br />

The use of black currant buds for the production of essential oils..................365<br />

Juodųjų serbentų pumpurų panaudojimas eterinių aliejų gavybai...................370

Beatrice Denoyes-Rothan, Audrius Sasnauskas, Rytis Rugienius,<br />

Philippe Chartier, Aurelie Petit, Stuart Gordon, Julie Graham,<br />

Alison Dolan, Monika Hцfer, Walther Faedi, Maria Luigia Maltoni,<br />

Gianluca Baruzzi, Bruno Mezzetti, Jose F. Sanchez Sevilla,<br />

Edward Zurawicz, Margaret Korbin, Mihail Coman, Paulina Mladin<br />

Genetic resources of European small berries according to GENBERRY<br />

project..............................................................................................................371<br />

Europos uoginių augalų genetiniai resursai pagal GENBERRY projektа ......377<br />

Anna Kołton, Agnieszka Baran<br />

Effect of different mineral nitrogen and compost nutrition on some<br />

compounds of corn salad (Valerianella locusta (L.) Latter.)...........................379<br />

Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingo mineralinio azoto <strong>ir</strong> kompostinių Trąšų poveikis poveikis Salotinės<br />

sultenės (Valerianella locusta (L.) Latter.) biocheminei sudėčiai....................386<br />

Audrius Sasnauskas, Rytis Rugienius, Tadeušas Šikšnianas,<br />

Nobertas Uselis, Laimutis Raudonis, Alma Valiuškatė,<br />

Aušra Brazaitytė, Pranas Viškelis, Marina Rubinskienė<br />

Small berry research according to COST 863 Action......................................389<br />

Uogininkystės tyrimai pagal COST 863 programą..........................................400<br />

Rasa Karklelienė, Pranas Viškelis, Marina Rubinskienė<br />

Growing, yielding and quality of different ecologically grown pumpkin cultivars...................................................................................................................401<br />

Sk<strong>ir</strong>tingų, ekologiрkai auginamų, moliūgų veislių augimas, derėjimas <strong>ir</strong><br />

kokybė..............................................................................................................409<br />

Laimutis Raudonis, Alma Valiuškaitė, Elena Survilienė<br />

Effect of abiotic factors on risk of Venturia inaequalis infection depending on<br />

apple tree growth stages...................................................................................411<br />

Abiotinių faktorių įtaka Venturia inaequalis infekcijos rizikai priklausomai nuo<br />

obelų augimo tarpsnių......................................................................................418<br />

Halina Kurzawińska, Stanisław Mazur<br />

Biological control of potato against Rhizoctonia solani (Kühn).....................419<br />

Bulvių biologinė kontrolė prieš Rhizoctonia solani (Kühn)............................425<br />

Halina Kurzawińska, Joanna Duda-Surman<br />

In vitro efficiency of bio-preparations against Stewartia pseudocamellia (Max.)<br />

pathogens.........................................................................................................4<strong>27</strong><br />

Bio-preparatų veiksmingumas prieš Stewartia pseudocamellia (Max.) patogenus<br />

in vitro.......................................................................................................435

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