Spring 2004 - IADR/AADR

Spring 2004 - IADR/AADR

Spring 2004 - IADR/AADR


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Vol. 26<br />

<strong>Spring</strong>, <strong>2004</strong><br />

Honolulu Meeting a Success<br />

www.dentalresearch.org<br />

A Message<br />

from the<br />

President<br />

With a total registration of 6,472<br />

people from 62 countries, the 82nd<br />

General Session & Exhibition of the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> in Honolulu, HI, became one of the<br />

three best-attended meetings in the history of<br />

the Association (topped only by Washington,<br />

DC, in 2000 and San Diego, CA, in 2002).<br />

Honolulu was also the venue for the 33rd<br />

Annual Meeting of the American Association<br />

for Dental Research (<strong>AADR</strong>) and the 28th<br />

Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association<br />

for Dental Research (CADR).<br />

The meeting included: 4,101 accepted<br />

abstracts (including 1,133 orals, 2,859<br />

posters, 75 poster discussion), 422 total<br />

sessions (oral, poster, and poster discussion),<br />

six Hands-on Workshops, 28 Symposia, 24<br />

Lunch & Learning speakers, 22 Keynote<br />

Addresses, three Satellite programs, and three<br />

Plenary Session speakers, the first featuring<br />

The Opening Ceremonies.<br />

the W.J. Gies Distinguished Scientist Lecture<br />

(Wendy Mouradian [University of<br />

Washington], speaking on "Ethics, Research,<br />

and Social Values: Dental Research in a<br />

Changing World"). The other Plenary Session<br />

speakers were Gerald Keusch (Boston<br />

University), who spoke on "Global<br />

Perspectives of Nutrition and Infection", and<br />

Ko Okumura (Juntendo University, Japan),<br />

whose address was entitled "Molecular<br />

Mechanisms of Cell-mediated Killing and<br />

Tumor Rejection". Also featured were 76<br />

exhibit booths (representing 65 corporations,<br />

educational institutions, and other<br />

organizations), Group business meetings and<br />

receptions, and the presentation of many<br />

awards and recognitions. About 60% of the<br />

Continued on page 2 . . .<br />

Paul Robertson<br />

It is a great honor for me to be President of<br />

the <strong>IADR</strong> for <strong>2004</strong>-2005. The International<br />

Association for Dental Research has been a<br />

major force in my professional life for more<br />

than 3 decades. For me as a student and then a<br />

young investigator, the Association provided<br />

meeting and publication forums with<br />

experienced scientists who offered guidance<br />

and advice. Over the years, collaboration with<br />

many of these <strong>IADR</strong> colleagues resulted in new<br />

questions to be asked and new investigational<br />

tools to search for answers. I will work to<br />

maintain and improve for you all of the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

services that were so critical to me.<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR meeting in<br />

Hawaii was among the largest in our history.<br />

It was filled with good science and good<br />

company. We were most fortunate to have<br />

three eminent scientists as Plenary Session<br />

Speakers: Wendy Mouradian, Gerald Keusch,<br />

and Ko Okumura. We had 28 symposia, 24<br />

Lunch & Learning sessions, and 6 Hands-on<br />

Workshops. Our scientific sessions represented<br />

62 countries and included 1133 oral<br />

presentations and 2859 poster presentations in<br />

422 sessions. Several end-of-meeting reviews<br />

were very positive in their comments on the<br />

facilities, the abstracts submission and review<br />

process, and the overall impact of the meeting.<br />

Continued on page 9 . . .<br />

Dancers at the Opening Ceremonies.<br />

Council Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7<br />

<strong>2004</strong> Distinguished Scientist Winners . . . . . . . .8<br />

2005 Awards & Fellowships Schedule . . . . . .11<br />

<strong>2004</strong>-05 Board & Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . .18<br />

2005 Vice-president Candidates . . . . . . . . . .19<br />

<strong>2004</strong>-05 Division/Section Officers . . . . . . . . . .20<br />

2005 Meeting Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24<br />

Regional Development Program . . . . . . . . . .25

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Honolulu Meeting...continued from p.1<br />

President Challacombe announces the<br />

commencement of the Opening<br />

Ceremonies<br />

<strong>2004</strong>-2005 <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Board of Directors<br />

President, Paul Robertson<br />

(USA) paulrob@u.washington.edu<br />

Immediate Past President, Stephen<br />

Challacombe<br />

(England) stephen.challacombe@kcl.ac.uk<br />

President-elect, Takayuki Kuroda<br />

(Japan) tkuroda@msg.biglobe.ne.jp<br />

Vice-president, Stephen Bayne<br />

(USA) stephen_bayne@dentistry.unc.edu<br />

Editor, Anthony J. (Tony) Smith<br />

(England) a.j.smith@bham.ac.uk<br />

Treasurer, Edwin Yen<br />

(Canada) edyen@unixg.ubc.ca<br />

Regional Board Member, Jeroen Kroon<br />

(Africa/Midde East) kroon@medunsa.ac.za<br />

Regional Board Member, Mariano Sanz<br />

(Europe) marianosanz@odon.ucm.es<br />

Regional Board Member, Yupin Songpaisan<br />

(Pan Asia-Pacific) syupin@tu.ac.th<br />

Regional Board Member, José Luiz Lage-<br />

Marques<br />

(South America) lage@usp.br<br />

Regional Board Member, Richard Ellen<br />

(North America) richard.ellen@utoronto.ca<br />

Executive Director, Christopher Fox<br />

(Virginia, USA) cfox@iadr.org<br />

registrants were members of the <strong>IADR</strong>.<br />

The Opening Ceremonies began with<br />

the opening gavel from <strong>IADR</strong> President<br />

Stephen Challacombe (GKT Dental<br />

Institute, London, UK), who introduced the<br />

2003-<strong>2004</strong> <strong>IADR</strong> Board of Directors:<br />

President-elect Paul Robertson (University<br />

of Washington, Seattle, USA), Vice-president<br />

Takayuki Kuroda (Tokyo Medical and<br />

Dental University, Japan), Treasurer Edwin<br />

Yen (University of British Columbia,<br />

Vancouver, Canada), Immediate Past<br />

President John Clarkson (Trinity College,<br />

Dublin, Ireland), Editor Mark Herzberg<br />

(University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,<br />

USA), Regional Board Members Susan<br />

Reisine (University of Connecticut,<br />

Farmington, USA), Hector Lanfranchi<br />

(University of Buenos Aires, Argentina),<br />

Jeroen Kroon (Medical University of<br />

Southern Africa), Mariano Sanz<br />

(Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain),<br />

and Yupin Songpaisan (Thammasat<br />

University, Rangsit, Thailand), Executive<br />

Director Christopher Fox (Alexandria, VA,<br />

USA), and Vice-president-elect Stephen<br />

Bayne (University of North Carolina, Chapel<br />

Hill, USA).<br />

President Challacombe introduced <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Division/Section/Federation Presidents:<br />

(Divisions)<br />

• American—Ken Anusavice<br />

• Argentine—Silvia Adriana Lopez de<br />

Blanc<br />

• Australian & New Zealand—Mike<br />

Morgan<br />

• Brazilian—Fernando Ricardo Xavier<br />

da Silveira<br />

• British—David Williams<br />

• Canadian—Richard Ellen<br />

• Chinese—Zhen-Kang Zhang<br />

• Continental European—Fatma Koray<br />

• East & Southern African—Bakari<br />

Lembariti<br />

• Irish—Heather Clarke<br />

• Israeli—Doron Steinberg<br />

• Japanese—Yoshimitsu Abiko<br />

• Korean—Syng-Ill Lee<br />

• Kuwaiti—Jassem Al-Ansari<br />

• Scandinavian—Peter Lingström<br />

• South African—Attie Louw<br />

• Southeast Asian—Edward Lo<br />

• Venezuelan—Norma Puertas<br />

(Sections)<br />

• Jordanian—Ziad Al-Dwairi<br />

• Nigerian—Eyitope Ogunbodede<br />

• Peruvian—Rita Villena-Sarmiento<br />

(Federation)<br />

• Pan European—Gottfried Schmalz<br />

President Challacombe introduced<br />

Richard Ellen (University of Toronto),<br />

President of the Canadian Association of<br />

Dental Research (CADR), who made brief<br />

remarks and introduced the other members<br />

of the CADR Board of Directors: Presidentelect<br />

Donald Brunette (University of<br />

British Columbia, Vancouver), Vice-president<br />

Jeffrey Dixon (University of Western<br />

Ontario, London), Secretary/Treasurer<br />

Charles Smith (McGill University,<br />

Montreal) and Immediate Past President<br />

Antonio Nanci (Université de Montréal).<br />

President Challacombe recognized all<br />

Past Presidents of the <strong>IADR</strong>, <strong>AADR</strong>, and<br />

CADR (see photos elsewhere in this<br />

newsletter) and welcomed the following<br />

special guests:<br />

• Bruce Pihlstrom—Division of<br />

Population and Health Promotion<br />

Sciences, NIDCR<br />

• Kevin Hardwick—Office of International<br />

Health, NIDCR<br />

• Paula Friedman —Past President,<br />

American Dental Education Association<br />

Plenary Speakers (l to r) Wendy Mouradian, Gerald Keusch, and Ko Okumura.<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports (ISSN 1072-3218) is published annually for $6 per year, by the International Association for Dental Research, 1619 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3406,<br />

USA. Tel. +703-548-0066. FAX +703-548-1883. E-mail research@iadr.org. Home Page www.dentalresearch.org. Available in print and online. POSTMASTER: Send<br />

address changes to <strong>IADR</strong> Reports, 1619 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3406, USA. Stephen Bayne (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA), Editor (<strong>IADR</strong>). E.<br />

Dianne Rekow (New York University, NY, USA), Editor (<strong>AADR</strong>). Linda T. Hemphill (<strong>IADR</strong>, Alexandria, VA), Managing Editor. For advertising information, contact Susan De<br />

Angel at sdeangel@iadr.org. All advertising is subject to the approval of the Advertising Review Subcommittee. The newsletter staff does not screen classified advertising.<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Gies award winners<br />

Masamichi Ohishi (top<br />

left), Pamela Yelick (top<br />

right), and Minori<br />

Onozuka (left).<br />

Outgoing Editor Mark Herzberg passes the name plate from the<br />

original JDR office at 211 East Chicago Ave. to newly appointed Editor<br />

Anthony J. Smith.<br />

• Richard Valachovic—Executive<br />

Director, American Dental Education<br />

Association<br />

• Fred Eichmiller—Director,<br />

Paffenbarger Research Center, American<br />

Dental Association<br />

• Kim Lawler—President, Hawaii<br />

Dental Association<br />

• Loren Liebling—Executive Director,<br />

Hawaii Dental Association<br />

• Michael Rethman—President,<br />

American Academy of Periodontology<br />

• Alice DeForest—Executive Director,<br />

American Academy of Periodontology<br />

• Joy Jordan—President, National<br />

Dental Association<br />

• Kerstin Ohrn—President, International<br />

Federation of Dental Hygienists<br />

• Alec Stone—Executive Director,<br />

Friends of the NIDCR<br />

• Jack Lemons—President, World<br />

Congress on Implantology<br />

• J.T. Barnard—Executive Director,<br />

Federation Dentaire Internationale<br />

• Poul-Erik Petersen—Chief Dental<br />

Officer, World Health Organization<br />

President Challacombe then introduced<br />

President-elect Robertson, who presented his<br />

inaugural address, "Challenges and<br />

Opportunities" (the complete text of which<br />

appears in the May issue of the Journal of<br />

Dental Research).<br />

Beverly Dale-Crunk (University of<br />

Washington, Seattle, USA), representing<br />

Peter Cleaton-Jones (Dental Research<br />

Institute, Wits, South Africa), Chair of the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Awards<br />

Committee, presented plaques to the<br />

winners of the <strong>2004</strong> awards (see list and<br />

photo elsewhere in this newsletter).<br />

Special recognition was given to Mark<br />

Herzberg (University of Minnesota,<br />

Minneapolis), who served for 11 years as<br />

Editor of the Journal of Dental Research.<br />

During his tenure, the scientific quality of the<br />

JDR has been strengthened, and the JDR<br />

continues to dominate the dental literature in<br />

terms of Impact Factor. He was instrumental<br />

in spearheading both the JDR's move to<br />

HighWire Press, where readers enjoy full-text<br />

online access and myriad search features, and,<br />

more recently, a system for online manuscript<br />

submission and peer review. He expanded the<br />

international Editorial Board and instituted<br />

Associate Editors to ensure the widest<br />

possible geographic and scientific discipline<br />

representation.<br />

After an exhaustive international<br />

search, an Editor Search committee chaired<br />

by Susan Kinder Haake (UCLA, USA)<br />

presented three names to the <strong>IADR</strong> and<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Boards, which selected Anthony J.<br />

(Tony) Smith (University of Birmingham,<br />

UK) to be the next Editor of the JDR,<br />

effective April 1, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

Paul Krebsbach, Chair of the Gies<br />

Award Committee, presented the <strong>2004</strong><br />

awards for the best papers in the Journal of<br />

Dental Research as follows:<br />

(Biological category) K. Kohama, K.<br />

Nonaka, R. Hosokawa, L. Shum, and M.<br />

Ohishi (Kyushu University, Japan; and<br />

NIH), for "TGF-beta-3 Promotes Scarless<br />

Repair of Cleft Lip in Mouse Fetuses" (J Dent<br />

Res 81:688-694, 2002). Masamichi Ohishi<br />

accepted the award on behalf of his<br />

colleagues.<br />

(Biomaterials & Bioengineering<br />

category) C.S. Young, S. Terada, J.P. Vacanti,<br />

M. Honda, J.D. Bartlett, and P.C. Yelick<br />

(Forsyth Institute, Harvard Medical School,<br />

Boston, MA, USA; and Nagoya University,<br />

Japan), for "Tissue Engineering of Complex<br />

Tooth Structures on Biodegradable Polymer<br />

Scaffolds" (J Dent Res 81:695-700, 2002).<br />

Pamela Yelick accepted the award on behalf<br />

of her co-authors.<br />

(Clinical category) M. Onozuka, M.<br />

Fujita, K. Watanabe, Y. Hirano, M. Niwa, K.<br />

Nishiyama, and S. Saito (Gifu University,<br />

Yoro Central Hospital, Kanagawa Dental<br />

College, and Oral Health Association of<br />

Japan), for "Mapping Brain Region Activity<br />

during Chewing: A Functional Magnetic<br />

Resonance Imaging Study" (J Dent Res 81:<br />

743-746, 2002). Minoru Onozuka accepted<br />

the award on behalf of his colleagues.<br />

Other awards and recognitions were as<br />

follows:<br />

• Christopher Squier (University of<br />

Iowa, Iowa City, US) was presented with the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Service Award, which<br />

honors a member who has not served as an<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Officer but who has performed<br />

outstanding service to the Association over a<br />

period of time.<br />

Distinguished Service Award winner<br />

Christopher Squier (l) with IA President<br />

Challacombe.<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

4<br />

Honolulu Meeting...continued from p.3<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/E.W. Borrow Memorial Award<br />

winner Jan Ekstrand (l) with IA President<br />

Challacombe.<br />

• Jan Ekstrand (Karolinska Institute,<br />

Huddinge, Sweden) received the <strong>IADR</strong>/E.W.<br />

Borrow Memorial Award, established and<br />

supported by the Borrow Foundation to<br />

recognize and stimulate research in oral health<br />

prevention for children, with a priority for<br />

caries prevention using fluoride in different<br />

Winners of the inaugural <strong>IADR</strong>/GlaxoSmithKline<br />

Innovation in Oral Care Award (l-r): David<br />

Alexander (representing GlaxoSmithKline), Doron<br />

Steinberg, Jack Ferracane, Spencer Redding, John<br />

Greenspan (IA/AA Past President), Alexis Roberts-<br />

McIntosh (representing GSK), Marie-Claude<br />

Amoureaux, and Catherine Sohn (GSK).<br />

Colgate representative Marsha Butler (standing, far<br />

left) and Dr. Challacombe (standing, far right), and<br />

winners of the <strong>IADR</strong>/Colgate Research in<br />

Prevention Award (seated): Giovana Pecharki,<br />

Akihisa Fukuda, Nadia Al-Hazmi, Shimin Li, and Loc<br />

Giang Do (not pictured, Quang Nguyen). Standing<br />

with Ms. Butler and Dr. Challacombe are the<br />

winners’ guests.<br />

formats. This is the 13th year of the award.<br />

• The <strong>IADR</strong>/GlaxoSmithKline Inno -<br />

vation in Oral Care Awards were given for<br />

the first time. The awards are intended to<br />

help investigators pursue innovative and<br />

novel research in oral care, above and beyond<br />

the bounds of traditional dental research.<br />

GSK recognized the need for pioneers to<br />

produce innovative technologies that can be<br />

used routinely by the public to maintain and<br />

improve oral health and quality of life. The<br />

first four awards were presented to: Marie-<br />

Claude Amoureux (Clarigen, Inc., Carlsbad,<br />

CA, USA), Jack Ferracane (Oregon Health<br />

& Science University, Portland, USA),<br />

Spencer Redding (University of Texas<br />

Health Science Center, San Antonio, USA),<br />

and Doron Steinberg (Hebrew University,<br />

Jerusalem, Israel) (see photo below).<br />

• Amrita Ranchod (University of<br />

Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand),<br />

representing the Australian & New Zealand<br />

Division, won the <strong>IADR</strong> David B.<br />

Scott Research Fellowship, which<br />

was established by the late Mrs.<br />

Nancy M. Scott in honor of her<br />

husband, David B. Scott, a Past<br />

President of the <strong>IADR</strong>.<br />

• Aiko Nakasone (Tokyo<br />

Medical and Dental University,<br />

Japan), representing the Japanese<br />

Division, won the Norton M. Ross<br />

Fellowship, supported by a<br />

generous donation from Pfizer,<br />

Inc., to allow a dental or postgraduate<br />

student the opportunity<br />

to obtain training and experience<br />

in dental or related research.<br />

• The <strong>IADR</strong>/Lion Dental<br />

Research Award for Junior Investigators<br />

was presented to Özgur<br />

Özdemir (University of Istanbul,<br />

Turkey, representing the Periodontal<br />

Research Group) and Ji Li (Boston<br />

University, MA, USA, representing<br />

the Salivary Research Group). This<br />

award, generously supported by the<br />

Lion Corporation (Japan), is<br />

intended to support improvements<br />

in oral health sciences through the<br />

stimulation of junior investigators<br />

by: (1) recognition of outstanding<br />

and innovative research in basic<br />

dental science for the improvement<br />

of public dental health; and (2)<br />

recognition of applied research<br />

achievements for the improvement<br />

and development of oral care<br />

products for the prevention of oral<br />

diseases.<br />

• The <strong>IADR</strong>/Colgate<br />

Research in Prevention Travel<br />

Awards, generously supported by Colgate-<br />

Palmolive, enable young investigators<br />

presenting original research in the area of<br />

oral disease prevention to travel to the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> General Session. This year's awards<br />

were presented to: Loc Giang Do<br />

(Australia), Giovana Pecharki (Brazil),<br />

Akihisa Fukuda (Japan), Nadia Al-Hazmi<br />

(United Kingdom), Quang Nguyen (USA),<br />

and Shimin Li (USA).<br />

• The <strong>IADR</strong>/Unilever Division Travel<br />

Awards were established to encourage<br />

outstanding young dental scientists to carry<br />

out research, attend the <strong>IADR</strong> General<br />

Session, and compete in the <strong>IADR</strong>/Unilever<br />

Hatton Awards Competition. These awards<br />

are generously funded by Unilever Oral Care.<br />

In <strong>2004</strong>, 40 persons from 16 Divisions<br />

received funding for travel to <strong>IADR</strong>'s 82nd<br />

General Session in Honolulu: (Argentine<br />

Division) M.I. Brusca; (Australian and New<br />

Zealand Division ) A.F. DeAngelis and V.<br />

Tam; (Brazilian Division) G.P. Garlet and<br />

P.D. Telles; (British Division) H. Jandu, J.L.<br />

McLachlan, and P.L. Smith; (Canadian<br />

Division) H. Nourkeyhani and D.<br />

Senadheera; (Chinese Division) P. Li and M.<br />

Nie; (Continental European Division) W.<br />

Teughels and S.T. Lossdoerfer; (Irish<br />

Division) J.J. Barnes and F.R. Maguire;<br />

(Israeli Division) M. Shohat; (Japanese<br />

Division) H. Kanzaki, M. Koide, H.<br />

Shinagawa, S. Tsutsumi, and T. Doi;<br />

(Korean Division) H.S. Lee; (Scandinavian<br />

Division) F.C. Petersen and T. Jensdottir;<br />

(South African Division) E. Fakir and C.<br />

Solomon; (Southeast Asian Division) K.S. Tan<br />

and H.T. Hoang; and (Venezuelan Division)<br />

I.M. Bravo. This number includes the nine<br />

finalists from the American <strong>AADR</strong>/Pfizer<br />

Hatton Awards Competition, who also<br />

received travel assistance: Songyon Bang<br />

(Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston,<br />

MA), Jonathan Ross (Case Western Reserve<br />

University, Cleveland, OH), Andrew Fribley<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> President Anusavice at the<br />

Opening Ceremonies.

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Manoj<br />

Muthukuru (University of New York, Stony<br />

Brook), Monika Oli (University of Florida,<br />

Gainesville), Ulrike Späte (Forsyth Institute,<br />

Boston, MA), Zachary Peacock (Forsyth<br />

Institute), Elizabeth Fozo (University of<br />

Rochester), and Silvana Papagerakis<br />

(University of Texas Health Science Center at<br />

San Antonio).<br />

• Lakshman "Sam" Samaranayake<br />

(University of Hong Kong) announced the<br />

winners of the <strong>2004</strong> <strong>IADR</strong>/Unilever Hatton<br />

Awards Competition: (Junior) Justin Barnes<br />

(Queen's University Belfast, Irish Division),<br />

1st place, and Adrian DeAngelis (University<br />

of Melbourne, Australian/New Zealand<br />

Division), 2nd place; (Senior) Andrew<br />

Fribley (University of Michigan, American<br />

Division), 1st place, and Elizabeth Fozo<br />

(University of Rochester, NY, American<br />

Division), 2nd place; (Post-doctoral) Ulrike<br />

Späte (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA,<br />

American Division), 1st place, and Silvana<br />

Papagerakis (University of Texas, San<br />

Antonio, American Division), 2nd place (see<br />

photos on p. 14 of this newsletter).<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> President Ken Anusavice<br />

(University of Florida, Gainesville) made<br />

brief remarks and introduced the <strong>AADR</strong><br />

President Anusavice presents the Jack<br />

Hein Public Service Award to Mike<br />

Alfano (left).<br />

Board of Directors: President-elect<br />

Dominick DePaola (Forsyth Institute,<br />

Boston, MA), Vice-president Mary<br />

MacDougall (University of Texas, San<br />

Antonio), Treasurer Marc Heft (University<br />

of Florida), Editor Mark Herzberg<br />

(Univesity of Minnesota, Minneapolis),<br />

Members-at-Large J. David Eick<br />

(University of Missouri-Kansas City) and<br />

Jeffrey Ebersole (University of Kentucky-<br />

Lexington), Executive Director Christopher<br />

Fox (Alexandria, VA), Vice-president-elect<br />

E. Dianne Rekow (New York University),<br />

and Treasurer-elect Pamela DenBesten<br />

(University of California-San Francisco).<br />

(Immediate Past President Charles<br />

Bertolami [UCSF] was unable to attend.)<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> President-elect DePaola gave his<br />

inaugural address, "Nurturing a Culture of<br />

Clark Fellowship award recipient Ryan<br />

Harris (left).<br />

Innovation" (the complete text of which will<br />

appear in the June issue of the Journal of<br />

Dental Research).<br />

President Anusavice presented the<br />

prestigious <strong>AADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist<br />

Award to James Beck (University of North<br />

Carolina, Chapel Hill). This award,<br />

presented every two years, recognizes and<br />

honors outstanding research of particular<br />

significance in any of the fields related to<br />

oral science. The award is generously<br />

sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline.<br />

The recipient of the <strong>2004</strong> Jack Hein<br />

Public Service Award (<strong>AADR</strong>) was Mike<br />

Alfano (New York University). This award<br />

honors an <strong>AADR</strong> member who has given<br />

exemplary service in the area of public affairs<br />

by consistently promoting the interests and<br />

activities of oral health research to a wide<br />

constituency. Dr. Alfano was recognized for<br />

his community service in promoting oral<br />

cancer screening and anti-terrorism<br />

programs. The award is supported by the<br />

<strong>AADR</strong>. Previous recipients of the Award are<br />

Jack W. Hein (1996), Gertrude Quigley<br />

(1997), Christopher Squier (1998), Jay<br />

Gershen (1999), Anthony Picozzi (2000),<br />

John Crawford (2001), Mike Barnett<br />

(2002), and Judy Sherman (2003).<br />

President Anusavice announced that the<br />

<strong>2004</strong> William B. Clark Fellowship<br />

(established in Dr. Clark's memory and<br />

supported by the Procter & Gamble<br />

Company) was presented to Ryan Harris<br />

(University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill).<br />

Dr. Harris plans to further his research on<br />

the effects of periodontal therapy on<br />

cardiovascular risk markers.<br />

Mina Mina (University of Connecticut)<br />

announced the winners of the <strong>2004</strong><br />

<strong>AADR</strong>/Pfizer Hatton Awards Competition.<br />

These six finalists, along with three<br />

Honorable Mentions, represented the<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> in the <strong>IADR</strong>/Unilever Hatton<br />

Awards Competition: (Junior) Songyon<br />

Bang (Harvard School of Dental Medicine),<br />

1st place, and Jonathan Ross (Case<br />

Western Reserve University), 2nd place;<br />

(Senior) Andrew Fribley (University of<br />

Michigan, Ann Arbor), 1st place, and<br />

Manoj Muthukuru (University of New<br />

York, Stony Brook), 2nd place; (Postdoctoral)<br />

Monika Oli (University of<br />

Florida), 1st place, and Ulrike Späte<br />

(Forsyth Institute), 2nd place. The<br />

Honorable Mentions were: Zachary<br />

Peacock (Forsyth Institute), Elizabeth<br />

Fozo (University of Rochester), and Silvana<br />

Papagerakis (University of Texas Health<br />

Science Center at San Antonio).<br />

Mark Reynolds (University of<br />

Maryland, Baltimore), Chair of the <strong>AADR</strong><br />

Student Research Fellowships Committee,<br />

announced the names of the 20 winners (see<br />

separate listing elsewhere in this newsletter).<br />

President Anusavice introduced the<br />

2003-<strong>2004</strong> National Student Research<br />

Group Officers: Erik Kern Harrington,<br />

President; Joseph Rawlins, Vice-president;<br />

Amy James, Secretary; Jason Vettraino,<br />

Councilor; Members-at-Large Chris Burke<br />

and Val Bingham; and Faculty Advisors<br />

Anthony Iacopino and Robert Spears.<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> President Challacombe<br />

announced that Laurence Adriaens<br />

(Brussels, Belgium) was the lucky winner of<br />

the free meeting registration, randomly<br />

selected from among those who registered<br />

online through the <strong>IADR</strong>'s Web site.<br />

Executive Director Fox welcomes new<br />

members at the New Member<br />

Orientation.<br />

Following the formal proceedings,<br />

participants enjoyed a performance of a<br />

traditional Hawaiian hula dance by the<br />

children of the award-winning group Halau<br />

Hula Olana, after which everyone was<br />

invited to the Welcome Reception,<br />

graciously sponsored by Oral-B.<br />

Also during Meeting Week, the<br />

Thirteenth Annual <strong>AADR</strong> Student<br />

Outreach Program, sponsored by the Procter<br />

& Gamble Company, was held and was rated<br />

a tremendous success. Approximately 30<br />

students from the Boys' and Girls' Clubs of<br />

Hawaii participated in this half-day event,<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Honolulu Meeting...continued from p.5<br />

The hosts prepare to welcome their honored guests at the Presidents’ Reception<br />

sponsored by Procter & Gamble. (l to r) Michael Sudzina (P & G), Sandi and Ken<br />

Anusavice (<strong>AADR</strong>), and Tina and Stephen Challacombe (<strong>IADR</strong>).<br />

Dr. Robertson presents a plaque to Dr.<br />

Challacombe after receiving the<br />

medallion of office.<br />

designed to provide them with insights into<br />

a career in dental science, research, and<br />

development. After a breakfast at the<br />

Hawaii Convention Center, the students<br />

heard a lecture by Jackie Duke (University<br />

of Texas Health Science Center, Houston),<br />

Dr. DePaola (left) presents a plaque to Dr.<br />

Anusavice.<br />

based on the Symposium she organized<br />

entitled, "Dentists on Mars". Mike Sudzina<br />

from the Procter & Gamble Co. also<br />

addressed the students. They also enjoyed<br />

hearing from Jeremy Price, a high school<br />

senior presenting a paper at the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

meeting, and watched high school junior<br />

Tina Chou present her poster. They also<br />

enjoyed a tour of the exhibit booths and<br />

other poster presentations. The Outreach<br />

Program is an annual educational event that<br />

promotes student awareness and career<br />

development in the dental research field.<br />

The New Member Orientation<br />

Reception, sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive,<br />

offered new members the opportunity to<br />

learn more about the <strong>IADR</strong>, its Divisions,<br />

Sections, Groups, and Committees.<br />

In addition to the companies mentioned<br />

above, the <strong>IADR</strong> thanks the following for<br />

their support of <strong>IADR</strong> programs and activities:<br />

• 3M ESPE, in support of the<br />

Hospitality Center<br />

• Colgate-Palmolive , in support of the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Council Dinner, New Member<br />

Orientation Reception, Research in Prevention<br />

Awards and Luncheon, Badge lanyards, and<br />

computers in the Membership Pavilion<br />

• Dentsply Caulk, in support of the<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> NSRG Competition and Reception<br />

• GC Corporation, in support of the<br />

"Japan Night" reception<br />

• Oral-B, in support of the Welcome<br />

Reception<br />

• Procter & Gamble Company, in<br />

support of the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong> Presidents'<br />

Reception and the Student Outreach<br />

Program<br />

• Pfizer, in support of the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR Past Presidents'<br />

Luncheon and the monetary prizes for the<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Hatton finalists<br />

• Unilever, in support of the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Hatton Awards, <strong>IADR</strong> Division Travel<br />

Awards Reception, the monetary prizes for the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Hatton finalists, and the Poster Boards<br />

• Wrigley Oral Healthcare Programs,<br />

in support of the Conference Bags. •<br />

6<br />

On behalf of <strong>IADR</strong> members, Paul Robertson (c) presented<br />

Stephen and Tina Challacombe an appreciation gift of a<br />

historic print of Alexandria, Virginia.<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>, <strong>AADR</strong>, and CADR Past Presidents enjoy the sunshine and a<br />

lunch sponsored by Pfizer. (l to r) Roy Page, William Bowen,<br />

Martin Taubman, Bob Genco, Sally Marshall, Paul Robertson, Ivar<br />

Mjör, John Clarkson, Ernest Newbrun, Barbara Boyan, John<br />

Keller, Steve Bayne, Stephen Wei, Edwin Yen, Walter Loesche,<br />

John Greenspan, Lori Kumar (Pfizer), and Barry Sessle.

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Election Results<br />

for <strong>2004</strong>-05<br />

Stephen Bayne (University of North Carolina, Chapel<br />

Hill, USA) has been elected Vice-president of the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>. His term of office began at the conclusion of<br />

the <strong>IADR</strong> General Session in Honolulu, Hawaii (March<br />

13, <strong>2004</strong>). •<br />

2005 Call for Meeting Proposals:<br />

Symposia, Hands-on Workshops,<br />

& Lunch & Learning<br />

If you are interested in submitting a<br />

proposal for any of the following for the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> General Session & Exhibition in<br />

Baltimore, MD, USA, please visit the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Web site at www.dentalresearch.org:<br />

• a Group- or Division-sponsored<br />

Symposium<br />

• a Symposium jointly sponsored with<br />

ADEA<br />

• a Hands-on Workshop<br />

• a Lunch & Learning Session<br />

Call for Nominations:<br />

Journal of Dental Research<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Each year, approximately one-third of<br />

the ca. 100 individuals on the Editorial<br />

Board of the Journal of Dental<br />

Research conclude their term of service, and<br />

nominations are needed for persons to take<br />

their place. These individuals act as prime<br />

reviewers for manuscripts submitted for<br />

publication and can make a real impact on<br />

the quality of the JDR. The selection<br />

The proposal forms and guidelines are<br />

listed under the "Meetings" section, then the<br />

"Meeting Proposal Form" subsection. You<br />

can complete the form online, and the<br />

computer will confirm that the form has<br />

been received. Alternatively, you may<br />

contact either your Scientific Group or the<br />

Meetings Department to receive the<br />

appropriate forms and guidelines.<br />

The deadline for proposal submission is<br />

August 20, <strong>2004</strong>. •<br />

procedure is conducted by the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong><br />

Publications Committee, which seeks the<br />

broadest possible scientific and geographic<br />

representation on the Board. Letters of<br />

nomination, along with a curriculum vitae or<br />

other statement of credentials, should be<br />

sent by September 1, <strong>2004</strong>, to: Dr. Daniel<br />

Smith, The Forsyth Institute, 135 Fenway,<br />

Boston, MA 02115 (dsmith@forsyth.org). •<br />

Can You Serve on a Committee<br />

Committees are the backbone of the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> and <strong>AADR</strong>, and each year the<br />

Presidents-elect seek a wide variety of<br />

volunteers, representing as many geographic<br />

areas and scientific disciplines as possible, to<br />

fill committee vacancies.<br />

If you are interested in serving on an<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> committee, beginning in 2005,<br />

contact <strong>IADR</strong> President-elect Takayuki<br />

Kuroda (tkuroda@msg.biglobe.ne.jp).<br />

Those interested in volunteering for<br />

service on an <strong>AADR</strong> committee should<br />

contact <strong>AADR</strong> President-elect Mary<br />

MacDougall (macdougall@uthscsa.edu).<br />

Please include a brief autobiographical<br />

sketch to allow the Presidents-elect to make<br />

a more informed judgment.<br />

For more information on <strong>IADR</strong> and<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Committees, and the level of<br />

involvement required for each, please contact<br />

Jennifer Johnson (jjohnson@iadr.org) at the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Central Office.<br />

You CAN make a difference! •<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Council<br />

Highlights<br />

• Council was informed that Stephen<br />

Bayne from the University of North<br />

Carolina had been elected as the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Vice-president.<br />

• Council approved the 2002 audit and<br />

the budgets for <strong>2004</strong>-2006.<br />

• Nominations for the <strong>IADR</strong> Vicepresidential<br />

election later this year are:<br />

Deborah Greenspan, Peter Holbrook,<br />

and Lakshman Samaranayake.<br />

• Council approved Barcelona, Spain, as<br />

the site of the 2010 General Session.<br />

• President Challacombe recognized the<br />

contributions of Chong-Pyoung<br />

Chung of the Korean Division, David<br />

Williams of the British Division, and<br />

Gottfried Schmalz of the Continental<br />

European Division in assembling<br />

outstanding bids to host future <strong>IADR</strong><br />

General Sessions.<br />

• Council approved San Diego, CA,<br />

USA, as the site of the 2011 General<br />

Session.<br />

• Council approved a modest dues<br />

amount for new Retired Members<br />

(formerly Life Members), to cover<br />

administrative costs. (All current<br />

Retired Members will continue to<br />

receive complimentary membership.)<br />

• Council revised the composition and<br />

charge of the Ethics Committee and<br />

disbanded the Joint Technology &<br />

Communications Committee.<br />

• Council extended the term of <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Treasurer Edwin Yen for one year (to<br />

2005), so that the <strong>IADR</strong> and <strong>AADR</strong><br />

would not have new Treasurers<br />

simultaneously.<br />

• The <strong>IADR</strong> Board selected Richard<br />

Ellen (Canada) and José Luiz Lage-<br />

Marques (Brazil) as Regional Board<br />

Members, succeeding Susan Reisine<br />

(USA) and Hector Lanfranchi<br />

(Argentina).<br />

• Council recognized outgoing Editor<br />

Mark Herzberg for his eleven years of<br />

service as Editor of the Journal of Dental<br />

Research.<br />

• Council approved Anthony J. (Tony)<br />

Smith (University of Birmingham,<br />

UK) as the new Editor of the Journal of<br />

Dental Research, effective April 1, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

• Council approved formation of the<br />

African Middle East Federation.<br />

• Council approved upgrading the<br />

Nigerian Section to Division status.<br />

• Council approved formation of the<br />

Latin American Federation. •<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

<strong>2004</strong> Adopta-Member<br />

Program<br />

raises over<br />

$7,600!<br />

Thank you to all who contributed to the<br />

Adopt-a-Member program for <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

Your contributions help support<br />

membership for individuals in developing<br />

countries. This year, over $7,600 was<br />

contributed to the program. A list of <strong>2004</strong><br />

contributors is below (as of 4/12/<strong>2004</strong>).<br />

Special thanks to Colgate-Palmolive<br />

Company for supporting over 100<br />

members in the East & Southern Africa<br />

and Chinese Divisions.<br />

Toshihiro Ansai<br />

Feliz Aykent<br />

Stephen C. Bayne<br />

O. Ross Beirne<br />

Choo Soo Teo<br />

John Clarkson<br />

Robert Collins<br />

Esmonde F. Corbet<br />

Sabine Dickens<br />

Szabolcs Felszeghy<br />

Christopher H. Fox<br />

Mark Herzberg<br />

Hideharu Hirose<br />

Joji Inada<br />

Shigehisa Inokoshi<br />

Koichi Ito<br />

Katsunori Izumizawa<br />

Hidenori Kaminishi<br />

Heinrich Kappert<br />

Toshio Kawase<br />

Masahiko Kikuchi<br />

Tsuyoshi Kodama<br />

Anne Koerber<br />

Masashi Kurahashi<br />

Pedro J. Lazaro<br />

Edward C.M. Lo<br />

Guido Lorenzini<br />

Shogo Minagi<br />

Masao Nagumo<br />

Minoru Nishiyama<br />

Rie Nomoto<br />

Hideo Ogura<br />

Trisha O'Hehir<br />

Masahiro Ohsawa<br />

Mitsunobu Okamura<br />

Takatoshi Onoe<br />

Prathip<br />

Phantumvanit<br />

Richard Ranney<br />

Kazuo Sanada<br />

Alessandro Scabbia<br />

Boris Schwartzman<br />

Paul Sharpe<br />

Akira Sugaya<br />

Mitsuhiro Sunakawa<br />

Hidekazu Takahashi<br />

Shogo Takashiba<br />

Yoshitaka Takeda<br />

Keson B.C. Tan<br />

Anne Tanner<br />

Tohru Tokunaga<br />

Hitoshi Toyoma<br />

Shigeru Uno<br />

Angus Walls<br />

Tatsuo Watanabe<br />

Hans-Peter Weber<br />

David M. Williams<br />

Kin-ya Yazaki<br />


<strong>2004</strong> <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished<br />

Yoshihiro Takano accepts<br />

the Basic Research in<br />

Biological Mineralization<br />

award.<br />

Steven Levy accepts the H.<br />

Trendley Dean Memorial<br />

Award.<br />

Paul T. Sharpe accepts the<br />

Craniofacial Biology<br />

Research Award.<br />

Beverly Dale-Crunk,<br />

representing the Chair<br />

of the <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished<br />

Scientist Award<br />

Committee, announced the<br />

<strong>2004</strong> award-winners, who<br />

received their awards in<br />

March at the Opening<br />

Ceremonies of the 82nd<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> General Session &<br />

Exhibition in Honolulu, HI,<br />

USA.<br />

• Yoshiro Takano (Tokyo<br />

Medical and Dental<br />

University, Japan), Award<br />

for Basic Research in<br />

Biological Mineralization,<br />

supported by Unilever Oral<br />

Care<br />

• Steven Levy (University of<br />

Iowa, USA), H. Trendley<br />

Dean Memorial Award,<br />

supported by the Colgate-<br />

Palmolive Company and a<br />

bequest from the estate of<br />

Frank J. McClure<br />

• Paul T. Sharpe (GKT<br />

Dental Institute, King's<br />

Aubrey Soskolne accepts<br />

the Basic Research in<br />

Periodontal Disease Award.<br />

College, London, UK),<br />

Craniofacial Biology<br />

Research Award, supported<br />

by the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

• David Beighton (GKT<br />

Institute, London, UK),<br />

Research in Dental Caries<br />

Award, supported by<br />

Pfizer, Inc.<br />

• Aubrey Soskolne (Hebrew<br />

University-Hadassah,<br />

Jerusalem, Israel), Basic<br />

Research in Periodontal<br />

Disease Award, supported<br />

by the Colgate-Palmolive<br />

Company<br />

• Ichiro Nishimura (UCLA,<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA),<br />

Research in Prosthodontics<br />

and Implants Award,<br />

supported by Procter &<br />

Gamble Denture Care and<br />

given in memory of<br />

Willard J Tarbet<br />

• J. David Eick (University<br />

of Missouri-Kansas City,<br />

USA), Wilmer Souder<br />

Award, supported by the<br />

J. David Eick accepts the<br />

Wilmer Souder Award.<br />

8<br />

You can participate in the Adopt-a-<br />

Member program by contributing<br />

additional funds on your 2005 membership<br />

invoice, which will be mailed in the Fall of<br />

this year. Additional contributions are<br />

always welcome throughout the year.<br />

Contact the Central Office if you require a<br />

pro forma invoice, or see payment<br />

instructions at membership@iadr.org. •<br />

David Beighton accepts the<br />

Research in Dental Caries<br />

Award.<br />

Ichiro Nishimura accepts the<br />

Research in Prosthodontics<br />

and Implants Award.<br />

Garry James Fleming<br />

accepts the Young<br />

Investigator Award.

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Scientist Award Winners<br />

William T. Sweeney<br />

Memorial Fund and the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Dental Materials<br />

Group<br />

• Garry James Fleming<br />

(University of Birmingham,<br />

UK), Young Investigator<br />

Award, supported<br />

by the Procter & Gamble<br />

Company<br />

• Carolyn Gibson (University<br />

of Pennsylvania, USA),<br />

Research in Oral Biology<br />

Award, supported by the<br />

Church & Dwight Company,<br />

Inc.<br />

• Anthony J. (Tony) Smith<br />

(University of Birmingham,<br />

UK), Pulp Biology<br />

Research Award, supported<br />

by the L.D.Caulk Division<br />

of Dentsply International<br />

and the <strong>IADR</strong> Pulp<br />

Biology Group<br />

• Jorgen Ekström<br />

(Göteborg University,<br />

Sweden), Salivary Research<br />

Carolyn Gibson accepts the<br />

Research in Oral Biology<br />

Award.<br />

Tony Smith accepts the Pulp<br />

Biology Research Award.<br />

Award, supported by the<br />

William Wrigley, Jr.<br />

Company<br />

• Daniel Haas (University of<br />

Toronto, ON, Canada),<br />

Pharmacology, Therapeutics,<br />

& Toxicology<br />

Research Award, supported<br />

by Wyeth Consumer<br />

Healthcare.<br />

• J. Silvio Gutkind<br />

(NIDCR, Bethesda, MD,<br />

USA), Oral Medicine and<br />

Pathology Research Award,<br />

supported by Sunstar<br />

Butler<br />

• Helen Gift (Brevard<br />

College, NC, USA),<br />

Behavioral Sciences &<br />

Health Services Research<br />

Award, sponsored by<br />

Sunstar Butler<br />

• Gary Slade (University of<br />

Adelaide, Australia),<br />

Geriatric Oral Research<br />

Award, supported by<br />

Sunstar Butler •<br />

Jorgen Ekström accepts the<br />

Salivary Research Award.<br />

Daniel Haas accepts the<br />

Pharmacology, Therapeutics,<br />

& Toxicology<br />

Research Award.<br />

J. Silvio Gutkind accepts<br />

the Oral Medicine and<br />

Pathology Research Award.<br />

Helen Gift accepts the<br />

Behavioral Sciences &<br />

Health Services Research<br />

Award.<br />

Gary Slade accepts the<br />

Geriatric Oral Research<br />

Award.<br />

President’s Message...continued from p.1<br />

Keynote Speakers selected by the Scientific<br />

Groups were considered an excellent addition.<br />

Electronic submission of abstracts was a major<br />

improvement for submission, peer review, and<br />

scheduling of both the oral and the poster<br />

sessions.<br />

The Annual Session Committee worked<br />

diligently to plan this year's meeting. Much of<br />

our success in Hawaii was due to the<br />

dedication of Gwynn Dominguez and the<br />

Central Office meeting staff. I also gratefully<br />

express thanks to the Group Program Chairs<br />

and Reviewers, who worked hard through a<br />

very short time-line to assess the abstracts and<br />

organize the oral and poster sessions. The<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> will devote much time this year to<br />

evaluating those meeting aspects that are<br />

valued by our members while exploring new<br />

approaches to enhance the excitement of<br />

scientific discovery through <strong>IADR</strong>.<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong> Council meeting was most<br />

positive. Stephen Bayne was welcomed as the<br />

new <strong>IADR</strong> Vice-president. Efforts in the area<br />

of regional development are going well. The<br />

Regional Board Members, including Jeroen<br />

Kroon (South Africa), Mariano Sanz (Spain),<br />

Yupin Songpaisan (Thailand), José Luiz Lage-<br />

Marques (Brazil), and Richard Ellen (Canada),<br />

have been very constructive. We are a truly<br />

international organization, and input to the<br />

Board and Council through these regional<br />

representatives, as well as Divisions, Groups,<br />

and Federations, is critical to keeping this<br />

organization vibrant. The Council also<br />

welcomed Tony Smith as the new Editor of the<br />

Journal of Dental Research. Tony brings a<br />

solid scientific background. He also has a keen<br />

grasp of approaches to information transfer<br />

and electronic publishing, which should<br />

ultimately allow us to reach all our members<br />

and the public they serve.<br />

Executive Director Christopher Fox has<br />

been an outstanding addition to <strong>IADR</strong>. His<br />

first year was marked by competence, insight,<br />

hard work, and delightful humor. I also<br />

commend Board members Stephen<br />

Challacombe, John Clarkson, Takayuki<br />

Kuroda, Edwin Yen, Mark Herzberg, and<br />

Deputy Executive Director Robert "Skip"<br />

Collins. Together these individuals have served<br />

you exceptionally well this year. Despite tragic<br />

world events, rapidly changing meeting<br />

locations, and difficult economic conditions,<br />

this Board has continued our mission to<br />

advance research and increase knowledge for<br />

the improvement of oral health, and at the<br />

same time, kept us fiscally stable.<br />

Please feel free to contact me with any<br />

issues about future directions for the <strong>IADR</strong>. I<br />

look forward to working with all of you<br />

during the year and anticipate a highly<br />

successful meeting in Baltimore, Maryland,<br />

next March. •<br />


10<br />

Call for Nominations:<br />

2005 <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Distinguished<br />

Service Award<br />

This Award is presented to an individual<br />

member of the International Association<br />

for Dental Research for outstanding<br />

instances of service over a period of time. It is<br />

intended to recognize members who HAVE<br />

NOT served as officers of the <strong>IADR</strong>.<br />

The Award consists of a plaque and<br />

expenses to travel to and attend the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

General Session in the year the Award is<br />

presented.<br />

The 2005 recipient will be selected by<br />

the <strong>IADR</strong> Board of Directors in December,<br />

<strong>2004</strong>, and will receive the award at the<br />

Opening Ceremonies of the 83rd <strong>IADR</strong><br />

General Session in Baltimore, Maryland, on<br />

March 9, 2005.<br />

Letters of nomination should be sent by<br />

October 15, <strong>2004</strong>, to:<br />

Erika López-Tello<br />

International Association<br />

for Dental Research<br />

1619 Duke Street<br />

Alexandria, VA 22314-3406, USA<br />

E-mail: elopez-tello@iadr.org •<br />

In Memoriam<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong> regrets to report the deaths of<br />

the following colleagues in 2003:<br />

Naham Cons (Berkeley, CA)<br />

Robert Craig (Ann Arbor, MI)<br />

Linda DeVore (Baltimore, MD)<br />

R. Doyle (Louisville, KY)<br />

Graham Embery (Liverpool, England)<br />

Thomas Gardner (Iowa City, IA)<br />

Herschel Horowitz (Bethesda, MD)<br />

Robert Huettner (Woods Hole, MA)<br />

Ralph Lobene (Palm Desert, CA)<br />

Valerio Margiotta (Palermo, Italy)<br />

Gregory Mooser (Los Angeles, CA)<br />

Herbert Mueller (Gaithersburg, MD)<br />

Philippe Ndobo-Epoy (Bordeaux, France)<br />

Richard Stallard (Mumbai, India)<br />

Gunnar K. Svanberg (Germantown, TN)<br />

C. van Wyk (Pretoria, South Africa)<br />

Norman H. Whitehouse (Cowplain,<br />

Hampshire, England) •<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Call for Applications:<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/GlaxoSmithKline<br />

Innovation in Oral Care Awards<br />

The Innovation in Oral Care Awards are<br />

jointly sponsored by the International<br />

Association for Dental Research (<strong>IADR</strong>)<br />

and GlaxoSmithKline, with funding<br />

provided exclusively by GlaxoSmithKline.<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong> mission is to advance research<br />

and increase knowledge for the improvement<br />

of oral health worldwide. It does so through its<br />

Divisions and Sections as well as in partnership<br />

with international dental associations, industry,<br />

health agencies, and scientific and educational<br />

professional organizations. These innovation<br />

awards offer opportunities for investigators to<br />

conduct dental research that will have a direct<br />

impact on the oral health of the public.<br />

As a leader in consumer oral care,<br />

GlaxoSmithKline recognizes the need for<br />

pioneers to produce innovative technologies<br />

that can be used routinely by the public to<br />

maintain and improve oral health and quality<br />

of life. These awards are intended to help<br />

investigators pursue innovative and novel<br />

research in oral care, above and beyond the<br />

bounds of traditional dental research.<br />

Competitive awards, up to US$100,000,<br />

will be provided to recipients to advance<br />

programs directed toward the development<br />

of innovative and novel compounds,<br />

biomaterials, or devices that can be used<br />

Call for Proposals:<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> David B. Scott Fellowship<br />

Awarded in the Brazilian Division 2005<br />

The David B. Scott Fellowship will be<br />

awarded annually to a dental student in<br />

one <strong>IADR</strong> Division and will rotate<br />

alphabetically among the Divisions. It will be<br />

the Division's responsibility to select the<br />

recipient by any method it devises, but the<br />

Division must present the candidate's name<br />

and the proposal for his or her research<br />

experience to the <strong>IADR</strong> Board of Directors<br />

for approval, by October 15, <strong>2004</strong>. The<br />

annual recipient of the fellowship will be<br />

announced at the Opening Ceremonies of<br />

each <strong>IADR</strong> General Session.<br />

For more information, please visit the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong> Web site at<br />

www.dentalresearch.org •<br />

Call for Proposals:<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> John A. Gray Fellowship<br />

Awarded in the Chinese Division in 2005<br />

The purpose of this fellowship is to allow a<br />

dental or post-graduate student to<br />

obtain training and experience in dental<br />

or related research. It will be the Division's<br />

responsibility to select the recipient by any<br />

method it devises, but the Division must<br />

present the candidate's name and the<br />

proposal for his or her research experience to<br />

directly by the public. Pilot studies with<br />

award requests in much smaller amounts will<br />

also be considered. Examples of areas of<br />

interest could include, but not be limited to:<br />

• inhibition or removal of biofilms, etc.,<br />

adhering to natural or artificial surfaces,<br />

• modification of those surfaces to inhibit<br />

biofilms and other deposits, stains, and<br />

odors,<br />

• development of adhesives for removable<br />

prosthetic devices, inhibition of tooth<br />

surface loss and gingival recession, and<br />

amelioration of their effects, and<br />

• development of compounds for<br />

counteracting the oral effects of systemic<br />

illness, hormonal disturbances, or<br />

physiological aging.<br />

The awards will be provided in the form<br />

of an unrestricted research grant that carries<br />

no obligation to the recipient's organization<br />

for licensure, patenting, or transfer of<br />

confidential information, although<br />

GlaxoSmithKline may discuss the possibility<br />

of future collaboration with some applicants.<br />

Completed applications should be<br />

submitted via the Web by October 15, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

Further information may be obtained<br />

from the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong> Web site at<br />

www.dentalresearch.org •<br />

the <strong>IADR</strong> Board of Directors for approval,<br />

by October 15, <strong>2004</strong>. The recipient of the<br />

fellowship will be announced at the Opening<br />

Ceremonies of the <strong>IADR</strong> General Session<br />

next year.<br />

For more information, please visit the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong> Web site at<br />

www.dentalresearch.org •

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

<strong>2004</strong>-2005 Awards & Fellowships Schedule<br />

All awards and fellowships information can be found at: http://www.dentalresearch.org/awards/index.html<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Fellowships<br />

Deadline Application<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowships 1/14/05 Yes<br />

William Clark Fellowship 10/15/04 Yes<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Awards<br />

Deadline Abstract Application Nomination<br />

NIDCR Bloc Travel Grant 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

Jack Hein Public Service Award 10/15/04 No No Yes<br />

William J. Gies Award (IA/AA) 10/15/04 No No Yes<br />

* <strong>AADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Award will be awarded in 2006.<br />

Complete instructions on submitting<br />

a fellowship research proposal, award<br />

submission, and nominations may be<br />

obtained on the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong> Web<br />

site or by contacting:<br />

Erika López-Tello<br />

Meetings & Awards Coordinator<br />

Tel: (703) 548-0066<br />

E-mail: elopez-tello@iadr.org<br />

Web: www.dentalresearch.org<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Competitions<br />

Deadline Abstract Application<br />

<strong>AADR</strong>/Pfizer Hatton Competition 10/1/04 Yes No<br />

<strong>AADR</strong>/Caulk/Dentsply Competition 10/1/04 Yes No<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Fellowships<br />

Division Awarded In Deadline Application<br />

David B. Scott Fellowship Brazilian 10/15/04 Yes<br />

John Clarkson Fellowship 10/15/04 Yes<br />

John Gray Fellowship Chinese 10/15/04 Yes<br />

Toshio Nakao Fellowship 10/15/04 Yes<br />

* Norton Ross Fellowship will be awarded in 2006.<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Awards<br />

Deadline Abstract Application Nomination<br />

Distinguished Scientist Awards 8/9/04 No No Yes<br />

Distinguished Service Award 10/15/04 No No Yes<br />

E.W. Borrow Memorial Award 10/1/04 No No Yes<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/GSK Innovation in Oral Care Awards 10/15/04 No Yes No<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/Colgate Research in Prevention Travel Award 10/1/04 Yes Yes No<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/ICEBD Systematic Review Prize 10/30/04 No Yes No<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/Lion Dental Research Award for Junior Investigators10/1/04 Yes Yes No<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Competition<br />

Deadline Abstract Application<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/Unilever Hatton Awards Competition 10/1/04 Yes No<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Scientific Group Awards<br />

Deadline Abstract Application Nomination<br />

Anthony Rizzo Periodontal Research Award 10/1/04 No No Yes<br />

Arthur Frechette Research Award in Prosthodontics Competition 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

Basil Bibby Young Investigator in Cariology Award 10/1/04 No Yes Yes<br />

Behavioral Sciences & Health Services Research Award 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

Outstanding Student Abstract<br />

Bernard G. Sarnat (Student Award) in Craniofacial Biology 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

Colgate Oral Health Research Award 10/1/04 No No Yes<br />

Giddon Award for Distinguished Research in the Behavioral Sciences 10/1/04 No No Yes<br />

Education Research Group Awards 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Diagnostic Systems Group Kodak Student Research Award 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

J. Morita Corporation Junior Investigator Awards in Geriatric Oral Research 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

KLS Martin Prize for Distraction Osteogenesis/Orthognathic Surgery Research 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

Nutrition Group Best Student Abstract Award 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />

Pulp Biology Research Award 10/1/04 No No Yes<br />

ITI Prize for Dental Research 10/1/04 Yes No No<br />


Two Regional Development<br />

Programs Approved by<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Board of Directors<br />

The following Division proposals were<br />

received and approved by the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Regional Development Program<br />

Committee and the Board of Directors in<br />

January, <strong>2004</strong> (from proposals received by<br />

the October 1, 2003, deadline):<br />

Division: Continental European Division<br />

Project: Promotion of dental research in<br />

Central-Eastern and Eastern Europe<br />

Division: Nigerian Division<br />

Project: Creation of African Journal of Oral<br />

Health<br />

Guidelines for the <strong>IADR</strong> Regional<br />

Development Program are available on<br />

Page 22. The next submission deadline is<br />

October 1, <strong>2004</strong>, for approval by the Board<br />

of Directors in December, <strong>2004</strong>. •<br />

Call for Applications:<br />

Toshio Nakao Fellowship<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Save the date!<br />

watch<br />

www.dentalresearch.org<br />

for more information!<br />

12<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong> and the GC Corporation are<br />

inviting applications from new/young<br />

investigators for a sponsored Fellowship<br />

in dental materials science. It is intended<br />

that the Fellow will spend up to six months<br />

at a research facility outside his/her<br />

institution and/or country. The Fellowship<br />

is awarded every two years. It is intended<br />

that the Fellowship will rotate around<br />

different <strong>IADR</strong> Divisions/Sections, and,<br />

therefore, no Division/ Section may receive<br />

more than one Fellowship in any six-year<br />

period. Preference will be given to<br />

applicants from regions with less-developed<br />

research programs in the field of materials<br />

science. The Fellowship is in memory of<br />

Toshio Nakao, former President of GC<br />

Corporation.<br />

Purpose<br />

To allow a young investigator to obtain<br />

training and experience in dental materials<br />

science at a center of excellence.<br />

Eligibility<br />

The candidate must:<br />

(1) hold a degree in dentistry or in a<br />

scientific discipline;<br />

(2) be within five years of obtaining his/her<br />

dental or scientific degree on October<br />

15, <strong>2004</strong>; and<br />

(3) be a member of the <strong>IADR</strong> and actively<br />

engaged in research.<br />

Research Topic<br />

Dental materials science and its application<br />

in biological and clinical settings.<br />

Applications<br />

Applications should be made individually<br />

and should include the following details (in<br />

English):<br />

(1) name, address, date of birth, current<br />

place of work, and position;<br />

(2) <strong>IADR</strong> Division/Section membership;<br />

(3) full curriculum vitae with list and<br />

reprints of three relevant publications;<br />

(4) references from two recognized<br />

scientists [one of whom should be the<br />

principal (Dean/Chair) of the institution<br />

where the applicant is employed]; and<br />

(5) an outline by the applicant of how<br />

his/her experience and interests qualify<br />

him/her as a candidate for the<br />

Fellowship (no more than 3 singlespaced<br />

pages), including:<br />

• detailed description of the subject<br />

areas to be covered in the training<br />

program,<br />

• practical use to which the training<br />

acquired would be put,<br />

• proposed duration and dates of the<br />

Fellowship,<br />

• institutes and/or country it is<br />

proposed to visit,<br />

• reasons for particular institute(s),<br />

• previous Fellowships/awards, and<br />

• budget for program.<br />

Application Deadlines<br />

Seven (7) complete copies of the application<br />

must be received in the <strong>IADR</strong> Central<br />

Office, Attn: Erika López-Tello, 1619 Duke<br />

Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3406, USA<br />

(telephone +703-299-8094; FAX +703-<br />

548-1883; e-mail elopez-tello@iadr.org no<br />

later than October 15, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

Selection<br />

The successful candidate will be selected by<br />

the Fellowship Committee in November,<br />

<strong>2004</strong>, and will be notified after the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Board Meeting in December, <strong>2004</strong>. The<br />

Committee's decision will be formally<br />

announced at the <strong>IADR</strong> General Session,<br />

March 9, 2005, in Baltimore, MD, USA.<br />

Sponsorship<br />

The Fellowship is funded by a generous<br />

donation from the GC Corporation. The<br />

Fellow will receive funding for accommodation,<br />

subsistence, and travel (up to<br />

$15,000) following approval.<br />

Implementation<br />

The Fellowship can take place following the<br />

announcement of the successful Fellow<br />

(March, 2005). The Fellow will be responsible<br />

for organizing the Fellowship program. This<br />

will include contacting the institution where<br />

the training is to take place, confirming the<br />

institution's agreement to accepting the Fellow(s),<br />

and making all the necessary on-site<br />

arrangements. A statement will be obtained<br />

from responsible individual(s) at the host institution<br />

that they are willing to accept the<br />

Fellow and willing to bear any research or laboratory<br />

costs involved. The Fellow will<br />

confirm these arrangements with the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Central Office prior to receiving any funding.<br />

On completion of the training program, the<br />

Fellow will provide a report to his/her <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Division/Section and the <strong>IADR</strong> Board of<br />

Directors. •

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Call for Applications:<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/Lion Dental Research Award for Junior Investigators<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong>/Lion Dental Research Award is<br />

intended to support improvements in<br />

oral health sciences through the<br />

stimulation of junior researchers by: (1)<br />

recognition of outstanding and innovative<br />

research in basic dental science for the<br />

improvement of public dental health; and (2)<br />

recognition of applied research achievements<br />

for the improvement and development of<br />

oral care products for the prevention of oral<br />

diseases.<br />

Eligibility<br />

Each candidate must:<br />

(1) hold a degree in dentistry or in a<br />

scientific discipline;<br />

(2) be a junior researcher in pursuit of a<br />

post-graduate degree; and<br />

(3) be a member of <strong>IADR</strong> and actively<br />

engaged in research within one of the<br />

following three <strong>IADR</strong> Scientific Groups.<br />

(a) Behavioral Sciences & Health<br />

Services Research<br />

(b) Cariology<br />

(c)<br />

Microbiology/Immunology<br />

Nominating Procedure<br />

(1) A junior investigator may be nominated<br />

by his/her supervisor, program director,<br />

dean, or other individual who is familiar<br />

with the nominee's research activities<br />

(2) The application must include the<br />

following data:<br />

(a) Nominee's name, address, date of<br />

birth, current place of work/study,<br />

position;<br />

(b) <strong>IADR</strong> Section/Division<br />

membership;<br />

(c) Curriculum vitae;<br />

(d) Relevant recommendation letter;<br />

and<br />

(e) copy of the abstract, together with<br />

a separate and more detailed overview<br />

of the nominee's project.<br />

(f) To be considered for the award, the<br />

nominee must have the abstract<br />

accepted for the next <strong>IADR</strong> meeting.<br />

(g) All application materials must be<br />

e-mailed (by the abstracts deadline,<br />

October 1, <strong>2004</strong>) to Erika López-Tello<br />

at elopez-tello@iadr.org .<br />

Awards<br />

(1) Nominations are sought annually<br />

according to the following sequence.<br />

(a) Behavioral Sciences & Health<br />

Services Research, Cariology, and<br />

Microbiology/Immunology Groups will<br />

make awards in odd-numbered years;<br />

and<br />

(b) Oral Health, Periodontal Research,<br />

and Salivary Research Groups will make<br />

awards in even-numbered years.<br />

(3) A committee set up by the respective<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Groups reviews nominations.<br />

(4) The individuals selected will receive a<br />

cash award of $2,000 and a plaque.<br />

(5) The awards will be presented at the<br />

three individual Group Business<br />

Meetings during the 2005 <strong>IADR</strong><br />

General Session in Baltimore,<br />

Maryland, USA. •<br />

Call for Applications:<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/Colgate Research in Prevention Travel Awards<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong> is inviting applications from<br />

young investigators for a 2005 travel<br />

award for submitted abstracts which<br />

have a preventive component.<br />

Eligibility:<br />

Young investigators (up to five years postgraduation<br />

from dental, dental hygiene,<br />

specialty training, or pre-PhD) are eligible to<br />

apply for a travel award. Entrants must<br />

provide a verification letter of their status.<br />

Entrants can receive this award only once;<br />

that is, previous award-winners are not<br />

eligible.<br />

Applications:<br />

To apply, you must select the <strong>IADR</strong>/Colgate<br />

Research in Prevention Travel Awards by<br />

checking the appropriate box on the abstracts<br />

submission form and completing the<br />

eligibility requirements when submitting<br />

your abstract for the <strong>IADR</strong> 83rd General<br />

Session in Baltimore, MD.<br />

Applicants must also submit,<br />

electronically, a separate and more detailed<br />

overview of their projects (2 pages, doublespaced),<br />

indicating how the research will<br />

affect the prevention of the condition stated.<br />

The overview must be received in the<br />

Central Office no later than October 1, <strong>2004</strong>,<br />

for the application to be considered. Please<br />

submit the overview electronically to Erika<br />

López-Tello at elopez-tello@iadr.org.<br />

Research Topics:<br />

Submissions must represent original research<br />

in the area of oral disease prevention (caries,<br />

gingivitis, periodontics, xerostomia, oral<br />

cancer, or any other oral disease or condition).<br />

In addition to research on various preventive<br />

agents, the Committee will consider<br />

submissions that focus on preventive<br />

programs, demonstration projects, or<br />

community programs, provided that<br />

outcomes are measured and reported.<br />

Award:<br />

Six (6) awards will be granted—one person<br />

from each of the following areas: North<br />

America (Canada and the US), South<br />

America (including Mexico), Europe, Africa,<br />

Asia, and Australia/New Zealand.<br />

The winner of each award will receive<br />

US$2,000 for expenses to attend the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR General Session. (See<br />

the names and photos of <strong>2004</strong> winners on<br />

page 4 of this newsletter.)<br />

The successful applicants must first have<br />

their abstracts accepted by the appropriate<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Scientific Group for presentation and<br />

then be selected by the Awards Committee.<br />

The Committee's decision will be made in<br />

January, and winners will be notified<br />

immediately. The award-winners will be<br />

formally announced at the Opening<br />

Ceremonies of the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR<br />

General Session on March 9, 2005. If selected<br />

for the award, the paper must be presented at<br />

the meeting (no presenter substitution<br />

allowed).<br />

Sponsorship:<br />

The Award is sponsored by a generous<br />

donation from the Colgate-Palmolive<br />

Company.<br />

Application Deadline:<br />

Applications must be submitted<br />

electronically to the <strong>IADR</strong> Central Office no<br />

later than October 1, <strong>2004</strong>. Applications<br />

received after this date will NOT be<br />

eligible. For further information, please<br />

contact:<br />

Erika López-Tello<br />

Meetings & Awards Coordinator<br />

elopez-tello@iadr.org •<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Future<br />

Meetings<br />

2006<br />

<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR Annual Meeting<br />

& Exhibition<br />

March 8-11 •Orlando, FL<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> General Session & Exhibition<br />

Did You Know…<br />

The top two dental journals in the world are becoming one! Beginning January,<br />

2005, the Journal of Dental Research will include content from Critical Reviews in<br />

Oral Biology & Medicine. Critical Reviews will no longer be published<br />

independently. And best of all, there are no increases in subscription rates for 2005.<br />

You’ll receive content from two great journals for one low subscription rate! For more<br />

information, visit the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong> Web site.<br />

http://www.dentalresearch.org/publications/jdr/merger.html<br />

June 28 – July 1 • Brisbane, Australia<br />

2007<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR<br />

General Session & Exhibition<br />

March 21-24 • New Orleans, LA<br />

2008<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Annual Meeting & Exhibition<br />

April 2-5 • Dallas, TX<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/CADR General Session<br />

& Exhibition<br />

July 2-5 • Toronto, Canada<br />

2009<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR<br />

General Session & Exhibition<br />

April 1-4 • Miami, FL<br />

2010<br />

<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR Annual Meeting<br />

& Exhibition<br />

April 21-24 • Washington, DC<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> General Session & Exhibition<br />

July 14-17 • Barcelona, Spain<br />

2011<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR<br />

General Session & Exhibition<br />

March 16-19 • San Diego, CA<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/Unilever Hatton Award winners with their poster presentations. Top row, Justin<br />

Barnes (l) and Adrian DeAngelis; center row, Andrew Fribley (l) and Elizabeth Fozo;<br />

Bottom row, Ulrike Späte (l), and Silvana Papagerakis.<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Call for Nominations:<br />

E.W. Borrow Memorial Award<br />

Objective<br />

The Award is intended to recognize and<br />

stimulate research in oral health promotion<br />

for children, with a priority for caries<br />

prevention using fluoride in different<br />

formats.<br />

Criteria<br />

Selection will be based on the originality of<br />

contributions and record of achievement in<br />

the field of oral health promotion and on the<br />

significance of research carried out on the oral<br />

health of children. Basic research, applied<br />

clinical research, and clinical investigation will<br />

be considered for the award as well. At the<br />

time of nomination, the nominee should be<br />

actively engaged in the area of research for<br />

which the award is presented.<br />

Call for Applications:<br />

John J. Clarkson Fellowship<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong> and <strong>AADR</strong> are inviting<br />

applications from post-doctoral investigators<br />

for a sponsored $15,000 Fellowship in<br />

Dental Public Health. It is intended that the<br />

Fellow will spend up to six months at a research<br />

facility outside his/her institution and/or<br />

country studying aspects of public dental health<br />

of relevance to his/her country. The subject of<br />

public dental health is intended in its broadest<br />

context, i.e., health services research, epidemiology,<br />

prevention, diagnostics, health promotion,<br />

etc. The Fellowship is in honor of John<br />

Clarkson, who served as Executive Director of<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong> from 1990-97.<br />

Purpose<br />

To allow investigators to obtain training and<br />

experience in public dental health at a center<br />

of excellence.<br />

Eligibility<br />

The candidate must:<br />

(1) hold a degree in dentistry or in a<br />

scientific discipline (dental, Master's, or<br />

PhD degree); and<br />

(2) be a member of <strong>IADR</strong> and actively<br />

engaged in research in public dental<br />

health.<br />

Research Topic<br />

Public Dental Health<br />

Applications<br />

Applications should be made individually<br />

and should include the following:<br />

(1) name, address, current place of work,<br />

and position;<br />

Nominating Procedures<br />

Any <strong>IADR</strong> Division, Section, Group, or<br />

individual <strong>IADR</strong> member may nominate a<br />

candidate for the Award. Once a nomination<br />

is made, it will be considered each year for<br />

five years but can be selected only once.<br />

Documentation<br />

The following documents must accompany<br />

the nomination:<br />

(a) name, address, date of birth of candidate;<br />

(b) full curriculum vitae with lists of<br />

publications; and<br />

(c) a short statement describing the reasons<br />

you are nominating the individual for<br />

the Award.<br />

Award<br />

The Award commenced in 1992 and is made<br />

(2) <strong>IADR</strong> Division/Section membership<br />

(3) full curriculum vitae and reprints of<br />

three relevant publications;<br />

(4) references from two recognized scientists<br />

and the principal Dean/Chair of the<br />

institution where the applicant is<br />

employed; and<br />

(5) an outline by the applicant describing<br />

how his/her experience and interests<br />

qualify him/her as a candidate for the<br />

Fellowship (no more than 3 singlespaced<br />

pages), including:<br />

• detailed description of the subject areas<br />

to be covered in the training program,<br />

• practical use to which the training<br />

acquired would be put,<br />

• proposed duration and dates of the<br />

Fellowship,<br />

• institutes and country it is proposed<br />

to visit,<br />

• reasons for selection of particular<br />

institute(s),<br />

• previous Fellowships/awards, and<br />

• detailed budget for program.<br />

Application Deadlines<br />

Seven (7) complete copies of the application<br />

must be received in the <strong>IADR</strong> Central Office,<br />

Attn: Erika López-Tello, 1619 Duke Street,<br />

Alexandria, VA 22314-3406, USA<br />

(telephone +703-299-8094; FAX +703-<br />

548-1883; e-mail elopeztello@iadr.org ) no<br />

later than October 15, <strong>2004</strong>.<br />

Selection<br />

The successful candidate will be selected by the<br />

annually. Nominations will be reviewed by an<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Committee with one Borrow<br />

Foundation representative. The individual<br />

selected will receive a cash award of $2,000<br />

and a plaque. The Award will be presented at<br />

the Opening Ceremonies of the <strong>IADR</strong> General<br />

Session in Baltimore, MD, on March 9, 2005.<br />

Sponsorship<br />

The Award is being made in memory of the<br />

late E.W. Borrow and is supported by the<br />

Borrow Foundation.<br />

Nomination Deadlines<br />

Please submit nominations by October 1,<br />

<strong>2004</strong>, to Erika López-Tello, Meetings &<br />

Awards Coordinator, at elopeztello@iadr.org.<br />

•<br />

Fellowships Committee and will be notified in<br />

January, 2005. The Committee's decision will<br />

be formally announced at the <strong>IADR</strong> Meeting,<br />

March 9-12, 2005, in Baltimore, MD.<br />

Sponsorship<br />

The Fellowship is funded by a generous<br />

donation from the <strong>IADR</strong> Institutional<br />

Section and individual members. The Fellow<br />

will receive funding for accommodation,<br />

subsistence, and travel (up to $15,000 in two<br />

installments) following approval.<br />

Implementation<br />

The Fellowship may begin following the<br />

announcement of the successful Fellow (April,<br />

2005) and should be completed within 18<br />

months. The Fellow will be responsible for<br />

organizing the Fellowship program. This will<br />

include contacting the institution where the<br />

training is to take place, confirming the<br />

institution's agreement to accepting the<br />

Fellow(s), and making all the necessary onsite<br />

arrangements. A statement will be<br />

obtained from responsible individual(s) at the<br />

host institution that they are willing to accept<br />

the Fellow and willing to bear any research or<br />

laboratory costs involved. The Fellow will<br />

confirm these arrangements with the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Central Office prior to receiving any funding.<br />

Reporting<br />

On completion of the training program, the<br />

Fellow will provide a report to his/her <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Division/Section and the <strong>IADR</strong> Board of<br />

Directors. •<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Call for Nominations<br />

2005 <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Awards<br />

The Distinguished Scientist Awards<br />

Committee is now soliciting nominations for the<br />

annual <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Awards<br />

to be presented at the 83rd General Session in<br />

Baltimore, MD, USA, March 9-12, 2005.<br />

Recipients of <strong>IADR</strong> Science Awards must have<br />

made significant scientific contributions of<br />

original, outstanding, or innovative discoveries<br />

in the related field of research.<br />

Behavioral Sciences<br />

& Health Services<br />

Research Award<br />

Supported by Sunstar Butler, this award<br />

recognizes meritorious research in<br />

behavioral science and health services<br />

research related to oral health.<br />

Basic Research<br />

in Biological<br />

Mineralization Award<br />

Supported by Unilever Oral Care, this<br />

award is designed to stimulate, encourage,<br />

and recognize basic research in the field of<br />

biological mineralization. The award<br />

consists of a cash prize and a plaque.<br />

Evidence must be presented of original<br />

thought and accomplishment in the field of<br />

calcification. This should include work done<br />

on the mechanism of mineralization in<br />

biologic systems, including teeth, bone,<br />

ectopic deposits, or model systems.<br />

Craniofacial Biology<br />

Research Award<br />

Supported by the <strong>IADR</strong>, this award was<br />

established to recognize persons who have<br />

contributed to the body of knowledge in<br />

craniofacial biology over a significant<br />

period of time. It further recognizes these<br />

research contributions to be accepted by<br />

the scientific community.<br />

The criteria will be based on: (a)<br />

contributions to the scientific community<br />

throughout the applicant's career; (b) the<br />

impact of the research on the particular<br />

discipline of craniofacial biology in which<br />

the research is done, the profession of<br />

dentistry, and health services as a whole; (c)<br />

publications in refereed journals; (d) funded<br />

research through the peer-review<br />

mechanism; and (e) other activities<br />

considered to be of a scholarly nature. The<br />

award consists of a cash prize and plaque.<br />

H. Trendley Dean<br />

Memorial Award<br />

This award recognizes meritorious research<br />

in epidemiology and public health. Support<br />

is provided by the estate of Frank J.<br />

McClure, in memory of the late H. Trendley<br />

Dean, and by the Colgate-Palmolive<br />

Company. The award, consisting of a plaque<br />

and a cash stipend, is presented annually,<br />

provided a worthy recipient is nominated.<br />

Research in Dental Caries<br />

Award<br />

Supported by the Pfizer Inc., this award is<br />

designed to stimulate and recognize<br />

outstanding and innovative achievements<br />

that have contributed to the basic<br />

understanding of caries etiology and/or to<br />

the prevention of dental caries. The award<br />

consists of a cash prize and a plaque.<br />

Evidence must be presented that the<br />

nominee has conducted original and<br />

important investigations in any of the<br />

biological or chemical disciplines involved<br />

in caries research. Clinical investigations<br />

may also be considered if they have<br />

contributed significantly to the prevention<br />

and control of dental caries. At the time of<br />

nomination, the nominee must be actively<br />

engaged in the area of research for which<br />

the award is presented. Work considered<br />

for the award should be fully tested and<br />

accepted by the scientific community and<br />

must have been published not fewer than<br />

ten years prior to the time of the<br />

nomination.<br />

Oral Medicine<br />

& Pathology Research<br />

Award<br />

Established by the <strong>IADR</strong> Oral Medicine &<br />

Pathology Group and supported by<br />

Sunstar Butler, this award recognizes<br />

outstanding and sustained peer-reviewed<br />

research that has contributed to the<br />

understanding of the mechanisms<br />

governing the health and disease of the<br />

oral cavity and associated structures,<br />

principally encompassing skin, bone, and<br />

the oral soft tissue.<br />

Award in Geriatric<br />

Oral Research<br />

Sponsored by Sunstar Butler, this award is<br />

designed to stimulate, encourage, and<br />

recognize outstanding research accomplishments<br />

in the field of geriatric oral<br />

research. The recipient must have<br />

conducted original and important<br />

investigations in any of the basic, clinical, or<br />

epidemiological sciences (including health<br />

services research and behavioral science)<br />

associated with geriatric oral research. The<br />

award will be based upon the recipient's<br />

contributions to the scientific community,<br />

the impact of the research, publications in<br />

refereed journals, and other scholarly<br />

activities. There are no age restrictions. This<br />

award, consisting of a cash prize and a<br />

plaque, will be presented annually, provided<br />

a worthy recipient is nominated.<br />

Research in Oral Biology<br />

Award<br />

This award is for outstanding research in<br />

any field of oral biology, and is intended to<br />

cover those fields not included in other<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Science Awards. The recipient<br />

should not be a recipient of a previous<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Award other than Edward H.<br />

Hatton or Young Investigator.<br />

This award is supported by Church &<br />

Dwight Company, Inc., and consists of a<br />

cash prize and a plaque. Significant research<br />

achievements can have been accomplished<br />

in either basic sciences or applied clinical<br />

sciences.<br />

Basic Research<br />

in Periodontal Disease<br />

Award<br />

Supported by the Colgate-Palmolive Co.,<br />

this award was established to recognize,<br />

encourage, and stimulate outstanding<br />

research achievements in basic research in<br />

periodontal disease. The award consists of a<br />

cash prize and a plaque.<br />

A nominee shall have accomplished<br />

significant basic research related to<br />

periodontal disease. Clinical investigation<br />

alone is not considered basic research for<br />

this award; however, clinical investigation<br />

in support of basic research may be<br />

considered a part of the contribution in<br />

determining the recipient of the award.<br />

There is no restriction on age, but at the<br />

time of the nomination, the nominee must<br />

be actively engaged in the line of research<br />

for which the award is made.<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Pharmacology/<br />

Therapeutics/Toxicology<br />

Research Award<br />

Established by the <strong>IADR</strong> PTT Group and<br />

supported by Wyeth Consumer<br />

Healthcare, this award recognizes<br />

contributions to the understanding of the<br />

mechanisms, efficacy, and safety of drugs<br />

used to treat dental disease and associated<br />

symptoms such as pain and peri-operative<br />

apprehension. In practice, this encompasses<br />

basic and clinical pharmacology studies of<br />

analgesics, anesthetics, sedatives, fluorides,<br />

and other drug classes used by dentists.<br />

The Award is made for outstanding and<br />

sustained peer-reviewed research that has<br />

contributed to our knowledge of the<br />

mechanisms, efficacy, or safety of drugs<br />

used in dentistry.<br />

Research in<br />

Prosthodontics<br />

and Implants Award<br />

Supported by Procter & Gamble Denture<br />

Care and given in memory of Dr. W.J<br />

Tarbet, this award was established to<br />

encourage and give recognition to<br />

outstanding research accomplishments in the<br />

field of prosthodontics, and was expanded in<br />

1990 to include implantology. The award<br />

consists of a cash prize and a plaque.<br />

The nominee must have contributed<br />

significantly to the basic knowledge related<br />

to prosthodontics and implantology. To be<br />

considered worthy contributions, clinical<br />

studies must be supported soundly by the<br />

basic sciences.<br />

Pulp Biology Research<br />

Award<br />

This award is intended to recognize,<br />

encourage, and stimulate outstanding<br />

research contributions in the field of pulp<br />

biology. The award is sponsored by the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>'s Pulp Biology Group and is<br />

supported by the L.D. Caulk Division of<br />

Dentsply International. It consists of a<br />

plaque and a cash prize.<br />

The nominee must have contributed<br />

significantly to knowledge in the field of<br />

pulp biology through basic or clinical<br />

research. The nominee may be a researcher,<br />

clinician, teacher, or student. There are no<br />

age restrictions. Posthumous nominations<br />

are not acceptable.<br />

Salivary Research Award<br />

Designed to stimulate and recognize<br />

outstanding and innovative achievements<br />

that have contributed to the basic<br />

understanding of salivary gland structure,<br />

secretion and function, or salivary<br />

composition and function. The recipient<br />

should not be a recipient of a previous<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Science Award other than Edward<br />

H. Hatton or Young Investigator.<br />

This award is supported by the<br />

William Wrigley, Jr. Company, and consists<br />

of a cash prize and a plaque. Significant<br />

research accomplishments can have been<br />

accomplished in either basic sciences or<br />

applied clinical sciences.<br />

Wilmer Souder Award<br />

Initiated in 1955, this is the oldest of the<br />

Science Awards. The award honors Dr.<br />

Wilmer Souder, the motivating force in<br />

establishing the Dental Section at the<br />

National Bureau of Standards (now the<br />

National Institute of Standards and<br />

Technology), and is designed to perpetuate<br />

the scientific ideals that he exemplified, and<br />

to encourage interest in dental materials<br />

research.<br />

The award is made on the basis of<br />

scientific achievement of outstanding quality<br />

that has advanced or may reasonably be<br />

expected to significantly advance dental<br />

service to the public. It is intended to confer<br />

the highest honor in the field of dental<br />

materials research upon those scientists who,<br />

through research in this field, bring about<br />

outstanding advances in dental health.<br />

Established by <strong>IADR</strong>'s Dental<br />

Materials Group, and supported by the<br />

William T. Sweeney Memorial Fund and the<br />

Group, the award consists of a cash prize<br />

and a plaque.<br />

Young Investigator Award<br />

Supported by the Procter & Gamble Co.,<br />

this award is designed to stimulate basic<br />

research in all dental research disciplines.<br />

This award consists of a cash prize and a<br />

plaque.<br />

The nominee must not have reached<br />

his/her 36th birthday at the time of the<br />

meeting at which the award is presented.<br />

Nomination Regulations<br />

The Science Awards Committee has the<br />

responsibility of selecting awardees from<br />

among the nominations of renowned<br />

scientists submitted by Association<br />

members. The Committee consists of the<br />

Science Awards chair and the<br />

subcommittee chair for each award. The<br />

subcommittees are composed of the<br />

previous award recipients. If an award<br />

recipient is not a member of the <strong>IADR</strong>,<br />

then a replacement will be selected on the<br />

basis of his/her expert knowledge in the<br />

field of the award. Appointments are made<br />

annually for a period of five years on a<br />

rotation basis.<br />

Any <strong>IADR</strong> member may nominate a<br />

candidate for a science award. The deadline<br />

for nominations is August 9, <strong>2004</strong>. Once a<br />

nomination is made, it is considered each<br />

year for five years unless the nominee is<br />

selected for an award during this period.<br />

After the fifth year, the nomination is<br />

withdrawn unless a re-nomination is<br />

received.<br />

The following information MUST<br />

accompany each nomination and be<br />

submitted online:<br />

(1) a short statement (no more than two<br />

pages) describing the reasons you are<br />

nominating the individual for the<br />

particular award; and<br />

(2) curriculum vitae (no more than 10<br />

pages) including<br />

(a) name,<br />

(b) address,<br />

(c) date and place of birth,<br />

(d) education,<br />

(e) honors,<br />

(f) employment,<br />

(g) membership in professional<br />

organizations,<br />

(h) bibliography, and<br />

(i) summary of specific scientific<br />

contributions of the candidate.<br />

Nominations must be submitted<br />

online. A new online program will be put<br />

in place this summer.<br />

For more information, please contact:<br />

Peter Cleaton-Jones, Chair<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Dist. Scientist<br />

Awards Committee<br />

Dental Research Institute<br />

Private Bag 3<br />

Wits, 2050 South Africa<br />

FAX +27-11-647-2121<br />

E-mail:<br />

cleatonjonesp@dentistry.wits.ac.za<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

18<br />

<strong>2004</strong>-2005 <strong>IADR</strong> Board of Directors and Committees<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Paul Robertson, President<br />

Takayuki Kuroda, President-elect<br />

Stephen Bayne, Vice-president<br />

Stephen Challacombe, Immediate Past President<br />

Edwin Yen, Treasurer (2005)<br />

Anthony Smith, Editor (2009)<br />

Christopher H. Fox, Executive Director (2008)<br />

Yupin Songpaisan, Regional Board Member (2006)<br />

Jeroen Kroon, Regional Board Member (2007)<br />

Mariano Sanz, Regional Board Member (2007)<br />

José Luiz Lage-Marques, Regional Board Member<br />

(2008)<br />

Richard Ellen, Regional Board Member (2008)<br />

Annual Session Committee<br />

Takayuki Kuroda (President-elect), Chair<br />

Paul Robertson (President)<br />

Stephen Bayne (Vice-president)<br />

Christopher H. Fox (Executive Director)<br />

Constitution Committee<br />

Angus Walls (2005) (UK), Chair<br />

Teruko Takano-Yamamoto 2005 (Japan)<br />

David Paquette (2005) (USA)<br />

Gottfried Schmalz (2006) (Germany)<br />

Jeremy Mao (2006) (USA)<br />

Doron Steinberg (2006) (Israel)<br />

A. John Spencer (2007) (Australia)<br />

Krassanai Wangrangsimakul (2007) (Thailand)<br />

A.E.O. Ogwell (2007) (Kenya)<br />

IA Distinguished Scientist Awards Committee<br />

Peter Cleaton-Jones (2006) (South Africa), Chair<br />

Asuman Kiyak (BSHSR) (USA)<br />

Zvi Schwartz (Biol. Mineralization) (Israel)<br />

Mark Ferguson (Craniofacial Biology) (UK)<br />

Frithjof von der Fehr (Trendley Dean) (Norway)<br />

John D. Featherstone (Dental Caries Research)<br />

(USA)<br />

Edward Shillitoe (Oral Med. & Pathology) (USA)<br />

Jonathan Ship (Geriatric Oral Research) (USA)<br />

Howard Jenkinson (Research in Oral Biology) (UK)<br />

Jeffrey Ebersole (Research in Periodontal Disease)<br />

(USA)<br />

Kenneth M. Hargreaves (Pharmacology,<br />

Therapeutics, & Toxicology Research) (USA)<br />

Angelo Caputo (Research in Prosthodontics &<br />

Implants) (USA)<br />

Philip Stashenko (Pulp Biology Research) (USA)<br />

Robert Troxler (Salivary Research) (USA)<br />

Carel Davidson (Wilmer Souder) (Netherlands)<br />

Anthony Blinkhorn (Young Investigator) (USA)<br />

Ethics in Dental Research Committee<br />

Daniel Caplan (2005) (USA), Chair<br />

Eino Honkala (2005) (Kuwait)<br />

Alvaro Della-Bona (2006) (Brazil)<br />

Elizabeth Davenport (2006) (UK)<br />

Yutaka Oda (2006) (Japan)<br />

FDI Representative<br />

Christopher H. Fox, Executive Director<br />

FDI Science Commission Representative<br />

John Clarkson<br />

Fellowships Committee<br />

Bob Ten Cate (2006) (Netherlands), Chair<br />

Michael Russell (2006) (USA)<br />

Kannan Ranganathan (2006) (India)<br />

Nobuhiro Takahashi (2007) (Japan)<br />

Peter Heasman (2007) (UK)<br />

Kelvin C. Foong (2007) (Singapore)<br />

Finance Committee<br />

Edwin Yen (Treasurer), Chair<br />

Paul Robertson (President)<br />

Takayuki Kuroda (President-elect)<br />

Stephen Bayne (Vice-president)<br />

Anthony Smith (Editor)<br />

Christopher H. Fox (Executive Director)<br />

William J. Gies Award Committee<br />

Carolyn Gibson (2005) Chair<br />

Jonathan Garlick (2005)<br />

A. Damien Walmsley (2006) (UK)<br />

Michel Goldberg (2006) (France)<br />

Michel Brecx (2007) (Belgium)<br />

John Novak (2007)<br />

Russell Taichman (2007) (USA)<br />

Clay Walker (2007) (USA)<br />

Li-Deh Lin (2007) (Taiwan)<br />

Stephen Bayne (IA Vice-president), ex officio<br />

Dianne Rekow (AA Vice-president), ex officio<br />

Unilever/Edward H. Hatton Awards Committee<br />

Mariano Sanz (2005) (Spain), Chair<br />

Robert Quivey (2005) (USA)<br />

Brian O'Connell (2005) (Ireland)<br />

Ann Progulske-Fox (2006) (USA)<br />

Maria E. Lopez de Bocanera (2006) (Argentina)<br />

Yoshiro Takano (2007) (Japan)<br />

Mark Chindia (2007) (Kenya)<br />

Karen Ross (2007) (USA)<br />

Peter Milgrom (2007) (USA)<br />

Timothy Watson (2007) (UK)<br />

Honorary Membership Committee<br />

Marjorie Jeffcoat (2005) (USA), Chair<br />

John Clarkson (2006) (Ireland)<br />

Stephen Challacombe (2007) (UK)<br />

Membership and Recruitment Committee<br />

Keiichi Ohya (2005) (Japan), Chair<br />

Adriano Piattelli (2005) (Italy)<br />

Clement Luhanga (2005) (Botswana)<br />

Anthony Smith (2006) (UK)<br />

Hector Lanfranchi (2006) (Argentina)<br />

Nick Grimaudo (2007) (USA)<br />

Bennett T. Amaechi (2007) (USA)<br />

Ario Santini (2007) (UK)<br />

Francesco Chiappelli (2007) (USA)<br />

Bian Zhuan (2007) (China)<br />

Ana Marie Acevedo (2007) (Venezuela)<br />

Nominating Committee<br />

Lois Cohen (2005) (USA), Chair<br />

David Hussey (2005) (Ireland)<br />

Maria Fidela de Lima Navarro (2005) (Brazil)<br />

Stephen Challacombe, Immediate Past President<br />

(UK)<br />

John Keller (2006) (USA)<br />

Peter Holbrook (2006) (Iceland)<br />

Kiyoshi Ohura (2007) (Japan)<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong> Publications Committee<br />

Stephen Challacombe, Chair, <strong>IADR</strong> Immediate Past<br />

President (UK), Chair<br />

Kenneth Anusavice, <strong>AADR</strong> Immediate Past<br />

President (USA)<br />

Edwin Yen, <strong>IADR</strong> Treasurer (Canada)<br />

Pamela DenBesten, <strong>AADR</strong> Treasurer (USA)<br />

Kathryn Atchison (2006), <strong>AADR</strong> Member-at-Large<br />

(USA)<br />

Karen Novak (2007), Member-at-Large (USA)<br />

Tilly Peters (2005) (American Division)<br />

Daniel Smith (2005), Member-at-Large (USA)<br />

Maurizio Tonetti (2007) (UK)<br />

Peter Gaengler (2005) (Germany)<br />

Takashi Takata (2006) (Japan)<br />

Elliott Sutow (Canadian Division)<br />

Yoji Murayama (Japanese Association for Dental<br />

Research)<br />

Gottfried Schmalz (Continental European Division)<br />

Anthony J. (Tony) Smith, Editor (2009), Journal of<br />

Dental Research (USA), ex officio<br />

Olav Alvares, Editor, Critical Reviews in Oral<br />

Biology & Medicine (USA), ex officio<br />

Christopher H. Fox, Executive Director, ex officio<br />

Regional Development Committee<br />

Jeroen Kroon (2005) (South Africa), Chair<br />

Maria Wierzbicka (2005) (Poland)<br />

Kevin Hardwick (2005) (USA)<br />

Teo Choo Soo (2005) (Singapore)<br />

Jaime Cury (2005) (Brazil)<br />

Martin Tyas (2006) (Australia)<br />

Katsuji Okuda (2007) (Japan)<br />

Wil Coulter (2007) (Northern Ireland)<br />

Ming-Wen Fan (2007) (China)<br />

Chong-Pyoung Chung (2007) (Korea)<br />

John Coelho (Institutional Section Councilor) ex officio<br />

Stephen Challacombe (Immediate Past President)<br />

(UK)<br />

Tellers' Committee<br />

Sharon Gordon (2005) (USA), Chair<br />

Gary Schumacher (2006) (USA)<br />

Fred Certosimo (2007) (USA)<br />

Young Investigator Award Committee<br />

Anthony Blinkhorn (2005) (UK), Chair<br />

Marty Taubman (2005) (USA)<br />

Karin Sjögren (2005) (Sweden)<br />

Clark Stanford (2006) (USA)<br />

Shigeyuki Ebisu (2006) (Japan)<br />

Maeve Coogan (2006) (South Africa)<br />

Greg Huang (2007) (USA)<br />

Paul Speight (2007) (UK)<br />

Christoph Hammerle (2007) (Switzerland)<br />

ad hoc Tobacco Committee<br />

Alice Horowitz (USA), Chair<br />

Robert Mecklenburg (USA), Chair-designate<br />

Lois Cohen (USA)<br />

Robert Collins (USA)<br />

Robert Genco (USA)<br />

Takashi Hanioka (Japan)<br />

Jinn Fei Yeo (Singapore)<br />

John Greene (USA)<br />

Jesper Reibel (Denmark)<br />

Birgitta Söder (Sweden)<br />

Mihir N. Shah (India)<br />

A.E.O. Ogwell (Africa)<br />

Scott Tomar (USA)<br />

Seppö Wickholm (Sweden)<br />

Samira Asma (consultant)<br />

Jacqueline Bolt (consultant)<br />

Patricia Bryant (consultant)<br />

Kevin Hardwick (consultant)

<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Constitutional Procedures<br />

Regarding Nominations and Elections<br />

Following are the sections of the <strong>IADR</strong> Constitution pertaining to the qualifications of<br />

elected officials and procedures for the nomination and election thereof.<br />


Section 1. OFFICERS. The Officers of the Association shall be a President, Presidentelect,<br />

Vice-president, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Executive Director, and<br />

Editor. The Executive Director will also serve as Secretary of the Association. The Vicepresident<br />

shall be elected from among the active members by ballot of the<br />

membership. The incumbent President-elect and Vice-president shall be advanced<br />

automatically to the next higher office at the end of their then-current terms of office.<br />

The Executive Director, the Treasurer, and the Editor shall be appointed by the<br />

Council.<br />

Section 4. QUALIFICATIONS. All Officers and officials of the Association, the<br />

Divisions, the Sections, and the Groups shall be Active Members of the Association. An<br />

elected officer of the <strong>IADR</strong> shall have had active service as a Division, Section, or Group<br />

Officer, or as a Councilor, or as a Committee Chair or Committee Member.<br />


Section 1. NOMINATIONS BY THE COUNCIL. One or more nominations for Vicepresident<br />

shall be made by the Council, and announcement of the nomination(s) shall be<br />

mailed to each member of the Association not fewer than four months before the date of<br />

the next annual General Session, and in a form to indicate that other nominations may be<br />

made by petition.<br />

Section 2. NOMINATIONS BY PETITION. Additional nominations may be made by<br />

petition signed by 25 members of the Association and received by the Executive Director<br />

not more than 45 days after the mailing of the announcements of the Council<br />

nominations.<br />

Section 3. NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS. Before the next annual General Session, the<br />

nominations for each office shall be sent by the Executive Director to all members of the<br />

Association on an official ballot for a vote by mail (print and e-mail) to be reported at that<br />

meeting. The nominations shall be sent no fewer than eight weeks before the due date for<br />

the return of the ballots to the Executive Director, and the due date shall be established by<br />

Council.<br />

Section 4. ELECTION. A plurality of votes cast shall elect to each office, in accordance<br />

with the Bylaws.<br />

(from <strong>IADR</strong> Constitution & Bylaws, adopted 1957, amended through March 13, <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

Announcing Candidates<br />

for 2005 <strong>IADR</strong> Vice-president<br />

The following individuals have been<br />

approved by the <strong>IADR</strong> Council to<br />

appear on the ballot for the office of<br />

Vice-president of the <strong>IADR</strong> (2005-2006):<br />

• Deborah Greenspan, University of<br />

California, San Francisco, USA<br />

• Peter Holbrook, University of Iceland,<br />

Reykjavik<br />

• Lakshman Samaranayake, University of<br />

Hong Kong<br />

Additional nominations may be made<br />

according to the Constitutional provisions set<br />

forth above. •<br />

for<br />

Nominations<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Vice-president<br />

for 2006-2007<br />

Any <strong>IADR</strong> member may send<br />

suggestions for <strong>IADR</strong> Vicepresident.<br />

Names of potential<br />

candidates must be received by October<br />

1, <strong>2004</strong>, and should be accompanied by<br />

a short biographical sketch and<br />

supporting letter. Be sure to mention<br />

the candidate's specific prior service to<br />

the <strong>IADR</strong>. (Please note that a curriculum<br />

vitae is not necessary.)<br />

Send all materials to:<br />

Lois Cohen, Chair<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Nominating Committee<br />

National Institute of Dental<br />

and Craniofacial Research<br />

Office of International Health<br />

45 Center Drive MSC 6401<br />

Bethesda, MD 20892-6401, USA<br />

FAX: +301-402-7033<br />

E-mail: cohenL@de45.nidr.nih.gov<br />

Central Office Update<br />

• Pamela Johnson is the new Administrative<br />

Assistant, providing support for Executive<br />

Director Christopher Fox and Deputy<br />

Executive Director Robert Collins.<br />

• Marissa Naspinski fills the new position<br />

of Member Relations Coordinator. She will<br />

be assisting with all membership and<br />

volunteer activities in the Membership &<br />

Marketing Department.<br />

• Natasha Power is the new part-time<br />

Editorial Assistant. She will be assisting<br />

with the JDR online submission system,<br />

and other duties in the Publications<br />

Department.<br />

• Norm Hayden was promoted from<br />

Publications Assistant to Publications<br />

Coordinator. •<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

<strong>2004</strong>-2005 Federation/D<br />

Federations President President-elect<br />

African Middle East<br />

Jeroen Kroon (Chair)<br />

Latin American (TBD in Sept. <strong>2004</strong>)<br />

Pan Asian Pacific<br />

Yoshimitsu Abiko<br />

Pan European Gottfried Schmalz David Williams<br />

Divisions<br />

American Dominick DePaola Mary MacDougall<br />

Argentine Silvia Lopez de Blanc Silvia Aguas<br />

Australian/New Zealand<br />

Mike Morgan<br />

Brazilian Fernando Ricardo Xavier da Silviera João Humberto Antoniazzi<br />

British David Williams Newell Johnson<br />

Canadian Donald Brunette S. Jeffrey Dixon<br />

Chinese<br />

Zhang Zhen-Kang<br />

Continental European Fatma Koray J.M. “Bob” ten Cate<br />

East & Southern African Bakari Lembariti Susan Maina<br />

Egyptian Medhat El-Zani Tarek Salah<br />

Irish Heather Clarke Hassan Ziada<br />

Israeli Doron Steinberg Tamar Brosh<br />

Japanese Yoshimitsu Abiko Keiichi Ohya<br />

Korean<br />

Syng-Ill Lee<br />

Kuwaiti Jassem Al-Ansari Ebraheen Behbehani<br />

Mexican<br />

Nigerian E.O. Ogunbodede M.A. Ojo<br />

Scandinavian<br />

Peter Lingström<br />

South African A.J. Louw M.E. Parker<br />

Southeast Asian Edward Lo Sittichai Koontongkaew<br />

Venezuelan Norma Puertas Olga Raquel Zambrano<br />

Sections<br />

Chilean<br />

Costa Rican<br />

Indian K. Jyothindra Kumar S. Balagopal<br />

Jordanian Azmi Darwazeh Anwar Bataineh<br />

Peruvian<br />

Gilberto Henostroza Haro<br />

Russian Anatole Kolesnik Edith M. Kouzmina<br />

Saudi Arabian<br />

Abdullah Al-Shammery<br />

† as of April 26, <strong>2004</strong><br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

vision/Section Officers †<br />

Vice-president Secretary Treasurer Past President<br />

Eino Honkala<br />

John Spencer John Spencer Choo Soo Teo<br />

Angus Walls Angus Walls Peter Holbrook<br />

Dianne Rekow Christopher Fox Pamela DenBesten Kenneth Anusavice<br />

Mirta S. de Lustri Raquel Gallara Fabian L. Femopase Noemi Bordoni<br />

Rod Marshall Ivan Darby Wendell Evans A. John Spencer<br />

Antonio Carlos Bombana Luis Placido Penna José Luiz Lage-Margues<br />

Angus Walls<br />

Timothy Watson<br />

Harvey A. Goldberg Harvey A. Goldberg Richard P. Ellen<br />

Fan Ming-Wen Bian Zhuan Fu Min-Kui Zhang Zhen-Kang<br />

Gottfried Schmalz Bart van Meerbeek Dominique Deville de Périère<br />

Neway Makkonnen A.E.O. Ogwell Lennie Kyomuhangi Anoush Mazloum<br />

Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar Ahmad Hassan Hany Amin Radwan Al-Hak<br />

Chris Irwin Denise MacCarthy David Hussey<br />

Aaron Palmon Aaron Palmon Doron Steinberg<br />

Keiichi Ohya Keiichi Ohya Satoshi Shizukuishi Katsuji Okuda<br />

Kyu-Ho Yang Jin-Yong Lee Dong-Min Shin Chong-Pyoung Chung<br />

Lars Andersson Eino Honkala Khalaf Al-Shammeri Jawad Behbehani<br />

P.A. Akeredolu O. Fatsui A.O. Oginni<br />

Jukka Meurman Hans Preus Birgitte Nauntofte<br />

P.D. Brandt I.C. du Preez J. Kroon<br />

K.Y. Zee Noor Hayaty Abu Kasim Keson Tan<br />

Olga Raquel Zambrano Farahilda Sierra Fatima Rojas<br />

Jayanthi Parthasarathy M.R. Srinivasan N.R. Krisnaswamy<br />

Ziad Al-Dwairi<br />

Mansour Al-Qudah<br />

Rita Villena-Sarmiento<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

<strong>2004</strong>-2005 Scienti<br />

Group President President-elect Vice-president<br />

Behavioral Sciences & John Spencer Peter Milgrom<br />

Health Services Research<br />

Cariology Research Karin Sjögren Jaime Cury<br />

Craniofacial Biology Timothy T. Wheeler James Hartsfield Robert Hinton<br />

Dental Anesthesiology Research Mikiko Yamashiro Jason Leitch Zakaria Messieha<br />

Dental Materials (<strong>IADR</strong>) Jeffrey Thompson Hiroshi Nakajima<br />

Dental Materials (<strong>AADR</strong>) Tom Hilton Lawrence Gettleman<br />

Diagnostic Systems Mel L. Kantor Reinhilde Jacobs<br />

Education Research Kenneth Eaton Helen Best<br />

Geriatric Oral Research<br />

Linda Niessen<br />

Implantology Research Timo Närhi Joo Ong Ignace Naert<br />

Microbiology/Immunology Rob Quivey Rich Lamont<br />

Mineralized Tissue Mina Mina Paul Krebsbach Jim Simmer<br />

Neuroscience (<strong>IADR</strong>) Merte Bakke Yuh-Yuan Shiau Yuh-Yuan Shiau<br />

Neuroscience (<strong>AADR</strong>)<br />

Nutrition Christine Ritchie Riva Touger-Decker<br />

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Jonathan Shepherd Vincent Perciaccante Vincent Perciaccante<br />

Oral Health Research Trisha O'Hehir Georgia Majerus<br />

Oral Medicine & Pathology Craig Miller David Wong Laurie MacPhail<br />

P/T/T<br />

Sharon Gordon<br />

Periodontal Research Esmonde Corbet Panos Papapanou<br />

Prosthodontics Research Robert Kelly Carol Lefebvre<br />

Pulp Biology Anthony J. Smith Michel Goldberg Wolfgang Raab<br />

Salivary Research Matthew Hoffman Mira Edgerton<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

fic Group Officers<br />

Secretary Treasurer Councilor Past President<br />

Carol Kunzel Carol Kunzel Kathryn Atchison Amid Ismail<br />

Margherita Fontana Margherita Fontana Jaime Cury Masaki Kambara<br />

David Covell, Jr. David Covell, Jr. Hyun-Duck Nah Carla Evans<br />

Hideki Furuya Hideki Furuya Raymond Dionne Daniel Haas<br />

Satoshi Imazato Mark Latta John Powers Agneta Oden<br />

Jim Broome Jeffrey Platt John Powers Edward Shellard<br />

Charles Hildebolt Charles Hildebolt William Scarfe Laurie Carter<br />

Sharon Grayden Lynn Johnson Chooi Gait Toh Raman Bedi<br />

Edward Lynch Edward Lynch Elisa Marie Ghezzi Frauke Müller<br />

Clark Stanford Clark Stanford John A. Jansen John A. Jansen<br />

Karen Novak Karen Novak Jeff Ebersole Dennis Lopatin<br />

M. Zeichner-David M. Zeichner-David J.T. Wright Laurie McCauley<br />

Frank Lobbezoo Frank Lobbezoo Luigi Gallo Thuan Dao<br />

Mark Drangsholt<br />

Teresa Marshall Teresa Marshall Kaumudi Joshipura Kaumudi Joshipura<br />

Tara Aghaloo Tara Aghaloo O. Ross Beirne Jeffrey Bennett<br />

Patricia L. Carlson Patricia L. Carlson Jean Suvan Rebecca Wilder<br />

Charles Shuler Charles Shuler Valerie Murrah Diane Messadi<br />

Keith Kirkwood Keith Kirkwood Richard Crout<br />

Iain Chapple Jack Spitznagel Denis F. Kinane Andrea Mombelli<br />

J. Mark Thomason J. Mark Thomason Neal Garrett Angus Walls<br />

Ashraf Fouad Eric Rivera Rena D'Souza Robin Orchardson<br />

Gene Watson Gene Watson Josie Beeley Josie Beeley<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Mark your calendar!<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Promoting Research in Developing Regions<br />

A Request for Regional Development<br />

Proposals from <strong>IADR</strong> Divisions and Sections<br />

Rationale/Program Description<br />

The purpose of this Request for Proposal<br />

(RFP) is to identify projects, submitted by<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Divisions/Sections that would help<br />

initiate research and development or<br />

otherwise strengthen the oral health research<br />

infrastructure in developing regions. In<br />

response to appropriate proposals, grants will<br />

be awarded to Divisions/Sections subject to<br />

the availability of funds and approval by the<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Board of Directors. The size of<br />

individual grants will vary, depending on the<br />

number and quality of proposals submitted<br />

and the amount of funding available.<br />

Although it is desirable to encourage the<br />

development of a research infrastructure in<br />

as many developing regions as possible,<br />

consideration will be given to supporting<br />

ongoing initiatives that have demonstrated<br />

an ability to promote research development.<br />

Divisions/Sections currently having welldeveloped<br />

oral health research efforts may<br />

submit proposals whose objective is to assist<br />

adjacent regions/Divisions/Sections that do<br />

not have such capacity. Where appropriate,<br />

regional coalitions of Divisions are<br />

encouraged to join together to submit<br />

proposals and implement programs.<br />

Wherever possible, the use of matching<br />

funds to enhance the effort is encouraged.<br />

Examples of projects eligible for support<br />

include: training workshops and grants,<br />

improving access to scientific information,<br />

provision of scientific journals, fellowship and<br />

lecture programs, communications<br />

infrastructures, training in research methods,<br />

and surveys of oral health that would<br />

identify further research needs and provide<br />

experience in conducting research for<br />

participants, as well as other programs which<br />

would advance oral/dental health research,<br />

and improve communications and<br />

collaborations in the oral health scientific<br />

community in the region and internationally.<br />

Proposals are reviewed twice annually.<br />

Submission dates are October 1, <strong>2004</strong>, and<br />

March 1, 2005.<br />

Focus of Proposals<br />

Although a range of projects is eligible for<br />

support, the <strong>IADR</strong> has decided to emphasize<br />

certain areas. The highest priority will be<br />

placed on those targeting support for:<br />

• young scientists' development by<br />

supporting attendance at appropriate<br />

local, regional, or international meetings<br />

to present the results of their research;<br />

• mentoring of developing scientists, e.g.,<br />

travel for established scientists to work<br />

on site with students/developing<br />

researchers for various periods of time<br />

(short "visiting lecture" programs will<br />

not be considered for funding); and<br />

• initiation/enhancement of newsletters<br />

or other communication systems, e.g.,<br />

use of the World Wide Web (www),<br />

that describe and promote local oral<br />

health research activities.<br />

Proposals should not exceed five (5)<br />

typewritten pages (approximately 1,000<br />

words) and should be submitted in the<br />

following format:<br />

Background<br />

Grant applications should include a brief<br />

historical background of the Division/Section<br />

making the application and any experience it<br />

has had in conducting activities promoting an<br />

oral health research infrastructure or activities.<br />

The region/institution to be targeted may be<br />

within the Division/Section or in an adjacent<br />

region, and it should be described.<br />

Objectives<br />

List the specific objectives to be achieved.<br />

Program Description/Evaluation<br />

Applications should include a full description<br />

of the proposed program(s), project(s),<br />

initiative(s), or infrastructure development<br />

and how the targeted area would be affected.<br />

The description should include a<br />

methodology, a time line, and a plan to<br />

evaluate the effectiveness of the program.<br />

Financial Request/<br />

Matching Support<br />

A grant program budget should be<br />

provided. Please indicate the amount in US<br />

dollars for each aspect of the program and<br />

the time line required to implement the<br />

program outlined above. Indicate if<br />

university, institution, association, or<br />

corporate support will be added to this<br />

grant, the length of this financial<br />

commitment, the US$ amount, and the<br />

number of personnel who will supplement<br />

the grant program. Describe the institutional<br />

support, name the responsible<br />

institutional officials, and include a signed<br />

letter of support from the institution.<br />

Research Publication<br />

Grant applicants should indicate if the<br />

results of this grant will be submitted for<br />

publication in a professional journal or<br />

presentation at a scientific meeting. If so, the<br />

name of the journal or meeting should be<br />

included. Approval of the grant is not<br />

contingent upon publication or presentation.<br />

Reporting<br />

No later than (6) months after the<br />

completion date of the project, as described<br />

in Part III above, the Division/Section shall<br />

provide a written report to the <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Central Office describing the results of the<br />

initiative. The description should follow the<br />

evaluation plan outlined in Part III. A<br />

summary report should be submitted for<br />

publication in <strong>IADR</strong> Reports and on the Web<br />

site (www.dentalresearch.org).<br />

Application<br />

Each Division/Section may present only one<br />

proposal per grant cycle. To apply for a<br />

grant, a Division or Section should submit a<br />

signed original and two copies of the grant<br />

proposal in English to the <strong>IADR</strong> Central<br />

Office in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, no later<br />

than October 1 or March 1. Proposals<br />

should be typewritten in the format outlined<br />

above. Grant applications that lack the<br />

required information will be returned to the<br />

originators with an explanation of the<br />

proposal's shortcomings. All grant<br />

applications will be evaluated and approved<br />

or rejected by the <strong>IADR</strong> Board of Directors.<br />

Applicants will be notified of the status of<br />

their submissions prior to the formal<br />

announcement of funded proposals. The<br />

proposals will be evaluated according to the<br />

establishment of clear and measurable<br />

outcome variables. For example, a proposal<br />

to launch or enhance a newsletter should<br />

include a description of the number and size<br />

of issues to be produced within a specified<br />

period as well as a specific plan for<br />

continuation of the medium subsequent to<br />

the grant support period. Support for<br />

scientists beginning research careers should<br />

specify the number of those who are<br />

currently able to travel to meetings, the<br />

level of support for each scientist's travel,<br />

and the additional number projected to<br />

attend national/international meetings as a<br />

result of the grant. •<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

We thank the following organizations for their<br />

continued support of the <strong>IADR</strong> General Session<br />

and Awards & Fellowships Programs:<br />

Organization<br />

American Academy of Periodontology<br />

Sponsored Item(s)<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowship<br />

ADA Health Foundation <strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowships (2)<br />

The Borrow Foundation<br />

Church & Dwight<br />

Florida Probe<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Dental Materials Group<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> PTT Group<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

Kuraray<br />

LifeNet<br />

Lion Corporation<br />

Philips Oral Healthcare<br />

Wyeth Consumer Healthcare<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> E.W. Borrow Memorial Award<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Award<br />

CD-ROM of Abstracts<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Award<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Award<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowship<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowship<br />

Conference Bag Insert<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowship<br />

<strong>IADR</strong>/Lion Dental Research Awards<br />

Conference Bag Insert<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Awards<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

in support of the <strong>IADR</strong>/GSK Innovation<br />

in Oral Care Awards, the <strong>AADR</strong><br />

Distinguished Scientist Award, and<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowships.<br />

in support of <strong>IADR</strong> Hatton Awards,<br />

monetary prizes for the <strong>IADR</strong> Hatton<br />

finalists, <strong>IADR</strong> Division Travel Awards<br />

Reception, the Poster Boards, and<br />

<strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Award.<br />

in support of the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong><br />

Presidents’ Reception, <strong>AADR</strong> William<br />

Clark Fellowship, <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished<br />

Scientist Awards (2), <strong>AADR</strong> Student<br />

Research Fellowships (2), and the<br />

Student Outreach Program.<br />

National Institute of<br />

Dental & Craniofacial Research<br />

in support of <strong>AADR</strong><br />

Bloc Travel Grants.<br />

in support of the <strong>IADR</strong> Council<br />

Dinner, New Member Orientation, the<br />

Research in Prevention Awards and<br />

Luncheon, Badge Lanyards,<br />

Computers in the Membership<br />

Pavilion, <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished<br />

Scientist Awards (2), and <strong>AADR</strong><br />

Student Research Fellowship.<br />

in support of the Hospitality Center<br />

and <strong>AADR</strong> Student Research<br />

Fellowship.<br />

in support of the<br />

Welcome Reception.<br />

in support of the Conference Bags with<br />

pen/paper, and <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished<br />

Scientist Award.<br />

in support of the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR Past<br />

Presidents’ Luncheon, <strong>IADR</strong> Norton Ross<br />

Fellowship, <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist Award,<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowships (2), and the<br />

monetary prizes for the <strong>AADR</strong> Hatton finalists.<br />

in support of the “Japan Night” Reception,<br />

and the <strong>IADR</strong> Toshio Nakao Fellowship.<br />

in support of the <strong>AADR</strong> NSRG<br />

Competition and Reception, <strong>IADR</strong><br />

Distinguished Scientist Award, and<br />

<strong>AADR</strong> Student Research Fellowships (2).<br />

in support of <strong>IADR</strong> Distinguished Scientist<br />

Awards (3) and <strong>AADR</strong> Student Research<br />

Fellowships (3)<br />


<strong>IADR</strong> Reports.....Vol. 26<br />

Smith New Editor of Journal of Dental Research<br />

The <strong>IADR</strong> and <strong>AADR</strong> Boards of<br />

Directors, with confirmation by both<br />

Councils, named Anthony J. (Tony)<br />

Smith, BSc, PhD, Professor of Oral Biology<br />

at the University of Birmingham, UK, as<br />

Editor of the Journal of Dental Research (JDR),<br />

effective April 1, <strong>2004</strong>. He succeeds Mark<br />

Herzberg (University of Minneapolis), who<br />

held the post for 11 years.<br />

Dr. Smith's career to date has been<br />

heavily involved in academia, with various<br />

leadership responsibilities involving<br />

research, education, administration, and<br />

management. He leads one of the most<br />

active research groups in pulp biology<br />

globally, with a strong focus on dental<br />

regeneration and cell behavior, which has<br />

exciting potential for translation into a new<br />

generation of novel clinical therapies for<br />

dental disease. His wide international<br />

research collaborations with colleagues from<br />

many parts of the world have made<br />

significant contributions to the field. He has<br />

published extensively and is prominent in<br />

the <strong>IADR</strong> Pulp Biology Group as its<br />

President-elect and also in the activities of<br />

the pan-European COST Action Initiative<br />

on Orofacial Development and Regeneration.<br />

In accepting Editorship of the JDR,<br />

Dr. Smith stated, "I welcome this<br />

challenging opportunity to lead the<br />

Associations in an exciting and changing<br />

time of scientific publishing. An<br />

international base to the Editorial office and<br />

the ease of global communications will<br />

enhance our activities and facilitate the<br />

achievement of our scientific goals."<br />

Dr. Smith's vision for the JDR includes:<br />

• consolidating its position as the premier<br />

international dental research journal,<br />

• developing content of the highest<br />

scientific quality,<br />

• focusing on research that is most<br />

original and novel, and<br />

• ensuring that it serves the needs of the<br />

Associations and researchers in the field<br />

exploiting exciting new opportunities in<br />

an increasingly competitive international<br />

publishing market. •<br />

Classified<br />

Postgraduate Visiting Fellowship<br />

Fellowships are available for those actively engaged in<br />

research or education to visit the Faculty of Dentistry<br />

for not less than two months. Appointee receives<br />

return economy class air travel. For details apply to:<br />

The Secretary, Faculty of Dentistry, University of<br />

Otago, P O Box 647, Dunedin, New Zealand. Email:<br />

dentistry@otago.ac.nz Fax:+64-3-479 0673<br />

The online abstracts submission site will open<br />

June 18, <strong>2004</strong>, for the 83rd General Session<br />

and Exhibition of the <strong>IADR</strong>/<strong>AADR</strong>/CADR.<br />

The site will be accessible from the <strong>IADR</strong>’s Web site,<br />

www.dentalresearch.org. The <strong>IADR</strong> will offer two formats for<br />

submitting abstracts this year. In addition to the traditional Research<br />

Abstract, a new format for Systematic Review Abstracts will be added. The<br />

new format will have a limit of 500 words and must include the following<br />

headers: Background, Objectives, Search strategy, Selection criteria, Data<br />

collection and analysis, Main results, and Reviewers’ conclusions. For<br />

more information about abstracts submission, please see the online “Call<br />

for Abstracts” that will be posted on the <strong>IADR</strong>’s Web site in early June.<br />


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