Lecture #2 - Alfred's Clay Store

Lecture #2 - Alfred's Clay Store

Lecture #2 - Alfred's Clay Store


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Mineralogy<br />

and <strong>Clay</strong><br />

<strong>Lecture</strong> <strong>#2</strong>

<strong>Lecture</strong> <strong>#2</strong><br />

• Basic chemistry<br />

• Silicate structures<br />

• <strong>Clay</strong> Minerals<br />

• <strong>Clay</strong> profiling

Ex. Oxygen<br />


• Un-combined atoms are<br />

neutral in charge<br />

• Same number of electrons (-)<br />

and protons (+)<br />

Diagram of<br />

complete outer<br />

rings<br />

•However, atoms need<br />

their outermost shell to<br />

be full of electrons in<br />

order to achieve stability<br />

•In most cases, their outer<br />

shells are not completely<br />

filled when they are<br />

neutral so…

Ions<br />

An atom completes its outermost shell by losing, gaining, or sharing<br />

electrons from other atoms, in the process upsetting its original<br />

neutral charge and becoming a charged atom or “ion”<br />

_<br />

Atoms with many<br />

electrons in outer shell<br />

gain electrons to attain a<br />

complete outer shell<br />

+<br />

Atoms with few<br />

electrons in outer shell<br />

loose electrons to attain<br />

a complete outer shell<br />

Neutral<br />

Atom<br />

Unstable<br />

Charged<br />

Ion<br />


Valency<br />

• An atom’s valence refers to how many charges (electrons) an<br />

atom must loose or gain in order to fill its outermost ring<br />

• Elements in the same columns share a common valency

Valence<br />

• In order for atoms to balance each other during interaction,<br />

their valences must cancel out (must equal zero)<br />

E.g. Silicon = +4 Silicon = +4<br />

Oxygen = -2 so 2 x Oxygen = -4<br />

+2 0<br />

SiO SiO 2<br />

unstable<br />


Ionic size is related to the number of<br />

electrons and the ionic charge<br />

Ionic Size<br />

+<br />


Co-ordination Configurations<br />

•The physical size of an atom dictates its stable arrangement with<br />

other atoms<br />

•The number of cations which can surround the smaller anion is<br />

called the co-ordination number; it is expressed as a ratio<br />

between the size of the cations and the anion

Si +4 radius = .41A<br />

O -2 radius = 1.32A<br />

Radius ratio = .41/1.32<br />

Or .31<br />

<br />

So…<br />

Crystals involving<br />

silicon and oxygen will<br />

always join in four-fold<br />

coordination<br />


The Silica Tetrahedra:<br />

the silicates’ most basic building block<br />

Tetrahedrons<br />

always have a<br />

–4 charge<br />

4 oxygen = -8<br />

1 silicon = +4<br />

Total charge –4<br />

Two separate<br />

Tetrahedra have<br />

A combined<br />

charge<br />

Of -8<br />

When they<br />

combine, they<br />

share an oxygen,<br />

and their<br />

combined charge<br />

drops<br />

7 oxygen = -14<br />

2 silicon = +8<br />

Total charge -6

• The more silica tetrahedrons combine and<br />

share oxygen with other tetrahedrons, the<br />

lower the combined negative charge<br />

becomes and the closer the structure comes<br />

to achieving electric stability (net zero<br />

charge)<br />

• When not enough tetrahedra are available to<br />

achieve a neutral charge through sharing of<br />

oxygen alone, neutrality is achieved through<br />

the presence of cations (positively charged<br />


Isolated Structures<br />

Olivine<br />

No oxygen is shared. Silica tetrahedra (-4) are bonded<br />

and neutralized by abundant Mg (+2) or Fe (+2) cations.

Single Chain Structures<br />

Spodumene<br />

Two oxygens of each tetrahedron are shared<br />

with adjacent tetrahedrons in a chain<br />

formation, reducing their net negative<br />

charge and the need for cations.

Sheet Structures<br />

Kaolinite<br />

Each tetrahedra shares three of its oxygens, forming a<br />

sheet. The left over negative charge is satisfied by a layer<br />

of aluminum, oxygen and hydrogen (A.K.A. Gibbsite)

Framework<br />

Quartz<br />

Feldspar<br />

All four oxygen atoms are<br />

shared by other tetrahedrons

<strong>Clay</strong> Minerals<br />

•Affect many properties of clay<br />

Plasticity<br />

Drying properties<br />

Composition<br />

Firing characteristics<br />

Color<br />

•We will look at kaolinite, illite, and montmorillonite as<br />

these predominate most of the clays we use

Kaolinite<br />

(Fine)<br />

Illite<br />

(Finer)<br />

Montmorillonite (Finest)

Kaolinite Crystal<br />

Tetrahedra<br />

•The main clay<br />

mineral in most clays<br />

(esp. Kaolins)<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />


Kaolinite Crystal<br />

-Exploded View-<br />

Al<br />

Si<br />

•Each Aluminum shares<br />

Oxygen with two Silicon<br />

atoms, creating a strong<br />

internal bond<br />

•Hydroxide (OH) mediates<br />

the charge difference<br />

between Si and Al layers<br />

•1:1 sheet silicate<br />

1 Si :1 Al<br />

Chemical formula<br />

Al 2 O 3 • 2SiO 2 • 2H 2 O

Kaolinite Particle<br />

•Kaolinite particles are ten<br />

times wider than they are<br />

thick<br />

•They exhibit a positive and<br />

a negative charge on<br />

opposite planes which<br />

encourages stacking of<br />

individual layers

Stacking<br />

Individual crystals in a stacked formation

Kaolinite<br />

However, the attraction of<br />

crystal faces is relatively weak<br />

(easily separated with high<br />

energy blunging in water)

Feldspar<br />

Mica<br />

•The three<br />

minerals that<br />

make up a<br />

granite rock<br />


Kaolinite Minerals Often Result<br />

From Feldspar Weathering

Kaolinization of feldspar<br />

• Example: Potash feldspar (K 2 O • Al 2 O 3 • 6SiO 2 )<br />

• Feldspar is soluble in water (H 2 O) and even more so in<br />

carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 )<br />

• Water, carbon dioxide, and carbonic acid dissolve feldspar<br />

• Carbon, along with most potassium and some silica is<br />

carried away<br />

• Feldspar becomes kaolinite:<br />

Al 2 O 3 • 2SiO 2 • 2H 2 O

Environmental Factors Aiding in<br />

• Climate<br />

Kaolinite Formation<br />

– Rainfall/groundwater (carbonic acid/water)<br />

– Temperature (encourages organic activity)<br />

• Soil/vegetation<br />

– Thickness of soil layer (moisture retention)<br />

– Organic activity (physical breakdown/increase<br />

acidity)<br />

• Length of exposure<br />

– Age of deposit

Montmorillonite<br />

• Found in Bentonite (also in<br />

smaller amounts in some<br />

kaolins, ball clays,<br />

earthenwares, etc)<br />

• Produced by the weathering of<br />

volcanic rock, esp. fine<br />

volcanic ash<br />

• Finer/more plastic than Illite or<br />

Kaolinite<br />

• Expands in water<br />

• High Mg and Fe impurities<br />

within the crystal structure act<br />

as fluxes (lower melting temp.<br />

than kaolinite)

Montmorillonite<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Montmorillonite<br />

2:1<br />

Sheet structure<br />

Kaolinite<br />

1:1<br />

Sheet structure

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Kaolinite<br />

1:1<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Montmorillonite<br />


Kaolinite vs. Montmorillonite<br />

-<br />

+<br />

-<br />

+<br />

-<br />

+<br />

Kaolinite<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Stronger<br />

Oxygen/Hydrogen Linkage<br />

Non-expanding<br />

Montmorillonite<br />

-<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

Silica<br />

Alumina<br />

Silica<br />

+<br />

-<br />

-<br />

+<br />

-<br />

-<br />

+<br />

-<br />

Weaker<br />

Interlayer space (water)<br />

Expanding<br />

•In Montmorillonite,<br />

faces are of similar<br />

charge<br />

•Negative edges are<br />

weakly bonded by<br />

positive cations (Na,<br />

Ca, or Mg)<br />

•Weakness of bond<br />

and large size of<br />

cations permits easy<br />

separation of stacked<br />

crystal faces<br />

•Water permeates<br />

layers (plasticity<br />

increases)<br />

•Crystal lattice<br />

expands (bentonites<br />

swell in water)

Illite<br />

• Usually comes from weathering of<br />

Mica<br />

– But contain more water and are much<br />

finer<br />

– Can also form from K-spars and<br />

Smectites<br />

• Finer/more plastic than Kaolinites<br />

• Often found in high % in lower-fire<br />

dark clays (I.e. Redart)<br />

• Illite’s presence is indicted by high K<br />

in clay analysis<br />

• High K acts as a flux (lower melting<br />

temp. than kaolinite)<br />

• 2:1 silicate (like Montmorillonite)<br />

Various different forms of Illite

Raw <strong>Clay</strong><br />

• Most clays, as dug from the ground, contain<br />

few amounts of pure clay minerals<br />

• Before processing, a raw clay contains:<br />

• Quartz<br />

• Micas<br />

• Feldspars<br />

• <strong>Clay</strong> minerals<br />

– Kaolinite<br />

– Montmorillonite<br />

– Illite<br />

– And many others …<br />

• Mined clays are processed<br />

80-85%<br />

10-15%<br />

Impurities<br />

<strong>Clay</strong><br />

– impurities are removed to increase the proportion<br />

of clay mineral content<br />

• Differences among raw clays reflect the different proportions of these<br />

clay minerals and impurities

Primary & Secondary <strong>Clay</strong>s<br />

• Primary clays<br />

– Some kaolins<br />

• <strong>Clay</strong>s that are found where they were formed<br />

• Involve little or no transportation<br />

• Also known as residual clays – they are the residue of<br />

their parent rocks<br />

• Secondary clays<br />

– All other clays (most kaolins, ball clays, stone<br />

wares, fireclays and earthenwares)<br />

• Involve transportation and deposit of primary clays<br />

• Also known as sedimentary clays<br />

• Much more common than primary clays

<strong>Clay</strong> Distribution<br />

Secondary Kaolins

Kaolin<br />

• Kaolinite: The predominant mineral in many clays<br />

Kaolin: A type of clay; A.K.A. China <strong>Clay</strong><br />

• Originally comes from Chinese “kao-ling” meaning<br />

high-ridge (where it was mined)<br />

• The raw clay that most closely resembles “ideal”<br />

Kaolinite mineral<br />

Al 2 O 3 • 2SiO 2 • 2H 2 O<br />

– Lowest impurities of all clays (fired whiteness)<br />

• Very refractory (melts @ cone 34-35; 1770°C)<br />

• Mature @ ca. cone 12-18

• Mainly coarse particles<br />

• 1 micron = 1/1000 mm (60 mesh screen = 250<br />

microns)<br />

• Ball clay range: 0.02 - 1 microns<br />

• Kaolin range: 0.5 - 10 microns<br />

Ball <strong>Clay</strong><br />

0.02 1<br />

Kaolin<br />

0.5 10<br />

Kaolin<br />

• Relatively non-plastic<br />

• Widely used in china production BUT principally used<br />

as a white coating on paper (80% of kaolin market)

Primary/Residual Kaolins<br />

Decompose where their parent rock once was<br />

-Little or no transport / minimal impurities<br />

– Fire white/off-white<br />

• Low plasticity<br />

– Generally coarse particles (10-5 microns)/well<br />

crystallized (large crystals)<br />

– Uniform particle size and shape<br />

• Major deposits: Japan, China, Korea, India,<br />

England, Germany<br />

Ex. Grolleg, SSP, Polaris etc…(no major US production)

Secondary/Sedimentary Kaolins<br />

More transport/more impurities than primary kaolins<br />

• Finer particles/greater range of particle sizes (aka.<br />

Particle size distribution) due to geological transport<br />

– Particle range: 5-.5 microns<br />

– Higher plasticity: A.K.A “Plastic Kaolin” (small<br />

Montmorillonite content)<br />

• More contaminants, especially Ti & Fe<br />

• Fire white/off-white<br />

• South Carolina and Georgia are the main US sources<br />

(others include NC, KY, TN & FL)<br />

Ex. Tile 6, Helmer, EPK etc…

Primary Kaolin Deposits

Primary Kaolin Deposits<br />

Secondary Kaolin Deposits

Kaolins<br />

• Primary<br />

– Grolleg<br />

– SSP (Super Standard Porcelain)<br />

– Polaris<br />

• Secondary<br />

– EPK (Edgar Plastic Kaolin)<br />

– Tile-6<br />

– Helmar<br />

– Velvacast<br />

– Peerless<br />

– Kaopaque

Kaolin<br />

• Pros<br />

– White (low impurity levels)<br />

– Coarse (improves drying characteristics)<br />

• Cons<br />

– Typically expensive<br />

– Coarse (low plasticity/low green strength)

Ball <strong>Clay</strong><br />

• “Ball” originates from the early English<br />

mining practice in which plastic clay was cut<br />

from its deposit in the form of large balls.<br />

• Mainly Kaolinite minerals but can also contain<br />

large amounts of Illite and Montmorillonite<br />

• Transported and deposited from earlier kaolin<br />

deposits<br />

• Fine particle size (60-70% under 1 micron)<br />

– Highly plastic (higher than kaolins)<br />

• Rarely used alone in a clay body

Ball <strong>Clay</strong><br />

• Contain higher amounts of impurities (iron,<br />

calcium, quartz) than kaolins<br />

– Mostly off-white to cream color after firing<br />

– Vitrify in the cone 03-4 range (but can go as<br />

high as cone 10)<br />

• Most contain 1-3% organic materials (because<br />

they are sedimentary)<br />

• Organics add to ball clay's plasticity<br />

• Readily accept ions from deflocculants, making<br />

them valuable in casting slips<br />

• Most US ball clays are mined in Kentucky and<br />


Ball <strong>Clay</strong>s<br />

• OM-4 (Old Mine #4)<br />

• XX Saggar<br />

• Spinks Blend<br />

• Jackson<br />

• Tennessee #10<br />

• KT Stone<br />

• C&C

Ball <strong>Clay</strong><br />

• Pros<br />

– Increase plasticity<br />

– Help suspend slips<br />

– Increase wet and dry strength (particle packing)<br />

– Easy to deflocculate (slip casting)<br />

• Cons<br />

– Increase dry shrinkage<br />

– Often too dark for a true “White” body<br />

– Too sticky by themselves<br />

– Can impede evaporation when leatherhard (slower<br />

casting and drying rates)<br />

– High amounts of free silica (firing related issues)

Fireclay<br />

• So named because some (though not all) resist fire<br />

-Firing range 1300-1800 C (cone 6-22)<br />

• Usually more Illite than Kaolinite minerals<br />

• Generally coarse particle size<br />

– Provide firm, toothy quality to bodies<br />

– Open structure / quick drying<br />

Originally acted as soil for vegetation and are<br />

therefore usually found underneath coal seams<br />

– Plants remove potassium and other soluble salts<br />

– Plants also remove some trace silica but no alumina.<br />

Thus fireclays are high in alumina and often refractory

Fireclay<br />

• Fireclays contain volatile impurities, including<br />

sulphur, carbon and carbon dioxide<br />

• Carbon derives from decomposed organic activity<br />

– Up to 3% carbon<br />

– Some fireclays actually contain carbonaceous matter<br />

like old plant roots, remnants of trees and other organic<br />

matter<br />

• Other impurities include<br />

– Free silica (quartz), sulphur (iron pyrite), mica, iron,<br />

and calcite (calcium carbonate)

Fireclay<br />

• Large pieces of Calcite in unrefined fireclays can lead to<br />

problems after firing<br />

– I.e. CaCO 3 pop-outs<br />

• Volatile impurities (carbon/sulphur) can be trapped if not<br />

fired properly<br />

– I.e. black coring or bloating<br />

• Typical post-fired color ranges from whites to pinks to<br />

reds<br />

– Iron leads to reds<br />

– Presence of calcium tints (leaches) iron, tinting red colors towards<br />

pinks<br />

• US sources<br />

– Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania

Fireclays<br />

• Narco (no longer carried here)<br />

• Hawthorn Bond 20<br />

• Hawthorn Bond 35<br />

• Hawthorn Bond 50<br />

• Gold Art<br />

• Christy Gold<br />

• A.P. Green (R.I.P.)

Fireclay<br />

• Pros<br />

– Refractory<br />

– Often available in a wide range of particle sizes<br />

(HB 20, 35, 45, 50 mesh)<br />

– Cheap! (inexpensive)<br />

– Cheaper alternative to grog<br />

• Cons<br />

– Lime pop-outs/carbon impurities (can be minimized by<br />

using 50 mesh and finer grades)<br />

– Not very clean<br />

– Limited plasticity/fineness

Stoneware<br />

• Not to be confused with a stoneware body (we<br />

will look at bodies latter)<br />

• Kaolinite and Montmorillonite minerals<br />

• Midway between ball clay and fire clay in<br />

plasticity, firing range, texture and color<br />

• Mixed particle size distribution<br />

– Toothy, yet plastic<br />

• Can be used w/o other clays in a clay body<br />

– Acceptable working characteristics “as is”<br />

• Extensively used throughout history<br />

• Mature between cone 4-10<br />

• Colors range from buff to tan to brown

Stonewares<br />

• Foundry Hill Cream (FHC)<br />

• Yellow Banks #101

Stoneware<br />

• Pros<br />

– Does the job of ball clay and fire clay<br />

– Inexpensive<br />

• Cons<br />

– High impurity levels

Earthenware<br />

• “Common Blue Collar <strong>Clay</strong>”<br />

– World wide use throughout history; often used straight<br />

from the ground<br />

• Also called “Brick <strong>Clay</strong>”<br />

• Varying amounts of Kaolinite and Illite<br />

• Extensive weathering and transport + varying<br />

sources and depositional environments<br />

– Wide range of chemical/physical properties<br />

• Typically contain high amounts of Iron (5-15%)<br />

along with Calcium and Titanium<br />

• Prefired colors range from black to ochre to red<br />

• Post fired colors range from bright orange to buff to black<br />

• White or cream colored when little Iron is present<br />

• Start to vitrify below 1200 (Cone 3-4)

Earthenware<br />

• Often contain soluble salts and organics<br />

• Wide distribution of particle sizes due to transport<br />

– Range from .5-5 microns<br />

• Wide distribution leads to good workability<br />

(combination of strength and plasticity)<br />

– Like stoneware clays, these can be used in large<br />

amounts “as is”<br />

• Widely distributed and mined throughout the US

Earthenwares<br />

– Red Art<br />

– Lizella<br />

– Barnard Black Bird (Substitute)<br />

– Alfred Shale<br />

– Newman Red (Substitute)<br />

• Slip <strong>Clay</strong>s:<br />

• (Higher flux levels of Ca, Mg & Fe)<br />

– @ Cone 04 • can be used for bricks<br />

– @ Cone 4-10 • used for glaze<br />

– Albany Slip (or Albany Slip Substitute)<br />

– Alberta Slip <strong>Clay</strong><br />

– Sheffield Slip <strong>Clay</strong>

Earthenware<br />

• Pros<br />

– Good plasticity and drying characteristics for<br />

modeling/throwing (due to fine/coarse particles)<br />

– Rich color variations<br />

• Cons<br />

– Scumming (soluble salts)<br />

– High Mn (Manganese) in some varieties may pose<br />

health risks<br />

– High temperatures and/or reduction atmospheres may<br />

cause excessive bloating/melting<br />

• Not suitable in large amounts for high temperature clay bodies<br />

– Can be difficult to deflocculate (slip-casting)

Bentonite<br />

• Named after Fort Benton, a major source of bentonite in<br />

the US<br />

• Typically originates from the decomposition of volcanic<br />

ash or lava flows<br />

• Contains montmorillonite rather that kaolinite<br />

• Extremely fine particle size (ten times finer than ball clay)<br />

– So fine that they are not measured in diameter but in surface area<br />

– Kaolin 16 m 2 /g (50lbs = 363,200 m 2 = 81 football fields)<br />

– Bentonite >100 m 2 /g (50lbs = 2,270,000 m 2 = 509 football fields)<br />

• Typical bentonite softens at 1040 C (cone 06-05) and fuses<br />

around 1336 C (cone 11)<br />

• Mainly mined in Wyoming and S. Dakota (ancient<br />

volcanic activity)

Bentonite<br />

• When added to water, bentonites swell (increase in<br />

volume) dramatically<br />

• Additions:<br />

– Typically 1-3% to improve plasticity<br />

– Up to 6% can be added to non-plastic porcelains<br />

• Macaloid / Vee-Gum<br />

– Based on the clay mineral Hectorite<br />

– Stronger effect on plasticity than bentonite (twice as<br />

strong)<br />

– Much whiter than bentonite<br />

– $$$$<br />

– Vee-Gum and Macaloid are trade names; both are a<br />

blend of Hectorite and organic gums

Bentonite<br />

• Pros<br />

– Add plasticity<br />

• Cons<br />

– Most are too dirty for true “white” bodies<br />

– High drying shrinkage<br />

– Must be thoroughly mixed and/or blunged (can<br />

cause drying problems if not properly<br />


Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM)<br />

Note the well developed hexagonal crystals in these Georgia kaolins

AP Green at the same scale as OM-4<br />

OM-4<br />

AP Green<br />

Ball clay (OM-4) contains much finer crystals than fireclay (AP Green)

Wide particle distribution range of an earthenware (Red-Art)

Montmorillonite crystals in this bentonite are too fine to be seen

Chemical analysis of clay (cheat sheet)<br />

• Low SiO 2 (30%)<br />

– Refractory (resists melting)<br />

• High K 2 O (>2.5%)<br />

– High Illite, and possibly quite plastic<br />

• High MgO<br />

– Possibly high in montmorillonite (and therefore, plastic)<br />

• High Al 2 O 3 (>30%) and less than 3% of K 2 O CaO, MgO, and Na 2 O combined<br />

– Probably a high refractory clay<br />

• Low Al 2 O 3 (

<strong>Clay</strong> type Product name SiO 2<br />

Al 2<br />

O 3<br />

Fe 2<br />

O 3<br />

TiO 2<br />

Na 2<br />

O K 2<br />

O MgO CaO<br />

% % % % % % % %<br />

Kaolin Velvacast 45.21 38.75 0.33 1.42 0.11 --- 0.18 0.24<br />

Kaolin SSP 46.51 37.55 0.38 0.02 0.11 1.09 0.22 0.05<br />

Fireclay Hawthorn Bond 50.2 31.2 1.5 1.95 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.4<br />

Fireclay Gold Art 56.71 27.3 1.42 1.75 0.16 1.87 0.42 0.22<br />

Ball <strong>Clay</strong> OM #4 53.00 30.80 0.80 1.60 0.30 2.84 0.30 0.40<br />

Stoneware Foundry Hill Crème 66.58 20.59 1.61 0.53 0.55 0.67 0.51 0.5<br />

Earthenware Red Art 64.28 16.41 7.04 1.06 4.07 0.4 1.55 0.23<br />

Bentonite Bentonite 64.3 20.7 0.11 0.11 2.9 0.09 2.3 0.45

References<br />

Ceramic Industry<br />

(Periodical)<br />

Business News Publishing Co, Troy, MI<br />

January 2002<br />

Ceramic Science for the Potter<br />

W. G. Lawrence<br />

Chilton Book Company, Philadelphia, New York, London<br />

First Edition, 1972<br />

<strong>Clay</strong> Mineralogy<br />

by Ralph E. Grim<br />

McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, St. Louis, San Francisco<br />

Second Edition, 1968<br />

<strong>Clay</strong>s and Ceramic Raw Materials<br />

by W. E. Worrall<br />

Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London and New York<br />

Second Edition, 1986

References<br />

<strong>Clay</strong>s: their occurrence, properties and uses<br />

by Heinrich Ries<br />

John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,<br />

Third Edition, 1927<br />

Cushing’s Handbook<br />

by Val Cushing<br />

Third Edition, 1994<br />

Physical Geology<br />

by Charles C. Plummer and David McGeary<br />

Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA<br />

Seventh Edition, 1996<br />

Rocks and Minerals: a guide to field identification<br />

by Charles A. Sorrell<br />

Western Publishing Company, Inc., Racine, WI<br />


References<br />

Science of Whitewares II<br />

edited by William M. Carty and Christopher W. Sinton<br />

The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH<br />

2000<br />

Soil <strong>Clay</strong> Mineralogy: a symposium<br />

edited by C. I. Rich and G. W. Kunze<br />

The University of North Carolina Press<br />

1964<br />

The Potter’s Alternative<br />

By Harry Davis<br />

Methuen Australia Pty Ltd, North Ryde, NSW<br />

First Edition, 1987<br />

The Potter’s Dictionary of Materials and Techniques<br />

by Frank and Janet Hamer<br />

A&C Black Publishers Ltd., London, England<br />

Third Edition, 1993

References<br />

Understanding Earth<br />

by Frank Press and Raymond Siever<br />

W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, NY<br />

Third Edition, 2001

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