2007 - April

2007 - April

2007 - April


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T <strong>2007</strong><br />

he Reference document

Pursuant to Article 212-13 of the general<br />

regulations of the French securities regulator<br />

(Autorité des Marchés Financiers, AMF), the<br />

present reference document was filed in French<br />

with the AMF as an annual report on March 14 th ,<br />

2008 (filing ref : D.08-01 11).<br />

Financial information managers:<br />

Dominique Godet<br />

Chief Financial Officer, APRIL GROUP,<br />

Tel: +33 (0)4 72 36 18 98<br />

Jean-Marc Atlan<br />

Kaelia<br />

Tel: +33 (0)4 72 00 35 81<br />

It may be used in market transactions provided<br />

that it is accompanied by a copy of a prospectus<br />

that has been duly approved by the AMF.

Contents<br />

01 Main Document<br />

Responsibility for this reference document and audits.................................................... p.4<br />

General information on the company and its share capital............................................ p.6<br />

Information on the company’s activities............................................................................... p.15<br />

Net worth-financial position-earnings.................................................................................... p.32<br />

Corporate Governance.................................................................................................................... p.34<br />

Recent developments and outlook........................................................................................... p.48<br />

02 Management report<br />

04 Statutory financial statements<br />

APRIL GROUP statutory financial statements at Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>..............................p.151<br />

Highlights............................................................................................................................................p.154<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA<br />

for the year ended Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>........................................................................................p.155<br />

Statutory Auditors’ general report on the annual financial statements...............p.164<br />

Special Statutory Auditors’ report on regulated agreements....................................p.166<br />

Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24th, 2008: Resolutions....p.170<br />

Index of headings............................................................................................................................p.178<br />

Management report......................................................................................................................... p.50<br />

Five-year financial summary......................................................................................................... p.79<br />

Chairman of the Board of Directors’ report......................................................................... p.80<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report on the report of the Chairman<br />

of the Board of Directors............................................................................................................... p.90<br />

03 Consolidated financial statements<br />

APRIL GROUP consolidated financial statements at Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>........................ p.93<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements at Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>......................... p.98<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial<br />

statements year ended Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>...............................................................................p.148<br />

Pursuant to Article 28 of European regulation 809/2004, the following information is included<br />

for reference in the present reference document:<br />

- The management report, the consolidated financial statements and the Statutory<br />

Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31 st ,<br />

2005, as presented in the reference document filed with the French securities regulator<br />

(Autorité des Marchés Financiers, AMF) on March 30 th , 2006 under number D.06-0183.<br />

- The management report, the consolidated financial statements and the Statutory<br />

Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December<br />

31 st , 2006, as presented in the reference document filed with the AMF on March 14 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

under number D.07-0173.<br />

The information included in these two reference documents other than the abovementioned<br />

information has, as relevant, been replaced and/or updated by the information included in<br />

the present reference document.<br />

These documents may be downloaded from the AMF internet site at www.amf-france.org

01 Main<br />

document<br />

document<br />

P. 04 1. Responsibility for this reference document and audits<br />

P. 06 2. General information on the company and its share capital<br />

P. 15 3. Information on the company’s activities<br />

01 Main<br />

P. 32 4. Net worth-financial position-earnings<br />

P. 34 5. Corporate Governance<br />

P. 48 6. Recent developments and outlook<br />

Return to the contents section

1.0<br />

for this reference document and audits<br />

Responsibility for this reference document and audits<br />

1.0 Responsibility<br />

1.1. Responsibility for the reference document<br />

Bruno Rousset,<br />

Chairman and CEO of APRIL GROUP.<br />

1.2. Statement of responsibility for the reference<br />

document<br />

I certify that, having taken all reasonable measures to this<br />

effect, the information contained in the present reference<br />

document is, to the best of my knowledge, fair and accurate<br />

in all material respects and free from any omissions that could<br />

alter its substance. I have received a completion letter from<br />

the Statutory Auditors in which they indicate that they have<br />

verified the information relating to the financial position and<br />

financial statements given in the present reference document<br />

and that they have reviewed the entire document. The financial<br />

information presented in the reference document has been<br />

covered by reports drawn up by the Statutory Auditors, as<br />

presented on pages 148 and 164 of this reference document,<br />

which do not contain any observations. To the best of my<br />

knowledge, the financial statements have been drawn up in<br />

accordance with the accounting standards applicable and<br />

faithfully reflects the assets, liabilities, financial position and<br />

earnings of the company and all of the consolidated companies,<br />

and the management report faithfully reflects the changing<br />

business, earnings and the financial position for the company<br />

and all consolidated companies, as well as a description of the<br />

main risks and uncertainties faced.<br />

The Chairman and CEO, Bruno Rousset<br />

Lyons, March 12 th , 2008<br />

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1.0<br />

Responsibility for this reference document and audits<br />

1.3. Responsibility for audits of the financial<br />

statements<br />

Incumbent Statutory Auditors:<br />

Cabinet MAZARS<br />

Le Premium - 131, bd Stalingrad - 69624 Villeurbanne Cedex.<br />

Represented by Max Dumoulin<br />

Appointed at the Combined General Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 25 th ,<br />

2002. First appointed at the Ordinary General Meeting on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 16 th , 1996. Term-of-office ending at the Ordinary<br />

General Meeting convened to approve the financial statements<br />

for the year ending December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Part of Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux<br />

Comptes, Lyons.<br />


185, avenue Charles de Gaulle - 92201 Neuilly-sur-Seine<br />

Represented by Jean-Claude LEMAIRE<br />

Appointed at the Combined General Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 27th,<br />

2006. First appointed at the Ordinary General Meeting on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2006.<br />

Term-of-office ending at the Ordinary General Meeting<br />

convened to approve the financial statements for the year<br />

ending December 31st, <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Part of Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes,<br />

Versailles.<br />

Deputy Statutory Auditors:<br />

Jean-Marie BARBEREAU<br />

Appointed at the Combined General Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 25 th ,<br />

2002. Term-of-office ending at the Ordinary General Meeting<br />

convened to approve the financial statements for the year<br />

ending December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Part of Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes,<br />

Lyons.<br />

Cabinet BEAS<br />

7/9, Villa Houssay - 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine.<br />

Appointed at the Combined General Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 27th,<br />

2006. Term-of-office ending at the Ordinary General Meeting<br />

convened to approve the financial statements for the year<br />

ending December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Part of Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes,<br />

Versailles.<br />

1.4. Disclosure policy<br />

People responsible for financial information:<br />

Dominique Godet<br />

Chief Financial Officer, Tel: +33 (0)4 72 36 18 98<br />

Jean-Marc Atlan<br />

Kaelia, Tel: +33 (0)4 72 00 35 81<br />

1.5. Documents available to the public<br />

For the term of the present reference document, the bylaws,<br />

Statutory Auditors’ reports and financial statements for the<br />

last three years, as well as all other reports, letters and other<br />

documents and historical financial information on the company<br />

and its subsidiaries over the last three financial years,<br />

valuations and reports drawn up by an auditor, when required<br />

under French law, and any other legally required documents<br />

may be consulted at the company’s registered office.<br />

Return to the contents section<br />


2.0 General information on the company and its share capital<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

2.1. General information on the company<br />

2.1.4. Date of creation and duration of the company<br />

2.1.1. Corporate names and head office<br />

Head Office: 83-85, boulevard Vivier Merle - 69003 LYON.<br />

Corporate name: APRIL GROUP, formerly APRIL SA.<br />

APRIL SA became APRIL GROUP at the Combined General<br />

Meeting on March 31 st , 2000, with the former name of APRIL SA<br />

being AGLAE. AGLAE took the name APRIL SA after the merger<br />

of its GROUPE APRIL subsidiary on <strong>April</strong> 3 rd , 1997.<br />

Head Office: 83-85, boulevard Marius Vivier Merle<br />

69003 Lyons - FRANCE.<br />

2.1.2. Legal form<br />

French limited company (société anonyme) with a Board<br />

of Directors governed by Articles L.225-17 to L.225-56 of<br />

the French commercial code, in accordance with the legal<br />

structure adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting on<br />

August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

2.1.3. Applicable legislation<br />

APRIL GROUP SA is a company operating under French law,<br />

subject to the provisions of Book II (Livre II) of the French<br />

Commercial Code governing commercial companies.<br />

The company was incorporated on February 22 nd , 1990 for<br />

a period of 99 years, ending May 31 st , 2089, except in the<br />

event of early dissolution or extension. It was registered on<br />

June 1 st , 1990.<br />

2.1.5. Corporate Purpose<br />

According to Article 3 of the company bylaws, in France<br />

and abroad, the company’s purpose is the following:<br />

Acquisition of interests and holdings by any and all<br />

means, contributions of assets, subscriptions, purchases<br />

of equities, bonds and any and all corporate rights in<br />

companies, businesses, or commercial undertakings,<br />

Studies of transferable, real, industrial or commercial property,<br />

Creation of groups, entities, associations, companies,<br />

Brokerage and presentation of insurance operations in any form;<br />

any and all audits of insurance or risks, support for networks of<br />

professional insurance correspondents; policy management,<br />

Assistance, advice, training and communication,<br />

Directly or indirectly, on its own behalf or on behalf of<br />

third parties, either alone or with third parties, through the<br />

creation of new companies, asset contributions, partnerships,<br />

subscriptions, purchases of shares or rights, mergers,<br />

alliances, joint ownerships or taking or placing under lease or<br />

management any property or rights, or otherwise,<br />

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2.0<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

And generally, any and all financial, commercial, industrial,<br />

civil, real or transferable property operations directly or<br />

indirectly related to one of these specified purposes or to<br />

any corporate asset.<br />

2.1.6. Trade and company register<br />

The company is registered in the Lyons trade and company<br />

register under number 377 994 553. Its APE code is 672Z.<br />

2.1.7. Fiscal year<br />

The fiscal year lasts 12 months and runs from January 1 st to<br />

December 31st.<br />

2.1.8. Form of shares<br />

Fully paid-up shares may be held as registered or bearer<br />

shares, as requested by the shareholder. They give rise<br />

to account registration under the terms, conditions and<br />

procedures provided for under French law.<br />

2.1.9. General Meetings<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Article R. 225-85 of<br />

the French commercial code, transposed in Article 21 of the<br />

bylaws, the right to take part in General Meetings is subject<br />

to securities being registered in the name of the shareholder<br />

or their intermediary by midnight (Paris time) on the third<br />

working day before the meeting, either in the registered<br />

securities accounts held by the company, or in the bearer<br />

securities accounts held by an authorized intermediary, as<br />

justified in accordance with the regulations in force.<br />

2.1.10. Rights associated with share<br />

Dual voting rights<br />

Pursuant to Article 12 of the company bylaws:<br />

All shares shall be indistinguishable in terms of their category<br />

and rights both in respect of the distribution of profits and<br />

any dividends paid on liquidation. The voting rights associated<br />

with shares are proportional to the share capital represented<br />

by the shares. At General Meetings, each share carries the<br />

right to a single vote.<br />

Furthermore, pursuant to Article 23 of the company<br />

bylaws:<br />

Pursuant to a resolution adopted at the Extraordinary General<br />

Meeting on December 11th, 2003, a voting right that is twice<br />

that conferred on other fully paid-up shares in respect of<br />

the share capital they represent is granted to all shares that<br />

have been registered for at least four years in the name of<br />

the same shareholder. In addition, in the event of a capital<br />

increase through the incorporation of reserves, profits or<br />

issue premiums, dual voting rights shall be granted upon<br />

issue for registered shares freely allocated to a shareholder<br />

by way of new shares for which they are entitled to this right.<br />

Any share converted over to the bearer system or transferred<br />

over to another owner loses its double voting right.<br />

2.1.11. Statutory thresholds<br />

Pursuant to Article 10 of the company bylaws:<br />

Any shareholder acting alone or in concert that directly<br />

or indirectly acquires at least 2.5% of the share capital or<br />

voting rights, or any multiple thereof, must duly inform the<br />

Company of its interest within fifteen days by registered mail<br />

(with delivery receipt) sent to the Company’s head office.<br />

Shareholders must duly inform the Company under the same<br />

conditions each time that their interests increase or decrease<br />

by any multiple of 2.5%, up to 50% inclusive of the total<br />

number of Company shares or voting rights.<br />

If shareholders fail to make such declarations in accordance<br />

with the aforementioned conditions, the shares in excess<br />

of the fraction that should have been disclosed will not<br />

be entitled to voting rights at General Meetings under the<br />

conditions required by law, where the nondeclaration has<br />

been acknowledged and where one or more shareholders<br />

with at least 5% of the share capital or voting rights make a<br />

request to this effect.<br />

In addition to the above obligation, shareholders must<br />

comply with the mandatory disclosure thresholds applicable<br />

under the legislation in force.<br />

Return to the contents section<br />


2.0<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

2.1.12. Identification of bearer shareholders<br />

Pursuant to legal and regulatory requirements, the company<br />

may at any time ask the responsible clearing organization<br />

for the name, nationality and address of holders of bearer<br />

shares in the company entitling them immediately or at<br />

a later time to a vote in General Meetings, as well as the<br />

quantity of shares held by each one, and if necessary, any<br />

restrictions to which the said shares may be subject.<br />

2.1.13. Distribution of profits (Article 29 of the<br />

company bylaws) and payment of dividends (Art. 30)<br />

The amount needed to create the legal reserve under the<br />

terms and conditions provided for by the law is withdrawn<br />

from fiscal year profits less any prior year losses as relevant.<br />

Distributable profit comprises profit for the fiscal year less<br />

former years’ losses and any amounts placed in reserves<br />

pursuant to law and company bylaws, plus retained earnings.<br />

The General Meeting votes on the allocation of distributable<br />

profits. It decides on the portions that will respectively be<br />

allocated to reserves, shareholders in the form of a dividend,<br />

and retained earnings.<br />

For all or a portion of the dividend paid or advances on<br />

dividends, the General Meeting has the option of granting<br />

each shareholder the choice between payment of the<br />

dividend or advances on the dividend in shares or cash under<br />

the terms and conditions provided for under French law.<br />

Article L.27 of the French state domain code (Code du<br />

Domaine de l’Etat) specifies that dividends relating to shares<br />

are in principle subject to limitation by a lapse of time further<br />

to a five-year period. Dividends that have reached the end of<br />

the five-year limitation period must be paid back to the State.<br />

2.1.14. Company management and supervisory bodies<br />

Executive management (Article 15 of the company<br />

bylaws):<br />

Executive management is performed, under his responsibility,<br />

either by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by<br />

another individual selected from among the Board members<br />

or externally, serving as the Chief Executive Officer.<br />

The Board of Directors chooses between the two conditions<br />

for the performance of executive management. It may<br />

modify its choice at any time. In each case, it notifies the<br />

shareholders and third parties in accordance with the<br />

regulations in force.<br />

If the Chairman performs the functions of the Chief Executive<br />

Officer, the provisions of these bylaws relative to the Chief<br />

Executive Officer will apply to the Chairman.<br />

When executive management functions are not performed<br />

by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Board<br />

of Directors appoints a Chief Executive Officer, subject<br />

to the same age limit as that set for the Chairman.<br />

The Chief Executive Officer is invested with the broadest<br />

powers to act in the Company’s name under all circumstances,<br />

within the limits of the corporate purpose and subject to the<br />

powers expressly granted under French law for Board of<br />

Directors and shareholder meetings.<br />

As proposed by the Chief Executive Officer, the Board of<br />

Directors may appoint from one to five Deputy Chief Executive<br />

Officers. The age limit for serving as Chairman also applies to<br />

positions as Deputy Chief Executive Officers.<br />

In relation to third parties, the Deputy Chief Executive Officers<br />

have the same powers as the Chief Executive Officer.<br />

In line with the company’s internal organization, the powers<br />

of the Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Chief Executive<br />

Officers may be limited by the Board of Directors, although<br />

such a limitation is unenforceable against third parties<br />

Board of Directors (Article 14 of the company<br />

bylaws):<br />

The Company’s administration is handled by a Board of<br />

Directors made up of a minimum of three and a maximum<br />

of 18 members; however, this maximum number may be<br />

increased to 24 in the event of a merger under the legal<br />

conditions in force.<br />

If the capital held by employees of the company and affiliates<br />

in connection with the company savings scheme represents<br />

more than 3% of the share capital, a Director is appointed<br />

under the conditions set by French law and the regulations<br />

in force from among the employee shareholders or the<br />

employees who are members of the Supervisory Board of the<br />

company mutual fund holding the shares. Such a Director is<br />

not taken into account when determining the minimum and<br />

maximum numbers of Directors.<br />

Except for cases when not required under French law, each<br />

Director must own at least one share.<br />

Return to the contents section<br />


2.0<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

Directors are appointed for a two-year term of office, and<br />

may be reappointed. However, the term of office of any<br />

individual member shall as of right be terminated, without<br />

any possibility for renewal, further to the ordinary general<br />

shareholders’ meeting convened to approve the financial<br />

statements for the past financial year held in the year during<br />

which the member in question reaches the age of 75.<br />

The Board of Directors is convened by the Chairman on<br />

his initiative and, if he is not responsible for executive<br />

management, as requested by the Chief Executive Officer,<br />

or, if the Board has not met for more than two months, as<br />

requested by at least one third of the Directors. Directors<br />

may be convened by any means, indicating the agenda that<br />

has been set by the author of the notice to attend.<br />

Meetings are held at the registered office or at any<br />

other location indicated in the notice to attend. For<br />

deliberations to be valid, at least half of the Board<br />

members must effectively be present. Under the bylaws,<br />

Directors participating in the Board meeting using<br />

videoconferencing or telecommunications facilities in<br />

accordance with the limits and conditions set under the<br />

legislation and regulations in force may be deemed to<br />

be present for calculating the quorum and majority. Such<br />

videoconferencing and telecommunications facilities may<br />

not be used when:<br />

- Drawing up the annual and consolidated financial<br />

statements;<br />

- Drawing up the company’s management report and, as<br />

relevant, the Group’s management report;<br />

- Selecting the conditions for the performance of executive<br />

management;<br />

- Appointing and dismissing the Chairman, Chief Executive<br />

Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officers.<br />

Decisions are subject to a majority of votes for members<br />

present or represented. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of<br />

the session has a casting vote.<br />

At each meeting, the Board may appoint a secretary, who<br />

may be selected from outside of the Directors.<br />

The Board of Directors determines the strategies for the<br />

company’s business and oversees their implementation.<br />

Subject to the powers expressly granted for shareholder<br />

meetings and in accordance with the corporate purpose,<br />

it reviews all matters concerning the company’s effective<br />

operations and rules on the affairs concerning it through its<br />

deliberations.<br />

It carries out the controls and verifications that it deems<br />

necessary.<br />

Among its specific powers, it authorizes the agreements and<br />

commitments defined by French law and more specifically any<br />

commitments made to the Chairman, Chief Executive Officer<br />

or Deputy Chief Executive Officers concerning compensation,<br />

allowances or benefits due or likely to be due when they end<br />

or change functions, or at any time thereafter.<br />

From among its members, the Board elects a Chairman,<br />

and determines his compensation.<br />

The Chairman of the Board of Directors organizes and<br />

oversees its work, which he reports on at the General<br />

Meeting. He ensures that the company’s various bodies<br />

operate effectively and more specifically ensures that the<br />

Directors are able to perform their missions.<br />

The Board may appoint one or more vice-chairmen,<br />

exclusively with a view to chairing Board sessions and<br />

General Meetings in the event of the Chairman’s absence.<br />

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2.0<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

2.2. General information on the share capital<br />

2.2.1. Changes in the share capital and rights<br />

associated with shares<br />

Any changes in the share capital or the rights associated<br />

with shares comprising the share capital are governed by the<br />

legal provisions in force, with the company bylaws having no<br />

specific provisions thereon.<br />

Acquisition by the company of its own shares<br />

Covering any marketable securities entitling holders to the<br />

allocation of shares in the company within the framework<br />

of the regulations in force,<br />

Canceling any shares acquired as relevant, as authorized by<br />

the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on <strong>April</strong> 27th, 2006.<br />

This authorization, granted to the Executive Board for a period<br />

of 18 months by the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2006, was transfered to the Board of Directors for<br />

the period set initially by the General Shareholders’ Meeting<br />

held on <strong>April</strong> 26 th , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

2.2.2. Share capital at January 28 th 2008<br />

Number of shares: 40,810,632 ordinary shares<br />

Par value: 0.40 euro<br />

Amount of the share capital: 16,324,252.80 euros (fully<br />

paid-up).<br />

Pursuant to a resolution adopted at the Combined General<br />

Meeting held on <strong>April</strong> 26th, <strong>2007</strong>, the company may trade its<br />

own shares on the market in accordance with the provisions<br />

of Article L.225-209 of the French Commercial Code up to a<br />

maximum of 2,036,597 shares (5% of the share capital), for<br />

the purpose of:<br />

Coordinating the secondary market or liquidity of the<br />

APRIL GROUP share through an investment service provider<br />

based on a liquidity agreement in line with the AFEI<br />

compliance charter approved by the AMF,<br />

Keeping the shares purchased and delivering them<br />

subsequently in exchange or as payment for external<br />

growth operations, it being understood that shares<br />

acquired in this respect may not exceed 5% of the share<br />

capital,<br />

Covering stock-option schemes and other forms of<br />

allocating shares to the Group’s employees and/or<br />

corporate offices, notably in connection with company<br />

profit-sharing systems, a company savings scheme or the<br />

free allocation of shares,<br />

The maximum purchase price is 80 euros per share (par value<br />

of 0.4 euro).<br />

At March 5 th , 2008, total purchases made under this program<br />

stood at 4,916,737.10 euros for 120,171 shares, while the<br />

total number of shares sold amounted to 122,579 for a total<br />

of 5,059,745.65 euros.<br />

The transactions were carried out within the range of<br />

35.55 euros for the minimum sales price and 46.75 for the<br />

maximum purchase price.<br />

At March 5 th , 2008, the company directly and indirectly held<br />

161,976 APRIL GROUP shares (0.40% of the share capital).<br />

These shares have a par value of 64,790.40 euros and a book<br />

value of 6,719,682.83 euros.<br />

10<br />

Return to the contents section

2.0<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

2.2.3. Authorized and unissued share capital<br />

The Company’s Board of Directors may increase the share capital under the following authorizations:<br />

In Euros<br />

Date of the EGM (c)<br />

Authorization end<br />

date<br />

Authorized amount<br />

Previous years<br />

increases<br />

Increases carried out<br />

over the year<br />

Residual amount on the<br />

date the present table<br />

was set up<br />

Authorization to increase the capital with<br />

preferentialsubscription rights maintained<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2008 10,000,000 (a) N/A - 10,000,000 (a)<br />

Authorization to increase the capital with<br />

preferential subscription rights waived<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2008 10,000,000 (a) N/A - 10,000,000 (a)<br />

Authorization to increase the capital with<br />

preferential subscription rights waived in<br />

favor of members of a company savings<br />

scheme<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2008 500,000 N/A - 500,000<br />

Authorization to increase the capital in<br />

payment for securities acquisition<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2008 10 % of the share capital N/A - 10% of the share capital<br />

Authorization to issue warrants <strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2009 5 % of the share capital N/A (b) 259,000<br />

Authorization to grant free shares to be<br />

issued<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2009 5 % of the share capital N/A N/A 5% of the share capita<br />

(a) Joint cap.<br />

(b) The authorization given to the Executive Board and then to the Board of Directors was used with three schemes issued in <strong>2007</strong>. No options issued under these schemes were exercised in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The maximum capital increase associated with these three schemes represents 103,600 euros.<br />

(c) The General Meeting that decided on August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong> to change the company’s management structure with the adoption of the Board of Directors formula provided for the possibility for these<br />

delegations, which were initially granted to the Executive Board by the General meeting on <strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2006, to be used by the Board of Directors.<br />

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2.0<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

2.2.4. Financial instruments not representing the<br />

share capital<br />

N/A.<br />

2.2.5. Other securities with an equity component<br />

There are no securities giving access, immediately or<br />

subsequently, to the company’s share capital.<br />

2.2.6. Table summarizing changes in the capital<br />

The holding company was set up in 1990. Nevertheless, the<br />

business has been developed since 1988.<br />

Date<br />

Type of transaction<br />

Nominal<br />

amount<br />

Issue premium<br />

Subsequent<br />

amount of share<br />

Share par<br />

value<br />

Cumulative<br />

number of<br />

shares<br />

Feb 22, 90 Incorporation FRF250,000 FRF250,000 FRF100 2,500<br />

Jun 03, 93 Increase by incorporation of reserves FRF750,000 FRF1,000,000 FRF100 10,000<br />

Dec 18, 95 Increase by incorporation of reserves and division of par value FRF9,000,000 FRF10,000,000 FRF10 1,000,000<br />

Sep 11, 97<br />

Increase (by increasing par value from the incorporation of paid-in capital and a portion of<br />

reserves, followed by a division of par value)<br />

FRF90,000,000 FRF100,000,000 FRF25 4,000,000<br />

Mar 31, 00 Increase by capital contribution FRF452,925 FRF24,868,675 FRF100,452,925 FRF25 4,018,117<br />

Mar 31, 00 Conversion of share capital into euros €758,518.3 €16,072,468 €4 4,018,117<br />

Apr 26, 01 10-for 1 stock split €0 €0 €16,072,468 €0.4 40,181 170<br />

Feb 19, 04<br />

Jan 10, 05<br />

Jan 27, 06<br />

Jan 22, 07<br />

Feb 28, 08<br />

Executive Board report on the capital increase on December 31 st , 2003 linked to the<br />

exercising of stock options<br />

Executive Board report on the capital increase on December 31 st , 2004 linked to the<br />

exercising of stock options<br />

Executive Board report on the capital increase on December 31 st , 2005 linked to the<br />

exercising of stock options<br />

Executive Board report on the capital increase on December 31 st , 2006 linked to the<br />

exercising of stock options<br />

Board of Directors’ report on the capital increase on December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> linked to the<br />

exercising of stock-options<br />

€14,080 €0 €16,086,548 €0.4 40,216,370<br />

€87,737.20 €0 €16,174,285.20 €0.4 40,435,713<br />

€62,508.00 €0 €16,236,793.20 €0.4 40,591,983<br />

€55,986.00 €0 €16,292,779.20 €0.4 40,731,948<br />

€31,473.60 €0 €16,324,252.80 €0.4 40,810,632<br />

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2.0<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

2.3. Breakdown of share capital and voting rights at year-end for the last five fiscal years<br />

Numbers of shares % of capital % of voting rights<br />

2003 2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2003 2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2003 2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

Bruno ROUSSET 13,516,907 13,516,897 10 10 10 33.61 33.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.83 48.57 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

Evolem 11,789,657 11,776,657 25,168,544 25,168,544 25,168,544 29.32 29.12 62.00 61.79 61.67 21.30 21.23 67.67 67.71 68.58<br />

Total Bruno ROUSSET<br />

(direct/indirect)<br />

25,306,564 25,293,554 25,168,554 25,168,554 25,168,554 62.93 62.55 62.00 61.79 61.67 70.15 69.80 67.67 67.71 68.58<br />

Xavier COQUARD 824,396 749,396 420,016 420,016 113,323 2.05 1.85 1.03 1.03 0.28 2.98 2.70 1.63 1.63 0.43<br />

Employees and other<br />

registered shareholders<br />

Générali Vie (formerly<br />

Fédération Continentale)<br />

239,754 180,444 110,888 111,290 110,101 0.60 0.45 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.43 0.46 0.33 0.31 0.32<br />

400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 1.45 1.44 1.55 1.55 1.53<br />

Hannover Re 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 1.45 1.44 1.55 1.55 1.53<br />

Treasury shares 13,084 11,120 12,090 171,575 155,067 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.42 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

Public (*) 13,032,572 13,401,199 14,080,435 14,060,513 14,463,587 32.41 33.14 34.69 34.52 35.44 23.54 24.16 27.27 27.25 27.61<br />

Total 40,216,370 40,435,713 40,591,983 40,731,948 40,810,632 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00<br />

(*) The number of shareholders was identified through a TPI survey (Titres au Porteurs Identifiables) conducted by EUROCLEAR for APRIL GROUP.<br />

2002: approximately 6,500 shareholders<br />

2003: approximately 7,000 shareholders<br />

2004: approximately 6,400 shareholders<br />

2005: approximately 6,900 shareholders<br />

2006: approximately 6,947 shareholders<br />

<strong>2007</strong>:approximately 10,310 shareholders<br />

To the best of the Company’s knowledge, since 2006, FMR Corp. and Fidelity Investment International, on behalf of mutual funds managed by their subsidiaries, have owned more than 5% of<br />

the share capital and voting rights. To the best of the company’s knowledge, there are no shareholder agreements in force relating to the company’s shares.<br />

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2.0<br />

General information on the company and its share capital<br />

2.4. Market for company financial instruments<br />

The APRIL GROUP share is listed on the Paris stock exchange<br />

(Compartment A) and has been included in the SBF 120 index<br />

since November 2003.<br />

Share price trends – <strong>April</strong> <strong>2007</strong> to March 2008<br />

50<br />

Month's high<br />

Month's low<br />

Monthly average<br />

45<br />

Volume in thousand of shares<br />

4,000<br />

3,000<br />

2,000<br />

1,000<br />

Monthly volum<br />

40<br />

35<br />

0<br />

Jan<br />

07<br />

Feb<br />

07<br />

Mar<br />

07<br />

Apr<br />

07<br />

May<br />

07<br />

Jun<br />

07<br />

Jul<br />

07<br />

Aug<br />

07<br />

Sep<br />

07<br />

Oct<br />

07<br />

Nov<br />

07<br />

Dec<br />

07<br />

Jan<br />

08<br />

Feb<br />

08<br />

Mar<br />

08<br />

30<br />

Apr 07 May 07 Jun 07 Jul 07 Aug 07 Sep 07 Oct 07 Nov 07 Dec 07 Jan 08 Feb 08 Mar 08<br />

2.5. Dividends<br />

Since it was listed, APRIL GROUP has chosen to pay its shareholders a dividend representing around 25% of its net income.<br />

Dividend payment over the last nine years:<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999<br />

Net dividend 0.44* 0.40* 0.33* 0.22* 0.15 0.48 0.16 0.122 0.095<br />

Tax credit - - - - 0.075 0.24 0.08 0.061 0.0475<br />

The 2006 dividend payment presented in this table was proposed<br />

by the Board of Directors on February 28 th , 2008. It<br />

will be submitted for approval at the General Meeting on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2008.<br />

Gross income 0.44 0.40 0.33 0.22 0.225 0.72 0.24 0.183 0.1425 (*) This income is eligible for the 40% rebate set out under Article 158-3-2 of the<br />

general French tax code.<br />

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3.0 Information 3.0<br />

on the company’s activities<br />

on the company’s activities<br />

Information<br />

3.1. Presentation of the company and the Group<br />

3.1.1. Key dates<br />

DATES Events 1988/<strong>2007</strong><br />

DATES Events 1988/<strong>2007</strong><br />

1988<br />

1990<br />

Creation of APRIL (complementary health, death,<br />

accident)<br />

Launch of a small and medium-size company<br />

group insurance business<br />

1998<br />

Acquisition of CETIM<br />

Creation of AXERGY<br />

Launch of INTRAPRIL (extranet)<br />

APRIL joins the SBF 250<br />

1992 Launch of savings products<br />

1993<br />

First sales force in the field<br />

Implementation of NOEMIE for immediate<br />

reimbursement of health expenses<br />

1999<br />

Creation of ATELINA<br />

Acquisition of GMP Gestion<br />

Acquisition of AIPS<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

Creation of third-party management business,<br />

which became Aglaé in 1998<br />

24-hour management<br />

Customer Satisfaction Prize<br />

ISO 9001 certification<br />

IPO (Paris Second Market) on October 23rd<br />

Acquisition of AXERIA (formerly CPA Vie)<br />

Creation of april.fr web site<br />

2000<br />

Creation of APRIL GROUP (Holding company)<br />

Creation of APRIL Spa<br />

Creation of APRIL Hispania Services<br />

Creation of AVANDIA<br />

Creation of ASSURANCIEL<br />

Creation of BE SERVICES<br />

Acquisition of IPM<br />

Acquisition of TMS/ABI<br />

Acquisition of CONTACT ASSISTANCE<br />

Acquisition of CITM<br />

Launch of Travelexpat.com portal<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

DATES Events 1988/<strong>2007</strong><br />

DATES Events 1988/<strong>2007</strong><br />

DATES Events 1988/<strong>2007</strong><br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Acquisition of IMPACT ASSURANCES<br />

Acquisition of L&E<br />

AFFLUANCE becomes a subsidiary<br />

Cristal Prize for Financial Transparency<br />

Creation of APRIL CONSEILS<br />

12-hour management at APRIL Assurances<br />

Termination of activities of BE SERVICES and<br />


Creation of ARRIMANCE (merger of GMP Gestion<br />

and CETIM)<br />

Acquisition of SFG (SOCIETE FRANÇAISE DE<br />


Acquisition of EUROPASSUR<br />

Creation of RESOLUTION in partnership with the<br />

MONCEAU Group<br />


and activities wound up<br />

Acquisition of FG&A<br />

Award for best annual report for companies<br />

outside the SBF 120<br />

Bruno ROUSSET: Grand Prize for Entrepreneurs<br />

APRIL included in the SBF 120<br />

Adoption of an administration structure with an<br />

Executive Board and Supervisory Board<br />

Acquisition of HAUSSMANN CONSEILS<br />

Acquisition of COUCHON Assurances<br />

Acquisition of RHODIA Assurances, renamed<br />


Acquisition of FORUM and CIARE<br />

Merger of AGLAE and APRIL Solutions<br />

Acquisition of CARDIF’s interest in AXERIA<br />



Merger of APRIL ServiceS and FLANDIN FINANCES<br />

Disposal of equity holdings in APIC<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

Acquisition of the remaining share in SFG<br />

Acquisition of CGCA and GI2A<br />

Acquisition of ASSURANCE JURIDIQUE<br />


Creation of ASSURTIS based on a joint venture<br />

with MEDIATIS<br />

Acquisition of the remaining shares in<br />


Acquisition of the remaining shares in FG&A<br />

Acquisition of COGEALP<br />

Acquisition of FEBS AG<br />

Creation of AS CONSEILS & AUDIT<br />

Acquisition of SASCO<br />

Acquisition of SEPCOFI and EAC<br />

Creation of HABITANCE based on a joint venture<br />

with the Guy HOCQUET network<br />

Creation of APRIL GERMANY<br />

Acquisition of the remaining shares in FORUM<br />


FLANDIN FINANCES becomes APRIL Courtage<br />

Creation of MERLE ASSURANCES and VIVIER<br />


Acquisition of the remaining shares in Assurance<br />

Juridique<br />

Acquisition of Dierrevi SpA in Italy<br />

Acquisition of AVS<br />

Acquisition of DOUDET CHARLET<br />

Acquisition of Moral Caraïbes<br />

Creation of APRIL Iberia, VILLETTE ASSURANCES,<br />

APRIL Cover, APRIL Service, APRIL Direct, APRIL<br />

Réseau, APRIL International, APRIL Projet, APRIL<br />

Partenariats, ISR Courtage, Axeria Vie, APRIL<br />

Yacht Broker di Assicurazioni, Solucia Protection<br />

Juridique.<br />

Acquisition of the remaining shares in<br />


<strong>2007</strong><br />

Acquisition of AMT Assurances<br />

New organization based around the Group’s<br />

insurance companies and four business<br />

divisions: individual personal protection,<br />

corporate (consolidation of group insurance and<br />

property and casualty), individual property and<br />

casualty, and life and savings.<br />

Creation of APRIL Marketing Solutions<br />

Creation of APRIL Cover<br />

Creation of APRIL North America and acquisition<br />

of two brokers in Quebec: ESCAPADE Assurances<br />

and Dave Rochon Assurances Inc.<br />

APRIL GROUP acquires 38.2% of ASSURDOM<br />

Gestion’s share capital<br />

New Corporate Governance scheme, with a<br />

Board of Directors chaired by Bruno Rousset,<br />

who is also CEO<br />

Creation of APRIL Corporate Broking<br />

Creation of APRIL Santé<br />

Creation of Solidaris<br />

APRIL GROUP acquires the majority of Assinco’s<br />

share capital<br />

Creation of APRIL Mediterranean Limited and<br />

Axeria Re Limited<br />

Creation of Axeria Courtage<br />

Creation of APRIL Réunion<br />

Merger of CIARE, AVS and DOUDET- CHARLET<br />

Creation of APRIL CEE Development Creation of<br />

APRIL Assurances Entreprises Creation of APRIL<br />

Solutions Entreprises<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

3.1.2. Principal activities of APRIL GROUP<br />


APRIL GROUP’s activities are split into four business divisions<br />

(Individual Personal Protection, Corporate, created through<br />

the consolidation of the group insurance and corporate<br />

property and casualty activities, Retail Property and Casualty,<br />

Life and Savings) and four insurance companies (Axeria IARD,<br />

Axeria Prévoyance, Axeria Vie and Solucia Protection Juridique)<br />

The APRIL GROUP Holding company oversees four<br />

divisions:<br />


(APRIL GROUP Individual Personal Protection)<br />

Under this brand, this division groups together all the<br />

companies designing, managing and distributing individual<br />

personal protection policies:<br />

- APRIL Assurances ;<br />

- APRIL Mobilité ;<br />

- APRIL Iberia (Spain) ;<br />

- APRIL Italia (Italy) ;<br />

- APRIL Financial Services AG (Germany) ;<br />

- APRIL Santé ;<br />

- APRIL Marketing Solutions ;<br />

- Solidaris ;<br />

- APRIL Réunion ;<br />

- TMS CONTACT.<br />


Under this brand, this division groups together all of the<br />

companies providing corporate services: group health and<br />

personal protection, property and casualty for businesses:<br />

- APRIL Cover ;<br />

- CIARE ;<br />

- Dierrevi Spa (Italy) ;<br />

- Europassur ;<br />

- SASCO ;<br />

- APRIL Corporate Broking ;<br />

- Assinco ;<br />

- APRIL Assurances Entreprises ;<br />

- Cogealp ;<br />

- Haussmann Conseils ;<br />

- SEPCOFI ;<br />

- APRIL Solutions Entreprises.<br />


(APRIL GROUP Retail Property and Casuality)<br />

Under this brand, this division groups together all the<br />

companies designing, managing and distributing property<br />

and casualty policies for individual clients:<br />

- APRIL Yacht Broker di Assicurazioni (Italy);<br />

- Habitance ;<br />

- L&E (United Kingdom) ;<br />

- APRIL Solutions ;<br />

- Easyssur ;<br />

- AMT Assurances ;<br />

- SFG ;<br />

- FGA ;<br />

- CGCA ;<br />

- GI2A ;<br />


- Assurtis ;<br />

- APRIL Premium (formerly APRIL Iard) ;<br />

- Mutant Assurances ;<br />

- ASSURDOM Gestion ;<br />

- APRIL Immobilier (formerly Résolution) ;<br />

- Moral Caraïbes ;<br />

- AMC ;<br />

- Mutassur.<br />


(APRIL GROUP Life and Savings)<br />

Under this brand, this division groups together the companies<br />

designing, managing and distributing savings policies for<br />

individual clients:<br />

- Axeria Vie ;<br />

- APRIL Patrimoine ;<br />

- ISR Courtage.<br />

APRIL GROUP Holding also oversees the following<br />

companies:<br />

- Axeria Prévoyance is a mixed insurance company<br />

specializing in personal insurance. Whatever the field<br />

concerned, it is a specialist in the design of made-tomeasure<br />

product ranges (health, personal protection, loan<br />

insurance) and risk management,<br />

- Axeria Iard (formerly Rhodia Assurances) is an insurance<br />

company specializing in property and casualty insurance,<br />

- Solucia Protection Juridique is an insurance company<br />

specializing in legal protection;<br />

- APRIL CEE Development develops and distributes insurance<br />

products for countries in Central and Eastern Europe;<br />

- APRIL North America is a holding structure overseeing two<br />

Canadian brokers.<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

The Group also has a number of transversal economic<br />

interest groups:<br />

- GIE APRIL Technologies is an IT service provider specializing<br />

in dedicated IT systems for insurance;<br />

- GIE La Maison Commune;<br />

- GIE APRIL Courtage;<br />

- GIE MicroReso;<br />

- GIE APRIL Services;<br />

- GIE Axeria Courtage;<br />

APRIL GROUP is an insurance solutions architect, designing<br />

products with risk to be covered by third-party insurers.<br />

These policies will be distributed to the end client (individual<br />

or group) by independent distribution channels.<br />

As an architect of insurance services, APRIL GROUP designs<br />

and implements solutions for its partner distributors<br />

combining clear insurance offerings, rapid management<br />

and high-quality relations with policyholder clients, enabling<br />

distributors to stand out from the competition and build<br />

client loyalty.<br />

This is where APRIL GROUP’s model continues to be original<br />

on the insurance market, without any comparable rivals.<br />

Group companies are subject to changes in social and tax<br />

regulations in the sector for insurance and savings products.<br />

3.1.3 Consolidated financial highlights<br />

In thousand euros<br />

2004<br />

2004<br />

2005<br />

2006<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

CRC<br />

IFRS<br />

IFRS<br />

IFRS<br />

IFRS<br />

Revenues 339,030 335,175 445,214 520,400 604,183<br />

EBIT 51,863 60,507 83,559 96,913 104,441<br />

% of revenues 15.30% 18.05% 18.77% 18.62% 17.29%<br />

Pre-tax income before exceptional items 60,646 58,458* 80,553* 96,717* 104,505*<br />

% of revenues 17.89% 17.44% 18.09% 18.59% 17.30%<br />

Consolidated net income (group share) before amortization of goodwill 37,543 N/A N/A N/A N/A<br />

% of revenues 11.07%<br />

Consolidated net income (group share) after amortization of goodwill 34,166 35,726 53,836 65,074 72,111<br />

% of revenues 10.08% 10.66% 12.09% 12.50% 11.94%<br />

Cash-flow 60,026 60,108 67,630 86,518 114,171<br />

% of revenues 17.71% 17.93% 15.19% 16.63% 18.90%<br />

Shareholders’ equity (group share) 136,663 142,210 195,743 242,073 294,392<br />

NET CASH ASSETS 125,680 125,488 139,773 161,225 167,392<br />

* Of which, change in goodwill on acquisitions: -1,646 thousand euros in 2004, -2,641 thousand euros in 2005, -52 thousand euros in 2006 and 26 thousand euros in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

3.1.4. Breakdown of revenues at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

In thousand euros Savings Health and personal protection Property and casulaty Others Inter-company write-offs Total<br />

REVENUES 16,936 394,139 218,292 -25,184 604,183<br />

Of which France 16,936 379,565 201,871 -25,184 573,188<br />

Outside of France 14,574 16,421 30,995<br />

Income from ordinary operations 20,322 414,757 227,521 7,462 -32,180 637,882<br />

Operating income -565 92,984 19,621 -7,395 104,645<br />

Of which France -565 92,595 17,344 -7,334 102,040<br />

Outside of France 389 2,277 -61 2,605<br />

NET INCOME -978 56,194 14,886 2,009 72,111<br />

In thousand euros Savings Health and personal protection Property and casulaty Others Inter-company write-offs Total<br />

Premiums 5,054 138,341 95,437 -23,269 215,563<br />

Commissions 11,882 250,440 102,672 -363 364,631<br />

Services 5,358 20,183 -1,553 23,989<br />

REVENUES 16,936 394,139 218,292 -25,184 604,183<br />

3.1.5. Real estate<br />

N/A<br />

3.1.6. Maning activites<br />

N/A<br />

3.1.7. Exceptional events<br />

N/A<br />

3.2. Dependences in respect of patents and<br />

licenses<br />

N/A<br />

3.3. Company workforce<br />

Change in total workforce 2002-<strong>2007</strong>:<br />

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

963 914 1,103 1,814 1,959 2,446<br />

<strong>2007</strong> HR data:<br />

Breakdown by gender:<br />

- 69% women<br />

- 31% men<br />

Breakdown by age group:<br />

- 20/30 years old : 30%<br />

- 31/40 years old : 42%<br />

- Over 40 years old : 28%<br />

Average age: 35 years old<br />

Seniority in a Group company: 5 years<br />

Status:<br />

- Executives, managers, managers equivalents: 35 %<br />

- Non-management: 65 %<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP further strengthened its management<br />

rate (31% in 2006), although this rate is still lower than for<br />

the industry in general. This is primarily due to the Group’s<br />

organization and relatively flat structure.<br />

Breakdown by activity:<br />

- Health and personal protection: 42%<br />

- Property and casualty insurance: 52%<br />

- Savings: 2%<br />

- Other: 4%<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

Breakdown by region:<br />

- Rhône-Alpes: 57%<br />

- Ile de France: 13%<br />

- Other regions: 15%<br />

- DOM (overseas departments): 10%<br />

- International: 5%<br />

3.4. Investment policy<br />

At the same time, external growth represents a key part of<br />

the Group’s strategy and the implementation of its mediumterm<br />

plan, targeting:<br />

The diversification of the portfolio of activities,<br />

The expansion of the value chain,<br />

The entrance on to new forms of distribution,<br />

The acquisition of complementary expertise,<br />

The development of the geographical scope, both in France<br />

and internationally.<br />

APRIL GROUP’s development is driven by both organic and<br />

external growth.<br />

The Group’s human capital lies at the heart of its organic<br />

growth. In this way, a dynamic investment policy is being<br />

rolled out on the men and women making up its teams,<br />

with:<br />

their professional and personal development through<br />

training, participation in cross-business projects and APRIL<br />

University,<br />

the recruitment drive seen in <strong>2007</strong> aiming to strengthen<br />

key functions and enrich the range of personalities and<br />

expertise available,<br />

moves to associate staff with the creation of value through<br />

profit-sharing agreements.<br />

20<br />

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Legal structure at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />




100%<br />

APRIL Mediterranean Ltd<br />

GIE APRIL Prestations<br />



100%<br />

100%<br />

84%<br />

100%<br />

70%<br />

82.7%<br />

100%<br />

97.38%<br />

80%<br />

99.86%<br />

59.4%<br />

APRIL Assurances<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

99%<br />

APRIL Assurances<br />

Entreprises<br />

APRIL<br />

Technologies<br />

APRIL Conseils<br />

APRIL Financial Services<br />

APRIL Germany<br />



100%<br />


AHM<br />

APRIL Réunion<br />



TMS Contact<br />

Moral Caraïvbes<br />

100%<br />



75%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

70%<br />

AMT Assurances<br />

APRIL Immobilier<br />

APRIL Premium<br />

APRIL Yaght Broker<br />

di Assicurazioni<br />

38.2%<br />

ASSURDOM gestion<br />

55%<br />

90.7%<br />

76.6%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

75%<br />

50%<br />


CGCA (*)<br />

GI2A (*)<br />

Easyssur<br />

FG&A<br />

France Plaisance<br />

Assurance<br />

Habitance<br />

Mutant Assurances<br />




APRIL Corporate Broking<br />

APRIL Cover<br />

APRIL Solutions<br />

Entreprises<br />

CIARE (*)<br />

AS Conseil<br />

et Audit<br />


Groupe ASSINCO<br />

HAUSSMAN Conseils<br />

SASCO (*)<br />

SEPCOFI (*)<br />

100% 100%<br />

100%<br />

L&E Title group<br />

APRIL Marketing Solutions<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100% 100% 69,9%<br />

Mutassur<br />

Assurances<br />

Microreso<br />

(GIE)<br />

95.1%<br />

70%<br />

100%<br />

64%<br />

66%<br />

80%<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

80%<br />

63.7%<br />

63.8%<br />

100%<br />

49%<br />

50%<br />


Europassur<br />

Aris<br />

APRIL Solutions<br />

100%<br />


100%<br />

Axeria Vie<br />

100%<br />

APRIL Patrimoine<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

ISR Courtage<br />

LETIS (UK)<br />

LE Italie<br />

LE Spain<br />

LETIP France<br />

LE Jersey<br />

CSF<br />

APRIL North America<br />

100%<br />

60%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

Dave Rochon<br />

Dave Rochon<br />

Insurance<br />

Service Inc.<br />

D&L<br />

Underwriting<br />

Managers Ltd.<br />

Escapade<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

APRIL Alpha<br />

APRIL Delta<br />

APRIL Gamma<br />

APRIL<br />

Kappa<br />

APRIL Omega<br />

APRIL Sigma<br />

Forum<br />

Finances<br />

(*) The remaining capital of those companies is held<br />

by Axeria Iard and Axeria Prévoyance<br />


(APRIL GROUP Individual Personal Protection)<br />


(APRIL GROUP Retail Property and Casualty)<br />


Axeria Prévoyance<br />

Axeria IARD<br />

Axeria Insurance Company<br />


APRIL GROUP VIE ÉPARGNE Division (APRIL GROUP Life and Savings)<br />

Insurance company<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

Company based on the North American Continent<br />

Axeria Re Ltd<br />

APRIL CEE Developpement<br />

(Hungary)<br />

Axeria Courtage<br />

100 %<br />

AMC<br />

100%<br />

SFG<br />

100%<br />

ARPI (SCI)<br />

Company located outside of France<br />

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Information on the company’s activities<br />

3.4.1.Description of main investments<br /> In <strong>2007</strong><br />

AMT Assurances<br />


and Casualty) acquired a 75% stake in AMT Assurances, a<br />

wholesale broker specialized in designing, managing and<br />

distributing motorcycle insurance policies.<br />

Axeria Vie<br />

AXERIA Vie (Life and Savings) was accredited by the French<br />

Insurance regulator (Comité des Entreprises d’Assurance)<br />

on January 17 th , <strong>2007</strong>. This company, fully-owned by<br />


development of its life insurance activities.<br />

ISR Courtage<br />

ISR Courtage, a dedicated brokerage structure for distributing<br />

socially responsible investments online, began trading in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Febs (now APRIL Financial Services AG)<br />


Protection) bought out the 10% stake held by minority<br />

shareholders in APRIL Financial Services AG on February<br />

19 th , <strong>2007</strong>, taking its interest in this company’s capital up<br />

to 84%.<br />

APRIL Germany<br />


Protection) bought out the 20% stake held by minority<br />

shareholders in APRIL Germany on May 16 th , <strong>2007</strong>, taking its<br />

interest in this company’s capital up to 100%.<br />

APRIL North America<br />

APRIL GROUP, through its specially created subsidiary APRIL<br />

NORTH AMERICA, acquired the Canadian brokerage firms Dave<br />

Rochon Assurances Inc., on June 8 th , <strong>2007</strong>, and ESCAPADE<br />

Assurances Voyages, on June 11 th , <strong>2007</strong>. ESCAPADE<br />

Assurances Voyages, based in Sainte Croix, is specialized in<br />

travel insurance products for retail customers. Dave Rochon<br />

Assurances Inc., based in Montreal, is a wholesale broker<br />

specialized in heightened risks on retail and corporate<br />

property and casualty insurance.<br />

ASSURDOM Gestion<br />


Protection) acquired a 38.2% stake in the Reunion-based<br />

ASSURDOM Gestion on June 22 nd , <strong>2007</strong>. ASSURDOM Gestion<br />

is a wholesale broker specializing in property and casualty risks,<br />

primarily for retail customers<br />

Assinco<br />

APRIL GROUP CORPORATE acquired an 80% stake in Assinco on<br />

November 7 th , <strong>2007</strong>. Assinco is an insurance brokerage firm,<br />

operating directly or through its 16 subsidiaries, on personal<br />

insurance, property and casualty insurance for goods and<br />

credit insurance, for businesses and individuals on mainland<br />

France and in French overseas departments and territories.<br />

APRIL Cover<br />

APRIL Cover, set up in 2006, began trading in <strong>2007</strong>. This<br />

company provides small and medium-sized businesses with<br />

access to the entire range of tools required for managing<br />

their customer positions in order to prevent and manage<br />

non-payment risks: prevention, compensation, collection<br />

management, optimization of financing.<br />

Solidaris<br />

Since <strong>2007</strong>, Solidaris, previously APRIL Partenariats, has<br />

been developing non-discriminating insurance solutions and<br />

services for legal protection, supplementary health and loan<br />

insurance for the homosexual community.<br />

APRIL Réunion<br />

APRIL Réunion, previously APRIL Distribution, began trading<br />

in <strong>2007</strong> on Reunion. The company is focused primarily on<br />

individual personal protection and health.<br />

APRIL CEE Development<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP created APRIL CEE Development, a<br />

Budapest-based brokerage company, in order to develop its<br />

business in Hungary.<br />

APRIL Mediterranean Ltd and Axeria Re Ltd<br />

Through its subsidiary APRIL Mediterranean Ltd (regional<br />

holding company), APRIL GROUP created Axeria Re Ltd on<br />

December 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>. Axeria Re Ltd is a reinsurance company<br />

based in Malta.<br />

APRIL Santé<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP launched the business for APRIL Santé,<br />

with a network of points of sale and spaces for advice on<br />

family health insurance.<br />

APRIL Corporate Broking<br />

Previously APRIL International, it launched its activity to<br />

design, integrate and manage P&C insurance solutions<br />

for businesses, offered through a network of brokers and<br />

insurance agents.<br />

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Information on the company’s activities<br /> In 2006<br />

Assurance Juridique (now Mutant Assurances)<br />

On February 16 th , 2006, APRIL GROUP acquired a further 25%<br />

stake in Assurance Juridique, giving it full ownership of this<br />

company.<br />

Dierrevi SPA<br />

On May 11th, 2006, APRIL DÉVELOPPEMENT (now APRIL<br />

GROUP DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS) acquired an 80% stake in<br />

Dierrevi SPA, a brokerage company specializing in the design<br />

and marketing of vehicle fleet insurance policies in Italy.<br />

APRIL Iberia<br />

APRIL Iberia, set up on May 31st, 2006, launched its business<br />

to design, manage and provide sales support for insurance<br />

programs for independent advisers and insurers in Spain at<br />

the end of December 2006.<br />


On June 27th, 2006, APRIL DEVELOPPEMENT (now APRIL<br />

GROUP DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS) acquired a 100% stake in<br />

DOUDET CHARLET, a brokerage company operating primarily<br />

on industrial risks (property and casualty and civil liability).<br />

AVS<br />

On July 3rd, 2006, APRIL CORPORATE (now APRIL GROUP<br />

CORPORATE) acquired a 100% stake in AVS, a brokerage<br />

company operating primarily on industrial risks (property and<br />

casualty and civil liability).<br />

Moral Caraïbes<br />

On July 20 th , 2006, APRIL COURTAGE (now APRIL GROUP<br />

PRÉVOYANCE INDIVIDUELLE) acquired a 59.4% stake in Moral<br />

Caraïbes, a wholesale broker specializing in the design,<br />

management and distribution of individual property and<br />

casualty insurance policies. This company owns 100% of<br />

AMC.<br />

Solucia Protection Juridique<br />

Solucia Protection Juridique was accredited by the French<br />

Insurance regulator (Comité des Entreprises d’Assurance)<br />

on October 20 th , 2006. This company designs and manages<br />

legal protection policies.<br />

Europassur<br />

On November 30 th , 2006, APRIL CORPORATE (now APRIL<br />

GROUP CORPORATE) acquired a further 25% stake in<br />

Europassur, giving it full ownership of this company.<br /> In 2005<br />

SFG<br />

SFG’s remaining capital was acquired on January 1 st , 2005.<br />

CGCA/GI2A<br />

On January 7 th , 2005, APRIL Assurances acquired 100% of<br />

the capital of CGCA and GI2A, two companies specialized in<br />

the design and management of niche products for personal<br />

property and casualty insurance. CGCA also has a 100% interest<br />

in ACI. ACI, CGCA and GI2A together own 100% of GIE AGIR.<br />

Assurance Juridique (now Mutant Assurances)<br />

In March 2005, APRIL GROUP acquired a 75% stake in the<br />

capital of Assurance Juridique and its 13 subsidiaries. This<br />

insurance company designs, manages and markets legal<br />

protection and property and casualty insurance products.<br />


On <strong>April</strong> 22 nd , 2005, APRIL DÉVELOPPEMENT (now APRIL<br />

GROUP DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS) acquired a 75% interest<br />

in FRANCE PLAISANCE ASSURANCE. This brokerage company<br />

specializes in designing and managing comprehensive<br />

insurance policies for pleasure cruisers.<br />

Assurtis<br />


PARTICULIERS) and LASER, through its subsidiary MEDIATIS,<br />

specialized in direct credit sales, joined forces to create<br />

Assurtis on June 1st, 2005. This company is 55%-owned<br />


by MEDIATIS. Through a network of franchised outlets,<br />

Assurtis distributes consumer credit products (renewable<br />

and redeemable personal loans, debt consolidation) and<br />

insurance policies (automobile, household, health, etc.).<br />

Résolution<br />

Résolution’s remaining capital was acquired between June<br />

30 th , 2005 and December 15th, 2005. Résolution became<br />

APRIL Immobilier in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

FG&A<br />

FG&A’s remaining capital was acquired on June 30 th , 2005.<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

Cogealp<br />

On July 1 st , 2005, APRIL GROUP acquired a 66% interest<br />

in Cogealp, a brokerage specializing in the design and<br />

management of group health and personal protection<br />

insurance policies for businesses, trading under the ALP<br />

brand.<br />

Febs (now APRIL Financial Services AG)<br />

On July 6 th , 2005, APRIL Assurances acquired 74% of Febs<br />

AG’s capital. This company, based in Munich (Germany),<br />

specializes in the design and management of insurance<br />

policies for consumer credits, notably car loans<br />

APRIL Germany<br />

On December 12 th , 2005, APRIL COURTAGE (now APRIL<br />


APRIL Germany. 80%-owned by APRIL COURTAGE and 20% by<br />

GO LIFE, this company aims to develop a business designing,<br />

managing and providing sales assistance for insurance<br />

programs through a network of independent insurers and<br />

advisers in Germany.<br />

FORUM Assurances<br />

FORUM Assurances’ remaining capital was acquired on<br />

December 15 th , 2005.<br />

Axeria Iard<br />

APRIL GROUP acquired 100% of RHODIA ASSURANCES on<br />

July 8 th , 2004. This insurance company, which was renamed<br />

Axeria Iard, focuses primarily on property and casualty and<br />

other risks: automobile (private vehicles, long-term rentals<br />

and fleets), comprehensive home and contents (individuals<br />

and buildings) and professional risks.<br />

Axeria Prévoyance<br />

On December 31 st , 2004, APRIL GROUP acquired the CARDIF<br />

group’s 35% stake in Axeria Prévoyance. APRIL GROUP now<br />

owns 100% of the company’s capital.<br />

SASCO<br />

On September 7 th , 2005, APRIL DÉVELOPPEMENT (now<br />


the capital of SASCO. This brokerage firm is specialized in the<br />

design and management of insurance policies for small and<br />

medium-sized businesses, notably on property and casualty<br />

insurance.<br />


On September 26 th , 2006, APRIL SOLUTIONS acquired a<br />

100% interest in the brokerage firms SEPCOFI and EAC, based<br />

respectively in Lyons and Paris. These companies specialize<br />

in providing advisory services and designing group social<br />

protection and insurance programs for staff in businesses<br />

Habitance<br />

On October 5 th , 2005, APRIL Assurances and GUY HOCQUET<br />

(independent estate agent group) set up Habitance, a 50-50<br />

jointly owned brokerage firm specializing in providing insurance<br />

solutions for estate agents from the GUY HOCQUET network.<br /> In 2004<br />

CIARE SA<br />




SA and its wholly-owned subsidiary CIARE INVESTISSEMENT<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 1 st , 2004.<br />

This company is specialized in corporate property and<br />

casualty insurance, designing and managing tailor-made<br />

offerings for industrial and construction risks. It is based in<br />

Lyons and Saint-Etienne.<br />

FORUM Assurances<br />


PARTICULIERS) acquired a 90% interest in FORUM Assurances<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 1 st , 2004. This brokerage company specializes in<br />

niche P&C insurance markets for small and medium-sized<br />

businesses, top-end vehicles and comprehensive cover for<br />

buildings and offices. It is based in Lyons.<br /> In 2003<br />

CITM<br />

APRIL GROUP sold off its entire stake in CITM on March 5th, 2003.<br />

FG&A<br />

APRIL GROUP acquired 60% of Finance Groupements &<br />

Assurances (FG&A) on <strong>April</strong> 1 st 2003. This company is<br />

specialized in the design and distribution of corporate risk<br />

and civil liability insurance programs.<br />

CSF (Cabinet Serge Fisnot)<br />


acquired an 80% stake in CABINET SERGE FISNOT on July 1 st ,<br />

2003.<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

Haussmann Conseils<br />

APRIL GROUP completed the acquisition of 80% of<br />

Haussmann Conseils on October 1 st , 2003. This company<br />

designs group programs for personal health and personal<br />

protection insurance.<br />

COUCHON Assurances<br />

APRIL GROUP acquired 100% of COUCHON Assurances on<br />

December 23 rd , 2003. This company specializes in the design<br />

and management of P&C insurance policies for individuals.<br />


APRIL GROUP acquired 100% of FORUM FINANCE on<br />

October 1 st , 2003. Until this point, the Group had owned a<br />

59.58% interest in FORUM FINANCES.<br />

3.4.2. Investments underway<br />

The Company is constantly looking into opportunities for<br />

investments.<br />

3.4.3. Future investments<br />

The Company is constantly looking into opportunities for<br />

investments.<br />

3.5. Management report<br />

See the Executive Board’s management report on page 50<br />

and following<br />

3.6. Issuer risk: risk management at APRIL<br />

GROUP<br />

3.6.1. Identification of risk factors<br />

The Risk Manager is responsible for the overall management<br />

of risks within the Group. Within this framework, the risk<br />

manager has been tasked to identify the main risk factors<br />

defined in the APRIL GROUP risk repository: financial risks,<br />

risks relating to businesses and insurance operations,<br />

operational risks, accounting risks, strategic risks and legal<br />

non-compliance risks.<br />

He is also responsible for identifying new risks based on the<br />

information available or exchanges with risk or insurance<br />

professionals, and members of the Sustainable Development<br />

Committee.<br />

Lastly, he works with the findings and recommendations set<br />

out by the internal audit manager in connection with their<br />

audit assignments and the assignments carried out by other<br />

players, including financial controllers, business division<br />

auditors, Statutory Auditors, etc.<br />

The risk manager informs and advises the Group Committee,<br />

and reports on this mission to the Sustainable Development<br />

Committee.<br />

Each type of risk is subject to an in-depth review, with a risk<br />

map and action plan drawn up for each company, aimed at<br />

eliminating, transferring or reducing the residual risk. The<br />

company’s managers are responsible for implementing the<br />

action plan defined in connection with the audits or mapping<br />

processes, formally reporting at least once a year during<br />

June’s Strategic Committee meeting<br />

At the same time, the Group internal audit manager ensures<br />

the coherency and efficiency of internal control within Group<br />

companies. He coordinates and controls the activities of all<br />

the Group’s internal audit players.<br />

An annual audit plan is drawn up, factoring in exposure to<br />

risks in the various Group companies. This plan concerns all<br />

the companies in the Group.<br />

The plan for Year N is validated at the end of Year N-1 by<br />

the Group Committee. It is formally reviewed and presented<br />

to the Sustainable Development Committee twice a year for<br />

follow-up. It may also be updated as and when necessary<br />

according to the priorities identified over the course of the<br />

year. Several types of mission are carried out: cross-business<br />

and optimization missions, specific audit and control missions,<br />

follow-up missions for companies recently incorporated into<br />

the Group, and follow-up missions on previous audits. These<br />

missions are performed based on a set of standards that all<br />

Group company managers are familiar with: the internal audit<br />

charter.<br />

A written report is drafted along with a synopsis of the<br />

recommendations issued further to all such missions.<br />

Recommendations are classified into 3 categories: high risk,<br />

moderate risk, low risk. For each recommendation, a deadline<br />

is set and a manager appointed.<br />

The application of recommendations is monitored through<br />

follow-up missions during which progress made against the<br />

planned deadlines and recommendations is checked.<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, 12 internal audit missions were carried out in 8<br />

Group companies, notably covering the following issues:<br />

intellectual protection within the Group, review of insurance<br />

policies, application of the French law on intermediation, preclosing<br />

process, compensation and IT risks. In addition, two<br />

integration follow-up audits were carried out on companies<br />

that joined the Group in 2005.<br />

All of this work aims to consolidate the internal control<br />

process within Group companies.<br />

representing 1,524 thousand euros, 10,703 thousand euros<br />

in various bank borrowings, 2,294 thousand euros in credit<br />

current accounts and 15,118 thousand euros in financial<br />

liabilities resulting from commitments to buy out minority<br />

interests.<br />

The Group’s cash-flow, excluding current bank borrowings, is<br />

invested in full in short-term financial investments (96,568<br />

thousand euros at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>) through a dedicated<br />

“monetary equivalent” UCITS (APRIL Trésorerie).<br />

3.6.2. Market risk (interest rate, foreign exchange,<br />

equity, credit)<br /> Link between the business and the risks<br />

identified<br />

APRIL GROUP’s business is based around two key areas with<br />

significantly different approaches to market risks: brokerage,<br />

which does not expose the Group to market risks, and<br />

insurance companies, for which market risk management<br />

represents one of their core businesses.<br />

Brokerage<br />

Through its activity and financial model, where cash-flow<br />

generates a negative working capital requirement, the<br />

brokerage business enables the Group to achieve a very low<br />

level of debt (total financial liabilities of only 30,305 thousand<br />

euros on the consolidated balance sheet) and a very high<br />

level of liquidity (177,718 thousand euros in net cash and<br />

cash equivalents on the consolidated balance sheet).<br />

The Group’s financial debt comprises a subordinated loan<br />

Insurance companies<br />

One of the basic functions of the insurance business involves<br />

investing premiums received from clients with a view to<br />

settling any future claims.<br />

Asset management, i.e. the choice of asset class and<br />

securities, is therefore a crucial element of Insurance<br />

companies business. In order to improve performance levels,<br />

the financial management of the Group’s insurance portfolios<br />

is delegated to a qualified external service provider.<br />

The management of assets and liabilities makes it possible<br />

to maximize the match between the rate of future payments<br />

and the investment of these premiums in various categories<br />

of assets.<br /> Risk assessment<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP, through its<br />

insurance subsidiaries (mainly Axeria Prévoyance and<br />

Axeria Iard), had a portfolio of financial investments worth some<br />

309,797 thousand euros, with the following breakdown:<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

In thousand euros Market value % Historical cost<br />

Unrealized capital gains<br />

or losses<br />

Bonds 178,366 58% 183,158 -4,792<br />

Bond UCITS 0 0% 0 0<br />

TOTAL BONDS 178,366 58% 183,158 -4,792<br />

Equities 0 0% 0 0<br />

Foreign exchange risk<br />

All of APRIL GROUP’s portfolio is invested in euros, but there<br />

may be an indirect foreign exchange risk on account of the<br />

underlying resources (notably equity UCITS). The following<br />

table presents the portfolio’s exposure to currency market<br />

risks as at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>:<br />

Equity UCITS 51,500 17% 41,654 9,847<br />

TOTAL EQUITIES 51,500 17% 41,654 9,847<br />

Other 25,760 8% 24,729 1,031<br />

Monetary 54,171 17% 53,683 488<br />

TOTAL PORTFOLIO 309,797 100% 303,224 6,573<br />

Of which Axeria Prévoyance 181,848 59% 171,933 9,914<br />

Of which Axeria Iard 61,272 20% 57,900 3,372<br />

Of which other companies 66,677 22% 73,391 -6,713<br />



(In thousand euros)<br />

Total %<br />

Financial assets denominated in EUR 305,954 98.8%<br />

Financial assets denominated in GBP 2,411 0.8%<br />

Financial assets denominated in USD<br />

Financial assets denominated in<br />

other currencies<br />

1,432 0.5%<br />

Liquidity risk<br />

On account of the Group’s asset-liability management<br />

approach, this risk is not significant.<br />

Equity risk<br />

The Group’s insurance companies have invested 17% of their<br />

portfolios on the equities market, while the French insurance<br />

and mutual supervisory authority (Autorité de Contrôle<br />

des Assurances et des Mutuelles) sets the limit at 65% of<br />

regulated assets. The companies have therefore a highly<br />

cautious approach in relation to regulatory environment.<br />

Investments are made exclusively through UCITS, enabling a<br />

satisfactory distribution of risks.<br />

These UCITS are based on shares from various sectors –<br />

banking, insurance, mass retail, cosmetics, industry, etc. –<br />

primarily covering Europe, including France, as well as Japan<br />

on an ancillary basis.<br />

The following table presents a detailed breakdown of the<br />

portfolio’s equity risk exposure by region at December 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong>:<br />


(In thousand euros)<br />

TOTAL PORTFOLIO 309,797 100%<br />

Europe USA Other regions Total<br />

Equities<br />

Equity UCITS 49,328 2,172 51,500<br />

TOTAL PORTEFOLIO 49,328 2,172 51,500<br />

% 95.8 % 4.2 % 100.0 %<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

Interest rate risk<br />

APRIL GROUP’s portfolio is made up primarily of bonds. As<br />

such, it is exposed to an interest rate risk. More specifically,<br />

this concerns a fair value impairment risk for fixed-rate bonds<br />

and a cash-flow risk on coupons for variable-rate bonds.<br />

The table opposite presents the portfolio’s interest rate risk<br />

exposure at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> by maturity:<br />


(In thousand euros)<br />

< 1 year<br />

< 2<br />

years<br />

< 3<br />

years<br />

< 4<br />

years<br />

< 5<br />

years<br />

> 5<br />

years<br />

Bonds exposed to fair value risk 28,268 19,881 12,073 24,567 10,175 45,753 140,717<br />

Bond UCITS exposed to fair value risk<br />

Derivative assets exposed to fair value risk<br />

Other financial assets exposed to fair value risk<br />

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS EXPOSED TO FAIR VALUE RISK 28,268 19,881 12,073 24,567 10,175 45,753 140,717<br />

Total<br />

Bonds exposed to cash-flow risk 2,628 1,378 5,447 2,974 25,222 37,649<br />

Bond UCITS exposed to cash-flow risk<br />

Derivative assets exposed to cash-flow risk<br />

Other financial assets exposed to cash-flow risk<br />

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS EXPOSED TO CASH-FLOW RISK 2,628 1,378 5,447 2,974 25,222 37,649<br />

TOTAL PORTFOLIO 30,896 21,259 12,073 30,014 13,149 70,975 178,366<br />

% 17.3% 11.9% 6.8% 16.8% 7.4% 39.8% 100.0%<br />

Credit risk<br />

APRIL GROUP is exposed to a credit risk through the issuers<br />

of bonds held in its portfolio. However, this risk is limited<br />

thanks to the stringent selection of issuers (over 90% of<br />

issuers for bond assets are rated at least A by Standard &<br />

Poor’s).<br />

The table opposite presents a breakdown of the bond<br />

portfolio at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> by issuer rating:<br />


(In thousand euros)<br />

N.D. AAA AA A+ to A-<br />

BBB+<br />

to BBB-<br />

< BBB- Total<br />

Bonds exposed to credit risk 1,003 78,913 28 766 53,718 15,966 178,366<br />

Bonds UCITS exposed to credit risk<br />

TOTAL BOND PORTFOLIO 1,003 78,913 28,766 53,718 15,966 178,366<br />

% 0.6% 44.2% 16.1% 30.1% 9.0% 100.0%<br />

(1) Standard & Poors rating (long-term)<br />

28<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

Furthermore, APRIL GROUP’s portfolios do not include any CDO or other securitization vehicles.<br />

APRIL GROUP is also subject to a credit risk through reinsurers, to which companies transfer part of the risks on their insurance<br />

policies. The Group only works with a restricted number of reinsurers whose solvency is recognized: over 75% of reinsurance<br />

transfers are carried out with reinsurers that are rated at least A by Standard & Poor’s.<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, the breakdown of reinsured premiums by reinsurer rating was as follows:<br /> Follow-up procedures and resources in place<br />

With a view to improving performance and building up a<br />

clearer picture of market risks, the asset management<br />

activities of insurance companies are delegated to a<br />

specialized management company, accredited by the French<br />

securities regulator (Autorité des Marchés Financiers, AMF).<br />


RATING (%)<br />

N.D. AAA AA<br />

A+ to<br />

A-<br />

BBB+<br />

to BBB-<br />

% of premiums ceded 22.7% 1.3% 52.6% 23.0% 0.4% 100.0%<br />

< BBB<br />

Total<br />

Under this delegation, limits are set in terms of the<br />

percentage of the portfolio that may be invested on various<br />

bond and equity resources (dispersion ratios, influence<br />

ratios, restrictions in terms of issuer ratings, etc.).<br />

Sensivity of the securities portfolio<br />

Fixed-income markets:<br />

On a regular basis, i.e. every quarter, a report presenting<br />

the sensitivity of the portfolio and liabilities to changes in<br />

interest rates is submitted to the supervisory authorities.<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, the average sensitivity of APRIL<br />

GROUP’s bond portfolio to changes in interest rates came<br />

out at 2.79 (2.40 at December 31 st , 2006) and if we factor in<br />

the entire portfolio (including equities and other assets), this<br />

drops to 1.61 (1.56 at December 31 st , 2006).<br />

This means that if interest rates go up by 1% in absolute<br />

value (e.g. if they rise from 4% to 5%), the bond portfolio’s<br />

value will decrease by 1.61%.<br />

Equity markets:<br />

The equity portfolio is sensitive to an upturn or downturn on<br />

the financial markets for shares.<br />

In this respect, and in light of the portfolio’s makeup, the risk<br />

on the equity portfolio can be assimilated with the risk on the<br />

main financial market indexes such as the EUROSTOXX 50.<br />

In this way, a 10% reduction in the EUROSTOXX 50 index<br />

would result in a 5,251 thousand euro reduction for the<br />

entire portfolio.<br />

In addition, the French Insurance Code, which governs<br />

insurance companies, also sets investment caps.<br />

Thanks to comprehensive reports provided by the authorized<br />

manager, notably including accounting elements (inventory,<br />

book income, unrealized capital gains or losses, etc.) and a<br />

summary of performances and various levels of exposure to<br />

the markets, the financial portfolio is monitored on a monthly<br />

basis.<br />

The members of the Finance Committee, the APRIL GROUP’s<br />

governance body, includes the heads of the various<br />

companies as well as representatives from the authorized<br />

manager. This Committee meets every quarter and plays an<br />

essential role in the monitoring and management of market<br />

risks. During its meetings, it is responsible for analyzing<br />

the various markets as well as the economic and financial<br />

environment, taking stock of management over the past<br />

period, and setting the general financial management<br />

strategies, as well as future management restrictions.<br />

29<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

3.6.3. Legal risks<br />

The legal policy, notably in terms of corporate law, stock<br />

markets, tax optimization and monitoring, is overseen by the<br />

APRIL GROUP Legal Affairs and Risk Division.<br />

The legal developments impacting our business are specifically<br />

tracked by companies’ operational legal departments.<br />

In accordance with regulations, the operational activities<br />

of Group companies are covered by a broker civil liability<br />

policy, extended to include banking and financial prospecting<br />

activities. In addition, a specific civil liability policy has been<br />

taken out on franchiser activities.<br />

The legal departments in the various Group companies are<br />

responsible for constantly checking the suitability of coverage<br />

in view of changes in their companies’ activities.<br />

As far as intellectual property-related risks are concerned,<br />

and further to the inventory of brands and internet domain<br />

names drawn up in 2005, further work has been carried out<br />

on registrations and filings both in France and at international<br />

level.<br />


(In thousand euros)<br />

Dec 31st, 2006<br />

Most filings are centralized with service providers that have<br />

been referenced by APRIL GROUP in order to ensure the most<br />

effective protection possible. Administrative follow-up is<br />

centralized by the Group Legal Affairs and Risks Division.<br />

Legal disputes<br />

Provisions have been booked for any significant disputes<br />

based on the best possible estimates in view of the elements<br />

available at the close of accounts.<br />

To the best of the issuer’s knowledge, there are no other<br />

legal disputes that could have a significant impact on the<br />

Group’s financial position, assets, business or results.<br />

Provisions for contingencies and losses<br />

Changes in<br />

scope<br />

Increase Decrease Dec 31st, <strong>2007</strong><br />

Provisions for disputes 3,021 -5 696 -621 3,091<br />

Provisions for pensions 3,996 1,138 518 -125 5,527<br />

Other provisions for contingencies<br />

and losses<br />

8,430 255 2,252 -5,278 5,659<br />

The main actuarial assumptions retained as Group standards<br />

for determining provisions for retirement benefits are as<br />

follows:<br />

Discount rate: 4 %<br />

Rate of increase in salaries: 2%<br />

Rate of inflation: 2%<br />

The reduction in other provisions for contingencies and losses<br />

reflects the relocation processes carried out for several Group<br />

companies. Provisions for disputes primarily correspond to<br />

disputes linked to the operational activities of APRIL GROUP<br />

companies, none of which represent a significant amount on<br />

their own.<br />

3.6.4. Industrial and environmental risks<br />

On account of the nature of its activity (insurance services),<br />

the Group is not concerned by such risks.<br />

3.6.5. Insurance and risk coverage<br />

Specific insurance programs have been put in place for the<br />

needs of APRIL GROUP companies. The types of policies<br />

concerned are as follows:<br />

Civil liability for executives<br />

Broker professional liability,<br />

Franchiser professional liability<br />

Financial guarantee,<br />

Universal IT risks,<br />

Universal office risks<br />

Supplementary health and personal protection.<br />



15,447 1,388 3,466 -6,024 14,277<br />

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3.0<br />

Information on the company’s activities<br />

The Risk Manager carries out regularly an analysis of the main<br />

insurance policies taken out by Group companies in order to<br />

ensure that the cover in place was sufficient and adapted to<br />

their activities.<br />

All of the abovementioned policies have been taken out with<br />

companies outside of the Group, except for the personal<br />

protection program, which has been taken out with Axeria<br />

Prevoyance, which is part of the Group.<br />

The following table outlines the various policies and their<br />

level of cover:<br />


Executive liability<br />

Broker professional liability<br />

Insurer<br />

(External / Internal)<br />



In <strong>2007</strong>, the following policies were fully overhauled by the<br />

Risk Manager<br />

Broker professional liability;<br />

Financial guarantee;<br />

Banking and financial prospecting;<br />

Universal office risks;<br />

Universal IT risks.<br />

The policies have been fully reviewed and new policies taken<br />

out for 2008. The insurers selected for these new policies<br />

are still outside of the Group.<br />

Cover<br />

€7.5 million<br />

(Sub-limit of €3.75 million for<br />

non separable fault)<br />

€7 million ou €7.6 million<br />

depending on the business of<br />

the company concerned<br />

(all damages included)<br />

Deductible<br />

No deductible<br />

€15,000 or €150,000<br />

depending on the<br />

company concerned<br />

This review is in line with a commitment to managing<br />

risk transfer costs more effectively within the Group,<br />

combined with an optimization of the guarantees<br />

acquired set against the expansion of the Group’s<br />

activities, in terms of both their nature and their volume.<br />

3.6.6. Other specific risks<br />

The risk factor identification process presented above and<br />

more specifically the implementation of mapping processes<br />

in virtually all of the Group’s operational companies made<br />

it possible to identify a series of untreated operational or<br />

strategic risks, both in-house and externally, with the level of<br />

effective control assessed in each case.<br />

On this basis, various internal control projects and potential<br />

subjects for internal audits have been identified. In 2008,<br />

they will be incorporated into the audit plans at Group,<br />

division and company levels, based on an iterative quality<br />

loop, with the risk mappings for 2008.<br />

Franchiser professional liability EXTERNAL €750,000 per damage €7,000<br />

Financial guarantee EXTERNAL €115,000 No deductible<br />

Universal systems risks<br />


€5,106,170 (cost of replacement<br />

with new equipment)<br />

€1,500<br />

Universal office risks<br />


Maximum commitment of up to<br />

€13.6 million (as-new value of<br />

furniture, material, goods)<br />

€1,804<br />

Supplementary health and personal<br />

protection<br />

INTERNAL (Axeria Prévoyance<br />

for personal<br />

protection)<br />

Standard guarantee for management<br />

and non-management<br />

staff<br />

No deductible<br />

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4.0 Net 4.0<br />

worth-financial position-earnings<br />

Net worth-financial position-earnings<br />

4.1. Significant changes in the financial position<br />

or commercial situation<br />

There are no significant changes to report in the financial<br />

position or commercial situation of the APRIL GROUP or<br />

its companies over <strong>2007</strong>, except for the fact that Mutant<br />

Assurances has changed status from an insurance company<br />

to an insurance broker<br />

4.2.3. Earnings<br />

See management report page 50 and following, and the<br />

earnings for the last five years (page 79).<br />

4.2.4. Total and per share dividends for the last three<br />

years<br />

4.2. APRIL GROUP consolidated and statutory<br />

financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

See Management report, page 53.<br />

4.2.5. Source and use of funds - cash-flow statement<br />

4.2.1. Audited financial statements for the last three<br />

years<br />

See the statutory financial statements for APRIL GROUP at<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, page 151 and following.<br />

See the statutory financial statements for APRIL GROUP at<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, page 151 and following.<br />

4.2.2. Consolidated financial statements<br />

See the consolidated financial statements for APRIL GROUP<br />

at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, page 93 and following.<br />

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4.0<br />

Net worth-financial position-earnings<br />

4.3. Group fees for Statutory Auditors and members of their network<br />

Amount (excluding VAT,<br />

in thousand euros)<br />

Mazars Deloitte Others<br />

%<br />

Amount (excluding VAT,<br />

in thousand euros)<br />

%<br />

Amount (excluding VAT,<br />

in thousand euros)<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 (a) <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

Audit<br />

Statutory auditing, certification, review<br />

of individual and consolidated financial<br />

statement<br />

Issuer 45 43 6% 8% 37 37 17% 11%<br />

Fully consolidated subsidiaries 540 408 74% 80% 179 140 83% 43% 78 32 100% 52%<br />

Other audits and services directly linked<br />

to statutory auditing mission<br />

Issuer 40 6% 152 46% 30 48%<br />

Fully consolidated subsidiaries 104 58 14% 12%<br />

SOUS-TOTAL 729 509 100% 100% 216 329 100% 100% 78 62 100 % 100%<br />

Other services provided by networks to<br />

fully consolidated subsidiaries: Legal, tax,<br />

social Other (indicate if > 10% of audit<br />

fees)<br />

Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

TOTAL 729 509 100% 100% 216 329 100% 100% 78 62 100% 100%<br />

%<br />

(a) First year of mandate for Deloitte & Associés<br />

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5.0 Corporate 5.0<br />

Governance<br />

Governance Corporate<br />

5.1. Make-up and operating procedures of administrative and management bodies<br />

5.1.1. Make-up of administrative and management bodies at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Board of Directors:<br />


Function<br />

Number of APRIL<br />

GROUP shares held<br />

Date appointed or<br />

reappointed<br />

Bruno ROUSSET Chairman and CEO of APRIL GROUP 25,168,554 (*) Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Xavier COQUARD Director of APRIL GROUP 113,323 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

André ARRAGO Executive Board member of HANNOVER RE 400 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Jean-Claude AUGROS Manager of ISFA 20 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Bernard BELLETANTE Associate managing director of EUROMED 250 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Gilles DUPIN CEO of MONCEAU ASSURANCES 300 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Philippe MARCEL Chairman of Adecco France 1,070 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Jean-Yves NOUY CEO of SHAM 20 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Gilles PARDI Chairman of HYPARLO Executive Board 1 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Guy RIGAUD<br />

Chairman of Rhône-Alpes Creation<br />

and CEO of Amorçage Rhône-Alpes<br />

750 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Vanessa ROUSSET CEO of Evolem SA 1 Aug 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

(*) Including 25,168,544 shares held by Evolem, which is 100% owned by Bruno Rousset<br />

34<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

The other offices of APRIL GROUP Directors are presented in<br />

the management report (Pages 64 to 72).<br />

For security reasons, the address of APRIL GROUP Directors<br />

is that of the company’s registered office: APRIL GROUP :<br />

83-85, boulevard Vivier Merle – 69003 LYONS.<br />

5.1.2. Administrative and management body<br />

operations<br />

At the General Meeting on August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, shareholders<br />

voted to change the company’s governance structure, opting<br />

for the Board of Directors system, which seems best suited<br />

to the Group’s new organization.<br />

- Number of Supervisory Board meetings during the fiscal<br />

year just ended: three.<br />

- Number of Board meetings over the last financial year: two.<br />

- A Director’s charter governs the Board’s operations.<br />

The APRIL GROUP Board of Directors handles all the<br />

assignments defined by law. It is also intended, thanks to the<br />

presence of several independent directors on the Board, as a<br />

system of warning, criticism and recommendation.<br />

During the fiscal year just ended, the Board of Directors<br />

addressed the following main issues in addition to those<br />

provided for under the law and regulations in force:<br />

- Monitoring of acquisition projects and the creation of new<br />

companies or activities;<br />

- Monitoring of the integration of new companies within<br />

the Group,<br />

- Monitoring of the results of the employee satisfaction<br />

survey,<br />

- Monitoring of risk management and internal audit work,<br />

- Monitoring of the policy for creating new products and<br />

services,<br />

- Monitoring of provisional budgets and actuals,<br />

- Monitoring of the financial rating process for certain<br />

subsidiaries.<br />

The Sustainable Development Committee held five meetings<br />

over the last fiscal year. It includes the Chairman of the<br />

Board of Directors and four independent directors:<br />

- Jean-Claude AUGROS;<br />

- Bernard BELLETANTE;<br />

- Philippe MARCEL;<br />

- Guy RIGAUD.<br />

The Sustainable Development Committee meets as the<br />

Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee during<br />

specific sessions. It is also responsible for addressing major<br />

strategic and organizational issues in the company (risk<br />

management, and monitoring of interal audit, acquisition<br />

policy and integration of new companies, Group culture,<br />

human resources policy, governance rules, etc.). It reports to<br />

the Board of Directors and leads to management actions.<br />

The Group’s Investment Committee reviews proposals<br />

prior to any acquisitions of companies or equity interests,<br />

activity creation, material investment in a company or<br />

divestment. On such projects, it takes the final decisions<br />

in the last resort. Minutes presenting the Investment<br />

Committee’s decisions are provided to the members of the<br />

Board of Directors. A set of bylaws has also been drawn<br />

up, presenting this Committee’s operations. In <strong>2007</strong>, the<br />

Investment Committee met seven times.<br />

The Chairman of APRIL GROUP’s Board of Directors is a<br />

member of this Committee, as Chairman. The Board of<br />

Directors has appointed the following as its representatives<br />

for an indefinite period on APRIL GROUP’s Investment<br />

Committee:<br />

- Bernard BELLETANTE;<br />

- Gilles PARDI;<br />

- Guy RIGAUD;<br />

- Vanessa ROUSSET.<br />

35<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

The Investment Committee also includes two non-director<br />

members.<br />

in Section 5.1.2 such as strategy, external growth, human<br />

resources and risk management.<br />

Terms-of-office for each corporate officer over the last five<br />

years:<br />

The Insurance Committee comprises the Group’s<br />

professionals, insurance specialists, and at least one<br />

member of the Board of Directors who reports on its work<br />

to the Board.<br />

5.1.3. Specific information on corporate officers<br />

There are no family ties whatsoever between the company’s<br />

corporate officers, with the exception of Vanessa Rousset<br />

and Bruno Rousset, who are married.<br />

For the purposes of their terms-of-office, Executive Board<br />

and Board of Directors members are domiciled at the<br />

company’s registered office.<br />

Over the last five years, to the best of the company’s<br />

knowledge and on the date of drawing up the present<br />

document, none of the Executive or Board of Directors<br />

members:<br />

- Have been convicted of fraud,<br />

- Have been associated with a bankruptcy, sequestration<br />

or liquidation,<br />

- Have been incriminated in or been officially sanctioned by<br />

statutory or regulatory authorities,<br />

- Have been prevented by a court from serving as a member<br />

of an administrative, management or Board of Directors or<br />

from managing or conducting the business of an issuer.<br />

The various offices held by Directors, as presented below,<br />

attest to the experience built up by these members. In<br />

addition, the Chairman and CEO complies with the regulatory<br />

conditions in force relative to insurance brokerage.<br />

To the best of the company’s knowledge and on the date of<br />

drawing up the present document, no conflicts of interest<br />

had been identified between the duties of each Director with<br />

regard to the company in their capacity as corporate officers<br />

and their private interests or other duties.<br />

To the best of the company’s knowledge and on the date<br />

of drawing up the present document, no arrangements or<br />

agreements had been concluded with the main shareholders,<br />

clients or suppliers under which any of the Directors has been<br />

selected in this capacity.<br />

To the best of the company’s knowledge and on the date<br />

of drawing up the present document, none of Directors had<br />

agreed to any restrictions concerning the disposal of their<br />

interest in the company’s capital.<br />

There are no service contracts in place binding members of<br />

APRIL GROUP administrative, management or supervisory<br />

bodies or any of its subsidiaries and providing for benefits to<br />

be granted under such a contract.<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />

Axeria Prévoyance SA<br />

Axeria Iard SA<br />

Axeria Courtage SA<br />

APRIL CEE Development Kft<br />

(Hungarian-law company)<br />

Axeria Vie SA<br />


SA<br />

APRIL Patrimoine SA<br />


Solucia Protection Juridique<br />

SA<br />

Bruno ROUSSET<br />


Chairman and CEO<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Within the Group<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Managing Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

The Directors enable APRIL GROUP to benefit from their<br />

expertise and experience relative to the topics described<br />

Assinco<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

36<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />



Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

SFG SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />


Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Assurances<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

FGA SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Cogealp SA<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

APRIL Mobilité<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Easyssur SA<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Haussmann Conseils SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Italia SpA<br />

(Italian-law company)<br />

APRIL Financial Services AG<br />

(German-law company)<br />

Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />



Assurtis SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

APRIL Assurances Entreprises<br />

SA<br />

APRIL Solutions Entreprises<br />

SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Germany AG (Germanlaw<br />

company)<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

CGCA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Europassur SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Iberia SA (Spanish-law<br />

company)<br />

Director<br />

GI2A<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

CIARE SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Santé SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Habitance SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

SASCO SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Marketing Solutions SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

AMT Assurances SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Dierrevi SpA (Italian-law<br />

company)<br />

Director<br />

APRIL Réunion SA<br />

Solidaris<br />




L&E Title Group (English-law<br />

company)<br />

LETIS (English-law company)<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

APRIL Iard SA<br />

Mutant Assurances SA<br />

APRIL Solutions SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Yacht Broker di<br />

Assicurazioni SpA (Italian-law Director<br />

company)<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

ASSURDOM Gestion SA APRIL GROUP, Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Moral Caraïbes SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Cover SA<br />

APRIL Corporate Broking SA<br />


AVS SA<br />

GIE APRIL Technologies<br />

GIE APRIL Courtage<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Immobilier<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />



Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

GIE La Maison Commune<br />

Chairman<br />

37<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

APRIL North America Inc.<br />

(Canadian-law company)<br />

Dave Rochon Assurances Inc.<br />

(Canadian-law company)<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />

VBS SA<br />

Evolem 1 SAS<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem<br />


SA now APRIL GROUP<br />


APRIL Solutions SA now<br />



Director<br />

Director<br />

ESCAPADE Assurances<br />

Voyages Inc. (Canadian-law<br />

company)<br />

Director<br />


Banque Populaire De Lyon SA Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

André ARRAGO<br />

Forum Finances SA<br />

Director<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />

APRIL Alpha<br />

Director<br />

Xavier COQUARD<br />


APRIL Delta<br />

APRIL Gamma<br />

APRIL Kappa<br />

APRIL Sigma<br />

APRIL Omega<br />

Evolem SA<br />




Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />






Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Within the Group<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Director<br />

Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Hannover Re<br />

La Mutuelle des Transports<br />

et Artisans<br />

Groupement Français de<br />

Caution<br />

Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Member of the Executive Board<br />

Member of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Member of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present: N/A<br />

Kaelia SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 1<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />

EM LYON (Association)<br />

Director<br />

Within the Group<br />


Co-Manager<br />

APRIL Assurances SA<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

38<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />

Jean-Claude AUGROS<br />


Current offices and functions:<br />

Gilles DUPIN<br />




SCFCM<br />


Manager<br />

Permanent representative of<br />



Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />


(SICAV)<br />

Permanent representative of<br />



I.S.F.A.<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Manager<br />



Outside of the Group<br />

CEO<br />

CEO<br />


NOAM Europe Expansion<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


Permanent representative of<br />


Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present: N/A<br />



Chairman<br />

Uni Hoche<br />

Permanent representative of<br />



Current offices and functions:<br />

Bernard BELLETANTE<br />









(GIE)<br />

Chairman of the Executive Board<br />

Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Director<br />

Offices (outside of the <strong>April</strong> Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />



CEO<br />

Permanent representative of<br />



Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />





Director<br />

Director<br />



Permanent representative of<br />



Chairman<br />



Deputy Chief Executive Officer<br />

Director<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present: N/A<br />







Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />


(SICAV)<br />


Permanent representative of<br />



Permanent representative of<br />



SARP SA<br />

39<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />



OCAM<br />







Permanent representative of<br />



Permanent representative of<br />



Permanent representative of<br />


Permanent representative of<br />



Permanent representative of<br />

groupe MONCEAU MAA<br />

CEO<br />

CAISSE<br />


CEO<br />


CIMA<br />



CIAM<br />




JUSTICI@<br />

Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />


SAS<br />


ADECIA - SA<br />


ADECCO SA (Swiss-law<br />

company)<br />


EM LYON (Association)<br />




SILLI KER INC. (American-law<br />

company)<br />

Philippe MARCEL<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Chairman<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Chairman<br />

Director<br />

ADIA SAS<br />












Current offices and functions:<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />

CEO / Director<br />

Director<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Director<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


Permanent representative of<br />


Permanent representative of<br />

ADECCO TT, Manager<br />

Jean-Yves NOUY<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Offices (outside of the <strong>April</strong> Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />


Chairman<br />

SAS<br />

AHF e BUSINESS - SAS Chairman<br />

ECCO SAS<br />

Chairman<br />

SHAM<br />

SHAM Services<br />

SHAM VIE<br />

AXA FIF<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

CEO<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

40<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last<br />

five years, but no longer held at present:<br />


CATIXL<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />




SEPEL<br />


IOL SAS<br />





CM2 INVEST (SC)<br />

ARLCO II (SC)<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Chairman<br />

Gilles PARDI<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Within the Group<br />

Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Chairman<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

ALP (Association)<br />



CCI de LYON<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />

Manager<br />

Secretary - Deputy Vice Chairman<br />

Offices (outside of the <strong>April</strong> Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />







ECAF SNC<br />

CAMC SNC<br />


CAGS SA<br />


ETC BV<br />

HI FI BV<br />

VEV Distribution<br />



SUMAR SpA<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman of the Executive Board<br />

Manager<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />



SAS<br />


Current offices and functions:<br />

Evolem SA<br />

Evolem 1 SAS<br />

Evolem 2 SAS<br />

Guy RIGAUD<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Vanessa ROUSSET<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

CEO, Director<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />

Evolem DEVELOPPEMENT EURL Manager<br />

Chairman of the Executive Board<br />

CEO<br />

Chairman<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />


Manager<br />

41<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />



POOL SAS<br />

MKG SAS<br />

FLEX SAS<br />


CIFEA<br />





HEDIPA<br />


Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of MKG SAS, Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Co-Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 1, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 1, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 1, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem 1, Chairman<br />

Offices (outside of the <strong>April</strong> Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />

CE2P<br />

NOMEN<br />


SECMA<br />

Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Evolem SA<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

Ortho SAS, Director<br />

Dominique CHALOPIN<br />

Offices and functions at August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />


Chairman and Member of the Executive Board<br />

until August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />













SA<br />



SA<br />




Within the Group<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Vice Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />




AVS SA<br />




CGCA SA<br />


CIARE SA<br />


(Italian-law company)<br />




FGA SAS<br />





Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Chairman and Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Vice-Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Vice-Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Vice-Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Vice-Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Vice-Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

42<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />






SASCO SA<br />



SFG SA<br />



(Italian-law company)<br />

FEBS AG<br />

(German-law company)<br />


(English-law company)<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP Dommages<br />

Particuliers, Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Vice-Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last<br />

five years, but no longer held at present:<br />




ELLUL<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />

Erick BERVILLE<br />

Offices and functions until August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />


Vice-Chairman and Member of the Executive Board<br />

up until August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />




ASSICURAZIONI (Italian-law<br />

company)<br />

ARPI (SCI)<br />




(SARL)<br />








Within the Group<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Manager<br />

Vice-Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman and Member of<br />

the Executive Board<br />

Manager<br />

Director<br />

Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Manager<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Offices (outside of the <strong>April</strong> Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />


Chairman<br />

Daniel COLLIGNON<br />

Offices and functions at August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />


Executive Board member up until August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />














Within the Group<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL Patrimoine, Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Director<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

43<br />

Return to the contents section

5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the<br />

last five years, but no longer held at present:<br />

Generali Rendement (SICAV)<br />

Director<br />

Generali Performance (SICAV) Director<br />

Objectif Monde (SICAV)<br />

GENERALI Systèmes<br />

Informatiques (GIE)<br />

EQUITE<br />

EPJ<br />

Financière Centuria<br />

Saint Honoré PME<br />

Generali Finance<br />

Georges V Rendement (SCPI)<br />

Multimmobilier 2 (SCPI)<br />

Pierre Privilège (SCPI)<br />

Valoripierre (SCPI)<br />




OJH SA<br />

Chairman<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />


Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />










GPA VIE<br />

GPA IARD<br />

Generali Euro Sept Dix Ans<br />

(SICAV)<br />

Generali Trésorerie (SICAV)<br />

Objectif Ethique Socialement<br />

Responsable (SICAV)<br />



Generali Investissement<br />

(SICAV)<br />

Cercle des épargnants<br />

(Association)<br />

Foncia Pierre Rendement<br />

(SCPI)<br />

Rocher Pierre 1 (SCPI)<br />

CEO / Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />


Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />


Director<br />

Vice-Chairman<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Patrick PETITJEAN<br />

Offices and functions at August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />


Vice-Chairman and Member of the Executive Board<br />

up until August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />








SA<br />







Within the Group<br />

Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Director<br />

Chairman and CEO<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL COURTAGE, Director and<br />

Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

44<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />


Director<br />

5.2. Executive interests in the company’s share<br />

capital<br />

5.3. Employee profit-sharing schemes<br />

5.3.1.Optional and mandatory profit-sharing agreements<br />




Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Chairman<br />

See Section 2.3. page 13<br />

5.2.1. Executive compensation<br />

See Management report page 62 and 63<br />

5.2.2. Information on stock options and warrants<br />

APRIL GROUP wants all employees to be associated with its<br />

growth by giving them an interest in its income in order to<br />

create heightened awareness of the community of interests<br />

that exists within the company and improve levels of<br />

individual and group performance.<br />


Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />



Number of options granted<br />

/ shares subscribed for or<br />

purchased<br />

Price € Maturity Plan<br />




(Spanish-law company)<br />


(Italian-law company)<br />


(German-law company)<br />

FEBS AG<br />

(German-law company)<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman and Director<br />

Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman and Member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Options granted during the year to each corporate officer<br />

by the issuer and all Group companies:<br />

• Erick BERVILLE<br />

• Dominique CHALOPIN<br />

• Patrick PETITJEAN<br />

Options exercised during the year by each corporate<br />

officer:<br />

• Patrick PETITJEAN<br />

N.B. The registered information only concerns the corporate officers of the issuer APRIL GROUP.<br />

5.2.3.Regulated agreements<br />

See the special Statutory Auditor’s report,page 166 to 169<br />

5.2.4.Loans and pledges to Supervisory Board<br />

members<br />

10,000<br />

20,000<br />

20,000<br />

40.56<br />

40.56<br />

40.56<br />

July 27 th , 2011<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2013<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2013<br />

n°18<br />

n°16<br />

n°16<br />

10,000 16.86 July 4 th , <strong>2007</strong> n°6<br />

The current agreement gives rights to employees in respect<br />

of the three fiscal years starting January 1 st , 2006 through<br />

December 31 st , 2008.<br />

The amount for profit-sharing is determined in line with a<br />

set of criteria for performance based on the quality and<br />

productivity of APRIL GROUP SA.<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present: N/A<br />

N/A<br />

45<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

Each criterion, weighted by a coefficient, will determine the<br />

amount of profitsharing paid to employees. The amounts<br />

paid are summarized in the table below:<br />

In thousand<br />

euros<br />

5.3.2. Warrants<br />

Profit-sharing for<br />

2003 paid in 2004<br />

Profit-sharing for<br />

2004 paid in 2005<br />

Profit-sharing for<br />

2005 paid in 2006<br />

Profit-sharing for<br />

2006 paid in <strong>2007</strong><br />

Profit-sharing for<br />

<strong>2007</strong> paid in 2008<br />

135 168 159 215 239<br />

The General Meeting also gives full powers to the Board of<br />

Directors to set option prices within the following limits:<br />

the subscription price may not be less than 100% of the<br />

average listed price over the twenty trading days immediately<br />

preceding the grant date, with an option for the Board of<br />

Directors to offer a discount of up to 5% on the subscription<br />

price.<br />

At the Combined General Meeting on September 11 th ,<br />

1997, the company’s shareholders authorized the Board of<br />

Directors to grant options to certain Group employees and<br />

corporate officers to purchase new company shares up to a<br />

maximum of 3% of the outstanding share capital as on the<br />

date the last option is granted.<br />

Pursuant to the law, the authorization given by the General<br />

Meeting prevails to the benefit of option-beneficiaries<br />

with shareholders expressly renouncing their preferential<br />

subscription rights in respect of shares issued as options are<br />

exercised.<br />

These options may be exercised for the applicable legal<br />

period as of the grant date, subject to any restrictions that<br />

may be made by the Board of Directors in plan regulations<br />

and/or at the time of individual grants of options.<br />

At the Combined General Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 26 th , 2001, the<br />

company’s shareholders voted to increase the maximum to<br />

5% and renewed the authorization given to the Board of<br />

Directors.<br />





Number of options<br />

granted / shares<br />

subscribed for or<br />

purchased<br />

Price € Maturity Plan<br />

At the Combined General Meetings on <strong>April</strong> 29 th , 2004,<br />

<strong>April</strong> 28 th , 2005, then <strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2006, the company’s<br />

shareholders voted to renew the authorization granted to the<br />

Executive Board. At the Combined General Meeting on August<br />

28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, shareholders transferred this authorization to<br />

the Board of Directors.<br />

Options granted during the year by the issuer and any<br />

company included in the scope for allocating options to the<br />

10 employees from the issuer and any company included in<br />

the scope awarded the highest number of options<br />

Options held on the issuer and the above-mentioned companies<br />

exercised during the year by the 10 employees<br />

from the issuer and these companies having purchased or<br />

subscribed for the highest number of shares<br />

0<br />

11,000<br />

50,000<br />

16,972<br />

0<br />

9,985<br />

0<br />

40.56<br />

40.46<br />

40.56<br />

20.21<br />

16.86<br />

16.69<br />

15.57<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2013<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2011<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2011<br />

<strong>April</strong> 25 th , 2008<br />

Dec 12 th , 2008<br />

<strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2009<br />

Dec 11 th , 2009<br />

n°16<br />

n°17<br />

n°18<br />

n°5<br />

n°6<br />

n°7<br />

n°8<br />

46<br />

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5.0<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

Summary of stock options and warrants<br />

This table factors in the 10-for-1 stock split and therefore the multiplication of options by 10, with each option entitling holders to purchase shares at 0.4 euro.<br />

Date of General Meeting<br />

Date of the Board of<br />

Directors or Executive<br />

Board meeting<br />

Total number of shares<br />

offered on plan date<br />

Number of shares that<br />

can be subscribed or<br />

purchased by:<br />

PLAN<br />

N°5<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

2001<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

2001<br />

PLAN<br />

N°6<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

2001<br />

Dec 13 th ,<br />

2001<br />

PLAN<br />

N°7<br />

Apr 25 th ,<br />

2002<br />

Apr 25 th ,<br />

2002<br />

PLAN<br />

N°8<br />

Apr 25 th ,<br />

2002<br />

Dec12 th ,<br />

2002<br />

PLAN<br />

N°9<br />

Apr 24 th ,<br />

2003<br />

Apr 24 th ,<br />

2003<br />

PLAN<br />

N°10<br />

Apr 29 th ,<br />

2004<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2004<br />

PLAN<br />

N°11<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2005<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2005<br />

PLAN<br />

N°12<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2005<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2005<br />

PLAN<br />

N°13<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2006<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2006<br />

PLAN<br />

N°14<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2006<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2006<br />

PLAN<br />

N°15<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2006<br />

Jul 10 th ,<br />

2006<br />

PLAN<br />

N°16<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2006<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

PLAN<br />

N°17<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2006<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

PLAN<br />

N°18<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2006<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

373,500 80,000 76,000 25,000 37,000 44,000 47,000 65,000 70,000 10,000 116,000 40,000 21,000 226,000<br />

• Corporate officers (*) 851 2,000 5,670 13,550 32,000 20,000 30,000 45,000 48,000 0 115,000 40,000 10,000 97,000<br />

• First 10 employees<br />

beneficiaries<br />

Options exercise start<br />

date<br />

End date<br />

Subscription or exercise<br />

price<br />

Shares subscribed or<br />

purchased at<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Stock options or warrants<br />

cancelled<br />

Remaining number of stock<br />

options or warrants<br />

10,910 0 10,015 0 0 0 11,000 0 12,000 0 1,000 0 11,000 43,000<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

2006<br />

Apr 25 th ,<br />

2008<br />

Dec 14 th ,<br />

2006<br />

Dec 13 th ,<br />

2008<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Apr 25 th ,<br />

2009<br />

Dec 13 th ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Dec 12 th ,<br />

2009<br />

Apr 25 th ,<br />

2008<br />

Apr 25 th ,<br />

2010<br />

Apr 30 th ,<br />

2009<br />

Apr 30 th ,<br />

2011<br />

May 1 st ,<br />

2009<br />

Apr 30 th ,<br />

2011<br />

May 1 st ,<br />

2009<br />

Apr 30 th ,<br />

2011<br />

Apr 29 th ,<br />

2010<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2012<br />

Apr 29 th ,<br />

2010<br />

Apr 28 th ,<br />

2012<br />

Jul 11 th ,<br />

2010<br />

Jul 10 th ,<br />

2012<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2013<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

2014<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2011<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

2013<br />

Apr 27 th ,<br />

2011<br />

Apr 26 th ,<br />

2013<br />

€20.21 €16.86 €16.69 €15.57 €13.91 €15.94 €23.43 €23.43 €42.32 €42.32 €39.42 €40.56 €40.56 €40.56<br />

70,547 23,000 32,815 6,450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

291,000 55,000 27,500 5,000 5,000 24,000 6,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 13,000<br />

11,953 2,000 15,685 13,550 32,000 20,000 41,000 45,000 60,000 0 116,000 40,000 21,000 213,000<br />

(*) This figure includes corporate officers from Group subsidiaries.<br />

NB: The plans n°1 to 4 have ended. No more options may be exercised in connection with these plans.<br />

47<br />

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6.0<br />

developements and outlook<br />

Recent developements and outlook<br />

See the Management report page 50 and following.<br />

6.0 Recent<br />

48<br />

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02<br />

P.<br />

report report Management<br />

50 1. Management report<br />

P. 79 2. Five-year financial summary<br />

P. 80 3. Chairman of the Board of Directors’ report<br />

02 Management<br />

P. 90 4. Statutory Auditors’ report on the report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors<br />

Return to the contents section

1.0 Management report report Management<br />

Board of Directors’ report on operations for the<br />

year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, presented at<br />

the combined general shareholders’ meeting on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008<br />

Dear Shareholders,<br />

As required under French Law, your Board of Directors<br />

is pleased to report on the activities of your Company, its<br />

subsidiaries and the Group during the financial year ended<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, presenting the results of its activity<br />

and the outlook for the future, and lastly, submitting the<br />

balance sheet and annual statutory and consolidated financial<br />

statements for the year then ended for your approval.<br />

accordance with IFRS, as adopted within the European Union.<br />

The IFRS framework includes the International Financial<br />

Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Accounting<br />

Standards (IAS), and their interpretations by the International<br />

Financial Reporting Interpretations Commit- tee (IFRIC).<br />

The accounting rules and valuation principles retained for<br />

drawing up the consolidated financial statements at December<br />

31 st , <strong>2007</strong> are those contained in the IFRS standards and<br />

interpretations published in the European Union’s official<br />

gazette on December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, the application of which is<br />

compulsory as of this date. Any standards or interpretations<br />

adopted by the IASB or IFRIC but not yet made compulsory by<br />

the European Union at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> have not been<br />

applied.<br />

1. Activity and results of the company,<br />

its subsidiaries and the Group<br />

The annual financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> that<br />

we are submitting for your approval have been drawn up in<br />

accordance with the rules of presentation and the valuation<br />

methods provided for under the regulations in force in<br />

France.<br />


In a market that is expected to be down slightly, dropping<br />

by around -1.2%, APRIL GROUP’s revenues were up 16.1%<br />

and 83.8 million euros to 604.2 million euros. On a constant<br />

structural basis, organic growth came out at 12.8% and<br />

68.3 million euros, with the impact of external growth<br />

representing 15.5 million euros.<br />

Pursuant to European Regulation 1606/2002 of July 19 th ,<br />

2002, the consolidated financial statements that we<br />

are submitting for your approval have been drawn up in<br />

External growth has been driven by several key strategies:<br />

The strengthening of positions on the corporate market,<br />

with the acquisition of the Assinco Group;<br />

50<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />

The internationalization of activities with the acquisition<br />

of Dave Rochon Assurances Inc. and ESCAPADE Assurances<br />

Voyages in Canada, the creation of APRIL CEE Development in<br />

Hungary and APRIL Mediterranean and Axeria Re in Malta;<br />

The development of activities in French overseas<br />

departments and territories, with the acquisition a 38.2%<br />

stake in ASSURDOM Gestion;<br />

The positioning on niche markets with the acquisition of<br />

a 75% stake in AMT Assurances, specialized in motorcycle<br />

insurance policies.<br />

<strong>2007</strong> was also marked by the launch of activities for a number<br />

of projects carried out by Axeria Vie, Solucia Protection<br />

Juridique, APRIL Santé, APRIL Corporate Broking, Solidaris,<br />

Redcoxx and APRIL Cover.<br />

The Group’s international activities now account for 5.1%<br />

of total business, compared with 4% in 2006. In this way,<br />

revenues generated outside of France came to 31 million<br />

euros at the end of <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

At the end of <strong>2007</strong>, 34 companies were consolidated for tax<br />

purposes, with APRIL GROUP SA representing the head of the<br />

group, enabling the Group to generate a tax consolidation<br />

premium of 8.9 million euros in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, consolidated net income totaled 72.5 million euros,<br />

with the net Group share coming out at 72.1 million euros.<br />


Health and personal protection<br />

The health and personal protection business once again<br />

achieved double-digit growth, up 12.8% (+12.4% likefor-like)<br />

to 394.1 million euros, representing 62.6% of<br />

revenues compared with 65% in 2006 on a constant<br />

accounting method basis, before the elimination of interbranch<br />

transactions for 25.2 million euros. Operating income<br />

came to 93 million euros, with 56.2 million euros in net<br />

income (Group share).<br />

This growth has been driven by all of this branch’s lines:<br />

individual health and personal protection, group health and<br />

personal protection, borrower insurance.<br />

Property and casualty insurance<br />

The property and casualty business rose 22.5% (+13.6%<br />

like-for-like) to 218.3 million euros, accounting for 34.6% of<br />

total revenues compared with 33.2% in 2006 on a constant<br />

accounting method basis. Its contribution to operating<br />

income came to 19.6 million euros, with 14.9 million euros in<br />

net income (Group share).<br />

Savings<br />

Savings revenues are up 67.3% in relation to 2006, coming<br />

out at 16.9 million euros compared with 10.1 million euros<br />

the previous year. In <strong>2007</strong>, Axeria Vie launched the marketing<br />

of investment policies without any profit-sharing. The<br />

premium income generated is not recognized in revenues on<br />

account of the accounting treatment for this type of policy<br />

under IFRS.<br />

Holding company<br />

The holding company – APRIL GROUP SA – does not generate<br />

revenues on account of its activity to steer and manage the<br />

Group. Its financial income, primarily linked to dividends from<br />

subsidiaries, came to 104 million euros, with 104.7 million<br />

euros in net income.<br />

APRIL GROUP does not bill Group companies for any services<br />

provided.<br />

Investments and financing<br />

Acquisitions :<br />

- In <strong>2007</strong>, the Group acquired the following companies:<br />

AMT, ESCAPADE Assurances Voyages, Dave Rochon<br />

Assurances Inc., Assinco and its 16 subsidiaries.<br />

- APRIL GROUP SA also bought out minority interests in<br />

APRIL Financial Services AG and APRIL Germany, giving it<br />

84% and 100% stakes respectively in these companies.<br />

Creations :<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, the following companies were created: APRIL North<br />

America, APRIL Réunion, APRIL Mediterranean, Axeria Re,<br />

Axeria Courtage, APRIL Alpha, APRIL Omega, APRIL Delta,<br />

APRIL Gamma, APRIL Kappa and APRIL Sigma.<br />

51<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />

All of the investments carried out were self-financed.<br />

The Group’s financial debt came to 30.3 million euros,<br />

compared with 8.1 million euros in 2006, primarily comprising:<br />

15.1 million euros in financial liabilities resulting from<br />

commitments to buy out minority interests;<br />

10.7 million euros in borrowings from credit institutions,<br />

primarily due to the new companies included in the basis<br />

for consolidation;<br />

3 million euros in other debt (lease financing, other financial<br />

debt);<br />

1.5 million euros for a subordinated loan.<br />

2. Post-balance sheet events and outlook<br />

for 2008<br />

Post-balance sheet events:<br />

There are no significant events to report after December<br />

31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Outlook:<br />

APRIL GROUP is pursuing its growth policy based on three key<br />

strategies:<br />

The development of its offering in order to:<br />

- Capitalize on the numerous opportunities opened up by<br />

the development of the supplementary health market in<br />

France,<br />

- Consolidate its leadership on individual loan insurance,<br />

- Become a reference player in terms of group social protection,<br />

- Pursue the development of savings-pension offerings,<br />

- Ensure profitable development on property and casualty<br />

insurance for retail clients,<br />

- Diversify its offerings on high-growth and high-profitability<br />

niches, increasing the number of opportunities for<br />

partnerships with its distributors,<br />

- Become the reference partner for its distributor clients<br />

while cultivating its positioning as a global and segmented<br />

player,<br />

The development of distribution in order to :<br />

- Provide an increasingly differentiating quality of service<br />

to agent and broker partners, ramping up initiatives to<br />

consolidate mutual relations,<br />

- Develop partnerships with key account clients,<br />

- Develop direct distribution for retail and corporate<br />

clients;<br />

The internationalization of its activities in order to:<br />

- Duplicate the wholesaler model with international<br />

brokerage networks, capitalizing on our channel<br />

management expertise,<br />

- Take up positions to accompany major clients in Europe<br />

on certain business lines,<br />

- Get our insurance companies to accompany the<br />

international development of the Group’s brokerage<br />

companies.<br />

External growth, in line with an opportunistic acquisition<br />

strategy, is enabling the Group to incorporate new product<br />

or channel expertise.<br />

For 2008, APRIL GROUP is maintaining a revenue growth<br />

target of 15%.<br />

3. Allocation of income<br />

In light of the statutory financial statements for the year ended<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, with a profit of 104,657,613.89 euros,<br />

we propose the following allocation:<br />

3,147.36 euros to “legal reserves”;<br />

17,956,678.08 euros to shareholders as dividends;<br />

The balance, i.e. 86,697,788.45 euros, to “other reserves”.<br />

As such, each of the 40,810,632 shares comprising the share<br />

capital is to be paid a net dividend of 0.44 euros.<br />

In accordance with the legal provisions in force since January<br />

1 st , 2005, this dividend will not be accompanied by an avoir<br />

fiscal tax credit. However, in accordance with the provisions<br />

of Article 158-3-2 of the General French Tax Code (Code<br />

Général des Impôts), only individual shareholders will be<br />

entitled to a rebate equal to 40% of the amount of the<br />

dividend paid out.<br />

This dividend is to be paid out on Monday May 5th, 2008.<br />

If the company were to hold any of its own shares as on<br />

the date that these dividends were paid out, the sums<br />

corresponding to dividends not paid out on account of such<br />

shares would be allocated to retained earnings.<br />

52<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />

4. Dividends over previous years<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Article 243 ii of the General<br />

French Tax Code, we would like to remind you that dividends<br />

paid out over the previous three years were as follows:<br />

YEAR<br />

5. Non-deductible charges and expenses<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 223 iv and<br />

223 v of the General French Tax Code, you are hereby<br />

informed that the financial statements for the fiscal year just<br />

ended included a charge of 13,813 euros, corresponding to<br />

non-deductible expenses for tax purposes.<br />

6. Director’s fees<br />

Revenues eligible<br />

for rebate<br />

Dividends<br />

Other<br />

revenues<br />

paid out<br />

Revenues<br />

not eligible<br />

for rebate<br />

2004 €8,895,856.86 - -<br />

2005 €13,395,354.39 - -<br />

2006 €16,292,779.20 - -<br />

The Group would like to submit a proposal at the General<br />

Meeting for 2008 for the directors’ fees to be allocated<br />

as compensation for the actions of the members of the<br />

Supervisory Board and Board of Directors in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

This compensation must reward their commitment, factoring in<br />

all the phases for their work: preparation, holding of sessions,<br />

follow-up on decisions and actions.<br />

On this basis, we recommend allocating directors’ fees in line<br />

with the following principle:<br />

For each Supervisory Board/Board of Directors session:<br />

1,500 euros<br />

For each Sustainable Development Committee session:<br />

1,000 euros<br />

For each Investment Committee or Insurance Committee<br />

session: 1,000 euros<br />

We therefore recommend setting the total amount of<br />

directors’ fees awarded to directors for <strong>2007</strong> at 80,000<br />

euros in light of their participation in these various bodies.<br />

They will be paid by bank cheque.<br />

7. Social and environmental consequences<br />

of activities<br />

Environmental consequences<br />

Through its business, APRIL GROUP has a relatively limited<br />

impact on the environment. However, the Group is looking<br />

into ways to improve this environmental impact. In this way,<br />

APRIL GROUP is further strengthening its commitment to<br />

sustainable development by carrying out an in-depth review<br />

of greenhouse gas emissions. This process aims primarily<br />

to combine environmental standards with optimizing costs.<br />

In this way, the Group’s 61 companies have taken part in<br />

the survey developed by Écosur, a company specializing in<br />

sustainable development. Known as the Bilan Carbone®<br />

or carbon review, this analysis will open up a wide range<br />

of applications. For APRIL GROUP, this will notably involve<br />

estimating the greenhouse gas emissions that are directly<br />

attributable to its activity, simulating the introduction of<br />

a carbon tax and evaluating the inherent financial risks or<br />

even communicating with staff, customers, shareholders<br />

and suppliers on the strategy and actions implemented in<br />

this area. Within this framework, the Bilan Carbone ® will for<br />

instance measure the direct use of energy at sites, employee<br />

business trips, the quantity of mail sent out each day,<br />

purchases of paper, office supplies, printer consumables and<br />

fixed assets (surface areas of the sites and parking facilities<br />

used, IT equipment, company vehicles, etc.). All criteria that<br />

will make it possible to map out and implement a plan to<br />

manage and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.<br />

Social consequences<br />

Workforce and staffing structure<br />

APRIL GROUP saw its workforce increase by 25% in <strong>2007</strong>,<br />

in light of the recruitments made necessary by its internal<br />

growth and the creation of new business units, as well as the<br />

new companies that have joined the Group, including Assinco<br />

and ASSURDOM.<br />

53<br />

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Property Heath and Life and savings<br />

1.0<br />

Management report<br />

Breakdown by gender<br />

100%<br />

100%<br />

80% 33% 29% 30% 31%<br />

100% 80% 33% 29% 30% 31%<br />

60%<br />

60% 80% 33% 29% 30% 31%<br />

40% 67% 71% 70% 69%<br />

40% 60%<br />

20% 67% 71% 70% 69%<br />

20% 40% 67% 71% 70% 69%<br />

0%<br />

20%<br />

2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

0%<br />

2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

Breakdown by age group<br />

Men<br />

Men Women<br />

Women Men<br />

Women<br />

6% 7% 7% 8%<br />

100% 6% 7% 7% 8%<br />

100% 12% 14% 14%<br />

80%<br />

12% 6% 14% 7% 14% 7% 20% 8%<br />

100% 80%<br />

20%<br />

60% 44% 12% 42% 14% 41% 14%<br />

60% 80% 44% 42% 41% 42% 20% >50<br />

40%<br />

42% >50<br />

40% 60% 44% 42% 41%<br />

41/50<br />

20% 38% 37% 38% 30% 42% 41/50<br />

31/40 >50<br />

20% 40% 38% 37% 38% 30%<br />

0%<br />


1.0<br />

Management report<br />

Changes in the workforce<br />

Training<br />

2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

Average headcount 1,458 1,887 2,446<br />

Number of permanent contract arrivals 334 316 447<br />

% of average headcount 23% 17% 19%<br />

Number of permanent contract departures 179 163 257<br />

% of average headcount 12% 9% 10.5%<br />

Number of fixed-term contract arrivals 167 199 154<br />

% of average headcount 12% 11% 6%<br />

2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

Training costs/payroll 4.4% 3.5% 3.4%<br />

A relative reduction in training spending was recorded, but<br />

the amount committed was up 14% in value terms over <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The arrival of new companies within the Group is affecting<br />

the genuine training effort made by other Group companies.<br />

The total cost of training, including staff wage costs during<br />

training time, represents 6% of the payroll.<br />

Number of fixed-term contract departures 171 157 180<br />

% of average headcount 12% 8% 7<br />

8. Description of the main risks<br />

Despite the changes in the Group’s format, the turnover<br />

rate (number of departures excluding fixed-term contracts/<br />

headcount) has remained stable at 11.3%, compared with<br />

13.5% in 2005 and 10.5% in 2006. A reduction in the use of<br />

“short-term” contracts (fixed-term contracts) has been seen<br />

in favor of permanent contracts.<br />

Internal mobility<br />

Number of transfers between<br />

two Group companies<br />

Number of transfers within<br />

the same company<br />

2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

47 40 61<br />

132 126 174<br />

Compensation<br />

2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

Total compensation (€’000) 58,062 71,735 78,602<br />

Profit-sharing (€’000) 7,274 7,612 8,258<br />

Average compensation (€) 31,927 32,439 32,752<br />

External staff<br />

2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

Cost of external staff (€’000) 4,029 5,423 5,911<br />

Identification of risk factors<br />

The risk manager is responsible for the overall management<br />

of risks within the APRIL GROUP.<br />

Within this framework, the risk manager has been tasked to<br />

identify the main risk factors defined in the APRIL GROUP<br />

risk repository: financial risks, risks relating to businesses<br />

and insurance operations, operational risks, accounting risks,<br />

strategic risks and legal non-compliance risks.<br />

The risk manager identifies new risks based on feedback from<br />

the risk mapping interviews, the information available or<br />

exchanges with risk or insurance professionals, and members<br />

of the Sustainable Development Committee.<br />

The Group’s growth is opening up more opportunities for staff:<br />

close to 10% of them took on new responsibilities in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Number of hours worked<br />

by temps<br />

76,192 54,601 59,514<br />

55<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />

Lastly, he works with the findings and recommendations set<br />

out by the internal audit manager in connection with their<br />

audit assignments and the assignments carried out by other<br />

players, including financial controllers, business division<br />

auditors, Statutory Auditors, etc.<br />

The risk manager informs and advises the Group Committee,<br />

and reports on this mission to the Sustainable Development<br />

Committee.<br />

Each type of risk is subject to an in-depth review, with a risk<br />

map and action plan drawn up for each company, aimed<br />

at eliminating, transferring or reducing the residual risk.<br />

The company’s managers are responsible for implementing<br />

the action plan defined in connection with the audits or<br />

mappings, formally reporting on them at least once a year at<br />

June’s Strategic Committee meeting.<br />

At the same time, the Group internal audit manager ensures<br />

the coherency and efficiency of internal control within Group<br />

companies. Lastly, he coordinates and controls the activities<br />

of all the Group’s internal audit departments.<br />

An annual audit plan is drawn up, factoring in the exposure to<br />

risks in the various Group companies. This plan concerns all<br />

the companies in the Group. The plan for Year N is validated<br />

at the end of Year N-1 by the Group Committee. It is formally<br />

reviewed and presented to the Sustainable Development<br />

Committee twice a year for follow-up. It may also be updated<br />

as and when necessary according to the priorities identified<br />

over the course of the year.<br />

This concerns several types of assignments: cross-business<br />

assignments and optimization issues, specific audit and<br />

control assignments, assignments to monitor companies<br />

that have recently been incorporated into the Group,<br />

and assignments to follow up on previous audits. These<br />

assignments are carried out in line with the internal audit<br />

charter, a set of standards that all of the managers of Group<br />

companies are familiar with.<br />

A written report is drafted along with a synopsis of the<br />

recommendations issued further to all such missions, rated<br />

based on three categories: high risk, moderate risk and<br />

low risk. For each recommendation, a deadline is set and a<br />

manager appointed.<br />

The application of recommendations is monitored through<br />

follow-up missions during which progress made against the<br />

planned deadlines and recommendations is checked.<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, 12 internal audit missions were carried out in eight<br />

Group companies, notably covering the following issues:<br />

intellectual protection within the Group, review of insurance<br />

policies, application of the French law on intermediation, preclosing<br />

process, compensation and IT risks. In addition, two<br />

integration follow-up audits were carried out on companies<br />

that joined the Group in 2005.<br />

All of this work aims to consolidate the internal control<br />

process within Group companies.<br />

Market risk (interest rate, foreign exchange, equity, credit)<br />

Link between the business and the risks identified<br />

APRIL GROUP’s business is based around two key areas<br />

with significantly different approaches to market risks:<br />

brokerage, which does not expose the Group to market<br />

risks, and insurance companies, for which market risk<br />

management represents one of their core businesses.<br />

Brokerage<br />

Through its activity and financial model, where cash-flow<br />

generates a negative working capital requirement, the<br />

brokerage business enables the Group to achieve a particularly<br />

low level of debt (total financial debt of only 30,305 thousand<br />

euros on the consolidated balance sheet) and a very high level<br />

of liquidity (177,718 thousand euros in net cash and cash<br />

equivalents on the consolidated balance sheet).<br />

The Group’s financial debt primarily comprises a subordinated<br />

loan representing 1,524 thousand euros, 10,703 thousand<br />

euros in various bank borrowings, 2,294 thousand euros<br />

in credit current accounts and 15,118 thousand euros in<br />

financial liabilities resulting from commitments to buy out<br />

minority interests.<br />

The Group’s cash-flow, excluding current bank borrowings, is<br />

invested in full in short-term financial investments (96,568<br />

thousand euros at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>) primarily through a<br />

dedicated “monetary equivalent” UCITS (APRIL Trésorerie).<br />

Insurance companies<br />

One of the basic functions of the insurance business involves<br />

investing premiums received from clients, pending payments<br />

for any claims incurred.<br />

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Asset management, i.e. the choice of asset categories and<br />

investment vehicles, therefore represents an essential<br />

element for the management of insurance companies.<br />

In order to improve performance levels, the financial<br />

management of the Group’s insurance portfolios is delegated<br />

to a qualified external service provider.<br />

The management of assets and liabilities makes it possible<br />

to maximize the match between the rate of future payments<br />

and the investment of these premiums in various categories<br />

of assets.<br />

Risk assessment<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP, through its insurance<br />

companies and primarily Axéria Prévoyance and Axéria IARD,<br />

had a financial investment portfolio with a market value of<br />

309,797 thousand euros, based on the following breakdown:<br />

Liquidity risk:<br />

On account of the Group’s asset-liability management<br />

approach, this risk is not significant.<br />

Equity risk:<br />

The Group’s insurance companies invested 17% of their<br />

portfolios in equities, with the French Insurance and Mutual<br />

Supervisor (Autorité de Contrôle des Assurances et des<br />

Mutuelles) capping this amount at 65% of regulated assets.<br />

As such, the companies have adopted a highly cautious<br />

approach in relation to regulatory requirements.<br />

Investments are made exclusively through UCITS, enabling<br />

a better distribution of risks. These UCITS are based on<br />

shares from various sectors – banking, insurance, mass<br />

retail, cosmetics, industry, etc. – primarily covering Europe,<br />

including France, as well as Japan on an ancillary basis.<br />

In thousand euros Market value % Historical cost<br />

Unrealized capital<br />

gains or losses<br />

Bonds 178,366 58% 183,158 -4,792<br />

Bond UCITS 0 0% 0 0<br />

Bond Total 178,366 58% 183,158 -4,792<br />

Equities 0 0% 0 0<br />

Equity UCITS 51,500 17% 41,654 9,847<br />

Equity Total 51,500 17% 41,654 9,847<br />

Other 25,760 8% 24,729 1,031<br />

Monetary 54,171 17% 53,683 488<br />

PORTFOLIO TOTAL 309,797 100% 303,224 6,573<br />

Of which, Axeria Prévoyance 197,761 64% 194,128 3,633<br />

Of which, Axeria IARD 62,693 20% 60,847 1,845<br />

Of which, other companies 49,343 16% 48,248 1,095<br />

The following table presents a detailed breakdown of the<br />

portfolio’s equity risk exposure by region at December 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong>:<br />



REGION<br />

(In thousand euros)<br />

Foreign exchange risk:<br />

Europe<br />

All of APRIL GROUP’s portfolio is invested in euros, but there<br />

may be an indirect foreign exchange risk on account of the<br />

underlying resources (notably equity UCITS).<br />

The following table presents the portfolio’s exposure to<br />

currency market risks as at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>:<br />

US<br />

Other<br />

regions<br />

Total<br />

Equities<br />

Equity UCITS 49,328 2,172 51,500<br />

PORTFOLIO TOTAL 49,328 2,172 51,500<br />

% 95.8 % 4.2% 100.0%<br />



(In thousand euros)<br />

Total %<br />

Financial assets denominated in EUR 305,954 98.8 %<br />

Financial assets denominated in GBP 2,411 0.8 %<br />

Financial assets denominated in USD<br />

Financial assets denominated in other<br />

currencies<br />

1,432 0.5 %<br />

PORTFOLIO TOTAL 309,797 100.0 %<br />

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Interest rate risk:<br />

APRIL GROUP’s portfolio is made up primarily of bonds and<br />

bond UCITS, and is therefore exposed to an interest rate<br />

risk. More specifically, this concerns a fair value impairment<br />

risk for fixed-rate bonds and a cash-flow risk on coupons for<br />

variable-rate bonds. The following table presents the portfolio’s<br />

interest rate risk exposure at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> by maturity:<br />

INTEREST RATE EXPOSURE BY MATURITY (In thousand euro) < 1 year < 2 years < 3 years < 4 years < 5 years > 5 years TOTAL<br />

Bonds exposed to fair value risk 28,268 19,881 12,073 24,567 10,175 45,753 140,717<br />

Bond UCITS exposed to fair value risk<br />

Derivative assets exposed to fair value risk<br />

Other financial assets exposed to fair value risk<br />

Financial instruments exposed to fair value risk 28,268 19,881 12,073 24,567 10,175 45,753 140,717<br />

Bonds exposed to cash-flow risk 2,628 1,378 5,447 2,974 25,222 37,649<br />

Bond UCITS exposed to cash-flow risk<br />

Derivative assets exposed to cash-flow risk<br />

Other financial assets exposed to cash-flow risk<br />

Financial instruments exposed to cash-flow risk 2,628 1,378 5,447 2,974 25,222 37,649<br />

PORTFOLIO TOTAL 30,896 21,259 12,073 30,014 13,149 70,975 178,366<br />

% 17.3% 11.9% 6.8% 16.8% 7.4% 39.8% 100.0%<br />

Credit risk:<br />

APRIL GROUP is exposed to a credit risk through the issuers<br />

of bonds held in its portfolio. However, this risk is limited<br />

thanks to the stringent selection of issuers (over 90% of<br />

bond assets are issued by at least A-rated companies).<br />

The table opposite presents a breakdown of the bond<br />

portfolio at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> by issuer rating:<br />



(In thousand euros)<br />

N.D. AAA AA A+ to A-<br />

BBB+ to<br />

BBB-<br />

< BBB- TOTAL<br />

Credit-risk exposed bonds 1,003 78,913 28,766 53,718 15,966 178,366<br />

Credit-risk exposed<br />

bond UCITS<br />

TOTAL BOND PORTFOLIO 1,003 78,913 28,766 53,718 15,966 178,366<br />

% 0.6% 44.2% 16.1% 30.1% 9.0% 100.0%<br />

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Furthermore, APRIL GROUP’s portfolios do not include any<br />

CDO or other securitization vehicles.<br />

APRIL GROUP is also subject to a credit risk through<br />

reinsurers, to which companies transfer part of the risks on<br />

their insurance policies.<br />

The Group only works with a restricted number of reinsurers<br />



Sensitivity of the securities portfolio:<br />

Fixed-income markets<br />

On a regular basis, i.e. every quarter, a report presenting<br />

the sensitivity of the portfolio and liabilities to changes in<br />

interest rates is submitted to the supervisory authorities.<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, the average sensitivity of APRIL<br />

GROUP’s bond portfolio to changes in interest rates came<br />

out at 2.79 (2.40 at December 31st, 2006). If we factor in<br />

the entire portfolio (including equities and other assets), this<br />

drops 1.61 (1.56 at December 31 st , 2006).<br />

This means that if interest rates go up by 1 point in absolute<br />

value (e.g. if they rise from 4% to 5%), APRIL GROUP’s<br />

portfolio value would drop 1.61%.<br />

Equity markets<br />

The equity portfolio is sensitive to an upturn or downturn on<br />

the financial markets for shares.<br />

In this respect, and in light of the portfolio’s makeup, the risk<br />

on the equity portfolio can be assimilated with the risk on<br />

whose solvency is recognized: over 75% of reinsurance<br />

transfers are carried out with reinsurers that are rated at<br />

least A by Standard & Poor’s.<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, the breakdown of reinsured<br />

premiums by reinsurer rating was as follows:<br />

N.D. AAA AA A+ to A-<br />

BBB+ to<br />

BBB-<br />

< BBB- TOTAL<br />

% of premiums ceded 22.7% 1.3% 52.6 % 23.0% 0.4% 100.0%<br />

the main financial market indexes such as the EUROSTOXX<br />

50. In this way, a 10% reduction in the EUROSTOXX 50 index<br />

would result in a 5,251 thousand euro reduction for the<br />

entire portfolio.<br />

Monitoring procedures and resources in place<br />

With a view to improving performance and building up a<br />

clearer picture of market risks, the asset management<br />

activities of insurance companies are delegated to a<br />

specialized management company, accredited by the French<br />

securities regulator (Autorité des Marchés Financiers, AMF).<br />

Under this delegation, limits are set in terms of the<br />

percentage of the portfolio that may be invested on<br />

various bond and equity resources (dispersion ratios,<br />

influence ratios, restrictions in terms of issuer ratings, etc.).<br />

In addition, the French Insurance Code, which governs<br />

insurance companies, also sets investment caps.<br />

Thanks to comprehensive reports provided by the authorized<br />

manager, notably including accounting elements (inventory,<br />

book income, unrealized capital gains or losses, etc.) and a<br />

summary of performances and various levels of exposure to<br />

the markets, the financial portfolio is monitored on a monthly<br />

basis.<br />

The members of the Finance Committee, the APRIL GROUP’s<br />

governance body, include the heads of the various companies<br />

as well as representatives from the authorized manager. This<br />

Committee meets every quarter and plays an essential role in<br />

the monitoring and management of market risks. During its<br />

meetings, it is responsible for analyzing the various markets<br />

as well as the economic and financial environment, taking<br />

stock of management over the past period, and setting the<br />

general financial management strategies, as well as future<br />

management restrictions.<br />

Legal risks:<br />

The legal policy, notably in terms of corporate law, stock<br />

markets, tax optimization and monitoring, is overseen by the<br />

APRIL GROUP Legal Affairs and Risk Division.<br />

At the same time, any legal developments impacting our<br />

business are tracked and covered by action plans drawn up<br />

by companies’ operational legal departments. For instance,<br />

a working group has analyzed the consequences of the new<br />

intermediation regulations, issued recommendations for the<br />

various business divisions, and drawn up action plans for all<br />

of the Group’s companies.<br />

In accordance with regulations, the operational activities of<br />

Group companies are covered by a broker civil liability policy,<br />

extended to include banking and financial prospecting activities.<br />

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In addition, a specific civil liability policy has been taken out<br />

on franchiser activities. The legal departments in the various<br />

Group companies are responsible for constantly checking the<br />

suitability of coverage in view of changes in their companies’<br />

activities.<br />

As far as intellectual property-related risks are concerned,<br />

and further to the inventory of brands and internet domain<br />

names drawn up in 2005, further work has been carried out<br />

on registrations and filings by the APRIL GROUP Legal Affairs<br />

and Risks Division both in France and at international level.<br />

Most filings are centralized with service providers that have<br />

been referenced by APRIL GROUP in order to ensure the most<br />

effective protection possible. Administrative follow-up is<br />

centralized by the Group Legal Affairs and Risks Division.<br />

Disputes<br />

The reduction in other provisions for contingencies and<br />

losses reflects the relocation processes carried out for<br />

several Group companies.<br />

Provisions for disputes primarily correspond to disputes<br />

linked to the operational activities of APRIL Group companies,<br />

none of which represent a significant amount on their own.<br />

Provisions for contingencies and losses<br />


(In thousand euros)<br />

Dec 31, 2006<br />

Industrial and environmental risks<br />

On account of the nature of its activity (insurance services),<br />

the Group is not concerned by such risks.<br />

Changes in<br />

Scope<br />

Increase Reduction Dec 31, <strong>2007</strong><br />

Provisions for disputes 3,021 -5 696 -621 3,091<br />

Provisions for pensions 3,996 1,138 518 -125 5,527<br />

Other provisions for contingencies<br />

and losses<br />

8,430 255 2,252 -5,278 5,659<br />


AND LOSSES 15,447 1,388 3,466 -6,024 14,277<br />

Provisions have been booked for any significant disputes<br />

based on the best possible estimates in view of the elements<br />

available at the close of accounts.<br />

To the best of the issuer’s knowledge, there are no other legal<br />

disputes that could have a significant impact on its financial<br />

position, assets, business or results. The main actuarial<br />

assumptions retained as Group standards for determining<br />

provisions for retirement benefits are as follows:<br />

Discount rate: 4%<br />

Rate of increase in salaries: 2%<br />

Rate of inflation: 2%<br />

Insurance and risk coverage<br />

A number of specific insurance programs have been put in<br />

place for the needs of APRIL GROUP companies. The types of<br />

policies concerned are as follows:<br />

Civil liability for executives,<br />

Broker professional liability,<br />

Franchiser professional liability,<br />

Financial guarantee,<br />

Universal systems risks,<br />

Universal site risk,<br />

Supplementary health and personal protection.<br />

The risk manager regularly carries out an analysis of the main<br />

insurance policies taken out by Group companies in order to<br />

ensure that the cover in place is sufficient and adapted to<br />

their activities.<br />

All of the abovementioned policies have been taken out with<br />

companies outside of the Group, except for the personal<br />

protection program, which has been taken out with Axeria<br />

Prévoyance, which is part of the Group.<br />

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The following table outlines the various policies and their<br />

level of cover:<br />

guarantees acquired set against the expansion of the Group’s<br />

activities, in terms of both their nature and their volume.<br />

9. Information on the share capital and voting<br />

rights<br />


Executive liability<br />

Broker professional liability<br />

Insurer<br />

(External / Internal)<br />



Cover<br />

7.5 million euros (sub-cap of 3.75<br />

million euros for non-seperable liability)<br />

7 million euros or 7.6 million euros<br />

depending on the business<br />

of the company concerned<br />

(all damages included)<br />

Deductible<br />

No deductible<br />

15,000 euros or 150,000<br />

euros depending on the<br />

company concerned<br />

Franchiser professional liability EXTERNAL 750,000 euros per claim 7,000 euros<br />

Financial guarantee EXTERNAL 115,000 euros No deductible euros<br />

Universal systems risks<br />

Universal office risks<br />

Supplementary health and<br />

personal protection<br />



INTERNAL (Axeria Prévoyance)<br />

for personal protection<br />

5,106,170 euros (cost of replacement<br />

with new equipment)<br />

Maximum commitment of up<br />

to 13.6 million euros (as-new value<br />

of furniture, material, goods)<br />

Standard guarantee for management<br />

and non-management staff<br />

1,500 euros<br />

1,804 euros<br />

No deductible<br />

Breakdown of the share capital and voting rights<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 233-13 of the<br />

French Commercial Code, and on account of the information<br />

and notifications received pursuant to Articles L. 233-7<br />

and L. 233-12 of the said Code, the shareholders directly<br />

or indirectly owning more than 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,<br />

33.33%, 50%, 66.66% or 95% of the share capital or voting<br />

rights at General Meetings are as follows:<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>:<br />

Evolem (a majority of which is controlled by Bruno Rousset)<br />

owned over 50% of the share capital and over 66.66% of<br />

voting rights;<br />

FMR Corp. and Fidelity Investment International, on behalf<br />

of the mutual funds managed by their subsidiaries, own<br />

more than 5% of the share capital and voting rights.<br />

Shares held by these shareholders have not been pledged<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, the following policies were fully overhauled by the<br />

Risk Manager:<br />

Broker professional liability;<br />

Financial guarantee;<br />

Banking and financial prospecting;<br />

Universal office risks;<br />

Universal IT risks.<br />

The policies have been fully reviewed and new policies taken<br />

out for 2008. The insurers selected for these new policies<br />

are still outside of the Group. This review is in line with a<br />

commitment to managing risk transfer costs more effectively<br />

within the Group, combined with an optimization of the<br />

Other specific risks<br />

The risk factor identification process presented above and<br />

more specifically the implementation of mapping processes<br />

in virtually all of the Group’s operational companies made<br />

it possible to identify a series of untreated operational or<br />

strategic risks, both in-house and externally, with the level of<br />

effective control assessed in each case.<br />

On this basis, various internal control projects and potential<br />

subjects for internal audits have been identified. In 2008,<br />

they will be incorporated into the audit plans at Group,<br />

division and company levels, based on an iterative quality<br />

loop, with the risk mappings for 2008.<br />

Changes to the breakdown of share capital and voting<br />

rights in the fiscal year just ended<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, to the best of the company’s knowledge, no<br />

disclosure thresholds were passed.<br />

Change in the market value of shares<br />

APRIL GROUP’s share opened at 36.60 euros on January 2 nd ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong> and closed out the year on December 31 st <strong>2007</strong> at<br />

46.15 euros, up 26.09% over the year.<br />

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10. Employee share ownership<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 225-102 of<br />

the French Commercial Code, we are reporting on employee<br />

shareholding as on the last day of the financial year, i.e. at<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, representing 0.43%, of which 0.26%<br />

under a company savings scheme (mutual fund investing in<br />

APRIL shares).<br />

11. Information on corporate officers<br />

At the General Meeting on August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, shareholders<br />

voted to modify the company’s means of administration and<br />

management with the adoption of the Board of Directors<br />

system, replacing the system based on Executive and<br />

Supervisory Boards.<br />

Pursuant to the new provisions of the new economic<br />

regulations law (Loi sur les Nouvelles Régulations<br />

Economiques) of May 15 th , 2001, incorporated into Article<br />

L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code, you are hereby<br />

informed of:<br />

1. The total compensation and benefits of all types paid during<br />

the year to each corporate officer and the compensation and<br />

benefits of all types that each of the said officers received<br />

during the year from controlled and controlling companies as<br />

per Article L. 233-16 of the French Commercial Code.<br />

Compensation paid in <strong>2007</strong> by APRIL GROUP, controlled companies and the controlling company<br />

NAME<br />


Gross compensation (in euros)<br />

Fixed Variable Exceptional Director’s fees<br />

Benefits<br />

in kind<br />

Total<br />

compensation<br />

Compensation-related<br />

commitments<br />

2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

Bruno ROUSSET<br />

Chairman of the<br />

Board of Directors(3)<br />

55,000 41,435 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55,000 41,435 0 0<br />

Xavier COQUARD Director (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Vanessa ROUSSET Director (3) 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,132 3,132 103,132 103,132 0 0<br />

Fédération Continentale represented<br />

by Stéphane Dedeyan<br />

(until December 2006)<br />

Sylvie ROUSSILLON<br />

(until December 2006)<br />

Director 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 1,000 0 0 4,000 1,000 0 0<br />

Director 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 0<br />

Guy RIGAUD Director (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 17,000 0 0 13,000 17,000 0 0<br />

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NAME<br />


Gross compensation (in euros)<br />

Fixed Variable Exceptional Director’s fees<br />

Benefits<br />

in kind<br />

Total<br />

compensation<br />

Compensation-related<br />

commitments<br />

2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong><br />

Bernard BELLETANTE Director (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,000 14,000 0 0 13,000 14,000 0 0<br />

Jean-Claude AUGROS Director (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 0<br />

Philippe MARCEL Director (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 0 0 10,000 10,000 0<br />

Gilles DUPIN Director (4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 0<br />

Jean GATTY<br />

(until December 2006)<br />

Director 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 14,000 0 0 12,000 14,000 0 0<br />

Gilles PARDI Director (3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,000 0 0 0 4,000 0 0<br />

André ARRAGO Director (3) N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0<br />

Jean-Yves NOUY Director (3) N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0<br />

Chairman of the<br />

Dominique CHALOPIN<br />

Executive Board 237,131 214,732 149,429 160,000 0 0 0 0 6,168 6,168 392,728 380,900 355,696 (1) 322,098 (1)<br />

(until Aug 28,) (4)<br />

Patrick PETITJEAN<br />

Executive Board<br />

member (until<br />

Aug 28, <strong>2007</strong>) (4)<br />

220,200 213,000 140,000 140,000 0 0 0 0 7,200 16,168 367,400 369,168 330,300 (1) 319,500 (1)<br />

Erick BERVILLE<br />

Daniel COLLIGNON<br />

Executive Board<br />

member (until<br />

Aug 28, <strong>2007</strong>) (4)<br />

Executive Board<br />

member (until<br />

Aug 28, <strong>2007</strong>) (4)<br />

182,685 127,311 86,000 70,000 0<br />

321,727<br />

(2)<br />

0 0 5,481 3,744 274,166 522,782 274,027 (1) 0<br />

135,208 250,000 0 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 8,555 135,208 368,555 300,000 (1) 375,000 (1)<br />

(1) Compensation due in the event of dismissal<br />

(2) Compensation for dismissal paid in October <strong>2007</strong><br />

(3) Following the change of the company’s management and administration<br />

structure, with the adoption of the Board of Directors system at the General<br />

Meeting on August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, the members of the company’s Supervisory<br />

Board became directors.<br />

(4) Date on which the company changed its management and administration<br />

structure, with the adoption of the Board of Directors system.<br />

The variable compensation packages paid out in <strong>2007</strong> are based<br />

on compliance with the following objectives that were set for<br />

2006:<br />

Compliance with budgetary objectives;<br />

Development of new business;<br />

Development of new business; Steering of companies under<br />

the responsibility of the head of the division concerned and<br />

integration of new companies;<br />

Compliance with qualitative criteria on customer and<br />

employee satisfaction.<br />

Furthermore, certain officers have been granted stock options<br />

as described in Section 5.2.2. of the reference document.<br />

In this respect, the Executive Board meeting on <strong>April</strong> 26 th ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong> decided to award stock options to certain Group<br />

employees and company corporate officers, with its members<br />

specifying that beneficiaries who are APRIL GROUP corporate<br />

officers should hold 30% of the shares resulting from the<br />

exercising of their stock options on a registered basis through<br />

to the end of their offices as corporate officers.<br />

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Management report<br />

2. List of all offices and functions held in any company by<br />

each officer<br />



Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

FGA SA<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Offices in <strong>2007</strong><br />

APRIL Assurances<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Easyssur SA<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

APRIL Mobilité<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />



Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />

Axeria Prévoyance SA<br />

Axeria Iard SA<br />

Axeria Courtage SA<br />

APRIL CEE Development Kft<br />

(Hungarian-law company)<br />

Axeria Vie SA<br />

Bruno ROUSSET<br />


Chairman and Chief Executive Officer<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd, 2009<br />


APRIL Patrimoine SA<br />


Solucia Protection Juridique SA<br />

Within the Group<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Managing Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Italia SpA<br />

(Italian-law company)<br />

APRIL Financial Services AG<br />

(German-law company)<br />

APRIL Germany AG<br />

(German-law company)<br />

APRIL Iberia SA<br />

(Spanish-law company)<br />

APRIL Santé SA<br />

APRIL Marketing Solutions SA<br />

APRIL Réunion SA<br />

Solidaris<br />




L&E Title Group<br />

(English-law company)<br />

LETIS<br />

(English-law company)<br />

APRIL Immobilier<br />

Director<br />

Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Assurtis SA<br />

CGCA<br />

GI2A<br />

Habitance SA<br />

AMT Assurances SA<br />

APRIL Iard SA<br />

Mutant Assurances SA<br />

APRIL Solutions SA<br />

APRIL Yacht Broker di<br />

Assicurazioni SpA<br />

(italian-law company)<br />

ASSURDOM Gestion SA<br />

Moral Caraïbes SA<br />



Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Assinco<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

SFG SA<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />


Permanent representative o<br />

f APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

64<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />

Cogealp SA<br />

Haussmann Conseils SA<br />

APRIL Assurances<br />

Entreprises SA<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

ESCAPADE Assurances<br />

Voyages Inc.<br />

(Canadian-law company)<br />

Forum Finances SA<br />

APRIL Alpha<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Evolem 1 SAS<br />



DE LYON SA<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

APRIL Solutions<br />

Entreprises SA<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

APRIL Delta<br />

Director<br />

Europassur SA<br />

CIARE SA<br />

SASCO SA<br />

Dierrevi SpA<br />

(Italian-law company)<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Director<br />

APRIL Gamma<br />

APRIL Kappa<br />

APRIL Sigma<br />

APRIL Omega<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />

Xavier COQUARD<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

APRIL Cover SA<br />

APRIL Corporate Broking SA<br />


AVS SA<br />

GIE APRIL Technologies<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Evolem SA<br />




Kaelia SA<br />

EM LYON (Association)<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 1<br />

Director<br />





Within the Group<br />

Director<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman and Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

GIE APRIL Courtage<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />


Co-manager<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />

GIE La Maison Commune<br />

APRIL North America Inc.<br />

(Canadian-law company)<br />

Dave Rochon Assurances Inc.<br />

(Canadian-law company)<br />

Chairman<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />

VBS SA<br />

Director<br />

APRIL Assurances SA<br />




Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Director<br />

65<br />

Return to the contents section

1.0<br />

Management report<br />

APRIL Solutions SA now<br />



Current offices and functions:<br />

Hannover Re<br />

La Mutuelle des Transports<br />

et Artisans<br />

Groupement Français<br />

de Caution<br />

Director<br />

André ARRAGO<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Member of the Executive Board<br />

Member of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Member of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present: NA<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />

I.S.F.A.<br />

Jean-Claude AUGROS<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Manager<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present: NA<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />



Bernard BELLETANTE<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Deputy Chief Executive Officer<br />

Director<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present: NA<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />





Gilles DUPIN<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Chairman<br />








(GIE)<br />













SCFCM<br />



(SICAV)<br />


NOAM Europe Expansion<br />

Uni Hoche<br />

Chairman of the Executive Board<br />

Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Permanent representative<br />



Permanent representative<br />



Permanent representative<br />

of CAPMA & CAPMI<br />

Permanent representative<br />


Permanent representative<br />



66<br />

Return to the contents section

1.0<br />

Management report<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />




Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />



Chief Executive Officer<br />

Permanent representative of<br />



JUSTICI@<br />

Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />




Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />



Permanent representative<br />



Chairman<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />

Philippe MARCEL<br />

ECCO SAS<br />

ADIA SAS<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />


(SICAV)<br />




OCAM<br />










Permanent representative<br />



Permanent representative<br />



SARP SA<br />

Permanent representative of<br />



Permanent representative of<br />



Permanent representative<br />

of CAPMA & CAPMI<br />

Permanent representative<br />



Permanent representative<br />

of the MONCEAU MAA Group<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />


SAS<br />


ADECIA - SA<br />



(Swiss-law company)<br />


EM LYON (Association)<br />




SILLI KER INC. (société de<br />

droit américain)<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Chairman<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Chairman<br />

Director<br />












Chairman<br />

Chief Executive Officer / Director<br />

Director<br />

Chairman-Chief Executive Officer<br />

Director<br />

Chairman-Chief Executive Officer<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


Permanent representative of<br />


Permanent representative of<br />

ADECCO TT, Manager<br />



CIAM<br />

Manager<br />

67<br />

Return to the contents section

1.0<br />

Management report<br />

Jean-Yves NOUY<br />

Outside of the Group<br />


Chairman<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />


Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />


Manager<br />



Director<br />


Manager<br />

SHAM<br />

SHAM Services<br />

SHAM VIE<br />

AXA FIF<br />

Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman and Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />


CATIXL<br />

Chairman and Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Chairman<br />

SEPEL<br />


IOL SAS<br />





CM2 INVEST (SC)<br />

ARLCO II (SC)<br />

ALP (Association)<br />


Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />


ECAF SNC<br />

CAMC SNC<br />


CAGS SA<br />


ETC BV<br />

HI FI BV<br />

VEV Distribution<br />



Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Manager<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman of the Executive Board<br />

Manager<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />

Gilles PARDI<br />


CCI de LYON<br />

Manager<br />

Secretary-Deputy Vice-Chairman<br />

SUMAR SpA<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />


Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />

Within the Group<br />


Chairman<br />


Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />


Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

68<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />

Current offices and functions:<br />



SAS<br />


Guy RIGAUD<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />

Chairman of the Executive Board<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Chairman<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />


Current offices and functions:<br />

Manager<br />

Vanessa ROUSSET<br />


Director<br />

Office ending: <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2009<br />

Outside of the Group<br />


EURL<br />



POOL SAS<br />

MKG SAS<br />

FLEX SAS<br />


CIFEA<br />





HEDIPA<br />


Manager<br />

Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 2, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of MKG SAS, member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Co-manager<br />

Manager<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 1, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 1, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 1, Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem 1, Chairman<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />


SECMA<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Ortho SAS, Director<br />

Dominique CHALOPIN<br />

Current offices and functions at August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />


Chairman and member of the Executive Board<br />

until August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />













Within the Group<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Vice Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Chairman-Chief Executive Officer<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Evolem SA<br />

Evolem 1 SAS<br />

Evolem 2 SAS<br />

Chief Executive Officer,<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />

CE2P<br />

NOMEN<br />

Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of Evolem SA<br />




Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

69<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />







AVS SA<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Vice-Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Vice-Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />








Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />




ELLUL<br />

Chairman and Chief<br />

Executive Officer<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman<br />

Erick BERVILLE<br />




Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />



SASCO SA<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Offices and functions until August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>:<br />


Vice-Chairman and member of the Executive Board until<br />

August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Within the Group<br />

CGCA SA<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />


Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />


Director<br />


CIARE SA<br />


(Italian-law company)<br />




FGA SAS<br />

Vice-Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Vice-Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Vice-Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />


SFG SA<br />



(Société de droit italien)<br />

FEBS AG<br />

(German-law company)<br />


(English-law company)<br />

Permanent representative<br />


PARTICULIERS, member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Vice-Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL GROUP, Director<br />

Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Director<br />



ASSICURAZIONI (Société de<br />

droit italien)<br />

ARPI (SCI)<br />




(SARL)<br />


Director<br />

Director<br />

Manager<br />

Vice-Chairman and member of<br />

the Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman and member of the<br />

Executive Board<br />

Manager<br />

Director<br />

70<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />







Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Manager<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />








Director<br />

Chairman-Chief Executive Officer<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Director<br />

Chairman-Chief Executive Officer<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />



OJH SA<br />




Chairman-Chief Executive Officer<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chief Executive Officer / Director<br />

Director<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present:<br />


Chairman<br />

Offices held over the last five years, but no longer held at<br />

present:<br />

Generali Rendement (SICAV)<br />

Director<br />

Generali Performance (SICAV) Director<br />




SA<br />


Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Objectif Monde (SICAV)<br />

Chairman<br />


Director<br />

Daniel COLLIGNON<br />

Current offices and functions at August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />

GENERALI Systèmes<br />

Informatiques (GIE)<br />

EQUITE<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

GPA VIE<br />

GPA IARD<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />


Member of the Executive Board until August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />







Within the Group<br />

Chairman and Chief Executive<br />

Officer<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />

APRIL Patrimoine, Director<br />

Director<br />

EPJ<br />

Financière Centuria<br />

Saint Honoré PME<br />

Generali Finance<br />

Georges V Rendement (SCPI)<br />

Multimmobilier 2 (SCPI)<br />

Pierre Privilège (SCPI)<br />

Valoripierre (SCPI)<br />


Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


Director<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman-Chief Executive Officer<br />

Generali Euro Sept Dix Ans<br />

(SICAV)<br />

Generali Trésorerie (SICAV)<br />

Objectif Ethique Socialement<br />

Responsable (SICAV)<br />



Generali Investissement<br />

(SICAV)<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


CONTINENTALE, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


CONTINENTALE, Director<br />

71<br />

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1.0<br />

Management report<br />

Cercle des épargnants<br />

(Association)<br />

Foncia Pierre Rendement<br />

(SCPI)<br />

Rocher Pierre 1 (SCPI)<br />

Vice-Chairman<br />

Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />




Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

12. Stock options<br />

Accordance with the provisions of Article L. 225-184 of the<br />

French Commercial Code, the General Meeting is informed<br />

of the stock option schemes put in place in a special report,<br />

filed with the office for General Meetings.<br />

Patrick PETITJEAN<br />

Current offices and functions at August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />


Vice-Chairman and member of the Executive Board until<br />

August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong><br />








SA<br />




Within the Group<br />

Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board<br />

Chairman<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />

Director<br />

Chairman-Chief Executive Officer<br />

Permanent representative<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Permanent representative<br />

of APRIL COURTAGE, Director<br />

and Chairman<br />

Permanent representative<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors<br />









(Société de droit espagnol)<br />


(Société de droit italien)<br />


(société de droit allemand)<br />

FEBS AG<br />

(société de droit allemand)<br />

Director<br />

Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Chairman<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Permanent representative of<br />


INDIVIDUELLE, Director<br />

Member of the<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors<br />

Chairman and director<br />

Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Chairman and member<br />

of the Supervisory Board<br />

Offices (outside of the APRIL Group) held over the last five<br />

years, but no longer held at present: NA<br />

13. Number of shares purchased or sold by the<br />

company over the year<br />

Further to the authorizations granted at the Combined General<br />

Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2006, the Company owned 155,067<br />

APRIL shares at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, acquired at an average<br />

unit price of 42.30 euros, representing 0.95% of the share<br />

capital:<br />

Total value based on the purchase price: 6,559,478.03 euros<br />

Total par value of shares held: 62,026.80 euros<br />

22,117 shares were acquired with a view to coordinating<br />

the company’s stock price under an AFEI liquidity agreement.<br />

132,950 shares were also acquired in 2006, initially allocated<br />

to a buyback program in connection with an external growth<br />

operation.<br />

During the year, the company purchased a total of 132,708<br />

shares, and sold off 149,216, with an average purchase price<br />

of 41.02 euros and an average sale price of 39.17 euros.<br />

The trading costs incurred totaled 28,107 euros.<br />

72<br />

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Management report<br />

14. Authorization to implement a share buyback<br />

program and reduce the capital through the<br />

cancellation of treasury stock<br />

We recommend once again granting the Board of Directors,<br />

for an 18-month period, the powers required to purchase<br />

company shares in one or more transactions and at the times<br />

that it deems necessary for up to 5% of the share capital,<br />

adjusted as relevant in order to factor in any capital increase<br />

or reduction operations that may be carried out during the<br />

course of the program.<br />

This authorization would supersede the authorization<br />

given to the Board of Directors at the General Meeting on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 26 th , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Such acquisitions may be carried out with a view to:<br />

Coordinating the secondary market or liquidity for APRIL<br />

GROUP’s share through an investment service provider<br />

under a liquidity agreement in accordance with the<br />

compliance charter approved by the AMF;<br />

Keeping any shares purchased and issuing them again<br />

subsequently in exchange or as payment for external<br />

growth operations, it being understood that shares<br />

acquired in this respect may not exceed 5% of the<br />

company’s share capital;<br />

Covering stock option schemes and other forms of<br />

allocating shares to Group employees and/or corporate<br />

officers, notably in connection with the profit-sharing<br />

system, a company savings scheme or a free allocation of<br />

shares;<br />

Covering marketable securities entitling holders to the<br />

allocation of company shares in line with stock market<br />

regulations;<br />

Canceling any shares acquired as authorized, subject to<br />

the authorization to be given by this General Shareholders’<br />

Meeting in its 16 th extraordinary resolution.<br />

We recommend setting the maximum purchase price at<br />

80 euros per share. As such, the maximum nominal amount<br />

for the operation is capped at 163,242,480 euros.<br />

As a result of the cancellation objective, we recommend<br />

authorizing the Board of Directors for a 24-month period to<br />

cancel, on its decisions alone and in one or more transactions<br />

for up to 10% of the capital calculated on the day of the<br />

cancellation decision, after deducting any shares cancelled<br />

over the previous 24 months, the shares that the company<br />

holds or may hold further to buyback operations carried out<br />

in connection with its buyback program and to reduce the<br />

share capital accordingly, in line with the legal and regulatory<br />

provisions in force.<br />

The Board of Directors would therefore have the powers<br />

required to do whatever is necessary in this respect.<br />

15. Renewal of the terms-of-office of the<br />

incumbent and deputy statutory auditors<br />

The terms of office of the incumbent statutory auditors,<br />

namely MAZARS and DELOITTE & ASSOCIES, and the<br />

terms of office of the deputy statutory auditor, BEAS,<br />

are due to end further to our next Ordinary General<br />

Meeting convened to approve the financial statements<br />

for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>. We therefore<br />

recommend reappointing them for a further six-year period.<br />

16. Appointment of a deputy statutory auditor<br />

We would like to remind you that Jean-Marie Barbereau’s<br />

office as deputy statutory auditor is due to end further to our<br />

Ordinary General Meeting convened to approve the financial<br />

statements for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>. We<br />

therefore recommend appointing Michel Barbet-Massin to<br />

replace him for a six-year period.<br />

17. Delegations to increase the share capital<br />

The delegations of authority adopted at the General Meeting<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2006 and transferred to the Board of Directors<br />

at the General Meeting on August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, are scheduled<br />

to end in the days following the General Meeting convened<br />

to approve the financial statements for the year ended<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>. We therefore recommend renewing<br />

the delegations.<br />

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Management report<br />

Delegations to increase the share capital through<br />

cash contributions or the incorporation of reserves,<br />

profits or premiums (Article L. 225-129-2 of the French<br />

commercial code)<br />

We recommend delegating powers for the Board of Directors<br />

to:<br />

Increase the capital through the issue of ordinary shares or<br />

marketable securities entitling holders to access the capital<br />

reserved for shareholders and/or through the incorporation<br />

of reserves, profits or premiums;<br />

Increase the capital through the issue of shares and/or<br />

marketable securities entitling holders to access the capital,<br />

with preferential subscription rights waived.<br />

The delegations are intended to give the Board of Directors<br />

full discretion within the legal timeframe of 26 months to<br />

issue, at the time that it deems relevant, ordinary shares<br />

and/or marketable securities giving holders immediate or<br />

future access to ordinary shares, with a view to financing the<br />

company’s requirements.<br />

The nominal amount of any capital increases that may be<br />

carried out may not exceed 10,000,000 euros. This amount<br />

would include the total nominal value of any additional<br />

ordinary shares to be issued with a view to safeguarding,<br />

as required under French law, the rights of holders of<br />

marketable securities entitling them to access the capital.<br />

It is planned, in connection with these delegations, to grant<br />

the Board of Directors the option to increase, under the<br />

conditions and within the limits set by the legal and regulatory<br />

provisions in force, the number of securities planned for the<br />

initial issue. Any such decision would be subject to a specific<br />

resolution.<br />

In accordance with French law, the marketable securities to<br />

be issued may entitle holders to access the capital of any<br />

company that directly or indirectly owns more than half of<br />

the share capital of our company or any company in which<br />

our company directly or indirectly owns more than half of the<br />

share capital.<br />

Such issues could be carried out with preferential subscription<br />

rights maintained for shareholders. Notably with a view to<br />

reaching as many investors as possible, the Board of Directors<br />

may, as relevant, waive the preferential subscription right.<br />

If preferential subscription rights have been maintained and<br />

subscriptions have not taken up all of the issue, the Board of<br />

Directors may use the options provided for under French law<br />

and more specifically offer all or part of any securities that<br />

have not been subscribed for to the public.<br />

In the event of an issue based on a public offering without<br />

any preferential subscription rights, the Board of Directors<br />

may give shareholders a priority option for subscriptions.<br />

be determined in accordance with the legal and regulatory<br />

provisions in force, and will therefore be at least equal to the<br />

minimum required by the provisions of Article R. 225-119 of<br />

the French commercial code at the time when the Board of<br />

Directors implements the delegation.<br />

In the event of an issue of securities intended as payment for<br />

securities put forward in connection with a public exchange<br />

offer, the Board of Directors shall have, within the limits set<br />

out above, the powers required to set the list of securities<br />

tendered for the exchange, set the conditions for any issue<br />

as well as the exchange ratio and, as relevant, the amount of<br />

the cash balance to be paid, and determine the conditions<br />

for issue.<br />

Authorization to increase the share capital with a view<br />

to paying for any contributions in kind for securities<br />

and marketable securities (Article L. 225-147 of the<br />

French commercial code)<br />

In order to facilitate external growth operations, we<br />

recommend delegating powers for the Board of Directors<br />

to increase the share capital for up to 10% of its amount<br />

with a view to paying for any contributions in kind for capital<br />

securities or marketable securities entitling holders to access<br />

the capital.<br />

This authorization would be given for a 26-month period.<br />

The nominal amount of any marketable securities<br />

representative of company debt that may be issued may not<br />

exceed 150,000,000 euros.<br />

Based on this assumption, the sum due to the company,<br />

currently or in the future, for each one of the ordinary<br />

shares issued, after factoring in the subscription price for<br />

warrants in the event of an issue of equity warrants, will<br />

The total nominal amount of ordinary shares that may be<br />

issued under this delegation may not exceed 10% of the<br />

share capital.<br />

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Management report<br />

This cap is independent from all of the caps provided for<br />

under other delegations to increase the capital.<br />

Authorization to carry out a capital increase reserved<br />

for members of a company savings scheme (Articles<br />

L. 225-129-6, L. 225-138-1 of the French commercial<br />

code and L. 443-5 of the French labor code)<br />

In connection with a legal obligation to promote employee<br />

shareholding, we also recommend approving a proposed<br />

delegation for the Board of Directors to carry out a capital<br />

increase reserved for members of a company savings scheme<br />

and in accordance with the conditions of Article L. 443-5 of<br />

the French labor code through the cash issue of ordinary<br />

shares and, as relevant, the free allocation of ordinary shares<br />

or other securities entitling holders to access the capital.<br />

French law requires preferential subscription rights to be<br />

waived.<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 443-5 of the<br />

French labor code, the price of shares to be issued may not<br />

be more than 20% lower (or 30% when the scheme’s planned<br />

lock-in period as per Article L. 443-6 of the French labor<br />

code is greater than or equal to 10 years) than the average<br />

opening price for the share during the 20 trading sessions<br />

prior to the Board of Directors’ decision relative to the capital<br />

increase and the issue of the corresponding shares, and may<br />

not be any higher than this average.<br />

The maximum nominal amount of the increases that may be<br />

carried out through the use of this delegation is 500,000 euros.<br />

We therefore recommend granting the Board of Directors full<br />

powers to use this delegation for a 26-month period.<br />

Within the limits set out above, the Board of Directors shall<br />

have the powers required notably with a view to setting the<br />

conditions for the issues, acknowledging the performance<br />

of the resulting capital increases, amending the bylaws<br />

accordingly, booking, on its initiative alone, the costs for<br />

capital increases against the amount of the corresponding<br />

premiums, and deducting the sums required to take the legal<br />

reserve up to one tenth of the new capital after each increase<br />

against this amount, and more generally doing whatever is<br />

necessary in this respect.<br />

Authorizations for individual employee shareholding<br />

In order to make it possible to continue with the policy<br />

to promote employee shareholding and consolidate the<br />

company’s development, we recommend authorizing the<br />

Board of Directors to award stock options and bonus shares<br />

as follows:<br />

Authorization to award stock options and/or warrants<br />

We recommend authorizing the Board of Directors for a<br />

38-month period to award stock options and/or warrants<br />

to employees, certain members of staff, certain categories<br />

of staff and/or corporate officers as defined under French<br />

law, from both the company and any companies or economic<br />

interest groups that are related to it as per Article L. 225-180<br />

of the French commercial code;<br />

The total number of options that may be awarded by the<br />

Board of Directors under this delegation may not entitle<br />

holders to subscribe for or purchase a number of shares<br />

exceeding 5% of the existing share capital on the day of the<br />

first allocation, in accordance with the legal limit in force and<br />

more specifically the limits set out in Articles L. 225-182 and<br />

R. 225-143 of the French commercial code.<br />

The share subscription and/or purchase price for beneficiaries<br />

will be set the day on which the options are awarded by<br />

the Board of Directors and will correspond to 100% of the<br />

average listed share price over the 20 days trading prior<br />

to the day on which the option is awarded. The Board of<br />

Directors will be able to offer a discount of up to 5% on the<br />

subscription or purchase price<br />

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Management report<br />

The term set for options by the Board may not exceed eight<br />

years as of their allocation date.<br />

In this way, within the limits set out above, the Board will<br />

have full powers to set the other terms and conditions for<br />

the allocation and exercising of options, and more specifically<br />

setting the conditions under which options will be awarded,<br />

and to determine the list of categories of beneficiaries as<br />

provided for above, set the exercise periods for options<br />

granted in this way, perform or get any other parties to<br />

perform all formalities with a view to making any capital<br />

increases that may be carried out definitive, as relevant, to<br />

amend the bylaws accordingly and generally to do whatever<br />

is necessary.<br />

Authorization to freely award shares to members<br />

of the salaried workforce and/or certain corporate<br />

officers (Article L. 225-197-1 of the French commercial<br />

code)<br />

We recommend authorizing the Board of Directors, for a<br />

38-month period and in accordance with Article L. 225-197-1<br />

of the French commercial code, to freely allocate new shares,<br />

resulting from a capital increase through the incorporation of<br />

reserves, premiums and profits, or existing shares.<br />

The beneficiaries of such allocations could be:<br />

Salaried members of staff from the company or companies<br />

that are linked directly or indirectly to it as per Article<br />

L. 225-197-2 of the French commercial code;<br />

Corporate officers fulfilling the conditions of Article<br />

L. 225-197-1 of the French commercial code.<br />

The number of shares that may be freely allocated by the<br />

Board of Directors under this delegation may not exceed 5%<br />

of the existing share capital on the allocation day.<br />

Shares will only be definitively awarded to beneficiaries at the<br />

end of a vesting period:<br />

Of at least two years for beneficiaries who are French tax<br />

residents on the allocation date. Such beneficiaries will also<br />

be required to retain the shares awarded to them for a<br />

minimum period of two years. The Board would be entitled<br />

to increase the length of both of these periods;<br />

Of at least four years for beneficiaries who are non-<br />

French tax residents on the allocation date, with the Board<br />

of Directors able to increase the length of this period.<br />

However, such beneficiaries would not be subject to the<br />

abovementioned holding requirement, unless indicated<br />

otherwise by any tax provisions.<br />

On an exceptional basis, the allocation would become<br />

definitive before the end of the vesting period in the event<br />

of the beneficiary’s disability in accordance with the second<br />

or third categories set out in Article L. 341-4 of the French<br />

social security code (Code de la sécurité sociale).<br />

Under this authorization, you would expressly waive your<br />

preferential subscription right for new shares issued through<br />

the incorporation of reserves, premiums and profits.<br />

In this way, within the limits set out above, the Board would<br />

have full powers to set the conditions and, as relevant, the<br />

criteria for awarding shares, determining the identity of<br />

beneficiaries for free allocations from among the people<br />

fulfilling the conditions set out above, as well as the number<br />

of shares attributable to each one of them, determine the<br />

impacts on beneficiaries’ rights of operations modifying the<br />

capital or likely to influence the value of shares to be awarded<br />

and carried out during the vesting and holding periods, as<br />

relevant, acknowledge the existence of sufficient reserves<br />

and, at the time of each application, transfer the sums to<br />

a blocked reserve account as required for freeing up the<br />

new shares to be awarded, decide on the capital increase(s)<br />

through the incorporation of reserves, premiums or profits,<br />

in conjunction with the issue of new shares awarded freely,<br />

acquire the shares required in connection with the share<br />

buyback program and allocate them to the allocation scheme,<br />

and generally do whatever is necessary in connection with<br />

the implementation of this authorization in accordance with<br />

the regulations in force.<br />

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Management report<br />

These delegations are presented in detail in the following table:<br />

Summary of valid delegations to increase the share capital<br />

IN EUROS<br />

Date of the EGM<br />

(c)<br />

Authorization<br />

end date<br />

Authorized amount<br />

(in euros)<br />

Previous years<br />

increase(s)<br />

Current year<br />

increase(s)<br />

Residual amount on the<br />

day the present table<br />

was finalized (in euros)<br />

Authorization to increase the capital<br />

with preferential subscription rights<br />

maintained<br />

Authorization to increase the capital<br />

with preferential subscription rights<br />

waived<br />

Authorization to increase the capital<br />

with preferential subscription rights<br />

waived in favor of members of a<br />

company savings scheme<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2008 10,000,000 (a) N/A - 10,000,000 (a)<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2008 10,000,000 (a) N/A - 10,000,000 (a)<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2008 500,000 N/A - 500,000<br />

Authorization to increase the share<br />

capital as payment for contributions<br />

of securities<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2008<br />

10% of the share<br />

capital<br />

N/A -<br />

10 % of the share<br />

capital<br />

Authorization to issue stock options<br />

and/or warrants<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2009<br />

5% of the share<br />

capital<br />

N/A (b) 259,000<br />

Authorization to grant bonus shares<br />

to be issued<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27, 2006 June 26, 2009<br />

5% of the share<br />

capital<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

5 % of the share<br />

capital<br />

(a) Global amount for both categories.<br />

(b) The authorization granted to the Executive Board and then the Board of Directors was applied through the issue of 3 plans in <strong>2007</strong>. No options issued through these 3 plans were exercised in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The maximum capital increase associated with these 3 plans represents 103,600 euros.<br />

(c) The General Meeting that decided on August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong> to change the company’s management structure with the adoption of the Board of Directors formula provided for the possibility for these<br />

delegations, which were initially granted to the Executive Board by the General Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 27 th , 2006, to be used by the Board of Directors.<br />

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Management report<br />

18. Elements likely to have an impact in the<br />

event of a public offering<br />

In accordance with Article L. 225-100-3, we would like to<br />

inform you about the following points:<br />

The structure of the capital and any known direct or indirect<br />

equity interests of the company, with all corresponding<br />

information, are presented in Section 2 in the principal<br />

document I for the reference document;<br />

To the best of the company’s knowledge, no shareholders’<br />

agreements or other commitments have been entered into<br />

between shareholders;<br />

There are no securities including special rights of control;<br />

The voting rights associated with APRIL shares held by staff<br />

under the APRIL equity-based mutual fund are exercised<br />

by a representative appointed by the mutual fund’s<br />

Supervisory Board with a view to representing it at General<br />

Meetings;<br />

The rules for appointing and dismissing members of the<br />

Board of Directors represent the rules applicable under<br />

common law;<br />

In terms of the Board of Directors’ powers, the delegations<br />

that are currently valid are described in the present report<br />

under Section 14 (share buyback program) and in the table<br />

presenting capital increase-related delegations;<br />

Our company’s bylaws may be amended in accordance with<br />

the legal and regulatory provisions in force;<br />

The agreements governing any compensation due in the<br />

event of the termination of Executive Board member<br />

functions are presented in Section 11.<br />

19. Transactions on securities by corporate<br />

officers, senior managers or their close<br />

relatives over the year<br />

Patrick PETITJEAN<br />

Exercising of 10,000 APRIL GROUP equity warrants on July<br />

4 th , <strong>2007</strong> at a price of 16.86 euros.<br />

Sale of 10,000 APRIL GROUP equity warrants on July<br />

4 th , <strong>2007</strong> at a price of 39.53 euros<br />

Dominique GODET<br />

Acquisition of 350 APRIL GROUP shares on July 31st, <strong>2007</strong><br />

at a unit price of 42.05 euros.<br />

Exercising of 2,000 APRIL GROUP equity warrants on<br />

December 20 th , <strong>2007</strong> at a unit price of 16.69 euros.<br />

Sale of 425 APRIL GROUP equity warrants on December<br />

20 th , <strong>2007</strong> at a unit price of 45.00 euros.<br />

20. Co-Statutory Auditors’ review<br />

The following reports are going to be presented to you:<br />

The general report drawn up by your co-statutory auditors<br />

on the statutory financial statements;<br />

Their report on the consolidated financial statements;<br />

Their special report on the agreements covered under<br />

Articles L. 225-38 et seq of the French commercial code;<br />

Their report on the Chairman of the Board of Directors’<br />

report as per the last paragraph of Article L. 225-235 of the<br />

French commercial code;<br />

Their report on the authorization granted to the Board of<br />

Directors to increase the share capital.<br />


We will ask you to duly note the information contained in the<br />

present report for the members of the Board of Directors, to<br />

approve the annual and consolidated financial statements for<br />

the past year, as they have been presented to you, to ratify<br />

the proposals submitted by your Board of Directors and to<br />

discharge the liability of each of its members for the year in<br />

question.<br />

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2.0 Five-year financial summary (in euros)<br />

financial summary (in euros)<br />

Five-year<br />

YEAR-END DATE Dec 31, <strong>2007</strong> Dec 31, 2006 Dec 31, 2005 Dec 31, 2004 Dec 31, 2003<br />

DURATION OF FISCAL YEAR 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months<br />


Share capital 16,324,253 16,292,779 16,236,793 16,174,285 16,086,548<br />

Number of shares<br />

- ordinary 40,810,632 40,731,948 40,591,983 40,435,713 40,216,370<br />

- With priority dividends<br />

Maximum number of shares<br />

to be created<br />

- Through bond conversions<br />

- Through subscription rights<br />


Revenues (net of tax) 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Income before tax, profit-sharing, contribution<br />

to provisions and amortization<br />

93,907,719 31,628,042 30,468,826 21,652,673 22,801,470<br />

Corporate income tax -8,796,718 -3,383,875 -3,290,380 -3,251,503 -3,995,670<br />

Employee profit-sharing 238,892 215,244 158,787 167,550 135,191<br />

Contribution to provisions<br />

and amortization<br />

-2,192,069 2,310,001 -10,536,554 929,371 15,448,020<br />

Net income 104,657,614 32,486,672 44,136,973 23,807,255 11,349,120<br />

Distributed income 17,956,678 16,292,779 13,395,354 8,895,857 6,032,456<br />


Earnings after tax, profit-sharing, before<br />

contribution to provisions and amortization<br />

2.51 0.85 0.83 0.61 0.67<br />

Earnings after tax, profit-sharing, contribution<br />

to provisions and amortization<br />

2.56 0.80 1.09 0.59 0.28<br />

Allocated dividend 0.44 0.4 0.33 0.22 0.15<br />


Average headcount 25 25 21 23 27<br />

Payroll 2,058,452 1,880,850 1,715,762 1,332,012 2,034,391<br />

Amounts paid in company benefits<br />

(social security, social benefits, etc.)<br />

1,067,187 1,049,335 751,820 1,052,872 958,002<br />

As decided at the Combined General Meeting on March 31 st , 2000, APRIL GROUP (formerly APRIL SA) contributed a complete branch of its business to APRIL Assurances SAS<br />

(a wholly-owned subsidiary), with APRIL GROUP then becoming a holding management company.<br />

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3.0 Chairman 3.0<br />

of the Board of Directors’ report<br />

Chairman of the Board of Directors’ report<br />

(Article L. 225-37 of the French commercial code)<br />

Dear Shareholders,<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 225-37 of the<br />

French Commercial Code, please find hereafter our report<br />

relative to:<br />

The conditions for the preparation and organization of the<br />

work carried out by your Board of Directors for the year<br />

ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>;<br />

The internal control system put in place by the company.<br />

1. Conditions for the preparation and<br />

organization of the Board of Directors’ work<br />

At the General Meeting on August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, shareholders<br />

voted to change the company’s governance structure, opting<br />

for the Board of Directors system, which seems best suited<br />

to the Group’s new organization and the key issues and<br />

challenges for the APRIL 2012 plan.<br />

1.1. Board structure<br />

Under the supervision of the Chairman, the procedures<br />

implemented for the drafting of this report were based<br />

on the work carried out, coordinated by the Risk Manager<br />

in conjunction with the Finance Division, the Legal Affairs<br />

Division and the main Group divisions. This report is also<br />

based on the exchanges that took place with the Sustainable<br />

Development Committee and the Statutory Auditors, as well<br />

as the findings from internal audits conducted within the<br />

Group.<br />

Article 14 of our bylaws stipulates that the Board of Directors<br />

must have a minimum of three members, but may comprise<br />

up to eighteen members, who are appointed for a two-year<br />

period of office and may be reelected. Your company’s Board<br />

of Directors currently has 11 members.<br />

A list of the members of the company’s Board of Directors,<br />

including any functions held in other companies, is given in<br />

the Board of Directors’ management report.<br />

The corporate governance system implemented within<br />

APRIL GROUP is in line with the recommendations set<br />

forth in the AFEP/MEDEF report on corporate governance,<br />

which are adapted to the size of the company as well as its<br />

shareholding structure.<br />

In line with recommendations relative to corporate governance,<br />

it includes five independent members. To be considered<br />

independent, members of the Board of Directors may not:<br />

Be a current employee of the Group or have been an employee<br />

at any point in the last three financial years ended;<br />

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3.0<br />

Chairman of the Board of Directors’ report<br />

Be a corporate officer and/or legal representative of any<br />

related company or have held such a position at any point<br />

in the last two financial years ended,<br />

Be a legal representative of a company in which the Group<br />

is a corporate officer, or a legal representative or employee<br />

of the Group at present or at any point in the last two<br />

financial years ended,<br />

Be a beneficiary of an economic relationship with the<br />

Group that is deemed to be significant for the member, or<br />

even an employee, corporate officer, legal representative,<br />

controlling partner of such a beneficiary or a relative of<br />

such a beneficiary as defined below. The significant nature<br />

of the economic relationship in question will be determined<br />

by the Board of Directors,<br />

Be related, on a direct or collateral basis, directly or by<br />

marriage, to a degree less than one fifth, to a legal<br />

representative of the Company. For the purposes of the<br />

present requirements, the spouse of a relative is deemed<br />

to have the same degree of relationship as the relative in<br />

question in connection with the corporate officer,<br />

Be a corporate officer of the Company for over 12 years<br />

as on the date on which their period of office is to be<br />

renewed,<br />

Be a former Statutory Auditor of the Group having<br />

performed this function within the Group in any of the last<br />

five financial years ended.<br />

There are no restrictions in force governing the interests of<br />

independent members in the share capital.<br />

The Board of Directors has set up various Committees,<br />

defining their makeup and remits. These Committees report<br />

to the Board of Directors on their activities.<br />

Firstly, the Sustainable Development Committee meets as<br />

the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee<br />

during specific sessions. Its mission is to oversee the main<br />

strategic and organizational issues facing the company (risk<br />

management and monitoring of internal audit, new company<br />

acquisition and integration policy, Group culture, human<br />

resources policy, governance rules, etc.). Management<br />

actions are taken based on the report that it submits to the<br />

Board of Directors. The Sustainable Development Committee<br />

is currently made up of five members, namely the Chairman<br />

of the Board of Directors and four independent directors.<br />

In addition, the Group’s Investment Committee is called on<br />

prior to the acquisition of an equity interest, the creation<br />

of activities, a significant investment in a company or a<br />

disinvestment. It rules on these elements in the last instance.<br />

The report on the Investment Committee’s decisions is<br />

transmitted to the members of the Board of Directors. A set<br />

of bylaws has been drawn up describing this committee’s<br />

operations. It met seven times over the past financial year.<br />

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of APRIL GROUP is an<br />

ex-officio member of this committee, acting as its Chairman.<br />

The Board of Directors voted, to appoint its representatives<br />

within the APRIL GROUP Investment Committee for an<br />

indefinite period:<br />

Bernard Belletante;<br />

Gilles Pardi;<br />

Guy Rigaud;<br />

Vanessa Rousset.<br />

The Investment Committee also includes two non-director<br />

members.<br />

Lastly, the Insurance Committee comprises the Group’s<br />

professionals, insurance specialists, and at least one member<br />

of the Board of Directors who reports on its work to the<br />

Board.<br />

1.2. Bylaws<br />

The Board of Directors has adopted a set of bylaws, the main<br />

provisions of which are outlined below:<br />

Role of the Board of Directors;<br />

Structure of the Board of Directors;<br />

Ethical obligations and duties for members of the Board of<br />

Directors;<br />

Board of Directors’ organization and operations;<br />

Board of Directors’ information;<br />

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Missions and organization of the committees;<br />

Director compensation<br />

Conditions for amending the bylaws.<br />

1.3. Frequency of meetings<br />

In accordance with its bylaws, the Board may meet as often<br />

as necessary in the interests of the Company and at least<br />

five times a year, as requested by the Chairman of the Board<br />

of Directors or, if the Board has not met for more than two<br />

months, as requested by at least one third of the directors.<br />

Over the past fiscal year, your Board of Directors met twice,<br />

as well as a further three times under the old Supervisory<br />

Board structure.<br />

1.4. Notices to attend for members<br />

Pursuant to Article 14 of the bylaws, the members of the<br />

Board of Directors were given notice to attend by an ordinary<br />

letter in accordance with a schedule that is set at the<br />

beginning of the year but may be modified over the course<br />

of the year as required by events or at the request of several<br />

members of the Board.<br />

1.5. Information for members<br />

In accordance with the performance of their mission, the<br />

members of the Board of Directors have been provided with<br />

all the necessary documents and information in the form<br />

and timeframes required to deliberate under satisfactory<br />

conditions. Furthermore, a specific report is drawn up each<br />

quarter for the members of the Board of Directors with<br />

numerous indicators on financial issues, human resources,<br />

the organization, activities, etc...<br />

1.6. Location for meetings<br />

Meetings of the Board of Directors are generally held in Lyons.<br />

The average rate of attendance for members of the Supervisory<br />

Board and Board of Directors over <strong>2007</strong> was 85%.<br />

The company bylaws specify that videoconferencing and<br />

telecommunications facilities may not be used when:<br />

Drawing up the annual and consolidated financial<br />

statements;<br />

Drawing up the company’s management report and, as<br />

relevant, the Group’s management report;<br />

Selecting the conditions for the performance of executive<br />

management;<br />

Appointing and dismissing the Chairman, Chief Executive<br />

Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officers.<br />

1.7. Minutes of meetings<br />

Minutes are drawn up further to each meeting of the Board<br />

of Directors.<br />

A draft version of these minutes is sent out to each one of the<br />

members with the notice to attend the following meeting and<br />

is voted on by members as soon as the session is opened.<br />

1.8. Role of the Board of Directors<br />

APRIL GROUP’s Board of Directors performs all of the<br />

missions required under French law. With the presence of<br />

several independent members, it is designed to act as force<br />

to provide alerts, take a critical view of issues and submit<br />

proposals. Over the past year, in addition to the decisions<br />

required by the laws and regulations in force, the Board of<br />

Directors addressed the following main issues:<br />

Monitoring acquisition projects and creations of new<br />

companies or activities;<br />

Monitoring the integration of new companies within the<br />

Group;<br />

Monitoring the results of the employee satisfaction survey<br />

Monitoring risk management and internal audit work;<br />

Monitoring the policy for creating new products and<br />

services;<br />

Monitoring of provisional budgets and actuals;<br />

Monitoring of the financial rating process for certain<br />

companies.<br />

1.9. Evaluation of the Board of Directors’ work<br />

Under the company bylaws, the Board of Directors reviews<br />

its operations at least once a year. In general, members of<br />

the Board of Directors regularly analyze their practices, the<br />

conditions for the Board’s work and the achievement of the<br />

objectives set in connection with their missions. At each<br />

Board meeting, the monitoring of decisions taken previously<br />

by the Board of Directors makes it possible to gauge the<br />

effectiveness of its work.<br />

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1.10. Rules for determining corporate officer<br />

compensation<br />

In accordance with the provisions of the French law for the<br />

development of employee profit-sharing and shareholding,<br />

incorporated into Article L.225-37 of the French Commercial<br />

Code, we are reporting to you on the following governance<br />

rules, applicable for determining compensation of any kind<br />

granted to the corporate officers of APRIL GROUP or its<br />

companies.<br />

Fixed compensation<br />

This is determined by the Board of Directors or the<br />

Supervisory Board of each Group company.<br />

Variable compensation<br />

Variable compensation is awarded by the Board of Directors<br />

or the Supervisory Board of each Group company depending<br />

on the objectives set the previous year based on three<br />

criteria:<br />

Economic and financial results: performance in terms of<br />

revenues, operating income, net income and ROE, as well<br />

as the development of new business;<br />

Qualitative performance relative to the satisfaction of<br />

employees, clients and call handling;<br />

Intra-group cooperation and innovation: cross-business<br />

contributions between Group companies; involvement of<br />

managers and employees within cross-business workshops<br />

and APRIL University, involvement of managers in the ad hoc<br />

governance committees of the Group and its subsidiaries;<br />

contribution to the development of new products or<br />

processes, representing sources of differentiation for our<br />

companies.<br />

Directors’ fees<br />

Only the independent members of the Board of Directors receive<br />

directors’ fees for their participation in governance bodies.<br />

The Ordinary General Meeting approves the amount of<br />

director’s fees granted to the members of the Board of<br />

Directors for the past financial year. The average level of<br />

compensation per independent director for their participation<br />

in meetings for the Supervisory Board, Board of Directors and<br />

other Committees came to 10,000 euros for <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

This compensation includes preparations for and participation<br />

in the sessions concerned.<br />

Benefits in kind<br />

The Board of Directors of APRIL GROUP or the Board of<br />

Directors of Group companies provide their executives with a<br />

company vehicle and supplementary healthcare and personal<br />

protection cover.<br />

Stock options<br />

Under a delegation given by the Ordinary General Meeting,<br />

setting the term and maximum overall amount for the<br />

scheme, the Board of Directors grants certain corporate<br />

officers and employees stock options (conditional or other),<br />

in accordance with the conditions applicable under stock<br />

option regulations. The conditions for the various schemes<br />

are presented in the annual report.<br />

1.11. Powers given by the Board of Directors to its<br />

Chairman<br />

The Board of Directors has chosen to not separate the<br />

functions of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief<br />

Executive Officer. The powers of the Chairman and Chief<br />

Executive Officer are those applicable under French law. He<br />

is therefore invested with the broadest powers to act under<br />

any circumstances in the company’s name.<br />

Such powers, which may be sub-delegated, must be<br />

exercised in accordance with the provisions applicable under<br />

the bylaws, the general guidelines and rules set by the Board,<br />

and the APRIL GROUP’s specific management principles.<br />

Any acquisitions of equity interests and partial or total<br />

disposals of capital in subsidiaries must however be presented<br />

to and approved beforehand by the Investment Committee.<br />

2. General internal control structure<br />

2.1. Objectives<br />

APRIL GROUP has put in place an internal control system<br />

designed to meet the following major objectives:<br />

To effectively manage the risks resulting from the activities<br />

of businesses making up the Group, focusing primarily on<br />

prevention and a proactive approach;<br />

To ensure that the operational activities of the various<br />

Group companies are in line with the framework defined by<br />

the relevant labor relations bodies, the laws and regulations<br />

applicable and the internal rules, standards and values in<br />

force within the company and the Group;<br />

To secure the main operational processes and financial<br />

flows for Group companies;<br />

To enable newly integrated companies to benefit from the<br />

Group’s internal control standards and best practices;<br />

To ensure that internal and external communications truly reflect<br />

the situation and activities of the Group and its companies.<br />

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Readers are reminded that as comprehensive and effective<br />

as the internal control system may be, it may only provide<br />

reasonable assurance and not an absolute guarantee that<br />

such risks have been fully eliminated.<br />

2.2. Internal control system within the APRIL Group<br />

In light of the recent publication of the internal control<br />

frame of reference by the AMF taskforce, the internal control<br />

system in place within the APRIL GROUP is now presented<br />

based on its five official components:<br />

2.2.1. Current organization: internal control players<br />

The control organization in place within the APRIL Group is<br />

currently based on the following players:<br />

Group company managers<br />

They are responsible for the implementation of internal<br />

control procedures intended to secure the main operational<br />

and functional processes in their business unit. They<br />

are responsible for guaranteeing the application of the<br />

principles and best practices defined by the Group, in<br />

conjunction with the players outlined below. They report<br />

to their Board of Directors or Supervisory Board on the<br />

risk mapping drawn up for their company, as well as the<br />

corresponding action plans<br />

Risk manager<br />

He is responsible for the overall management of risks<br />

within the Group. The risk manager is also responsible<br />

for the insurance programs offered by the Group to its<br />

subsidiaries.<br />

Group Internal Audit Manager<br />

The Internal Audit Manager is responsible for ensuring<br />

the consistency and effectiveness of internal control<br />

within Group companies. To achieve this, he draws up<br />

the annual audit plan for the Group Committee and<br />

performs the Group’s internal audit missions, covering all<br />

of the Group’s activities and companies, and working with<br />

expert employees from the field being audited as relevant.<br />

He oversees the work of the Statutory Auditors during their<br />

interim assignments.<br />

Members of the Risk division<br />

Around 15 members of staff within the Group are<br />

actively working on continuously improving the<br />

internal control systems put in place within the Group.<br />

To some extent, this concerns resources that are dedicated<br />

exclusively to the global internal control approach:<br />

- In the most significant companies, the internal control<br />

manager is responsible for defining and applying a<br />

program to review the operations, controls and processes<br />

implemented by the company. They check the application of<br />

the management rules defined by the executive management<br />

team and report on their work to the company’s Audit<br />

Committee or the senior management team;<br />

- In <strong>2007</strong>, two positions were created for internal<br />

controllers: one in the LIFE AND SAVINGS division, the<br />

other at Mutant Assurances. Their role and way of working<br />

are similar to what has been described above.<br />

At the same time, other divisions are working with shared<br />

resources: the financial controllers.<br />

Reporting to the holding structures at the head of the<br />

various divisions, they are responsible for the Group’s<br />

budgetary procedure and check the consistency of the<br />

various budgets produced during the year by the companies<br />

making up the Group. They summarize and verify the<br />

consistency of the monthly activity reports provided by<br />

Group companies. They analyze the consolidated vision of<br />

activities for Group companies.<br />

Their work also involves an internal audit role. In this<br />

way, they draw up an internal audit plan for the division,<br />

presented each quarter to the division’s management team,<br />

in the presence of the Group’s internal audit manager.<br />

Group legal departments<br />

These departments provide legal support for Group<br />

companies, and keep them informed of major changes in<br />

regulations .<br />

Quality managers<br />

In each one of the Group’s divisions, a quality manager is<br />

responsible for coordinating, carrying out or supervising<br />

internal quality audits in line with ISO and the set of<br />

internal quality standards and customer commitments.<br />

The Group’s 19 internal quality auditors conduct audit<br />

missions throughout the year to check that the different<br />

commitments of companies are respected. The projects and<br />

missions carried out by the quality managers are presented<br />

to APRIL GROUP’s Group Committee on a regular basis.<br />

Sustainable Development Committee<br />

Its mission is presented in Section 1 of this report; it is<br />

notably tasked to ensure that the main risks facing the<br />

Group are understood and dealt with in a suitable manner.<br />

The Sustainable Development Committee supports the<br />

Group’s efforts to factor in and deal with certain potentially<br />

major risks (e.g. review of information systems). Every<br />

half-year period, the Risk Manager and the internal audit<br />

manager report on progress made to this committee,<br />

focusing on risk management and internal control.<br />

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More specifically, they present the missions carried out in<br />

Group companies, the issues raised, the recommendations<br />

made and the follow-up on these recommendations. The<br />

Sustainable Development Committee validates the audit<br />

plan. The Sustainable Development Committee proposed<br />

by the Group Committee, and may ask for internal audit<br />

assignments to be added to the audit plan.<br />

2.2.2. Integrated process for identifying and analyzing<br />

the main risks<br />

The integrated risk management process is overseen by the<br />

Risk manager.<br />

Risk management notably involves moves to provide Group<br />

companies with a methodology and tools for the management<br />

of financial, legal, operational and strategic risks including<br />

the risk mapping process. The risk manager helps draw up<br />

and implement these tools with the heads of the companies<br />

concerned and the internal audit manager.<br />

He also reviews the findings and recommendations set out<br />

by the internal audit manager in connection with their audit<br />

assignments and the assignments carried out by other players,<br />

including financial controllers, Statutory Auditors, consultants,<br />

etc. Within this framework, either directly or through the<br />

internal audit manager, he informs the Group Committee and<br />

reports to the Sustainable Development Committee.<br />

Based on the conclusions from the mappings for each company,<br />

for each division and the compilation of all the mappings for<br />

the year formalized in the “<strong>2007</strong> Risk Observatory”, the Risk<br />

manager then prioritizes the risks identified in this way and<br />

directs, through a partnership with the internal audit manager,<br />

the audit assignments and internal control projects to be<br />

carried out in line with the risk management strategy decided<br />

on by the Group or its companies.<br />

Mediumterm<br />

plan<br />

Strategic Committee<br />

The risk manager is also responsible for the coordination and<br />

monitoring of the insurance programs set up at Group level.<br />

2.2.3. Control activities<br />

Internal audit<br />

The APRIL GROUP’s internal audit manager coordinates internal<br />

audit activities within the Group.<br />

Audit assignments are carried out by the holding company<br />

alone or in conjunction with various members of staff, who<br />

may or may not be members of the APRIL Group’s risk division.<br />

Over <strong>2007</strong>, 15 other employees (financial controllers, IT<br />

professionals, HR) participated as technical experts in the<br />

various internal audit assignments.<br />

The identification of risks represents a key stage in securing<br />

operational processes and financial flows within Group companies.<br />

Based on their medium-term plan (MTP) and their knowledge<br />

of the internal and external risks for their organization, each<br />

company business division formalizes its risk mapping.<br />

In light of this information, they draw up a list of internal<br />

control projects, which are covered in action plans that<br />

are monitored at least once a year during June’s Strategic<br />

Committee sessions.<br />

The Risk Manager identifies any new financial and operational<br />

risks based on these risk mappings, as well as the information<br />

available or his exchanges with risk or insurance professionals,<br />

and with members of the Sustainable Development Committee.<br />

Risk mapping<br />

- Identification<br />

- Evaluation<br />

- Prioritization<br />

Operational feedback<br />

& updating<br />

- Mapping<br />

- Internal control system<br />

Internal<br />

control<br />

& governance<br />

system<br />

Internal control<br />

projects/action plans<br />

On major risks (rolling out<br />

the system)<br />

Audit of risk<br />

management systems<br />

Audit plan<br />

- Group<br />

- Divisions<br />

Internal control<br />

projects<br />

- Cross-business<br />

- Divisions<br />

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Other 3 rd level control activities<br />

Within APRIL Assurances, Mutant Assurances and the Axeria<br />

Vie division, one dedicated person within each structure<br />

is responsible for internal control, contributing, through<br />

the 25 assignments carried out in <strong>2007</strong>, to ensuring that<br />

the company’s operational procedures are compliant with<br />

internal or external standards.<br />

In all of the Group’s divisions, the 19 members of staff in<br />

charge of quality audits have also contributed, thanks to<br />

the seven assignments carried out in <strong>2007</strong>, to these control<br />

activities in line with the Group’s internal control system.<br />

Internal audit plan<br />

The Group’s annual audit plan for N+1 is defined at the end<br />

of Year N by the Group Committee and validated by the<br />

Sustainable Development Committee.<br />

This plan is formally reviewed each half-year period. It may<br />

also be adapted according to the importance of new risk<br />

areas identified or any specific requests.<br />

More generally, all internal audit missions are carried out in<br />

line with the Group internal audit charter aiming to:<br />

1) Present and disseminate the objectives of internal audit<br />

missions within APRIL GROUP companies;<br />

2) Define the responsibilities of the various stakeholders in<br />

the APRIL GROUP internal audit process;<br />

3) Present the operating principles for internal audit and the<br />

practical conditions for its implementation within APRIL<br />

GROUP.<br />

Each internal audit assignment is covered by a mission<br />

statement signed by APRIL GROUP’s Chairman and Chief<br />

Executive Officer and a detailed work program. These<br />

documents are sent out to the manager of the company in<br />

question prior to the assignment.<br />

Types of internal audit missions<br />

We differentiate between the following types of mission:<br />

Cross-business missions and optimizations<br />

The aim is to conduct audits on specific cross-business<br />

issues for the various Group companies. These audits meet<br />

the objective for control activities present throughout<br />

the organization, at all levels and in all functions.<br />

These missions also make it possible to identify and<br />

distribute best management practices within the Group.<br />

Specific missions<br />

They are focused on potential or proven risks that have been<br />

identified and are specific to a given company or group of<br />

companies. Such audits may be carried out in conjunction<br />

with external auditors.<br />

These assignments may also make it possible to ensure<br />

compliance with the procedures, rules and standards of the<br />

Group and its companies.<br />

Integration follow-up missions<br />

They concern the companies that joined the Group over the<br />

previous year. These comprehensive audits make it possible<br />

to check and supplement the implementation of internal<br />

control procedures defined by the Group. Any specific<br />

points identified during audits carried out when these new<br />

companies were acquired or their first months of integration<br />

within the Group are also followed up on in connection with<br />

these missions, with further recommendations issued as<br />

relevant.<br />

Audit follow-up missions<br />

These represent essential audits in order to take stock of<br />

progress made with the internal control system and the<br />

effective application of previous recommendations.<br />

Mission deliverables and follow-up<br />

At the end of each mission, a review meeting is held with<br />

the manager of the company concerned. This meeting is<br />

also attended by APRIL GROUP’s Risk manager, the head of<br />

the division in question, the auditors as well as any other<br />

specialists whose expertise could help improve the level of<br />

internal control.<br />

At this point, the written report on the investigations and the<br />

synopsis of recommendations are submitted to the manager<br />

of the company in question. Recommendations are based on<br />

three levels: high risk, requiring immediate action, moderate<br />

risk, requiring an action over the medium term, low risk, when<br />

the timeframe for implementing corrective actions is left to<br />

the company’s discretion.<br />

This approach enables the units being audited to take the<br />

recommendations made on board. For each improvement<br />

action proposed, a deadline is set and a manager appointed.<br />

Follow-up missions are carried out to track the implementation<br />

of recommendations, checking progress made against the<br />

deadlines set during the review meeting. The head of the<br />

company concerned must ensure that the recommendations<br />

made in connection with internal audits are taken into<br />

consideration effectively, and reports on the improvements<br />

made at meetings of the Boards of Directors.<br />

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2.2.4. Ongoing supervision of the internal control<br />

system<br />

The internal control system is monitored on an ongoing basis,<br />

with regular reviews of its operations by the various players<br />

described above (see Section 2.2.1 Internal control players).<br />

The aim is to check its relevance and suitability in relation to<br />

the company’s objectives.<br />

The Group’s internal audit manager also contributes to<br />

this monitoring effort, working on exchanges with risk<br />

management and internal audit professionals at local or<br />

national levels.<br />

He factors in feedback from the Statutory Auditors resulting<br />

from their interim reviews: in this way, the «Recommendation<br />

Letter» is formalized by the latter, consolidating all of the<br />

internal control points raised by the Statutory Auditors<br />

in connection with their work. Each point is covered by a<br />

management response and an action plan that is followed<br />

for each intervention.<br />

2.2.5. Distribution of relevant information in-house<br />

This component is essential in order to rally all of the Group’s<br />

companies around a common vision for internal control and<br />

the use of standard techniques and terms.<br />

an effective and consistent internal control culture, while<br />

promoting exchanges on best practices within the Group. The<br />

main issues looked at in <strong>2007</strong> included:<br />

Glossary of common terms for risk management and<br />

internal control;<br />

Validation of the integrated risk management process<br />

within the overall internal control system;<br />

Performance of risk mapping interviews;<br />

Project for an “internal control pack” to be offered for all<br />

Group companies.<br />

A dedicated risk section has been set up on the Group<br />

intranet to distribute fact sheets on various issues relating to<br />

the internal control system in its broadest sense.<br />

In addition, the risk manager and/or internal audit manager<br />

take part in the half-year meetings for all of the Group’s<br />

accounting and financial managers, chairing an internal<br />

control module.<br />

The following subjects were looked at in <strong>2007</strong>:<br />

The integrated risk management process and risk<br />

mapping;<br />

The latest developments for accounting and financial<br />

internal control;<br />

The “internal control pack” project.<br />

fully overhauled in order to adapt the amount of cover to<br />

changes in the nature and volume of business for Group<br />

companies;<br />

Review of intellectual protection (brands and domain<br />

names), resulting in additional filings, notably outside of<br />

France;<br />

Review of the application of the French intermediation law<br />

on insurance;<br />

Ongoing analysis of IT risks based on the risk questionnaire<br />

developed in 2006.<br />

Furthermore, internal audits were carried out in nine Group<br />

companies over <strong>2007</strong>, focusing on both general issues<br />

(review of management, accounting or financial processes)<br />

and company-specific subjects (e.g. review of Level 1, 2<br />

or 3 controls in place on compensation or underwriting<br />

processes, audit of the pre-closing process, etc.).<br />

These include two follow-up assignments for audits carried<br />

out over previous years.<br />

Lastly, two integration follow-up audits were carried out on<br />

companies that joined the Group in 2006.<br />

In <strong>April</strong> <strong>2007</strong>, a Risk Management and Internal Control Circle<br />

was set up, grouping together the 15 members of staff<br />

focused exclusively or partially on the overall internal control<br />

approach.<br />

This Circle met four times in <strong>2007</strong>. It is intended to distribute<br />

2.3. Missions conducted in <strong>2007</strong><br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, various cross-business issues were reviewed,<br />

including:<br />

Analysis of Group insurance policies, with these policies<br />

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2.4. Internal control structure relative to<br />

accounting procedures and financial information<br />

2.4.1. Production of consolidated financial statements<br />

and controls on subsidiary accounts<br />

The accounting and financial information to be provided<br />

to shareholders is drawn up by the APRIL GROUP’s Finance<br />

Division based on the elements provided by Group companies<br />

and drawn up under the responsibility of their managers.<br />

The economic data submitted to APRIL GROUP’s Finance<br />

Division by APRIL Group companies is drawn up under the<br />

control of the divisions’ financial managers.<br />

Each month, APRIL GROUP’s consolidation and reporting<br />

department carries out a critical analysis of the financial<br />

data and management indicators provided by each of the<br />

companies within the Group.<br />

Each month, the manager of each subsidiary sends the<br />

division concerned and the Group’s Finance Division an<br />

activity report enabling them to understand and validate the<br />

figures provided.<br />

The consolidation and reporting department consolidates the<br />

accounting data for all the companies included in the basis<br />

for consolidation each quarter. The information is sent to<br />

the parent company as consolidation packages drawn up in<br />

accordance with the accounting standards and instructions<br />

provided by the Group consolidation and reporting<br />

department. At this point, each consolidation package is<br />

reviewed and checked to ensure that the data is consistent<br />

with the management indicators by the APRIL GROUP<br />

consolidation and reporting department and the financial<br />

managers from the various divisions. Companies are provided<br />

with an annual consolidation and reporting schedule at the<br />

beginning of the year. At each close of accounts, written<br />

instructions are given indicating the schedule for tasks<br />

(notably the conditions for consolidating inter-company<br />

flows), the latest relevant accounting developments and the<br />

information control procedures that make it possible to draw<br />

up the APRIL Group’s consolidated financial statements.<br />

The scope of the Group is checked by the Finance Division<br />

and validated in conjunction with Group Legal Services.<br />

2.4.2. APRIL GROUP’s budgetary process<br />

APRIL GROUP’s budgetary process enables it to track the<br />

income of each subsidiary on a regular basis and react rapidly<br />

to any changes identified at the following stages:<br />

In October of Year N–1, Group companies draw up Budget<br />

n and N+1, under the responsibility of their managers<br />

and in line with the three-year medium-term plan. These<br />

budgets are drawn up under the control of the divisions’<br />

financial managers;<br />

Critical review of budgets by the consolidation and reporting<br />

department: analysis and validation of assumptions, checks to<br />

ensure that figures provided are consistent with actual data;<br />

In February: review of assumptions used to draw up<br />

budgets in light of the definitive results and adjustments<br />

made to budgets where necessary;<br />

In June: revision of their Budget N by Group companies<br />

based on the revised assumptions drawn up by managers,<br />

critical analysis and validation of revisions by the<br />

consolidation and reporting department;<br />

In October of Year N, companies draw up a second revised<br />

version of their budget n, with the consolidation and<br />

reporting department conducting a critical analysis of and<br />

validating the revised budgets;<br />

At each stage, the budgets and their revised forecasts<br />

are consolidated at Group level by the consolidation and<br />

reporting department.<br />

The budgets drawn up by managers of companies making up<br />

the APRIL Group and their revised forecasts are presented<br />

and reviewed by each company’s Board of Directors or<br />

Supervisory Board.<br />

The consolidated Group budget and revised forecasts are<br />

ratified by the Group Committee before being reviewed by<br />

the Board of Directors.<br />

2.4.3. Accounting and financial procedures<br />

The Finance Division keeps a manual of accounting and<br />

financial procedures up-to-date. This manual is available<br />

online and updated on a regular basis in line with changes to<br />

accounting standards. It represents the basic tool for sharing<br />

Group accounting best practices and methods within Group<br />

companies.<br />

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3.0<br />

Chairman of the Board of Directors’ report<br />

2.5. Outlook for 2008<br />

Risk management<br />

Two key risk management strategies were set out by the<br />

Group Committee in the 2008 audit plan:<br />

The first mappings carried out in <strong>2007</strong> will be updated by<br />

the members of the risk division for the business divisions<br />

and insurance companies. In addition, new members of the<br />

Group (creations or external growth) will also formalize<br />

their first risk mapping;<br />

To promote the distribution of a consistent and coherent<br />

internal control and risk management culture, an “internal<br />

control” pack will gradually be rolled out for all Group<br />

companies, grouping together the models and best<br />

practices in terms of internal control.<br />

Two follow-up assignments on audits conducted in previous<br />

years, selected in light of the key issues at stake.<br />

Lastly, audits may be conducted on any other topic or in any<br />

Group company if deemed necessary by the Group Committee<br />

or Sustainable Development Committee.<br />

The actions carried out in <strong>2007</strong> and the projects planned for<br />

2008 are in line with our ongoing commitment to improving<br />

the quality, consistency and effective management of our<br />

operational and support processes wherever necessary.<br />

They represent part of a general scalable internal control and<br />

governance system, attentive to regulatory requirements and<br />

changes, while maintaining a strong focus on the field and<br />

the markets served by the Group’s various companies.<br />

Audits<br />

In addition to the section presented above, focused<br />

specifically on risk management issues, the audit plan for<br />

2008 is built around four sections as usual:<br />

Four cross-business issues, with those selected for 2008<br />

ranging from follow-up on subjects audited in previous<br />

years (antidiscrimination, review of benefits, application<br />

of the French intermediation law) to new major strategic<br />

issues (business continuity plans, Tracfin compliance);<br />

Five specific issues, focusing on potential or proven risks<br />

and notably the organization and strengthening of internal<br />

control and governance structures and bodies on insurance<br />

companies and the review of reinsurance programs within<br />

the Group;<br />

Six integration follow-up audits for companies that joined<br />

the Group in <strong>2007</strong>, with a more international dimension on<br />

these companies;<br />

Lyons, February 15 th , 2008<br />

Chairman of the Board of Directors<br />

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4.0 Statutory Auditors’ report<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report on the report of the<br />

Chairman of the Board of Directors<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report, drawn up in accordance<br />

with Article L. 225-235 of the French Commercial<br />

Code on the report of the Chairman of APRIL GROUP’s<br />

Board of Directors relative to the internal control<br />

procedures applied for the production and processing<br />

of accounting and financial information.<br />

Dear Shareholders,<br />

Dear Shareholders, In our capacity as Statutory Auditors<br />

for APRIL GROUP, and in accordance with the provisions of<br />

Article L. 225-235 of the French Commercial Code, please<br />

find hereafter our report on the report drawn up by the<br />

Chairman of your company’s Board of Directors pursuant to<br />

the provisions of Article L. 225-37 of the French Commercial<br />

Code for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The Chairman is responsible for drawing up a report on<br />

notably the conditions for preparing and organizing the work<br />

of the Board of Directors and the internal control procedures<br />

implemented within the company.<br />

Our responsibility is to give you our observations on the<br />

information contained in the Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors’ report concerning the internal control procedures<br />

relative to the production and processing of accounting and<br />

financial information.<br />

We conducted our audit in accordance with the industry<br />

standards applicable in France. These standards require<br />

that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable<br />

assurance that the information given in the Chairman of<br />

the Board of Directors’ report is free from any material<br />

misstatements with regard to the internal control procedures<br />

applied when drawing up and processing accounting and<br />

financial information.<br />

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4.0<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report<br />

This audit notably involved:<br />

Reviewing the internal control procedures relative to the<br />

drawing up and processing of accounting and financial<br />

information, as reflected in the information presented in<br />

the Chairman’s report, as well as existing documentation;<br />

Reviewing evidence supporting this information, as well as<br />

existing documentation;<br />

Determining whether any major shortcomings on internal<br />

control for the drawing up and processing of accounting<br />

and financial information that we have identified in<br />

connection with our audit are presented in an appropriate<br />

way in the Chairman’s report.<br />

On the basis of our work, we have no matters to report<br />

concerning the information given on the company’s internal<br />

control procedures relative to the production and processing<br />

of the accounting and financial information contained in<br />

the Chairman of the Board of Directors’ report, drawn up<br />

pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 225-37 of the French<br />

Commercial Code.<br />

Villeurbanne, March 3 rd ,2008<br />

The Statutory Auditors<br />

Mazars<br />

Deloitte & Associés<br />

Max Dumoulin<br />

Olivier Rosier<br />

Jean-Claude Lemaire<br />

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03<br />

P.<br />

financial statements<br />

financial statements<br />

Consolidated<br />

93 1. APRIL GROUP consolidated financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

P. 98 2. Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

P. 148 3. Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements<br />

03 Consolidated<br />

Return to the contents section

1.0<br />

APRIL GROUP consolidated financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Consolidated income statement<br />

EARNINGS – DECEMBER 31 ST (in thousand euros) Notes Dec, 31 st <strong>2007</strong> Dec, 31 st 2006<br />

Revenues 4.1 604,183 520,400<br />

Other operating income 5.1 14,304 8,405<br />

Financial income net of charges and excluding cost of debt 5.2 19,395 14,668<br />


Insurance underwriting expenses 5.3 -159,016 -145,838<br />

Income or expenses net of reinsurance cessions 5.4 -23,916 -1,341<br />

Other purchases and external expenses 5.5 -194,682 -168,428<br />

Tax -15,069 -13,004<br />

Personnel costs 5.6 -122,344 -101,263<br />

Depreciation allowance -7,431 -5,817<br />

Provisions -7,278 -7,246<br />

Other operating income and expenses -3,705 -3,624<br />

EBIT 104,441 96,913<br />

Change in goodwill 5.7 26 -52<br />

Other operating income and expenses 5.8 178 -67<br />

OPERATING INCOME 104 645 96,794<br />

Financial expenses -140 -77<br />

Share in affiliated companies 0 0<br />

Tax charge 5.9 -31,966 -31,208<br />

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME 72,539 65,509<br />

Minority interests 428 434<br />

NET INCOME (GROUP SHARE) 72,111 65,075<br />

EARNINGS PER SHARE 13 1.77 1.60<br />


The notes on Pages 98 to 147 represent an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

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1.0<br />

APRIL GROUP consolidated financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Consolidated balance sheet: assets<br />

ASSETS AT DECEMBER 31 ST (in thousand euros) Notes Dec, 31 st <strong>2007</strong> Dec, 31 st 2006<br />

Gross assets Depreciation and provisions Net assets Net assets<br />

Goodwill 6.1 144,347 10,549 133,798 72,910<br />

Other intangible fixed assets 6.2 44,190 29,852 14,338 7,272<br />

TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS 188,537 40,401 148,136 80,182<br />

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 6.3 33,093 16,927 16,166 13,622<br />

Investment properties 225 13 212 108<br />

Financial investments for insurance activities 6.4 312,584 2,387 310,197 266,907<br />



6.9 80,130 80,130 80,510<br />

Deferred tax assets 6.5 6,314 6,314 4,819<br />

Other assets 6.6 5,486 75 5,411 2,654<br />

OTHER ASSETS 11,800 75 11,725 7,473<br />

Receivables from insurance operations or reinsurance accepted 6.6 21,630 21,630 3,351<br />

Receivables from cession operations on reinsurance 6.6 22,159 22,159 7,962<br />

Trade receivables 6.6 109,562 5,126 104,436 61,258<br />

Tax receivables due 6.6 3,084 3,084 312<br />

Other Receivables 6.6 38,651 1,097 37,554 28,237<br />

RECEIVABLES 195,086 6,223 188,863 101,120<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 6.6/7.4 177,718 177,718 167,810<br />

TOTAL ASSETS 999,173 66,026 933,147 717,732<br />

The notes on Pages 98 to 147 represent an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

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1.0<br />

APRIL GROUP consolidated financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Consolidated balance sheet: liabilities<br />

LIABILITIES AT DECEMBER 31 ST (in thousand euros) Notes Dec, 31 st <strong>2007</strong> Dec, 31 st 2006<br />

Share capital 16,325 16,293<br />

Issue premiums 11,392 10,021<br />

Consolidated reserves 195,609 150,722<br />

Earnings for the period 72,111 65,074<br />

Foreign currency adjustments -1,045 -37<br />

GROUP SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 294,392 242,073<br />

Minority interests -578 1,348<br />

TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 293,814 243,421<br />

Underwriting provisions for insurance policies 6.9 254,289 214,264<br />

Technical liabilities on investment policies 6.10 8,322<br />

Provisions for contingencies and losses 6.11 14,276 15,447<br />

Deferred tax liabilities 6.5 2,755 4,680<br />

Financial debt 6.12 30,305 8,023<br />

Current bank borrowings 6.13/7.4 10,326 6,584<br />

Liabilities from insurance operations or reinsurance accepted 6.13 6,919 5,191<br />

Liabilities from reinsurance operations ceded 6.13 37,449 29,752<br />

Operating liabilities 6.13 194,912 131,275<br />

Tax liabilities due 6.13 1,929 4,540<br />

Other liabilities 6.13 77,851 54,555<br />

TOTAL LIABILITIES 933,147 717,732<br />

The notes on Pages 98 to 147 represent an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

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1.0<br />

APRIL GROUP consolidated financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Consolidated cash-flow statement<br />

CASH-FLOW STATEMENT (in thousand euros) Notes Dec, 31 st <strong>2007</strong> Dec, 31 st 2006<br />

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME 72,111 65,508<br />

Elimination of net expenses without any impact on cash-flow 7.1 41,998 20,835<br />

Income from equity affiliates<br />

Income from disposals and other income 62 175<br />

Cash-flow 7.2 114,171 86,518<br />

Change in assets and liabilities 7.3 7,376 4,394<br />


Net investments in tangible and intangible fixed assets -17,863 -7,228<br />

Net insurance activity investments -54,174 -36,815<br />

Net cash-flow on acquisitions of consolidated companies -28,546 -8,283<br />


Capital increase linked to the exercising of stock options 1,403 2,954<br />

Capital increase linked to minority interest in consolidated companies 1,263<br />

Acquisition and disposal of treasury stock 416 -6,608<br />

Dividends paid<br />

- to APRIL GROUP shareholders -16,227 -13,391<br />

- to minority interests in consolidated companies -558 -189<br />

Net change in borrowings -515 -83<br />


Impact of conversions -578 184<br />

CHANGE IN CASH 7.4 6,167 21,452<br />

The notes on Pages 98 to 147 represent an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.<br />

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1.0<br />

APRIL GROUP consolidated financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Change in shareholders’ equity<br />

CHANGE IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQu ITY (in thousand euros)<br />

Share<br />

capital<br />

Reserves linked<br />

to capital<br />

Treasury<br />

stocks<br />

Consolidated<br />

earnings and reserves<br />

Earnings booked<br />

directly against<br />

shareholders’ equity<br />

Total Group<br />

share<br />

Minority<br />

interests<br />

SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Jan 1 st , 2006 16,237 10,978 - 159,013 9,515 195,743 1,334 197,077<br />

Capital operations 56 2,696 2,752 2,752<br />

Share-based payments 154 154 154<br />

Treasury stock operations -6,608 -6,608 -6,608<br />

Dividends -13,391 -13,391 -189 -13,580<br />

Net income for 2006 65,074 65,074 434 65,509<br />

Tangible and intangible fixed assets: revaluations and disposals (1)<br />

Financial instruments: fair value changes and transfers<br />

over to earnings (2)<br />

Foreign currency adjustments: changes and transfers over to<br />

earnings (3)<br />

Total<br />

-280 -280 -280<br />

280 280 280<br />

Earnings booked directly against shareholders’ equity (1) + (2) + (3) 280 -280 0 0<br />

Change of accounting method -1,535 -1,535 -1,535<br />

Change in scope -116 -116 -231 -356<br />

SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Jan 1 st <strong>2007</strong> 16,293 13,674 -6,608 209,478 9 236 242,073 1,348 243,421<br />

Capital operations 32 1,371 1,403 1,403<br />

Share-based payments 528 528 528<br />

Treasury stock operations 416 416 416<br />

Dividends -16,227 -16,227 -558 -16,785<br />

Net income for <strong>2007</strong> 72,111 72,111 428 72,539<br />

Tangible and intangible fixed assets: revaluations and disposals (1)<br />

Financial instruments: fair value changes and transfers<br />

over to earnings (2)<br />

-4,548 -4,548 -4,548<br />

Foreign currency adjustments: changes and transfers over to<br />

earnings (3)<br />

-1,032 -1,032 -1,032<br />

Earnings booked directly against shareholders’ equity (1) + (2) + (3) -1,032 -4,548 -5,580 -5,580<br />

Change in scope -332 -332 -1,796 -2,128<br />

SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Dec 31 st <strong>2007</strong> 16,325 15,045 -6,192 264,526 4,688 294,392 -578 293,814<br />

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2.0 Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 1 - Accounting principles and methods..........................p.98<br />

Note 2 - Significant events over the period..........................p.106<br />

Note 3 - Basis for consolidation.................................................p.108<br />

Note 4 - Sector information..........................................................p.117<br />

Note 5 - Notes to the income statement..............................p.122<br />

Note 6 - Notes to the balance sheet........................................p.127<br />

Note 7 - Notes to the cash-flow statement.........................p.137<br />

Note 8 - Transactions with related parties...........................p.137<br />

Note 9 - Financial and insurance risk management........p.138<br />

Note 10 - Share-based payments..............................................p.146<br />

Note 1. Accounting principles and methods<br />

1.1. General accounting principles<br />

1.1.1. General framework<br />

Pursuant to European regulation 1606/2002 of July 19 th ,<br />

2002, APRIL GROUP’s consolidated financial statements<br />

have been drawn up in accordance with IFRS as adopted<br />

within the European Union. The IFRS framework includes<br />

the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),<br />

International Accounting Standards (IAS), and their<br />

interpretations by the International Financial Reporting<br />

Interpretations Committee (IFRIC).<br />

Note 11 - Investments.....................................................................p.146<br />

Note 12 - Off-balance sheet commitments..........................p.147<br />

Note 13 - Net income and dividends........................................p.147<br />

Note 14 - Post-balance sheet events......................................p.147<br />

The accounting rules and valuation principles retained for<br />

drawing up the consolidated financial statements at December<br />

31 st , <strong>2007</strong> are those contained in the IFRS standards and<br />

interpretations published in the European Union’s official<br />

gazette on December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, the application of which is<br />

compulsory as of this date. Any standards or interpretations<br />

adopted by the IASB or IFRIC but not yet made compulsory by<br />

the European Union at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> have not been<br />

applied. The financial statements have been drawn up based<br />

on the principle of historical costs and amortized costs, with<br />

the exception of certain financial assets, valued on a fair<br />

value basis.<br />

98<br />

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2.0<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

1.1.2. Change of accounting method<br />

There are no changes in accounting methods to report for<br />

<strong>2007</strong>.<br />

1.1.3. New IFRS<br />

APRIL GROUP has applied IFRS 7 “Financial instruments:<br />

information to be provided” and the amendment to IAS 1<br />

“Presentation of the financial statements – information to<br />

be provided concerning the capital” ahead of schedule, as<br />

adopted under European Community Commission Regulation<br />

108/2006 of January 11 th , 2006, and made compulsory for<br />

financial years starting after January 1st, <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

It has also taken into account IFRIC 8 “Scope of IFRS 2”<br />

(Regulation 1329/2006 of September 8 th , 2006) and IFRIC<br />

10 “Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment” (Regulation<br />

610/<strong>2007</strong> of June 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>), applicable for drawing up APRIL<br />

GROUP’s financial statements.<br />

control with a limited number of other shareholders are<br />

proportionately consolidated.<br />

Companies over which APRIL GROUP exercises a significant<br />

influence are consolidated on an equity basis.<br />

Certain equity interests meeting the abovementioned<br />

criteria are not consolidated on account of their small size.<br />

The securities of such companies are recorded under equity<br />

securities. The consolidation of all of these companies would<br />

not have a significant impact on the consolidated financial<br />

statements. The individual accounts incorporated into the<br />

consolidated financial statements are drawn up as on the<br />

closing date for the consolidated financial statements.<br />

Inter-company transactions, inter-company accounts on<br />

the balance sheet and internal profits and distributions of<br />

earnings have been eliminated.<br />

1.3. Conversion of the financial statements and<br />

transactions in other currencies<br />

carried out by Group companies in any currency other than<br />

that in which they are presented are initially booked by<br />

applying the day’s exchange rate between the presentation<br />

currency and the foreign currency on the transaction date to<br />

the foreign currency amount.<br />

Conversion differences resulting from the payment of<br />

monetary elements or the conversion of monetary elements<br />

at different rates than those used when initially recorded in<br />

the accounts are booked on the income statement.<br />

1.4. Use of estimates<br />

Drawing up financial statements in accordance with the<br />

conceptual IFRS framework may require the use of estimates<br />

and assumptions in order to determine certain amounts<br />

included in these statements.<br />

1.5. Specific presentation provisions<br />

1.1.4. Early aplication for <strong>2007</strong><br />

APRIL GROUP has applied IFRIC 11 “Group and Treasury<br />

Share Transactions” ahead of schedule, as adopted under<br />

European Community Commission Regulation 611/<strong>2007</strong> of<br />

June 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

1.2. Consolidation principles and methods<br />

The financial statements of companies over which APRIL<br />

GROUP directly or indirectly exercises exclusive control are<br />

fully consolidated. The financial statements of companies<br />

over which APRIL GROUP directly or indirectly exercises joint<br />

The financial statements of foreign companies are drawn up<br />

in the local currency, which corresponds to the operating<br />

currency for all Group companies.<br />

The assets and liabilities of Group companies expressed in<br />

foreign currencies are converted into euros at the exchange<br />

rate in force at year-end.<br />

Income statement items are converted based on the average<br />

exchange rate for the period.<br />

Exchange differences resulting from the conversion of foreign<br />

subsidiary financial statements are booked directly to foreign<br />

currency adjustments under consolidated shareholders’<br />

equity.<br />

Transactions concerning monetary or non-monetary elements<br />

The presentation of the consolidated financial statements<br />

adopted by the Group represents a general presentation<br />

incorporating certain aggregates specific to the insurance<br />

business in order to factor in the specific features of the<br />


Indeed, APRIL is an insurance brokerage group that also<br />

includes insurance companies.<br />

1.5.1. Presentation of the balance sheet<br />

The balance sheet is presented in increasing order of liquidity,<br />

incorporating the specific aggregates for insurance companies:<br />

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2.0<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Financial investments for insurance activities, which are<br />

valued in accordance with IAS 32 and 39,<br />

Trade receivables, which are broken down into receivables<br />

from insurance operations and reinsurance accepted and<br />

receivables from cession operations on reinsurance,<br />

Operating liabilities, which are also broken down, with<br />

liabilities from insurance operations and reinsurance<br />

accepted and liabilities from cession operations on<br />

reinsurance,<br />

Underwriting provisions, which are booked gross under<br />

liabilities, with the reinsured portion under assets: transferee<br />

and retrocession share in underwriting provisions<br />

and financial liabilities.<br />

Financial liabilities are broken down in order to differentiate<br />

between technical liabilities on investment policies and<br />

financial debt.<br />

1.5.2. Presentation of the income statement<br />

The income statement is presented with a breakdown<br />

for each type of entry, in line with CNC recommendation<br />

2004-R.02 dated October 27 th , 2004 and factoring in the<br />

specific aggregates for insurance companies:<br />

Inderwriting expenses for insurance policies (cf. note 1.8);<br />

The result for reinsurance “net income or expenses for<br />

reinsurance cessions” (cf. note 1.9).<br />

The figure for financial income net of charges and excluding<br />

cost of debt corresponds to revenues and earnings from the<br />

disposal of insurance company investments and operating<br />

cash-flow from the brokerage activities.<br />

It also includes the change in the fair value of financial<br />

instruments recorded at their fair value and earnings. Since<br />

it is directly linked to the APRIL GROUP’s financial model<br />

and activities, both for the insurance business and for<br />

brokerage activities, which generate a cash surplus, they are<br />

incorporated into «income from ordinary activities”.<br />

1.6. Revenues<br />

Revenues comprise:<br />

Acquisition commissions in payment of business<br />

contributions,<br />

Management commissions in payment of administrative<br />

functions,<br />

Development commissions based on underwriting portfolio<br />

results,<br />

Insurance premiums gross of reinsurance,<br />

Acceptance premiums,<br />

Services provided.<br />

The principles for recording and recognizing revenues<br />

are as follows:<br />

For acquisition and management commissions: revenues<br />

comprise the share in commissions relating to premiums<br />

acquired over the period.<br />

For development commissions: they are recorded in the<br />

year of acquisition insofar as they can be reliably valued.<br />

Otherwise, they are recorded upon collection.<br />

For insurance premiums: revenues comprise premiums issued<br />

and to be issued, acquired as on the date for the close of<br />

accounts, net of cancellations and gross of reinsurance.<br />

Premiums linked to investment policies without any<br />

discretionary profit-sharing are not recognized under<br />

revenues.<br />

For services provided: revenues are taken into account as<br />

of the service performance start date. Income is taken into<br />

account as and when services are delivered.<br />

At year-end, the commissions corresponding to the nonexecuted<br />

fraction of policies represent pre-booked income..<br />

1.7. Financial income net of charges and excluding cost<br />

of debt<br />

Financial income net of charges groups together all financial<br />

income and expenses excluding the cost of debt:<br />

Financial income from insurance company investments,<br />

Revenues from cash and cash equivalent investments,<br />

Financial expenses linked to such investments (including<br />

external management costs),<br />

Changes in the fair value of investments against earnings,<br />

Capital gains and losses on disposals net of provisions and<br />

write-backs for depreciation.<br />

The cost of debt primarily corresponds to financial expenses<br />

incurred on funds borrowed.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

1.8. Underwriting expenses on insurance policies<br />

1.11. Goodwill<br />

1.12. Other intangible fixed assets<br />

Underwriting expenses on insurance policies correspond to<br />

commissions paid to business-getters, claims paid out to<br />

policyholders, related costs and changes in underwriting<br />

provisions gross of reinsurance (including changes for the<br />

fair valuation of technical liabilities for investment policies).<br />

Costs per destination for insurance companies are broken<br />

down by category on the income statement in line with the<br />

format retained by the APRIL GROUP.<br />

1.9. Income or expenses net of reinsurance cessions<br />

Income or expenses net of reinsurance cessions correspond<br />

to the net balance of:<br />

Premiums ceded, representing expenses,<br />

Claims ceded, representing income,<br />

Reinsurance commissions, representing income,<br />

Change in provisions ceded, representing income (net<br />

write-back) or expenses (net charge).<br />

1.10. Other operating income and expenses<br />

Other operating income and expenses comprise income and<br />

expenses as defined by CNC recommendation 2004 R02:<br />

Capital gains and losses on the disposal of non-current<br />

tangible and intangible assets,<br />

Depreciation of non-current tangible and intangible assets,<br />

except for depreciation relative to goodwill,<br />

Restructuring expenses,<br />

Provisions relative to a major dispute.<br />

Goodwill represents the difference between the acquisition<br />

cost, plus related costs, of the securities of consolidated<br />

companies and the Group share in the fair value of assets,<br />

liabilities and contingent liabilities that may be identified<br />

as acquired on the date on which the equity interest is<br />

acquired.<br />

Goodwill is recorded as an intangible fixed asset. In accordance<br />

with IAS 36, it is subject to value tests as soon<br />

as any signs of an impairment in value come to light and at<br />

least once a year, based on the discounted cash-flow (DCF)<br />

method.<br />

For these tests, goodwill is broken down for each cash- flow<br />

generating unit, which correspond to consistent groups<br />

relative to the generation of cash-flow. In light of the<br />

organization in place within the Group, cash-flow generating<br />

units correspond either to subsidiaries or to groups of<br />

subsidiaries with common characteristics.<br />

The conditions for impairment tests on cash-flow generating<br />

units are detailed in Section 1.16.2.<br />

Negative goodwill is booked directly into earnings.<br />

In the event of an impairment in the going value, a<br />

depreciation charge is recorded in the consolidated financial<br />

statements under “change in value of goodwill”.<br />

The depreciation recorded is non-reversible and may<br />

not be written back if the going value for the goodwill<br />

in question climbs back above its book value again.<br />

Other intangible fixed assets include intangible fixed<br />

assets acquired separately such as software solutions or<br />

policyholder portfolios.<br />

Intangible fixed assets resulting from acquisitions are<br />

recorded separately from goodwill when they can be<br />

identified, controlled by the company and are likely to<br />

generate future economic benefits.<br />

The development costs of software for use in-house, for the<br />

portion relative to internal and external costs, contributing<br />

directly to the creation of an improvement in performance,<br />

are recorded as assets provided that they will generate future<br />

economic benefits and that they are clearly identified.<br />

Other software development costs are immediately booked<br />

as expenses.<br />

Intangible fixed assets are broken down into two categories,<br />

with assets with a definite lifespan and assets with an<br />

indefinite lifespan:<br />

Fixed assets with a definite lifespan are amortized over<br />

their useful life, as defined below,<br />

Fixed assets with an indefinite lifespan are not amortized.<br />

Nevertheless, irrespective of their lifespan, fixed assets are<br />

subject to an annual impairment test.<br />

The amortization of intangible fixed assets with a definite<br />

lifespan is calculated based on the acquisition or production<br />

cost in line with the linear method and the asset’s useful life.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

The latter is revised each year:<br />

Policyholder portfolios are amortized in proportion to their<br />

renewal rate, over a maximum period of 10 years.<br />

Software products are amortized over a period ranging from<br />

one to three years, depending on their planned useful life.<br />

1.13. Tangible fixed assets (excluding investment<br />

properties)<br />

In accordance with IAS 16, the gross value of tangible fixed<br />

assets corresponds to their acquisition or creation cost.<br />

Tangible fixed assets are valued on a historical cost basis and<br />

are not subject to any revaluations.<br />

Fixed assets are primarily self-financed and there are no<br />

assets that require a lengthy period of preparation in order<br />

to be able to be used or sold. As such, no borrowing costs are<br />

incorporated into the cost of assets.<br />

Maintenance and repair costs are booked directly under<br />

expenses for the year, with the exception of those making it<br />

possible to raise performance levels for the asset in question<br />

or increase its useful life.<br />

Amortization charges are calculated in line with the linear<br />

method based on the acquisition or production cost, after<br />

deducting, as relevant, the residual value. The depreciation<br />

period is based on the estimated useful life:<br />

Buildings are amortized over up to 50 years,<br />

General fixtures and fittings are amortized over up to eight years,<br />

Office equipment is amortized over up to five years,<br />

IT equipment is amortized over up to three years,<br />

Office furniture is amortized over up to five years.<br />

1.14. Investment properties<br />

In accordance with IAS 40, the Group has chosen to value<br />

investment properties based on the amortized cost method,<br />

i.e. based on the historical cost less cumulative deprecation<br />

charges.<br />

1.15. Fixed assets under finance-leases<br />

In accordance with IAS 17 “Leases”, fixed assets held under<br />

finance-leases are recorded under assets at the lower of their<br />

discounted value of future payments or their fair value. The<br />

corresponding debt is recorded as a liability under borrowings<br />

and financial debt.<br />

They are amortized in line with their estimated useful life as<br />

defined above.<br />

1.16. Impairment in value of assets<br />

Assets with an indefinite useful life are not amortized, but<br />

are subject to an annual impairment test. Assets that are<br />

amortized are subject to an impairment test when, due to<br />

specific circumstances of events, the collectability of their<br />

book values is called into question.<br />

1.16.1. Intangible fixed assets with a definite lifespan<br />

and tangible fixed assets:<br />

If there are any such signs, the recoverable value of fixed assets<br />

is estimated and an impairment in value is recorded when the<br />

book value of an asset is higher than its recoverable value.<br />

The recoverable value of an asset represents the higher of<br />

the asset’s net sales price or its going value, determined by<br />

estimating the future financial flows to be generated by the<br />

asset.<br />

1.16.2. Intangible fixed assets with an indefinite<br />

lifespan and goodwill:<br />

For this test, fixed assets are grouped together into cashflow<br />

generating units, which are defined as a consistent<br />

group of assets generating different cash inflows and<br />

outflows from other sets of assets.<br />

In light of the organization in place within the Group, cashflow<br />

generating units correspond either to subsidiaries or to<br />

groups of subsidiaries with common characteristics.<br />

The going value of assets is determined by discounting net<br />

future cash-flows (discounted cash-flow method).<br />

The financial flows based on activity forecasts for the<br />

next four years are discounted in line with the following<br />

assumptions:<br />

A risk-free rate of 4%, determined in relation to the rate<br />

for French government bonds,<br />

A risk rate of 4.07%, defined in relation to the risk premium<br />

demanded by investors on the small and midcap market,<br />

A sensitivity coefficient for the risk rate of between 1 and<br />

4, determined according to the activity of each subsidiary,<br />

its maturity, the existence or not of a portfolio of recurring<br />

activities and the breakdown of clients in this portfolio,<br />

A conservative infinite growth rate between 0% and<br />

2%, determined according to activity forecasts for the<br />

subsidiary.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

An impairment in value is recorded when the net book value<br />

of intangible fixed assets and goodwill is higher than their<br />

going value, as determined in this way.<br />

The depreciation recorded for goodwill is non-reversible and<br />

may not be written back if the going value for the goodwill in<br />

question climbs back above its book value.<br />

1.17. Financial investments<br />

Financial investments primarily comprise the investments of<br />

insurance companies included in the basis for consolidation,<br />

notably:<br />

Shares, bonds, equity UCITS or bond UCITS included under<br />

the category of “assets available for sale”. These financial<br />

investments are valued on a fair value basis, with any<br />

unrealized gains or losses booked against shareholders’<br />

equity until their disposal. When sold off, any value<br />

adjustments are recorded on the income statement,<br />

Cash-based UCITS included under the category for<br />

“securities held for transaction purposes”. These assets are<br />

valued on a fair value basis, with any unrealized or realized<br />

gains or losses booked on the income statement.<br />

Stakes in cash-based UCITS recorded under investments for<br />

insurance activities may not exceed 20%, in accordance with<br />

the management constraints put in place by the Group.<br />

No financial assets are included in the category for<br />

investments held through to maturity (HTM).<br />

The fair value corresponds to the market value of financial<br />

instruments at year-end.<br />

The vast majority of financial instruments in the portfolio are<br />

listed on an official, regulated or assimilated market. In such<br />

case, the fair value corresponds to the last known stock price<br />

at year-end or the last net asset value published for UCITS.<br />

In certain rare specific cases or if instruments are not listed,<br />

the fair value may correspond to a valuation by the issuer or<br />

contributors.<br />

Recording in the accounts<br />

The Group records financial assets in its accounts as soon as<br />

it becomes a party to the contract in question. The recording<br />

date corresponds to the date on which transactions are<br />

undertaken. The acquisition costs for financial investments<br />

are directly recorded as expenses over the year since they<br />

do not represent a significant value, either individually or<br />

combined.<br />

Depreciation<br />

Financial assets other than those recorded at fair value<br />

through profit and loss are subject to an impairment test at<br />

each close of accounts.<br />

Assets held for sale are depreciated in the event of any<br />

objective signs of a significant and lasting impairment in<br />

value.<br />

An impairment is recorded for securities with capital losses<br />

for over six months or with capital losses representing over<br />

20% at the close of accounts for shares and UCITS that are<br />

not consolidated, booked as “assets held for sale”.<br />

For debt instruments that are recorded as “assets held for<br />

sale”, APRIL GROUP analyzes the following criteria in order to<br />

identify any objective signs of impairment in value:<br />

Issuers’ financial difficulties or probability of bankruptcy;<br />

Payment defaults on interest or the principal.<br />

The amount of this depreciation charge is equal to the<br />

difference between the book value and the estimated<br />

recoverable value. When this concerns unlisted securities,<br />

in the absence of any market value, the amount of the<br />

depreciation charge is determined in relation to the<br />

security’s value in use. This value in use is determined based<br />

on financial criteria that are adapted to the situation of the<br />

security concerned.<br />

Depreciation charges are recorded on the income statement.<br />

For debt instruments: if the instrument’s fair value increases<br />

subsequently as a result of events occurring after the<br />

impairment, the write-back is booked against earnings. For<br />

equity instruments: any impairments in value recorded on<br />

such instruments are only written back against earnings<br />

when the instrument in question is removed.<br />

1.18. Financial futures and hedging operations<br />

No financial futures or hedging operations are used.<br />

1.19. Receivables from insurance operations or<br />

reinsurance accepted<br />

Receivables from insurance operations comprise premiums<br />

acquired but not issued as well as premiums issued but not<br />

collected, after deducting any premium cancellations.<br />

The amount of premiums acquired but not issued is calculated<br />

at each close of accounts in order to associate the premiums<br />

acquired over the period in question.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

1.20. Receivables from cession operations on<br />

reinsurance<br />

Receivables from cession operations on reinsurance<br />

represent the sums to be collected from reinsurers: claims<br />

pending compensation and commissions to be received.<br />

1.21. Cash and cash equivalents<br />

Cash and cash equivalents comprise liquid assets and units<br />

in cash-based UCITS other than those held by insurance<br />

companies recorded under financial investments (cf. Note<br />

1.17).<br />

They represent very short-term, liquid investments that may<br />

be converted at any time into a known cash amount and<br />

subject to a low risk of changes in value.<br />

Cash investments are valued on a fair value basis, with any<br />

unrealized or realized gains or losses booked on the income<br />

statement under “financial income net of charges and<br />

excluding cost of debt”.<br />

The fair value is determined in relation to the market price as<br />

on the closing date for the period.<br />

1.22. Trade receivables<br />

Trade receivables group together premium requests pending<br />

payment issued by APRIL GROUP brokerage companies as<br />

well as receivables relating to services provided.<br />

Premiums requested are only recorded in the accounts as on<br />

the date that the cover effectively takes effect, and not on<br />

the date on which premium requests are sent out when this<br />

is earlier.<br />

A provision for depreciation may be recorded for trade<br />

receivables relative to the share of commissions on the<br />

premiums for clients whose policies have been cancelled for<br />

non-payment of premiums.<br />

This share is calculated based on the historical results<br />

for disputed collection operations on such cancelled<br />

policyholders.<br />

1.23. Underwriting provisions for insurance policies<br />

Underwriting provisions linked to insurance companies are<br />

recorded gross of reinsurance operations as liabilities on<br />

the balance sheet, with the reinsurance section booked<br />

as an asset under “transferee and retrocession share in<br />

underwriting provisions”. Such underwriting provisions<br />

are determined based on statistical and actuarial data in<br />

accordance with the French Insurance Code (Code des<br />

Assurances), notably the laws governing disability and<br />

invalidity appended to this code.<br />

1.24. Liability adequacy tests for Group insurance<br />

companies<br />

At the time of each close of accounts, liability adequacy tests<br />

are carried out for each consolidated company in order to<br />

ensure the adequacy of insurance liabilities. To conduct these<br />

tests, the companies consolidate policies based on common<br />

criteria, factoring in how they have been acquired, how they<br />

are managed and how their profitability is measured.<br />

Any inadequate provisions are recorded against earnings. In<br />

the specific case of non-life insurance policies, a provision for<br />

current contingencies is booked for policies whose premiums<br />

are estimated to fall short of the level required to cover<br />

future management costs and claims.<br />

1.25. Provisions for contingencies and losses<br />

In accordance with IAS 37 “Provisions, contingent liabilities<br />

and contingent assets”, a provision is recorded when the<br />

Group has a legal or implied obligation resulting from past<br />

events that will generate an outflow of resources without at<br />

least an equivalent counterparty, provided that future cash<br />

outflows may be estimated on a reliable basis.<br />

This item comprises commitments with uncertain maturities<br />

or amounts stemming from commercial and tribunal disputes<br />

or other risks.<br />

In general, each known dispute in which the company is<br />

involved has been reviewed by management as on the<br />

date for the close of accounts, further to advice from<br />

external advisors as relevant, with the provisions deemed<br />

necessary recorded in order to cover the estimated risks.<br />

1.26. Staff benefits<br />

Short-term benefits due within 12 months of the end of<br />

the financial year are recorded for the period during which<br />

the services were provided by members of staff and for the<br />

amount that the company expects to pay.<br />

Provisions are recorded for these amounts on a nondiscounted<br />

basis.<br />

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The Group’s commitments, resulting from the defined benefit<br />

systems, are determined in accordance with the projected<br />

credit unit method as per IAS 19. These commitments<br />

primarily concern retirement benefits.<br />

Since these systems are non-financed, commitments relating<br />

to retirement benefits valued based on the likely fair value<br />

of the rights acquired, taking into consideration the legal<br />

provisions and national wage bargaining agreements in force,<br />

based on actuarial hypotheses primarily factoring in wage<br />

rises through to retirement age, staff turnover and mortality<br />

tables. The commitments calculated in this way are booked<br />

as provisions for contingencies and losses.<br />

Actuarial differences primarily reflect changes in the assumptions<br />

used. Such differences are recorded immediately<br />

on the income statement.<br />

The cost of past services is recorded directly against earnings<br />

as soon as entitlements to benefits are acquired.<br />

1.27. Financial liabilities<br />

Financial liabilities correspond to the following elements:<br />

Either a contractual obligation to provide another company<br />

with cash or another financial asset,<br />

Or a contract that will or may result in treasury stock being<br />

awarded.<br />

Or investment contracts without any discretionary profitsharing.<br />

The Group records financial liabilities when it becomes a<br />

party to the contract in question, i.e. on the date on which<br />

operations are committed to.<br />

The Group’s financial liabilities are recorded on a cost basis,<br />

with the exception of commitments to buy out minority<br />

interests (cf. Note 1.28) and investment contracts without<br />

any discretionary profit-sharing, since the impact of using<br />

the amortized cost method is not significant.<br />

Investment contracts without any discretionary profit-sharing<br />

are marked to market. Their fair valuation is booked directly<br />

against earnings.<br />

1.28. Commitments to buy out minority interests<br />

When taking control of companies included in the basis<br />

for consolidation at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP<br />

or its consolidated subsidiaries have in certain cases made<br />

commitments to purchase interests in the capital held by such<br />

companies’ minority shareholders. In accordance with IAS 32,<br />

purchase commitments given relative to fully consolidated<br />

subsidiaries are recorded under «financial liabilities». The<br />

counterparty of such financial liabilities is not specified under<br />

IFRS. This point has been referred to the IFRIC. Pending the<br />

IFRIC’s response, APRIL GROUP has opted to record the<br />

difference between the fair value of financial liabilities and<br />

the amount of minority interests cancelled in shareholders’<br />

equity under goodwill.<br />

Under IAS 39, financial liabilities are valued on a fair value<br />

basis. The formulae for valuing clauses to buy out stakes held<br />

by minority shareholders in consolidated subsidiaries are<br />

based on these companies’ economic performances as on<br />

the date on which the option is exercised.<br />

Such formulae are generally based on profitability and<br />

development criteria.<br />

These options may generally be exercised after several years<br />

and within a timeframe set upon acquisition.<br />

Since it may not be possible to determine the fair value of<br />

such financial liabilities in the absence of sufficiently reliable<br />

forecasts or active markets, the following method is applied:<br />

A three-year period following the close of accounts or the<br />

interim situation is determined in order to have quantified<br />

forecasts that may be considered sufficiently reliable,<br />

Commitments taking effect during this period are valued<br />

and recorded by APRIL GROUP,<br />

Commitments taking effect after this period may not<br />

be valued on a reliable basis and are not recorded. Such<br />

commitments are presented in Note 12 Off-balance sheet<br />

commitments.<br />

As such, the commitments to enter into effect in 2008, 2009<br />

and 2010 are recorded as at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Changes in the fair value of buyout commitments are<br />

recorded at close of accounts for the following periods<br />

against goodwill.<br />

The treatment retained may be modified in light of changes<br />

in IFRS and their interpretations.<br />

1.29. Tax<br />

In accordance with IAS 12 “Income taxes”, deferred taxes are<br />

recorded as soon as any timing differences appear between<br />

the book and tax values of assets and liabilities, as well as on<br />

recoverable tax losses.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

In line with the variable deferral method, the impacts of any<br />

changes in the tax rate on deferred tax recorded previously<br />

are booked on the income statement during the year in which<br />

such rate changes take effect.<br />

Deferred taxes are determined based on the tax rates that<br />

have been adopted or virtually adopted at the close of<br />

accounts and which are expected to be applied when the<br />

deferred tax asset concerned will be realized or the deferred<br />

tax liability paid.<br />

Deferred tax assets are recognized only if they are likely to<br />

be recovered.<br />

1.30. Share-based payments<br />

The Group’s employees and managers may be granted<br />

warrants or stock options.<br />

Only plans granted as of November 7 th , 2002 and under<br />

which rights were not acquired as at January 1 st , 2005 are<br />

concerned by the application of IFRS 2. Any prior plans are<br />

not valued and are not recorded in the accounts.<br />

method for market intermediaries in terms of valuing<br />

options.<br />

The calculation factors in the following parameters:<br />

The exercise price,<br />

The lock-in period,<br />

The current price of the underlying share,<br />

The expected volatility,<br />

The expected dividends,<br />

The risk-free interest rate over the lock-in period.<br />

The value of the option is recorded on a linear basis between<br />

the date on which the option was granted and its maturity<br />

date, i.e. over the period during which rights are acquired,<br />

factoring in the likelihood of the beneficiary’s presence on<br />

the right acquisition date.<br />

The benefits calculated in this way are recorded under<br />

personnel costs on the income statement, booked against<br />

shareholders’ equity under liabilities in the consolidated<br />

financial statements.<br />

There are no other means of share-based payments within<br />

the Group.<br />

1.32. Post-balance sheet events<br />

The value of assets and liabilities on the balance sheet date<br />

is adjusted when any events occurring after the close of<br />

accounts significantly alter the amounts recorded as on the<br />

closing date. Such adjustments may be made up until the<br />

date on which the financial statements are approved by the<br />

Directors’ Board.<br />

Any other events that do not have any impact on the<br />

accounts are presented in the notes.<br />

Note 2. Significant events over the period<br />

2.1. Acquisitions of companies and additional equity<br />

interests:<br />

AMT<br />

On January 5 th , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP acquired a 75% stake in<br />

AMT, a wholesale broker specialized in designing, managing<br />

and distributing motorcycle insurance policies. AMT has been<br />

consolidated as of January 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Under IFRS 2, an expense must be recorded corresponding<br />

to the cost of services received by the company in return<br />

for the options granted. The amount of this expense is<br />

determined in relation to the value of the option on the date<br />

it was granted (this expense is not re-evaluated during the<br />

option’s life). The allocation date corresponds to the date on<br />

which options are granted.<br />

For each plan, the value of the option has been determined<br />

based on the Black and Scholes model, the benchmark<br />

1.31. Treasury stock<br />

The only shares held as treasury stock are based on the<br />

liquidity agreement.<br />

Treasury stock held by the Group are recorded at their<br />

acquisition cost against shareholders’ equity.<br />

Capital gains or losses on disposals of treasury stock are<br />

booked directly against shareholders’ equity such that the<br />

contingent gains or losses do not affect earnings for the<br />

period.<br />

Febs<br />

On February 19 th , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP bought out a 10%<br />

stake held by minority shareholders in Febs, taking its<br />

interest in this company’s capital up to 84%.<br />

APRIL Germany<br />

On May 16 th , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP bought out the 20% stake<br />

held by minority shareholders in APRIL Germany, taking its<br />

interest in this company’s capital up to 100%.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

APRIL North America<br />

APRIL GROUP, through its specially created subsidiary APRIL<br />

North America, acquired the Canadian brokerage firms<br />

ESCAPADE on June 11 th , <strong>2007</strong> and DAVE ROCHON on June<br />

8th, <strong>2007</strong>. ESCAPADE, based in Sainte Croix, is specialized<br />

in travel insurance products for retail customers. DAVE<br />

ROCHON, based in Montreal, is a wholesale broker specialized<br />

in heightened risks on retail and corporate property and<br />

casualty insurance. These two companies have been<br />

consolidated since July 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

ASSURDOM Gestion<br />

On June 22 nd , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP acquired a 38.2% stake in<br />

the Reunion-based ASSURDOM Gestion, with this wholesale<br />

broker specializing in property and casualty risks, primarily<br />

for retail customers. This company has been consolidated<br />

since July 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Assinco<br />

On November 7 th , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP acquired an 80% stake<br />

in Assinco. Assinco is an insurance brokerage firm, operating<br />

directly or through its 16 subsidiaries, on personal insurance,<br />

property and casualty insurance for goods and credit<br />

insurance, for businesses and individuals on mainland France<br />

and in French overseas departments and territories. This<br />

company has been consolidated since November 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

2.2. Other operations on securities<br />

London & European Title Insurance Services<br />

In March <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP, through its subsidiary London<br />

& European Title Group, sold off a 14% stake in its subsidiary<br />

London & European Title Insurance Services to its managers.<br />

2.3. Activities started up<br />

Axeria Vie, previously Vivier Assurances, a life insurance<br />

company with a capital of 40 million euros, is now supporting<br />

the Group’s development projects on the life insurance and<br />

savings market.<br />

ISR Courtage, the dedicated structure for distributing socially<br />

responsible investment products online, has started trading.<br />

Solucia PJ, previously Axeria Conseils, a legal protection<br />

insurance company, has been developing a business to<br />

design, manage and sell insurance policies for individual<br />

businesses and families since the beginning of <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

APRIL Cover, set up in 2006, has started trading, providing<br />

small and medium-sized businesses with access to the<br />

entire range of tools required for managing their customer<br />

positions in order to prevent and manage non-payment<br />

risks: prevention, compensation, collection management,<br />

optimization of financing.<br />

Solidaris, previously APRIL Partenariats, has been developing<br />

non-discriminating insurance solutions and services for legal<br />

protection, supplementary health and loan insurance for the<br />

homosexual community since <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

APRIL Réunion, previously APRIL Distribution, began trading<br />

in <strong>2007</strong> on Reunion. The company is focused primarily on<br />

individual personal protection and health.<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP created APRIL CEE Development, a<br />

Budapest-based brokerage company, in order to develop its<br />

business in Hungary.<br />

APRIL GROUP, through its subsidiary APRIL Mediterranean<br />

Ltd (regional holding company), created Axeria Re Ltd on<br />

December 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, a Malta-based reinsurance company.<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP launched the business for APRIL<br />

Santé (previously ASSURADOM), with a network of points of<br />

sale and spaces for advice on family health insurance and<br />

services.<br />

APRIL Corporate Broking, previously APRIL International,<br />

launched its activity to design, integrate and manage P&C<br />

insurance solutions for businesses, offered through a<br />

network of brokers and insurance agents.<br />

2.4. Reorganization<br />

APRIL Solutions<br />

In line with the reorganization of APRIL GROUP around its<br />

business branches, APRIL Solutions carried out the following<br />

partial asset contributions on May 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, effective<br />

retroactively to January 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>:<br />

Individual personal protection/health branch contributed to<br />

APRIL Projet;<br />

Property and casualty branch contributed to APRIL Service.<br />

These companies have been renamed following this operation:<br />

APRIL Solutions is now APRIL GROUP CORPORATE;<br />

APRIL Projet is now APRIL Marketing Solutions;<br />

APRIL Service is now APRIL Solutions.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Structuring of the Corporate division<br />

On December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP CORPORATE<br />

contributed its group business branch to APRIL Solutions<br />

Entreprises (previously APRIL Direct), effective retroactively<br />

to November 1st, <strong>2007</strong>.<br />


Assurances) was merged with APRIL GROUP CORPORATE on<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, effective retroactively to November 1 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong>, finalizing the restructuring of this business division.<br />


EAC was merged with SEPCOFI on March 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, effective<br />

retroactively to January 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>, making it possible to<br />

consolidate the group insurance resources of these two<br />

brokerage firms operating on similar markets.<br />

Europassur / SOGET SIEFFERT<br />

All of the assets and liabilities of its subsidiary SOGET SIEFFERT<br />

were transferred to Europassur on June 15 th , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />


With a view to the regional optimization and rationalization<br />

of their property and casualty brokerage activities for<br />

businesses, CIARE, AVS and DOUDET CHARLET, all three<br />

based in Lyons, merged, effective retroactively to October<br />

1 st , <strong>2007</strong>. The merging company, CIARE, has retained its<br />

corporate name.<br />

APRIL Assurances Entreprises<br />

On October 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL Assurances contributed<br />

its group activity branch to APRIL Assurances Entreprises<br />

(previously APRIL Réseau), effective retroactively to October<br />

1 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Note 3. Basis for consolidation<br />

3.1. Change in scope<br />

The changes in scope between December 31 st , 2006 and<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> were as follows:<br />

Full consolidation of AMT and APRIL Distribution as of<br />

January 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>,<br />

Full consolidation of the APRIL Courtage and APRIL<br />

Prestations economic interest groups and the company<br />

APRIL North America as of June 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>;<br />

Full consolidation of ASSURDOM Gestion (and its subsidiary<br />

MUTASSUR), DAVE ROCHON and ESCAPADE as of July 1 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong>,<br />

Full consolidation of APRIL CEE Development as of October<br />

1 st , <strong>2007</strong>,<br />

Full consolidation of Assinco and its subsidiaries (AGERIC,<br />

Assinco Caraïbes, Assinco OI, Assinco Partenaire, CARISCO,<br />




November 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>;<br />

Full consolidation of APRIL Mediterranean Ltd (and its<br />

subsidiary Axeria Re) and Axeria Courtage as of December<br />

1 st , <strong>2007</strong>,<br />

Full consolidation of companies set up and without any<br />

business at the end of <strong>2007</strong>, namely APRIL Alpha, APRIL<br />

Omega, APRIL Delta, APRIL Gamma, APRIL Kappa, APRIL<br />

Sigma as of December <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

In light of the abovementioned reorganization operations,<br />


DOMMAGES ENTREPRISES were removed from the basis<br />

for consolidation in <strong>2007</strong>, since their activities had been<br />

transferred to the companies that they were merged into.<br />

3.2. Information on the scope<br />

In addition to Sections 2.3 and 2.4, the following corporate<br />

name changes were made in <strong>2007</strong>:<br />





VILLETTE Assurances becomes APRIL GROUP VIE EPARGNE;<br />

GIE AGIR becomes GIE MicroReso;<br />

COUCHON Assurances SA becomes Easyssur;<br />

Febs becomes APRIL Financial Services AG;<br />

APRIL IARD becomes APRIL Premium;<br />

Resolution becomes APRIL Immobilier.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Identification of consolidated companies<br />




NUMBER<br />

% CONTROL<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />


METHOD <strong>2007</strong><br />

% CONTROL<br />

2006<br />


METHOD 2006<br />

APRIL GROUP (holding) Lyons 377 994 553 Parent Parent Parent Parent<br />

AGERIC Saint Denis 351 747 704 80% FC N/A NC<br />

AHM New York 100% FC 100% FC<br />

ALLO ASSURANCES SARL Valence 439 610 395 100% FC 100% FC<br />

AMC Pointe-à-Pitre 438 072 746 59.4% FC 59.4% FC<br />

AMT Tours 397 855 867 75% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL ALPHA Lyons 501 273 403 100% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Assurances Lyons 428 702 419 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Assurances Entreprises Lyons 493 481 816 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL CEE Development Budapest 80% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Conseils Lyons 437 915 812 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Corporate Broking Lyons 493 113 716 95.01% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Courtage (GIE) Lyons 499 104 909 100% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Cover Lyons 493 473 979 70% FC 70% FC<br />

APRIL Delta Lyons 501 273 502 100% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Gamma Lyons 501 273 536 100% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL GROUP CORPORATE Paris 343 817 219 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL GROUP PRÉVOYANCE INDIVIDUELLE Lyons 428 979 629 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL GROUP DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS Lyons 428 699 417 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL GROUP VIE EPARGNE Lyons 490 175 205 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Germany Munich 100% FC 80% FC<br />

APRIL Iberia Madrid 70% FC 70% FC<br />

APRIL Immobilier Lyons 442 444 782 100% FC 100 % FC<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Identification of consolidated companies (continued)<br />




NUMBER<br />

% CONTROL<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />


METHOD <strong>2007</strong><br />

% CONTROL<br />

2006<br />


METHOD 2006<br />

APRIL Italia Milan CF 1286540153 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Kappa Lyons 501 273 700 100% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Marketing Solutions Lyons 493 481 782 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Mediterranean Ltd Malte C 43042 100% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Mobilité Paris 309 707 727 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL North America Montréal 69.9% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Omega Lyons 501 273 734 100% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Patrimoine Lyons 433 912 516 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Premium Lyons 424 006 195 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Réunion Lyons 493 481 857 91.25% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Santé Lyons 388 138 398 97.37% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Sigma Lyons 501 273 825 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Solutions Lyons 493 481 881 100% FC N/A NC<br />

APRIL Solutions Entreprises Lyons 493 113 708 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Technologies (GIE) Lyons 419 399 480 99.99% FC 99.99% FC<br />

APRIL Yacht Broker Di Assicurazioni San Remo 70% FC 70% FC<br />

ARIS Levallois Perret (92) 378 004 493 50% FC 50% FC<br />

AS Conseil et Audit Saint Etienne 483 528 691 49% FC 49% FC<br />

ASPA (GIE) Saint Denis (93) 351 484 118 80% FC N/A NC<br />

Assinco Saint Denis (93) 722 069 226 80% FC N/A NC<br />

ASSINCO CARAIBES Baie Mahault (Réunion) 337 603 286 79.91% FC N/A NC<br />

ASSINCO O.I. Saint Denis (Réunion) 452 500 978 80% FC N/A NC<br />

ASSINCO PARTENAIRE Strasbourg 648 501 864 78.33% FC N/A NC<br />

ASSURANCE FRANCE PLAISANCE La Roche Sur Yon 390 440 725 75% FC 75% FC<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Identification of consolidated companies (continued)<br />




NUMBER<br />

% CONTROL<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />


METHOD <strong>2007</strong><br />

% CONTROL<br />

2006<br />


METHOD 2006<br />

ASSURDOM Le Port (Réunion) 384 944 740 38.21% FC N/A NC<br />

Assurtis Paris 483 108 775 55% PC 55% PC<br />

Axeria Iard Lyons 352 893 200 100% FC 100% FC<br />

Axeria Courtage Lyons 501 156 236 100% FC N/A NC<br />

Axeria Insurance Company Londres 100% FC 100% FC<br />

Axeria Prévoyance Lyons 350 261 129 100% FC 100% FC<br />

Axeria Re Malte C 43228 100% FC N/A NC<br />

Axeria Vie Lyons 487 739 963 100% FC 100% FC<br />

CARISCO Saint Denis (93) 382 994 572 80% FC N/A NC<br />

CEIDA Strasbourg 728 503 673 78.30% FC N/A NC<br />

CGCA Rochefort sur Mer 378 849 798 100% FC 100% FC<br />

CHATEAUDUN (GIE) Paris 479 390 841 100% FC 100% FC<br />

CIARE SA Lyons 950 398 131 100% FC 100% FC<br />

Cogealp Lyons 338 399 439 66% FC 66% FC<br />

CSF Aix en Provence 423 476 720 100% FC 100% FC<br />

DAVE ROCHON Montreal 100% FC N/A NC<br />

DELTHA ASSURANCE Saint Denis (Réunion) 400 685 798 80% FC N/A NC<br />

Dierrevi Milan 80% FC 80% FC<br />

Easyssur Valence 383 048 543 100% FC 100% FC<br />

ESCAPADE Sainte Croix (Canada) 60% FC N/A NC<br />

ESPAS Saint Denis (93) 353 663 545 N/A NC<br />

EUROPA ASSURANCE Saint Denis (Réunion) 419 592 290 80% FC N/A NC<br />

Europassur Levallois Perret (92) 333 800 811 100% FC 100% FC<br />

APRIL Financial Services AG Munich 84% FC 74% FC<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Identification of consolidated companies (continued)<br />




NUMBER<br />

% CONTROL<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />


METHOD <strong>2007</strong><br />

% CONTROL<br />

2006<br />


METHOD 2006<br />

FGA Marseille 437 681 489 100% FC 100% FC<br />

FORUM FINANCES Lyons 423 412 808 100% FC 100% FC<br />

GI2A Fougères 349 844 746 100% FC 100% FC<br />

Habitance Lyons 484 777 131 50% FC 50% FC<br />

Haussmann Conseils Aix en Provence 383 416 872 80% FC 80% FC<br />

ISR COURTAGE Paris 492 823 851 100% FC 100% NC<br />

LE Italy Milan 100% FC 100% FC<br />

LE JERSEY Jersey 100% FC 100% FC<br />

LE SPAIN Madrid 100% FC 100% FC<br />

LE Title Insurance Services Londres 86% FC 100% FC<br />

LE Title Group Ltd Londres 100% FC 100% FC<br />

LETIP Paris 422 630 707 100% FC 100% FC<br />

M ASSURANCES Saint Denis (Réunion) 451 584 080 80% FC N/A NC<br />

MAISON COMMUNE (GIE) Lyons 484 630 579 100% FC 100% FC<br />

MANCINI ASSURANCES Saint Denis (Réunion) 310 863 501 80% FC N/A NC<br />

MicroReso (GIE) Rochefort sur Mer 403 656 846 100% FC 100% FC<br />

Moral Caraibes Pointe-à-Pitre 390 397 172 59.4% FC 59.4% FC<br />

MULTI SERVICES (GIE) Levallois Perret (92) 424 050 433 100% FC 100% FC<br />

Mutant Assurances (et ses filiales) Lyons 350 379 251 100% FC 100% FC<br />

MUTASSUR Saint Denis (Réunion) 492 760 574 38.21% FC N/A NC<br />

PRESTATIONS (GIE) Limonest 498 451 491 100% FC N/A NC<br />

SASCO Annecy 377 974 555 100% FC 100% FC<br />

SEPCOFI Lyons 329 845 325 100% FC 100% FC<br />

SCI ARPI Aix en Provence 438 807 679 100% FC 100% FC<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Identification of consolidated companies (continued)<br />




NUMBER<br />

% CONTROL<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />


METHOD <strong>2007</strong><br />

% CONTROL<br />

2006<br />


METHOD 2006<br />

SFG Aix en Provence 391 952 264 100% FC 100% FC<br />

SOCASSINCO Fort de France 432 487 338 79.99% FC N/A NC<br />

SOGAGIA Saint Denis (93) 391 491 248 80% FC N/A NC<br />

SOGAGIA CARAIBES Baie Mahault (Réunion) 480 118 629 79.91% FC N/A NC<br />

Solidaris Lyons 492 823 919 80% FC 100% FC<br />

Solucia PJ Lyons 481 997 708 100% FC 100% FC<br />

SPAC Saint Denis (93) 414 424 333 80% FC N/A NC<br />

TMS CONTACT Paris 384 706 941 99.86% FC 99.86% FC<br />

Université APRIL Lyons Association 100% FC 100% FC<br />

FC: Fully consolidated<br />

PC: Proportionately consolidated<br />

EC: Equity consolidated<br />

N/A: Not applicable<br />

NC: Not consolidated<br />

All the companies included in the basis for consolidation at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> drew up their accounts for the period from January 1 st to December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> under IFRS.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

3.3. Non-consolidated subsidiaries<br />

In accordance with the accounting methods and principles<br />

applied, the following equity interests have not been<br />

consolidated on account of their small size. Their<br />

consolidation would not have any impact on the consolidated<br />

financial statements.<br />

The majority of Group company cash is invested in the APRIL<br />

TRESORERIE mutual fund (ISIN: FR0010046789). Only APRIL<br />

GROUP companies hold units in APRIL TRESORERIE.<br />

This fund does not contain any debt and is invested<br />

exclusively in non-dedicated UCITS, without ever holding a<br />

significant percentage or influencing their management.<br />

As such, APRIL TRESORERIE is consolidated on a fair value<br />

basis in the consolidated financial statements.<br />




Capital<br />

Shareholders’<br />

equity<br />

loans and advances<br />

Share<br />

in dividends<br />

Gross value<br />

of securities<br />

net value<br />

of securities<br />

Revenues<br />

operating income<br />

net income<br />

EQUITY INTEREST (10% to 50%) (1) ‘000€ (1)<br />

AITIC (30/06/06) 38 20% 8 1,030<br />

59 rue Baraban, 69003 LYON 686 8 340<br />

234<br />

PROVENCALE DE PATRIMOINE (2) 49 20% 10 129<br />

Le Pujol III, 13390 AURIOL 4 0 -34<br />

-45<br />

SOGERIS (31/12/06) 38 19.52% 7 310<br />

Route Nationale 8, 13420 GEMENOS 81 7 46<br />

124<br />

OPTIMEX (31/12/06) 436

2.0<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

3.4. Impact of changes in scope on earnings<br />

The income statement presented below has been drawn<br />

up in order to make it possible to compare the accounts<br />

between December 31 st , 2006 and Dec 31 st <strong>2007</strong>. It does<br />

not represent a pro forma income statement drawn up in<br />

order to comply with the disclosure thresholds as defined by<br />

Article 221-1 of the AMF’s general regulations.<br />

The accounting principles and methods retained for<br />

drawing up the consolidated data herein are compliant with<br />

the principles and methods retained for drawing up the<br />

consolidated financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The restated income statement factors in the acquisition of<br />

the following companies and their inclusion in the basis for<br />

consolidation:<br />

AVS, DOUDET-CHARLET, Moral Caraïbes, AMC, Dierrevi, MT:<br />

companies consolidated over six months in 2006;<br />

APRIL Iberia and APRIL Yacht Broker di Assicurazioni:<br />

companies consolidated over three months in 2006;<br />

APRIL Cover, APRIL Direct, APRIL Réseau, APRIL International,<br />

APRIL Projet, APRIL Service, APRIL Partenariat, ISR Courtage:<br />

consolidated over one month, but without any activity in<br />

2006;<br />

Deconsolidation of AAC after this company was sold off<br />

(September 28 th , 2006);<br />

Integration of companies included in the basis for<br />

consolidation over <strong>2007</strong> and mentioned in Section 3.1.<br />

These data are based on the following historical accounts:<br />

The Group’s consolidated financial statements at<br />

December 31 st , 2006<br />

The annual financial statements at December 31 st , 2006<br />

for the various subsidiaries newly incorporated into the<br />

basis for consolidation, drawn up under the responsibility<br />

of their managers prior to their acquisition.<br />

The balance sheet and cash-flow statement factoring<br />

in changes in scope as at December 31 st , 2005 are not<br />

presented due to the absence of any significant impact<br />

of new companies included in the Group’s scope on these<br />

statements.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Income statement at December 31 st , 2006 based on the scope for <strong>2007</strong><br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

Dec 31 st , 2006 Dec 31 st , 2006 on <strong>2007</strong> scope Dec 31st, <strong>2007</strong><br />

REVENUES 520,400 535,850 604,183<br />

Other operating income 8,405 9,066 14,304<br />

Financial income net of expenses and excluding cost of debt 14,668 14,877 19,395<br />

TOTAL INCOME FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 543,473 559,793 637,882<br />

Underwriting expenses for insurance policies -145,838 -145,838 -159,016<br />

Net income or expenses from reinsurance cessions -1,341 -1,341 -23,916<br />

Other purchases and external expenses -168,427 -175,888 -194,682<br />

Tax -13,004 -13,399 -15,069<br />

Personnel costs -101,263 -106,001 -122,344<br />

Depreciation charge -5,817 -6,479 -7,431<br />

Provisions -7,246 -7,999 -7,278<br />

Other current operating income and expenses -3,624 -3,699 -3,705<br />

EBIT 96,913 99,152 104,441<br />

Change in value of goodwill -52 -52 26<br />

Other operating income and expenses -67 -52 178<br />

OPERATING INCOME 96,794 99,048 104,645<br />

Financial expenses -77 -130 -140<br />

Share in affiliated companies 0 0 0<br />

Corporate income tax -31,208 -32,103 -31,966<br />

CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME 65,509 66,815 72,539<br />

Minority interest 434 973 428<br />

NET INCOME (GROUP SHARE) 65,075 65,842 72,111<br />

EARNINGS PER SHARE 1.60 - 1.77<br />


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2.0<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 4. Sector information<br />

Sector information is drawn up in line with two different<br />

criteria: one primary criterion based on the Group’s various<br />

activities and another secondary criterion based on their<br />

regional location.<br />

The primary sector is representative of the Group’s business,<br />

which can be broken down into four activities:<br />

Health-personal protection<br />

Property and casualty<br />

Savings<br />

Other<br />

Each sector is consistent in terms of risk and profitability.<br />

The regional sectors correspond to France and Europe<br />

excluding France. They are characteristic of the Group’s<br />

geographical setup.<br />

4.1. Income by sector and region<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Savings<br />

Health & personal<br />

protection<br />

Property and casualty<br />

Other<br />

Inter-company<br />

write-offs<br />

REVENUES 16,936 394,139 218,292 -25,184 604,183<br />

Of which France 16,936 379,565 201,871 -25,184 573,188<br />

Outside of France 14,574 16,421 30,995<br />

Income from ordinary operations 20,322 414,757 227,521 7,462 -32,180 637,882<br />

Operating income -565 92,984 19,621 -7,395 104,645<br />

of which France -565 92,595 17,344 -7,334 102,040<br />

Outside of France 389 2,277 -61 2,605<br />

NET INCOME -978 56,194 14,886 2,009 72,111<br />

Total<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Savings<br />

Health & personal<br />

protection<br />

Property and casualty<br />

Other<br />

Inter-company<br />

write-offs<br />

REVENUES 10,105 349,268 178,154 -17,127 520,400<br />

Of which France 10,105 342,967 163,464 -17,127 499,409<br />

Outside of France 6,301 14,690 20,991<br />

Income from ordinary operations 10,538 365,474 182,781 4,908 -20,228 543,473<br />

Operating income 957 86,769 14,154 -5,088 2 96,794<br />

of which France 957 87,836 10,047 -5,088 2 93,754<br />

Outside of France -1,067 4,107 3,040<br />

NET INCOME 636 54,574 10,846 -981 65,075<br />

Total<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Savings<br />

Health & personal<br />

protection<br />

Property and casualty<br />

Other<br />

Inter-company<br />

write-offs<br />

Premiums acquired 5,054 138,341 95,437 -23,269 215,563<br />

Commissions 11,882 250,440 102,672 -363 364,631<br />

Services 5,358 20,183 -1,553 23,989<br />

REVENUES 16,936 394,139 218,292 -25,184 604,183<br />

Total<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Savings<br />

Health & personal<br />

protection<br />

Property and casualty<br />

Other<br />

Inter-company<br />

write-offs<br />

Premiums acquired 113,382 99,130 -16,067 196,445<br />

Commissions 10,105 233,455 59,244 -650 302,154<br />

Services 2,431 19,780 -410 21,801<br />

REVENUES 10,105 349,268 178,154 -17,127 520,400<br />

Total<br />

Insurance premiums (Group contribution) are presented net of commissions paid by insurance companies to Group brokerage companies.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

4.2. Assets by sector<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Savings Health & personal protection Property and casualty Other Inter-company write-offs Total<br />

Goodwill 44,866 88,932 133,798<br />

Tangible and intangible fixed assets 2,214 13,849 13,448 993 30,504<br />

Investment properties 212 212<br />

Insurance activity investments 24,052 203,761 82,384 310,197<br />

Transferee share in underwriting provisions 48,444 31,686 80,130<br />

Receivables 621 105,751 95,710 7,995 -24,298 185,779<br />

Cash 6,226 67,468 84,205 19,819 177,718<br />

SECTOR ASSETS 33,113 484,139 396,577 28,807 -24,298 918,338<br />

Tax assets 9,398<br />

Financial assets 5,411<br />

TOTAL ASSETS 933,147<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Savings Health & personal protection Property and casualty Other Inter-company write-offs Total<br />

Goodwill 19,676 53,234 72,910<br />

Tangible and intangible fixed assets 89 8,205 12,258 342 20,894<br />

Insurance activity investments 181,848 85,167 267,015<br />

Transferee share in underwriting provisions 49,343 31,167 80,510<br />

Receivables 270 56,069 51,611 5,991 -13,133 100,808<br />

Cash 25,526 51,756 65,292 25,236 167,810<br />

SECTOR ASSETS 25,885 366,897 298,729 31,569 -13,133 709,947<br />

Tax assets 4,819<br />

Financial assets 2,654<br />

TOTAL ASSETS 717,732<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

4.3. Liabilities by sector<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Savings Health & personal protection Property and casualty Other Inter-company write-offs Total<br />

Underwriting provisions 41 167,507 86,741 254,289<br />

Technical liabilities on investment policies 8,322 8,322<br />

Provisions for contingencies and losses 334 4,715 6,466 2,761 14,276<br />

Financial liabilities 32,000 16,808 22,200 31,179 -61,556 40,631<br />

Operating liabilities 2,128 113,266 79,776 1,516 -1,774 194,912<br />

Other sector liabilities 145 27,168 22,021 -4,966 44,368<br />

SECTOR LIABILITIES 42,970 329,464 217,204 35,456 -68,296 556,798<br />

Other liabilities 77,851<br />

Tax liabilities 4,684<br />

Shareholder's equity 293,814<br />


In thousand euros DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Savings Health & personal protection Property and casualty Other Inter-company write-offs Total<br />

Underwriting provisions 133,533 80,731 214,264<br />

Provisions for contingencies and losses 235 8,435 4,921 1,856 15,447<br />

Financial liabilities 2 2,083 12,514 9 -1 14,607<br />

Operating liabilities 3,414 72,356 54,877 1,170 -542 131,275<br />

Other sector liabilities 27,877 11,556 -4,490 34,943<br />

SECTOR LIABILITIES 3,651 244,284 164,599 3,035 -5,033 410,536<br />

Other liabilities 54,555<br />

Tax liabilities 9,220<br />

Shareholder’s equity 243,421<br />


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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Financial liabilities at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> factor in<br />

commitments to buy out minority interests, i.e. 8,732<br />

thousand euros for Property and Casualty activity and 6,386<br />

thousand euros for Health and personal protection activity.<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Total<br />

Health and<br />

personal protection<br />

Property and<br />

casualty<br />

Income from consolidated companies (1) 30,985 7,557 23,428<br />

Earnings from consolidated companies (1) 952 273 679<br />

4.4. Sector information on acquisitions over the period<br />

Tangible and intangible fixed assets 4,935 906 4,029<br />

Property investments 215 215<br />

Insurance activity investments<br />

Transferee share in underwriting provision<br />

Receivables 30,144 10,737 19,407<br />

SECTOR ASSETS 35,294 11,643 23,651<br />

Tax assets 2,789<br />

Financial assets 182<br />

Cash 24,970<br />



Underwriting provisions<br />

Provisions for contingencies and losses 1,027 326 701<br />

Financial liabilities 24,193 14,182 10,011<br />

Operating liabilities 31,883 10,447 21,435<br />

Other sector liabilities<br />

SECTOR LIABILITIES 57,102 24,955 32,147<br />

Other liabilities 15,193<br />

Tax liabilities 312<br />


Amount of earnings for businesses acquired<br />

included in earnings for the period<br />

331 -81 412<br />

(1) Income and earnings are estimated over 12 months,<br />

as if the acquisition date had been at the start of the period<br />

GOODWILL RECORDED OVER THE YEAR 53,011 19,259 33,752<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

4.5. Assets by region<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

France Europe Inter-company<br />

write-offs<br />

Total<br />

Goodwill 119,427 14,371 133,798<br />

Tangible and intangible fixed<br />

assets<br />

28,378 2,125 30,504<br />

Property investments 213 213<br />

Insurance activity investments 287,796 22,401 310,197<br />

Transferee share<br />

in underwriting provisions<br />

80,029 101 80,130<br />

Receivables 177,481 10,343 -2,045 185,779<br />

Cash 151,178 26,540 177,718<br />

SECTOR ASSETS 844,502 75,881 -2,045 918,338<br />

Tax assets 9,399<br />

Financial assets 5,410<br />

TOTAL ASSETS 933,147<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

France<br />

Europe<br />

Inter-company<br />

write-offs<br />

Total<br />

Goodwill 67,250 5,660 72,910<br />

Tangible and intangible<br />

fixed assets<br />

20,087 807 20,894<br />

Insurance activity investments 261,909 5,106 267,015<br />

Transferee share in<br />

underwriting provisions<br />

80,510 80,510<br />

Receivables 95,147 7,582 -1,921 100,808<br />

Cash 150,495 17,315 167,810<br />

SECTOR ASSETS 675,398 36,470 -1,921 709,947<br />

Tax assets 4,819<br />

Financial assets 2,654<br />

TOTAL ASSETS 717,732<br />

Note 5. Notes to the income statement<br />

5.1. Other operating income<br />

5.2. Financial income<br />

5.2.1. Income from financial assets net of expenses and excluding cost of debt<br />


(In thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Capitalized production 2,844 2,808<br />

Operating subsidies 68 27<br />

Provision write-backs on assets 2,046 1,905<br />

Provision write-backs for contingencies and losses 6,018 1,142<br />

Other operating income 3,328 2,523<br />

TOTAL 14,304 8,405<br />



(In thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

From Group insurance companies 12,576 65% 10,113 69%<br />

From Group other companies 6,819 35% 4,555 31%<br />

TOTAL 19,395 100% 14,668 100%<br />

Financial income for companies resulting from other activities corresponds to income<br />

generated by investments of cash and cash equivalents for brokerage companies.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

5.2.2. Income from insurance companies investments<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

Income from<br />

investment<br />

Capital gains of<br />

losses on disposals<br />

Change in fair<br />

value of financial<br />

instruments recorded<br />

on a fair value basis<br />

for earnings<br />

Change<br />

in provisions<br />

on financial<br />

instruments (2)<br />

Income/loss from<br />

investments<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

Investment properties recorded at their amortized cost<br />

Investment properties recorded on a fair value basis for earnings<br />


Bonds held through to maturity<br />

Bonds available for sale (1) 7,495 5,943 -523 -748 6,972 5,195<br />

Bonds recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2) -2,387 -2,387<br />

Bonds held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bonds (amortized cost)<br />

BONDS 7,495 5,943 -523 -748 -2,387 4,585 5,195<br />

Bond UCITS held through to maturity<br />

Bond UCITS available for sale (1) 412 1,072 412 1,072<br />

Bond UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Bond UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bond UCITS (amortized cost)<br />

BOND UCITS 412 1,072 412 1,072<br />

Shares available for sale (1)<br />

Shares recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Shares held for transaction purposes<br />

Equity securities available for sale (1)<br />

SHARES<br />

Equity UCITS available for sale (1) 21 20 5,306 2,653 7 5,327 2,679<br />

Equity UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Equity UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

EQUITY UCITS 21 20 5,306 2,653 7 5,327 2,679<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

Income from<br />

investment<br />

Capital gains of<br />

losses on disposals<br />

Change in fair<br />

value of financial<br />

instruments recorded<br />

on a fair value basis<br />

for earnings<br />

Change<br />

in provisions<br />

on financial<br />

instruments (2)<br />

Income/loss from<br />

Investments<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

Other UCITS available for sale (1) 486 19 504<br />

Other UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Other UCITS held for transaction purposes 1,431 1,014 658 -29 2,089 985<br />

OTHER UCITS (3) 486 1,449 1,014 658 -29 2,593 985<br />

FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS 8,001 5,962 6,646 3,990 658 -22 -2,387 12,917 9,930<br />

Derivative assets subject to hedge accounting<br />

Derivative assets in a natural hedging relation<br />

Other derivative assets<br />


Investment management costs -218 -144 -218 -144<br />

Other (4) -122 327 -122 327<br />

INCOME FROM FINANCIAL ASSETS NET OF EXPENSES 7,660 6,145 6,646 3,990 658 -22 -2,387 12,576 10,113<br />

(1) Not including assets available for sale on which the impairment in value has been booked against earnings, which can be seen just below<br />

(2) Excluding securities held for transaction purposes that are recorded just below<br />

(3) Including cash-based UCITS<br />

(4) Notably includes loans insured, finance-lease payables and other loans<br />

5.3. Underwriting expenses for insurance policies<br />

5.4. Charges ou produits nets de cessions de réassurance<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Related expenses 3,932 5,357<br />

Change in underwriting provisions gross of reinsurance 33,403 43,142<br />

Commissions paid by companies 15,473 8,311<br />

Claims paid out 106,208 89,028<br />

TOTAL 159,016 145,838<br />


CESSIONS (in thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Premiums ceded 91,509 95,085<br />

Change in provisions for reinsured claims to be paid out 325 -30,995<br />

Ceded reinsurance commissions and related expenses -25,236 -27,093<br />

Claims ceded -42,682 -35,656<br />

TOTAL 23,916 1,341<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Changes in premiums ceded, based on gross insurance company premiums before deducting commissions paid by insurance<br />

companies to the Group’s brokerage companies, can be broken down as follows:<br />

NET PREMIUMS (in thousand euros) DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Gross premiums acquired before deducting commissions paid back to the<br />

Group’s brokerage companies<br />

329,565 295,259<br />

Premiums cede 91,509 95,084<br />

TOTAL 238,056 200,175<br />

5.5. Other purchases and external expenses<br />

OTHER PURCHASES AND EXTERNAL EXPENSES (in thousand euros) DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Brokerage commissions paid to intermediaries 111,025 100,959<br />

Postage and telephone 10,741 10,103<br />

Rent 12,553 9,316<br />

Advertising 8,946 7,479<br />

External staff 5,911 5,423<br />

General outsourcing and IT 4,606 3,313<br />

External services and other 40,900 31,834<br />

TOTAL 194,682 168,427<br />

5.7. Change in value of goodwill<br />



(in thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

DEC 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />



10,573 10,560<br />

Increase in impairment 52<br />

Impairment in value<br />

recorded on acquisitions<br />

-26<br />

over the period<br />

Write-back on impairment<br />

in value for disposals<br />

over the period<br />

Change in foreign<br />

currencies on impairment<br />

2<br />

Other changes -39<br />



10,549 10,573<br />

5.6. Personnel<br />

5.8. Other operating income and expenses<br />

PERSONNEL COSTS (in thousand euros) DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Salaries and wages 78,076 64,123<br />

Payroll taxes 35,481 29,374<br />

Profit-sharing 8,258 7,612<br />

Share-based compensation 529 154<br />

TOTAL 122,344 101,263<br />



(in thousand euros)<br />

Capital gains and losses<br />

on disposal of non-current<br />

tangible or intangible assets<br />

DEC 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

DEC 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />

366 -175<br />

Other -188 108<br />

The Group headcount at December 31 st came to 2,446 in <strong>2007</strong>, compared with 1,959 in 2006.<br />

TOTAL 178 -67<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

5.9. Tax<br />

5.9.1. Explanation on consolidated tax expense<br />

The current tax expense is equal to the amount of corporate<br />

income tax due to the tax authorities for the year in question,<br />

in line with the tax rules and rates in force in the various<br />

countries. On January 1 st , 2005, APRIL GROUP renewed its<br />

option for the common law tax consolidation system provided<br />

for under Article 223 A of the General French Tax Code both<br />

for itself and for French subsidiaries controlled at 95%.<br />

The deferred tax expense is determined based on the<br />

accounting method indicated in Note 1.29.<br />

The basic tax rate for businesses in France is 33.33%.<br />

The social security financing law 99-1140 December 29 th ,<br />

1999 introduced a further tax charge equal to 3.3% of the<br />

basic tax due. In this way, the legal tax rate in force for<br />

French companies was increased by 1.1%.<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

The application of the tax consolidation system has had the following impacts:<br />

5.9.2. Analysis of tax rate differentials applicable<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Current tax (tax on profits) 31,685 32,172<br />

Deferred tax for the period 281 -964<br />

TOTAL 31,966 31,208<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Tax consolidation premium 8,926 3,391<br />

Under the amended finance bill 2004-1485 of June 30 th ,<br />

2004, tax on net long-term capital gains generated on the<br />

sale of equity securities was reduced to 8% in 2006 (15% in<br />

2005) and does no longer apply as of <strong>2007</strong>.<br />



DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Legal tax rate in France for the year 33.33%<br />

Additional contribution 0.88%<br />

Share in dividends excluding tax consolidation 0.1%<br />

Tax losses carried forward used, not previously activated -3.78%<br />

Other 0.05%<br />


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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 6. Notes to the balance sheet<br />

6.1. Goodwill<br />

In thousand euros Health and personal Property and casualty Savings Other Total<br />

Gross value at DEC 31 st , 2006 19,829 63,655 83,484<br />

Acquisitions/price supplements 25,603 35,260 60,863<br />

GROSS VALUE AT DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 45,432 98,915 144,347<br />

Existing depreciation at Dec 31 st , 2006 152 10,421 10,573<br />

Depreciation for the year 414 -438 -24<br />

DEPRECIATION DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 566 9,983 10,549<br />

NET VALUE AT DEC 31 st , 2006 19,677 53,234 72,910<br />

NET VALUE AR DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 44,866 88,932 133,798<br />

6.4. Financial investments<br />

Financial investments are valued and recorded in accordance<br />

with the rules presented in Note 1.17.<br />

6.4.1. Breakdown of financial investments<br />

Bonds with a significant credit risk were subject to a 2,387<br />

thousand euro provision for depreciation over <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

The goodwill resulting from commitments to buy out<br />

minority interests represented 12,154 thousand euros at<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

6.2. Other intangible fixed assets<br />

Other intangible fixed assets primarily comprise software<br />

products.<br />


TOTAL<br />

Gross value at Dec 31 st , 2006 25,077<br />

Investments 8,431<br />

Changes in scope 13,524<br />

Divestments -2,842<br />

GROSS VALUE AT DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 44,190<br />

Amortization at Dec 31 st , 2006 17,805<br />

Increases 3,652<br />

Divestments 11,006<br />

Write-backs linked to disposals -2,611<br />

AMORTIZATION AT DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 29,852<br />

NET VALUE AT DEC 31 st , 2006 7,272<br />

NET VALUE AT DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 14,338<br />

6.3. Tangible fixed assets<br />


Buildings<br />

and technical<br />

facilities<br />

Other<br />

tangible fixed<br />

assets<br />

Work-in-progress<br />

Advances<br />

and<br />

deposits<br />

TOTAL<br />

GROSS VALUE AT DEC 31 st , 2006 7,208 24,934 195 15 32,351<br />

Investments 466 8,867 642 57 10,032<br />

Changes in scope 1,414 3,368 4,782<br />

Translation gains/losses -19 -19<br />

Reclassification 246 -246<br />

Divestments -5,654 -8,395 -4 -14,053<br />

GROSS VALUE AT DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 3,433 29,020 572 68 33,093<br />

AMORTIZATION AT DEC 31 st , 2006 1,778 16,952 18,729<br />

Increases 229 3,721 3,950<br />

Changes in scope 281 2,660 2,941<br />

Translation gains/losses -27 -27<br />

Write-backs -1,125 -7,542 -8,667<br />

AMORTIZATION AT DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 1,163 15,764 16,927<br />

NET VALUE AT DEC 31 st , 2006 5,430 7,982 195 15 13,622<br />

NET VALUE AT DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> 2,270 13,256 572 68 16,166<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

6.4.1. Breakdown of financial investments (continued)<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Fair value Historical cost % fair value Fair value Historical cost % fair value<br />

Investment properties recorded at their amortizes cost 400 400 0% 172 108 0%<br />

Investment properties recorded on a fair value basis for earnings<br />

INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 400 400 0% 172 108 0%<br />

Bonds held through to maturity<br />

Bonds available for sale (1) 177,058 181,851 57% 159,654 160,563 60%<br />

Bonds recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2) 1,308 1,308 0%<br />

Bonds held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bonds (amortized cost)<br />

BONDS 178,366 183,158 58% 159,654 160,563 60%<br />

Bond UCITS held through to maturity<br />

Bond UCITS available for sale (1) 14,085 12,384 5%<br />

Bond UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Bond UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bond UCITS (amortized cost)<br />

BOND UCITS 14,085 12,384 5%<br />

Shares available for sale (1)<br />

Shares recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Shares held for transaction purposes<br />

Equity securities available for sale (1)<br />

SHARES<br />

Equity UCITS available for sale (1) 51,500 41,654 17% 45,957 33,883 17%<br />

Equity UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Equity UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

EQUITY UCITS 51,500 41,654 17% 45,957 33,883 17%<br />

Other UCITS available for sale (1) 25,760 24,729 8% 14,130 13,839 5%<br />

Other UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Other UCITS held for transaction purposes 54,171 53,683 17% 33,081 32,751 12%<br />

OTHER UCITS (3) 79,931 78,412 26% 47,211 46,590 18%<br />

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ASSETS 309,797 303,224 100% 266,907 253,419 100%<br />

Derivative assets subject to hedge accounting<br />

Derivative assets in a natural hedging relation<br />

Other derivatives<br />


TOTAL FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS 310,197 303,624 100% 267,078 253,527 100%<br />

(1) Not including assets available for sale for which the impairment in value has been booked against earnings, which can be<br />

seen on the following line in the table<br />

(2) Excluding securities held for transaction purposes, which are presented on the following line in the table<br />

(3) Including cash-based UCITS<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

6.4.2. Unrealized capital gains or losses on financial investments<br />

DEC 31<br />


, <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

(in thousand euros)<br />

Historical Unrealized Unrealized<br />

Historical Unrealized Unrealized<br />

Fair value<br />

Fair value<br />

cost capital gains capital losses<br />

cost capital gains capital losses<br />

Investment properties recorded at their amortized cost 400 400 172 108 64<br />

Investment properties recorded on a fair value basis for earnings<br />

INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 400 400 172 108 64<br />

Investment properties recorded on a fair value basis for earnings<br />

Bonds available for sale (1) 177,058 181,851 639 -5,432 159,654 160,563 305 -1,214<br />

Bonds recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2) 1,308 1,308<br />

Bonds held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bonds (amortized cost)<br />

BONDS 178,366 183,158 639 -5,432 159,654 160,563 305 -1,214<br />

Bond UCITS held through to maturity<br />

Bond UCITS available for sale (1) 14,085 12,384 1,702<br />

Bond UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Bond UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bond UCITS (amortized cost)<br />

BOND UCITS 14,085 12,384 1,702<br />

Shares available for sale (1)<br />

Shares recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Shares held for transaction purposes<br />

Equity securities available for sale (1)<br />

SHARES<br />

Equity UCITS available for sale (1) 51,500 41,654 10,510 -663 45,957 33,883 12,085 -11<br />

Equity UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Equity UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

EQUITY UCITS 51,500 41,654 10,510 -663 45,957 33,883 12,085 -11<br />

Other UCITS available for sale (1) 25,760 24,729 1,253 -222 14,130 13,839 290<br />

Other UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (2)<br />

Other UCITS held for transaction purposes 54,171 53,683 489 0 33,081 32,751 331 0<br />

OTHER UCITS (3) 79,931 78,412 1,741 -222 47,211 46,590 621 0<br />

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ASSETS 309,797 303,224 12,891 -6,317 266,907 253,419 14,713 -1,225<br />

Derivative assets subject to hedge accounting<br />

Derivative assets in a natural hedging relation<br />

Other derivatives<br />


TOTAL FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS 310,197 303,624 12,891 -6,317 267,078 253,527 14,776 -1,225<br />

Of which, financial instrument assets available for sale 255,626 249,541 12,402 -6,317 233,826 220,669 14,382 -1,225<br />

Of which, financial instrument assets held for transaction purposes 54,171 53,683 489 0 33,081 32,751 331 0<br />

(1) Not including assets available for sale for which the impairment in value has been booked against earnings, which can be<br />

seen on the following line in the table<br />

(2) Excluding securities held for transaction purposes, which are presented on the following line in the table<br />

(3) Including cash-based UCITS<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

6.4.3. Financial investments recorded at fair value<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

Fair value measured<br />

based on market data<br />

Fair value measured based<br />

on valuation techniques<br />

Total<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> Dec 31 st , 2006 Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> Dec 31 st , 2006 Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> Dec 31 st , 2006<br />

Bonds 176,310 157,626 2,056 2,028 178,366 159,654<br />

Bond UCITS 14,085 14,085<br />

Shares<br />

Equity UCITS 51,500 45,957 51,500 45,957<br />

Other UCITS (1) 25,760 14,130 25,760 14,130<br />

Loans<br />

FINANCIAL ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR SALE (2) 253,571 231,797 2,056 2,028 255,626 233,826<br />

Investment properties<br />

Bonds<br />

Bond UCITS<br />

Equity UCITS<br />

Shares<br />

Other UCITS<br />


Bonds<br />

Bond UCITS<br />

Shares<br />

Equity UCITS<br />

Other UCITS (1) 54,171 33,081 54,171 33,081<br />


TTOTAL FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS 307,741 264,879 2,056 2,028 309,797 266,907<br />

Subordinated debt<br />

Debt represented by securities<br />

Current accounts payable<br />

Operating liabilities<br />

Other liabilities<br />


Financial instrument liabilities subject to hedge accounting<br />

Derivatives incorporated on insurance policies and investments<br />

Other derivative liabilities<br />



(1) Including cash-based UCITS<br />

(2) Not including assets held for sale on which impairment has been recognized under earnings<br />

(3) Excluding securities held for trading<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

6.5. Change in deferred taxes on the balance sheet<br />

6.5.1. Analysis of change in net deferred taxes by type<br />



(in thousand euros)<br />

Change in fair value of securities classified<br />

as assets available for sale<br />

DEC 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />

Earnings<br />

Shareholders’<br />

equity<br />

Changes<br />

in scope<br />

DEC 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

-3,286 1,906 -1,380<br />

Pension commitments 803 263 257 1,323<br />

Profit-sharing 1,144 80 1,224<br />

Tax losses carried forward 265 260 1,094 1,619<br />

Other temporary differences 1,213 -884 444 773<br />

NET DEFERRED TAXES 139 -281 1,906 1,233 3,559<br />

6.5.2. Breakdown of deferred tax by due date<br />


AT DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

(in thousand euros)<br />

Under<br />

1 year<br />

Over<br />

1 year<br />

Change in fair value of securities<br />

recorded as assets available for sale<br />

-1,380<br />

Pension commitments 1,323<br />

Profit-sharing 1,224<br />

Tax losses carried forward 1,619<br />

Other temporary differences 773<br />

NET DEFERRED TAXES 2,843 716<br />

6.6. Other assets<br />

6.6.1. Breakdown of receivables<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Receivables from insurance operations<br />

or reinsurance accepted<br />

Receivables from reinsurance cession<br />

operations<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Fair value Cost Fair value Cost<br />

21,630 21,630 3,351 3,351<br />

22,159 22,159 7,962 7,962<br />

Trade receivables 104,436 104,436 61,258 61,258<br />

Tax receivables due 3,084 3,084 312 312<br />

Other receivables 37,554 37,554 28,237 28,237<br />

TOTAL RECEIVABLES 188,863 188,863 101,120 101,120<br />

The fair value is not significantly different from their historical cost on account of the short maturities concerned and the<br />

nature of these assets.<br />

6.6.2. Breakdown of receivables by due date<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Receivables from<br />

insurance operations<br />

or reinsurance accepted<br />

Receivables from<br />

reinsurance cession<br />

operations<br />

Under<br />

1 year<br />

21,630<br />

22,159<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Over<br />

1 year<br />

Trade receivables 104,360 76<br />

Tax receivables due 3,059 25<br />

Other receivables 32,151 5,403<br />

TOTAL RECEIVABLES 183,359 5,504<br />

Over<br />

5 years<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

6.6.3. Breakdown of other assets<br />

OTHER RECEIVABLES (In thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

%<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

Accounts receivables 418 1% 50 0%<br />

Other receivables 20,286 54% 18,023 64%<br />

Prov. for accounts receivable and other receivables -1,097 -3% -321 0%<br />

Pre-booked expenses 17,947 48% 10,485 36%<br />

TOTAL 37 554 100% 28,237 100%<br />

OTHER RECEIVABLES (In thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

%<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

Loans and deposits 4,844 90% 2,401 90%<br />

Interest and other long-term investments 239 4% 143 5%<br />

Other 328 6% 110 5%<br />

TOTAL 5,411 100% 2,654 100%<br />

%<br />

%<br />

with Article L 225-209 of the French Commercial Code, with<br />

a view to:<br />

Coordinating the market through an investment service<br />

provider under a liquidity agreement,<br />

Granting stock options to employees and/or corporate<br />

officers of the company and/or its Group,<br />

Contributing securities in payment or exchange in<br />

connection with external growth operations,<br />

Cancelling any shares acquired under the authorization<br />

granted by the general shareholders’ meeting.<br />

The quantitative and qualitative information making it<br />

possible to understand capital management under the<br />

present policy, as authorized by the General Meeting, and<br />

measure their translation into the accounts and the return<br />

on capital, is presented in Notes 6.8, 10 and 13.<br />

CASH<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

%<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

Marketable securities 96,568 54% 98,881 59%<br />

Provision on marketable securities - 0% -31 0%<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 81,150 46% 68,959 41%<br />

TOTAL 177,718 100 % 167,809 100%<br />

%<br />

6.8. Treasury stock<br />

Over the year <strong>2007</strong>, 132,708 shares were purchased<br />

and 149,216 sold off. These operations resulted in a gain<br />

of 314,000 euros, booked directly against changes in<br />

consolidated shareholders’ equity.<br />

6.7. Capital management<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, the elements relating to the management<br />

of the company’s capital are exclusively those presented<br />

in the table outlining changes in shareholders’ equity.<br />

Any changes to the capital and the rights associated with the<br />

securities comprising it are subject to the legal provisions in<br />

force, with no specific measures applicable under the bylaws.<br />

The general shareholders’ meeting has authorized the<br />

company to trade in its own shares over the year, in accordance<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP held 155,067<br />

shares as treasury stock, acquired at an average price of<br />

42.30 euros, and booked against shareholders’ equity for a<br />

total of 6,559 thousand euros.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

6.9. Underwriting provisions for insurance policies<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Savings<br />

Health and personal<br />

protection<br />

Property and casualty<br />

Total insurance<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

Mathematical provisions 43,277 38,597 411 408 43,688 39,005<br />

Provisions for premiums not acquired 3,378 11,764 8,520 15,142 8 ,520<br />

Provisions for claims (1) 42 119,949 94,897 73,833 70,736 193,823 165,633<br />

Provisions resulting from recoverability tests<br />

Provisions for profit-sharing<br />

Provisions for current contingencies 733 1,067 733 1,067<br />

Others provisions 903 40 903 40<br />

GROSS UNDERWRITING PROVISIONS - INSURANCE POLICIES 42 167,507 133,533 86,741 80,731 254,289 214,264<br />

Mathematical provisions ceded 5,251 4,166 5,251 4,166<br />

Provisions for premiums not acquired ceded 238 166 238 166<br />

Provisions for claims ceded 43,193 45,177 31,448 31,001 74,641 76,178<br />

Provisions resulting from recoverability tests ceded<br />

Provisions for profit-sharing<br />

Provisions for current contingencies<br />

Other provisions ceded<br />



48,444 49,343 31,686 31,168 80,130 80,510<br />

NET UNDERWRITING PROVISIONS 42 119,062 84,190 55,055 49,563 174,159 133,754<br />

(1) Of which, IBNR = 15,705 12,030 16,724 11,924 32,011 23,888<br />

Of which, provisions for management costs 2,869 2,198 3,669 4,796 6,278 4,992<br />

(2) Of which, IBNR = 3,788 3,927 3,930 2,079 7,718 6,006<br />

Of which, provisions for management costs 691 717 691 717<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Change in provisions for claims<br />

Change in gross values<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Savings<br />

Health and personal<br />

protection<br />

Property and casualty<br />

Total insurance<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

GROSS PROVISIONS FOR CLAIMS TO BE SETTLED AT JAN 1 st (1) 133,493 110,255 71,144 50,287 204,637 160,541<br />

Total cost of claims (2) 42 96,202 86,637 49,349 58,301 145,592 144,938<br />

Total payments (2) (3) -66,469 -63,399 -43,652 -37,443 -110,121 -100,842<br />

Change in basis for consolidation and changes in accounting method -2,597 -2,597<br />

Change in exchange rate<br />

GROSS PROVISIONS FOR CLAIMS TO BE SETTLED AT DEC 31 st 42 163,226 133,493 74,244 71,144 237,511 204,637<br />

(1) Including mathematical provisions<br />

(2) Over year and prior<br />

(3) To be deducted since included in total cost of claims<br />

Change in reinsurer share<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Savings<br />

Health and personal<br />

protection<br />

Property and casualty<br />

Total insurance<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />


TO BE SETTLED AT JAN 1 st (1)<br />

49,343 36,011 31,001 13,338 80,344 49,349<br />

Total cost of claims (2) 27,424 40,507 16,834 29,840 44,258 70,348<br />

Total payments (2) (3) -28,323 -27,175 -16,388 -12,177 -44,710 -39,352<br />

Change in basis for consolidation and changes in accounting method<br />

Change in exchange rate<br />


TO BE SETTLED AT DEC 31 st (1)<br />

48,444 49,343 31,448 31,001 79,892 80,344<br />

(1) Including mathematical provisions<br />

(2) Over year and prior<br />

(3) To be deducted since included in total cost of claims<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

6.10. Technical liabilities for investment policies<br />

6.12. Financial liabilities<br />

In light of the development of business on the life insurance<br />

savings market, technical liabilities were recorded for the<br />

first time in <strong>2007</strong> linked to investment policies without any<br />

discretionary profit-sharing for a total of 8,322 thousand<br />

euros.<br />

6.11. Provisions for contingencies and losses<br />

The main actuarial assumptions retained as Group standards<br />

for determining provisions for retirement benefits are as<br />

follows:<br />

Discount rate: 4%<br />

Rate of increase in salaries: 2%<br />

Rate of inflation: 2%<br />

Other provisions for contingencies and losses primarily<br />

concern commitments made in connection with the relocation<br />

process undertaken by several Group companies.<br />

Provisions for disputes primarily correspond to disputes linked<br />

to the operational activities of APRIL GROUP companies, none<br />

of which represent a significant amount on their own.<br />

6.12.1. Breakdown of financial liabilities<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

%<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

Subordinated debt 1,524 5% 1,524 19%<br />

Debt represented by securities<br />

Borrowings from credit institutions 10,703 35% 1,021 13%<br />

Other financial debt 18,078 60% 5,478 68%<br />



30,305 100% 8,023 100%<br />

Subordinated debt<br />

Debt represented by securities<br />

Borrowings from credit institutions<br />

Other financial debt<br />



Derivatives incorporated for insurance policies<br />

Derivative liabilities subject to hedge accounting<br />

Other derivative liabilities<br />


TOTAL FINANCIAL LIABILITIES 30,305 100% 8,023 100%<br />

which, financial instrument liabilities held for transaction<br />

purposes<br />

%<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

DEC 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />

Changes<br />

in scope<br />

Increase<br />

Decrease<br />

DEC 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Provisions for disputes 3,021 -5 696 -621 3,091<br />

Provisions for pensions 3,996 1,138 518 -125 5,527<br />

Other provisions for contingencies and<br />

losses<br />



8,430 255 2,252 -5,278 5,659<br />

15,447 1,388 3,466 -6,024 14,277<br />

Financial liabilities resulting from commitments to buy out<br />

minority interests are recorded under other financial debt and<br />

totaled 15,118 thousand euros at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

6.12.2. Breakdown of financial liabilities by due date<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Under<br />

1 year<br />

Over<br />

1 year<br />

Under<br />

5 years<br />

Subordinated debt 1,524<br />

Borrowings from credit institutions 1,951 6,006 2,746<br />

Other financial liabilities 2,316 15,762<br />

TOTAL FINANCIAL LIABILITIES 4,267 21,768 4,270<br />

6.13. Other liabilities<br />

6.13.1. Breakdown of other liabilities<br />


(In thousand euros)<br />

Liabilities from insurance operations<br />

or reinsurance accepted<br />

DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

%<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

6,919 2% 5,191 2%<br />

Liabilities from reinsurance operations<br />

ceded<br />

37,449 12% 29,752 13%<br />

Operating liabilities 194,912 61% 131,275 58%<br />

Tax liabilities due 1,929 1% 4,540 2%<br />

Other liabilities 77,851 24% 54,555 24%<br />

TOTAL OTHER LIABILITIES 319,060 100% 225,313 100%<br />

6.13.2. Breakdown of other liabilities by due date<br />

%<br />

6.13.3. Breakdown of other liabilities<br />

In thousand euros DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

CURRENT BANK BORROWINGS 10,326 6,584<br />


DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

%<br />

Balance<br />

sheet value<br />

Personnel liabilities 31,905 41% 24,796 45%<br />

Tax liabilities (excluding corporate<br />

income tax)<br />

7,352 9% 5,980 11%<br />

Current accounts payable 2,219 3% 650 1%<br />

Other liabilities 10,087 13% 11,819 22%<br />

Pre-booked income 26,288 34% 11,310 21%<br />

Investment subsidies<br />

TOTAL OTHER LIABILITIES 77,851 100% 54,555 100%<br />


DEC 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> DEC 31 st , 2006<br />

Balance<br />

sheet<br />

value<br />

%<br />

Balance<br />

sheet<br />

value<br />

Trade payables 147,212 76% 102,395 78%<br />

Advances and deposits received 46,868 24% 28,668 22%<br />

Fixed asset-related payables 832 212<br />

TOTAL OPERATING LIABILITIES 194,912 100% 131,275 100%<br />

%<br />

%<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Under<br />

1 year<br />

Over<br />

1 year<br />

Liabilities from insurance operations or reinsurance<br />

accepted<br />

6,919<br />

Liabilities from reinsurance operations ceded 37,449<br />

Operating liabilities 193,071 1,841<br />

Tax liabilities due 1,929<br />

Other liabilities 66,381 11,470<br />

TOTAL OTHER LIABILITIES 305,749 13,311<br />

Under<br />

5 years<br />

6.14. Financial futures<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP did not own any financial futures.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 7. Notes to the cash-flow statement<br />

7.4. Cash position<br />

7.1. Net expenses without any impact on cash-flow<br />

In thousand euros Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Net depreciation and provisions 7,486<br />

Change in provisions for claims 33,728<br />

hange in value of goodwill -26<br />

Income and expenses calculated linked<br />

to stock options and related<br />

7.2. Cash-flow<br />

7.3. Change in assets and liabilities<br />

528<br />

Diferred taxes 282<br />



41,998<br />

In thousand euros Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Consolidated net income 72,111<br />

Elimination of net expenses without any<br />

impact on cash-flow<br />

41,998<br />

Income from disposals and other income 62<br />

CASH-FLOW 114,171<br />

In thousand euros Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Change in receivables and liabilities<br />

from insurance operations<br />

-7,886<br />

Other changes in receivables and liabilities 15,262<br />


In thousand euros<br />

Note 8. Transactions with related parties<br />

Year-end cash position<br />

Balance sheet Dec 31 st , 2006<br />

Change<br />

Year-end cash position<br />

Balance sheet Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Bank balances 68,959 12,191 81,150<br />

Placements court terme 98,850 -2,282 96,568<br />

Short-term financial debt -6,584 -3,742 -10,326<br />

TOTAL 161,225 6,167 (1) 167,392<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, the company or one of its subsidiaries carried out the following transactions with affiliates (amounts presented > 50<br />

thousand euros):<br />

Nature of ties<br />

Nature of service<br />

Expense/Income<br />

for the Group<br />

Amount for <strong>2007</strong><br />

In thousand euros<br />

Kaelia Common director External communications Expense 889<br />

Evolem* Common manager External growth assistance Expense 145<br />

Evolem* Common manager Real estate rental Income 86<br />

Terre d’Entreprise Manager / director Training Expense 600<br />

ALP Common director Provision of resources (including rental) Expense 271<br />

ALP Common director Brand royalty Expense 239<br />

ALP Common director Provision of resources Income 59<br />

MUTUALP Common director Brokerage activity Income 501<br />

PHIMAVAL Common manager Real estate rental Expense 95<br />

INTERACTION FINANCES Common manager Provision of services Expense 70<br />

COURTIERS REUNIS Common director Brokerage activity Expense 208<br />

REUNIRASSURANCE Common manager Brokerage activity Income 520<br />

SF3C Common director Provision of services Expense 382<br />

ESSOR Common manager Brokerage activity Income 314<br />

ESSOR Common manager Provision of resources (including rental) Expense 106<br />

MONCEAU - CIAM Manager and director Management mandate Income 2,885<br />

Hannover Re Manager and director Reinsurance Expense 3,685<br />

* Evolem, APRIL GROUP’s majority shareholder, held 61.67% of the share capital at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

(1) Cf. Cash-flow statement<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Furthermore, APRIL GROUP is a founding member of the<br />

micro-insurance association “Entrepreneur dans la Cité”,<br />

paying in 500 thousand euros in this respect over <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Note 9. Financial and insurance risk management<br />

9.1. Classification of risks under IFRS 7 and IFRS 4<br />

9.1.1. Financial risks<br />

IFRS 7 recognizes the following categories of financial risks:<br />

Market risk: this risk can be broken down into the foreign<br />

exchange risk, fair value risk on fixed-rate financial<br />

instruments, and value risk on listed instruments;<br />

Credit risk: this corresponds to the risk of default by<br />

an issuer or counterparty, i.e. the risk for a creditor of<br />

definitively losing their debt insofar as the debtor will be<br />

unable, even by liquidating all of its assets, to pay back all<br />

of its commitments;<br />

Liquidity risk: this concerns the risk of not being able to<br />

sell a financial instrument at a value close to its fair value.<br />

It may result in it effectively being impossible to sell the<br />

instrument (absence of market, buying counterparty), or in<br />

an illiquidity discount;<br />

Cash-flow risk linked to interest rates: for variable-rate<br />

financial instruments, changes in rates imply changes in the<br />

company’s future cash-flows.<br />

9.1.2. Insurance risk<br />

Under IFRS 4, policies must be classified as either insurance<br />

policies or investment policies.<br />

IFRS 4 specifies that a policy is classified as an insurance<br />

policy if it exposes the insurance company to an insurance<br />

risk, which corresponds to a non-financial risk taken on by<br />

the insurer.<br />

9.2. Brokerage<br />

9.2.1. Nature of associated risks<br />

The Group’s brokerage companies are exposed to the<br />

financial risks presented in Section 9.1.<br />

9.2.2. Management of brokerage risks<br />

Through its financial model, where cash-flow generates<br />

a negative working capital requirement, the brokerage<br />

business enables the Group to achieve a very low level of<br />

debt, reducing the volume of financial liabilities exposed.<br />

The cash-flow generated by the Group’s brokerage companies<br />

is fully invested in short-term financial investments, primarily<br />

through the APRIL Trésorerie mutual fund. The APRIL<br />

Trésorerie mutual fund represents a fund of funds, equivalent<br />

to a cash-based UCITS (“monetary equivalent”), and therefore<br />

involves zero capital risk and very low volatility.<br />

9.2.3. Analysis of sensitivity<br />

The income generated by cash-flow from the Group’s<br />

brokerage companies is therefore sensitive to changes in the<br />

benchmark monetary rate: EONIA. For reference, a 100 basis<br />

point change in the EONIA on average over <strong>2007</strong> would have<br />

had an impact on the Group’s financial result representing<br />

1,105 thousand euros.<br />

9.3. Insurance companies<br />

9.3.1. Nature of associated risks<br />

Companies are exposed to financial risks in terms of both<br />

the financial assets that they hold and the financial liabilities,<br />

including investment policies, that they take out.<br />

They are exposed to the insurance risk through the portfolios<br />

of insurance policies that they hold.<br />

The Group is present on the health, personal protection and<br />

property and casualty insurance sectors through a portfolio<br />

of insurance policies, the main characteristics of which are<br />

as follows:<br />

Short risk, for a low unit amount, with high frequency,<br />

High level of expertise,<br />

Internalized management strategy.<br />

Underwriting provisions relating to insurance policies are<br />

valued in line with the methods traditionally used and in<br />

accordance with the French Insurance Code based on various<br />

statistical and actuarial processes.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, the Group also developed its business in the life<br />

and savings sector through a portfolio of investment policies<br />

without any discretionary profit-sharing.<br />

The corresponding risks are borne by subscribers. An<br />

optional guarantee (capped in terms of its amount) may be<br />

put in place when taking out such policies. In the event of<br />

subscription, this guarantee is broken up and assimilated<br />

with an insurance policy under IFRS.<br />

9.3.2. Procedure for managing financial risks relating<br />

to insurance companies<br />

The Group’s portfolio primarily comprises insurance company<br />

investments, the financial management of which is delegated<br />

in most cases to specialized service providers within the<br />

framework of mandates.<br />

Insurance regulations define strict criteria for the eligibility of<br />

financial instruments as well as exposure limits, rules for the<br />

distribution of the portfolio between various instruments,<br />

and rules governing the distribution of risks. In addition,<br />

they stipulate that no financial futures may be used for the<br />

management of investments.<br />

In connection with this management, the Group does not<br />

currently use any instruments to hedge against financial risks.<br />

Neither does APRIL GROUP hold any securitization vehicles<br />

(CDO or other) in its portfolios.<br />

9.3.3. Exposure to financial risks<br />

Market risk<br />

The following table presents all of the Group’s financial assets exposed to equity market risks by region:<br />



(in thousand euros)<br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Europe USA Other zones Total<br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />

Shares available for sale (1)<br />

Shares recorded on a fair value<br />

basis for earnings<br />

Shares held for transaction purposes<br />

Equity securities available for sale (1)<br />

SHARES<br />

Equity UCITS available for sale (1) 49,328 41,420 2,172 4,537 51,500 45,957<br />

Equity UCITS recorded on a fair value<br />

basis for earnings<br />

Equity UCITS held for transaction<br />

purposes<br />

EQUITY UCITS 49,328 41,420 2,172 4,537 51,500 45,957<br />

TOTAL PORTFOLIO 49,328 41,420 2,172 4,537 51,500 45,957<br />

In% 95.8% 90.1% 4.2% 9.9% 100.0% 100.0%<br />

(1) Not including assets available for sale on which the impairment in value has been booked against earnings.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Foreign exchange risk<br />

The following table presents the exposure to foreign exchange market risks for all of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities:<br />



Book value in currency<br />

(thousands)<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> Dec 31 st , 2006<br />

Book value<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Book value in currency<br />

(thousands)<br />

Book value<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Notional amount in currencies<br />

for derivatives<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> Dec 31 st , 2006<br />

Financial assets denominated in EUR - 305,954 - 244,768<br />

Financial assets denominated in GBP 1,768 2,411 1,579 2,345<br />

Financial assets denominated in USD 9,987 7,570<br />

Financial assets denominated in other currencies - 1,432 - 12,224<br />

TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS 309,797 266,907<br />

Financial liabilities denominated in EUR 30,305 8,023<br />

Financial liabilities denominated in GBP<br />

Financial liabilities denominated in USD<br />

Financial liabilities denominated in other currencies<br />


(1) Including direct exposure to currencies through UCITS held (foreign exchange risk not hedged)<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Interest rate risk<br />

The following table presents all of the Group’s financial assets exposed to fixed-income market risks by maturity:<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

Interest<br />

rate (2)<br />

Under<br />

1 year<br />

Breakdown by maturity at Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Under<br />

2 years<br />

Under<br />

3 years<br />

Under<br />

4 years<br />

Under<br />

5 years<br />

Over<br />

5 years<br />

Book value<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Book value<br />

Dec 31 st , 2006<br />

Bonds held through to maturity<br />

Bonds held for sale (3) 28,268 19,881 12,073 24,567 10,175 44 824 139,788 131,335<br />

Bonds recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (4) 929 929<br />

Bonds held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bonds (amortized cost)<br />

BONDS EXPOSED TO FAIR VALUE RISK 28,268 19,881 12,073 24,567 10,175 45,753 140,717 131,335<br />

Bonds UCITS held through to maturity<br />

Bonds UCITS held for sale (3) 14,085<br />

Bonds UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings<br />

Bonds UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bonds UCITS (amortized cost)<br />


Derivative assets subject to hedge accounting<br />

Derivatives incorporated for insurance policies and investment<br />

Other derivative assets<br />


Other financial assets exposed to fair value risk<br />

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS EXPOSED TO FAIR VALUE RISK (5) 3.87% 28,268 19,881 12,073 24,567 10,175 45,753 140,717 145,421<br />

Bonds held through to maturity<br />

Bonds held for sale (3) 2,628 1,000 5,447 2,974 25,222 37,271 28,318<br />

Bonds recorded on a fair value basis for earnings (4) 378 378<br />

Bonds held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bonds (amortized cost)<br />

BOND UCITS EXPOSED TO CASH-FLOW RISK 2,628 1,378 5,447 2,974 25,222 37,649 28,318<br />

Bonds UCITS held through to maturity<br />

Bonds UCITS held for sale (3)<br />

Bonds UCITS recorded on a fair value basis for earnings<br />

Bonds UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bonds UCITS (amortized cost)<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

Interest<br />

rate (2)<br />

Under<br />

1 year<br />

Breakdown by maturity at Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Under<br />

2 years<br />

Under<br />

3 years<br />

Under<br />

4 years<br />

Under<br />

5 years<br />

Over<br />

5 years<br />

Book value<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Book value<br />

Dec 31 st , 2006<br />


Derivative assets subject to hedge accounting<br />

Derivatives incorporated for insurance policies and investment<br />

Other derivative assets<br />


Other financial assets exposed to cash-flow risk<br />

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS EXPOSED TO CASH-FLOW RISK (5) - 2,628 1,378 5,447 2,974 25,222 37,649 28,318<br />

FINANCIAL ASSETS EXPOSED TO INTEREST RATE RISK - 30,896 21,259 12,073 30,014 13,149 70,975 178,366 173,739<br />

In % 17.3% 11.9% 6.8% 16.8% 7.4% 39.8% 100.0%<br />

(1) Short-term receivables are assumed to be due in under one year<br />

(2) Weighted nominal rate for par values (par corresponding to the value at which the nominal rate applies), or alternatively the yield to maturity, weighted for amortized costs<br />

(3) Not including assets available for sale whose impairment in value has been booked against earnings<br />

(4) Excluding securities held for transaction purposes that are recorded in the section just below<br />

(5) Rate risk can be broken down into two types of risk, depending on the typology applicable under IAS 32 - 39: fair value risk (fixed-rate) and cash-flow risk (variable-rate)<br />

The financial liabilities exposed to interest rate risks are not significant.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Credit risk<br />

Credit risk exposure based on issuer ratings for bonds<br />

held<br />

In line with the management of company bond portfolios<br />

and in order to limit the credit risk, various rules have been<br />

defined in terms of ratings for issuers selected by duly<br />

authorized financial organizations.<br />

The following table presents a breakdown of financial assets<br />

exposed to an interest rate risk by issuer rating.<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

Bonds held through to maturity<br />

Breakdown at Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> by rating (1)<br />

ND AAA AA<br />

Book value<br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Book value<br />

Dec 31 st ,<br />

2006<br />

Bonds available for sale (2) 1,003 78,913 28,766 53,718 14,658 177,058 159,654<br />

Bonds recorded on a fair value basis<br />

for earnings (3)<br />

Bonds held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bonds (amortized cost)<br />

A+ to<br />

A-<br />

BBB+<br />

to<br />

BBB-<br />

< BBB<br />

1,308 1,308<br />

BONDS EXPOSED TO CREDIT RISK 1,003 78,913 28,766 53,718 15,966 178,366 159,654<br />

Bond UCITS held through to maturity<br />

Bond UCITS available for sale (2) 14,085<br />

Bond UCITS recorded on a fair value basis<br />

for earnings (3)<br />

Bond UCITS held for transaction purposes<br />

Unlisted bond UCITS (amortized cost)<br />


TOTAL 1,003 78,913 28,766 53,718 15,966 178,366 173,739<br />

% 0.6% 44.2% 16.1% 30.1% 9.0% 100.0%<br />

Credit risk exposure through reinsurance operations<br />

The rating of reinsurers is considered to be a decisive<br />

criterion for the Group when selecting its reinsurer partners<br />

since it reflects their financial soundness.<br />

(1) Standard & Poors rating<br />

(2) Not including assets available for sale on which the impairment in value<br />

has been booked against earnings for the year<br />

(3) Excluding securities held for transaction purposes, which are presented on the<br />

following line in the table<br />

ND AAA AA<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> (1)<br />

A+<br />

to A-<br />

BBB+ to<br />

BBB-<br />

< BBB Total<br />

Total premiums ceded 20,467 1,173 47,436 20,788 332 0 90,195<br />

% of premiums ceded 22.7% 1.3% 52.6% 23.0% 0.4% 0.0% 100.0%<br />

Reminder Dec 31 st , 2006 20.6% 1.2% 61.1% 16.3% 0.8% 0.0% 100.0%<br />

Number of reinsurers 6 1 4 3 1 15<br />

% of number of reinsurers 40.0% 6.7% 26.7% 20.0% 6.7% 0.0% 100.0%<br />

Reminder Dec 31 st , 2006 41.7% 8.3% 16.7% 25.0% 8.3% 0.0% 100.0%<br />

(1) Notation Standard & Poors (long terme)<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Liquidity risk<br />

Most of the financial investments held by APRIL GROUP are<br />

admitted for trading on an official listing market or equivalent<br />

and involve a low liquidity risk.<br />

The following table presents a breakdown of the financial<br />

assets held by APRIL GROUP by their level of liquidity:<br />

Book value at Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

(in thousand euros)<br />

Shares Bonds UCITS<br />

Other<br />

assets<br />

Total<br />

%<br />

of total<br />

Reminder<br />

Dec 31 st , 06<br />

Listed securities or UCITS<br />

with daily valuation<br />

176,307 110,601 286,909 92.6% 99.0%<br />

UCITS with non-daily valuation 11,257 11,257 3.6% 0.3%<br />

Unlisted securities 2,056 9,575 11,631 3.8% 0.8%<br />

TOTAL 178,363 121,859 9,575 309,797 100.0% 100.0%<br />

9.3.4. Analysis of sensitivity to financial risks<br />

Analysis of equity and foreign exchange market risk<br />

sensitivity<br />

The following table presents the results of a simulation of<br />

the impacts of changes in the foreign exchange and equity<br />

markets across all APRIL GROUP portfolios.<br />

For UCITS lines, the impact has been calculated on a<br />

transparent basis, i.e. the indirect impact of the makeup<br />

of UCITS assets held (in terms of target equity market and<br />

currencies) has been reflected in the overall portfolio.<br />

As an assumption, for all financial assets exposed to equity<br />

and foreign exchange markets, a sensitivity rate of 1 has<br />

been applied.<br />

Analysis of interest rate risk sensitivity<br />

The following table presents the results of a simulation of<br />

the impacts of a change in the fixed-income markets on the<br />

APRIL GROUP’s entire bond portfolio.<br />

The figures for financial instruments exposed to a fair value<br />

risk correspond to the impact that a change in rates would<br />

have on the valuation of fixed-rate bond lines held in the<br />

portfolio. It has been calculated directly based on the<br />

sensitivity of the bond portfolio.<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />


ASSETS (in thousand euros)<br />


Impact<br />

on fair<br />

value<br />

Impact on<br />

consolidated<br />

income<br />

Impact on<br />

shareholders’<br />

equity<br />

Impact<br />

on fair<br />

value<br />

Impact on<br />

consolidated<br />

income<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> Dec 31 st , 2006<br />

Impact<br />

on fair<br />

value<br />

+/- 1% change in risk-free return rate 4,982 -227 4,982 4,165 -222 4,165<br />

Of which, financial instruments exposed to fair value risk 4,982 4,982 4,165 4,165<br />

Of which, financial instruments exposed to cash-flow risk -227 -222<br />


Impact on shareholders’ equity<br />

Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> Dec 31 st , 2006<br />


+/- 10% change in CAC index (1) 5,251 5,488<br />

+/- 10% change in DJ index (1)<br />

+/- 10% change in exchange rate for euro / other currencies 384 2,214<br />


+/- 10% change in CAC index (1) 5,251 5,488<br />

+/- 10% change in DJ index (1)<br />

+/- 10% change in exchange rate for euro/other currencies 384 2,214<br />

(1) Impact of the change in the various markets<br />

+/- 1% change in risk-free return rate 4,982 -227 4,982 4,165 -222 4,165<br />

Of which, financial instruments exposed to fair value risk 4,982 4,982 4,165 4,165<br />

Of which, financial instruments exposed to cash-flow risk -227 -222<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

The figures for financial instruments exposed to a cash-flow<br />

risk correspond to the impact that a change in rates would<br />

have on the annual total for provisional coupons received on<br />

variable-rate bonds held in the portfolio.<br />

9.3.5. Insurance risk management process<br />

The Group’s risk policy, the main aspects of which are defined<br />

on a centralized basis within commitment committees, is<br />

based around the following:<br />

Definition of a general underwriting policy;<br />

Definition of exposure limits and their use;<br />

Definition of a reinsurance policy;<br />

Monitoring of various underwriting results;<br />

Definition of risk assessment methods;<br />

Identification and monitoring of risks placed.<br />

The main elements likely to influence changes in the loss<br />

ratio for insurance companies are as follows:<br />

Property and casualty insurance<br />

Auto branch: a normal series of major claims (serious<br />

accidents with bodily injuries);<br />

Retail and corporate comprehensive branches: an abnormal<br />

series of major claims on various premises or sites (fire, gas<br />

explosion, etc.) or a natural disaster (storm, earthquake,<br />

etc.).<br />

Health and personal protection:<br />

Death in connection with a policy concerning a major<br />

amount of capital;<br />

Multiple deaths in connection with group policies (terrorist<br />

attack, aircraft accident, etc.);<br />

Epidemic involving many days of sick leave;<br />

Pandemic with risk of multiple deaths.<br />

Life and savings<br />

Death in connection with a policy concerning a major<br />

amount of capital, combined with a lasting downfall of<br />

financial markets.<br />

These risks are reduced on two levels:<br />

Upstream, through the underwriting policy (highly selective<br />

choice of risks, restrictions on concentrations, capping of<br />

retention thresholds, application of high unit deductibles);<br />

Downstream, through the reinsurance policy (cession of<br />

share in risks, capping of larger claims, limitation of the<br />

number of occurrences per event).<br />

9.3.6. Bonus/malus monitoring<br />

A review of underwriting provisions over the last few years<br />

makes it possible to see the recurrent generation of bonus<br />

premiums.<br />

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2.0<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 10. Share-based payments<br />

10.1. Monitoring of stock option and warrant schemes<br />

Plan n°5 Plan n°6 Plan n°7 Plan n°8 Plan n°9 Plan n°10 Plan n°11 Plan n°12 Plan n°13 Plan n°14 Plan n°15 Plan n°16 Plan n°17 Plan n°18<br />

Date of Board of Directors meeting 26/04/01 13/12/01 25/04/02 12/12/02 24/04/03 29/04/04 28/04/05 28/04/05 28/04/06 28/04/06 10/07/06 26/04/07 26/04/07 26/04/07<br />

Total number of shares offered<br />

on plan date<br />

373,500 80,000 76,000 25,000 37,000 44,000 47,000* 65,000 70,000 10,000 116,000 40,000 21,000 226,000<br />

Option exercise start date 26/04/06 14/12/06 26/04/07 13/12/07 25/04/08 30/04/09 01/05/09 01/05/09 29/04/10 29/04/10 11/07/10 27/04/13 27/04/11 27/04/11<br />

End date 25/04/08 13/12/08 25/04/09 12/12/09 25/04/10 30/04/11 30/04/11 30/04/11 28/04/12 28/04/12 10/07/12 26/04/14 26/04/13 26/04/13<br />

Subscription price €20.21 €16.86 €16.69 €15.57 €13.91 €15.94 €23.43 €23.43 €42.32 €42.32 €39.42 €40.56 €40.56 €40.56<br />


END DECEMBER <strong>2007</strong><br />

11,953 2,000 15,685 13,550 32,000 20,000 41,000 45,000 60,000 0 116,000 40,000 21,000 213,000<br />

* Plan subject to compliance with economic targets.<br />

In accordance with IFRS 2, the cost of share-based compensation<br />

schemes for employees is recorded in the<br />

consolidated financial statements.<br />

In this respect, the amount recorded for <strong>2007</strong> came to 528<br />

thousand euros.<br />

10.2. Valuation model used<br />

The Black and Scholes option valuation model has been used<br />

to determine the fair value of options on <strong>April</strong> shares up to<br />

2006. The Merton model, based on the Black and Scholes<br />

model, has been used since January 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>. The change of<br />

calculation method has not had any significant effects. The<br />

assumptions for the valuation and the fair value of options<br />

are presented below:<br />

FAIR VALUE OF STOCK OPTIONS <strong>2007</strong> 2006<br />

Dividend rate 0.9% 0.47%<br />

Volatility 30% 27.85%<br />

Risk-free rate 4% 3.68%<br />



€12.35 €10.36<br />

The expected dividend assumption is based on the market<br />

consensus.<br />

The risk-free interest rate is based on the French government<br />

bond rate curve for the corresponding maturity.<br />

Note 11. Investments<br />

Investments in tangible or intangible fixed assets over the<br />

period were not significant.<br />

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Notes to the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 12. Off-balance sheet commitments<br />

The Group’s off-balance sheet commitments in relation to<br />

third parties were as follows at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>:<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Commitments<br />

given<br />

Commitments<br />

received<br />

Collateral 8,079 80,453 (1)<br />

Mortgages N/A N/A<br />

Guarantees 50 158<br />

Other 74 N/A<br />

TOTAL 8,203 80,606<br />

(1) Collateral received in connection with reinsurance operations<br />

Commitments to buy out minority interests:<br />

The commitments to buy out minority interests that do not<br />

comply with the rule set forth in Note 1.28 are presented<br />

below:<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Minority<br />

interest share<br />

Note 13. Net income and dividends<br />

The company calculates earnings per share and fully diluted<br />

earnings per share:<br />

Earnings per share do not factor in any potential shares.<br />

LThey are drawn up based on the weighted average number<br />

of shares outstanding over the year.<br />

Fully diluted earnings per share are determined factoring in<br />

any dilutive shares issued in connection with stock option<br />

schemes. In this way, earnings per share can be presented<br />

as follows:<br />

Dividends paid in <strong>2007</strong>, 2006 and 2005 relative to 2006,<br />

2005 and 2004 came to<br />

16,293 K€ (0.4 € per share includin treasury shares),<br />

13,395 K€ (0.33 € per share) and 8,896 K€ (0.22 €<br />

per share).<br />

Minority<br />

commitment<br />

to sell<br />

Group<br />

commitment<br />

to purchase<br />

Option period<br />

APRIL Cover 30% Yes Yes 30/06/2012 to 30/06/2013<br />

L&E Title Insurance Services 14% No Yes 01/01/2009 to 30/06/2020 (1)<br />

APRIL North America 30.1% Yes Yes 30/06/2012 to 30/09/2025<br />

APRIL Yacht Broker di Assicurazioni 30% Yes Yes From 01/07/<strong>2007</strong> (1)<br />

APRIL Santé 2.62% Yes Yes From 31/03/2018<br />

Solidaris 20% Yes Yes From 01/04/2018<br />

APRIL Réunion 8.75% Yes Yes From 01/04/2011<br />

Assinco 20% Yes Yes 01/01/2012 to 30/06/2016<br />

A dividend of 0.44 euro per share, representing a total<br />

dividend payment of 17,957 thousand euros, will be put<br />

forward for approval at the general shareholders’ meeting<br />

on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008. This distribution is not recorded under<br />

accrued expenses in the financial statements.<br />

NET INCOME Dec 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

NET INCOME 72,111<br />

Weighted number of ordinary shares at<br />

year-start (thousands)<br />

40,732<br />

Shares issued excluding options<br />

Options exercised 79<br />

Treasury stock -155<br />



40,656<br />


Dilutive instruments: stock options 631<br />



41,287<br />





14. Post-balance sheet events<br />

None.<br />

(1) Not able to be calculated<br />

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3.0 Statutory 3.0<br />

report on the consolidated financial statements<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements<br />

Auditors’<br />

Year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Dear Shareholders,<br />

Pursuant to the mandate given to us at the general<br />

shareholders’ meeting, we have audited the consolidated<br />

financial statements of APRIL GROUP for the financial year<br />

ended December 31 st , 2006, as contained in this report on<br />

pages 93 to 147.<br />

The consolidated financial statements are the responsibility<br />

of the Directors’ Board. Our responsibility is to express an<br />

opinion on these accounts based on our audit.<br />

1. Opinion on the consolidated financial statements<br />

We conducted our audit in accordance with the industry<br />

standards applicable in France. These standards require that<br />

we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance<br />

that the consolidated financial statements are free from any<br />

material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a<br />

test basis, evidence supporting the information contained<br />

in these accounts. An audit also involves assessing the<br />

accounting principles used and the significant estimates<br />

made when drawing up the accounts, as well as evaluating<br />

the overall presentation of the financial statements.<br />

We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for the<br />

opinion presented hereafter.<br />

We certify that the consolidated financial statements for the<br />

year are, in view of IFRS, as adopted within the European<br />

Union, fair and accurate and faithfully reflect the assets,<br />

liabilities, financial position and earnings of the consolidated<br />

group comprising the parties and entities included in the<br />

basis for consolidation.<br />

2. Basis for our opinions<br />

Pursuant to the provisions of Article L.823-9 of the French<br />

Commercial Code relative to the forming of our opinions, we<br />

would like to draw your attention to the following points:<br />

Indefinite intangible fixed assets and goodwill are subject<br />

to an annual impairment test under the conditions<br />

described in Note 1.16. Our work consisted of assessing<br />

the data and assumptions used for estimates, notably the<br />

cash flow forecasts drawn up by the company, checking<br />

the calculation methodology applied and assessing the<br />

valuations determined in this way;<br />

Financial assets are recognized and valued in line with<br />

the conditions set out in Note 1.17 to the consolidated<br />

financial statements.<br />

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3.0<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements<br />

We have assessed the implementation of these valuation<br />

conditions, and the consistency of the classification<br />

retained with the Group’s principles:<br />

Certain technical items that are specific to the insurance<br />

and reinsurance business with regard to assets and<br />

liabilities in your company’s statutory financial statements<br />

are estimated based on regulatory procedures and using<br />

statistical data and actuarial techniques. The conditions for<br />

determining these elements are presented in Note 1.23.<br />

We have verified the reasonable nature of the assumptions<br />

retained in the calculation models used, notably with regard<br />

to the Group’s experience, its regulatory and economic<br />

environment, as well as the overall coherency of these<br />

assumptions.<br />

The assessments made in this way are part of our audit of the<br />

consolidated financial statements in general and therefore<br />

contributed to the formation of our opinion, expressed in the<br />

first part of this report.<br />

3. Specific procedure<br />

Furthermore, we have also verified the information given in<br />

the Group Management Report.<br />

We have no observations to make regarding its sincerity or<br />

its application for the consolidated financial statements.<br />

Villeurbanne, March 3 rd , 2008<br />

The Statutory Auditors<br />

Mazars<br />

Deloitte & Associés<br />

Max Dumoulin<br />

Olivier Rosier<br />

Jean-Claude Lemaire<br />

149<br />

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04<br />

P.<br />

financial statements<br />

financial statements<br />

Statutory<br />

151 1. APRIL GROUP statutory financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

P. 154 2. Highlights<br />

P. 155 3. Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA<br />

04 Statutory<br />

P. 164 4. Statutory Auditors’ general report<br />

P. 166 5. Special Statutory Auditors’ report on regulated agreements<br />

P. 170 6. Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008: Resolutions<br />

P. 178 7. Index of headings<br />

Return to the contents section

1.0 APRIL GROUP statutory financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

APRIL GROUP statutory financial statements at December 31 st<br />

, <strong>2007</strong><br />

Income statement<br />

In thousand euros Note <strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />

REVENUES 10<br />

Operating subsidies 18<br />

Write-backs on amortization and provision 9 510 3,217 3,508<br />

Transferred, expenses<br />

Other income<br />

TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 510 3,217 3,526<br />

Other purchases and external expenses 11 2,472 2,221 2,733<br />

Tax 318 296 313<br />

Salaries and wages 2,057 1,881 1,716<br />

Personnel costs 1,067 1,049 752<br />

Fixed asset depreciation 2.2 192 155 194<br />

Fixed asset provisions<br />

Current asset provisions<br />

Provisions for contingencies and losses 9 4,861 6,001 3,208<br />

Other expenses 92 95 93<br />

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 11,059 11,698 9,009<br />

OPERATING INCOME -10,549 -8,481 -5,483<br />

Dividends received 94,246 34,418 39,303<br />

Other financial income 11,617 3,290 12,870<br />

Financial expenses 1,817 124 3,450<br />

NET FINANCIAL INCOME 12 104,046 37,584 48,723<br />

CURRENT INCOME BEFORE TAX 93,497 29,103 43,240<br />

Non-recurring income 25,248 86 8,692<br />

Non-recurring expenses 22,884 86 10,926<br />

NON-RECURRING INCOME 13 2,364 0 -2,234<br />

INCOME BEFORE TAX 95,861 29,103 41,006<br />

Employee profit-sharing 159<br />

Corporate income tax 14 -8,797 -3,384 -3,290<br />

NET INCOME 104,658 32,487 44,137<br />

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1.0<br />

APRIL GROUP statutory financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Balance sheet<br />

In thousand euros Note <strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />

ASSETS<br />

Gross<br />

Depreciation and<br />

provisions<br />

Net Net Net<br />

Intangible fixed assets 2.1 1,162 961 201 25 51<br />

Tangible fixed assets 2.1 995 752 243 317 364<br />

Long-term investments 2.1 270,745 2,267 268,478 142,366 110,425<br />

FIXED ASSETS 272,902 3,980 268,922 142,708 110,840<br />

Advances and pre-paid orders 5 212 212 0<br />

Trade and related receivables 5 42 42<br />

Other accounts receivable 5 5,972 5,972 6,873 6,688<br />

Marketable securities 6 19,197 19,197 25,391 34,086<br />

Cash 361 361 408 83<br />

CURRENT ASSETS 25,784 25,784 32,672 40,857<br />

Adjustment accounts and related 5 117 117 124 128<br />

GENERAL TOTAL 298,803 3,980 294,823 175,504 151,825<br />

PASSIF Note <strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />

Share capital 7 16,324 16,293 16,237<br />

Paid-in capital 11,392 10,021 7,325<br />

Legal reserves 1,629 1,624 1,608<br />

Regulated reserves<br />

Other reserves 117,932 101,744 71,018<br />

Retained earnings 90 23 20<br />

Fiscal year income 104,658 32,487 44,137<br />

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 8 252,025 162,192 140,345<br />


Borrowings and debt with credit institutions 5 30,000 9 9<br />

Pre-booked income on work-in-progress<br />

Accounts payable and related 5 531 694 672<br />

Other liabilities 5 1,849 6,543 7,517<br />

LIABILITIES 5 32,380 7,246 8,198<br />

Adjustment accounts and related<br />

GENERAL TOTAL 294,823 175,504 151,825<br />

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1.0<br />

APRIL GROUP statutory financial statements at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Cash-flow statement<br />

In thousand euros <strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />

CASH POSITION AT YEAR-START 25,790 34,159 47,456<br />

Cash-flow 100,169 34,055 35,785<br />

Of which, dividends received from subsidiaries 94,246 34,418 39,303<br />




Acquisition of intangible fixed assets -249 -2 -48<br />

Acquisition of tangible fixed assets -44 -80 -62<br />

Disposal of tangible and intangible fixed assets 1 42<br />

Acquisition of equity securities -180,581 -14,461 -23,457<br />

Disposal of equity securities 25,182 85 9,190<br />

Acquisition of other long-term investments -124,519 -44,550 -40,257<br />

Disposal of other long-term investments 162,841 27,615 8,148<br />

NET CASH-FLOW FROM INVESTMENT OPERATIONS -117,370 -31,392 -46,444<br />


Sum received for capital increase linked to exercising of stock options 1,402 2,752 2,010<br />

Dividends paid out to parent company shareholders -16,227 -13,392 -8,894<br />

Loans drawn down 30,000 0 0<br />

Loans paid back<br />


CASH POSITION AT YEAR-END 19,559 25,790 34,159<br />

Of which :<br />

Marketable securities 18,230 24,023 33,722<br />

Treasury stock classified as marketable securities 967 1,369 363<br />

Cash and cash equivalents 362 398 74<br />

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2.0 Highlights Highlights<br />

Creation of new companies<br />

APRIL GROUP SA a created nine new companies over <strong>2007</strong>:<br />

APRIL Alpha, APRIL Delta, APRIL Gamma, APRIL Kappa, APRIL<br />

Omega, APRIL Sigma, Lacassagne Assurance, APRIL North<br />

America, APRIL Mediterranean Limited.<br />

Disposal of securities<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, in line with its reorganization around its business<br />

branches, APRIL GROUP SA sold off:<br />

100% of the capital of Mutant Assurances, previously<br />

Assurance Juridique, to APRIL GROUP DOMMAGES<br />


66% of the capital of Cogealp to APRIL GROUP<br />


100% of the capital of the following companies (created<br />

at the end of 2006 or in <strong>2007</strong>): APRIL Partenariats, APRIL<br />

International, APRIL Direct, APRIL Distribution, APRIL<br />

Services, APRIL Projet, APRIL Réseau and Lacassagne<br />

Assurance.<br />

Capital transactions relating to APRIL GROUP SA’s equity<br />

interests<br />

The following transactions were carried out in <strong>2007</strong>:<br />

Capital increase through the incorporation of debt for the<br />

following companies:<br />


APRIL DEVELOPPEMENT) for 82.5 million euros,<br />


CORPORATE) for 17.5 million euros,<br />


for 40.5 million euros.<br />

Subscription for capital increases in the following<br />

companies:<br />

- APRIL GROUP VIE ÉPARGNE for 20 million euros,<br />

- Axeria Prévoyance for 6 million euros.<br />



154<br />

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3.0 Notes 3.0<br />

to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA<br />

to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA<br />

Notes<br />

Note 1 - Accounting methods and principles....................... p.155<br />

Note 2 - Fixed assets........................................................................ p.158<br />

Note 3 - Equity securities............................................................... p.159<br />

Note 4 -Treasury stock.................................................................... p.160<br />

Note 5 - Receivables and payables............................................ p.160<br />

Note 6 - Marketable securities..................................................... p.161<br />

Note 7 - Share capital structure.................................................. p.161<br />

Note 8 - Change in shareholders’ equity................................ p.161<br />

Note 9 - Prov. for contingencies and losses......................... p.161<br />

Note 10 - Revenues........................................................................... p.162<br />

Note 11 - External expenses......................................................... p.162<br />

Note 12 - Financial income............................................................ p.162<br />

Note 13 - Non-recurring items.................................................... p.162<br />

Note 14 - Corporate income tax................................................. p.163<br />

Note 15 - Commitments given and received........................ p.163<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of<br />

APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December<br />

31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

The notes below represent an integral part of the annual<br />

financial statements and make up the notes to the balance<br />

sheet for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, with a net<br />

total of 175,504 thousand euros, and the income statement<br />

for the year, with a profit of 32,487 thousand euros.<br />

The financial year lasts 12 months and runs from January 1 st<br />

to December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>. The annual financial statements<br />

were approved by the Executive Board on February 28 th ,<br />

2008.<br />

The APRIL GROUP SA statutory financial statements are<br />

included in the consolidated Group financial statements of<br />


The Group consolidated financial statements of APRIL GROUP<br />

are included in the consolidated financial statements of<br />

EVOLEM SA.<br />

Note 1. Accounting methods and principles<br />

Note 16 - Average headcount...................................................... p.163<br />

Note 17 - Executive compensation............................................ p.163<br />

Note 18 - Individual training entitlement............................... p.163<br />

Note 19 - Post-balance sheet events...................................... p.163<br />

The Company’s financial statements are drawn up in<br />

accordance with the provisions of the general French chart<br />

of accounts (Plan Comptable General) approved by the<br />

Ministerial Decree of June 22 nd , 1999 published in the official<br />

gazette on September 21 st , 1999.<br />

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3.0<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

The accounting standards have been applied in accordance<br />

with the principle of conservatism, in line with the following<br />

basic assumptions, which seek to provide a faithful image of<br />

the Company:<br />

Continued operations,<br />

Unchanged accounting methods from one financial year to<br />

the next,<br />

Independent financial years.<br />

The basic method used for valuing items booked in the<br />

accounts is the historical cost method.<br />

1.1. Intangible fixed assets<br />

The APRIL brand has been amortized in full. Software is<br />

valued at its acquisition price.<br />

Amortization charges are calculated on a straight-line basis<br />

depending on the actual useful life, ranging from one to<br />

three years.<br />

1.2. Tangible fixed assets<br />

Tangible fixed assets are valued on an acquisition price basis.<br />

Amortization charges are calculated on a straight-line basis<br />

depending on the actual useful life, in line with the following<br />

general periods:<br />

General installations and fittings<br />

8 years<br />

Transport equipment<br />

5 years<br />

Office equipment<br />

5 years<br />

IT equipment<br />

3 years<br />

Furnishings<br />

5 years<br />

In accordance with the provisions of CRC regulation 2002-10<br />

relative to the amortization and depreciation of assets, any<br />

signs of impairment in value are looked for at the close of<br />

accounts and when drawing up interim statements.<br />

As relevant, a depreciation charge may be valued and<br />

recorded.<br />

1.3. Equity securities<br />

Equity securities are booked gross at their acquisition price,<br />

including any related acquisition costs, which are recorded<br />

as liabilities.<br />

Equity interests are valued based on their going value:<br />

The going value of securities is calculated in line with a<br />

method based notably on the discounted future cash-flow<br />

and net asset value, as per the medium-term plans;<br />

The going value of other equity securities is determined<br />

based on the net asset value;<br />

When the going value is below the book value, a provision<br />

for impairment is recorded for the difference.<br />

1.4. Loans and payables<br />

Loans and payables are valued at their par value. A provision<br />

for impairment is recorded when the recoverable value is less<br />

than the book value.<br />

1.5. Marketable securities<br />

Marketable securities are booked at their acquisition cost.<br />

Treasury stock acquired under the liquidity agreement are<br />

valued at the closing price on the last day’s trading for the<br />

year.<br />

Other marketable securities are valued at their last known<br />

stock price or at the last net asset value for UCITS.<br />

A provision is booked when the inventory value is lower than<br />

the book value.<br />

1.6. Provisions for contingencies and losses<br />

Provisions for contingencies and losses comprise commitments<br />

on which the due date or amount is uncertain and<br />

results from commercial, industrial tribunal or other risks.<br />

Each known dispute in which APRIL GROUP SA is involved is<br />

examined at the close of accounts by the Board of Directors,<br />

further to recommendations from external advisors if<br />

relevant, with the provisions deemed necessary recorded to<br />

cover the estimated risks.<br />

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3.0<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

1.7. Retirement benefits<br />

1.9. Corporate income tax<br />

Commitments relative to retirement benefits are valued<br />

based on the likely fair value of the entitlements acquired,<br />

taking into consideration the legal provisions and national<br />

wage bargaining agreements in force, based on actuarial<br />

hypotheses primarily factoring in wage rises through to<br />

retirement age, staff turnover and mortality tables. The<br />

commitments calculated in this way are booked as provisions<br />

for contingencies and losses.<br />

Any differences resulting from changes in actuarial assumptions<br />

are booked against earnings as soon as they are recorded.<br />

1.8. Foreign currency transactions<br />

Transactions in foreign currencies are booked at the exchange<br />

rate in force for the transaction date. Receivables and<br />

payables are valued at the closing exchange rate or at their<br />

hedging price. Any difference resulting from the discounting<br />

of receivables and payables in foreign currencies is recorded<br />

under foreign currency adjustments. Any unrealized foreign<br />

currency losses are subject to a provision for liabilities, as<br />

relevant.<br />

APRIL GROUP is at the head of the tax consolidation<br />

group comprising APRIL GROUP and its subsidiaries APRIL<br />


Premium, APRIL Mobilité, APRIL Patrimoine, APRIL GROUP<br />



Easyssur, ALLO Assurances, FGA, CIARE, Axeria Iard, Axeria<br />

Prévoyance, SFG, CGCA, Solucia Protection Juridique, GI2A,<br />

APRIL Immobilier, SASCO, SEPCOFI, Axeria Vie, Europassur,<br />

APRIL GROUP VIE, ISR COURTAGE, APRIL Solutions Entreprises,<br />

APRIL Assurances Entreprises, APRIL Corporate Broking, APRIL<br />

Marketing Solutions, APRIL Solutions in which the Group has<br />

a direct or indirect interest of over 95%.<br />

Tax expenses are borne by consolidated companies in the<br />

same way as if there were no tax consolidation structure.<br />

Tax savings made by the Group linked to losses recorded<br />

by consolidated companies, are booked against earnings in<br />

APRIL GROUP’s accounts and subject to a provision to cover<br />

the risk of having to reimburse corporate income tax on<br />

losses used by APRIL GROUP if subsidiaries become profitable<br />

again.<br />

157<br />

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3.0<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 2. Fixed assets<br />

2.1. Valeurs brutes<br />

In thousand euros<br />

January 1 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Increase<br />

Decrease<br />

December<br />

31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 913 249 1,162<br />

General installations and fittings 354 9 363<br />

Transport equipment 58 58<br />

IT and office equipment and furnishings 539 35 574<br />

Current fixed assets<br />

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 951 44 995<br />

Other equity interests 73,127 180,641 22,941 230,827<br />

Equity interest-related receivables 72,576 124,519 162,842 34,253<br />

Loans and other long-term investments 5,664 1 5,665<br />

LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS 151,367 305,161 185,783 270,745<br />

GENERAL TOTAL 153,231 305,454 185,783 272,902<br />

The significant changes recorded over the year on “other<br />

equity interests” and “equity interest-related receivables”<br />

primarily reflect transactions carried out on the capital<br />

of APRIL GROUP SA subsidiaries and presented in the<br />

“highlights” section in these notes.<br />

2.2. Depreciation<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

January 1 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Contribution<br />

White-back<br />

December<br />

31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />


General installations and fittings 202 45 247<br />

Transport equipment 12 12 1 23<br />

Office equipment and furnishings 420 63 483<br />

TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 634 120 1 753<br />

GENERAL TOTAL 1,522 192 1 1,713<br />

2.4. Intangible fixed assets<br />

Intangible fixed assets totaled 1,162 thousand euros and can<br />

be broken down as follows:<br />

<strong>April</strong> brand...........................................................686 thousand euros<br />

Software...............................................................476 thousand euros<br />

2.3. Provision<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />

January 1 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong><br />

Contribution<br />

White-back<br />

December<br />

31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Depreciation of long-term investments 9,001 6,734 2,267<br />

GENERAL TOTAL 9,001 6,734 2,267<br />

A provision write-back on long-term financial investments has been recorded further to the capital increase through the<br />

incorporation of debt carried out on APRIL GROUP DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS.<br />

158<br />

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3.0<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 3. Equity securities<br />



DISCLOSURE (in thousand euros)<br />






HELD (%)<br />




Subsidiaries (held at +50%)<br />

AXERIA IARD 13,000 19,055 100% 11,005<br />

AXERIA INSURANCE COMPANY 4,772 352 100% 42<br />

SOLUCIA PROTECTION JURIDIQUE 7,600 -311 100% -189<br />

FORUM FINANCES 2,212 -3,038 100% -48<br />

APRIL GROUP VIE ÉPARGNE 20,037 -391 100% -31<br />

APRIL NORTH AMERICA 1,906 -62 69.9% -61<br />

APRIL GROUP DOMMAGES PARTICULIERS 82,919 2,109 100% 4,626<br />

AXERIA PRÉVOYANCE 21,000 20,315 100% 10,165<br />

APRIL GROUP PRÉVOYANCE INDIVIDUELLE 501 28,127 100% 74,368<br />

APRIL GROUP CORPORATE 50,083 5,900 100% -1,611<br />

APRIL MEDITERRANEAN LIMITED 12,500 12,500 100% 0<br />


(in thousand euros)<br />







Book value of securities held:<br />

Gross: 211,889 18,930 7<br />

Net: 210,400 18,930 7<br />

Loans and advances granted:<br />

Gross: 34,253<br />

Net: 33,475<br />

Deposits and guarantees given<br />

Total dividends received 94,246<br />

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3.0<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 4. Treasury stock and warrants<br />

Note 5. Receivables and payables<br />

4.1. Treasury stock<br />

In accordance with the authorization granted at the General<br />

Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 27 th , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP SA has continued<br />

rolling out its share buyback program.<br />

In this way, APRIL GROUP bought back 132,708 shares for a<br />

total of 5.443 thousand euros, and sold off 149,216 for a<br />

total of 5,844 thousand euros. Income from these disposals<br />

came to - 11 thousand euros, recorded under other financial<br />

income.<br />

At December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, the company held 155,067<br />

shares, with 22,117 allocated under the registered dealer’s<br />

agreement and recorded under marketable securities, and<br />

132,950 allocated for a buyback program in connection with<br />

an external growth operation and recorded under long-term<br />

financial investments and treasury stock.<br />

The shares allocated for the external growth operation are<br />

expected to be settled in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

4.2. Warrants<br />

In accordance with the Executive Board’s decisions on <strong>April</strong><br />

26 th 2006, validated by the Supervisory Board on <strong>April</strong> 26 th<br />

2006, 287,000 warrants were granted to employees or<br />

managers from APRIL GROUP SA or its subsidiaries (exercise<br />

price: 40.56 €).<br />

630,688 warrants were still available for exercising at the<br />

end of <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (In thousand euros) Gross Up to 1 year Over 1 year<br />

Advances and deposits paid on orders 212 212<br />

Other trade receivables 42 42<br />

Group and partners 5,524 5,524<br />

Other receivables 448 448<br />

Pre-booked expenses 117 117<br />

GENERAL TOTAL 6,343 6,343<br />

Accounts receivable in relation to other Group companies<br />

came to a total of 6,801 thousand euros primarily<br />

corresponding to tax receivables due by companies that are<br />

members of the tax consolidation group.<br />

DEBT POSITION (In thousand euros) Gross Up to 1 year Over 1 year<br />

Equity interest-related liabilities 30,000 30,000<br />

Bank borrowings -<br />

Trade payables and related 531 531<br />

Tax and social security-related liabilities 1,156 1,156<br />

Group and partners 610 610<br />

Other liabilities 83 83<br />

Pre-booked income -<br />

GENERAL TOTAL 32,380 2,380 30,000<br />

160<br />

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3.0<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 6. Marketable securities<br />

Note 8. Change in shareholders’ equity<br />

Marketable securities came to 19,197 thousand euros at December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> and can be broken down as follows:<br />

In thousand euros Book value Market value<br />

Note 7. Share capital structure<br />

Unrealized capital<br />

gains and losses<br />

Monetary UCITS 18,230 18,244 14<br />

Treasury stock 967 967 0<br />

TOTAL 19,197 19,197 14<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />

Number of shares comprising the share capital at year-start 40,731,948 40,591,983 40,435,713<br />

Capital increase 78,684 139,965 156,270<br />

Number of shares comprising the share capital at year-end 40,810,632 40,731,948 40,591,983<br />

Earnings per share 2.56 0.79 1.09<br />

Changes in shareholders’ equity in 2005/2006/<strong>2007</strong><br />


(In thousand euros)<br />

140,345<br />

Capital increase for 2006 2,752<br />

Dividends paid out - 13,392<br />

Other changes<br />

Earnings for 2006 32,487<br />


Capital increase for <strong>2007</strong> (1) 1,402<br />

Dividends paid out -16,227<br />

Other changes<br />

Earnings for <strong>2007</strong> 104,658<br />


YEAR END <strong>2007</strong><br />

252,025<br />

At December 31st, <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP SA’s share capital comprised 40,810,632 fully paid-up ordinary shares with a par value<br />

of 0.40 euro.<br />

(1) Resulting from the exercising of warrants granted/of which, issue premium:<br />

1,371 thousand euros<br />

Note 9. Provisions for contingencies and losses<br />

In thousand euros Year-start Contribution Write-back Year-end<br />

Provisions for disputes 1,779 900 62 2,617<br />

Provisions pour pensions 75 3 72<br />

Other provisions for contingencies and losses 4,212 3,961 444 7,729<br />

TOTAL PROV. FOR CONTINGENCIES AND LOSSES 6,066 4,861 509 10,418<br />

Operating provisions and write-backs 4,861 509<br />

Financial provisions and write-backs<br />

Non-recurring provisions and write-backs<br />

Other provisions for contingencies and losses correspond to a 7,729 thousand euro provision for liabilities relative to the use<br />

of subsidiary losses in line with the tax consolidation system.<br />

161<br />

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3.0<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 10. Revenues<br />

Note 12. Financial income<br />

The holding company – APRIL GROUP – steers and manages<br />

the Group. Its only resources are dividends received from its<br />

equity interests and income from its investments.<br />

Note 11. External expenses<br />



EXPENSES (In thousand euros)<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />

T services 22 -6 181<br />

Consumables (electricity, administrative<br />

supplies, etc.)<br />

54 62 61<br />

Property rentals 338 312 378<br />

Furniture rental, maintenance<br />

and upkeep<br />

216 172 151<br />

Insurance 12 9 45<br />

Fees, research and documentation<br />

963 952 1,091<br />

Advertising and public relations 130 81 339<br />

Travel, assignments and entertainment<br />

204 152 149<br />

External staff 75 51 72<br />

Other (training, banking<br />

services, telephone, postage)<br />

458 436 266<br />

TOTAL 2,472 2,221 2,733<br />

In thousand euros <strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />

FINANCIAL INCOME 105,863 37,708 52,173<br />

Dividends 94,246 34,418 39,303<br />

Write-back of provision for depreciation of securities 6,735 749 10,431<br />

Interest income on current accounts 3,361 1,801 949<br />

Income from marketable securities 1,521 740 1,490<br />

Foreign exchange gain<br />

FINANCIAL EXPENSES 1,817 124 3,450<br />

Provision for depreciation on securities 120<br />

Interest expense 635 4<br />

Loss on equity interest-related receivables 1,182 3,450<br />

Foreign exchange loss<br />

FINANCIAL INCOME 104,046 37,584 48,723<br />

APRIL GROUP SA granted a 1,182 thousand euro debt write-off to APRIL GROUP DOMMAGES ENTREPRISES in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Note 13. Non-recurring items<br />

In thousand euros <strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />


Income from disposal of tangible fixed assets 1 42<br />

Income from disposal of long-term investments 25,181 85 8,650<br />

Other non-recurring income 67<br />

NON-RECURRING EXPENSES 25,248 86 10,926<br />

Net book value of tangible fixed assets 40<br />

Net book value of long-term investments 22,884 85 10,836<br />

Other non-recurring expenses 1 50<br />

NON-RECURRING GROSS 2,364 0 -2,234<br />

162<br />

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3.0<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements of APRIL GROUP SA for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Note 14. Corporate income tax<br />

Note 16. Average headcount<br />

Note 18. Individual training entitlement<br />

The application of the tax consolidation agreement generated<br />

3,821 thousand euros in tax savings for the tax consolidation<br />

group. The company would have recorded a 3,072 thousand<br />

euro expense without this tax consolidation agreement.<br />

The tax savings, booked in the accounts of APRIL GROUP,<br />

linked to losses recorded by consolidated companies that<br />

are likely to benefit these same companies when they post<br />

profits again, came to 7,729 thousand euros and are covered<br />

by a provision for liabilities booked for the same amount.<br />

Note 15. Commitments given and received<br />

Commitments received<br />

Better fortune clause: APRIL GROUP SA granted APRIL<br />

Solutions the right to write off its debt, with a better fortune<br />

clause, for 3,450 thousand euros.<br />

Commitments to buy out minority interests<br />

The commitments to buy out minority interests are presented<br />

below:<br />

<strong>2007</strong> 2006 2005<br />

Managers and assimilated 24 25 21<br />

Employees 1 0 0<br />

TOTAL 25 25 21<br />

Note 17. Executive compensation<br />

During the year, APRIL GROUP SA changed its structure from<br />

a French limited company (Société Anonyme) with Executive<br />

and Supervisory Boards to a French limited company with a<br />

Board of Directors.<br />

Compensation paid to Executive Board members totaled 505<br />

thousand euros.<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, compensation for the Chairman and members of the<br />

Board of Directors totaled 125 thousand euros.<br />

The amount paid to the five highest earners came to 770<br />

thousand euros.<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Law 2004-391 of May<br />

4th, 2004 relative to professional training, the Group’s<br />

French companies grant their employees an individual<br />

entitlement to a minimum of 20 hours per calendar year,<br />

which may be cumulated over up to six years, with, in the<br />

event of them not have being used by the end of this period,<br />

all such entitlements capped at 120 hours.<br />

No expense was recorded in <strong>2007</strong>, pursuant to the opinion<br />

issued by the Emergency Committee of the National<br />

Accounting Board (CNC) - number 2004-F dated October<br />

13th, 2004.<br />

Note 19. Post-balance sheet events<br />

N/A<br />

In thousand euros<br />

Minority interest<br />

share<br />

Minority<br />

engagement to sell<br />

Group commitment<br />

to purchase<br />

APRIL North America 30.1 % Yes Yes<br />

Option perdiod<br />

June 30th, 2012 to<br />

Sep 30th, 2025<br />

163<br />

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4.0 Statutory Auditors’ general report<br />

Auditors’ general report<br />

Statutory<br />

Annual financial statements<br />

Year ended December 31 st , 2006<br />

Dear Shareholders,<br />

Pursuant to the mandate given to us at the General Meeting,<br />

please find hereafter our report relative to the financial year<br />

ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> on:<br />

- Our audit of the annual financial statements of APRIL<br />

GROUP SA, as appended to the present report,<br />

- The basis for our opinions,<br />

- The specific procedures and information required under<br />

French law.<br />

The annual financial statements are the responsibility of the<br />

Executive Board. Our responsibility is to express an opinion<br />

on these accounts based on our audit.<br />

assurance that the annual financial statements are free from<br />

any material misstatements. An audit includes examining,<br />

on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and<br />

information contained in these accounts. An audit also<br />

involves assessing the accounting methods and principles<br />

used and the significant estimates made when drawing up<br />

the accounts, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of<br />

the financial statements. We believe that our audit provides a<br />

reasonable basis for the opinion presented hereafter.<br />

In our opinion, the annual financial statements present fairly,<br />

in all material respects, the financial position of the company<br />

at December 31 st , 2006 and the results of its operations for<br />

the year then ended, in accordance with the accounting rules<br />

and principles in force in France.<br />

2. Basis for our opinions<br />

1. Opinion on the annual financial statements<br />

We conducted our audit in accordance with the industry<br />

standards applicable in France. These standards require<br />

that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable<br />

Pursuant to the provisions of Article L. 823-9 of the French<br />

Commercial Code relative to the forming of our opinions, we<br />

would like to draw your attention to the following points:<br />

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4.0<br />

Statutory Auditors’ general report<br />

A significant percentage of your company’s assets are made<br />

up of equity securities, which are valued in accordance<br />

with the method indicated in Section 1.3. of the notes to<br />

the annual financial statements. Based on the information<br />

available to date, we have reviewed the approach adopted<br />

and the calculations performed by the company and assessed<br />

the resulting valuations.<br />

The assessments made in this way are part of our audit of<br />

the annual financial statements in general and therefore<br />

contributed to the formation of our opinion expressed in the<br />

first part of this report.<br />

The accuracy of the information given in the management<br />

report relative to compensation and benefits for corporate<br />

officers and any commitments granted to them at the start,<br />

end or change of their offices, or subsequently.<br />

As required by law, we have ensured that the different<br />

information relative to equity investments and the control<br />

and identity of shareholders has been provided to you in the<br />

Management Report.<br />

Villeurbanne, march 3 th , 2008<br />

3. Specific procedures and information<br />

In accordance with the industry standards applicable in<br />

France, we also performed the specific procedures required<br />

under French law.<br />

We do not have any observations to make regarding:<br />

The sincerity of the information given in the Executive<br />

Board’s Management Report and the documents submitted<br />

to shareholders on the financial position and the annual<br />

financial statements and its application in relation to the<br />

accounts.<br />

The Statutory Auditors<br />

Mazars<br />

Max Dumoulin<br />

Deloitte & Associés<br />

Olivier Rosier<br />

Jean-Claude Lemaire<br />

165<br />

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5.0 Special 5.0<br />

Auditors’ report<br />

Special Statutory Auditors’ report<br />

Statutory<br />

Special statutory auditors’ report on regulated<br />

agreements and commitments<br />

Year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Dear Shareholders,<br />

In our capacity as your company’s Statutory Auditors, please<br />

find hereafter our report on regulated agreements.<br />

Agreements and commitments authorized during<br />

the year<br />

In accordance with Articles L.225-88 and L. 225-40 of<br />

the French commercial code, we were informed of the<br />

agreements and commitments that were authorized<br />

beforehand, depending on the periods concerned, by your<br />

Supervisory Board or your Board of Directors respectively.<br />

We are not required to ascertain whether any other<br />

contractual agreements exist, but rather, to inform you, on<br />

the basis of the information provided to us, of the terms<br />

and conditions of agreements that have been brought to our<br />

attention, without commenting on their validity or relevance.<br />

It is your responsibility, under the terms of Article R.225-31,<br />

to evaluate the benefits of concluding such agreements prior<br />

to their approval.<br />

We conducted our audit in accordance with the industry<br />

standards applicable in France. These standards require that<br />

we perform procedures to verify that the information given<br />

to us is consistent with the underlying documents.<br />

APRIL GROUP SA taking out a subordinated loan for<br />

Axeria Vie<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

On August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP SA took out a 30 million<br />

euro subordinated loan issued by Axeria Vie in connection<br />

with the creation of the Life and Savings division. This loan,<br />

concluded for an indefinite period, includes an option for<br />

Axeria Vie to pay it back ahead of schedule, without any<br />

penalty, at the end of the 10 th year. This loan is subject to<br />

interest at 170 basis points over the 10-year CMS rate. This<br />

operation had been authorized by the Supervisory Board on<br />

December 12 th , 2006.<br />

Terms<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, the interest received by APRIL GROUP SA relative to<br />

this loan totaled 633,863 euros.<br />

Person concerned<br />

Bruno Rousset, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of<br />

APRIL GROUP SA and Director of Axeria Vie.<br />

166<br />

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5.0<br />

Special Statutory Auditors’ report on regulated agreements and commitments Year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Axeria Vie taking out a loan for APRIL GROUP SA<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

On August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, Axeria Vie granted a 30 million euro<br />

loan to APRIL GROUP SA. This loan, taken out over a 10-year<br />

period, repayable at term, is subject to interest at 170 basis<br />

points over the 10-year CMS rate. APRIL GROUP SA has the<br />

option to pay it back at any time, without any penalty. This<br />

operation was authorized by the Board of Directors on<br />

August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Terms<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, the amount of charges paid by APRIL GROUP SA<br />

relative to this loan totaled 633,863 euros.<br />

Person concerned<br />

Bruno Rousset, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of<br />

APRIL GROUP SA and Director of Axeria Vie.<br />

Debt write-off for APRIL GROUP DOMMAGES<br />


Nature and purpose<br />

On August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, the Board of Directors authorized<br />

APRIL GROUP SA to sign a 1,182 thousand euro debt writeoff<br />


fully-owned by APRIL GROUP SA.<br />

Terms<br />

This agreement was signed on October 31 st , <strong>2007</strong> for a<br />

definitive amount of 1,182 thousand euros.<br />

Person concerned<br />

Bruno Rousset, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of<br />



Disposal of Mutant Assurances securities<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

As authorized by Directors during the Board meeting on<br />

December 13 th , <strong>2007</strong>, APRIL GROUP SA sold off 100% of the<br />

capital of Mutant Assurances to APRIL GROUP DOMMAGES<br />

PARTICULIERS on December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Terms<br />

APRIL GROUP SA sold off the Mutant Assurances securities for<br />

19,700,000 euros. Further to this disposal, APRIL GROUP SA<br />

recorded 49,000 euros in non-recurring capital gains over<br />

<strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Person concerned<br />

Bruno Rousset, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of<br />

APRIL GROUP SA and Director of Mutant Assurances.<br />

Agreement with TERRE D’ENTREPRISES for the provision<br />

of services<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

A framework agreement governing relations between<br />


signed on June 18 th , <strong>2007</strong>. Under the terms of this agreement,<br />

APRIL GROUP SA delegates the following missions to TERRE<br />


Administrative management of the University and training<br />

programs;<br />

Support for the development of training materials;<br />

Coordination of certain training courses.<br />

This agreement was approved by the Supervisory Board on<br />

March 1 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Terms<br />

In <strong>2007</strong>, the amount recorded under expenses for this<br />

agreement totaled 18,589 euros (gross).<br />

Person concerned<br />

Xavier Coquard, Chairman and Supervisory Board member of<br />


167<br />

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5.0<br />

Special Statutory Auditors’ report on regulated agreements and commitments Year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

Agreement to sponsor Solucia for its membership of<br />

the French Federation of Insurance Companies (FFSA)<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

APRIL GROUP SA has sponsored Solucia in connection with<br />

its membership of the FFSA. Through this sponsoring, APRIL<br />

GROUP SA undertakes, in relation to the FFSA, to guarantee<br />

all the financial obligations that could result from any<br />

professional undertakings entered into by Solucia, notably<br />

relative to its participation in claims settlement agreements,<br />

and to immediately inform it of any transfer of Solucia’s<br />

capital or control to other shareholders, to another company<br />

that is not part of the Group or to any other group.<br />

On <strong>April</strong> 26 th , <strong>2007</strong>, the Supervisory Board approved this<br />

approach.<br />

Terms<br />

This agreement did not have any impact on the accounts in<br />

<strong>2007</strong>.<br />

People concerned<br />

Dominique Chalopin, Director of Solucia and Chairman of the<br />

Executive Board of APRIL GROUP SA.<br />

Agreement to sponsor Axeria Vie for its membership of<br />

the French Federation of Insurance Companies (FFSA)<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

APRIL GROUP SA has sponsored Axeria Vie in connection<br />

with its membership of the FFSA. Through this sponsoring,<br />

APRIL GROUP SA undertakes, in relation to the FFSA, to<br />

guarantee all the financial obligations that could result<br />

from any professional undertakings entered into by Axeria<br />

Vie, notably relative to its participation in claims settlement<br />

agreements, and to immediately inform it of any transfer<br />

of Axeria Vie’s capital or control to other shareholders, to<br />

another company that is not part of the Group or to any<br />

other group.<br />

On <strong>April</strong> 26 th , <strong>2007</strong>, the Supervisory Board approved this<br />

approach.<br />

Terms<br />

This agreement did not have any impact on the accounts in<br />

<strong>2007</strong>.<br />

People concerned<br />

Dominique Chalopin, Daniel Collignon and Bruno Rousset,<br />

Directors of Axeria Vie and respectively Chairman of the<br />

Executive Board, Executive Board member and Chairman of<br />

the Supervisory Board of APRIL GROUP SA.<br />

Agreements and commitments approved in previous<br />

years that continued to apply over the past financial<br />

year<br />

Furthermore, in accordance with the French commercial<br />

code, we were informed that the following agreements and<br />

commitments, which were approved in previous financial<br />

years, continued to apply during the last financial year.<br />

Agreement with EVOLEM for the provision of services<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

This concerns services provided by EVOLEM under a nonexclusive<br />

mandate (investment target identification and<br />

valuation, financial facility design).<br />

Terms<br />

The amount booked as an expense for the year ended came<br />

to 143,520 euros (gross).<br />

Sub-lease to EVOLEM<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

110 square meters of floor space was made available to<br />

EVOLEM under a sub-leasing agreement dated October 31 st ,<br />

2001 and entering into effect on November 1 st , 2001, for a<br />

reviewable annual rent of 18,662 euros (net of tax).<br />

168<br />

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5.0<br />

Special Statutory Auditors’ report on regulated agreements and commitments Year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong><br />

The floor space was extended first in 2005 then in <strong>2007</strong>,<br />

and now covers 258 square meters. The rent was revised<br />

according to the cost billed by the property owner.<br />

Terms<br />

Under this agreement, a total of 84,994 euros (gross) was<br />

billed, including rental expenses.<br />

Securities and pledges<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

On August 28 th , <strong>2007</strong>, the Board of Directors renewed the<br />

authorization granted on September 7 th , 2006 for APRIL<br />

GROUP to guarantee all the commitments of its subsidiaries<br />

for a one-year period and up to 5,000,000 euros.<br />

Terms<br />

The current account write-off recorded in the accounts for<br />

3,450,000 euros in 2005 was not subject to the application<br />

of the better fortune clause in <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Villeurbanne, March 3 rd , 2008<br />

The Statutory Auditors<br />

Mazars<br />

Deloitte & Associés<br />

Max Dumoulin<br />

Olivier Rosier<br />

Jean-Claude Lemaire<br />

Terms<br />

To date, APRIL GROUP SA has not been called on in relation<br />

to this commitment.<br />

Current account write-off with APRIL Solutions<br />

Nature and purpose<br />

The Supervisory Board authorized the Executive Board to<br />

write off the current accounts that APRIL GROUP SA held<br />

in the accounts of its subsidiary APRIL Solutions for up to<br />

5,000,000 euros. This write-off is subject to a better fortune<br />

clause.<br />

169<br />

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6.0 Combined 6.0<br />

General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 Combined , 2008<br />

General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th th<br />

, 2008<br />

1. Agenda<br />

For the Ordinary General Meeting<br />

Board of Directors’ management report on the year ended<br />

December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>, including the Group’s management<br />

report and the Chairman of the Board of Directors’ report;<br />

Approval of the annual financial statements, of the<br />

consolidated financial statements, and of the agreements<br />

covered under Articles L.225-86 et seq of the French<br />

Commercial Code,<br />

Allocation of earnings,<br />

Reappointment of the incumbent statutory auditors;<br />

Reappointment of a deputy statutory auditor;<br />

Appointment of a deputy statutory auditor;<br />

Authorization for the Board of Directors to buy back<br />

the company’s own shares as provided for under Article<br />

L.225-209 of the French commercial code;<br />

Setting of the amount of directors’ fees.<br />

For the Extraordinary General Meeting<br />

Delegation of powers for the Board of Directors to increase<br />

the capital through the issue of ordinary shares and/or<br />

marketable securities entitling holders to access the capital<br />

with preferential subscription rights maintained or through<br />

the incorporation of reserves, premiums and profits;<br />

Delegation of powers for the Board of Directors to increase<br />

the capital through the issue, with preferential subscription<br />

rights waived, of ordinary shares and/or marketable<br />

securities entitling holders to access the capital;<br />

Authorization to increase the amount of issues in the event<br />

of excess demand;<br />

Delegation of powers for the Board of Directors to increase<br />

the capital, for up to 10%, in return for any contributions in<br />

kind comprising capital securities or marketable securities<br />

entitling holders to access the capital;<br />

Delegation of powers for the Board of Directors to<br />

increase the share capital through share issues reserved<br />

for members of a company savings scheme created in<br />

accordance with Articles L. 443-1 et seq of the French<br />

labor code;<br />

Delegation of powers for the Board of Directors to cancel<br />

shares bought back by the company as provided for under<br />

Article L. 225-209 of the French commercial code;<br />

Authorization for the Board of Directors to award stock<br />

options and/or warrants to employees and/or certain<br />

corporate officers;<br />

Authorization for the Board of Directors to freely award<br />

shares to employees (and/or certain corporate officers);<br />

Powers for formalities<br />

170<br />

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6.0<br />

Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008<br />

2. Resolutions<br />

Submitted for approval at the ordinary general<br />

meeting<br />

First resolution - Approval of the statutory financial<br />

statements<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Board of<br />

Directors’ report, the Chairman of the Board of Directors’<br />

report and the Statutory Auditors’ reports on the accounts<br />

for the year ended December 31 st , 2006, hereby approves<br />

the annual financial statements as presented, as well as<br />

the operations reflected in the said financial statements or<br />

summarized in these reports, with 104,657,613.89 euros in<br />

profit.<br />

The General Meeting also hereby approves the total amount<br />

of expenses and charges of 13,813 euros, covered under<br />

Section 4 of Article 39 of the general French tax code, as well<br />

as the corresponding tax.<br />

Second resolution - Approval of the consolidated<br />

financial statements<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the special<br />

Statutory Auditors’ report and the Board of Directors’ report<br />

on the consolidated financial statements at December 31 st ,<br />

<strong>2007</strong> approves these financial statements as presented, with<br />

72,110,861 euros in profit (Group share).<br />

Third resolution - Agreements under Articles L.225-38<br />

et seq of the French commercial code<br />

Ruling on the special report presented to it on the<br />

agreements covered under Articles L. 225-38 et seq of the<br />

French commercial code, the General Meeting approves the<br />

agreements mentioned therein.<br />

Fourth resolution - Appropriation of income<br />

The General Meeting, as recommended by the Board of<br />

Directors, decides to allocate income as follows:<br />

Source<br />

Profit for the year:<br />

Previous retained earnings:<br />

Deduction against reserves (other reserves):<br />

Allocation<br />

Legal reserve:<br />

Dividends:<br />

Other reserves:<br />

Retained earnings:<br />

YEAR<br />

104,657,613.89 euros<br />

0 euros<br />

0 euros<br />

3,147.36 euros<br />

17,956,678.08 euros<br />

86,697,788.45 euros<br />

0 euros<br />

The General Meeting acknowledges that the dividend per<br />

share is set at 0.44 euros, with the total amount paid out in<br />

this way eligible for the 40% rebate applicable under Article<br />

158-3-2 of the general French tax code.<br />

This dividend will be paid out on Friday May 5 th , 2008<br />

If the company were to hold any of its own shares as on<br />

the date that these dividends were paid out, the sums<br />

corresponding to dividends not paid out on account of such<br />

shares would be allocated to retained earnings.<br />

In accordance with the provisions of Article 243 ii of the<br />

General French Tax Code, the Meeting acknowledges that<br />

it has been reminded of the dividends paid out over the<br />

previous three years:<br />

Income eligible for the rebate<br />

Dividends<br />

Other income paid out<br />

Income not eligible for the<br />

rebate<br />

2004 8,895,856.86 euros _ _<br />

2005 13,395,354.39 euros _ _<br />

2006 16,292,779.20 euros _ _<br />

171<br />

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6.0<br />

Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008<br />

Fifth resolution - Reappointment of an incumbent<br />

statutory auditor<br />

As recommended by the Board of Directors, the General<br />

Meeting reappoints MAZARS as an incumbent statutory<br />

auditor for a six-year period ending further to the Ordinary<br />

Annual General Meeting convened in 2014 to approve the<br />

financial statements for the year ending December 31 st ,<br />

2013.<br />

Sixth resolution - Reappointment of an incumbent<br />

statutory auditor<br />

As recommended by the Board of Directors, the General<br />

Meeting reappoints DELOITTE & ASSOCIÉS as an incumbent<br />

statutory auditor for a six-year period ending further to<br />

the Ordinary Annual General Meeting convened in 2014<br />

to approve the financial statements for the year ending<br />

December 31 st , 2013.<br />

Seventh resolution - Reappointment of a deputy<br />

statutory auditor<br />

As recommended by the Board of Directors, the General<br />

Meeting reappoints BEAS as a deputy statutory auditor for<br />

a six-year period ending further to the Ordinary Annual<br />

General Meeting convened in 2014 to approve the financial<br />

statements for the year ending December 31 st , 2013.<br />

Eight resolution - Appointment of a deputy statutory<br />

auditor<br />

As recommended by the Board of Directors, the General<br />

Meeting appoints Mr. Michel Barbet-Massin as a deputy<br />

statutory auditor for a six-year period ending further to<br />

the Ordinary Annual General Meeting convened in 2014<br />

to approve the financial statements for the year ending<br />

December 31 st , 2013.<br />

Ninth resolution - Share buyback program<br />

Having taken note of the Board of Directors’ report, the<br />

General Meeting authorizes the Board of Directors, for an<br />

18-month period, in accordance with Articles L. 225-209<br />

et seq of the French commercial code, to conduct one or<br />

more transactions at the times that it deems necessary to<br />

purchase company shares up to a maximum of 5% of the<br />

share capital, adjusted as relevant in order to factor in any<br />

capital increase or reduction operations that may be carried<br />

out during the course of the program.<br />

This authorization terminates the authorization granted to<br />

the Board of Directors at the Ordinary General Meeting on<br />

<strong>April</strong> 26 th , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Acquisitions may be made with a view to:<br />

Coordinating the secondary market or liquidity of the APRIL<br />

GROUP share through an investment service provider based<br />

on a liquidity agreement in line with the AFEI compliance<br />

charter approved by the AMF;<br />

Keeping the shares purchased and issuing them again<br />

subsequently in exchange or as payment for external<br />

growth operations, it being understood that shares<br />

acquired in this respect may not exceed 5% of the share<br />

capital;<br />

Hedging stock-option schemes and other forms of allocating<br />

shares to the Group’s employees and/or corporate officers<br />

as provided for under French law, notably in connection<br />

with company profit-sharing systems, a company savings<br />

scheme or the free allocation of shares;<br />

Hedging any marketable securities entitling holders to the<br />

allocation of shares in the company within the framework<br />

of the regulations in force;<br />

Canceling any shares acquired as relevant, in accordance<br />

with the authorization to be given by this General<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting in its 16 th extraordinary resolution.<br />

Such transactions to purchase shares may be carried out by<br />

any means, including the acquisition of blocks of securities,<br />

and at the times deemed necessary by the Board of<br />

Directors. The company reserves the right to use derivatives<br />

in accordance with the regulations in force.<br />

The maximum purchase price is set at 80 euros per share.<br />

In the case of an operation on the share capital, notably<br />

a stock split or consolidation or the free allocation of<br />

shares, the aforementioned amount will be adjusted in<br />

the same proportions (investment multiplier equal to the<br />

ratio between the number of shares making up the capital<br />

before the transaction and the number of shares after the<br />

transaction).<br />

172<br />

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6.0<br />

Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008<br />

The maximum amount of the operation is therefore set at<br />

163,242,480 euros. The General Meeting gives full powers<br />

to the Board of Directors to perform such operations, define<br />

the corresponding terms and conditions, enter into any<br />

agreements required and perform all formalities.<br />

Tenth resolution - Setting the amount of directors’<br />

fees awarded to the Board of Directors<br />

After reviewing the Board of Directors’ report and in light<br />

of the change of the company’s means of administration,<br />

the General Meeting sets the total amount of directors’ fees<br />

awarded to former members of the Supervisory Board and<br />

the new members of the Board of Directors at 80,000 euros<br />

for the year ended December 31 st , <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

Submitted for approval at the Extraordinary<br />

General Meeting<br />

Eleventh resolution - Delegation of powers for the Board<br />

of Directors to increase the capital through the issue<br />

of ordinary shares or marketable securities entitling<br />

holders to access the capital reserved for shareholders<br />

and/or through the incorporation of reserves, profits or<br />

premiums<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Board<br />

of Directors’ report and the special Statutory Auditors’<br />

report, and in accordance with the provisions of the French<br />

commercial code and more specifically Article L. 225-129-2:<br />

1. Delegates its powers to the Board of Directors in order to<br />

increase the capital on one or more occasions and in the<br />

proportions and at the times that it deems necessary:<br />

a)Through the issue, either in euros or in foreign currencies<br />

or in any other monetary units determined with reference<br />

to a selection of currencies, of ordinary shares and/or<br />

marketable securities entitling holders immediately or in the<br />

future, at any time or on a fixed date, to ordinary shares<br />

in the company or, in accordance with Article L. 228-93 of<br />

the French commercial code, any company that directly or<br />

indirectly owns more than half of its capital or in which it<br />

directly or indirectly owns more than half of the capital,<br />

whether through subscription, conversion, exchange,<br />

redemption, presentation of a warrant or in any other way,<br />

b)And/or through the incorporation of premiums, reserves,<br />

profits or other elements into the capital based on an<br />

allocation of bonus shares or an increase in the par value of<br />

existing shares;<br />

2. Sets the validity of the present authorization for a period<br />

of 26 months as of the date of this Meeting;<br />

3. Decides to cap the amounts of any issues that may be<br />

carried out by the Board of Directors under this delegation<br />

of authority as follows:<br />

-The total nominal amount of shares that may be issued<br />

under this delegation may not exceed 10,000,000 euros,<br />

-The cap defined in this way includes the total nominal<br />

value of any additional shares to be issued in order to<br />

safeguard the rights of holders of marketable securities<br />

entitling them to access the capital, as provided for under<br />

French law,<br />

-The total nominal amount of any shares issued directly<br />

or indirectly under the following resolution will also be<br />

added to this cap,<br />

-The nominal amount of marketable securities<br />

representative of company debt that may be issued may<br />

not exceed 150,000,000 euros;<br />

4. In the event of the Board of Directors using this delegation<br />

of power in connection with the issues set out in 1. a)<br />

above:<br />

a)Decides that such issues shall be reserved in priority for<br />

shareholders that will be able to subscribe on an irreducible<br />

basis,<br />

b)Decides that if subscriptions on an irreducible basis and, as<br />

relevant, subject to allocation have not accounted for the<br />

entire issue, the Board of Directors may use the options<br />

provided for under French law and more specifically offer all<br />

or part of any securities not subscribed for to the public,<br />

c)With regard to any incorporation of premiums, reserves,<br />

profits or other elements into the capital, decides, as<br />

relevant, that any entitlements forming fractions of shares<br />

will not be eligible for trading with the corresponding<br />

shares to be sold; sums from such sales will be allocated to<br />

the holders of the rights within the timeframe set by the<br />

legal provisions in force;<br />

5. Decides that the Board of Directors, within the limits set out<br />

above, shall have the powers required to notably set the<br />

conditions for the issues, acknowledge the performance<br />

of any resulting capital increases, amend the bylaws<br />

accordingly, book, on its initiative alone, the costs for<br />

capital increases against the amount of the corresponding<br />

premiums, and deduct the sums required to take the<br />

legal reserve up to one tenth of the new capital after<br />

each increase against this amount, and more generally do<br />

whatever is necessary in this respect;<br />

6. Acknowledges that this delegation cancels and replaces<br />

any previous delegation with the same purpose.<br />

173<br />

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6.0<br />

Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008<br />

Twelth resolution - Delegation of powers for the Board<br />

of Directors to increase the capital through the issue<br />

of ordinary shares or marketable securities entitling<br />

holders to access the capital, with preferential<br />

subscription rights waived<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Board<br />

of Directors’ report and the special Statutory Auditors’<br />

report, and in accordance with the provisions of the French<br />

commercial code and more specifically Article L. 225-129-2:<br />

1. Authorizes the Board of Directors to increase the capital,<br />

on one or more occasions, in France and/or abroad, in<br />

the proportions and at the times that it deems relevant,<br />

through a public offering based on an issue, either in euros<br />

or in foreign currencies or in any other monetary units<br />

determined with reference to a selection of currencies,<br />

of ordinary shares and/or marketable securities entitling<br />

holders immediately or in the future, at any time or<br />

on a fixed date, to ordinary company shares through<br />

the subscription, conversion, exchange, redemption,<br />

presentation of a warrant or in any other way, it being<br />

understood that such securities may be issued as payment<br />

for securities that could be transferred to the company<br />

in connection with a public exchange offer on securities<br />

that fulfill the conditions set out under Article L. 225-148<br />

of the French commercial code; in accordance with Article<br />

L. 228-93 of the French commercial code, the marketable<br />

securities to be issued may entitle holders to access<br />

ordinary shares in any company that directly or indirectly<br />

owns more than half of its capital or in which it directly or<br />

indirectly owns more than half of the capital.<br />

2. Sets the validity of the present authorization for a period<br />

of 26 months as of the date of this Meeting;<br />

3. Decides to cap the amounts of any issues that may be<br />

carried out by the Board of Directors under this delegation<br />

of authority as follows:<br />

- The total nominal amount of ordinary shares that<br />

may be issued under this delegation may not exceed<br />

10,000,000 euros,<br />

- The total nominal amount of any shares issued under the<br />

previous resolution will also be added to this cap,<br />

- The nominal amount of marketable securities<br />

representative of company debt that may be issued may<br />

not exceed 150,000,000 euros;<br />

4. Decides to waive preferential subscription rights for<br />

shareholders relative to the securities covered by this<br />

resolution, although leaving the possibility for the Board of<br />

Directors to grant shareholders a priority right as provided<br />

for under French law;<br />

5. Decides that the sum due to the company for each one<br />

of the ordinary shares issued in connection with this<br />

delegation of authority, after taking into account, in<br />

the event of the issue of stock warrants, the issue price<br />

for such warrants, will at least be equal to the minimum<br />

required by the legal and regulatory provisions in force<br />

at the time when the Board of Directors implements the<br />

delegation;<br />

6. Decides that, in the event of the issue of securities<br />

intended as payment for securities put forward in<br />

connection with a public exchange offer, the Board of<br />

Directors shall have, within the limits set out above, the<br />

powers required to set the list of securities put forward<br />

for the bid, set the conditions for the issue, the exchange<br />

ratio and, as relevant, the amount of the cash balance to<br />

be paid, and determine the conditions for the issue;<br />

7. Decides that the Board of Directors shall have, within<br />

the limits set out above, the powers required to set the<br />

conditions for the issues, acknowledge the performance<br />

of any resulting capital increases, amend the bylaws<br />

accordingly, book, on its initiative alone, the costs for<br />

capital increases against the amount of the corresponding<br />

premiums, and deduct the sums required to take the<br />

legal reserve up to one tenth of the new capital after<br />

each increase against this amount, and more generally do<br />

whatever is necessary in this respect;<br />

8. Acknowledges that this delegation cancels and replaces<br />

any previous delegation with the same purpose.<br />

Thirteenth resolution - Authorization to increase the<br />

amount of issues in the event of excess demand<br />

For each one of the issues decided on in accordance with<br />

the 11 th and 12 th resolutions, the number of securities to be<br />

issued may be increased by 15% under the conditions set<br />

out in Article L. 225-135-1 of the French commercial code<br />

and within the limits of the caps set by the Meeting, when<br />

the Board of Directors acknowledges any excess demand.<br />

174<br />

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6.0<br />

Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008<br />

Fourteenth resolution - Authorization for the Board of<br />

Directors to increase the share capital by up to 10% in<br />

return for contributions in kind<br />

Fifteenth resolution - Authorization to carry out a<br />

capital increase reserved for members of the company<br />

savings scheme<br />

6. Grants full powers to the Board of Directors to use<br />

this authorization, take any measures and perform all<br />

formalities required.<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Board<br />

of Directors’ report and in accordance with Article<br />

L. 225-147 of the French commercial code:<br />

1. Authorizes the Board of Directors, based on the report<br />

drawn up by the contributions auditor (commissaire aux<br />

apports), to increase the capital with a view to paying<br />

for any contributions in kind made to the company and<br />

comprising capital securities or marketable securities<br />

entitling holders to access the capital when the provisions<br />

of Article L. 225-148 of the French commercial code do<br />

not apply;<br />

2. Sets the validity of the present authorization for a period<br />

of 26 months as of the date of this Meeting;<br />

3. Decides that the total nominal amount of ordinary shares<br />

that may be issued under this delegation may not exceed<br />

10% of the share capital. This cap is independent from all<br />

of the caps provided for under the other resolutions for<br />

this General Meeting.<br />

4. Delegates full powers to the Board of Directors to approve<br />

the valuation of any contributions, decide on the resulting<br />

capital increase and acknowledge its performance, book,<br />

as relevant, all of the costs and duties incurred by the<br />

capital increase against the contribution premium, deduct<br />

the sums required to take the legal reserve up to one<br />

tenth of the new capital after each increase against the<br />

contribution premium, amend the bylaws accordingly, and<br />

do whatever is necessary in this respect.<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Board<br />

of Directors’ report and the special Statutory Auditors’<br />

report, ruling in accordance with Articles L. 225-129-6 and<br />

L. 225-138-1 of the French commercial code and L. 443-5 of<br />

the French labor code:<br />

1. Authorizes the Board of Directors, if it deems it relevant,<br />

on its decisions alone, to increase the share capital on<br />

one or more occasions through the issue of ordinary<br />

cash shares and, as relevant, through the free allocation<br />

of ordinary shares or other securities entitling holders<br />

to access the capital, reserved for the employees (and<br />

managers) of the company (and companies linked to it as<br />

per Article L. 225-180 of the French commercial code) who<br />

are members of a company savings scheme;<br />

2. Waives the preferential subscription right for such<br />

people relative to shares that may be issued under this<br />

authorization;<br />

3. Sets the validity of the present authorization for a period<br />

of 26 months as of the date of this Meeting;<br />

4. Caps the maximum nominal amount of increases that may<br />

be carried out under this authorization at 500,000 euros;<br />

5. Decides that the price of shares to be issued under Section 1.<br />

of this authorization may not be more than 20% lower (or<br />

30% lower when the scheme’s planned lock-in period as per<br />

Article L. 443-6 is greater than or equal to 10 years) than the<br />

average opening price for the share during the 20 trading<br />

sessions prior to the Board of Directors’ decision relative<br />

to the capital increase and the issue of the corresponding<br />

shares, and may not be any higher than this average;<br />

Sixteenth resolution - Authorization to reduce the<br />

capital in connection with a share buyback program<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Board of<br />

Directors’ report and the Statutory Auditors’ report:<br />

1. Authorizes the Board of Directors to cancel, on its decisions<br />

alone and in one or more transactions for up to 10% of the<br />

capital calculated on the day of the cancellation decision,<br />

after deducting any shares cancelled over the previous 24<br />

months, the shares that the company holds or may hold<br />

further to buyback operations carried out in connection<br />

with Article L. 225-209 of the French commercial code and<br />

to reduce the share capital accordingly in line with the<br />

legal and regulatory provisions in force;<br />

2. Sets the validity of the present authorization for a period<br />

of 24 months as of the date of this Meeting, i.e. through<br />

to <strong>April</strong> 23 rd , 2010;<br />

3. Gives full powers to the Board of Directors to carry out<br />

the transactions required for such cancellations and<br />

the corresponding share capital reductions, amend<br />

the company’s bylaws accordingly and perform all the<br />

formalities required.<br />

175<br />

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6.0<br />

Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008<br />

Seventeenth resolution - Authorization for the Board<br />

of Directors to award stock options and/or warrants to<br />

employees and/or certain corporate officers<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Board of<br />

Directors’ report and the special Statutory Auditors’ report:<br />

1. Authorizes the Board of Directors, in accordance with<br />

the provisions of Articles L. 225-177 to L. 225-185 of the<br />

French commercial code, to grant the abovementioned<br />

beneficiaries, on one or more occasions, options entitling<br />

holders to subscribe for new company shares to be issued<br />

relative to an increase in its capital or to purchase existing<br />

company shares resulting from buybacks carried out by<br />

the company under the conditions provided for under<br />

French law;<br />

2. Sets the validity of the present authorization for a period<br />

of 38 months as of the date of this Meeting;<br />

3. Decides that the beneficiaries for such options may only be:<br />

-On the one hand, employees, certain members of staff or<br />

certain categories of staff from APRIL GROUP and, as relevant,<br />

any companies or economic interest groups that are related<br />

to it as per Article L. 225-180 of the French commercial code,<br />

-On the other hand, corporate officers fulfilling the<br />

conditions set out under Article L.225-185 of the French<br />

commercial code;<br />

4. The total number of options that may be awarded by the<br />

Board of Directors under this delegation may not entitle<br />

holders to subscribe for or purchase a number of shares<br />

exceeding 5% of the existing share capital on the day of<br />

the first allocation, in accordance with the legal limits in<br />

force and more specifically the limits set out in Articles<br />

L. 225-182 and R. 225-143 of the French commercial code;<br />

5. Decides that the share subscription and/or purchase<br />

price for beneficiaries will be set the day on which the<br />

options are awarded by the Board of Directors and will<br />

correspond to 100% of the average listed share price over<br />

the 20 trading days prior to the day on which the option<br />

is awarded. The Board of Directors will be able to offer<br />

a discount of up to 5% on the subscription or purchase<br />

price;<br />

6. Decides that no options may be awarded:<br />

- 10 trading days before and after the date on which the<br />

consolidated financial statements are published,<br />

- Within the period between the date when the company’s<br />

corporate bodies become aware of any information that,<br />

if it was made public, could have a significant impact on<br />

the price for the company’s securities, and 10 trading<br />

days after the date on which such information is made<br />

public,<br />

- Within 20 trading days of payment of a coupon on<br />

the shares entitling holders to a dividend or a capital<br />

increase;<br />

7. Decides that the shares subscribed for or acquired in<br />

connection with the previous provisions must be held on a<br />

registered basis and will be entitled to dividends as of the first<br />

day of the financial year during which options are exercised.<br />

For the financial year started on this date and for subsequent<br />

financial years, they will be entitled to the same dividend as<br />

for other shares entitled to dividends in the same way;<br />

8. Acknowledges that under this authorization, beneficiaries<br />

of stock warrants expressly waive their preferential<br />

subscription right for shares that will be issued as options<br />

are exercised;<br />

9. Delegates full powers to the Board of Directors to set<br />

the other terms and conditions for the allocation and<br />

exercising of options, and more specifically:<br />

- Setting the conditions under which options will be<br />

awarded and determining the list or categories of<br />

beneficiaries as provided for above; as relevant, setting<br />

the seniority conditions required for such beneficiaries;<br />

setting the conditions under which the price and number<br />

of shares will need to be adjusted, notably as provided<br />

for under Articles R. 225-137 à R. 225-142 of the French<br />

commercial code,<br />

- Setting the exercise periods for options granted in this<br />

way, it being understood that the term of options may<br />

not exceed a period of eight years as of their allocation<br />

date,<br />

- Providing for the option to temporarily suspend the<br />

exercising of options for up to three months in the event<br />

of financial transactions involving the exercising of any<br />

rights associated with the shares,<br />

- Performing or calling on third parties to perform all<br />

formalities and do whatever is necessary to make the<br />

capital increases that may be carried out as authorized<br />

under this resolution definitive; amending the bylaws<br />

accordingly and generally doing whatever is necessary,<br />

-On its decisions alone, and if it deems it relevant, booking<br />

the costs for share capital increases against the amount<br />

of premiums relating to such increases and deducting the<br />

sums required to take the legal reserve up to one tenth of<br />

the new capital after each increase against this amount;<br />

176<br />

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6.0<br />

Combined General Shareholders’ Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 24 th , 2008<br />

Eighteenth resolution - Authorization for the Board<br />

of Directors to freely allocate shares to members<br />

of staff<br />

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Board of<br />

Directors’ report and the special Statutory Auditors’ report,<br />

authorizes the Board of Directors to allocate ordinary<br />

company shares, existing or to be issued, on one or more<br />

occasions, in accordance with Articles L. 225-197-1 and<br />

L. 225-197-2 of the French commercial code, to:<br />

Salaried members of staff from the company or companies<br />

that are linked directly or indirectly to it as per Article<br />

L 225-197-2 of the French commercial code;<br />

And/or corporate officers fulfilling the conditions set out<br />

under Article L. 225-197-1 of the French commercial code.<br />

The total number of shares freely allocated in this way may<br />

not exceed 5% of the share capital on the date of the Board<br />

of Directors’ decision for their allocation.<br />

Shares will be definitively awarded to beneficiaries at the end<br />

of a vesting period:<br />

Of at least two years for beneficiaries who are French tax<br />

residents on the allocation date. Such beneficiaries will<br />

also be required to retain the shares awarded to them for<br />

a minimum period of two years. The Board is entitled to<br />

increase the length of both of these periods;<br />

Of at least four years for beneficiaries who are non-French<br />

tax residents on the allocation date, for which the cause<br />

of taxation coincides with the end of the vesting period,<br />

with the Board of Directors able to increase the length of<br />

this period.<br />

However, such beneficiaries are not subject to the<br />

abovementioned holding requirement, unless indicated<br />

otherwise by any tax provisions.<br />

On an exceptional basis, the allocation will become definitive<br />

before the end of the vesting period in the event of the<br />

beneficiary’s disability in accordance with the second or third<br />

categories set out in Article L. 341-4 of the French social<br />

security code.<br />

Full powers are granted to the Board of Directors to:<br />

Set the conditions and, as relevant, the criteria for awarding<br />

shares;<br />

determine the identity of beneficiaries and the number of<br />

shares awarded to each one of them;<br />

determine the impacts on beneficiaries’ rights of operations<br />

modifying the capital or likely to influence the value of<br />

shares awarded and carried out during the vesting and<br />

holding periods, and, as a result and if necessary, modify<br />

or adjust the number of shares awarded to safeguard the<br />

rights of beneficiaries;<br />

As relevant:<br />

- Acknowledge the existence of sufficient reserves and,<br />

at the time of each allocation, transfer the sums to a<br />

blocked reserve account as required for freeing up the<br />

new shares to be awarded,<br />

-When necessary, decide on the capital increase(s) through<br />

the incorporation of reserves, premiums or profits, in<br />

conjunction with the issue of new shares awarded freely,<br />

with the amount of such capital increases booked against<br />

the total amount authorized under the 11th resolution,<br />

-Acquire the shares required in connection with the share<br />

buyback program and allocate them to the allocation<br />

scheme,<br />

- Take all useful measures to ensure compliance with the<br />

holding requirement for beneficiaries,<br />

-And, generally do whatever is necessary in connection<br />

with the implementation of this authorization in<br />

accordance with the legislation in force.<br />

Under this authorization, shareholders expressly waive their<br />

preferential subscription right to any new shares issued<br />

through the incorporation of reserves, premiums and profits.<br />

It is given for a period of 38 months as of the date of this<br />

Meeting.<br />

Nineteenth resolution - Formalities<br />

The General Meeting grants full powers to the bearer of a<br />

copy of or extract from the minutes for the present meeting<br />

to perform all the filings and formalities required under<br />

French law.<br />

177<br />

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7.0 Index 7.0<br />

of headings<br />

of headings Index<br />

For the convenience of readers of this reference document, the following index has been provided to facilitate the identification<br />

of the main disclosures required by Commission Regulation (EC) 809/2004 of <strong>April</strong> 29 th , 2004, implementing the European<br />

Parliament and Council Directive 2003/71/EC.<br />



§ Pages<br />

1. Persons responsible<br />

Person responsible for the information 1.4 5<br />

Corresponding statement 1.2 4<br />

2. Statutory auditors 1.3 5<br />

3. Selected financial information 4 32<br />

Key consolidated figures 3.1.3 18<br />

4. Risk factors 3.6 25 to 31<br />

5. Information on the issuer<br />

Company history and development 3.1.1 15 to 16<br />

Investments 3.4.1 22 to 25<br />

6. Overview of activities<br />

Main activities and main market 3.1.2 17 to 18<br />

7. Structure 3.4 21<br />

8. Real estate, plant and equipment<br />

Major existing or planned tangible fixed assets N/A N/A<br />

Environmental impact of the use of such fixed assets<br />

178<br />

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7.0<br />

Index of headings<br />


9. Review of the financial position and consolidated earnings<br />

Financial position<br />

Operating income<br />

Sector information<br />

10. Cash flow and capital<br />


§ Pages<br />

Consolidated balance sheet 94 to 95<br />

Table presenting changes 97<br />

Consolidated income statement 93<br />

Management report 50 to 52<br />

3.1.4 19<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial<br />

statement<br />

Capital Table presenting changes 97<br />

Financial liabilities<br />

Table of changes<br />

Note 6.12<br />

Cash-flow – statement and references 96<br />

11. R&D, Patents and licences 3.2 19<br />

12. Trends 2 to the management report 52<br />

13. Forecasts and earnings estimates N/A N/A<br />

14. Administrative, management, supervisory and executive bodies<br />

Information on members of the company’s administrative and management bodies 5.1 34<br />

Conflicts of interest relative to administrative, management, supervisory and executive bodies 5.1.3 36<br />

15. Compensation and benefits 11 to the management report 62 to 63<br />

16. Administrative and management body operation<br />

Chairman of the Supervisory<br />

Board’s report<br />

17. Employees 7 to the management report 53 to 55<br />

18. Main shareholders 2.3 13<br />

19. Operation with affiliated parties<br />

Notes to the consolidated financial statements Note 8 137<br />

Special Statutory auditor’s report on regulated agreements 166 to 169<br />

20. Financial information concerning the company’s assets, liabilities, financial position and earnings<br />

Historical financial information Table of contents - footnote 2<br />

117<br />

135<br />

80<br />

179<br />

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7.0<br />

Index of headings<br />



§ Pages<br />

Pro forma financials N/A N/A<br />

Financial statements - statutory financial statements Part IV 151<br />

Verification of annual historical financial information Table of contents - footnote 2<br />

Dates of last financial information available Table of contents - footnote 2<br />

Interim and other financial information N/A N/A<br />

Dividend payments and policies 2.5 14<br />

Arbitrage and legal proceedings 3.6.3 30<br />

Significant changes in the financial position or commercial situation 4.1 32<br />

21. Additional information<br />

Share captial 2.2 10<br />

Note 7 161<br />

Notes to the statutory financial statements Part IV 155<br />

Certificates of incorporation and bylaws 2.1 6<br />

22. Significant contracts N/A N/A<br />

23. Information from third parties, statements by experts and declarations of interests N/A N/A<br />

24. Publics documents 1.5 5<br />

Issuer site : http://www.aprilgroup.com/<br />

AMF site : http://www.amf-france.org/<br />

25. Information on equity interests<br />

Basis for consolidation 108 to 113<br />

Equity interest (notes to the statutory financial statements) Note 3 159<br />

Description of key investments 3.4.1 22<br />

180<br />

Return to the contents section

Photo Credits: Collectif Item, Gil Lebois, Philippe Castano, Dortmann, Getty Images – Design and creation<br />

Head office, 83-85 boulevard Marius Vivier Merle<br />

69487 Lyon cedex 03 France – www.aprilgroup.com<br />

A French limited company (société anonyme) with a Board of Directors and capital of €16,324,252.80 – 377 994 553 RCS Lyon<br />

An insurance intermediary – registered with ORIAS under no. 07 019 355 (www.orias.fr)

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