For The Defense, November 2012 - DRI Today

For The Defense, November 2012 - DRI Today

For The Defense, November 2012 - DRI Today


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Drug and Medical Device<br />

While the FDCA serves nearly to ban<br />

off- label marketing absolutely, a physician<br />

has limitless ability to prescribe a medication<br />

for an off- label use. Physicians have the<br />

absolute discretion to prescribe a medication<br />

for any purpose that they deem medically<br />

appropriate, regardless of whether<br />

the FDA has approved the drug for that<br />

indication. Incongruity aside, this policy<br />

As the Internet and social<br />

media have expanded<br />

and facilitated the spread<br />

of information, the FDA<br />

policy on off- label use<br />

marketing has become<br />

increasingly unrealistic.<br />

acknowledges that completely banning<br />

off- label drug use is untenable because in<br />

many instances—particularly in pediatrics<br />

and oncology—such off- label uses represent<br />

novel and cutting- edge treatment for<br />

certain medical conditions. See Osborn,<br />

supra, at 303–04. It is widely accepted that<br />

the time- consuming and costly nature of<br />

the FDA approval process means that it is<br />

often economically unfeasible for a manufacturer<br />

to test all potential off- label usages<br />

for a drug. See Anna B. Laakmann, Collapsing<br />

the Distinction Between Experimentation<br />

and Treatment in the Regulation<br />

of New Drugs, 62 Ala. L. Rev. 305, 317–<br />

18 (2011). <strong>The</strong>refore, an outright ban on<br />

off- label usage would invade the province<br />

of the practice of medicine and in many<br />

instances prevent patients from receiving<br />

the best or only drug available for treating<br />

a medical condition.<br />

Ostensibly, the FDA off- label use marketing<br />

ban seeks to prevent manufacturers<br />

from promoting off- label uses that have<br />

not endured the rigorous FDA screening<br />

process. Belying this justification, however,<br />

the FDA has failed to distinguish<br />

between “truthful” and “misleading” offlabel<br />

use marketing or to take into account<br />

24 ■ <strong>For</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Defense</strong> ■ <strong>November</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

the unfettered discretion that physicians<br />

have to prescribe medication for off- label<br />

uses. Furthermore, as the Internet and<br />

social media have expanded and facilitated<br />

the spread of information, the FDA policy<br />

on off- label use marketing has become<br />

increasingly unrealistic. It ignores that<br />

the public has wide access to information<br />

about off- label uses and widely seeks<br />

this information. See Susannah Fox, <strong>The</strong><br />

Social Life of Health Information, Pew<br />

Internet & American Life Project 2 (May,<br />

12 2011), http://pewinternet.org/~/media//files/<br />

reports/2011/pip_social_life_of_health_info.<br />

pdf. Accordingly, this policy is unsustainable,<br />

as the recently released FDA guidance<br />

highlights in advising firms how to<br />

respond to unsolicited requests for information<br />

about off- label uses.<br />

<strong>The</strong> FDA Draft Guidance<br />

On December 23, 2011, the FDA released a<br />

draft guidance document directed to the<br />

industry entitled, “Responding to Unsolicited<br />

Requests for Off- Label Information<br />

about Prescription Drugs and Medical<br />

Devices.” <strong>The</strong> FDA sought through the<br />

draft guidance “to describe the [FDA’s]<br />

current thinking about how manufacturers<br />

and distributors… can respond to<br />

unsolicited requests for information about<br />

unapproved or uncleared indications or<br />

conditions of use.” U.S. Food and Drug<br />

Admin., Guidance for Industry Responding<br />

to Unsolicited Requests for Off- Label<br />

Information about Prescription Drugs and<br />

Medical Devices, Draft Guidance, 1 (Dec.<br />

2011), http://www.fda.gov/downloads/drugs/ guid<br />

ancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/guidances/<br />

ucm285145.pdf. Specifically, the draft guidance<br />

explains how the FDA differentiates<br />

a solicited request for information from an<br />

unsolicited request and the proper procedures<br />

for responding to public and private<br />

unsolicited requests about off- label uses.<br />

Solicited requests are those “requests for<br />

off- label information that are prompted in<br />

any way by a manufacturer or its representatives.”<br />

U.S. Food and Drug Admin.,<br />

Unsolicited Requests, supra, at 5. A firm<br />

cannot solicit requests for information for<br />

off- label use, and the FDA may consider<br />

this evidence that the firm sought to market<br />

a medication for a new intended use<br />

in violation of the FDCA. See id. <strong>The</strong> draft<br />

guidance provides numerous examples of<br />

solicited requests. <strong>For</strong> instance, the FDA<br />

would view a manufacturer’s sales representative<br />

mentioning an off- label use<br />

and inviting a health-care professional to<br />

request more information about the use<br />

as a solicited request. On the other hand,<br />

an unsolicited request is one “initiated<br />

by persons or entities that are completely<br />

independent of the relevant firm.” Id. at 4.<br />

Stated succinctly, a request for information<br />

is unsolicited when it was not “prompted in<br />

any way by [the] manufacturer or its representatives.”<br />

Id.<br />

<strong>The</strong> draft guidance further subdivides<br />

unsolicited requests into public and nonpublic<br />

requests and defines each. According<br />

to the draft guidance, “[a] non- public<br />

unsolicited request is an unsolicited request<br />

that is directed privately to a firm using a<br />

one-on-one communication approach.” Id.<br />

(mentioning an e-mail from an individual<br />

directed to the medical information staff<br />

of a manufacturer about an off- label use as<br />

an example of a private communication).<br />

A public unsolicited request is one “made<br />

in a public forum, whether directed to a<br />

firm specifically or to a forum at large.” Id.<br />

(mentioning posting a question about an<br />

off- label use of a specific product on a firmcontrolled<br />

website or third-party forum<br />

accessible to a broad audience as an example<br />

of a public forum). <strong>The</strong> draft guidance<br />

then delineates the proper way to respond<br />

to each type of request.<br />

<strong>The</strong> draft guidance lists the information<br />

that firms should include in all responses<br />

to non- public unsolicited requests about<br />

off- label uses. <strong>The</strong> FDA directs firms to<br />

answer unsolicited requests with “truthful,<br />

balanced, non- misleading, and<br />

non- promotional scientific or medical<br />

information that is responsive to the specific<br />

request.” Id. at 6–7. Moreover, when<br />

a firm responds to a nonpublic request,<br />

the firm should distribute the information<br />

only to the person making the request “as<br />

a private, one-on-one communication,”<br />

and the information “should be tailored to<br />

answer only the specific question(s) asked.”<br />

Id. at 7 (indicating that if a firm receives a<br />

broad request the firm should narrow the<br />

response as much as possible). Furthermore,<br />

information in a response should be<br />

“truthful” and “scientific in nature,” independent<br />

medical or scientific personnel<br />

should generate it, and publications that

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