Conversation Transcript - Ignite Realtime

Conversation Transcript - Ignite Realtime

Conversation Transcript - Ignite Realtime


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<strong>Conversation</strong> <strong>Transcript</strong><br />

Participants: 61<br />

Start Date: May 7, 2008 11:03:47 AM<br />

Duration: 1 h, 49 min<br />

Message Count: 383<br />

[11:03 AM] ch'dup (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] Guest327 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] Guest207 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] Guest406 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] akrherz (akrherz) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] Guest411 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] WinSrev (admin@hce.sytes.net/spark) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] Guest8 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] franco (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] slushpupie (jay@jabber.slushpupie.com/maple) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] heleno alves (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:03 AM] Guest406: I saw something funny a few minutes ago. "Join community<br />

group chat in 61 minute" instead of "61 minutes"<br />

[11:04 AM] Guest406: Maybe change "if (MINUTES_IN_HOUR - minute != 1)" to "if<br />

(minutes != 1)"<br />

[11:04 AM] akrherz: I see that too, hehe<br />

[11:06 AM] akrherz: I grabbed a screenshot of it:<br />

http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/pickup/61minute.png<br />

[11:06 AM] Guest406 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:06 AM] WinSrev: that looks like Linux<br />

[11:11 AM] Guest49 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:12 AM] Guest49: hi guys, i have al<br />

[11:12 AM] Guest49 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:12 AM] lenin (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:15 AM] lenin: i have a little trouble, download the openfire and the fastpath plugin,<br />

everythin is ok in the administration console, but i don´t know how to add on my web<br />

page the click to chat option, anyone can help me, i´m developing in c#<br />

[11:15 AM] lenin: i´m a little lost<br />

[11:15 AM] WinSrev: developing in C# you do know it's a Java program right<br />

[11:16 AM] Guest102 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:19 AM] Guest125 (anonymous) has joined the room

[11:19 AM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[11:19 AM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[11:20 AM] lenin: not really, i only use basic java<br />

[11:20 AM] WinSrev: hmm<br />

[11:21 AM] lenin: but i really need to make this working, so if a need to learn java<br />

deeper i will<br />

[11:21 AM] WinSrev: it depends what you're trying to do exactly<br />

[11:22 AM] lenin: i´m trying to implement a online help application<br />

[11:22 AM] Guest125: hello <br />

[11:22 AM] lenin: someting like this chat room, but one to one chat<br />

[11:22 AM] Guest255 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:23 AM] WinSrev: hmm, not entirely sure what to suggest<br />

[11:23 AM] akrherz: lenin: you just want the html code to launch the fastpath client<br />

[11:24 AM] Guest125: sorry to interrupt, but is the sourcecode to this Openfire Chat<br />

available for download This is pretty nifty..<br />

[11:24 AM] lenin: exactly<br />

[11:24 AM] Guest77 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:24 AM] Guest77 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:24 AM] akrherz: Guest125: read the recent chatlog from this morning<br />

[11:24 AM] WinSrev: Guest125: not as far as i know<br />

[11:25 AM] Guest55 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:25 AM] lenin: akrherz: di you know where can i get this html code<br />

[11:26 AM] lenin: or where can a read more about this<br />

[11:26 AM] akrherz: lenin: sorry, I don't know<br />

[11:26 AM] Guest255: Hi guys, has anyone noticed xmpp.client.idle not working in the<br />

latest builds<br />

[11:26 AM] WinSrev: the SVN builds<br />

[11:26 AM] Guest255: No 3.5.1<br />

[11:27 AM] Guest255: Release ;)<br />

[11:27 AM] Guest122 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:27 AM] WinSrev: ah<br />

[11:27 AM] akrherz: Guest255: did you post about this last night<br />

[11:27 AM] Guest122 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:27 AM] Guest430 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:27 AM] Guest255: Yes<br />

[11:27 AM] akrherz: Guest255: and ....<br />

[11:27 AM] Guest430 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:27 AM] Guest193 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:27 AM] Guest255: We use a custom flash client so it could be on our end<br />

[11:28 AM] Guest13 (anonymous) has joined the room

[11:28 AM] Guest255: Don't know yet... Just turned on debug logging<br />

[11:28 AM] akrherz: Guest255: do you use whitespace ping <br />

[11:28 AM] Guest193 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:28 AM] Guest255: No<br />

[11:28 AM] Guest255: It didn't seem to be needed back around Openfire 3.2<br />

[11:29 AM] akrherz: Guest255: I had problems with 3.5.1 and Pidgin, but that system<br />

setting fixed it for me<br />

[11:29 AM] akrherz: you sure you have it typed correctly<br />

[11:29 AM] Guest255: Whitespace ping...<br />

[11:30 AM] Guest255: You mean in my settings pane We have it on 2 separate<br />

machines and I don't think we messed it up twice<br />

[11:30 AM] Guest255: Is whitespace ping basically a keep-alive packet setting<br />

[11:30 AM] akrherz: admin console on server-properties.jsp<br />

[11:30 AM] Guest255: Ok<br />

[11:31 AM] Guest255: I'm there<br />

[11:31 AM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[11:31 AM] akrherz: is it set<br />

[11:31 AM] bruce (bruce@kingshomeworld.com/K.I.M CHAT) has joined the room<br />

[11:32 AM] Guest255: xmpp.client.idle is set -- currently to 360000000000000<br />

[11:32 AM] Guest255: Before we've had it set to -1<br />

[11:32 AM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[11:32 AM] akrherz: hmm, -1 should work.<br />

[11:32 AM] Guest255: Yeah<br />

[11:32 AM] akrherz: with the server in debug mode, it should tell you if/why users are<br />

getting kicked<br />

[11:32 AM] Guest255: What is this whitespace ping setting<br />

[11:32 AM] Guest255: Ok<br />

[11:33 AM] Guest255: I'll check that out<br />

[11:33 AM] Guest255: Thanks for your help<br />

[11:33 AM] akrherz: there is no setting, just wondered if your custom client<br />

implemented it<br />

[11:33 AM] Guest255: Yeah<br />

[11:33 AM] Guest255: We could<br />

[11:33 AM] akrherz: Pidgin's problem is that it does XEP-ping, which Openfire does<br />

not support<br />

[11:33 AM] Guest255: If it solves the problem we will add it to our client<br />

[11:34 AM] akrherz: I did a whitespace ping in my python client and that worked fine<br />

[11:35 AM] Guest149 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:37 AM] Guest149 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:37 AM] Guest95 (anonymous) has joined the room

[11:37 AM] Guest95 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:37 AM] Guest252 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:37 AM] Guest255: I had another question... does anybody have any news on gpl<br />

clustering solutions<br />

[11:37 AM] bruce: good morning Winsrev<br />

[11:37 AM] WinSrev: hello Bruce<br />

[11:37 AM] bruce: :-) whats up<br />

[11:37 AM] David (david@jivesoftware.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[11:38 AM] Guest133 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:39 AM] Guest461 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:39 AM] WinSrev: nothing much, you<br />

[11:39 AM] Guest461 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:39 AM] cstux (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:42 AM] lenin (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:43 AM] Guest394 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:43 AM] bruce: just wok up now making some coffee<br />

[11:44 AM] akrherz: Guest255: I am not aware of any progress, sounds like there is<br />

some plumbing to do in the openfire code to get it to a state that a gpl clustering<br />

solution will work, not sure<br />

[11:44 AM] Guest133: Just wondering if there an eta for the next version of Spark<br />

[11:44 AM] WinSrev: erm<br />

[11:44 AM] WinSrev: i'd say about a month<br />

[11:44 AM] cstux (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:44 AM] WinSrev: i'm currently working on some issues<br />

[11:44 AM] Guest133: great, looking forward to it<br />

[11:44 AM] Guest133: yeah i noticed that in the forums..<br />

[11:45 AM] WinSrev: great :)<br />

[11:45 AM] Guest264 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:46 AM] bruce: is it possible to make multiple chat room subdomains with openfire<br />

3.5.1<br />

[11:46 AM] akrherz: bruce: that is a 3.6.0 feature<br />

[11:46 AM] Guest264 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:46 AM] blix (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:47 AM] Guest394 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:47 AM] Guest133: I'm not sure if this is a feature controlled by the admin console<br />

or not...but when sending a broadcast it chooses offline users as well then when an<br />

offline user logs it they're swamped with msgs throughout the day or evening prior...<br />

[11:47 AM] bruce: ok thanks for fast path the conference room dont seem to work<br />

[11:48 AM] akrherz: Guest133: which version of openfire with the broadcast plugin<br />

[11:49 AM] Guest133: Oh, Im sorry...for Spark..vers...hmmm, 2.8 is the most recent,<br />


[11:49 AM] WinSrev: yeah, 2.5.8<br />

[11:49 AM] WinSrev: this is a known issue<br />

[11:49 AM] Guest133: close enough :p<br />

[11:49 AM] Guest133: Ah ok, a bug that perhaps will be fixed for the new release :D<br />

[11:49 AM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[11:50 AM] WinSrev: err no, it'll be fixed in 2.6.1<br />

[11:50 AM] WinSrev: Guest133: http://www.igniterealtime.org/issues/browse/SPARK-<br />

977<br />

[11:50 AM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[11:51 AM] Guest133: ah nice..thx, missed reading that one..<br />

[11:51 AM] WinSrev: no problem ;)<br />

[11:52 AM] Guest459 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:52 AM] Guest306 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:55 AM] Guest306 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:55 AM] yann (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] blix: I have a customer who wants a live chat capability on their website.<br />

You'll have to forgive me if openfire does this as i haven't browsed over your site<br />

entirely. But would this be possible and if so what features would i need to purchase if<br />

they are included in the commercial version<br />

[11:57 AM] Gato (gato@jivesoftware.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Armando (armando.jagucki@jivesoftware.com/Psi) has joined the room<br />

[11:58 AM] David: blix: there isn't a commercial version anymore<br />

[11:58 AM] David: fastpath is open source now<br />

[11:58 AM] Guest196 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:59 AM] blix: so fastpath would be what i would need to accomplish this<br />

[11:59 AM] David: yes<br />

[11:59 AM] David: actually<br />

[11:59 AM] blix: do you know if they support ssl or encrypted communication<br />

[11:59 AM] Dawn (dawn@jivesoftware.com/Adium) has joined the room<br />

[11:59 AM] David: hold up a sec; are you looking for support style stuff click to chat<br />

with agents, routing, etc...<br />

[12:00 PM] David: or more of embedded chatrooms<br />

[12:00 PM] Dawn: hey everyone!<br />

[12:00 PM] Guest13 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:00 PM] David: hi Dawn!<br />

[12:00 PM] Guest296 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:00 PM] blix: chat with agents, routing, etc.<br />

[12:00 PM] David: ok, fastpath<br />

[12:00 PM] David: and I have no idea what it supports, sorry<br />

[12:00 PM] Guest483 (anonymous) has joined the room

[12:01 PM] Guest483 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:01 PM] wp (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:01 PM] wp:<br />

Hello I running opefire 3.4.5 and with the embeded database, how do I reset the admin<br />

password<br />

[12:01 PM] wroot (wroot) has joined the room<br />

[12:01 PM] wroot: hello hello<br />

[12:01 PM] wroot: winsrev is da man of the year! :)))<br />

[12:01 PM] Daniel (daniel.henninger@jivesoftware.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[12:02 PM] Guest296: Does spark have a silent installation switch<br />

[12:02 PM] WinSrev: hey, i am lol<br />

[12:02 PM] wroot: Dawn, dont worry, you still are the most beautiful here :))<br />

[12:02 PM] Daniel: good lord i almost forgot to appear!<br />

[12:02 PM] Daniel: how is everyone doing<br />

[12:02 PM] WinSrev: lol<br />

[12:02 PM] Dawn: aw, thanks! :-)<br />

[12:03 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[12:03 PM] Daniel: lol yes Dawn, the light blue text color in your name highlight really<br />

reflects your eyes<br />

[12:03 PM] Gato: for those of you using the monitoring plugin<br />

[12:03 PM] wroot: :)))))<br />

[12:03 PM] David: hahaha. Daniel++<br />

[12:03 PM] Daniel: =) =)<br />

[12:03 PM] Guest391 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:03 PM] Gato: you might be interested to know that yesterday we released a new<br />

version of it<br />

[12:03 PM] wroot: Gato, what's new<br />

[12:03 PM] Gato: yesterday we also released the clustering plugin<br />

[12:03 PM] David: /me starts cleaning up this as3crypto patch<br />

[12:04 PM] Gato: anyone using a valid Enterprise license can use the clustering<br />

plugin<br />

[12:04 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[12:04 PM] Daniel: oh dammit guys i'm sorry i didn't finish up the webchat OS<br />

release it's in progress though. it slipped down my list though =(<br />

[12:04 PM] Dawn: cool, I've always wanted a fan club :-)<br />

[12:04 PM] Gato: wroot -<br />

http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/openfire/plugins/monitoring/changelog.html<br />

[12:04 PM] Guest391 (anonymous) has left the room

[12:04 PM] ryan (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:04 PM] wroot: i've even colored myself blue too :))))<br />

[12:04 PM] wroot: well, Spark did<br />

[12:04 PM] David: Dawn: are you going to use your new power over your fans for<br />

good or for awesome<br />

[12:05 PM] Daniel: lol<br />

[12:05 PM] ryan: is this an open chat that I can ask a question in<br />

[12:05 PM] Dawn: can I use it for evil<br />

[12:05 PM] wroot: ryan, it was<br />

[12:05 PM] David: ryan: absolutely<br />

[12:05 PM] wroot: joking<br />

[12:05 PM] David: in fact, you just did, I think ;)<br />

[12:05 PM] Daniel: ryan: yes but you are only allowed one question, and you just used<br />

it ;D<br />

[12:05 PM] David: Dawn: probably<br />

[12:05 PM] Daniel: (just being a smart ass ;) ) what's up<br />

[12:05 PM] ryan: dang it!<br />

[12:05 PM] wp: Hello I running opefire 3.4.5 and with the embeded database, how do I<br />

reset the admin password<br />

[12:05 PM] notz (notz) has joined the room<br />

[12:05 PM] Daniel: wp: reset setup<br />

[12:05 PM] Daniel: er<br />

[12:05 PM] Daniel: wtf<br />

[12:06 PM] Daniel: reRUN setup<br />

[12:06 PM] ryan: i set up openfire on a pc and having a problem connecting a mac<br />

[12:06 PM] Daniel: you can do this by shutting down your server, editing openfire.xml,<br />

and changing true to false<br />

[12:06 PM] wroot: clustering is open source now<br />

[12:06 PM] Daniel: ryan: can you connect from other machines beyond the mac<br />

[12:06 PM] WinSrev: whoa, these conversations move quickly<br />

[12:06 PM] ryan: yes, no problems at all<br />

[12:07 PM] Guest55 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:07 PM] tiffany (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:07 PM] Daniel: wroot: no. we can't do that with coherence unfortunately.<br />

someone else would need to write an open source based version of it. (there was<br />

community interest in doing so apparently, don't know if it's still there)<br />

[12:07 PM] Daniel: ryan: hrm. what chat client from the mac<br />

[12:07 PM] David: WinSrev: mostly due to Daniel spamming things when he typos ;)

[12:07 PM] ryan: i tried spark first with no luck, and then tried adium<br />

[12:08 PM] wroot: winsrev - i was asking about such thing before you step in to Spark,<br />

but.. isnt it too much issues for upcoming release<br />

[12:08 PM] Daniel: i was half expecting that it would be a windows firewall issue, but<br />

not if it works from other machines<br />

[12:08 PM] Daniel: david: bite me<br />

[12:08 PM] Dawn: watch out, Daniel's getting feisty :-)<br />

[12:08 PM] WinSrev: wroot: releases in my opinion should contain a lot of fixes unless<br />

one of them is absolutely critical<br />

[12:09 PM] bruce: wp I made the mistake of deleting the admin user so I use the<br />

import tool and the admin name user did not import.So I had to reinstall the server<br />

again.:-d that admin user is a tricky devil<br />

[12:09 PM] notz: Daniel: hy, have you some minutes to talk about the msn gateway<br />

[12:09 PM] Daniel: lol<br />

[12:09 PM] Guest296: is there a switch or something that will install Spark (windows)<br />

silently<br />

[12:09 PM] Daniel: notz: uhm maybe ;) what's up<br />

[12:09 PM] wroot: winsrev, but the release time is growing and error chance is<br />

growing too<br />

[12:10 PM] Guest459 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:10 PM] WinSrev: wroot: it's been delayed 2 years, whats another month ;)<br />

[12:10 PM] notz: first i have located the exact reason, why the msn gateway is only<br />

working ~1 day for me<br />

[12:10 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[12:10 PM] wroot: Guest296, maybe msi install has such<br />

[12:10 PM] Daniel: winsrev: is has not been delayed for 2 years =P the last release<br />

was in november<br />

[12:10 PM] Daniel: and yes i know ignite realtime is showing 2006 for some bizarre<br />

reason on the product page<br />

[12:10 PM] Guest167 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:10 PM] Daniel: notz: oh what's that =)<br />

[12:11 PM] wroot: why ignite is on 1.x clearspace<br />

[12:11 PM] undefined (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:11 PM] WinSrev: daniel: really sorry, my mistake lol<br />

[12:11 PM] Guest167 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:11 PM] slipscher (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:11 PM] notz: if i replace the WeakReference in MSNListener for the MsnSession<br />

it's stable<br />

[12:11 PM] Daniel: oh snap wroot asked the million dollar question ;)<br />

[12:11 PM] undefined (anonymous) has left the room

[12:11 PM] marquis (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:11 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[12:11 PM] WinSrev: lol<br />

[12:11 PM] Dawn: wroot - it's a secret :-)<br />

[12:11 PM] wroot: :)<br />

[12:11 PM] ryan: what is the syntax for entering the server name when i connect the<br />

mac<br />

[12:11 PM] Daniel: notz: that's very odd. but definitely a good find.<br />

[12:11 PM] wroot: i can keep that secret with you :)<br />

[12:12 PM] Dawn: just kidding - we're going to upgrade to 2.x soon, but we have some<br />

legacy web services code accessing clearspace that needs to be re-written<br />

[12:12 PM] David: ryan: name@domain, as usual<br />

[12:12 PM] Gato: fyi, today I will be working on the client management feature and<br />

make it open source soon<br />

[12:12 PM] Dawn: We're trying to find the time to work on it.<br />

[12:12 PM] Gato: that would be the last piece of functionality that was present in<br />

enterprise that has not been open source yet<br />

[12:12 PM] Daniel: yay 2.0 upgrade!<br />

[12:12 PM] ryan: david: hmmm, what about the server address<br />

[12:13 PM] slipscher: I installed Openfire 3.5.1 on a test box to prepare for production<br />

upgrade. The Enterprise plug in says license will expire in 5 days. Is there an available<br />

license file<br />

[12:13 PM] wroot: Gato - there is a question or two on the forums about admin<br />

checkboxes near users in groups. Are they doing some hidden things Maybe those<br />

should be removed<br />

[12:13 PM] David: ryan: hm<br />

[12:14 PM] Gato: wroot - do you have a link to those threads I have no idea what you<br />

are talking about :)<br />

[12:14 PM] wroot:<br />

http://www.igniterealtime.org/community/servlet/JiveServlet/download/163799-<br />

2093/groupadmin.gif<br />

[12:14 PM] ryan: david: the name@domain is entered for username right and the<br />

server address is something like smb:\\blahblah<br />

[12:14 PM] David: no!<br />

[12:15 PM] David: the server address should definitely not be an smb url<br />

[12:15 PM] David: smb has nothing to do with xmpp<br />

[12:15 PM] undefined (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:15 PM] wroot: in spark case username should be only username<br />

[12:15 PM] David: also I forgot spark separates those out, yeah<br />

[12:15 PM] Gato: wroot - gotcha. Yes, maybe we should remove the admin/member<br />

option since we are not using it for nothing at this moment.

[12:15 PM] David: what wroot said<br />

[12:15 PM] undefined (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:15 PM] heleno alves_ (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:15 PM] ryan: david: ok, that makes sense<br />

[12:16 PM] wroot: Gato - ok :)<br />

[12:16 PM] slipscher: Anybody know about Openfire 3.5.1 licensing Looks like it still<br />

requires a license key.<br />

[12:16 PM] David: slipscher: openfire doesn't require a license key<br />

[12:16 PM] David: the enterprise plugin does<br />

[12:16 PM] Guest382 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:16 PM] slipscher: On the Enterprise tab says it will expire in 5 days<br />

[12:16 PM] Guest382 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:16 PM] slushpupie_ (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:17 PM] David: slipscher: yes, which is what I said<br />

[12:17 PM] David: enterprise has been replaced by a suite of open source plugins<br />

[12:17 PM] slipscher: sorry, was out of the yellow highlight<br />

[12:17 PM] ryan: david: i'm going to go check it out, and see exactly what I'm<br />

missing, i gave up on getting the mac to connect a few weeks ago, so i'm forgetting<br />

exactly where my issue is :-|<br />

[12:17 PM] Guest296: The msi doesn't appear to be a silent installer, is there a switch<br />

or something to silently install either the EXE or MSI for spark<br />

[12:17 PM] WinSrev: slipscher: that can be found in the available plugins page<br />

[12:19 PM] wroot: Guest296, i guess no. But people are somhow deploying Spark via<br />

GPO, maybe with custom MSI installs<br />

[12:19 PM] Guest116 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:19 PM] slipscher: Is Jive selling licenses for the Enterprise plug in<br />

[12:19 PM] bruce: nice music score there Dawn<br />

[12:19 PM] Guest116 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:19 PM] matt (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:19 PM] bruce: I like that :-d<br />

[12:19 PM] Guest296: The Government Printing Office<br />

[12:19 PM] Guest296: or is GPO a program of some sort<br />

[12:19 PM] David: slipscher: as far as I know, no<br />

[12:20 PM] matt: slipscher -- in general, no we're not<br />

[12:20 PM] Dawn: bruce - oops. I have terrible taste in music<br />

[12:20 PM] Dawn: i mostly turn on the iTunes status to provide endless amusement<br />

for co-workers<br />

[12:20 PM] WinSrev: lol<br />

[12:20 PM] wroot: Guest296 - Group Policy Object<br />

[12:20 PM] bruce: I live grate music electric blues is my favorite

[12:20 PM] Guest296: oh, group policy...ok<br />

[12:20 PM] slipscher: I need the archiving the enterprise plug in provides. Is there a<br />

way to maintain that funcionality<br />

[12:21 PM] WinSrev: yes<br />

[12:21 PM] WinSrev: it's already a free plugin<br />

[12:21 PM] Daniel: slipscher: delete the enterprise plugin and install the monitoring<br />

plugin<br />

[12:21 PM] Guest296: I'll peruse that avenue then.<br />

[12:21 PM] WinSrev: It's called "Monitoring Service" in openfire plugin page<br />

[12:21 PM] wroot: Monitoring Service<br />

[12:21 PM] WinSrev: beat you to it wroot! 1 point to me! lol<br />

[12:21 PM] Daniel: slipscher: the monitoring plugin is literally the pieces you are<br />

referring to from enterprise, split into their own plugin =)<br />

[12:22 PM] Daniel: well i beat both of y'all, so ha<br />

[12:22 PM] Daniel: ;)<br />

[12:22 PM] WinSrev: lol<br />

[12:22 PM] wroot: i just let you two beat me :)<br />

[12:22 PM] slipscher: thx. I'll install that and uninstall enterprise<br />

[12:22 PM] WinSrev: lol wroot<br />

[12:22 PM] wroot: i'm at Lithuania you know :) almost the Moon :)<br />

[12:22 PM] Daniel: slipscher: if you have already archived data, be sure to read the<br />

readme and follow the instructions. there's some routines you would need to run to<br />

convert form old to new<br />

[12:23 PM] slipscher: thanks, I saw that warning<br />

[12:23 PM] Daniel: =)<br />

[12:23 PM] Daniel: this is a very busy chat! =)<br />

[12:24 PM] wroot: people are still asking about using this web chat, is SparkWeb a<br />

solution for them (for muc only chat)<br />

[12:24 PM] matt: wroot -- i think it will be, although it will take some time for the UI to<br />

get setup that way<br />

[12:24 PM] David: wroot: one could build a groupchat-only autojoining client on top of<br />

the sparkweb codebase very easily<br />

[12:25 PM] wroot: heleno alves - i hope you saw what Matt and David said, so i wont<br />

reply in your thread :)<br />

[12:25 PM] bruce: If you add webchat to sparkweb you are going to need a very fast<br />

system to run it<br />

[12:26 PM] WinSrev: i think spark is going to make me go crazy<br />

[12:26 PM] David: bruce: how so<br />

[12:26 PM] bruce: how so what<br />

[12:26 PM] wroot: winsrev - no no, not again, Daniel first, now you

[12:26 PM] wroot: :)<br />

[12:26 PM] WinSrev: wroot: lol, there's loads of functions that just references other<br />

functions :s<br />

[12:26 PM] wroot: i almost forgot Derek, noone knows what happened to him :))<br />

[12:26 PM] David: bruce: it shouldn't be particularly cpu-intensive<br />

[12:27 PM] WinSrev: lol<br />

[12:27 PM] ryan: david: i'm getting host name invalid<br />

[12:27 PM] wroot: Spark is a very functional program :)<br />

[12:27 PM] Daniel: wroot: nowdays, derek spends all day sitting in a dark room<br />

rocking back and forth<br />

[12:27 PM] Guest296: apparently typing "start /wait msiexec /qn /norestart /i<br />

spark_2_5_8.msi" into a command prompt installs spark with no user interaction.<br />

[12:27 PM] WinSrev: Daniel: lol<br />

[12:28 PM] Dawn: yeah, we don't talk about Derek anymore. shhhh<br />

[12:29 PM] bruce: ok you would know I am still just a new be at this flash stuff.David<br />

[12:29 PM] wroot: ignite web is down or what<br />

[12:29 PM] slushpupie (jay@jabber.slushpupie.com/maple) has left the room<br />

[12:29 PM] David: urgh, seems so<br />

[12:29 PM] Dawn: i'll report it<br />

[12:29 PM] bruce: :-d<br />

[12:29 PM] slushpupie (jay@jabber.slushpupie.com/maple) has joined the room<br />

[12:29 PM] WinSrev: it may be down<br />

[12:30 PM] Dawn: ok, we've got someone looking at it<br />

[12:30 PM] WinSrev: that was quick<br />

[12:30 PM] David: bruce: most of the performance issues I've seen in flash are due to<br />

incompetent API design, not underlying runtime issues<br />

[12:30 PM] wroot: looking<br />

[12:30 PM] wroot: i'm looking too :)<br />

[12:30 PM] David: so as long as I manage to avoid those... it should be fine :)<br />

[12:31 PM] undefined (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:31 PM] WinSrev: just turn it off and on again, that always does the trick ;)<br />

[12:31 PM] Dawn: yep, just looking :-P<br />

[12:31 PM] WinSrev: yay! works again!<br />

[12:31 PM] undefined (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:31 PM] heleno alves__ (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:31 PM] wroot: it crowd :)))<br />

[12:31 PM] bruce: mite be the firefox browser and session catch thing<br />

[12:31 PM] WinSrev: wroot: lol, excellent show :)<br />

[12:32 PM] bruce: its refresh with browser messengers is not so good<br />

[12:32 PM] bruce: its a cpu gobbler

[12:32 PM] David: bruce: I'm not sure what you're talking about...<br />

[12:32 PM] David: the ignite groupchat something else<br />

[12:33 PM] heleno alves__: Somebody know where I can get group_chat.jsp <br />

[12:33 PM] David: heleno: it's not a product that's been released<br />

[12:33 PM] Guest288 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:33 PM] slushpupie: So Im forced to run openfire on a very small memory footprintany<br />

hints/tips to get memory consumption down<br />

[12:34 PM] WinSrev: i can't believe my spark topic has 31 replies in just 24 hours<br />

[12:34 PM] heleno alves__: :(<br />

[12:34 PM] Guest89 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:34 PM] Guest89 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:34 PM] slushpupie: WinSrev: Spark has been neglected for a while, so people are<br />

going to jump on it<br />

[12:34 PM] heleno alves__: I don't can find a MUC for multi client as group_chat.jsp ...<br />

[12:34 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[12:34 PM] WinSrev: yeah, i noticed people were posting about bug requests though<br />

[12:34 PM] ch'dup (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:35 PM] Guest472 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:35 PM] wroot: well, i remember it was a huge topic about Top 5 Spark features you<br />

need<br />

[12:35 PM] heleno alves__: Somebody know an option for MUC multi client to work<br />

with openfire <br />

[12:35 PM] WinSrev: yeah, i'm trying to get more new features in the releases rather<br />

than them all being just bug fixes<br />

[12:35 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[12:36 PM] WinSrev: of course, fixing the bugs will still happen ;)<br />

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[12:36 PM] wroot: heleno, it was said in this chat, you can try sparkweb, but you will<br />

have to customize it maybe<br />

[12:36 PM] Guest339 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:36 PM] David: s/maybe/definitely<br />

[12:37 PM] David: it's about ~100 lines of code on top of sparkweb to get something<br />

like this<br />

[12:37 PM] heleno alves__: Yes ... i thinking about it. Remove the IM tab an have only<br />

the conference tab ...<br />

[12:38 PM] wroot: winsrev i have lots of feature requests in JIRA :))<br />

[12:38 PM] Guest288 (anonymous) has left the room

[12:38 PM] rob (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:38 PM] rob: Hello, folks<br />

[12:38 PM] wroot: you can make any of them, or just all :)))<br />

[12:38 PM] David: hi rob<br />

[12:38 PM] wroot: hi<br />

[12:39 PM] WinSrev: hey Rob<br />

[12:39 PM] wroot: Gato - i'm using embedded-db and lately openfire.log file has grown<br />

a lot, so my backup was 30 Mb and now it's 180 MB. Is it normal<br />

[12:40 PM] slushpupie (jay@jabber.slushpupie.com/maple) has left the room<br />

[12:40 PM] Guest426: I've asked this question in the forum without answer, and<br />

hopefully someone can answer it - how do I implement my own roster provider The<br />

documentation around writing custom auth/group/roster providers is *very* lacking.<br />

[12:40 PM] slushpupie (jay@jabber.slushpupie.com/maple) has joined the room<br />

[12:41 PM] akrherz: wroot: what messages are filling your log file<br />

[12:41 PM] WinSrev: Guest426: maybe try using something like Helga (community<br />

openfire plugin)<br />

[12:41 PM] heleno alves__: Why group_chat.jsp not become open source Not is an<br />

possibility <br />

[12:41 PM] wroot: ee.. i didnt checked :)<br />

[12:42 PM] bruce: Helga is very good plugin<br />

[12:42 PM] wroot: but this file is in db dir<br />

[12:42 PM] WinSrev: i thought you might say that bruce ;)<br />

[12:42 PM] David: heleno: it's really annoying to set up, and is code that nobody is<br />

working on anymore<br />

[12:42 PM] bruce: :-)<br />

[12:42 PM] wroot: and openfire.log size is constantly changing<br />

[12:43 PM] bruce: not like sulci bot witch keeps braking<br />

[12:43 PM] David: we could put it out there, but without a bunch of effort writing up<br />

detailed documentation, and helping people debug apache proxy configuration<br />

issues... it wouldn't be much use<br />

[12:43 PM] Todd S. Getz (toddg@mtschat.ad.mtstravel.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[12:43 PM] Guest133 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:43 PM] Todd S. Getz (toddg@mtschat.ad.mtstravel.com/spark) has left the room<br />

[12:43 PM] Todd (mtstravel) (toddg@mtschat.ad.mtstravel.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[12:43 PM] heleno alves__: hmmm ok.<br />

[12:44 PM] David: a much more useful approach that would take around the same<br />

amount of time (maybe less) would be to build something similar on top of sparkweb<br />

[12:44 PM] Gato: wroot - as Daryl said, lets check what is being stored there. Lets<br />

identify the new data that produced that big change<br />

[12:44 PM] Todd (mtstravel): Hi all... Better late than never

[12:44 PM] heleno alves__: Yes ...<br />

[12:44 PM] David: hi Todd<br />

[12:44 PM] wroot: hi todd<br />

[12:45 PM] Dawn: todd thinks that since he's jumped above Daniel in the top members<br />

board that he can just pop into the chat whenever ;-)<br />

[12:45 PM] wroot: Gato - ook<br />

[12:45 PM] Dawn: hi Todd.<br />

[12:45 PM] Todd (mtstravel): lol<br />

[12:45 PM] Todd (mtstravel): well you know<br />

[12:45 PM] Todd (mtstravel): Us full figured men have to eat<br />

[12:45 PM] Daniel: lol<br />

[12:45 PM] Todd (mtstravel): so lunch came first for me<br />

[12:45 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[12:46 PM] Guest426: winsrev: that's a plugin, and it doesn't solve my needs - I want<br />

to give users a static roster at login based on data from a SOAP API call. I already auth<br />

users from my external application over SOAP, and that works fine. I just want to<br />

implement a RosterItemProvider, but that doesn't seem possible under the current<br />

version<br />

[12:46 PM] wroot: i wonder, will i be able to open 180MB file..<br />

[12:46 PM] akrherz: david, forgive my misunderstanding, but how soon will the "web"<br />

in sparkweb mean port 80 or 443 <br />

[12:46 PM] Dawn: the rest of us just eat over our keyboards ... wait maybe that's why<br />

my keys are all sticky :-)<br />

[12:46 PM] Todd (mtstravel): hehe<br />

[12:46 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[12:46 PM] wroot: sticky keys<br />

[12:47 PM] David: akrherz: I'm not sure what you mean<br />

[12:47 PM] wroot: it's acessibility options (hate them:)))<br />

[12:47 PM] slushpupie: I just shake the keyboard once and a while.. keyboard is clean<br />

and I get a snack!<br />

[12:47 PM] Todd (mtstravel): Well today was a nice unhealthy lunch at burger king<br />

[12:47 PM] Dawn: lol<br />

[12:47 PM] David: wroot: heh, my brother turned on mousekeys accidentally once<br />

[12:47 PM] David: (hit shift 5 times)<br />

[12:47 PM] Todd (mtstravel): $2.99 whoper value meals on Wed<br />

[12:47 PM] akrherz: david: most of us are looking for web based solutions that can<br />

only use port 443 or 80<br />

[12:47 PM] heleno alves__ (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:47 PM] wroot: today a user called (she has pressed Shift for 8 secs...)<br />

[12:48 PM] undefined (anonymous) has joined the room

[12:48 PM] wroot: i couldnt safe her<br />

[12:48 PM] David: akrherz: use apache's proxypass or something equivalent to point<br />

foo.com:80/http-bind to the http binding port<br />

[12:48 PM] undefined (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:48 PM] heleno alves__ (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:48 PM] Guest245 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:48 PM] David: akrherz: that's how this groupchat is set up<br />

[12:49 PM] akrherz: david: ah cool, but the SSL stuff is what's currently being worked<br />

on<br />

[12:49 PM] David: that's for socket connections<br />

[12:49 PM] David: unrelated to what you want<br />

[12:49 PM] wp (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:49 PM] David: https is already supported<br />

[12:49 PM] Guest449 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:49 PM] wroot: wow, users list is not fitting even on maximaized spark window<br />

[12:49 PM] Daniel: likewise, and correct me if i'm wrong or mistaken as to what's<br />

being asked, but with the zip release that was put out, you can just unpack sparkweb it<br />

wherever you want<br />

[12:49 PM] akrherz: thanks david, I'll start messing with sparkweb then, hehe<br />

[12:50 PM] wroot: i wonder how long all this Guests hangs there..<br />

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[12:51 PM] WinSrev: lol<br />

[12:51 PM] akrherz: david: ah, now I remember, I am desperate to come up with a<br />

replacement for Meebo, hehe.<br />

[12:51 PM] Todd (mtstravel): Since the window keeps auto scrolling on me..... Is there<br />

a release date on the horizon for the sparkweb plugin<br />

[12:51 PM] David: Todd: April 28th<br />

[12:52 PM] Todd (mtstravel): thanks<br />

[12:52 PM] wroot: winsrev, did you get my idea about "flashing" :))<br />

[12:52 PM] David: Todd: you'll note that that's in the past...<br />

[12:52 PM] Todd (mtstravel): yes<br />

[12:52 PM] Todd (mtstravel): sarcasm is hard on chat<br />

[12:52 PM] Guest33: We have been very impressed with the new opefire enterpise<br />

plugins. We are ready to deploy to are call center but are wondering when the client<br />

admin plugin is due<br />

[12:52 PM] wroot: we should travel to the past<br />

[12:52 PM] David: Guest33: today<br />

[12:52 PM] Todd (mtstravel): so the one on the downloads page works fine with the<br />

3.5.1 version of OF

[12:52 PM] David: wroot: if by "the past" you mean "the sparkweb space on ignite",<br />

then yes ;)<br />

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[12:52 PM] WinSrev (admin@hce.sytes.net/spark) has left the room<br />

[12:52 PM] Armando (armando.jagucki@jivesoftware.com/Psi) has left the room<br />

[12:52 PM] Daniel (daniel.henninger@jivesoftware.com/spark) has left the room<br />

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