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International BIBLIOGRAPHY Heiberg, T., 2001, ‘Commodities in stigma and shame: An international overview of Save the Children’s work against child sexual abuse and exploitation’, Kathmandu, Save the Children. International Federation of Terre des hommes (Dottridge, M.), 2004, ‘Kids as commodities?: Child trafficking and what to do about it’, Lausanne, Terre des Hommes. International Labour Organization, 2006, ‘Violence against children in places of work’, Geneva, ILO. International Save the Children Alliance, 2005, ‘10 essential learning points: Listen and speak out against sexual abuse of girls and boys’ (global submission to the UN Study on Violence against Children), Oslo, International Save the Children Alliance. International Save the Children Alliance, 2005, ‘Children’s actions to end violence against girls and boys’, Kathmandu, International Save the Children Alliance. Murray, S.O. and Roscoe, W. (eds.), 1997, Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, history and literature, New York, New York University Press. Naz Foundation International, journals of various dates, Pukaar, London, Naz Foundation International. Nyman, A. and Svensson, B., 1995, ‘Boys: Sexual abuse and treatment,’ Värnamo, Sweden, Save the Children Sweden. O’Connell Davidson, J., 2001, ‘The sex exploiter’, Second World Congress against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Yokohama, Japan. Oak Foundation (S. Asquith and E. Turner), 2008, ‘Recovery and reintegration of children from the effects of sexual exploitation and related trafficking’, Geneva, Oak Foundation. Save the Children Sweden, 2007, ‘Boys for change: Moving towards gender equality’, Stockholm, Save the Children Sweden. United Nations General Assembly (Pinheiro, P.S.), 2006, ‘Report of the independent expert for the United Nations study on violence against children’, New York, United Nations. United Nations General Assembly (Pinheiro, P.S.), 2006, ‘World report on violence against children’, Geneva, United Nations. World Health Organization (Krug, E.G. et al.), 2002, ‘World report on violence and health’, Geneva, World Health Organization. South Asia Asian Development Bank (E. McGill), 2002, ‘Combatting trafficking of women and children in South Asia: Supplemental study on legal frameworks relevant to human trafficking in South Asia’. Asian Development Bank, 2003, ‘Combatting trafficking of women and children in South Asia: Regional synthesis paper for Bangladesh, India, and Nepal’, Kathmandu, ADB. 156

Boyden, J. and de Berry, J. et al., 2002, ‘Children affected by armed conflict in South Asia: A review of trends and issues identified through secondary research’, Oxford, U.K., University of Oxford, Refugee Studies Centre. Child Helpline International, 2007, ‘Connecting to children: A compilation of child helpline 2006 data’, Amsterdam, CHI. ECPAT International, 2003, ‘A situational analysis of child sex tourism in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka’, Bangkok, ECPAT International. Frederick, J. (ed.), 2000, ‘Fallen Angels: The sex workers of South Asia’, Delhi, Roli Books. Frederick, J. and Terre des hommes (Lausanne), 2005, ‘Preliminary findings: A study of trafficked Nepalese girls and women in Mumbai and Kolkata, India’, Kathmandu, Tdh Lausanne. Groupe Developpement, 2006, ‘Survival strategies: A study of children living on streets and railway platforms of West Bengal and Bangladesh’, Kolkata, Groupe Developpement. International Labour Organization (R. Coomaraswamy and A. Satkunanathan), .2006, ‘Antichild trafficking legislation in Asia: A six-country review (Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia)’, Bangkok, ILO. International Save the Children Alliance, 2004, ‘Child sexual abuse in South Asia: A discussion paper’ (regional review submitted to the UN Violence against Women study.) Kathmandu, International Save the Children Alliance. International Save the Children Alliance, 2005, ‘Voices of girls and boys to end violence against children in South and Central Asia: In perspective of the UN study on violence against children’, Kathmandu, International Save the Children Alliance. Kapur, R., 2005, ‘Conceptual and legal approaches to trafficking in South Asia, with a focus on India, Bangladesh and Nepal’ (summary of report prepared for UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre). Kathmandu School of Law, Terre des hommes (Lausanne), European Commission and SALS Forum, 2007, ‘Regional study for the harmonisation of anti-trafficking legal framework in Bangladesh, India and Nepal with international standards’, Kathmandu, KSL. Sanghera, J., 2000, ‘Trafficking of women and children in South Asia: Taking stock and moving ahead, a review of anti-trafficking initiatives in Nepal, Bangladesh and India’, Kathmandu, UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia and Save the Children Alliance South and Central Asia. Sangroula, Y. and Centre for Legal Research and Resource Development, 2001, ‘Trafficking of girls and women in Nepal: Building a community surveillance system for prevention’, Kathmandu, Centre for Legal Research and Resource Development. Save the Children Sweden-Denmark (Karlsson, L., and Karkara, R.), 2003, ‘Working with boys and men to end gender discrimination and sexual abuse of girls and boys: Discussion paper’, Kathmandu, Save the Children Sweden-Denmark Regional Office for South and Central Asia. 157

International<br />


Heiberg, T., 2001, ‘Commodities in stigma and shame: An international overview of Save the<br />

Children’s work against child sexual abuse and exploitation’, Kathmandu, Save the<br />

Children.<br />

International Federation of Terre des hommes (Dottridge, M.), 2004, ‘Kids as commodities?:<br />

Child trafficking and what to do about it’, Lausanne, Terre des Hommes.<br />

International Labour Organization, 2006, ‘Violence against children in places of work’,<br />

Geneva, ILO.<br />

International Save the Children Alliance, 2005, ‘10 essential learning points: Listen and speak<br />

out against sexual abuse of girls and boys’ (global submission to the UN Study on<br />

Violence against Children), Oslo, International Save the Children Alliance.<br />

International Save the Children Alliance, 2005, ‘Children’s actions to end violence against<br />

girls and boys’, Kathmandu, International Save the Children Alliance.<br />

Murray, S.O. and Roscoe, W. (eds.), 1997, Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, history and<br />

literature, New York, New York University Press.<br />

Naz Foundation International, journals of various dates, Pukaar, London, Naz Foundation<br />

International.<br />

Nyman, A. and Svensson, B., 1995, ‘Boys: Sexual abuse and treatment,’ Värnamo, Sweden,<br />

Save the Children Sweden.<br />

O’Connell Davidson, J., 2001, ‘The sex exploiter’, Second World Congress against the<br />

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Yokohama, Japan.<br />

Oak Foundation (S. Asquith and E. Turner), 2008, ‘Recovery and reintegration of children<br />

from the effects of sexual exploitation and related trafficking’, Geneva, Oak<br />

Foundation.<br />

Save the Children Sweden, 2007, ‘Boys for change: Moving towards gender equality’,<br />

Stockholm, Save the Children Sweden.<br />

United Nations General Assembly (Pinheiro, P.S.), 2006, ‘Report of the independent expert<br />

for the United Nations study on violence against children’, New York, United<br />

Nations.<br />

United Nations General Assembly (Pinheiro, P.S.), 2006, ‘World report on violence against<br />

children’, Geneva, United Nations.<br />

World Health Organization (Krug, E.G. et al.), 2002, ‘World report on violence and health’,<br />

Geneva, World Health Organization.<br />

South Asia<br />

Asian Development Bank (E. McGill), 2002, ‘Combatting trafficking of women and children<br />

in South Asia: Supplemental study on legal frameworks relevant to human trafficking in<br />

South Asia’.<br />

Asian Development Bank, 2003, ‘Combatting trafficking of women and children in South<br />

Asia: Regional synthesis paper for Bangladesh, India, and Nepal’, Kathmandu, ADB.<br />


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