Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats


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39<br />

In keeping with the humanitarian spirit of America and this legislative<br />

body, we must, we should be the global leaders in recognizing<br />

and condemning all genocides past and present. Why is this<br />

important now Because denying genocide sets a dangerous precedent<br />

that makes future genocides more likely. As such, I support<br />

the Armenian Genocide Resolution.<br />

The Armenian Genocide must not be put on the backburner of<br />

history for fear of acknowledging the truth or offending our ally<br />

Turkey. This resolution simply once and for all seeks to characterize<br />

the deliberate extermination of 1.5 million Armenians as<br />

genocide. For the sake of commemorating every instance of genocide<br />

so as to prevent its recurrence, let us adopt this resolution<br />

today and urge its final passage on the floor. Thank you, Mr.<br />

Chairman. I yield back the balance of my time.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. Gentleman yields back. The gentleman from<br />

Missouri, the chair of the International Organizations, Human<br />

Rights and Oversight Subcommittee, Mr. Carnahan, seeks recognition<br />

Mr. CARNAHAN. I move to strike the last word.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes.<br />

Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Chairman, and all those here today, there is<br />

a great respect for this debate and the strong feelings on all sides.<br />

But today this committee has convened to consider H. Res. 252, a<br />

nonbinding resolution calling on the President to ensure that the<br />

foreign policy of the United States reflects understanding and sensitivity<br />

concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic cleansing,<br />

and genocide related to the Armenian Genocide.<br />

As we prepare to make this important decision, it is equally important<br />

to recall that United States foreign policy has very long reflected<br />

these sensitivities. The historic facts are undeniable, and we<br />

share and will continue to share with the Armenian people, and all<br />

people, the solemn remembrance of the terrible atrocities of 1915.<br />

In 1999, President Clinton urged Americans to learn from the past<br />

while looking to the future and ‘‘recommit themselves to building<br />

a world where such events never occur again.’’<br />

In 2008, President Obama also acknowledged the importance of<br />

addressing the past while working for the future. President Obama<br />

affirmed, ‘‘It is really about how the Turkish and Armenian people<br />

deal with the past, and the best way forward for the Turkish and<br />

Armenian people is a process, a process that works through the<br />

past in a way that is honest, open and constructive.’’ Accordingly,<br />

it is important that the United States support the efforts that have<br />

been already initiated to open a process of discussion based on mutual<br />

respect and sensitivity, aimed at reaching a bilateral consensus<br />

on the historical atrocities committed in the final years of<br />

the Ottoman Empire.<br />

This process will have to be serious, sober, and deeply reflective<br />

for both the Armenian and Turkish people working together for a<br />

strong future. Last year we saw brave historic steps taken by both<br />

sides to improve bilateral relations and usher in a new era of<br />

peaceful coexistence and mutual prosperity. The United States has<br />

supported these normalization efforts and I believe we must continue<br />

to do so, especially within the context of the struggles we still<br />

face combating terrorism, securing peace in the Middle East, as<br />

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