Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats


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35<br />

Ms. WOOLSEY. I would just like to say, I referred to the fact that<br />

this was when Secretary Clinton was a Senator. That was then and<br />

this is now. She was also representing the people of her state, and<br />

as I represent the people of my district, and now she has, you<br />

know, risen to higher status, strata.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. And is now opposed to this resolution.<br />

Ms. WOOLSEY. But I am only saying she supported it when she<br />

was a Senator, supporting those in her state. And I do yield back.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The gentlelady has yielded back the balance<br />

of her time. And the gentleman from Texas, Judge Poe, moves to<br />

strike the last word<br />

Mr. POE. I move to strike the——<br />

Chairman BERMAN. Recognized for 5 minutes.<br />

Mr. POE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. This is an interesting debate<br />

we are having today. Some say it is a hard decision. Hard decisions<br />

are what we are supposed to do. My background I made<br />

hard decisions for 22 years. I look at this several ways. Armenians<br />

say one thing, and they are very passionate about it, and good for<br />

them. But the Turks say something different. You know, to the<br />

Turks the Armenians don’t come to the table with necessarily clean<br />

hands. So there is the dispute between the two groups of people<br />

about something in our past or in the past.<br />

Resolutions haven’t changed anything. Nations have, 20 nations<br />

have adopted resolutions, and we are still talking about resolutions.<br />

Why would another resolution make a difference on this<br />

issue I don’t know that it would. So maybe we have to think of<br />

it and approach it from a different point of view. There are talks<br />

going on with Armenians and Turks, NGOs are talking, protocols<br />

are being developed on talking this through and solving the problem.<br />

I believe that an ultimate decision must be solved by these<br />

two peoples, and it will be.<br />

So what is the United States’ position, should we take sides so<br />

to speak Well maybe we should take the third side, which is the<br />

American side. What is in the best interest of the United States<br />

Is it in the best interest of Americans to sign this resolution or<br />

adopt this resolution I think not. And the reason being because of<br />

the situation we have with our own military, with our troops that<br />

are in harm’s way, as my friend from Texas, Mr. McCaul, has<br />

pointed out, and also that there are talks that are going on.<br />

I personally think that if we adopt the resolution, these negotiations,<br />

these talks between the Turks and the Armenians, that will<br />

not be encouraged by our resolution, in fact it may harm those<br />

talks, because I firmly believe this must be and will be resolved by<br />

these two groups of people who both are very strongly positioned<br />

to resolve this conflict once and for all. So I think it is in our best<br />

interest as a nation to not adopt this resolution, and I will vote no<br />

on the resolution. And I will yield back the remainder of my time.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The gentleman has yielded back the remainder<br />

of his time. And does the gentleman from Georgia seek recognition<br />

Mr. SCOTT. No.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. Does the gentleman from California seek recognition<br />

Mr. COSTA. Yes.<br />

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