Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats


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34<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The time of the gentleman has been yielded<br />

back. The gentlelady from California, Ms. Woolsey, moves to strike<br />

the last word. The gentlelady is recognized for 5 minutes.<br />

Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I move to strike the last word. Mr.<br />

Chairman, I am sorry. Mr. Chairman, thank you for the time. I am<br />

proud to be a co-sponsor of this legislation and I urge my colleagues<br />

to support it now. There will never be a perfect time, that<br />

is clear. I have been here 18 years and I have been waiting to be<br />

able to vote on this and on the floor particularly. All too often the<br />

world has stood by while genocide rages. We saw it happen<br />

throughout Europe during World War II, and we saw it in Rwanda<br />

and Bosnia during the 1990s.<br />

We cannot undo the atrocities of the past, but we can acknowledge<br />

the actions and we can give the victims and their families<br />

their rightful place in history. While they were in Congress, President<br />

Obama as a Senator, Vice President Biden as a Senator, and<br />

Secretary of State Clinton as a Senator, urged Congress to adopt<br />

the Armenian Genocide Resolution. Both President Bill Clinton and<br />

President George W. Bush recognized the horrific acts that lead to<br />

the deportation of nearly 2 million Armenians, of whom 1.5 million<br />

men, women, and children were killed. Five hundred thousand survivors<br />

were expelled from their homes, and it succeeded in the<br />

elimination of the over 2,500-year presence of Armenians in their<br />

historic homeland.<br />

These events cannot be categorized as anything other than genocide.<br />

To deny that would be to deny the lives of those who perished.<br />

Ours will not be a lone voice. Today we will join with 42 States of<br />

the United States, 11 NATO allies, and the European Parliament<br />

if we vote for this resolution. And those who say it is not the right<br />

time, I will repeat it again, that this will upset international alliances,<br />

I have this to ask you. If not now, when<br />

When will the victims and their families get their day of recognition,<br />

when will it be convenient When will it not be an excuse to<br />

not go forward with friendship between Turkey and Armenia because<br />

they want to have genocide proclaimed so they can go forward<br />

I urge my colleagues to take a stand against genocide, to<br />

stand up for human rights, to stand up for justice, vote in favor of<br />

this resolution, and encourage our leadership to bring it up for a<br />

vote on the floor. I yield back.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. If the gentlelady would yield<br />

Ms. WOOLSEY. Yes.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Thank you. Just because you started it we<br />

have to continue, or let us not do that. I would like to make sure<br />

that our colleagues understand that was then, this is now. Senator<br />

Clinton might have given that response as a Senator from New<br />

York, but when Secretary Clinton appeared before us last week in<br />

a response to Congressman Boozman’s questions, and I quote,<br />

‘‘Well, Congressman, on Turkey Armenia relations, it is our position<br />

that the normalization process that Turkey and Armenia have<br />

undertaken carries important benefits for both sides and it should<br />

take place without preconditions and within a reasonable time<br />

frame.’’<br />

Ms. WOOLSEY. Well, if the gentlelady would yield back<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Yes, it is your time.<br />

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