Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats


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22<br />

ple for 400 years in this country where 6 million died in the passage<br />

coming from Africa to the Western Hemisphere and we have<br />

acknowledged and have made apologies and have attempted to<br />

right wrongs.<br />

I think that it is only fitting and proper that we here in the<br />

United States Congress should acknowledge. I know that Turkey is<br />

a very strong ally. There is no question about it, but South Africa<br />

was an ally of the United States too and we looked the other way<br />

for a long time as apartheid went on because they were anti Communist.<br />

We have to I think right the wrong, and with that, Mr. Chairman,<br />

I yield back the balance of my time. I certainly support the<br />

resolution.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The time of the gentleman has expired. The<br />

gentleman from California, Mr. Royce, for what purpose do you<br />

seek recognition<br />

Mr. ROYCE. To strike the last word, Mr. Chairman.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes.<br />

Mr. ROYCE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am a co-sponsor of this<br />

resolution, and I have worked on this issue since I was in the state<br />

senate in California where I authored a resolution recognizing the<br />

Armenian Genocide, the first of any such state. My resolution<br />

passed in California a generation ago. Now it is time for Congress<br />

to act.<br />

When I was young, I knew a survivor. He was the sole survivor<br />

from his village, and he himself would have been slaughtered had<br />

not a Turkish neighbor hid him when he was a child. This resolution<br />

focuses singularly on the United States’ record of the Armenian<br />

Genocide. As the text indicates, our national archives is filled<br />

with thousands of pages documenting the premeditated extermination<br />

of the Armenian people.<br />

Our own Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau,<br />

recalled in his memoirs, and he was an eyewitness to history,<br />

so this is our Ambassador. He says that the Ottomans never had<br />

the slightest idea of reestablishing the Armenians in a new country,<br />

he said, knowing that the great majority of those would either<br />

in his words die of thirst and starvation or be murdered by the<br />

wild Mohammedin desert tribes. Again to use his words as an eyewitness<br />

to history, he said it was a campaign of race extermination<br />

of the Armenian people.<br />

The United States has been a global leader in promoting human<br />

rights around the world. On the issue of the Armenian Genocide,<br />

however, we lag behind. The French, Swiss, Swedish, Russians,<br />

Germans, those governments recognize the Armenian Genocide. As<br />

a global leader in human rights, it is imperative for the United<br />

States to stand on principle and recognize the annihilation of the<br />

Armenians as genocide.<br />

This resolution does not reference the Government of Turkey. It<br />

references the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish Government was not<br />

involved in this. The Ottoman Empire was. It is important that<br />

this committee doesn’t lose sight of truth versus propaganda, right<br />

versus wrong.<br />

While the Armenian Genocide was the first of the twentieth century,<br />

the blind eye cast to the slaughter of Armenians was a point,<br />

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