Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats


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20<br />

need to be aware of that and we need to condemn it, but at the<br />

same time we have to look at things as they are today.<br />

Now, right now we have troops in Afghanistan who are fighting<br />

on the border in Pakistan. We have troops in Iraq, which is right<br />

next to Turkey, and at Incirlik we have a base and that base is in<br />

Turkey and that is an ally of ours in the NATO alignment. Now,<br />

this isn’t going to help the understanding between the United<br />

States and Turkey.<br />

As a matter of fact, the last time we went into this I think the<br />

Turkish Ambassador went home for some time, and if we pass this<br />

resolution I think it is going to jeopardize the relations we have<br />

with Turkey. I don’t think with our troops in the field and knowing<br />

that we may have to take some kind of military action down the<br />

road against maybe even Iran, we need to have as many friends<br />

in that part of the world as possible, and Turkey has been a friend.<br />

There is no question horrible things happened, and I see these<br />

ladies and these gentlemen that are out here who suffered during<br />

that time period and I have read in the historical documents about<br />

people who suffered on the Turkish side as well. There is no question<br />

that these things happened, but the question is, is it the right<br />

thing today to pass this kind of resolution What good is it going<br />

to do I don’t see that it is going to help anything.<br />

Now, the two countries in question are trying to negotiate a settlement<br />

to bring in international experts to look at all the historical<br />

facts and come up with some kind of a conclusion. It seems to me<br />

that is the best way to let this thing be solved, but for us today<br />

to ram this thing through and jeopardize our relationship with Turkey<br />

at a time when our troops are in the field and we are in war<br />

makes no sense to me.<br />

I want to say one more time we have sympathy for the people<br />

that suffered during that time. We understand tragedies occur. We<br />

understand horrible atrocities occurred. There is no question about<br />

that. But we are in the twenty-first century. We have troops in the<br />

field, and we run the risk of losing a base of operation——<br />

Mr. ACKERMAN. Would the gentleman yield<br />

Mr. BURTON. I cannot yield. I am almost out of time. But we run<br />

the risk of losing a base of operation in Turkey that I think is vital<br />

to the security of the Middle East and the United States, and I<br />

think it is also vital to Israel’s security as well and so I feel very<br />

strongly about this.<br />

Mr. Ackerman, you and I work together and we are very close,<br />

but we just have a little disagreement on this.<br />

Mr. ACKERMAN. Would the gentleman yield for his final 2 seconds<br />

Mr. BURTON. I am out of time, but I would have yielded had I<br />

had the time.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The time of the gentleman has expired. I ask<br />

unanimous consent that the ranking member be allowed to speak<br />

out of order in order to clarify a statement that she seeks to clarify.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Thank you so much, Mr. Chairman. I just<br />

want to rectify my opening statement. I had said that the administration<br />

in a rather forceful way had not taken any decision on this<br />

resolution, and I have just been handed an AP wire. I will just read<br />

the first sentence: ‘‘The administration is urging a U.S. congres-<br />

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