Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats


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tried to create have not been established, and actually it is my belief<br />

that there is no imminent likelihood that those protocols will<br />

be ratified any time in the near future.<br />

My basis for saying that is that the Turkish Prime Minister,<br />

Prime Minister Erdogan, has said that essentially these protocols<br />

will not be put into effect until the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is resolved.<br />

Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. I thank the gentleman. I yield back the balance<br />

of my time.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. Who seeks recognition The gentleman from<br />

Indiana, the ranking member of the Middle East and South Asia<br />

Subcommittee. For what purpose do you seek recognition<br />

Mr. BURTON. I ask to strike the last word, Mr. Chairman.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes.<br />

Mr. BURTON. My colleague, the chairman of the Middle East Subcommittee,<br />

said history must be righted, and I totally agree with<br />

that. There were horrible things that happened during this time<br />

period on both sides. I have debated this issue in committee and<br />

on the floor for many, many years, and I say to the Armenians and<br />

the Turks who suffered during this time period we feel the pain<br />

that they went through in that time period. We can’t really feel the<br />

pain, but we understand what went on.<br />

What I would like to do is read a little bit about these protocols<br />

because I think it is very, very important. The Turkish <strong>Foreign</strong><br />

Minister and the Armenian <strong>Foreign</strong> Minister signed two protocols<br />

on the establishment of diplomatic relations announcing their mutual<br />

desire to establish good, neighborly relations and to develop bilateral<br />

cooperation in the political, economic, cultural and other<br />

fields for the benefits of their peoples.<br />

These protocols would also reopen the border, as the chairman<br />

just said, but he says he doesn’t think that is going to happen. The<br />

protocols also affirmed the commitment of both countries to condemn<br />

all forms of terrorism, violence and extremism irrespective of<br />

their cause.<br />

These protocols committed Turkey and Armenia to create an<br />

intergovernmental commission within 2 months of the entry into<br />

force of such protocols and within 1 month of the establishment of<br />

such commission to create a subcommission to implement a dialogue<br />

on the historical dimension with the aim to restore mutual<br />

competence between the two nations, including an impartial and<br />

scientific examination of the historical records and archives to define<br />

existing problems and formulate recommendations.<br />

The historic commission structure specifically allowed for the<br />

participation of international experts from third parties. This is a<br />

fragile process that deserves protection as the protocols now rest<br />

with the Armenian and Turkish Parliaments for ratification.<br />

I think that what we are doing today if we pass this jeopardizes<br />

that negotiation between the Armenians and the Turks, and it certainly<br />

is not going to help our relationship with the Turks as well.<br />

We all abhor the horrible tragedies of war and the things that happen<br />

on both sides. We get criticized for Hiroshima and Nagasaki<br />

and fire burning Dresdan, Germany, and Berlin during the Second<br />

World War. There is no question horrible things happened and we<br />

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