Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats


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18<br />

Again I thank you, Mr. Chairman, for bringing this resolution to<br />

the committee.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The gentleman yields back the balance of his<br />

time. Who wishes to seek recognition The gentleman from American<br />

Samoa, chairman of the Asia, the Pacific and the Global Environment<br />

Subcommittee, Mr. Eni Faleomavaega——<br />

Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the last<br />

word.<br />

Chairman BERMAN [continuing]. Is recognized for 5 minutes.<br />

Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Chairman, this is certainly an important<br />

but a sobering occasion for this committee to consider this proposed<br />

resolution. This is not the first time that this resolution has<br />

been brought before the committee and before the Congress for this<br />

institution to determine if there was a genocide committed against<br />

some 2 million Armenians in the years past. It might even be said<br />

that there is still a debate among historians about the validity of<br />

the claim and what has been made.<br />

I recall, Mr. Chairman, a couple years ago that my subcommittee<br />

chaired also a similar type resolution where whether or not some<br />

200,000 Asian women were forced into prostitution systematically<br />

by the Empire Army of the Japanese during World War II, most<br />

of them Koreans, and we even had two Korean women and one<br />

from Australia to personally testify to the atrocities and abuses<br />

that they received when they were under that kind of a situation<br />

under the Japanese Army. In that resolution I recall we wanted<br />

the Japanese Government to apologize for this wrong that was<br />

committed against some 200,000 Asian women during World War<br />

II.<br />

I am terribly torn, Mr. Chairman, by the fact that I have just as<br />

many Turkish-American friends as I have Armenian-American<br />

friends. I am somewhat reminded of King Solomon’s absolute wisdom<br />

when the two mothers appeared before him claiming that they<br />

owned the child. King Solomon said well, why don’t we divide the<br />

baby up and maybe that will take care of the situation. But truly<br />

the mother who really felt so much love for the child pled with<br />

King Solomon and said no, let the other mother. Then knowingly<br />

King Solomon said now I know who the real mother of this child<br />

belongs to.<br />

Mr. Chairman, this is a very important resolution, as has been<br />

said previously by our members. This is not an easy issue, and I<br />

just wanted to ask, Mr. Chairman. My understanding is that there<br />

is currently an ongoing relationship between Armenia and Turkey<br />

and I wanted to ask the chairman.<br />

I believe this is one of the issues that they are trying to resolve<br />

in looking into the facts and the history and all of that, and I wanted<br />

to ask the chairman if he has any understanding of that latest<br />

development between Armenia and Turkey.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. Would the gentleman yield to me<br />

Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. I gladly yield.<br />

Chairman BERMAN. The gentleman is correct. There are protocols<br />

between Armenia and Turkey that, in fact, our Secretary of State<br />

is very involved in the diplomatic process that has been entered<br />

into. Neither Parliament has ratified those protocols and so currently<br />

the corridor is still blockaded. The terms that that protocol<br />

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