Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats

Transcript [PDF] - House Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats


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12<br />

Chairman BERMAN. In a moment I will yield myself 5 minutes<br />

to make an opening statement on the resolution and 5 minutes to<br />

the ranking member to provide her views. Other members who<br />

wish to make general statements may do so by asking to strike the<br />

last word.<br />

Without objection, I may recess the committee from time to time.<br />

In addition, I may exercise the chair’s prerogative under Rule 4 of<br />

the committee rules to postpone votes for the convenience of members.<br />

I will give members as much notice as I can on when such<br />

postponed votes will occur.<br />

Before we begin the discussion today I would like to recognize<br />

some special guests who are with us today. First we are joined by<br />

three survivors of the Armenian Genocide: Onorik Eminian, who is<br />

97 years old from Flushing, New York, Mr. Ackerman’s congressional<br />

district; Charlotte Kechejian, 98 years old, also from Flushing;<br />

and from Chevy Chase, Maryland, at the age of 105 years,<br />

Yeretzgeen Sirarpi Khayan. We are honored and humbled by your<br />

presence.<br />

We also are joined by three distinguished members of the Armenian<br />

Parliament and eight distinguished members of the Turkish<br />

Parliament, including the chairman of the <strong>Foreign</strong> <strong>Affairs</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>,<br />

the Honorable Murat Mercan, and the Turkish Ambassador<br />

to the United States, His Excellency Namik Tan.<br />

Finally, I want to make it clear that only members of the committee<br />

will be recognized to participate in the debate. We are not<br />

going to have members of the audience making statements or answering<br />

questions or participating in any other way, and I now recognize<br />

myself for 5 minutes to make an opening statement.<br />

Turkey is a vital and, in most respects, a loyal ally to the United<br />

States in a volatile region. We have also been a loyal ally to Turkey<br />

and should continue to be so. Be that as it may, nothing justifies<br />

Turkey’s turning a blind eye to the reality of the Armenian Genocide.<br />

It is regrettable, for example, that Turkey’s Nobel Prize-winning<br />

novelist, Orhan Pamuk, was essentially hounded out of his<br />

native country for speaking out on this subject.<br />

Now, I don’t pretend to be a professional historian. I haven’t<br />

scoured the archives in Istanbul looking for original documents, but<br />

the vast majority of experts—the vast majority—academics, authorities<br />

in international law, and others who have looked at this<br />

issue for years agree that the tragic massacres of the Armenians<br />

constitute genocide.<br />

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