Download Planning to Print Handbook (PDF) - D'Youville College

Download Planning to Print Handbook (PDF) - D'Youville College

Download Planning to Print Handbook (PDF) - D'Youville College


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D’Youville <strong>College</strong><br />

Office of Communications<br />

<strong>Planning</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Print</strong>

Cooperation<br />

This planning guide has been prepared by the<br />

communications office in order <strong>to</strong> help all departments<br />

plan upcoming printing jobs with a minimum amount of<br />

hassle. Please refer <strong>to</strong> it <strong>to</strong> gain a better understanding<br />

of both the communications office functions and the<br />

publishing process.<br />

Remember that when the communications office sets a<br />

deadline for materials, it is with good reason (i.e. workload,<br />

paper availability, length of time <strong>to</strong> produce a piece).<br />

Overall, the prime concern is that each department is<br />

pleased with its printed piece and that jobs are delivered<br />

on time.<br />

Purpose<br />

The dual purpose of the communications office is <strong>to</strong> help<br />

departments produce quality print items that follow a<br />

consistent campus format and serve as a clearinghouse for<br />

all campus printing activities. This guide was composed<br />

<strong>to</strong> clarify the communications office policies in relation <strong>to</strong><br />

planning, writing, editing, designing, printing and delivery<br />

of requested materials. It should be referred <strong>to</strong> when<br />

preparing copy or designing any publication.<br />

The communications office is located on the second floor<br />

of 631 Niagara Street, Rooms 203-204. It is a two-person<br />

office consisting of Cher Ravenell, publications supervisor<br />

and Eleana Greco, publications specialist. The office can be<br />

reached by phone at, Cher, 829.7814 or Eleana, 829.7813 or<br />

by e-mail, communications@dyc.edu.<br />

Please contact the office for assistance with any<br />

publication questions from the planning <strong>to</strong> the printing<br />

stage. Please keep in mind that the communications office<br />

has <strong>to</strong> review and okay all publications before they will be<br />

allowed <strong>to</strong> be printed.

Responsibilities<br />

The communications office is responsible for, but not limited<br />

<strong>to</strong>, creating and printing the following:<br />

• Undergraduate and graduate catalogs<br />

• General admissions brochures, mailers and<br />

recruitment materials<br />

• Alumni and loyalty fund brochures, mailers and<br />

special event materials<br />

• Travelbook<br />

• D’Youville <strong>College</strong> print advertisements<br />

• Departmental and degree-program brochures<br />

• Campus direc<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

• Invitation and programs for all special events (dinners,<br />

commencement, Honors Convocation, etc.)<br />

• Department posters and flyers<br />

• Award certificates<br />

• Promotional literature<br />

• Academic citations<br />

• Honorary degrees<br />

• Convocation and commencement scripts<br />

• Business cards<br />

• NCR forms<br />

• Promotional Items<br />

The communications office is NOT responsible for the<br />

following:<br />

• Typing blocks or pages of text “from scratch”<br />

• Forms<br />

• Form letters<br />

• Examinations<br />

• Classroom handouts<br />

• Minutes of meetings<br />

• Proposals<br />

• Departmental memoranda<br />

• Student-based flyers, newsletters, etc. (Since creating<br />

publications is part of the students’ learning process,<br />

the communications office will only provide advice as<br />


<strong>Planning</strong> Stage<br />

When a department decides <strong>to</strong> create a publication, please<br />

contact the communications office BEFORE committing any time<br />

<strong>to</strong> the piece. Office personnel will help set a reasonable budget<br />

and timetable and discuss writing style, layout and design. Please<br />

be aware that the office uses MAC-based computers and software<br />

(standard in the print industry). This makes it unnecessary for<br />

originating offices <strong>to</strong> format anything ahead of time, since most<br />

formatting is lost or garbled in the PC <strong>to</strong> MAC conversion.<br />

If an office has a specific idea in mind, please voice it <strong>to</strong> the<br />

communications office beforehand. Please bring existing samples<br />

if they are available and the communications office will do its best<br />

<strong>to</strong> recreate a publication.<br />

Publications Timetable<br />

The one-person communications office handles the majority of<br />

D’Youville’s published materials. Therefore, it is a very busy office.<br />

Please plan ahead. Ample time should be allowed <strong>to</strong> determine<br />

printing specifications, create typesetting, check paper availability<br />

and obtain necessary printer bids.<br />

Keep in mind that holiday seasons and vacation times affect<br />

printing schedules, so it is better <strong>to</strong> schedule a project far enough<br />

in advance <strong>to</strong> avoid printing delays. Regardless of size and<br />

quantity, planning ahead makes it easier for the printer and allows<br />

more time <strong>to</strong> be dedicated <strong>to</strong> the finished product. The margin of<br />

error increases when a job is handled on a rush basis.<br />

Deadline Schedules<br />

Good writing and design ideas do not always come quickly.<br />

Please allow the communications office ample time <strong>to</strong> create<br />

well-designed publications. It is wise <strong>to</strong> consult the office while<br />

preparing materials so that valuable time can be saved. If there<br />

is a specific deadline <strong>to</strong> be met, please mention it in the planning<br />

stage. Use the following deadlines as a reference for your<br />

publications. Keep in mind that one week is equal <strong>to</strong> five business<br />

days on a printer’s work schedule.


Depending on the availability of artwork, logos and pho<strong>to</strong>s,<br />

advertisements should be scheduled at least one week<br />

before they are <strong>to</strong> be sent <strong>to</strong> a publication (newspaper, etc.).<br />

Newspapers have their own deadlines for receiving cameraready<br />

advertisements. Please schedule accordingly. Please<br />

note that the communications office will only begin creating an<br />

advertisement when ALL of the following is received:<br />

1. Dimensions of the ad (horizontally and vertically) in<br />

ACTUAL INCHES (not column inches)<br />

2. Name of the publication<br />

3. Name and e-mail address of sales representative<br />


Publications such as tri-fold brochures, invitations, programs,<br />

posters and flyers should be scheduled at least one week<br />

before they are sent <strong>to</strong> the printer. Keep in mind<br />

the exact date the publication will be distributed or mailed and<br />

schedule accordingly.<br />


These jobs, including catalogs and multi-page brochures and<br />

manuals, should be scheduled with the communications office<br />

as soon as possible. On average, four weeks or more are needed<br />

<strong>to</strong> create and edit most of these large publications BEFORE<br />

THEY ARE SENT TO THE PRINTER. The office will help create a<br />

reasonable deadline schedule for each publication depending on<br />

various writing, pho<strong>to</strong>graphic, design and printing specifications.<br />

NOTE: It is not the communications office’s<br />

responsibility <strong>to</strong> prompt offices when <strong>to</strong> schedule<br />

publications. Since the office works with all<br />

departments, it is hard <strong>to</strong> keep a running schedule<br />

of EVERYTHING that happens on campus.<br />

RE-RUNS<br />

Please alert the communications office <strong>to</strong> keep a publication on<br />

a computer file if you anticipate using it again in the future. It<br />

is easier and quicker <strong>to</strong> update something rather than create it<br />

“from scratch.”

Writing Stage<br />

In order <strong>to</strong> cut down on the amount of errors in a written piece, the<br />

communications office does not type any long blocks or pages of<br />

text. Please e-mail all copy in single-spaced MS Word format or<br />

as a text file. The communications office is MAC computer based<br />

and many special commands do not translate from PC software.<br />

Because of this, please do not include the following:<br />

• Headers or footers (including footnotes)<br />

• Columns<br />

• Macros<br />

• Enlarging of text<br />

• Colors<br />

• Pho<strong>to</strong>s or graphics<br />

• Boxes or lines<br />

• Italics<br />

• Bolding<br />

• Underlining<br />

• Page numbers<br />

If you have any special instructions for a section of text, please<br />

provide a printed copy through interoffice mail and indicate where<br />

<strong>to</strong> include these features.<br />

Please be aware that the office does not employ a trained<br />

writer but editing can be done if a department needs help with<br />

composing text.<br />

Before you begin <strong>to</strong> write, consider the following:<br />

• Is there a need for this piece<br />

Is there an existing publication that would fill the need<br />

Overlap and duplication of effort are costly.<br />

• Can an existing publication be updated and<br />

revised <strong>to</strong> be more effective<br />

• Does the copy adequately fit the reason of the<br />

publication Who is the audience<br />

Readership will determine the style, language and<br />

content of each piece.

Proofreading & Signoffs<br />

After the originating office has initially proofread any text, the copy<br />

should be e-mailed <strong>to</strong> the communications office <strong>to</strong> be checked<br />

for any errors and <strong>to</strong> be placed in a publication. As part of the<br />

public relations department, the communications office uses the<br />

most current edition of the ASSOCIATED PRESS STYLEBOOK in<br />

order <strong>to</strong> edit all copy of printed material. This book is a standard<br />

reference in the journalism industry and ensures a concise and<br />

consistent writing style. The book is available at any books<strong>to</strong>re for<br />

those who want <strong>to</strong> refer <strong>to</strong> it while in the writing stage of a project.<br />

Once the communications office has finished designing a<br />

publication, a mock-up copy or proof will be sent directly <strong>to</strong> the<br />

origina<strong>to</strong>r with a sign-off sheet attached. The origina<strong>to</strong>r should<br />

then proofread the entire publication for any graphic or typewritten<br />

errors.<br />

If minor errors are found, the origina<strong>to</strong>r should mark them directly<br />

on the mock-up copy. Please do not send minor changes (typos,<br />

punctuation corrections, etc.) by e-mail since the communications<br />

office does not re-format text once it has been placed in a<br />

document. After proofreading is done, please send the updated<br />

mock-up and the sign-off sheet back <strong>to</strong> the communications office.<br />

If minor errors are found, please mark the sign-off sheet with the<br />

words “WITH CORRECTIONS.” If significant errors are found, the<br />

communications office will issue a second proof.<br />

Although proofreading may be the most important part of<br />

producing a piece, it often slows down the printing process.<br />

Generally, each department will be given ample time <strong>to</strong> proofread<br />

any project and the entire process should not exceed one week.<br />

Changes <strong>to</strong> copy marked “FINAL PROOF” will be made only if<br />

absolutely necessary (i.e. typos).<br />

Remember that it is very costly and time consuming <strong>to</strong> make<br />

any changes <strong>to</strong> a publication once it has been sent <strong>to</strong> the printer.<br />

Revisions also delay printing delivery times. Constant changes tend<br />

<strong>to</strong> make typesetters, graphic designers and printers lose patience.

Design & Artwork<br />

As with any company, a look has been created for D’Youville<br />

<strong>College</strong> and any publication created by the communications<br />

office will conform <strong>to</strong> this look. While many offices would<br />

prefer <strong>to</strong> have a different look <strong>to</strong> their publications and<br />

have them standout from other offices on campus, this<br />

is not allowed. These determinations are preset and very<br />

few changes can be made regarding colors and fonts. The<br />

communications office will assist departments in determining<br />

the appearance of any publication including the following:<br />

• Paper selection<br />

• Format & size<br />

• Style<br />

• Color<br />

• Fonts<br />

• Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy<br />

• Artwork & graphics<br />

Please give the communications office a clear idea of<br />

what you have in mind. If there are certain preferences or<br />

suggestions, please present them before the publication is<br />

completed. If an office wants <strong>to</strong> revise a previously printed<br />

job or create a publication similar <strong>to</strong> another printed piece,<br />

bring samples for estimates.<br />

Keep in mind that creativity does not always come quickly.<br />

Please allow enough time <strong>to</strong> encourage good design.<br />


The communications office uses graphic design software<br />

for MAC computers including InDesign, Pho<strong>to</strong>Shop and<br />

Illustra<strong>to</strong>r. These software packages are standard in the<br />

printing industry. Unfortunately, after the publications are<br />

prepared on a MAC, they cannot be easily manipulated on a<br />

PC whether or not the same software is used. An attempt by<br />

individuals on campus <strong>to</strong> create publications using software<br />

such as Publisher and similar software only creates additional<br />

costs for the college <strong>to</strong> print. The communications office<br />

discourages offices from doing this.

On & Off Campus <strong>Print</strong>ing Costs<br />

The communications office attempts <strong>to</strong> prepare all printready<br />

copy for every job and most jobs are designed<br />

internally. If internal service cannot be provided, alternate<br />

suggestions will be made.<br />

On-Campus<br />

Offices are not charged for internally produced<br />

compositions, designs or finished artwork. Offices pay<br />

only for <strong>to</strong>ner and paper costs. Color copies can be made<br />

internally in the communications office but offices will be<br />

charged per copy. If excessive copies are required, the job<br />

will be sent off-campus for printing.<br />

BUDGET<br />

Please let the communications office know if there is a<br />

specific budget planned for a publication. Try <strong>to</strong> be flexible<br />

enough <strong>to</strong> make some changes in order <strong>to</strong> stay within<br />

budget allocations. Remember that a publication not only<br />

represents an individual program, but D’Youville <strong>College</strong> as<br />

a whole.<br />


The communications office will provide estimates before<br />

any work is done. Please remember that estimates are only<br />

as accurate as the information provided (number of pages,<br />

etc.) and that paper prices do fluctuate from year <strong>to</strong> year.<br />

When job specifications change, so do the prices.<br />


When ordering printed materials, keep in mind how many<br />

copies are necessary for distribution. Generally printers<br />

charge an initial set-up fee as well as a price for the number<br />

of copies. If reprints are needed, another set-up fee will be<br />


Off-Campus Timetables<br />

One of the communications office’s main concerns is that<br />

finished publications arrive on time. If a publication has<br />

any of the following specifications, it will affect how long it<br />

takes <strong>to</strong> print:<br />

• More than one-color ink<br />

• <strong>Print</strong>ing on both sides of the paper<br />

• Folding<br />

• Perforation<br />

• Wafer sealing<br />

• Special bindings<br />

• Cutting of paper<br />

• Large quantity ordered<br />

The communications office can help set a reasonable<br />

timetable for deliveries. Please be flexible, especially with<br />

large orders.<br />

<strong>Print</strong>ing Vendors<br />


The communications office takes pride in the rapport<br />

it has established with various printing vendors in the<br />

Buffalo area. Because of this, the communications office<br />

will act as the official liaison between these vendors. If a<br />

problem arises, please present it <strong>to</strong> the communications<br />

office so that it can resolve the situation. Individual offices<br />

should not contact printers directly. Many times this<br />

causes confusion and pricing may be different due <strong>to</strong> an<br />

inaccurate description of the job <strong>to</strong> be printed.<br />

Although the office keeps abreast of what areas vendors<br />

specialize in, it is also welcome <strong>to</strong> work with any other<br />

vendors if specified. Please let the office know if there is a<br />

particular vendor <strong>to</strong> use for a specific job.

Purchase Orders<br />

It is the individual office’s responsibility <strong>to</strong> prepare a<br />

purchase requisition. Consult the sign-off sheet provided<br />

during the proofreading process for the exact printing<br />

specifications, price and vendor <strong>to</strong> include on the PO. These<br />

specifications MUST be transferred <strong>to</strong> the PO since they<br />

are the only direction a printer has when producing a piece.<br />

When in doubt, call the communications office at 829.7813<br />

or 829.7814. If the job is a re-run of a previous one, the office<br />

can provide an updated cost.<br />

ALL purchase orders for printing jobs must include the<br />

following:<br />

1. Vendor information<br />

2. <strong>Print</strong>ing specifications<br />

3. Quantity<br />

4. Price<br />

5. Signature of the office budget administra<strong>to</strong>r<br />

6. Budget number <strong>to</strong> be charged<br />

After this is done, please send the PO <strong>to</strong> the communications<br />

office for approval. It will then be sent <strong>to</strong> the purchasing<br />

office for final approval and be given a PO number before it<br />

is sent <strong>to</strong> the vendor.<br />

Be advised that no vendor is authorized <strong>to</strong> start or complete<br />

any job without these authorizations. The purchasing office<br />

has the right <strong>to</strong> reject payment on any print job that does<br />

not have an authorized PO.

D’Youville <strong>College</strong> Office of Communications<br />

631 Niagara Street, Buffalo, New York 14201<br />

716.829.7813/ 716.829.7814<br />


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