UON May-Aug 2009 Issue 24 - Asigc

UON May-Aug 2009 Issue 24 - Asigc

UON May-Aug 2009 Issue 24 - Asigc


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<strong>UON</strong> <strong>24</strong><br />

Game 5. Gifford,G - internet_caffe2005<br />

12m + 5s, 22.03.<strong>2009</strong><br />

1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4³ 3.¤c3 f5 4.f3= exf3 5.¤xf3<br />

e6 6.¥f4 ¤a6 [6...¤f6!=] 7.¥c4 ¤f6 8.£e2<br />


8r+lwqkvl-tr(<br />

7zppzp-+-zpp'<br />

6n+-+psn-+&<br />

5+-+-+p+-%<br />

4-+LzP-vL-+$<br />

3+-sN-+N+-#<br />

2PzPP+Q+PzP"<br />

1tR-+-mK-+R!<br />

xabcdefghy<br />

Exerts pressure on the backward pawn 8...£e7<br />

[8...¥d6 9.¤e5²] 9.0–0± h6 Black is behind in<br />

development. [¹9...¤b4!±] 10.¤e5+- ¦g8<br />


8r+l+kvlr+(<br />

7zppzp-wq-zp-'<br />

6n+-+psn-zp&<br />

5+-+-sNp+-%<br />

4-+LzP-vL-+$<br />

3+-sN-+-+-#<br />

2PzPP+Q+PzP"<br />

1tR-+-+RmK-!<br />

xabcdefghy<br />

Black steps out of the knight-fork (Ng6) and<br />

threatens to push g7-g5. Fritz suggests that<br />

Rh7 is better... [10...¦h7 11.¥b5+ ¥d7 12.¤xd7<br />

¤xd7 13.¦ae1+-]<br />

11.¥b5+ [11.¥xa6 keeps an even firmer grip<br />

11...bxa6 12.£f3 ¦b8+- Now after 13. Nc6 Bb7<br />

14. Nxe7 Bxf3 15. Nxg8... and thus the earlier<br />

comment about 10. Rh7.] 11...c6<br />

[¹11...¤d7+-] 12.¤xc6! Demolishes the pawn<br />

shield 12...£d7 [12...bxc6 13.¥bxc6 A double<br />

attack] 13.¤e5 Black must part with his queen.<br />


8r+l+kvlr+(<br />

7zpp+q+-zp-'<br />

6n+-+psn-zp&<br />

5+L+-sNp+-%<br />

4-+-zP-vL-+$<br />

3+-sN-+-+-#<br />

2PzPP+Q+PzP"<br />

1tR-+-+RmK-!<br />

xabcdefghy<br />

13...g5 [13...£xb5 praying for a miracle<br />

14.£xb5+ ¢e7+-] 14.¤xd7 ¥xd7 15.£xe6+ 1–0<br />


8r+-+kvlr+(<br />

7zpp+l+-+-'<br />

6n+-+Qsn-zp&<br />

5+L+-+pzp-%<br />

4-+-zP-vL-+$<br />

3+-sN-+-+-#<br />

2PzPP+-+PzP"<br />

1tR-+-+RmK-!<br />

xabcdefghy<br />

Final Position<br />

<strong>UON</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>May</strong> –<strong>Aug</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Page | 23

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