UON May-Aug 2009 Issue 24 - Asigc

UON May-Aug 2009 Issue 24 - Asigc

UON May-Aug 2009 Issue 24 - Asigc


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<strong>UON</strong> <strong>24</strong><br />

Black prevents expansion on both sides of the board. 11.Nf3 Qe7 12.0–0 Rad8 13.Ng5 Bg6<br />

14.Qc1 Nd7 15.Nf3 Nf6 16.Rd1 Bb6 17.c4 dxc4 18.Qxc4 White has a kind of reversed Open<br />

Sicilain formation. 18...Qd6 19.Ng5 Re7 20.d4 e4 21.Nc3 h4 22.g4 Rde8 23.Rac1 Qd7 <strong>24</strong>.b4<br />

axb4 25.axb4 Na7 26.b5 Nc8 27.Ba3 Nd6 28.Qb3<br />


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An interesting position with Black over protecting the spearhead pawn on e4. 28...Ra8 29.Bc5<br />

Ree8 30.Ra1 Rad8 31.Qb1 Qe7 32.Qb4 Nxg4 33.Bxd6 cxd6 34.Ngxe4 Bxe4 35.Nxe4 Nf6<br />

36.Nc3 Qd7 37.Na4 Bc7 38.b6 Bb8 39.d5<br />


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The poor Black Bishop has been completely squeezed out of the game. 39...g5 40.Rd4 Rc8<br />

41.Nc3 Qf5 42.Ne4 Rc2 43.Rf1 Rec8 44.Nxd6 Bxd6 45.Qxd6 Rc1 46.Rdd1 Rxd1 47.Rxd1 Rc2<br />

48.Rf1 g4 49.hxg4 Nxg4 50.Qd8+ Kg7 51.Qxh4 Rb2 52.Qg3 Qg6 53.d6 Rxb6 54.Rd1 Rb1<br />

55.Bf3 Rxd1+ 56.Bxd1 Nf6 57.Qxg6+ fxg6 58.e4 Kf8 59.e5 Ne4 60.Bc2 Ng5 61.Kg2 Nf7 62.f4<br />

g5 63.Kf3 b5 64.Bb3 b4 65.d7 Nd8 66.fxg5 Ke7 67.g6 1–0<br />

<strong>UON</strong> <strong>24</strong> <strong>May</strong>-<strong>Aug</strong> <strong>2009</strong> Page 13

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