Hardware & software requirements - CTU Online

Hardware & software requirements - CTU Online

Hardware & software requirements - CTU Online


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14. Agreement to Arbitrate: Any disputes, claims, or controvers ies between the parties to this Enro llment Agreement arising out of or<br />

relating to (i) th is Enrollment Agreement; (ii) the Student 's recruitment, enrollment, attendance, or education; (iii) financial aid or<br />

career service assistance by <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong>; (iv) an y claim, no matter how described, pleaded or styled, relating, in any manner, to any<br />

act or omission regarding the Student’s relationship with the University, its employees, or with externship sites or their employees; or<br />

(v) any objection to arbitrability or the existence, scope, validity, construction, or enforceability of this Arbitration Agreement shall be<br />

resolved pursuant to this paragraph (the “Arbitration Agreement”). For purposes of this Section, the term “<strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong>” includes the<br />

School, its officers, directors and employees, and its affiliates, subsidiaries and parents, and any officers, directors, and employees of<br />

such entities. This Arbitration Agreement will not apply to claims by either party against the other for relief of $5,000 or less, or any<br />

claim that could be brought in a small claims court or other court of competent jurisdiction for claims not exceeding $5,000. Choice of<br />

Arbitration Provider and Arbitration Rules - Unless the part ies agree to an alternative, the arbitration shall b e administered by the<br />

American Arbitration Asso ciation ("AAA"). The arbitration shall be before a single arbitrator. The AAA' s Commercial Arbitration<br />

Rules, and applicable supplementary rules and procedures of the AAA, in effect at the time the arbitration is brought, shall be applied.<br />

Copies of the A AA’s Rules m ay be o btained fr om the <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> Ch ancellor’s office. Location of arbitratio n – All in-perso n<br />

hearings and conferences in the arbitration shall take place in a locale near Student, so long as that location is in the continental United<br />

States or unless the Student and University agree otherwise. In t he event the Student is not loca ted in the cont inental Unites States,<br />

such in-person hearings and conferences requested by the Student in the arbitration shall take place in a lo cale near the University’s<br />

Illinois offices, unless the Student and Univ ersity agree otherwise, or the arbitrator directs a diff erent locale based upon th e location<br />

and convenience of the necessar y witnesses. Language - The language of th e arbitration shall be in English. A ny party desiring or<br />

requiring a different language shall bear the expense of an interpreter. Choice of Law - The arbitrator shall apply federal law to the<br />

fullest extent possible, and the substantive and p rocedural provisions of the Fed eral Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C . §§1-16) shall g overn<br />

this Arbitration Agreement and an y and all issues relating to the enforcement of the Arbitration Agreement and the arbitrability of<br />

claims between the part ies. Costs, fees, and expenses of arbitra tion - Each party shall bear th e expense of its own counsel, exp erts,<br />

witnesses, and preparation and p resentation of proofs. All fees and expenses of the ar bitrator and administrative fees and expenses of<br />

the arbitration shall be paid b y the parties as provided b y the AAA’s Co mmercial Arbitration Rules, including the Supplementar y<br />

Procedures for Consumer-Related Disputes, to the extent app licable, unless otherwise provided by the rules of the AAA governin g<br />

the proceeding, or by specific ru ling by the arbitrator, or by agreement of the par ties. Information about th e arbitration process also<br />

can be obtained from: AAA at www.adr.org. or 1-800-778-7879. Relief and r emedies - The arbitrator shall h ave the authority to<br />

award monetary damages and may grant any non-monetary remedy or r elief available by applicable law and ru les of the arbitr ation<br />

forum governing the proceeding and within the scope of this Enrollment Agreement. The arbitrator will have no authority to alter any<br />

grade given to the Student or to require the University to change any of its policies or procedures. The arbitrator will have no authority<br />

to award consequential damages, indirect damages, treble damages or punitive da mages, or any monetary damages not measured by<br />

the prevailing party's economic damages. The arbitrator will have no authority to award attorney's fees except as expressly provided<br />

by this Enrollment Agreement or authorized by law or the rules of the arbitr ation forum. Class and consolidated actions - There shall<br />

be no right or authority for any claims within the scope of this Arbitration Agreement to be arbitrated or litigated on a class basis or<br />

for the cl aims of m ore than one Student to b e arbitr ated or litigated jointly or consolidat ed with an y o ther Student 's cl aims.<br />

Arbitrator’s Award – At the request of either pa rty, the arbitrator shall render a written award briefly setting forth his or her esse ntial<br />

findings and co nclusions. Judg ment on th e award rend ered by the arbitrator may be enter ed in any court having jurisdiction.<br />

Severability and right to waive - If an y part or parts of this Ar bitration Agreement are found to be invalid or unenforceable by a<br />

decision of a tribunal of competent jurisdiction, then such specific part or parts shall be of no force and effect and shall be severed, but<br />

the remainder of this Arbitratio n Agreement shall cont inue in full force and eff ect. An y or all of the lim itations set forth i n this<br />

Arbitration Agreement may be specifically waived by the party against whom the claim is asserted. Such waiver shall not waive or<br />

effect any other portion of this Arbitration Agreement. Survival of provisions o f this agr eement – This Arbi tration Agreement will<br />

survive the termination of the Student's relationship with the University.<br />

15. Notice: An y holder of this consumer credit cont ract is subject to all cl aims and defens es which the debtor cou ld assert against the<br />

seller of goods or services obtain ed pursuant hereto or with the proceeds hereof. Recovery hereunder by the debtor shall not e xceed<br />

amounts paid by the debtor hereunder.<br />

16. Assignment: None of the rights of the Student o r the Student’s p arent under this Enrollment Agreement are assignable to any other<br />

person or entity.<br />

17. Entire Agreement: Th is Enr ollment Agre ement constitutes the entire agreement betwe en t he <strong>CTU</strong> Onl ine and the Stud ent<br />

concerning all aspects of the ed ucation and tra ining the Student will be provide d by the Univ ersity. B y signing this agreem ent, the<br />

Student agrees that no binding promises, repr esentations or s tatements have be en m ade to the Student b y <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> or an y<br />

employee of <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> regarding any aspect of the education and training the Student will receive from the University or prospects<br />

of employment or salary upon graduation that are not set forth in writing in this Enrollment Agreement. <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> will not be<br />

responsible for any representation, statement of policy, career planning activities, curriculum or facility that does not app ear in this<br />

Enrollment Agreement or the University catalog.<br />

18. Electronic Correspondence: The undersigned provides consent to receive and/ or sign electronic records , and to confirm the<br />

undersigned’s abilit y to access all of the d isclosures, records, and other infor mation provided in el ectronic f orm. If the stud ent<br />

withdraws consent, the terms of the previously delivered Electronic Records will continue to apply to his/her related transactions with<br />

<strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> . Use of the Servic es includ es agr eement to the terms of the previ ously d elivered Electronic Re cords. W ithdrawal o f<br />

consent to receive Electronic Records will not change the fact that terms were agreed to when the Service was first used.<br />


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Colorado Technical University <strong>Online</strong><br />

4435 North Chestnut Street, Suite E ∗ Colorado Springs, CO 80907 ∗ Tel: 800-416-8904 ∗ www.ctuonline.edu

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