Hardware & software requirements - CTU Online

Hardware & software requirements - CTU Online

Hardware & software requirements - CTU Online


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7. Employment: <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> does not guarantee empl oyment or care er advan cement fol lowing graduation bu t does offer car eer<br />

planning assistance to students and graduates as described in the catalog. Some job or internship/externship opportunities may require<br />

substantial trav el, background checks, and/or dr ug testing pr ior to employment. Applican ts with factors such as a prior cr iminal<br />

background or personal bankru ptcy or a failed drug test may not be consider ed for intern ship/externship or emplo yment in some<br />

positions. Employment and internship/externship decisions are outside the control of the <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong>. Graduates of so me programs<br />

may r equire ad ditional education, licensure, d rug testing an d/or cer tification for em ployment in some positions. <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong><br />

maintains information in its Career Services offices regarding the specific initial employment that its graduates obtain. It is available<br />

to students to review upon request.<br />

8. No Salary Representations: <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> does not make an y representations o r claims to prospective or current students regar ding<br />

the starting salaries of its graduates or the starting salaries of jobs in any field of employment. The salaries that may be earned by any<br />

particular graduate/completer are subject to man y variables including, among ot her things, th e student' s abilities, efforts and prior<br />

relevant experience as well as the needs in the industry, the economy, and the local job mark et for the emplo yment and fr eelance<br />

opportunities sought b y the stu dent. B y si gning this form, the Student conf irms that s/he has not been promised an ything about<br />

salaries and that the Student has not relied on an ything heard or read from <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> regarding anticipated salaries in deciding to<br />

enroll at <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> and/or deciding to continue to attend.<br />

9. Virtual Graduation: The undersigned understands that graduation from the online degree program carries with it the opportunity to<br />

participate in an online gradu ation ceremony at no additional cost to the gradu ate. Graduates from the online de gree programs also<br />

have the option of participating in a physical commencement exercise at times, dates and locations designated by the University based<br />

on availability and timely receipt of application fee. Physical commencement exercise sites include, but are not limited to, Colorado<br />

Springs, CO, Denver CO, Sioux Falls, SD, and Ka nsas City, MO. Such times, dates, and lo cations are subject to change. An y and all<br />

costs incurred in connection with attending a physical commencement exercise will be the sole responsibility of the graduate.<br />

10. Use of Images and Works: T he undersigned agrees that the <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> ma y use his/her name, voice , image, likeness, and<br />

biographical facts, and any materials produced by the Student while enrolled at <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong>, without any further approval or payment,<br />

unless prohibited by law. The undersigned acknowledges that the foregoing permission includes the right to tape and photograph him<br />

or her and to record his or her v oice, conversation and sounds f or use in an y manner or medium in connection with any advertising,<br />

publicity, or other information relating to <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong>.<br />

11. Discrimination: <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> does not dis criminate on the bas is of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, creed, color, national<br />

origin, ancestry, marital status, age, disability, or any other factor prohibited by law in the recruitment and admission of students, the<br />

operation of an y of its edu cational programs and act ivities, and the r ecruitment and employment of f aculty and staff. The C hief<br />

Academic Officer serves as the compliance coordinator for Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the<br />

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex or handicap.<br />

12. Pre-recorded Messages: The Student understands that s/he may periodically receive pre-recorded messages during his/her time as a<br />

student at <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong>. Thes e pre-re corded messages are cons idered "infor mational" and are intended to notif y stud ents of<br />

information that may be of interest to them (e.g., changes in class schedules or upcoming events at the school such as orientation).<br />

13. Agreement to submit to the <strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong>’s Grievance Procedure: The Student agrees to submit any claim, dispute, or controversy<br />

that th e Student may hav e arising out of or rela ting to his o r her recru itment, enro llment, att endance, education, fin ancial a id<br />

assistance, or career service assistance by t<strong>CTU</strong> <strong>Online</strong> to <strong>CTU</strong> Grievance Procedure set forth in the University catalog. Th e parties<br />

agree to participate in good faith in the University’s Grievance Procedure. Compliance with the U niversity’s Grievance Procedure is<br />

mandatory and is a condition precedent to the Stud ent commencing arb itration or o therwise pursuing his or her claim.<br />

Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, if a statute or other legal authority specifically bars the University from requiring the Student<br />

to utilize <strong>CTU</strong>’s Grievance Procedure, or if a court of competent jurisdiction determines that such a requirement is unenforceable with<br />

regard to the Student, then the preceding sentence shall be severed and shall have no force and ef fect, and the Student may, but will<br />

not be required to, submit his or her claim to the University’s Grievance Procedure. The University may waive any or all limitations<br />

and <strong>requirements</strong> set forth in this provision. Such waiv er shall not waive or affect any other portion of the Enr ollment Agreement,<br />

this paragraph, or the Arbitra tion Agreement. Other grievance p rocedures - This provision is in addition to any grievance procedure<br />

specifically provided for by statute or rule to the extent that the claims are within the scope of such statute or rule.<br />


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Colorado Technical University <strong>Online</strong><br />

4435 North Chestnut Street, Suite E ∗ Colorado Springs, CO 80907 ∗ Tel: 800-416-8904 ∗ www.ctuonline.edu

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