Smart Cooks Age Better - The Food Cure: Your Healthy Eating ...

Smart Cooks Age Better - The Food Cure: Your Healthy Eating ...

Smart Cooks Age Better - The Food Cure: Your Healthy Eating ...


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Unlocking the Healing Power of Nutrients<br />

While there are literally tens of thousands of<br />

nutrients, with hundreds of different functions, you<br />

needn’t be a chemist or devote hours of study time<br />

to get the benefits.<br />

This primer organizes nutrients according to family<br />

which, while unique, demonstrate similarities (not<br />

unlike people!).<br />

Here are the Nutrient Families we’ll explore in the<br />

following pages:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Phenolics & Flavonoids: This group<br />

represents more than 2,000 phytonutrients<br />

found in foods ranging from apples to<br />

mushrooms. Because this group is so diverse, they vary in color, activity and<br />

best prep methods.<br />

Carotenoids: This group of more than 600 carotenoids are easy to spot by<br />

their yellow, orange and red hues. <strong>The</strong>y’re all fat-soluble, tough guys that like a<br />

little heat.<br />

Organosulfur Compounds: This group of nutrients is best-known for its<br />

cancer-fighting activity. <strong>The</strong>y come from the ―mustard‖ family of veggies<br />

(Cruciferae) which is best known for broccoli and its relatives. <strong>The</strong>y’re all watersoluble<br />

soft guys that like to stay cool.<br />

Allylic Sulfur Compounds: <strong>The</strong>re’s no denying the strength of a chopped<br />

onion or a clove of crushed garlic. <strong>The</strong>se compounds come from the Liliaceae<br />

(or onion) family. <strong>The</strong>y’re all water-soluble soft guys that like to stay cool.<br />

Vitamins: Vary in color, activity and best prep methods. See individual<br />

vitamins for more information.<br />

Note: Phytonutrients and vitamins are more likely to be affected by processing than<br />

mineral content. <strong>The</strong>refore, we do not discuss minerals here.<br />

Sumptuous Synergy: As you learned in <strong>Your</strong> Guide to Antioxidant<br />

Superfoods, nutrients work together. And when they do, the effect is<br />

greater than that of the isolated compounds alone. This concept, called<br />

―synergy‖, is one of the reasons we at Healing Gourmet prefer Mother<br />

Nature’s Perfect Packaging. Choosing an organic whole foods diet is your best bet to<br />

provide your body with the spectrum of nutrients it needs.<br />

© 2007-2011 Copyright Health-e Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.<br />

www.healinggourmet.com<br />


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