419-874-2528 - The Rossford Record Journal

419-874-2528 - The Rossford Record Journal 419-874-2528 - The Rossford Record Journal

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VOLUME 73, NUMBER 27–JULY 5, 2012 By Jane Maiolo There’s a new officer on duty in Perrysburg Township and although he may not be the tallest, he is certainly the youngest and fastest and can detect trouble in the air–literally. At the June 20 meeting, the Perrysburg Township trustees were formally introduced to K9 “X” who joined the department just a few weeks ago. The newest member of the department began active duty a few weeks ago after completing six weeks of intensive training in Columbus with his handler, Officer Jason Gladney. “We got a good dog, his temperament is awesome,” said Officer Gladney of his 1- year-old companion. A German shepherd from the Czech Republic, X has been busy during his first few weeks. “We had a stabbing near Evergreen apartments and did an article search,” said his handler. X also was brought in when Sergeant Matt Gazarek suspected drugs during a traffic stop. “He found 1,400 pills and one ounce of marijuana,” said Officer Gladney. The K9 has been involved in other traffic stops in which heroin, pills and marijuana were found. “He’s actually doing really well,” said his handler. Officer Gladney said X is trained in several areas. “He’s a dual purpose dog,” he explained. The K9 can assist in apprehension of a criminal. When a suspect surrenders, X will circle and contain the suspect until ordered back by Officer Gladney. The K9 also is trained in bite work and will bite down Gladney. on a fleeing suspect until the suspect surrenders. “The bite is not considered deadly force. It’s somewhat like a taser,” said the officer, adding that X “bites properly.” His is a pressure bite and rarely breaks the skin but can create a good bruise, said the officer. In addition to containing suspects, X is trained in tracking. With the scent from an article, X can search a neighborhood for someone in hiding or a missing person. “He also can do building searches,” said Officer Gladney. But perhaps the K9’s most valuable training is in the area of narcotics and illegal drugs. X can pick up the scent of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin among Rossford R e c o r d — Your Hometown Newspaper — Check us out on the Internet! WWW.ROSSFORD.COM ©WELCH PUBLISHING CO. School district to pursue plan for energy saving measures By Beth Church The Rossford Board of Education will pursue an energy savings plan for the school district. In the winter, the board contracted with Energy Systems Group (ESG) to conduct an initial energy savings audit of school buildings. The board had not taken action on the ESG report until the June 18 meeting, deciding to move forward, but did not commit to hiring ESG for the project. Board member Beverly Koch initiated the board’s action, noting the decision is overdue. “As a board we’ve taken our eye off the ball–we need to move forward with board business,” she said. Board President Dawn Burks initially was hesitant about the proposal. “I feel we need more information–there are a variety of firms that do it,” she said. Mrs. Koch said she is open to receiving proposals from other companies, and the other board members agreed to support the plan. Bob Densic of Birch Drive urged the board to proceed with the plan and take advantage of energy saving measures while decisions have yet to be made on a master plan for facilities. “It would be three years minimum until new facilities–even if you started tonight,” he said. “We don’t know what we’re doing with our buildings. In reality, it will be four to five years.” Energy saving measures for electrical and lighting systems have a two to three year payback, Mr. Densic noted. “Let’s get this process moving so we’re not throwing $100 bills up the smokestacks,” he added. Buildings could be updated to improve the environment “that affects all the students, all the teachers and all the staff,” he said. Mr. Densic believes the school district can benefit from House Bill 264, which is a financing option available for school building improvement projects. ESG began the process with a walk-through of the buildings, collecting basic information on equipment and building conditions, plus utility bills and square footage of the buildings. The study was free of charge and did not require the district to complete any recommendations. Marty Miller of ESG gave a presentation at the March 19 school board meeting on findings from the energy audit conducted by his firm. Mr. Miller noted that the district is spending more than $399,000 annually in utility costs. In a building-by-building review, the ESG report offers a number of potential energy conservation measures based on specific problems. “In general, the assets we reviewed are either showing signs of significant age and are in need of replacement, or are inefficient in technology; all situations are leading to high energy consumption and significant unfunded deferred maintenance,” the energy audit report states. In most buildings, the report suggests lighting costs could be reduced by converting from T12 to T8 fluorescent lamps, replacing metal halide fixtures with high bay fluorescent fixtures and installing lighting controls and occupancy sensors. To reduce water costs, the document proposes replacing the existing water fixtures, urinals and closets with low flow units, and replacing hot water heaters with high efficiency or tankless units. Expenses for heating ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems could be reduced by replacing standard thermostats with programmable units, and replacing boilers, chillers and condensers with high efficiency units. Other districtwide conservation measures suggested are: •Utility meter consolidation •Exterior lighting retrofits •Reusing waste oil •Steam trap repair/ replacement •High efficiency belt drives on air handling units •High efficiency motors on air handling units •Eliminate or replace appliances with Energy Star rated units •Kitchen exhaust hood controls •Renewable energy Based on the data collected, Mr. Miller said the district could annually reduce operating expenses by the following: •Energy savings (guaranteed)–$112,400 •Capital cost avoidance– $15,000 •Maintenance savings–$7,500 •Total savings–$134,900. ESG believes the annual savings of $134,900 would fund an investment of $1.5 million with an annual debt service payment of $132,564 for 15 years. The projected guaranteed savings of $112,400 will not only offset debt service payments but also will provide positive cash flow back to the schools. The first year, this cash flow is $2,336 and increases over time. Over the term of this agreement, the total net savings exceed $344,000. ESG’s energy audit also included findings by a licensed structural engineer from Poggemeyer Design Group of Bowling Green who walked through the buildings in January to evaluate their condition. Based on visual observations of the exposed interior and exterior floors, walls and roofs, no structural problems were found with any of the buildings. other drugs. “These are pretty amazing animals,” said Officer Gladney, noting that when the dog is on duty he and the officer are very focused. When they are called to assist, the officer relies heavily on fellow officers to scan the area for potential harm, while he and X work. “I’m focused on X’s action,” he said. Officer Gladney said his K9 companion when not on duty is well-tempered. “He’s certified in obedience. He’s great around people, and gets along with everybody.” X already has had his first public appearance at a demonstration at Owens Community College and is expected to make more public appearances in the future as the police department strives to make residents By Beth Church Rossford’s traditional celebration of Labor Day with a fireworks show will come a little earlier this year. The celebration has been renamed “Rossford Riverfest” and is scheduled for Saturday, August 25. “Riverfest is a combination of the annual Rossford fireworks celebration and the former Fun at the Fountain,” said Ivan Kovacevic, city parks and recreation director and cochairman of the event. The event has been moved from Labor Day weekend to the last weekend in August in hopes that there are fewer conflicts than over the holiday weekend. “We’ve seen that a lot of people go out of town on K9 ‘X’ becomes newest township police officer Above is K9 X, the newest addition to the township’s police department, with his handler Officer Jason aware of their newest officer. Other Business In other business, the trustees: •Agreed with a recommendation by Fire Chief Tom Brice to begin billing for motor vehicle accidents in which the township provides assistance. Chief Brice spoke with the fire chief from Van Wert who bills for accidents. “He said it has been a good thing for them. My recommendation is that we pursue this,” he said. Trustee Gary Britten agreed, “I think it’s a good idea.” •Approved as minor changes two zoning revisions in the Waterford subdivision. George and Sue Gusses of 30248 Waterford are adding a pergola to their home which would extend beyond the building envelope, and Michael Morant of 30179 Waterford is planning an expansion, which also exceeds the building envelope. The trustees approved the changes, noting that residents opposed the request but the township zoning commission and the Waterford housing association and architectural review committee had approved the changes. •Heard from Police Chief Mark Hetrick that members of the newly-formed SWAT team graduated from SWAT school recently. “The team is now fully operational,” he added. •Approved an EMS/fire department request for the purchase of a new drug cabinet security lock system for $591. The lock will be purchased from House of Security in Columbus. The trustees also ROSSFORD, WOOD COUNTY, OHIO Beautification work in downtown Rossford is continuing with new plantings in the flower beds in front of the municipal building. The Rossford Beautification Committee is a group of volunteer citizens working to spruce up the community. Their latest project was planting flowers around the “R” in the front lawn of the city building along Dixie Highway. Mayor Neil MacKinnon III thanked the volunteers for their hard work and complimented the results. “And there’s more to come,” the mayor added. Labor Day weekend,” he added. All activities will take place at Veterans Memorial Park/Rossford Marina. “A fun event is planned for the entire family,” Mr. Kovacevic said. A co-ed softball tournament begins in the afternoon, and there will be a cornhole tournament for adults and children. A beer garden will be offered on the tennis courts, with live music on a stage at the basketball courts. A boat and dock lighting contest will take place in the marina. Food vendors and other vendors will set up in the parking lot. There also will be numerous children’s activities, including inflatables, face painting and carnival games. Fireworks will take place at dark. “This is bringing all the events together–the marina, Fun at the Fountain and the rec center’s kids activities,” Mr. Kovacevic explained. In the past, a portion of the park was blocked off for the fireworks safety zone. However, Mr. Kovacevic said fireworks this year will be shot off from the ridge behind Pilkington, allowing the park to be fully utilized. Rossford Schools has agreed to provide vans for shuttle service from the Eagle Point and high school parking lots to Veterans Park. Anyone interested in participating in the co-ed softball tournament, cornhole tournament or the marina lighting contest should contact Mr. Kovacevic at 419- 666-2905 or visit the rec center Web site in the coming weeks for more details at www.rossfordrecreation. com. Fireworks Fund-raising The RBA will once again spearhead the fund-raising efforts for the event, including the fireworks. RBA Treasurer Cindi Hollie-Selz, co-chair of the event, said the RBA has set a goal to raise $7,500 in donations from businesses and residents. “The last two years it’s simply amazing the support we get from residents alone,” she said. RBA member Justin Knierim of Edward Jones, who is chairing the fundraising committee, said the organization is proud to spearhead the campaign again. “As a way for the RBA and its members to give back to the community that supports our businesses, we know that our RBA members will once again step forward to make this great event possible for the Rossford community,” he said. Faced with severe budget problems in 2005, Rossford city officials discontinued paying for fireworks at the annual celebration and have since relied upon individual and business donations to cover the cost. Levels of sponsorship for Rossford Riverfest are: •Stars & Stripes–$1,000 •Red–$500 The top two levels of sponsors will have their names on a banner at the event and may hang their own banners at the park. They will be recognized on the gaming event T-shirts, in all promotional materials and on the RBA Web site. They may have a promotional table at Riverfest. •White–$250 •Blue–$100. These sponsors will have their names on a banner at the event and be recognized on the RBA Web site. Any businesses interested in contributing may use Please Recycle This Newspaper New plantings part of downtown progress The next meeting of the beautification committee is at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 18, at the municipal building. New volunteers are welcome to attend. Barb Montague said the committee will be discussing plans for work at the Edward Ford memorial and fundraising ideas. Donations to help pay for flowers and improvements can be dropped off at the municipal building, marked for the Rossford Beautification Fund. For more information, contact Mrs. Montague at 419- 666-3693. Businesses asked to cover fireworks expense New ‘Rossford Riverfest’ event to be Aug. 25 Please turn to page 2➧ Rossford Riverfest with Fireworks! Saturday, Aug. 25 Leaky gas cap checks offered July 11 at Shell on Buck Road Area motorists are invited to have gas caps on their vehicles checked by the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) and the City of Toledo Division of Environmental Services. Motorists can have the gas cap on a car, van or light truck checked on Wednesday, July 11, from 1 to 3 p.m. at True North/Shell gas station, 1000 Buck Road, Rossford. “A leaky gas cap could cost a motorist a full tank of gas every year–and the vapors from gas and diesel fuels contribute to the formation of ground level ozone,” said Peggy Ricard, TMACOG director of communications. Free replacement gas caps are offered for leaky caps. the coupon found on page 2 of today’s newspaper or contact Mr. Knierim at 419- 666-1910. Last year, the RBA fundraising efforts generated $6,650. RBA Vice President Brenda Schwind said the organization itself also donated funds last year to lengthen the time of the show since the cost of fireworks had increased from past years. Wendy Stram of the Rossford Convention and Visitors Bureau said the event should be well-attended especially because a major youth soccer tournament is taking place in the area, and the Rossford hotels will be filled with families. Rossford City Council approved the purchase of equipment for a new police vehicle, but held off on buying the vehicle itself at a June 25 meeting. Council authorized that $8,000 be spent from a discretionary police department fund, related to alcohol based crimes, for painting and specialized interior equipment. The ordinance specifically stated that a 2012 Chevy Tahoe would be outfitted with the equipment, but council members amended it to a “police vehicle.” Council only heard a first reading of another ordinance approving the purchase of a Tahoe at a cost of $27,033 from Dave White Chevrolet in Sylvania. “I have some questions– there’s some maintenance issues about these,” Councilman Chuck Duricek said. “Let’s do a little homework on what the maintenance is.” After the meeting, Police Chief Glenn Goss said the Tahoe actually has better gas mileage than the Ford Crown Victoria sedans. He noted that the Ohio Highway Patrol has been purchasing Tahoes and find they can drive them for 170,000 miles in comparison to sedans at 130,000. The chief added that the cost of the Tahoe is about $2,000 more than a sedan. He said the SUV would be used by a sergeant or senior officer on duty. Water Bill Complaints Several council members said they are still hearing concerns from residents about extreme water bills. Councilman Jerry Staczek is concerned that residents are considering moving out of Rossford due to the high cost of water and sewer fees. Mr. Staczek would like city officials to provide an explanation for residents as to the reasons for the increases. “The community, from what I’m hearing, doesn’t We Honor Our Service People 75¢ SINGLE COPY Council delays purchase of new police vehicle have the knowledge,” he added. He also believes residents should receive better information and customer service from Northwestern Water and Sewer District. Council President Larry Oberdorf said he has referred many residents with questions or complaints to Leonard Michaels, Rossford’s representative on the NWSD board, who has been helpful in resolving the problems. Councilman Mike Scott noted several reasons for the higher bills–Toledo’s increase in fees, NWSD’s added fee for maintenance costs and a special assessment for the Crossroads infrastructure. He agreed that NWSD should provide informational materials explaining the increases. “I don’t think the water and sewer district has been proactive in discussing what led up to the increases,” Councilman Scott said. Mayor Neil MacKinnon III said he will ask NWSD to hold two town hall meetings to allow residents to bring in their bills and ask questions. Other Business In other business, council: •Approved the replacement of the 17-year-old telephone system in the municipal, police, fire and public works buildings, at a cost of $15,535 from Roach-Reid. Five bids for the system were reviewed by council’s facilities, parks and marina committee. •Heard a first reading of a new stormwater, sediment and erosion control plan for the city. City Administrator Ed Ciecka said changes still need to be made to the document before it is voted upon by council. With a limited summer schedule, council’s next meeting will be at 7 p.m., Monday, July 23, in the municipal building, 133 Osborn Street, and is open to the public. Journal readers are everywhere From there to here, from here to there, Rossford Record Journal readers are everywhere. In May, Steve and Cathy Helton of Rossford enjoyed a Mediterranean cruise, visiting the ports of Toulon, France; Livorno, Civitavecchia and Naples, Italy; Mykonos, Greece; Istanbul and Ephesus, Turkey; Athens, Greece, and Venice, Italy. Above they are shown in Mykonos, and below in Pompeii, Italy, in front of Mount Vesuvius. The Record Journal invites all readers to submit photos of themselves with family and friends reading the paper wherever they travel–whether that is the Mediterranean or Minneapolis. Try to include a familiar background or unique scenery. Photos may be submitted by e-mail to editor@rossford.com, or sent by mail to Rossford Record Journal, 117 East Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551. Please note the names of the people in the photo and their hometowns, businesses or schools, as well as any other details about the trip and a daytime telephone number.

VOLUME 73, NUMBER 27–JULY 5, 2012<br />

By Jane Maiolo<br />

<strong>The</strong>re’s a new officer on<br />

duty in Perrysburg Township<br />

and although he may not be<br />

the tallest, he is certainly the<br />

youngest and fastest and can<br />

detect trouble in the air–literally.<br />

At the June 20 meeting,<br />

the Perrysburg Township<br />

trustees were formally introduced<br />

to K9 “X” who joined<br />

the department just a few<br />

weeks ago.<br />

<strong>The</strong> newest member of<br />

the department began active<br />

duty a few weeks ago after<br />

completing six weeks of<br />

intensive training in<br />

Columbus with his handler,<br />

Officer Jason Gladney.<br />

“We got a good dog, his<br />

temperament is awesome,”<br />

said Officer Gladney of his 1-<br />

year-old companion.<br />

A German shepherd from<br />

the Czech Republic, X has<br />

been busy during his first few<br />

weeks.<br />

“We had a stabbing near<br />

Evergreen apartments and<br />

did an article search,” said<br />

his handler.<br />

X also was brought in<br />

when Sergeant Matt Gazarek<br />

suspected drugs during a traffic<br />

stop.<br />

“He found 1,400 pills and<br />

one ounce of marijuana,”<br />

said Officer Gladney.<br />

<strong>The</strong> K9 has been involved<br />

in other traffic stops in which<br />

heroin, pills and marijuana<br />

were found.<br />

“He’s actually doing really<br />

well,” said his handler.<br />

Officer Gladney said X is<br />

trained in several areas.<br />

“He’s a dual purpose dog,”<br />

he explained.<br />

<strong>The</strong> K9 can assist in<br />

apprehension of a criminal.<br />

When a suspect surrenders, X<br />

will circle and contain the<br />

suspect until ordered back by<br />

Officer Gladney.<br />

<strong>The</strong> K9 also is trained in<br />

bite work and will bite down<br />

Gladney.<br />

on a fleeing suspect until the<br />

suspect surrenders.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> bite is not considered<br />

deadly force. It’s somewhat<br />

like a taser,” said the<br />

officer, adding that X “bites<br />

properly.”<br />

His is a pressure bite and<br />

rarely breaks the skin but can<br />

create a good bruise, said the<br />

officer.<br />

In addition to containing<br />

suspects, X is trained in<br />

tracking. With the scent from<br />

an article, X can search a<br />

neighborhood for someone in<br />

hiding or a missing person.<br />

“He also can do building<br />

searches,” said Officer<br />

Gladney.<br />

But perhaps the K9’s most<br />

valuable training is in the<br />

area of narcotics and illegal<br />

drugs.<br />

X can pick up the scent of<br />

marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine<br />

and heroin among<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

R e c o r d<br />

— Your Hometown Newspaper —<br />

Check us out on the Internet!<br />



School district to pursue plan<br />

for energy saving measures<br />

By Beth Church<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> Board of<br />

Education will pursue an<br />

energy savings plan for the<br />

school district.<br />

In the winter, the board<br />

contracted with Energy<br />

Systems Group (ESG) to<br />

conduct an initial energy<br />

savings audit of school<br />

buildings.<br />

<strong>The</strong> board had not taken<br />

action on the ESG report<br />

until the June 18 meeting,<br />

deciding to move forward,<br />

but did not commit to hiring<br />

ESG for the project.<br />

Board member Beverly<br />

Koch initiated the board’s<br />

action, noting the decision is<br />

overdue.<br />

“As a board we’ve taken<br />

our eye off the ball–we need<br />

to move forward with board<br />

business,” she said.<br />

Board President Dawn<br />

Burks initially was hesitant<br />

about the proposal.<br />

“I feel we need more<br />

information–there are a variety<br />

of firms that do it,” she<br />

said.<br />

Mrs. Koch said she is<br />

open to receiving proposals<br />

from other companies, and<br />

the other board members<br />

agreed to support the plan.<br />

Bob Densic of Birch<br />

Drive urged the board to<br />

proceed with the plan and<br />

take advantage of energy<br />

saving measures while decisions<br />

have yet to be made on<br />

a master plan for facilities.<br />

“It would be three years<br />

minimum until new facilities–even<br />

if you started<br />

tonight,” he said. “We don’t<br />

know what we’re doing with<br />

our buildings. In reality, it<br />

will be four to five years.”<br />

Energy saving measures<br />

for electrical and lighting<br />

systems have a two to three<br />

year payback, Mr. Densic<br />

noted.<br />

“Let’s get this process<br />

moving so we’re not throwing<br />

$100 bills up the smokestacks,”<br />

he added.<br />

Buildings could be<br />

updated to improve the environment<br />

“that affects all the<br />

students, all the teachers and<br />

all the staff,” he said.<br />

Mr. Densic believes the<br />

school district can benefit<br />

from House Bill 264, which<br />

is a financing option available<br />

for school building<br />

improvement projects.<br />

ESG began the process<br />

with a walk-through of the<br />

buildings, collecting basic<br />

information on equipment<br />

and building conditions,<br />

plus utility bills and square<br />

footage of the buildings.<br />

<strong>The</strong> study was free of<br />

charge and did not require<br />

the district to complete any<br />

recommendations.<br />

Marty Miller of ESG<br />

gave a presentation at the<br />

March 19 school board<br />

meeting on findings from<br />

the energy audit conducted<br />

by his firm.<br />

Mr. Miller noted that the<br />

district is spending more<br />

than $399,000 annually in<br />

utility costs.<br />

In a building-by-building<br />

review, the ESG report<br />

offers a number of potential<br />

energy conservation measures<br />

based on specific problems.<br />

“In general, the assets we<br />

reviewed are either showing<br />

signs of significant age and<br />

are in need of replacement,<br />

or are inefficient in technology;<br />

all situations are leading<br />

to high energy consumption<br />

and significant unfunded<br />

deferred maintenance,”<br />

the energy audit report<br />

states.<br />

In most buildings, the<br />

report suggests lighting<br />

costs could be reduced by<br />

converting from T12 to T8<br />

fluorescent lamps, replacing<br />

metal halide fixtures with<br />

high bay fluorescent fixtures<br />

and installing lighting controls<br />

and occupancy sensors.<br />

To reduce water costs,<br />

the document proposes<br />

replacing the existing water<br />

fixtures, urinals and closets<br />

with low flow units, and<br />

replacing hot water heaters<br />

with high efficiency or tankless<br />

units.<br />

Expenses for heating<br />

ventilating and air conditioning<br />

(HVAC) systems<br />

could be reduced by replacing<br />

standard thermostats<br />

with programmable units,<br />

and replacing boilers,<br />

chillers and condensers with<br />

high efficiency units.<br />

Other districtwide conservation<br />

measures suggested<br />

are:<br />

•Utility meter consolidation<br />

•Exterior lighting retrofits<br />

•Reusing waste oil<br />

•Steam trap repair/<br />

replacement<br />

•High efficiency belt<br />

drives on air handling units<br />

•High efficiency motors<br />

on air handling units<br />

•Eliminate or replace<br />

appliances with Energy Star<br />

rated units<br />

•Kitchen exhaust hood<br />

controls<br />

•Renewable energy<br />

Based on the data collected,<br />

Mr. Miller said the district<br />

could annually reduce<br />

operating expenses by the<br />

following:<br />

•Energy savings (guaranteed)–$112,400<br />

•Capital cost avoidance–<br />

$15,000<br />

•Maintenance savings–$7,500<br />

•Total savings–$134,900.<br />

ESG believes the annual<br />

savings of $134,900 would<br />

fund an investment of $1.5<br />

million with an annual debt<br />

service payment of<br />

$132,564 for 15 years.<br />

<strong>The</strong> projected guaranteed<br />

savings of $112,400 will not<br />

only offset debt service payments<br />

but also will provide<br />

positive cash flow back to<br />

the schools.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first year, this cash<br />

flow is $2,336 and increases<br />

over time. Over the term of<br />

this agreement, the total net<br />

savings exceed $344,000.<br />

ESG’s energy audit also<br />

included findings by a<br />

licensed structural engineer<br />

from Poggemeyer Design<br />

Group of Bowling Green<br />

who walked through the<br />

buildings in January to evaluate<br />

their condition.<br />

Based on visual observations<br />

of the exposed interior<br />

and exterior floors, walls<br />

and roofs, no structural<br />

problems were found with<br />

any of the buildings.<br />

other drugs.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>se are pretty amazing<br />

animals,” said Officer<br />

Gladney, noting that when<br />

the dog is on duty he and the<br />

officer are very focused.<br />

When they are called to<br />

assist, the officer relies heavily<br />

on fellow officers to scan<br />

the area for potential harm,<br />

while he and X work. “I’m<br />

focused on X’s action,” he<br />

said.<br />

Officer Gladney said his<br />

K9 companion when not on<br />

duty is well-tempered. “He’s<br />

certified in obedience. He’s<br />

great around people, and gets<br />

along with everybody.”<br />

X already has had his first<br />

public appearance at a<br />

demonstration at Owens<br />

Community College and is<br />

expected to make more public<br />

appearances in the future<br />

as the police department<br />

strives to make residents<br />

By Beth Church<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong>’s traditional<br />

celebration of Labor Day<br />

with a fireworks show will<br />

come a little earlier this<br />

year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> celebration has been<br />

renamed “<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Riverfest” and is scheduled<br />

for Saturday, August 25.<br />

“Riverfest is a combination<br />

of the annual <strong>Rossford</strong><br />

fireworks celebration and<br />

the former Fun at the<br />

Fountain,” said Ivan<br />

Kovacevic, city parks and<br />

recreation director and cochairman<br />

of the event.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event has been<br />

moved from Labor Day<br />

weekend to the last weekend<br />

in August in hopes that there<br />

are fewer conflicts than over<br />

the holiday weekend.<br />

“We’ve seen that a lot of<br />

people go out of town on<br />

K9 ‘X’ becomes newest township police officer<br />

Above is K9 X, the newest addition to the township’s<br />

police department, with his handler Officer Jason<br />

aware of their newest officer.<br />

Other Business<br />

In other business, the<br />

trustees:<br />

•Agreed with a recommendation<br />

by Fire Chief Tom<br />

Brice to begin billing for<br />

motor vehicle accidents in<br />

which the township provides<br />

assistance.<br />

Chief Brice spoke with<br />

the fire chief from Van Wert<br />

who bills for accidents. “He<br />

said it has been a good thing<br />

for them. My recommendation<br />

is that we pursue this,”<br />

he said.<br />

Trustee Gary Britten<br />

agreed, “I think it’s a good<br />

idea.”<br />

•Approved as minor<br />

changes two zoning revisions<br />

in the Waterford subdivision.<br />

George and Sue Gusses of<br />

30248 Waterford are adding a<br />

pergola to their home which<br />

would extend beyond the<br />

building envelope, and<br />

Michael Morant of 30179<br />

Waterford is planning an<br />

expansion, which also<br />

exceeds the building envelope.<br />

<strong>The</strong> trustees approved the<br />

changes, noting that residents<br />

opposed the request but the<br />

township zoning commission<br />

and the Waterford housing<br />

association and architectural<br />

review committee had<br />

approved the changes.<br />

•Heard from Police Chief<br />

Mark Hetrick that members<br />

of the newly-formed SWAT<br />

team graduated from SWAT<br />

school recently. “<strong>The</strong> team is<br />

now fully operational,” he<br />

added.<br />

•Approved an EMS/fire<br />

department request for the<br />

purchase of a new drug cabinet<br />

security lock system for<br />

$591. <strong>The</strong> lock will be purchased<br />

from House of<br />

Security in Columbus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> trustees also<br />


Beautification work in downtown <strong>Rossford</strong> is continuing<br />

with new plantings in the flower beds in front of the<br />

municipal building.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> Beautification Committee is a group of<br />

volunteer citizens working to spruce up the community.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir latest project was planting flowers around the<br />

“R” in the front lawn of the city building along Dixie<br />

Highway.<br />

Mayor Neil MacKinnon III thanked the volunteers for<br />

their hard work and complimented the results.<br />

“And there’s more to come,” the mayor added.<br />

Labor Day weekend,” he<br />

added.<br />

All activities will take<br />

place at Veterans Memorial<br />

Park/<strong>Rossford</strong> Marina.<br />

“A fun event is planned<br />

for the entire family,” Mr.<br />

Kovacevic said.<br />

A co-ed softball tournament<br />

begins in the afternoon,<br />

and there will be a<br />

cornhole tournament for<br />

adults and children.<br />

A beer garden will be<br />

offered on the tennis courts,<br />

with live music on a stage at<br />

the basketball courts.<br />

A boat and dock lighting<br />

contest will take place in the<br />

marina.<br />

Food vendors and other<br />

vendors will set up in the<br />

parking lot.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re also will be numerous<br />

children’s activities,<br />

including inflatables, face<br />

painting and carnival games.<br />

Fireworks will take place<br />

at dark.<br />

“This is bringing all the<br />

events together–the marina,<br />

Fun at the Fountain and the<br />

rec center’s kids activities,”<br />

Mr. Kovacevic explained.<br />

In the past, a portion of<br />

the park was blocked off for<br />

the fireworks safety zone.<br />

However, Mr. Kovacevic<br />

said fireworks this year will<br />

be shot off from the ridge<br />

behind Pilkington, allowing<br />

the park to be fully utilized.<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Schools has<br />

agreed to provide vans for<br />

shuttle service from the<br />

Eagle Point and high school<br />

parking lots to Veterans<br />

Park.<br />

Anyone interested in participating<br />

in the co-ed softball<br />

tournament, cornhole<br />

tournament or the marina<br />

lighting contest should contact<br />

Mr. Kovacevic at <strong>419</strong>-<br />

666-2905 or visit the rec<br />

center Web site in the coming<br />

weeks for more details at<br />

www.rossfordrecreation.<br />

com.<br />

Fireworks Fund-raising<br />

<strong>The</strong> RBA will once again<br />

spearhead the fund-raising<br />

efforts for the event, including<br />

the fireworks.<br />

RBA Treasurer Cindi<br />

Hollie-Selz, co-chair of the<br />

event, said the RBA has set a<br />

goal to raise $7,500 in donations<br />

from businesses and<br />

residents.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> last two years it’s<br />

simply amazing the support<br />

we get from residents<br />

alone,” she said.<br />

RBA member Justin<br />

Knierim of Edward Jones,<br />

who is chairing the fundraising<br />

committee, said the<br />

organization is proud to<br />

spearhead the campaign<br />

again.<br />

“As a way for the RBA<br />

and its members to give<br />

back to the community that<br />

supports our businesses, we<br />

know that our RBA members<br />

will once again step<br />

forward to make this great<br />

event possible for the<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> community,” he<br />

said.<br />

Faced with severe budget<br />

problems in 2005, <strong>Rossford</strong><br />

city officials discontinued<br />

paying for fireworks at the<br />

annual celebration and have<br />

since relied upon individual<br />

and business donations to<br />

cover the cost.<br />

Levels of sponsorship for<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Riverfest are:<br />

•Stars & Stripes–$1,000<br />

•Red–$500<br />

<strong>The</strong> top two levels of<br />

sponsors will have their<br />

names on a banner at the<br />

event and may hang their<br />

own banners at the park.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y will be recognized on<br />

the gaming event T-shirts, in<br />

all promotional materials<br />

and on the RBA Web site.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may have a promotional<br />

table at Riverfest.<br />

•White–$250<br />

•Blue–$100.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se sponsors will have<br />

their names on a banner at<br />

the event and be recognized<br />

on the RBA Web site.<br />

Any businesses interested<br />

in contributing may use<br />

Please Recycle This Newspaper<br />

New plantings part of downtown progress<br />

<strong>The</strong> next meeting of the beautification committee is at<br />

6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 18, at the municipal building.<br />

New volunteers are welcome to attend.<br />

Barb Montague said the committee will be discussing<br />

plans for work at the Edward Ford memorial and fundraising<br />

ideas.<br />

Donations to help pay for flowers and improvements<br />

can be dropped off at the municipal building, marked for<br />

the <strong>Rossford</strong> Beautification Fund.<br />

For more information, contact Mrs. Montague at <strong>419</strong>-<br />

666-3693.<br />

Businesses asked to cover fireworks expense<br />

New ‘<strong>Rossford</strong> Riverfest’ event to be Aug. 25<br />

Please turn to page 2➧<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Riverfest<br />

with<br />

Fireworks!<br />

Saturday, Aug. 25<br />

Leaky gas cap checks offered<br />

July 11 at Shell on Buck Road<br />

Area motorists are invited<br />

to have gas caps on their<br />

vehicles checked by the<br />

Toledo Metropolitan Area<br />

Council of Governments<br />

(TMACOG) and the City of<br />

Toledo Division of<br />

Environmental Services.<br />

Motorists can have the<br />

gas cap on a car, van or light<br />

truck checked on<br />

Wednesday, July 11, from 1<br />

to 3 p.m. at True North/Shell<br />

gas station, 1000 Buck Road,<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong>.<br />

“A leaky gas cap could<br />

cost a motorist a full tank of<br />

gas every year–and the<br />

vapors from gas and diesel<br />

fuels contribute to the formation<br />

of ground level ozone,”<br />

said Peggy Ricard,<br />

TMACOG director of communications.<br />

Free replacement gas caps<br />

are offered for leaky caps.<br />

the coupon found on page 2<br />

of today’s newspaper or<br />

contact Mr. Knierim at <strong>419</strong>-<br />

666-1910.<br />

Last year, the RBA fundraising<br />

efforts generated<br />

$6,650.<br />

RBA Vice President<br />

Brenda Schwind said the<br />

organization itself also<br />

donated funds last year to<br />

lengthen the time of the<br />

show since the cost of fireworks<br />

had increased from<br />

past years.<br />

Wendy Stram of the<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Convention and<br />

Visitors Bureau said the<br />

event should be well-attended<br />

especially because a<br />

major youth soccer tournament<br />

is taking place in the<br />

area, and the <strong>Rossford</strong> hotels<br />

will be filled with families.<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> City Council<br />

approved the purchase of<br />

equipment for a new police<br />

vehicle, but held off on buying<br />

the vehicle itself at a June<br />

25 meeting.<br />

Council authorized that<br />

$8,000 be spent from a discretionary<br />

police department<br />

fund, related to alcohol based<br />

crimes, for painting and specialized<br />

interior equipment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ordinance specifically<br />

stated that a 2012 Chevy<br />

Tahoe would be outfitted<br />

with the equipment, but<br />

council members amended it<br />

to a “police vehicle.”<br />

Council only heard a first<br />

reading of another ordinance<br />

approving the purchase of a<br />

Tahoe at a cost of $27,033<br />

from Dave White Chevrolet<br />

in Sylvania.<br />

“I have some questions–<br />

there’s some maintenance<br />

issues about these,”<br />

Councilman Chuck Duricek<br />

said. “Let’s do a little homework<br />

on what the maintenance<br />

is.”<br />

After the meeting, Police<br />

Chief Glenn Goss said the<br />

Tahoe actually has better gas<br />

mileage than the Ford Crown<br />

Victoria sedans.<br />

He noted that the Ohio<br />

Highway Patrol has been purchasing<br />

Tahoes and find they<br />

can drive them for 170,000<br />

miles in comparison to<br />

sedans at 130,000.<br />

<strong>The</strong> chief added that the<br />

cost of the Tahoe is about<br />

$2,000 more than a sedan.<br />

He said the SUV would be<br />

used by a sergeant or senior<br />

officer on duty.<br />

Water Bill Complaints<br />

Several council members<br />

said they are still hearing<br />

concerns from residents<br />

about extreme water bills.<br />

Councilman Jerry Staczek<br />

is concerned that residents<br />

are considering moving out<br />

of <strong>Rossford</strong> due to the high<br />

cost of water and sewer fees.<br />

Mr. Staczek would like<br />

city officials to provide an<br />

explanation for residents as<br />

to the reasons for the increases.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> community, from<br />

what I’m hearing, doesn’t<br />

We Honor<br />

Our Service<br />

People<br />

75¢ SINGLE COPY<br />

Council delays purchase<br />

of new police vehicle<br />

have the knowledge,” he<br />

added.<br />

He also believes residents<br />

should receive better information<br />

and customer service<br />

from Northwestern Water and<br />

Sewer District.<br />

Council President Larry<br />

Oberdorf said he has referred<br />

many residents with questions<br />

or complaints to<br />

Leonard Michaels, <strong>Rossford</strong>’s<br />

representative on the<br />

NWSD board, who has been<br />

helpful in resolving the problems.<br />

Councilman Mike Scott<br />

noted several reasons for<br />

the higher bills–Toledo’s<br />

increase in fees, NWSD’s<br />

added fee for maintenance<br />

costs and a special assessment<br />

for the Crossroads<br />

infrastructure.<br />

He agreed that NWSD<br />

should provide informational<br />

materials explaining the<br />

increases.<br />

“I don’t think the water<br />

and sewer district has been<br />

proactive in discussing what<br />

led up to the increases,”<br />

Councilman Scott said.<br />

Mayor Neil MacKinnon<br />

III said he will ask NWSD to<br />

hold two town hall meetings<br />

to allow residents to bring in<br />

their bills and ask questions.<br />

Other Business<br />

In other business, council:<br />

•Approved the replacement<br />

of the 17-year-old telephone<br />

system in the municipal,<br />

police, fire and public<br />

works buildings, at a cost of<br />

$15,535 from Roach-Reid.<br />

Five bids for the system<br />

were reviewed by council’s<br />

facilities, parks and marina<br />

committee.<br />

•Heard a first reading of a<br />

new stormwater, sediment<br />

and erosion control plan for<br />

the city. City Administrator<br />

Ed Ciecka said changes still<br />

need to be made to the document<br />

before it is voted upon<br />

by council.<br />

With a limited summer<br />

schedule, council’s next<br />

meeting will be at 7 p.m.,<br />

Monday, July 23, in the<br />

municipal building, 133<br />

Osborn Street, and is open to<br />

the public.<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> readers are everywhere<br />

From there to here, from here to there,<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> <strong>Record</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> readers are<br />

everywhere.<br />

In May, Steve and Cathy Helton of<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> enjoyed a Mediterranean cruise,<br />

visiting the ports of Toulon, France;<br />

Livorno, Civitavecchia and Naples, Italy;<br />

Mykonos, Greece; Istanbul and Ephesus,<br />

Turkey; Athens, Greece, and Venice, Italy.<br />

Above they are shown in Mykonos, and<br />

below in Pompeii, Italy, in front of Mount<br />

Vesuvius.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Record</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> invites all readers<br />

to submit photos of themselves with family<br />

and friends reading the paper wherever<br />

they travel–whether that is the<br />

Mediterranean or Minneapolis.<br />

Try to include a familiar background or<br />

unique scenery.<br />

Photos may be submitted by e-mail to<br />

editor@rossford.com, or sent by mail to<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> <strong>Record</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>, 117 East<br />

Second Street, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551.<br />

Please note the names of the people in<br />

the photo and their hometowns, businesses<br />

or schools, as well as any other<br />

details about the trip and a daytime telephone<br />


Page 2 — July 5, 2012 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL<br />

Sand-Tastic summer festival to return to Levis Commons July 13-15<br />

<strong>The</strong> Town Center at Levis<br />

Commons will host its second<br />

annual Sand-Tastic!<br />

summer festival July 13 to<br />

15. <strong>The</strong> boulevard will be<br />

transformed into a beach of a<br />

different variety complete<br />

with sand carving, live<br />

music, face painting, chalk<br />

art and more.<br />

“Sand-Tastic! will offer<br />

fun for people of all ages.<br />

Kids will love the giant<br />

sandbox and clowns, while<br />

adults can unwind to the<br />

sounds of live music” said<br />

Casey Pogan, marketing<br />

director, Hill Partners, Inc.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> festival also showcases<br />

the talents of one of our<br />

area’s most accomplished<br />

sculptors, and allows amateurs<br />

try their hand at sand<br />

carving too.”<br />

Throughout the three-day<br />

festival, sculptor Chad Hartson<br />

and his team from Ice<br />

Creations will build four,<br />

eight-ton sand sculptures on<br />

patio areas around Levis<br />

Commons. A community<br />

sandbox will be open with<br />

shovels, pails and all the<br />

tools necessary to create a<br />

masterpiece. Daily demonstrations<br />

by Mr. Hartson and<br />

his team will teach attendees<br />

how to sculpt like a pro.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following activities<br />

will take place throughout<br />

the weekend:<br />


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24187 Front St., Grand Rapids, OH 43522<br />

Open Sun. 12-5 • Tues.-Sat. 10-5<br />

<strong>419</strong>-830-3006<br />

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antiquesonfront@facebook.com<br />

<strong>The</strong> finest store for antiques<br />

and estate home<br />

decor in Grand Rapids.<br />

Don’t forget Rally Days in Grand Rapids July 14-15.<br />

Inquire at Antiques on Front to rent a table<br />

to sell your antiques or collectibles<br />

on this big traffic weekend.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sand-Tastic festival will feature sand creations by<br />

professional sculptors, above, as well as amateur artists,<br />

as shown below.<br />

Friday, July 13<br />

•Noon to 8 p.m.–Watch as<br />

the sculpting team turns piles<br />

of sand into works of art, and<br />

play in the oversized community<br />

sandbox.<br />

•1 to 1:45 p.m.–Sculpting<br />

lessons/demonstrations in the<br />

sandbox.<br />

•4 to 7 p.m.–Sidewalk<br />

chalk artists.<br />

•6 to 8 p.m.–Live music<br />

by Groovemaster.<br />

•6:30 to 8 p.m.–<strong>The</strong> Amateur<br />

Sand Sculpting Contest<br />

will take place between 7<br />

and 8 p.m., with registration<br />

beginning at 6:30 p.m.<br />

Teams of up to four people<br />

are encouraged to register in<br />

advance as there are a limited<br />

number of spaces available.<br />

Saturday, July 14<br />

•Noon to 8 p.m.–Watch as<br />

the sculpting team turns piles<br />

of sand into works of art and<br />

play in the oversized community<br />

sandbox. Craig Wise<br />

will entertain children of all<br />

ages with balloon twisting<br />

creations on the boulevard.<br />

•1 to 1:45 p.m.–Sculpting<br />

lessons/demonstrations in the<br />

sandbox.<br />

•1 to 3 p.m.–Face painting<br />

by Tip-Top the Clown.<br />

•4 to 7 p.m.–Sidewalk<br />

chalk artist.<br />

•5 to 7 p.m.–Caricature<br />

artist.<br />

•6 to 8 p.m.–Live music<br />

by the Toledo School for the<br />

Arts steel drum band. Summer<br />

hair fun by Brovada<br />

salon.<br />

Sunday, July 15<br />

•Noon to 4 p.m.– Bring<br />

the family to check out the<br />

completed sculptures and<br />

burn some energy in the<br />

inflatables.<br />

K9 ‘X’ becomes newest officer<br />

ÁContinued from page 1<br />

approved the department’s<br />

purchase of two desktop computers<br />

from DMC for $1,134<br />

and a Tough Book laptop<br />

from Insight for $4,094.<br />

•Opted not to participate<br />

in an Assistance to Firefighters<br />

grant with area agencies<br />

for the purchase of narrowband<br />

radios.<br />

Chief Brice said he would<br />

prefer to wait until next year,<br />

noting that the timeline to<br />

apply for the grant is too<br />

short.<br />

Trustee Craig LaHote<br />

agreed, “Part of the push is<br />

the narrowband requirement,<br />

but since we don’t have any<br />

pressing problems that need<br />

to be resolved, I suggest we<br />

take our time.”<br />

•Renewed an annual contract<br />

with Software Solution<br />

for the bookkeeping program<br />

at a cost of $2,968.<br />

•Approved the purchase of<br />

ammunition from Sage Control<br />

Ordnance Inc., for the<br />

SWAT team at a cost of<br />

$4,034.<br />

•Authorized payment to<br />

Heatherdowns Veterinary<br />

Clinic of $68.56 to treat an<br />

injury to K9 X’s pad.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next meeting of the<br />

board of trustees will be at 6<br />

p.m., Wednesday, July 18, at<br />

the township meeting hall,<br />

26609 Lime City Road, and is<br />

open to the public. <strong>The</strong><br />

trustees cancelled their first<br />

July meeting, scheduled for<br />

July 4, due to the Independence<br />

Day holiday.<br />

Donations sought for city fireworks show<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> community<br />

leaders are asking for donations<br />

from local individuals<br />

and businesses to support<br />

this year’s <strong>Rossford</strong> Riverfest<br />

fireworks show on Saturday,<br />

August 25.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> Business<br />

Association is coordinating<br />

the fund-raising campaign.<br />

RBA member Justin<br />

Knierim of Edward Jones is<br />

chairing the fund-raising<br />

committee.<br />

<strong>The</strong> four levels of business<br />

sponsorship are:<br />

•Stars & Stripes–$1,000<br />

•Red–$500<br />

•White–$250<br />

•Blue–$100.<br />

Residents also are invited<br />

to give a donation<br />

amount of their choice.<br />

A co-ed softball tournament<br />

begins in the afternoon,<br />

and there will be a<br />

cornhole tournament for<br />

adults and children.<br />

A beer garden will be<br />

offered on the tennis courts,<br />

with live music on a stage<br />

at the basketball courts.<br />

A boat and dock lighting<br />

contest will take place in<br />

<strong>The</strong> following programs<br />

will be offered through the<br />

Wood County Park District.<br />

Registration is required for<br />

all programs 48 hours in<br />

advance.<br />

To register, call the Park<br />

District Office at <strong>419</strong>-353-<br />

1897 or visit the Web site at<br />

wcparks.org. Most programs<br />

are free of charge.<br />

Paddle the Pond<br />

On the first Tuesday of<br />

each month through September,<br />

canoes will be<br />

available on the pond at the<br />

W.W. Knight Nature Preserve.<br />

For those who have<br />

never canoed, this is a great<br />

way to give it a try.<br />

Canoes, paddles, and life<br />

preservers are provided.<br />

Registration is not required,<br />

and there is no charge.<br />

Canoeing is on a first-come,<br />

first-served basis and participants<br />

will have at least 30<br />

minutes.<br />

Feeding Time<br />

Join the naturalist to feed<br />

the garter snake at the W.W.<br />

Knight Nature Preserve on<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Riverfest<br />

Fireworks Donation<br />

Name ____________________________<br />

Address ___________________________<br />

___________________________<br />

Phone Number _____________________<br />

Donation Amount____________<br />

With check made payable to RBA and<br />

“fireworks” in the memo line, mail this form to<br />

RBA, Attn: Cindi Hollie-Selz, treasurer,<br />

P.O. Box 85, <strong>Rossford</strong>, OH 43460.<br />

the marina.<br />

Food vendors and other<br />

vendors will set up in the<br />

parking lot.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re also will be<br />

numerous children’s activities,<br />

including inflatables,<br />

face painting and carnival<br />

games.<br />

Fireworks will take<br />

place at dark.<br />

Proceeds from the $1<br />

admission fee to the beer<br />

garden go to the annual<br />

RBA scholarships awarded<br />

to local high school students.<br />

For more information on<br />

sponsorships, call Mr.<br />

Knierim at <strong>419</strong>-666-1910.<br />

Wood County<br />

Park District News<br />

Thursday, July 5, from 7 to<br />

7:45 p.m. Participants will<br />

take the snake out of the<br />

cage, learn how to handle it<br />

and see what its life would<br />

be like in the wild.<br />

Astronomy Basics<br />

for Boy Scouts<br />

This program for Scouts<br />

will be offered Friday, July<br />

6, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., at<br />

the W.W. Knight Nature<br />

Preserve. Participants will<br />

learn some astronomy<br />

basics with a naturalist, then<br />

join members of the Toledo<br />

Astronomical Association at<br />

an observation session<br />

using the telescope at<br />

Beaver Creek Preserve.<br />

Scouts must attend an<br />

astronomy basics class<br />

before attending an observation<br />

session. <strong>The</strong> observation<br />

session at Beaver Creek<br />

Preserve will be on July 21,<br />

starting at 9 p.m. Registration<br />

is required.<br />

Fire Down by the River<br />

Enjoy an evening outdoors<br />

around a fire along<br />

the Maumee River. Participants<br />

will make corn fritters<br />

in the Dutch oven and<br />

maybe a few other treats.<br />

Bring along a chair and bug<br />

spray. <strong>The</strong> program will be<br />

held Friday, July 13, from 5<br />

to 10 p.m, at Otsego Park.<br />

Volunteer<br />

Opportunities<br />

<strong>The</strong> following volunteer<br />

opportunities are available.<br />

Participants should dress to<br />

work outdoors and bring<br />

gloves, if possible.<br />

•July 5, from 6 to 8<br />

p.m.–Native Nursery Help<br />

at Reuthinger Preserve.<br />

Help maintain the nursery<br />

beds.<br />

•July 9, from 6 to 8<br />

p . m . – L O O N A G a r d e n<br />

Clean-up at W.W. Knight<br />

Nature Preserve. Help<br />

maintain the native plant<br />

garden at the Look Out On<br />

Nature Area. No experience<br />

is necessary.<br />

•July 12, from 6 to 8<br />

p.m.–Native Nursery Help<br />

at Reuthinger Preserve.<br />

Help maintain the nursery<br />

beds.<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

<strong>Record</strong><br />

U.S.P.S. #417-620<br />

Published every Thursday<br />

Periodicals Postage Paid at Perrysburg, Ohio 43552<br />


John B. Welch, Publisher<br />

Beth Church, Editor<br />

Matthew H. Welch, Advertising Manager<br />

117 East Second Street, P.O. Box 267<br />

Perrysburg, Ohio 43552<br />

Web Address: rossford.com<br />

Subscription Rates:<br />

IN WOOD COUNTY – 1 Year $23.00 • IN OHIO – 1 Year $26.00<br />

ALLOTHERSTATES–1Year$28.00<br />

Liability for errors and/or omissions in publication of any advertisement by<br />

the ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL, whether due to negligence or otherwise,<br />

is limited to rerunning without charge that portion of the advertisement<br />

published incorrectly. In case of error or omission, the publisher will,<br />

upon request, furnish the advertiser with a letter stating that such error or<br />

omission occurred. <strong>The</strong> ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL will not be<br />

responsible for errors or omissions in any advertising beyond the first<br />

insertion or for errors in electronically submitted ads. Other than as stated<br />

above. <strong>The</strong> ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL assumes no responsibility<br />

or liability for any monetary loss or damages resulting from any error or<br />

omission. All copy is subject to the approval of the publisher, who reserves<br />

the right to reject or cancel any submission at any time. <strong>The</strong> opinions<br />

expressed in paid advertisements and/or letters to the Editor which are published<br />

in <strong>The</strong> ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL do not necessarily reflect<br />

the opinion or philosophy of <strong>The</strong> ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL.<br />

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to<br />

Welch Publishing Co., P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552<br />

MEMBER<br />


National Newspaper<br />

Association<br />

MEMBER<br />






Indiana Melons<br />

Taking Orders for Blueberries<br />

50% of f most flowers<br />

Produce Arriving Daily<br />

Mulch 10 bags for $25<br />

Delivery<br />

Available<br />

House plants & Tropicals<br />

LIEVENS MARKET (Formerly Mosers Market)<br />

10411 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg, OH 43551<br />

(<strong>419</strong>) <strong>874</strong>-4897 • www.lievensmarket.com<br />

Kids Camps 2012<br />

Heroes Summer Youth Camp<br />

Youth ages 8-17 are encouraged to learn about real-life heroes – police officers, firefighters and<br />

emergency medical technicians. You will learn what it is like to enter a virtual burning structure<br />

wearing firefighter gear as you search for a missing person in rooms filled with smoke and (virtual)<br />

flames; use the “Jaws of Life” to rescue a victim trapped in a car; leap from the top of a four-story<br />

building as you learn to use rope rescue techniques; watch as K9s take down the bad guys and search<br />

for explosives or drugs; learn what it is like to be a member of a SWAT Team as you experience the<br />

training, then don the gear and respond to a bank robbery in process; join members of the bomb squad<br />

as you enter a terrorist safe house laced with booby traps; witness the “live explosives” demonstration<br />

and round out the camp by learning first aid. All this and more! Snacks are provided.<br />

<br />

Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) Summer Youth Camp<br />

Become a student detective and learn how the world of forensic science can be the key to solving a<br />

crime. Working with your forensic team, you will enter the re-creation of an unusual and challenging<br />

crime scene where an instructor will direct and coach you to use deductive skills, teamwork, math and<br />

science to solve the crime. You will be trained in the basic process of evidence collection that includes<br />

fingerprints, fibers and hair, blood spatter (simulated), DNA and tire or shoe prints and more.<br />

<br />

To register, call (567) 661-2411 or go online to www.owens.edu/cep/registration<br />

Owens Community College Center for Emergency Preparedness<br />

30150 Tracy Road<br />

Walbridge, OH 43465<br />

(567) 661-2411<br />

cep@owens.edu<br />

www.facebook.com/owenscc<br />



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HOURS:<br />

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Sat., 7:30 am–8 pm<br />

Sun., 8:30 am–6 pm<br />

In-Store Bakery<br />

In-Store Delicatessen<br />

Elm & 2nd Street<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-4325<br />

www.kazmaiermarkets.com<br />

<br />

yyyyy<br />

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yyyyy<br />

Sale good through Saturday, July 7, 2012

No injuries in Bergin Street<br />

house fire; under investigation<br />

Attorneys At Law<br />

Leatherman & Witzler<br />

Todd Hamilton Noll • Kay Leatherman Howard<br />

Paul A. Skaff • Robert A. McColley<br />

353 Elm Street<br />

Perrysburg, Ohio 43551<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-3536<br />

Practice Areas Include:<br />

Real Estate Contracts/Closings<br />

Serving the Community Since 1950<br />




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<strong>419</strong>-837-6100<br />

Pest Control Management Specialists<br />

•Rodents • Moles • Mammals • Birds<br />

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•Stinging & Biting Insects • Fleas<br />

•Safe for Children and Pets<br />

Visit us: www.mcclurgenvironmental<br />

<strong>419</strong>-866-7080<br />

No one was injured in a<br />

house fire on Bergin Street<br />

last week, but the State Fire<br />

Marshal’s office is investigating<br />

the blaze.<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> firefighters<br />

responded around noon on<br />

June 27, to 141 Bergin<br />

Street on the report of<br />

smoke coming from a second<br />

story bedroom window.<br />

Assistant Fire Chief<br />

Josh Drouard said the fire<br />

is believed to have originated<br />

in a mattress and was<br />

not intentional.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> state fire marshall<br />

has been called in to determine<br />

the cause and origin,<br />

and it’s still under investigation,”<br />

he said.<br />

Assistant Chief Drouard<br />

estimated the cost of damages<br />

at $35,000 to $50,000<br />

for the contents and structure.<br />

Fire damage was contained<br />

to the second story,<br />

but water and smoke damage<br />

occurred throughout<br />

the dwelling, he added.<br />

A family is renting the<br />

house, which is owned by<br />

Todd and Caroline Eckel.<br />

<strong>The</strong> house is not livable<br />

and the American Red<br />

Cross was called in to<br />

assist the family.<br />

Due to the hot weather<br />

that day, Assistant Chief<br />

Drouard said rotating crews<br />

of firefighters were used.<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> was assisted<br />

through automatic aid by<br />

Northwood and Perrysburg<br />

Township firefighters.<br />

USE THE CLASSIFIEDS • <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-<strong>2528</strong><br />

We Buy Scrap Batteries!<br />

We have all<br />

types of<br />

batteries–not<br />

just auto!<br />

• We Rebuild<br />

Power Tool<br />

Batteries<br />

Maumee River<br />

history cruise<br />

set for July 9<br />

<strong>The</strong> Maumee Valley Heritage<br />

Corridor and Sandpiper<br />

Cruises will feature the<br />

Maumee River’s storied past,<br />

present and future in a sunset<br />

cruise on Monday, July 9,<br />

from 7 to 9 p.m. Fred Folger,<br />

well-known local historian<br />

and storyteller, will serve as<br />

guide.<br />

This year’s summer<br />

cruise travels upstream and<br />

highlights include the downtown<br />

skyline, new Hollywood<br />

Casino and historic<br />

homes and grounds of Eagle<br />

Point.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cruise departs from<br />

Promenade Park. For reservations,<br />

call <strong>419</strong>-537-1212.<br />

SHS Class<br />

of 1987<br />

reunion set<br />

<strong>The</strong> Springfield High<br />

School Class of 1987 will<br />

hold its 25-year reunion on<br />

August 11, from 6 to 11<br />

p.m., at Angola Gardens in<br />

Holland.<br />

For more information,<br />

contact Rachel Costell<br />

Geiger at <strong>419</strong>-367-8363, e-<br />

mail rachelrn@bex.net or<br />

Dorianne Showman Cox at<br />

<strong>419</strong>-367-2298 or e-mail<br />

dcox@bex.net.<br />

Be Prepared With<br />

Batteries For:<br />

■ Alarm Systems<br />

■ Radios<br />

■ Auto/Trucks<br />

■ Camcorders<br />


Dynalite Battery<br />

26040A Glenwood Rd.<br />

(corner Rt. 20 and Glenwood Rd.)<br />

Perrysburg, OH<br />

<strong>419</strong>-873-1706 • 1-800-233-3962<br />

Advertise Here<br />

for<br />

$<br />

20 00<br />

per week<br />

(Minimum 13 weeks)<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-<strong>2528</strong> today!<br />

WINNER<br />

Did you hear<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Community<br />

Calendar<br />

To include your organization’s activities, mail or<br />

drop off the details to the <strong>Rossford</strong> <strong>Record</strong> <strong>Journal</strong>, 117<br />

East Second Street, PO Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio<br />

43552. Or send an e-mail, with the date, time and location,<br />

to dianaw@perrysburg.com. <strong>The</strong> deadline is Friday<br />

at noon.<br />

Friday, July 6<br />

9:30 a.m. St. Tim’s Clothesline, free clothing offered<br />

at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871<br />

East Boundary. Open until 11:30 a.m.<br />

Saturday, July 7<br />

11:00 a.m. AlAnon women’s support group, “<strong>The</strong><br />

Saturday Good Morning Group,” at All<br />

Saints Church, 628 Lime City Road. Call<br />

Maryann <strong>419</strong>-824-0129 for details.<br />

8:00 p.m. AlAnon and Alcoholics Anonymous at First<br />

United Methodist Church, 200 West<br />

Second Street.<br />

Sunday, July 8<br />

6:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous at Schaller<br />

Memorial Building, 130 West Indiana<br />

Avenue.<br />

Monday, July 9<br />

6:00 p.m. Perrysburg Township Zoning Commission<br />

at the township hall, 26609 Lime City<br />

Road.<br />

6:00 p.m. Perrysburg Exchange Club at the Holiday<br />

Inn Express, 10621 Fremont Pike.<br />

7:00 p.m. <strong>Rossford</strong> City Council at the municipal<br />

building, 133 Osborn Street.<br />

7:30 p.m. Perrysburg American Legion at the Schaller<br />

Memorial Building, 130 West Indiana<br />

Avenue.<br />

7:30 p.m. <strong>The</strong>re is a Solution AA Group, closed meeting,<br />

at Lutheran Church of the Master,<br />

2<strong>874</strong>4 Simmons Road, Perrysburg.<br />

Tuesday, July 10<br />

9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on the fifth<br />

floor of the Wood County Office Building,<br />

One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green.<br />

10:00 a.m. Alzheimer’s Association caregivers support<br />

group at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 310<br />

Elizabeth Street, Maumee. Free. Call <strong>419</strong>-<br />

537-1999 for information.<br />

12:00 p.m. AlAnon at CedarCreek Church, 29129<br />

Lime City Road. Free baby-sitting.<br />

6:00 p.m. Quilts of Valor at Maumee Eagles, 2301<br />

Detroit Avenue. Donations welcome.<br />

Wednesday, July 11<br />

7:00 a.m. Perrysburg Kiwanis Club in the lower level<br />

of Way Public Library, 101 East Indiana<br />

Avenue. Open to the public.<br />

9:30 a.m. Wood County Health Department<br />

Immunization Clinic at St. Timothy’s<br />

Episcopal Church, 871 East Boundary<br />

Street. Bring a shot record. Call <strong>419</strong>-352-<br />

8402 for details and times.<br />

11:00 a.m. Senior Food Pantry available through<br />

Perrysburg Township until noon at the<br />

township hall, 26609 Lime City Road.<br />

Must be 60 years old or older to qualify.<br />

6:00 p.m. Toastmasters Club at Zenobia Shrine, 8048<br />

Broadstone Boulevard, Perrysburg.<br />

6:00 p.m. Families Anonymous, a world-wide 12-step<br />

self-help support group for relatives and<br />

friends concerned about substance abuse or<br />

behavorial problems of a loved one, at<br />

Blessed John XXII Catholic Community,<br />

24250 Dixie Highway. Visitors welcome.<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-931-4005 for information.<br />

7:00 p.m. Racing for Recovery, drug and alcohol support<br />

group meeting, until 8 p.m. at St.<br />

Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 871 East<br />

Boundary, Perrysburg.<br />

8:00 p.m. AlAnon at First Presbyterian Church, 200<br />

East Second Street.<br />

Thursday, July 12<br />

8:30 a.m. Perrysburg Township food distribution at<br />

the township hall, 26609 Lime City Road,<br />

until 10 a.m.<br />

9:15 a.m. Wood County Commissioners on the fifth<br />

floor of the Wood County Office Building,<br />

One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green.<br />

4 COLOR<br />

Repair<br />

Specialist<br />

Thursdays, Doors open at 5 p.m.<br />

Lightning Games start at 6 p.m.<br />

McAlear Center<br />

All Saints Church, <strong>Rossford</strong>, OH<br />


is now available<br />

at Welch Publishing’s<br />

Perrysburg location!<br />

Call us today for a quote on 4 color printing!<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-<strong>2528</strong><br />

117 E. Second St. • Perrysburg<br />

• Flyers<br />

• Posters (up to 12”x18”)<br />

• Postcards<br />

• Competitive Pricing<br />

• Business Cards • Brochures<br />


It’s<br />

on<br />

the<br />


<strong>Rossford</strong> Police Reports<br />

June 9: Unit block<br />

Rossway Avenue, arrested<br />

Rachelle N. Allen, 23,<br />

Rossway Avenue, <strong>Rossford</strong>,<br />

dog running at large and<br />

disorderly conduct.<br />

June 11: 7800 block<br />

Wales Road, domestic disturbance,<br />

arrested Sarah A.<br />

Lambrecht, 36, Toledo,<br />

criminal trespass, disorderly<br />

conduct and outstanding<br />

warrant.<br />

June 13: 9800 block<br />

Olde US 20, engagement<br />

ring lost while shopping.<br />

900 block Jennison<br />

Drive, identity fraud.<br />

10000 block Meijer<br />

Drive, theft, juvenile suspect<br />

referred to Wood<br />

County juvenile prosecutor.<br />

Unit block Vineyard<br />

Drive, criminal trespass.<br />

June 14: Warrant arrest,<br />

failure to appear, Kinyata<br />

V. Clayton, 26, Sisson<br />

Drive, Toledo.<br />

June 15: 600 block<br />

Lime City Road, suspicious<br />

person.<br />

June 17: 200 block<br />

Colony Road, criminal mischief<br />

to vehicle.<br />

600 block Lime City<br />

Road, impaired driver<br />

sleeping in truck blocking<br />

road.<br />

1100 block Buck Road,<br />

theft from business.<br />

200 block Osborn<br />

Street, domestic violence.<br />

300 block Hillside,<br />

domestic dispute.<br />

June 18: 600 block Valley<br />

Drive, criminal mischief.<br />

June 19: 700 block<br />

Superior Street, theft,<br />

referred to juvenile prosecutor.<br />

100 block Oak Street,<br />

cruelty to animals.<br />

June 20: Unit block<br />

Dixie Highway, theft from<br />

business.<br />

400 block Beech Street,<br />

Eagles ride<br />

for diabetes<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fraternal Order of<br />

Eagles will embark on a “Finish<br />

for Darrell” motorcycle<br />

ride Sunday, July 8, in honor<br />

of grand trustee Darrell Rall,<br />

who was injured following a<br />

motorcycle accident during his<br />

25-day, 25,000-mile ride to<br />

raise money for the Fraternal<br />

Order of Eagles Diabetes<br />

Research Center.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ride will begin at 4<br />

p.m., at Greenville Fraternal<br />

Order of Eagles 4321, in<br />

Greenville, Ohio.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event is open to the<br />

public with riders invited to<br />

participate for a $30 donation<br />

to the Diabetes Research Center.<br />

Mr. Rall, of California, was<br />

attempting to set a distance<br />

world record while raising<br />

money to defeat diabetes<br />

before an accident June 24.<br />

Upholding the motto of<br />

“People Helping People,”<br />

Eagles members across the<br />

nation have volunteered to finish<br />

the ride.<br />

For more information, contact<br />

the Greenville Fraternal<br />

Order of Eagles at 616-794-<br />

2987 or Greenville Vice President<br />

Dan Sanders at 616-788-<br />

4075.<br />

bicycle theft.<br />

Lime City and Schreier<br />

Road, arrested Asa A. Griffin,<br />

42, Buck Road, <strong>Rossford</strong>,<br />

possession of marijuana.<br />

June 21: Veterans Park,<br />

attempted breaking and<br />

entering to concession<br />

stand, damage estimated at<br />

$100.<br />

300 block Beech Street,<br />

theft of bicycle from yard.<br />

100 block Rossburn<br />

Avenue, domestic violence,<br />

juvenile arrested, referred<br />

to juvenile prosecutor.<br />

June 23: 300 block Lorraine,<br />

theft from backyard<br />

shed.<br />

400 block Hillside<br />

Drive, theft of GPS<br />

overnight from unlocked<br />

vehicle.<br />

200 block Jennings,<br />

found gas cans in backyard.<br />

200 block Superior<br />

Street, breaking and entering,<br />

front door broken in at<br />

business, no entry.<br />

1100 block Buck Road,<br />

theft from business.<br />

100 block Bergin Street,<br />

theft.<br />

June 25: 1100 block<br />

Buck Road, possession of<br />

marijuana.<br />

300 block Superior<br />

Street, theft from business.<br />

900 block Dixie Highway,<br />

breaking and entering<br />

at business.<br />

10000 block Olde US<br />

20, passing bad checks.<br />

Warrant arrest, failure to<br />

appear, Kenneth L. Conley,<br />

31, Lawnview, Toledo.<br />

June 26: Helen at Eagle<br />

Point Road, curfew violation.<br />

100 block Rossway,<br />

criminal mischief.<br />

Buck and Bates roads,<br />

arrested Zachary A. Moore,<br />

21, Duxbury Court, Perrysburg,<br />

possession of marijuana.<br />

ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — July 5, 2012 — Page 3<br />

Nort<br />

th Bra<br />

anch Nurs<br />

ery<br />

y,<br />

Police to concentrate<br />

on parking enforcement<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> Police<br />

Department is increasing<br />

enforcement of city parking<br />

laws.<br />

Police Chief Glenn Goss<br />

said officers this week are<br />

issuing warnings for vehicles<br />

illegally parked.<br />

This includes on-street<br />

parking in the wrong direction,<br />

blocking driveways or<br />

sidewalks, parking on sidewalks,<br />

parking on lawns or<br />

tree lawns and parking in<br />

front of fire hydrants.<br />

Also, warnings are issued<br />

for any vehicles parked on<br />

the street longer than 24<br />

hours without being moved.<br />

G arde<br />

den Center * Landscape<br />

* Wholesale<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

July<br />

5-31,<br />

2011<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

-<br />

-<br />

<br />

<br />

-<br />

-<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

--<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Our Roots<br />

are<br />

Heree<br />

In Northwest<br />

Ohio<br />

<br />

Kris S. Kelley, D.D.S.<br />

Michael J. <strong>The</strong>bes, D.D.S.<br />

Gentle Family Dentistry<br />

13003 Roachton Road<br />

Perrysburg, OH 43551<br />

Phone: <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-7071<br />

Inc.<br />

Evening & Saturday appointments available.<br />


“Aesthetically, it’s a<br />

problem for the image of<br />

our city,” Chief Goss<br />

explained. “And it’s a safety<br />

issue with people backing<br />

up or driving the wrong<br />

way.”<br />

Recognizing that past<br />

enforcement has been minimal,<br />

the chief said officers<br />

are providing some time<br />

before citations are issued.<br />

Warnings are being<br />

issued currently, he said, but<br />

soon tickets will be written.<br />

“We are giving warnings<br />

to let people know what’s<br />

expected of them,” Chief<br />

Goss said.<br />

Letters to the Editor<br />

<strong>The</strong> weekly deadline for Letters to the Editor is<br />

noon on Monday. Letters should be limited to 300<br />

words. Letters from the same writer will be accepted<br />

no more frequently than every 30 days. <strong>The</strong> newspaper<br />

reserves the right to accept or reject letters, and to<br />

edit them for clarity and length. Letters should be<br />

submitted with the author’s name, signature and daytime<br />

telephone number.<br />

Since<br />

1982<br />

Also located at:<br />

735 Haskins Road,<br />

Bowling Green, OH<br />


Page 4 — July 5, 2012 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL<br />

Knights of Columbus elect officers<br />

<strong>The</strong> Knights of Columbus<br />

of Holy Cross Council #5139<br />

recently installed officers for<br />

the year 2012-13.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new officers are: Neil<br />

Mackinnon III, grand knight;<br />

Chuck Gibbons, deputy<br />

grand knight; Bob<br />

Jablonowski, chancellor;<br />

Tom Huntermark, warden;<br />

I m B<br />

Ed Tucholski, financial secretary;<br />

Ken Gwozdz, financial<br />

secretary; Jim Rakovan,<br />

recorder; John Garand, advocate;<br />

Jim Cook, inside guard,<br />

and Don Stacek, outside<br />

guard.<br />

Trustees are Jim Shelt,<br />

Chuck Bucko and Keith<br />

Tong.<br />

UM Church craft day July 28<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> United Methodist<br />

Church is having a Summer<br />

Sizzling Craft Day on July 28,<br />

at the church. <strong>The</strong>re will be a<br />

Creative Memories consultant<br />

and Close to My Heart products<br />

available. <strong>The</strong> program<br />

begins at 9 a.m.<br />

Fee options include:<br />

•$35 for registration, continental<br />

breakfast, lunch, dinner,<br />

door prizes and a table.<br />

•$30 for registration, continental<br />

breakfast, lunch, dinner,<br />

door prizes and a half<br />

table.<br />

•$25 for registration from<br />

9 a.m. to 5 p.m., continental<br />

breakfast, lunch, door prizes,<br />

and a half table. Add $5 for a<br />

whole table.<br />

•$15 for four hours, including<br />

registration, one meal<br />

(breakfast, lunch or dinner)<br />

door prizes, and a half table.<br />

Add $5 for a whole table.<br />

For more information or to<br />

register, send an e-mail to<br />

Kristen Vargo at<br />

kvargo2@bex.net. Registration<br />

also will be available at<br />

the door.<br />

Library plans book share, movie day<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> Library will<br />

host an evening book share<br />

on Thursday, July 12, at 6:30<br />

p.m. <strong>The</strong> program offers a<br />

twist on the traditional book<br />

group, as each participant<br />

discusses and recommends a<br />

title of his or her choosing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event offers an opportunity<br />

to meet people, hear<br />

about new books and share<br />

favorites.<br />

Movie Day<br />

A free afternoon movie<br />

day for adults will be held<br />

Thursday, July 19, in the library’s<br />

community room.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 1961 comedy film “Golightly”<br />

will be screened<br />

from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. <strong>The</strong><br />

film, based on Truman<br />

Capote’s novel about a New<br />

York socialite, stars Audrey<br />

Hepburn.<br />

Refreshments will be<br />

served.<br />

For more information or<br />

to register for these programs,<br />

call the library at <strong>419</strong>-<br />

666-0924.<br />

I’m Back!!<br />

Contact me<br />

for a new<br />

or used vehicle.<br />

Jim Schenk<br />

(<strong>419</strong>) 693-3000<br />

(<strong>419</strong>) 392-5252<br />

Grams Farm Market<br />

Open for the Season<br />

Homegrown Produce Picked Fresh Daily!<br />

Open 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily<br />

2806 Albon Rd.<br />

1 1/2 mi. south of Airport Hwy.<br />

or<br />

1-1/2 mi. north of U.S. 20A<br />

We accept senior coupons!<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Senior Center<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wood County Committee on Aging<br />

400 Dixie Highway<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-8494<br />

Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.<br />

Programs and lunches for all area residents<br />

at least 60 years of age.<br />



Lunch is served Monday<br />

through Friday, at noon. No<br />

reservations are necessary.<br />

Menus are subject to change,<br />

and nutritional values and ingredient<br />

information are<br />

available upon request.<br />

<strong>The</strong> suggested donation is<br />

$2, age 60+, and $5, for those<br />

under age 60. Hot, nutritious<br />

meals are available Monday-<br />

Friday for home-bound seniors<br />

in Wood County who are<br />

unable to prepare meals for<br />

themselves.<br />

Frozen meals are available<br />

for the weekend. If eligible,<br />

the cost is on a donation<br />

basis. For more information,<br />

call Social Services at 1-800-<br />

367-4935. To register for<br />

weekly activities, call the<br />

Senior Center.<br />

Monday, July 9<br />

Noon menu–Baked<br />

Chicken or Smoked Sausage,<br />

whole potatoes, corn relish,<br />

orange juice, brownies<br />

•9:30 a.m.–Body Recall<br />

Tuesday, July 10<br />

Noon menu–Hamloaf or<br />

Lemon Pepper Tilapia,<br />

Caribbean blend vegetables,<br />

baked sweet potatoes, tropical<br />

fruit, coconut cream pie.<br />

•July 10, at noon–<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Senior Club.<br />

Wednesday, July 11<br />

Noon menu–Cream of<br />

Broccoli Soup or Vegetable<br />

Soup, egg salad sandwich,<br />

celery with peanut butter,<br />

apple crisp.<br />

•9:30 a.m.–Body Recall<br />

•12:30 p.m.–Program:<br />

“Heart Failure and Heart<br />

Health” with Beverly Malczewski<br />

of St. Luke’s Cardiac<br />

Interventional Services.<br />

Learn the causes of heart failure<br />

and how to keep your<br />

heart strong and healthy.<br />

Thursday, July 12<br />

Noon menu–Hamburger<br />

Pie or Chicken Wings, mixed<br />

vegetables, Betty’s salad,<br />

glazed bananas and strawberries,<br />

pound cake.<br />

•12:30 p.m.–Program:<br />

“Staying Safe In <strong>The</strong> Summer<br />

Heat” with Perrysburg Care<br />

and Rehabilitation. Learn<br />

some great tips for keeping<br />

cool and remaining healthy<br />

when the heat is on during the<br />

hot summer months.<br />

Friday, July 13<br />

Noon menu–Turkey Taco<br />

with lettuce and tomatoes or<br />

Beef Fajita Taco, black beans<br />

and rice, fruited Jello.<br />

•9:30 a.m.–Body Recall<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

•July 17, at 9 a.m.–Breakfast<br />

Bunch at the Bulldog<br />

Diner on Dixie Highway.<br />

Start the day right with a<br />

great breakfast and good<br />

friends.<br />

•July 17, at 12:45<br />

p.m.–Poker with Ed Tucholski.<br />

We’ve got the chips and<br />

cards; you provide the luck<br />

and talent.<br />

•July 18, at noon–Birthday<br />

celebration with gift bags<br />

courtesy of Perrysburg Care<br />

and Rehabilitation Center.<br />

Let us know if you have a<br />

birthday this month.<br />

•July 19, at 1 p.m.–Ice<br />

Cream Social sponsored by<br />

Arbors at Waterville. Enjoy a<br />

refreshing treat while visiting<br />

Vendors sought<br />

for Attic Treasures<br />

Lawn Sale<br />

<strong>The</strong> Historic Brandville<br />

School and Museum will<br />

host an Attic Treasures<br />

Lawn Sale on Saturday, September<br />

8, from 9 a.m. to 5<br />

p.m. <strong>The</strong> rain date is September<br />

15.<br />

<strong>The</strong> museum is located at<br />

1133 Grasser Street, off<br />

Pickle Road, in Oregon.<br />

Spaces are available for<br />

$25 for a 12’x12’ area. Vendors<br />

must provide their own<br />

set up.<br />

For more information, call<br />

<strong>419</strong>-691-7193.<br />

with others this afternoon.<br />

•July 24, at noon–<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Senior Club.<br />

•July 25, at 1 p.m.–Game<br />

Day with prizes sponsored by<br />

Heartland of Perrysburg.<br />

What game we will play will<br />

be a surprise, but you know<br />

there will be prizes involved.<br />

Join the fun.<br />

•July 26, at 12:45<br />

p.m.–Bingo with prizes sponsored<br />

by Perrysburg Commons.<br />

•July 27, from 10 a.m. to<br />

noon–Blood pressure self<br />

monitoring.<br />

•July 27, at 1 p.m.–Program:<br />

“Around <strong>The</strong> World:<br />

Morocco” with Mary Tebbe,<br />

WCCOA. This month we will<br />

be traveling to Morocco. Join<br />

us as we explore this culture<br />

and so much more, even a<br />

taste of Morocco.<br />

•July 30, at noon–Monday<br />

with the Mayor. <strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Mayor Neil MacKinnon will<br />

be back to spend a little time<br />

listening to concerns and any<br />

questions you may have.<br />

•July 31, at 12:45<br />

p.m.–Program: “Back To Basics:<br />

Toothpaste, Vinegar, and<br />

Corn Starch” with Mary<br />

Tebbe, WCCOA. <strong>The</strong>se items<br />

are reasonable to purchase<br />

and are just as effective as<br />

some of the expensive cleaners.<br />

Obituary<br />

Policy<br />

Many newspapers now<br />

charge for obituaries. As a<br />

service to the community,<br />

the <strong>Rossford</strong> <strong>Record</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

provides free obituaries.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se obituaries, however,<br />

should conform to our style.<br />

Limited details about the<br />

deceased person’s personal<br />

life are allowed; please state<br />

them objectively.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

CHURCH<br />

F O R T H E<br />



WE ARE<br />


PEOPLE<br />

TOO!<br />


6950 Whitehouse Sq Blvd<br />


29129 Lime City Rd<br />

Cholesterol screenings available July 27<br />

at <strong>Rossford</strong> Area Senior Center<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wood County Committee<br />

on Aging will conduct<br />

a cholesterol screening clinic<br />

on Friday, July 27, at the<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Area Senior Center,<br />

400 Dixie Highway in <strong>Rossford</strong>.<br />

Screenings are available<br />

for Wood County residents<br />

ages 25 and older. <strong>The</strong> cost is<br />

$20 for age 60 and older and<br />

$25 for ages 25-59.<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> United Methodist<br />

Church will offer a Vacation<br />

Bible School for<br />

preschoolers through sixth<br />

graders July 9 to 13.<br />

<strong>The</strong> theme for the week is<br />

“Operation Overboard.” Dinner<br />

will be held at 5:15 p.m.<br />

for students, and the program<br />

ends each day at 8:15 p.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no cost to attend,<br />

and each camper will receive<br />

a T-shirt.<br />

Registration forms are<br />

available at the church weekdays<br />

from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.<br />

Forms also are available at<br />

<strong>The</strong> screening panel includes<br />

HDL (good cholesterol),<br />

LDL (bad cholesterol),<br />

triglycerides, total cholesterol/HDL<br />

ratio and a blood<br />

glucose level.<br />

Results will be immediately<br />

available and will be<br />

discussed with clients by a<br />

registered nurse from the<br />

Wood County Committee on<br />

Aging.<br />

the <strong>Rossford</strong> Library, <strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Community Recreation Center,<br />

Lee Williams House of Meats<br />

<strong>The</strong>se screenings require<br />

an appointment and fasting of<br />

12 to 14 hours prior to the<br />

test.<br />

To make an appointment,<br />

call 1-800-367-4935 or <strong>419</strong>-<br />

353-5661 and ask for Social<br />

Services. A clinic will also be<br />

available on Wednesday, July<br />

11, at the Perrysburg Senior<br />

Center, 140 West Indiana Avenue.<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> UM Church to offer VBS July 9-13<br />

Zablocki<br />

Senior Center<br />

to hold barbecue<br />

chicken dinner<br />

Sunday, July 15<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chester J. Zablocki<br />

Senior Center will offer a barbecue<br />

chicken dinner on Sunday,<br />

July 15, from noon to 4<br />

p.m., during the Lagrange<br />

Street Polish Festival.<br />

Dinners will be served in<br />

the air-conditioned banquet<br />

room at the center located at<br />

3015 Lagrange Street.<br />

<strong>The</strong> meal includes onehalf<br />

chicken, mashed potatoes,<br />

sweet and sour cabbage,<br />

roll and dessert for $8.50.<br />

Coffee and soda will be available<br />

for a small charge.<br />

Polka favorites will be<br />

played during the dinner. <strong>The</strong><br />

center will be open rain or<br />

shine.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Zablocki Center also<br />

will have a booth in front of<br />

the center during the festival<br />

July 13 through 15. Kielbasa,<br />

noodles and cabbage, golumbki<br />

and pierogies will be sold<br />

during the event.<br />

Obituary<br />


Jerome A. Bellas, 53, of<br />

Toledo, died Saturday, June<br />

30, 2012, at Bay Park Community<br />

Hospital. He was<br />

born on August 15, 1958, in<br />

Toledo, to Joseph and Martina<br />

(Pastorek) Bellas.<br />

Mr. Bellas was a graduate<br />

of <strong>Rossford</strong> High School<br />

and then served in the U.S.<br />

Navy from 1980 to 1984.<br />

He was employed with Walgreens<br />

at the Distribution<br />

Center in Perrysburg Township<br />

and enjoyed spending<br />

time with his dogs, Riley<br />

and Kimmer.<br />

He is survived by his<br />

brothers, Mark, Eric (Judi)<br />

and Stephen (Colleen) Bellas;<br />

sisters, Veronica Farley,<br />

Jayne Braman and Beverly<br />

(Nate) Koch, and many<br />

nieces and nephews. He was<br />

preceded in death by his parents.<br />

A Mass of Christian Burial<br />

was held Thursday, July<br />

5, at 11 a.m., at All Saints<br />

Catholic Church. Interment<br />

was in Restlawn Memorial<br />

Park. Arrangements were<br />

made by the Sujkowski Funeral<br />

Home of <strong>Rossford</strong>.<br />

Families Behind Bars support<br />

group to meet Monday, July 9<br />

A support group for family<br />

and friends who have<br />

someone incarcerated in a<br />

prison facility is being<br />

formed. Families Behind Bars<br />

will meet Monday, July 9, at<br />

7 p.m., in the meeting room<br />

of Waterville Library, 800<br />

Michigan Avenue, Waterville.<br />

<strong>The</strong> group will assist families<br />

with finding the information<br />

they need, including:<br />

visiting schedules, mail and<br />

package restrictions, telephone<br />

policies, personal<br />

funds, policies and restrictions,<br />

Web site navigation, the<br />

first 45 days, programs available<br />

and e-mail options. Individuals<br />

also can find support<br />

through others who have been<br />

through the same situation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> group is scheduled to<br />

meet on the following Mondays:<br />

August 6, September<br />

10, October 1, November 5<br />

and December 3.<br />

For more information, call<br />

Carol at <strong>419</strong>-350-6619 or<br />

Joyce at <strong>419</strong>-878-5796.<br />

and Inside Out Self Storage.<br />

For more information, call<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-5323.<br />


iCAMPUS Watch Live Online<br />



157 Bergin Street<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong>, Ohio 43460<br />

Phone <strong>419</strong>-666-9447<br />

Rev. Alexander Sheares<br />

SUNDAY<br />

9:00 a.m. Sunday School<br />

10:45 a.m. Worship Service<br />


6:00 p.m. Prayer Service,<br />

Testifying and Bible Study<br />



270 Dixie Highway<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong>, Ohio 43460<br />

Phone <strong>419</strong>-666-5323<br />

Pastor: Rev. Robert Ball<br />

SUNDAY<br />

9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday<br />

School<br />

10:00 a.m. Worship Service<br />

Nursery Available<br />


CHURCH<br />

628 Lime City Road<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong>, Ohio 43460<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-1393<br />

www.allsaintsrossford.org<br />

Masses: Saturday at 4:30 p.m.<br />

Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.<br />



(Preschool through Grade 8)<br />

Where we study the world,<br />

teach the heart,<br />

and live the gospel.<br />


6PM<br />


9AM<br />

10:45AM<br />

12:30PM<br />

for more info go<br />

to our website at<br />


2600 West Sylvania Ave<br />


2150 South Byrne Rd<br />

Julie Olmstead,<br />

Physical <strong>The</strong>rapist<br />

22 years experience<br />

24250 Dixie Highway<br />

(Highway 25)<br />

Perrysburg, Ohio 43551<br />

(located just south<br />

of Five Point Road)<br />

Phone: (<strong>419</strong>) <strong>874</strong>-6502<br />

Masses: Saturday, 5:00<br />

p.m.; Sunday, 8:00, 9:45 and<br />

11:30 a.m.<br />

www.blessedjohn.org<br />

ST. JOHN’S<br />


U.S. 20 and Route 163<br />

Stony Ridge, Ohio<br />

Phone: (<strong>419</strong>) 837-5115<br />

Daniel G. Beaudoin, Pastor<br />

SUNDAY<br />

8:30 a.m. Contemporary<br />

Worship<br />

9:45 a.m. Sunday School<br />

10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship<br />

Meets at the<br />

Perrysburg YMCA<br />

(Fort Meigs Center<br />

for Health Promotion)<br />

13415 Eckel Junction Rd.<br />

Perrysburg, Ohio 43551<br />

Sunday Mornings 10:00 a.m.<br />

A Reformed Church Teaching<br />

the Bible verse-by-verse<br />

Pastor Joe Hillrich<br />

<strong>419</strong>-356-1127<br />

covechurch@gmail.com<br />

We would love to have you<br />

visit with us!<br />



10401 Avenue Road<br />

Corner 795 and White Road<br />

Perrysburg, Ohio 43551<br />

Phone: <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-1961<br />

www.perrysburgalliance.org<br />

Rev. Thomas George,<br />

Senior Pastor<br />

SUNDAY<br />

8:15 a.m. Worship Service<br />

9:30 a.m. Sunday School for<br />

All Ages<br />

10:45 a.m. Worship Service<br />

6:00 p.m. Discipling Groups<br />


7:00 p.m. Senior High SNAC<br />

7:00 p.m. Middle School JVD<br />

7:00 p.m. FW Friends<br />

(age 3 - grade 5)<br />

7:00 p.m. Adult Prayer Meeting<br />

“Join Us In Worship”<br />

Physical <strong>The</strong>rapy Consultants<br />

27064 Oakmead Drive<br />

Total Body<br />

Rehabilitation<br />

•Shoulder •Knee •Hip •Ankle<br />

•Feet •Balance •Conditioning<br />

•Sports •Worker’s Comp.<br />

•Post Surgical<br />

Specializing in<br />

Back & Neck Pain<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-6957<br />




CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING—first 10 words $5.50, 30 cents per word thereafter. Display classified section, $12.75 per<br />

column inch. All garage/estate sales must be prepaid, by cash, check or credit card. DEADLINE IS EACH MONDAY<br />

AT NOON. Classified ads mailed in should be accompanied by payment; ads phoned in should be paid promptly to avoid<br />

a $2.00 billing charge. Send ads to P.O. Box 267, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552. Perrysburg Messenger <strong>Journal</strong> office hours are<br />

Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 4:30, closed Saturday and Sunday, or visit our Web site at www.perrysburg.com.<br />

CALL <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-<strong>2528</strong> or <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-4491<br />



Submit your classified advertisement via e-mail. Just visit www.perrysburg.com or www.rossford.com<br />



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Lic. # 22360<br />

LICENSED BONDED INSURED <strong>419</strong>-666-5211<br />

Stykemain Tree Service<br />

Tree Trimming & Removal<br />

Stump Removal<br />

Mulch & Firewood<br />

Crane Rental<br />


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pe Technicia<br />

ns<br />

24112 Lime City Rd. • Perrysburg, OH<br />

www.envirocarelawn.com<br />

<br />

<br />


In answering advertisements, whether in publications, or<br />

television, be aware that 1-900 numbers have a charge that<br />

will be billed to your telephone number. 1-800 numbers that<br />

switch you to a 1-900 number are also billed to you.<br />

Government job information or sales can be obtained<br />

free from appropriate government agencies.<br />

Long distance calls to brokers may only be solicitations<br />

for schools or instruction books, for which there is a charge.<br />

Mackiewicz Siding,<br />

Roofing and Windows, LLC<br />


Call Today <strong>419</strong>-392-1335<br />

“Where Quality Matters” Since 1991<br />

E-mail: mop5126@embarqmail.com<br />

Vi ctoria’s C leaning Servic e<br />

Come home to clean. References available.<br />

Experienced, dependable and HONEST.<br />

Weekly and Bi-Weekly Scheduling<br />

Call Vicky, <strong>419</strong>-367-9174<br />

Joe Berry’s<br />

Maumee Concrete<br />

Services, Inc.<br />

A.K.A. “<strong>The</strong> Doctor Of Concrete”<br />

established 1975<br />

• Driveways • Patios<br />

• Stamped Concrete<br />

Now offering<br />

tuckpointing<br />

and Brick repair<br />

Office: <strong>419</strong>-893-2884<br />

Cell: <strong>419</strong>-779-7251<br />


Early Spring clean-up of your lawn, flower beds, garden, etc.<br />

We can haul and install fresh mulch. We will help you get your<br />

outdoor areas ready for spring and summer.<br />


Have your lawn maintained weekly with rates that you can afford!<br />

GARDEN<br />


Authorized Equipment Dealer for<br />

Power ProductS<br />

<strong>419</strong>-872-LAWN (5296)<br />

www.acutabovelawn-snow.com<br />

Fully Insured • Senior Discount<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-0484<br />

Eckel Snowmobile & Small Engine Repair<br />


Repairs~Rebuilds~Service~Winterize~Summerize<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

Pickup & Delivery Available<br />

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OR SMALL<br />

Lake Erie<br />


Excursions for up to 10 persons<br />

(<strong>419</strong>) 666-5952 (Day)<br />

(<strong>419</strong>) 662-8347 (Night)<br />

www.lakeeriefishing.com<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-2734<br />

Local Family Owned<br />

Service Most Makes & Models<br />

Parts 15% Off w/this Ad<br />

www.rapidapplianceservice.com<br />

D & P Painting<br />

Interior/Exterior<br />

Power Washing<br />

Insured • Free Estimates<br />

<strong>419</strong>-825-1463<br />

Green Acre<br />

Tree Services, LLC<br />

Scott Spangler<br />

PHONE # <strong>419</strong>-833-5296<br />

FAX # <strong>419</strong>-833-1099<br />

greenacretree332yahoo.com<br />



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(<strong>419</strong>) 878-2305<br />

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• Siding Replacement & Repair<br />

“Taking pride in my work –<br />

Respecting your investment.”<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-9141<br />

Licensed & Insured<br />

Two Men<br />

and a Brush<br />

‘Tis the season to enhance the<br />

beauty of your home with a<br />

fresh coat of paint!<br />

Quality Work<br />

30 Yrs. Experience<br />

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Make us your go-to guys<br />

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Clearly Superior Window<br />

Cleaning. Residential Specialist.<br />

“Your pane is my<br />

pleasure” Jeff Romp owner/<br />

operator. <strong>419</strong>-385-9260.<br />

MORSE PAINTING, restoration<br />

and color.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-460-3540.<br />


Debris taken away; tower removal.<br />

Insured. <strong>419</strong>-865-1941.<br />


Free estimates and reasonable<br />

rates. All minor home repairs,<br />

carpentry, tile work,<br />

electrical, drywall, painting,<br />

wallpapering and more. Call<br />

Scott, <strong>419</strong>-261-2560.<br />


ENCED, references, reasonable.<br />

No job too small. Dave<br />

<strong>419</strong>-823-8033.<br />


Delivering stone, sand and topsoil<br />

for life’s little projects.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-7642, <strong>419</strong>-392-7642.<br />

DON’S DRYWALL and<br />

plaster repair. Resurfacing,<br />

texturing. Free estimates,<br />

seven days. <strong>419</strong>-476-0145.<br />

STUMP, BUSH or small tree<br />

removal and hauling. Free estimates.<br />

Perrysburg Lawn<br />

Care, LLC, Kevin Rantanen,<br />

<strong>419</strong>-870-1771.<br />

SEWING MACHINE repair,<br />

clean, oil, adjust, in your<br />

home, $19.95, 24 hour service.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-843-6233.<br />

D&D CLEANING Services.<br />

20 years experience, residential,<br />

commercial and construction.<br />

Reasonable rates,<br />

insured and bonded. Denise<br />

<strong>419</strong>-262-4062.<br />

PAINTING AND Wallpapering.<br />

Professional, quality work.<br />

Removal, wall repair. Brian,<br />

<strong>419</strong>-297-9686.<br />


ING. Sand, stone, topsoil, excavating.<br />

Free estimates. Insured.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-344-1872.<br />

SEAL AND repair asphalt<br />

driveways and parking lots.<br />

Hot rubber crack filler. Reasonable<br />

rates. Free estimates.<br />

Call Sam <strong>419</strong>-478-1144.<br />

STEVE’S DRYWALL, spray<br />

ceilings, texture walls, all<br />

patchwork. Call Steve,<br />

<strong>419</strong>-873-8025.<br />

ELECTRICIAN, 30 years experience.<br />

Residential and commercial.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-704-7201.<br />

LAWN MOWING and brush<br />

hog. Reliable, experienced,<br />

reasonable, references. Justin<br />

<strong>419</strong>-872-5716.<br />

HEAVENLY HOUSE Cleaning,<br />

15+ years experience,<br />

residential and commercial.<br />

We use our own supplies. Dependable,<br />

old fashioned cleaning.<br />

Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly<br />

and one time cleaning.<br />

Affordable rates. Free estimates.<br />

Call Celeste at <strong>419</strong>-345-9383.<br />

References upon request.<br />

BDRY BASEMENT Waterproofing.<br />

Cracked or bowing<br />

walls. <strong>419</strong>-787-6020, <strong>419</strong>-349-<br />

5054.<br />

UPHOLSTERY, YOUR fabric<br />

or mine. Reasonable.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-5747.<br />

CONCRETE WORK. Driveways,<br />

patios, sidewalks. Cement<br />

mason since 1985.<br />

Call Paul <strong>419</strong>-327-0883.<br />

WINDOW CLEANING. Perrysburg<br />

Window and Gutter<br />

Cleaning, professional service<br />

for a fair price. Call Michael<br />

Rantanen, owner, <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-<br />

2482. For this month’s coupon<br />

visit:<br />

www.pburgwindowclng.com<br />


PROOFING, wall repair.<br />

Reasonable rates. 30 years experience.<br />

Many Perrysburg references.<br />

Licensed and insured.<br />

Call anytime, <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-2802.<br />


TRIMMING or removal. Fair<br />

prices. Kevin Rantanen at Perrysburg<br />

Lawn Care, LLC.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-870-1771.<br />


spread for a fair price. Customer<br />

chooses the type and<br />

color. Kevin Rantanen at Perrysburg<br />

Lawn Care, <strong>419</strong>-870-<br />

1771.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


& Wallpapering<br />

•Powerwashing •Decks<br />

•Plaster/Drywall Repair<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-2251<br />

Senior Discount<br />


TER specializing in finish<br />

work, custom furniture, quality<br />

woodworking, home repairs.<br />

Jeff Hoile, <strong>419</strong>-265-2999 or<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-1819.<br />

HURLEY’S INTERIOR/exterior<br />

painting. Reasonable<br />

prices. 20 years experience.<br />

Free estimates. Call<br />

<strong>419</strong>-882-6753.<br />


professional service to Ross-ford,<br />

Perrysburg and Toledo vicinity.<br />

Call Dave Smith Appliance<br />

Repair at <strong>419</strong>-385-4474 or go to<br />

DaveSmithAppliance.com to<br />

schedule service or order parts<br />

online.<br />

CARPET, VINYL, laminate,<br />

ceramic tile, hardwood. Certified.<br />

Installation. Free estimates<br />

and affordable prices.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-269-1838.<br />


clean-up, bushes and shrubs<br />

trimmed or removed, mulching,<br />

edging. Call Don at Don’s<br />

Lawn and Landscape, LLC,<br />

<strong>419</strong>-708-3855.<br />

PLACE YOUR classified<br />

ad in the American<br />

Legion Press.<br />

Reach veterans across<br />

the area each month<br />

for as low as $5.50.<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-4491 to<br />

place your ad.<br />


neat, experienced. References.<br />

Free estimates. Donna,<br />

<strong>419</strong>-476-1173, <strong>419</strong>-250-4504.<br />

FOR SALE<br />

ANTIQUE OAK buffet style<br />

piece, 6 drawers with 3 in<br />

one. $150 OBO. <strong>419</strong>-872-0497<br />

BIRO MODEL 22 professional<br />

meat saw. Make offer.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-872-0497.<br />

DEARLY LOVED 2004<br />

Jayco R.V., 28’, Class C, Excapade,<br />

sleeps 6, Ford 450<br />

power, only 38,500 miles, air<br />

conditioner, generator, security<br />

system, 1 owner, excellent<br />

condition, $25,000. <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-<br />

5434.<br />

DINING ROOM table, Thomasville<br />

inlaid wood,<br />

45”x72”. 2 leaves, 18” each.<br />

Six cane back upholstered<br />

chairs. $1,000.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-304-5695.<br />


4’ high x 8’ long stack, $80.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-409-0252 or <strong>419</strong>-409-0250.<br />

FISHING GEAR. Two manual<br />

down riggers. $50 each.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-5434.<br />

HOT TUB spa, Corboda. 8<br />

seater, reflection spa. Only<br />

used 10 times. Ash cabinet,<br />

starburst lights, stereo, 4hp<br />

pump, installed LED lights,<br />

waterfall, easy to use leather<br />

cover. Original $7,695. Asking<br />

$2,200. <strong>419</strong>-351-4894.<br />

PATIO TABLE with 4<br />

chairs, $75. Desk chair, $30.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-7712.<br />

SOLID OAK bedroom set.<br />

King, Mission style. Headboard<br />

and footboard, 2 nightstands,<br />

10 drawer dresser with<br />

mirror, 6 drawer dresser, cedar<br />

chest and armoir. $3000.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-260-4564.<br />

TRUCK CAP. A.R.E. fiberglass,<br />

73”x99”, 31” tall, dark<br />

gray, inside light, 10 tinted<br />

windows, stored inside, like<br />

new, $700. <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-7763.<br />

UPRIGHT PIANO, Lester.<br />

Excellent condition. $425<br />

OBO. Cathleen <strong>419</strong>-654-5452.<br />

PETS<br />

Humane Ohio<br />

Low-Cost Spay/Neuter<br />

for Dogs and Cats!<br />

Special prices for stray cats.<br />

We are a non-profit organization.<br />

<br />

<br />

ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — July 5 , 2012 — Page 5<br />


Garage Sale 1, 2, 3<br />

<br />

Wow! Goodwill will now come to your home after your garage sale<br />

and pick-up your non-sold items. Goodwill is pleased to offer this<br />

free service<br />

<br />

and to<br />

<br />

offer a<br />

<br />

tax receipt<br />

<br />

for your<br />

<br />

generous<br />

<br />

donation!<br />

<br />

<br />

It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:<br />

1. Host your garage sale.<br />

2. Pack your non-sold items. <br />

<br />

<br />

3.<br />

<br />

Schedule<br />

<br />

a home<br />

<br />

pick-up<br />

<br />

after<br />

<br />

your<br />

<br />

sale.<br />

<br />

Call Jeanette at <strong>419</strong>-255-0070 with your minimum of 15 bags/<br />

boxes to schedule your home pick-up. Spaces are filling up <br />

quickly so please allow for one week advance notice and that <br />

someone is present at pick-up. <br />

<br />

Donate Local . . . Keep it Local . . . Put Local People to Work! <br />

1024 HICKORY Street,<br />

July 5-7, 8:30-5. Huge sale.<br />

Bikes, slide projector, glider,<br />

music boxes, furniture, collectibles,<br />

clothes, electronics,<br />

TV’s, cross country skis,<br />

roller blades, kitchen appliances<br />

and much, much more.<br />

10262 S. Bramblewood<br />

Road. Thursday and Friday,<br />

9-2. Multi-family. Pack-nplay,<br />

play kitchen, play work<br />

bench, Little Tikes basketball<br />

hoop, big wheel, Vera<br />

Bradley, boys clothes 18<br />

mo-4T, household, toys, double<br />

stroller.<br />

115 W.S. Boundary, July 7,<br />

9-5. Women’s clothing, TV,<br />

pictures, children’s toys,<br />

drill, saws, birdhouses and<br />

more.<br />

1476 INDIAN Creek, Saturday<br />

8-2. Household items,<br />

kids clothing, furniture, AC<br />

unit, antique freezer, toys and<br />

more.<br />

156 WINDSOR Drive,<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong>. Friday 9-3, Saturday<br />

9-1. Round table with 4<br />

chairs, 2 leaves. Glass coffee<br />

table and lamp table. Leather<br />

motorcycle jacket, chaps and<br />

vest. Household items and<br />

toys.<br />

219 ELM Street, rained out<br />

-rescheduled, Saturday, 8-12.<br />

23456 WEST River Road<br />

(corner SR 64/65 and Reitz<br />

Road) in the barn.<br />

Thursday-Saturday, 9-5.<br />

Salesman sample sale. Jewelry,<br />

paper plates, napkins<br />

and card, new and used books,<br />

candles, potpourri, purses,<br />

gift items, baby gifts and lots<br />

more.<br />

25327 APPALOOSA Court,<br />

Friday and Saturday, 9-12.<br />

28750 GEORGIA, Friday<br />

and Saturday, 8-2. Multi family<br />

sale. Clothes, baby and<br />

household items. Water softener<br />

system, ring pool and<br />

lots more.<br />

30013 ST. Andrews, July<br />

5-7. Thursday and Friday 8-2,<br />

Saturday 8-12. No early birds.<br />

Household items (many<br />

new), tools, teacher supplies,<br />

college dorm items, and<br />

women’s clothing size small.<br />

602 BRIDGEVIEW Drive,<br />

One day only, July 7th, 9-2.<br />

Included in Moving sale, new<br />

16” seat Western saddle, bridles,<br />

saddle pad and stand,<br />

halters and leads. Household<br />

items. If you don’t see what<br />

you want, ask.<br />


for rummage sale. Drop off at<br />

Lutheran Church of the Master,<br />

2<strong>874</strong>4 Simmons Road or<br />

call <strong>419</strong>-344-1975 for pick-up.<br />

OUTDOOR FLEA Market at<br />

Perrysburg’s Commodore Way<br />

every Sunday starting July 22.<br />

For buying or selling information<br />

call Steve at <strong>419</strong>-450-6255.<br />

Wood County Humane Society’s<br />


Millie is a beautiful young lady who<br />

came to us from the dog warden. Millie is<br />

very good with people and knows "sit"<br />

and "speak". She likes to climb on top of<br />

the dog house and picnic table outside<br />

and would probably sit on a couch in a<br />

home. She is very playful, curious, and<br />

trusting. She would require daily walks<br />

and something to keep her busy. She is<br />

very externally motivated and responds<br />

well to praise, toys, and food.<br />

Please visit or call the Wood County Humane Society at <strong>419</strong>-352-7339<br />

to learn more about this great pet. All of our adoptable animals can be<br />

viewed by visiting www.WoodCountyHumaneSociety.org.<br />








RUN. CALL <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-4491<br />




<strong>The</strong> Diocese of Toledo is seeking a full-time experienced Advertising<br />

Sales Representative for the Catholic Chronicle.<br />

Candidates must have proven success in building and maintaining<br />

new and current business through cold calling and outside<br />

sales development. Responsibilities include servicing<br />

existing accounts, developing new business, and designing<br />

and implementing new programs to increase advertising revenue.<br />

Qualified candidates must be self-starters, have excellent<br />

communication skills, 1-3 years sales experience and a solid<br />

understanding of Catholicism and current issues. A Bachelor’s<br />

Degree or equivalent experience is required. Prior newspaper<br />

sales is preferred. Please send cover letter and resume with<br />

salary requirements to ksliwinski@toledodiocese.org.<br />

Help<br />

Wanted<br />

Part Time<br />

Or Full Time<br />

Info Available At:<br />

www.tsginfo.com/dh4776<br />

Help<br />

Wanted<br />

player with the ability to be<br />

detailed Part oriented. Time Please send<br />

resume to: Cameloteast<br />

jobs@gmail.com Or Full Time or mail to<br />

P.O. Box 352559, Toledo, OH<br />

43635 Info Attn: Available Leasing Agent. At:<br />

www.tsginfo.com/dh4776<br />



Day • Eves • Weekend Class<br />

Job Placement<br />

Company Paid Training<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-837-5730<br />

Train Locally-Save Hassle<br />

Help<br />


www.traincoinc.com<br />

Wanted<br />










Software Specialist<br />

(30 hours per week)<br />

This position requires a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree<br />

in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent<br />

experience. Experience in GIS or Information Technology,<br />

including software support, software design, database<br />

management preferred. Ability to assess needs of<br />

divisions and implement solutions supporting goals of<br />

Information Technology<br />

This position is 30 hours a week, $25 per hour includes<br />

a limited benefit package. Application available on line<br />

at www.ci.perrysburg.oh.us under the Human Resources<br />

tab. Applications must be received no later than July 20.<br />

Detailed resume must be attached to the application.<br />

Please direct all applications to: City of Perrysburg HR<br />

Office, 201 W. Indiana Ave., Perrysburg, Ohio 43551.<br />

Due to the nature of the public records law of Ohio, applications<br />

cannot be considered confidential.<br />




Flexible hours. Monday<br />

through Friday, 12-6. Must<br />

have exceptional communication<br />

and computer skills. Candidate<br />

should be a team<br />

BUS DRIVER. Provide<br />

transportation for adults with<br />

developmental<br />

Part Time<br />

disabilities.<br />

Must<br />

Or<br />

have<br />

Full<br />

high<br />

Time<br />

school diploma<br />

or GED and CDL Class<br />

B Info or above. Available Experience At: working<br />

with individuals who<br />

have www.tsginfo.com/dh4776<br />

developmental disabilities<br />

preferred. 12-month; 40<br />

hour/biweekly position with<br />

benefits; salary $9-$15.34<br />

hourly based upon experience.<br />

Application packet may<br />

be obtained from the Wood<br />

County Board of DD, Ent. B,<br />

1921 East Gypsy Lane Road,<br />

Bowling Green, 8 a.m. to<br />

4:30 p.m. Application deadline<br />

is July 10, 2012 at<br />

noon. EOE.<br />


company in Port Clinton has a<br />

lead position open. Applicant<br />

must be experienced in all facets<br />

of remodeling: Electric,<br />

plumbing, blue print reading,<br />

roofing, siding, etc. Must have<br />

references, tools, transportation<br />

and legal driver’s license.<br />

Call, <strong>419</strong>-734-7100.<br />

EARN MONEY babysitting<br />

while you sleep. We need<br />

child care at night for 3 children,<br />

ages 11, 9 and 8, 4<br />

nights a week from 9 p.m.-9<br />

a.m. starting mid-August.<br />

Please call <strong>419</strong>-260-7200 or<br />

send your resume to P.O. Box<br />

36, Perrysburg, Ohio 43552.<br />

EXTRA HANDS needed for<br />

general cleaning and yard<br />

work. <strong>419</strong>-376-2090.<br />

NAIL TECH: Full or part<br />

time. Must be proficient in<br />

sculptured nails. <strong>419</strong>-343-2859.<br />


Monday-Friday, 9-5, for busy<br />

office. Phone experience and<br />

excellent people skills required.<br />

Apply in person from<br />

1-5 p.m. to Trainco, 26718<br />

Oregon Road.<br />

SOUS CHEF, experienced,<br />

energetic, knowledgeable.<br />

Stella’s Restaurant 104 Louisiana<br />

Avenue, Perrysburg. info<br />

@stellasrestaurantandbar.com<br />


2 SISTERS And A Mop.<br />

Cleaning and organizing. Reliable<br />

family service since 1984.<br />

Referrals available. Call<br />

Rhonda or Lisa,<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-3798, 228-596-1459,<br />

local.<br />


in my <strong>Rossford</strong> home. Many<br />

years experience. <strong>419</strong>-367-<br />

6267.<br />


STRESS. Over 30 years experience.<br />

Dressmaking, wedding<br />

gowns, bridesmaids, alterations<br />

and veil design.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-5390.<br />


looking for responsible person<br />

to help with 9 and 13<br />

year old boys from 11:00 am<br />

to 6:00 pm. Light housekeeping,<br />

meal preparation<br />

and must know how to swim.<br />

$9/hour. Apply to<br />

pinjobs@hotmail.com.<br />

MUSIC<br />

MUSIC LESSONS, guitar,<br />

drums, band instruments, orchestra<br />

strings, piano.<br />


Page 6 — July 5, 2012 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL<br />


LOTS AVAILABLE for new/<br />

pre-owned homes. Certain<br />

restrictions apply. Low monthly<br />

lot rent. Subject to park<br />

approval. Contact Walnut<br />

Hills/Deluxe at <strong>419</strong>-666-3993.<br />

Model Homes<br />

on Display!<br />

Nice selection of new<br />

and pre-owned homes.<br />

2 & 3 bedroom.<br />

Low monthly lot rent.<br />

Financing available.<br />

Contact Walnut<br />

Hills/Deluxe<br />

@ <strong>419</strong>-666-3993<br />


LOOKING FOR cars/trucks.<br />

Call before selling or trading.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-297-9709.<br />

2010 DODGE Grand Caravan<br />

SE. Amerivan wheel<br />

chair accessible conversion.<br />

40,200 miles, new tires, nice<br />

shape. $34,995. Call Jeff<br />

<strong>419</strong>-891-1230 ext. 22.<br />

2003 TOYOTA Camry,<br />

95K, one owner, 4 cyl. automatic,<br />

all power. $7,500.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-346-5600.<br />

2004 SILVERADO 1500,<br />

2wd, enclosed cab. 75.000<br />

miles, excellent condition.<br />

$9,000 OBO. <strong>419</strong>-873-5430.<br />

Mack’s<br />

Auto World<br />

Buy-Sell-Trade<br />

1757 N. Reynolds Road<br />

<strong>419</strong>-537-9622<br />


BUYING MOST items from<br />

garages. Vehicles, motorcycles,<br />

tools, mowers, etc.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-870-0163.<br />

A MECHANIC buys vehicles;<br />

looks, pays accordingly,<br />

anything with wheels.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-870-0163.<br />

WANTED GUNS, any age,<br />

any condition. Also WWII<br />

and earlier military items. Indian<br />

artifacts. Rob,<br />

<strong>419</strong>-340-5808, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.<br />

WE ARE always looking for<br />

great things to buy or consign.<br />

Collections or estates.<br />

Jones & Jones LTD Antiques<br />

and Fine Art. 114 W. Indiana.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-2867.<br />

$300 and Up for All<br />

Junk and Repairable<br />

Cars/Trucks.<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Lowest Prices on Auto Parts<br />

Free Towing • 7 Days a Week<br />

Homer’s Auto Parts<br />

4848 N. Detroit Avenue<br />

near Laskey<br />

<strong>419</strong>-478-5052<br />


ART CLASSES - Group &<br />

Private. Drawing, painting &<br />

figure study. Beginning<br />

through advanced. EDGER-<br />

TON ART Studio & School,<br />

Perrysburg. Current schedule<br />

and registration forms<br />

available online at www.<br />

EdgertonArt.com; Call: <strong>419</strong>-<br />

290-OILS [6457], Email:<br />

Edgerton.ART@att.net.<br />



3-4 bedroom Perrysburg home.<br />

Up to 3 year lease.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-265-3790.<br />


All real estate advertising in<br />

this newspaper is subject to<br />

the Federal Fair Housing Act<br />

which makes it illegal to advertise<br />

“any preference, limitation<br />

or discrimination based<br />

on race, color, religion, sex,<br />

handicap, familial status or<br />

national origin, or intention to<br />

make any such preference,<br />

limitation or discrimination.”<br />

Familial status includes children<br />

under the age of 18 living<br />

with parents or legal<br />

custodians, pregnant women<br />

and people securing custody<br />

of children under 18. This<br />

newspaper will not knowingly<br />

accept any advertising for real<br />

estate which is in violation of<br />

the law. Our readers are<br />

hereby informed that all<br />

dwellings advertised in this<br />

newspaper are available on an<br />

equal opportunity basis. Call<br />

the Fair Housing Center, 243-<br />

6163, before you run your advertisement.<br />

To complain of<br />

discrimination call HUD tollfree<br />

at 1-800-669-9777. <strong>The</strong><br />

toll-free telephone number for<br />

the hearing impaired is<br />

1-800-927-9275.<br />

FOR RENT<br />


Available starting at $585 includes free<br />

gas heat, central air and water. Close to<br />

schools, downtown and grocery shopping.<br />

Visit us online at<br />

www.investekmanagement.com<br />

then call <strong>419</strong>-666-1186 for a personal tour<br />

Abundant Life of Perrysburg is a subsidized independent<br />

housing facility for those 62 or older.<br />

We are located in a beautiful, quiet residential setting<br />

in Perrysburg. Abundant Life offers one bedroom<br />

garden apartments with private patios,<br />

indoor mailboxes, reserved parking and busing to<br />

local grocery stores.<br />

Applications are now being accepted.<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-4371.<br />

Move-in Today!<br />

Perrysburg Township<br />

1&2 bedroom apartments<br />

close to Owens Community<br />

College starting at<br />

$445.<br />

South Toledo<br />

1,2&3 bedroom spacious<br />

apartment homes across<br />

from the Stranahan starting<br />

at $599.<br />

West Toledo<br />

3 bedroom ranch with<br />

carport, new carpet, vinyl<br />

and washer/dryer at<br />

$695.<br />

West Toledo<br />

Studio - $368. 1 bedroom<br />

- $398. Holland-Sylvania<br />

at Dorr.<br />

CALL FOR<br />


<strong>419</strong>-389-0555<br />

Bowles Court<br />

Maumee Apartments<br />

Large 1 bedroom apartments,<br />

no stairs, private<br />

entrance, patio, parking<br />

spots, appliances included.<br />

$425/month<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-5320<br />

Hall Rental<br />

Capacity 260<br />

American Legion Post #553<br />

206 S. Byrne Rd., Toledo<br />

1-<strong>419</strong>-535-2421<br />

www.adamspost553.org<br />

1ST CLASS East River/Rockledge/Hamlet<br />

area. $499/$529.<br />

Dignified, vintage, quality, impeccable,<br />

quiet, safe, garden<br />

area. <strong>419</strong>-517-6081.<br />

2 BEDROOM villa. C/A, gas<br />

heat, attached garage, washer/<br />

dryer hook-ups, $665/month.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-0889.<br />

2 BEDROOM, 1 bath condo.<br />

Includes all appliances including<br />

washer and dryer. Large<br />

deck. One car attached garage.<br />

Large walk-in closet in master.<br />

Upper unit with private entrance<br />

from garage and street.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-346-7755.<br />

2 BEDROOM, Perrysburg,<br />

ground level quiet, brick ranch<br />

apartment. Rent includes heat,<br />

hot water, large attic and carport.<br />

$725/month. Non-smoking,<br />

no dogs. Newly remodeled<br />

including kitchen, carpet,<br />

appliances. <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-4920.<br />

27015 HEATHERFORD and<br />

9781 Bishopswood Lane upper<br />

2 bedroom apartments. All<br />

electric, appliances,washer/<br />

dryer hook-up in apartment,<br />

garage with opener. Tenant pays<br />

water, electric. $625/month,<br />

$625 deposit. Call <strong>419</strong>-290-<br />

3614 for a showing.<br />

OFFICE SPACE, Perrysburg<br />

Township, Ground level,<br />

600 square feet, Easy access<br />

location $595/month. All<br />

inclusive. <strong>419</strong>-346-6703.<br />

PERRYSBURG 2 bedroom.<br />

2 bath condominium. Finished<br />

basement and patio, garage<br />

with opener. All appliances<br />

included. $950/month<br />

plus deposit. 937-658-0272.<br />

PERRYSBURG, A-1 prime<br />

executive office space, plenty<br />

of free parking, all utilities included,<br />

excellent township location<br />

near I-75 and State<br />

Route 20. Please call<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-9989 for information.<br />

ROSSFORD VERY nice<br />

large 2 bedroom upper. All<br />

appliances with washer/dryer,<br />

walk up attic. No pets.<br />

$600/month plus deposit.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-351-0228.<br />

* * * NOTICE * * *<br />

Investigate before you invest.<br />

Call the Ohio Division<br />

of Securities BEFORE purchasing<br />

an investment. Call<br />

the Division’s Investor Protection<br />

Hotline at 800-788-<br />

1194 to learn if the<br />

investment is properly registered<br />

and if the seller is properly<br />

licensed. Please be<br />

advised that many work at<br />

home advertisements do not<br />

yield what is promised. It is<br />

best to investigate the company<br />

before applying for any<br />

work at home position.<br />

(This notice is a public service<br />

of the Welch Publishing Co.)<br />


Cordoba Apartments<br />

Perrysburg Township.<br />

Close to Owens & Crossroads.<br />

Rent starting at $410<br />

<strong>419</strong>-381-0600<br />



1,200 To 2,400 SQ. FT.<br />




13 FT. CEILINGS<br />



26963 ECKEL ROAD<br />


CALL <strong>419</strong>.<strong>874</strong>.5307<br />

Perry’s Landing<br />

Space for Rent<br />

•Commercial/Office<br />

Space, 500 sq. ft.-1800<br />

square feet available.<br />

•1 bedroom apt. available,<br />

$525 plus utilities.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-352-0717<br />

STONY RIDGE, Hickory<br />

Court, 2 bedroom, $625/1 year<br />

lease, small pets ok, central air,<br />

extra locked storage, shared<br />

laundry, garbage/hot water<br />

paid. <strong>419</strong>-837-6767.<br />


condominium. Historic river<br />

area. Impeccable. $559 &<br />

$589. <strong>419</strong>-517-6081.<br />


HOUGHTON LAKE, Michigan.<br />

Completely furnished 3<br />

bedroom chalet. Boating,<br />

shopping and golfing near.<br />

Daily, weekends, weekly.<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-360-1923.<br />


Vacation Rentals<br />

here. Call us<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-4491 to<br />

place your ad.<br />


308 JENNINGS Road. By<br />

owner. Cape Cod near river. 3<br />

bedroom, 2 full baths, finished<br />

basement, fenced in<br />

back yard with 2 car garage.<br />

$89,000. Call for appointment.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-392-3986.<br />

LAND FOR sale, 1.85 acres,<br />

Perrysburg Township, Perrysburg<br />

Schools. Parcel<br />

P60-400-210000065002,<br />

$42,000. Call <strong>419</strong>-690-2183.<br />

VILLA: 2 bedroom, 2 bath,<br />

sunroom, 2 car garage, waterfront<br />

lot, all appliances. Immediate<br />

possession, Emerald<br />

Lakes Drive. <strong>419</strong>-466-1350.<br />


152 Bacon St.<br />

2 Story, maintenance<br />

free, 4 bedrooms, 2<br />

baths, updated<br />

kitchen with all appliances,<br />

newer furnace.<br />

Fenced double<br />

lot, off street parking<br />

including alley access.<br />

$89,900<br />

Gay Barker, <strong>419</strong>-360-6467<br />


kristi.mufti@gmail.com<br />

ISOH/IMPACT accepting<br />

donations for Bucket Brigade<br />

In the wake of the recent<br />

storms that swept through<br />

Ohio and many areas of the<br />

eastern United States,<br />

ISOH/IMPACT is offering assistance<br />

with basic needs with<br />

its Bucket Brigade.<br />

Area residents are invited<br />

to donate by filling a new,<br />

five-gallon lidded bucket with<br />

cleaning supplies, personal<br />

care items, first aid supplies,<br />

pet supplies or canned and<br />

non-perishable food items,<br />

that will help put immediate<br />

relief into the hands of families<br />

who have been affected.<br />

For those who would like<br />


Perrysburg<br />

Real Estate<br />

News and Stats<br />

at<br />

www.PerrysburgBlog.com<br />

28683 E. River Rd. • $990,000<br />

• A jewel on the Maumee<br />

• Architecturally significant<br />

• Quality renovations<br />

• 2.25 acre site<br />

• Extensive gardens with<br />

swimming pool<br />

Chey Call, Realtor <strong>419</strong>-861-9747<br />

Welles Bowen Realtors<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 1-2:30 – 1121 Timber<br />

Brook – Beautiful 4 BR, 2.5 BA home, 1st<br />

flr master & office, large deck. $250,000.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 3-4:30 – 269 Cedar<br />

Ridge – Updated 4 BR, 2.5 BA home w/<br />

finished basement. $265,000.<br />

128 Cranden – Well maintained 3 BR, 2<br />

BA home in quiet subdivision. $159,000.<br />

She's Backkkkk<br />

Your home could be here<br />

X<br />

and Kristi will sell it<br />

within a very short time.<br />

Perrysburg House<br />

For Sale By Owner<br />

403 E. Second St.<br />

2-story, 4 bedroom,<br />

1-1/2 baths.<br />

Priced to sell.<br />

$224,900<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-466-3720<br />

MOVING<br />

Advertise<br />

your home<br />

in the classifieds<br />

<strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-<strong>2528</strong><br />

PERRYSBURG <strong>419</strong>-872-2410<br />

Info + Photos on all MLS properties<br />

go to www.danberry.com<br />

1090 Birch – 3 BR home,<br />

spacious family room, fenced<br />

yard. $124,900.<br />

Cecilia Richardson, ABR<br />

<strong>419</strong>-356-2000<br />

www.ceciliarichardson.danberry.com<br />

Infoline # <strong>419</strong>-539-1020<br />

What do you get when you put top local agents,<br />

from top local companies, under one roof<br />

Jeff Kessler<br />

<strong>419</strong>-320-7198<br />

Gary Ruscoe<br />

<strong>419</strong>-344-6099<br />

to participate in the Bucket<br />

Brigade but cannot fill a<br />

bucket on their own, a donation<br />

of $35 will allow<br />

ISOH/IMPACT to fill, ship<br />

and distribute a bucket of relief<br />

supplies to those in need.<br />

Supplies that are not in<br />

buckets also will be accepted.<br />

Items include paper products,<br />

laundry detergent, new tents,<br />

tarps, blankets, sleeping bags,<br />

bottled water, brooms, mops,<br />

rakes, shovels, box fans, shop<br />

vacs and portable generators.<br />

Glass items and clothing<br />

will not be accepted.<br />

Donations can be dropped<br />

=NEW LISTING by owner.<br />

11 Callander Court. Condominium,<br />

2 story, 3 bedroom,<br />

2 1/2 bath. First floor master.<br />

Large kitchen, basement.<br />

2,500 square feet. $255,000.<br />

Call <strong>419</strong>-467-2766.<br />

563 Winding River<br />

Perrysburg<br />

FREE property info<br />

at 800-728-7098,<br />

ext. 1071<br />

531 S Hill Park<br />

3 beds, 2 baths, beautiful<br />

ranch. $99,900<br />

1616 Hamilton<br />

3 beds, 1 bath, double lot.<br />

$14,900<br />

1946 Rose Arbor<br />

4 beds, 1.5 baths, great location.<br />

$109,000<br />

off at any area Tireman Auto<br />

Service Center or at<br />

ISOH/IMPACT’s distribution<br />

center located at 905<br />

Farnsworth Road in Waterville.<br />

A P.O.D.S. container is<br />

located at the Waterville distribution<br />

center for drop-offs.<br />

Cash and credit card donations<br />

can be made online at<br />

www.isohimpact .org or sent<br />

directly to the ISOH/IMPACT<br />

offices at 25182 West River<br />

Road, Perrysburg, Ohio<br />

43551.<br />

For more information,<br />

visit the Web site at www.isohimpact.org.<br />

Terry Kelly & Tammi Kern<br />

Kelly/Kern Realtors, <strong>419</strong>-690-6727<br />

Visit<br />

City<br />

Trends<br />

Realty.<br />

com<br />

28684 Woodland<br />

Avenue<br />

Three bedroom, 2<br />

1/2 bath, open<br />

floor plan. Finished<br />

basement: family<br />

room, 4th bedroom<br />

with walk-in closet,<br />

3/4 bath and laundry<br />

room. Fenced-in back yard with very large<br />

side yard. Fresh paint, new carpet. $184,900. Call<br />

for appointment. <strong>419</strong>-260-4564 or <strong>419</strong>-872-0497.<br />

kristisellshomes.com<br />

Two RHS students honored<br />

for highest scores on OGT<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> High School<br />

Principal Tony Brashear has<br />

announced that student<br />

scores on the Ohio Graduation<br />

Test (OGT) improved<br />

this year.<br />

Mr. Brashear said 78 percent<br />

of RHS sophomores<br />

passed all five tests.<br />

“Compared to the 2011<br />

results, the percentage of students<br />

scoring at the advanced<br />

or accelerated levels increased<br />

on four of the five<br />

tests,” he explained.<br />

Maalaea Newell and<br />

Makynzie Horvath were the<br />

top two scorers on the spring<br />

2012 OGT.<br />

Maalaea Newell had the<br />

high score on the math OGT.<br />

She is the daughter of Keith<br />

and Cheryl Newell.<br />

Makynzie Horvath had<br />

the high score on the reading,<br />

writing, science and social<br />

studies OGTs. She is the<br />

daughter of Stephen and Amy<br />

Horvath.<br />

All Class of 2013 students<br />

at the high school have now<br />

passed all five sections of the<br />

NOTICE<br />


Pursuant to <strong>Rossford</strong> Municipal<br />

Code Sections<br />

1114.07 & 1114.08, this Notice<br />

is given that the Planning<br />

Commission for the<br />

City of <strong>Rossford</strong> will hold a<br />

public hearing as follows:<br />


ING: August 1, 2012<br />


ING: 7:00 P.M.<br />





OHIO<br />


MEETING: To consider<br />

amending the <strong>Rossford</strong> Zoning<br />

Map to change certain<br />

agriculturally zoned property<br />

located on Glenwood<br />

Road and Wales Road from<br />

agricultural to residential,<br />

Low Density Single Family<br />

Residential (R-1C).<br />

Published in the <strong>Rossford</strong> <strong>Record</strong><br />

<strong>Journal</strong> issues of June 28 and July 5,<br />

2012.<br />

From left are Maalaea Newell and Makynzie Horvath, who<br />

earned the top scores on the OGT this spring.<br />

OGT, according to the principal.<br />

Of those 13, nine are spe-<br />

OGT.<br />

However, 13 students in cial education students and<br />

next year’s graduating class may become exempt from<br />

who attend Penta still have to having to pass the test, Mr.<br />

pass at least one part of the Brashear said.<br />

NOTICE<br />


Pursuant to <strong>Rossford</strong> Municipal<br />

Code Sections<br />

1114.07 & 1114.08, this Notice<br />

is given that the Planning<br />

Commission for the<br />

City of <strong>Rossford</strong> will hold a<br />

public hearing as follows:<br />


ING: August 1, 2012<br />


ING: 7:00 P.M.<br />





OHIO<br />


MEETING: To consider<br />

amending <strong>Rossford</strong> Municipal<br />

Code Section 1134.04<br />

dealing with Fence Regulations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> amendments deal<br />

with, generally, a requirement<br />

that devices added to<br />

the top of a fence are to be<br />

subject to the height regulations<br />

and, in addition, a requirement<br />

that posts of<br />

fences be placed on the interior<br />

side of the fence,<br />

along with other changes to<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Municipal Code<br />

Section 1134.04.<br />

Published in the <strong>Rossford</strong> <strong>Record</strong><br />

<strong>Journal</strong> issues of June 28 and July 5,<br />

2012.<br />




<br />

<br />

Pame a Rose<br />

©2012<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

parks, swimming pool, and<br />

<br />

square foot home with 4 beds,<br />

library room, formal dining,<br />

<br />

unique kitchen in center of home<br />

perfect for entertaining, vaulted<br />

sun room leads to rear courtyard<br />

with lush landscape and<br />

tranquility gardens, 2 plus garage<br />

<br />

long term owners moving! Never<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>419</strong>-865-1224<br />

CAI AARE<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Original e-mail<br />

Public forum scheduled on new<br />

Healthy Lake Erie Fund July 10<br />

A public forum will be<br />

held Tuesday, July 10 for residents<br />

interested in learning<br />

more about Ohio’s new<br />

Healthy Lake Erie Fund with<br />

an opportunity to provide<br />

input on solutions to resolving<br />

the lake’s algae problems.<br />

State Representative<br />

Randy Gardner, sponsor of<br />

the Healthy Lake Erie Fund,<br />

will host the forum with invited<br />

guests Director Jim<br />

Zehringer of the Ohio Department<br />

of Natural Resources,<br />

Director David<br />

Daniels of the Ohio Department<br />

of Agriculture and Ohio<br />

EPA Director Scott Nally.<br />

“No issue is more important<br />

to the environmental and<br />

economic health of our region<br />

than protecting Lake Erie,”<br />

said Rep. Gardner. “<strong>The</strong> new<br />

Healthy Lake Erie Fund can<br />

be an important next step in<br />

helping to solve the algal<br />

bloom problems that have<br />

been getting worse in recent<br />

years. This is an opportunity<br />

for the public to become additionally<br />

involved in being<br />

part of the solution.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> forum will begin at 4<br />

p.m., at the Lake Erie Regional<br />

Welcome Center in Ottawa<br />

County.<br />

Reservations are not necessary,<br />

but those wishing to<br />

provide suggestions to Representative<br />

Gardner and members<br />

of the Governor’s<br />

cabinet are asked to provide<br />

written comments.<br />

State Rep. Randy Gardner<br />



NOTICE<br />


Pursuant to <strong>Rossford</strong> Municipal<br />

Code Sections<br />

1114.07 & 1114.08, this Notice<br />

is given that the Planning<br />

Commission for the<br />

City of <strong>Rossford</strong> will hold a<br />

public hearing as follows:<br />


ING: August 1, 2012<br />


ING: 7:00 P.M.<br />





OHIO<br />


MEETING: To consider<br />

amending <strong>Rossford</strong> Municipal<br />

Code Section 1132.02,<br />

Matrix of Permitted and Special<br />

Uses. <strong>The</strong> amendments<br />

deal with, generally, allowing<br />

apartments as a special<br />

use in PC and PI districts; allowing<br />

computerized<br />

sweepstakes terminal cafes<br />

as permitted uses in M-1 and<br />

M-2 districts and special<br />

uses in C-3, C-4, PC and PI<br />

districts; allowing the sale or<br />

rental of goods stored outside<br />

a building as permitted<br />

uses in M-1 and M-2 districts;<br />

providing that distribution<br />

facilities are<br />

permitted uses in M-1 and<br />

M-2 districts and a special<br />

use in a PC district; providing<br />

that a truck/construction<br />

equipment repair and sales<br />

is a permitted use in M-1<br />

and M-2 districts; and allowing<br />

warehouse & distribution<br />

as a special use in the<br />

PC district.<br />

Published in the <strong>Rossford</strong> <strong>Record</strong><br />

<strong>Journal</strong> issues of June 28 and July 5,<br />

2012.<br />



<strong>The</strong> Board of Education of<br />

the <strong>Rossford</strong> Exempted Village<br />

School District is accepting<br />

statements of<br />

qualifications to provide<br />

professional Needs Assessment<br />

services and professional<br />

Facilities Condition<br />

Assessment services to the<br />

District to gather information<br />

for the Master Plan<br />

2012 process. <strong>The</strong> successful<br />

firm(s) should have experience<br />

in the respective assessments<br />

and overall school<br />

facilities and Master Planning<br />

process.<br />

Requests for a more detailed<br />

public announcement<br />

of the anticipated services<br />

may be obtained from<br />

William McFarland, Interim<br />

Superintendent, 601 Superior<br />

Street, <strong>Rossford</strong>, Ohio<br />

43460-1247; telephone:<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-2010. Statements<br />

of qualification will be accepted<br />

until 2:00 p.m. on<br />

July 26, 2012.<br />

Published in the <strong>Rossford</strong> <strong>Record</strong><br />

<strong>Journal</strong>, issues of June 28, July 5 and<br />

12, 2012.

RHS softball team to hold golf outing<br />

Ohio CCW<br />

July 15, 2012<br />

Great Lakes GunWorx<br />

$100<br />

<strong>419</strong>-754-9265 ~ <strong>419</strong>-340-0931<br />

OPOTA and NRA instructors<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> High School<br />

girls softball team will hold<br />

its 10th annual golf outing on<br />

August 11, at Chippewa Golf<br />

Course. <strong>The</strong> event has an 8<br />

a.m. shotgun start. <strong>The</strong> $65<br />

entry fee includes golf, cart<br />

and dinner at the <strong>Rossford</strong><br />

American Legion.<br />

This fund-raiser supports<br />

the <strong>Rossford</strong> Lady Dog Softball<br />

program. <strong>The</strong> money<br />

raised has been used to update<br />

the softball field by putting<br />

in the drainage tiles and<br />

a scoreboard, purchase the indoor<br />

batting cage, the pitching<br />

machine and various<br />

equipment that is needed<br />

throughout the spring and<br />

summer seasons.<br />

Golfers can enter as individuals<br />

or as a foursome.<br />

Hole sponsorship is available<br />

for $50.<br />

For more information, call<br />

Coach Tom Kralovic at <strong>419</strong>-<br />

461-6016.<br />

www.CitizenAdvisory.com<br />

Retirement<br />

Planning<br />

is My Specialty…<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Safety Town ‘graduates’ receive diplomas<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> firefighter Patrick Yoder helps the students learn to spray water from the<br />

Area preschoolers recently<br />

spent a week in the annual<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Safety Town<br />

program receiving helpful advice<br />

such as safe places in the<br />

neighborhood, wearing a<br />

seatbelt in the car, and how to<br />

deal with strangers, among<br />

other practices.<br />

After a week of training,<br />

Safety Town “graduates” received<br />

their diplomas.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program was coordinated<br />

again this year by Officer<br />

Jodi Johnson of the<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Police Department.<br />

“I love keeping the kids<br />

safe,” she said. “Kids play<br />

outside over the summer, and<br />

we want to keep them safe.”<br />

This year’s Safety Town<br />

participants were:<br />

Yellow Group–Amy Claypool,<br />

Alli Nichpor, Neveah<br />

Worley, Preston Cirisan,<br />

Alena Morales, Brittney Tingley,<br />

Ruhani Singh, Molly<br />

Lesick, James Lesick.<br />

Green Group–Ava Ogdahl,<br />

Bennett Murtha, Taitem<br />

Alford, Samuel Wilburn,<br />

Sophia Shinaver, Brody Wittenmyer,<br />

Kali Bedford, Jace<br />

Odenweller, Briana Alexander,<br />

Maximus Henderson,<br />

Samantha Maenle.<br />

Red Group: Kathleen<br />

Timbrook, Lillian Eberly, Addison<br />

Eberly, Grant Eckel, Isabella<br />

Villarreal, Madeline<br />

Kazmaier, Elijah Kazmaier,<br />

Oliver Viser, Jasper Koch,<br />

Kendyll Shaffer, Addison<br />

Farquharson, Ryley Williard,<br />

Alex Vargo, Jacob Pupik.<br />

Guest speakers included:<br />

•Nora Davis, Wood<br />

County Dog Warden;<br />

•Amanda Gamby, Bowling<br />

Green Recycle Center;<br />

•<strong>Rossford</strong> Fire Chief Jim<br />

Verbosky;<br />

•Donna Linthicum, <strong>Rossford</strong><br />

School Nurse;<br />

•Kevin Darr of Norfolk<br />

Southern Railroad, and<br />

•Toledo Children’s Hospital<br />

personnel, which provided<br />

a bike helmet for each student.<br />

Students also received orange<br />

T-shirts courtesy of the<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> Eagles and orange<br />

bags from the police depart-<br />

fire hose.<br />

ment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> teachers were Kristin<br />

Vargo, Julie Thoman and<br />

Jaime Halka.<br />

Volunteers who helped at<br />

the program were Alyssa<br />

Kolb, Claire Verbosky, Taylor<br />

Kolb, Ben Verbosky,<br />

Bailee Self, Logan Vargo,<br />

Alayna Kitzler, Austin Vargo,<br />

Alexis Schultz and Shayla<br />

Cajka.<br />

ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL — July 5, 2012 — Page 7<br />

Fund-raiser at McDonald’s<br />

to benefit RHS boys soccer<br />

Beat the Heat!<br />

★<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> High<br />

School boys soccer team<br />

will hold a fund-raiser on<br />

Thursday, July 12, from 5 to<br />

8 p.m., at McDonald’s at the<br />

Buck Road exit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> restaurant will donate<br />

a percentage of food<br />

sales during these hours to<br />

the soccer team. Proceeds<br />

will be used to help the boys<br />

attend soccer camp at<br />

Bluffton University and to<br />

purchase soccer equipment.<br />

Check us out on the web: rossford.com<br />

★<br />

From sand carving to live music, face painting to chalk fun. It’s the second annual<br />

Sand-Tastic! Festival at Levis Commons with something for everyone!<br />

Daily<br />

12:00 - 8:00 p.m.<br />

Be amazed as Chad Hartson and his team<br />

from Ice Creations bring to life four 8-ton<br />

sand sculptures on the boulevard. Stop by<br />

for an hour or three and watch as piles of<br />

sand turn into works of art.<br />

12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.<br />

A community sandbox will be open<br />

with shovels, pails and all the tools<br />

necessary to make your own masterpiece.<br />

Bring your family, friends and neighbors -<br />

this sandbox is big enough for everyone<br />

you know!<br />

1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.<br />

Chad and his team will provide hands-on<br />

demonstrations in the community sandbox<br />

so you can learn how to sculpt like a pro.<br />

Sponsored by:<br />

Are you working with<br />

a specialist<br />

Phone (<strong>419</strong>)<br />

872-0204<br />

Toll Free (877) 883-1224<br />

For a complimentary<br />

Retirement<br />

Navigation Consultation<br />

contact us today!<br />

Investment Advisory services are offered through Alphastar Capital Management, LLC, a<br />

SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Alphastar ar Capital Management, LLC and Citizen<br />

Advisory Group, Ltd. are independent entities.<br />

July 13-15, 2012<br />

Friday, July 13<br />

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.<br />

An Amateur Sand Sculpting Contest<br />

will take place on Friday, July 13th from<br />

7:00-8:00 p.m. Teams of up to 4 are<br />

encouraged to register in advance as there<br />

are a limited number of spaces available.<br />

Saturday, July 14<br />

Enjoy a variety of strolling entertaiment<br />

while you roam the boulevard watching<br />

the sculptures come to life. From clowns<br />

to caricature artists, there will be plenty of<br />

fun for all.<br />

Safety Town graduates, teachers and volunteers with Officer Jodi Johnson.<br />

Kindergarteners in Safety Town gather around to pet ResQue, the <strong>Rossford</strong> fire dog, as<br />

Assistant Fire Chief Josh Drouard holds the dalmatian’s leash.<br />

Eagle Point Elementary posts honor roll<br />

Eagle Point Elementary<br />

School recently released the<br />

names of students on the<br />

honor roll. <strong>The</strong>y are:<br />

Principal’s Honor Roll<br />

Fourth Grade<br />

Tesla Bias, Hunter<br />

Hitchens, Grace Knitz, Hannah<br />

Pierce, Aubrey Zolciak.<br />

Fifth Grade<br />

Connor Blair, Derek<br />

Boyd, Aaron Brimmer,<br />

Emilia Christoff, Madison<br />

Deshetler Beyer, Morgan<br />

Deshetler Beyer, Megan<br />

Dunne, Arianna DuPont, Isabella<br />

Hall, Taylor Jefferis,<br />

Hunter Korzec, Quinten<br />

McLeary, Gavin O’Neal,<br />

Sarah Pavuk, Austen Robinson,<br />

Hannah Trabbic, Reanne<br />

Wauford, Kasidy Wolf,<br />

Matthew Woycitzky.<br />

Sixth Grade<br />

Isabelle Allsopp, Alissa<br />

Carroll, Austin Eick,<br />

Alexander Foulks, Brandon<br />

Knitz, Alyssa Kolb, Madisen<br />

Mandell, Haleigh Peters,<br />

Anna Price, Margaret Rohrs,<br />

Evan Taylor, Makayla<br />

Tucker, Madison Wauford.<br />

Honor Roll<br />

Fourth Grade<br />

Bailey Almester, Madilyn<br />

Archambeau, Isabella<br />

Blair, Allison Curtis,<br />

Jacqueline Dorn, Adia Gray,<br />

Kaylee Groom, Lucy<br />

Hoskins, Lukas Klotz, Dillon<br />

Prater, Emily Pruss,<br />

Sophia Ruse, Karinna Sayre.<br />

Fifth Grade<br />

Ashton Ankney, Jacob<br />

Birchall, Allison Bloomfield,<br />

Troy Durden Scott,<br />

Sev Durden, Caitlin Fritch,<br />

Jacob Gonzales, Kathryn<br />

Gyori, Caleb Madden, Jacob<br />

Myers, Colleen Palmer,<br />

Cameron Reynolds,<br />

Mackenzie Rodriguez,<br />

Haleigh Schumann, Katia<br />

Thomas, Maggie Tucker.<br />

Sixth Grade<br />

Nicholas Burkhart,<br />

Alexander Chairelott,<br />

Charles Dorn, Matthew Hinojosa,<br />

Hannah Kreuz,<br />

Seirra Meek, Rachel Miller,<br />

Isaac Schulz, Makayla<br />

Seman, Corina Sifuentes,<br />

Hunter Smith, Lucas<br />

Warner.<br />

★<br />

Splash into Dance<br />

at On Q<br />

Experience the Difference<br />

Professional<br />

Staff!<br />

★ 15 Minutes<br />

from<br />

Perrysburg<br />

★ Voted<br />

Family Favorite!<br />

Over<br />

25 years<br />

Experience<br />

★ Offering Recreational<br />

and Competitive Teams<br />

Register Online Now<br />

for summer camps:<br />

★ Fairy Tale Dreams July 9-12th<br />

★ Dance, Dance, Dance July 16-19th<br />

★ Honorary Cast Members<br />

of Walt Disney World<br />

Offering Classes ages 2 through 18<br />

Accepting online registration for fall<br />

1550 Reynolds Rd<br />

Maumee, OH 43537 • <strong>419</strong>.893.8326<br />

OnQDanceCenter.com<br />

Perrysburg<br />

Farmers Market<br />

Visit the Perrysburg Farmers Market<br />

Every Thursday thru October 11<br />

3 to 8 p.m.<br />

Downtown Historic Perrysburg<br />

Louisiana Ave.<br />

Producers<br />

Artisans<br />

Food Carts<br />

www.perrysburg-farmers-market.com<br />

Sponsored by the Perrysburg<br />

Convention and Visitors Bureau<br />

www.visitperrysburg.com<br />


Page 8 — July 5, 2012 — ROSSFORD RECORD JOURNAL<br />

RHS drama<br />

club swim<br />

party July 14<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> High<br />

School drama club will host<br />

a swim party on Saturday,<br />

July 14, from 11 a.m. to 5<br />

p.m., in Grassy Creek subdivision.<br />

This is a social networking<br />

event for all current<br />

drama club members and<br />

parents as well as incoming<br />

RHS freshmen and parents of<br />

freshmen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> upcoming season,<br />

fund-raising events, field<br />

trips parent volunteering, the<br />

EDTA theater conference,<br />

and other events will be discussed.<br />

For more information,<br />

send an e-mail to Julie Zatko<br />

and Ryan Mahaffey at<br />

rhsdrama@gmail.com.<br />

Owens men’s soccer team<br />

to hold open tryouts July 28<br />

<strong>The</strong> Owens Express<br />

men’s soccer team will hold<br />

an open tryout for anyone<br />

interested in playing this<br />

coming fall on Saturday,<br />

July 28, from 10 a.m. to<br />

noon.<br />

Prospective players must<br />

bring a copy/proof of a physical<br />

to try out.<br />

Area businesses, your support is needed<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Riverfest<br />

with<br />

Fireworks!<br />

Saturday, Aug. 25<br />

for<br />

this annual<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

celebration!<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> Business Association is soliciting sponsors:<br />

■ $1,000 - Stars & Stripes level<br />

■ $500 - Red level<br />

■ $250 - White level<br />

■ $100 - Blue level<br />

Business Name ______________________________________________________<br />

Contact ________________________________________________________________<br />

Address _______________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

Phone __________________________ E-mail ______________________________<br />

<strong>The</strong> Express men’s soccer<br />

team finished 13-8 last<br />

year and advanced to the<br />

quarterfinals of the NJCAA<br />

Region XII tournament.<br />

For more information,<br />

call Head Coach Art Johnson<br />

at 567-661-7938 or send an<br />

e-mail to arthur_johnson<br />

@owens.edu.<br />

With check made payable to RBA and “ireworks” in the memo line, mail this form<br />

to RBA, Attn: Cindi Hollie-Selz, treasurer, P.O. Box 85, <strong>Rossford</strong>, OH 43460.<br />

Thank you for your community support!<br />

For more information, contact Justin Knierim of Edward Jones at <strong>419</strong>-666-1910.<br />

a turn.<br />

In June, students from<br />

Penta Career Center’s 16-<br />

member school districts with<br />

an interest in Science, Technology,<br />

Engineering and<br />

Math (STEM) participated in<br />

<strong>The</strong> stop may be at <strong>The</strong> University it<br />

of Toledo,<br />

o,<br />

but there’s e’<br />

no telling how far she’ll l really ly<br />

go.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

STEM participants explore science, technology,<br />

engineering and math with hands-on activities<br />

From left Kyle Michonowic, Clint Huntermark and Drew Pinardo of <strong>Rossford</strong> are all smiles<br />

as they put the finishing touches on their robot kit.<br />

Above, the boys grew anxious when their revised model<br />

appeared to stall on the terrain as it attempted to navigate<br />

a unique summer camp.<br />

About 100 area students<br />

in grades seven through nine<br />

enrolled in the hands-on<br />

camp, exploring such areas<br />

as computer hardware/networking,<br />

construction technologies,<br />

ag biotechnology,<br />

geographic information systems<br />

(GIS), and green energy<br />

management.<br />

Each day, the students participated<br />

in a different program.<br />

<strong>The</strong> programs were<br />

designed to increase students’<br />

understanding of how science,<br />

technology, engineering<br />

and math skills are used in a<br />

variety of career fields, explained<br />

program coordinator<br />

Kristie Reighard.<br />

Some of the activities included<br />

constructing/programming<br />

robots; designing,<br />

building and testing trusses;<br />

extracting DNA from strawberries;<br />

studying remote<br />

sensing using Delta kites and<br />

flip camcorders, and making<br />

T-shirt program<br />

for teens slated<br />

at library July 12<br />

Teens entering grades 7<br />

to 12 can create a T-shirt as<br />

part of the “Own the<br />

Night” Teen Summer<br />

Reading Club at the <strong>Rossford</strong><br />

Library on Thursday,<br />

July 12.<br />

Participants can bring a<br />

black T-shirt to the library between<br />

2 and 3 p.m. and decorate<br />

it with glow-in-the-dark<br />

paint.<br />

Registration is requested<br />

by calling the library at <strong>419</strong>-<br />

666-0924.<br />

CHECK<br />

US<br />

OUT!<br />

www.<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

.com<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

<strong>Record</strong><br />

<strong>Journal</strong><br />

and burning bio-diesel fuel<br />

from vegetable oil.<br />

Constructing robots to<br />

move over alien terrain<br />

proved to be one of the more<br />

challenging tasks for students.<br />

Students designed their<br />

land rover from Lego Mindstorms<br />

kits.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> goal is for students<br />

to build a robot, a Mars<br />

Rover, that can navigate<br />

through a simulated alien<br />

world,” explained instructor<br />

Ken Nelson.<br />

During the morning session<br />

students learned the basics<br />

of computer<br />

programming and device<br />

ideas for robots. In the afternoon,<br />

students built their<br />

rovers based on what they<br />

had learned in the morning.<br />

For <strong>Rossford</strong> residents<br />

Kyle Michonowic, Clint<br />

Huntermark and Drew<br />

Pinardo the task proved<br />

daunting.<br />

After several hours of design<br />

and assembly, the boys<br />

still weren’t satisfied.<br />

“It’s not working as well<br />

as we want. It needs to make<br />

sharper turns,” said Drew.<br />

Mr. Nelson suggested a<br />

modification to the design<br />

from a four wheel to a three<br />

wheel vehicle. <strong>The</strong> modified<br />

design helped as the vehicle<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong><br />

941 Dixie Hwy.<br />

<strong>419</strong>-666-0091<br />

navigated turns more readily.<br />

In the ag biotechnology<br />

room, students were busy<br />

comparing packaging materials<br />

and testing the materials<br />

in an egg drop.<br />

“We tested the genetically<br />

modified corn product<br />

against foam peanuts to see<br />

which cushions better,” said<br />

instructor Whitney Short.<br />

Students assembled boxes<br />

and placed raw eggs in resealable<br />

bags. Each student<br />

then selected the material<br />

which they thought would<br />

better cushion the egg against<br />

breakage.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y took the boxes to the<br />

second floor of the career<br />

center and dropped them on<br />

the floor below.<br />

Many students packaged<br />

their eggs in foam peanuts,<br />

believing it would better<br />

cushion the eggs. Much to<br />

their surprise the eggs broke.<br />

Only an egg packaged by<br />

Jacob Hertzfeld of Perrysburg<br />

survived, and it was protected<br />

by the corn bio-product.<br />

In the green energy program<br />

instructor Vicki Miller<br />

worked with students on a<br />

bio-diesel fuel experiment.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y began the day by<br />

making bio-diesel fuel from<br />

vegetable oil. In the afternoon<br />

students compared the biodiesel<br />

fuel they created<br />

against soybean fuel and fossil<br />

fuel.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y calculated the energy<br />

produced and compared<br />

the results of the three types<br />

of fuel against each other.<br />

“Vegetable and soy produce<br />

less energy which<br />

equates to fewer miles per<br />

gallon,” explained Ms.<br />

Miller.<br />

But she said that they are<br />

a cleaner fuel, noting that<br />

certain fossil fuels such as<br />

diesel are considered carcinogenic.<br />

This is the fourth year for<br />

the program. <strong>The</strong> camp is offered<br />

at minimal cost to students<br />

in Penta’s member<br />

school districts which include:<br />

Anthony Wayne,<br />

Bowling Green, Eastwood,<br />

Elmwood, Genoa, Lake,<br />

Maumee, Northwood, North<br />

Baltimore, Oak Harbor, Otsego,<br />

Perrysburg, <strong>Rossford</strong>,<br />

Springfield, Swanton and<br />

Woodmore.<br />

–Jane Maiolo<br />

Lee Williams<br />

OPEN 7 DAYS<br />

A WEEK<br />



RIB EYE<br />

STEAKS<br />

ADD A<br />

SHRIMP<br />

KABOB<br />

$2.19 EA.<br />

BEEF RIB EYE 8 OZ. EA. $7.98 LB.<br />

EA.<br />

HOM<br />



EA.<br />

BEEF RIB EYE 2.3 OZ. EA.<br />

Evening<br />

class<br />

Sept. 10<br />

Day class<br />

July 9<br />

Shop at Toledo’ s House of Meats where all your dollars stay in your community.<br />


BARREL<br />

4 OZ. SKEWERED<br />


$<br />

1.99 EA.<br />

4 OZ. SKEWERED<br />


$<br />

2.99 EA.<br />


$<br />

4.99 LB.<br />


LOW PRICE!<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rossford</strong> American<br />

Legion Post 533 will host a<br />

golf scrambles on Saturday,<br />

July 14, at 9 a.m., at Green<br />

Meadows Country Club in<br />

Monroe, Michigan.<br />

<strong>The</strong> event is open to men,<br />

women and mixed foursomes.<br />

Cash prizes will be<br />

awarded to the two teams<br />

with the lowest scores. Other<br />

cash prizes will be awarded to<br />

men and women for long<br />

drives and closest to the pin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cost is $70 per person,<br />

which includes skins. After<br />

BAG O’<br />


*7- DRUMSTICKS<br />

*7- THIGHS<br />

*7- 1/2 BREASTS<br />

<strong>Rossford</strong> American Legion<br />

to host golf scrambles July 14<br />

!" !! #$<br />

<br />

<br />

#<br />

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<br />

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<br />

OUR BEST<br />






LB.<br />

Shadow Valley<br />

Dental Group<br />

! "! <br />

" <br />

$$$ $#%!<br />

<br />

LB.<br />

GREAT ON<br />







8 PATTIES 1.9 LB.<br />


HOT DOGS<br />




the golf scrambles, participants<br />

are invited to the American<br />

Legion located at 145<br />

Bergin Street, in <strong>Rossford</strong>, for<br />

all-you-can-eat hamburgers,<br />

bratwursts and hot dogs. <strong>The</strong><br />

meal is included in the tournament<br />

cost.<br />

Hole sponsorships are<br />

available. For more information<br />

or to register, call Rich<br />

DeVaul at <strong>419</strong>-661-0583,<br />

Moe Minarcin at <strong>419</strong>-666-<br />

1149, Kathy James at <strong>419</strong>-<br />

367-0697 or Kevin Weaks at<br />

<strong>419</strong>-661-1831.<br />

Have a news tip<br />

Do you have an idea for a good story in the <strong>Rossford</strong><br />

community<br />

Call the <strong>Journal</strong> at <strong>419</strong>-<strong>874</strong>-4491 or send an e-<br />

mail with your news to editor@rossford.com.<br />

$<br />

4.99 LB.<br />

$<br />

8.99<br />

$<br />

4.99 LB.<br />

$<br />

4.99 LB.

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