Chemical Reference Standards AccuStandard®

Chemical Reference Standards AccuStandard®

Chemical Reference Standards AccuStandard®


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Pesticides & Herbicides<br />

European Method Pesticide Mixes<br />

Pesticide & Herbicide Mixtures<br />

Pesticide Mix 11<br />

German Regulations - For residue thresholds.<br />

Swiss Regulations - For components and<br />

contaminants in food.<br />

DFG collected methods.<br />

AE-00020<br />

1 x 1 mL<br />

AE-00020-10ML<br />

1 x 10 mL<br />

10 ng/µL each in Toluene 19 comps.<br />

Aldrin<br />

Chloridazon<br />

o,p’-DDD<br />

p,p’-DDD<br />

o,p’-DDE<br />

p,p’-DDE<br />

o,p’-DDT<br />

p,p’-DDT<br />

Endrin<br />

α-HCH<br />

β-HCH<br />

γ-HCH<br />

δ-HCH<br />

Heptachlor<br />

cis-Heptachlorepoxide<br />

trans-Heptachlorepoxide<br />

Hexachlorbenzene<br />

Tecnacene<br />

Tetrachlorvinphos<br />

Pesticide Mix 12<br />

German Regulations - For residue thresholds.<br />

Swiss Regulations - For components and<br />

contaminants in food.<br />

DFG collected methods.<br />

AE-00021<br />

1 x 1 mL<br />

AE-00021-10ML<br />

1 x 10 mL<br />

At stated conc. in Toluene<br />

9 comps.<br />

ng/µL<br />

Carbophention 100<br />

Disulfoton 150<br />

Fenthion 100<br />

Methamidophos 100<br />

Phorate 150<br />

Phorate-sulfate 100<br />

Phorate-sulfone 150<br />

Tetrachlorvinphos 10<br />

Thiomethon 100<br />

Pesticide Mix 13<br />

German Regulations - For residue thresholds.<br />

Swiss Regulations - For components and<br />

contaminants in food.<br />

DFG collected methods.<br />

AE-00022<br />

1 x 1 mL<br />

AE-00022-10ML<br />

1 x 10 mL<br />

At stated conc. in Toluene<br />

8 comps.<br />

ng/µL<br />

Chlorfenvinphos (CFVP) 100<br />

Chlorpyriphos 100<br />

Dichlorvos 100<br />

Dimethoate 100<br />

Heptenophos 100<br />

Quinalphos 100<br />

Tetrachlorvinphos 10<br />

Triazophos 100<br />

Korean Drinking Water Regulations Standard<br />

Pesticide Mix 14<br />

German Regulations - For residue thresholds.<br />

Swiss Regulations - For components and<br />

contaminants in food.<br />

DFG collected methods.<br />

AE-00023<br />

1 x 1 mL<br />

AE-00023-10ML<br />

1 x 10 mL<br />

At stated conc. in Toluene<br />

10 comps.<br />

ng/µL<br />

Cyfluthrin 500<br />

λ-Cyhalothrin 500<br />

Cypermethrin 500<br />

Deltamethrin 500<br />

Dichloran 100<br />

Fenvalerate 500<br />

Pendimethalin 100<br />

Permethrin 500<br />

Tefluthrin 100<br />

Tetrachlorvinphos 10<br />

Pesticide Mix 15<br />

Regulations for drinking water and water used in<br />

food manufacturing, May 27, 1986, BGBI, I,S. 760.<br />

AE-00024<br />

1 x 1 mL<br />

AE-00024-10ML<br />

1 x 10 mL<br />

0.02 ng/µL each in Ethyl acetate 33 comps.<br />

Atrazine<br />

Bifenox<br />

Bromacil<br />

Carbetamide<br />

Chloridazo<br />

Chloroxuron<br />

Chlorpropham<br />

Chlortoluron<br />

Crimidine<br />

Cyanazine<br />

Desethylatrazine<br />

Desisopropylatrazine<br />

Desethylterbuthylazine<br />

Dimefuron<br />

Diuron<br />

Isoproturon<br />

Karbutilate<br />

Linuron<br />

Pencycuron<br />

Pendimethalin<br />

Prometryne<br />

Propazine<br />

Metamitron<br />

Metazachlor<br />

Methabenzthiazuron<br />

Methoprotryne<br />

Metobromuron<br />

Metolachlor<br />

Monolinuron<br />

Sebuthylazine<br />

Simazine<br />

Terbutryn<br />

Terbuthylazine<br />

Pesticide Mix 17<br />

Regulations: Test methods for organochlorine and<br />

organophosphor compounds and pyrethroide<br />

Current Science and Technology, German Book of<br />

Medicine (1996).<br />

AE-00027<br />

1 x 1 mL<br />

AE-0027-10ML<br />

1 x 10 mL<br />

10 ng/µL each in Toluene 14 comps.<br />

Alachlor<br />

Bromopropylate<br />

Carbophenothion<br />

Cypermethrin<br />

Deltamethrin<br />

Endosulfane sulfate<br />

Fenvalerate<br />

Methyl pentachlorophenyl sulfide<br />

Pentachloraniline<br />

cis-Permethrin<br />

trans-Permethrin<br />

Piperonyl butoxide<br />

Pyrethrins<br />

Quintozene<br />

Pesticide Mix 18<br />

Regulations - Test methods for organochlorine and<br />

organophosphor compounds and pyrethroide<br />

Current Science and Technology, German Book of<br />

Medicine (1996).<br />

AE-00028<br />

1 x 1 mL<br />

AE-00028-10ML<br />

1 x 10 mL<br />

10 ng/µL each in Toluene 16 comps.<br />

Azinphos-methyl<br />

Carbophenothion<br />

Chlorfenvinphos<br />

Chlorpyrifos-ethyl<br />

Chlorpyrifos-methyl<br />

Diazinon<br />

Dichlorphos<br />

Ethion<br />

Ethyl parathion<br />

Fenitrothion<br />

Fonofos<br />

Methyl parathion<br />

Malathion<br />

Methidathion<br />

Phosalone<br />

Pirimiphos-methyl<br />

Pesticide Mix 19<br />

Regulations - Test methods for organochlorine and<br />

organophosphor compounds and pyrethroide<br />

Current Science and Technology, German Book of<br />

Medicine (1996).<br />

AE-00029<br />

1 x 1 mL<br />

AE-00029-10ML<br />

1 x 10 mL<br />

10 ng/µL each in Toluene 13 comps.<br />

Chlorpyrifos-methyl<br />

p,p’-DDT<br />

Deltamethrin<br />

Dichlorvos<br />

Dieldrin<br />

Endosulfan sulfate<br />

Ethion<br />

Fenitrothion<br />

Lindane<br />

Methyl parathion<br />

Phosalone<br />

Quintozene<br />

Tecnacene<br />

Pesticide Mix<br />

KDWR-003<br />

$ 30 / 1 x 1 mL<br />

KDWR-003-PAK SAVE 20% $ 120 / 5 x 1 mL<br />

1000 µg/mL each in MeOH 5 comps.<br />

Carbaryl<br />

Diazinon<br />

Fenitrothion<br />

Malathion<br />

Parathion<br />

82<br />

For Custom <strong>Standards</strong> visit our website at www.AccuStandard.com

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