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BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Tuesday, October 28 Concurrent Sessions V 1:15–2:45 Track C: Education/Planning, continued How Do Water Quality Projects Evaluate Impacts and Outcomes The Minnesota NPS Project Survey Karlyn Eckman, University of Minnesota, eckma001@umn.edu; Rachel Walker, University of Minnesota; Bouapao Lilao, University of Minnesota The University of Minnesota Water Resources Center (WRC) conducted an Internet survey of local agencies about their evaluation methods. Our goal was to discover if staff of water quality projects evaluate changes in human behaviors and attitudes of target audiences that result from project activities, The WRC surveyed staff of approximately 180 local watershed and conservation districts (SWCDs), municipalities and other public agencies about their evaluation practices, focusing on human dimensions of projects. We analyzed whether project coordinators characterize their target audience, their use of various evaluation methods, how they determine adoption and maintenance of best management practices, and how training practices are included in project evaluation. The survey identified numerous gaps, needs and opportunities in evaluation practices. The results were used to develop new practical evaluation tools. 71 Minnesota Water Resources Conference, October 27–28, 2008

Concurrent Sessions V 1:15–2:45 Track D: Understanding Trout Streams BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Wednesday, Tuesday, October 24 28 23 Trout Stream Spring Characterization Methods and Springshed Mapping Scott Alexander, University of Minnesota, alexa017@umn.edu; Andrew Luhmann, University of Minnesota; E. Calvin Alexander, Jr., University of Minnesota; Jeffery Green, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; and Andrew Peters, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Southeastern Minnesota’s karstlands support numerous trout streams. Dye tracing has been the primary tool for mapping springsheds supporting trout streams. A two-year study funded by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund aims to significantly increase the number of mapped springshed by integrating a variety of old and new tools. Techniques used in combination with dye tracing include temperature and discharge monitoring, detailed structural mapping, chemical and isotopic studies. New methods to define springsheds can be tested against existing, dye trace defined basins. In previously untraced basins these tools can produce more efficient dye tracing programs. Trout streams have been traditionally managed as surface water resources yet are fundamentally supported by clear, constant temperature groundwater. In karst areas groundwater resources are as vulnerable as surface waters to human activities. Designing Best Management Practices (BMPs) to protect ground water fed springs should improve the overall protection of Minnesota’s trout streams. Stream Flow and Temperature Analysis of the Vermillion River William Herb, University of Minnesota, wrherb@comcast.net; Ben Janke, University of Minnesota; Omid Mohseni, University of Minnesota; and Heinz Stefan, University of Minnesota Stream temperature and stream flow are important parameters for aquatic habitat preservation in river and stream systems. Water temperature is particularly important for coldwater stream systems that support trout. Summer base flow conditions with low flows and high water temperatures can be critical for maintaining trout habitat. Surface runoff from rainfall events can lead to increases in stream temperature, particularly in developed watersheds. To better understand the interactions between stream temperature, land use, and climate, an unsteady stream flow and temperature model has been developed for the Vermillion River. This river is at the southern fringes of the Twin Cities metropolitan area and has a world-class brown trout fishery. Stream flow was modeled using two existing tools, HEC-RAS and EPA-Riv1. A stream temperature model was developed at St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, UofM, to model stream temperature response to climate variations and surface runoff on short time-scales. The 1D model includes advective transport of heat downstream, wateratmosphere heat exchange and water-sediment heat transfer. The stream temperature model uses simulated unsteady flows and observed climate data as input. The hydro-thermal response of the stream to surface runoff during storm events is simulated at 1 hour time steps and distance increments of about 200 m using summer baseflow conditions as an initial condition. In addition to detailed temperature and flow time series, the model provides broad scale characterizations of heat transport in the Vermillion, including the relative importance of groundwater temperature, atmospheric heat transfer, and surface water inputs in determining stream temperature. The stream temperature model can therefore be used as a tool to determine what management practices (e.g. stormwater BMPs, bank shading, groundwater conservation) are best to maintain cold water temperatures for trout habitat. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, October 27–28, 2008 72


Tuesday, October 28<br />

Concurrent Sessions V 1:15–2:45<br />

Track C: Education/Planning, continued<br />

How Do <strong>Water</strong> Quality Projects Evaluate Impacts and Outcomes The <strong>Minnesota</strong> NPS Project Survey<br />

Karlyn Eckman, University of <strong>Minnesota</strong>, eckma001@umn.edu; Rachel Walker, University of <strong>Minnesota</strong>; Bouapao Lilao,<br />

University of <strong>Minnesota</strong><br />

The University of <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> <strong>Center</strong> (WRC) conducted an Internet survey of local agencies<br />

about their evaluation methods. Our goal was to discover if staff of water quality projects evaluate changes in<br />

human behaviors and attitudes of target audiences that result from project activities, The WRC surveyed staff<br />

of approximately 180 local watershed and conservation districts (SWCDs), municipalities and other public<br />

agencies about their evaluation practices, focusing on human dimensions of projects. We analyzed whether<br />

project coordinators characterize their target audience, their use of various evaluation methods, how they<br />

determine adoption and maintenance of best management practices, and how training practices are included in<br />

project evaluation. The survey identified numerous gaps, needs and opportunities in evaluation practices. The<br />

results were used to develop new practical evaluation tools.<br />

71 <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>, October 27–28, 2008

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