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BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Tuesday, October 28 Concurrent Sessions IV 10:00–11:30 Track A: Lake Pepin TMDL Why is Lake Pepin Filling-up at a Rapid Rate Satish Gupta, University of Minnesota, gupta002@umn.edu; Heather Johnson, Minnesota Department of Agriculture; Greg Spoden, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Based on core data from Lake Pepin, scientists at St. Croix laboratory have shown that sedimentation rates have been increasing in recent years. Average lake filling rate varied from 1.15 cm yr -1 in mid 1970s to1.6 cm yr -1 in mid 1990s. In upper reaches of the Lake, the sedimentation rates were greater than 3 cm yr -1 over the last three decades. The question is: why is Lake Pepin filling up at a rapid rate in recent years when flow adjusted TSS concentration have been either decreasing or stable In this paper, we present the trend analysis in TSS concentration in the Minnesota River using parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. Then we show how recent wet climate (increased precipitation as well as frequency of larger storms) in the region have contributed to increased flow and thus increased sediment loads in the Minnesota River. We believe these increased sediment loads are the reasons for increased rate of sedimentation in Lake Pepin. Water Quality Model for Support of the Upper Mississippi River—Lake Pepin TMDL: Results of Load Reduction Scenarios Joseph DePinto, LimnoTech, jdepinto@limno.com; Hans Holmberg, Limno Tech; Todd Redder, Limno Tech; Edward Verhamme, Limno Tech; Norman Senjem, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; Hafiz Munir, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Nationally, nutrients and sediment/siltation rank among the top four impairments reported by states on their 303(d) lists. The State of Minnesota is developing a TMDL for the Upper Mississippi River and its watershed for both turbidity and nutrient enrichment (total phosphorus and chlorophyll a). This stretch of the river receives both point and non-point source loads of solids and nutrients from an extremely large contributing watershed (48,634 square miles, encompassing about 48% of the State of Minnesota and a portion of Wisconsin. The impaired river reach contains two impoundments, Spring Lake and Lake Pepin, located behind two of the four Lock & Dam control structures that bound the three morphometrically and hydraulically distinct “pools” of the system. Under contract to the State, LimnoTech has developed, calibrated, and confirmed a linked hydrodynamic-sediment transport-eutrophication model (the UMR-Lake Pepin model) to support the computation of the TMDLs for this system. Subsequent to the calibration and confirmation, the model has been applied to predict the response of the system to a series of load reduction scenarios that will aid in computation of the TMDLs, and the allocation of allowed loads from various sources in order to most efficiently meet the TMDLs. This presentation will illustrate the results of those load reduction scenarios and discuss how those results will be applied to support the TMDL. Results of the model application suggest that significant sediment and phosphorus load reductions will be required for major tributaries, accompanying the phosphorus effluent reductions being implemented at wastewater treatment plants, will be required to achieve both turbidity and chlorophyll a targets for the system. 59 Minnesota Water Resources Conference, October 27–28, 2008

Concurrent Sessions IV 10:00–11:30 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS Wednesday, Tuesday, October 24 28 23 Track A: Lake Pepin TMDL, continued Development of a Water Quality Model of the Upper Mississippi River: Brainerd to Ford Dam Hans Holmberg, LimnoTech, hholmberg@limno.com; Hafiz Munir, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; Pranesh Selvendiran, LimnoTech; Norman Senjem, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; Ed Verhamme, LimnoTech A water quality model of the Mississippi River from Brainerd to Ford Dam is being developed by MPCA to assess the fate of phosphorus loadings from various point and non-point sources in the watershed. The results of this modeling will be used to inform the Lake Pepin TMDL allocation process. This presentation will describe the development and application of the USGS FEQ 1-dimensional hydraulic model and the RCA water quality model. Configuration and calibration of the models are being supported by existing data. Model applications will be used to support load allocations within the watershed, to understand point source versus non-point source impacts under varying climatic conditions, and to evaluate potential pollutant trading scenarios. The FEQ-RCA model framework is also a good foundation for potential future development to support other water quality management objectives for the Upper Mississippi River, including drinking water concerns, bacteria and PCB impairments, and watershed protection and restoration planning. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, October 27–28, 2008 60


Tuesday, October 28<br />

Concurrent Sessions IV 10:00–11:30<br />

Track A: Lake Pepin TMDL<br />

Why is Lake Pepin Filling-up at a Rapid Rate<br />

Satish Gupta, University of <strong>Minnesota</strong>, gupta002@umn.edu; Heather Johnson, <strong>Minnesota</strong> Department of Agriculture; Greg<br />

Spoden, <strong>Minnesota</strong> Department of Natural <strong>Resources</strong><br />

Based on core data from Lake Pepin, scientists at St. Croix laboratory have shown that sedimentation rates<br />

have been increasing in recent years. Average lake filling rate varied from 1.15 cm yr -1 in mid 1970s to1.6 cm yr -1<br />

in mid 1990s. In upper reaches of the Lake, the sedimentation rates were greater than 3 cm yr -1 over the last<br />

three decades. The question is: why is Lake Pepin filling up at a rapid rate in recent years when flow adjusted<br />

TSS concentration have been either decreasing or stable In this paper, we present the trend analysis in TSS<br />

concentration in the <strong>Minnesota</strong> River using parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. Then we<br />

show how recent wet climate (increased precipitation as well as frequency of larger storms) in the region have<br />

contributed to increased flow and thus increased sediment loads in the <strong>Minnesota</strong> River. We believe these<br />

increased sediment loads are the reasons for increased rate of sedimentation in Lake Pepin.<br />

<strong>Water</strong> Quality Model for Support of the Upper Mississippi River—Lake Pepin TMDL: Results of Load<br />

Reduction Scenarios<br />

Joseph DePinto, LimnoTech, jdepinto@limno.com; Hans Holmberg, Limno Tech; Todd Redder, Limno Tech; Edward Verhamme,<br />

Limno Tech; Norman Senjem, <strong>Minnesota</strong> Pollution Control Agency; Hafiz Munir, <strong>Minnesota</strong> Pollution Control Agency<br />

Nationally, nutrients and sediment/siltation rank among the top four impairments reported by states on their<br />

303(d) lists. The State of <strong>Minnesota</strong> is developing a TMDL for the Upper Mississippi River and its watershed<br />

for both turbidity and nutrient enrichment (total phosphorus and chlorophyll a). This stretch of the river<br />

receives both point and non-point source loads of solids and nutrients from an extremely large contributing<br />

watershed (48,634 square miles, encompassing about 48% of the State of <strong>Minnesota</strong> and a portion of Wisconsin.<br />

The impaired river reach contains two impoundments, Spring Lake and Lake Pepin, located behind two of<br />

the four Lock & Dam control structures that bound the three morphometrically and hydraulically distinct<br />

“pools” of the system. Under contract to the State, LimnoTech has developed, calibrated, and confirmed a<br />

linked hydrodynamic-sediment transport-eutrophication model (the UMR-Lake Pepin model) to support<br />

the computation of the TMDLs for this system. Subsequent to the calibration and confirmation, the model<br />

has been applied to predict the response of the system to a series of load reduction scenarios that will aid<br />

in computation of the TMDLs, and the allocation of allowed loads from various sources in order to most<br />

efficiently meet the TMDLs. This presentation will illustrate the results of those load reduction scenarios and<br />

discuss how those results will be applied to support the TMDL. Results of the model application suggest that<br />

significant sediment and phosphorus load reductions will be required for major tributaries, accompanying the<br />

phosphorus effluent reductions being implemented at wastewater treatment plants, will be required to achieve<br />

both turbidity and chlorophyll a targets for the system.<br />

59 <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Resources</strong> <strong>Conference</strong>, October 27–28, 2008

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