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Whyte, W. F. (1993) Street Corner Society: The Social<br />

Structure of an Italian Slum (fourth edition). Chicago,<br />

IL: University of Chicago Press.<br />

Wickens, P. (1987) The Road to Nissan: Flexibility,<br />

Quality, Teamwork. London:Macmillan.<br />

Wiggins, G. (1998) Educative Assessment.SanFrancisco,<br />

CA: Jossey-Bass.<br />

Wilcox, R. R. (1997) Simulation as a research<br />

technique. In J. P. Keeves (ed.) Educational Research,<br />

Methodology and Measurement: An International<br />

Handbo<strong>ok</strong> (second edition). Oxford: Elsevier Science,<br />

150–4.<br />

Wild, P., Scivier, J. E. and Richardson, S. J. (1992)<br />

Evaluating information technology-supported local<br />

management of schools: the user acceptability audit.<br />

Educational Management and Administration, 20(1),<br />

40–8.<br />

Wiles, J. and Bondi, J.C. (1984) Curriculum<br />

Development: A Guide to Practice (second edition).<br />

Columbus, OH: Merrill.<br />

Wiliam, D. (1996) Standards in examinations: a matter<br />

of trust. The Curriculum Journal, 7(3),293–306.<br />

Wilkinson, J. (2000) Direct observation. In G. M.<br />

Breakwell, S. Hammond and C. Fife-Shaw (eds)<br />

Research Methods in Psychology (second edition).<br />

London: Sage, 224–238.<br />

Wilkinson, L. and the Task Force on Statistical<br />

Inference, APA Board of Scientific Affairs (1999)<br />

Statistical methods in psychology journals: guidelines<br />

and explanations. American Psychologist,54,594–604.<br />

Willis, P. E. (1977) Learning to Labour. Farnborough,<br />

UK: Saxon House.<br />

Willms, J. D. (1992) Pride or prejudice Opportunity<br />

structure and the effects of Catholic schools in<br />

Scotland. In A. Yogev (ed.) International Perspectives<br />

on Education and Society: A Research and Policy Annual,<br />

Volume 2. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.<br />

Wilson, M. (1996) Asking questions. In R. Sapsford and<br />

V. Jupp (eds) Data Collection and Analysis. London:<br />

Sage and the Open University Press, 94–120.<br />

Wilson, N. and McLean, S. (1994) Questionnaire<br />

Design: A Practical Introduction. Newtown Abbey,<br />

Co. Antrim: University of Ulster Press.<br />

Wineburg, S. S. (1991) The self-fulfilment of the selffulfilling<br />

prophecy. In D. S. Anderson and B. J. Biddle<br />

(eds) Knowledge for Policy: Improving Education through<br />

Research. London:Falmer,276–90.<br />

Winkley, D. (1995) Diplomats and Detectives: LEA<br />

Advisers and Work. London:RobertRoyce.<br />

Winter, G. (2000) A comparative discussion of<br />

the notion of ‘validity’ in qualitative and<br />

quantitative research. The Qualitative Report,4(3–4),<br />

March.–3/winter.html.<br />

Retrieved 29 October 2005.<br />

Winter, R. (1982) Dilemma analysis: a contribution to<br />

methodology for action research. Cambridge Journal<br />

of Education, 12(3),161–74.<br />

Winter, R. (1996) Some principles and procedures<br />

for the conduct of action research. In O. Zuber-<br />

Skerritt (ed.) New Directions in Action Research.<br />

London: Falmer.<br />

Witmer, D. F., Colman, R. W. and Katzman, S. L.<br />

(1999) From paper-and-pencil to screen-andkeyboard:<br />

toward a methodology for survey research<br />

on the Internet. In S. Jones (ed.) Doing Internet<br />

Research. ThousandOaks,CA:Sage,145–61.<br />

Witte, J. C., Amoroso, L. M. and Howard, P. E. N.<br />

(1999) Method and Representation in Internet–based<br />

Survey Tools: Mobility, Community, and Cultural<br />

Identity in Survey2000. Evanston,IL:Departmentof<br />

Sociology, Northwestern University.<br />

Wittgenstein, L. (1974) Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus,<br />

trans. D. Pears and B. McGuiness. London: Routledge<br />

&KeganPaul.<br />

Wolcott, H. F. (1973) The Man in the Principal’s Office.<br />

New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.<br />

Wolcott, H. F. (1992) Posturing in qualitative research.<br />

In M. LeCompte, W. L. Millroy and J. Preissle (eds)<br />

The Handbo<strong>ok</strong> of Qualitative Research in Education.<br />

London: Academic Press, 3–52.<br />

Wolf, F. M. (1986) Meta-analysis: Quantitative<br />

Methods for Research Synthesis. NewburyPark,CA:<br />

Sage.<br />

Wolf, R. M. (1994) The validity and reliability of<br />

outcome measure. In A. C. Tuijnman and T.<br />

N. Postlethwaite (eds) Monitoring the Standards of<br />

Education. Oxford:Pergamon,121–32.<br />

Wolff, S. (2004) Ways into the field and their variants.<br />

In U. Flick, E. von Kardoff and I. Steinke (eds)<br />

ACompaniontoQualitativeResearch.London:Sage,<br />

195–202.<br />

Wood, P. (1995) Meta-analysis. In G. M. Breakwell, S.<br />

Hammond and C. Fife-Shaw (eds) Research Methods<br />

in Psychology. London:Sage,396–99.<br />

Woods, P. (1979) The Divided School.London:Routledge<br />

&KeganPaul.<br />

Woods, P. (1983) Sociology and the School. London:<br />

Routledge & Kegan Paul.<br />

Woods, P. (1986) Inside Schools: Ethnography in<br />

Educational Research. London:Routledge&Kegan<br />

Paul.<br />

Woods, P. (1989) Working for Teacher Development.<br />

Dereham, UK: Peter Francis.<br />


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