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Merry, U. (1998) Organizational Lifespan LO17822.<br /><br />

Retrieved 14 November 2000.<br />

Merton, R. K. (1949) Social Theory and Social Structure.<br />

Glencoe, IL: The Free Press.<br />

Merton, R. K. (1967) On Theoretical Sociology. New<br />

York: The Free Press.<br />

Merton, R. K. and Kendall, P. L. (1946) The<br />

focused interview. American Journal of Sociology, 51,<br />

541–57.<br />

Merton, R. K., Fiske, M. and Kendall, P. L. (1956) The<br />

Focused Interview.Glencoe,IL:TheFreePress.<br />

Messick, S. (1993) Validity. In R. Linn (ed.) Educational<br />

Measurement (third edition). Phoenix, AZ: American<br />

Council on Education and the Oryx Press, 13–103.<br />

Michaels, M. (1995) The chaos network online.<br />

The Chaos Network,<br />

business.ptech. Retrieved 14 November 2000.<br />

Mickelson, R. A. (1994) A feminist approach to<br />

researching the powerful in education. In G. Walford<br />

(ed.) Researching the Powerful in Education. London:<br />

UCL Press, 132–50.<br />

Miedama, S. and Wardekker, W. L. (1999) Emergent<br />

identity versus consistent identity: possibilities for a<br />

postmodern repoliticization of critical pedagogy. In<br />

T. Popkewitz and L. Fendler (eds) Critical Theories in<br />

Education: Changing Terrains of Knowledge and Politics.<br />

London: Routledge, 67–83.<br />

Mies, M. (1993) Towards a methodology for feminist<br />

research. In M. Hammersley (ed.) Social Research:<br />

Philosophy, Politics and Practice. London: Sage in<br />

association with the Open University Press, 64–82.<br />

Miles, M. and Huberman, M. (1984) Qualitative Data<br />

Analysis. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.<br />

Miles, M. and Huberman, M. (1994) Qualitative Data<br />

Analysis (second edition). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.<br />

Milgram, S. (1963) Behavioral study of obedience.<br />

Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67,<br />

371–8.<br />

Milgram, S. (1974) Obedience to Authority. NewYork:<br />

Harper & Row.<br />

Millan, R., Gallagher, M. and Ellis, R. (1993) Surveying<br />

adolescent worries: development of the ‘Things I<br />

Worry About’ scale. Pastoral Care in Education, 11<br />

(1), 43–57.<br />

Miller, C. (1995) In-depth interviewing by telephone:<br />

some practical considerations. Evaluation and Research<br />

in Education, 9(1),29–38.<br />

Miller, P. V. and Cannell, C. F. (1997) Interviewing<br />

for social research. In J. P. Keeves (ed.)<br />

Educational Research, Methodology and Measurement:<br />

An International Handbo<strong>ok</strong> (second edition). Oxford:<br />

Elsevier Science, 361–70.<br />

Miller, R. L. (1999) Researching Life Stories and Family<br />

Histories. London:Sage.<br />

Miller, T. and Bell, L. (2002) Consenting to what Issues<br />

of access, gatekeeping and ‘informed consent’. In M.<br />

Mauthner, M. Birch, J. Jessop and T. Miller (eds)<br />

Ethics in Qualitative Research. London: Sage, 53–69.<br />

Millmann, J. and Greene, J. (1993) The specification<br />

and development of tests of achievement and<br />

ability. In R. Linn (ed.) Educational Measurement<br />

(third edition). Phoenix, AZ: American Council on<br />

Education and the Oryx Press, 147–200.<br />

Mishler, E. G. (1986) Research Interviewing: Context and<br />

Narrative.Cambridge,MA:HarvardUniversityPress.<br />

Mishler, E. G. (1990) Validation in inquiry-guided<br />

research: the role of exemplars in narrative studies.<br />

Harvard Educational Review, 60(4),415–42.<br />

Mishler, E. G. (1991) Representing discourse: the<br />

rhetoric of transcription. Journal of Narrative and Life<br />

History, 1,225–80.<br />

Mitchell, M. and Jolley, J. (1988) Research Design<br />

Explained. NewYork:Holt,Rinehart&Winston.<br />

Mitchell, R. G. (1993) Secrecy in Fieldwork. London:<br />

Sage.<br />

Mixon, D. (1972) Instead of deception. Journal for the<br />

Theory of Social Behaviour, 2,146–77.<br />

Mixon, D. (1974) If you won’t deceive, what can you do<br />

In N. Armistead (ed.) Reconstructing Social Psychology.<br />

Harmondsworth: Penguin, 72–85.<br />

Monge, D. and Contractor, N. (2003) Theories of<br />

Communication Networks.Oxford:OxfordUniversity<br />

Press.<br />

Mooij, T. (1998) Pupil-class determinants of aggressive<br />

and victim behaviour in pupils. British Journal of<br />

Educational Psychology, 68,373–85.<br />

Morgan, C. (1999) Personal communication. University<br />

of Bath, Department of Education.<br />

Morgan, C. (2005) Cultural validity. Personal<br />

communication. University of Bath, Department of<br />

Education.<br />

Morgan, D. L. (1988) Focus Groups as Qualitative<br />

Research. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.<br />

Morris, L. L., Fitz-Gibbon, C. T. and Lindheim, E.<br />

(1987) How to Measure Performance and Use Tests.<br />

Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.<br />

Morris, P. (1983) Teachers’ perceptions of their pupils:<br />

aHongKongcasestudy.Research in Education, 29,<br />

81–6<br />

Morrison, K. R. B. (1993) Planning and Accomplishing<br />

School-Centred Evaluation. Dereham, UK: Peter<br />


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