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Likert, R. (1932) ATechniquefortheMeasurementof<br />

Attitudes.NewYork:ColumbiaUniversityPress.<br />

Limerick, B., Burgess-Limerick, T. and Grace, M. (1996)<br />

The politics of interviewing: power relations and<br />

accepting the gift. International Journal of Qualitative<br />

Studies in Education, 9(4),449–60.<br />

Lin, N. (1976) Foundations of Social Research. New York:<br />

McGraw-Hill.<br />

Lincoln, Y. S. and Guba, E. (1985) Naturalistic Inquiry.<br />

Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.<br />

Lincoln, Y. S. and Guba, E. G. (1986) But is<br />

it rigorous Trustworthiness and authenticity in<br />

naturalistic inquiry. In D. D. Williams (ed.)<br />

Naturalistic Evaluation. SanFrancisco,CA:Jossey-<br />

Bass, 73–84.<br />

Linn, R.L. (ed.) (1993) Educational Measurement<br />

(third edition). Phoenix, AZ: American Council on<br />

Education and the Oryx Press.<br />

Lipsey, M. W. (1992) Juvenile delinquency treatment: a<br />

meta-analytic inquiry into the variability of effects. In<br />

T. D. Co<strong>ok</strong>, H. Cooper, D. S. Cordray, H. Hartmann,<br />

L. V. Hedges, R. J. Light, T. A. Louis and F. Mosteller<br />

(eds) Meta-analysis for Explanation.NewYork:Russell<br />

Sage Foundation.<br />

Lissack, M. R. (2000) Complexity Metaphors<br />

and the Management of a Knowledge Based<br />

Enterprise: An Exploration of Discovery.<br /> Retrieved<br />

10 November 2001.<br />

Littleton, K., Ashman, H., Light, P., Artis, J., Roberts,<br />

T. and Oosterwegel, A. (1999) Gender, task contexts,<br />

and children’s performance on a computer-based task.<br />

European Journal of Psychology of Education, 14(1),<br />

129–39.<br />

Loevinger, J. (1957) Objective tests as instruments<br />

of psychological theory. Psychological Review, 72,<br />

143–55.<br />

Loewenthal, K. M. (2001) An Introduction to<br />

Psychological Tests and Scales.Hove:PsychologyPress.<br />

Lofland, J. (1970) Interactionist imagery and analytic<br />

interrupts. In T. Shibutani (ed.) Human Nature and<br />

Collective Behaviour: Papers in Honour of Herbert<br />

Blumer. EnglewoodCliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall,35–45.<br />

Lofland, J. (1971) Analysing Social Settings. Belmont,<br />

CA: Wadsworth.<br />

Lonkila, M. (1995) Grounded theory as an emerging<br />

paradigm for computer-assisted qualitative data<br />

analysis. In U. Kelle (ed.) Computer-Aided Qualitative<br />

Data Analysis. London: Sage, 41–51.<br />

MacDonald, B. (1987) Research and Action in the<br />

Context of Policing.PapercommissionedbythePolice<br />

Federation. Norwich: Centre for Applied Research in<br />

Education, University of East Anglia.<br />

MacDonald, G. (1997) Social work: beyond control<br />

In A. Maynard and I. Chalmers (eds) Non-random<br />

Reflections on Health Service Research. London:BMJ<br />

Publishing Group, 122–46.<br />

McClelland, D. C., Atkinson, J. W., Clark, R. A. and<br />

Lowell, E. L. (1953) The Achievement Motive. New<br />

York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.<br />

McCormick, J. and Solman, R. (1992) Teachers’<br />

attributions of responsibility for occupational stress<br />

and satisfaction: an organisational perspective.<br />

Educational Studies,18(2),201–22.<br />

McCormick, R. and James, M. (1988) Curriculum<br />

Evaluation in Schools (second edition). London:<br />

Croom Helm.<br />

McEneaney, J. E. and Sheridan, E. M. (1996) A<br />

survey-based component for programme assessment<br />

in undergraduate pre-service teacher education.<br />

Research in Education, 55,49–61.<br />

McGaw, B. (1997) Meta-analysis. In J. P. Keeves (ed.)<br />

Educational Research, Methodology and Measurement:<br />

An International Handbo<strong>ok</strong> (second edition). Oxford:<br />

Elsevier Science, 371–80.<br />

McHugh, J. D. (1994) The Lords’ will be done:<br />

interviewing the powerful in education. In G. Walford<br />

(ed.) Researching the Powerful in Education. London:<br />

UCL Press, 51–66.<br />

McIntyre, D. and Macleod, G. (1978) The characteristics<br />

and uses of systematic classroom observation. In<br />

R. McAleese and D. Hamilton (eds) Understanding<br />

Classroom Life. Windsor:NFER,102–31.<br />

McKernan, J. (1991) Curriculum Action Research.<br />

London: Kogan Page.<br />

McLaren, P. (1995) Critical Pedagogy and Predatory<br />

Culture.London:Routledge.<br />

McLoughlin, T. (2002) The use of repertory grid analysis<br />

in studying students’ conceptual frameworks in<br />

science. Paper presented at the European Conference<br />

on Educational Research, University of Lisbon,<br />

11–14 September.<br />

McNiece, R. and Jolliffe, F. (1998) An investigation into<br />

regional differences in educational performance in<br />

the National Child Development Study. Educational<br />

Research, 40(1),13–30.<br />

McNiff, J. (1988) Action Research: Principles and Practice.<br />

London: Macmillan.<br />

McNiff, J., with Whitehead, J. (2002) Action Research:<br />

Principles and Practice (second edition). London:<br />


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