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Jones, S. (1987) The analysis of depth interviews. In R.<br />

Murphy and H. Torrance (eds) Evaluating Education:<br />

Issues and Methods.London:PaulChapman,263–77.<br />

Jones, S. (ed.) (1999) Doing Internet Research.Thousand<br />

Oaks, CA: Sage.<br />

Joy, G. T. (2003) A brief description of culturally valid<br />

knowledge. Personal communication. Sophia Junior<br />

College, Hakone-machi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan.<br />

Jules, V. and Kutnick, P. (1997) Student perceptions of<br />

agoodteacher:thegenderperspective.British Journal<br />

of Educational Psychology, 67,497–511.<br />

Kamin, L. (1991) Some historical facts about IQ testing.<br />

In D. S. Anderson and B. J. Biddle (eds) Knowledge for<br />

Policy: Improving Education through Research. London:<br />

Falmer, 259–67.<br />

Kaplan, A. (1973) The Conduct of Inquiry. Aylesbury:<br />

Intertext Bo<strong>ok</strong>s.<br />

Karr, B. (1995) Complexity Theory and Rhetorical Invention.<br /><br />

1 karr 420.html. Retrieved 14 November 2000.<br />

Kauffman, S. A. (1995) At Home in the Universe: The<br />

Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity.<br />

Harmondsworth: Penguin.<br />

Kazdin, A. E. (1982) Single-case Research Designs. New<br />

York: Oxford University Press.<br />

Keat, R. (1981) The Politics of Social Theory. Oxford:<br />

Basil Blackwell.<br />

Keeves, J. P. (ed.) (1997a) Educational Research,<br />

Methodology and Measurement: An International<br />

Handbo<strong>ok</strong> (second edition). Oxford: Elsevier Science.<br />

Keeves, J. P. (1997b) Longitudinal research methods. In<br />

J. P. Keeves (ed.) Educational Research, Methodology<br />

and Measurement: An International Handbo<strong>ok</strong> (second<br />

edition). Oxford: Elsevier Science, 138–49.<br />

Keeves, J. P. and Sellin, N. (1997) Multilevel analysis.<br />

In J. P. Keeves (ed.) Educational Research, Methodology<br />

and Measurement: An International Handbo<strong>ok</strong> (second<br />

edition). Oxford: Elsevier Science, 394–403.<br />

Kelle, U. (ed.) (1995) Computer-Aided Qualitative Data<br />

Analysis. London:Sage.<br />

Kelle, U. (2004) Computer-assisted analysis of<br />

qualitative data. In U. Flick, E. V. Kardoff and I.<br />

Steinke (eds) ACompaniontoQualitativeResearch,<br />

trans. B. Jenner. London: Sage, 276–293.<br />

Kelle, U. and Laurie, H. (1995) Computer use in<br />

qualitative research and issues of validity. In U.<br />

Kelle (ed.) Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis.<br />

London: Sage, 19–28.<br />

Kelly, A. (1978) Feminism and research. Women’s<br />

Studies International Quarterly, 1,225–32.<br />

Kelly, A. (1985) Action research: what is it and what<br />

can it do In R. G. Burgess (ed.) Issues in Educational<br />

Research: Qualitative Methods.Lewes:Falmer,129–51.<br />

Kelly, A. (1986) The development of children’s<br />

attitudes to science: a longitudinal study. European<br />

Journal of Science Education, 8,399–412.<br />

Kelly, A. (1987) Science for Girls Milton Keynes: Open<br />

University Press.<br />

Kelly, A. (1989a) Education or indoctrination The<br />

ethics of school-based action research. In R. G.<br />

Burgess (ed.) The Ethics of Educational Research.Lewes:<br />

Falmer, 100–13.<br />

Kelly, A. (1989b) Getting the GIST: A Qualitative Study<br />

of the Effects of the Girls Into Science and Technology<br />

Project.ManchesterSociologyOccasionalPapers,no.<br />

22. Manchester: University of Manchester.<br />

Kelly, A. and Smail, B. (1986) Sex stereotypes<br />

and attitudes to science among eleven-year-old<br />

children. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 56,<br />

158–68.<br />

Kelly G. A. (1955) The Psychology of Personal Constructs.<br />

New York: Norton.<br />

Kelly, G. A. (1969) Clinical Psychology and Personality:<br />

The Selected Papers of George Kelly, editedbyB.A.<br />

Maher. New York: John Wiley.<br />

Kelman, H. C. (1967) Human use of human subjects.<br />

Psychological Bulletin,67(1),1–11.<br />

Kemmis, S. (1982) Seven principles for programme evaluation<br />

in curriculum development and innovation.<br />

Journal of Curriculum Studies, 14(3),221–40.<br />

Kemmis, S. (1997) Action research. In J. P. Keeves (ed.)<br />

Educational Research, Methodology, and Measurement:<br />

An International Handbo<strong>ok</strong> (second edition). Oxford:<br />

Elsevier Science, 173–9.<br />

Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, R. (eds) (1981) The Action<br />

Research Planner (first edition). Geelong, Vic.: Deakin<br />

University Press.<br />

Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, R. (eds) (1988) The Action<br />

Research Planner (second edition). Geelong, Vic.:<br />

Deakin University Press.<br />

Kemmis, S. and McTaggart, R. (1992) The Action<br />

Research Planner (third edition) Geelong, Vic.:<br />

Deakin University Press.<br />

Kerlinger, F. N. (1970) Foundations of Behavioral<br />

Research. NewYork:Holt,Rinehart&Winston.<br />

Kerlinger, F. N. (1986) Foundations of Behavioral<br />

Research (third edition). New York: Holt, Rinehart<br />

&Winston.<br />

Kerlinger, F. N. (1991) Science and behavioural<br />

research. In D. S. Anderson and B. J. Biddle (eds)<br />


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