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Capraro, R. M. and Capraro, M. (2002) Treatments<br />

of effect sizes and statistical significance tests in<br />

textbo<strong>ok</strong>s. Educational and Psychological Measurement,<br />

62 (5), 771–82.<br />

Carr, W. and Kemmis, S. (1986) Becoming Critical.<br />

Lewes: Falmer.<br />

Carroll, S. and Walford, G. (1997) Parents’ responses to<br />

the school quasi-market. Research Papers in Education,<br />

12 (1), 3–26.<br />

Carspecken, P. F. (1996) Critical Ethnography in<br />

Educational Research. London:Routledge.<br />

Carspecken, P. F. and Apple, M. (1992) Critical<br />

qualitative research: theory, methodology, and<br />

practice. In M. LeCompte, W. L. Millroy and J.<br />

Preissle (eds) The Handbo<strong>ok</strong> of Qualitative Research in<br />

Education. London:AcademicPress,507–53.<br />

Cartwright, D. (1991) Basic and applied social<br />

psychology. In D. S. Anderson and B. J. Biddle<br />

(eds) Knowledge for Policy: Improving Education through<br />

Research. London:Falmer,23–31.<br />

Carver, R. P. (1978) The case against significance<br />

testing. Harvard Educational Review, 48(3),378–99.<br />

Cassell, J. (1993) The relationship of observer to<br />

observed when studying up. Cited in R. M. Lee,<br />

Doing Research on Sensitive Topics. London:Sage.<br />

Cattell, R. B. (1966) The Scree test for the number<br />

of factors. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1 (2),<br />

245–76.<br />

Cavan, S. (1977) Review of J. D. Douglas’s (1976)<br />

Investigative Social Research: Individual and Team<br />

Field Research. American Journal of Sociology, 83 (3),<br />

809–11.<br />

Central Advisory Council for Education (1967) Children<br />

and their Primary Schools. London:HMSO.<br />

Chalmers, A. F. (1982) What Is This Thing Called Science<br />

(second edition). Milton Keynes: Open University<br />

Press.<br />

Chambers, K. (2003) How often do you have sex:<br />

problem gambling as a sensitive issue. Paper presented<br />

at the Twelfth International Congress on Gambling<br />

and Risk Taking, Vancouver, BC.<br />

Chelinsky, E. and Mulhauser, F. (1993) Educational<br />

evaluations for the US Congress: some reflections on<br />

recent experience. In R. G. Burgess (ed.) Educational<br />

Research and Evaluation for Policy and Practice.London:<br />

Falmer, 44–60.<br />

Child, D. (1970) The Essentials of Factor Analysis. New<br />

York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.<br />

Childs, G. (1997) A concurrent validity study of<br />

teachers’ ratings for nominated ‘problem’ children.<br />

British Journal of Educational Psychology, 67,457–74.<br />

Chomsky, N. (1959) Review of Skinner’s Verbal<br />

Behaviour. Language, 35(1),26–58.<br />

Cicognani, C. (1998) Parents’ educational styles and<br />

adolescent autonomy. European Journal of Psychology<br />

of Education, 13(4),485–502.<br />

Cicourel, A. V. (1964) Method and Measurement in<br />

Sociology. NewYork:TheFreePress.<br />

Clarke, A. and Dawson, R. (1999) Evaluation Research.<br />

London: Sage.<br />

Cline, T. and Ertubney, C. (1997) The impact of<br />

gender on primary teachers’ evaluations of children’s<br />

difficulties in school. British Journal of Educational<br />

Psychology, 67,447–56.<br />

Cline, T., Proto, A., Raval, P. D. and Paolo T.<br />

(1998) The effects of brief exposure and of classroom<br />

teaching on attitudes children express towards facial<br />

disfigurement in peers. Educational Research, 40(1),<br />

55–68.<br />

Cochrane, A. L. (1972) Effectiveness and Efficiency:<br />

Random Reflections on Health Services. London:<br />

Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust.<br />

Coe, R. (2000) What is an effect size<br />

Durham: CEM Centre, University of Durham:<br /><br />

ESbrief.htm. Retrieved 7 January 2005.<br />

Coe, R., Fitz-Gibbon, C. T. and Tymms, P. (2000)<br />

Promoting Evidence-Based Education: The Role of<br />

Practitioners. Roundtable paper presented at the<br />

British Educational Research Association, University<br />

of Cardiff, 7–10 September.<br />

Coffey, A., Holbro<strong>ok</strong>, B. and Atkinson, P. (1996)<br />

Qualitative data analysis: technologies and representations.<br />

Sociological Research Online. http://<br /><br />

Retrieved 14 November 2000.<br />

Cohen, D. K. and Garet, M. S. (1991) Reforming<br />

educational policy with applied socialresearch.In<br />

D. S. Anderson and B. J. Biddle (eds) Knowledge for<br />

Policy: Improving Education through Research. London:<br />

Falmer, 123–40.<br />

Cohen, J. (1988) Statistical Power Analysis for the<br />

Behavioral Sciences.Hillsdale,NJ:Erlbaum.<br />

Cohen, J. and Stewart, I. (1995) The Collapse of Chaos.<br />

Harmondsworth: Penguin.<br />

Cohen, L. (1977) Educational Research in Classrooms and<br />

Schools: A Manual of Materials and Methods. London:<br />

Harper & Row.<br />

Cohen, L. (1993) Racism Awareness Materials in<br />

Initial Teacher Training. ReporttotheLeverhulme<br />

Trust, 11–19 New Fetter Lane, London, EC4A<br />


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