DESCRIPTIVE AND INFERENTIAL STATISTICS 503 equal interval metric – but adds a fourth, powerful feature: a true zero. This enables the researcher to determine proportions easily – ‘twice as many as’, ‘half as many as’, ‘three times the amount of’ and so on. Because there is an absolute zero, all of the arithmetical processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are possible. Measures of distance, money in the bank, population, time spent on homework, years teaching, income, Celsius temperature, marks on a test and so on are all ratio measures as they are capable of having a ‘true’ zero quantity. If I have one thousand dollars in the bank then it is twice as much as if I had five hundred dollars in the bank; if I score 90 per cent in an examination then it is twice as many as if Ihadscored45percent.Theopportunitytouse ratios and all four arithmetical processes renders this the most powerful level of data. Interval and ratio data are continuous variables that can take on any value within a particular, given range. Interval and ratio data typically use more powerful statistics than nominal and ordinal data. The delineation of these four scales of data is important, as the consideration of which statistical test to use is dependent on the scale of data: it is incorrect to apply statistics which can only be used at a higher scale of data to data at a lower scale. For example, one should not apply averages (means) to nominal data, nor use t-tests and analysis of variances (discussed later) to ordinal data. Which statistical tests can be used with which data are set out clearly later. To close this section we record Wright’s (2003: 127) view that the scale of measurement is not inherent to a particular variable, but something that researchers ‘bestow on it based on our theories of that variable. It is a belief we hold about a variable’. What is being suggested here is that we have to justify classifying avariableasnominal,ordinal,intervalorratio, and not just assume that it is self-evident. Parametric and non-parametric data Non-parametric data are those which make no assumptions about the population, usually because the characteristics of the population are unknown (see textbooks/9780415368780 – Chapter 24, file 24.2.ppt). Parametric data assume knowledge of the characteristics of the population, in order for inferences to be able to be made securely; they often assume a normal, Gaussian curve of distribution, as in reading scores, for example (though Wright (2003: 128) suggests that normal distributions are actually rare in psychology). In practice this distinction means this: nominal and ordinal data are considered to be non-parametric, while interval and ratio data are considered to be parametric data. The distinction, as for the four scales of data, is important, as the consideration of which statistical test to use is dependent on the kinds of data: it is incorrect to apply parametric statistics to non-parametric data, although it is possible to apply non-parametric statistics to parametric data (it is not widely done, however, as the statistics are usually less powerful). Non-parametric data are often derived from questionnaires and surveys (though these can also gain parametric data), while parametric data tend to be derived from experiments and tests (e.g. examination scores). (For the power efficiency of a statistical test see the accompanying web site ( 9780415368780 – Chapter 24, file ‘The power efficiency of a test’). Descriptive and inferential statistics Descriptive statistics do exactly what they say: they describe and present data, for example, in terms of summary frequencies (see http:// – Chapter 24, file 24.3.ppt). This will include, for example: the mode (the score obtained by the greatest number of people) the mean (the average score) (see http://www. – Chapter 24, file 24.4.ppt) the median (the score obtained by the middle person in a ranked group of people, i.e. it has an equal number of scores above it and below it) minimum and maximum scores Chapter 24

504 QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS the range (the distance between the highest and the lowest scores) the variance (a measure of how far scores are from the mean, calculated as the average of the squared deviations of individual scores from the mean) the standard deviation (SD: a measure of the dispersal or range of scores, calculated as the square root of the variance) the standard error (SE: the standard deviation of sample means) the skewness (how far the data are asymmetrical in relation to a ‘normal’ curve of distribution) kurtosis (how steep or flat is the shape of a graph or distribution of data; a measure of how peaked a distribution is and how steep is the slope or spread of data around the peak). Such statistics make no inferences or predictions, they simply report what has been found, in a variety of ways. Inferential statistics, by contrast, strive to make inferences and predictions based on the data gathered. These will include, for example, hypothesis testing, correlations, regression and multiple regression, difference testing (e.g. t-tests and analysis of variance, factor analysis, and structural equation modelling. Sometimes simple frequencies and descriptive statistics may speak for themselves, and the careful portrayal of descriptive data may be important. However, often it is the inferential statistics that are more valuable for researchers, and typically these are more powerful. One-tailed and two-tailed tests In using statistics, researchers are sometimes confronted with the decision whether to use a one-tailed or a two-tailed test. Which to use is a function of the kind of result one might predict. In a one-tailed test one predicts, for example, that one group will score more highly than the other, whereas in a two-tailed test one makes no such prediction. The one-tailed test is a stronger test than the two-tailed test as it makes assumptions about the population and the direction of the outcome (i.e. that one group will score more highly than another), and hence, if supported, is more powerful than a two-tailed test. A one-tailed test will be used with a directional hypothesis (e.g. ‘Students who do homework without the TV on produce better results than those who do homework with the TV playing’). A two-tailed test will be used with a non-directional hypothesis (e.g. ‘There is a difference between homework done in noisy or silent conditions’). The directional hypothesis indicates ‘more’ or ‘less’, whereas the nondirectional hypothesis indicates only difference, and not where the difference may lie. Dependent and independent variables Research often concerns relationships between variables (a variable can be considered as a construct, operationalized construct or particular property in which the researcher is interested). An independent variable is an input variable, that which causes, in part or in total, a particular outcome; it is a stimulus that influences a response, an antecedent or a factor which may be modified (e.g. under experimental or other conditions) to affect an outcome. A dependent variable, on the other hand, is the outcome variable, that which is caused, in total or in part, by the input, antecedent variable. It is the effect, consequence of, or response to, an independent variable. This is a fundamental concept in many statistics. For example, we may wish to see if doing more homework increases students’ performance in, say, mathematics. We increase the homework and measure the result and, we notice, for example, that the performance increases on the mathematics test. The independent variable has produced a measured outcome. Or has it Maybe: (a) the threat of the mathematics test increased the students’ concentration, motivation and diligence in class; (b) the students liked mathematics and the mathematics teacher, and this caused them to work harder, not the mathematics test itself; (c) the students had a good night’s sleep before the mathematics test and, hence, were refreshed and alert; (d) the students’ performance in the mathematics test, in fact,


the range (the distance between the highest<br />

and the lowest scores)<br />

the variance (a measure of how far scores are<br />

from the mean, calculated as the average of the<br />

squared deviations of individual scores from<br />

the mean)<br />

the standard deviation (SD: a measure of the<br />

dispersal or range of scores, calculated as the<br />

square root of the variance)<br />

the standard error (SE: the standard deviation<br />

of sample means)<br />

the skewness (how far the data are<br />

asymmetrical in relation to a ‘normal’ curve<br />

of distribution)<br />

kurtosis (how steep or flat is the shape of a<br />

graph or distribution of data; a measure of how<br />

peaked a distribution is and how steep is the<br />

slope or spread of data around the peak).<br />

Such statistics make no inferences or predictions,<br />

they simply report what has been found, in a<br />

variety of ways.<br />

Inferential statistics, by contrast, strive to<br />

make inferences and predictions based on the<br />

data gathered. These will include, for example,<br />

hypothesis testing, correlations, regression and<br />

multiple regression, difference testing (e.g. t-tests<br />

and analysis of variance, factor analysis, and<br />

structural equation modelling. Sometimes simple<br />

frequencies and descriptive statistics may speak for<br />

themselves, and the careful portrayal of descriptive<br />

data may be important. However, often it is the<br />

inferential statistics that are more valuable for<br />

researchers, and typically these are more powerful.<br />

One-tailed and two-tailed tests<br />

In using statistics, researchers are sometimes<br />

confronted with the decision whether to use a<br />

one-tailed or a two-tailed test. Which to use is a<br />

function of the kind of result one might predict.<br />

In a one-tailed test one predicts, for example, that<br />

one group will score more highly than the other,<br />

whereas in a two-tailed test one makes no such<br />

prediction. The one-tailed test is a stronger test<br />

than the two-tailed test as it makes assumptions<br />

about the population and the direction of the<br />

outcome (i.e. that one group will score more highly<br />

than another), and hence, if supported, is more<br />

powerful than a two-tailed test. A one-tailed test<br />

will be used with a directional hypothesis (e.g.<br />

‘Students who do homework without the TV on<br />

produce better results than those who do homework<br />

with the TV playing’). A two-tailed test will be<br />

used with a non-directional hypothesis (e.g. ‘There<br />

is a difference between homework done in noisy<br />

or silent conditions’). The directional hypothesis<br />

indicates ‘more’ or ‘less’, whereas the nondirectional<br />

hypothesis indicates only difference,<br />

and not where the difference may lie.<br />

Dependent and independent variables<br />

Research often concerns relationships between<br />

variables (a variable can be considered as a<br />

construct, operationalized construct or particular<br />

property in which the researcher is interested).<br />

An independent variable is an input variable,<br />

that which causes, in part or in total, a particular<br />

outcome; it is a stimulus that influences a response,<br />

an antecedent or a factor which may be modified<br />

(e.g. under experimental or other conditions) to<br />

affect an outcome. A dependent variable, on<br />

the other hand, is the outcome variable, that<br />

which is caused, in total or in part, by the input,<br />

antecedent variable. It is the effect, consequence<br />

of, or response to, an independent variable. This<br />

is a fundamental concept in many statistics.<br />

For example, we may wish to see if doing<br />

more homework increases students’ performance<br />

in, say, mathematics. We increase the homework<br />

and measure the result and, we notice, for<br />

example, that the performance increases on<br />

the mathematics test. The independent variable<br />

has produced a measured outcome. Or has it<br />

Maybe: (a) the threat of the mathematics test<br />

increased the students’ concentration, motivation<br />

and diligence in class; (b) the students liked<br />

mathematics and the mathematics teacher, and<br />

this caused them to work harder, not the<br />

mathematics test itself; (c) the students had a<br />

good night’s sleep before the mathematics test and,<br />

hence, were refreshed and alert; (d) the students’<br />

performance in the mathematics test, in fact,

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