TRUE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS 281 Factorial designs also have to take account of the interaction of the independent variables. For example, one factor (independent variable) may be ‘sex’ and the other ‘age’ (Box 13.3). The researcher may be investigating their effects on motivation for learning mathematics (see 9780415368780 – Chapter 13, file 13.10. ppt). Here one can see that the difference in motivation for mathematics is not constant between males and females, but that it varies according to the age of the participants. There is an interaction effect between age and sex, such that the effect of sex depends on age. A factorial design is useful for examining interaction effects. At their simplest, factorial designs may have two levels of an independent variable, e.g. its presence or absence, but, as has been seen here, it can become more complex. That complexity is bought at the price of increasing exponentially the number of groups required. (four levels of the independent variable ‘reading ability’). Four experimental groups are set up to receive the intervention, thus: experimental group one (poor readers); experimental group two (average readers), experimental group three (good readers and experimental group four (outstanding readers). The control group (group five) would receive no intervention. The researcher could chart the differential effects of the intervention on the groups, and thus have a more sensitive indication of its effects than if there was only one experimental group containing a wide range of reading abilities; the researcher would know which group was most and least affected by the intervention. Parametric designs are useful if an independent variable is considered to have different levels or a range of values which may have abearingontheoutcome(confirmatoryresearch) or if the researcher wishes to discover whether different levels of an independent variable have an effect on the outcome (exploratory research). Chapter 13 The parametric design Here participants are randomly assigned to groups whose parameters are fixed in terms of the levels of the independent variable that each receives. For example, let us imagine that an experiment is conducted to improve the reading abilities of poor, average, good, and outstanding readers Repeated measures designs Here participants in the experimental groups are tested under two or more experimental conditions. So, for example, a member of the experimental group may receive more than one ‘intervention’, which may or may not include a control condition. This is a variant of the matched pairs Box 13.3 Interaction effects in an experiment Motivation for mathematics 100 80 60 40 20 0 15 16 17 18 Age Males Females

282 EXPERIMENTS AND META-ANALYSIS design, and offers considerable control potential, as it is exactly the same person receiving different interventions. (see textbooks/9780415368780 – Chapter 13, file 13.11. ppt). Order effects raise their heads here: the order in which the interventions are sequenced may have an effect on the outcome; the first intervention may have an influence – a carry-over effect – on the second, and the second intervention may have an influence on the third and so on. Further, early interventions may have a greater effect than later interventions. To overcome this it is possible to randomize the order of the interventions and assign participants randomly to different sequences, though this may not ensure a balanced sequence. Rather, a deliberate ordering may have to be planned, for example, in a three-intervention experiment: Group 1 receives intervention 1 followed by intervention 2, followed by intervention 3. Group 2 receives intervention 2 followed by intervention 3, followed by intervention 1. Group 3 receives intervention 3 followed by intervention 1, followed by intervention 2. Group 4 receives intervention 1 followed by intervention 3, followed by intervention 2. Group 5 receives intervention 2 followed by intervention 1, followed by intervention 3. Group 6 receives intervention 3 followed by intervention 2, followed by intervention 1. Repeated measures designs are useful if it is considered that order effects are either unimportant or unlikely, or if the researcher cannot be certain that individual differences will not obscure treatment effects, as it enables these individual differences to be controlled. Aquasi-experimentaldesign:the non-equivalent control group design Often in educational research, it is simply not possible for investigators to undertake true experiments, e.g. in random assignation of participants to control or experimental groups. Quasi-experiments are the stuff of field experimentation, i.e. outside the laboratory (see http:// – Chapter 13, file 13.12. ppt). At best, they may be able to employ something approaching a true experimental design in which they have control over what Campbell and Stanley (1963) refer to as ‘the who and to whom of measurement’ but lack control over ‘the when and to whom of exposure’, or the randomization of exposures – essential if true experimentation is to take place. These situations are quasi-experimental and the methodologies employed by researchers are termed quasiexperimental designs. (Kerlinger (1970) refers to quasi-experimental situations as ‘compromise designs’, an apt description when applied to much educational research where the random selection or random assignment of schools and classrooms is quite impracticable.) Quasi-experiments come in several forms, for example: Pre-experimental designs: the one group pretest-post-test design; the one group posttests only design; the post-tests only nonequivalent design. Pretest-post-test non-equivalent group design. One-group time series. We consider these below. Apre-experimentaldesign:theonegroup pretest-post-test Very often, reports about the value of a new teaching method or interest aroused by some curriculum innovation or other reveal that a researcher has measured a group on a dependent variable (O 1 ), for example, attitudes towards minority groups, and then introduced an experimental manipulation (X), perhaps a tenweek curriculum project designed to increase tolerance of ethnic minorities. Following the experimental treatment, the researcher has again measured group attitudes (O 2 ) and proceeded to account for differences between pretest and posttest scores by reference to the effects of X. The one group pretest-post-test design can be represented as: Experimental O 1 X O 2


design, and offers considerable control potential,<br />

as it is exactly the same person receiving different<br />

interventions. (see<br />

textbo<strong>ok</strong>s/9780415368780 – Chapter 13, file<br />

13.11. ppt). Order effects raise their heads here:<br />

the order in which the interventions are sequenced<br />

may have an effect on the outcome; the first intervention<br />

may have an influence – a carry-over<br />

effect – on the second, and the second intervention<br />

may have an influence on the third and so on.<br />

Further, early interventions may have a greater effect<br />

than later interventions. To overcome this it<br />

is possible to randomize the order of the interventions<br />

and assign participants randomly to different<br />

sequences, though this may not ensure a balanced<br />

sequence. Rather, a deliberate ordering may have<br />

to be planned, for example, in a three-intervention<br />

experiment:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Group 1 receives intervention 1 followed by<br />

intervention 2, followed by intervention 3.<br />

Group 2 receives intervention 2 followed by<br />

intervention 3, followed by intervention 1.<br />

Group 3 receives intervention 3 followed by<br />

intervention 1, followed by intervention 2.<br />

Group 4 receives intervention 1 followed by<br />

intervention 3, followed by intervention 2.<br />

Group 5 receives intervention 2 followed by<br />

intervention 1, followed by intervention 3.<br />

Group 6 receives intervention 3 followed by<br />

intervention 2, followed by intervention 1.<br />

Repeated measures designs are useful if it<br />

is considered that order effects are either<br />

unimportant or unlikely, or if the researcher<br />

cannot be certain that individual differences will<br />

not obscure treatment effects, as it enables these<br />

individual differences to be controlled.<br />

Aquasi-experimentaldesign:the<br />

non-equivalent control group design<br />

Often in educational research, it is simply<br />

not possible for investigators to undertake true<br />

experiments, e.g. in random assignation of<br />

participants to control or experimental groups.<br />

Quasi-experiments are the stuff of field experimentation,<br />

i.e. outside the laboratory (see http://<br /><strong>ok</strong>s/9780415368780 –<br />

Chapter 13, file 13.12. ppt). At best, they may<br />

be able to employ something approaching a true<br />

experimental design in which they have control<br />

over what Campbell and Stanley (1963) refer to<br />

as ‘the who and to whom of measurement’ but<br />

lack control over ‘the when and to whom of exposure’,<br />

or the randomization of exposures – essential<br />

if true experimentation is to take place. These<br />

situations are quasi-experimental and the methodologies<br />

employed by researchers are termed quasiexperimental<br />

designs. (Kerlinger (1970) refers to<br />

quasi-experimental situations as ‘compromise designs’,<br />

an apt description when applied to much<br />

educational research where the random selection<br />

or random assignment of schools and classrooms is<br />

quite impracticable.)<br />

Quasi-experiments come in several forms, for<br />

example:<br />

Pre-experimental designs: the one group<br />

pretest-post-test design; the one group posttests<br />

only design; the post-tests only nonequivalent<br />

design.<br />

Pretest-post-test non-equivalent group design.<br />

One-group time series.<br />

We consider these below.<br />

Apre-experimentaldesign:theonegroup<br />

pretest-post-test<br />

Very often, reports about the value of a<br />

new teaching method or interest aroused by<br />

some curriculum innovation or other reveal<br />

that a researcher has measured a group on a<br />

dependent variable (O 1 ), for example, attitudes<br />

towards minority groups, and then introduced an<br />

experimental manipulation (X), perhaps a tenweek<br />

curriculum project designed to increase<br />

tolerance of ethnic minorities. Following the<br />

experimental treatment, the researcher has again<br />

measured group attitudes (O 2 ) and proceeded to<br />

account for differences between pretest and posttest<br />

scores by reference to the effects of X.<br />

The one group pretest-post-test design can be<br />

represented as:<br />

Experimental O 1 X O 2

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