Aerosol retrievals from METEOSAT-8 - CM SAF

Aerosol retrievals from METEOSAT-8 - CM SAF Aerosol retrievals from METEOSAT-8 - CM SAF


SAF on Climate Monitoring Visiting Scientists Report Doc. No: 1.0 Issue : 1.0 Date : 4 October 2006 Ramon, D., R.Santer, E. Dilligeard, D. Jolivet and J. Vidot, 2004. ”MERIS land product validation”, Proc. MERIS User Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 10 -13 November 2003 (ESA SP-549, May 2004). Remer, L. A., Y. J. Kaufman, D. Tanré, S. Mattoo, D. A. Chiu, J. V. Martins, R.-R. Li, C. Ichoku, R. C. Levy, R. G. Kleidman, T. F. Eck, E. Vermote, and B. N. Holben, “ The MODIS aerosol algorithm, products and validation”, J. Atmosph. Science, Vol 62, 947-973, 2005. Santer, R., D. Ramon, J. Vidot, and E. Dilligeard, “A surface reflectance model for aerosol remote sensing over land”, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 2005, accepted for publication. Smirnov, A., B. N. Holben, T. F. Eck, I. Slutsker, B. Chatenet,and R. T. Pinker, “Diurnal variability of aerosol optical depth observed at AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) sites”, Geophysical Res. Lett., Vol. 29, No. 23, 2115, 2002, (doi:10.1029/2002GL016305). Tanre, D., Y. K. Kaufman, M. Herman, and S. Mattoo, 1997. "Remote sensing of aerosol properties over ocean using the MODIS/EOS spectral radiances," J. Geophys. Res., 102, 17051- 17067. Vermote, E., N. El Saleous, C. O Justice, Y. J. Kaufman, J. L. Privette, L. Remer, J.-C. Roger and D. Tanré, “ Atmospheric correction of visible to middle-infrared EOS-MODIS data over land surfaces: background, operational algorithm and validation”, JGR, 102, 17,731-17,141, 1997. Watts, P.D., M.R. Allen, C.T. Mutlow, 2000, Aerosol Properties derived from Meteosat Second Generation Observations, RAL/TN/EUM/004 - 36 -

SAF on Climate Monitoring Visiting Scientists Report Doc. No: 1.0 Issue : 1.0 Date : 4 October 2006 Appendix A: Over the whole northern disk observed by MSG/SEVIRI In this appendix we show SEVIRI retrieved surface reflectance maps for the half-disc (northern hemisphere) observed by SEVIRI/MSG. To simplify calculations and data computing we did not correct from Rayleigh scattering. Compared to results in the rapport, we also applied a more restrictive cloud mask which explains the lack of data in middle Europe for example. Figure A1 presents examples of the map of the surface and molecular reflectances of reference (R surf+molec ) for Europe and Africa. Figure A2 presents the map of the AOT assuming that the aerosol path length, R aer , is equal to the TOA reflectance minus the surface and molecular reflectance of reference (R aer =R TOA - R surf+molec ). Over the sea a unique value of 0.01 has been used as surface and molecular reflectances. That is certainly an underestimated value. It explains also the high value of AOT over the seas. As expected, without Rayleigh corrections, results are much noisier. However, independent of the assumptions and the quality or the sensitivity of the cloud mask, a good spatial coverage is still expected over the disc observed by MSG. - 37 -

<strong>SAF</strong> on Climate Monitoring Visiting Scientists Report Doc. No: 1.0<br />

Issue : 1.0<br />

Date : 4 October 2006<br />

Ramon, D., R.Santer, E. Dilligeard, D. Jolivet and J. Vidot, 2004. ”MERIS land product<br />

validation”, Proc. MERIS User Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 10 -13 November 2003 (ESA SP-549,<br />

May 2004).<br />

Remer, L. A., Y. J. Kaufman, D. Tanré, S. Mattoo, D. A. Chiu, J. V. Martins, R.-R. Li, C.<br />

Ichoku, R. C. Levy, R. G. Kleidman, T. F. Eck, E. Vermote, and B. N. Holben, “ The MODIS<br />

aerosol algorithm, products and validation”, J. Atmosph. Science, Vol 62, 947-973, 2005.<br />

Santer, R., D. Ramon, J. Vidot, and E. Dilligeard, “A surface reflectance model for aerosol<br />

remote sensing over land”, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 2005, accepted for publication.<br />

Smirnov, A., B. N. Holben, T. F. Eck, I. Slutsker, B. Chatenet,and R. T. Pinker, “Diurnal<br />

variability of aerosol optical depth observed at AERONET (<strong>Aerosol</strong> Robotic Network) sites”,<br />

Geophysical Res. Lett., Vol. 29, No. 23, 2115, 2002, (doi:10.1029/2002GL016305).<br />

Tanre, D., Y. K. Kaufman, M. Herman, and S. Mattoo, 1997. "Remote sensing of aerosol<br />

properties over ocean using the MODIS/EOS spectral radiances," J. Geophys. Res., 102, 17051-<br />

17067.<br />

Vermote, E., N. El Saleous, C. O Justice, Y. J. Kaufman, J. L. Privette, L. Remer, J.-C. Roger<br />

and D. Tanré, “ Atmospheric correction of visible to middle-infrared EOS-MODIS data over land<br />

surfaces: background, operational algorithm and validation”, JGR, 102, 17,731-17,141, 1997.<br />

Watts, P.D., M.R. Allen, C.T. Mutlow, 2000, <strong>Aerosol</strong> Properties derived <strong>from</strong> Meteosat Second<br />

Generation Observations, RAL/TN/EUM/004<br />

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