Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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I. <strong>The</strong> First Teachings - 61<br />

Imasmiñ-ca pana veyyākaraṇasmiṁ bhaññamāne, āyasmato Koṇḍaññassa<br />

Moreover, as this sermon was being given, to the venerable Koṇḍañña<br />

virajaṁ, vītamalaṁ, Dhammacakkhuṁ udapādi:<br />

the dust-free, stainless, Vision-of-the-Dhamma arose: 125<br />

“Yaṁ kiñci samudayadhammaṁ,<br />

“Whatever has the nature of arising,<br />

sabban-taṁ nirodhadhamman”-ti.<br />

all that has the nature of ceasing.”<br />

[Devabbhanumodanā]<br />

[<strong>The</strong> Gods Rejoice]<br />

Pavattite ca pana Bhagavatā Dhammacakke<br />

Now when the Dhamma Wheel was set rolling by the Gracious One<br />

Bhummā devā saddam-anussāvesuṁ:<br />

the Earth gods 126 let loose a cry:<br />

“Etaṁ Bhagavatā Bārāṇasiyaṁ Isipatane Migadāye,<br />

o “Near Bārāṇasī, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,<br />

anuttaraṁ Dhammacakkaṁ pavattitaṁ,<br />

the unsurpassed Dhamma Wheel has been set rolling by the Gracious One,<br />

appativattiyaṁ samaṇena vā brāhmaṇena vā<br />

and it cannot be rolled back by an ascetic or by a brāhmaṇa<br />

devena vā Mārena vā Brahmunā vā kenaci vā lokasmin”-ti.<br />

or by a god or by a Māra or by a Brahmā or by anyone in the world.”<br />

Bhummānaṁ devānaṁ saddaṁ sutvā<br />

Having heard the cry of the Earth gods<br />

Cātummahārājikā devā saddam-anussāvesuṁ:<br />

the gods called the Four <strong>Great</strong> Kings let loose a cry:<br />

125 Comm: aṭṭhārasahi devatākoṭīhi saddhiṁ sotāpattiphale patiṭṭhitassa; together with<br />

180,000,000 divinities he was established in the Fruit of Stream-Entry. Jā Nid and Mahāvastu<br />

agree with this number.<br />

126 In the enumeration of the 31 Planes of Existence the Bhummā devā are not normally<br />

counted as a separate group, but are included in the realm of the Four <strong>Great</strong> Kings.

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