Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Itiha Bhagavato paṭisañcikkhato<br />

Such was the Gracious One’s reflection<br />

I. <strong>The</strong> First Teachings - 31<br />

appossukkatāya cittaṁ namati, no Dhammadesanāya.<br />

and his mind inclined to inaction, 79 not to teaching the Dhamma.<br />

Atha kho Brahmuno Sahampatissa,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n to Brahmā Sahampati, 80<br />

Bhagavato cetasā cetoparivitakkam-aññāya etad-ahosi:<br />

knowing with his mind the reflection in the mind of the Gracious One, this (thought)<br />

occurred:<br />

“Nassati vata bho loko, vinassati vata bho loko,<br />

“<strong>The</strong> world is surely going to destruction, the world is surely going to complete<br />

destruction,<br />

yatra hi nāma Tathāgatassa Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa<br />

wherever the Realised One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha’s<br />

appossukkatāya cittaṁ namati no Dhammadesanāyā” ti.<br />

mind inclines to inaction, not to teaching the Dhamma.”<br />

Atha kho Brahmā Sahampati seyyathā pi nāma balavā puriso<br />

<strong>The</strong>n Brahmā Sahampati, just as a strong man<br />

sammiñjitaṁ vā bāhaṁ pasāreyya pasāritaṁ vā bāhaṁ sammiñjeyya<br />

might stretch out a bent arm, or bend in an outstretched arm,<br />

evam-eva Brahmaloke antarahito Bhagavato purato pātur-ahosi.<br />

so did he vanish from the Brahmā world and appear in front of the Gracious One. 81<br />

79 A much disputed term, it is made up of appa-, little, few, and -ussukka-, endeavour, action,<br />

and -tā, which adds abstract meaning, little-endeavour-ness. Appossukkatāya and<br />

Dhammadesanāya are datives with infinitive meaning. This hesitation to teach is ascribed to<br />

all the Buddhas in Jā Nid.<br />

80 Described as jeṭṭhaMahābrahmā, the most senior of the great Brahmās, according to DPPN.<br />

81 Comm: dasasu cakkavāḷasahassesu Mahābrahmāno gahetvā, āgamma Bhagavato purato<br />

pātur-ahosi; having taken (all) the Mahābrahmā-s from the ten-thousand world-systems, he<br />

came and appeared in front of the Gracious One. Jā Nid: dasahi cakkavāḷasahassehi Sakka-<br />

Suyāma-Santusita-Sunimmitavasavatti-Mahābrahmāno ādāya, having taken (all) the Sakkas,<br />

Suyāmas, Santusitas, Sunimmitavasavatti-s, and Mahābrahma-s from the ten thousand worldsystems.

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