Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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IV. In Rājagaha - 177<br />

“Gacchāma mayaṁ āvuso Bhagavato santike, so no Bhagavā Satthā.” ti<br />

“We are going, friend, to the Gracious One, the Gracious One is our Teacher.”<br />

“Alaṁ āvuso mā gamittha sabbe va tayo imaṁ gaṇaṁ pariharissāmā.” ti<br />

“Enough, friend, don’t go, the three of us will look after this group.” 215<br />

Dutiyam-pi kho Sāriputta-Moggallānā Sañjayaṁ paribbājakaṁ etad-avocuṁ:<br />

For a second time Sāriputta and Moggallāna said this to the wanderer Sañjaya:<br />

“Gacchāma mayaṁ āvuso Bhagavato santike, so no Bhagavā Satthā.” ti<br />

“We are going, friend, to the Gracious One, the Gracious One is our Teacher.”<br />

“Alaṁ āvuso mā gamittha sabbe va tayo imaṁ gaṇaṁ pariharissāmā.” ti<br />

“Enough, friend, don’t go, the three of us will look after this group.”<br />

Tatiyam-pi kho Sāriputta-Moggallānā Sañjayaṁ paribbājakaṁ etad-avocuṁ:<br />

For a third time Sāriputta and Moggallāna said this to the wanderer Sañjaya:<br />

“Gacchāma mayaṁ āvuso Bhagavato santike, so no Bhagavā Satthā.” ti<br />

“We are going, friend, to the Gracious One, the Gracious One is our Teacher.”<br />

“Alaṁ āvuso mā gamittha sabbe va tayo imaṁ gaṇaṁ pariharissāmā.” ti<br />

“Enough, friend, don’t go, the three of us will look after this group.”<br />

Atha kho Sāriputta-Moggallānā tāni aḍḍhateyyāni paribbājakasatāni ādāya<br />

<strong>The</strong>n Sāriputta and Moggallāna taking those two hundred and fifty wanderers<br />

yena Veḷuvanaṁ tenupasaṅkamiṁsu.<br />

approached the Bamboo Wood.<br />

Sañjayassa pana paribbājakassa tattheva uṇhaṁ lohitaṁ mukhato uggañchi.<br />

But the wanderer Sañjaya right there threw up hot blood from his mouth.<br />

Addasā kho Bhagavā Sāriputta-Moggallāne dūrato va āgacchante,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gracious One saw Sāriputta and Moggallāna coming while still far away,<br />

disvāna bhikkhū āmantesi:<br />

and having seen (them), he addressed the monks, (saying):<br />

“Ete bhikkhave dve sahāyā āgacchanti, Kolito Upatisso ca,<br />

“<strong>The</strong>se two companions who are coming, Kolita and Upatissa,<br />

etaṁ me Sāvakayugaṁ bhavissati Aggaṁ bhaddayugan.” ti<br />

will be my pair of Chief Disciples, an auspicious pair.”<br />

215 I.e. he is offering them joint leadership of the group.

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