Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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IV. In Rājagaha - 169<br />

tehi katikā katā hoti:<br />

and there was an agreement amongst themselves:<br />

“Yo paṭhamaṁ Amataṁ adhigacchati, so itarassa ārocetū.” ti<br />

“Whoever attains the Deathless first, he should inform the other.” 209<br />

Atha kho āyasmā Assaji, pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the venerable Assaji, having dressed in the morning time,<br />

pattacīvaram-ādāya Rājagahaṁ piṇḍāya pāvisi,<br />

after taking up his bowl and robe, entered Rājagaha for alms,<br />

pāsādikena abhikkantena paṭikkantena, ālokitena vilokitena,<br />

pleasing in going forwards, in going back, in looking ahead, in looking around,<br />

sammiñjitena pasāritena, okkhittacakkhu iriyāpathasampanno.<br />

in bending, in stretching, having downcast eyes, and endowed with good posture.<br />

Addasā kho Sāriputto paribbājako<br />

<strong>The</strong> wanderer Sāriputta saw<br />

āyasmantaṁ Assajiṁ Rājagahe piṇḍāya carantaṁ,<br />

the venerable Assaji walking for alms in Rājagaha,<br />

pāsādikena abhikkantena paṭikkantena, ālokitena vilokitena,<br />

pleasing in going forwards, in going back, in looking ahead, in looking around,<br />

sammiñjitena pasāritena, okkhittacakkhuṁ iriyāpathasampannaṁ,<br />

in bending, in stretching, having downcast eyes, and endowed with good posture,<br />

disvānassa etad-ahosi:<br />

and having seen (him), this occurred to him:<br />

“Ye vata loke Arahanto vā Arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpannā<br />

“Of those in the world who are Worthy or have entered the path to Worthiness<br />

ayaṁ tesaṁ bhikkhu aññataro.<br />

this monk is a certain one of them.<br />

Yan-nūnāhaṁ imaṁ bhikkhuṁ upasaṅkamitvā puccheyyaṁ:<br />

Now what if I, having approached this monk, were to ask:<br />

209 <strong>The</strong> comm. explains that seeking the Deathless the two friends had joined Sañjaya’s<br />

Wanderers, but soon realised that the essence (sāra = Nibbāna) was not to be found there, so<br />

they made the above pact.

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