Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> - 156<br />

Laṭṭhivane Suppatiṭṭhe Cetiye.<br />

by the Suppatiṭṭha Shrine in the Palmyra Garden.<br />

Taṁ kho pana Bhagavantaṁ Gotamaṁ<br />

But about that Gracious One Gotama<br />

evaṁ kalyāṇo kittisaddo abbhuggato:<br />

this beautiful report has gone round:<br />

‘Iti pi so Bhagavā Arahaṁ Sammāsambuddho,<br />

‘Such is he, the Gracious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,<br />

vijjācaraṇasampanno Sugato lokavidū,<br />

the one endowed with understanding and good conduct, the Fortunate One, the<br />

one who understands the worlds,<br />

anuttaro purisadammasārathī,<br />

the unsurpassed guide for those people who need taming,<br />

Satthā devamanussānaṁ Buddho Bhagavā.’<br />

the Teacher of gods and men, the Buddha, the Gracious One.’<br />

So imaṁ lokaṁ sadevakaṁ Samārakaṁ Sabrahmakaṁ,<br />

This world with its gods, Māra, and Brahmā,<br />

sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiṁ pajaṁ sadevamanussaṁ,<br />

this generation, with its ascetics and brāhmaṇas, princes and men,<br />

sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā pavedeti.<br />

he makes known, after gaining deep knowledge for himself.<br />

So Dhammaṁ deseti ādikalyāṇaṁ,<br />

He teaches the Dhamma (which is) good in the beginning,<br />

majjhekalyāṇaṁ pariyosānakalyāṇaṁ; sātthaṁ sabyañjanaṁ;<br />

good in the middle, good in the end; with its meaning, with its (proper) phrasing;<br />

kevalaparipuṇṇaṁ parisuddhaṁ brahmacariyaṁ pakāseti.<br />

and explains the spiritual life which is complete, full and pure.<br />

Sādhu kho pana tathārūpānaṁ Arahataṁ dassanaṁ hotī.” ti<br />

But the sight of such Worthy Ones is good.”

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