Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts

Mahākhandhako The Great Chapter - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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Tena kho pana samayena te jaṭilā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n at that time those yogis,<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> - 140<br />

[Mandāmukhipāṭihāriyaṁ]<br />

[34: <strong>The</strong> Coal-Pan Miracle]<br />

sītāsu Hemantikāsu rattīsu antaraṭṭhakāsu himapātasamaye,<br />

in the cold Winter nights, in between ‘the eights’, 184 at the time of the snowfall,<br />

najjā Nerañjarāya, ummujjanti pi nimujjanti pi,<br />

in the river Nerañjarā, were plunging in, and plunging out,<br />

ummujjanimujjam-pi karonti.<br />

were plunging in and out.<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā pañcamattāni mandāmukhisatāni abhinimmini,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the Gracious One created about five hundred coal-pans, 185<br />

yattha te jaṭilā uttaritvā visibbesuṁ.<br />

where those yogis, after emerging, warmed (themselves).<br />

Atha kho tesaṁ jaṭilānaṁ etad-ahosi:<br />

<strong>The</strong>n this occurred to those yogis:<br />

“Nissaṁsayaṁ kho Mahāsamaṇassa iddhānubhāvo<br />

“No doubt it is because of the <strong>Great</strong> Ascetic’s psychic power<br />

yathā-y-imā mandāmukhiyo nimmitā.” ti<br />

that these coal-pans were created.”<br />

Atha kho Uruvelakassapassa jaṭilassa etad-ahosi:<br />

<strong>The</strong>n this occurred to the yogi Uruvelakassapa:<br />

“Mahiddhiko kho Mahāsamaṇo mahānubhāvo,<br />

“Powerful and majestic is this <strong>Great</strong> Ascetic,<br />

184 <strong>The</strong>re is a partial parallel to this section at Udāna 1.9, from my translation of which the<br />

following note is taken: “the eights (aṭṭhakā) refers to the eighth day after 3 of the Full<br />

Moons in Hemanta, i.e. at the coldest time of the year, at which times there were festivals<br />

when the brāhmaṇas worshipped their ancestors (see SED, aṣṭakā). Antaraṭṭhake therefore<br />

means between these times. See BHSD, s.v. aṣṭaka-rātri (on Lalitavistara 251.6) and CPD s.v.<br />

atthakā, antaraṭṭhaka. <strong>The</strong> Commentary says that aṭṭhakā means the last four days in Māgha<br />

and the first four in Phagguṇa, in the season of Sisira, which shows an unexpected<br />

ignorance of brāhmaṇical festivals, and is certainly wrong”.<br />

185 Comm: mandāmukhiyo ti aggibhājanāni vuccanti.

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